1 | Weatherization Assistance Program: Overvieweere.energy.gov Weatherization Assistance Program...

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1 | Weatherization Assistance Program: Overview eere.energy.gov

Weatherization Assistance Program Overview

February 28, 2011

2011 Orientation for State WAP Directors and Staff

Jean Diggs, Greg Reamy & Erica Burrin

2 | Weatherization Assistance Program: Overview eere.energy.gov

Grantee: State, U.S. Territory, or Certain Native America Tribes

Subgrantee: Community Action Agency, Community Action Partnership, Local Action Agency, or Local Unit of Government

T&TA: Training and Technical Assistance

HQ’s T&TA & State T&TA

Appendix A

Program Year/Fiscal Year

440.3 Definitions

ARRA or Recovery Act Funds

Frequently Used Terms

3 | Weatherization Assistance Program: Overview eere.energy.gov

DOE HQ – U.S. Department of Energy, Headquarters

PMC GFO/NETL – Project Management Center Golden Field Office/National Energy Technology Laboratory

ARRA or “Recovery Act” Funds – The American Recovery & Reinvestment Act of 2009

REG - Program Regulations/Rules

OMB – Office of Management & Budget

IG – Inspector General

HHS – U.S. Department of Health & Human Services

LIHEAP – Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program

HUD – U.S. Department of Housing & Urban Development

DOL – U.S. Department of Labor

Frequently Used Acronyms

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“To reduce energy costs for low-income families, particularly for the elderly, people with disabilities,

and children, while ensuring their health and safety.”

Program Mission

5 | Weatherization Assistance Program: Overview eere.energy.gov

Increase energy efficiency of dwelling units owned or occupied by low-income persons

Reduce total residential energy expenditures

Improve the health and safety of low-income persons, especially the elderly, persons with disabilities, and families with children

10CFR 440, 10CFR 600, DOE Program Notices, other policy documents

Statutory Purpose

6 | Weatherization Assistance Program: Overview eere.energy.gov

Weatherization is a categorical formula grant program administered by DOE under a regulatory framework laid out in 10 CFR Part 440.

Authority for the Program resides in Title 42 Public Health and Welfare U.S.C. 6861 and 7101.

Program was reauthorized under Title 1, Section 122 of the Energy Policy Act of 2005.

Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007 reauthorized the Program and expanded the definition of “State” to include U.S. Territories and also established the Sustainable Energy Resources for Consumer Grants.

The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (Recovery Act), signed February 17, 2009, made significant changes to the Program.

Weatherization Program Legislation

7 | Weatherization Assistance Program: Overview eere.energy.gov

Appropriates $5.0 billion to Weatherization to help stimulate the economy and promote job creation. The Law also provides the following significant changes to the Program:– Increases Training and Technical Allowance to 20% of

appropriation (up from 10%)– Increases income eligibility from 150% to 200% of poverty– Raises per unit expenditure from $2500 (indexed) to $6500

American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (Recovery Act)

8 | Weatherization Assistance Program: Overview eere.energy.gov

Low-Income Population

Climatic Conditions

Residential Energy Expenditures by Low-Income Households in each State

Revised Formula Impacts States at $233+M

Allocation Formula to States

9 | Weatherization Assistance Program: Overview eere.energy.gov

DOE provides core program funding and infrastructure for low-income energy efficiency making it the largest residential energy efficiency program in the nation.

Grantees contract with local agencies to deliver services to single-family, multi-family, and mobile homes

Grantees can also leverage funds from utilities and other sources.

Program Funding

10 | Weatherization Assistance Program: Overview eere.energy.gov

Department of EnergyHeadquarters and

Project Management Center

50 State Energy Offices, The District of Columbia,

Native American Tribal Organizations, and 5 U.S. Territories

Low-Income Americans

Single, Multi-Family,Mobile Homes

1,007 Local Subgrantees Serving All 3,054 Counties in the US

The Team Approach

11 | Weatherization Assistance Program: Overview eere.energy.gov

Nation’s core program for delivering energy efficiency services to low-income homes

Operates in every state, District of Columbia, among Native American tribes, and U.S. Territories

Services delivered to single-family, multi-family, and mobile homes

What is Weatherization?

12 | Weatherization Assistance Program: Overview eere.energy.gov

38.6 Million families are eligible for assistance

Approximately 15 million ‘good candidate’ homes need weatherization

Through 2010 approximately 20% of the 38.6 million eligible families had received weatherization services

The Need For Services

13 | Weatherization Assistance Program: Overview eere.energy.gov

Customer applies for services

Energy audit conducted; technicians identify energy-related problems & Health & Safety issues

List of cost-effective measures developed

Energy efficiency measures installed

Client education

Post-work inspection

How Does the Program Work?

14 | Weatherization Assistance Program: Overview eere.energy.gov

Must meet income eligibility guidelines

May receive priority

Elderly, disabled, family with children, household with high energy burden or high energy usage

Renters eligible, must get approval from property owner

When demand is high, customer may be added to waiting list

Customer Application

15 | Weatherization Assistance Program: Overview eere.energy.gov

Where Does the Money Come From?

Congressional Appropriations (Energy and Water Appropriations Subcommittees in the House and Senate) – 2009 Allocation & Supplemental - $450 Million– 2009 Stimulus - $5 Billion– 2010 Allocation - $210 Million– 2011 Allocation - ?

States Transfer Funds from Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program

Other Sources like Utilities, Landlords, State Appropriations, and Private Grants

16 | Weatherization Assistance Program: Overview eere.energy.gov

Increased Training and Technical from 10% to up to 20% maximum

Hundreds of thousands of additional homes projected to be weatherized annually

Increased number of eligible homes by raising income level to 200%

Expected level of production for the three-year period for Recovery Act funding is approximately 600,000 units

Recovery Act Impact on Weatherization

17 | Weatherization Assistance Program: Overview eere.energy.gov

Required for all Recovery Act Funds

Does NOT Apply to Any Years’ Appropriated Funds

Native American Tribes and Territories are Exempt

DBA Labor Rates Applies only to Laborers and Mechanics

Wages Must be Paid Weekly – NO EXCEPTIONS

Special “Weatherization Worker” Job Classification Created

Energy Auditors, Administrative or Support Workers Exempt

Labor Standards Clauses With Flow-Down Responsibilities

Subgrantees and Contractors Must Submit Certified Weekly Payrolls

Davis-Bacon Act (DBA)

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Davis-Bacon Act


19 | Weatherization Assistance Program: Overview eere.energy.gov

Energy audits

Air infiltration reduction using blower doors

Attic and floor insulation

Dense-pack wall insulation

Duct sealing

Domestic hot water system improvements

Furnace service

Furnace replacements

New refrigerators

Duct system balance and sealing

Energy efficient lighting retrofits (CFL)

Incidental repairs

And more………..

Types of WAP Services

20 | Weatherization Assistance Program: Overview eere.energy.gov

May need tune-up or basic repairs

Can replace hazardous or inoperable furnaces– Due to funding limitations,

leveraged resources often used to replace heating systems

– Un-vented space heaters pose large health and safety threat

Heating System

21 | Weatherization Assistance Program: Overview eere.energy.gov

Technicians can tune-up or repair cooling systems

Ducts may require sealing and/or balancing

May add fans, ventilation for health and safety

Cooling System

22 | Weatherization Assistance Program: Overview eere.energy.gov

Blower door test quantifies air leakage & identifies sites

Panel with fan is placed in a doorway to de-pressurize home

Exaggerates leakage so it can be measured and sealed

Air Sealing

23 | Weatherization Assistance Program: Overview eere.energy.gov

Illustrates heat loss

Guides air sealing and insulation

Helps to educate clients

Quality control for insulation and other measures

Infrared Camera

24 | Weatherization Assistance Program: Overview eere.energy.gov

Duct system may need sealing and/or balancing

Duct tape should NOT be used – Apply Mastic

Ducts in unconditioned spaces should also be insulated

Duct Sealing

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Leaky ducts can increase costs by 10-30%

While blower door runs, pressure pan placed over air register

Pressure Pan

26 | Weatherization Assistance Program: Overview eere.energy.gov

Manometer measures pressure created by air leaking into ductwork

Results help locate large leaks– Registers near leaks have

higher readings

Duct blower can also be used for more accurate readings and to balance systems


27 | Weatherization Assistance Program: Overview eere.energy.gov

Blown insulation most effective– Holes discreetly cut in walls or ceiling– Insulation is blown into space through a tube


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Reduces air infiltration and heat loss– Dense-pack insulation often installed before air sealing,

since it reduces leaks so effectively


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Converting incandescent lighting to fluorescent

Replacing refrigerators

Replacing or insulating water heaters

Reducing hot water use

Reducing appliance usage through client education

Electric Base Load Measures

30 | Weatherization Assistance Program: Overview eere.energy.gov

Compact fluorescent lighting (CFL)– Harps and other hardware– Screw-in vs. pin base

Hard-wired fixtures– Savings may be more permanent– Some state or local codes require

licensed electrician to wire fixtures


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Must meter at least 10% of units replaced

2-hour minimum metering

Association of Home Appliance Manufacturers (AHAM) or alternative databases can provide energy use of existing refrigerators

Units not in database that are metered count toward 10% requirement

32 | Weatherization Assistance Program: Overview eere.energy.gov

Efficient water heater, low-flow shower heads, and faucet aerators can cut use dramatically

WH tank and pipe insulation, low-flow shower heads, and faucet aerators are allowed as general heat waste

Timers on water heater can also be cost-effective

Replacements allowable

Water Heater

33 | Weatherization Assistance Program: Overview eere.energy.gov

Client education is a critical component

Prolongs life of measures/equipment

Conducted before and after measures are installed

Instructions on equipment operation and maintenance

Tips on energy-saving activities

Information on carbon monoxide and other hazards

Client Education

34 | Weatherization Assistance Program eere.energy.gov

10 CFR 440.22 (a)

Recovery Act – revised DOE’s income eligibility guideline to up to 200% of poverty

May also use LIHEAP guideline

Recipient of cash assistance payment under Title IV or XVI of the Social Security Act is an automatic qualifier

State selected criteria must be used state-wide

Multi-Family HUD Eligibility Outlined in WPN 10-15

Determining Eligibility

35 | Weatherization Assistance Program eere.energy.gov

DOE Revised Poverty Income Guidelines (PIGS) and Definition of Income (WPN 10-18)

Revised Version is More “User/Reader Friendly”

Breaks out Cash Receipts and Exclusions

Discusses Proof of Eligibility Including Self-Certification

Defines Child Support – Payee vs Payor

Defines Annualization of Income

Discusses Re-Certification

Defining Income

36 | Weatherization Assistance Program eere.energy.gov

10 CFR 440.16(b) (1-5)


Persons with disabilities

Families with children

High energy burden

High residential energy use

Determining Priority Service

37 | Weatherization Assistance Program eere.energy.gov

10 CFR 440.18(e)(2)(i-iii)

Date moved from September 30, 1985 to September 30, 1994 – Change Made in the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act

Homes weatherized prior to 1994 did not use advanced audits


38 | Weatherization Assistance Program eere.energy.gov

10 CFR 440.22 (b) (2) (i-ii)

66% of units must be income eligible

50% of units must be income eligible for duplex, 4-unit, and certain large multi-family buildings. – Certain Large Multifamily criteria should take into

consideration size, leveraged resources, significant energy efficiency improvements

HUD/DOE Final Rule

WPN 10-15 Posted 3 Eligibility Lists to DOE website

Guidance Regarding Prioritizing Weatherization Work based on Housing Type (WPN 11-04)

Multi-family Eligibility

39 | Weatherization Assistance Program eere.energy.gov

Annual State Plan requires rental plan

Multi-family buildings require 66% eligibility to qualify entire structure

Certain large multi-family buildings can reduce eligibility from 66% to 50%

Must be: large, leveraged resources, have significant energy saving potential

DOE encourages discussion of the rental plan as a part of public hearing

HUD/DOE Final Rule

WPN 10-15 Posted 3 Eligibility Lists to DOE Website

Rental Properties

40 | Weatherization Assistance Program eere.energy.gov

10 CFR 440.22 (b) (3) – Benefits accrue to low-income tenants– Rent will not be increased as a result of WX– Complaint procedures in place – No undue excessive enhancement to property

DOE encourages discussion of the rental plan as a part of public hearing

WPN 10-15A Discusses Accrual of Benefits Issue

Rental Requirements

41 | Weatherization Assistance Program eere.energy.gov

Section 10 CFR 440.21 provides criteria for minimum energy audit standards

All energy audits & priority lists must be revalidated every 5 years

Energy Audit requirements are defined in WPN 01-4 Revised Weatherization Program Energy Audit Approval Procedures

Energy Audit Criteria














MontanaComputerizedEnergy Audit





REM/Design (KS)

























Meadow 96*(ME)




NEAT (RI)RealHomeAnalyzer






Does not use audit NEAT

DOE Review is required every 5 years for Audit Tools

Single-Family Energy Audit ToolsUsed by the Weatherization Network

Updated 01/28/2011

U.S. Territories:American SamoaGuamNorthern Mariana IslandsPuerto RicoU.S. Virgin Islands

States with * listed next to their current audit tool have submitted a request to switch to another audit tools.



































States That Use A Priority List*As Part of Their Energy Audit Procedures

For Single-Family Homes

* A priority list is a list of weatherization measures that analysis has shown to be be cost-effective for typical housing stock.

Priority list used to select measures on typical housing stock

Computerized energy audit used on every house weatherized

Updated 01/28/2011

Priority List:American SamoaGuamNorthern Mariana IslandsPuerto RicoU.S. Virgin Islands

44 | Weatherization Assistance Program eere.energy.gov

A dwelling unit on which a DOE-approved energy audit or priority list has been applied and weatherization work has been completed.

As funds allow, the appropriate measures installed on this unit have an SIR of 1.0 or greater, but also may include any necessary energy-related health and safety measures.

The use of DOE funds on this unit may include but are not limited to auditing, testing, measure installation, inspection and/or administration.

A DOE Weatherized Unit is:

45 | Weatherization Assistance Program eere.energy.gov

Reporting a DOE Completed Unit

A dwelling unit that meets the definition of a DOE weatherized unit must be counted as a DOE completed unit.

46 | Weatherization Assistance Program eere.energy.gov

Every home must receive a quality control inspection for workmanship and appropriateness

Blower door tests are conducted to ensure proper air sealing– Identifies any remaining air leaks – Indicates need for ventilation

Insulation and other measures checked for quality and completeness

Post-Work Inspection

47 | Weatherization Assistance Program eere.energy.gov

Average annual energy savings = $437 per home

After Weatherization services, typical low-income home saves an average of 35% on energy consumption

Returns $1.80 in energy-related benefits per $1 invested

Returns $2.50 in non-energy benefits per $1 invested

Avoids 2.65 tons of carbon dioxide emissions for every home weatherized

Over 6.8 million households weatherized

Average reduction in natural gas use – 35%

WAP Results

48 | Weatherization Assistance Program eere.energy.gov

Improves health and safety - reducing carbon monoxide emissions and eliminating fire hazards

Lessens the excessive financial burden of families most in need – reducing the difficult choice between food and fuel

Helps revitalize neighborhoods and communities across the country

Used as catalyst to attract investments from utilities, other federal agencies, state governments, and private sources

Outcomes: Quality of Life

49 | Weatherization Assistance Program eere.energy.gov

Reduces the export of local energy dollars and keeps more money in the community

Decreases electricity generation and resulting pollution; thus improving local air quality reducing adverse health effects

Avoids residential and power-plant emissions of carbon dioxide, a leading greenhouse gas

Weatherization Impact

50 | Weatherization Assistance Program eere.energy.gov

Contact your PMC Project Manager or Refer to the follow Websites:

– Weatherization Assistance Program Website • https://www.eere.energy.gov/weatherization/

– PMC Website • https://www.eere-pmc.energy.gov/

– WAPTAC Website • http://www.waptac.org

– Weatherization Plus Website• http://www.weatherizationplus.org

– Oak Ridge National Lab Website• http://weatherization.ornl.gov