·~~~~'1~ - Way To Jannah...8 Islam in Hinduism ~ll1"'ll~ (Compiled by) Oll8 ~~ca1\IS&ll111"'l ~ Md....

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Transcript of ·~~~~'1~ - Way To Jannah...8 Islam in Hinduism ~ll1"'ll~ (Compiled by) Oll8 ~~ca1\IS&ll111"'l ~ Md....

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Typewritten Text


·~~~~'1~ Islam in Hinduism


008 ~~CGi~\SSi~til ~



Islam in Hinduism

~ll1"'ll~ (Compiled by)

Oll8 ~~ca1\IS&ll111"'l ~

Md. Muklesuzzaman Khan (MBA London)

. author of the books : + Fluent Method of Spoken English

(Professor's Prokason) + Communicative English with Speaking Power

(Khan Publication) + The tactics of Reading Newspapers with

Speaking Power (Rohel publication)

+ First-Made Spoken English (Professor's Prokason)

+ Modern English for fluency (on debate) (Professor's Prokason)

+ Smooth English Writing Skills (Professor's Prokason)

+ NCTB Communicativ English for Class Six (Mollick Brothers)

+ English for Madrasha Students (Khan Publication)

+ Strong Writing skills (London)


First Edition : 2008

Copyright : ©Author

Published by : Moniruzzaman Khan Khan Book Center

Computer compose : Rabeya Computer & Graphics 38.Banglabazar (3rd Floor), Dhaka-1100 Mobile : 01720318024

Printed by : .Hera Printers

Price : 70.00 Taka only

~~ g ~"IN\!l, MIS1!IC4U, ~l(C'>ft;, ~. ~' 'Sii~~

~. ~ -a ~ 151R,~1\!l 6j~Qlrn>t~~


cmi ~ca1~\%ll~H ~ ~ g C"'1i!!C<Pl"'ll (~. ~)

~-~-~~~ fu;t~ ( C"'1i!!C<Pl"'ll)

~-~-~~~ fu;t~ (m<m ~ ~)

'~-~~~ ~qi- (<n.1.~)

111~~ 111-~

+ ~ ·~~ m-cai<!Sbl~I~, ~~ ~ -s ~

~f4lf.lwrn, ~ ~ f\S~ ~ am~IST ~ <1Sfi!©HC<P""M 1

+ ~ ~~farer Qfll~nr\Sl ~"'l~ICISU~' 151IC~ffi<ISl"'I ~l~"'IJl"l"'llaot ~ f\S ~g (C~f\Scpjl"'f) ~ m<m I

+ ~ ~~ ~~farer ~l>ii~ffl· <ft~~~ R'flM"TJlaot?'!



~ (Contents)

• ~ ~


• ~<rt ~1"11Ull'll ~91f% :>:> (Derivation of Hindu or Hinduism)

• ~:5161IC)OJ'll ~~91R; :>~

(Derivation oflslam)

• lJ::l161)0JICi1'!1 ~~~ >!> (Definition of a Muslim)

• ~"11rl!r ~<rt~· t®Cfi :>8 (Concept of God in Hinduism)

• ~~~~·~·~<rt~ t®Cfi :>Q-

(Concept of 'One' God in Various Scriptures of Hinduism)

• ~~~~·~ ~

(Idolatry is Prohibited in Hinduism)

• ~:5161IC)OJ ~<rt~· t®Cfi :>~

(Concept of God in Islam)

• ~lall'\1~~~~·~~~ ~~

(Addressing God as 'Allah' in various Scriptures of Hinduism)

• ~~~~ ~~

(Scriptures of Hnduism)

• ~~~~ ~8

(Scriptures of Islam)

• ~ ~ <11-£1<11~~ <ft~ <ft \51<1'!llC'll'll ~ ~~

(Messengers of God in Hinduism)

• ~:5161IC)OJ <11-£1<11~~ <rt m Cf~ ~<\

(Messengers of God in Islam)

• ffi <rt~~~ ~'Pf GllM~\!i ~r ~<\

(Is Anthropomorphism Justlflable?)

• ~(~g)~~~~ . ~:> !Mohammad (Pbuh) Prophesied in Various Hindu Scriptures)

• ~~~~~ ~

(Resurrection or Life after death in Hinduism)


+ ~Jiii!IC~ ~ 9Kf ~ 8~ (Resurrection or Life after death in Islam)

• ~~~~(~.~)~~(~,<fitcii!l, f<t<tlii!l't, ~. ~.~.~~)~ct~ l!l~ ff C<tll'51IC"i'51 <uMJl 8<\

(Logical Concepts for differences in different individuals)

+ ~ "'fW1f ~9ft"{, ~. ~MllJlb<ll~ ~. ~. ~ ~-sm ~ 8~ (Intoxicating, Gambling, Fortunetelling, Bribing, Eating Pork

Prohibited in Hinduism)

+ ~Jiii!IC~ ~9fR, ~. =~f<ti-;.~~3=~"'7><tl·ctr <fGit, ~.~~mil~ N,

• ~~~~C'llO'T'51~~ ~ (Modesty of women in Hinduism)

+ ~*1101 ~~C11Cl'f'51 ~ ~ QB

(Modesty of women in Isl~) + ~ ~ \!l<f~ ~Jiii!IC~ <t~f<t<tl~ ~

(Polygamy in Hinduism and Islam)

• ~~~~~~ ~C\ (Some Great Schoolars in Hinduism)

• ~aitlot ~· <lb-

(Zihad in Islam) . ~~~· ~ (Zihad in Hinduism)

+ ~ ~~ ~~· ~ W-:U o:rn ~~R ~· W-:U ~ (Sacred Scripturas not merely for 'Reading' but for



j# ~(Introduction) g I ~ ~ ~ C~ :>Jf&<P-£1 ~o;f ~~ ~ lll~C<fi ~ 'l>fN

9if?tblM\!l ~ ~ ~ ~f:ll c~ ~ ~<Alill\!) ~ ~ ~~

(~ <fl ~) ~ <11-£1 ~~~ ~ ~~~ (Sacred

Scriptures) C~ <fiC'!IC~"1 I I!!~~ <fl ~l~ca'I~ ~~~ ~\!ll'GC'!I ~

~<fl~~~~ I~ ~J1a>J~l"1Cl'rn ~ '~" ~

™ 91~ ~ ~ J'l~IC~ 'lmi~ ~I ~~ ~

(Messenger /Prophet) ~~<fl~ (Monotheism) ~

~ <fiC'!IC~"1 l!J<f~ ~l"f4C<P ~-~ ~ ~ MC~C~"1 I


lg ~ ~ ~. \5l~-'-'. ~ ~8 Sura Al-lmran, ch-3, v-64

Say : 0 People of the Book! Come to common

terms as between us (Allah) and you : That we

worship none but Allah: ...

~ 9fFIS ~ : "~ ~ ~~ l!J<ISfi1 ~ ~C<fiJ~C\!l ~

~ ~ ~ ~ "GIBf ~ ~91Pr-n ~


I!!~ ~ ~~l<la>J~~ C<fi'@ ~ .2J!f ~ :


~ ~ ~- ~-e ~ \5ff<IBf on-e ~ ~ 1 ~ 1%tPIJ1c<P ~

~ ~ ~ l'TMca'I~ ~ ~ 11!! ~~~ ~ ~ wrt ~ "~" ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ (~U) ~~~~~I



m'f&· li<ICtHJl ~ fi ~ ~ ~lli~I~ Ms~I~~ ~~ [• ~~~ ~ (i5ftg) (Mosa) I® ~9Rf

e ~~~ ~ (i5ftg) (David) I® ~9Rf

• ~ (~)~~ ~ (i5ftg) (Jesu) I® ~9Rf ~~

e ~~~~ (~g) 1®~9Rf ~~I] ~ fi ~ (~ ci511if"f\5 ~ 9!ccf ~'1' ~Q.l~<ft'll) ~

I!!~~ f.(<lf.( ~ ~~~ ~ lfBl ·~ ~\9 ~. ~~

~ ~~~ ~ ~ l!!Cf~.~ <Pm·~ Ms{l1~e m G1"9trn<1f%~ ~ 1

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ HCiStC"t~ ~~ i!l>llt~Q.l l!lll"'l~IC<I

~ ~ ~~~ (Corrupted) <ISUlC~<i lJBT ~ G1"lme ~ ~~"CC'ft

~ 9ft\9m ~I "GT~~~ ~?l>i:l[C~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ fi C<ISl~IC"'l~ ~~ ~~ '>11lfW1T9l_'1' I ~~c~~ C11fG1c~1fj; ~ ~.

~~ ~ ~ (~g) ~~ ~~~ l!!Cf~ '5m Gil~ 9Rf C~ ~ ~ m '5Rf ~~~~I~ ~9Rf ~ fi ~ ~"'ffe ~ct~~ ~l"'l<lerlR>~ ~·~~I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~9f (Original

Scripture)~~ I

"The best method to understand a religion is to

understand the original sacred Scripture".

~ ~ 1Cfr.if ~ ~ ~ ~ >i<ICbC{l ~ l!!Cf~ Pl-G~c~I~

(authentic)~~~~ I~~ >i<ICbC{l Pt-G~c~I~




·~ -~ • ll~~l~\b

e )IC"'ll1:Ns ~ I


l!l<f.i~~ICA ~ ~ ~ ~ ~-ff~ l!l<f~ fi ~ fi 00!~ ~ ~ ~ 1lt ~ ~ ~ ~ (~g) ~ '@9Rf ~ ~ I Gim


# ~ ~ ~"1 ICtUI ~l!?.9fN3 g Derivation of Hindu or Hinduism

~· ~ ~ ciSt~ \51<1~~~ '@9Rf ~ I~~~~

~ '89irof ~ Ca>il<f.i\Sf"'i ~ ~ '-!>ICl'T~CCf.i ~ qa;f ~ I

~· ~-ff~~ «~~(fttl ·9fHff'1~1"'iCl'T~ ~) ~. 1ltm

~ l!IC>t~(fttl ~la>i<Ji~ m ~~ ~ I lil1'f'8 qa;f ~ ~ ~

~ lCj '1ffl ISll~~Cl'T~ ~ ~ ~ ~1~'5l~Cl'T~ ~ ~ I

• Encyclopedia of Reli&ion & Ethnics- vol.6.

Ref.-699 : ~ ~ wiaoi~l"'IC"T~ ~1~c\!) i5fl~ ~ ~·

~ ~1~'5)~ c<f>R ~<ft~ ~'8 ~ ~ ~ I

• 91fu\!) ~ ~ "Discovery of India" ~ 9J"01 ~~ C\8-C\Q ~ ~~ Cf.i~C~ ~ ~· ~ ~l~C'-!>~ ~ ~Cfrn

Ciiil<f.iCl'T~ ~ '189t<f ~ "1'-!>l~C\!) -ff$J ~ «~Mii11 1

e ~I~~~ C6fl<f.iC"T~ JR~ l!l~~ ~ ~ "~°'i-mT

(Hinduism)" ~ ~ ~ ~c~~cail 1t&'"ICl'T~ ~ 1

• New Enclopedia of Britanica, vol-20, Ref.-581

: ISl<J:>tlC~ ~1~'5)~ Ciiil<f.iC"T~ ~~f4~1>tCCf.i ~ ~ "~'l~

(Hinduism)"~~ ~j~~Ciiil ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~O~I


··~·------~-~-~--------~"''Hinduism'~~~~~~~ <JSC'!l~C'il 1


~- -~~(~~)<lt


~ ~ ~~VflClBI ~ ~ ~~qt;HMI~ (reformist)~

~ ~ Mc<t<JSl"il'l1~ ~ ~ (Hinduism)'~ R>M~"'l I ~

~'@..ft~~-~ Gl•.;p11~ (Vedantis)

# ~>tl!i'\IDB115°~9'M g Derivation of Islam

'~il'\I)'.(' ~ !£!~ ~ ~· ~ lfrn \5fQf ~ ~ ~ "\ .. -

~ ~~ ~· c~ 1ffif ~ ~-~ ~~Glli:ltq:~~~~ ..

. '5[Qft"' ~ ~-

"He~ ~t1zyn ~ GlltH~~ ~ Gl'Pf'l ~ ~~ ·~ ~~,,

[Islam means- Peace acquired by submitting your

will to Almighty God (Allah)]

\!A'~ l.!llit W C<JSl~IC"'l'Sl ~ ~ \S ~ ~ ~ ~~


rg ~ l!JfG1f ~. ~~ "· ~ )~ : Sura Al-lmran, Ch-3, V-19

The religion before Allah is Islam (Submission

to His will) ...

Glltllq:<!l ~ ~ ~ ~ 'l:~ail~' ...


IQ] ~ i5f1Qf-~. ~lffill-~. ~-'tY<l': Sura Al-Imran, ch-3, V-85

If anyone desires a religion other han Islam

(Submitting to Allah) never will it be accepted

of him ...

~ ~ ~ $15f'1J ~ ~~Cf~ "6"11T

~ ~ Gllrtll~~ ~ RP~c~~~~"IJ ~~ 1 •••

# lp16111\Ci\~ ~~\;3f g

Def"mition of a Muslim

l.!l~ piitl~I~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ lCffu; ~00 ~ ~

~1~1'11~ ~ ~91'[ ~ I

A Muslim is a Person who submits his will to

Almighty God

~ ~>tili~IC'j~ ~~tt ~ ~9Rf ~~\Sf~

~~ ~~. ~-~. ~~~. ~~-~.~~~~: o~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-

sahi Muslim, Vol-1, Book oflman, Ch-2, Hadith No-6

~ ~ ~-~~ ~ ~~(~&)\!Rf~~


·~- W \Sf~~? (What does 'belief mean?)



~8 ~~~ ---~~~~~~~~~~~~.,..--~~~.,..--~~

·l!J<IS~~~ e C¥C~f<gJCl1~ ~ ~ e fi ~ ?J:>ilJ:C~~ ~9Rf ~ ·~9Rf~~9Rf~

-~~~~ -~~-~~9Rf~

~ '2Pl'~vt fi ~ ~ ~ ~­[QI ~ <ql<Pl<SU~. \5f~-~. ~-~C\C\

Sura Al-Baqarah, ch-2, V-177:

It is not righteousness that you turn your faces

towards East or West; But it is righteousness to believe

in -Allah

and -the last day

and -the Angels

and -the Books

and -the messengers ...

~~ ~ ~~orn ~ ~ ~~ 9[<1'~ ~m ~;

~9[ctJ~ -~~~


- C¥C~<glC"T~ ~ ~

-~ (1511>1~1~ l'<P~IC<I~) ~9Rf ~


# ~ ~ \51 I~ I~ ~ tf"11C'ft'ft ~ctl Conce t of Allah or God in Hinduism

~~ct\StC<f ~ ~ cai\qsC"f~ ~ ~ ~






~<fta'f- ~~


~ ~<fta'f-~~I

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ C~fGIC~lfG i5f~ <lSC'!lC~"'l ~ ~ ~ <fta'f- ffi ~ I ~~ct~~~~~ ·~~ffi"

[Everything is God = Pantheism

God is one = Monotheism Gods are many = Polytheism]





~~-ffi i5fl<PP't ~- ffi ~91~-ffi


~ ~ o/fii1~1"'l <fta'f ~~ ~" (Every thing is God's)

# ~ ~ICll~ Mfe~ ~ Glltfl~ ~ ~ tmfctl Concept of God in various Scriptures of Hinduism

~~ ~~. i5fl:fJ'rn-I.),, CJ'f<IS"M-o~, ~-~ g

0--" Chandogya Upanishad, ch-6, Sec-2, v-1



-arn~t1'1-ol\!>H11 ~~. \Ol"tfITTJ-~, ~-i\l g

0 Shvetash vatara Upanishad, Ch-6, v-9



- ~I~ ~ C~ca'!Cl!C~ ~

irtl\!>l'*t-ol\!IHtl ~~. \Ol"tfITTJ-8, ~ :!>i\l g


Shvetash Vatara Upanishad, Ch-4, V-19


(Of Him there is no likeness)

irtl\!>l-1151\!ll~I ~~. \Ol"tfITTJ-8, ~-~o


Shvetash vatara Upanishad, ch-4, v-20

- ffi ~ m1<tS1~ (Of Him there is no images)

~ (Vedas) ~ ~"'J:<Yrn ~ H~~Cql'1J ~~ 1 I!!~~~


~{llCql~C-ol'T, \Ol"tfITTJ ~~. ~ ~ g

0---- -------Yajurveda, ch-23, v-3


(Of Him there is no images)


(He is unhorn)


l:clltllli!C-oiif, \5l~ 80, ~ lT

0-----Yajur veda, ch-40, V-8

-ffi~~ ltjcq~ J14C5C?l fi ~ ~~ I ~ ~ ~­R~, ~-), ~-)i,l:,8, ~ 5..i:,


Rigveda, Book-I, Hymn-I64~ V-46



R~, ~-)o, ~-))8, ~ct ~~'- ~-~. ~-) :


Rigveda, Bk-IO, Hymn-II4, V-5, and Bk-2, Hymn-I

~~~~~ff; 1?1'114~C~ l?i~ ~ ~ I

-rn~. ~-~. ~-), ~-~ 0---------Rigveda Bk-2, Hymn-I, V-3

~~ ~ ~· {Braharnma) ~ '¢11~ <llm ~I

~ llRf <n~aoil ~ = ~

~~~ = Creator


~~ ~ c<fiR ~ ~ ~ ~·c<lS ~cf.n ~ ~\5(cq Ql­

-~~~~ -~91l~~

~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ oor <mfct '"-11~1"1'01~1~1 ~~·



(Of Him there is no likeness)


fir~, ~A,~-~,~~ o~~~~~~~~-

Risveda, Bk-2, Hymn-I, v-3

I!!~~~· (Vishnu)~~~~~~ ~'( / ,;

<ff~~ ~;q = 61161"'1<1i'61, '1161"'1<1i'61

~~~=Cherisher, Sustainer


~ l!)~Wf C<liR ~ ~ ~· C<fS ~ ~~~. ~ Jimc<iR~ ~ ~c:fu 9fta'f~ I!) irrncr ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~

~ OOT I ~ct ~~l"C41~ ~· I!! <fait ~­

-~ C<liR~~

(Of Him there is no images)

fir~, ~-l:r, ~-~, ~-~ ~~~ ~-~, ~-8<t, ~ ~~ o~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Reigveda, Bk-8, Hymn-I, V-1 and Bk-6, Hymn-45, v-16

-~ ~ (~) :!M~~ ~. ~ ~ :!M~~ ~~


Brahama Sutra : I!!~ <fait ~


C<rSl"'l-olt4l: ~~ ~ I

# ~~~~Mflt'4i Indolatry is Prohibited in Hinduism

~ ~~ ~~ Ji<lCbC~ ~.mi~ '5~ FJ~r· I!!~

~ ':;)IC<l ~~Ctr


~~ ~. ~~-'\, ~ ~o o~~~~~--~~

Bhagavad Gita, Ch-7, v-20

<nm ~ fetH>iC<P ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 11i~ ffiC<P ~

~~IC~F!1C~"T, ~~ So,~~ o~~~~~~~~

Yajurveda, Ch-40, v-9

~ Gl~<Plc<ll M~~~ <nm~~ (~~. 9flR, ~) C<P

~ <!S"C?f I

# , l:~611~ ~ '511~1~ <ft ~~C~BI ~'tl Concept of God in Islam

IQ] ~ l!I~. ~~ ~~~. ~ ~-8 Sura Al-Ikhlaas, ch-112, v-1-4

1 . Say : He is Allah

The one

2. Allah, the Eternal, Absolute

3. He begetteth not,

Nor is He begotten

4. And there is none like unto Him.

~. ~~

-<-. ~~IQ<f~~

~. ~ ~ iSMl ~ ~'{3 ~ iSMl ~Ff

8. %:f ~ '5IBf C<PR ~ ri:r

~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ IQ<f~ ~ ~ ffi <ft \Slltll~~ <lcRt


~o ~~~

~'flm ~YflM"l'lif, ~~-~. c:>t<Pto:{-~, ~ ~ :>. 0-------------

chandogya Upanishad, ch-6, Sec-2, V-1 - ffi ~ l!R~ \SIN~{l I

1e>'Al'i ~. ~l:ITllf-~o, ~-\:>

~. 0---------Bhagavad Gita, ch-10, V-3

-~ffi~~~~I ~ ~ ~Yflf.1-tlli, ~~-~. '1'5ftm\5-~

~. 0------------~

Shevetash vatara Upanishad, ch-6, V-9 -~~~~


-11\61-1\51\!li!I ~Yflf.I~, ~l:ITllf-8 ~-~~

8. 0 l!l<f'-Shetash vatara Upanishad, ch-4, V-19

<t l!JIC"ll'SIC\5"T, ~~-o~, ~-o 0---~~-~~-

Yajurveda, ch-32, v-3


(There is nothing like Him)

\51~\l!, ~~ ~ ~~ Yf(lca'llb"'ll ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ \!l<f~

~ ~ ffi <rt \5~ <rt~ <rt~-~ l!R~ \SIN~{! I ~ ~~om 1 ~ ~. c~, ~,~<rt \5RJ ~ ~

1:>l?l~~~ 9frofril I

\51~ lig~ WilS ~ ~ ~ ~(l(ijii!~ \51CiiC<f$l MC'STC"T'il ~

~~~<rt~~~~ <RI l!R~ ~~IS iill"FJC4S

'ffi' <fta'f ~ ~ I


lg) ~ '5fTif ~. ~~-~C\. '5ITTrt'5-~~o

Sw:aAl-Isra, Ch-17, V-110

Say : "Call upon Allah, or call upon Rahman :

By Whatever name ygu call upon Him, (it is '


For to Him belong the most beautiful names,

Gll~l~<fl ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ : ~ ~ >t<IC5C~ ~

~\51f~ ...

Jg ~ '5flif-'5ft~. ~~-C\. '5ITTrt'5-~lro Sura Al-A'raaf, ch-7, V-180

The most beautiful names belong to Allah:

So c~l on Him by them; ...

>i<IC5~ ~~~\51f~~~ g

~ ~ ~"CQfl m ~ \5WISt ; ••.

lldJ ~ 'JT!,t, ~'fmt-~o, ~ ~lro

Sura Al-taha, ch-20, V-180

... To Him belong the most beautiful names .

••• ~ (~ )f<ICb~ ~ ~~ \51f~ I

lldJ ~ ~. ~'fmt-<t~. '151'tm-~8 sura Al-Hashr, ch-59, v-24

... To Him belong the most beautiful names .

... ~ (~) )f<IC5C~ ~ ~zymf \51f~ I


# ~ ·-11Ctll:st Pt~if ~ ~'"t<fS J'f:stlJOtRt "\Sllfll~" <ftG'f ~~ .

Addresssing 'God' as 'Allah in various

Seri tures of Hinduism

~~·~~~1Cq~~'S~I~ rn-~. ~-~. ~-~. ~ ~~

0 Rigveda Bk-2, Hymn-I, V-11


~~CZ~~~~~~~ I 0 rn-~~ ~-~. ~-~o. ~ ~o 111~'- ~-~. ~-~C\, ~~o

D Rigveda Bk-3, Hyinn-30, V-10 and Bk-9, Hymn 67, V-30

~Jl<f 151l~IC<b ~ ~ ~· ~ \511~ ~


~ ~ICtlf<st ~ '21?{J'f~( Scriptures of Hinduism

~~"llWl~ ~ ~'i5tr;~ 'SM~~


~) ~ (Smriti)

~ ~ - ~ C"tMt 11m





l!l<f~ ~N>c<isl ~ 9fC'1li ~ <ftCft" ~ \51l~ ~ ~ I


a)~ (Vadas)

b) ~~ (Upanishad)

~ ~ ~~~ ~ ~ 15f~ ~· I ~ i5ft<mf bl~~IC'if ~ I

i) ~~ (Rigveda)

ii) ~~IC<ll'Slc~q (Yajurveda)

iii) $ll~c~q (Samaveda)

iv)~~-~ (Atharvaveda)

a) ~~~c;f~~~CC11 l!lf1'~~ ~~ 9ft@~ I


m ~ ~ ~ Gllffi~M $l~IC\Si~ ~ ~ 4CC4C~"'I ~ ~~~o ~ ~ 15fe'if ~c;f ~ i 15f!<,~ ~'if ~

~~ ~- ~ ~ ~ooo (~~) ~ 9jpf ~c;f ~ I ~<IS~, c<Pt~ l!l<f~ <!SKf ~ ~ ~c;f ~~f®il ~ c<!SR

~ <JJl~ c<Pf~IS ~ I ~ ~o;f ~ tl~l4Ci~~ ~


b) ~~~ ~~ ~~~ ~oo l!l~ ~ I ~ ~l~C~ ~

~ l!l~ ~~~ ~ ~ ~ob" I l!l~~ 'lft~ -2!~ .2f~M

~ 'IB1 ~off1, ~ 'IB1 ~~ ff1, l!l<f~ m~ ~~ <ISC~C~"'I

~b" ffl I

~) ~ g ~ ~<rt~~~ ~ l!l<f~ l!lffi ~ <rtCft" <Ml~

~. Wf l!l11f ~ ~ ~ <rt $ll~lf%T<IS 1Sfl4C"'!'SI ~ HCq'"Rt ~ I

~ i5ft<mf ·~· IS <!Qft m ~ I ~ 'lft~ ~ 'l:N>~l:li ll~l<ISl4J' <rt 'j'~ ~

-~ (<n aimoH1 ~ ~) ~9RIW



- ~~l~l'Sl~ (~ "ft~q -e ~ ~ f<lc;qi;p1~ ~ ~~ ~ <

~) .

l!l~~ ~~ >f<qCbC{:l ~'2ffi ~ ~ ~~ ~f ~ ~~l~l'SlC~'Sl .

\SJ~llf ~~ ~ :> b" ff1 \SJ~ ~ I l!lff1 m 9f"C<fu' 'e \SJ~llf

0 Bishma Parva ch 25-42

l!l~ ~'lliC'lf'Wl ~ '61\S,f~c;qs ~ ~ ~ MrnNCiill ~


• ~ ~ ~ ~ (Puranas): ~ \SJQf ~ ·~· ~ ~ ~ I ~ ~~ \SJ~llf ~-

- ~ ~ (Bhavishya Purana) : ~ ~f<la:tN> fimT q;~ ~I

• \5Jlrn ~ ~~ ~ ~C~l1'N> (Manusmriti) ~

~it"T'Sl ~tall ~ ~ l!l~~ ~~ JJ<qCbC{:l ~ ~~ fri£<JlC(JI~

~~(Vedas) I~~~~~~·~· C<!S~c:t


I# ~J1611~ ~ &ttlJi~~ Scriptures of Islam

lidJ ~ l:<Bll~. '5Ttfmf-~8. ~-~ Sura Ibrahim, Ch-14, V-1

...... A book (Quran) Which We (Allah) have revealed

unto you (Mohammad), in order that you might lead

mankind out of the depths of darkness into light; ...


...... ~ ~ \5fl9f.® (~) ~919 ~ ~. ~ <rnf '5IT91R' ~l<'!<liSTl~C<lS ~ c~ ~ m ~ ~ 91roR ...

ff<r4g ~ t.<Pl'il/C"l?l ~e~ '3/'J.''lWt ~·c<fr We (plural)

~ "J'f"CfT~ <p?ff m I (!/~ ~ ~J'~M/?l ~ ~'1/<l~l<P ~

ml/ ~~ ~ ~ lll ~ l!jq~ ~ ~ ~ ~ (jfig)

~ ~919 ~~I Gl'5ll\!5'$1 ~ ~~ (~~) ~ ~~,


~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ (~::) ~ ~~ ~ ~li\<1\$11~

~Q)l ~ >J'Bifle<i'$1 ~ ~ ~ ~ (Ms~I~~) ~ I

IQJ ~ °i:4~1~~. ~lfJllf-~8. ~ <l'~ Sura Ibrahim, ch-14, V-52

Here is a message (Quran) for mankind : That they

may take warning there from, ...

~ ~ ~ ~ ~li\<liStl~'$1 ~ ~ <ll~I : ~<ml'~

~ C4C<lS ~ 9ITTT; •••

IQJ ~ 4141~1~. ~lfJllf-~. ~ ~b-<l' Sura Al-Baquarah, ch-2, v-185 The Quran was sent down, as a guide to

mankind, ..... . ...•• ~ C<Pl'$lli\C<P ~ ~ ~~ ~l<'!<liSflNs'$1 ~ ~ ~~91 ..... .

IIdl ~ TIT~. ~lfJllf-~~, '\'5ITirl'5 s ~ Sura Az-Zumar, Ch-39, V-41

Verily-We (Allah) have revealed the Book (Quran) to you (Mohammad) in truth. for (instructing, mankind .. .. j


~ ~ ~ (~) ~ ~ '5fl~ (~) ~9RJ ~

~ ~ ~li14iSfl~c<fS HCq"frlt C"T>e~ ~ I

~>e ~ ~. ~-ca'fl ~ C<Pl'$11Ci1'$1 ~ ~~9J_cf I Gf~~ ~ ~ ~~~· ~~~~C1IOH1 ~~I

# ~ ~ ;q1£1<cii~ <fl~ <fl '5l<q~1<JI~ Cf~ Messen ers of God in Hinduism

~ (\5ffi) Gf~ = ~

. c~ Gr~ = \51~\!I>~ ~ ~~~Gf~~-~~


~li14~C9f ~cf~ ~~ ~ ~~<fl 151M6\Gl'$1 ~ ~

~ ~ tTI~'& ~ l!l<f~ ~l"flc<tS • ~~ Pic"111r-n oro 1

0 Bhagavad Gita, Ch-4, v-7-8

~ ~ ~-~ ~~ m.r ~~.~<ft~ Rm ~ ~ ~~ ~ (~) MC\SrC<P ~ "<Pfu-~Rm ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ "<Pfu -e fl[QJTI <ff ~C<P ~~~ "<Pfu ~~ ~ ~~~~cf~1

0 Bhagavad Purana, Khand-9, Adhyay-24, Shloka-56


~ ~~ ~<fl f11"~ ~ ~ ~ \!)~ ~~

(~) ~H<HliC9f ~cf~ \!l<f'Z ~ ~ ~ I

<ffef-a ~ lf\1m l'j<lC\)C{l H~~Wll'>IJ ~ ~ \!) ~ ~ ~

~ ~~ ~. ~ ~~'Z--f ~ 9ffu~ ~~ ~ ~ ffi Offi, ~ <1 l-£l<1f~<jS I

# ~J>tair11 ~ <11v61<11~<tS ~ ~ ~c:f.;{t Messen ers of God in Islam


IQ! ~~.'Sf~~<l'.~~8

Sura Fatir, Ch-35, V-24

there never was a People. without a warner

having lived among them (in the Past) .

... ~~~~<ft~~ elf~~ <11.;l<tl~<IS ~


!QI ~~"IT. "151'~ ~~. ~ ~ Sura Ar-Rad, ch-13, v-7

... But you (Mohammad) are truly a warner. and to

every People a guide .

.... ~ '5fT'i'fR (~) ~ l'J\!l4<1SI~, l!)q'( "J'!<f ~ ~ .

Mof•t<P %9f I

~ (~g) ~ l!l<f'Z ~ ~ I!! <fSQft W C<ISl~IC"'l~ ~



lg ~ '5flln~. ~-""· ~ 80

Sura Al-Ahzaab, Ch-33, V-40

Mohammad is not the father of any of your men, but

(he is) the messenger of Allah, and the seal of the

Prophets : ...

~ C~l~IC"T'i1 ~ ~ -.,.,, ~ ~ ~l{lldll'i1 ~ ~

~ (41'6'141~4), i£Ff~ ~ ~ : •.•

~ ~ (J'ftg) ~ ~ \!!Cf~~~~ ~ ~~

~ <Jl lJ::>tdl~l"1C"T'i1 ~ C~ ffi ~~ ~ ~ ~1"14~11%'i1 ~ ~~C{lC~"1 I

lg ~~. i5[l1Jm-~~.~-~OC\

Sura Al-Ambiya, ch-21, V-107

We (Allah) sent you (Mohammad) not, but as a mercy

for all creatures.

~ '51l~ ~ ~ ~flfCdl'i1 ~ 'i1~~:>J~9f

lg ~':>J't~. i5lt1lm-"8, ~ ~b­Sura Sabaa, ch-34, V-28

We (Allah) have not sent you but as a (messenger) to

all mankind, giving them glad tiding, and warning them

(against sin), ..

i5i1flr '51l~ 9tl~C{l~ ~ lfACf ~ ~ ~ 4115141~

~. ~l"f!C<lS ~~~~<fllii ~ i£Ff~ ~ ~ I ...



~ ~. ~-~; iil~IC'Sf~ ~. \5flfmr-<tl),, ~ ~~ 8~~

• Sahib Bukhari; Vol-1, Book of salah, ch-56, Hadith No-429

Gl'.filC~~ ~ ~ ~ 9f'~ ~ «{J~Ca>fl ~~ ~ ~

~~c~~~~~~~~~~ ~li14'Sfl~~ ~ I

~4!~C<lCil1 ~ -~-PM~ 00Qf'6, \5flfmr-~<t. ~ ~8

Gospel of Methew, ch-15, V-24

Jesu (pbuh) was sent only for Bani Israel \5f~~ ~

(\5fl8) (~) C<15 ~ «{1Mil11 ~~ ~ ~:>J~l°5fCil1~ ~ I

# ~ ~ '511:11~ ~ ~ ~lii~~c9t \511Mi\!S ~? Is Anthropomorphism Justifiable

~ ~ ~ ~ I!!~ 9f'~ ~H<l~C9f ~cf~ ~

~ c~~c~~ 'l~ ~. ~~~. ~~. ~ ~ i5fiil:f(q.f ~ ~. ~ ffi ~ ~ ~ w c~ ~ 'l8~ <n, ~-~ "51"ll:f(q.f ~~o:ttl

1!1 ~~~~<ia;T~ Cli, Cli ~ c'GM~~~~~

~ ~ f<ti ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ PiC'SfC<fS ~ ~ ~ ~

~?~'iIT1<rnrct ClJ Cli~~~ ~ ~~~

9i~blil1iil ~~~I~~ ~<Tit~~ I

\5f~~ Cli ffi ~l"f-IC<t> ~ ~ ~ ~ c~~~~ I!!~~ 41~~ ~~~I~ '!8~-<n, ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~9f

<m!=t <1S'i!l~1 ~ ~ '1j'g'i! <u~ 'ffi? ~l"J_(.<i'i! ~lT.14 "'1'ill"'1~ ~S11Cllc>Rf ~



~ ~ C~\!>~ c~ ~ ~coil~\!> ~ ~ ~~ (Media)

·~ ~ ~ ~ "11~"1~ (Messenger)~~~~~

\;~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Ql~ ~"1C"1~ ~W C~ ~ ffi ~C\!>J<tSfG lJJC-£~ ~ ~ (;q'5m ~ I

i5f~ RiC"T~ ~ ~ ~ -!! c<f)t~'5 ~~ ~ Ql ffi ~H"l~C9f

9(~ ~~'5 9fl11~ <IS~C~"1 I <Rf~ -!!~ ~~ ~ ~ mRf.~!"1

ffi ~ ~ ~ QTMIC~lt;f ~~ ~ HC~"t-fkf ~ ~ "11-tl"ll~<tS

911fbC~C~"1 I

-!!~ ~ ~~l"li!i~C"T~ ~ ~ [~ (\5Jlg)] C"1S ffi (God)~

'i511~~ ~~ [~ (\51li)l~~ fi~ C<!St~'5 ~

~ Ql 'R5Rffi~~\;~~~· I~-

Gospel of John, ch-14, V-24

My Father (God) is greater than I


Gospel of John, Ch-10, V-29

My father (God) is greater than all


Gospei oi Mathew ch-12, V-28


Gospel of John, ch-5, V-30

I can do myself nothing, as I hear I judge and my

judgement is just.

~ ~ ~ ~ 9fITTfon, ~ (~ ~ c~) ~R ~~ ~~<m-\!l<f~~~~~I

# ~q:l*ll"T (~g) ~ ~ M~~ ~


Mohammad (Pbuh) Prophesied in Hindu

Seri tures

Bhavishya Purana, Parva-3, Khand-3, Adhyah-3, Shloka 10-27

~ c~'S ~) \3ffif<l ~ mcf ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~~ m ~~~ ~ ~ '5f@! ~ (~g) ~ 1£14et"'IC<P

~AA~~~~ \!l(f~ ~l'flC4. ~ ~

~ '8 '!11etl~'St "Glt9PITTJ i!f ~ ~file~ (GlHM~fil) l!l'@.ffif ~ ~ I

~ ~ ~--rorn ~9MRT \51i3'!1C4 ~ ~ I ~~ ~ ~

~~~m~ '8 ~-m ~~ 9tl~C~C~ I

~1ffi~l61 ~ 9f'~ ~ ~ I ~ ~ ~ \!)q~ Ji~J ~ \!!~

~~~I ~ \51'f'1l~Cl'Hl f.f.rni91 ~~ ~-

• "£"1"1~1~ ~(Circumcise) [~e.~~~ 4.£~]


-~~ •'Sl"t~ c~~~~ ~ ~~ (llt~ ~) • "'11~1cst'!I ~ ~ cm<r

-~~~Cf~~~~~ I

e ~ ~ ~ ~?ia>!lll"'1 I

~~~ \!!~ ~'Z~IC<I ~ ~ <TS~ ~ ~ ~ ~~'!!'-:> ~

(~g) l.!R~ ~ ~ ClS~ ~ ~ '5fm ~ ~>ta>!~l"'1 I , .

~~Bl'!> ~~lijjq (~g) ~HP!c<f MC#~ ~~Cd! IC'!>

rt1B~1c~ !®~ ~-

0 Bavisha Purana, Parva-3, Khand-3 Adhyay-3,


0 Bhavisha Puana, Parva-3, Khand-1, Adhyay-3,

Shloka- 21-23

0 Atharvaveda, Bk-20, Hymn-127, Shloka-1-14

• l!3f ~~ ~ \.!I~~ AA~~~ (Narashangsa)

~~~- ~ ~ = ~ l.!R~ ist~~ \:ll~ = .2P'f~~ (Praiseworthy)


~~ ~ i5lmrt ~ ~­


=::} ~ ~ (~g) ~ mm~~~~ ~ ~oooo fua1l ~ ~ ~ ~ ~{lfua,I I

• ~ ~~ ~ I.!!~~- R5R <f'l~~l~I (kaurama)

<f'l~~l~I ~ = ~ ~ ~ ~ = \5IR,<i1~ (immigrant)

=::}~ (~g) C<JS~~~~. ~~AA~ c~~


~ ~~ ~ 1£1 i5lmrt ~ ~-

~ ~ ~'Gl~I~ ~ (Camel Riding Rishi)

C<f'R ~l~~{l ~ <fl~ "<f'~'5 ~ ~ I "<t"rnct ~ ~ <fl

3ll'lfi"'ICl'T~ ~ ~ fu~ I

0 Manusmriti, ch-11, v-202

3ll'lfi!'lC'1~ ~tft <fl ~ ~ fu~ I i5f~ft~ ~ ~ ~1~'5l~l ~ I


•~~~~I.!!~~~~ (Mama Rishi)





~ \5l'<l' = Ql .2f-t~~ "<fl"@

=::} ~ (~g) ~ \5l9RI' ~ ~ I

'511~~! ~ ~ = Ql ~~:~T "<fl@


~~ ~ ~ ~ '@~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ <f)Qj°f <fG'fl ~ ~

~~~ (~g) C<!Smxr~ I

0 Atharvaveda, Bk-20, Hymn-21, V-6

~ ~~~~~I I!!~ ~"ln<l ~ <ISQ)"f

<fG'fl~~ ~~~ ~~~~ ~Gf~ = ~.2M~~~ I => ~ (~g) ~ Gf9rn ~ ~ lfBl <n~"fl GJ~ = ~ '2M~~


IQ) ~ '511~, \5f~-"'°· ~ ~~ Sura Al-Ahzab, ch-33, V-22

When the believers saw the confederate forces, they

said : "This is what Allah and His messenger had

Promised us, and Allah and His messanger told us what

was true" ...

'5fsil"'l"THl~Cf ~ ~ (~ 91Vlf>) ~~~ ~. ~ ~ :

"l!J~ ~ W ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ '61l~ICl'T~ ~~vt \S'Wft <ISC~~ail,

~~ ~ ~~ ~ ~~ <lC61~C11 ~~ •••

I!!~ ~ ~ "~ <f"Jl ~ ~~ I!!~ ~ ~ ~ (~g) ~ ~o *1Rf ~ "'Bllfet~ qs~~Cai"'I I

0 Atharvaveda, Bk-20, Hymn-21, V-7

~ (AbhaiJ.du) ~o ~ ~ l!l<r~ ~oo~o ~ ~ ~


~ ~(~:)~~-~-~-~ ~~~o,ooo

~ ~ ~ l!l<f~ ~ ~~ ~o ~ ~ ~ I


~~~ ~ \5f~ = ~ .2M~~ ~


=> ~ ~ = ~ .2M~~ ~ l!l<f~ ~ (~:) ~ l!IR>ll

Rigveda, Bk-1, Hymn-53, V-7

l!I~ ~ (~g) C<fi~~~~~ I

~~~ ~ \5f~ = ~ .2M~~ ~ I


>tll!C~Cl1 ~ (~g) C<fi ~ ~ ~ (~) ~~ <R't


0 Samaveda Uttarchika, Mantra-1500 .

~ C<fi ·~ ~" Cl1'31lt ~ I

l!I~ ~ ~· ~ ~ ~ l!l<f~ ~ ~IM~cqs ~


~'3 '51"J:<qlCl1~ C."1161llfrai Gll~'ill1C4S \SllQJ~IN> ~ ~ ~ ~ I


\Sll~Jll!N> ~ ~'1 ~ I

~~~ ~ l!l<f~ ~ \5f~ = ~ ~



~(~g)C<!S~'~!=tzll'! ~~~~~~!


'S~aveda Indra, ch-2, Mantra-15~

0 Yajurveda, ch-31, V-18

D Rigbeda, Bk-8, Hymn-6, V-10

~'lll'll-olC-o'i, ~-b', ~-<t, ~-~~ ~'- ~--<o, ~-~-<~. ~-~8

D Atharvaveda, Bk-8, Hymn-5, V-16 and Bk-20,

Hymn-126, V-14 ~ (~g) C<lS ~~~· ~ ~ ~'Sffil ~ ~~ ~


[~~~ = .2f-t~~

~=~~I fir~.~-~.~-~~.~-~. ~-~b'. ~-~. ~-~8-<,


Rigveda, Bk-1, Hymn-13, V-3, Hymn-18, V-9, Hymn-142, v-3

fff'SjC-o'i, ~--<, ~-~, ~--< ~~'- ~-4:, ~-<t, ~--<

0 Rigveda, Bk-2, Hymn-3, V-2 and Bk-5, Hymn-5, V-2

Rigveda, Bk-7, Hymn-2, V-2






Rigveda, Bk-10, Hymn-64, V-3, Hymn-182, v-2

l:~wm1 ~. '5f~=~~. ~-"~ ~" ~ a-a-

Yajurveda, ch-21, v-31 and V-55

Yajurveda, ch-20, v-37 and V-57

Yajurveda, ch-28,V-2

~ (~8) ~ ~ '1514~1t~ (Kalki Avtar)' ~"""l°B\:)lt4



'>:)~ ~. ~-~~. '5f~-~. c:fAS, ~b--~o

Bhagavata Purana, Khand-12, Adhyay-2, Shloka-18-20

~ ~~ (Vishnuyash) ~ ~ ~ ~ l!l<f" ~1~ <rr<n ~~~~l!l<f~~~·~~~I

~~~ Wi~ ~ = ~ ~"t:<lS ((~) ~ <rnf

=>·~ '1511~1~ ~ ~ g ~ \5llttll~t<fi ~ ~

~~~~~=·~~ =>~~ ~~=·l!l<f~~ => ~ (~8) ~ ~ ~W't {C<fil~ll:"1 ~W't) ISHJ.11~'t <fiC~~Vf"'l

~~I~ ~ '151l41ji!I:?( ~ ~ll\!l~ .fftfR I


~~-:-~~~o (~~) l.!l <fG'ft ~-

~~~¥ 1!1•R~m~-e\5Mltf~~-sm~1


). ~ (wisdom)

~. ~M~Gs~ (Self-control)

~. ~ <f~llf (Respectable Lineage)

8. ~;:;1Pi~ ~ (Revealed knowledge)

'2'. ~(Valour)

~. "fl"'lift61~1 (Charity)

C\. ~ (Greatfulness)

17". fil~-01ijl (Measured speech)

==> ~ (~g) ~ 'l'l<f ~00 ~~~~~I

l.!l~ '5lrorl <fG'ft ~ ~ ~ Ctf>~~l~I (Angels)~~ I

C~~~IC"f~ ~ ~ C"qll!;'IC~ \511~1~ ~ ~ ~ \§Cill~I~ ~

~ l.!l<f~ ~ '"l\lf'C"f~ ~ ~ I ~~ "1~1"'llC\§ ~ 'Stl~'ifrn ~


~ ~. ~-), \ISftfJllr-e, c:fMI-~<t

0 Bhagavad Purana, Khand-1, Adhyah-3, Shloka-25

0 Kalki Purana, ch-2, V-4

0 Kalki-Purana, ch-2, V-5

I!!~ qa;r ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ \5W!IS ~ ~~ ~




~ $C'!f~CC1"1 '5lm ~ ~ ~-

-~ ~~(9Tg)




~ ~. \51"~-~. ~-C\ 0

Kalki Purana, ch-2, V-7

~'lbCil>Wl ~ C~C'!f~IO't~ ~ >il~(!J'f~ ~ I

~ ~ (~8) ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~l{llC'Jl'!f ~

~ C>J><Jl~IO't'!f ~ C~ I


lg "Fil~~. \51"~-~. ~-~~~-~~~ Sura Al-Imran, ch-3, V, 123-125

V-123 '

Allah had helped you at Badr, When you were

helpless : ...

~ ~ '51l9Mlt$ ~ ~ ~ $C~~C61"1, '51T91f.f ~

~~: ... V-124

. . . "Is it not enough for you that Allah should

help you with three thousand angels (specially)

sent down"? ..... ~~ ~ c~ 1)11c11'!f iSRT lll:~ om e<i ~ ~

i'.~ll!IO't~C<:£~~~~ qrnr~~"?




... Your Lord would help you wth five thousand

angels clearly marked .

... i5il9fiffif ~ i5il~ ~ "in>~ ~C'tl-:ZlC'i'll ~ ~


ltdJ ~ \51 M ¥1 G1, i!5f~ -11", i!5ftlfl'5-~

Sura Anfal, ch-8, V-9

. . . Allah answered you, "I will assist you with a

thousand of the angels, ranks on ranks."

... ~ \5mMt ~9fimr ~ ~ ~ 4CG1f®il, ·~ i5il9RWl'i

~~~~~~' ~ ~. i!5f~-~. ~-))

0 Kalki purana, ch-2, v-11

~ ~~{llC"Bf (Bishnuyash) ~ ?I~ ~ ~

~'"l<lS'\lC<l"'I I


~~~~ ~g·(Peace) ~~~g~

=> ~(~g)~lfTtmf~~

Ka1ki Purana, ch-2, v-15

~~$:!Cf (Madhav) ~ )~ ~ iSMI ~ I

~$:!Cf ~ )~ ~ ~ ~ ~ \511\;{1161 ~ )~ ~~ ffi ~ ~ ~ ~ (~g) ~ct <fil'llMai-1 I



~ (~ ~) ~ ~ <11-£1<11:(4

(He will be the Anthim Rishi or final Avtar)

IQ] ~ "1511~. ~~--:>-:>, ~-80 Sura Al-Ahzab, ch-33, v-40

... Mohammad is the seal of the Prophets : ...

... ~(~g)~~~i ...



~ (~ ~) ~ffi c~ ~~~ l.!l<f~ ~~~

~ m ~ l.!l<f~ '91'!14-;§fl"b ~ 151P1C4i1

[He will receive knowledge on the mountain from

Lord and then go towards North and come back]

~ ~(~&)~~~~~c~~~

<rnR ~'4l ~-af\5 ~ <rnR l.!l<f~ 91<a4~C\3 ~M"'llC~ lfA 1 ~ c~

~ ~ ~ m , 91-a4~"6 ~ ~ ~ N><s1C61i1 PllSTc§'SI

c<W't I



~ (~&) J'\C<fl'(;~ ~ '51f~ ~ I 1£1 ~ ~ ~


IQ] ?J!! ~. ~~-~lr. ~-8

Sura Al-Qalam., ch-68, v-4


And surely you (Mohammad) have sublime morals.


0 l.!j~ i5frofl ~ ~-

~ (~~)~~~<fl~I

(He will be the teacher of the world)

Sura Saba. ch-34. v-28

We (Allah) have not sent you (Mohammad) but as a

(messenger) to all mankind ...

~9RWf. ~ ~ ~ <11-.;l<ll~<f. ~ "ll~<Jl~ i 0 '1~M'51Ct;§ qGif ~-

~ ~ Gl<l'bl'!lt<flW~ ~ ~~~~ <. • ··~

(Kalki Avtar will be given a steed by the God)

=> ~ (jffg) ~ ~~ ~ (~ ~) ~ <ISC'll~C61"'1

~ m~ ~ ~ (~ ~~ GliSfC"'l'SI ~ ~91m Gll<ISIC"I ~

<ISC'Sl~C"l"'I) f?ic~W&ii'f"'l I

0 ~I'S! ~ <f6fl ~-

~ ~ '5lfiir (~Cii'flfih:i) ~ ~ ~ (He wil ride a Horse and cany a sword)

=> ~ (jffg) ~~~ ~m\5f~~~ ~~~

tilt.'-' '-'Cii'fl~l'll ~ I



~ ~ ~ ~ ~-~~ ~l~C'1~C<fi ~ ~~ ~ ~

91ffiblM~~ I

(He will defeat the enemies and guid~ the People to

the right Path)

~ ~ (~g) "li!!iC'1~ ~ ~ \5ll~C<l~ IB '51fi1f-ip~ ~liqC'1~C<tS (~ ISTl~~M~I~ Cft \51~4£1~ 1'Sf) ~ -e ~ 9R~ 91ffiblM~ 4SC~~C61"'1 I

~"fm ~M ~ct~ ~ 1frn ~ ~ "4£1611'4 ~"


# ~~"~9Rt~" .. Resurrection or Life after death" in Hinduism







• Theory of reincarnation (~ 9m ~ '5JiU ~ ~

qt .fftctm ~~ ~ ~ 91m~) Or

Transmigration of the Soul

* ~' ~ ~<ft.. ~iilStCCit~ b~ ~~~.\Sf~-~.~-~~

Bhagavad Gita, Ch-2, V-22


~ ~~~~~~ 9@~~. ~~'8 ~

~ C~ ~ ~ .fll!>Jl'4-i"'I <mt I

0 Brhadaryanaka Upanishad, Part-4. Ch-4. V-3

• ~ 15l1$llC'll (Believing the action of karma) ~~

"l~C'll'!I 4l'STC<!Sl: <pllm "i't, I!]~ ~ ~'8 15li3?\S> I ~ ~ ~~ "~~~~"I~~~~~

~ ~ 15f-l91TC\b ~ ~ ~~ ~ I

• ~ 15l1$llC'!I (Believing the action of Deed) >tlllf~<p,

<S11Rl<URl<P 1£1<f~ cufui~ ~ ~ ~ <P'lllC<Pl: ~ I

e ~ (Moksha) ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ M<PGil'f m -wnc-rn~~~~~~~"'f~~~~

~~. ffi 1!]~'<3 C4fri ~ ~ I



. B<r,

~ ~ ~ ~ :>t<ICbC~ fi ~ ·~· I!! ~ l.!ICf'. ~"

~ (:>tlll>il'itl) ~IS~~

~I!! 'ill~~~~"~" I~~~~ \5f~ =

~ ~ (Next life) ~ ~ 9m ~<l"'iC~ (Life after

death)~~~~ (Resurrection)~


Rigveda, Bk-10, Hymn-16, V-4-5

I!!~~ 9m ~~(next life)~~~ I

~ I!! '""lm~ (Swarga)" ~ ~ ~ I ""lm~' Gf~ ~-sf

(Paradise) I I!!~~~ ;qcfrn ~ ~ ~ ~· ~ ~~ l!j<q~ ~~ ~ ~. \!)~ ~ ~ ~ l!j<q~ ~~ ~ ~

~I ~ ~ ~ (Paradise) ~ 1ll ;qcfrn ~ ~ c~IU1c~1ro ffl 11!1~~~~~~~~1 ~

\511flll'l11SIC'>:>l1 ..,..)r _ _.., ~-~8 ~-<l' ..,..)r-8 ~-~8 ~-~ ' "I"(, ,, l"("'t ' ' "I"(, ' l"("'t ,

0 Atharvaveda, Bk-2, Hymn-34, V-5, Bk-4, Hymn-34, V-6

~. ~-~. ~-)~~. ~-~ 0 l!j<f~

Atharvaveda, Bk-6, Hymn-122, V-3

0 Rigveda, Bk-10, Hymn-95, V-18


fu~ ·~ (Hell)" ~\S \51C"'l<IS<ll'll ~~ ~ I ~~

· 9ftt9Rl 1CfOO ~9f ~~r-Rf <ftlM~l"'I ~ (Blazing fire) <IS~~


ff~. ~-8, ~-<l', '\'5lll'f\5-8

0 Rigveda, Bk-4, Hymn-5, V-4

# l:l'lii!I~ "'J~HI ~ ~" "Resurrection or Life after death" in Islam

IQ) ~~. Ch-2. \5ftm\5-~l1' Sura Al-Baqaarah, ch-2, V-28

How can you reject the faith in Allah? Seeing that

you were without life, and He (Allah} gave you life; Then

will He (Allah} cause you to die, and will again b!ing you

to life; and again to Him will you return.

- ~ ~ 151ltil«<IS 151~<151'!1 ~? ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ,.-

~. 1£l<f~ ~ c~llllcc:is ~ ~; AA~ c~llllcc:is ~ ~.

1£l<f~ ~ ~ ~; 1£l<f~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 00 ~I

IQ) ?J!l~. ~~-~C\. ~-~ Sura Al-Mulk, ch-67, V-2

He (Allah} who created death and life, that He may

try which of you is best in deed :

~ ~ ~ ~ 1£l<f~ ~~J ~ <lSC'llC~"'1, c~l~lcn'll ~~ 151l~Ci!'J'll



lg ~ ~. \5f~-~o ~-Se

Sura Qaf, ch-50, V-43


Verily it is We {Allah) who give life and death; And to

Us is the fmal return.

-~ ~ ~rn1ai1~ ~ ~ IQ<f'Z ~ ~; IQ<f'Z ~I~ ~

~ .21~J!q..£"'l I

~ ~ ISl"J!il~ ~~ 1'~ ~ ~<ri<ll~~ ~ ~<f~ ~

(This life)~ 9i~<rilCG'BI (Hereafter)~~ ~911 kbl~WT<ICJ1

~ ~ 01\Sm~ I~~~ 9(~ ~ ~~~~ ~

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 9ltC<f (As you sow so you reap) I

~~ 1'~ ~ ~ ~ 91~<rilCG1 ~ ~91 ~ <ft ~'if

(Paradise/Garden) 9ff'S1Jt ~ 1 '5frn ~ ~ ~91 ~ ~

~ etl~~l)l <ft~ (Hell) ~ ~ I

~'if ~<rcz ~ <r~ 9lf<f;1r ~ ~ ~cz ~ ~ c)lfG1c~1ro


~~~~~~ ·~~~~"~~CZ~~

9f~ ~ <P'1 ~ ~ ¥~J11G'\I ~ ~ ~ ~ C<ril~IC"'l~

~CZ!:~ ~"';tOIT~ ~ ~ ~~ ~'<fg ~ m I ~ ~ ~ 91fu~

"I 11" ~ :>j ~Ji~ C<ri "1~'<1"1 ~I

# M~ii ~ Pt~ii ~ (~, ~) PIN5~ '61;q'1~

(~, 4S\CG11, M4SG1l'f, ~' ~' ~' ~ l:'6JIM)~'1"~

~ ~c<P ~ C<tS~IC-Bt ~-Lagical concepts for differences in different




lidl ~ 1511"'1411'&, iOftfmJ-~~. ~-~ Sura Al-Ankaboot, Cfl-29, V-2

Do men think that they will be left alone on saying,

'We believe" and that they will not be tested?

- ~ ~ ~ ~ Cl:!, ~ \5ll~l«<tS ~ ~ .. ~11. ~~

~~ ~ at®t~, -,,ICl1'SlC<I$ c<l5R ~~~~?

lid! ~ ~. iOftfmJ-~. ~-~~~ Sura Al-Baqaarah, ch-2, V-155

But sure we (Allah) Shall test you with something of

. fear and hunger, some loss in. goods, lives and the

fruits (of your toil), but give glad tidings to those who

Patiently Persevere.

~~ (~) C~l~IC"T'SlC<tS (~~) ~~ (~)

~ m, ..,~ m, ~ ~c11'it, et1"'1~1CG'l<s1 ~~ ¥<>1ai1M f.f:~

~~. ~ ~~<ntf ~WU ~C~ <>t~4SIC'Sl ~~I

lid! ~ \511"'1¥161, iOftfmJ-17', ~-~17'

Sura Al-Anfal, Ch-8, V-28

And Know you that your Possessions and your

progeny are but a trial: ...

C~l~IC"T'Sl ~ ~~ ~ ~ (~~llf~) C"bl~IC"T'Sl WU 914'>JPIW'Sl19f

0 0 •••••••••

~ tn'.f '610J:J1IC'Sl ~ ~ 91'it<?ICG'l'Sl WU ~ 914'>JPIC'fl>ii!, ~~

<.!!~ ;f~ Cl:! Cl:! Gl<l~IC"'1 ~ ~ 15l<l~IC"'1'it ~ (degree of

Position) 15l0J:J1IC'il ~~~~~I

[Judgement will be on the basis of the facilities




~:>!¢!IC~~ 9f~~~~ (charity) I i5f~~~ ~~~

~ ~ Gl<l'"IJ<JS~'trn ~ C:>f ~ ~ Cll"W i5Jlm ~ 'ST~ m ca'!l<t>Cl'T~C<t> ~ ~ ~ ~ I ~'<ml~~~ ~cf~~ <mra ~ail m91J ~ ~~ Gll\!j)l~~I~ ~ ~ ~ fWrf ~ ~ Cil11<JSC"rn'4 ~ <rnf ~ ~ ~<J'Z ~111 ~ ~ ~ '<ml ·~ fF<rs ~~<II?!~~~ m I ~ ~ ~~ <JJf~i$~ <rnf ~~ ~ ~


~~ ~ (Jflg) <l(fal~Cii!Ci Cll, "~ ca'!l<t>Cl'i?I ~ ~ ~'{3m

~ ~ m" I i5f~~ ~ ~ ~ fWR ~ ~ CilC~~liil ~ ~~ m, Gi~ ~ ca'!l<JSC"T?I ~C"Bl C<JSfi ~ ~


C<fS'@ C<fS'@ ~ ,r~ f<l¥11'f ~ • cm~ -m~ m ~er~ , ~ ~ llrn Cl1 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~. ~. "f~ i5J$ ~ ~ '1l<f.

M<P61l'f :>i'GICCi~ ~ ~ I ~ 9frol ~~ ~ <11<11~1?1 ~ ~~ ~

~ I ~~cf~ <n<fl ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i5fTC?lt ~


# ~ ~ ~ 9f'M, ~~, ~M~r~ <n"Cll ~, ~, ~~ ~'Sm P!fi4~


Intoxicating, Gambling, Forture telling, Bribing, Eating Pork (Swine) Prohibited in Hinduism.


Manusmriti, ch-9,V-235



~! 9fr'fft (~ ~ 9fR ~). ~. ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~f<Pu~ ~


~C'if'i]~, ~~-~. ~-~~b-u -- - -- -- - --- - - -- - --

Manusmriti, ch-9, V-238

~ ~ 9fl~ ~~"C~ ~<RT~ o:ro, >tllllfu<fS c<fifol i5l"J.01Cil

~ ~ ~ <ro, {37mf JR~ f<l<il~~ ryr{3m <fl "<fSm ~ <ro ~9ffu'


Manusmriti, ch-11, v-55

C<J ~ 9ff<T <fl@ ~~ ~ ~.;n' ~ ~ <fl@, ~ ~~ \SW'f1

~ '::lM~J~ <ffCfl ~ {3m ~ ~91t9ft I

~-rw~r ~ QT~~~ 9fA "<fSm ~ ~ ~91-

..:J Rigveda, Bk-8, Hymn-2, V-12, Hymn-21, V-14

~~ ~~-<\, ~-SC\ ~~-~. ~. ~~~-~~b-,

~~-~. ~-~~b"

,_} -----··-·--- -------·-----·......------ ----------- --- -- ----------------·-----·-- -- ---- - --·-

Manusmriti, Ch-7, V-47, Ch-9 V-221-228, Ch-9, V-258

Vis!umsutra, ch-5, V-49



I!!~ <fa'fT ~-

~~~~~<mt~ \§Bl f<f~ ~ 9fl c~ ~~ ~


0 ---·---------------- ---------- - ·------------- --

Rigveda, Bk-10, Hymn-34, V-3

~~ ~ ~ c~ ~. ~ ~ "!Cfl ~. ~ ~ JITT~ ~ ~ c<fl~ <ml~ I

91'$1<1~7.\!) <MT~

V-13 ~-~"')

~(dice) m ~ ~.~~~~~\!)IC\!) lTI '5lrn ~


~c•111~. i5ftfffif-C\, ~-<to 0 ------------------

Manusmriti, ch-7, V-50

~9fR ~, fi<l<ffif ~ \!l~-ca;t ~9fl91 I

~f<l~J~ ~~' ~ R~~ I ~c0111f?b, i5ftfffif-~, ~-~~,,., ~~~

:J -------------------------- .. Manusmriti, cb-9, V-258, v-262

~ ~f<l~J\!) <n'tt <fca11'r<Pf @~ ~ c!f ~""7;1"G1 ~~ '@ft~ ~~TC<fi


~'<Pl~~~.~.~~~ t>~~~IC4 ~\!) ~


# ~)f611Cll ~9tM', ~' -oM~J\!S;ql~ ~' ~' ~TI~lltM~q\ g

Intoxicating, Gambling, Fortune telling, Pi (Swine) Prohibited :

!QI ~~. '5l~-<l'. ~-~o Sura Al-Maidah. ch-5. V-90

0 You who believe! Intoxicants and Gambling,

sacrificing to stones. and (divination by) arrows, are an

abomination,- of Satan's handiwork : Eschew such

(abomination), that you may Prosper.

~ ~~l"ili!l~~Cf! ~9\R, ~. l[f~. '5f'ifJ R~ ~. ~~

~ ~~ --'l~\!>IC"i~ ~ : I!!~ C~ ~ ~ ~ ~ l'l~a>J<PI~

~ 9flCm I

~ ~~m ~ ~ fi C<Pl~ic<'l~ m ~~ ~ ~

lid! ~mm. '5l~-~. ~-~ct~ Surah Al-Baqarah, ch-2, V-173

He (Allah) has forbidden you dead meat, and blood,

and the flesh of swine (pig) ...

~~ ~~~~~. ~ ~~ ~ ~~~~~ ...


lg ~~. ~arrro-a-, ~-" Sura Al-Maidah, Ch-5, V-3

Forbidden to you (for food) are : dead meat, blood,

the flesh of swine (Pig) ...

~ ~~ ~~~. ~. ~ ~-sm mtf ..

1g ~ \Sft~. ~arrrn-~. ~-~sa­

surah Al-Anaam, ch-6, V-145

any (meat) forbidden to be eaten by one Who

wishes to eat it, unless it be dead meat, or blood

Poured fourth, or the flesh of swine (pig) ...

.... ~ ~91l~ ~R~. ~. ~~ ~~~ ~-sm mtf.

lg ~ ~. ~arrrn-~~. ~-~~a­sura Al-Nahl, ch-16, V-115

He (Allah) has forbidden you dead meat, and blood,

and the flesh of swine (Pig) ...

~ ~ ~~ ~~~. ~. ~~ ~cmrn ~~~ ~~m mtf ~

# ~"'11'3J ~~611Cl1'51 9fl'ft~f41 Modest of the women in Hinduism

0 Rigveda, Bk-8, Hymn-33, v-19


8ro'lfil (ffi) c~l1llc<IS (~) <ff~ 41MC~C~ ~ ,m ~ ~9f <fi@l, ~~ ~"« ~~ 9fl ~~~~~~~~I

{i5l~~ 1l~ail~I ~ (Veil) 91fil'~ ~. ~ ,m ~ ~9f ~~~~m~on)

0 Rigveda, Bk-10, Hym.n-85, v-30

~ ll~ ~ m ~~ ~ PtclSTc<tS 91Rl'91lffl emf 111~ -1~~1~ ~~I


(~~ f.f~ ~~~ <fSt~ ~~<!Sm~) ~~l~'A ~ 111t-~. ,..et-'\~

Mohavir charira Act-2, Page-71

~-ll~ ~<ili~~l1lc<IS ~ ~~ ~ C\S"c<tS ~ ... ~ (~ ~) 151111101~ ~ ~ ~ (~) ~ <rnJt ~~ ~ ~ ~9f <rnJl I

~ -ol~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~~ailc<P ~ ~ ~ ~ llrn I 111~'5 ~ ~-~ ~ ~~ 1l~ail~I ~ emf I

# ~$161IC~ ll~611C"f~ ~ ~Qfl"

Modesty of the Women in Islam

IQ) ~3!. 'ST'f®-~8. ~-~~ Sura Al-Noor, ch-24, V-31

Say to the believing women that they should lower

their gaze and guard their modesty; that they shouldn't


display their beauty and ornaments except What

(ordinarily) appear there of; ...

'5?lll<i"ll'$1 llfka>tlC"l'$1C<ll ~ ~ ~ ~ ,m ~ ~~ ..!f<l~ ~i ~ me~; ~ Qr-1 ~ ~ l!Jq~ Gf?i~~ (~ ~"A

<IJ~C'$1C<ll) 151"'iJC"l'$1 ~ ~ ~ ~ ...

~:>ta>!ICSI <oig_ CllC~C"l'$1C<lS~ ~ ~ m~ <fG1t ~ ~ <@~

""i*'~C"l'$1C<ll'5 <ra'll ~ I ~-

IQ] ~~. \5f~-~s. ~-~o

Sura Al-Noor, ch-24, V-30

Say to the believing men that they should lower their

gaze and guard their modesty ...

'5?lll"'i"ll'$1 ""i*'~C"T~C<ll ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ l!Jq~ "llail<i\!lf

~~ ...

• ~~~~1t~ Six criteria of Hijab

:>. -~~~~c~$~~~~

(Ankle)~~ I

- llfka>!IC"l'$1~9J:Cm~<m~m~~~~~~

~~ ~IC\!l'$1 ~~ ~ ~ 9fmr I

~. <m~ l!ltGC:>tt'G 9ffu~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

~ \5f~~ C~\!l'$1 ~~~I

~. <m~~~~<fl~~'Sm~~~~~ • ~ C~\bC'$1'$1 ~\5f~ ~~I

8. <m~ ~ ~ bl<llfb<flJ ~~~~Ft~~~~~



a-. ~~ q>l~ ~~ <lim ~ i{f ~ <ml c<r-'Sf~l"'ll11'Sl<;t1'SJC(f)

(non-believers) ~Cf~~ I

~. ~ 1£R~ ~~611Cl1'Sl <l>t~ ~ ~ ~~m ~ i{f I

# ~"'!"tl<At l!l<f~ ~:>t611C~ ~ PMI~

Pol amy in Hinduism and Islam

Vishnu sutra, ch-24, V-1

.!ll'l!il"'l'Sl ~ ~ fWll

e ~~llSl<si\!i 151"i'"llJ'fii ~. CJ'f<fiJ'fil-~<l' g

~nf ~~~~~b"~~~

\51"Qfr~ ~nf ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~Ji61~IC"i'Sl ~



IQJ ?I!t FPn, ~arrrn-s. ~-~ Sura Al-Nasa, ch-4, V-3

Marry women of your choice, two or three, or

four But if you fear that you shall not be able to deal

Justly (with them) then (many) only one ... ~~~

~~~~ ~ ~~ai1c<P m~ 9ftBlt; ~~ ~

~~ ~~~~~Cfteurn~~ ~i{f ~

~~ ~<f$'8fi!c<P m ~ ...



# ~ --'llaUI ~ ~'. <IJ~~ Some eat schoolars in Hinduism

~ ~ ~1~~<1(ccqs ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

~~~ ~ ~l~C~~ ~ ~~~ c<r't ~ ~9f ~I ~~lef

41~1~~ C~ m ~l~C~ c<r't ~ ~~{:l')l~C<tS~ (Reformer)~



- ~ Pi~<Pl"1"'!



e 1£1~.:rr;~~~~mlf ~~I~ ~qq~~ ~'t ~ I ~ ~~~' ~ 1£l<f~ m ~ ~ ~ 1£l<f~ ~lTO'-' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ "<laft ~ ~-~~~I


- ffi l!J<!S \!l<f~ l5lf<lSRf mR' -~ C<tSl"l ~ ~' - ffi <fi~ lll"1<l~C9f 1511M'i~ ~ ~ l!l<f~


~ ~ :>tlllCiSt~' ~ ~ l!l<f~ <f~ (caste system)

~ 1511~4"'! ~~ <tSC'i!C~"'l I ~ ~ <tSC~C~"'l ~

- C<tSl"l~

- C<tSl"l ~ll'Tl~<tS~I ~ (cuIVing)

- C<tSl"l ~(Statue)

- C<tSl"l ~ (Picture)

- C<tSl"l i5f<rn<f (Portrait)~~ on


e ~ >t~IC\Sr~ ~ ~ ·~ ~· ~ ~ ~ ~~ lfl)l, f%T ~·I ~ ~ >tl!IC'Sf~ ~~~ct <IS'!IC'-!>~ ~Cl"~

m~~l<A ~ MrnN&ai01 - C~C{!Cl'T'!I ca"!~~ ~ ~~

-~ ~~ ~~ ~ ~ M~I~\!) ~~~I

e \5llC'!l<PWI j'f~~ ~ ~ ~ >tC'!I~' I ~ ~b-C\<t ~ 'i5IT4' ~· (Arya Samaj) ~ ~ I ~ <POJl'!!~IC~ ~ ~~ '51-J:>tl~ ~ ~Cl"~ ~ ~ ~ ~Cl1~ ~ "~ ·~· ~ct ~1~'8~~~~

- ffi \!l'<tS ~~ H'!ll<Pl'll,

- ._;HI C<tSR ~ ~.

- ~ "<IS~-8 ~9f ~ct~ "ill ~~


• ~ MC~<ISH"'I ~ ~ \5llC'!l<P'Sf'1 j'f~~ I ~ ~


'Ol'>t ~~~~~~'if~~ j'f~nct ~ ~ ~. ~~

\5ll~IC11'!1C<IS ~· qa;t ~"ill- qa;t ~ CWRI ~ (vedantist)

# l:)!iil°'~ ~ 'fGt~ll'f' Zihad (Strivin ) in Islam

fGT~IC11'!1 <!Jt9fTC'!I ~ l]>tG'l~H ~~ \51l]>tG1llH ~ ~ ~'1'1 C9fllfct

~I '5lm ~ ~ ~ "'Sfill, ~ m~ "'Sfill, '!!l'Sf~Nl'!I "lSfilJ iSf~

~ H'!l>tt'1'!1 ~ ~ C<tSR \5llC"'lla>t'1~ ~· I

~~~~~·~~~ -j'fm~<l"l

- C<tSR ~ ~ ~ c6it ~


[Jihad means to strive or struggle]

~J'fC'!I~ 'itzc<tSl"'l c~ ~ ~-

~ c~~~ ~ Rr9J. ~ ~ ~ ~ \31~ ~ ~ ~ ~"l~~I"




~'llic'*wi ~ Gll~H11J1>rn ~ ~ ~ "lm ~


Gl~J1>1m ~ 'SJ.6J:ll41\Sr lCflJ'f"i<!S..;1<s1 ~ "lm ~ 1 ~m ~~

(dictionary)~ \31~ ~ ~ "~ ~"

[,Jihad= Holy war]

~ ~ ~ = !zj'Slft4Sl"il~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~IMC>i'!!I c<m~V3 ~ \31~ '~l'!!ICJ:~l"il~J' ~~

~ I ~ ~ ~ ~ V3~ ~ ~ ~C~~tail 'f61"iCl'T'il Cii!>ICJ'fCIS'!!I

~I ~~lrf~l4fi<sl ~~ ~ ~ ~~~ ~~ ~ ~9fm~ ~J'f61)ll"iCl'T'!!lc<fS f.lf.fol~ ~ ~ «~Nw11 ~ ~ 9f®m ·~~ ~~ ~· ~ ~ <ISC'il~tail I

WfV3 4\!f)!IC"i GlC"i~ ~ ~~ ~ fb13IM11'!!11 ~ \31~

~~~~~91.Rf~1 fe?Q\l~~ ~~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ·~C'if>Wl "l~ ~ ~~

~~~~'f°~~ ~Hllii11~ t;OifC"U I~ ~qr·~ ~~~I .

~ ~ ~~ \51~>\Mll 9!RJ~<s11 ~ c<Pl~IC"i~ f.fm Gll~IC~'il C<s1¥IC'Sl"I ~~~~~I ~

lid! ~~. '51"~-~. ~-<t Sura Al-Tawba, ch-9, v-5

.... then fight and slay the pagans wherever you fmd

them, and seize them, beleaguer them ...


..• ~"1ffi<fiC"HI [151WfMll (~~~)I ell~ 9fWf ~~

·;;:;,-~ ~ ~ i.!l<f'<. ~ ~ i.!l<f'<. ~ ~ •••

~~ell~ i.!l<f'<. ~~ <j)~ qc;r ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

(~m) ~ ~ ~ ~ $tm ~ ~ ~ (GIWfMll) i.!l<f'<.

Wf61~1"'lC"T'lt ~ey ~~. ~ ~ i.!l<f'<. ~ffi<fi'lll ~~l<f.:i~IC<I '"ll™fi>R3> ~'<-~ ~ ~~ ~ '-=>l{Jlaotl'!t 9f1ffi c~ ~ ~ ~ ~. ell~ ~Jiai~1"'lc11'll qc;r ~mm c~ ~c:t ~ ~ i.!l<f'<- 9i'!t<1~c'=' ~~

~ ~ '.:>~ ~ ~ MC'Stf}BI (Wfa>tlll"'!C"'BI) 151l~'!t'11il'!t ~ ~~

151IJ»l"'l ~ ~ ~'lf>C<fi ~ ~ I ~~ ~ ~ QJO{J~aotl

~C"Jfil\!l ~~ ~ ~ ~ I ~ ~~~ICJi ~ ~~CiJl>Clll


9fm ~ 1511~1~'-=>l{Jlaotl ~-

lidJ ~ '5'<3<11, ~f:Urn-~. ~-~

Sura At-Tawbah, ch-9, V-6

If one amongst the Pagans ask you for asylum, grant

it to him, so that he may hear the word of Allah; and

then escort him to where he can be secure, ...

~ ~"1ffi<fiC"T'!t ~ey ~ C'-=>l~IC"T'!t ~ (15ll~Ji)l~ ~) ~

~ ~ ™ ~ ~ ~'5, ~ ~ ~ 151lt!l?l:s! <fl~ ~~ 91rot;

i.!l<f'<. ~ f4m~ ~ ~"C'st ~ m 1Jt-.s, ...

~~ ~~ ~Jia'1lll"'lC"T'ltC<fi <fa>fl ~ ell ~ ~ ·~C'lf>~ ~

~~ ~~ ™ ~ ~~ ~ <fi'lll\5l:Wi-.s~~'<-~ ~~Rm~~~~ I ~JiiflC)l'lt ~~'=>iii~

~ ~ 151l'!tl<fil"'l lfof <fl ISt!R!>C'-=> fcls 9fNM lfMr


lidJ ~ '611"'l¥101, \Sff:O'rn-b-, ~-~o

Sura al-Anfaal, ch-8, V-60


Against them (enemies) make ready your strength to

the utmost of your power, including steeds of war to

strike terror in to (the hearts oO the enemies, ... ~ (~) ~ ~ ~ ~ C'!>lllJCl'T'SI ~ mt~

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ C~'!>C'tl'SI ~ ~<rnf, ..

~~ ~ 9fl<1S ~-

V-64 ~-~~)

But if the enemy incline towards Peace, do you also

incline towords Peace, ...

~~··~~m~~-s•~ m~~-s ....

~ f.rn9Rfl~ ~ (~ ~ ~)~<'UT~~ 9fl<p


IQ) ~ ~. '\5ftfffif-~. ~-"~ Sura Al-maidah, ch-5, v-32

. . . If anyone slew a Person unless it be for murder or for spreading mischief in the land- it would be as if he slew the whole People : If anyone saved a life it would be as if he saved the life of the whole People .

.... ~ ~ 151o:jJl{l~IC<t ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~-~

~~· ~ '9(~~-~ ~~IC'Sl'SI ~· ~-~ ~

~ C~ 9(m llli?iC<tS ~ ~ 1151"Rf ~ ~ ~ ~

~~~~'C~~~~~I ~~ ~ ~ct ~ ~~ llm ~ \511~~1~ ~ man

(Suicide bombing)~~ C<tSR ~ m-a;r ~ ~ ~. ~.<ref <fl c~ ~ qrm Jf~~ ~'S~ ~ ~ ~~ f.rn9Rfl~ ~-s

( ~ ~ ~ C<tSR ~) ~Cf <rnf ™ ~i*'ll<tSI~ ~ c'ifWI 9(m ~~~~~~~~9f91T~~I


~:3_ _______ ~_llfrrllr __ ~ ________ _

~>1611~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I Gf~~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~9frn "ill~ '1'~ ~


# ~~~~1'1 Zihad in Hinduism

\5~ f~, Gf~-~. ~-~o 0 -----------------·

Bhagavad Gita. Ch-2, V-50

<.!l~ ~ ~ ~ISJ~C<P ~~~I

~~~I~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I

~ ~ ~<f l!l<f~ 4Sl©C<sllC~31 ~l:fJ ~

0 -----· Bhagavad Gita, Ch-1, V-42-46

~ ~ ~ ~ m ~ <fil~C'$llC~ j=j~t'$'f ~ "ill ~ ~~

m ~~ ~~ ~ I '5fffer f<ri ~ ~ ~ j=j~?;'$'f ~ ~·? 91'$1<1$1c~ ~ ~ ~-

'O~ mt, Gf~-~. ~-~-~ <.!l~~ ~ ~~-~~ 0 --·----· --.----·-------------------·--------·-·----

Bhagavad Gita, ch-2, V-2-3 and V-31-33

~ ~ f<ri ~ ~ c~~l'll <.!l~ <flt~ ~CC411fu~ m ~aitr ~ ~ --_.::;~,___~

~I~ ~ ~ <.!l~ Ff8~ m C'>W'I? 4Sllb7,'$llf.~'$1 j=j~t'$'f ~ ~ 'll

~ Gf~ ~ ~~ ~9fl~ ~ ~ Gf~~ ~f;l ~~ ~ 9f™ "1l I

~ <.!l~ ~ ~~ f:IJrn (truth) <.!l<f~ ~"'IJIC~'$1 (falsehood)

~l:fJ I ~~~ (f)~~ Mc'ff ~JmB! C9ff<rfi G1RI ~ ~ ~ ~ I


~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ffi <ll ~ ~ >tllllfet<IS <ll


# ~.lt ?J:'>il!~ ~~ fiITTS~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~

Sacred Scriptures not merely for Reading but for Understandin

~ ~ ~IJ: HrnSCZ ~~CZ~~~~~~~ 9fl~ ~I

~~Pi~~~~~ Gr$t~il'i1 ~ ITTT ~ -.n. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~:>faill1"" G11l!101~ ~ ~ 'C<1S1~1"""1m~· i5fRRt ~ ~ ~-em W-U ~~ rnnscz 9lf$ ~~ ~ ~ ~CZ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 9lf$ ~ W-U <fR§<r ~>t¢11Cll~ ~~i~ ~ ~:>\ii!lll"'l'?ll

~~~~I ~ ~"t'?I :l:l?J:>I~~ ~CZ~~~ ~-em ~ ~ ~~ ~ l:lsf1qii1~ ~ ~ Gr~ >t~IC'?I ~ ITTt ~ ~ ~ ~'{3 ~ ~ ~ M'ff't c~ ~ ~ ~ ~1~-

-rn~. ~-~o, ~-~~. ~8 0 ------·-·------------------- -·

Rigveda, Bk-10, Hymn-71, V-4

Gl'ftf<IST~irt ca1T<lS ~ ~ ~~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ rft I


IQ) ~-.<i1l~l~J!1.~~-~-Gil~Jl:!i~~~ Sura Al-Baqarah, ch-2, v-44

Do you enjoin right conduct on the People, and

forget (to Practise it) yourselves, and yet you study the

scripture? Will you not understand?

~m ~ CG"fl<!SC"t'?IC<!S ~~~ ~ ~'S ~ ~ ~Cat ~r.<ri.



. !QI. ~l.:Pl~lt(, ~'fmr-~, ~-)lT

Sura Al-Baqarah, ch-2, V-18

Deaf, dumb, and blind, they will not return (to the


ef~, c<rFn, ~~ i5l1ti ~ (~ ~) ~ ~ ~ I

~~~~~ff~~ '61'P!IRl01~ ~ ~ ~

Ji~<:filO!(A ~~~~~~~~I

For Comments

mzaman_Khan @ yahoo. com
