1. Solution: d) - INSIGHTSKrishi Vigyan Kendras (KVKs) in the country to facilitate farmer’s...

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Transcript of 1. Solution: d) - INSIGHTSKrishi Vigyan Kendras (KVKs) in the country to facilitate farmer’s...





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1. Solution: d)

The Union government has cancelled licences of nearly 9,000 Non-Governmental Organisations for violation of Foreign Contribution Regulation Act (FCRA).

In this regards, Union Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) had issued an order. The order has mentioned that notices were issued to 10,343 NGOs for not filing annual returns for the three years i.e. for 2009-10, 2010-11 and 2011-12.

These notices were served to the NGOs in October 2014 and had asked NGOs to file their annual returns for mentioned years. They were also asked to specify amount of foreign funds received, sources of funds and the purpose for which they were received and manner in which they were utilised.

However, to this notices only 229 NGOs replied out of the 10,344 NGOs leading to cancellation of their registration.

2. Solution: d)

Nepal’s devastating 7.9-magnitude earthquake on April 25 has partially damaged Swayambhunath Stupa located in Kathmandu which is believed to be the world’s oldest Buddhist shrine.

During this earthquake several other monuments situated in the vicinity of the 2,000 year-old Lichchhavi-era Buddhist shrine have been damaged but the main stupa has remained intact during the earthquake.

Swayambhunath Stupa is one of the main Buddhist shrine and most visited tourist sites in Nepal. The stupa is believed to have originated at a time when Kathmandu was inhabited by a deity called Manjushri. It was drained out a big lake by cutting the Chobar hill situated in southern Kathmandu thousands of years ago.

Three other Buddhist monasteries were also damaged including Jyoti Kirti Bihar, Karmapa Bihar, Maha Bihar, Pratapur, Shantipur, Anantapur and Manjushree temple.

The earthquake also has threatened the existence of one of the 7 UNESCO-listed world heritage sites of Kathmandu.

Famous Hindu shrine Pashupati and House of Living Goddess Kumari in Kathmandu has remained unharmed in the earthquake.

However, 300 year-old Kashtha Mandap temple situated in the heart of Kathmandu city and 200 year-old Dharahara tower are among the important heritage sites which were damaged by the earthquake.





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3. Solution: d)

Recently published study in journal Science has found out that 1 out of 6 species on Earth could possibly extinct by the end of the century as a result of increasing global warming if the emission of carbon dioxide (CO2) stays the same.

The study published was titled Accelerating extinction risk from climate change and is authored by Mark C. Urban. The study highlighted the urgency to take strong action in order to address climate change.

Key facts from the report

• 16 percent of species in the world would face the risk of extinction because of climatic factors.

• The endemic plants and animals of Australia, South America and New Zealand are at risk as for they would not be able to go to other place when their only homeland becomes uninhabitable.

• While, the species in North American and European regions have the lowest extinction risk due to climate change.

• The extinction risks from climate change will also accelerate for every degree rise in global temperature if everyone didn’t act now to limit future climate change.

• Climate change will affect wildlife directly and indirectly as it may lead to change in weather patterns that may affect the food they rely on or the habitat they live in.

4. Solution: c)

The action agenda was signed between Japan’s Minister for Economy, Trade and Industry Yoichi Miyazawa and Minister of State (independent charge) for Commerce and Industry Nirmala Sitharaman.

The five-point agenda includes

• Development of selected townships in India as Japanese industrial townships.

• Promotion of investment and infrastructure development.

• Further development and cooperation in IT sector.

• Enhancing cooperation in strategic sectors.





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• Asia-Pacific economic integration.

This five-point action agenda is a follow-up of Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s visit to Japan in 2014 and will play important role in improving the trade relationship between India and Japan.

It also comes in line with Union Government’s flagship Make in India programme as it will further increase investments from Japan into the India’s manufacturing sector.

It should be noted that Japan is the fourth largest foreign direct investment (FDI) contributor to India. It’s major FDI interests is in automobiles, pharmaceuticals and services sectors which accounts for 7.46 per cent of total FDI equity inflows into India.

5. Solution: a)

Foreign direct investment incentives may take the following forms:

• low corporate tax and individual income tax rates

• tax holidays

• other types of tax concessions

• preferential tariffs

• special economic zones (investors have various sops to manufacture domestically)

• EPZ – Export Processing Zones

• Bonded warehouses

• Maquiladoras

• investment financial subsidies

• free land or land subsidies

• relocation & expatriation

• infrastructure subsidies

• R&D support

• derogation from regulations (usually for very large projects)

All these encourage FDI.





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6. Solution: a)

In no other dance style is the entire body used so completely as in Kathakali. The technical details cover every part of the body from facial muscles to fingers, eyes, hands and wrists.

Kalasams are pure dance sequences where the actor is at great liberty to express himself and display his skills. The leaps, quick turns, jumps and the rhythmic co-ordination make kalasams, a joy to watch.

A Kathakali performance begins with the kelikottu, calling the audience to attention followed by the todayam. It is a devotional number performed where one or two characters invoke the blessings of the gods. Kelikottu is the formal announcement of the performance done in the evening when drums and cymbals are played for a while in the courtyard. A pure nritta piece known as the purappadu comes as a sequel to this. Then the musicians and drummers hold the stage entertaining the audience with an exhibition of their skills in melappada. Tiranokku is the debut on the stage of all characters other than the pacha or minukku. Thereafter, the play or the particular scene of the chosen play begins.

7. Solution: d)

Read about the Act here:


The recent Amendment – The proposed amendments in the bill to amend parent Act mainly aim at laying down more stringent measures to tackle corruption.

It also seeks to fill in the perceived gaps in the domestic anti-corruption law as per the United Nations Convention Against Corruption (UNCAC).

Key Amendments

• Proposes more stringent punishment for the offences of bribery, both for the bribe giver and the bribe taker.

• Enhances punishment from the minimum 6 months to 3 years and from the maximum five years to seven years.

• Extends the protection of prior sanction for prosecution to public servants who cease to hold office due to retirement and resignation.





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• Non-monetary gratification is also be covered within the definition of the word gratification in the PCA 1988.

8. Solution: d)

Read the intro of this article, then the mechanics.


It also depends on the penetration of cyclones and its continentality. SE monsoon from the pacific ocean too affects the total precipitation.

9. Solution: c)

The soil of the coniferous forests are poor. They are excessively leached and very acidic. The evergreen leaves provide little leaf-fall for humus formation, and the rate of decomposition of leathery needles in a region of low temperature is slow. All these factors are deterrents to the groifi of much under- growth. Absence of direct sunlight and the short duration of summer are other contributary factors to a sparse undergrowth, but where trees are widely spaced near the tree-line, heath and tundra plants cover the intervening ground.

10. Solution: a)

The reason is very simple. A current or westerly can only impact the weather systems when there is a large landscape available around them. Since this is not the case here, weather systems are not similar as found in the North.

11. Solution: a)


The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) is an international economic organisation of 34 countries founded in 1961 to stimulate economic progress and world trade. It is a forum of countries describing themselves as committed to democracy and the market economy, providing a platform to





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compare policy experiences, seeking answers to common problems, identify good practices and coordinate domestic and international policies of its members.

12. Solution: a)

French Government has honoured former Union Finance Minister and veteran BJP leader Yashwant Sinha with Officier de la Légion d’Honneur (Officer of the Legion of Honour).

It is the highest French civilian distinction bestowed upon him in recognition of his international action taken during his stint as Union Minister of Finance, Minister External Foreign Affairs and for his invaluable contribution to international issues.

The honour was given to Sinha by French Ambassador to India François Richier in Delhi.

Sinha as External Affairs (from 2002-2004) had chaired Indo-French Parliamentary Friendship Group since its very inception (from 2009-2014).

He had contributed in deepening of the Indo-French strategic partnership which was launched during the visit of them Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee in Paris in September 1998.

For CNR rao http://articles.economictimes.indiatimes.com/2015-05-01/news/61723780_1_cnr-rao-scientific-academies-linus-pauling-research-professor

13. Solution: a)


The Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) has created a network of 642 Krishi Vigyan Kendras (KVKs) in the country to facilitate farmer’s access to agricultural technology generated by National Agricultural Research System. As part of this facilitation process, the KVKs access, refine and demonstrate various technologies to find out the suitability and to demonstrate the production potential in farmer’s field.

From PIB Features





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14. Solution: c)

The law simply provides protection from violence to all women whether they are sisters, mothers, wives or partners living together in a shared household. To the extent of providing protection, the law does not differentiate between married and unmarried women.

A woman can file a complaint against any adult male perpetrator [Section 2 (q)] of an act of violence. In cases where the woman is married, or lives in a relationship that is in the nature of marriage, she can also file a complaint against the male or female relatives of the husband/ male partner who have perpetrated the violence.

From PIB Features + The issue of Marital rape has been in news for some time; the issue is connected with Domestic Violence Act.

15. Solution: b)

Typically in the literature, current account deficit (CAD) is viewed as foreign savings that promote growth through higher investment given the level of domestic savings in EMDEs; but in the context of India’s large oil import dependence and the sharp rise in global crude oil prices, the widening of the CAD in 2011- 12 and 2012-13 may be an atypical outcome. Changes in crude oil prices have direct bearing on India’s CAD. Historically, crude oil imports accounted for a substantial portion of the country’s total imports. Petroleum, oil, and lubricants (POL) imports accounted for more than one-third of India’s total imports in recent years. In 2013-14, POL imports accounted for 36.6 per cent of total imports.

Higher oil prices also fuel inflation in the economy as oil is vital to our energy needs.

Since CAD is affected, the exchange rate of rupee is also affected by changes in crude oil price.

16. Solution: d)





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17. Solution: a)



18. Solution: d)

Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports has established the National Sports Development Fund (NSDF) with the objective of promotion of sports in general and specific sports disciplines and individual sports persons in particular for achieving excellence at the National and International level. Ministry has initiated the ‘Target Olympic Podium Scheme’ (TOP Scheme) under the NSDF. The scheme envisages identification of athletes who are potential medal winners in Olympics and providing support to them for preparation for Olympics. As on 20th March, 2015, 45 athletes have been identified from 6 disciplines namely athletics, badminton, boxing, shooting, wrestling and sailing have been identified as potential medal winners for Olympics 2016. Around 30 more athletes are to be identified from archery and athletics.

19. Solution: d)

These two sources explain the mechanism very well.






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20. Solution: a)

The Indian Mackerel — Rastrelliger kanagurta — is an important food fish commonly consumed in South Asia. The fish is commonly found in warm shallow waters along the coasts of the Indian and West Pacific oceans. But Indian Mackerel fishes collected from Andaman waters are genetically distinctive from those caught from the Indian mainland. Now Central Marine Fish Research Institute (CMFRI), Kochi Has begin their genetic profiling. It will help in better fisheries management


21. Solution: a)

How knuckle cracking produces popping sound? New research says this happens because when joint surfaces suddenly separate due to distraction force (or pulling force) and there is less amount of synovial fiuid to fill the suddenly expanded joint volume. Thus a cavity or bubble is formed, and sound is produced.


22. Solution: a)

The Patagonian Desert is the largest of the 40° parallel and is a large cold winter desert, where the temperature rarely exceeds 12 °C and averages just 3 °C. The region experiences about seven months of winter and five months of summer. Frost is not uncommon in the desert but, due to the very dry condition year round, snow is. The Andes, to the desert's west, are the primary reason for the Patagonian desert status as they inhibit the westerly flow of moisture from the southern Pacific from reaching inland. This creates a rain shadow that accounts for the formation of the desert and is why, despite approximately half of the desert being only about 200 miles from the





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ocean, such a large desert is found in the region. The cold Falkland Current off the Atlantic coast of South America also contributes to the area's aridity.

23. Solution: d)

The foggiest place in the world is the Grand Banks off the island of Newfoundland, the meeting place of the cold Labrador Current from the north and the much warmer Gulf Stream from the south.

As the Gulf Stream reaches Cape Hatteras, North Carolina, the cold Labrador Current that flows from the north separates it from the coast. At this confluence, the warm Gulf Stream waters combine with the cold winds accompanying the Labrador Current, forming one of the densest concentrations of fog in the world. Because of this immense heat transfer, atmospheric storms tend to intensify in this region.

In addition, the warm water and temperature contrast along the edge of the Gulf Stream often increases the intensity of cyclones, tropical or otherwise.

24. Solution: d)

The word Kathak has been derived from the word Katha which means a story. Kathakars or story-tellers, are people who narrate stories largely based on episodes from the epics, myths and legends. It probably started as an oral tradition. Mime and gestures were perhaps added later on to make the recitation more effective. Thus evolved a simple form of expressional dance, providing the origins of what later developed into Kathak as we see it today.

The Vaishnavite cult which swept North India in the 15th century. and the resultant bhakti movement contributed to a whole new range of lyrics and musical forms. The Radha-Krishna theme proved immensely popular alongwith the works of Mirabai, Surdas, Nandadas and Krishnadas.

The emergence of Raslila , mainly in the Braj region (Mathura in Western U.P.) was an important development. It combined in itself music, dance and the narrative. Dance in Raslila, however, was mainly an extension of the basic mime and gestures of the Kathakars or story-tellers which blended easily with the existing traditional dance.





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With the coming of the Mughals, this dance form received a new impetus. A transition from the temple courtyard to the palace durbar took place which necessitated changes in presentation. In both Hindu and Muslim courts, Kathak became highly stylised and came to be regarded as a sophisticated form of entertainment. Under the Muslims there was a greater stress on nritya and bhavagiving the dance graceful, expressive and sensuous dimensions.

25. Solution: c)

The nineteenth century saw the golden age of Kathak under the patronage of Wajid Ali Shah, the last Nawab of Oudh. He established the Lucknow gharana with its strong accent on bhava, the expression of moods and emotions. The Jaipur gharana known for its layakari or rhythmic virtuosity and the Benaras gharana are other prominent schools of Kathak dance. The technique of movement in Kathak is unique to it.

Today, Kathak has emerged as a distinct dance form. Being the only classical dance of India having links with Muslim culture, it represents a unique synthesis of Hindu and Muslim genius in art. Further, Kathak is the only form of classical dance wedded to Hindustani or the North Indian music. Both of them have had a parallel growth, each feeding and sustaining the other.

26. Solution: a)





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27. Solution: d)

The great landmass of Asiatic continent with its mountainous interior induces great pressure changes between the summer and winter. Intense heating in the central part of Asia sets up a region of low pressure in summer and the tropical air stream Pacific air steam is drawn in as the rain bearing South- East Monsoon. Heavy precipitation occurs in most parts of China decreasing inland.

In winter a steep pressure gradient is set between the cold interiors of Mongolia and Siberia and the warmer Pacific Coastlands. The continental polar air mass flows outwards as the North-West Monsoons, bitterly cold and very dry. There is a great annual temperature range. Typhoons occur in this type of climate. Typhoons are intense tropical cyclones that originate in the Pacific Ocean and move west wards to the coastlands bordering the South China Sea. They are most frequent in late summer, from July to September and can be very dangerous. The winds blow with tremendous strength, the sky is overcast and there are torrential downpours.





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28. Solution: d)



29. Solution: b)

Manipuri, one of the main styles of Indian Art or Classical Dances originated in the picturesque and secluded state of Manipur in the north-eastern corner of India. Because of its geographical location, the people of Manipur have been protected from outside influences, and this region has been able to retain its unique traditional culture. The origin of Manipuri dance can be traced back to ancient times that go beyond recorded history. The dance in Manipur is associated with rituals and traditional festivals, there are legendary references to the dances of Shiva and Parvati and other gods and goddesses who created the universe. Lai Haraoba is one of the main festivals still performed in Manipur which has its roots in the pre-Vaishnavite period. Lai Haraoba is the earliest form of dance which forms the basis of all stylised dances in Manipur. Literally meaning - the merrymaking of the gods, it is performed as a ceremonial offering of song and dance. The principal performers are the maibas and maibis (priests and priestesses) who re-enact the theme of the creation of the world.

30. Solution: c)

The coal (Mid-latitude) West margin region having British type of climate lies between 45° and 60° north and south of the equator on the western margins of the continent in the belt of the Westerlies.

The summers are warm and the winters are cool. (Summers are net too hot and winters are not very cold). These areas are affected by the permanent Westerlies throughout the year. Cyclonic rainfall is experienced throughout the year. They are affected by warm currents; hence, the temperature is not low despite the high latitude.

These regions are visited by heat waves (not often) and is welcomed by locals as it increases the overall temperature of the region.





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31. Solution: a)


Barley is an important cereal grain raised in cool temperate regions. Hence the question. Read the uses carefully, and also the patterns of weather, soil etc. required for its growth.

32. Solution: d)

The sruti thus is the unit of measure or small difference between the various consecutive pitches within a grama or a scale. For all practical purposes they are said to be twenty two. This is only as far as practical enumeration is concerned. just as we would say that there are seven notes in an octave or saptak - from Sa to upper Sa. But in reality the number of srutis employed in Indian music is infinite. Getting back to gramas in Bharata's time, there were two, with seven notes each. Bharata also mentions two other note: these were the antara gandhara and kakali nishada.

Now, from each grama subsidiary scales are derived. These are called moorcchanas. The notes are played or sung in a descending manner. There are seven basic notes in a scale, hence there can be seven moorcchanas. There were two gramas and each had seven standard notes and two auxiliary ones, as was mentioned.

33. Solution: b)

The sruti thus is the unit of measure or small difference between the various consecutive pitches within a grama or a scale. For all practical purposes they are said to be twenty two.

A characteristic contribution of India to musical rhythm is the tala. Tala is a cyclic arrangement of time units. The basic units of time division are laghu, guru, and pluta. These are actually derived from poetic prosody. Laghu comprises one syllable,guru two, and plutathree. There are also larger units. Bharata's Natya Shastra gives details of construction of tala out of various time units, how they should be played and so on. Later authors developed a scheme of 108 talas.





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34. Solution: d)

Thumri and Tappa are popular types heard in concerts. The thumri is very lyrical in its structure and presentation. These forms are termed as 'semi' or 'light' classical. Thumri is a love song and hence the textual beauty is very important. This is closely coordinated with the musical rendition. And keeping in mind its mood a thumri is usually set to ragas like Khamaj, Kaphi, Bhairavi and so on and the musical grammar is not strictly adered to. There are two styles of thumri singing: the Poorab or Banaras which is fairly slow and staid and the Punjab style which is more mercurial. Rasoolan Devi, Siddheshwari Devi are prominent musicians of this style.

35. Solution: d)

Tappa is a form of Indian semi-classical vocal music. Its specialty is its rolling pace based on fast, subtle and knotty construction. Its tunes are melodious, sweet and depict the emotional outbursts of a lover. Tappe (plural) were sung mostly by songstresses, known as Baigees, in royal courts.

The Tappa consists of the song uttered in fast note patterns. It is a difficult composition and needs much practice. Both the Thumriand Tappa require special training as do the Dhrupad and Khyal forms of singing. Ragas in which Tappa compositions are set remain same as in Thumri style. Pt. L.K. Pandit, Malini Rajurkar are names who specialize this form of singing.

36. Solution: c)


There are musical forms belonging to Nibadha and Anibadha Sangeeta, that is, Kalpita sangeeta and Manodharma sangeeta or improvised music. All these forms are generally classified under different heads, as Sacred music, Art music, etc. The several forms under these heads possess distinctive characteristics of their own. The ancient musical forms like Prabandhas, etc. gradually gave away to the different musicals forms that are in use in present day music, though the basic elements of the ancient Prabandhas are still retained in the modern forms. The following musical forms offer interesting study:

You can read more about them (not necessary however) here http://www.ccrtindia.gov.in/carnaticclassicalmusic.php





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37. Solution: d)


UNCTAD, which is governed by its 194 member States, is the United Nations body responsible for dealing with development issues, particularly international trade – the main driver of development.

Every two years, UNCTAD organizes the World Investment Forum, which brings together major players from the international investment community to discuss challenges and opportunities and to promote investment policies and partnerships for sustainable development and equitable growth.

38. Solution: c)

Musical instruments are the tangible and material representation of music which is an auditory art. A study of these helps in tracing the evolution of music and also explains many aspects of the material culture of the group of people to which these instruments belong.

Natya Shastra divides them in four main categories on the basis of how sound is produced.

(i) The Tata Vadya or Chordophones- Stringed instruments (ii) The Sushira Vadya or Aerophones- Wind instruments (iii) The Avanaddha Vadya or Membranophones- Percussion instruments (iv) The Ghana Vadya or Idiophones- Solid instruments which do not require tuning.

39. Solution: d)

Bhavai is the traditional theatre form of Gujarat. The centers of this form are Kutch and Kathiawar. The instruments used in Bhavai are: bhungal, tabla, flute, pakhaawaj, rabaab, sarangi, manjeera, etc. In Bhavai, there is a rare synthesis of devotional and romantic sentiments.

Maach is the traditional theatre form of Madhya Pradesh. The term Maach is used for the stage itself as also for the play. In this theatre form songs are given prominence in between the dialogues. The term for dialogue in this form is bol and rhyme in narration is termed vanag. The tunes of this theatre form are known as rangat.





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40. Solution: a)

Krishnattam, folk theatre of Kerala, came into existence in the middle of 17th century A.D. under the patronage of King Manavada of Calicut. Krishnattam is a cycle of eight plays performed for eight consecutive days. The plays are Avataram, Kaliamandana, Rasa krida, kamasavadha, Swayamvaram, Bana Yudham, Vivida Vadham, and Swargarohana. The episodes are based on the theme of Lord Krishna - his birth, childhood pranks and various deeds depicting victory of good over evil.

Dashavatar is the most developed theatre form of the Konkan and Goa regions. The performers personify the ten incarnations of Lord Vishnu-the god of preservation and creativity. The ten incarnations are Matsya (fish), Kurma (tortoise), Varaha (boar), Narsimha (lion-man), Vaman (dwarf), Parashuram, Rama, Krishna (or Balram), Buddha and Kalki. Apart from stylized make-up, the Dashavatar performers wear masks of wood and papier mache.

41. Solution: b)

Theyyam is a traditional and extremely popular folk theatre form of Kerala. The word 'Theyyam' is derived from the Sanskrit word 'Daivam' meaning God. Hence it is called God's dance. The tradition of worshipping of spirits of ancestors, folk heroes, and deities of various diseases and ailments can be traced back to ancient times in South India. Theyyam is performed by various castes to appease and worship these spirits. One of the distinguishing features of Theyyam is the colourful costume and awe-inspiring headgears (mudi) nearly 5 to 6 feet high made of arecanut splices, bamboos, leaf sheaths of arecanut and wooden planks and dyed into different strong colours using turmeric, wax and arac.

Mudiyettu, traditional folk theatre form of Kerala is celebrated in the month of Vrischikam (November-December). It is usually performed only in the Kali temples of Kerala, as an oblation to the Goddess. It depicts the triumph of goddess Bhadrakali over the asura Darika. The seven characters in Mudiyettu-Shiva, Narada, Darika, Danavendra, Bhadrakali, Kooli and Koimbidar (Nandikeshvara) are all heavily made-up.

Koodiyaattam, one of the oldest traditional theatre forms of Kerala, is based on Sanskrit theatre traditions. The characters of this theatre form are: Chakyaar or actor, Naambiyaar, the instrumentalists and Naangyaar, those taking on women's roles. The Sutradhar or narrator and the Vidushak or jesters are the protagonists. It is the Vidushak alone who delivers the dialogues. Emphasis on hand gestures and eye movements makes this dance and theatre form unique.





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42. Solution: c)

Therukoothu, the most popular form of folk drama of Tamil Nadu, literally means "street play". It is mostly performed at the time of annual temple festivals of Mariamman (Rain goddess) to achieve rich harvest. At the core of the extensive repertoire of Therukoothu there is a cycle of eight plays based on the life of Draupadi. Kattiakaran, the Sutradhara of the Therukoothu performance, gives the gist of the play to the audience and Komali entertains the audience with his buffoonery.

Yakshagaana, traditional theatre form of Karnataka, is based on mythological stories and Puranas. The most popular episodes are from the Mahabharata i.e. Draupadi swayamvar, Subhadra vivah, Abhimanyu vadh, Karna-Arjun yuddh and from Ramayana i.e. Raajyaabhishek, Lav-kush Yuddh, Baali-Sugreeva yuddha and Panchavati.

43. Solution: d)

In Sanskrit terminology Puttalika and Puttika means ‘little sons’. The root of Puppet is derived from the latin word ‘Pupa’ meaning a doll. India is said to be the home of puppets, but it is yet to awaken to its unlimited possibilities. The earliest reference to the art of puppetry is found in Tamil classic ‘Silappadikaaram’ written around the 1st or 2nd century B.C. Natyashastra, the masterly treatise on dramaturgy written sometime during 2nd century BC to 2nd century AD., does not refer to the art of puppetry but the producer-cum-director of the human theatre has been termed as ‘Sutradhar’ meaning the holder of strings. The word might have found its place in theatre-terminology long before Natyashastra was written but it must come from marionette theatre. Puppetry, therefore, must have originated in India more than 500 years before Christ. Almost all types of puppets are found in India.

44. Solution: a)





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45. Solution: a)

A foreign direct investment (FDI) is a controlling ownership in a business enterprise in one country by an entity based in another country.

Foreign direct investment is distinguished from portfolio foreign investment, a passive investment in the securities of another country such as public stocks and bonds, by the element of "control". According to the Financial Times, "Standard definitions of control use the internationally agreed 10 percent threshold of voting shares, but this is a grey area as often a smaller block of shares will give control in widely held companies. Moreover, control of technology, management, even crucial inputs can confer de facto control."

The origin of the investment does not impact the definition as an FDI, i.e., the investment may be made either "inorganically" by buying a company in the target country or "organically" by expanding operations of an existing business in that country.

46. Solution: c)





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With the arrival of Vaishnavism in the 15th century A.D., new compositions based on episodes from the life of Radha and Krishna were gradually introduced. It was in the reign of King Bhagyachandra that the popular Rasleela dances of Manipur originated. It is said, that this 18th century philosopher king conceived this complete dance form along with its unique costume and music in a dream. Under successive rulers, new leelas, and rhythmic and melodic compositions were introduced.

Manipur dance has a large repertoire, however, the most popular forms are the Ras, the Sankirtanaand the Thang-Ta. There are five principal Ras dances of which four are linked with specific seasons, while the fifth can be presented at any time of the year. In Manipuri Ras, the main characters are Radha, Krishna and the gopis.

47. Solution: d)

The Sattriya dance form was introduced in the 15th century A.D by the great Vaishnava saint and reformer of Assam, Mahapurusha Sankaradeva as a powerful medium for propagation of the Vaishnava faith. The dance form evolved and expanded as a distinctive style of dance later on. This neo-Vaishnava treasure of Assamese dance and drama has been, for centuries, nurtured and preserved with great commitment by the Sattras i.e. Vaishnava maths or monasteries. Because of its religious character and association with the Sattras, this dance style has been aptly named Sattriya.

Sankaradeva introduced this dance form by incorporating different elements from various treatises, local folk dances with his own rare outlook. There were two dance forms prevalent in Assam before the neo-Vaishnava movement such as Ojapali and Devadasi with many classical elements. Two varieties of Ojapali dances are still prevalent in Assam i.e. Sukananni or Maroi Goa Ojah and Vyah Goa Ojah. Sukananni Oja paali is of Sakti cult and Vyah Goa Oja paali is of Vaishnava cult. Sankaradeva included Vyah Goa Ojah into his daily rituals in Sattra. Till now Vyah Goa Ojah is a part of rituals of the Sattras of Assam. The dancers in a Oja paali chorus not only sing and dance but also explain the narration by gestures and stylized movements. As far as Devadasi dance is concerned, resemblance of a good number of rhythmic syllables and dance postures along with footwork with Sattriya dance is a clear indication of the influence of the former on the latter. Other visible influences on Sattriya dance are those from Assamese folk dances namely Bihu, Bodos etc. Many hand gestures and rhythmic syllables are strikingly similar in these dance forms.

48. Solution: d)





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Interestingly, the services sector has the highest share (54.6 per cent) in the gross capital formation (GCF) of Rs. 35.4 lakhs in 2013-14. This is owing to the GCF in real estate, ownership of dwelling and professional services at 20.1 per cent, though the share has fallen in the last two years, followed by trade and repair services (10.6 per cent) and public administration and defence (10.6 per cent) where there is improvement in shares. The growth rate of services GCF at 3.1 per cent has also been higher than the total GCF growth of 1.4 per cent. Infact, the positive GCF growth in services led to positive growth in total GCF as GCF growth in agriculture and industry was negative at - 0.3 per cent and - 0.6 per cent respectively. GCF growth in manufacturing was even more negative at - 5.4 per cent.

49. Solution: c)

Decision-making power is vested in the OECD Council. It is made up of one representative per member country, plus a representative of the European Commission. The Council meets regularly at the level of permanent representatives to OECD and decisions are taken by consensus. These meetings are chaired by the OECD Secretary-General. The Council also meets at ministerial level once a year to discuss key issues and set priorities for OECD work. The work mandated by the Council is carried out by the OECD Secretariat.

50. Solution: c)





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India has signed Comprehensive Bilateral Agreements with the Governments of Singapore, South Korea, Japan, and Malaysia. A Free Trade Agreement (FTA) in services and investment was signed with the Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN) in September 2014.

India has joined the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) pluri-lateral negotiations and is continuously engaged in the bilateral FTA negotiations including Trade in Services with Canada, Israel, Thailand, the European Free Trade Association (EFTA), Australia, New Zealand, and the EU. Negotiations with Canada and Australia have not progressed much and modalities for the negotiations are still being discussed. Negotiations with Thailand are at an advanced stage and with EFTA are more or less over. India is also engaged in bilateral trade dialogues with the US under the India-US Trade Policy Forum (TPF), with Australia under the India-Australia Joint Ministerial Commission (JMC), with China under the India-China Working-Group on Services, and with Brazil under the India-Brazil Trade Monitoring Mechanism (TMM).

51. Solution: c)

A free-trade area is the region encompassing a trade bloc whose member countries have signed a free trade agreement (FTA). Such agreements involve cooperation between at least two countries to reduce trade barriers—import quotas and tariffs— and to increase trade of goods and services with each other. If people are also free to move between the countries, in addition to FTA, it would also be considered an open border. It can be considered the second stage of economic integration.

Unlike a customs union (the third stage of economic integration), members of a free-trade area do not have a common external tariff, which means they have different quotas and customs, as well as other policies with respect to non-members. To avoid tariff evasion (through re-exportation) the countries use the system of certification of origin most commonly called rules of origin, where there is a requirement for the minimum extent of local material inputs and local transformations adding value to the goods. Only goods that meet these minimum requirements are entitled to the special treatment envisioned by the free trade area provisions.

52. Solution: b)


WTTC has made it a priority to raise awareness of the negative impact punitive taxation has – particularly aviation tax - on inbound and outbound tourism.





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WTTC campaigns for governments to implement policies that ensure the business environment is conducive to the growth of Travel & Tourism. This means planning and investing in appropriate infrastructure and creating a tax regime which allows the private sector to be competitive.

53. Solution: a)

Martial art forms throughout the country have been stylized to quasi dance forms, notable among which are the martial dances of the North-eastern hill tribes, the Lazim dances of Maharashtra, the Kalaripayattu of Kerala, and the highly stylized masked Chhau dances of Orissa, West Bengal and Bihar.

Chhau dance is a genre of Indian tribal martial dance which is popular in the Indian states of Odisha, Jharkhand and West Bengal. There are three subgenres of the dance, based on its places of origin and development, Seraikella Chhau, Mayurbhanj Chhau and Purulia Chhau.

54. Solution: d)

There are seven major classical dance styles — Bharatnatyam from Tamil Nadu and Karnataka, Kathakali, a classical dance-drama from Kerala, Manipuri from Manipur, Kathak from Uttar Pradesh, Odissi from Orissa, and Kuchipudi from Andhra Pradesh and Sattriya from Assam which has recently been included in the fold of Classical Dances. In their present format, their history cannot be traced back to over two to three hundred years, but they all have links with the ancient and medieval literary, sculptural and musical traditions of India and of their particular regions. They all adhere to the canons of classical dance laid down in the Natya Shastra, a second century C.E. text ascribed to the sage Bharata, to whom it was supposedly revealed by the Creator, Brahma.

55. Solution: d)

The Natya Shastra is an ancient Indian treatise on the performing arts, encompassing theatre, dance and music. It was written during the period between 200 BCE and 200 CE in classical India and is traditionally attributed to the Sage Bharata.

The Natya Shastra is incredibly wide in its scope. While it primarily deals with stagecraft, it has come to influence music, classical Indian dance, and literature as well. It covers stage design, music, dance, makeup, and virtually every other aspect





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of stagecraft. It is very important to the history of Indian classical music because it is the only text which gives such detail about the music and instruments of the period. Thus, an argument can be made that the Natya Shastra is the foundation of the fine arts in India. The most authoritative commentary on the Natya Shastra is Abhinavabharati by Abhinavagupta.

The text, which now contains 6000 slokas, is attributed to the muni (sage) Bharata and is believed to have been written during the period between 200 BCE and 200 CE. The Natya Shastra is based upon the much older Gandharva Veda (appendix to Sama Veda) which contained 36000 slokas.

Unfortunately there are no surviving copies of the Natya Veda. Though many scholars believe most slokas were transmitted only through the oral tradition, there are scholars who believe that it may have been written by various authors at different times.

56. Solution: d)

57. Solution: d)


Read the introduction part only.





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58. Solution: a)

It has been explained best in http://wwf.panda.org/about_our_earth/all_publications/living_planet_report/2012_lpr/demands_on_our_planet/overshoot/

You can refer to this article too http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Overshoot_%28population%29

59. Solution: d)

This engine will allow launch vehicles to carry satellites of up to capacity of four tonnes in geostationary orbit. It will also give boost to India’s interplanetary probes and manned space missions.

Facts about cryogenic engine

• A cryogenic engine is more efficient as it provides more thrust for every kilogram of propellant burnt.

• Cryogenic fuels are extremely clean as they give out only water while burning. The engine uses liquid oxygen at -2530C and liquid hydrogen at -1830C

• It can develop the thrust needed in the final state of the rocket to put satellites, weighing two tonnes or more, into a geosynchronous orbit.

• It is essential to master this technology for any space power as launching heavier satellites requires cryogenic engines even in the lower stages of the rocket.

• It will also make India self-reliant in sending heavier satellites to the required orbits and eliminate need of dependence on foreign launch vehicles.

It should be noted that India sixth spacefarer after US, Russia, the European Space Agency, China and Japan to develop a cryogenic engine.

Earlier in January 2015, India had successfully launched GSLV-D5, the first successful launch vehicle with an indigenous cryogenic engine. But it had capacity to launch satellites of up to two tonnes.

60. Solution: d)

The basis of Bhuta song is rooted in superstitions. Some communities of Kerala do Bhuta rituals to send away the evil ghost and spirits. This ritual is accompanied with vigorous dancing and the music has a piercing and eerie character.





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The Bhakha form of folk music is popular in Jammu region. Bhakha is sung by the villagers when harvesting is done. It is considered to be the regional music with most melodic and harmonious elements. It is sung to the accompaniment of instruments like harmonium.

Manipur’s hills and valley-both are fond of music and dance. Sana Lamok is sung at the time of coronation ceremony by the Maaiba (priest). It may also be sung to welcome the king. It is sung to evoke the spirit of Pakhangba, the presiding deity. There is a belief that this song is potent with magical powers.

61. Solution: d)

First reason is that it has a long, hot growing season with 200 days as frost free.

Second, its moderately high temperature at around 75 degrees F, allows the crop to slowly mature in six months.

Third, frequent light showers totalling around 40 inches is sufficient for the cotton crop to grow.

Moreover, bright sunshine and regular irrigation facility enhances the yield of cotton crops.

62. Solution: a)

Bharatnatyam Dance is considered to be over 2000 years old. Several texts beginning with Bharata Muni's Natya Shastra (200 B.C.E. to 200 C.E.) provide information on this dance form. It is known to be ekaharya, where one dancer takes on many roles in a single performance. In the early 19th century, the famous Tanjore Quartette, under the patronage of Raja Serfoji are said to have been responsible for the repertoire of Bharatnatyam dance as we see it today. The style was kept alive by the devadasis, who were young girls 'gifted' by their parents to the temples and who were married to the gods. The devadasisperformed music and dance as offerings to the deities, in the temple courtyards. Some of the renowned performers and gurus of the early part of the century belong to the devadasi families, a well-known name is Bala Saraswati.

63. Solution: a)





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Facts about International Day of Yoga logo

• Reflects peace and harmony for the humanity which is the essence of Yoga.

• Folding of both hands in the logo reflects the union of individual consciousness with universal consciousness.

• It also reflects a perfect harmony between mind and body, man and nature and the holistic approach to health and well-being.

• The sun in the logo symbolise the source of energy and inspiration. While the brown leaves symbolise the earth element.

• The green leaves symbolise the nature and blue the fire element.

Background to the Yoga Day

• The idea to observe 21 June as the ‘International Day of Yoga’ was proposed by Prime Minister Narendra Modi in September 2014 during his speech at United Nations General Assembly (UN-GA).

• In December 2014, UN-GA had unanimously had adopted an India-led resolution to observe 21 June as the ‘International Day of Yoga’.

• The resolution was passed within a record time of 75 days. It was also first resolution in which 177 countries had become co-sponsors and was a world record.

64. Solution: d)

NGT also mentioned that burning of garbage and other material like plastic in open accounts for nearly 30% of the air pollution in the capital and its suburbs.

Earlier, NGT had banned over 15-year-old petrol vehicles and over 10-year-old diesel vehicles from plying on Delhi-NCR roads and also had issued detailed guidelines to tackle air pollution from construction activity in the Delhi-NCR area.





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The most publicized concerns from environmentalists about the incineration of municipal solid wastes (MSW) involve the fear that it produces significant amounts of dioxin and furan emissions. Dioxins and furans are considered by many to be serious health hazards.

As for other complete combustion processes, nearly all of the carbon content in the waste is emitted as CO2 to the atmosphere.

Other gaseous emissions in the flue gas from incinerator furnaces include nitrogen oxides, sulfur dioxide, hydrochloric acid, heavy metals, and fine particles. Of the heavy metals, mercury is a major concern due to its toxicity and high volatility, as essentially all mercury in the municipal waste stream may exit in emissions if not removed by emission controls.

65. Solution: a)

66. Solution: c)





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67. Solution: d)

Airports Council International (ACI) presented the Airport Service Quality (ASQ) award to IGIA under the category of handling 25 to 40 million passengers per annum. Airport Service Quality (ASQ) is the key to understanding how to increase passenger satisfaction and improve business performance. While the ACI is a trade association of the world’s airports and was founded in 1991.

• IGIA is run by Delhi International Airport Limited (DIAL), a joint venture between the Airports Authority of India (AAI) and GMR Group-led consortium which include Fraport and Malaysia Airports Holdings Berhad.

• The airport was developed under the public-private partnership (PPP) mode. The mandate for DIAL was to finance, design, build, operate and maintain IGIA for 30 years, along with an option to extend it for another 30 years.

• Presently, IGIA hosts 6 domestic carriers, 56 international carriers and also has the capacity to handle the gigantic aircrafts like Airbus A380.

68. Solution: c)


India ranks at 13th position in the world in terms of generation electricity from nuclear source.





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This information was given by Minister of State (MoS) Dr Jitendra Singh in written reply in the Rajya Sabha to an unstarred question.

As per the written reply

• The ranking was based upon the data published by Power Reactor Information System (PRIS) of International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) in 2014.

• India’s current installed nuclear power capacity is 5780 MW. It is expected to increase to 10080 MW by 2019 on progressive completion of projects.

• Union Government also has accorded sanction for two more projects with a total capacity of 3400 MW.

• In future more nuclear power projects based both on indigenous technologies and with international cooperation are planned.

• The total requirement of nuclear fuel i.e. natural uranium is over 5 five years is estimated to be around 5,940 tons.

It should be noted that India ranks 13th among the thirty one countries in the world which are generating electricity from nuclear source.

69. Solution: b)

Though clear cut demarcations in the style of musical presentation, similar to the gharanas of Hindustani music are not seen in Carnatic music, yet, we do come across different styles in rendering compositions.

Moving into the 17th century, the history of Carnatic music saw the epoch-making scheme of the 72 Melakartas, introduced by Venkatamakhi and laid down in his monumental work Chaturdandi Prakasika in the year 1620 A.D. The Melakarta scheme is a highly comprehensive and systematic formula which includes within its fold all the modes used in ancient as well as modern systems of music of the different parts of the world. The scheme opened out new vistas of raga creation and later composers like Tyagaraja invented many a beautiful raga by following it.

Many of the musicians and composers of the South were closely acquainted with the Hindustani system of music also and wherever permissible, adopted Hindustani ragas for their compositions. The ragas Yaman Kalyan, Hamir Kalyan, Malkaunsa, Brindavani Sarang, Jaijaivanti, etc. were adopted in their compositions by the Musical Trinity. Raga Kaphi, Kanada, Khamaj, Paraj, Purvi, Bhairav, etc. bear a very close resemblance to their counterparts in the Hindustani system of music.

70. Solution: b)





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Refer to this page http://www.ccrtindia.gov.in/regionalmusic.php

Cultural traditions from various regions of the country reflect the rich diversity of Regional Music of India. Each region has its own particular style.

Tribal and folk music is not taught in the same way that Indian classical music is taught. There is no formal period of apprenticeship where the student is able to devote their entire life to learning the music, the economics of rural life does not permit this sort of thing. The musical practitioners must still attend to their normal duties of hunting, agriculture or whatever their chosen profession is.

71. Solution: a)

In Laman a group of girls sing a stanza and a group of boys give reply in the song. This continues for hours. Interesting is that the girls singing on one of the peaks of the hill seldom see the faces of the boys singing on another peak. In between is the hill which echoes their love song. Most of these songs are sung especially in Kullu Valley.

Kajri is a folk song sung by women, from Uttar Pradesh and adjacent region, during rainy season. On the third day in the second half of the bhadra, women sing Kajri songs all through the night, while dancing in a semi-circle.

North India has a strong tradition of singing ‘Sohar’ songs when a son is born in a family. This has influenced the muslim culture and a form of ‘Sohar’ song gained currency in the muslim families living in some regions of Uttar Pradesh. ‘Sohar’ songs unmistakably point to the mingling of two cultures.

72. Solution: a)

The word Powada itself means “the narration of a story in glorious terms”. The narratives are always odes in praise of an individual hero or an incident or place. The chief narrator is known as the Shahir who plays the duff to keep the rhythm. The tempo is fast and controlled by the main singer who is supported by others in chorus.

The earliest notable Powada was the Afzal Khanacha Vadh (The Killing of Afzal Khan) (1659) by Agnidas which recorded Shivaji’s encounter with Afzal Khan.

Teej is celebrated with great involvement by women of Rajasthan. This is a festival celebrated on the third day after the new moon or amavasya of shraavana month. The theme of the songs sung during this festival revolve around the union of Shiva and Parvati, the magic of monsoon, greenery, peacock dance etc.





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73. Solution: a)

India has been one of the foremost advocates of long-term global cooperation in combating climate change in accordance with the principles and provisions of the UNFCCC. Climate change impacts being witnessed today are a result of the total accumulated greenhouse emissions for which the major responsibility lies with the developed nations. Moreover, despite the fast growth registered by some of the developing countries, a large proportion of people in these countries still live in extreme poverty. The Indian stance in the climate change negotiations has been guided by the principle of Common but Differentiated (CBDR). India thus believes that the climate change agreement of 2015 should take into consideration a whole gamut of issues including adaptation, finance, technology development and transfer, capacity building, transparency of action and support in a balanced manner, and loss and damage in addition to mitigation.

The responsibility of providing financial assistance to the developing countries lies with the developed

countries and this has been clearly articulated in the UNFCCC. India together with other developing countries

continue to urge the developed countries to honour their obligation to provide new, additional, and predictable financial support to developing countries in a measurable, reportable, and verifiable manner. In this context ambitious capitalization of the GCF assumes significance. Developed countries have been urged to provide clear timelines and pathways to reach the US$ 100 billion annual commitment made by them in 2010.

Technology transfer: Technology forms a major component of any move towards combating climate change. The important issue in this regard is that while the developed countries are the frontrunners in clean technology, the developing countries do not possess either sufficient technical capability or the financial resources to develop clean technologies. Appropriate mechanisms for smooth transfer of technology from the developed to developing countries have to be agreed upon. The intellectual property rights price-tag should not come in the way of such technology transfer.

74. Solution: a)





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The Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) is one of the flexibility mechanisms defined in the Kyoto Protocol (IPCC, 2007) that provides for emissions reduction projects which generate Certified Emission Reduction units which may be traded in emissions trading schemes.

The CDM addresses the second objective by allowing the Annex I countries to meet part of their emission reduction commitments under the Kyoto Protocol by buying Certified Emission Reduction units from CDM emission reduction projects in developing countries (Annex I" parties are those countries that are listed in Annex I of the treaty, and are the industrialized countries. Non-Annex I parties are developing countries).

75. Solution: a)

This type of climate is found on the eastern margins of continents in warm temperate latitudes, just outside the tropics. It is, in fact, the climate of most part of China-a modified form of monsoonal climate. It is thus also called the (Temperate Monsoon) or China Type of climate. The Warm Temperate Eastern Margin Climate is typified by a warm moist summer and a cool, dry winter. The mean monthly temperature varies between 40°F and 78°F and is strongly modified by maritime influence. Rainfall is more than moderate, anything from 25 inches to 60 inches.