1 SCRUM 22/02/2009 By Siemen Bastiaens Siemen.Bastiaens@cronos.be +32 486 03 72 51 >>

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Transcript of 1 SCRUM 22/02/2009 By Siemen Bastiaens Siemen.Bastiaens@cronos.be +32 486 03 72 51 >>




BySiemen Bastiaens


+32 486 03 72 51



Scrum Intro - Agenda

Agile movement & manifesto What Scrum is not What Scrum IS Roles & responisbilities Artifacts Meetings and timings Pittfals (why is scrum hard)


Scrum Intro - Agenda

Agile movement & manifesto What Scrum is not What Scrum IS Roles & responisbilities Artifacts Meetings and timings Pittfals (why is scrum hard)


• Born out of frustration with modern approaches and traditional views on software development. (current approach does’nt work!)

• Traditional view on software development -> enough planning & analysis will automatically lead to flawless product delivery.

• Large projects fail more than not – still some small Indi’s seem to produce fenomenal software! Why? How!

Scrum Intro –Agile Movement & Manifesto


• What did the successfull Indi’s have in common?

• Although there was a wide variaty in appoach, they all adhered to the same ‘values’ that were condensed in the Agile Manifesto by Agile guru’s (Ken Swabber, Alister Cockburn, Jeff Sutherland,...)

Scrum Intro –Agile Movement & Manifesto


Manifesto for Agile Software Development

• Individuals and Interactions

• Working Software

• Customer Collaboration

• Responding to Change

• Over– Process and Tools

• Over– Comprehensive

Documentation• Over

– Contract Negotiation• Over

– Following a Plan

While there is value in the items on the right, we value the items on the left more:

Scrum Intro –Agile Movement & Manifesto


The problem in our profession

is not process or technology …

it is people and dysfunctional interactions.

For the largest part, Agile is an attitude towards software development, NOT a specific way of


Scrum Intro –Agile Movement & Manifesto


In short:- Agile recognises the fact that software

development is an empirical process, not a defined one.

- In software development, there are not a lot of certainties (except for false ones).

Scrum Intro –Agile Movement & Manifesto


Defined ProcessWorks for known activity

Scrum Intro –Agile Movement & Manifesto


Not great for unknown activity

$7 million budget$120 million final

Scrum Intro –Agile Movement & Manifesto


• One of the greatest benefits of an agile approach is not an easy one to appreciate :– > It forces us to recognize that there are some

things we just don’t know.

– > Use it as guide to determine the following: ‘Am I fooling myself’

Scrum Intro –Agile Movement & Manifesto


• Lots of Agile frameworks and practices:– XP (eXtreme Programming)– Rapid Application Development (RAD)– SCRUM– Feature Driven Development– ...

Scrum Intro –Agile Movement & Manifesto


Scrum Intro - Agenda

Agile movement & manifesto What Scrum is not What Scrum IS Roles & responisbilities Artifacts Meetings and timings Pittfals (why is scrum hard)


• Scrum is an agile framework and should not be confused with other agile practices or techniques like XP.

• Pair programming, • test driven development, • continuous integration, • user stories,• Agile planning• ...

• The things above are NOT part of scrum, but are often used together with scrum.

Scrum Intro –What scrum is NOT


• Scrum is a framework, NOT a practical guide to success => no ‘silver bullet’

• It focusses on the WHAT, not on the HOW.• It is NOT easy to do, but easy to

understand. (Attitude)

Scrum Intro –What scrum is NOT


Scrum Intro - Agenda

Agile movement & manifesto What Scrum is not What Scrum IS Roles & responisbilities Artifacts Meetings and timings Pittfals (why is scrum hard)


• What is Scrum?– (Agile) Development framework based on adaptable

process control

• Scrum Principles– Self managing and organizing teams – Inspect & Adapt– Transparency– Time-Boxes– Quality is never sacrificed to make dates – Extremely simple, but very hard to implement


Scrum Intro – What scrum is


• 3 roles– Product Owner, Scrum Master, Team Member

• 2 artifacts– Product Backlog, Sprint Backlog

• 4 meeting types– Planning meeting, demo meeting, daily

standup & sprint retrospective.

• One overall sequence of events (flow)

Scrum Intro - Agenda


Scrum Intro - Agenda

Agile movement & manifesto What Scrum is not What Scrum IS Roles & responsabilities Artifacts Meetings and timings Pittfals (why is scrum hard)


• Product Owner– Defines the features of the product and the release plan– Prioritizes features according to market value– Ultimate arbitrator on requirements issues– Can change features and priority every iteration– Accepts or rejects work results– Decides whether to continue development– Responsible for the return on investment

Scrum Intro – Roles and Responsabilities


• ScrumMaster– Leader and facilitator, not a manager of the team– Acts as a barrier between the team and the rest of the

organization– Improves the lives of the team members by facilitating

creativity and empowerment– Improves the productivity of the team in any way

possible– Improves the engineering practices and tools so that

each increment of functionality is potentially shippable– Assess and ensure that organizational impediments are

being worked in priority order to change the organization to get the most value from its software development investment

Scrum Intro – Roles and Responsabilities


• Scrum Team– Self organizing– Cross-functional

• QA, Engineers, UI Designers, etc. – Ideal size: 7 +/- 2– Responsible for committing to work– Authority to do whatever it takes to meet commitment– Works in an open, collocated space– Works to resolve conflicts and escalate them when

necessary– Works at a sustainable pace

Scrum Intro – Roles and Responsabilities


Scrum Intro - Agenda

Agile movement & manifesto What Scrum is not What Scrum IS Roles & responisbilities Artifacts Meetings and timings Pittfals (why is scrum hard)


• Product Backlog– List of feature stories, non-functional requirements,

defects, and infrastructure items (can be anything, but must be understood by team & product owner)

– Continually updated, prioritized, and estimated– More detail on higher priority items– One list for multiple teams– Anyone can contribute / Product Owner sets priority– Maintained and publicly available– “If it is not on the Product Backlog, it doesn’t exist” – Jeff


Scrum Intro - Artifacts


• Product Backlog (example)

Scrum Intro - Artifacts


• Product Backlog should be accompanied by a well defined Definition of Done (DoD).

Example:A backlog item is considered 'Done' when:

- The unit tests have been encoded

- It is implemented to satisfy the unit tests (90% coverage)

- The code is documented

- The (documented) code has been reviewed by/with a peer

- Technical documentation about the item has been reviewed by a functional analyst

- Functional documentation has been reviewed by the developer

- Working of the item has been demonstrated

Scrum Intro - Artifacts


• Sprint Backlog– Committed list of stories and tasks to be completed

within an iteration– Tasks turn Product Backlog into working functionality– Tasks are estimated in hours, usually 1 – 16. – If work is unclear, define a placeholder task. Longer

tasks are broken down before starting to work on them.– Team members sign up for tasks, they are not assigned– Team members should not sign up for tasks prematurely– Estimated work remaining is updated daily– Work for an iteration emerges. Any team members can

add, delete, or change tasks

Scrum Intro - Artifacts


• Sprint Backlog (example)

Scrum Intro - Artifacts


• Sprint Burndown (example)

Scrum Intro - Artifacts


• Sprint Burndown (example)

Scrum Intro - Artifacts


• Sprint Backlog (board)

Scrum Intro - Artifacts


Scrum Intro - Agenda

Agile movement & manifesto What Scrum is not What Scrum IS Roles & responisbilities Artifacts Meetings and timings Pittfals (why is scrum hard)


Overview – Assuming a 30 day iterationDay 1: Sprint Planning MeetingsDays 2 -> 29: Daily ScrumsDay 30: Review (4-5h) & Retrospective (3-4h)

All meetings are timeboxes: duration is fixed in advance. If time is up, we go with what we have.

Scrum Intro – Meetings & Timings


Daily Standup

Dialy 15 minute status meetingSame place & time every dayThree questions:

What did you do since last meeting (yesterday)?What will you do before next meeting

(tomorrow)?Do you need/can you use any help or assistance?

Scrum Intro – Meetings & Timings


• Remember me?

Scrum Intro – Meetings & Timings


Demo Meeting (Sprint Review)

Team demonstrates completed stories to Product Owner and other stakeholders (customers, management, etc.)ScrumMaster only allows stories to be demonstrated that are doneNo use of PowerPoint – demo software as if to a customerTeam allocated 2 hours to prepare for demo

=> Afterward, sprint backlog gets reordered based on the new information.

Scrum Intro – Meetings & Timings


Planning meeting

Team and Product Owner agree about what items from the backlog will be implemented in the next sprint (2h).Team must formally accept the work (commitment!).

Afterwards, Team takes the time (2h) to fill up the Sprint Backlog with the items it has committed to.

Scrum Intro – Meetings & Timings


Scrum Intro – Meetings & Timings


Scrum Intro – Meetings & Timings


Scrum Intro - Agenda

Agile movement & manifesto What Scrum is not What Scrum IS Roles & responisbilities Artifacts Meetings and timings Pittfals (why is scrum hard)


-> brings problems to the surface-> attitude, not a recipe for success-> seems simple: beginners will forget the need for a vision!-> a strong product owner makes or breaks the project-> organizational obstacles: ‘traditional’ views run deep-> asks a lot of commitment and responsibility of the team. Some people (analysts, developers, …) are not up to this!

Scrum Intro – Why is Scrum hard?


Q & A