1 - Religion

Post on 13-Jul-2016

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Transcript of 1 - Religion


By Retno, MSc

1.Subject Competences After Attending Religion Class

Activities – Students Are Expected To: 1) Build And Develop self- personality; 2) Develop and Synergize their

Cognitive, Skills, Psychomotor, and Affective in their community Life and Other Field Studies.

2. Course Objectives

This course is designed to provide students with understanding areas of Religion; the implementation and the contributions in different purposes.

After attending this course, students should have adequate knowledge and capability academically and practically in relation to certain requirement and issues.

3. Learning method Lectures Discussion Presentation and discussion Implementation Final Exam:

Mini Research: 1.Presentation; 2.Submit hard and soft copy

Second MeetingEach group must

submit 2 titles with 6 questioners

from each title of their

mini research Final Examination

Seventh meeting

Middle SemesterExamination Week

Thirteenth Meeting

Final Examination


4. Lectures Contract1. This course provide 13

meetings according academic calender.

2. The student should collect, perform or carry out the assignment/task that given by lecture.

3. The student should not be late to submit the assignment given.

Total grade given by a. Total of assignment b. Presentation and Discussion

participation c. Proposal presentation

d. Middle Examination e. Final Examination Added examination will not be given, except the student can reveal doctor prescription.

5.The grading of this course

a. Final exam: 40 percent b. Mid exam: 30 percent c. Presentation: 15 percent d. Individual assignment: 15 percent

Please explain Who you are, individually.

It is in the very nature of philosophy that man searches for the meaning of himself and his world.

The Nature of Man

It can truly be said that philosophy was born the very first time man started wondering at what he saw around him.

secara philosophy (filsafat) bahwa sifat alami manusia adalah mencari makna dirinya dan dunianya.

ini benar-benar dapat dikatakan bahwa filsafat lahir pertama kali manusia mulai bertanya-tanya tentang apa yang ia lihat di sekelilingnya.

The Nature of Man


Please explain (presentation)

Who you are, in your society.

Today, philosophy is considered to some main branches:

a) Logic: the science and art of correct thinking;

b) Ethics: the science of the

morality of human acts; c) Epistemology: the theory of knowledge, the goal of which is truth

Saat ini, filsafat dianggap sebagai cabang utama dari:

a) Logika: ilmu dan seni dari pemikiran yang benar;

b) Etika: ilmu tentang moralitas perbuatan manusia;

c) Epistemologi: teori dari pengetahuan, yang bertujuan mencari kebenaran

d) Metaphysics: the foundation subject of all

philosophy, it ideals with human reality and

system of human thought that seeks to explain the fundamental

concepts of man

e) Social Philosophy: the study of man in relation to

the family, and the statef) Rational or Philosophical Psychology: the study of the life principle of living

things, specifically that of man

d) Metafisika: merupakan subjek dasar semua ilmu filsafat ,yaitu antara cita-cita dengan realitas, manusia dan sistem pemikiran manusia yang berusaha untuk menjelaskan tentang konsep dasar manusiae) Filosofi Sosial : studi manusia dalam kaitannya dengan keluarga, dan negara

f) Rational or Philosophical Psychology: the study of the life principle of living things, specifically that of man

Rasional atau filosofis Psikologi: studi tentang prinsip kehidupan makhluk hidup, khususnya manusia

M A N Man is an inquiry into man as a person and man as existent being in the world, with emphasis, in the context of his culture, his society and his belief-in.

This is particularly concern to the values, about freedom,

and about his relations.

MANo Manusia selalu melakukan

penyelidikan terhadap manusia sebagai pribadi dan manusia sebagai makhluk ada di dunia, dengan penekanan dalam konteks budayanya, masyarakatnya, dan keyakinannya.

o Hal ini terutama dengan perhatian terhadap value (nilai-nilai), tentang kebebasannya, dan relationship (hubungannya).

Human being is both individuallyand socially

whatever, wherever, whenever, however

you areGives us the way of

Communicating And Commitment

HUMAN NATURE > William Irons introduced the psychological characteristic as end product of evolution are its anatomical structures Human being as consisting of two parts:

reasoning abilities and passions

Human NatureWilliam Irons memperkenalkan        karakteristik psikologis        sebagai produk akhir dari evolusi yang struktur anatomi yang Manusia menjadi sebagai terdiri dari dua bagian:

reasoning abilitiesand passions

Passion belong all of the feelings, and sensations of pleasure and pain, emotions and motivations which, one way or another move us to action

Passionadalah milik makhluk yang

(memiliki) perasaan, sensasi kenikmatan dan rasa sakit, emosi dan motivasi, yang menyebabkan seseorang mencari cara dan menggerakkannya untuk melakukan sesuatu (bertindak)

Reasoning abilities allow us to understand reality, so that we can strive in effective ways to satisfy our passions.

Our reasoning abilities and passions allowed beings to come personally and individually. And, we are different each other (culture, Community, religion/spiritual, environment)

Reasoning abilities Memungkinkan kita untuk memahami

realitas, sehingga kita bisa berusaha dengan cara-cara yang efektif untuk memuaskan passion (gairah) kita.

Kemampuan penalaran dan passion memungkinkan makhluk untuk sampai pada pemahaman secara pribadi (with the personal presence or action of the individual specified; in person- dengan tindakan individu tertentu secara pribadi).

Dan, pada dasarnya kita berbeda satu sama lain


Our reasoning abilities and passions allowed human beings to come personally and individually.

We are different each other.

But as a matter of fact that we are to be produced in a different environment, (culture, community, groups) with different scale of values.

Psychology, identifies human beings such as Integrated Personality that consists of body, psyche and inner most.

Human being is being completed by the will and freedom.


These human abilities lead a human being to take his part individually and collectively.

We should strive in effective ways to satisfy our tendencies.

ReflectionWhat is

community, and what is the role of
