1 Office of Proposal Development Texas A&M University Writing Effective Research Grant Proposals...

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1Office of Proposal Development Texas A&M University

Writing Effective Research Grant Proposals

Office of Proposal Development

Presentation to WTAMU

Lucy DeckardL-deckard@tamu.edu

October 26, 2005

2Office of Proposal Development Texas A&M University

Overview of Presentation

Office of Proposal Development – who we are Identifying Funding Opportunities Understanding the Funding Agency and Program Preparing to Write The Craft of Writing a Competitive Proposal Funding Opportunities for Junior Faculty

3Office of Proposal Development Texas A&M University

Office of proposal development

A unit of the Office of Vice President for Research at Texas A&M University, partnered with: Office of Vice Chancellor for Research and Federal Office of Vice Chancellor for Research and Federal

Relations, Relations, Office of Vice Chancellor for Academic and Student Office of Vice Chancellor for Academic and Student

Affairs, and the Affairs, and the Health Science CenterHealth Science Center

4Office of Proposal Development Texas A&M University

Office of proposal development Supports faculty in the development and writing of large

and small research grants to federal agencies and foundations.

Focuses on support of center-level initiatives, multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary research teams, research affinity groups, new and junior faculty research, diversity in the research enterprise, and long-term proposal planning.

Helps develop partnership initiatives at Texas A&M, across the A&M System universities, and HSC.

Supports proposal development activities and training programs to help new faculty write more competitive proposals.

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Office of proposal development Jean Ann Bowman, Research Scientist

B.S., Journalism; B.S. and Ph.D., Hydrology and Physical GeographyB.S., Journalism; B.S. and Ph.D., Hydrology and Physical Geography Focuses on proposals dealing with earth, ecological, and environmental Focuses on proposals dealing with earth, ecological, and environmental

sciences, as well as those dealing with agriculture.sciences, as well as those dealing with agriculture. Libby Childress, Administrative Assistant

Handles scheduling, resources, and project coordination.Handles scheduling, resources, and project coordination. Mike Cronan, Director

B.S., Civil Engineering (Structures); B.A., Political Science; M.A., English; B.S., Civil Engineering (Structures); B.A., Political Science; M.A., English; Registered Professional Engineer, Texas (063512)Registered Professional Engineer, Texas (063512) Helps develop partnerships. Leads center- and program-level proposals. Helps develop partnerships. Leads center- and program-level proposals.

Establishes new initiatives and sets the direction of the office.Establishes new initiatives and sets the direction of the office. Lucy Deckard, Associate Director

B.S. and M.S., Materials Science and Engineering B.S. and M.S., Materials Science and Engineering Leads the new faculty initiatives. Focuses on proposals dealing with the Leads the new faculty initiatives. Focuses on proposals dealing with the

physical sciences, interdisciplinary materials group, and equipment and physical sciences, interdisciplinary materials group, and equipment and instrumentation. Also leads training seminars on graduate and instrumentation. Also leads training seminars on graduate and postdoctoral fellowships, undergraduate research, and CAREER awards. postdoctoral fellowships, undergraduate research, and CAREER awards.

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Office of proposal development Susan Maier, Research Development Officer

B.A., M.A., and Ph.D., PsychologyB.A., M.A., and Ph.D., Psychology Focuses on the Health Science Center’s NIH biomedical science Focuses on the Health Science Center’s NIH biomedical science

initiatives, as well as on the HSC’s University partnership initiatives. initiatives, as well as on the HSC’s University partnership initiatives. Leads training seminars on NIH.Leads training seminars on NIH.

Phyllis McBride, Assistant Director B.A., Journalism and English; M.A. and Ph.D., English B.A., Journalism and English; M.A. and Ph.D., English Leads the one-day Craft of Grant Writing Seminars and the fifteen-week Leads the one-day Craft of Grant Writing Seminars and the fifteen-week

Craft of Grant Writing Workshops. Focuses on DHS and NIH initiatives, Craft of Grant Writing Workshops. Focuses on DHS and NIH initiatives, and provides editing and rewriting.and provides editing and rewriting.

Robyn Pearson, Research Development Officer B.A. and M.A., AnthropologyB.A. and M.A., Anthropology Focuses on proposals dealing with the humanities, liberal arts, and Focuses on proposals dealing with the humanities, liberal arts, and

social and behavioral sciences, and education. Provides support for the social and behavioral sciences, and education. Provides support for the development of interdisciplinary research groups and provides editing development of interdisciplinary research groups and provides editing and rewriting.and rewriting.

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Looking For Funding Opportunities

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Types of Funding Agencies

Basic research agencies (e.g, NSF, NIH)(e.g, NSF, NIH)

Mission-oriented agencies (e.g., NASA, DoD, ED)(e.g., NASA, DoD, ED)

Foundations Other

(industry, professional organizations, etc.)(industry, professional organizations, etc.)

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Unsolicited vs. Solicited Proposals Unsolicited

Investigator-initiated; no specific solicitation or Investigator-initiated; no specific solicitation or RFPRFP

Typically long-running program; relatively Typically long-running program; relatively general statement of research topics of general statement of research topics of interestinterest

For NSF and NIH, recurring due dates or For NSF and NIH, recurring due dates or target dates each yeartarget dates each year

Common for foundationsCommon for foundations Rare for Mission Agencies (DOE, USDA)Rare for Mission Agencies (DOE, USDA)

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Example Program Description(unsolicited)

“The Geography and Regional Science (GRS) Program sponsors research on the geographic distributions and interactions of human, physical, and biotic systems on the Earth's surface. Investigations are encouraged into the nature, causes, and consequences of human activity and natural environmental processes across a range of scales. Projects on a variety of topics (both domestic and international) qualify for support if they offer promise of contributing to scholarship by enhancing geographical knowledge, concepts, theories, methods, and their application to societal problems and concerns. Support also is provided for projects that explicitly integrate undergraduate and graduate education into the overall research agenda.”

11Office of Proposal Development Texas A&M University

Unsolicited vs. Solicited Proposals

Solicited Terminology:Terminology:

Request for Proposal (RFP) Program Solicitation Request for Application (RFA) For NIH, Program Announcement (PA)

Tied to specific agency initiativeTied to specific agency initiative May only last a few funding cycles or may go on

for years Have specific additional evaluation criteria

Often have specific formatting requirementsOften have specific formatting requirements

12Office of Proposal Development Texas A&M University

Solicitation: Example“This solicitation invites proposals for "information infrastructure testbeds", each of which would include the development of the next generation of cybertools applied to data from various sources collected in two areas of research fundamental to social and behavioral scientists: organizations and individuals. The tools that are developed on these platforms must not only change ways in which social and behavioral scientists research the behavior of organizations and individuals, but also serve sciences more broadly.

It is envisioned that proposals for the "organization information testbed" will address three specific components:

the development of tools that facilitate the integration of qualitative and quantitative information from heterogeneous sources, multiple media, and/or the development of tools that facilitate the integration of qualitative and quantitative information from heterogeneous sources, multiple media, and/or multiple modes; multiple modes;

investment in basic research that addresses the protection of the confidentiality of respondents in computerized, widely accessible databases; and investment in basic research that addresses the protection of the confidentiality of respondents in computerized, widely accessible databases; and the development of incentives, standards and policies for collecting, storing, archiving, accessing, and publishing research results using organization-the development of incentives, standards and policies for collecting, storing, archiving, accessing, and publishing research results using organization-

relevant information. relevant information.

It is envisioned that proposals for the "individual information testbed" should concern cybertools that can be applied to both large scale and distributed data-sets. Proposals should address cybertools that facilitate automatic collection, integration, annotation, archiving, accessing, and analyzing of

existing distributed data sets and/or existing distributed data sets and/or extensive audio and video recordings and details of physical artifacts, while paying special attention to extensive audio and video recordings and details of physical artifacts, while paying special attention to the protection of the confidentiality of participant identity in widely accessible, computerized databases. “the protection of the confidentiality of participant identity in widely accessible, computerized databases. “

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Ways to Find Funding

Talk to colleagues doing similar research Look for funding sources credited in books

and journal articles describing similar research

Use the web and other information resources

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Funding opportunities search criteria

Define disciplinary domain of interest (e.g., science, social sciences, humanities, education, health and biomedical sciences, engineering);

Characterize the nature of the research (basic, applied, applications);

Identify a subset of funding agencies whose mission, strategic plan, and investment priorities are aligned with these specific research interests.

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Refining the funding search Identify research opportunities with regular grant

cycles within a particular agency (e.g., NIH and NSF have regular grant cycles of specific research programs that remain open for many years;

Identify new research opportunities and investment directions at funding agencies;

Expand the base of potential research funding sources.

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Information on the Internet

Funding Agency websites Compilations of funding opportunities Automatic e-mail notifications services Database services Google is your best friend

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Funding Agencies Hotlinks Table

Funding Agencies Hotlink Table.doc Federal Grant Making Agencies.doc Notes about agency web sites:

First place funding opportunities will show upFirst place funding opportunities will show up Pages with funding opportunities can be buried; when Pages with funding opportunities can be buried; when

you find a good one, make a note of the urlyou find a good one, make a note of the url Look for unsolicited proposal opportunitiesLook for unsolicited proposal opportunities Look for additional info on opportunitiesLook for additional info on opportunities

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Compendia of Funding Opportunties

All Federal Funding Opportunities http://www.fedgrants.gov/Applicants/index.htmlhttp://www.fedgrants.gov/Applicants/index.html

Foundations http://fdncenter.org/pnd/rfp/index.jhtmlhttp://fdncenter.org/pnd/rfp/index.jhtml

University grants office websites Iowa State Iowa State


http://www.vpresearch.iastate.edu/OSP/Maillogs.html Duke University Duke University http://www.ors.duke.edu/findhttp://www.ors.duke.edu/find University of Iowa University of Iowa

http://research.uiowa.edu/dsp/main/?get=fundingoppshttp://research.uiowa.edu/dsp/main/?get=fundingopps&q=&action&q=&action= =

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One of the best portals to funding opportunities Tabular listing current funding opportunities and

URLs for 45 research funding agencies (see following slide)

FedGrants http://www.fedgrants.gov/Applicants/index.htmlhttp://www.fedgrants.gov/Applicants/index.html

FedGrants Grants Synopsis Search http://www.fedgrants.gov/grants/servlet/SearchServlet/http://www.fedgrants.gov/grants/servlet/SearchServlet/

FedGrants Notification Service http://www.fedgrants.gov/ApplicantRegistration.htmlhttp://www.fedgrants.gov/ApplicantRegistration.html

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University Grants Websites (cont’d)

Cornell http://www.osp.cornell.edu/Funding/ University of Massachusetts, Amherst

http://www.umass.edu/research/ogca/funding/ University of Oregon http://rfd.uoregon.edu

/funding/government.htm University of Vermont Research Funding


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Email Alert Services Email Alert Services for Funding Opportunities.doc

NSFNSF http://www.nsf.gov/mynsf/

NIH Guide LISTSERV_NIH Guide LISTSERV_ http://grants.nih.gov/grants/guide/listserv.htm

Dept. of EducationDept. of Education http://listserv.ed.gov/cgi-bin/wa?A1=ind05&L=edinfo http://www.ed.gov/news/newsletters/edinfo/index.html

Federal GrantsFederal Grants http://fedgrants.gov/ApplicantRegistration.html

FoundationsFoundations http://fdncenter.org/newsletters/

NASANASA http://research.hq.nasa.gov/subs.cfm

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Federal Grants Notification Service

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Home page: http://www.grants.gov To receive automated funding alerts tailored to your

research interests, visit http://www.grants.gov/Find#receive.

Select one of four automated funding alert options: “Selected Notices Based on Funding Opportunity Number,” “Selected Agencies and Categories of Funding Activities,” “Selected Interest and Eligibility Groups,” or “All Grants Notices.”

Click on the link for the option that best suits your needs, enter the required information, and click on the “Submit to Mailing List” button.

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NEH Connect!

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Google is Your Best Friend http://www.google.com/ http://www.yahoo.com/ Search for research opportunities Backdoor/end run to subscription funding services

E.g., IRISE.g., IRIS http://carousel.lis.uiuc.edu/%7Eiris/deadlines/all/http://carousel.lis.uiuc.edu/%7Eiris/deadlines/all/

Find funded programs, abstracts Find workshops, conferences, seminars Find reports, publications, project documents To search within a site, type keywords site:url of site

E.g., preservation languages site:www.nsf.govE.g., preservation languages site:www.nsf.gov

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Ways to Improve Your Success in Finding Funding

Get to know most likely funding agencies Mission, visionMission, vision Funding mechanismsFunding mechanisms Recurring funding opportunitiesRecurring funding opportunities More on this laterMore on this later

Check funding opportunities regularly Fine-tune search parameters for subscription databases Learn how to quickly evaluate a potential funding

opportunity (more later) Keep a list of funding agencies, funding opportunities

with urls (e.g., MS Word table with hotlinks)

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Six major funders for TAMU-System

Funding Agency URL Hotlink to Funding Opportunities

National Science Foundation http://www.nsf.gov/funding/

Health & Human Services &NIH Grants & Funding


NASA Research Opportunities http://nspires.nasaprs.com/external/

Environmental Protection Agency http://www.epa.gov/ogd/competition/open_awards.htm

Department of DefenseDARPAArmy Research OfficeNaval Research OfficeAir Force Research Office


USDA/CSREES http://www.csrees.usda.gov/qlinks/research.html

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“Backgrounding” an agency and evaluating a potential funding


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Backgrounding the Funding Agency:Questions to Ask

What are its mission and goals? What are its investment priorities, strategic plan? What time horizon are they aiming for? How do they get their funding? What procedures do they use to notify the

community of funding opportunities? Who influences their planning and goals? What language do they use?

34Office of Proposal Development Texas A&M University

Backgrounding Funding AgencyQuestions to Ask

What is their culture like? What procedures do they use to review

proposals and make funding decisions? What are their review criteria? How are they organized? Who are the personnel and what is their

background? What have they funded in the past? What is their budget?

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Backgrounding the Funding AgencySources of Information

Web site Solicitation Organization Chart Strategic Plan/ Roadmap Bios of Program Officers Reports, Publications Contacts with Program

Officers (visits, conferences, phone and e-mail conversations)

Agency workshops and seminars

Leadership Speeches Congressional Testimony Current Funded Projects

Databases Project Abstracts Contacts with Funded

Researchers Contacts with former

Program Officers Contacts with former


36Office of Proposal Development Texas A&M University

Funding Agency Culture & Mission

Agency reflects vision, mission, objectives, and strategic goals of founding intent;

Operational components of agency reflect a range of objectives, for example: Strategic research plan Strategic research plan Strategic investment planStrategic investment plan Research portfolio & investment time horizonResearch portfolio & investment time horizon Technology transfer, patenting, licensing, Technology transfer, patenting, licensing,

commercializationcommercialization Research priorities & characteristicsResearch priorities & characteristics

37Office of Proposal Development Texas A&M University

Funding Agency Culture & Mission Basic Research Agencies (NSF, NIH)

Independent agency & management Independent research vision, mission, & objectives Award criteria based on intellectual and scientific excellence Peer panel reviewed, ranked, and awarded by merit Focus on fundamental or basic research at the “frontiers of

science,” innovation, and creation of new knowledge Open ended, exploratory, long investment horizon; Non-classified, non-proprietary

38Office of Proposal Development Texas A&M University

Funding Agency Culture & Mission

Mission-oriented federal agency research & development

R&D serves agency goals and objectives, but reflect Executive Branch policy directions, or congressional E.g., Agriculture, Energy, Education, Defense, HealthE.g., Agriculture, Energy, Education, Defense, Health

Scope of work tightly defines research tasks/deliverables Predominately applied research for meeting near term

objectives, technology development & transfer, policy goals Predominately internal review by program officers Awards based on merit, but also on geographic distribution,

political distribution, long term relationship with agency, Legislative & Executive branch policies

Classified and non-classified research

39Office of Proposal Development Texas A&M University

Funding Agency Investment PrioritiesExamples

National Science Foundation Strategic Plan 2003-08 (Strategic Plan 2003-08 (


Office of the Director (Office of the Director (http://www.http://www.nsfnsf..govgov//odod//)) National Institutes of Health

NIH Roadmap (NIH Roadmap (http://nihroadmap.nih.gov/http://nihroadmap.nih.gov/))

NIH Director Elias Zerhouni (NIH Director Elias Zerhouni (http://www.sciencemag.org/feature/plus/nihroadmap.pdfhttp://www.sciencemag.org/feature/plus/nihroadmap.pdf))

NIH Director’s Page (NIH Director’s Page (http://www.http://www.nihnih..govgov/about/director//about/director/))

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Funding Agency PrioritiesExamples

Department of Education Dept of Ed Strategic Plan Dept of Ed Strategic Plan

http://www.ed.gov/about/reports/strat/plan2002-07/index.htmlhttp://www.ed.gov/about/reports/strat/plan2002-07/index.html Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services

Mission Statement, Strategic Plan and Goals http://www.ed.gov/about/offices/list/osers/aboutus.html

Reports and resources http://www.ed.gov/about/offices/list/osers/reports.html

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Funded Projects Databases

NSF Award Search Site (abstracts of awards available) http://www.nsf.gov/awardsearch/index.jsp

NIH Award Search Site (abstracts of awards available) http://crisp.cit.nih.gov/crisp/crisp_query.generate_screenhttp://crisp.cit.nih.gov/ DoD

SBIR/STTR Search http://www.dodsbir.net/Awards/Default.asp NEH Awards Search http://www.neh.gov/news/recentawards.html USDA Awards information and Forms http://cris.csrees.usda.gov/ US Dept. of Education – Awards Search (limited)


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Sifting through RFPs

What do they want to accomplish through this program?

How much money is allocated and how many awards are anticipated?

Who is eligible to apply? What are the budget guidelines? What, if any, partnerships are required? Have other grants been made under this


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Request for Proposals, RFP

Program Description Mission Context Eligibility Information Award Information Review Criteria Program Officers Reference Documents Award Administration

Proposal Guidelines FormatFormat Document OrderDocument Order Project DescriptionProject Description Scope of WorkScope of Work Performance GoalsPerformance Goals ManagementManagement AttachmentsAttachments

Budget Guidelines

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Performance Expectations

Publications Curriculum Commercialization Patents Degrees awarded Technologies Map to RFP & Evaluation Criteria May require internal and/or external evaluation;

annual performance review

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Researching a Specific Funding Opportunity

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Reading the Solicitation

Read and re-read the solicitation! The solicitation is not a list of suggestions;

it is a list of requirements It is a window into the thinking of the

funding agency

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Things to Look for in the Solicitation Purpose of the program Research topics of interest Changes from previous programs Inspiration for program and references Program requirements Proposal requirements Budget guidelines Review criteria* If you are pursuing an unsolicited opportunity, you

will have to find these things out using other available information sources

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Purpose of the Program

Commonly discussed in “background” section Make sure the goals of your proposed project

mirror the program goals Look for words that are repeated often

e.g., “innovative” e.g., “innovative” You will want to use those words to describe your You will want to use those words to describe your

project (and back up those claims)project (and back up those claims) The outcomes of your proposed project should

support program objectives

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Research Topics of Interest Understand which topics are fundable under this

solicitation Read solicitationRead solicitation Look at funding history (use databases, if available)Look at funding history (use databases, if available) Talk to Program OfficerTalk to Program Officer

Note terminology and language used; you will want to use similar terminology in your proposal

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Inspiration for Program and References Program may be result of committee report (e.g.,

National Academies, National Science Board, special study committees)

May be documented in Workshop presentations and reports

May be documented in final reports and publications of previously funded projects

May be outgrowth of agency roadmap, strategic planning

Read and cite these reports in your proposal

51Office of Proposal Development Texas A&M University

Program Requirements

Read carefully and make a checklist Plan to explain how you will meet each program

requirement Start work on setting up collaborations,

partnerships if needed Supporting letters may be needed for your proposalSupporting letters may be needed for your proposal

To be competitive, you must meet all program requirements

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Explicit Proposal Requirements Note carefully formatting rules (page limits,

fonts, margins, etc.) – these may be in a separate document

Look for suggested or required sections Make an outline that mirrors solicitationMake an outline that mirrors solicitation Include checklist of everything that must be Include checklist of everything that must be

addressed, divided by sections; keep this checklist addressed, divided by sections; keep this checklist through early draftsthrough early drafts

Note supplementary documents needed Bios, Lists of Current Funding, Letters of support, Bios, Lists of Current Funding, Letters of support,

Facilities and Equipment, etc.Facilities and Equipment, etc.

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Unspoken Expectations Qualifications and experience of PI(s) Infrastructure provided by PI’s institution Preliminary data

Very important!Very important! Varies greatly depending on agency, discipline, etc.Varies greatly depending on agency, discipline, etc.

Info sources: Previous awardeesPrevious awardees Previous reviewersPrevious reviewers Program officers and previous program officersProgram officers and previous program officers

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Talking to the Program Officer Do your homework first

Read solicitation carefullyRead solicitation carefully Read background documentsRead background documents Investigate previously funded projectsInvestigate previously funded projects

Prepare a concise description of your project Goals, objectives, outcomesGoals, objectives, outcomes One short paragraphOne short paragraph

Try e-mail and phone If possible, use e-mail to set up phone conversationIf possible, use e-mail to set up phone conversation Ask open-ended questions and listen carefullyAsk open-ended questions and listen carefully

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Talking to Previous Awardees Most previous awardees very generous (unless

they will be competing with you for renewal) Ask about program reviews, feedback from

program officer Be aware that programs may evolve and criteria

change Previous awardees often also reviewers May make sense to cite results of previous

awardee or forge a connection with previously funded programs

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Review Criteria

Most important part of solicitation! Plan how you will meet each review criterion Structure your proposal outline to reflect review

criteria If you are weak in an area, plan how you will

address this

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Review Process

Could be: Standing review committeeStanding review committee Ad hoc panelAd hoc panel Ad hoc mail reviewsAd hoc mail reviews Internal reviewInternal review CombinationCombination

Who will be your reviewers and what is their background?

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Preparing to Write Research agency Research program Develop detailed outline Research literature and previous work Generate preliminary data, if needed Develop collaborations, partnerships, support, if

needed Line up institutional support, if needed Line up colleagues to edit your outline and

proposal Generate schedule for producing your proposal

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Set up a Schedule to Produce Your Proposal

Work back from deadline Start budget early E-mail your draft text and final budget to

proposal administrator for routing Allow at least 4 days for routing; additional time

if multiple investigators PIPI Department HeadDepartment Head DeanDean Office of Sponsored ProjectsOffice of Sponsored Projects

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Collaborations/Partnerships Work on these before you start writing Be clear about roles of collaborators and

partners Establish split of resources

For TAMU collaborators, agree on budget splitFor TAMU collaborators, agree on budget split Be sure collaborators and partners get

something out of participating in the project If you need a letter of collaboration, offer to write

a draft for your collaborator to edit Include specifics on what they will do and support Include specifics on what they will do and support

they will providethey will provide Explain who the collaborator is and their motivationExplain who the collaborator is and their motivation

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Preliminary Data

Understand the expectations of the agency and program How much preliminary data is expected?How much preliminary data is expected? Higher risk research will require more preliminary dataHigher risk research will require more preliminary data Less experienced researchers will generally need Less experienced researchers will generally need

more preliminary datamore preliminary data Preliminary data should strengthen reviewers’

perception of your chance of success

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Line up Editors

Look for colleagues who have been funded by agency to which you are applying

Talk to them early Ask colleagues to review your detailed outline Look for someone who will be brutally honest

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Institutional Support Is cost sharing (matching) required?

What type? (Cash, in-kind?)What type? (Cash, in-kind?) What rules apply?What rules apply?

Are other resources required? Work to set these up early

Typically start with your Dept. Head and move upTypically start with your Dept. Head and move up If specific facilities required, work with facility providerIf specific facilities required, work with facility provider

Determine supporting documentation needed Research Foundation can help

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Contact Your Proposal Administrator

May need to “log in” proposal Provide help with budgets Oversee approval process (“routing”) Officially submit proposal Contact your proposal administrator early!

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Writing the Proposal

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Introductory writing tips

Summary and introduction are key May be all reviewers readMay be all reviewers read Must excite and grab the attentionMust excite and grab the attention

Reviewers will assume errors in language and usage will translate into errors in the science

Don’t be overly ambitious in what you propose, but convey credibility and capacity to perform

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Introductory writing tips Sell your proposal to a good scientist but not an

expert; Some review panels may not have an expert in your

field, or panels may be blended for multidisciplinary initiatives;

Agencies & reviewers fund compelling, exciting research

Proposals are not journal articles—proposals must be user-friendly and offer a narrative that tells a story that is memorable to reviewers

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Following agency guidelines Read solicitation and/or proposal guide carefully

for formatting requirements and follow scrupulously Font and font sizeFont and font size Page limitsPage limits Biosketch formatsBiosketch formats Citation formatCitation format

Avoids disqualification of your proposal Avoids irritating reviewers

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Make your proposal easy to read

Reviewers often have 8 or 10 proposals to read Use white space, underlining, bold, bullets,

figures, flowcharts to make main points easy to find

Put main idea of sections and paragraphs up front

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Must Convince Reviewers… Your proposed research should be funded

It’s important and supports the agency mission and It’s important and supports the agency mission and program goalsprogram goals

It’s excitingIt’s exciting It has a good chance of succeedingIt has a good chance of succeeding

You are the person who should conduct the proposed research You are knowledgeable and well-qualifiedYou are knowledgeable and well-qualified You have the support and resources requiredYou have the support and resources required

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Structure of Proposal

Often dictated by solicitation or other agency document NSF – Grant Proposal GuideNSF – Grant Proposal Guide NIH – PHS 398NIH – PHS 398 DoD – Broad Agency Announcement (BAA)DoD – Broad Agency Announcement (BAA)

Also guided by evaluation criteria ED often assigns points for each criterionED often assigns points for each criterion

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Proposal Sections: Examples Project Summary Project Description/Research Narrative

Goals/Objectives/Specific AimsGoals/Objectives/Specific Aims Introduction/OverviewIntroduction/Overview Background and SignificanceBackground and Significance Approach/MethodologyApproach/Methodology Research PlanResearch Plan Preliminary DataPreliminary Data Broader Impacts (NSF)Broader Impacts (NSF)

Literature Cited Budget Budget Justification Biosketches Funded Projects Equipment and Facilities

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Summary May be the only thing the reviewer readsMay be the only thing the reviewer reads Must “grab” the reviewerMust “grab” the reviewer Should communicate concisely:Should communicate concisely:

Intellectual framework of proposed project The goals and signficance of the proposed project Who will be conducting the project and, briefly, their qualifications Project outcomes

Must communicate excitementMust communicate excitement Check for additional requirementsCheck for additional requirements

E.g., intellectual merit and broader impacts in NSF proposals Project name, category, etc.

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Goals/Specific Aims

State specific, measurable goals of your project

Tie to program/agency mission and goals If hypothesis-based research, state your

hypothesis Discuss expected outcomes

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Provides a framework for the reviewer Remainder of proposal will flesh out this

framework Opportunity to make important points up front Communicate your excitement!

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Background/Literature Review Spend some time researching this This section should tie closely to your proposed

research What are the holes in current knowledge that your What are the holes in current knowledge that your

work will fill?work will fill? How does your research extend and advance How does your research extend and advance

knowledge in the field?knowledge in the field? Do not be dismissive of previous research Be thorough in citing important work but be


79Office of Proposal Development Texas A&M University


Explain explicitly why proposed research is important Tie to agency and program goalsTie to agency and program goals Relate to review criteriaRelate to review criteria

Make this easy to find

80Office of Proposal Development Texas A&M University

Preliminary Data/Previous Work Be aware of expectations regarding amount of

preliminary data Varies by agencyVaries by agency Varies by programVaries by program Varies by disciplineVaries by discipline Higher risk projects may require more preliminary Higher risk projects may require more preliminary

datadata Discussion of preliminary data must connect

clearly to proposed project

81Office of Proposal Development Texas A&M University

Approach/Research Plan/Methodology

Be very clear about how you will accomplish your stated goals and objectives

Include details What, specifically, will you do when you get the What, specifically, will you do when you get the

money?money? Schedules and milestones may be helpfulSchedules and milestones may be helpful This is especially important if you are a relatively new This is especially important if you are a relatively new

researcherresearcher Address any potential dead ends, roadblocks,

show-stoppers and how you will deal with them Avoid ambiguous terminology – be very specific!

82Office of Proposal Development Texas A&M University

Connect narrative text to budget Budget categories are defined by the funding

agency Be sure activities discussed in narrative are

reflected in budget Connect narrative text to the budget to ensure

appropriate balance and proportion, If a budget justification section is requested, use

it to complement and deepen the narrative detail

83Office of Proposal Development Texas A&M University

Beware of Boiler Plate

Thinking of proposal narrative as “boiler plate” will result in a mediocre, disjoint proposal

Begin each proposal as a new effort, not a copy & paste

Be very cautious integrating text inserts Strong proposals clearly reflect a coherent,

sustained, and integrated argument grounded on good ideas

84Office of Proposal Development Texas A&M University

Outcomes or deliverables

Develop short, hard-hitting lists off-set by bullets or other typographical formats

Relate outcomes to goals and objectives Outcomes should be specific and

measurable Timelines and schedules with milestones

can orient reviewers and provide a quick overview of how program components fit together

85Office of Proposal Development Texas A&M University

Project assessment and evaluation How will you know if you were successful? Describe what will be measured in order to

assess how well project met each of its objectives Who will conduct assessment? Who will conduct assessment? Discuss logisticsDiscuss logistics

Formative assessment: conducted throughout project and results fed back to improve project

Summative assessment: final assessment at end of project

86Office of Proposal Development Texas A&M University

Craft of grant writing web sites http://cpmcnet.columbia.edu/research/writing.htm http://nextwave.sciencemag.org/cgi/content/full/1999/08/27/1 http://grants.library.wisc.edu/index.html http://www.research.umich.edu/proposals/PWG/pwgcomplete.html http://www.asru.ilstu.edu/grantwritingseries.htm http://grants.nih.gov/grants/grant_tips.htm http://www.epa.gov/seahome/grants/src/title.htm http://www.nsf.gov/pubs/2004/nsf04016/start.htm http://www.aecom.yu.edu/ogs/Guide/Guide.htm http://www.awag.org/Grant%20Seekers%20Tool%20Kit/index.htm http://www.americanscientist

.org/template/AssetDetail/assetid/23947?fulltext=true&print=yes&print=yes http://www.pitt.edu/~offres/proposal/propwriting/websites.html

87Office of Proposal Development Texas A&M University

Interpreting Reviews

If you are funded…..

If not…. Put the reviews away for a few daysPut the reviews away for a few days Then take them out and read carefullyThen take them out and read carefully Call the program officer for more feedbackCall the program officer for more feedback Evaluate if you should resubmitEvaluate if you should resubmit

88Office of Proposal Development Texas A&M University

Interpreting Reviews – Planning to Resubmit

Were certain issues mentioned consistently? Plan how to address those issuesPlan how to address those issues

Did the reviewers misunderstand your proposal? Plan how to make your text more clearPlan how to make your text more clear

Was no clear issue mentioned? May not have excited reviewers enoughMay not have excited reviewers enough May not be an area they wish to fund nowMay not be an area they wish to fund now May not fit into their research portfolioMay not fit into their research portfolio

Many funded proposals were funded after multiple submissions intelligent perseverance is the key!

89Office of Proposal Development Texas A&M University

Early Career Programs for Faculty


Young Investigator (ONR, ARL)Young Investigator (ONR, ARL) Congressionally Mandated Directed Medical Research Congressionally Mandated Directed Medical Research

Programs Young InvestigatorPrograms Young Investigator

NASA New Investigator Program in Earth-Sun Systems NIH

Scientist Development Award for New Minority FacultyScientist Development Award for New Minority Faculty Career Development Awards (K-awards)Career Development Awards (K-awards)

Esp. Career Transition (K22) Award NIAMS Small Grants Program for New InvestigatorsNIAMS Small Grants Program for New Investigators

90Office of Proposal Development Texas A&M University

Early Career Programs for Faculty

Foundations Burroughs Wellcome FundBurroughs Wellcome Fund PhRMA FoundationPhRMA Foundation Andrew W. Mellon Foundation Early Career Fellowship in Andrew W. Mellon Foundation Early Career Fellowship in

Economic StudiesEconomic Studies Kellogg Forum Rising Stars, etc.Kellogg Forum Rising Stars, etc.

Professional organization “early career” or “young investigator” programs American Philosophical Society – Franklin Research GrantsAmerican Philosophical Society – Franklin Research Grants

Listing of Programs http://www.spo.berkeley.edu/Fund/newfaculty.htmlhttp://www.spo.berkeley.edu/Fund/newfaculty.html

91Office of Proposal Development Texas A&M University


Duration: 5 years Funding level: “minimum” $400K total (except min.

$500K total for BIO directorate) Eligibility:

Have a PhDHave a PhD Untenured, holding tenure-track Asst. Prof. position or equivalentUntenured, holding tenure-track Asst. Prof. position or equivalent Have not competed in CAREER more than two times previouslyHave not competed in CAREER more than two times previously Have not won a CAREER awardHave not won a CAREER award

Due: July 19 – 21 depending on directorate Typical 10 – 20% success rate Solicitation: http://www.nsf.gov/publications/pub_summ.jsp?


92Office of Proposal Development Texas A&M University

ONR Young Investigator Program (Office of Naval Research)

$100,000 per year for three years FY 05 proposal was due 13 January 2005. FY06 announcement will be posted in September 2005 http://www.onr.navy.mil/02/baa/docs/fy2005yip.doc U.S. citizens, nationals, and permanent residents earned

PhD within last 5 years Approx. 24 awards

93Office of Proposal Development Texas A&M University

ONR Young Investigator

“The objectives of this program are to attract outstanding faculty members of Institutions of Higher Education (hereafter also called "universities") to the Department of the Navy's research program, to support their research, and to encourage their teaching and research careers.”

“Proposals falling within the broad scope of naval research interests will be considered.”

94Office of Proposal Development Texas A&M University

ONR Areas of Research Interesthttp://www.onr.navy.mil/

Information, Electronics & Surveillance (Code 31) Electronics; Math, Computer and Information Sciences; Electronics; Math, Computer and Information Sciences;

Surveillance, Communications, and Electronic Combat Surveillance, Communications, and Electronic Combat Ocean, Atmosphere & Space (Code 32)

Sensing and Systems; Processes and Prediction Sensing and Systems; Processes and Prediction Engineering, Materials & Physical Science (Code 33)

Physical Sciences; Materials; Mechanics and Energy Conversion; Physical Sciences; Materials; Mechanics and Energy Conversion; Ship Hull, Mechanical & Electrical Systems; Navy S&T Ship Office Ship Hull, Mechanical & Electrical Systems; Navy S&T Ship Office

Human Systems (Code 34) Medical and Biological Division; Cognitive, Neural and Social Medical and Biological Division; Cognitive, Neural and Social

Division Division Naval Expeditionary Warfare (Code 35)

Strike Technology; Expeditionary Warfare Operations Strike Technology; Expeditionary Warfare Operations

95Office of Proposal Development Texas A&M University

Army Research Lab Young Investigator Up to $50K per year for 3 years Eligibility

U.S. citizens holding tenure-track positions at U.S. universities and U.S. citizens holding tenure-track positions at U.S. universities and collegescolleges

have held their graduate degrees (Ph.D. or equivalent) for fewer than have held their graduate degrees (Ph.D. or equivalent) for fewer than five years at the time of application. five years at the time of application.

Broad Agency Announcement at http://www.aro.army.mil/research/arl/fy06arlbaa.pdf

Research Areas ““Proposals are invited for research in areas described in PART I, Proposals are invited for research in areas described in PART I,

Research Areas 1-8 only of this BAA. Proposals may be submitted at Research Areas 1-8 only of this BAA. Proposals may be submitted at any time. As is the case for the regular research programs, we any time. As is the case for the regular research programs, we strongly encourage informal discussions with the cognizant ARO strongly encourage informal discussions with the cognizant ARO technical program managertechnical program manager before submission of a formal propo before submission of a formal proposal. “sal. “

96Office of Proposal Development Texas A&M University

NIH K programs for New Faculty Series of very targeted programs

See K Kiosk at See K Kiosk at http://grants.nih.gov/training/careerdevelopmentawards.htm http://grants.nih.gov/training/careerdevelopmentawards.htm

Directed at retraining, professional developmentDirected at retraining, professional development

Check CRISP data base on NIH web site for info on funded programs

Recent TAMU winners: Christopher Quick (Vet) K-25Christopher Quick (Vet) K-25 Victor Ugaz (Chem E) K-22Victor Ugaz (Chem E) K-22 Helene Andrews (HSC) K-08Helene Andrews (HSC) K-08 Alberto Gallegos (Vet) K-25Alberto Gallegos (Vet) K-25

97Office of Proposal Development Texas A&M University

Other Programs

NASA New Investigator Program in Earth and Sun System Science


Notice of intent due June 30, 2005 Notice of intent due June 30, 2005 Full due August 31, 2005Full due August 31, 2005

Carl Sagan Fellowship for Early Career Research Varying submission times depending on topicVarying submission times depending on topic http://nspires.nasaprs.com/external/solicitations/summary.do?http://nspires.nasaprs.com/external/solicitations/summary.do?


98Office of Proposal Development Texas A&M University

Other Programs Foundations

Check their annual reports for goals, cultureCheck their annual reports for goals, culture Burroughs Wellcome FundBurroughs Wellcome Fund PhRMA FoundationPhRMA Foundation Andrew W. Mellon Foundation Early Career Fellowship in Economic Andrew W. Mellon Foundation Early Career Fellowship in Economic

StudiesStudies Kellogg Forum Rising Stars, etc.Kellogg Forum Rising Stars, etc.

Professional Organizations Search on Google:

““early career”, “young investigator”, junior faculty”early career”, “young investigator”, junior faculty” Check Check

http://www.unh.edu/osr/ http://www.spo.berkeley.edu/Fund/newfaculty.html

99Office of Proposal Development Texas A&M University

Young Investigator Programs Do your homework!

Mission and culture of funding agencyMission and culture of funding agency Talk to program directorTalk to program director Find out what has been funded in the pastFind out what has been funded in the past Talk to successful prior winners if possibleTalk to successful prior winners if possible

Follow the directions and read the solicitation carefully Clearly describe your goals, your work plan and the

benefits of your work Don’t give up!

Learn from reviewsLearn from reviews Talk to program officer about how you might address short Talk to program officer about how you might address short

comingscomings Apply again as long as you are eligible!Apply again as long as you are eligible!

100Office of Proposal Development Texas A&M University

Questions and Discussion

101Office of Proposal Development Texas A&M University

National Science Foundation Funds research in:

Biological Sciences (BIO) Computer and Info Science and Eng (CISE) Engineering (ENG) Education and Human Resources (EHR) Geosciences (GEO) Math and Physical Sciences (MPS) Polar Research (OPP) Social, Behavioral and Economic Sciences

(SBE) Cross-cutting Research

102Office of Proposal Development Texas A&M University


In addition to research grants, NSF funds: InstrumentationInstrumentation Conferences and WorkshopsConferences and Workshops Doctoral Research in Selected Areas (Doctoral Doctoral Research in Selected Areas (Doctoral

Dissertation Improvement Grants)Dissertation Improvement Grants) International TravelInternational Travel Graduate FellowshipsGraduate Fellowships

103Office of Proposal Development Texas A&M University

NSF mission

To support: Basic scientific research and research fundamental to Basic scientific research and research fundamental to

the engineering processthe engineering process Programs to strength scientific and engineering Programs to strength scientific and engineering

research potentialresearch potential Science and engineering education programs at all Science and engineering education programs at all

levels and in all fields of science and engineeringlevels and in all fields of science and engineering An information base on science and engineering An information base on science and engineering

appropriate for development of national and appropriate for development of national and international policyinternational policy

104Office of Proposal Development Texas A&M University

NSF: Goals and mission Agency goals are defined in terms of people,

ideas and tools People:People: A diverse, competitive, and globally engaged A diverse, competitive, and globally engaged

U.S. workforce of scientists, engineers, technologists U.S. workforce of scientists, engineers, technologists and well-prepared citizens;and well-prepared citizens;

Ideas:Ideas: Discovery across the frontier of science and Discovery across the frontier of science and engineering, connected to learning, innovation and engineering, connected to learning, innovation and service to society;service to society;

Tools:Tools: Broadly accessible state-of-the-art science Broadly accessible state-of-the-art science and engineering facilities, tools, and other and engineering facilities, tools, and other infrastructure that enable discovery, learning and infrastructure that enable discovery, learning and innovationinnovation

105Office of Proposal Development Texas A&M University

NSF Organization

3/23/2005 22

National Science FoundationNational Science Foundation

Inspector General

National Science Board

DirectorDeputy Director

Staff Offices

Computer & Information

Science& Engineering

Engineering GeosciencesMathematical

& PhysicalSciences

Social, Behavioral& Economic


Education & Human Resources

Budget, Finance & Award


Information Resource


Biological Sciences

106Office of Proposal Development Texas A&M University

Directorates divided into divisions

Example: Math and Physical Sciences (MPS) Astronomical Sciences (ASI)Astronomical Sciences (ASI) Chemistry (CHE)Chemistry (CHE) Materials Research (DMR)Materials Research (DMR) Physics (PHY)Physics (PHY) Division Mathematical Sciences (DMS)Division Mathematical Sciences (DMS)

107Office of Proposal Development Texas A&M University

Programs/clusters within organization

Materials Research CeramicsCeramics MetalsMetals Electronic MaterialsElectronic Materials Condensed Matter PhysicsCondensed Matter Physics Materials TheoryMaterials Theory Solid State ChemistrySolid State Chemistry Etc…….Etc…….

108Office of Proposal Development Texas A&M University

Funding opportunities see “Guide to Programs” at http://www.nsf.gov

/funding/browse_all_funding.jsp Program Description or Program Announcement Program Description or Program Announcement

(“unsolicited”)(“unsolicited”) SolicitationsSolicitations SupplementsSupplements Dear Colleague LetterDear Colleague Letter SGER (Special Grants for Exploratory Research)SGER (Special Grants for Exploratory Research)

109Office of Proposal Development Texas A&M University

Example funding opportunities Grants Funding Equipment (web sites in handout)

Major Research Instrumentation (MRI)Major Research Instrumentation (MRI) Earth Sciences Instrumentation and Facilities (EAR/IF)Earth Sciences Instrumentation and Facilities (EAR/IF) Research Equipment for Chemical Transport System Research Equipment for Chemical Transport System

DivisionDivision Chemical Research Instrumentation and FacilitiesChemical Research Instrumentation and Facilities Multi-user Equipment and Instrumentation Resources Multi-user Equipment and Instrumentation Resources

for Biological Sciencesfor Biological Sciences Archaeometry AwardsArchaeometry Awards Astronomical Sciences Advanced Technologies and Astronomical Sciences Advanced Technologies and

Instrumentation (ATI)Instrumentation (ATI)

110Office of Proposal Development Texas A&M University

Example funding opportunitiesCAREER

http://www.nsf.gov/funding/pgm_summ.jsp?pims_id=5262&from=fund Duration: 5 years Funding level: “minimum” $400K total (except min. $500K total for

BIO directorate) Eligibility:

Have a PhDHave a PhD Untenured, holding tenure-track assistant prof. Position or equivalentUntenured, holding tenure-track assistant prof. Position or equivalent Have not competed in CAREER more than two times previouslyHave not competed in CAREER more than two times previously Have not won a CAREER awardHave not won a CAREER award

Due: July 20 – 22 depending on directorate Typical 10 – 20% success rate

111Office of Proposal Development Texas A&M University

NSF Review Criteria

Intellectual Merit How important is activity to advancing knowledge and understanding in How important is activity to advancing knowledge and understanding in

own field and across fields?own field and across fields? How well-qualified is proposer to conduct project?How well-qualified is proposer to conduct project? How creative and original are ideas?How creative and original are ideas? How well-conceived and organized is proposed activity?How well-conceived and organized is proposed activity? Is there sufficient access to resources?Is there sufficient access to resources?

Broader Impacts How well does the activity advance discovery and understanding while How well does the activity advance discovery and understanding while

promoting teaching, training and learning?promoting teaching, training and learning? Will it enhance infrastructure for research and education such as Will it enhance infrastructure for research and education such as

facilities, networks, partnerships?facilities, networks, partnerships? Will results be disseminated broadly to enhance understanding of Will results be disseminated broadly to enhance understanding of

science?science? What are potential benefits to society of proposed research?What are potential benefits to society of proposed research?

112Office of Proposal Development Texas A&M University

NSF Review Criteria (cont’d)

Integration of Research and Education How well does project foster integration of research How well does project foster integration of research

and education, infusing education with the excitement and education, infusing education with the excitement of discovery?of discovery?

Integrating Diversity into NSF Programs, Projects and Activities How well does project broaden opportunities and How well does project broaden opportunities and

enable the participation of all citizens, women and enable the participation of all citizens, women and men, underrepresented minorities and persons with men, underrepresented minorities and persons with disabilities?disabilities?

113Office of Proposal Development Texas A&M University

Review Process

May be ad hoc or panel review (at least three reviewers)

Proposal rated: Excellent, Very good, Good, Fair, PoorExcellent, Very good, Good, Fair, Poor Comments included as feedbackComments included as feedback

NSF tries to return reviews within 6 months of due date