1 JavaScript 2 JavaScript. 2 Rollovers Most web page developers first use JavaScript for rollovers A...

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Transcript of 1 JavaScript 2 JavaScript. 2 Rollovers Most web page developers first use JavaScript for rollovers A...


JavaScript 2




• Most web page developers first use JavaScript for rollovers

• A rollover is a change in the appearance of an element of the page when the cursor is placed over it.

• Rollovers have come to mean that something is a link

• A rollover replaces one image with another



• Most web page developers first use JavaScript for rollovers

• A rollover is a change in the appearance of an element of the page when the cursor is placed over it.

• Rollovers have come to mean that something is a link

• A rollover replaces one image with another


The Images

• Generating the images for a rollover can be complex

• It can be difficult to ensure that the slices of an image fit together correctly when assembled in a table

• Photoshop’s Slice tool can be useful


onMouseOver =

• The mouseOver event is triggered when the cursor hovers over the item

• It can be used for rollovers


onMouseOver =

• Var happyFace = new Image();• happyFace.src = “happy.gif”

• <img src=“face.gif”


onMouseOver = ”document.face.src = happyFace.src”>


onMouseOver =

• Var happyFace = new Image();• happyFace.src = “happy.gif”

• <img src=“face.gif”


onMouseOver = ”document.face.src = happyFace.src”>

Creates new image object called happyFace

Sets source of happyFace to the gif

The image tag is given the name “face”

When the cursor hovers over the image the source property of the image named face is chanced to the source of the image object happy

References image by id

In theheader



• The built-in event onMouseOut is triggered when the cursor moves off an object.

• Usually a rollover has a mouse over and mouse out part to restore the original image


var good = new Image();good.src ="colin-good.jpg";var evil = new Image();evil.src ="colin-evil.jpg";</head>

<body><img src="colin-good.jpg" id="face" onMouseOver="document.face.src=evil.src" onMouseOut="document.face.src=good.src">

onmouseover & onmouseout


More built-in events

• onload • onunload• onfocus• onblur• onchange• onsubmit• onkeydown• onkeypress

Often used when working with cookies

Can be used to trigger validation of form fields as user enters the data


Alerts & Dialogs

• JavaScript can control windows to get the user’s attention or solicit input

• The exact look of these windows will depend on the operating system


Alert Box

alert (“This is important!”)

Alert boxes only inform the user. They does accept any input.


Confirm Box

var name=confirm (“Your credit card will be charged")

Confirm evaluates to true is OK is clicked and false otherwise


Prompt Box

Prompt evaluates to the user’s input

The second parameter is text that will appear by default

name=prompt("Please enter your name","")


Prompt box

<html><head><title>Sample Java Script

Page</title></head><body bgcolor="#ffffff"

text="#000000"><script type="text/javascript">var name;name=prompt("Please enter your

name","");if (name!=null && name!="")

{document.write("Hello " + name);}

</script><br /><br />Thanks for visiting my webpage.</body></html>

• This page prompts for the user's name in a dialog box.

• If the user cancels the value is null

• The name is included in in the greeting

• Because the script is in the body of the page it runs when the page is loaded


While Loop

While (condition)


<script type="text/javascript">var top;top = prompt("Enter a number","");if (top!=null && name!="")

{var n = 0;while (n<=top)

{document.write(n);n = n + 1;}



Do While Loop

Do Statement;

While (condition)

• Do While loop will always executed the statement at least once

• So be careful


For Loop

For (intA=2; intA <=10; intA++)


• A JavaScript For loop has three parts

Initialize counter Halt Condition Increment