1 Efficacy and Safety of Treatments for Childhood

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Transcript of 1 Efficacy and Safety of Treatments for Childhood


    Efficacy and safety of treatments for childhoodpsoriasis: A systematic literature review

    Michelle E. A. de Jager, MD, Elke M. G. J. de Jong, MD, PhD, Peter C. M. van de Kerkhof, MD, PhD,and Marieke M. B. Seyger, MD, PhD

    Nijmegen, The Netherlands

    Background: Evidence-based recommendations for therapeutic decision making in childhood psoriasisare lacking.

    l available literature concerning treatment efficacy andcommendation for topical and systemic treatment of

    SE, and the Cochrane Controlled Clinical Trial Register.eatment options in childhood psoriasis were obtained

    d psoriasis are efficacious. Short-term side effects were



    From rma,Serono, Wyeth, and Abbott. She also received research grantsfrom Merck Serono and Wyeth. Dr van de Kerkhof served as

    consultant for Schering Plough, Cellgene, Centocor, Allmirall,


    2009 by the American Academy of Dermatology, Inc.doi:10.1016/j.jaad.2009.06.048Nijmegen Medical Center.

    Supported by University Medical Center St Radboud Foundation,

    which received funding from Wyeth Pharmaceuticals for the

    project. Wyeth Pharmaceuticals played no role in the design

    and execution of the study or in data collection, data manage-

    ment, data analysis, interpretation of the data, manuscript

    preparation, manuscript review, or manuscript approval.

    Conflicts of interest: None declared.

    Disclosure: Dr de Jager participated in trials funded by Schering

    Plough and Abbott. Dr de Jong served as consultant for Biogen,

    Novartis, Janssen Cilag, and Leo Pharma. He also received

    research grants from Centocor, Wyeth, Schering Plough, Merck

    Serono, Abbott, and Philips Lighting. Dr Seyger has served as a

    consultant for Wyeth and participated in trials funded by

    Schering Plough and Wyeth.

    Reprint requests: Michelle E. A. de Jager, MD, Department of

    Dermatology, 370, Radboud University Nijmegen Medical

    Center, PO Box 9101, 6500 HB Nijmegen, The Netherlands.

    E-mail: M.deJager@derma.umcn.nl.

    Published online November 9, 2009.the Department of Dermatology, Radboud University UCB, Wyeth, Pfizer, Soffinova, Abbott, Actelion, Galdeons in childhood psoriasis is important. Psoriasisunts for 4% of dermatoses in children younger16 years in North America and Europe,1 butalence in various parts of the world may differ.2

    PASI: Psoriasis Area and Severity IndexPUVA: psoralen plus ultraviolet ARCT: randomized controlled trialUV: ultravioletoptithe skin that affects about 2% of the generalpopulation. Onset in childhood is relatively

    mon. Therefore, knowledge about therapeutic

    Abbreviations used:

    LOE: level of evidenceMTX: methotrexateNB: narrowbandsoriasis is a chronic, inflammatory condition ofKey words: childhood psoriasis; efficacy; safety; treatment.choice. ( J Am Acad Dermatol 2010;62:1013-30.)

    topical corticosteroids, followed by dithranol. Methusually mild; long-term side effects were not described.

    Limitations: Most conclusions formulated are not based on randomized controlled trials.

    Conclusions: A rough summary of the proposed algorithm is as follows: first, calcipotriene with/withoutotrexate is considered to be the systemic treatment ofof topical and systemic therapies given in childhoo

    Results: Literature search revealed 2649 studies, of which 64 studies met the inclusion criteria. The majorityObjectives: We sought to systematically review alsafety in childhood psoriasis and to propose a rechildhood psoriasis.

    Methods: Databases searched were PubMed, EMBAAll studies reporting on efficacy and safety of all trand a level of evidence was determined.1013

  • ry 1980 to Septemberand the Cochraneer. Psoriasis, child,as main key words,yms and antipsoriaticand brand names).nglish, German, andh strategy are availabler on request. Becausechildhood psoriasis iswas reviewed, includ-retrospective studies,ized controlled trialsnt types of childhoodte, pustular). Studiesrent treatment options\ 18 years) were in-utcome measure wases included Psoriasis

    review. Study charactestudy population, numbtreatment, primary outduration of remission,The LOEs were determEvidence-based MediciI). All case reports wereexpert opinion in thedescribed in grades o(Table II), which are bathe grade of recommetients treated were citewas made by the autoutcome measures. Clethan 90% improvemenwhereas marked, modprovement were defin70%, 30% to 50%, and lthe outcome paramet


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    1014 de Jager et alArea and Severity Index (PASI); Physician GlobalAssessment; total severity score for erythema, scaling,and thickness; and more subjective parameters suchas percentage of clearance. Excluded were studiesdescribing antipsoriatic combination therapies (ex-cept for a combination with low- to moderate-po-tency topical corticosteroids) and studies concerningarticles published from Janua2008: PubMed, EMBASE,Controlled Clinical Trial Registand treatment were usedincluding all possible synontreatments (generic namesLanguages were limited to EDutch. Full details on the searcfrom the corresponding authothe available literature aboutlimited, all available literatureing case reports, case series,open-label trials, and random(RCTs) concerning all differepsoriasis (eg, plaque, guttareporting onefficacy of all diffefor childhood psoriasis (agecluded. Description of an omandatory. Outcome measurFor treatment of patients with psoriasis, a spec-trum of topical treatments, photo(chemo)therapy,conventional systemic treatments, and biologics areavailable. Treatment of childhood psoriasis has beendescribed in a few reviews.3-5 In these publications,the literature was not systematically reviewed andrecommendations were not based on the principlesof evidence-based medicine.To our knowledge, evi-dence-based guidelines de-scribing the preferentialorder of treatments used forchildhood psoriasis are notavailable.

    The aim of this article wasto systematically review allavailable literature concern-ing efficacy and safety of alltreatment options for child-hood psoriasis. On this basis,a recommendation for thetopical and systemic treat-ment of childhood psoriasisis made.

    METHODSThree bibliographic databases were searched for


    d Although childhorelatively commoevidence-based gtreatment of thisthis review, the ethe literature concsafety of treatmenpsoriasis is displa

    d The levels of evidon the Oxford CenMedicine Levels o

    d An algorithm forchildhood psoriaspsoriatic arthritis. If the treatment regimen was un-clear, the study was not included. Articles on bothwithbaseline. Initially, a subdivision in age categorieswas aimed for, unfortunately, this proved impossiblebecause of lack of age specification in the originalarticles. Differences among reviewers were resolvedby discussion or by consulting a third investigator.


    In the results, all 1

    sented, as are the reasoristics included study design,er of participants, duration ofcome, blinding, side effects,and level of evidence (LOE).ined on the Oxford Center forne Levels of Evidence6 (Tableconsidered to be equal to anLOE. The conclusions are

    f recommendation (A to D)sed on the LOE. In addition tondation, the numbers of pa-d. In addition, a classificationhors to match the differentarance was defined as moret of the outcome parameters,erate, slight, and poor im-ed as 70% to 90%, 50% toess than 30% improvement ofers, respectively, comparedchildren and adults were only included if their datawere reported separately. Studies on treatment mo-dalities that were only described once as a mono-therapy in the literature were also excluded. Thebibliographies of all articles identified were checkedfor additional relevant articles thatwere not identifiedin the database search. After the initial search was

    performed, abstracts werescreened for inclusion andexclusion independently bytwo reviewers (M. E. A. d. J.and M. M. B. S.). Of the 2649studies found, 2533 were ex-cluded because the abstractsshowed that the studies werenot eligible for inclusion.Subsequently, full text of theremaining articles was ob-tained. Data on study charac-teristics (both methodologicand clinical) were indepen-dently extracted from eachfull text article by the sametwo reviewers (M. E. A. d. J.andM.M. B. S.) and recordedon a predesigned data extrac-

    tion form. Finally, 64 articles were included in this

    soriasis is an disease,lines on thease are lacking. Ince published inng the efficacy andsed in childhood

    were determinedfor Evidence-basedidence.

    reatment ofproposed.16 full text articles are pre-ns for exclusion of 52 articles.

  • propionate emulsion formulation 0.05%.


    de Jager et al 1015Noteworthy is that these data come from a subgroupanalysis with a control group of only one patient.Because of this, and the low number of childrenThe details on the 64 studies included are summa-rized in Table III.

    Topical corticosteroidsLiterature research revealed 11 studies.7-17 Eight

    studies were excluded: two because there was noclear diagnosis of psoriasis,7,8 one because of avague description of treatment strategy,9 3 becauseof the lack of an identified outcome measure,10-12

    one because of a concomitant HIV infection,16 andone because of the use of an antipsoriatic combina-tion therapy.13

    Herz et al15 (LOE 4) published an open-labelstudy on halobetasol cream 0.05%. In 72.7% ofpatients, lesions healed after 2 weeks of treatment.

    A RCT performed by Kimball et al14 (LOE 4)showed a treatment success in two of 8 treatedpatients after 2 weeks of treatment with clobetasol

    Table I. Level of evidence

    1a Systematic review of RCTs1b Individual RCT2a Systematic review of cohort studies2b Individual cohort study (including low-quality RCT)3a Systematic review of case-control studies3b Individual case-control study4 Case series5 Case reports, expert opinion

    RCT, Randomized controlled trial.

    Data from the Oxford Center for Evidence-based Medicine Levels

    of Evidence.6included in this study, the LOE was downgraded tolevel 4.

    One case report (LOE 5) described the use ofhydrocortisone 1% ointment in a 2-year-old childwith pustular psoriasis17; clearance was achievedwith corticosteroid application.

    In two of the included studies, concerning hal-obetasol cream 0.05% and clobetasol propionateemulsion 0.05%, adverse events were mentioned.Mild skin atrophy, erythema, and depigmentationwere described after a treatment period of 2weeks.14,15 Burning at the application site was alsomentioned as a side effect.14 Unfortunately, adrenalaxis testing was not performed in these studies.Conclusion Grade C Number of patients

    treated with topical corticosteroids: 20 Halo-betasol cream 0.05%: 2 weeks. Halobetasol

    Conclusion Grade A Number of patientstreated with calcipotriene: 155. Calcipotriene

    is an effective, reasonably well-tolerated treatmentoption for childhood plaque psoriasis.Grade B Number of patients treated with

    calcitriol: 18. Calcitriol seems to be an effectivecream 0.05% and clobetasol propionate emulsion0.05% seem to be efficacious treatments in childhoodplaque psoriasis. Reported side effects were rela-tively mild in the treatment period of 2 weeks.

    Vitamin D analoguesTen publications on vitamin D treatment (8

    calcipotriene and two calcitriol) in children withpsoriasis were identified and assessed by data ex-traction forms.18-27 One case report27 was excludedbecause of an unclear diagnosis.

    Oranje et al18 (LOE 1b) performed a random-ized double-blind study in 77 juvenile patients.Calcipotriene (50 g/g) was applied twice dailyfor 8 weeks. The investigators reported a decreasein PASI score of 52% in the vitamin D group(n = 43) and 37.1% in the placebo group (n = 34).This difference was not statistically significant.However, reduction of the Physician GlobalAssessment at week 8 and differences in mor-phology were statistically significant in favor ofthe active treatment group. Several other studiesshowed a positive effect of calcipotriene treatmenton psoriatic lesions with an estimated outcomemeasure of clearance or marked improvement inat least 65% of cases.21-26

    Calcitriol ointment (3 g/g) was applied in arandomized double-blind study19 (LOE 2b), showinga residual mild erythema in all 10 patients. Perez etal20 performed a study with calcitriol of which thefirst part was placebo controlled (LOE 2b) and thesecond part was open label (LOE 4). The same 4patients with plaque psoriasis participated in bothstudies. In the first part of the study, total severityscore (range 0-9) was reduced from 6.0 to 2.5 in theactive treatment group; in the placebo group thescore decreased from 6.0 to 5.8. In the second part, amean PASI reduction of 94% was seen after 18months of treatment.

    Irritant reactions were seen in 4 of the calcipo-triene studies18,21,23,25; moderate itching was seen intwo studies.22,23 In total, 8 of 98 participants from 3studies in which dropout was described ceasedtreatment because of side effects. No adverse eventswere reported in two studies.19,28 The two remainingstudies did not mention side effects.24,26treatment for childhood psoriasis with mild sideeffects.

  • [PUVA] radiation) was the treatment examined in twocase reports44,45 and one case series.46 Five studies


    1016 de Jager et alCalcineurin inhibitorsSix studies were identified by literature search29-34;

    one was excluded because they used an antipsoriaticcombination therapy.34 Two studies were classifiedas LOE 429,30 and 3 as LOE 531-33; all describedcalcineurin inhibitor use in psoriasis facialis andinversa (including anogenital psoriasis).

    In two nonrandomized clinical trials treatment offacial and flexural psoriasis with tacrolimus 0.1%wasevaluated.29,30 All patients showed clearance after atreatment period varying from 2 to 30 days.Tacrolimus 0.1% was also used in one case report.33

    The facial psoriasis cleared totally.The two remaining studies were case reports on

    the use of pimecrolimus cream 1.0%.31,32 In bothcases total remission was achieved.

    Pruritus was noted as an adverse event in onetacrolimus study.29 One patient discontinued thestudy because of this side effect. In two studies,calcineurin inhibitors (tacrolimus and pimecrolimus)were well tolerated.30,32 The other studies did notdescribe adverse events.31,33

    Conclusion Grade C Number of patientstreated with tacrolimus: 20. Tacrolimus 0.1%seems an effective and safe therapeutic option forshort-term treatment of facial and intertriginouschildhood psoriasis. Long-term safety was notdescribed.

    No conclusion could be drawn for the use of

    Table II. Grades of recommendation

    A Studies with consistent LOE 1a and/or 1b (Table I)B Studies with consistent LOE 2a, 2b, 3a, or 3b; or

    extrapolations from studies with LOE 1a or 1bC Studies with LOE 4 or extrapolations from studies

    with LOE 2a, 2b, 3a, or 3bD Studies with LOE 5 or troublingly inconsistent or

    inconclusive studies of any level

    LOE, Level of evidence.

    Data from the Oxford Center for Evidence-based Medicine Levels

    of Evidence.6pimecrolimus in childhood psoriasis because of asmall number of patients.

    Dithranol (anthralin)Literature search revealed 4 studies describing

    dithranol treatment in children.35-38 One was ex-cluded because there was no outcome measurestated.38 Two studies were classified as LOE 435,36;one was classified as LOE 5.37

    In one study short-contact dithranol treatment in58 patients was reviewed retrospectively.35 Of pa-tients, 81% attained remission after a median treat-ment duration of 2 months. Guerrier and Porter36

    performed a multicenter open-label study in whichwere excluded47-51: grounds for exclusion weresystemic combination therapy in 3 cases,47-49 uncleardiagnosis in one case,50 and unclear treatment reg-imen in another case.51 All studies included wereclassified as LOE 4, except for two case reports thatwere classified as LOE 5.44,45

    Two open-label studies were performed. Jainet al40 examined NB-UVB treatment for 12 weeks.PASI 90 was achieved in 60% of patients. In all,10% had less than 50% improvement. It needs tobe mentioned that all patients had skin type IV.Tay et al43 also studied NB-UVB treatment. After amean treatment of 11.9 weeks, clearance wasreached in all patients.

    Three retrospective case reviews concerning NB-UVB were found. The most recent study from 2006reviewed 35 cases,41 which all had skin type V.Clearance or minimal residual disease was found in63%, 9% had a poor response, and 28% of patientrecords could not be retrieved. Pasic et al42 obtainedrecords from 20 patients. PASI 90 was reached in 45%and 15% showed less than 50% improvement.

    39they applied dithranol cream 0.1%. In all, 34 patientscompleted the study; mean percentage of clinicalimprovement (6SEM) was 64 (611) in center 1 (n =11) and 77 (64) in center 2 (n = 23) after 6 weeks oftreatment. A case report demonstrated a markedimprovement of psoriatic lesions in a girl given thediagnosis of plaque psoriasis.37 Dithranol was ap-plied in relatively low concentration (0.016%-0.0625%) for 3 months.

    Overall, total remission was found in 47 of 58patients35 and marked improvement in 35 of 42patients.36,37

    Mild transient skin irritation (including burningsensation) and staining were the most frequentlyreported adverse events.35,36 In the case report ofSchubert et al,37 no adverse effects were reported. Insummary, 4% of all patients described ceased treat-ment because of side effects.Conclusion Grade C Number of patients

    treated with dithranol: 100. Dithranol is an ef-fective treatment in childhood psoriasis with a goodmargin of safety for short-term use.

    PhototherapyOf the 13 studies identified, 5 studies described

    treatment of childhood guttate and plaque psoriasiswith narrowband (NB)-ultraviolet (UV) B radia-tion.39-43 Photochemotherapy (psoralen plus UVAal-Fouzan and Nanda found a marked improve-ment in 88% of the 25 patients treated.

  • Table III. Summary of included studies

    Treatment Author LOE Diagnosis (No.) Study type No. of patients (age) Duration of treatment Outcome

    Topical corticosteroidsHalobetasol cream 0.05% Herz et al15 4 PP (11) OL 11 (5-15 y) 14 d Healed 72.7%, marked

    improvement 18.2%,moderateimprovement 9.1%

    Clobetasol propionateemulsion formulationfoam 0.05%

    Kimball et al14 4 PP (9); treated (8),placebo (1)

    RCT 9 (12-17 y) 2 wk Erythema, induration,and thickness oflesions minimal oreven cleared, andstatic PGA clear orminimal: 25% ofpatients

    Hydrocortisoneointment 1%

    Feicht17 5 GPP (1) CR 1 (2 y) 3 wk Clearance 100%

    Vitamin-D analoguesCalcipotriene 50 g/g Oranje et al18 1b PP (77); treated (43),

    placebo (34)RCT 77 (2-14 y) 8 wk PASI: e52% in treatment

    group, e37.1% inplacebo group (notsignificant); PGAtreatment group:clearance 16%, markedimprovement 44% (inplacebo groupclearance 0% and 44%marked improvement);differences werestatistically significantfor redness andscaliness, but not forthickness

    Calcipotriene 50 g/g Darley et al21 4 PP (66) OL 66 (2-14 y) 8 wk Mean (6SD) PASI 6.1(63.5)/2.4 (61.7) in 8wk; clearance ormarked improvementin 62%-65%

    Calcipotriene 0.005%in petrolatum

    Fabrizi22 4 PP (4); IP (4); FP (2);PPP (2)

    OL 12 (4-12 y) 4-6 wk Average PASI3.28/0.28; after 2 wkPASI 50 in 60% ofpatients









  • Table III. Contd

    Treatment Author LOE Diagnosis (No.) Study type No. of patients (age) Duration of treatment Outcome

    Calcipotriene 50 g/g Park et al23 4 PP (12) OL 12 (8-15 y) 12-106 wk PASI 90: 8.3%, PASI 75:66.7%, mean PASI: 18.4(612.2)/6.5 (65.4)

    Calcipotriene Travis and Silverberg24 5 EP (1) CR 1 (4 mo) 3 mo Clearance: 100%;Calcipotriene 50 g/g Patrizi et al25 4 IP (1); GP (4); PP (15) OL 20 (2-13 y) 8 wk [75% Improvement:

    30%; 50%-70%improvement: 45%

    Calcipotriene Choi et al26 5 GPP (1) CR 1 (6 mo) 1 mo Lesions almostdisappeared: 100%

    Calcitriol ointment3 g/g

    Saggese et al19 2b PP (10) RCT 10 (5-17 y) 4 wk Residual mild erythema:100%

    Calcitriol 15 g/g inpetroleum jelly

    Perez et al20 2b PP (4) PCT 4 (13-17 y) 2 mo Severity score (0-9)(6SD): calcitriol: 6.0(60.4)/2.5 (60.6)(P\ .025), placebo:6.0 (60.4)/5.8 (60.3)(P = .2)

    Calcitriol 15 g/g inpetroleum jelly

    Perez et al20 4 PP (4) OL 4 (13-17 y) 15-23 mo Mean baseline PASI 11.06 2.2 reduced by 94%in 18 mo

    Calcineurin inhibitorsTacrolimus 0.1% Brune et al29 4 FP (5); IP (3); FP

    and IP (3)OL 11 (2-17 y) Maximum

    180 dCompletely cleared: 12%;

    90%-99%improvement: 88%;overall severity scoreclinically significant atd 30

    Tacrolimus 0.1% Steele et al30 4 IP (8) ROL 8 (22 mo-16 y) 2 d-2 wk 100% Efficacy in 100%Tacrolimus 0.1% Clayton et al33 5 FP (1) CR 1 (6 y) 3 d Total clearance: 100%Pimecrolimus 1% Amichai31 5 IP (1) CR 1 (10 y) 3 wk Lesions resolved: 100%Pimecrolimus 1% Mansouri and Farshi32 5 IP and FP (1) CR 1 (10 y) 80 d Lesions completely

    disappeared: 100%after 20 d

    DithranolDithranol cream0.1%-2%

    Zvulunov et al35 4 NS (58) ROL 58 (2-15 y) Until remission,median 2 mo

    Remission (defined ascompletedisappearance ofscaling and erythema):81%






  • Dithranol cream 0.1%with 17% urea

    Guerrier andPorter36

    4 GP (6); PP (30); GPand PP (5)

    OL 41 (3-16 y) 6wk, Extensionto 12 wk for 8patients

    At wk 6: meanpercentage clinicalimprovement (6SEM)64 (611) (n = 11) and77 (64) (n = 23)

    Dithranol 0.016%-0.0625%

    Schubert et al37 5 PP (1) CR 1 (13 mo) 3 mo Marked improvement:100%

    PhototherapyNB-UVB 50 mJ initial

    dose; increments of10% at each session

    Jain et al40 4 GP (2); PP (18) OL 20 (6-14 y) 12 wk [90% PASI reduction:60%; 70%-90% PASIreduction: 15%; 50%-70% PASI reduction:5%;\ 50% PASIreduction: 10%

    NB-UVB Tay et al43 4 GP (6); PP (4) OL 10 (14 mo-12 y) 6-20 wk (Mean11.9)

    Clearance: 100%

    NB-UVB: starting at 50%of MED withincrements of 20%

    Jury et al41 4 NS (35) RCS 35 (4-16 y) e Clearance or minimalresidual disease: 63%;no better: 9%; norecord: 28%

    UVB al-Fouzan and Nanda39 4 NS (25) RCS 25 (5-12 y) 7.6 6 4 wk(Range 2-20 wk)

    [80% Clearance: 88%

    NB-UVB 0.03-0.05 J/cm2 Pasic et al42 4 GP (3); PP (17) RCS 20 (4-16 y) 10-39 Treatments(mean 19)

    PASI 90: 45%; PASI 70:65%; PASI 50: 85%

    PUVA Kim et al44 5 PP (1) CR 1 (17 y) 18 Treatments Lesions cleared: 100%PUVA 3.75 mg/L 8-MOP

    suit and 2.5-4.0 J/cm2


    Thappa andLaxmisha45

    5 GP (1) CR 1 (10 y) 4 wk PASI 14.2/1.6 (89%improvement)

    PUVA 0.6 mg/kgmethoxypsoralen and0.5-1 J/cm2 UVA

    Braun-Falcoet al46

    4 EACP (2) CS 2 (7-11 y) 15-21 Treatments Clearance: 100%

    AntibioticsThiamphenicol 20 mg/kg Juanqin et al52 4 GPP (2) RCS 2 (2-12 y) e \50% Clearance: 100%Amoxicillin/clavulanic

    acid 50 mg/kgPacifico54 5 GP (1) CR 1 (7 y) 20 d Cleared: 100%

    Erythromycin 50 mg/kg Patrizi et al53 4 GP (4) CS 4 (5-10 y) 2 wk Psoriasis completelyresolved: 100%

    Rifampin Rosenberg et al55 4 GP (3); PP (1) RCT 4 (5-10 y) 5 d Excellent response: 25%,good response: 75%

    Erythromycin orpenicillin V withaddition of rifampin

    Vincent et al56 4 GP (3) OL 3 (12-15 y) 14 d No clinical change: 100%









  • Table III. Contd

    Treatment Author LOE Diagnosis (No.) Study type No. of patients (age) Duration of treatment Outcome

    RetinoidsEtretinate 1 mg/kg Rosinska et al61 4 EP (5); GPP (5) RCS 10 (3-15 y) 3 wk-$ 12 mo EP: 2 3 complete

    clearing; 3 3improvement; GPP:5 3 complete clearing

    Etretinate 10 mg van de Kerkhof62 5 GPP (1) CR 1 (1 y) 3 mo Complete clearance:100%

    Etretinate 1 mg/kg Pavicic et al63 4 GPP (5) CS 5 (3-11 y) e Complete and significantregression oferythroderma: 100%

    Etretinate 0.5-0.9 mg/kg Kim et al64 4 EP (3) OL 3 (10-12 y) 4-5 mo Clearance erythema andscaling: 100%

    Etretinate 25 mg van der Rhee et al65 4 PP (2) CS 2 (8 y) 13-17 mo Excellent: 100%Acitretin 0.5 mg/kg Salleras et al66 5 EP (1) CR 1 (4 y) 3 mo Complete remission:


    Cyclosporin A1-2 mg/kg

    Kilic et al79 4 GPP (3) CS 3 (10 mo-16 y) 12, 6, 5 mo (Lastone still intreatment)

    Almost completelydisappeared: 33%;completelydisappeared: 66%

    Cyclosporin 3 mg/kg Alli et al81 5 GPP (1) CR 1 (9 y) 11 mo Free of psoriasis: 100%Cyclosporin 3.5 mg/kg Torchia et al82 5 Photosensitive

    psoriasis (1)CR 1 (15 y) 3 wk Lesions healed: 100%

    Cyclosporin2.5-10 mg/kg

    Mahe et al78 4 PPP (1); EP (1); PP(1); GPP (1)

    CS 4 (2-10 y) 3.5-6 mo No response: 100%

    MTXMTX 0.03-0.24 mg/kg Collin et al87 4 PP (10) RCS 10 (5-16 y) 6-178 wk Complete clearance:

    20%; almost completeclearance: 60%; noresponse: 10%

    MTX 0.2-0.4 mg/kg Kaur et al88 4 PPP (1); EP (3); PP(17); GPP (3)

    RCS 24 (2-14 y) 2-16 mo (Mean4.97)

    PASI 75: 91.7%; PASI 50-75: 8.3%

    MTX 0.2-0.4 mg/kg Kumar et al89 4 EP (3); PP (2);GPP (2)

    RCS 7 (3-16 y) 6-10 wk to Control:duration 31.2-46.4wk (mean 38.8)

    [75% Clearance: 100%

    MTX 0.2-0.4 mg/kg Juanqin et al52 4 GPP (4) RCS 4 (2-12 y) e [80% Clearance: 100%MTX 0.2 mg/kg Kalla and Goyal90 5 GPP (1) CR 1 (4 y) $ 10 wk Marked improvement:







  • MTX 0.4 mg/kg Dogra et al92 5 GPP (1) CR 1 (2 y) e Clearance of pustules:100%

    MTX 0.3 mg/kg Dogra et al91 5 GPP (1) CR 1 (4 y) 12 wk Almost completeremission: 100%

    MTX 0.3 mg/kg Ivker et al93 5 GPP (1) CR 1 (3 mo) 4 wk Clearing: 100%Biologics

    Etanercept 0.8 mg/kg Paller et al96 1b PP (211); treated (106),placebo (105)

    RCT 211 (4-17 y) 12 wk blind Treatment group: PASI90: 27% (at wk 12);PASI 75: 57% (atwk 12)

    Placebo group: PASI 90:7% (at wk 12); PASI 75:11% (at wk 12)

    Etanercept 25 mg Hoang and Burruss100 5 PP (1) CR 1 (14 y) 8 mo Clearance of all lesionsexcept those plaqueson elbows and knees:100%

    Etanercept 0.4 mg/kg Fabrizi et al102 5 EP (1) CR 1 (22 mo) 6 mo PASI 37/1.2 in 12 wkEtanercept 0.4 mg/kg Papoutsaki et al97 4 GPP and EP (1);

    PPP (1); PP (2)CS 4 (6-15 y) 24-$ 86 wk PASI: 25.8/0; 21.2/0;

    27.4/5.9; 9.2/2.2Etanercept 0.4 mg/kg Safa et al105 5 EP (1) CR 1 (7 y) $ 6 mo Significant clinical

    improvement: 100%Etanercept 25 mg Farnsworth et al103 5 PP (1) CR 1 (14 y) 8 mo No improvement:100%Etanercept 0.4 mg/kg Kress98 4 PP (3) CS 3 (9-16 y) 27; 27; 30 mo Almost clear: 100%Infliximab 5 mg/kg Farnsworth et al103 5 PP (1) CR 1 (14 y) $ 6 wk Marked clearing of

    psoriasis: 100%Infliximab 3.3 mg/kg Menter and Cush104 5 PP and PPP (1) CR 1 (13 y) $ 30 wk Trunk and limb plaques

    cleared, withsignificantimprovement ofpalmoplantar disease:100%

    Infliximab 5 mg/kg Pereira et al101 5 GPP (1) CR 1 (3 y) 10 mo Completely clear: 100%in 2 wk, after13 wk flare, after10 mo insufficienteffect

    Infliximab 5 mg/kg Weishaupt et al106 5 GPP (1) CR 1 (16 y) 1 Administration Pustules resolved,erythema lightened:100%









  • Table

















































































    1022 de Jager et alOf the case reports and case series, one usedPUVA in plaque psoriasis,44 one used suit-PUVA inguttate psoriasis,45 and one used PUVA in erythemaannulare centrifugum-type psoriasis.46 In the former,lesions cleared after 18 treatments. In the secondone, a marked improvement was seen after 4 weeks.The latter showed clearance of lesions in two chil-dren after 36 days, in which 15 to 21 treatments weregiven.

    In two studies erythema was reported in 10% to30% of included patients.40,41 One study mentionedanxiety as adverse event in 6.75% of treated chil-dren.41 In 3 studies,39,42,43 55 patients in all, NB-UVBwas well tolerated. The two patients who receivedPUVA therapy in the case series did not have any sideeffects.46 The two case reports on PUVA treat-ment44,45 did not mention adverse events.Conclusion Grade C Number of patients

    treated with NB-UVB: 110. NB-UVB shows goodresults in the treatment of plaque and guttate psori-asis in childhood and has comparatively mild sideeffects for the treatment duration studied.

    As only 4 patients were treated with PUVA, a solidconclusion about the use of PUVA could not bedrawn.

    AntibioticsLiterature search revealed 9 studies in which

    childhood psoriasis was treated with antibiotics.52-60

    Four were excluded because of various reasons: inone case report the treatment regimen was unclear,57

    and 3 studies did not describe a clear outcomemeasure.58-60

    In one study thiamphenicol was used52 (LOE 4).The two patients included received thiamphenicol(20 mg/kg/d); nevertheless, in both cases there wasless than 50% clearance of lesions.

    The 4 patients in the case series53 (LOE 4) were alltreated with erythromycin (50 mg/kg/d) for 2 weeks;in all patients the psoriasis lesions disappearedcompletely. In the case report54 (LOE 5), a patientwith guttate psoriasis was treated with amoxicillin/-clavulanic acid (50 mg/kg/d), which cleared alllesions after 20 days.

    Rosenberg et al55 performed an open-label trial(LOE 4) with both adults and children. Four juvenilepatients were treated with penicillin or erythromycinfor 10 to 14 days; for the last 5 days rifampin wasadded to both treatments. All patients respondedvery well to the treatment; 3 had a good responseand one had an excellent response.

    The only placebo-controlled study56 (LOE 4)concerning the use of antibiotics in childhood pso-

    riasis was performed in just 3 children. Group Areceived oral penicillin V or oral erythromycin (250

  • erythrodermic psoriasis subgroup (n = 5) showed

    A case series of 3 patients with pustular psoriasis


    de Jager et al 1023a complete clearance of lesions in only two, and animprovement in the remaining 3 cases. Etretinatewas also used in two case reports,62,65 one caseseries,63 and one open-label trial.64 In one casereport62 and one case series63 1.0 to 1.25 mg/kg/dwas administered to patients with pustular psoria-sis. All 6 patients had significant regression oferythroderma or even clearance. In the open-labelstudy,64 3 patients with psoriasis erythrodermawere treated with etretinate in a dosage rangingfrom 0.5 to 0.9 mg/kg/d. After 4 to 5 months oftreatment, they all had complete clearance oferythema and scaling. Etretinate was used as atreatment for plaque psoriasis in two children.65 Itwas administered at a dose of 25 mg/d for 4 to 6weeks; after that, there was a dosage decrease tothe maintenance dose of 12.5 mg/d. After 13 to 17mg) 4 times a day for 14 days and a placebo twice aday for the last 5 days of the 14 days. Group Breceived oral penicillin V or oral erythromycin (250mg) 4 times a day for 14 days and oral rifampin (300mg) twice a day for the last 5 days of the 14 days. Onechild was randomized in group A and two wererandomized in group B; in both groups no clinicalchange was seen. As only 3 children were treated inthis trial, the LOE was level 4.

    Gastrointestinal disturbance was mentioned as aside effect in the thiamphenicol study.52 The remain-ing studies did not describe side effects.53-56

    Conclusion Grade C Number of patientstreated with antibiotics: 14. The efficacy of theuse of antibiotics in childhood guttate psoriasisremains controversial.

    RetinoidsIn contrast to other treatment options, numerous

    studies regarding retinoid use in children with pso-riasis were found. In all, 21 studies were identi-fied,46,49,50,52,61-77 but 5 studies were excludedbecause of an unclear outcome measure,46,67-70 9because they used systemic antipsoriatic combina-tion therapies,49,50,52,71-76 and one case report be-cause there was no clear diagnosis of psoriasis.77

    Therefore, 6 studies remained: 4 studies were clas-sified as LOE 461,63-65; two were classified as LOE5.62,66

    In 1988 a retrospective review of 10 cases wasperformed61 in which etretinate was used at aninitial dose of 1 mg/kg/d, with a treatment durationvarying from 3 weeks to more than 12 months. Allpatients with pustular psoriasis (n = 5) achievedcomplete clearance of lesions; in contrast, thewas described in which the administered dose was1 to 2 mg/kg/d.79 Complete disappearance of lesionswas seen in two patients who were treated for 12 and6 months, respectively. The third patient was still ontreatment at time of publication, but showed asignificant improvement after 5 months of treatment.Another patient with pustular psoriasis was treatedwith cyclosporin (3 mg/kg/d) in a different article.81

    Treatment duration was 11 months, after which thepatient was free of psoriasis. Cyclosporin in photo-sensitive psoriasis was also described in one pa-tient,82 who received a dose of 3.5 mg/kg/d, leadingto a complete remission after 3 weeks.

    In contrast to the studies described above, onecase series78 did not show any response. Fourpatients were treated with cyclosporin, dosage rang-ing from 2.5 to 10 mg/kg/d, for 3.5 to 6 months. Atthe end of treatment none of these patients showed aresponse.

    Cyclosporin was very well tolerated in onestudy.79 The remaining 3 studies78,81,82 did not men-tion side effects.months, both patients had an excellent response.Only one case report66 described an excellenteffect of 0.5 mg/kg/d of acitretin in a child witherythrodermic psoriasis. Complete remission wasachieved after 3 months of treatment.

    Cheilitis was often described as a side effect ofetretinate,61,63-65 as were pruritus and hair loss.61,63,64

    Skin fragility was described by two authors.61,64 Inone case, focal osteoporosis was diagnosed 10months after discontinuation of treatment.61

    Acitretin treatment was very well tolerated, withoutany side effects.66 The authors of one case reportconcerning etretinate did not describe any adverseeffects.62

    Conclusion Grade C Number of patientstreated with etretinate: 21. Etretinate is an effec-tive treatment for pustular and erythrodermic psori-asis. However, side effects are frequently seen.

    The use of acitretin has not been sufficientlyinvestigated in childhood psoriasis, therefore noconclusions could be drawn.

    CyclosporinLiterature search revealed 9 studies on cyclo-

    sporin as a therapy for childhood psoriasis. Threecase series78-80 and 6 case reports81-86 were identi-fied. Five studies were excluded because of the useof antipsoriatic combination therapies.80,83-86 Of theremaining 4 articles, twowere classified as LOE 478,79

    and two were classified as LOE 5.81,82


    1024 de Jager et alConclusion Grade C Number of patientstreated with cyclosporin: 9. The described effi-cacy of cyclosporin treatment in childhood psoriasisis ambiguous. Safety issues were sparsely described.

    MethotrexateLiterature search revealed 10 studies concerning

    treatment of childhood psoriasis with methotrexate(MTX).52,87-95 Two were eliminated because of theuse of antipsoriatic combination therapies.94,95 Thearticles included consisted of 4 retrospectively re-viewed case series (LOE 4)52,87-89 and 4 case reports(LOE 5).90-93

    A review of 10 cases of childhood psoriasis87 thatwere treated with MTX showed a complete clearancein 20%, almost complete clearance in 60%, and noresponse in 10% of cases. MTX was given at an initialdose of 0.03 to 0.24 mg/kg/wk, and increasedaccording to patient response to 0.10 to 0.41mg/kg/wk; duration of treatment was 6 to 178weeks. Authors of all other 7 articles administereda MTX dosage between 0.2 and 0.4 mg/kg/wk. In all,24 reviewed cases88 received MTX treatment for 2 to16months with an average of 4.97months. Almost allpatients (ie, 91.7%), reached PASI 75, whereas theremaining patients reached PASI 50. Another caseseries of 7 patients showed control of disease,classified as more than 75% clearance of lesionsand minimal scaling and erythema, in all patientsafter 6 to 10 weeks.89 Subsequently, dosage wasdecreased to 2.5mg/wk; total treatment durationwas31.2 to 46.4 weeks. In all other cases (n = 8),52,90-93

    in which pustular psoriasis was treated, a markedimprovement to complete remission was reachedafter 4 to 12 weeks of treatment.

    Mild to severe nausea and vomiting were the mostfrequently reported side effects in approximately45% of patients.87-89 In one study, transient minorelevation of liver enzymes in the serum was seen in60% of patients, in one case leading to treatmentcessation.87 Two case reports and one case seriesfailed to describe side effects.52,90,93

    Conclusion Grade C Number of patientstreated with MTX: 49. MTX is an effective treat-ment option in moderate to severe childhood pso-riasis; the largest body of evidence is available forplaque psoriasis. Short-term side effects are usuallymild and can be treated very well.

    BiologicsExtensive literature review revealed 11 publica-

    tions concerning treatment with biologics in childrenwith psoriasis. They consisted of one randomized

    96 97-99double-blind trial, two case series, and 7 casereports.100-105 Two case reports described twotreatments: infliximab and etanercept.99,101 In oneof these, the treatment period in which etanerceptwas used was excluded because no clear outcomemeasure was stated.101 One study was excludedbecause of use of an antipsoriatic combinationtherapy.99

    In a recent placebo-controlled randomizeddouble-blind trial96 (LOE 1b), 211 children withplaque psoriasis were treated with once-weeklysubcutaneous injections of etanercept (0.8 mg/kg),with a maximum of 50 mg. At week 12, 27% ofpatients treated with etanercept reached PASI 90, incontrast to 7% of patients treated with placebo. Sixother articles (LOE 4 and 5) were found regardingetanercept as a treatment in childhood psoria-sis.97,98,100,102,103,105 Dosage was 0.4 mg/kg or 25mg twice weekly with a treatment duration of 3 to 31months. One patient with plaque psoriasis had noimprovement of lesions after 8 months of treat-ment.103 Three patients had a marked improvementof lesions,97,105 and in 8 patients complete remissionwas achieved.97,98,100,102

    Four case reports (LOE 5) described infliximabtreatment in childhood psoriasis.101,103,104,106

    Infliximab infusions were given in a dosage of 3.3to 5 mg/kg. Infusions were administered at week 0,2, and 6, and every 8 weeks thereafter. Treatmentduration varied from only one administration to 10months of treatment. All patients responded verywell. The patient who was treated for 10 months hadto finally cease treatment because of loss of effect inthe long term.101

    Adverse events were described in the etanerceptstudy96 during the open-label part: 4 serious adverseevents occurred, among which 3 infections (twocases of gastroenteritis and one of pneumonia). Aserious yeast infection was described in anotherstudy with etanercept.100 Mild injection site reactionwas also seen in a studywith etanercept.98 In 8 studiesdescribing infliximab and etanercept no treatment-related side effects were described.97,101-106

    Conclusion Grade A Number of patientstreated with etanercept: 117. Etanercept is aneffective biologic in the treatment of plaque-typechildhood psoriasis. Short-term side effects duringthe treatment period described are usuallyinfections.

    A solid conclusion on the efficacy of infliximabcould not be drawn on 4 patients.

    Other topical and systemic therapiesThe extensive literature search also revealed

    studies concerning Chinese medicine,107 excimer108 109 110laser, tazarotene, Wratizolin, fumaric

    acid,111 dapsone,52,112 and prednisone.113,114 As

  • described. Thus, in the discussion below, efficacyrefers to the induction of remission, and safety is


    de Jager et al 1025restricted to short-term safety.Implementation of the results on topical cortico-

    steroids, calcipotriene, calcineurin inhibitors, anddithranol and their grades of recommendation in atreatment algorithm is discussed below.

    Long-term side effects of phototherapy (eg, pho-toaging, carcinogenesis) have been seen in thetreatment of adults119 and children.120 A relationshipbetween melanoma and UV radiation has beenfound.121 In addition, anxiety can be a significantproblem in the pediatric group.41 Given the afore-mentioned considerations, we conclude that NB-UVB should not be used in toddlers and infants. Inadolescents, it should be used carefully, especially ifthey have fair skin.

    In contrast to two earlier publications (including aCochrane review) in which treatment with antibi-

    122,123none of these treatments were described in theliterature as a monotherapy more than once, thesestudies were excluded.

    Tonsillectomy as a treatment for childhood pso-riasis was described twice in the found literature.Both were excluded, because they did not state aclear outcome measure.115,116

    The use of colchicine was described in two casereports.117,118 Both articles were classified as LOE 4.The first child118 was administered a dose of 0.25 mg3 times a day, whereas the second one117 wasadministered a dose of 0.5 mg twice daily. In bothcases, the results were excellent.

    Both patients treated with colchicine reportedmild gastrointestinal symptoms.117,118

    Conclusion. Based on the paucity of evidence, aconclusion could not be drawn.

    DISCUSSIONLiterature concerning treatment efficacy and

    safety in childhood psoriasis is diverse. After thor-ough inspection of all literature, 64 studies could beincluded, describing 646 children in total. Of these 64studies, only 6 were RCTs. Because of the paucity ofRCTs, all LOEs were included in this study.

    Most literature concerns induction of remission,rather than maintenance therapy. Although somestudies describe treatment durations of up to almost3.5 years,87 these are exceptional and comprise onlya few cases. Similar data on the follow-up period andduration of remission are limited, as they are on thesafety issues described. None of the studies men-tioned long-term safety profiles of the treatmentsotics in guttate psoriasis was reviewed, we onlyincluded studies reporting on the efficacy inchildren. The use of antibiotics in the treatment ofchildhood guttate psoriasis remains controversial.

    Of the 22 children in whom retinoid treatmentwas described, 21 were treated with etretinate and itsmetabolite acitretin was administered to only onepatient. All patients but two had pustular anderythrodermic psoriasis. An apprehension is thatskeletal toxicities might occur in children on long-term retinoid therapy.124 In addition, all retinoids areknown to be potent teratogens, and the majorconcerns in treating fertile womenwith oral retinoidsare fetal deformities.124 Therefore, we advise to saveretinoids for short-term treatment of pustular orerythrodermic psoriasis in infants and maleadolescents.

    The efficacy of cyclosporin in childhood psoriasisremains unclear. In the articles included, safetyissues are rarely discussed. Studies have beenpublished in which the drug is tolerated by children(in which cyclosporin was indicated for anotherdisease) at least as well as in adults.125 Treatmentperiods of up to 1 year have been described in whichthe drug was well tolerated.126 Nonetheless, cautionshould be taken, particularly in children, becausecyclosporin has the potential of cumulative toxic-ity.125 Based on the ambiguous efficacy as describedin this review, treatment with cyclosporin should notbe the systemic therapy of choice in childhoodpsoriasis.

    The efficacy and safety of MTX in childhoodpsoriasis was described in a total of 49 patients.Long-term safety and efficacy of MTX in the treat-ment of childhood psoriasis has not been investi-gated to date. However, in juvenile idiopathicarthritis, this drug was often used for long periodsof time and has a track record of safe and effectiveuse.127 In juvenile idiopathic arthritis MTX is de-scribed as the second-line agent of choice.128 In caseof a moderate to severe childhood plaque psoriasis,which is recalcitrant to local therapies, we considerMTX to be the systemic treatment of choice.

    The efficacy and short-term safety of etanerceptwere studied in a large placebo-controlled random-ized double-blind trial (n = 211).96 Long-term sideeffects and risks were not described, as this drug wasonly recently introduced for the indication of child-hood psoriasis. In patients with juvenile rheumatoidarthritis, a study into safety and efficacy of up to 8years of continuous etanercept therapy was recentlypublished. The authors state that long-term contin-uous treatment with etanercept was well toleratedfor up to 8 years, without an increase in the rates ofserious adverse events over time.129 Although this

    new treatment modality for childhood psoriasisseems very promising, vigilance is called for.


    1026 de Jager et alIn conclusion, all available literature concerningtreatment modalities of childhood psoriasis wasdescribed and assessed in this systematic review.Unfortunately, most of the evidence is of a low level,ie, grade C and D. Only some studies describingtreatment with vitamin D and etanercept have higherLOE (ie, level A). Clearly, there is a need forrandomized placebo-controlled trials in childhoodpsoriasis.

    In Fig 1 we present our recommendations basedon the literature review described above. With theserecommendations we hope to stimulate a fruitfuldiscussion on this very important issue.

    Fig 1. Treatment algorithThe treatment of choice in mild or moderatechildhood psoriasis should be calcipotriene, if nec-essary, combined with mild to moderate topicalcorticosteroids. In case of treatment-resistant flexuraland/or facial psoriasis, tacrolimus 0.1% can be addedto the treatment regimen. If this treatment regimen isnot effective, or if psoriasis is moderate to severe,treatment with dithranol is recommended. Only incase of lack of efficacy of these modalities, treatmentwith NB-UVB can be considered in adolescents, butonly for a short duration. Although controversial, theuse of antibiotics can be considered in case of guttatepsoriasis and suspicion of a streptococcal infection.

    m. UV, Ultraviolet.

  • responsive dermatoses in adults and adolescents. J Am Acad


    de Jager et al 1027Dermatol 2008;59:448-54.

    15. Herz G, Blum G, Yawalkar S. Halobetasol propionate cream by

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    16. McAleer P, Chu P, White SM, Don PC, Bamji M, Weinberg JM.

    Psoriasis associated with human immunodeficiency virus in

    an infant. Pediatr Dermatol 1999;16:144-5.

    17. Feicht G. Psoriasis pustulosa in children [German]. Z Hautkr


    18. Oranje AP, Marcoux D, Svensson A, Prendiville J, Krafchik B,

    Toole J, et al. Topical calcipotriol in childhood psoriasis. J Am

    Acad Dermatol 1997;36:203-8.Of the systemic treatments, MTX is regarded as thetherapy of choice. Retinoids should be consideredin cases of pustular and erythrodermic psoriasis.Treatment with cyclosporin should only be deliber-ated in exceptional cases. Etanercept is a very prom-ising new treatment modality, which should beconsidered as a third-line drug. Specialized centersshould make alliances to provide an extensive data-base inwhich all systemic treatmentswill be recorded.Only then can evidence-based data be extracted onwhich solid conclusions can be drawn in the future.


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    1030 de Jager et al

    Efficacy and safety of treatments for childhood psoriasis: A systematic literature reviewMethodsResultsTopical corticosteroidsConclusion Grade C Number of patients treated with topical corticosteroids: 20 Halobetasol cream 0.05%: 2 weeks

    Vitamin D analoguesConclusion Grade A Number of patients treated with calcipotriene: 155Grade B Number of patients treated with calcitriol: 18

    Calcineurin inhibitorsConclusion Grade C Number of patients treated with tacrolimus: 20

    Dithranol (anthralin)Conclusion Grade C Number of patients treated with dithranol: 100

    PhototherapyConclusion Grade C Number of patients treated with NB-UVB: 110

    AntibioticsConclusion Grade C Number of patients treated with antibiotics: 14

    RetinoidsConclusion Grade C Number of patients treated with etretinate: 21

    CyclosporinConclusion Grade C Number of patients treated with cyclosporin: 9

    MethotrexateConclusion Grade C Number of patients treated with MTX: 49

    BiologicsConclusion Grade A Number of patients treated with etanercept: 117

    Other topical and systemic therapiesConclusion
