1. 2. · Variations: Substitute dumbbell in each hand at sides. LUNGE: This exercise develops the...

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Transcript of 1. 2. · Variations: Substitute dumbbell in each hand at sides. LUNGE: This exercise develops the...

Free Weight Exercises

BENCH PRESS: This exercise develops the chest and the tricep muscles.

Instructions: 1. Lie flat on bench with feet flat on the floor (or bench) and knees bent at 90 degrees. Grasp bar at shoulder

width apart or wider. (Closer grip works more triceps and inner chest muscles while a wider grip works the whole

chest muscle and lower triceps.)

2. Push bar up until arms are straight.

3. Lower bar to touch lower chest (about two inches above) and return to straight arms position. Do not arch


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OVERHEAD/MILITARY PRESS: This exercise develops the muscles of the shoulders and arms.

Instructions: 1. Sit upright with back straight, bend elbows at 90 degrees, and grip the bar with palms facing forward. Hands should be spread slightly more than shoulder width apart with feet on the ground at a comfortable distance. 2. Tighten your abdominal and back muscles. Move bar to overhead position with arms straight. 3. Lower bar to chest position then return to straight arm position. Caution: Keep arms perpendicular and do not

allow weight to move backward or wrists to bend backward




E-Z-BAR BICEPS CURL: This exercise develops the bicep muscles.

Instructions: 1. Stand straight and grip bar with palms facing up, bar touching thighs. Spread feet in comfortable position while tightening the abdominal and back muscles. Do not lock knees.

2. Move bar to chin, keeping body straight and elbows near the sides. Lower bar to original position. Do not allow back to arch if not using a wall for posture.

Variations: Use dumbbells and sit on the end of a bench with feet on the ground; work one arm at a time.

LAYING TRICEPS CURL: This exercise develops the tricep muscles.

Instruction: 1. Lie down on a flat bench and spread legs to a comfortable position. Elbows and palms should be facing up, hands near center of the bar.

2. Tighten abdominal and back muscles while keeping upper arms stationary. Raise bar by extending the arms at the elbow till they are right above the chest then lower the bar until almost directly above the skull.

Variations: Substitute dumbbells with one in each hand performing the exercise one hand at a time, or hold one dumbbell in both hands.

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WRIST CURL: This exercise develops the muscles of the fingers, wrist, and forearms.

Instruction: 1. Sit on a bench or stand with legs shoulder width apart and knees slightly bent. Grab the bar at shoulder width apart with palms facing up.

2. To work out your flexors, lift the weight by curling the fingers and the wrist through a full range of motion. Slowly lower and repeat.

2. To strengthen the extensors, start with palms facing down. Lift the weight by extending the wrist through a full range of motion. Slowly lower and repeat. Variation: You can substitute barbells in place of the bar and work the wrists individually.

DUMBELL ROWS: This exercise develops the muscle of the upper back.

Instruction: 1. This exercise develops the muscles of the upper back. It is best performed with the aid of a bench or chair for support. Grab a dumbbell with one hand and place opposite hand and with the opposite leg kneel on the bench to support the trunk. Keep back straight and parallel with the bench.

2. Slowly lift the weight up until the elbow is parallel with the back. Lower the weight and repeat to complete the set. Switch hand and repeat with the opposite arm. Keep lower back straight the whole time by tightening the abdominal muscles.

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HALF-SQUAT: This exercise develops the muscles of the thighs and buttocks.

Instructions: 1. Stand straight with feet turned out at a 45 degree angle. Rest bar (or hands for no additional weight) behind neck on the shoulders. If using a bar, spread hands in a comfortable position across the bar with palms facing out.

2. Squat slowly, keeping back straight, head up and eyes forward. Bend knees approximately 90 degrees, and keeping knees directly over the feet. Pause; then stand back up to the starting position. Variations: Substitute dumbbell in each hand at sides.

LUNGE: This exercise develops the thigh and gluteal muscles.

Instruction: 1. Place a barbell (with or without weight; or hands for no additional weight) behind your head and support with hands placed slightly wider than shoulder-width apart. 2. In a slow and controlled motion, take a step forward and allow the leading leg to drop so that it is nearly parallel with the ground. Hold and return to standing posture. Repeat with other leg, remaining stationary or moving slowly in a straight line with alternating steps.

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