· 1 1. Intrebarea nr. 1: Intrebarea1 Punctajul: 10CS. Tick the characteristic...

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Transcript of · 1 1. Intrebarea nr. 1: Intrebarea1 Punctajul: 10CS. Tick the characteristic...


1. Intrebarea nr. 1: Intrebarea1 Punctajul: 10CS. Tick the characteristic ECG sign of sinus


a) [ ] PQ interval 0.22 mm/sec

b) [ ] Irregular RR intervals

c) [ ] Atrial and ventricular frequency >70 b/min

d) [ ] QRS complex more than 0.14 mm /sec

e) [x] Atrial and ventricular frequency < 60 b/min


2. Intrebarea nr. 2: Intrebarea2 Punctajul: 10CS. In sinusal tachycardia, all ECG signs are

present excepting

a) [ ] RR intervals equal

b) [ ] Atrial and ventricular frequency > 100 b / min

c) [x] PQ interval 0.2 sec

d) [ ] QRS complex duration 0.1 sec

e) [ ] Presence of P waves before each QRST complex


3. Intrebarea nr. 3: Intrebarea3 Punctajul: 10CS. Tick the characteristic ECG sign of

respiratory arrhythmia:

a) [ ] QRS complex is more than 0.1 sec

b) [ ] missing P wave before QRS

c) [ ] Present of ''F'' wave between the QRST complexes

d) [x] cyclical shortening intervals R - R in inspiration

e) [ ] cyclical lengthening intervals R - R to inspiration missing


4. Intrebarea nr. 4: Intrebarea4 Punctajul: 10CS. Mention clinical sign characteristic of

paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia :

a) [ ] high heart frequency

b) [ ] tachycardia access begins abruptly

c) [x] tachycardia access start slow

d) [ ] vagal maneuvres stops tachycardia access

e) [ ] tachycardia access stops abrupt missing


5. Intrebarea nr. 5: Intrebarea5 Punctajul: 10CS. Tick the characteristic ECG sign in

reciprocal atrioventricular tachycardia with acceding ways:

a) [ ] PQ interval 0.2 mm / sec

b) [x] negative P waves in DII, DIII, aVF and positive in aVR following QRS

c) [ ] irregular RR interval

d) [ ] QRS duration > 0.14 sec.

e) [ ] usually aberrant QRS complex


6. Intrebarea nr. 6: Intrebarea6 Punctajul: 10CS. Tick the characteristic ECG sign of

paroxysmal ventricular tachycardia: a) [x] abnormal QRS complex, with secondary changes in ST, T

b) [ ] negative P wave before QRS

c) [ ] presence of delta wave

d) [ ] PQ interval <0.12 sec


e) [ ] negative P waves after QRS complex


7. Intrebarea nr. 7: Intrebarea7 Punctajul: 10CS. Tick the characteristic ECG sign for atrial

extrasistolia : a) [ ] ''f'' wave between RR intervals

b) [ ] PQ interval< 0.12 sec

c) [x] presence of premature P wave before QRST complex

d) [ ] full compensatory pause

e) [ ] absence P wave before QRST complex


8. Intrebarea nr. 8: Intrebarea8 Punctajul: 10CS. The characteristic ECG signs of ventricular

extrasistolia are all excepting: a) [ ] normal PQ interval

b) [ ] ST segment and T wave are opposite to the main deflexion QRS complex

c) [ ] full compensatory pause

d) [x] negative P wave after QRS complex

e) [ ] QRS duration> 0.12 sec


9. Intrebarea nr. 9: Intrebarea9 Punctajul: 10CS. Atrial flutter is characterized by the

following ECG signs excepting:

a) [ ] atrial frequency contractions 300 b / min

b) [ ] propagation of atrial impulses to the ventricles in relation 2:1

c) [ ] QRS complex usually normal

d) [ ] ''F'' wave between where RR-looking like a saw tooth

e) [x] incomplete compensatory pause


10. Intrebarea nr. 10: Intrebarea10 Punctajul: 10CS. In paroxysm of ventricular tachycardia

with severe haemodynamic instability the method of choice is: a) [x] electric shock application 75-100 J

b) [ ] intravenous Sol. Novocainamyd

c) [ ] intravenous Sol Digoxin

d) [ ] electric shock application 50 J

e) [ ] intramuscular Sol. Lidocaine


11. Intrebarea nr. 11: Intrebarea11 Punctajul: 10CM. ECG classification of tachyarrhythmia


a) [x] wide QRS complex tachyarrhythmia

b) [x] narrow QRS complex tachyarrhythmia

c) [ ] normal PQ interval tachyarrhythmia

d) [ ] lengthened PQ interval

e) [ ] with ST segment elevation tachyarrhythmia


12. Intrebarea nr. 12: Intrebarea12 Punctajul: 10CM. Characteristic ECG signs of atrial

fibrillation are:

a) [x] irregular RR intervals

b) [ ] ''F'' wave between RR-looking saw tooth


c) [x] absence of P-wave

d) [x] ''f'' wave between RR intervals

e) [ ] PQ interval duration 0.14 sec


13. Intrebarea nr. 13: Intrebarea13 Punctajul: 10CM. Tick the most common causes of atrial


a) [x] mitral stenosis

b) [x] thyrotoxicosis

c) [x] alcoholic cardiomyopathy

d) [ ] mixedema

e) [x] atrial septal defect type ''ostium secundum"


14. Intrebarea nr. 14: Intrebarea14 Punctajul: 10CM. Classification of atrial fibrillation

includes: a) [ ] acute atrial fibrillation

b) [x] chronic atrial fibrillation

c) [x] paroxysmal atrial fibrillation

d) [x] persistent atrial fibrillation

e) [ ] relapsing atrial fibrillation


15. Intrebarea nr. 15: Intrebarea15 Punctajul: 10CM. Choose correct statements of ''vagal''

paroxysmal atrial fibrillation:

a) [ ] is more frequently in women

b) [x] Standby is triggered

c) [x] is more common in men

d) [ ] It appears during emotional stress

e) [x] it begin postprandial or during sleep


16. Intrebarea nr. 16: Intrebarea16 Punctajul: 10CM. The correct statements about

"adrenergic" paroxysmal atrial fibrillation are:

a) [x] occurs during exercise

b) [x] is caused by stressful situations

c) [x] mainly in the morning

d) [x] meets more frequently in women's

e) [ ] Standby fires


17. Intrebarea nr. 17: Intrebarea17 Punctajul: 10CM. Tick the drugs that inhibit the impulse

driving the atrioventricular node:

a) [x] Digoxin

b) [x] Propronalol

c) [x] Amiodarone

d) [x] Verapamil

e) [ ] Nifedipine


18. Intrebarea nr. 18: Intrebarea18 Punctajul: 10CM. Choose the medicines used to restore

sinus rhythm in a patient with atrial fibrillation:


a) [ ] Digoxin

b) [x] Novocainamid

c) [x] Amiodarone

d) [x] Propafenone

e) [x] Sotalol ---------------------------------------------------------------------

19. Intrebarea nr. 19: Intrebarea19 Punctajul: 10CM. In atrial fibrillation thromboembolic

risk factors are:

a) [x] age > 60 years

b) [x] artherial hypertension

c) [x] diabetes

d) [x] history of stroke

e) [ ] overweight ---------------------------------------------------------------------

20. Intrebarea nr. 20: Intrebarea20 Punctajul: 10CM. Ventricular flluter is characterized by:

a) [x] syncop

b) [ ] ''F'' wave between RR-looking saw tooth

c) [x] absence of peripheral pulse

d) [x] presence of sinusoidal regular waves

e) [x] heart rates 250 -300 per min


21. Intrebarea nr. 21: Intrebarea21 Punctajul: 10CM. Ventricular fibrillation is characterized


a) [ ] delta waves on ECG

b) [x] lack of QRS complexes

c) [x] syncope

d) [x] presence of distorted, irregular, chaotic waves on ECG

e) [ ] presens of ''f''waves between QRS


22. Intrebarea nr. 22: Intrebarea22 Punctajul: 10CM. Effective resuscitation measures in

ventricular fibrillation and flutter included:

a) [x] punch in the chest in the first few seconds

b) [x] initial electrical cardioversion with 200 J

c) [x] electrical cardioversion with 320 - 400 J in unloading effect

d) [x] cardiac massage correctly done in the first minutes

e) [ ] Sol. lidocaine intravenous


23. Intrebarea nr. 23: Intrebarea23 Punctajul: 10CM. Sinus tachycardia is characterized by:

a) [x] gradually heart rate increase

b) [x] normal physiological response to physical exertion

c) [x] QRS complex is normal

d) [ ] PQ interval is more 0.20 seconds

e) [x] the pace is accelerating in inspiration and reduced on expiration


24. Intrebarea nr. 24: Intrebarea24 Punctajul: 10CM. Tick sinus tachycardia causes:

a) [ ] vagus nerve hypertonus


b) [x] alcohol abuse

c) [x] fever

d) [x] thyreotoxicosis

e) [x] cor pulmonale


25. Intrebarea nr. 25: Intrebarea25 Punctajul: 10CM. Junctional nonparoxistic

atrioventricular tachycardia is caused by :

a) [x] cardiac glycosides poisoning

b) [x] inferior myocardial infarction

c) [x] hypocaliemia

d) [x] heart surgery intervention

e) [ ] hypocalcaemia


26. Intrebarea nr. 26: Intrebarea26 Punctajul: 10CM. Reciprocal junctional atrioventricular

tachycardia mechanism include:

a) [x] atria and ventricles concomitant depolarization

b) [x] impulse circulating into the atrioventricular node

c) [x] anterograde ventricular activation of His - Purkijne system

d) [x] retrograde activation of the atria

e) [ ] atria depolarization precedes ventricular depolarization


27. Intrebarea nr. 27: Intrebarea27 Punctajul: 10CM. Treatment of atrioventricular reciprocal

tachycardias include:

a) [x] vagal maneuvers application

b) [x] Face immersion in cold water with breath retention for 10-30 sec

c) [x] Sol adenosine triphosphate intravenous. 10 mg in 1 second

d) [ ] external electric shock with 200 J

e) [x] transoesophageal heart electric stimulation


28. Intrebarea nr. 28: Intrebarea28 Punctajul: 10CM. Paroxysmal ventricular tachycardia is

characterized by:

a) [x] regular ventricular rhythm

b) [ ] effectiveness of vagal maneuvers in treatment

c) [x] abnormal QRS complex with ST,T secondary changes

d) [ ] PQ interval prolongation

e) [ ] ''f''wave with 400-700/min frequency


29. Intrebarea nr. 29: Intrebarea29 Punctajul: 10CM. Choose antiarrhythmic drugs

administrated to stop ventricular tachycardia:

a) [ ] Digoxin

b) [x] Lidocaine

c) [x] Amiodarone

d) [x] Disopyramide

e) [x] Novocainamid


30. Intrebarea nr. 30: Intrebarea30 Punctajul: 10CM. ECG characteristic of in atrial


extrasitolia includes:

a) [x] normal QRS complex

b) [ ] lack of P wave

c) [ ] negative P wave after QRS complex

d) [x] incomplete compensatory pause

e) [x] premature P wave QRS complex precede


31. Intrebarea nr. 31: Intrebarea31 Punctajul: 10CM. Choose polymorphic extrayistole


a) [x] varying coupling intervals

b) [x] extrasistolias in the same lead have different forms

c) [ ] extrasistolias in the same lead have equal forms

d) [ ] coupling intervals are equal

e) [x] different outbreaks extrasistolias


32. Intrebarea nr. 32: Intrebarea32 Punctajul: 10CM. Ventricular ECG extrasistolias

manifested by:

a) [x] QRS complex pathological

b) [x] full compensatory pause

c) [ ] P-Q interval less 0.12 sec

d) [ ] negative P wave, succeded QRS

e) [x] lack of P wave


33. Intrebarea nr. 33: Intrebarea33 Punctajul: 10CM. In superior atrioventricular extrasistolia

the ECG recordes:

a) [ ] PQ interval over 0.20 sec

b) [x] normal QRS complex

c) [x] P wave negative in DII, DIII before the QRS complex

d) [ ] P wave negative in DII, DIII QRS after QRS

e) [x] incomplete compensatory pause


34. Intrebarea nr. 34: Intrebarea34 Punctajul: 10CM. Tick the ECG manifestations of average

atrioventricular extrasistoles

a) [x] QRS complex usually normal

b) [ ] P wave negative in DII, DIII subsequent to QRS

c) [x] P wave is embedded in QRS complex

d) [x] full compensatory pause

e) [ ] P wave negative in DII, DIII precede QRS complex


35. Intrebarea nr. 35: Intrebarea35 Punctajul: 10CM. In lower atrioventricular extrasistolia

ECG records: a) [ ] P wave failure

b) [x] normal QRS complex

c) [x] incomplete compensatory pause

d) [x] negative P wave after QRS complex

e) [ ] wide QRS complex



36. Intrebarea nr. 36: Intrebarea36 Punctajul: 10CM. Lawn-Wolf classification of

extrasistoles includes: a) [x] Class I - solitary monomorphic extrasystoles -> 30 ex / h

b) [ ] Class II - solitary extrasystoles polymorph

c) [x] Class III - polymorphyc ventricular extrasistols

d) [x] Class IV - recurrent ventricular extrasistols (duble, triples, sage)

e) [x] Class V - early ventricular type " R on T"


37. Intrebarea nr. 37: Intrebarea37 Punctajul: 10CM. Tick I class antiarrhythmic drugs: a) [x] Lidocaine

b) [x] Mexilitin

c) [x] Quinidine

d) [x] Novocainamid

e) [ ] Amiodarone


38. Intrebarea nr. 38: Intrebarea38 Punctajul: 10CM. Tick II class antiarrhythmic drugs:

a) [ ] Amiodarone

b) [ ] Lidocaine

c) [x] Metoprolol

d) [x] Nebivolol

e) [x] Carvedilol ---------------------------------------------------------------------

39. Intrebarea nr. 39: Intrebarea39 Punctajul: 10CM. Tick III class antiarrhythmic drugs:

a) [ ] Lidocaine

b) [x] Sotalol

c) [ ] Quinidine

d) [ ] Novocainamid

e) [x] Amiodarone


40. Intrebarea nr. 40: Intrebarea40 Punctajul: 10CS. What disorder can not be diagnosed by

electrocardiographic conduction :

a) [ ] Atrioventricular block gr. I

b) [ ] Complete right bundle branch block of His bundle

c) [x] Sinoatrial block of gr. I

d) [ ] Atrioventricular block gr. III

e) [ ] Sinoatrial block of gr. II


41. Intrebarea nr. 41: Intrebarea41 Punctajul: 10CS. Sinoatrial block grade II,

electrocardiographic, manifested by:

a) [x] sinusal pauses; no P wave

b) [ ] periodical lack QRS complexes

c) [ ] full compensatory pause after PQRST complex

d) [ ] frequent atrial and ventricularare contractions

e) [ ] PQ interval prolongation


42. Intrebarea nr. 42: Intrebarea42 Punctajul: 10CS. Name conductivity disorder is


characterized by ECG periods Wenckebach:

a) [ ] II degree atrioventricular block, type II (Mobitz II)

b) [x] II degree sinoatrial block, type I (Mobitz I)

c) [ ] third degree atrioventricular block

d) [ ] complete right bundle branch block of His beam

e) [ ] left bundle branch block of His beam


43. Intrebarea nr. 43: Intrebarea43 Punctajul: 10CS. The main clinical feature of advanced

sinoatrial and atrioventricular blocks II degree type II (Mobitz II) is:

a) [ ] Palpitations

b) [ ] Dyspnea on exertion moderate or mixed

c) [ ] Fatigability

d) [x] Syncopal states

e) [ ] Constrictive retrosternal pain with iradiation below the right shoulder blade


44. Intrebarea nr. 44: Intrebarea44 Punctajul: 10CS. Atrioventricular block gr. I is

electrocardiographic manifested by:

a) [ ] Elongated QRS Interval

b) [ ] Negative P waves before QRST complex

c) [x] PQ or PR intervals more than 0.2 sec

d) [ ] PQ intervals different

e) [ ] Where Delta


45. Intrebarea nr. 45: Intrebarea45 Punctajul: 10CS. The atrioventricular block gr. II,

electrocardiographic, stating:

a) [ ] lack of periodic PQRST complex

b) [ ] lack of P wave

c) [x] lack regular QRS complexes

d) [ ] The presence of "F" waves

e) [ ] The presence of "f"waves


46. Intrebarea nr. 46: Intrebarea46 Punctajul: 10CS. Characteristic sign called third degree

atrioventricular block:

a) [x] None of atrial impulses do not propagate to the ventricles

b) [ ] Gradual slowing of the propagation of impulses to the ventricles

c) [ ] Organic lesion His-Purkinje system

d) [ ] Pausing the electrical activity of sinus node

e) [ ] Impulses are conducted retrograde from the ventricles to the atria


47. Intrebarea nr. 47: Intrebarea47 Punctajul: 10CS. Third degree atrioventricular block

electrocardiographicaly is manifested by

a) [ ] atrial contractions and ventricular ratio is 3:1

b) [x] atrial and ventricular contractions independent

c) [ ] sinus pause without P wave

d) [ ] lack of periodic PQRST complexes

e) [ ] QRST complexes lack regular



48. Intrebarea nr. 48: Intrebarea48 Punctajul: 10CS. Mentione ECG carcateristic sign of

complete right bundle branch block beam Hiss:

a) [x] presence of large R wave, crocheted in III, AVF, V1, V2

b) [ ] PQ interval prolongation

c) [ ] PQ interval shortening

d) [ ] where R wide, crocheted in I, AVL, V5, V6

e) [ ] where S is larger in III, AVF, V1, V2


49. Intrebarea nr. 49: Intrebarea49 Punctajul: 10CS. Mentione ECG sign of complete left

bundle branch block beam Hiss:

a) [ ] presence of large R wave, crocheted in III, AVF, V1, V2

b) [ ] PQ interval prolongation

c) [ ] PQ interval shortening

d) [x] where R wide, crocheted in I, AVL, V5, V6

e) [ ] where S range in I, AVL, V5, V6


50. Intrebarea nr. 50: Intrebarea50 Punctajul: 10CS. Mention indication to implantable


a) [x] Ventricular fibrillation recurrences at varying intervals of time

b) [ ] Complete atrioventricular block

c) [ ] Atrial fibrillation

d) [ ] Atrial flutter

e) [ ] Complete sinoatrial block


51. Intrebarea nr. 51: Intrebarea51 Punctajul: 10CM. Name asistolias causes:

a) [x] atrioventricular block III degree

b) [ ] atrioventricular block I degree

c) [ ] ectopic rhythm from the middle of atrioventricular junction

d) [x] complete sinoatrial block

e) [ ] chronic atrial fibrillation


52. Intrebarea nr. 52: Intrebarea52 Punctajul: 10CM. The causes of abnormal automatism can


a) [x] Extent of myocardial fibers

b) [x] Changes in electrolyte balance

c) [x] Action of catecholamines

d) [x] Myocardial infarction

e) [ ] Anemias


53. Intrebarea nr. 53: Intrebarea53 Punctajul: 10CM. Specify the electrophysiological

mechanisms of arrhythmias

a) [ ] Decreasing of normal automatism

b) [x] Increasing of normal automatism

c) [x] Presents of pathological automatism

d) [x] Early postdepolarization


e) [x] Late posdepolarizations


54. Intrebarea nr. 54: Intrebarea54 Punctajul: 10CM. What are ECG characteristic II degrees

sinoatrial block type II (Mobitz II)

a) [ ] equal PP periods

b) [ ] incomplete compensatory pause after PQRST complex

c) [x] sinusal pause, no P wave

d) [x] pause duration corresponding to 2,3 or more PP normal intervals

e) [ ] pause is preceded by progressive decrease in PP intervals


55. Intrebarea nr. 55: Intrebarea55 Punctajul: 10CM. Classic version of Morgan - Adams -

Stockes syndrome included:

a) [ ] hypertension

b) [x] sudden onset

c) [x] syncope with pronounced pale skin

d) [x] reactive hyperemia after exit from the crisis

e) [x] transient caracter


56. Intrebarea nr. 56: Intrebarea56 Punctajul: 10CM. Specify the correct statements

atrioventricular block gr. I

a) [x] Keeping of all atrial impulses to the ventricles

b) [x] PQ or PR interval over 0.2 sec

c) [x] common in the elderly

d) [ ] PQ or PR interval less than 0.12 sec.

e) [ ] Gradual lengthening of the PQ interval ---------------------------------------------------------------------

57. Intrebarea nr. 57: Intrebarea57 Punctajul: 10CM. Name atrioventricular block features II

degree, type I (Mobitz I):

a) [x] Progressive lengthening of PQ or PR interval

b) [x] Omission of ventricular contraction

c) [x] The presence of Wenckebach periods Samoilov

d) [x] Irregular RR intervals

e) [ ] Regular RR intervals


58. Intrebarea nr. 58: Intrebarea58 Punctajul: 10CM. The atrioventricular block II degree,

type II (Mobitz II) are characterised:

a) [ ] Samoilov-Wenckebach periods

b) [x] RR intervals equal

c) [x] Not all atrial impulses are propagated to the ventricles

d) [x] The ECG recorded absence of 1,2,3 …QRS complex

e) [x] Organic lesion is present in conductibility heart system


59. Intrebarea nr. 59: Intrebarea59 Punctajul: 10CM. Frederic syndrome includes a

combination of atrial fibrillation with:

a) [ ] Atrioventricular block II degree, type II

b) [ ] Complete sinoatrial block


c) [ ] Frequent atrial extrasistolia

d) [ ] Frequent ventricular extrasistolia

e) [x] complet atrioventricular block


60. Intrebarea nr. 60: Intrebarea60 Punctajul: 10CM. Specify characteristics of third degree

atrioventricular block located in the AV node:

a) [x] It is often congenital

b) [x] In most patients AV junctional rhythm is registered with the heart rate40-60 b / min

c) [x] During exercise and stress the heart rates is accelerating up to 100 b / min

d) [ ] heart rates is not more that 40 b / min

e) [ ] It is almost always acquired


61. Intrebarea nr. 61: Intrebarea61 Punctajul: 10CM. Specify characteristics of third degree

atrioventricular block in the system based Hiss - Purkinje:

a) [ ] It is often congenital

b) [x] Patients have syncopal states

c) [ ] During exercise and stress the heart rates is accelerating up to 100 b / min

d) [x] The frequency rate does not exceed 40 b / min

e) [x] It is almost always acquired


62. Intrebarea nr. 62: Intrebarea62 Punctajul: 10CM. Note rhythm disorders manifested by

syncopal states:

a) [x] Ventricular fibrillation

b) [ ] Atrial fibrilation

c) [x] Ventricular flutter

d) [x] Ventricular tachycardia

e) [x] Complete atrioventricular block


63. Intrebarea nr. 63: Intrebarea63 Punctajul: 10CM. The complete left bundle branch block

of His beam on ECG is registered:

a) [x] QRS duration exceeding 0.12 sec.

b) [x] S-ventricular complex in III, AVF, V1, V2

c) [ ] S-ventricular complex in I, AVL, V5, V6

d) [x] ventricular complex type R in I, AVL, V5, V6

e) [ ] QRS duration from 0.10 to 0.12 sec. ---------------------------------------------------------------------

64. Intrebarea nr. 64: Intrebarea64 Punctajul: 10CM. Note the ECG signs of incomplete right

bundle branch block of His beam:

a) [ ] widening of QRS complexes over 0.12 sec

b) [x] ventricular complex in leads RSR type III, AVF, V1, V2

c) [x] absence and presence of Q waves in leads V5 wide S waves, V6

d) [ ] ventricular rhythm

e) [x] QRS duration from 0.10 to 0.12 sec


65. Intrebarea nr. 65: Intrebarea65 Punctajul: 10CM. Specify the correct statements

Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome:


a) [x] The presence of a pathway directly linking accessories atrium of the ventricles

b) [x] Atrial impulse propagated simultaneously towards node Hiss and f. Kent

c) [x] Early depolarization ventricles

d) [x] The presence of delta wave on ECG

e) [ ] PQ interval within 0.12 to 0.20 sec


66. Intrebarea nr. 66: Intrebarea66 Punctajul: 10CM. Incomplete left bundle branch block of

His beam is characterized by:

a) [x] "R" type complex in I, AVL, V5, V6

b) [x] electric axis suddenly diverted to the left

c) [x] S complex type III, AVF, V1, V2

d) [x] QRS duration from 0.1 to 0.12 sec

e) [ ] junction rhythm


67. Intrebarea nr. 67: Intrebarea67 Punctajul: 10CM. Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome is

manifested on electrocardiogram by:

a) [x] The presence of delta wave

b) [x] RR intervals equal

c) [x] normal P wave and PQ interval less that 0.12 sec

d) [ ] PQ interval over 0.18 seconds

e) [ ] Progressive lengthening of the interval PQ


68. Intrebarea nr. 68: Intrebarea68 Punctajul: 10CM. Specify the indications for implantation

of permanent cardiostimulation:

a) [x] Complete atrioventricular block associated with symptomatic bradycardia

b) [x] Frederick Syndrome

c) [x] Recurrent syncope associated with systolic intervals over 3 sec.

d) [x] Atrioventricular block gr. II persistent after previous myocardial infarction

e) [ ] Ventricular fibrillation


69. Intrebarea nr. 69: Intrebarea69 Punctajul: 10CM. Rhythm disorders indicate that you use

transesophageal electrocardiostimulation:

a) [x] Atrial flutter

b) [x] Paroxysmal AV reciprocal tachycardia

c) [ ] Ventricular fibrillation

d) [ ] Ventricular Flutter

e) [ ] Bifascicular block


70. Intrebarea nr. 70: I429 Punctajul: 10CM. What conduction disorders can be diagnosed


a) [x] I-st degree atrioventricular block

b) [x] Complete right bundle branch block

c) [ ] I-st degree sinoatrial block

d) [x] III-rd degree atrioventricular block

e) [x] II-nd degree sinoatrial block



71. Intrebarea nr. 71: I430 Punctajul: 10CM. Second degree sinoatrial block, is manifested

on EKG by:

a) [x] Sinusal rest periodswithout P waves

b) [x] Periodic lack of PQRS complexes

c) [ ] Complete compensatory pause after PQRST complex

d) [ ] Frequent atrial and ventricular contractions

e) [ ] PQ intervalelongation


72. Intrebarea nr. 72: I431 Punctajul: 10CM. Call the conduction disorders characterized

electrocardiographicallyby Wenckebach periods:

a) [x] II-nd degree sinoatrial block, tiype I (Mobitz I)

b) [x] II-nd degree sinoatrial block, tip II (Mobitz II)

c) [ ] III-rd degree atrioventricular block

d) [ ] Complete right bundle branch block

e) [ ] Left bundle branch block


73. Intrebarea nr. 73: I432 Punctajul: 10CM. Clinical II-nd degree sinoatrial and

atrioventricular Type II (Mobitz II) are manifested by:

a) [ ] Palpitations

b) [ ] Exertional mixed dyspnea at moderate stress

c) [x] Presyncope

d) [x] Syncope

e) [ ] Constrictive chest pain withirradiation under the right shoulder. ---------------------------------------------------------------------

74. Intrebarea nr. 74: I433 Punctajul: 10CM. I-st degree AV block is manifested

electrocardiographycally by:

a) [ ] Prolonged QRS interval

b) [ ] Negative P wavesbefore QRST complexes

c) [x] PQ or PR intervals more than 0,2sec

d) [x] Egal PQ intervals

e) [ ] Delta waves


75. Intrebarea nr. 75: I434 Punctajul: 10CM. II-nd degree AV block is manifested

electrocardiographycally by:

a) [x] Periodical lack of QRST complex

b) [ ] Abcence of P wave

c) [x] Solitaire P wave without ORSTcomplex

d) [ ] "f" waves

e) [ ] "F" waves


76. Intrebarea nr. 76: I435 Punctajul: 10CM. Call the characteristic signs of the III-rd degree

atrioventricular block:

a) [x] None of atrial impulses passto ventricles

b) [x] Independent atrial and ventricular contractions

c) [ ] Organic lesion of sinoatrial node

d) [ ] Temporary stop of the electrical activity of the sinus node


e) [ ] Impulses are conducted retrograde from ventricles to the atria


77. Intrebarea nr. 77: I436 Punctajul: 10CM. III-rd degree AV block is manifested

electrocardiographycally by:

a) [x] Contracții atriale și ventriculare independente

b) [x] Morgan - Adams - Stocssindrom

c) [x] Syncope

d) [ ] Periodical lack of PQRST complexes

e) [ ] Periodical lack of QRST complexes


78. Intrebarea nr. 78: Intrebarea70 Punctajul: 10CS. Infective endocarditis is a disease:

a) [ ] Degenerative

b) [ ] Destructive

c) [x] Infectious

d) [ ] Congenital

e) [ ] Inherited two


79. Intrebarea nr. 79: I71 Punctajul: 10CS. Infective endocarditis most rare involved:

a) [ ] Mitral valve

b) [ ] Aortic valve

c) [ ] Tricuspid valve

d) [ ] Pulmonary artery valve

e) [x] Eustache valve


80. Intrebarea nr. 80: I72 Punctajul: 10CS. Note predominantly infectious agent in

intravenous drug users and patients with prosthetic valves:

a) [ ] Streprococcus virdans

b) [ ] Streptococcus β hemolytic

c) [x] Staphylococcus aureus

d) [ ] Staphylococcus epidermal

e) [ ] Enterococcocus fecalis


81. Intrebarea nr. 81: I73 Punctajul: 10CS. The first description of infectious endocarditis

belongs to:

a) [ ] E. Libman

b) [x] W. Osler

c) [ ] H. Schottmuller

d) [ ] W. Thayer's

e) [ ] S. Jaccoud


82. Intrebarea nr. 82: I74 Punctajul: 10CS Treatment of infectious endocarditis includes the

following drugs excluding:

a) [ ] Antibiotics

b) [ ] Antifungal

c) [ ] Cardiac glycosides

d) [x] Anticoagulants


e) [ ] β-blockers


83. Intrebarea nr. 83: I75 Punctajul: 10CS. Note the dose of Amoxaciline used in secondary

prophylaxis of infection endocarditis:

a) [ ] 500 mg / day to 2 hours before dental procedure

b) [ ] 500 mg / day after the dental procedure

c) [x] 2 g 30-min- 1 hour before procedure

d) [ ] 1 g / day to 2 hours before dental procedure

e) [ ] 500 mg / day in 4 divided doses


84. Intrebarea nr. 84: I76 Punctajul: 10CS. Methicillin-resistant streptococcal endocarditis is

exclusively treated with:

a) [ ] Penicillin G

b) [ ] Ceftriaxone

c) [x] Vancomycin

d) [ ] Gentamicin is.

e) [ ] Amoxaciline


85. Intrebarea nr. 85: I77 Punctajul: 10CS. Name the most common and most serious

complication of infectious endocarditis:

a) [ ] Embolic events

b) [x] Heart failure "Osler" type

c) [ ] Glomerulonephritis

d) [ ] Encephalitis

e) [ ] Toxic hepatitis


86. Intrebarea nr. 86: I78 Punctajul: 10CS. Name the most informative laboratory tests in

infective endocarditis:

a) [ ] Full blood

b) [ ] Urea

c) [ ] C-reactive protein

d) [x] Blood culture

e) [ ] Urine culture


87. Intrebarea nr. 87: I79 Punctajul: 10CM. Vegetatations in endocarditis are localized on:

a) [x] Native valves

b) [x] Valve Eustache

c) [ ] Ileocecal valve

d) [x] Prosthetic valves

e) [x] Ventricular septal defect ---------------------------------------------------------------------

88. Intrebarea nr. 88: I80 Punctajul: 10CM. Major criteria for diagnosis of infective

endocarditis are:

a) [ ] Fever ≥ 38 C

b) [ ] Fever ≤ 38 C

c) [x] Positive blood culture in three peripheral veins


d) [ ] Positive blood cultures from a single sample

e) [x] The presence of vegetation on echocardiography


89. Intrebarea nr. 89: I81 Punctajul: 10CM. Note the key clinical manifestations of infectious


a) [ ] Diarrhea

b) [ ] Vomiting

c) [x] Chills

d) [x] Increased sweating

e) [x] Fever


90. Intrebarea nr. 90: I82 Punctajul: 10CM. The predominant right heart endocarditis has

following complications:

a) [x] Septic pneumonia

b) [x] Destructive multifocal pneumonia

c) [ ] Cerebral embolism

d) [ ] Coronary embolism

e) [x] Pulmonar abscess


91. Intrebarea nr. 91: I83 Punctajul: 10CM. Note specific embolic complications of left heart


a) [x] Renal emboli

b) [x] Cerebral embolism

c) [x] Splenic embolism

d) [x] Renal emboli

e) [ ] Trombembolias


92. Intrebarea nr. 92: I84 Punctajul: 10CM. Primary prophylaxis of infectious endocarditis

is obligatory in patients with:

a) [ ] Mitral valve prolapse

b) [ ] Ischemic Heart Diseases

c) [x] Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy

d) [x] Prosthetic valves

e) [x] Infective endocarditis in antecedence


93. Intrebarea nr. 93: I85 Punctajul: 10CM. Infective endocarditis is considered active in the

following cases:

a) [x] In the first two months of the onset

b) [x] Persistent fever regardless of disease duration

c) [x] Endocardial inflammation by morphological examination proving

d) [x] Positive blood cultures

e) [ ] Pathogenic detection in smears from the nasopharynx


94. Intrebarea nr. 94: I86 Punctajul: 10CM. Name corrects statements of prosthesis

endocarditis early:

a) [x] Staphylococci and streptococci are predominant infectious agents'


b) [x] Embolic complications are the cause high rate mortality

c) [x] Develops in the first 12 months after valve replacement

d) [ ] Develops in the first 24 months after valve replacement

e) [x] Also is called nosocomial endocarditis


95. Intrebarea nr. 95: I87 Punctajul: 10CM. The treatment of heart failure in endocarditis


a) [x] Surgical correction of the valvulopathy

b) [x] Glycosides

c) [x] Diuretics

d) [ ] Glucocorticosteroids

e) [x] Angiotensin Converting Inhibitors


96. Intrebarea nr. 96: I88 Punctajul: 10CM. Note the indication to surgical treatment of

infectious endocarditis:

a) [x] Fungal endocarditis

b) [ ] Streptococcal endocarditis

c) [x] Complicated by Myocardial abscess

d) [ ] Infective endocarditis complicated by glomerulonephritis

e) [x] Resistant to antibacterial therapy


97. Intrebarea nr. 97: I437 Punctajul: 10CM. Infectious endocarditis is a disease:

a) [x] infectious

b) [x] with vegetante lesions on native valves

c) [x] dehiscence ofprosthesis

d) [x] with positive blood cultures

e) [ ] with positive smear from nasopharynx


98. Intrebarea nr. 98: I438 Punctajul: 10CM. Infectious endocarditis is affecting:

a) [x] native valves

b) [x] mechanical prosthetic valves

c) [x] biological prosthetic valves

d) [x] intact valves

e) [ ] ileocecale valves


99. Intrebarea nr. 99: I439 Punctajul: 10CS. Name the predominant infectious agent

ofinfectious endocarditis of the prosthesis:

a) [ ] Streprococcusvirdans

b) [ ] Streptococcusbovis

c) [ ] Enterococulfaecalis

d) [ ] Staphiylococcus epidermidis

e) [x] Staphiylococcus aureus


100. Intrebarea nr. 100: I440 Punctajul: 10CS. Name the predominant infectious agent

ofinfectious endocarditisof intravenous drug users:

a) [ ] Staphiylococcus epidermidis


b) [x] Staphiylococcus aureus

c) [ ] Streprococcus virdans

d) [ ] Streptococcus bovis

e) [ ] Enterococul faecalis


101. Intrebarea nr. 101: I441 Punctajul: 10CS. Name the predominant infectious agent

ofinfectious endocarditisin patients who do not take care of dental hygiene:

a) [x] Streprococcus virdans

b) [ ] Streptococcus bovis

c) [ ] Enterococul faecalis

d) [ ] Staphiylococcus epidermidis

e) [ ] Staphiylococcus aureus


102. Intrebarea nr. 102: I442 Punctajul: 10CM. Notethe scientists who have dealt with

research in the field of infectious endocarditis:

a) [x] E. Libman

b) [x] W. Osler

c) [x] H. Schottmuller

d) [ ] L. Nicolaev

e) [ ] V. Socoteanu


103. Intrebarea nr. 103: I443 Punctajul: 10CM. Treatment of infectious endocarditis include

the following drugs:

a) [x] Antibiotics

b) [x] Antifungal

c) [x] Cardiac glycosides

d) [ ] Anticoagulants

e) [x] Beta blockers


104. Intrebarea nr. 104: I444 Punctajul: 10CS. Name the treatment dose and managementof

administration of Daptomycin in patients with infectious endocarditis caused by Staphylococcus


a) [x] 500 mg / day intravenous infusion

b) [ ] 1g / day intravenous bolus

c) [ ] 3 g/day orally

d) [ ] 1 g/day orally

e) [ ] 500 mg / day in 4 divided doses intramuscularly


105. Intrebarea nr. 105: I445 Punctajul: 10CS. Name the dose of Vancomycin treatment in

patients with infectious endocarditis caused by staphylococci meticilinresistant:

a) [ ] 500 mg / day intravenous infusion

b) [ ] 1 g / day intravenous infusion

c) [x] 2 g / day intravenous infusion in 2 doses

d) [ ] 500 mg / day intravenous bolus

e) [ ] 1 g / day intravenous bolus



106. Intrebarea nr. 106: I446 Punctajul: 10CM. Staphylococcal infectious endocarditis

meticilin-resistancetreated with:

a) [ ] Penicillin G

b) [x] Daptomycin

c) [x] Vancomycin

d) [ ] Gentamicin

e) [ ] Amoxicillin


107. Intrebarea nr. 107: I447 Punctajul: 10CM. Name the complications of infectious


a) [x] glomerulonephritis

b) [x] embolisms

c) [x] heart failure

d) [ ] torticolism

e) [x] toxic hepatitis


108. Intrebarea nr. 108: I448 Punctajul: 10CM. Name the most informative investigations in

the diagnosis of infectious endocarditis:

a) [x] Echocardiography

b) [ ] Electrocardiography

c) [ ] C-reactive protein

d) [x] Blood culture

e) [ ] Uroculture


109. Intrebarea nr. 109: I449 Punctajul: 10CS. Microbial infectious endocarditis in graft is

localiazează on the valve with the exception of the following:

a) [ ] native valves

b) [ ] Eustachian valve

c) [x] ileocecal valve

d) [ ] valvular prostheses

e) [ ] intact valves


110. Intrebarea nr. 110: I450 Punctajul: 10CM. The major criteria for the diagnosis of infective

endocarditis are:

a) [ ] Fever ≥ 380C

b) [x] Myocardial abscess on echocardiography

c) [x] Positive blood culture in three peripheral veins

d) [x] Dehiscence of prosthesis at echocardiography

e) [x] The presence of vegetations on echocardiography


111. Intrebarea nr. 111: I451 Punctajul: 10CS. In right heart infectious endocarditis develops


a) [x] Pulmonare with septic pneumonia

b) [ ] Coronary

c) [ ] Cerebrals

d) [ ] Mezenteriale


e) [ ] Splenic


112. Intrebarea nr. 112: I452 Punctajul: 10CS. Note the embolic complications specific left heart

infectious endocarditis except:

a) [ ] Renal embolisms

b) [ ] Cerebral embolisms

c) [ ] Splenic embolisms

d) [ ] Coronary embolisms

e) [x] Pulmonary embolisms with abscesses


113. Intrebarea nr. 113: I453 Punctajul: 10CM. Infectious endocarditis prophylaxis isnecessary in

patients with:

a) [ ] Mitral valve prolapse

b) [ ] Ischemic cardiopathya

c) [x] Hypertrophic cardiopathy

d) [x] Valvular prostheses

e) [x] Infectious endocarditis in the past ---------------------------------------------------------------------

114. Intrebarea nr. 114: I454 Punctajul: 10CM. Infectious endocarditis is active in the following


a) [x] In the first two months of the onset of her

b) [x] The presence of positive blood cultures and persistent fever regardless of disease duration

c) [x] Proving endocardial inflammation by morphological examination

d) [x] Pathogen detection by positive blood cultures

e) [ ] The detection of the pathogen through the smear from nasopharynx


115. Intrebarea nr. 115: I455 Punctajul: 10CM. Name the correct statements for early prosthesis

infectious endocarditis:

a) [x] The predominant infectious agents ofinfectious endocarditisare staphylococci and


b) [x] Embolic complications is a high percentage and cause death

c) [x] Develops in the first 6 months after prosthesis

d) [ ] Infectious endocarditis is called community

e) [x] Infectious endocarditis is also called nosocomial endocarditis


116. Intrebarea nr. 116: I456 Punctajul: 10CM. Treatment of heart failure in infectious endocarditis

is performed by:

a) [x] Surgical correction of valvulopathy

b) [x] Administration of cardiac glycosides

c) [x] Administration of diuretics

d) [ ] Administration of glucocorticosteroids

e) [x] Administration of vasodilators


117. Intrebarea nr. 117: I457 Punctajul: 10CM. Surgical treatment of infectious endocarditis is

indicated in:

a) [x] Fungal endocarditis


b) [ ] Streptococcal endocarditis

c) [x] Infectious endocarditis complicated with myocardial abscess

d) [ ] Infectious endocarditis complicated with glomerulonephritis

e) [x] Infection resistant to antibacterial treatment ---------------------------------------------------------------------

118. Intrebarea nr. 118: I458 Punctajul: 10CM. Minor criteria for diagnosis of infectious

endocarditis are:

a) [x] Fever ≥ 380C

b) [x] Positive blood culture of a serological test

c) [ ] Dehiscence of prosthesis at echocardiography

d) [x] Suspectionof vegetation on echocardiography

e) [x] Predisposing cardiac factors


119. Intrebarea nr. 119: I459 Punctajul: 10CM. Minor criterias DUKE for establishing the

diagnosis of infectious endocarditis are:

a) [x] Fever ≥ 380C

b) [x] Janeway lesions

c) [ ] Positive blood culture in three peripheral veins

d) [x] Osler nodules

e) [ ] The presence of vegetations on echocardiography


120. Intrebarea nr. 120: I460 Punctajul: 10CM. Minor criterias DUKE for establishing the

diagnosis of infectious endocarditis are:

a) [x] Fever ≥ 380C

b) [x] Rheumatoid factor positive

c) [ ] Positive blood culture in three peripheral veins

d) [x] Roth spots

e) [ ] The presence of vegetations on echocardiography


121. Intrebarea nr. 121: I461 Punctajul: 10CM. In infectious endocarditismicrobial graft is located

onfollowing cardiac structures:

a) [x] Native valves

b) [x] Valvularcordages

c) [ ] Carotid arteries

d) [x] The ejection of the aorta

e) [ ] Femoral arteries


122. Intrebarea nr. 122: I462 Punctajul: 10CS. Name the correct statements for the late prosthesis

infectious endocarditis:

a) [ ] The predominant agents are staphylococci

b) [ ] Embolic complications is a high percentage and cause death

c) [ ] Develops in the first 6 months after prosthesis

d) [x] Infectious endocarditis is called community

e) [ ] Infectious endocarditis is also called nosocomial endocarditis


123. Intrebarea nr. 123: I463 Punctajul: 10CM. Name the correct statements for the late prosthesis


infectious endocarditis:

a) [ ] The predominant agents are staphylococci

b) [ ] Embolic complications is a high percentage and cause death

c) [x] Develops in the first 1 year after prosthesis

d) [x] Infectious endocarditis is called community

e) [ ] Infectious endocarditis is also called nosocomial endocarditis


124. Intrebarea nr. 124: I464 Punctajul: 10CM. Name the new forms of infectious endocarditis:

a) [x] Intracardiacc devices of infectious endocarditis

b) [ ] Infectious endocarditis in the adolescence

c) [x] Infectious endocarditis in the elderly

d) [x] Infectious endocarditis of the intravenous drug users

e) [ ] Infectious endocarditis of addicts


125. Intrebarea nr. 125: I465 Punctajul: 10CS. Name the new forms of infectious endocarditis


a) [ ] Intracardiacc devices of infectious endocarditis

b) [x] Infectious endocarditis in the adolescence

c) [ ] Infectious endocarditis in the elderly

d) [ ] Infectious endocarditis of the intravenous drug users

e) [ ] Infectious endocarditis in patients on hemodialysis


126. Intrebarea nr. 126: I466 Punctajul: 10CM. Name the cardiac predisposing factors for

developing infectious endocarditis:

a) [x] Congenital heart diseases

b) [x] Degenerative heart diseases

c) [x] Hypertrophic heart diseases

d) [ ] Hypertension

e) [ ] Myocardial infarction


127. Intrebarea nr. 127: I467 Punctajul: 10CM. Name the cardiac predisposing factors for

developing infectious endocarditis:

a) [x] Bicuspid aortic valve

b) [x] Mitral stenosis

c) [x] Ventricular septal defect

d) [ ] Hypertension

e) [x] Mitral valve prolapse


128. Intrebarea nr. 128: I468 Punctajul: 10CS. Name the most common predisposing factor for the

development of infectious endocarditis in the Republic of Moldova:

a) [ ] Intact valves

b) [x] Rheumatic valvulopathy

c) [ ] Myocarditis

d) [ ] Hypertension

e) [ ] Hypertrophic heart diseases



129. Intrebarea nr. 129: I469 Punctajul: 10CS. Name the predisposing factor for the development of

infectious endocarditis of right heart:

a) [ ] Dental extractions

b) [ ] Viral hepatitis

c) [ ] Hypertrophic heart diseases

d) [x] Intravenous drug use

e) [ ] Rheumatic heart disease


130. Intrebarea nr. 130: I470 Punctajul: 10CM. Name the morbid circumstances (the gateway to

infection) in infectious endocarditis:

a) [x] Pneumonia

b) [x] Dental extractions

c) [x] Hemodialysis

d) [x] Poor dental hygiene

e) [ ] Old age


131. Intrebarea nr. 131: I471 Punctajul: 10CS. Name the most frequent gateway of infectious

endocarditis of right heart:

a) [ ] Respiratory infections

b) [ ] Dental extractions

c) [x] Intravenous drug use

d) [ ] Poor dental hygiene

e) [ ] Old age


132. Intrebarea nr. 132: I472 Punctajul: 10CM. Name the most common comorbidities that

predispose to the development of infectious endocarditis in patients from Moldova.

a) [x] Liver cirrhosis

b) [x] Hepatitis

c) [x] Diabetes

d) [ ] AIDS

e) [ ] Lues


133. Intrebarea nr. 133: I473 Punctajul: 10CS. How many weeks of antimicrobial therapy requires

patient with streptococcal infectious endocarditis?

a) [ ] 1 week

b) [ ] 2 weeks

c) [ ] 3 weeks

d) [x] 4 weeks

e) [ ] 6 weeks


134. Intrebarea nr. 134: I474 Punctajul: 10CS. How many weeks of antimicrobial therapy requires

patient prosthesis infectious endocarditis, with staphylococcal etiology?

a) [ ] 1 week

b) [ ] 4 weeks

c) [ ] 6 weeks

d) [x] 8 weeks


e) [ ] 10 weeks


135. Intrebarea nr. 135: I475 Punctajul: 10CS. Infectious endocarditis is considered to be cured in

the following cases:

a) [x] Final eradication of infection

b) [x] Normal body temperature

c) [x] ESR in normal and negative blood cultures within 1 year after completion of the treatment

d) [ ] ESR in normal and negative blood cultures within 1 month after completion of the treatment

e) [ ] ESR in normal and negative blood cultures within 6 months after completion of the

treatment ---------------------------------------------------------------------

136. Intrebarea nr. 136: I89 Punctajul: 10CS. Marks the most used laboratory investigation for

diagnosis of rheumatic heart diseases:

a) [ ] Electrocardiography

b) [x] Echocardiography

c) [ ] Phonocardiographs

d) [ ] Cardiac CT

e) [ ] MRI of the heart ---------------------------------------------------------------------

137. Intrebarea nr. 137: I90 Punctajul: 10CS. Choose uncharacteristic complication of mitral


a) [ ] Atrial fibrillation

b) [ ] Endocarditis

c) [ ] Systemic embolism

d) [x] Stomach bleeding

e) [ ] Cardiac Asthma


138. Intrebarea nr. 138: I91 Punctajul: 10CS. Treatment of manifest mitral regurgitation does not


a) [ ] ACE inhibitors

b) [ ] Beta blockers

c) [ ] Diuretics

d) [ ] Cardiac glycosides

e) [x] Alfa mimetic drugs


139. Intrebarea nr. 139: I92 Punctajul: 10CS. Marks the most common rhythm disorder in mitral


a) [ ] Sinus bradycardia

b) [ ] Ventricular Extrasistolia

c) [x] Atrial fibrillation

d) [ ] Ventricular fibrillation

e) [ ] Atrioventricular blocks


140. Intrebarea nr. 140: I93 Punctajul: 10CS. Tick the cause of typical angina attacks mitral


a) [ ] Increased blood flow to the heart


b) [ ] Sudden increase in blood in the capillaries

c) [ ] Congestions in small circuit

d) [x] Left coronary artery compression by increased left atrium

e) [ ] Right coronary artery compression by increased right atrium


141. Intrebarea nr. 141: I94 Punctajul: 10CS. Specify normal hole surface of aorta

a) [x] 2,5 - 3,0 cm2

b) [ ] 2,0 - 2,5 cm2

c) [ ] 3,5 - 4,0 cm2

d) [ ] 1,5 - 2,0 cm2

e) [ ] 3,0 - 4,0 cm2


142. Intrebarea nr. 142: I95 Punctajul: 10CS. Mention wich kind of valvulopathy causing severe

left ventricular concentric hypertrophy:

a) [ ] Mitral stenosis

b) [x] aortic stenosis

c) [ ] Mitral valve regurgitation

d) [ ] Aortic valve regurgitation

e) [ ] Pulmonary artery regurgitation


143. Intrebarea nr. 143: I96 Punctajul: 10CS. Mention wich valvulopathy can reach values the

diastolic blood pressure to 60-0 mmHg.

a) [ ] Aortic stenosis.

b) [ ] Mitral stenosis

c) [ ] Pulmonary artery stenosis

d) [ ] Mitral valve regurgitation

e) [x] Aortic valve regurgitation


144. Intrebarea nr. 144: I97 Punctajul: 10CS. Mention the norms of ejection fraction

a) [x] 50 %

b) [ ] 80-100%

c) [ ] 90-95%

d) [ ] 40-60%

e) [ ] 20-30%


145. Intrebarea nr. 145: I98 Punctajul: 10CS. Specify the norms for the right atrium diameter size:

a) [x] 20-40 mm

b) [ ] 15 - 20 mm

c) [ ] 40-50 mm

d) [ ] 10 - 20 mm

e) [ ] 50-60 mm


146. Intrebarea nr. 146: I99 Punctajul: 10CS. Specify the norms for left atrium size.

a) [ ] 10 - 20 mm

b) [ ] 15- 20 mm

c) [x] 20-40 mm


d) [ ] 40-50 mm

e) [ ] 50-60 mm


147. Intrebarea nr. 147: I100 Punctajul: 10CM. Mitral regurgitation is caused by:

a) [x] Mitral valve calcification and fibrosis

b) [x] Rupture of mitral cusp

c) [x] Cordage rupture

d) [x] Papillary muscle rupture

e) [ ] The decrease of mitral orifice area


148. Intrebarea nr. 148: I101 Punctajul: 10CM. Pathology in mitral valvular regurgitation is

characterized by:

a) [x] Incomplete closure of the mitral cusps

b) [ ] The decrease of mitral orifice area

c) [x] Thickening and shortening of trends chords

d) [ ] Cusps fusion

e) [x] Inflammatory and sclerotic changes in mitral ring


149. Intrebarea nr. 149: I102 Punctajul: 10CM. Marks the Mentioned changes in heart auscultation

in mitral regurgitation:

a) [ ] Noise I snapped apex

b) [x] Noise I fell apex

c) [x] Systolic murmur at the apex

d) [ ] Diastolic murmur at the apex

e) [ ] Diastolic murmur at aorta


150. Intrebarea nr. 150: I103 Punctajul: 10CM. Enumerates ECG characteristics of severe mitral


a) [x] Left atrium hypertrophy

b) [x] Horizontal or left deviation electric cord axe

c) [x] Left ventricle hypertrophy

d) [x] Atrial fibrillation

e) [ ] Righ atrium hypertrophy


151. Intrebarea nr. 151: I104 Punctajul: 10CM. Marks the clinical characteristics of patients with

mitral insufficiency are:

a) [x] Inspiratory dyspnea on exertion

b) [x] Palpitations

c) [x] Cardiac asthma attacks

d) [ ] Syncopal states

e) [ ] Constrictive retrosternal pain of short duration, dependent exercise


152. Intrebarea nr. 152: I105 Punctajul: 10CM.Choose the pathologic changes in mitral stenosis

are characterized by:

a) [ ] Incomplete closure of the deformity mitral cusps

b) [x] Fusion corner


c) [ ] Thickening and shortening of trends hordes

d) [x] Cusps fusion

e) [ ] Inflammatory and sclerotic changes and mitral ring


153. Intrebarea nr. 153: I106 Punctajul: 10CM. Mentioned changes to heart auscultation for the

mitral stenosis are:

a) [x] Noise I snapped apex

b) [ ] Noise I fell apex

c) [ ] Systolic murmur at the apex

d) [x] Diastolic murmur at the apex

e) [x] Noise mitral valve opening


154. Intrebarea nr. 154: I107 Punctajul: 10CM. Characteristic ECG signs for mitral stenosis are:

a) [x] Left atrium hypertrophy

b) [ ] horizontal or left electrical axis deviation

c) [x] Right ventricle hypertrophy

d) [x] Atrial fibrillation

e) [ ] Left Ventricle hypertrophy


155. Intrebarea nr. 155: I108 Punctajul: 10CM. Clinical characteristics of patients with mitral

stenosis are:

a) [x] Inspiratory dyspnea on exertion

b) [ ] Expiratory dyspnea at rest

c) [x] Cardiac asthma attacks

d) [ ] Syncopal states

e) [ ] Constrictive retrosternal pain of short duration


156. Intrebarea nr. 156: I109 Punctajul: 10CM. Specify the correct statements of severe mitral


a) [ ] Mitral orifice area is less than 1. 5 cm

b) [x] Mitral orifice area is less than 1 cm

c) [ ] Mitral orifice area is less than 2 cm

d) [x] The average pressure in left atrium is above 30 mmHg

e) [ ] Average pressure in left atrium is 20 mmHg


157. Intrebarea nr. 157: I110 Punctajul: 10CS. Note the most common cardiomyopathy

a) [ ] Arrhythmogenic

b) [x] Dilated

c) [ ] Hypertrophic

d) [ ] Restrictive

e) [ ] Alcoholic


158. Intrebarea nr. 158: I111 Punctajul: 10CS. What is mostly worse in dilated cardiomyopathy:

a) [x] Systole

b) [ ] Diastole

c) [ ] Blood pressure


d) [ ] Pulse

e) [ ] Peripheral resistance


159. Intrebarea nr. 159: I112 Punctajul: 10CS. Specify values сharacteristic ejection fraction in

patients with dilated cardiomyopathy:

a) [ ] 70%

b) [ ] 60%

c) [ ] 50%

d) [ ] 100%

e) [x] 25-39%


160. Intrebarea nr. 160: I113 Punctajul: 10CS. Mentioned characteristic echocardiography changes

dilated cardiomyopathy:

a) [x] Dilation of all cardiac cavities

b) [ ] Isolated left ventricular dilation

c) [ ] Increase ejection fraction

d) [ ] Isolated right ventricular dilatation

e) [ ] Interventricular septum hypertrophy


161. Intrebarea nr. 161: I114 Punctajul: 10CS. What is mostly worse in hypertrophic


a) [ ] Systole

b) [x] Diastole

c) [ ] Blood pressure

d) [ ] Pulse

e) [ ] Peripheral resistance


162. Intrebarea nr. 162: I115 Punctajul: 10CS. Mentions echocardiography changes in hypertrophic


a) [ ] Dilatation of all cardiac cavities

b) [ ] Left atrial dilation

c) [ ] Increase ejection fraction

d) [ ] Isolated right ventricular dilatation

e) [x] Interventricular septum hypertophy


163. Intrebarea nr. 163: I116 Punctajul: 10CS. Morphological substrate in restrictive

cardiomyopathy is characteristed by:

a) [x] Diffuse, marked thickening of endocardial and parietal left ventricle sometimes right


b) [ ] Left ventricle hypertrophy

c) [ ] Cardiomegaly

d) [ ] Efilation (thin) right ventricle walls

e) [ ] Spongy myocardium


164. Intrebarea nr. 164: I117 Punctajul: 10CS. Morphological substrate in arrhythmogenic

cardiomyopathy is characteristed by:


a) [ ] Diffuse, marked thickening of endocardial and parietal left ventricle sometimes right


b) [ ] Left ventricle hypertrophy

c) [ ] Cardiomegaly

d) [x] Efilation (thin) right ventricle walls

e) [ ] Spongy myocardium


165. Intrebarea nr. 165: I118 Punctajul: 10CS. Mentions which cardiomyopathy has effective

treatment and favorable prognosis:

a) [ ] Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy

b) [x] Alcoholic cardiomyopathy

c) [ ] Dilated cardiomyopathy

d) [ ] Restrictive cardiomyopathy

e) [ ] Arrhythmogenic cardiomyopathy


166. Intrebarea nr. 166: I119 Punctajul: 10CM. Note of hemodynamic changes that occurred in

dilated cardiomyopathy

a) [x] Decrease in LV ejection fraction

b) [x] Systolic flow reduction

c) [x] Heart chamber volumes increases

d) [x] Intracavitary pressure is increased

e) [ ] Increased ejection fraction


167. Intrebarea nr. 167: I120 Punctajul: 10CM. Note the most informative methods to diagnose


a) [x] Myocardial biopsy

b) [x] Echocardiography

c) [ ] Phonocardiographs

d) [x] Electrocardiography

e) [x] Monitoring - ECG


168. Intrebarea nr. 168: I121 Punctajul: 10CM. What medications will manage in dilated


a) [x] Diuretics

b) [x] ACE inhibitors

c) [x] Antiarrhythmics

d) [x] Anticoagulants

e) [ ] Antipyretic


169. Intrebarea nr. 169: I122 Punctajul: 10CM. Mentions the forms of hypertrophic


a) [x] Obstructive

b) [x] Nonbstructive

c) [x] Apical

d) [ ] Restrictive

e) [ ] Dilated



170. Intrebarea nr. 170: I123 Punctajul: 10CM. Mentioned characteristic of clinical manifestations

in patients with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy with outflow tract obstruction:

a) [x] Dyspnoea inspiratory

b) [x] Constrictive retrosternal pain exercise independent

c) [x] Syncopal states

d) [x] Heart palpitations

e) [ ] Anasarca


171. Intrebarea nr. 171: I124 Punctajul: 10CM. ECG changes in dilated cardiomyopathy listed?

a) [x] LV hypertrophy

b) [x] Complete left bundle block af. His

c) [x] Atrial fibrillation

d) [x] Pathological Q-waves unknown

e) [ ] Low Voltage


172. Intrebarea nr. 172: I125 Punctajul: 10CM. Note ECG changes characteristic of hypertrophic


a) [x] LV hypertrophy

b) [x] Voltage increased

c) [x] Atrial fibrillation

d) [x] Pathological Q-waves in leads lower-side

e) [ ] Low Voltage


173. Intrebarea nr. 173: I126 Punctajul: 10CM. Treatment of patients with obstructive hypertrophic

cardiomyopathy does not include

a) [x] Cardiac glycosides

b) [ ] Beta blockers

c) [x] Nitrates

d) [ ] Diuretics

e) [ ] Antiarrhythmics


174. Intrebarea nr. 174: I127 Punctajul: 10CM. ECG changes in dilated cardiomyopathy listed?

a) [x] LV hypertrophy

b) [ ] Complete left bundle block af. His

c) [x] Atrial fibrillation

d) [x] Pathological Q-waves unknown

e) [x] Low Voltage


175. Intrebarea nr. 175: I128 Punctajul: 10CM. List surgical methods used to treat patients with

significant obstructive hypertrophic cardiomyopathy

a) [x] Partial Mioectomia

b) [x] Septal ablation with alcohol

c) [x] First septal embolization

d) [x] Defibrillator Implantation - cardiovertel

e) [ ] Total Mioectomia



176. Intrebarea nr. 176: I129 Punctajul: 10CM. ECG changes in dilatated cardiomyopathy listed?

a) [x] LV hypertrophy

b) [ ] Complete left bundle block af. His

c) [x] Atrial fibrillation

d) [x] Pathological Q-waves inecsplicabile

e) [x] Low Voltage


177. Intrebarea nr. 177: I130 Punctajul: 10CM. Mentions the pathologies that can develop the

restrictive cardiomyopathy:

a) [x] Endomyocardial fibrosis, eosinophilia (Loffler's syndrome)

b) [x] Cardiac amyloidosis

c) [ ] Systemic lupus erythematosus

d) [x] Hemochromatosis

e) [x] Cardiac lesions by irradiation


178. Intrebarea nr. 178: I131 Punctajul: 10CM. Note the main causes of death in patients with


a) [ ] Atrial fibrillation

b) [x] Ventricular fibrillation

c) [x] Thromboembolism

d) [x] Progressive heart failure

e) [x] Sudden death


179. Intrebarea nr. 179: I132 Punctajul: 10CS. Choose the most common and studied myocarditis

a) [x] Viral

b) [ ] Fungal

c) [ ] Toxic

d) [ ] Bacterial

e) [ ] Radiation


180. Intrebarea nr. 180: I133 Punctajul: 10CS. Choose the most useful and informative method to

diagnose myocarditis is:

a) [ ] Electrocardiography

b) [x] Echocardiography

c) [ ] Radiography heart

d) [ ] Coronary angiography

e) [ ] Phonocardiographs


181. Intrebarea nr. 181: I134 Punctajul: 10CS. The histological form of viral myocarditis is an

inflammatory infiltrate with predominance of

a) [ ] Monocytes

b) [x] Cell

c) [ ] Eosinophils

d) [ ] Polymorphonuclear cells is

e) [ ] Neutrofiles



182. Intrebarea nr. 182: I135 Punctajul: 10CS. Marks the characteristic electrocardiographic sign of


a) [ ] negative T wave in all leads

b) [ ] LV hypertrophy and RV

c) [x] Small QRS voltage

d) [ ] Hypertrophy AS and AD

e) [ ] Complete block RAM as the His bundle


183. Intrebarea nr. 183: I136 Punctajul: 10CS. Propose the standard criteria for diagnose

myocarditis is:

a) [ ] Echocardiography

b) [x] Endomyocardial biopsy

c) [ ] Coronary angiography

d) [ ] Myocardial scintigraphy with technetium - 99

e) [ ] Pharmacological tests in June. ---------------------------------------------------------------------

184. Intrebarea nr. 184: I137 Punctajul: 10CS. What drugs are contraindicated in acute myocarditis:

a) [ ] Diuretics

b) [ ] Angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors II

c) [ ] Antiarrhythmic medication

d) [x] NSAIDs

e) [ ] Immunoglobulin


185. Intrebarea nr. 185: I138 Punctajul: 10CM. Specify the name of the main mechanisms of

cardiac damage in myocarditis:

a) [x] myocardial cell damage caused by invasion of the infection

b) [x] immunologically mediated myocardial damage

c) [x] direct action of toxins on the myocardium

d) [ ] subendocardial myocarditis

e) [ ] neirohormonal activation


186. Intrebarea nr. 186: I139 Punctajul: 10CM. Enumerate arrhythmias that can be found in


a) [ ] complete sinoatrial block

b) [x] extrasistolie ventricular

c) [x] atrial tachycardia

d) [x] atrial fibrillation is

e) [x] sinus tachycardia


187. Intrebarea nr. 187: I140 Punctajul: 10CM. Mentioned clinical manifestations characteristic for

diffuse myocarditis:

a) [x] Inspiratory dyspnea

b) [x] Fatigability

c) [x] Palpitations

d) [ ] Constrictive retrosternal pain is violent

e) [ ] Syncopal states



188. Intrebarea nr. 188: I141 Punctajul: 10CM. Marks wich clinical syndromes are interested in


a) [ ] respiratory failure.

b) [x] heart failure.

c) [x] Chest pain

d) [x] Arrhythmias

e) [ ] hepatic


189. Intrebarea nr. 189: I142 Punctajul: 10CM. Tick which cardiac specific ferments are

investigated in myocarditis are:

a) [x] Creatininfosfokinaza - izoenzyma MB

b) [x] Lactate - izoenzyma I

c) [x] Troponin I

d) [ ] Alanine aminotransferase

e) [ ] β - lipoproteide


190. Intrebarea nr. 190: I143 Punctajul: 10CM. Name forms myocarditis:

a) [ ] parasitic

b) [ ] fungal

c) [x] Infectious

d) [x] idiopathic

e) [x] autoimmune


191. Intrebarea nr. 191: I144 Punctajul: 10CM. Mention non-infectious causes of myocarditis:

a) [x] Autoimmune diseases

b) [x] Drug hypersensitivity by

c) [x] toxins

d) [x] Radiation

e) [ ] Q Fever


192. Intrebarea nr. 192: I145 Punctajul: 10CM. Electrocardiographic changes typical of

myocarditis are:

a) [x] The decrease of QRS voltage

b) [x] Cardiac arrhythmias

c) [x] Heart block

d) [ ] Signs of right ventricular hypertrophy is

e) [ ] Right atrium hypertrophy


193. Intrebarea nr. 193: I146 Punctajul: 10CM. The complication of myocarditis are:

a) [x] Arrhythmias

b) [x] Conduction abnormalities

c) [x] Congestive heart failure

d) [x] Thromboembolism

e) [ ] Left ventricle aneurysm


194. Intrebarea nr. 194: I147 Punctajul: 10CM. The Dallas criteria, morphologically, of active


myocarditis is presented by:

a) [ ] Poor infiltrated

b) [x] Inflammatory cell abundent infiltration

c) [x] Myocyte necrosis

d) [ ] Normomiocarditis

e) [ ] Myocyte degeneration


195. Intrebarea nr. 195: I148 Punctajul: 10CM. Laboratory tests in myocarditis presents by:

a) [ ] B12 deficient anemia

b) [x] C-reactive protein

c) [x] Circulating immune complexes

d) [x] Increase myocardial enzyme activity is

e) [ ] Hypochromic anemia


196. Intrebarea nr. 196: I149 Punctajul: 10CM. Tick what medication used in the treatment of acute

staphylococcal myocarditis?

a) [x] Diuretics

b) [x] Inhibitors of angiotensin converting enzyme II

c) [x] Immunoglobulin

d) [x] Antiarrhythmics

e) [ ] Corticosteroids


197. Intrebarea nr. 197: I150 Punctajul: 10CM. Choose the drugs that increase viral replication in

acute myocarditis:

a) [x] Corticosteroids

b) [x] Antiinflamatory drugs

c) [ ] Antibiotics

d) [ ] Antiarrhythmics

e) [ ] Diuretics


198. Intrebarea nr. 198: I151 Punctajul: 10CM. Note the treatment of congestive heart failure

patients with myocarditis include:

a) [x] Diuretics

b) [ ] Corticosteroids

c) [x] Digital

d) [x] Inhibitors of angiotensin converting enzyme II is

e) [ ] Vitamins


199. Intrebarea nr. 199: I1 Punctajul: 10CS. Note the type of syncope ,that is most frequently met:

a) [ ] Orthostatic hypotension

b) [ ] Cardiac arrhythmias

c) [x] Neurogenic mediated

d) [ ] Structural cardiopulmonary diseases

e) [ ] Syncope of unknown origin


200. Intrebarea nr. 200: I2 Punctajul: 10CS.Name the situation when the syncope is neurally



a) [x] Produced by prolonged standing

b) [ ] Primary arrhythmic ca

c) [ ] Diabetes

d) [ ] Traumatic disorders of the spinal cord

e) [ ] Cardiac arrhythmias


201. Intrebarea nr. 201: I3 Punctajul: 10CS.Name the condition when the situational syncope


a) [ ] Primary autonomic failure

b) [ ] Secondary autonomic failure

c) [x] Produced by gastrointestinal stimulation, urination, weight lifting

d) [ ] Occurs without triggers

e) [ ] Hypovolaemia: bleeding, diarrhea, vomiting


202. Intrebarea nr. 202: I4 Punctajul: 10CS. Orthostatic classic hypotension represents:

a) [ ] Immediately reduction of the blood pressure in standing with over 40mmHg

b) [ ] Progressive decrease of the systolic blood pressure in standing

c) [ ] Sinus tachycardia rhythm with the frequency at least 30 bpm above the resting frequency

or over 120bpm

d) [x] Decrease of the systolic blood pressure by at least 20mmHg and diastolic blood pressure of

at least 10mmHg within 3 min of standing

e) [ ] Occurs in situations of chronic fatigue syndrome


203. Intrebarea nr. 203: I5 Punctajul: 10CS. Which of the preparations listed may cause orthostatic


a) [ ] Anticoagulants

b) [x] Diuretics

c) [ ] Antiarrhythmics

d) [ ] Antidiabetics

e) [ ] NSAIDs


204. Intrebarea nr. 204: I6 Punctajul: 10CS. Orthostatic hypotension occurrs more frequently:

a) [ ] At the adult population

b) [x] At the elderly patients

c) [ ] At the young women

d) [ ] At the adolescents

e) [ ] At the young men


205. Intrebarea nr. 205: I7 Punctajul: 10CS. Syncope through sinus carotid hypersensitivity occurs:

a) [x] At a sudden movement of the head, closely tie knot

b) [ ] Produced by swallowing, defecation, visceral pain


c) [ ] Emotional stress

d) [ ] Instrumental manipulations

e) [ ] During or immediately after the swallowing


206. Intrebarea nr. 206: I8 Punctajul: 10CS. What are the most common causes of cardiac syncope:

a) [ ] Hypovolaemia: bleeding, diarrhea, vomiting

b) [ ] Structural Heart Disease: valvular diseases, myocardial infarction or ischemia

c) [x] Rhytm and conduct disorders

d) [ ] Pulmonary valve stenosis

e) [ ] Dissection


207. Intrebarea nr. 207: I9 Punctajul: 10CS. What is the first and mandatory investigation in the

diagnosis of syncope:

a) [ ] Eco-Doppler

b) [x] Electrocardiogram (ECG)

c) [ ] Holter ECG Monitoring

d) [ ] Test of the inclined table

e) [ ] Coronary angiography


208. Intrebarea nr. 208: I10 Punctajul: 10CS. The most common type of syncope is:

a) [x] Reflex syncope

b) [ ] Syncope caused by structural heart disease

c) [ ] Orthostatic hypotension

d) [ ] Cardiac syncope caused by arrhythmias

e) [ ] The hypersensitivity syndrome of the carotid sinus


209. Intrebarea nr. 209: I11 Punctajul: 10CM. Write the suspicious clinical signs for a cardiac


a) [x] The presence of an organic heart pathology

b) [x] Onset with exertion or supine

c) [x] Palpitations during the syncope

d) [ ] Nauseas

e) [ ] Vertigos


210. Intrebarea nr. 210: I12 Punctajul: 10CM. Write the suspicious clinical signs for a nesyncope

fall :

a) [x] The presence of the post-critical disorientation

b) [x] Tonic-clonic seizures, which begin with the access

c) [x] Frequent hits with multiple somatic complaints, without organic heart damage

d) [x] The association of the fall with vertigo

e) [x] The association of the fall with dysarthria, diplopia


211. Intrebarea nr. 211: I13 Punctajul: 10CM. Write the suspicious ECG signs of the cardiac



a) [x] Branch block

b) [x] AV block gr. II Mobitz

c) [x] Sinus bradycardia <50 bpm

d) [x] WPW

e) [x] QT prolonged


212. Intrebarea nr. 212: I14 Punctajul: 10CM. What factors increase the possibility that a rhythm

disorder causes the syncope

a) [x] Heart rate too low

b) [x] Heart rate too quick

c) [ ] Left ventricular function with normal ejection fraction

d) [x] Left ventricular function with low ejection fraction

e) [ ] Ventricular arrhythmia


213. Intrebarea nr. 213: I15 Punctajul: 10CM. The structural heart diseases that cause syncope are:

a) [ ] Atrial fibrillation

b) [x] Hipertrophic cardiomyopathy

c) [x] Aortic stenosis

d) [x] Mitral stenosis

e) [ ] Supraventricular extrasystole


214. Intrebarea nr. 214: I16 Punctajul: 10CM. What diagnostic tests have an informative value in

the evaluation of the syncope:

a) [x] Massage of the carotid sinus

b) [x] Tilt-test

c) [x] ECG term monitoring (Holter, implantable devices)

d) [x] Electrophysiological studies

e) [x] Echocardiography


215. Intrebarea nr. 215: I17 Punctajul: 10CM. For the evaluation of the neurogenic mediated

syncope is performed:

a) [x] Carotid sinus massage

b) [x] Tilt-test

c) [ ] ECG term monitoring (Holter, implantable devices)

d) [ ] Electrophysiological studies

e) [ ] Echocardiography



216. Intrebarea nr. 216: I18 Punctajul: 10CM. Carotid sinus massage test will be considered

positive at the:

a) [x] Combination of asystole> 3 sec. and / or decrease of the systolic blood pressure> 50 mm.

b) [x] Sugestive clinical symptoms

c) [ ] The presence of post-critical disorientation

d) [ ] Tonic-clonic seizures, which begin with the access

e) [ ] Palpitations during the syncope


217. Intrebarea nr. 217: I19 Punctajul: 10CM. What diagnostic tests have low informative value in

evaluating the syncope:

a) [ ] Tilt-test

b) [ ] Lasting ECG monitoring

c) [x] Electroencephalography

d) [x] Magnetic Resonance Imaging

e) [x] Brain CT


218. Intrebarea nr. 218: I20 Punctajul: 10CM. Diagnostic criteria for neurogenic mediated syncope


a) [x] Lack of cardiac pathology

b) [ ] Recent history of syncope

c) [x] Onset after emotions, finding long in crowded places, prolonged orthostasis

d) [x] The presence of nausea, lightheadedness before syncope

e) [x] Syncope at 1 hour after eating


219. Intrebarea nr. 219: I21 Punctajul: 10CM. The following statements are correct for performing

carotid sinus massage:

a) [x] The patients> 40 years

b) [x] The unidentified genesis in syncope (after initial assessment)

c) [ ] It performs cardiac syncope genesis

d) [x] It performs supine position / standing


e) [x] It is performed under ECG monitoring, BP for 5-10sec


220. Intrebarea nr. 220: I22 Punctajul: 10CM. The following statements for the Tilt - test are true:

a) [x] It is shown in diagnosing the syncopes of unindentified genesis

b) [x] It is shown in particular to patients with intact heart

c) [x] Positive test (loss of consciousness with induction of hypotension and / or bradycardia) is

considered the diagnosis for the vasovagal syncope

d) [ ] Positive test (loss of consciousness with induction of hypertension)

e) [ ] Positive test (loss of consciousness with induction of tachycardia


221. Intrebarea nr. 221: I23 Punctajul: 10CM. Complete evaluation of a patient with syncope may


a) [x] Specific neurological investigations

b) [x] Psychiatric evaluation

c) [x] Coronary angiographie

d) [x] Test with adenosine triphosphate

e) [x] Intracardiac electrophysiological study


222. Intrebarea nr. 222: I24 Punctajul: 10CM. When do we hospitalize a patient with syncope?

a) [x] When we suppose the genesis of the cardiac syncope

b) [x] Syncopa is followed by a severe trauma

c) [x] Syncopa with high recurrence

d) [ ] Single syncopal episodes

e) [ ] Episodic syncope without risk factors


223. Intrebarea nr. 223: I25 Punctajul: 10CM. Patients will receive the following treatment:

a) [x] Single syncopal episodes without risk factors

b) [x] Frequent syncopes that affect the quality of life

c) [x] Syncope without premonitory period with an exposure to the trauma,

d) [x] High-risk activities (driving cars, machine operators, drivers and others. A.)

e) [x] Arrhythmic syncope with vital risk



224. Intrebarea nr. 224: I26 Punctajul: 10CM. For the treatment of cardiac syncope are true the


a) [x] Implantation of the electrocardiostimulator in syncope due to a AV block

b) [x] Implantation of the electrocardiostimulator increases the survival and prevents the

recurrence of syncope at the patients with heart block

c) [x] Implantation of the electrocardiostimulator will be considered at the patients with branch

block and syncope (the suspected intermittent AV block)

d) [x] Ventricular tachycardia is suspected as a cause of syncope in patients with left ventricular


e) [x] Supraventricular tachycardia usually do not induce syncope


225. Intrebarea nr. 225: I27 Punctajul: 10CM. In which cases is shown the test of the tilted table?

a) [ ] In patients with organic structural heart diseases

b) [x] In patients with one syncope , but with a high risk of trauma

c) [x] To differentiate between reflex syncope and orthostatic hypotension

d) [x] To differentiate between syncope and epilepsy with tonic-clonic movements

e) [ ] Is indicated for the assessment of the treatment ---------------------------------------------------------------------

226. Intrebarea nr. 226: I28 Punctajul: 10CM. What statements are correct for the test with inclined

table with a pharmacological challenge?

a) [x] The test is highly specific, for more than 90%.

b) [ ] It is performed with dopamine i.v

c) [x] It is used isoproterenol injection i.v

d) [x] It is used 300-400 mg sublingual nitroglycerin

e) [x] It is performed 20 minutes after the base phase of the test


227. Intrebarea nr. 227: I29 Punctajul: 10CM. Indications of the electrophysiological studies in

patients with syncope are:

a) [ ] Reflex syncope

b) [x] Ischemic heart disease in suggesting an arrhythmia as the cause of a syncope

c) [x] The syncope is preceded by palpitations, but the noninvasive studies have failed

objectification of the diagnosis


d) [x] Brugada syndrome

e) [x] Arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy or hypertrophic cardiomyopathy


228. Intrebarea nr. 228: I30 Punctajul: 10CM. Which statements are correct for syncope in the


a) [x] Syncope is more common than in the general population and increases with the age

b) [x] Rapid atrial fibrillation is a causal factor for the syncope in elderly

c) [x] Diuretic therapy may cause syncope

d) [ ] Therapy with beta blockers can cause syncope

e) [x] Neurological diseases can cause syncope


229. Intrebarea nr. 229: I31 Punctajul: 10CM. What diagnostic tests have an informative value in

the evaluation of the syncope:

a) [x] Massage of the carotid sinus

b) [x] Tilt-test

c) [x] ECG term monitoring (Holter, implantable devices)

d) [x] Electrophysiological studies

e) [ ] Electroencephalography (EEG)


230. Intrebarea nr. 230: I32 Punctajul: 10CM. For the evaluation of the neurogenic mediated

syncope is not performed:

a) [ ] Carotid sinus massage

b) [ ] Tilt-test

c) [x] ECG term monitoring (Holter, implantable devices)

d) [x] Electrophysiological studies

e) [x] Echocardiography


231. Intrebarea nr. 231: I33 Punctajul: 10CM. For neurogenic mediated syncope are not diagnostic


a) [ ] Lack of cardiac pathology

b) [x] Recent history of syncope


c) [ ] Onset after emotions, finding long in crowded places, prolonged orthostasis

d) [ ] The presence of nausea, lightheadedness before syncope

e) [x] Syncope at 6 hour after eating


232. Intrebarea nr. 232: I34 Punctajul: 10CM. The following statements are correct for performing

carotid sinus massage:

a) [ ] The patients < 40 years

b) [x] The unidentified genesis in syncope (after initial assessment)

c) [ ] It performs cardiac syncope genesis

d) [x] It performs supine position / standing

e) [x] It is performed under ECG monitoring, BP for 5-10sec


233. Intrebarea nr. 233: I35 Punctajul: 10CM. The following statements for the Tilt - test are not


a) [ ] It is shown in diagnosing the syncopes of unindentified genesis

b) [ ] It is shown in particular to patients with intact heart

c) [ ] Positive test (loss of consciousness with induction of hypotension and / or bradycardia) is

considered the diagnosis for the vasovagal syncope

d) [x] Positive test (loss of consciousness with induction of hypertension)

e) [x] Positive test (loss of consciousness with induction of tachycardia


234. Intrebarea nr. 234: I36 Punctajul: 10CM. When do we not hospitalize a patient with syncope?

a) [ ] When we suppose the genesis of the cardiac syncope

b) [ ] Syncopa is followed by a severe trauma

c) [ ] Syncopa with high recurrence

d) [x] Single syncopal episodes

e) [x] Episodic syncope without risk factors


235. Intrebarea nr. 235: I37 Punctajul: 10CM. Which statements are correct for syncope in the


a) [ ] Syncope is more common than in the general population and increases with the age


b) [ ] Rapid atrial fibrillation is a causal factor for the syncope in elderly

c) [x] Trimetazidine therapy may cause syncope

d) [x] Therapy with beta blockers can cause syncope

e) [ ] Neurological diseases can cause syncope


236. Intrebarea nr. 236: I38 Punctajul: 10CS. Indicate the clinical sign,that is not characteristic for

the sudden cardiac death:

a) [ ] It is natural death

b) [ ] Death of cardiac disease

c) [ ] The sudden loss of consciousness

d) [ ] Occurs within one hour of the onset of acute symptoms

e) [x] Occurs within two hours after the onset of acute symptoms


237. Intrebarea nr. 237: I39 Punctajul: 10CS.In the definition of the sudden cardiac death we

identify four elements that succeed, except the:

a) [ ] Prodroms

b) [ ] The onset of the final event

c) [x] Respiratory failure

d) [ ] Cardiac arrest

e) [ ] Biological death


238. Intrebarea nr. 238: I40 Punctajul: 10CS. For the biological death claims are correct the

sentences except the:

a) [ ] It is an immediate consequence of cardiac arrest

b) [ ] It is the failure of resuscitation

c) [ ] It is the absence of mechanical activity / electrical of the cord / of the central nervous

system after the resuscitation

d) [x] It is only the absence of mechanical activity / electrical of the heart after the resuscitation

e) [ ] Usually occurs within some minutes after the cardiac arrest



239. Intrebarea nr. 239: I41 Punctajul: 10CS. What is the characteristic for the premonitory

symptoms in the sudden cardiac death:

a) [x] They are often absent and nonspecific

b) [ ] They are often well expressed and specific

c) [ ] They have an insidious onset

d) [ ] They don't lead to cardiac imminent arrest

e) [ ] The occur in an interval longer than one hour


240. Intrebarea nr. 240: I42 Punctajul: 10CS. Which statement is correct for the sudden cardiac


a) [x] It constitutes approximately 60% of all deaths from cardiac cause

b) [ ] It constitutes approximately 75% of all deaths from cardiac cause

c) [ ] It constitutes approximately 65% of all deaths from cardiac cause

d) [ ] It constitutes approximately 50% of all deaths from cardiac cause

e) [ ] It constitutes approximately 80% of all deaths from cardiac cause


241. Intrebarea nr. 241: I43 Punctajul: 10CS. Tick the prevalence of sudden cardiac death by


a) [x] It is more common in males

b) [ ] It is more common in females

c) [ ] It has the same frequency in both sexes

d) [ ] It is more common in the elderly

e) [ ] It increases progressively the proportion of young people who die suddenly


242. Intrebarea nr. 242: I44 Punctajul: 10CS.Which statement is incorrect for the sudden cardiac


a) [ ] Prevalence by age group has two peaks

b) [ ] Prevalence in the newborn period

c) [ ] The prevalence in the elderly (75-85 years)

d) [ ] In recent years gradually increase the proportion of women who die suddenly

e) [x] It increases progressively the proportion of young people who die suddenly


243. Intrebarea nr. 243: I45 Punctajul: 10CS. Risk factors for sudden cardiac death are the


following, except:

a) [ ] Myocardial Ischaemia

b) [ ] Hypertension

c) [ ] Smoking

d) [ ] Obesity

e) [x] Mitral valve prolapse


244. Intrebarea nr. 244: I46 Punctajul: 10CS. Mention the most important cause for the sudden

cardiac death:

a) [ ] Cardiomyopathies

b) [ ] Mechanical Heart Diseases

c) [x] Coronary atherosclerotic disease

d) [ ] Electrical cardiac diseases

e) [ ] Congenital heart disease


245. Intrebarea nr. 245: I47 Punctajul: 10CS. The most important predictor of the risk of sudden

cardiac death has been shown:

a) [ ] Diabetes mellitus

b) [ ] The elongation of the ventricular repolarization

c) [x] Severe left ventricular systolic dysfunction (EF <35%)

d) [ ] Low social economical status

e) [ ] Genetics


246. Intrebarea nr. 246: I48 Punctajul: 10CS. What elements causes the electrical abnormalities

(long QT syndrome, Brugada syndrome) in patients with sudden cardiac death:

a) [ ] Scar zones

b) [ ] Left ventricular hipertrophy

c) [ ] Cracked plaque

d) [ ] Cord structurally normal

e) [x] Occlusive thrombus



247. Intrebarea nr. 247: I49 Punctajul: 10CS. Which statement is incorrect for the diabetes in

combination with sudden cardiac death:

a) [ ] The presence of accelerated forms of atherosclerosis

b) [ ] The increase of the thrombogenicity

c) [ ] Diabetic cardiomyopathy

d) [ ] QT prolongation in diabetic patients

e) [x] Mitral valve prolapse


248. Intrebarea nr. 248: I50 Punctajul: 10CM. Choose the key elements in the diagnosis of sudden

cardiac death are, except:

a) [x] The traumatic character

b) [ ] The natural character (non-traumatic)

c) [ ] Rapid (within 1 hour)

d) [x] Insidious

e) [ ] Unexpected (sudden)


249. Intrebarea nr. 249: I51 Punctajul: 10CM. What malignant ventricular tachyarrhythmias can

cause sudden cardiac death:

a) [ ] Electromechanical dissociation

b) [x] Ventricular fibrillation

c) [ ] Idioventricular rhythm

d) [ ] Bradycardia

e) [x] Sustained ventricular tachycardia


250. Intrebarea nr. 250: I52 Punctajul: 10CM. Mention the pathologies that can cause sudden

cardiac death:

a) [x] Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy

b) [x] Arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy

c) [x] Brugada syndrome

d) [x] Aortic stenose

e) [x] Myocardial bridges


251. Intrebarea nr. 251: I53 Punctajul: 10CM. Indicate the mechanisms by which the coronary

atherosclerotic lesions cause an electrical instability, malignant ventricular tachyarrhythmias


and sudden cardiac death:

a) [x] Transformation of the stable atherosclerotic plaques into instable active plate acute that

leads to acute or subacute ischemia with the production of the electrical faults in the myocardium

b) [x] Increased oxygen consumption in the presence of a significant coronary stenosis

c) [x] The presence of myocardial infarction scars at the appearance of the reentrant circuits

d) [x] Ventricular remodeling of ischemic heart disease with progressive left ventricular

dysfunction with neuro-hormonal activation of a cardiac failure

e) [ ] The diffuse myocardial affection modulated by metabolic abnormalities (anoxia, acidosis,

shock, renal failure)


252. Intrebarea nr. 252: I54 Punctajul: 10CM. List the three classes of sudden cardiac death after


a) [x] Sudden arrhythmogenic death

b) [ ] The occurrence of the ventricular ectopies

c) [x] Sudden death with circulatory failure

d) [x] Sudden death without stating the cause

e) [ ] Installation of cardiac arrest


253. Intrebarea nr. 253: I55 Punctajul: 10CM. What pathological changes caused by ischemic heart

disease can be identified in patients with sudden cardiac death:

a) [x] Scar zones

b) [x] Lef ventricular hipertrophy

c) [x] Cracked aterom plaques

d) [ ] Cord structurally normal

e) [x] Occlusive thrombus


254. Intrebarea nr. 254: I56 Punctajul: 10CM. The prodromal symptoms of sudden cardiac death


a) [x] Chest pain

b) [x] Dyspnea

c) [x] Fatigue

d) [x] Palpitations

e) [x] Syncope


255. Intrebarea nr. 255: I57 Punctajul: 10CM. Which statement is correct for the final event in the

onset of sudden cardiac death:


a) [x] Installing of an acute ischemic episode

b) [x] Slow changes of the clinical status

c) [x] Dynamic changes in the electrical activity of the heart (growth of the cardiac fregvence, the

occurrence of the ventricular ectopies)

d) [x] The occurrence of malignant ventricular arrhythmias

e) [x] The installation of the cardiac arrest


256. Intrebarea nr. 256: I58 Punctajul: 10CM. Cardiac arrest is characterized by the following


a) [x] Sudden stop of the pump function that quickly leads to death

b) [x] Loss of consciousness due to reduced cerebral flow

c) [x] Loss of effective circulation

d) [x] Hypotension

e) [x] Presyncope


257. Intrebarea nr. 257: I59 Punctajul: 10CM. In which interval of time the irreversible brain

damages occur:

a) [x] After 4-6 minutes from the stopping of the cerebral circulation in the absence of any


b) [x] Approximately 8 minutes if it is followed by the application of basal measures for the

support of life

c) [x] About 16 min if advanced resuscitation measures are applied according to the protocol

d) [ ] After 20 minutes from the stop of the cerebral circulation in the absence of any


e) [ ] Approximately 20 minutes if it is followed by the application of basal measures for the

support of life


258. Intrebarea nr. 258: I60 Punctajul: 10CM. List the characteristic clinical signs of sudden

cardiac death:

a) [x] Gradual breathing stop- "mirror sign"

b) [x] Absence of pulse on large vessels (carotid)

c) [x] Mydriasis (2-3 minutes)


d) [x] Loss of consciousness

e) [ ] Dyspnea


259. Intrebarea nr. 259: I61 Punctajul: 10CM. Causes of the sudden cardiac death in children are:

a) [x] Idiopathic ventricular fibrillation

b) [x] Congenital QT syndrome

c) [ ] Bleeding

d) [x] Myocarditis

e) [ ] Asthma access


260. Intrebarea nr. 260: I62 Punctajul: 10CM. Non-cardiac causes of sudden death in children are:

a) [ ] Idiopathic ventricular fibrillation

b) [ ] Congenital QT syndrome

c) [x] Bleeding

d) [x] Poisoning

e) [x] Asthma access


261. Intrebarea nr. 261: I63 Punctajul: 10CM. Note the non-invasive methods for the assessment of

patients with a risk of sudden cardiac death.

a) [ ] Electrophysiological tests

b) [x] EcoCG-Doppler

c) [x] ECG

d) [x] CT heart

e) [ ] Cardiac catheterization


262. Intrebarea nr. 262: I64 Punctajul: 10CM. Write the invasive methods for the assessment of

patients with a risk of sudden cardiac death

a) [x] Electrophysiological tests

b) [ ] EcoCG-Doppler

c) [x] Coronary angiography


d) [x] Scheduled stimulation

e) [x] Cardiac catheterization


263. Intrebarea nr. 263: I65 Punctajul: 10CM What changes can record the surface

electrocardiogram in patients with increased risk of sudden cardiac death?

a) [x] Ischemic changes

b) [x] Left ventricular hypertrophy

c) [x] Long QT Syndrome

d) [x] Brugada syndrome

e) [x] Changes associated with electrolytes serum abnormalities


264. Intrebarea nr. 264: I66 Punctajul: 10CM. List the relevant datas detected by Eco-CG Doppler

in patients with high risk of sudden cardiac death:

a) [x] Ejection fraction <30-35%

b) [x] After myocardial sequelea

c) [ ] T wave alternation

d) [x] Valvulopathies

e) [x] Congenital diseases


265. Intrebarea nr. 265: I67 Punctajul: 10CM. In which cases is useful Holter ECG monitoring in

patients with proven risk of sudden cardiac death?

a) [x] The evaluation of ventricular tachyarrhythmias

b) [ ] Impaired left ventricular function

c) [ ] An abnormal blood pressure response during exercise may identify patients with

hypertrophic cardiomyopathy

d) [x] The assessment of ventricular bradyarrhythmias

e) [ ] Syncope


266. Intrebarea nr. 266: I68 Punctajul: 10CM. In which cases holter -ECG test is useful for patients

with a high risk for sudden cardiac death?

a) [x] The evaluation of ventricular tachyarrhythmias

b) [ ] Impaired left ventricular function


c) [ ] An abnormal blood pressure response during exercise may identify patients with

hypertrophic cardiomyopathy

d) [x] The assessment of ventricular bradyarrhythmias

e) [ ] Syncopes


267. Intrebarea nr. 267: I69 Punctajul: 10CM. In which cases ECG effort test is useful for the

patients with a high risk of a sudden cardiac death?

a) [ ] In the evaluation of the ventricular tachyarrhythmias

b) [ ] Left ventricular function alteration

c) [x] An abnormal response of the blood pressure during the exercises may identify patients with

hypertrophic cardiomyopathy

d) [ ] In the assessment of ventricular bradyarrhythmias

e) [x] Identify the catecholaminergic polymorphic ventricular tachycardia


268. Intrebarea nr. 268: I70 Punctajul: 10CM. What investigation will do the survivors of the

sudden cardiac death?

a) [x] ECG

b) [x] EcoCG-Doppler

c) [x] Coronary angiography

d) [x] ECG test effort

e) [x] Bioassay (hypokalemia, metabolic acidosis, increased myocardial necrosis enzymes)


269. Intrebarea nr. 269: I71 Punctajul: 10CM. Electrophysiological stimulation is performed in

patients with:

a) [x] Ischemic heart disease

b) [x] Cardiomyopathy

c) [x] Ventricular tachycardia

d) [x] Having survived after sudden death

e) [x] Syncope


270. Intrebarea nr. 270: I72 Punctajul: 10CM. Which statements are correct for cardiac


a) [x] Provides the basal life support (BSL-basic life support)


b) [x] Provides advanced life support (ALS - Advanced Life Support)

c) [x] Includes the use of an automatic external defibrillator

d) [x] The beginning of the cardiopulmonary resuscitation techniques

e) [x] Resuscitation should be initiated quickly


271. Intrebarea nr. 271: I73 Punctajul: 10CM. Basal life support (BLS) includes:

a) [x] Check of the victim's consciousness

b) [x] Theemergency service telephone

c) [x] The opening of the airways, checking respiration

d) [x] Checking the pulse (only for the medical staff)

e) [x] Cardiac arrest <5 minutes with witnesses, automatic external defibrillator available


272. Intrebarea nr. 272: I74 Punctajul: 10CM. Which statements are correct for external cardiac


a) [x] Effective compressions supported (no intermission)

b) [x] Complete decompressions

c) [ ] Compressions are performed with a frequency of 50/min

d) [x] Compressions are performed with a frequency of 100/min

e) [x] Compressions in the lower half of the sternum, to depress the sternum with 4-5 cm


273. Intrebarea nr. 273: I75 Punctajul: 10CM: Advanced life support (ALS) includes:

a) [x] Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (cycles of 30 compressions: 2 ventilations or 100

compressions / min and 8-10 ventilations / min)

b) [x] The attach of a defibrillator

c) [ ] Administration of vasopressors(adrenaline, vasopressin, before / after shock)

d) [x] Administration of antiarrhythmics:Amiodaromă, lidocaine, Mg sulfate (in torsades of the


e) [x] It is possible endotracheal administration


274. Intrebarea nr. 274: I76 Punctajul: 10CM. For which situations is the implantable defibrillator


a) [x] Resuscitated cardiac arrest


b) [x] Sustained ventricular tachycardia (TVS)

c) [x] Structural heart disease and spontaneous TVS

d) [x] Dysfunction of the left ventricle and significant left unexplained syncope

e) [x] Brugada syndrome


275. Intrebarea nr. 275: I77 Punctajul: 10CM. Nonpharmacological primary prevention of sudden

cardiac death provides:

a) [x] Change of the lifestyle

b) [x] The rigorous control of risk factors for atherosclerosis

c) [x] The reduction of exercises

d) [ ] Administration of angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors

e) [ ] Administration of statins and beta-blockers


276. Intrebarea nr. 276: I78 Punctajul: 10CM.Pharmacological primary prevention of sudden

cardiac death states:

a) [x] Administration of angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors

b) [x] Administration of statins

c) [ ] Administration of antiarrhythmic drugs

d) [x] Administration of beta-blockers

e) [x] Administration of aldosterone receptor blockers


277. Intrebarea nr. 277: I79 Punctajul: 10CM. Cardiac causes of sudden death in children are:

a) [x] Idiopathic ventricular fibrillation

b) [x] Congenital QT syndrome

c) [ ] Bleeding

d) [ ] Poisoning

e) [ ] Asthma access


278. Intrebarea nr. 278: I80 Punctajul: 10CM. List the relevant datas detected by Eco-CG Doppler

in patients with high risk of sudden cardiac death:

a) [ ] Ejection fraction >30-35%

b) [x] After myocardial sequelea


c) [ ] T wave alternatio

d) [x] Valvulopathies

e) [x] Congenital diseases


279. Intrebarea nr. 279: I81 Punctajul: 10CM. In which cases is not useful Holter ECG monitoring

in patients with proven risk of sudden cardiac death?

a) [ ] The evaluation of ventricular tachyarrhythmias

b) [x] Impaired left ventricular function

c) [x] An abnormal blood pressure response during exercise may identify patients with

hypertrophic cardiomyopathy

d) [ ] The assessment of ventricular bradyarrhythmias

e) [x] Syncope


280. Intrebarea nr. 280: I82 Punctajul: 10CM. In which cases ECG test is not useful for patients

with a high risk for sudden cardiac death?

a) [x] The evaluation of ventricular tachyarrhythmias

b) [x] Impaired left ventricular function

c) [x] An abnormal blood pressure response during exercise may identify patients with

hypertrophic cardiomyopathy

d) [ ] The assessment of ventricular bradyarrhythmias

e) [ ] Syncopes


281. Intrebarea nr. 281: I83 Punctajul: 10CM. Nonpharmacological primary prevention of sudden

cardiac death doesn't provides:

a) [ ] Change of the lifestyle

b) [ ] The rigorous control of risk factors for atherosclerosis

c) [ ] The reduction of exercises

d) [x] Administration of angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors

e) [x] Administration of statins and beta-blockers


282. Intrebarea nr. 282: I84 Punctajul: 10CM.Pharmacological primary prevention of sudden

cardiac death states:

a) [x] Administration of angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors


b) [x] Administration of statins

c) [x] Administration of beta-blockers

d) [ ] Administration of antiarrhythmic drugs

e) [x] Administration of aldosterone receptor blockers


283. Intrebarea nr. 283: I85 Punctajul: 10CS. What type of cardiomyopathy develops in connective

tissue disease?

a) [ ] Ischemic Cardiomyopathy

b) [ ] Valvular cardiomyopathy

c) [ ] Hypertensive cardiomyopathy

d) [x] Inflammatory Cardiomyopathy

e) [ ] Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy


284. Intrebarea nr. 284: I86 Punctajul: 10CS.To what large group of cardiomyopathys does the

inflammatory cardiomyopathy belongs?

a) [ ] Dilated Cardiomyopathy

b) [ ] Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy

c) [ ] Restrictive cardiomyopathy

d) [ ] Arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy

e) [x] Nonclassified cardiomyopathies


285. Intrebarea nr. 285: I87 Punctajul: 10CS. The cardiomyopathy triggers are those listed, except:

a) [ ] Infections

b) [ ] Smoking

c) [x] Cardiac asthma

d) [ ] Hereditary factors

e) [ ] Alcohol ---------------------------------------------------------------------

286. Intrebarea nr. 286: I88 Punctajul: 10CS. Dilated cardiomyopathy is characterized by the

following, except:

a) [ ] Expansion of heart cavities

b) [ ] Decrease of the contractility (ejection fraction decrease)


c) [x] The install of a heart failure

d) [ ] The occurrence of arrhythmias

e) [ ] The emergence of scar areas


287. Intrebarea nr. 287: I89 Punctajul: 10CS. The characteristics of the dilated cardiomyopathy are

the following statements ,except:

a) [ ] Occurs at any age

b) [ ] Prevalence in males

c) [ ] In children prevails in boys

d) [ ] At 50% ,the etiology is not identified

e) [x] Prevalence to the woman


288. Intrebarea nr. 288: I91 Punctajul: 10CM The cardiomyopathy triggers are those listed:

a) [x] Infections

b) [x] Smoking

c) [ ] Cardiac asthma

d) [x] Hereditary factors

e) [x] Alcohol


289. Intrebarea nr. 289: I92 Punctajul: 10CM. Dilated cardiomyopathy is characterized by the


a) [x] Expansion of heart cavities

b) [x] Decrease of the contractility (ejection fraction decrease)

c) [ ] The install of a heart failure

d) [x] The occurrence of arrhythmias

e) [x] The emergence of scar areas


290. Intrebarea nr. 290: I93 Punctajul: 10CM. Select the possible causes of dilated cadiomiopathy:

a) [x] Genetic Mutations

b) [ ] Abuse of coffee


c) [x] Alcohol Abuse

d) [x] Viral infections

e) [x] The action of toxins (mercury, lithium, lead)


291. Intrebarea nr. 291: I94 Punctajul: 10CM. Mention the forms of dilated cardiomyopathy:

a) [x] Primary

b) [x] Secondary

c) [x] Family

d) [x] Non-Family

e) [ ] Tertiary


292. Intrebarea nr. 292: I95 Punctajul: 10CM. Select the possible causes of dilated cadiomiopathy:

a) [x] Genetic Mutations

b) [x] Viral infections

c) [x] Alcohol Abuse

d) [ ] Abuse of coffee

e) [x] The action of toxins (mercury, lithium, lead)


293. Intrebarea nr. 293: I96 Punctajul: 10CM. Mentions the morphofunctional changes in the

dilated cardiomyopathy:

a) [x] Dilation of all the cardiac cavities

b) [ ] Expansion of the isolated left ventricle

c) [x] Reduced ejection fraction

d) [ ] Isolated right ventricular dilatation

e) [x] Subendocardial interstitial fibrosis


294. Intrebarea nr. 294: I97 Punctajul: 10CM. The common symptoms in dilated cardiomyopathy


a) [x] Dyspnea accompanied by edema, fatigue

b) [x] Chest pain


c) [x] Abdominal discomfort

d) [x] Anorexia

e) [x] Cerebrovascular accident ---------------------------------------------------------------------

295. Intrebarea nr. 295: I98 Punctajul: 10CM. What data reveals ECG study in patients with dilated


a) [x] VS myocardial hypertrophy ,sometimes VD

b) [x] Atrial fibrillation

c) [ ] Interventricular septal hypertrophy

d) [x] Extrasystoles

e) [x] Sinus rhythm


296. Intrebarea nr. 296: I99 Punctajul: 10CM. What radiological signs can contribute to the

diagnosis of dilated cadiomyopathy?

a) [ ] Pulmonary opacity

b) [x] Cardiomegaly

c) [x] Venous stasis in the lungs

d) [x] Azygos vein dilation

e) [x] Lack of the atherosclerosis


297. Intrebarea nr. 297: I100 Punctajul: 10CM. What changes records the echocardiography in

dilated cardiomyopathy?

a) [x] Expansion of cardiac chambers

b) [ ] Expansion of isolated left ventricular

c) [x] Decrease of ejection fraction

d) [ ] Interventricular septal hypertrophy

e) [x] Detection of the parietal thrombus


298. Intrebarea nr. 298: I101 Punctajul: 10CM.Indicate the second step investigations in the

diagnosis of dilated cardiomyopathy:

a) [x] Computered tomography

b) [x] Review with radionuclides


c) [x] Exercise testing

d) [x] Magnetic Resonance

e) [x] Myocardial Biopsy


299. Intrebarea nr. 299: I1 Punctajul: 10CM Note the name of the idiopathic cardiomyopathy:

a) [x] arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy

b) [x] dilated

c) [x] hypertrophic

d) [x] restrictive

e) [ ] alcoholic


300. Intrebarea nr. 300: I2 Punctajul: 10CM Dilated cardiomyopathy is characterized by:

a) [x] The drop ejection fraction expressed

b) [x] Dilatation of all cardiac compartments

c) [x] Worsening systole

d) [x] Cardiac decompensation

e) [ ] Increased peripheral resistance


301. Intrebarea nr. 301: I3 Punctajul: 10CM Propose the clinical characteristic symptoms of

patients with dilated cardiomyopathy:

a) [x] dyspnea

b) [x] palpitations

c) [x] fatigue

d) [x] peripheral edema

e) [ ] epistaxis


302. Intrebarea nr. 302: I4 Punctajul: 10CM Mention the specific echocardiographic changes in

patients with dilated cardiomyopathy:

a) [x] Dilatation of all cardiac cavities

b) [x] Decrease considerable fraction effect

c) [ ] Increase ejection fraction

d) [ ] Isolated right ventricular dilatation

e) [ ] Hypertrophy of the interventricular septum


303. Intrebarea nr. 303: I5 Punctajul: 10CM Enumerate the characteristics of complains that can

present the patients with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy:

a) [x] bouts of angina pectoris

b) [x] syncopal states

c) [ ] Arterial Hipertension

d) [ ] Bradycardia

e) [ ] peripheral resistance


304. Intrebarea nr. 304: I6 Punctajul: 10CM Indicate the characteristics of echocardiographic


changes in hypertrophic cardiomyopathy:

a) [x] moderate hypertrophy of left ventricular posterior wall, which is less than 5 mm than the

thickness of the interventricular septum

b) [ ] left atrial dilatation

c) [ ] increase of ejection fraction

d) [ ] isolated right ventricular dilatation

e) [x] hypertrophy of the interventricular septum


305. Intrebarea nr. 305: I7 Punctajul: 10CM Mark the signs to restrictive cardiomyopathy:

a) [x] marked thickening, diffuse of parietal endocardial LV sometimes RV

b) [ ] LV myocardial hypertrophy

c) [ ] Development of cardiomegaly

d) [ ] pinch (thin)of ventricular walls

e) [x] worsening of systola and diastola


306. Intrebarea nr. 306: I8 Punctajul: 10CM Arrhythmogenic cardiomyopathy is manifested by:

a) [ ] marked thickening, diffuse parietal endocardial LV sometimes RV

b) [ ] LV myocardial hypertrophy

c) [x] frequent ventricular arrhythmias

d) [x] pinch (thin) ventricular walls

e) [ ] spongy myocardium


307. Intrebarea nr. 307: I9 Punctajul: 10CM Mention wich patients with cardiomyopathy

requiring cardiac defibrillator:

a) [x] Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy

b) [ ] Alcoholic Cardiomyopathy

c) [ ] Dilated Cardiomyopathy

d) [ ] Restrictive cardiomyopathy

e) [x] Arrhythmogenic cardiomyopathy


308. Intrebarea nr. 308: I10 Punctajul: 10CM Name the changes characteristic of patients with

dilated cardiomyopathy

a) [x] Decreased left ventricular ejection fraction

b) [ ] Increase of cardiac output

c) [ ] Hypertrophy of the interventricular septum

d) [x] Increase of intracavitary pressure

e) [ ] Increase of ejection fraction


309. Intrebarea nr. 309: I11 Punctajul: 10CS Name the most informative method in the diagnosis of

hypertrophic cardiomyopathy:

a) [ ] Myocardial biopsy

b) [x] Echocardiography

c) [ ] Phonocardiography

d) [ ] Electrocardiography

e) [ ] Monitoring - ECG



310. Intrebarea nr. 310: I12 Punctajul: 10CS What medications do you manage to patients with

dilated cardiomyopathy:

a) [ ] Diuretics

b) [ ] ACE inhibitors

c) [ ] Antiarrhythmics

d) [ ] Anticoagulants

e) [x] Antipyretics


311. Intrebarea nr. 311: I13 Punctajul: 10CS Mention the most severe form of hypertrophic


a) [x] obstructive

b) [ ] unobtrusive

c) [ ] apical

d) [ ] restrictive

e) [ ] dilatative


312. Intrebarea nr. 312: I14 Punctajul: 10CS Indicate the severe complication in patients with

hypertrophic cardiomyopathy with outflow tract obstruction:

a) [x] Ventricular tachycardia

b) [ ] Atrial fibrillation

c) [ ] Syncopal states

d) [ ] Atrial flutter

e) [ ] Anasarca


313. Intrebarea nr. 313: I15 Punctajul: 10CS Indicate the characteristic ECG changes in patients

with dilated cardiomyopathy?

a) [ ] Complete atrioventricular block

b) [ ] Complete sinoatrial block B

c) [ ] Atrial fibrillation

d) [x] Q-waves in leads unexplained chest

e) [ ] Low Voltage


314. Intrebarea nr. 314: I16 Punctajul: 10CM Name the arrhythmias characteristic of patients with

hypertrophic cardiomyopathy

a) [x] Ventricular fibrilation

b) [x] Ventricular flutter

c) [ ] Atrial fibrillation

d) [x] Ventricular tachycardia

e) [ ] Low Voltage


315. Intrebarea nr. 315: I17 Punctajul: 10CM Treatment of patients with hypertrophic obstructive

cardiomyopathy include:

a) [ ] Cardiac glycosides

b) [x] Beta blockers

c) [ ] Nitrate

d) [x] Diuretics


e) [x] Antiarrhythmics


316. Intrebarea nr. 316: I18 Punctajul: 10CS What surgical method is not used in patients with

significant obstructive hypertrophic cardiomyopathy:

a) [ ] Partial Mioectomia

b) [ ] Septal ablation with alcohol

c) [ ] Embolization of first septal

d) [ ] Implantation of defibrillator - cardioverter

e) [x] Total Mioectomie


317. Intrebarea nr. 317: I19 Punctajul: 10CM Indicate clinical signs of patients with restrictive


a) [x] Inspiratory Dyspnea

b) [x] Palpitations

c) [x] Fatigue

d) [ ] Headache

e) [ ] Vertigo


318. Intrebarea nr. 318: I20 Punctajul: 10CM Name the factors that can trigger the


a) [x] stress

b) [x] exercise

c) [x] viral infections

d) [ ] smoking

e) [ ] balanced diet ---------------------------------------------------------------------

319. Intrebarea nr. 319: I1 Punctajul: 10CS About 83% of the population affected by coronary heart

disease is aged over:

a) [ ] 45 years

b) [ ] 35 years

c) [x] 65 years

d) [ ] 85 years

e) [ ] 70 years


320. Intrebarea nr. 320: I2 Punctajul: 10CS Which of the following is the correct definition of the body

mass index:

a) [ ] Circumference measured from the umbilicus and halfway between the costal margin and iliac crest

b) [x] The ratio of weight (in kg) and the square of the heigh (m) c) [ ] Report of the 2 circumference reflects the type of obesity

d) [ ] LDL cholesterol and HDL cholesterol ratio

e) [ ] Report of 3 circumferences reflects the type of obesity


321. Intrebarea nr. 321: I3 Punctajul: 10CS The obesity paradox is defined as:

a) [ ] Represents a growing problem in the developed world

b) [ ] Is a major risk factor for atherosclerotic disease

c) [x] A better short or long-term prognosis for overweight or obese patients

d) [ ] Is a minor risk factor for atherosclerotic disease


e) [ ] An unfavorable short or long-term prognosis for overweight or obese patients ---------------------------------------------------------------------

322. Intrebarea nr. 322: I4 Punctajul: 10CS Framingham score is calculated by:

a) [x] Basis of equations that take into account gender, age, total cholesterol, HDL cholesterol, smoking

status and systolic, assigning a number of points depending on the presence and magnitude of each factor

b) [ ] Deaths from non coronary atherosclerosis territories are taken into account

c) [ ] The mean ages adapted to the changing risk with age is steeper

d) [ ] Related to cardiovascular mortality and not total cardiovascular events

e) [ ] It is available in two versions- one for low-risk regions (Belgium, France, Greece, Italy,

Luxembourg, Spain, Switzerland and Portugal) and another for those at high risk, where falling and our

country, together with other countries European were not mentioned in the previous list ---------------------------------------------------------------------

323. Intrebarea nr. 323: I5 Punctajul: 10CS Which of the following is the correct definition of

abdominal circumference:

a) [x] Circumference measured from the umbilicus and halfway between the costal margin and iliac crest

b) [ ] The ratio of weight (in kg) and the square of the heigh (m) (g / h squared)

c) [ ] Report of the two circumference reflects the type of obesity

d) [ ] LDL cholesterol and HDL cholesterol ratio

e) [ ] Report of three circumferences reflects the type of obesity


324. Intrebarea nr. 324: I6 Punctajul: 10CS Which of the following is the correct definition for hip

circumference ratio in waist circumference (waist to hip ratio)

a) [ ] Circumference measured from the umbilicus and halfway between the costal margin and iliac crest

b) [ ] The ratio of weight (in kg) and the square of the heigh (m) (g / h squared)

c) [x] Report of the two circumference reflects the type of obesity

d) [ ] LDL cholesterol and HDL cholesterol ratio

e) [ ] Report of three circumferences reflects the type of obesity


325. Intrebarea nr. 325: I7 Punctajul: 10CS. Which of the following is the correct definition of


a) [ ] In vitro and in vivo studies that have shown to promote atherogenesis and thrombogenesis,

representing a moderately independent favorable cardiovascular risk factor

b) [ ] Genetic defects leading to procoagulant potential are known as thrombophilia

c) [x] Remains the main cause of genetic hyperhomocysteinaemia. The main changes are found in

the population type MTHFR C677T gene mutation A1298C respectively

d) [ ] Hyperhomocysteinaemia cause is not known

e) [ ] Remains the main cause of genetic hyperhomocysteinaemia. The main changes occur in the

population of type C123 MTR gene mutations


326. Intrebarea nr. 326: I8 Punctajul: 10CM What are the cardiovascular risk factors listed below:

a) [x] Major

b) [ ] Minors

c) [x] Classics

d) [x] Modifiable

e) [x] Unchangeable


327. Intrebarea nr. 327: I9 Punctajul: 10CM Tick the cardiovascular risk factors that are considered



a) [x] Obesity

b) [ ] Age

c) [x] High blood pressure

d) [ ] Sex

e) [x] Smoking


328. Intrebarea nr. 328: I10 Punctajul: 10CM Major risk factors were defined by WHO through:

a) [x] High prevalence in the population

b) [ ] Low prevalence in the population

c) [x] Independent impact on the risk of coronary heart disease or stroke

d) [x] Treatment or control lowers the risk

e) [ ] Treatment or control risk-accelerating


329. Intrebarea nr. 329: I12 Punctajul: 10CM Tick cardiovascular risk factors that are considered


a) [ ] Obesity

b) [x] Age

c) [ ] High blood pressure

d) [x] Sex

e) [x] Heredity


330. Intrebarea nr. 330: I13 Punctajul: 10CM Obesity is a major cardiovascular risk factor with

increasing prevalence in developed countries, mainly due to:

a) [x] Environmental and social factors

b) [x] Dietary habits

c) [x] Sedentary life

d) [ ] Alcoholism

e) [ ] High blood pressure


331. Intrebarea nr. 331: I14 Punctajul: 10CM Score SCORE unlike Framingham score:

a) [x] Is related to cardiovascular mortality and not total cardiovascular events

b) [x] Are taken into account deaths from non-coronary atherosclerosis territories

c) [x] The school is adjusted to average of ages, to which risks change with more abrupt age

d) [x] There are separate scores for European countries with high risk, respective to low risk, or

where complete data on mortality exists

e) [ ] Is related to cardiovascular mortality and total cardiovascular events


332. Intrebarea nr. 332: I15 Punctajul: 10CM Dyslipidemia:

a) [x] Represents among factors with great prevalence and susceptibility of being modified

b) [x] Includes a number of disorders of lipid metabolism potentially atherosclerotic phenomena

of induction and maintenance

c) [ ] Is related to cardiovascular mortality and total cardiovascular events

d) [ ] A better short or long-term prognosis for overweight or obese patients

e) [ ] It is one of the factors with low prevalence and susceptibility of being modified


333. Intrebarea nr. 333: I16 Punctajul: 10CM What three components must be included in a


comprehensive action for the prevention of cardiovascular risk factors according to the World

Health Organization (WHO):

a) [ ] Primary prevention

b) [x] Population Strategy

c) [x] Strategy for high risk populations

d) [x] Secondary prevention

e) [ ] Strategy for low risk populations


334. Intrebarea nr. 334: I17 Punctajul: 10CM Individuals with increased cardiovascular risk are

those with:

a) [x] Multiple risk factors, giving a risk score ≥ 5%

b) [x] Marked increased level of a single risk factor, such as BP ≥ 180/110 mmHg or persistent

BP ≥ 160/110mmHg, these values should be treated, regardless of the presence of other risk


c) [x] Total cholesterol ≥ 8 mmol / L (320mg/dL), LDL-cholesterol ≥ 6 mmol / L (240mg/dL)

d) [x] Diabetes (relative risk is 5 women and 3 men)

e) [ ] Multiple risk factors, giving a risk score ≥ 20%


335. Intrebarea nr. 335: I18 Punctajul: 10CM Which of the following are functions of the grid


a) [x] Highlight the risk of fatal cardiovascular event within 10 years without additional


b) [x] Estimates relative risk by comparing a cell (grid square) with any other, in the same age


c) [x] Assessment of the impact of improvements to risk factors (novel subject moves from one

risk category to another by giving up to smoking, lowering total cholesterol etc.)

d) [ ] Estimation of absolute risk by comparing a cell (grid square) with any other, in the same age


e) [x] Highlights the effect of the action of a risk factor over time (increasing risk with increased

age, younger ages are generally at lower risk) ---------------------------------------------------------------------

336. Intrebarea nr. 336: I19 Punctajul: 10CM Tick the haemostatic factors which are correlated

with increased cardiovascular risks:

a) [x] Activated factor VII

b) [x] Plasminogen activator inhibitor-1

c) [ ] Activated factor V

d) [x] Tissue plasminogen activator (tPA)

e) [x] von Willebrand factor (which is also a marker of endothelial dysfunction)


337. Intrebarea nr. 337: I20 Punctajul: 10CM Which of the following lifestyle changes reduce

cardiovascular risks in patients with hypertension:

a) [ ] High sodium diet, low weight, moderate consumption of ethyl alcohols

b) [x] Low sodium diet, low weight, moderate consumption of ethyl alcohols

c) [x] Pharmacological measures should be added to obtain normal BP values

d) [ ] Pharmacological measures to achieve normal BP values should not be added

e) [x] An optimal control of BP values decreases significantly the risk of recurrence of a stroke, or


cardiovascular death after a heart attack ---------------------------------------------------------------------

338. Intrebarea nr. 338: I21 Punctajul: 10CM Mechanisms which increase cardiovascular risk in

smoking are:

a) [x] Increased total cholesterol and lower HDL cholesterol

b) [x] Activation of platelets and leukocytes, increased circular fibrinogen

c) [x] Endothelial dysfunction by promoting vulnerable plaques fissures, increased heart rate and

blood pressure

d) [x] Arterial vasoconstriction (including coronary spasm), effects of worsening myocardial

ischemia due to carbon monoxide

e) [ ] Decrease of circular fibrinogen


339. Intrebarea nr. 339: I1 Punctajul: 10CS Choose which of the markers listed below refers to the

injury of myocytes:

a) [ ] C-reactive protein, tumor necrosis factor alpha, interleukins, Fas (APO1)

b) [ ] Norepinephrine, epinephrine, angiotensin II, renin, aldosterone, arginine vasopressin,


c) [ ] B- natriuretic peptide (BNP), NTpro-BNP, proadrenomedulina

d) [ ] Oxidized low-density lipoproteins, myeloperoxidases, malondialdehyde, urinary biopirines

e) [x] Troponins I and T, creatine kinase MB, light chain myosin kinase, cardiac fatty acids

associated with proteins


340. Intrebarea nr. 340: I2 Punctajul: 10CS Choose which of the markers listed below refers to

those of inflammation:

a) [x] C-reactive protein, tumor necrosis factor alpha, interleukins, Fas (APO1)

b) [ ] Norepinephrine, epinephrine, angiotensin II, renin, aldosterone, arginine vasopressin,


c) [ ] B- natriuretic peptide (BNP), NTpro-BNP, proadrenomedulina

d) [ ] Oxidized low-density lipoproteins, myeloperoxidases, malondialdehyde, urinary biopirines

e) [ ] Troponins I and T, creatine kinase MB, light chain myosin kinase, cardiac fatty acids

associated with proteins


341. Intrebarea nr. 341: I3 Punctajul: 10CS Choose which of the markers listed below refers to

those of oxidative stress:

a) [ ] C-reactive protein, tumor necrosis factor alpha, interleukins, Fas (APO1)

b) [ ] Norepinephrine, epinephrine, angiotensin II, renin, aldosterone, arginine vasopressin,


c) [ ] B- natriuretic peptide (BNP), NTpro-BNP, proadrenomedulina

d) [x] Oxidized low-density lipoproteins, myeloperoxidases, malondialdehyde, urinary biopirines

e) [ ] Troponins I and T, creatine kinase MB, light chain myosin kinase, cardiac fatty acids

associated with proteins


342. Intrebarea nr. 342: I4 Punctajul: 10CS Choose which of the markers listed below refers to

neurohormonal ones:

a) [ ] C-reactive protein, tumor necrosis factor alpha, interleukins, Fas (APO1)

b) [x] Norepinephrine, epinephrine, angiotensin II, renin, aldosterone, arginine vasopressin,



c) [ ] B- natriuretic peptide (BNP), NTpro-BNP, proadrenomeduline

d) [ ] Oxidized low-density lipoproteins, myeloperoxidases, malondialdehyde, urinary biopirines

e) [ ] Troponins I and T, creatine kinase MB, light chain myosin kinase, cardiac fatty acids

associated with proteins


343. Intrebarea nr. 343: I5 Punctajul: 10CS Choose which of the markers listed below refers to

the stress of myocytes:

a) [ ] C-reactive protein, tumor necrosis factor alpha, interleukins, Fas (APO1)

b) [ ] Norepinephrine, epinephrine, angiotensin II, renin, aldosterone, arginine vasopressin,


c) [x] B- natriuretic peptide (BNP), NTpro-BNP, proadrenomedulina

d) [ ] Oxidized low-density lipoproteins, myeloperoxidases, malondialdehyde, urinary biopirines

e) [ ] Troponins I and T, creatine kinase MB, light chain myosin kinase, cardiac fatty acids

associated with proteins


344. Intrebarea nr. 344: I7 Punctajul: 10CS Continuous ECG monitoring is:

a) [ ] Recommended for patients with sporadic symptoms or very short, able to activate the device

so as to store in its memory ECG immediately preceding symptomatic episode

b) [x] Particularly useful in symptomatic patients with syncope, which could not turn in time with

the recording device type or in patients with intermittent symptoms occurring daily or almost


c) [ ] The most used method for the diagnosis and / or risk stratification of patients with stable

angina, unstable angina which was stabilized therapeutically, patients after myocardial infarction

or patients with myocardial revascularization

d) [ ] Provides information about pulmonary circulation and thoracic aorta, as well as about

possible associated lung damages

e) [ ] The most used method for the diagnosis and / or risk stratification of patients with stable

angina, unstable angina which was stabilized therapeutically, patients after myocardial infarction

or patients with myocardial revascularization


345. Intrebarea nr. 345: I8 Punctajul: 10CS Intermittent ECG monitoring is:

a) [x] Recommended for patients with sporadic symptoms or very short, able to activate the

device so as to store in its memory ECG immediately preceding symptomatic episode

b) [ ] Particularly useful in symptomatic patients with syncope, which could not turn in time with

the recording device type or in patients with intermittent symptoms occurring daily or almost


c) [ ] The most used method for the diagnosis and / or risk stratification of patients with stable

angina, unstable angina which was stabilized therapeutically, patients after myocardial infarction

or patients with myocardial revascularization

d) [ ] Provides information about pulmonary circulation and thoracic aorta, as well as about

possible associated lung damages

e) [ ] The most used method for the diagnosis and / or risk stratification of patients with stable

angina, unstable angina which was stabilized therapeutically, patients after myocardial infarction

or patients with myocardial revascularization



346. Intrebarea nr. 346: I9 Punctajul: 10CS Resting potential value of cardiomyocytes is:

a) [ ] -70mV

b) [ ] +40mV

c) [x] -90mV

d) [ ] 0mV

e) [ ] +10 mV


347. Intrebarea nr. 347: I10 Punctajul: 10CS How many derivations are used to record standard


a) [ ] 10 derivation

b) [x] 12 derivations

c) [ ] 6 derivations

d) [ ] 8 derivations

e) [ ] 2 derivations


348. Intrebarea nr. 348: I11 Punctajul: 10CS The enlargement of the right atrium on radiography


a) [x] Opacity of retrosternal space

b) [ ] Bulging lower arch as more than 5.5 cm to the right of the midline

c) [ ] Previous projection of thoracic vertebral bodies

d) [ ] Opacity of subdiaphragmatic space

e) [ ] Right ventricular hypertrophy


349. Intrebarea nr. 349: I12 Punctajul: 10CS Which statement regarding pulsed Doppler is


a) [x] It measures blood velocity in the direction of the ultrasound beam

b) [ ] It has a low amplitude measurable velocity

c) [ ] It measures blood velocity only in the interest zone

d) [ ] It is destinated for flows with low velocity

e) [ ] It has a spatial resolution


350. Intrebarea nr. 350: I13 Punctajul: 10CS The main advantages of radionuclide

ventriculography over radiological ventriculography with contrast are the following, except:

a) [x] The test provides detailed information on the anatomy of the cardiac chambers and

maximum information on the structure and valvular function

b) [ ] The ability to study both ventricles simultaneously

c) [ ] Ability to take repeated measurements (before and after exercise)

d) [ ] The method provides optimum contrast between target ventricular volumes and background

e) [ ] Noninvasive nuclear procedures


351. Intrebarea nr. 351: I14 Punctajul: 10CS The cease of the ECG exercise test is done in all

following cases, except:

a) [ ] Decrease in systolic blood pressure over 10 mm Hg from baseline

b) [x] Hiccup

c) [ ] Moderate / severe angina

d) [ ] Dizziness, ataxia or presyncope


e) [ ] Cyanosis or pallor


352. Intrebarea nr. 352: I15 Punctajul: 10CS What is the distance for taking the radiography in

posterior-anterior incidence?

a) [x] 1,5-2 m

b) [ ] 30-50 cm

c) [ ] 1 m

d) [ ] 20-25 cm

e) [ ] 2-3 m


353. Intrebarea nr. 353: I16 Punctajul: 10CS Resting electrocardiogram is:

a) [ ] Is the most used method for the diagnosis and / or risk stratification of patients with stable

angina, unstable angina which was stabilized therapeutically, patients after myocardial infarction

or patients with myocardial revascularization

b) [x] Is a paraclinical investigation most commonly used in cardiological examination

c) [ ] To assess the heart and its cavities

d) [ ] Provides information about pulmonary circulation and thoracic aorta, as well as about

possible associated lung damages

e) [ ] Allows monitoring and treatment of heart disease


354. Intrebarea nr. 354: I17 Punctajul: 10CS Which of the following clinical applications is not

characteristic of PET (positron emission tomography):

a) [ ] Is effectuating on patients which have hypoperfused and dysfunctional myocardial


b) [ ] Metabolic imaging

c) [ ] It is used to detect microcirculation dysfunction

d) [x] Determination of coronary calcium score

e) [ ] ECG


355. Intrebarea nr. 355: I18 Punctajul: 10CS The general diagnostic accuracy of PET's (positron

emission tomography) study is about:

a) [x] 90 %

b) [ ] 60%

c) [ ] 100%

d) [ ] 75%

e) [ ] 40%


356. Intrebarea nr. 356: I19 Punctajul: 10CS The most used score to determine coronary calcium

score is:

a) [x] Agatston score

b) [ ] Hounsfield score

c) [ ] Mobitz score

d) [ ] Sokolow score

e) [ ] Hoffman score


357. Intrebarea nr. 357: I20 Punctajul: 10CS What is not characteristic of balanced radionucleide



a) [ ] Assume the purchase of 16-24 frames in RR interval

b) [x] It records a short sequence of cardiac cycles

c) [ ] In balanced radionucleide ventriculography labeled 99mTc red blood cells are used

d) [ ] Balanced radionucleide ventriculography synchronized requires the presence of sinus


e) [ ] Data are acquired sequentially in the memory of a proper frame


358. Intrebarea nr. 358: I21 Punctajul: 10CS Exercise testing is done by monitoring the patient's


a) [ ] The administration of dipyridamole

b) [ ] With tilted table

c) [x] During cycling or treadmill

d) [ ] The administration of ergometrine

e) [ ] During respiratory arrest ---------------------------------------------------------------------

359. Intrebarea nr. 359: I22 Punctajul: 10CS Intracardiac electrophysiological study is:

a) [ ] Noninvasive diagnostic method of intracardiac rhythm disorders and management of cardiac


b) [x] Invasive diagnostic method of intracardiac rhythm disorders and management of cardiac


c) [ ] Study of cardiac activity using 3D Eco

d) [ ] Exclusive diagnostics of atrial fibrillation and ventricular

e) [ ] Method of testing only elderly patients


360. Intrebarea nr. 360: I23 Punctajul: 10CS What is the way of percutaneous approach of

introducing catheters into SEF (electrophysiological study) most often used?

a) [ ] Vena saphena magna

b) [x] Femoral vein

c) [ ] Abdominal aorta

d) [ ] Inferior vena cava

e) [ ] Femoral artery


361. Intrebarea nr. 361: I24 Punctajul: 10CS Choose radiological signs of ascending aorta


a) [ ] A prominent aortic button

b) [ ] Difficult to assess

c) [x] Curved upper right arc

d) [ ] Curved arc left upper

e) [ ] Not shown to radiography


362. Intrebarea nr. 362: I25 Punctajul: 10CS Characterized the pulmonary venous hypertensions:

a) [x] Radiographic - vessels in the upper lung fields are equal to or greater than the basal

b) [ ] Radiographic - vessels in the upper lung fields are equal to or less than the basal

c) [ ] Radiographic - vessels in the upper lung fields become equal to the basal

d) [ ] Dilatation of the pulmonary artery trunk


e) [ ] Pulmonary hilum is large due to very dilated central vessels compared with peripheral ones


363. Intrebarea nr. 363: I26 Punctajul: 10CS Which radiographic aspects are not characteristic of

interstitial edema:

a) [ ] The opaque pleural axillary or basal tape

b) [ ] Changes in heart consideration

c) [x] The inelar opacity

d) [ ] Left atrium increase

e) [ ] Alveolar transudation as nodular opacities, localized mainly at the base


364. Intrebarea nr. 364: I27 Punctajul: 10CS The definition of markers sensitivity is understood:

a) [ ] The power to identify real negative cases

b) [x] The ability to detect true positive cases

c) [ ] Ability to identify a single disease

d) [ ] Presence of instabil marker in the body

e) [ ] The vulnerability of the marker to the action of environmental factors


365. Intrebarea nr. 365: I28 Punctajul: 10CS The definition of specificity of a marker is


a) [ ] The ability to detect true positive cases

b) [ ] The vulnerability of the marker to the action of environmental factors

c) [ ] Ability to identify a single disease

d) [x] The power to identify real negative cases

e) [ ] Presence of instable marker in the body


366. Intrebarea nr. 366: I29 Punctajul: 10CS The left middle arch on chest radiography is formed


a) [ ] Ascending aorta

b) [x] Pulmonary trunk

c) [ ] Descending aorta

d) [ ] Left atrium

e) [ ] Left ventricle


367. Intrebarea nr. 367: I30 Punctajul: 10CS To do ventriculography it is necessary to introduce

intracavitary a:

a) [ ] Foley Catheter

b) [x] Catheter "Pigtail"

c) [ ] Sleep probe

d) [ ] Probe Swan-Ganz

e) [ ] Judkins catheter


368. Intrebarea nr. 368: I31 Punctajul: 10CS Tick the not frequent complications of cardiac

catheterization and angiography:

a) [ ] Hematoma at puncture site

b) [ ] Vasovagal reactions

c) [ ] Allergic reactions to contrast agents and drugs


d) [ ] Inflammation or exudate at puncture site

e) [x] Trauma


369. Intrebarea nr. 369: I32 Punctajul: 10CM Which of the given below relate to markers of

myosytes injury:

a) [x] Tropinin heart I and T, myosin - light chain kinase

b) [x] Cardiac fatty acids bound to protein

c) [x] Creatine kinase, creatine kinase MB

d) [x] Albumin modified by ischemia

e) [ ] Interleukins 1, 6 and 8


370. Intrebarea nr. 370: I33 Punctajul: 10CM Which of the listed below refers to markers of

interstitial remodeling matrix :

a) [ ] Myosin - light chain kinase

b) [ ] C-reactive protein

c) [x] Matrix metalloproteinases

d) [x] Tissue inhibitors of metalloproteinases

e) [x] Peptide procollagen I


371. Intrebarea nr. 371: I34 Punctajul: 10CM Which of the listed below relates to markers of


a) [ ] Albumin modified by ischemia

b) [x] C-reactive protein

c) [x] Tumour necrosis factor alpha

d) [x] Fas (APO-1)

e) [x] Interleukins 1, 6 and 8


372. Intrebarea nr. 372: I35 Punctajul: 10CM Which of the listed below relates to markers of

oxidative stress:

a) [x] Oxidized low density lipoprotein

b) [x] Mielloproteases

c) [x] Melondialdehyde

d) [ ] C-reactive protein

e) [ ] Tumour necrosis factor alpha


373. Intrebarea nr. 373: I36 Punctajul: 10CM Which of the following relates to neuroumoral


a) [x] Peptide heart natriuretics

b) [x] Renin - angiotensin-aldosterone

c) [x] Adrenergic nervous system

d) [x] Arginine vasopressin, Peptides derived from endothelium

e) [ ] Mielloproteases


374. Intrebarea nr. 374: I37 Punctajul: 10CM ECG Interpretation provides information with

diagnostic, therapeutic and essential prognostic implications,especially in the management of

patients with:


a) [x] Acute Coronary Syndrome

b) [x] Arrhythmia

c) [x] Diselectrolytemia

d) [x] Electrical anomalies with genetical substrate

e) [ ] Dilated cardiomiopathy


375. Intrebarea nr. 375: I38 Punctajul: 10CM What are the indications carrying the standard 12

lead electrocardiogram in cardiology practice:

a) [x] Patient's treatment can cause side effects that can be detected by ECG

b) [x] Patients with pacemaker implantation, patients with stable chronic heart disease regularly


c) [x] Evaluation of patients with increased risk of cardiovascular disease, assess response to

cardiac treatment

d) [x] Changes in the clinical or biological condition indicate cardiac dysfunction, patients> 40

years undergoing routine examinations

e) [ ] X-ray evaluation of the patient


376. Intrebarea nr. 376: I39 Punctajul: 10CM Which of the statements listed below are correct for

left ventricular hypertrophy:

a) [ ] ST segment elevation

b) [x] Left ventricular hypertrophy is an independent prognostic parameter value

c) [x] The European Society of Cardiology recommends ECG as mandatory study investigation in

the initial assessement of all newly diagnosed hypertensive patients in risk stratification for

adverse cardiovascular events

d) [x] A large variability and significantly lower sensitivity in the ECG compared to

echocardiography in diagnosing SS especially when using voltage criteria

e) [ ] Left bundle branch block


377. Intrebarea nr. 377: I40 Punctajul: 10CM ECG recording quality can be influenced by:

a) [x] Chronic lung disease

b) [x] Incorrect placement of electrodes

c) [x] Obesity

d) [ ] Renal involvement

e) [x] Respiratory movements


378. Intrebarea nr. 378: I41 Punctajul: 10CM The indications of standard 12-lead

electrocardiogram is indicated for patients with:

a) [x] Pacemaker implant

b) [x] Increased risk of heart disease

c) [x] Stable chronic heart disease

d) [x] Patients aged >40 during a routine examination

e) [ ] Acute respiratory impairment ---------------------------------------------------------------------

379. Intrebarea nr. 379: I42 Punctajul: 10CM The main criteria of ECG diagnostics of left

ventricular hypertrophy used in clinical practice are included in the index of:

a) [x] Sokolow-Lyon


b) [x] Cornell

c) [x] Romhilt-Estes

d) [x] Perugia

e) [ ] Mobitz


380. Intrebarea nr. 380: I43 Punctajul: 10CM Absolute contraindications for ECG stress test are:

a) [x] Acute aortic dissection

b) [ ] Headache

c) [ ] Physical or mental disorders that prevent effort

d) [x] Myocardial infarction (within 2 days after onset)

e) [x] Acute pulmonary embolism or pulmonary infarction


381. Intrebarea nr. 381: I44 Punctajul: 10CM Which of the following is used for imaging


a) [x] Technetium 99

b) [ ] Vasovist

c) [x] Thallium 201


e) [ ] BaSO4


382. Intrebarea nr. 382: I45 Punctajul: 10CM In cardiology radionuclide imaging includes the

possibility of:

a) [x] Myocardial perfusion scintigram

b) [x] Radionuclide ventriculography

c) [ ] ECG Holter

d) [x] Positron emission tomography

e) [ ] Ergometry


383. Intrebarea nr. 383: I46 Punctajul: 10CM Transesophageal echocardiography isapplied mainly


a) [ ] Infective Endocarditis (diagnosis, complications)

b) [x] Detecting sources of embolism

c) [ ] Evaluation of congenital heart disease

d) [x] Evaluation of aortic prostheses

e) [x] Non infectious Endocarditis


384. Intrebarea nr. 384: I47 Punctajul: 10CM Which of the followingin contrast agents are used in

CT examination:

a) [x] Ultravist


c) [x] Visipaque

d) [ ] Technetium

e) [ ] Silicon


385. Intrebarea nr. 385: I48 Punctajul: 10CM Tick the physiological limitations of CT



a) [x] The presence of arrhythmias

b) [x] Sinus tachycardia

c) [x] The presence of calcifications

d) [ ] The cost of the contrast

e) [x] Irradiance dose


386. Intrebarea nr. 386: I49 Punctajul: 10CM Magnetic resonance imaging allows to diagnose:

a) [x] The location and extension of myocardial necrosis

b) [x] Myocarditis

c) [x] Cardiomyopathy

d) [x] Valvulopathy

e) [ ] Anatomy of mediastinal veins


387. Intrebarea nr. 387: I50 Punctajul: 10CM The main indications for ambulatory ECG


a) [x] Patients with unexplained palpitations

b) [x] Evaluation of antiarrhythmic therapy

c) [ ] Cardiac tamponade

d) [ ] Pericardial effusion with a quantity of 2000 ml of liquid

e) [x] Patients with unexplained syncope choices


388. Intrebarea nr. 388: I51 Punctajul: 10CM Which of the following is characteristics of arterial

pulmonary hypertension:

a) [ ] Radiography - vessels in the upper lung fields are equal to or greater than the basal

b) [ ] Radiography - vessels in the upper lung fields are equal to or less than the basal

c) [ ] Radiography - vessels in the upper lung fields become equal to the basal

d) [x] Dilatation of the pulmonary artery trunk

e) [x] Pulmonary hilum is large due to very dilated central vessels compared with peripheral



389. Intrebarea nr. 389: I52 Punctajul: 10CM Echocardiography advantages are:

a) [x] It provides accurate information about structure and function of the heart

b) [x] It is widely available

c) [x] It is easily repeatable if necessary

d) [ ] It is operator dependent

e) [x] It is cost-effective


390. Intrebarea nr. 390: I53 Punctajul: 10CM The main methods used for routine

echocardiography are:

a) [x] Echocardiography in M

b) [ ] Transesophageal echocardiography

c) [x] 2D echocardiography (two-dimensional)

d) [x] Doppler echocardiography

e) [ ] 3D echocardiography


391. Intrebarea nr. 391: I54 Punctajul: 10CM Which of the following should be determined to


assess pulmonary circulation:

a) [x] Right pulmonary diameter

b) [x] Distribution of pulmonary circulation

c) [ ] Spirography results

d) [ ] It can't be appreciated

e) [ ] The heart's arch


392. Intrebarea nr. 392: I55 Punctajul: 10CM Select type of potential serological biomarkers

present in cardiovascular disease:

a) [x] Myocytes injury markers

b) [x] Markers of inflammation

c) [x] Oxidative stress markers

d) [ ] Intracellular remodeling markers

e) [ ] Psychological stress markers


393. Intrebarea nr. 393: I56 Punctajul: 10CM Choose myocyte injury markers:

a) [ ] C-reactive protein

b) [x] Troponin I and T

c) [x] Myosin light chain kinase

d) [ ] Malondialdehyde

e) [ ] B natriuretic peptide


394. Intrebarea nr. 394: I57 Punctajul: 10CM Choose myocyte stress markers:

a) [x] B natriuretic peptide

b) [ ] Malondialdehyde

c) [x] Proadrenomedulina

d) [ ] Troponin I and T

e) [ ] Interleukins


395. Intrebarea nr. 395: I14 Punctajul: 10CS A serious complication of chronic renal failure is:

a) [ ] neoplastic pericarditis

b) [x] uremic pericarditis

c) [ ] hepatomegaly

d) [ ] tuberculous pericarditis

e) [ ] elevation


396. Intrebarea nr. 396: I15 Punctajul: 10CS In neoplastic pericarditis the treatment includes:

a) [ ] Antibiotics

b) [ ] NSAIDs

c) [x] Chemotherapy

d) [ ] Antiviral

e) [ ] Antifungial ---------------------------------------------------------------------

397. Intrebarea nr. 397: I16 Punctajul: 10CS The most important feature of constrictive pericarditis


a) [ ] noise of a falling drop


b) [x] diastolic clacment

c) [ ] gallop rhythm

d) [ ] systolic blast

e) [ ] noise II in place of aortic valve auscultation


398. Intrebarea nr. 398: I17 Punctajul: 10CS Tick the cause of cardiac tamponade:

a) [ ] bazal pneumonia

b) [ ] mitral Insufficiency

c) [x] uremia

d) [ ] hypertension

e) [ ] ventricular paroxysmal tachycardia


399. Intrebarea nr. 399: I18 Punctajul: 10CS Tick the group of specific drugs in the treatment of

purulent pericarditis:

a) [x] Antibiotics

b) [ ] Diuretics

c) [ ] Analgesics

d) [ ] Antihypertensive

e) [ ] Diuretics


400. Intrebarea nr. 400: I19 Punctajul: 10CS Specific forms of pericarditis are the following


a) [ ] post myocardial infarction

b) [ ] uremic

c) [x] pre myocardial infarction

d) [ ] postirradiation

e) [ ] posttuberculosis


401. Intrebarea nr. 401: I20 Punctajul: 10CS Viral diseases that cause infectious pericarditis are

following except:

a) [ ] Endemic mumps

b) [ ] Varicella

c) [ ] AIDS

d) [x] Viral meningitis

e) [ ] Infectious mononucleosis


402. Intrebarea nr. 402: I21 Punctajul: 10CS ECG of evolution of stage III acute pericarditis is

characterized by:

a) [x] I, II, aVL with negative T waves

b) [ ] aVR, V1, V2 are negative T waves

c) [ ] aVR, V1, V2 ST segment depression

d) [ ] aVF, V3-V6 ST segment elevation

e) [ ] aVR, V1, V2 segment PR depression


403. Intrebarea nr. 403: I22 Punctajul: 10CM Tick the method of diagnostics in acute pericarditis:

a) [x] EcoCG


b) [x] Chest radiography

c) [x] Radionuclide study

d) [ ] Stress Test

e) [ ] Ventriculography


404. Intrebarea nr. 404: I23 Punctajul: 10CM What is specific for the first stage of acute

pericarditis on ECG:

a) [x] aVR, V1-V2 is inverted T wave

b) [x] I, II, aVL T wave is positive

c) [x] aVF, V3-V6 ST segment elevation

d) [ ] I, II, III, aVL where T is negative

e) [ ] aVR, V1-V2 where T is positive


405. Intrebarea nr. 405: I24 Punctajul: 10CM Which tests are used for the diagnosis of acute


a) [x] HIV serological

b) [ ] Pancreatic enzymes

c) [ ] Thyroid balance

d) [ ] Diagnosis of autoimmune diseases

e) [x] Tuberculin testing, viral markers. ---------------------------------------------------------------------

406. Intrebarea nr. 406: I25 Punctajul: 10CM Pericardial effusion depends on the following


a) [ ] pacient's age

b) [x] the absolute volume of effusion

c) [x] physiologic features of the pericardium

d) [x] rate of fluid accumulation

e) [ ] frequency of cardiac contractions


407. Intrebarea nr. 407: I26 Punctajul: 10CM Choose cardiac tamponade features:

a) [x] Increased pressure in the pericardium

b) [x] Progressive limitation of ventricular diastolic filling

c) [x] Reduction of stroke volume and cardiac output

d) [ ] Increased systolic volume

e) [ ] Increase in stroke volume and cardiac output ---------------------------------------------------------------------

408. Intrebarea nr. 408: I27 Punctajul: 10CM Clinical heart tamponade includes:

a) [x] profuse cold perspiration

b) [x] chest pain

c) [ ] bradycardia

d) [x] tachycardia

e) [ ] Musset sign


409. Intrebarea nr. 409: I28 Punctajul: 10CM Clinical investigations administrated in suspection of

cardiac tamponade are the following:

a) [x] chest radiography


b) [x] ecoCG

c) [ ] excretory urography

d) [ ] ophthalmoscopy

e) [x] pericardiocentesis


410. Intrebarea nr. 410: I29 Punctajul: 10CM Possible mechanisms of uraemic pericarditis are:

a) [x] hyperfunction of parathyroid gland

b) [ ] hypercorticism

c) [ ] hypoglycemia

d) [x] metabolites of nitric catabolism

e) [ ] metabolites of protein anabolism


411. Intrebarea nr. 411: I30 Punctajul: 10CM Neoplastic diseases leading to pericardial affection


a) [x] lung cancer

b) [x] leukemia

c) [ ] ovarian cyst

d) [ ] intestinal polyposis

e) [x] leiomyosarcoma


412. Intrebarea nr. 412: I31 Punctajul: 10CM Tick the modes of involvement of the heart in cases

of neoplastic metastasis:

a) [x] extension and attaching of mediastinal malignant mass to the pericardium

b) [x] diffuse pericardial thickening and infiltration of tumor

c) [ ] heteregeneous lipid streaks

d) [ ] local depigmentation

e) [x] local infiltration of the pericardium


413. Intrebarea nr. 413: I32 Punctajul: 10CM Tick the complications of pericarditis:

a) [ ] myocardial infarction

b) [x] recurrent episodes of pericardial inflammation

c) [x] fibrosis and calcified pericardium

d) [x] cardiac tamponade

e) [x] constrictive pericarditis


414. Intrebarea nr. 414: I33 Punctajul: 10CM What laboratory investigations should be performed

in case of acute pericarditis?

a) [ ] Abdominal ultrasound

b) [ ] Bone Scintigraphy

c) [x] Chest radiography

d) [x] EcoCG

e) [x] ECG


415. Intrebarea nr. 415: I404 Punctajul: 10CM Tick independence of the rhythm which kind of

extrasystoles are:

a) [ ] atrial


b) [ ] ventricular

c) [x] solitaire

d) [x] doublets

e) [x] volleys


416. Intrebarea nr. 416: I405 Punctajul: 10CM. Mention the characteristics of monomorphic


a) [ ] coupling intervals are different

b) [ ] extrasystoles, in the same deviation, have a different shapes

c) [x] extrasystoles are from the same outbreak

d) [x] coupling intervals are equal

e) [ ] extrasystoles are from different outbreaks


417. Intrebarea nr. 417: I406 Punctajul: 10CS.Ventricular extrasystole on ECG is manifested by:

a) [ ] anormal QRS complex

b) [ ] incomplete compensatory pause

c) [ ] P - Q interval less than 0,12 sec

d) [ ] negative P wave, after QRS complex

e) [x] absence of P wave


418. Intrebarea nr. 418: I407 Punctajul: 10CS.The upper atrioventricular extrasystole on the ECG


a) [ ] P-Q interval more than 0,20 sec

b) [ ] abnormal QRS complex

c) [x] negative P wave in DII, DIII before QRS complex

d) [ ] negative P wave in DII, DIII after QRS complex

e) [ ] full compensatory pause


419. Intrebarea nr. 419: I408 Punctajul: 10CS. Note the ECG manifestations of the middle

atrioventricular extrasystole:

a) [ ] abnormal QRS complex

b) [ ] negative P wave in DII, DIII after QRS complex

c) [x] P waveis embedded in QRS complex

d) [ ] full compensatory pause

e) [ ] negative P wave in DII, DIII before QRS complex


420. Intrebarea nr. 420: I409 Punctajul: 10CS. The lower atrioventricular extrasystole on the ECG


a) [ ] abcence of P wave

b) [ ] abnormal QRS complex

c) [ ] full compensatory pause

d) [x] negative P wave after QRS complexul

e) [ ] PQ interval more than 0,2 sec


421. Intrebarea nr. 421: I410 Punctajul: 10CM. By periodicity extrasystoles are classified into:

a) [x] bigeminy


b) [x] trigeminiy

c) [x] quadrigeminy

d) [ ] monomorphic

e) [ ] polymorphic


422. Intrebarea nr. 422: I411 Punctajul: 10CS. Enumerate the mechanism of action of Class I

antiarrhythmic drugs

a) [ ] Potassium channel blockers

b) [x] Sodium channel blockers

c) [ ] Calcium channel blockers

d) [ ] β-blockers

e) [ ] Potassium channel blockers


423. Intrebarea nr. 423: I412 Punctajul: 10CS. Note the mechanism of action of Class II

antiarrhythmic drugs

a) [ ] Potassium channel blockers

b) [ ] Sodium channel blockers

c) [ ] Calcium channel blockers

d) [x] β-blockers

e) [ ] Potassium channel blockers


424. Intrebarea nr. 424: I413 Punctajul: 10CM. Note the mechanism of action of Class III

antiarrhythmic drugs

a) [x] Potassium channel blockers

b) [ ] Sodium channel blockers

c) [ ] Calcium channel blockers

d) [ ] β-blockers

e) [x] Potassium channel blockers


425. Intrebarea nr. 425: I414 Punctajul: 10CS. Tick the mechanism of action of Class IV

antiarrhythmic drugs

a) [ ] Potassium channel blockers

b) [ ] Sodium channel blockers

c) [x] Calcium channel blockers

d) [ ] β-blockers

e) [ ] Potassium channel blockers


426. Intrebarea nr. 426: I415 Punctajul: 10CS. Tick the antiarrhythmic drug that acts on the


a) [ ] Amiodarone

b) [ ] Sotalol

c) [x] Ivabradine

d) [ ] Metoprolol

e) [ ] Nicorandil ---------------------------------------------------------------------

427. Intrebarea nr. 427: I416 Punctajul: 10CM. List the I-st Class antiarrhythmic drugs


a) [x] Lidocaine

b) [x] Propafenone

c) [x] Quinidine

d) [x] Procainamide

e) [ ] Amiodarone


428. Intrebarea nr. 428: I417 Punctajul: 10CM Specify the treatment of patients with chronic atrial

fibrillation require administration of the following drugs:

a) [ ] Amiodarone

b) [x] Digoxin

c) [x] Bisoprolol

d) [x] Warfarin

e) [ ] Amlodipine


429. Intrebarea nr. 429: I418 Punctajul: 10CS. Choose the best method to patients with frequent

paroxysms of ventricular tachycardia require:

a) [ ] Pacemaker implantation

b) [ ] Transesophageal stimulation

c) [ ] Ablation

d) [x] Cardiodefibrillator implantation

e) [ ] Heart transplantation


430. Intrebarea nr. 430: I419 Punctajul: 10CM. Mention whch score are used to thromboembolism

risk in a patient with atrial fibrillation

a) [ ] EHRA

b) [ ] SCORE

c) [x] CHADS2

d) [x] CHA2DS2-VASC

e) [ ] Framingham


431. Intrebarea nr. 431: I420 Punctajul: 10CM. Call the signs that are included in the CHA2DS2

score, bythat is established thromboembolism risk in a patient with atrial fibrillation:

a) [x] Hypertension

b) [x] Heart failure

c) [x] Stroke

d) [x] Age more than 65 years

e) [ ] Peripheral arterial disease


432. Intrebarea nr. 432: I421 Punctajul: 10CM. Tick the signs that are included in the

CHA2DS2VASc score, by that is established thromboembolism risk in a patient with atrial


a) [x] Diabetes mellitus

b) [x] Heart failure

c) [x] Stroke

d) [x] Age more than 75 years

e) [ ] Viral hepatitis



433. Intrebarea nr. 433: I422 Punctajul: 10CM. List the parameters that differentiate

CHA2DS2-VASC score from CHADS2 by that is established thromboembolism risk in a patient

with atrial fibrillation:

a) [x] Myocardial infarction

b) [ ] Heart failure

c) [ ] Stroke

d) [x] Age

e) [x] Peripheral arterial disease


434. Intrebarea nr. 434: I423 Punctajul: 10CS. Note the correct statement for alloritmia

estrasistolcă type bigeminy:

a) [x] Each of the 2-nd beat is an extrasystole

b) [ ] Each of the 3-nd beat is an extrasystole

c) [ ] Each of the 4-th beat is a extrasystole

d) [ ] Doublets

e) [ ] Triplets


435. Intrebarea nr. 435: I424 Punctajul: 10CS. Choose the correct statement for alloritmia

estrasistolcă type trigeminy:

a) [ ] Each of the 2-nd beat is an extrasystole

b) [x] Each of the 3-nd beat is an extrasystole

c) [ ] Each of the 4-th beat is a extrasystole

d) [ ] Doublets

e) [ ] Triplets


436. Intrebarea nr. 436: I425 Punctajul: 10CS. Choose the correct statement for arrhythmia

extrasistolica type quadrigeminy:

a) [ ] Each of the 2-nd beat is an extrasystole

b) [ ] Each of the 3-nd beat is an extrasystole

c) [x] Each of the 4-th beat is a extrasystole

d) [ ] Doublets

e) [ ] Triplets


437. Intrebarea nr. 437: I426 Punctajul: 10CS. Suggests the correct statement for the ECG

arrhythmia manifested by the succession of three extrasystoles

a) [ ] Each of the 2-nd beat is an extrasystole

b) [ ] Each of the 3-nd beat is an extrasystole

c) [ ] Each of the 4-th beat is a extrasystole

d) [ ] Doublets

e) [x] Triplets


438. Intrebarea nr. 438: I427 Punctajul: 10CS. Note the correct statement for the ECG arrhythmia

manifested by the succession of two extrasystoles

a) [ ] Each of the 2-nd beat is an extrasystole

b) [ ] Each of the 3-nd beat is an extrasystole


c) [ ] Each of the 4-th beat is a extrasystole

d) [x] Doublets

e) [ ] Triplets


439. Intrebarea nr. 439: I428 Punctajul: 10CS. Choose the correct statement for the ECG

arrhythmia manifested by extrasystolic triplets

a) [ ] Each of the 2-nd beat is an extrasystole

b) [ ] Each of the 3-nd beat is an extrasystole

c) [ ] Each of the 4-th beat is a extrasystole

d) [ ] The EKG present two successive extrasystoles

e) [x] The EKG present three successive extrasystoles


440. Intrebarea nr. 440: I489 Punctajul: 10CS. Note the most common cause of angina occurrence:

a) [x] Atherosclerosis

b) [ ] Thrombosis

c) [ ] Bleeding

d) [ ] Carotid artery stenosis

e) [ ] Restenosis


441. Intrebarea nr. 441: I490 Punctajul: 10CM. What painful forms of heart disease are:

a) [ ] Sudden death without cardiogenic shock

b) [ ] Old myocardial infarction

c) [ ] Silent Angina pectoris

d) [x] Vasospastic Angina pectoris

e) [x] late post infarction Angina pectoris


442. Intrebarea nr. 442: I491 Punctajul: 10CM. List what painful forms of heart disease do not do


a) [x] Sudden death without cardiogenic shock

b) [x] Old myocardial infarction

c) [x] Silent angina pectoris

d) [ ] Vasospastic agina pectoris

e) [ ] late post infarction angina pectoris


443. Intrebarea nr. 443: I492 Punctajul: 10CM. Painless forms of heart disease are:

a) [x] Sudden death without cardiogenic shock

b) [x] Old myocardial infarction

c) [x] Silent Angina pectoris

d) [ ] Vasospastic Angina pectoris

e) [ ] Late post infarction Angina pectoris


444. Intrebarea nr. 444: I493 Punctajul: 10CM. From painless forms of heart disease are not part:

a) [x] Sudden death with cardiogenic shock

b) [x] Acute myocardial infarction

c) [ ] Silent Angina pectoris

d) [x] Vasospastic Angina pectoris


e) [x] Late post infarction Angina pectoris


445. Intrebarea nr. 445: I494 Punctajul: 10CM. Painless forms of heart disease are:

a) [ ] Sudden death with cardiogenic shock

b) [x] Old myocardial infarction

c) [x] Silent Angina pectoris

d) [ ] Vasospastic Angina pectoris

e) [ ] Late post infarction Angina pectoris


446. Intrebarea nr. 446: I495 Punctajul: 10CM. Choose correct statements characteristic for

aggravated angina:

a) [x] Pain is more frequent that in previous days

b) [x] Pains are of a longer duration as in previous days

c) [x] Pain occur at small effort and at rest as in previous days

d) [ ] Pain disappear at rest

e) [ ] Pain occurring in bigger effort than in previous days


447. Intrebarea nr. 447: I496 Punctajul: 10CM. Choose correct statements for vasospastic angina:

a) [x] Pain is caused by stress

b) [x] Pain is longer than 15 minutes

c) [ ] Pain is mandatory caused byphysical exercise

d) [x] Pain is caused by cold temperature

e) [ ] Pain occur in bigger effort than in previous days


448. Intrebarea nr. 448: I497 Punctajul: 10CS. Choose correct statement characteristic for early

post-infarction angina:

a) [ ] Angina appeared the first time after 3 weeks

b) [ ] Angina occurred the first time after 14 weeks

c) [x] Angina occurred in the 10th

days after acute myocardial infarction

d) [ ] Angina occurred in the 20th

days after acute myocardial infarction

e) [ ] Angina occurred in the 30th

days after acute myocardial infarction


449. Intrebarea nr. 449: I498 Punctajul: 10CM. Choose correct statements for late post-infarction


a) [ ] Angina appeared the first time after 3 weeks

b) [ ] Angina occurred the first time after 14 weeks

c) [ ] Angina occurred in the 10th

days after acute myocardial infarction

d) [x] Angina occurred in the 20th

days after acute myocardial infarction

e) [x] Angina occurred in the 30th

days after acute myocardial infarction


450. Intrebarea nr. 450: I499 Punctajul: 10CS. Choose correct statement for angina "de novo":

a) [x] Angina appeared the first time after 3 weeks

b) [ ] Angina occurred the first time after 14 weeks

c) [ ] Angina occurred in the 10th

days after acute myocardial infarction

d) [ ] Angina occurred in the 20th

days after acute myocardial infarction

e) [ ] Angina occurred in the 30th

days after acute myocardial infarction



451. Intrebarea nr. 451: I500 Punctajul: 10CM. Choose incorrect statements for angina "de novo":

a) [ ] Angina appeared the first time after 3 weeks

b) [x] Angina occurred the first time after 14 weeks

c) [x] Angina occurred in the 10th

days after acute myocardial infarction

d) [x] Angina occurred in the 20th

days after acute myocardial infarction

e) [x] Angina occurred in the 30th

days after acute myocardial infarction


452. Intrebarea nr. 452: I1 Punctajul: 10CM Which of the following statements characterize

ischemic heart disease?

a) [ ] pathological proces is localized in pericardium

b) [ ] process is always acute

c) [x] pathological process in the coronary artery system

d) [x] over 90 % are caused by atherosclerosis

e) [x] blood circulation in the myocardium is reduced


453. Intrebarea nr. 453: I2 Punctajul: 10CS Angina pectoris is the following, except:

a) [ ] transient myocardial ischemia clinical expression

b) [x] irreversible pathological changes

c) [ ] reversible pathological changes

d) [ ] manifested by painful crises, localized retrosternal

e) [ ] caused by disturbances of coronary circulation


454. Intrebarea nr. 454: I3 Punctajul: 10CM The definition of effort angina pectoris include the


a) [x] transient attacks of pain

b) [ ] cronic pain

c) [ ] pain increase by palpation of chest region

d) [x] caused by imbalance between myocardial oxygen supply and demand

e) [x] relieves at rest or during 5 min after administration of nytroglicerin


455. Intrebarea nr. 455: I4 Punctajul: 10CM De novo effort angina represent:

a) [x] clinical variant of effort angina

b) [ ] clinical variant of myocardial infarction

c) [x] shown for one month from the time of the first attack

d) [ ] painful syndrome is more intense

e) [x] may regress, stabilize or progress


456. Intrebarea nr. 456: I5 Punctajul: 10CS Functional class of effort angina is estimated in

relation to:

a) [ ] patient age

b) [ ] disease duration

c) [x] exercise tolerance

d) [ ] treatment given

e) [ ] smoking


457. Intrebarea nr. 457: I6 Punctajul: 10CS Increased frequency, intensity and duration of angina


attacks define:

a) [ ] silent angina pectoris

b) [x] instable angina pectoris

c) [ ] spontaneous angina pectoris

d) [ ] de novo effort angina

e) [ ] stable effort angina


458. Intrebarea nr. 458: I7 Punctajul: 10CS What form of angina is coronary caused by spasm?

a) [ ] effort angina

b) [ ] de novo effort angina

c) [x] spontaneous angina pectoris (Prinzmetal)

d) [ ] worsening angina

e) [ ] silent angina


459. Intrebarea nr. 459: I8 Punctajul: 10CM Select modifiable risk factors for ischemic heart


a) [ ] age

b) [x] smoking

c) [x] sedentary lifestyle

d) [ ] family history

e) [x] diet high in saturated fat ---------------------------------------------------------------------

460. Intrebarea nr. 460: I9 Punctajul: 10CM Select non-modifiable risk factors for ischemic heart


a) [ ] sedentary lifestyle

b) [ ] smoking

c) [x] age

d) [x] family history

e) [ ] diet high in saturated fats


461. Intrebarea nr. 461: I10 Punctajul: 10CS Which of the 5 types of hyperproteinemia after

Fredrickson is associated strongly with coronary atherosclerosis?

a) [ ] type I

b) [x] type II and III

c) [ ] type I

d) [ ] types I and IV

e) [ ] type III


462. Intrebarea nr. 462: I11 Punctajul: 10CS The III functional class acording Canadian

Cardiovascular Society used for classification of angina severity is:

a) [ ] Slight limitation, with angina only during vigorous physical activity

b) [x] Moderate limitation, symptoms with everyday living activities

c) [ ] Angina only during strenuous or prolonged physical activity

d) [ ] Inability to perform any activity without angina or angina at rest, ie, severe limitation

e) [ ] Accesses are long- up to 30 min



463. Intrebarea nr. 463: I12 Punctajul: 10CM Select the characteristics of microvascular angina:

a) [x] due to dysfunction of small coronary arteries and arterioles

b) [ ] caused by infection

c) [x] cardiac catheterization demonstrate normal or minimal atherosclerosis of coronary


d) [ ] caused by vascular spasm

e) [x] are believed to be caused by systemic collagen vascular diseases


464. Intrebarea nr. 464: I13 Punctajul: 10CS Wich endothelial factor has the most powerful

vasoconstrictor effect?

a) [ ] prostacyclin

b) [x] endothelin

c) [ ] angiotensin II

d) [ ] nitrous oxide

e) [ ] thromboplastin


465. Intrebarea nr. 465: I14 Punctajul: 10CM Note factors with procoagulant action responsible in

the pathogenesis of ischemic heart diseases:

a) [x] Tissue thromboplastin

b) [x] Willebrand factor

c) [x] Collagen

d) [x] Platelet activating factor

e) [ ] Thrombolisis


466. Intrebarea nr. 466: I15 Punctajul: 10CS Electrocardiographic myocardial ischemia is

manifested by:

a) [ ] QRS deflection

b) [x] horizontal or down-sloping ST segment depression

c) [ ] PQ interval shortening

d) [ ] P wave amplitude decrease

e) [ ] ST segment elevation


467. Intrebarea nr. 467: I16 Punctajul: 10CM Exercise stress testing is necessary in order to:

a) [ ] appreciate patient's quality of life

b) [x] classify functional class of angina pectoris

c) [x] confirm diagnosis of angina pectoris

d) [ ] assess the disease prognosis

e) [ ] select the treatment ---------------------------------------------------------------------

468. Intrebarea nr. 468: I17 Punctajul: 10CS Select the standard for evaluating the anatomy of the

coronary artery tree:

a) [ ] Exercise stress testing

b) [ ] ECG at rest

c) [x] Coronary angiography

d) [ ] Holter ECG monitoring

e) [ ] Echocardiografy



469. Intrebarea nr. 469: I18 Punctajul: 10CM What are the possibilities offered by

echocardiography exam?

a) [x] chambers diameters

b) [ ] determining the number of extrasystoles

c) [x] heart size and volume measurement compartments

d) [x] assessment interventricular septum thickness

e) [x] cusps state


470. Intrebarea nr. 470: I19 Punctajul: 10CS What diagnostic method determines the indications

for angioplasty and aortocoronary bypass.

a) [ ] Holter monitoring

b) [ ] exercise stress testing

c) [ ] myocardial scintigraphy

d) [ ] echocardiography exam

e) [x] coronary angiography


471. Intrebarea nr. 471: I20 Punctajul: 10CM Select groups of antianginal drugs:

a) [ ] diuretics

b) [x] nitrates

c) [x] Ca chanal blokers

d) [ ] statines

e) [x] beta blockers


472. Intrebarea nr. 472: I21 Punctajul: 10CS Select the most common side effect of nitrates:

a) [ ] vertigo

b) [ ] sleepiness

c) [ ] abdominal pains

d) [x] headache

e) [ ] swelling on legs


473. Intrebarea nr. 473: I22 Punctajul: 10CM What are the contraindications for administration of


a) [ ] sinus tachycardia

b) [x] sinus bradycardia

c) [x] complete AV block

d) [ ] hypertension

e) [x] hypotension


474. Intrebarea nr. 474: I23 Punctajul: 10CM Select the drugs from Calcium Channel Antagonists


a) [ ] enalapril

b) [x] amlodipin

c) [x] diltiazem

d) [ ] metoprolol

e) [x] verapamil ---------------------------------------------------------------------


475. Intrebarea nr. 475: I24 Punctajul: 10CS What is the primary first-choice antiplatelet drug used

to treat heart disease?

a) [ ] ticlopidine

b) [ ] dipyridamole

c) [ ] pentoxifylline

d) [x] aspirin

e) [ ] nicotinic acid


476. Intrebarea nr. 476: I25 Punctajul: 10CS Simvastatin belongs to a group acting remedies:

a) [ ] antiagregant

b) [x] hypolipidemic

c) [ ] methabolic

d) [ ] hypotensive

e) [ ] vasodilator


477. Intrebarea nr. 477: I26 Punctajul: 10CM Acute myocardial infarction is:

a) [x] myocardial necrosis

b) [x] a process caused by occlusion of a coronary artery

c) [x] one of the most common causes of mortality in the middle-age

d) [x] a pathological process developed in 80-90 % of cases with intravascular thrombosis

e) [ ] inflamation of miocardium


478. Intrebarea nr. 478: I27 Punctajul: 10CS Right coronary artery occlusion causes myocardial


a) [ ] anterior

b) [ ] antero- septal

c) [x] inferior

d) [ ] extended anterior

e) [ ] apical ---------------------------------------------------------------------

479. Intrebarea nr. 479: I28 Punctajul: 10CS Basic clinical manifestation of acute myocardial

infarction is:

a) [ ] dizziness

b) [x] retrosternal pain lasting more than 20 min

c) [ ] vomiting

d) [ ] fatigue

e) [ ] chest pain lasting 24 hours


480. Intrebarea nr. 480: I30 Punctajul: 10CS The heart limits in acute myocardial infarction are


a) [ ] deviated to the right

b) [x] normal or a little deviated to the left

c) [ ] always is normal

d) [ ] normal or a little deviated to the right

e) [ ] normal or a little deviated to the left ---------------------------------------------------------------------


481. Intrebarea nr. 481: I31 Punctajul: 10CS In myocardial infarction, with cardiogenic shock,

blood pressure will be:

a) [ ] elevated

b) [ ] various from case to case

c) [x] obviously low

d) [ ] normal

e) [ ] obviously increased


482. Intrebarea nr. 482: I32 Punctajul: 10CS The formation of pathological Q waves on ECG

formation in acute myocardial infarction reflect the presence of the:

a) [x] area of necrosis

b) [ ] ischemic area

c) [ ] lesion area

d) [ ] parietal thrombus

e) [ ] left ventricle aneurysm


483. Intrebarea nr. 483: I33 Punctajul: 10CS ST segment elevation in myocardial infarction

reflects the presence of the:

a) [ ] area of necrosis

b) [ ] ischemic area

c) [x] lesion area

d) [ ] parietal thrombus

e) [ ] left ventricle aneurysm


484. Intrebarea nr. 484: I34 Punctajul: 10CM What statements characterize the initial phase of

acute myocardial infarction?

a) [x] lasts several hours

b) [ ] lasts several weeks

c) [x] ST segment elevation on ECG

d) [ ] ST segment is on isoline

e) [ ] the presence of pathological Q wave


485. Intrebarea nr. 485: I35 Punctajul: 10CM The earliest recognised signs of acute myocardial

infarction on ECG are:

a) [x] Peaked T waves

b) [ ] ST segment depression on ECG

c) [x] ST segment elevation on ECG

d) [ ] ST segment returns to isoline

e) [ ] the T wave stabilization


486. Intrebarea nr. 486: I36 Punctajul: 10CS In anteroseptal myocardial infarction direct ECG

signs are in the next leads:

a) [ ] V3 -V4

b) [x] V1-V3

c) [ ] V1-V4

d) [ ] II, III, AVF


e) [ ] V 5-V6, I, AVL


487. Intrebarea nr. 487: I37 Punctajul: 10CS In inferior myocardial infarction, direct ECG signs

are in the following leads:

a) [ ] V3 -V4

b) [ ] V1-V2

c) [ ] V1-V4

d) [x] II, III, AVF

e) [ ] 5-V6, I, AVL


488. Intrebarea nr. 488: I38 Punctajul: 10CM Acording Universal Definition myocardial

infarction is detection of rise of biomarker values with at least one of the following:

a) [x] Symptoms of ischemia

b) [x] New or presumably new significant ST-T changes or new LBBB

c) [ ] New or presumably new PQ changes or new RBBB

d) [x] Imaging evidence of new loss of viable myocardium

e) [ ] Syncope


489. Intrebarea nr. 489: I39 Punctajul: 10CM Select the ECG criteria for acute myocardial


a) [ ] T wave inversion

b) [x] development of Q waves in the ECG

c) [ ] appearance of complete right bundle branch block

d) [ ] depression of ST segment

e) [x] elevation of ST segment lasting more than 24 hours


490. Intrebarea nr. 490: I40 Punctajul: 10CS What laboratory changes are included in the criteria

for diagnosis of acute myocardial infarction?

a) [ ] C-reactive protein increase

b) [ ] Dislipidemia

c) [x] Rise cardiac biomarker

d) [ ] increased ESR

e) [ ] leukocytosis


491. Intrebarea nr. 491: I41 Punctajul: 10CS What changes determine the differential diagnosis of

acute myocardial infarction with unstable pectoral angina?

a) [ ] character of pain

b) [ ] time of angina syndrome

c) [x] increased cardiac troponin

d) [ ] the effect of nitroglycerin administration

e) [ ] blood pressure figures


492. Intrebarea nr. 492: I42 Punctajul: 10CM In contrast to acute pericarditis in acute myocardial


a) [ ] pains increase to deep breathing

b) [x] appears pathological Q wave


c) [x] rised cardiac troponin

d) [ ] ST segment elevation is consistent in all derivations

e) [x] ST segment elevation shound be found in two contiguous leads


493. Intrebarea nr. 493: I43 Punctajul: 10CM Choose mechanical complications of acute

myocardial infarction:

a) [ ] Dressler syndrome

b) [x] Rupture of the heart

c) [x] Left ventricle aneurysm

d) [ ] Cardiogenic shock

e) [x] Trauma


494. Intrebarea nr. 494: I44 Punctajul: 10CS AV block is developed more frequently in acute

myocardial infarction with localization:

a) [x] inferior

b) [ ] anterior

c) [ ] lateral

d) [ ] septal

e) [ ] anteroseptal ---------------------------------------------------------------------

495. Intrebarea nr. 495: I45 Punctajul: 10CS Postinfarction syndrome (Dressler) is an autoimmune

process, mainly with non-specific inflammation in:

a) [ ] myocardium

b) [x] pericardium

c) [ ] endocardium

d) [ ] mediastinum

e) [ ] vessels


496. Intrebarea nr. 496: I46 Punctajul: 10CM The first emergency measures in acute myocardial

infarction provide:

a) [x] sublingual nitroglycerin, repeatedly

b) [x] aspirin 250-500 mg (first dose)

c) [ ] antibiotics

d) [ ] amiodaron

e) [x] oxygen


497. Intrebarea nr. 497: I47 Punctajul: 10CM The reperfusion treatment in acute myocardial

infarction includes:

a) [x] thrombolytic drugs

b) [ ] aspirin 250-500 mg

c) [ ] anticoagulant drugs

d) [x] coronary angioplasty

e) [ ] ACE inhibitors


498. Intrebarea nr. 498: I48 Punctajul: 10CS Note the intavenous bolus dose of unfractionated

heparin recommended in acute myocardial infarction:


a) [x] 12 U/kg

b) [ ] 60 U/kg

c) [ ] 100 U/kg

d) [ ] 25 U/kg

e) [ ] the decizion of the physician


499. Intrebarea nr. 499: I49 Punctajul: 10CM Select thrombolytic therapy recommended in acute

myocardial infarction:

a) [ ] heparin

b) [x] streptokinase

c) [x] alteplase

d) [ ] aspirin

e) [x] reteplase


500. Intrebarea nr. 500: I50 Punctajul: 10CM Secondary prevention of myocardial infarction


a) [x] statins

b) [x] antiplatelet therapy

c) [x] β-blockers

d) [x] angiotensin converting enzymes inhibitors

e) [ ] diuretics
