09/25/13 Minutes of the Meeting

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Official transcribed minutes of the September 25, 2013 SBSC Meeting. Prepared by: Nina Gerodias

Transcript of 09/25/13 Minutes of the Meeting

Date: September 25, 2013, WednesdayAttendance: Present Late Absent

Time Start: 11:59amTime End: 12:49pmPrepared by: Nina Gerodias - Vice Chairperson


I. Congratulations (p. 1)II. A-Talks Tasking (p. 1-2)III. Big Event Tasking (p. 2)IV. Council Calendar & Reminders of the

Coming Weeks (p. 3) V. Adopt-a-Barangay Announcements (p. 3)VI. Website Pitch (p. 3-4)VII. Business LeagueVIII. USC AnnouncementsIX. Other RemindersX. Councilor Reminders



Wes: Let’s congratulate Gallery! Today is the start of A-Talks installment. To explain what will happen later and in the following days, Business Week team will orient us today.

She: First off, thank you to everyone.

Attire for Business Week:Tomorrow is WHITE DAY. Friday is RED (or anything near that shade) day. Monday it’s BLACK.*Note Internals: Brig everyday to remind

For today, September 25, 4-7:00Tasking:Registration - Jet and Wes

UNIVERSIT Y OF THE PHILIPPINESSchool of Business Student Council


Wes CortezNina GerodiasFenina de Leon

Clare CoCamille CalmaJet PadernalJamie Bawalan

Bea dela TorreGermaine GaerlanZachary SyGio NucumFrances LeeShe dela PazJonas CruzBianca Sing

Ramon VinzonErv MamarilCzarina OcampoMonica LeeKipper CapulongVinchie QueKenjie Muramatsu

Benjie AquinoKate PizaroRap OronceKyle KuaDarla Bautista

I. Congratulations

II. A-Talks Tasking


Reminder: Give out stubs to registrants for foodHosts - Camille and NinaUsherette: Bea and KateIce Cream: Czar and Ger

Program:1. 4:00-4:15 - registration2. Speeches3. Q&A4. Token Giving

Discussion:Kipper: We’re giving out cheeseburgers to the first 50 registrants.She: We’ll be doing RTRs sa Juniors later. Also, please listen kasi sometimes yung organizers pa yung maingay.Camille: Let’s prepare questions for the speakers later.Wes: BWeek team, if you can preselect people to ask questions, it’d be better.

Q&A mechanics: Just raise your hand and ask, we want to preserve paper.

Event is targeted to Juniors and Seniors.Incentives: 105, 151 and 101

For tomorrow, September 26, 4-5:302 NGOs, Path and Children’s Hour.She: We need help with hatak ng taoTargeted to Freshies and Sophies.

Tasking:Reg - Gio and WesHost - She and KateUshers - Jet and GerIce Cream - Jamie and FrancesShe: Please wag na muna tayo kumuha ng ice cream :)

For Friday, September 27, 11:30-1Reg: Frances and MonicaHost: Bianca and CamilleUshers: Bea and GerIce Cream: Fen and Kyle

Discussion:She: Sa mga walang tasks, please don’t consider this as hindi na aattend. Online pa nga lang, nakikita nang low participation yung council. Please support!

Big Event, Monday, September 30

General Schedule:Pitch, NGOs are gonna give a speech, mixer

Discussion:Kate: We’re gonna need to bring down tables and chairs on MondayShe: We’ll also need food servers. Jamie will buy the food.Wes: Kahit finger food nalang.She: We need mixer facilitators. So far we have Kris, Path, Teach and Children’s Hour.Kate: Plus yung kay Karah.She: We have 5 so we have to facilitate.Wes: Quiet down everyone.She: Please yung mga batch reps, hype up your batchmates to support Big Pitch contestants. Especially freshies since may freshie group na pumasok. Ang wala lang is juniors na buo. All batches are represented. Post sa group na hype yung team.

Tasking:Mixer Facilitator: She, Fen, Kate, Czarina, DarlaRegistration: Germaine, BiancaUshers: Jamie, Czar CalmaRunners: Kyle RamonHosts: Bea and pending LujNGO: Kipper, Karah, RapFood servers: We’ll just inform you how it will work out

Discussion:She: Everyday for the rest of the week we’ll have Cornetto and FoodTermies Incentives: 128 BallesterosWes: Mamaya natin makikita if malakas hatak natin sa batches.She: Batch reps please announce in all your classes!Wes: Basta maghatak ng maghatak, especially since may food :)She: I swear may sense yung mga magttalk especially today, Teach and Kris.Wes: Attention - since tomorrow freshmen and sophomores na walang incentives, medyo hustle tayo for tomorrow’s event. Please inspire them to go to the events. Do facebook wall posting.

III. Big Event Tasking

UNIVERSIT Y OF THE PHILIPPINESSchool of Business Student Council

Nina: Text council buddies to go tomorrow!She: Colors para alam na tayo yung council. No pambahay outfits. No see-through.Nina: Nasan yung IDs?Wes: Nakay Bianca.

Summary:October 2, WednesdayLast Council Meeting for the SemesterAgenda: BA Week Ideas + Events + BCYF + School Assembly + ABCAssignment: Pitch big idea for BA Week

October 4, FridayDeadline of councilor function preferencesCA-PH Thanksgiving

October 4-8Councilor interviews

October 8, TuesdayLast day of councilor interviews

October 9, WednesdayAnnouncement of Councilor Functions

October 9-17Transition/turnover period

October 17-19 (Any of the dates)Council Pre-Plan + Councilor Revalidas

October 25-272nd Semester Plansem

Discussion:Wes: Last council meeting next week, October 2. Whole thing will be dedicated in preparation of BA Week. Wala muna tayong gagawin na event, except for BCYF, School Assembly and ABC. Please attend pa rin ng last meeting on Wednesday next week. Lahat ng magppresent ng ideas, be ready. Assignment: Theme of BA Week. Start conceptualizing ideas for events. We’re not limiting it to events we have right now. You can suggest more.

Fen: If may event kayo sa GPOA na hindi pa naactualize, you can suggest it.Two days after that: October 4 is the deadline of councilor function preferences. Trio is available for consultation. Deadline for interviews is October 8. Between 4-8, we’ll be interviewing. October 9: Announcement of the function. Between 9-17, you should’ve had your turnover.Pre-Plan is from 17-19. Plansem will be 25-27.Nina: During Pre-Plan, first ever revalida.Wes: What’s a revalida? Presentation of what you’ve accomplished.Fen: Laging problem yung turnover, walang smooth transition. So let’s solve that!Wes: Batchreps, please clarify if you still have exams by the onset of 17-19. For everyone’s information, deadline of submission of grades is on the 21st, it should be done by then. Ask also for the benefit of our orgs. EdRes will also be getting your schedules. Clarify if may matatamaan na exams. Also, for the revalida is really for the turnover. Oct 25-27, devoted for BA Week and more events for the second semester. Like before, we had National Business Summit. For freshmen, first time to join the plansem so sana makasama tayo. For internals councilor, pre-plan will be the first project of the semester.Any other questions?Jet: Kailan yung CA-PH thanksgiving?She: Next week Friday, lunchtime, October 4. Dun na rin gagawin yung of the month.

Schedule:Second visit suggestion: October 17, Thursday (tentative)

Discussion:Wes: Coordinate nalang muna, we’ll try finalizing with the committee first.Clare: We’ll give the seeds and plant the trees.

Discussion:Frances & Gio:Part of the pub initiative is to make the publicity online amazing! We assigned the CA to the

IV. Council Calendar & Reminders of the Coming Weeks

V. Adopt a Barangay Announcements

VI. Website Pitch by Pub Councilors

UNIVERSIT Y OF THE PHILIPPINESSchool of Business Student Council

website project (Mariella). This is what she came up with. We’ll pitch the content and show a mock-up.Idea: very simple and professional + information based

Frances: Already had photoshoots for the pictures we’ll be using.

Planned Site Features1. Content

a. Homepage:i. News (event and awards of the

college) - like BACBACANii. Video (for the latest events)iii. Twitter feed

b. About tab:b. About 1VSBc. About the teams

c. Constitution, Minutes and Statementsd. Affiliations - LCC, ABC and USCe. Tab for the Business Leaguef. Gallery for Photosg. Resources - Calendar, Curriculum, Newsletterh. Sponsorsi. Contact Us - Grievance and feedback + link

to contact marketing

Discussion:Wes: Regularly update content, it’s the use of the site.Frances: Naghahanap ng coding people, we just have a budget of 3k.Nina: Naask na ba si AdCore?France: Yes, AdCore si girl. But wala pang response.Wes: Anyone have a contact for the site?

<Intermission: Big Guys pizza comes in from Ramon. Thank you!>

Frances: Target launch date, before pasukan next semester.Nina: Takot lang ako sa namechange.Wes: Hangga’t hindi pa binabalik, VSB pa tayo. Kung makakabalik, dapat by end of September.Nina: Pwede bang hindi muna final yung domain name?Frances: Has to be maintained every year, less than 3k. Any more concerns?Nina: Council member of the month. Cumulative content throughout the years.

Frances: Coordinate with me nalang if there’s anything we can do. Finalize early October.

Nina: Recruitment Fair planning next week. Council participation highly encouraged. Start thinking of ideas. Also, share if you want our online trivia initiative :)

Fen: Name change stand of LCC, done but not ready for release yet.

Discussion:Juniors: Blood donation - no need, he’s recoveringOther batches, no more concerns.Update on Juancho: physical therapy, they’re filing a case against taxi, difficulty moving right side of the body. He wants to come back next side.Wes: Yesterday, Erv finished LOA forms

SR c/o Germaine: Diligames, this Saturday malalaman if makakapasok sa Semis. Sa mga di pa nakakapunta, wish nalang kayo para may games pa na mapuntahan.Middle of sembreak, follow-through for talent pool. Friendly game with CSSP person, exhibition match between SBSC and CSSP SC. For choir, we’re gonna have karaoke-off or riff-off.Teacher’s Day this FRIDAY! Please patulong kumuha ng letters. Better to make it physical.

Publicity c/o Gio: Sinong may extra laptop? Nasira yung hard drive ng laptop ko. Announcement of Facebook liking contest---end of semester.

Marketing c/o Clare & Camille: No updates from Maybank mukhang next semester or sembreak. We can carry over to the next marketing. No more wines.


V. Business League

VII. Other Reminders

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VIII. Councilor Reminders

Twitter Followers: kulang pa ng 400.

Externals c/o Jamie: LCC meeting tomorrow, 5:30-8:30 in Engineering.

Haven’t attended: Nina, Calma, Clare, Frances, Erv, Ramon, Monica, Kipper, Benjie, Kate, Kyle, Darla, Rap

Finance c/o Zach: Start sending financial statements! Email or dropbox to Zachary.

Logistics c/o Jet: Cleaners for the week - Internals and finance

Operations c/o She: Initiatives and events + councilor related projects, post-eval and photo documentation should be submitted.


UNIVERSIT Y OF THE PHILIPPINESSchool of Business Student Council

Make sure you know your tasks for Business Week Attend all Business Week events For October 4, Wednesday: Ideas for BA Week 2013 All: Remember attire for everyday! Councilors: Start thinking of the functions you want. Deadline: October 4! Batch Reps promote/consilidate the following:

Teacher’s Day A-Talks (especially incentives) Big Event Exam schedule consolidation