07 Integration Project Part 1

Post on 13-Jul-2015

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Transcript of 07 Integration Project Part 1

Client Side IntegrationWeb Development 101 Lesson 05.01

Week in ReviewHTML is Content

Abstracted into the Document Object Model

CSS is Presentation

Selectors query the DOM

Properties style the DOM

JS is Functionality

Allows interactivity, AJAX, animation

Final Project mk.1 Bible Reading App

RequirementsStart with code from 04.01.02

Design and implement fully featured bible reading application

Display chapter contents using ajax when the user selects a book / chapter via the API

Chapters change using onchange event of select boxes

Display a loading indicator when an AJAX transaction is pending

Should be object oriented

Support multiple instances.

Create button to add multiple side-by-side bibles for comparison

Use CSS to style text and spacing for optimize readability. Layout should flow to fit multiple screen sizes