07 Iitm Rrk - Upwind

Post on 06-Nov-2015

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notes on upwind differencing scheme - CFD

Transcript of 07 Iitm Rrk - Upwind

  • Presentation by,

    Raghavi Rao K

    Department of Chemical Engineering

    IIT Madras

    Discretization of Convection- Diffusion Type Equations Computational Methods and Techniques,

    IEWA 2014

    Under the guidance of, Prof. Vivek V Buwa, IIT Delhi

  • Outline

    1. Discussion of physical situations involving Convection and Diffusion and need for numerical


    2. Finite volume discretization of diffusion eqn.

    3. Finite volume discretization of 1D convection-diffusion eqn. (CDS method)

    4. Properties of Discretization schemes: Consistency, Boundedness, Transportiveness and Accuracy

    5. Other schemes Upwinding, Hybrid, Power law and Exponential

    6. Higher order schemes QUICK

    7. Discretization of unsteady equations

    8. Summary

    9. References

  • Physical Situations modeled by Convection-Diffusion equations

    Need for Numerical Solutions


  • Physical Interpretation

    Generalized transport equation

    c could stand for mass, momentum, energy, species concentration

    Control volume interpretation Types of transport

    . - diffusion contribution

    . - convection contribution

    R is source/sink term

  • Applications

    Applications exist in a wide variety of areas

    Consider a falling liquid film with mass diffusion and energy transfer taking place. An engineering application of this theory is in ammonia- water refrigeration systems where water film absorbs ammonia. This is 2D convection and diffusion problem. The performance is analyzed by numerically solving these equations:






    Falling liquid film absorption - schematic

  • Numerical Solutions

    Analytical solutions not always possible in the case of pdes and odes with non linear terms

    Numerical methods can give a very good approximation of the analytical solution.

    Discretization methods: Finite Difference, Finite Volume and Finite Element methods

    Well explore the more general Finite Volume method for convection diffusion equation in detail

  • Finite Volume Method


  • Finite Volume Method

    Generic scalar transport equation, when integrated with respect to control volume can be written as follows

    = . +

    = . . +

    = . +

    The above equation can be applied over the entire domain discretized into control volumes.

    Choice of construction of control volumes node centered CV and vice-versa

  • 1D steady state diffusion:

    1. Grid Generation

    Each node is surrounded by a control

    Volume or cell. And the west and the east

    faces are marked by w and e notation

    2. Discretization

    + S = 0

    Integrating this over the control volume,

    dV +

    V = 0

    Assuming constant area of cross-section,


    + = 0

    = +

  • 1D steady state diffusion(contd):

    Assuming linear profiles of , and averaging S


    + = 0

    It can be written in the form of

    = + + b

    where, =

    , =

    , = + , b =

    = + b (General discretized form of equation)

    3. Solution of the equations

    Equations need to be solved simultaneously for all control volumes

  • () =

    We have seen Finite Volume method applied to systems involving Diffusion and Source terms.

    We may try to apply the same discretization scheme to convection terms also

    Diffusion process affects the distribution of a transported quantity along its gradient in all directions, where as convection spreads its influence only in the flow direction. This crucial difference manifests itself in a stringent upper limit to the grid size, that is dependent on the relative strength of convection and diffusion, for stable convection - diffusion calculations

    Could we apply the same technique to Convection Diffusion equations?

  • Central Differencing Scheme - 1d C-D equation

    Applying the Central Differencing Scheme to a convection-diffusion case

    Steady 1D convection and diffusion

    () =

    And equation of continuity

    = 0

    Integrating and applying the boundary conditions, (const. A)

    () () = (


    and () = 0

    Let, = D/x and F = and = (+)/2, (

    ) =

    = +



    + +( )*

  • CDS scheme ( Contd. ) The above discretization holds for interior points

    At the end points, we apply the boundary conditions

    = at the west node and = at the east node

    This results in equations of the form

    = + +

    = + + ( - ) -

    With = , and = we have, for the corner nodes

    Left node 0 /2 -(2 + ) (2 + )

    Right node + /2

    0 -(2 )

    (2 )

  • Example

    u = 0.1 m/s, 5 nodes

    u =2.5 m/s, 5 nodes

    u = 2.5 m/s, 20 nodes

    Clearly, the CDS scheme is limited in agreement, at least for higher us and less number of nodes

  • Properties of Discretization

    Conservativeness, Boundedness, Transportiveness, Accuracy


  • Conservativeness


    To ensure global conservation of flux, the value of flux used at the boundary of a control volume should match that

    of its neighboring ones. This depends on the flux interpolation equation used

    Consistent representation of fluxes will eliminate any spurious source terms

    Consistency of CDS scheme

    Linear interpolation of fluxes is only employed. Hence, consistency is preserved.

  • Boundedness To solve the equations resulting from discretization, we would require

    Scarborough criterion to e satisfied.


    || 1, for all grid points


    ||< 1, at least for one node

    Leads to Diagonally Dominant form of the matrix that is necessary ( but not sufficient) for the convergence of Gauss Siedel method

    Another criterion to be satisfied is that all the coefficients (s) are positive and is negative


    This qualitatively indicates that should be bounded by values at its neighboring points

  • Transportiveness A cell Peclet number can be defined as a measure of convection versus

    diffusion in the control volume cell



    Convection affects the relative influence of neighboring points over the node in question

    interpolation in any discretization scheme should take the direction of flow into account

    As Pe increases, the contours of become more ellipitical, decreasing the influence of the downstream points on the current node

  • Accuracy

    Accuracy of any discretization scheme is of the order of truncation error in Taylor series used in interpolation of

    For example, CDS has second order accuracy

    = +



    2+ H.O.T (1)




    2 + H.O.T (2)

    Summing (1) and (2), we have = (+)/2 + (second order terms)

    Hence, second order accuracy

    However, higher order schemes do not necessarily mean better solutions

  • Assessment of CDS

    We have seen earlier that the coefficients at all the internal nodes are as below:

    = +2

    , = 2

    , = + +( )

    Boundedness Scarboroughs criterion are satisfied as = 0 , when continuity

    equation is satisfied

    The rule for all coefficients being positive and being negative is satisfied only

    when 2> 0 , which implies that Pe < 2

    So, CDS is not suitable under large velocities. However, the grid can be refined to bring Pe below 2

    Transportiveness Direction of convection is not brought about in the discretization as it includes

    influence of all neighboring points over P

  • Upwind, Hybrid, Exponential and Power Law schemes

    False Diffusion


  • Upwind scheme

    Upwind scheme brings this directionality into the discretization by these approximations

    The form of equations remaining same, the coefficients are as below ( when u > 0 )

    Conservativeness, Boundedness and Transportiveness satisfied

    Boundary points Interior points

    0/ +F +F


    -(2+F)/-2 0

    (2+F)/ 2 0

  • False Diffusion

    Consider this situation where a hot and a cold stream are flowing one over the other, without any diffusion at the boundary. One would expect the equations to suggest a discontinuity at the boundary

    But, by the upwinding scheme, we get

    that = 0.5 + 0.5

    This equations result in a smeared profile like in the grid shown beside

  • Accuracy of the upwind scheme False diffusion

    Upwind scheme uses backward/ forward differencing, resulting in first order truncation errors. This is lower than that of CDS!

    = +



    2+ H.O.T

    When we substitute = , the error of convected flux looks diffusive flux, with a particular

    Upwind scheme also introduces False Diffusion when there is no diffusion

    At low Pes, this terms contribution is insignificant in comparison to the actual diffusion. Grid Pe should at least be greater 10, to curb the error due to false diffusion

  • Exact solution

    Fortunately, the exact solution of

    () =

    can be derived

    For boundary conditions,

    = 0 , = 0

    = 1, =

    The solution is,

    00= (


    1)/( 1)

    with =

    The above solution can be used for another

    type of interpolation

  • Hybrid Differencing Scheme

    When the exponential scheme is implemented, the coefficients are obtained as below:

    Hybrid Differencing scheme uses a piecewise formula depending on the grid Pe

    The general form of the equations are this-

    = + with = + + ( - )

    - Max[, +

    2, 0]

    - Max[ ,

    2, 0]


    exp 1

  • Power Law scheme

    Deviation from exact solution at Pe = 2, the deviation is quite large

    Diffusion effects are immediately set to 0, once Pe exceeds 2. This is not physically appropriate

    A smoother and an easy to compute fit is obtained in the Power Law scheme

    General form of the coefficient can be given as

    = 0, 1


    5+[0, ]

    This is computationally more expensive than the simpler methods, but is lesser than the exponential scheme

  • QUICK scheme


  • Higher-order discretization schemes

    The accuracy of the Hybrid and Upwind schemes is only first order. This lack of accuracy causes false diffusion

    Higher order discretization takes more neighboring points into the scheme and brings wider influence and can reduce the discretization error

    Quadratic Upwind differencing, QUICK scheme, is an often used higher order discretization scheme. QUICK expands to Quadratic Upstream Interpolation for Convective Kinetics

  • QUICK scheme

    This scheme uses a three point upstream-weighted quadratic interpolation function between two bracketing nodes and an upstream node to evaluate flux at the faces.

    If the two boundary nodes are i,i-1 and the upstream node is i-2, then flux at cell face is given by the formula-

    For 1D convection diffusion problem, (>0)


    81 +


    8 1


    = + + + = + + + + ( )


    8 +


    8 +


    8(1 )






    8(1 )


    8(1 )


    8(1 )

  • Characteristics of QUICK scheme

    Consistent flux values are used from face to face, ensuring Conservativeness of the method

    Transportiveness is guaranteed because of the consideration of upstream points

    Accuracy is third order, in terms of Taylors series truncation error

    One of the conditions for Boundedness, however, is not satisfied, in terms of all coefficients being positive.

    The coefficients and are negative and the main coefficients and are not guaranteed to be positive always. ( When >0,

    become negative for >



    Different reformulations of the QUICK scheme have been proposed to alleviate this problem*

  • Discretization in unsteady flows


  • Unsteady Transport Equation


    + . = . +

    Integrating this over volume and time,

    + .


    = +

    . + +



    The unsteady term is discretized as ( 0) , assuming is constant through the control volume

    While the discretization with respect to space is same as in the steady state case, integration with respect to time can take different forms

  • Time discretization




    Integrating with respect to time and volume and simplifying,

    (0) = (




    = + 1 0

    Therefore, the equation becomes

    (0) = (

    ) + (1 ) (




    f=0,explicit scheme f=0.5, Crank-Nicholson scheme f=1, implicit scheme

  • Time discretization

    The above equation can be written as

    = + 1

    0 + + 1 0

    + [0 (1 ) (1 )]


    = /, = /, 0 =


    0 + +

    When explicit (f=0), the following condition needs to be satisfied