06/11/20131 THE FOUR MAYAN CATASTROPHES AND THE ORIGIN OF MOON Chronology and possible causes of the...

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Transcript of 06/11/20131 THE FOUR MAYAN CATASTROPHES AND THE ORIGIN OF MOON Chronology and possible causes of the...

10/04/2310/04/23 11



Chronology and possible Chronology and possible causes of the Mayan four causes of the Mayan four catastrophes and a new catastrophes and a new

approach to Moon’s origineapproach to Moon’s origine

Emilio Spedicato,Emilio Spedicato,

University of BergamoUniversity of Bergamo

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In ancient texts, sacred (Bible, Koran, Rig Veda… ) In ancient texts, sacred (Bible, Koran, Rig Veda… ) or epical (Homeric, Iranian, Kirghisian, or epical (Homeric, Iranian, Kirghisian, Scandinavian epics…), we face events of exceptional Scandinavian epics…), we face events of exceptional nature, often catastrophic. These can be interpreted nature, often catastrophic. These can be interpreted symbolically or as the memory of real events, which symbolically or as the memory of real events, which may now be modeled mathematically. A non trivial may now be modeled mathematically. A non trivial task both in eqs setting and their numerical solution.task both in eqs setting and their numerical solution.

We shall consider some of these cases. We shall consider some of these cases.

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Catastrophes in ancient textsCatastrophes in ancient texts In Plato, Timeus and Critias (likely also in In Plato, Timeus and Critias (likely also in

Ellanicus and Pythagoras, from Egyptian or Ellanicus and Pythagoras, from Egyptian or Indian source), it is stated that Earth was Indian source), it is stated that Earth was affected several times by catastrophes of affected several times by catastrophes of extraterrestrial nature, characterized by fire and extraterrestrial nature, characterized by fire and water. Three such events were very great, the water. Three such events were very great, the last one the Deucalion flood, and the first one, last one the Deucalion flood, and the first one, 9000 years before Solon time, the destruction 9000 years before Solon time, the destruction of Atlantis. In Herodotus, Pomponius Mela of Atlantis. In Herodotus, Pomponius Mela (also Koran ) it is stated that sunrise and sunset (also Koran ) it is stated that sunrise and sunset positions of Sun changed three times, a fact that positions of Sun changed three times, a fact that if true implies catastrophic events. if true implies catastrophic events.

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Memory of ancient catastrophesMemory of ancient catastrophes

Most ancient events pertain to first two vedic Most ancient events pertain to first two vedic yugas, once their chronology is decryptedyugas, once their chronology is decrypted

4 great catastrophes given in Mayan tradition4 great catastrophes given in Mayan tradition 3 great catastrophes in Plato-Egyptian tradition 3 great catastrophes in Plato-Egyptian tradition

including Atlantis destructionincluding Atlantis destruction 7 events relate to the 7 days of creation in 7 events relate to the 7 days of creation in

Genesis, each day being actually 1000 yearsGenesis, each day being actually 1000 years Spedicato’s theory about last 4 catastrophesSpedicato’s theory about last 4 catastrophes

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Mayas memorize 4 catastrophesMayas memorize 4 catastrophes

In Mayan codices that escaped the bonfire of bishop In Mayan codices that escaped the bonfire of bishop Diego de Landa, in Popol Vuh and in Ixtichihuatl, 4 Diego de Landa, in Popol Vuh and in Ixtichihuatl, 4 great catastrophes appear, first one from fire and great catastrophes appear, first one from fire and wind. America preserved a memory older than in wind. America preserved a memory older than in Egypt, the fire catastrophe fitting with an event Egypt, the fire catastrophe fitting with an event recently discovered: the impact circa 10.900 AC of a recently discovered: the impact circa 10.900 AC of a large asteroid over Canadian ice. It terminated the large asteroid over Canadian ice. It terminated the Clovis era, burned forests over million square km Clovis era, burned forests over million square km forming the forming the black matblack mat layer, made climate more layer, made climate more severe severe (Younger Dryas(Younger Dryas), formed Carolina bays. ), formed Carolina bays.


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A wind effect of the fire catastropheA wind effect of the fire catastrophe

According to Mayas, the period that followed till According to Mayas, the period that followed till second catastrophe was very windy , hence second catastrophe was very windy , hence explaining geologic evidence in Europe of frequent explaining geologic evidence in Europe of frequent forest destruction by hurricanes. forest destruction by hurricanes.

It also explains the strange statement in Plato that It also explains the strange statement in Plato that Atlantis was protected from Atlantis was protected from windswinds by a chain of hills. by a chain of hills. Notice that Atlantis had been in existence a few Notice that Atlantis had been in existence a few centuries before its destruction from internal Platonic centuries before its destruction from internal Platonic chronology. Its date of foundation may be that given chronology. Its date of foundation may be that given by the beginning of the third yuga, circa 9800 BC.by the beginning of the third yuga, circa 9800 BC.

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An explanation of events in the 7 An explanation of events in the 7 days of creation in Genesisdays of creation in Genesis

According to Talmudic scholars each day of According to Talmudic scholars each day of Creation is a period of 1000 years; same Creation is a period of 1000 years; same statement in one Psalmstatement in one Psalm

Since the 6° day begins with Adam “creation” Since the 6° day begins with Adam “creation” that can be dated at precisely 5500 BC, the that can be dated at precisely 5500 BC, the first day starts at 10.500 BC and can be related first day starts at 10.500 BC and can be related to the impact over Canadato the impact over Canada

Notice that second day corresponds to Atlantis Notice that second day corresponds to Atlantis destruction, i.e. to the rapid end of Ice Agedestruction, i.e. to the rapid end of Ice Age

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A look at the first dayA look at the first day

The impact over a 5 km deep ice would create The impact over a 5 km deep ice would create a many thousand km high column of ionized a many thousand km high column of ionized ice, soon becoming extremely brightice, soon becoming extremely bright

It would be visible even in Europe, Africa, It would be visible even in Europe, Africa, parts of Asia. It would appear as a sudden parts of Asia. It would appear as a sudden flash of light, lasting probably several minutes, flash of light, lasting probably several minutes, illuminating the night or beating sun light illuminating the night or beating sun light

This would explain the statement This would explain the statement FIAT LUXFIAT LUX

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Other first day effectsOther first day effects

After few hours the sound of the impact would reach After few hours the sound of the impact would reach Old World as a long rumble, and go on for several Old World as a long rumble, and go on for several days quasi periodically. Hence we may explain days quasi periodically. Hence we may explain LOGOSLOGOS

Also after some hours the wind from the event would Also after some hours the wind from the event would reach Old World, albeit not as violent and hot as reach Old World, albeit not as violent and hot as experienced in Central America. Coming from over experienced in Central America. Coming from over the waters of the Atlantic, we can explain the the waters of the Atlantic, we can explain the SPIRIT SPIRIT = RUACH = strong wind – MOVING OVER THE = RUACH = strong wind – MOVING OVER THE WATERSWATERS

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The Atlantis catastropheThe Atlantis catastrophe The story of Atlantis presents a civilization centered The story of Atlantis presents a civilization centered

beyond the Atlantic, with precise geographic features. It beyond the Atlantic, with precise geographic features. It was destroyed about 9500 BC by a catastrophe was destroyed about 9500 BC by a catastrophe characterized by a giant tsunami lasting several days. characterized by a giant tsunami lasting several days. After the event, memorized by Ethiopians who After the event, memorized by Ethiopians who repopulated Egypt a thousand years later, the Atlantic repopulated Egypt a thousand years later, the Atlantic Ocean was no more navigable, and the island had Ocean was no more navigable, and the island had disappeared.disappeared.

The geographic data in Plato agree with Hispaniola in The geographic data in Plato agree with Hispaniola in the Caribbeans, named by the Taino local inhabitants the Caribbeans, named by the Taino local inhabitants Quisqueya =Quisqueya = MOTHER OF ALL LANDSMOTHER OF ALL LANDS

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Atlantis = Hispaniola = QuisqueyaAtlantis = Hispaniola = Quisqueya Quisqueya has mountains reaching 3000 meters, close to Quisqueya has mountains reaching 3000 meters, close to

the shore, and many rivers and lakesthe shore, and many rivers and lakes It is rich in copper mines (the orichalc?) and gold, cause It is rich in copper mines (the orichalc?) and gold, cause

of the destruction of the natives by Columbus.of the destruction of the natives by Columbus. It has a flat area from east to west with many rivers and It has a flat area from east to west with many rivers and

protected by hills from the northernly windsprotected by hills from the northernly winds The coasts are steep and can be imbedded in a rectangle The coasts are steep and can be imbedded in a rectangle

with the size given by Plato to the irrigated planewith the size given by Plato to the irrigated plane The capital city was located probably on the southern sideThe capital city was located probably on the southern side Bartolome de las Casas describes Hispaniola as Plato, rich Bartolome de las Casas describes Hispaniola as Plato, rich

of mountains, rivers, fertile, a population over 3 millionof mountains, rivers, fertile, a population over 3 million

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The time given by Plato for the end of Atlantis The time given by Plato for the end of Atlantis corresponds to the time for the end of the last Ice corresponds to the time for the end of the last Ice Age, precisely established by sedimental analysisAge, precisely established by sedimental analysis

There is now evidence that the Ice Age terminated There is now evidence that the Ice Age terminated very fast, see the book of two Oxford geologists ICE very fast, see the book of two Oxford geologists ICE AGE ENDED IN LESS THAN THREE YEARSAGE ENDED IN LESS THAN THREE YEARS

Sediments analysis in north Atlantic shows that Sediments analysis in north Atlantic shows that temperature increased over 25 degrees in less than 5 temperature increased over 25 degrees in less than 5 years (Petersen et al, Milos 2005 Atlantis conference)years (Petersen et al, Milos 2005 Atlantis conference)

After Ice Age Gulf Stream changed course, moving After Ice Age Gulf Stream changed course, moving before from Caribbans to Gibraltarbefore from Caribbans to Gibraltar

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Map of HispaniolaMap of Hispaniola

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Atlantic ocean, notice deep sea Atlantic ocean, notice deep sea around Hispaniolaaround Hispaniola


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Possible extraterrestrial causesPossible extraterrestrial causes

Fast end of an ice age can be explained by two Fast end of an ice age can be explained by two extraterrestrial events:extraterrestrial events:

Asteroid-comet oceanic mpact, fracturing the thin Asteroid-comet oceanic mpact, fracturing the thin oceanic crust and letting magma pour out with oceanic crust and letting magma pour out with production of warm rainsproduction of warm rains

Close passage of a large object deforming Earth due Close passage of a large object deforming Earth due to gravitational tide; magma again pours out of to gravitational tide; magma again pours out of fractured oceanic crust, mainly from oceanic ridgesfractured oceanic crust, mainly from oceanic ridges

First cause less likely for last Ice Age since no crater First cause less likely for last Ice Age since no crater has been found at that agehas been found at that age

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Close passage of a large body and Close passage of a large body and capture of Mooncapture of Moon

Ancient data suggest that a large object passed near Earth, Ancient data suggest that a large object passed near Earth, possibly the Pachamacac of Chimu, or the Nibiru of Sumerians, possibly the Pachamacac of Chimu, or the Nibiru of Sumerians, or Metis of Greek mythology. Possibly from this object Earth or Metis of Greek mythology. Possibly from this object Earth acquired Moon. acquired Moon.

- A time before the Moon is quoted in the Bible, Job 25-5 and A time before the Moon is quoted in the Bible, Job 25-5 and Psalm 72-5Psalm 72-5

- For the Hindu the Moon was born from a boiling seaFor the Hindu the Moon was born from a boiling sea- For the Malekula of Melanesia: air was filled of vapours, when For the Malekula of Melanesia: air was filled of vapours, when

they disappeared sea level had increased and the Moon shined they disappeared sea level had increased and the Moon shined in the skyin the sky

- Recent origin of Moon stated in Democritus, Anaxagoras, Recent origin of Moon stated in Democritus, Anaxagoras, Aristotle, Apollonius, Plutarch, Ovid, Hyppolitus, Lucian….Aristotle, Apollonius, Plutarch, Ovid, Hyppolitus, Lucian….

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Math analysis of Moon’s captureMath analysis of Moon’s capture

Capture impossible in a 3 body system with only Capture impossible in a 3 body system with only gravitational forces, but no problem in a 4 body gravitational forces, but no problem in a 4 body system, see Charon leaving Neptune to Pluto.system, see Charon leaving Neptune to Pluto.

Turkish symbol of half Moon with a five pointed star Turkish symbol of half Moon with a five pointed star inside and the passage in Censorinus inside and the passage in Censorinus ARCADIANS ARCADIANS CLAIM THAT, BEFORE THE MOON EXISTED, CLAIM THAT, BEFORE THE MOON EXISTED, YEAR CONSISTED OF 3 MONTHS YEAR CONSISTED OF 3 MONTHS suggest the suggest the loss of a previous satellite: Mars? loss of a previous satellite: Mars?

If Mars was lost, it may have approached Earth every If Mars was lost, it may have approached Earth every 54 years, alternating by day and night on a given 54 years, alternating by day and night on a given meridian, till final circularization (see Dixon)meridian, till final circularization (see Dixon)

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Problems with standard theoriesProblems with standard theories Over 30 theories exist for Lunar formationOver 30 theories exist for Lunar formation Many considered lunar birth coeval with Earth; but Many considered lunar birth coeval with Earth; but

lunar rock analysis shows different isotope ratios not lunar rock analysis shows different isotope ratios not explainable from common originexplainable from common origin

Three body capture is only possible if Moon would Three body capture is only possible if Moon would be subject to atmospheric strong drag; Japanese show be subject to atmospheric strong drag; Japanese show that then Moon orbit circularizes in about 10 years !that then Moon orbit circularizes in about 10 years !

Today standard theory has Moon formed from debris Today standard theory has Moon formed from debris of a giant tangential impact with a Mars size body of a giant tangential impact with a Mars size body




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More about the Jupiter impactMore about the Jupiter impact

For a frontal impact, Jupiter speed is reduced, For a frontal impact, Jupiter speed is reduced, hence Jupiter moves to a more distant orbithence Jupiter moves to a more distant orbit

Did Jupiter interact with Saturn in new orbit?Did Jupiter interact with Saturn in new orbit? Asteroid belt possible original location of Asteroid belt possible original location of

Jupiter, their mass less then lunar mass, just Jupiter, their mass less then lunar mass, just beeing only part of mass lost in impactbeeing only part of mass lost in impact

Most mass might have produced Venus and Most mass might have produced Venus and some Jupiter satellites, see Ackermansome Jupiter satellites, see Ackerman

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Metis before Jupiter impactMetis before Jupiter impact

If Metis is Nibiru with 20 years period, then between If Metis is Nibiru with 20 years period, then between loss of Moon and impact over Jupiter there is a time loss of Moon and impact over Jupiter there is a time of about 2500 yearsof about 2500 years

With a Metis period of 20 years, then about 120 With a Metis period of 20 years, then about 120 crossing expected in such periodcrossing expected in such period

Crossing generally took place with Earth far away, Crossing generally took place with Earth far away, but the dramatic effects for close crossingsbut the dramatic effects for close crossings

Possibly 10 such close passages, related to the 10 Possibly 10 such close passages, related to the 10 reincarnations of reincarnations of SHAKTISHAKTI and 10 ages of and 10 ages of HesiodHesiod

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Was Mars a former Earth satellite?Was Mars a former Earth satellite?

Mars as a former Earth satellite would probably Mars as a former Earth satellite would probably explain similar rotation period and angle over eclipticexplain similar rotation period and angle over ecliptic

It would suggest water presence until recently, lost It would suggest water presence until recently, lost catastrophically when removed from Earth and at catastrophically when removed from Earth and at subsequent close passages. This water may explain subsequent close passages. This water may explain the water droplets, see Frank, appearing as flashes in the water droplets, see Frank, appearing as flashes in Earth night photosEarth night photos

Also likely the presence of life, even intelligent one, Also likely the presence of life, even intelligent one, as suggested inter alia by the Cidonia area structures as suggested inter alia by the Cidonia area structures whose artificiality is shown by fractal analysis by whose artificiality is shown by fractal analysis by Russian military codes, see van FlandernRussian military codes, see van Flandern

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Modeling lunar capture, Mars lossModeling lunar capture, Mars loss

Modeling lunar capture is a four body problem with Modeling lunar capture is a four body problem with unknown initial conditions. It can be solved by unknown initial conditions. It can be solved by educated guess or an optimization formulationeducated guess or an optimization formulation

Modeling the additional loss of Mars is a five body Modeling the additional loss of Mars is a five body problem of similar nature; the very accurate OD problem of similar nature; the very accurate OD solvers of Brugnano-Trigiante should be usedsolvers of Brugnano-Trigiante should be used

The Censorinus statement suggests, via Kepler’s third The Censorinus statement suggests, via Kepler’s third equation, that Mars was, before Moon, at about one equation, that Mars was, before Moon, at about one million km from Earth. Moon appeared bigger and million km from Earth. Moon appeared bigger and brighter , a bonus for survivors of Ice Age end. brighter , a bonus for survivors of Ice Age end.


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The 4°catastrophe: DeucalionThe 4°catastrophe: Deucalion

Deucalion catastrophe from Orosius took place at Deucalion catastrophe from Orosius took place at time of Exodus, of migrations and climatic troubles, time of Exodus, of migrations and climatic troubles, and was due to the explosion of Phaethonand was due to the explosion of Phaethon

Can be dated at 1447 BC, at the end of Egypt Middle Can be dated at 1447 BC, at the end of Egypt Middle Kingdom by the invasion of the Hyksos-Amu-Kingdom by the invasion of the Hyksos-Amu-Amalek from Turan, see Velikovsky chronologyAmalek from Turan, see Velikovsky chronology

Homer does not quote Deucalion but refers to Homer does not quote Deucalion but refers to Phaethon and Lampos as visible at sunrise. Such Phaethon and Lampos as visible at sunrise. Such bodies were possibly perturbed, Lampos crashed bodies were possibly perturbed, Lampos crashed over Africa (Mauritania, S. Egypt?) while Phaethon over Africa (Mauritania, S. Egypt?) while Phaethon spiralled towards Earthspiralled towards Earth

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The Lampos crash: some effectsThe Lampos crash: some effects

Assuming for Lampos and Phaethon sizes of 1-3 km, Assuming for Lampos and Phaethon sizes of 1-3 km, Lampos crashing over Africa would spread dust in Lampos crashing over Africa would spread dust in the atmosphere and start eruption of the hundred the atmosphere and start eruption of the hundred volcanoes in Dancalia, Earth most unstable regionvolcanoes in Dancalia, Earth most unstable region

Such volcanoes, many covered at that time by salty Such volcanoes, many covered at that time by salty water, would produce blood red pumices, falling partly water, would produce blood red pumices, falling partly over Indian Ocean ( called Red Sea by this reason) and over Indian Ocean ( called Red Sea by this reason) and partly over Ethiopiapartly over Ethiopia

Monsoon rains would wash pumices into Nile, leading Monsoon rains would wash pumices into Nile, leading to the chain of events known as the Ten Plagues – the to the chain of events known as the Ten Plagues – the tenth one a case of eclampsia affecting young Egyptian tenth one a case of eclampsia affecting young Egyptian women, see Sabbadini…women, see Sabbadini…

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Phaethon explodes in atmosphere Phaethon explodes in atmosphere over norhern Germanyover norhern Germany

Once close to Earth by spiralling, Phaethon Once close to Earth by spiralling, Phaethon fragmented over Arabia, a fact seen by Moses when fragmented over Arabia, a fact seen by Moses when stranded in Pi Hahirot between Egyptian army and stranded in Pi Hahirot between Egyptian army and mountains, his road blocked by rockfall. Trajectory mountains, his road blocked by rockfall. Trajectory recorded b Babylonians, see Hempsellrecorded b Babylonians, see Hempsell

It entered atmosphere over Mediterranean, fired It entered atmosphere over Mediterranean, fired palaces of Crete and forests of Central Europe, and palaces of Crete and forests of Central Europe, and exploded over Eider in northern Germanyexploded over Eider in northern Germany

There was an earthquake, followed by an atmospheric There was an earthquake, followed by an atmospheric hot wave or wind, generating more fires and tsunamis hot wave or wind, generating more fires and tsunamis in Mediterranean, Red Sea and Atlanticin Mediterranean, Red Sea and Atlantic

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Phaethon moved from Yemen to Jutland passing over Dead Sea

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Satellite photo of Eider region in Schleswig Holstein, Germany

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Delta, Sinai, Dead Sea, northern Red Sea from satellite

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Some notes on NuweibaSome notes on Nuweiba

In the north side a road exists between sea and In the north side a road exists between sea and mountains, as described in Josephusmountains, as described in Josephus

The wadis in the plane can be canalized becoming The wadis in the plane can be canalized becoming small ports, hence name small ports, hence name PI HAHIROTPI HAHIROT

Moses probably arrived from Wadi Watir Moses probably arrived from Wadi Watir Sea in front of Nuweiba is shallow. A Karolinskaia Sea in front of Nuweiba is shallow. A Karolinskaia

Institut expeditio found unexpected corals of special Institut expeditio found unexpected corals of special shape. A submarine bridge allows sea appear as shape. A submarine bridge allows sea appear as divided if sea level decreases some metersdivided if sea level decreases some meters

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Dancalian volcanoes eruptions affect Ethiopia, Arabia, Indian Ocean

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Modeling Phaethon explosionModeling Phaethon explosion

Phaethon explosion is a super Tunguska event. Phaethon explosion is a super Tunguska event. Possibly one million MT versus 500 of 1908 Possibly one million MT versus 500 of 1908 Tunguska event in West SiberiaTunguska event in West Siberia

Effects of atmospheric wave and generated tsunamis Effects of atmospheric wave and generated tsunamis can be calculated in principle, a very complex can be calculated in principle, a very complex problem requiring huge calculations and many dataproblem requiring huge calculations and many data

Calculation parameters involve energy and height of Calculation parameters involve energy and height of the explosionthe explosion

Calculation interesting in relation to possible impact Calculation interesting in relation to possible impact on Earth of Apophis, circa 2025on Earth of Apophis, circa 2025

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The second catastrophe: theThe second catastrophe: thebiblical Floodbiblical Flood

The second catastrophe in Plato is certainly the The second catastrophe in Plato is certainly the biblical flood, where most interpreters have Noah biblical flood, where most interpreters have Noah surviving on mount Judi in Armenia, about 30 km surviving on mount Judi in Armenia, about 30 km south of’Ararat, in Turkey, date about 3161-3171 ACsouth of’Ararat, in Turkey, date about 3161-3171 AC

The same Flood appears in other traditions, with The same Flood appears in other traditions, with different survivors, e.g. Utnapishtim or Manu. different survivors, e.g. Utnapishtim or Manu. According to Talmud many boats were built, some According to Talmud many boats were built, some survived the event, most were destroyed, the event survived the event, most were destroyed, the event being expected, also for the many earthquakes. Noah being expected, also for the many earthquakes. Noah visited Enoch “in sky” (in Garden of Eden?, now visited Enoch “in sky” (in Garden of Eden?, now Hunza valley)Hunza valley)

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Noah in Tibet?Noah in Tibet? In Vedic Fish Upanishad, there is a king with a very In Vedic Fish Upanishad, there is a king with a very

great dominion surviving the Flood. Since he has great dominion surviving the Flood. Since he has three sons whose names are similar to those of three sons whose names are similar to those of Noah’s sons, one making joke of him having seen Noah’s sons, one making joke of him having seen him naked, he can be related to Noahhim naked, he can be related to Noah

From extrabiblical sources Enoch, grand father of From extrabiblical sources Enoch, grand father of Noah, had a very great kingdom, since 600 kings Noah, had a very great kingdom, since 600 kings accepted his authority. Such a kingdom may have accepted his authority. Such a kingdom may have passed to his son Lamech, one of the three main gods passed to his son Lamech, one of the three main gods of Kafirs, and also to Noah: a kingdom possibly from of Kafirs, and also to Noah: a kingdom possibly from Europe to China, remember a tradition Noah died in Europe to China, remember a tradition Noah died in ItalyItaly

10/04/2310/04/23 5151

Urartu is Mount Kailas?Urartu is Mount Kailas?

Bible says Ark landed in Urartu, in past seen as Bible says Ark landed in Urartu, in past seen as Ararat, now as Armenia. Urartu has no meaning in Ararat, now as Armenia. Urartu has no meaning in semitic languages. But it may be a triple hybrid semitic languages. But it may be a triple hybrid name, UR=KUR=mountain, sanskrit, AR=ARI= name, UR=KUR=mountain, sanskrit, AR=ARI= ARANI, gold, Magyar, TU=TA= great, Chinese. So ARANI, gold, Magyar, TU=TA= great, Chinese. So the great mountain with goldthe great mountain with gold, which leads to Kailas, , which leads to Kailas, most sacred Asian mount, place of Ophir gold minemost sacred Asian mount, place of Ophir gold mine

At foot of Kailas lies lake MANASOVAR, where At foot of Kailas lies lake MANASOVAR, where MANAS relates to a man with knowledge, OV=OB= MANAS relates to a man with knowledge, OV=OB= AB is water, lake, AR gold again. Hence AB is water, lake, AR gold again. Hence the golden the golden lake of Manas. lake of Manas.

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Is Manas a name for Noah?Is Manas a name for Noah? Manas is a name related to Minos, Menes, Manu, Latin Manas is a name related to Minos, Menes, Manu, Latin

MENS, indicating someone with special knowledge. There is a MENS, indicating someone with special knowledge. There is a town Manas in Zungaria and an epic of Manas of Kirghisians, town Manas in Zungaria and an epic of Manas of Kirghisians, about 6 millione verses, only a tenth translated into Russian. Is about 6 millione verses, only a tenth translated into Russian. Is this epic related to Noah to some extent? A good question and this epic related to Noah to some extent? A good question and one more reason for collecting and translating it.one more reason for collecting and translating it.

Noah lived over 300 years after Flood, to about 2700 BC, and Noah lived over 300 years after Flood, to about 2700 BC, and owned a very large dominion. Thus did he travel and was he at owned a very large dominion. Thus did he travel and was he at the origin of some civilizations starting at that time? Is he the the origin of some civilizations starting at that time? Is he the Menes of first Egypt dynasty, Menes-Manas-Noah?Menes of first Egypt dynasty, Menes-Manas-Noah?

The quoted Upanishad and other arguments suggest a Tibetan The quoted Upanishad and other arguments suggest a Tibetan place for Noah, another research topic on surviving Tibetan place for Noah, another research topic on surviving Tibetan textstexts

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Other survivorsOther survivors In Sumerian and Akkadian traditions the In Sumerian and Akkadian traditions the

survivor is Ziusudra or Utnapishtim; he was survivor is Ziusudra or Utnapishtim; he was visited about 2500 BC by Gilgamesh, on visited about 2500 BC by Gilgamesh, on mount Nimush, now the Anye-machen range, mount Nimush, now the Anye-machen range, in Tibet, sacred to the Ngolok, surrounded by in Tibet, sacred to the Ngolok, surrounded by river Maqu, a Sumerian name for the Yellow river Maqu, a Sumerian name for the Yellow River !River !

According to Avesta another survivor is According to Avesta another survivor is Manu, probably the Mannu of Germans. He Manu, probably the Mannu of Germans. He survived in a cave on the top of Montisola in survived in a cave on the top of Montisola in lake Iseo or Siviano. Ancient local names lake Iseo or Siviano. Ancient local names suggest contacts with India via Red Sea, Wadi suggest contacts with India via Red Sea, Wadi Hammamet, Nile, Mediterranean, Po and river Hammamet, Nile, Mediterranean, Po and river Siviano=OglioSiviano=Oglio

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Mount Judi lies where borders join of Armenia, Iran, Turkey

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Causes of second catastropheCauses of second catastrophe

The second catastrophe was due to an event possibly The second catastrophe was due to an event possibly unique in the history of Universe, unique in the history of Universe, not to be repeatednot to be repeated, , says the Biblesays the Bible

It was characterized by arrival of water from the It was characterized by arrival of water from the depths of the high and of the lowdepths of the high and of the low

Hypothesis of Ackerman and mine that the cause was Hypothesis of Ackerman and mine that the cause was the close passage of Mars, which lost its oceans and the close passage of Mars, which lost its oceans and its core, that became planet Mercury. The length of its core, that became planet Mercury. The length of the year changed from 360 to 365 days. This event is the year changed from 360 to 365 days. This event is hinted by an enigmatic passage in Plutarch, and…hinted by an enigmatic passage in Plutarch, and…

10/04/2310/04/23 5656

Lesser (?) catastrophesLesser (?) catastrophes

From Herodotus and Pomponius Mela twice Sun rose From Herodotus and Pomponius Mela twice Sun rose in east and twice in west; no changes in climatein east and twice in west; no changes in climate

Koran praises the God of Orients and of Occidents, in Koran praises the God of Orients and of Occidents, in a sura always interpreted as poetic utterancea sura always interpreted as poetic utterance

The above can be explained by three inversions of the The above can be explained by three inversions of the rotational momentum of Earth. Such inversions may rotational momentum of Earth. Such inversions may or may not also involve inversion of the stellar vault or may not also involve inversion of the stellar vault

Possible Typhon event circa 2040, ending Ancient Possible Typhon event circa 2040, ending Ancient Kingdom, Sargonide empire, Indus civilization, Job Kingdom, Sargonide empire, Indus civilization, Job witnesses effects explosion in Sinai from Oman?witnesses effects explosion in Sinai from Oman?

10/04/2310/04/23 5757

How rotation axis can changeHow rotation axis can change

A few degrees variation of the axis angle A few degrees variation of the axis angle towards ecliptic can follow an asteroid impact, towards ecliptic can follow an asteroid impact, whose velocity vector points not too close to whose velocity vector points not too close to the Earth center, see Barbiero who used the Earth center, see Barbiero who used gyroscope theorygyroscope theory

Same effect can follow a close passage of a Same effect can follow a close passage of a large body, see Baltensperger and Woelflilarge body, see Baltensperger and Woelfli

10/04/2310/04/23 5858

The inversion caseThe inversion case

A variation only of sign and not direction of the A variation only of sign and not direction of the angular rotational velocity vector keeps the equatorial angular rotational velocity vector keeps the equatorial bulge, reducing the consequences of the event. bulge, reducing the consequences of the event. Perhaps only “silent earthquakes” would take place. Perhaps only “silent earthquakes” would take place.

Spedicato under some simplifications shows Spedicato under some simplifications shows existence of 2 or 4 states with same total energy and existence of 2 or 4 states with same total energy and total angular momentum, by considering both rotation total angular momentum, by considering both rotation and revolution, via Kepler’s third law. One state is and revolution, via Kepler’s third law. One state is close to present one and might be reached by a small close to present one and might be reached by a small input. input.

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Effects of the inversionEffects of the inversion

Distance Earth-Sun changes about one Distance Earth-Sun changes about one thousandth, hence received solar energy one thousandth, hence received solar energy one millionth: undetectable!millionth: undetectable!

Day’s length changes about 8 minutes, Day’s length changes about 8 minutes, detectable possibly at circadian leveldetectable possibly at circadian level

Number of days in year changes from 365 to Number of days in year changes from 365 to 363, thus need to correct the calendar, i.e. to 363, thus need to correct the calendar, i.e. to establish the solstitial or equinoctial daysestablish the solstitial or equinoctial days

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When there were inversions?When there were inversions?

Signs of inversion taking place: strange movements Signs of inversion taking place: strange movements in celestial bodies, and possible modest tsunamisin celestial bodies, and possible modest tsunamis

Possibly one inversion at end of Indus-Sarasvati Possibly one inversion at end of Indus-Sarasvati civlization, circa 2000 BC, when megalitic civlization, circa 2000 BC, when megalitic monuments underwent modificationsmonuments underwent modifications

Another 1407 BC, Ogyges flood, Sun “stopped at Another 1407 BC, Ogyges flood, Sun “stopped at order of Joshua”, 40 years after Exodusorder of Joshua”, 40 years after Exodus

A third one circa 700 AC, when many calendars A third one circa 700 AC, when many calendars were changed (Numa Pompilius…)were changed (Numa Pompilius…)

At time of Biblical Flood, which seems to have At time of Biblical Flood, which seems to have happened in Spring but followed by Autumnhappened in Spring but followed by Autumn

End of Indus civilization, Ancient End of Indus civilization, Ancient Kingdom, Assyrian emire….Kingdom, Assyrian emire….

The above quoted civilizations may have ended at the The above quoted civilizations may have ended at the same time, see several authorssame time, see several authors

Possible cause Typhon, a Cruithne object, exploding Possible cause Typhon, a Cruithne object, exploding over north coast of Sinai, lake Serbonides, about over north coast of Sinai, lake Serbonides, about 1940 BC, time of a giant Hekla explosion1940 BC, time of a giant Hekla explosion

Sarasvati river dried for sand rich tsunami that Sarasvati river dried for sand rich tsunami that flooded SW plane of India due to methane hydrates…flooded SW plane of India due to methane hydrates…

Job probably describes the explosion effects from a Job probably describes the explosion effects from a distance, say 2000 km, in Khuzistan….distance, say 2000 km, in Khuzistan….

10/04/2310/04/23 6161

10/04/2310/04/23 6262

Catastrophes in last 2000 yearsCatastrophes in last 2000 years

The greatest was about 546 AD, when several comets The greatest was about 546 AD, when several comets were seen, a few probably crashed, especially in were seen, a few probably crashed, especially in Arabia, destroying the tribes of Aad and Thamud. Then Arabia, destroying the tribes of Aad and Thamud. Then the devastating plague of Justinian. Food shortage in the devastating plague of Justinian. Food shortage in China leading to emperor suicide.A volcano exploded, China leading to emperor suicide.A volcano exploded, separating Java and Sumatra, and becoming Krakatoa, separating Java and Sumatra, and becoming Krakatoa, according to arguments by Keysaccording to arguments by Keys

Another in 1178 when probably fragments of an Another in 1178 when probably fragments of an asteroid, whose core hit Moon, hit Pacific Ocean asteroid, whose core hit Moon, hit Pacific Ocean leading to social discontinuities, migrations, fires in leading to social discontinuities, migrations, fires in New Zealand forests…New Zealand forests…

10/04/2310/04/23 6363

When the next one??When the next one??

Impacts with comets, Apollos and other bodies Impacts with comets, Apollos and other bodies always possiblealways possible

Close passages of large objects from Kuiper Close passages of large objects from Kuiper region also possible, also from ouside solar region also possible, also from ouside solar systemsystem

Asteroid Apophis, about 400 m diameter, in Asteroid Apophis, about 400 m diameter, in about 20 years may hit Earth with the energy about 20 years may hit Earth with the energy of over 10.000 megatons, or will pass very of over 10.000 megatons, or will pass very lose.lose.

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Once decrypted by a simple astronomical based Once decrypted by a simple astronomical based criterion all large numbers in ancient texts criterion all large numbers in ancient texts (Babylonian, Japanese, Nepalese, Indian…) are (Babylonian, Japanese, Nepalese, Indian…) are congruent and informative congruent and informative

The oldest reference pertain to the first two yugas, The oldest reference pertain to the first two yugas, one giving a year 29.000 BC, the other 17.000 BC. one giving a year 29.000 BC, the other 17.000 BC. The third yuga can be associated to the foundation of The third yuga can be associated to the foundation of Atlantis, the last one to the seven couples “creation” Atlantis, the last one to the seven couples “creation” in Garden of Eden, ending in 3103 with death of in Garden of Eden, ending in 3103 with death of KrishnaKrishna

No end of age expected for now !!!No end of age expected for now !!!

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The second may relate to the starting of last Ice Age, The second may relate to the starting of last Ice Age, the first one to some event that led to a first form of the first one to some event that led to a first form of civilization, with Homo Sapiens prevailing over civilization, with Homo Sapiens prevailing over NeanderthalNeanderthal

While this is not my research field, these two events While this is not my research field, these two events can be interpreted within the scenario developed by can be interpreted within the scenario developed by Cardona (Earth as a previous satellite of Saturn, an Cardona (Earth as a previous satellite of Saturn, an independent brown dwarf captured by solar system) independent brown dwarf captured by solar system) and by De Grazia and Milton, who analyze and by De Grazia and Milton, who analyze electromagnet effectselectromagnet effects