06-07-2009 Exploring His Excellencies - His Holiness - Part 2

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Transcript of 06-07-2009 Exploring His Excellencies - His Holiness - Part 2

  • 8/14/2019 06-07-2009 Exploring His Excellencies - His Holiness - Part 2


    Exploring HisExcellencies

    He is HolyJohn Isaacs

    June 7, 2009KingsWay Community Church

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    The Most Common

    Barrier ToPressing Into


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    What is Godlike?I think God is like

    God has revealedHimself

    in the Bible to be

    - Will lead toidolatry!

    - Will inspire

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    God is who theBible (in itstotality)

    reveals Him to

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    We will experience

    God more completelyand satisfactorily, aswe learn who the Bible

    teaches God to be,more fully.

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    The Bible Reveals

    Gods Attributes As

    1. Original2. Essential

    3. Infinite

    4 Immutable

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    The Bible Reveals

    God To Be

    1. All Good2. All Powerful

    3. All Wise

    4 Eternal

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    1. He is originally powerful:Powerful in Himself, which nothing

    else is.2. He is essentially powerful:

    Not only powerful, but He is power


    3. He is infinitely powerful:There is no measure to His power.

    4. He is immutably powerful:There was never a time when Godwas more or less powerful. He

    doesnt change.

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    Isaiah 6:3

    And one called toanother and said:

    "Holy, holy, holy is

    the LORD of hosts;

    thewhole earth is full of

    his glory!"

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    Revelation 4:8

    Each of the four livingcreatures had six wings andwas covered with eyes allaround, even under his wings.Day and night they never stop

    saying: "Holy, holy, holy isthe Lord God Almighty, who

    was, and is, and is to come."

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    Holiness It is an uncompromisingpurity.

    He is separate from His

    creation. Distinct from all elsein the universe.

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    Holiness Gods holiness is original.It begins with Him.

    He is essentially holy.It is His nature.

    He is infinitely holy.You cant measure His holiness.

    He is immutably holy.

    He has never been more or less.

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    Luke 1:35

    The angel replied, The HolySpirit will come upon you,

    and the power of the MostHigh will overshadow you.

    So the baby to be bornwill be holy, and he will be

    called the Son of God

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    1 Peter 1:15-16

    But now you must be holy ineverything you do, just as

    God who chose you isholy. For the Scriptures say,

    You must be holy becauseI am holy.

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    Ephesians 5:27

    He did this to present her tohimself as a glorious church

    without a spot or wrinkle orany other blemish. Instead,

    she will be holy and withoutfault.

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    1 Thessalonians 4:3

    Gods will is for you to beholy, so stay away from all

    sexual sin.

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    How can we be

    Holy?Not as holy as God,but holy like God.

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    You are Holy when

    1. You are set apart.

    You dedicateyourself to Gods


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    You are Holy when

    2. Your are obedient.

    You make a

    decision to do theright thing.

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    Our Holiness is

    1. Positional

    We are holy when

    we are in Christ.

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    Our Holiness is

    2. Behavioral

    When we choose

    the right thing todo.

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    Holiness of

    CharacterWhen we make

    more rightchoices than

    wrong choices.

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    Our Holiness is

    Not a place to be


    but the directionof our lives, in
