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Why not?

113 | The Code (Join The Revolution In Progress, Or Start Your Own)

a string of popular studios in Dallas, Texas, is consist-ently named as “ Best in Dallas. ”

We cannot let the fear of discomfort stop us (to para-phrase something John McCain said long before he was a presidential hopeful). The pain of remorse, of wasted opportunity, is a cancer far worse than any of the pain or humiliation we so fear when we are thinking small.

We didn ’ t fail. We tried .

Challenge and capacity feed on each other in a symbio-sis, a cycle of exponential growth; as we begin to think big, our big thoughts blossom. So go ahead, increase discomfort. Increase candor.

As we become more comfortable with discomfort, so our capacity to do big things increases. Know that if what makes us uncomfortable seems small, it ’ s not the same thing as small thinking. Each challenge is our worthy opponent. As we take on bigger challenges, so the next larger challenge becomes more manageable. The more we overcome, the more we can overcome.

There are no three easy steps, but when we become comfortable with discomfort, we will accomplish great things. We will feel high on the abundance of life.

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56 | The Think Big Manifesto

it. The absolute hallmark of big thinking is its wide - open abundance. Collaborations between you and others will start happening, the beginning of a revolution. This in turn will spread to a broader community. We ’ re out here — waiting for you to join us.

We ’ re already consciously thinking big, working together to improve our lots and the lives of others. As the word spreads, we will inevitably be drawn together. There is a gravitational pull among big thoughts that grows stronger as our numbers increase. As each collaborative effort bears fruit, it will inspire yet more.

As you band together with others who are thinking big, you will be faced with a similarly growing pressure of small thinking that threatens to deprive you of your inspiration and accomplishments.

Small thoughts fear the future. Big

thou ghts are the future .

What do you fear? What is your future?

Other people ’ s small thoughts are not your enemy. Direct your struggle ever inward against your own small thoughts. Turn away from, tune out, and unplug

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To think big is to know what we stand for and let it guide us in everything we do.

139 | The Code (Join The Revolution In Progress, Or Start Your Own)

spread through networks like a virus. We are inclined to adopt the habits of those closest to us.

Our values and actions are contagious .

When we think big, it is contagious. But beware: When we or others think small, the infl uence is that much more virulent. As much as we infl uence others, so are we at risk of catching others ’ values and actions, of coming under their infl uence. If we surround ourselves with small thinkers, we will think small.

Remember this, too: We are our own most dangerous source of contagion. It is our own small thoughts that can act most virulently against our big thoughts. As Frances Hodgson Burnett wrote 100 years ago in her still beloved children ’ s book, The Secret Garden , “ . . . [T]houghts — just mere thoughts — are as powerful as electric batteries — as good for one as sunlight is, or as bad for one as poison. To let a sad thought or a bad one get into your mind is as dangerous as letting a scarlet fever germ get into your body. If you let it stay there after it has got in you may never get over it as long as you live. ”

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When we think big, it is contagious.

Think Big starts from small: Daily Life.


Social Design

Big Questions

NHU Talk







Drone Coding


Think Big, Act Small.