04c visual signal processing color vision

Post on 13-Jan-2015

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Transcript of 04c visual signal processing color vision

Visual Information Processing

Polarized Light

Natural Polarization

Why is Sky Blue?

Polarization Filter

Polarization by Reflection

Polaroid filter

Polarized Sun Glasses

3D Movie

Compound eye of Insect

Polarization of Vision of Insect

Honey Bee Dance

Polarization by Refraction

Rainbow is highly Polarized

Leon Battista Alberti 1435-36

Craftsman’s Handbook Cennino Cennini 1390

Newton's theory of Color 1672

Color Confusion

Subtractive Color Additive Color

Young Helmhoz Color theory of Trichromatic Color vision 1802

Goethe’s Color theory 1810

“That I am the only person in this century who has the right insight into the difficult science of colors, that is what I am rather proud of, and that is what gives me the feeling that I have outstripped many.”Goethe studies after-images, colored shadows and complementary colors

Zür Farbenlehre (Theory of Colors)

Ewald Hering’s Opponent Color Theory (1834-1918)

Color Vision

Reflectance of Light

Reflectance of natural pigment

Surface reflectance

Surface reflected from blue vase in sunlight and skylight

The reflectance function of a natural surface





Anatomical Distribution of Rods and Cones

Three types of Cones

Hering’s Red Green Channel

Hering’s Red Green Channel

Hering’s Blue Yellow Channel

Horizontal Cells

Amicrine Cells

Receptive field of Ganglion Cells

Receptive field of Primate Ganglion Cells for Color

The Lateral Geniculate Nucleus

Color Vision in Visual Cortex

Color Vision beyond Striate Cortex

AIT = anterior inferior temporal area; CIT = central inferior temporal area; LIP = lateral intraparietal area; Magno = magnocellular layers of the lateral geniculate nucleus; MST = medial superior temporal area; MT = middle temporal area; Parvo = parvocellular layers of the lateral geniculate nucleus; PIT = posterior inferior temporal area; VIP = ventral intraparietalarea.) (Based on Merigan and Maunsell 1993.)

Color blindness

Normal Protanope

Deuteranope Tritanope

Ishihara Chart for Color blindness testing

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