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Transcript of 03-12-1981


ope college \y

ollarvd, michigan MARCH 12,1981

VOLUME 9 3 - I S S U E 19


Midterm grading policy reviewed

by Kim Mooi "I had a faculty member write me last

fall and say how meaningless he felt midterm grades were. And, in some ways, I have to agree with him." said Hope's registrar, Jon Huisken. "These reports are usually representative of one test — a third of a student's grade, if that."

Under current midterm grading procedures, all students are given copies of their grades midway through the semester. In addition to this, first- and second-semester freshmen have their grades sent home to their parents. "Sometimes I feel our current midterm grading policy undermines some other goals Hope sets for its students, like allowing them to mature and deal with responsibilities," said Huisken.

Huisken has drawn up several alter-natives to the midterm grading policy and submitted them to the Academic Affairs Board for their consideration.

These alternatives are: DThat mid-term grades be submitted for freshmen only for both semesters. In addition, academic warning notices would be sent to any student who is earning a grade D or F in a course. (Note: This proviso would be added to alternatives below as well.) 2)That midterm grades be submitted for freshmen for fall semester only. 3)That midterm grades be submitted for freshmen and sophomores only. 4)That midterm grades be submitted for 100- and 200-level courses only.

Huisken hopes that, even if no changes are made in the current policy, midterm grades will at least become more ef-fective, efficient and economical. Mid-

term grades should be effective in the sense that they genuinely reflect a student's progress for an eight-week period. Efficiency should play a role in the midterm grading procedures so that faculty do not need to take the time to report meaningless grades in classes where midterm grades are impossible to determine. Cost is a concern at Hope and should be taken into consideration if midterm grades are perceived as being of little value.

When asked how soon the Academic Affairs Board would reach a decision concerning the midterm grading policy, Huisken replied, "The Board doesn't have to reach any decision at all on this matter. Therefore, it is hard to determine the future of midterm grades."

Nancy Edwards teaches her pet pheasant, Conrad Unterglas, to talk, (photo by Lora Rector)

Board's plan for DeWitt revised President Gordan Van Wylen has in-

formed members of the special student congress committee for the renovations of DeWitt Center that students will be keeping most of the area that presently comprises the Kletz. Van Wylen stressed that, although the details have yet to be worked out, s tudents will retain "essentially all of the present Kletz area ," in addition to the new area downstairs.

Van Wylen remarked that the "original plan was very broad with the details to be worked out with students." He also added that "the new changes are a response to the whole range of the strongly felt student concerns. The admissions office

will stay where it is, in the brick building adjacent to the library, and the present Kletz will be left to students, except for an information booth still in planning."

Exact plans for the downstairs are still in question. Donna Kline, chairwoman of the special committee, pointed out, "We have lots of ideas for the downstairs, but nothing concrete as yet."

The committee met with the architect Tuesday to clarify exactly what the students want. Lora Rector, also a member of the special committee, stressed that, "There has to be good use of the space with more rooms, not just more space."

Another area under consideration is the number of entrances to the Kletz. One possibility is eliminating both doors on the patio side of the Kletz, and leaving the bookstore entrance to replace them; another idea is to eliminate one of the two doors and install double doors at that spot.

Details of this kind are being worked out this week with the architect.

The site of the old Kletz kitchen will become the new theater lounge, adding further to the Kletz area.

After the architect is informed of the changes, he will draw up new plans to be presented during a special community hour, March 17, in Winants Auditorium.

Committee makes budget recommendation \ by Ted Bolema

Student Congress Appropriations Committee On Feb. 21-22, the Student Congress

Appropriations Committee met with represen ta t ives f rom 12 s tudent organizations to review 1980-81 budgets and make recommendations for the 1981-82 school year.

The Appropriations Committee is a subcommittee of Student Congress and is responsible for presenting a budget proposal for the allocation of the activity fee to Student Congress. This year's committee based its decisions on an expected budget of $65,000 and the following considerations:

The Appropriations Committee ap-proved the anchor 's budget as presented, except for an adjustment for travel ex-penses. However, it was felt that the anchor was being too conservative in its estimation of advertising income and it was recommended that the anchor plan on an additional $1000 of income.

The Milestone budget was also ap-proved as presented with only a minor

ver last year

is due to a need for new photographic equipment, which has not been budgeted for in several years. However, the Ap-propriations Committee also felt that the photography expense budget could be cut by $100 with the addition of this equip-ment.

The OPUS budget was accepted as presented. The increase over last year is due to higher printing costs.

The committee felt that although the Black Coalition's program was good, their proposals were not specific enough, and recommended that when they come up with some definite proposals, they should bring them before next year's Student Congress for funding out of the contingency funci,.

A few chartges were' proposed in the SAC budget. Their travel and publicity budgets were trimmed, and it was recommended that SAC try to generate more income from some of their events, such as Siblings Weekend.

It was also felt that SAC could get by with less workers at some of their events, specifically the film series. However, all of the activities sponsored by SAC were

left intact, and it was felt that these > changes would not affect SAC's per-formance.

After reviewing the Student Congress budget, the committee decided that their food services budget could be reduced, while all other items remained intact.

The WTAS budget was the most con-troversial and involved thev largest changes from the proposal to the recommendation. The recommendation was drawn up under the assumption the WTAS would exist in its present form next ^ year. ' ,

The Appropriations Committee felt that a 36.5-percent increase in student salaries was unjustified, along with $500 for newspaper ads and $2100 for equipment repairs. In the end, a budget similar to last year's was recommended by the committee.

The recommendation for the Outing Club was based on the committee's decision that it was inappropriate for the student activity fee to be used for fairly expensive excursions by an organization that is limited in size and in some ways overlaps with SAC. However, the com-

mittee did leave the Outing Club a small budget for publicity to promote its ac-tivities.

In the past, the Inter-Fraternity Council has been funded to sponsor an all-campus dance during Greek Week. However, it was questioned whether it was necessary to fund a dance where admission is charged, so the committee recommended against funding, with the possibility of the IFC going to the con-tingency fund next year.

With the exception of a $25 adjustment under film rental, the International Relations Club budget was approved as presented. However, it was felt that some of the income from the IRC food fair could be put back into the organization, and the committee recommended that the IRC give back $100 income from next year's food fair.

The concert series budget for the Ministry of Christ's People was cut back because the Appropriations Committee felt that MOCP was being overly am-bitious. This year, MOCP will spend $3100 on four concerts, and the committee felt

(continued on p. 2)


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Seminary off-limits to students

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by.S. Van Eyl

Monday, March 2, marked the opening of the new Cook Research Center at Western Theological Seminary, with a ceremony including the laying of the cornerstone with the traditional copper box containing pictures, seminary materials and, oddly enough, a plastic coffee cup. The dedication ceremonies, beginning with an academic convocation, took place the next day. The address, given by John B/ Trotti, librarian at Union Theological Seminary in Rich-mond, Virginia, was entitled "The Theological Library: In Touch With the Witnesses."

After a noon luncheon for the invited guests, Calvin Schmitt, from Jesuit Krauss McCormik Library in Chicago, spoke on "The Changing and Unchanging Role of the Library Within a Theological Seminary." During the remainder of the afternoon, tours were conducted for the Hope faculty and staff.

The evening worship service of dedication was held in Dimnent Chapel. The Hope. Chapel Choir sang, and the dedicatory address was delivered by N. J . Kansfield, librarian of John Walter Beardslee Library. The address was titled: "To Write The Books the World Cannot Contain." At the end of the ser-vice, Carl A. Droppers of the ar-chitectural firm presented the seminary with the key to the building.

After the ceremony, the audience followed the procession to the transept connecting the older building with the new addition. Another, brief ceremony was conducted there, and the building was officially opened.

Plans for the Cook Research Center originally began five years ago, when the school looked at its present and future space needs. The thought of using Zwemer Hall, a seminary dormitory, had been discussed but because of the age of the building and the number of times it had been remodeled, the cost estimates were appreciably greater than an-

ticipated. Hence, the idea of a new building began to take place.

To help Western blend in better with Hope's campus, the decision was made to build upward instead of outward. Zwemer Hall was torn down and the $4.2 million Cook Research Center constructed.

The 115 year old seminary now has 25,000 additional square feet of floor space, an increase of nearly 75 percent.

The first floor and mezzanine contain basic research material, card catalogs, and an office meeting room. The second through fifth floors contain 80,000 volumes Each floor has a seminar room, a small typing room and twelve carrels placed near windows and out of traffic paths.

The sixth floor contains a faculty lounge and a conference area, complete with a kitchenette, for guilds and con-sistories to hold special meetings and luncheons; it also has a ra re book collection with some editions dating back to the early days of the printing press. Finally, there are two special study rooms for pastors and professors on study and sabbatical leave.

The basement houses video tape facilities.

With the development of this new center, many Hope students quickly found their way over, but because of the lack of study carrels, Beardslee Library has instituted some new policies for non-seminary students. They are as follows;

1. Except in special instances (please see number 4, below), Hope students will not any longer be able to use Beardslee Library for study space. The facilities of this library have been designed for and are limited to graduate-level study use.

2. Any Hope student who expects to make any use of the resources of Beard-slee Library is required to register with the library staff and obtain a library privilege card.

3. Each time a Hope stydent (who has met the requirements of number 2. above) desires to use the Beardslee Library collection, he/she shall present

his/her privilege card to the library at-tendant and deposit his/her Hope student I-D. card with the attendant until he/she is ready to leave the building.

4. In those special instances when Hope students have research projects which will require extensive use, of theological resources (and thereby merit temporary use of study space in the seminary library) those students shall make ap-plication for such use to the chairman of the Hope religion department, who will evaluate the need and submit a recom-

mendation, if merited, to (he librarian of Beardslee,

5. It is expected that any Hope student who uses any of the resources of Beard-slee Library has acquainted him-self/herself with the other regular regulations of the library (as published in "LIBRARY INFORMATION") and p romises to comply with those regulations.

6. The Library reserves the right to check all brief cases and bags at the time persons leave the library.

Committee budget (continued from p. 1) **

that by cutting back to three concerts and co-ordinating a fourth with the Black Coalition, MOCP could serve the same function for $2400.•


The Mortar Board has not been funded for several years out of the activities fee. except for specific programs such as last year 's film series, which were funded out of the contingency fund. For next year. Mortar Board requested a general operating budget, but the Appropriations Committee felt that the organization needed to have a specific budget and recommended that it come to the con-tingency fund next year when it comes up with a definite proposal.

The final item on the budget is the contingency fund. This is the portion of the activities fee which is reserved for any immediate need situations which may arise during the year.

This year the contingency fund has been used to send anchor staff members

to a workshop in Chicago, to send another group of students to a conference on the role of women in colleges, to help the OPUS handle an unexpected increase in printing costs, and to replace a reel-to-reel tape deck for WTAS.

Since the Appropriations Committee has r ecommended that severa l organizations go to the contingency fund after developing plans for next year, it will be necessary to maintain a higher contingency fund.

These budget recommendations will now be passed on to Student Congress for final action at the next meeting At this time all organizations can appeal any recommendations to Student Congress. This meeting will be held on March 18 at 10 p.m. in the Alley and will be open to all students.

Then, pending approval by the Campus Life Board, the budgets passed at this time will become the final operating budgets for these organizations for the 1981-82 school year.


Editor applications must

be received by Monday





Monday, March 16, is the deadline for the submission of applications and resumes for the anchor, Milestone and OPUS editorships. Following is a list of qualifications desired, compensations which will be received and respon-sibilities which mus t be carried out for each position.

anchor QUALIFICATIONS; 1. High interest; 2. Considerable time; 3. Leadership ability; 4. Writing exjperience; 5. Journalism background helpful but not necessary. COMPENSATIONS; A salary plus either internship credit or May term tuition waiver. -

RESPONSIBILITIES; 1. Editorial -write editorials weekly, set publication policies, keep close contact with printer supe rv i se product ion of anchor. Managerial - recruit staff and set salaries, conduct weekly staff meeting, develop and maintain an operating budget.

Mllestorm QUALIFICATIONS: 1. High interest; 2. Technical experience on yearbook staff preferi-ed, but willingness to attend a summer workshop possibly acceptable as alternative; 3. Leadership ability, in-cluding delegation of responsibility. COMPENSATIONS; A salary plus either internship credit or May term tuition credit.

RESPONSIBILITIES: 1. Recruit staff, organize the selling of the yearbook to current students and the mailing to last year 's seniors, organize the date for in-dividual and group pictures, supervise staff as layout, writing, etc. proceed.

OPUS ~ QUALIFICATIONS: 1. High interest; 2. Flexibility; 3. Leadership ability; 4. Some experience in literary criticism or the like, in English courses or elsewhere. COMPENSATIONS; A small stipend. RESPONSIBILITIES; Ed i to r i a l -preside over discussion and selection of material to be published in OPUS. Managerial — select staff and advisors, conduct staff meetings, oversee budget, transact editorial and financial business with printer, arrange for poetry readings throughout the year; "

To apply for one of the three editorial. positions described above, students should submit a letter of application and a resume to the Student Communications Media Committee. The letter should indicate the student's interest, reasons for applying, and abilities to carry out the assigned responsibilities.

The SCMC will appoint the editors after careful consideration of letters, resumes and interviews. Letters should include a current address and phone number so that applicants can be called about an interview date.

anchor Milestone OPUS Black Coalition SAC Student Congress WTAS Outing Club Inter-Frat Council Internat'l Relations M.O.C.P. Mortar Board Contingency Fund


• . -w

* Additional funds went toward the Winants renovation.

$4,051.52 $8,050.00 $8,030.00 $6,990.00 4,254.80 4,120.00 4,625.00 4,525.00 2,641.53 2,140.00 2,665.00 2.665.00 -273.74 2,500.00 4,285.00 1,505.00

22,314.00 28,115.00 30,550.00 28,745.(K) 3,697.32 1,820.00 1,600.00 1,500.00 4,225.02: 4,655.00 9,275.00 4.485.00

467.07 1,085.00 985.00 35.00 400.00 450.00 450.00 -0-566.35 785:00 890.00 765.00

* * 5000.00 5000.00 2400. (X) »* -0- 1000.00 -0-

$11,661.50 7780.00 11,385.00

54,552.85* $66,500.00 . V


organization came

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Public Safety report ': •> '-I

The following incidents have been reported by Public Safety: Larceny

Cosmopolitan—fraternity portrait taken DeWitt — 30 cassette tapes taken from costume shop

Emersonian — all curtains taken from lobby

Vandalism Off-campus—vehicle damaged Rusk — damage to a maintenance vehicle

Assistance^, • • Lubbers—medical emergency Shields — medical — transport to hospital

Suspicious person Off-campus—female followed Poll Cottage—subject looking in window Graves — disorderly subjects harassing operator

Breaking and entering Kollen—janitors ' closet b

Who went to PPL? by David Nleuwkoop The concert was ready ... but most

Hope students weren't willing, as Pure Prairie League kicked off their debut performance at the Holland Civic Center Wednesday, March 4.

"Students always complain that there's nothing to do around here; then a band finally comes and they start finding'all kinds of excuses," said Gaye Van-denhombergh, hospitality chairperson. ''Sure it was a weeknight and cost six dollars, but people should have taken advantage of the opportunity."

Among the crowd of 1202, only 456 were Hope students. "We're kind of caught in the middle," said Bryan Bigelow, student activities coordinator. "We know we did all we could for the concert. We were happy everything went so smoothly but disappointed that more students didn't come. . . letting us down in that respect."

"The band and stage crew (roadies) were so easy to get along with . . . maybe because they were so fresh on their tour," said Bigelow. "We too were fresh, organizing our very first concert, but we had every possible end covered and it all went so smoothly."

From the perspective of the hospitality committee, Vandenhombergh found Pure Prairie League and the crew to be "down-to-earth and appreciative.""But I was utterly amazed at what they wanted before they performed," said Van-denhombergh.

According to the contract, specified items ranging from orange juice to ice tea to fruit and vegetables, as fresh as possible; from beef or pork ribs to well done chicken; from a case of Perner water to 25 lbs. of clean ice cubes had to be available at designated hours."There wasn't any alcohol provided for them even though they had requested it; state law prohibits it," said Vandenhombergh.

The food was catered by the Com-munity Kitchen in Zeeland since they specialize in family-style "home

cooking", where SAC could order what was wanted by the platter. 'k

However, about one-third of the refrigerated food was thrown out. "It was so frustrating to see all the food thrown a w a y / ' s a i d V a n d e n h o m b e r g h . "Especially during World Hunger week."

Major problems didn't seem to exist, according to Bigelow, although one slight problem was that the civic center's stage was the minimum size necessary for the band to operate. "It was crowded at times," said Dick Donahue, stage crew chairman. "The warm-up band, 240 Front, was sort of worked in between Pure Prairie League's equipment . . . they had limited space to move around."

Other chairpersons involved in making the concert possible were Jeff Holm, security director and Chris Peterson, advertising and publicity manager. 4 1 wasn't totally pleased with our ad-vertising," said Bigelow. "We followed the typical concert strategies but there's just so many factors involved, making it too difficult to track down the exact problem," he said.

"It was a success," said Donohue. "The stage crew even broke the previous tear-down record by ten minutes. They were very surprised at the students' per-

formance" Because of the approximately $700 loss,

some cutbacks will be seen in May Day activities. "We usually spend any left over money from SAC's various divisions," said Bigelow. "We 11 still have a May Day but it won't be so extravagant this year," he said.

There is a good possibility of SAC's having another concert next year, since the money has already been ap-propriated, but the proposal awaits a decision by the Student Council. * We should do more concerts but we need a lot more student support. I guess this is a plea to the students to make it possible . . .come!"pleadedBigelow.

Lead guitarist and singer for Pure Prairie League (photo by Paul Paarlberg)

Band gives 110%

Profs granted sabbaticals by Tim Gortsema Sabbaticals are a time when professors

can catch up on their particular fields of study and delve deeper into the aspects that interest them. This is exactly what three members of Hope's faculty will be

doing next year. Francis Fike, associate professor ot

English, will spend the fall semester working with a publishing company on a collection of critical essays by Robert

Bridges. . „ 4 4 . "This is my first objective, stated

Fike, "but if that doesn't work out I want to study Flannery O'Conner and the relationship between her fictional characters and the Christian faith."

Fike also plans to analyze some plays by Arthur Miller and their emphasis on truth about human nature. He explained, "I Want to try to show how some modern writer's negative protrayal of life is actually witnessing something positive.'

In order to do this, Fike will be using the resources at Cornell University in New York and the University of Michigan. Fike concluded, "This gives me a chance to get caught up and to rethink some courses. Hope should be commended for this program."

Ted Nielsen, associate professor of communication, also feels this way. "Mass communication is a big field; this will give me some time to reflect on it, he said. Nielsen plans to spend the first part of his sabbatical in Ithaca, NY, working with a new type of videotape and doing some editing and producing. 'This will give me a chance to keep up with the

industry and the revolution it is going through." he says.

The second part of Nielsen's leave will consist of doing extensive amounts of reading on mass communication. This will take place in both Ann Arbor and East Lansing.

Much of the research will involve QUBE-TV. Nielsen explained that this was a revolutionary two-way com-munication system that could be hooked up to a telelvision which would allow the viewer to express his opinion to a central control room.

Nielsen pointed out, "This type of thing could change our entire communication system within the next five years."

John Wilson, associate professor of art, also hopes the college will benefit from his sabbatical.

Wilson plans to spend his time developing an exhibition for the opening of the new art gallery. Wilson explained, "Hopefully, the exhibition will Involve numerous works from the Netherlands which will be a celebration com-memorating the Dutch/American Commerce treaty signed 200 years ago." The Idea is to educate the public about thf kind of art It Is and Its contributions.

However, Wilson reiterated, "It is first and foremost to show off the art gallery -to make It vital to the college and Western Michigan community.''

Wilson's planned exhibition hinges on whether or not he can get funding for the full year. If this Is not possible, he said, he will look Into a different type of show and only take a half-semester off.

by David Nieuwkoop "We're gonna play everything Pure

Prarle League can do," said Mike Reilly, bassist and vocalist. "After a while people expect to hear tunes like 'Amle', and pigeon-hole us...but people are always gonna be rockin', and we're starting to rock and roll."

And rock and roll was the theme of last Wednesday's concert as shelves of speakers provided more-than-ample sound. Starting with the dynamic sounds of 240 Front at 8 p.m., the seemingly conservative audience, with Intermittent bellows of "Amle", awaited the 'coun-trified Mid-western rock' tunes of Pure Prarle League.

Concert selections ranged from the mellow sounds of "Let Me Love You Tonight" to a foot stomping, hand clapping sing-along, "I'll Be Damned." Other tunes Included In the ap-proximately 90-mlnute concert were, "Lifetime Of A Nighttime," "Don't Keep Me Hangln'," "Two Lane Highway," "Freeform Man" and, as you probably guessed, "Amle."

"We'll play anywhere they want us, " said Rellly. "But colleges are the best spots for us. The band Is not Into playing for younger audiences... they're just not

as familiar with our music." "We've been the biggest unknown headllner for some time now. You certainly can't make a living on being the opening act ," Rellly

said. The League's tenth album, "Finn

Up", will be out sometime In April. "Everything Is better on this album In all respects but It's going to need a lot of radio play,"said Rellly.

"The band does the rocking and we do the rolling," said Bob Smith, crew roadie. "We like to stay away from authorltlve titles like manager or director...we're fairly Informal, but whatever It takes to do a good show, we'll put out 110%. "

Smith, described by some as a 'wild yet gentle roadie,' graciously accepted an umbrella plant as part of the stage's set. "He rubbed mayonalse on the leaves to give them a shine...he really seemed to like It," said Gaye Vandenhombergh.

The plant, christened 'Sandy', will accompany the League on their '81 Mid-western tour until Thanksgiving, on stage or at least on board their bus. "It 's so neat that Pure Prarle League will have a piece of Hope College with them," said Gaye Vandenhombergh; "I hope she likes the rock and rolling."

AAcGee lectures at symposium Ambassador Gale W. McGee, per-

manent representative of the United States to the Organization of American States, Is on campus delivering a series of lectures, and will remain through

tomorrow. ' . .u McGee Is participating today in the

second Critical Issues Symposium, focusing on energy.

He will also be the keynote speaker at the college's ninth annual Model United Nations tomorrow. Approximately 600 students from 28 Michigan and Indiana high schools will represent 130 countries In a simulated exercise focusing on current International Issues. McGee will talk about world peace as It relates to the United Nations and the Organization of American States. The speech, at 10 a.m. In Dimnent Memorial Chapel, Is open to the public.

McGee will also offer a personal per-spective on U.S. foreign policy, current Latin American problems and changes In the Congress to combined classes ot political science, history and economics students.

McGee has had distinguished careers in education, politics and now as a foreign diplomat. He was a college professor for 20 years before being elected United States Senator from Wyoming from 1959 to 1977. . ,

He was appointed a U.S. Ambassador in March of 1977. He presided oyer the 24-member Organization of American States

i n W 8 - r ^ His visit to the Hope campus is funded by the Charles Stewart Mott Foundation of Flint and Former Members of Congress under Its Campus Fellows Program.

w o Editorial

Kletz to remain a student asset

The Kletz area is back. Thanks i to the efforts of Hope students, .c the plans for the renovation of the c DeWitt Student and Cultural w Center — emphasis on the g "Student and Cultural," many 3 will point out — have been p altered. u The old plans called for a new t student union area, to be located x on the lower level of the DeWitt

Center. The area which is presently the Kletz would then have housed the Student Affairs. Admissions, Records, and Registrar's Offices.

The new plans, as released by President Gordon J. Van Wylen,


V y

benefit and barriers between students and the administration are likely to decrease.

The change in the plans for DeWitt shows that Hope students are heard; the powers that be have shown themselves to be a reasonable lot.

We hope that this realization will have two effects on the student population. First, it is to be hoped that the students will take this as their cue to increase their input into decisions made by the various boards and committees of the college. Perhaps the knowledge that their voices are indeed heard will spur many students to speak up a little more often, and a little more loudly.

On the other hand, it is also to be hoped that, as the

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AFTCfc M ) D - T £ f c l ^

will still include the new student area on the lower level, but will retain the present Kletz area for the students as well.

This decision was made in response to an outcry on the part of students who felt that the changes in store for the DeWitt Center were unfair both to the students presently at Hope and to those individuals who originally envisioned DeWitt as a student center.

We feel it is commendable that the administration has looked past its fast-forming plans to lake into account what the students want, and to alter those plans accordingly. When it is recognized that the college exists largely to serve the students, and that they therefore should be a vital part of the decision-making process, the institution is likely to

Finding fault I am responding to "Dow Center

Commandments ; ' a letter to the editor which appeared in the anchor last Thursday. I wish to direct my comments to the gutless basketball wonder who wrote the article.

The following are my feelings per-taining to your basketball playing commandments:

1. Your first commandment, which complains of the "girls' " tennis team using the gym exclusively on Saturday afternoons — the women have a right to the gym, for they are Hope students like

. , as the ad-ministration attempts to meet A 1 • « m « the students halfway, the A l U m n i r G m f M T l h p r H o n ^ students will approach the new * d l l d l l U C I 1 plans in a similar spirit Of We fear Hope has let us down. experience. At Hope we were taught to compromise. This is not to We're "79 graduates now in Washington, look below the surface of position and detract from the point just made; D C- , r y ' n 8 to live out the values we possession ^ a common humanity . We're students should speak up for l e a r n e d a t Hope: the value of persons members of the same family But a what they feel to be right m01"6 than possessions, service more than catered reception at the Decatur House

However, as the administration s u c c e s s ' c o m P a n i o n s h i P more than one- divides "us . " the well-educated and well has been understanding nf thf> u p , ! ! ^ . p respected, from " them," the uneducated stnHpntQ- uTantQ in Ih Not long ago, we received an invitation and ignored. s t u d e n t s . . n t 0 3 r e c e p t i o n h o n o r i n e t h e Washington A different location might have been

« also_ be un- interns. We hoped for an evening like less " impressive," but also would have a e r s i a n a i n g 01 tne aa- those of honest conversation with been more consistent with what we'd ministration s position, being professors and friends over Kletz coffee learned in our college years. If students sure to look at the matter from o r Skiles beer where we first tasted and alumni encourage each other we can all sides before forming an " c o m m u n i o n i t y " (cf. D. Ivan ' s opinion. Planning a building is P h i l o s o P h > ' US). Sadly, Washington's not an easy matter. Decatur House, near the White House, is

C o n t r a r v t o n n n n h i r hp l ip f if ic f a r f r o m ^ e t z o r Skiles. We were

oisTble for S e n t s a n d J S e r v e d f i n e w i n e a n d h o r s d ' ^ v r e s by possiDie tor students and ad- French-speaking waiters. The con-ministration members to inhabit versation was also in good taste — tne Same campus and live quite niceties about positions, possessions and happily together; the DeWitt politics. controversy proved that. We just All of this was very nice, but give us need to be willing to bend. coffee from the bottom of the pot

and conversation from the bottom of our

live out the values Hope taught us. Sincerely,

Doug Koopman and Gayle Boss Koopman



JLulUnd. mklxi^Aiv

P u b l i s h e d w e e k l y

S e p t e m b e r through

April, except during

e x a m periods and

college vocation and

holiday periods. 24

ot the

r i s^onareo c o u e o d T e PKessi EP

yourself. Why didn't you also pick on the track, baseball, Softball and basketball teams who also use the gym?

2. Hope authority and Hope policy seem to be remarkably consistent at the Dow Center, and I am willing to bet I have

spent more time there then 99 percent of Hope students. I believe this makes my opinion valid.

3. If someone needs to explain to you why you don't throw frisbees in the hall,. go back and check with your second grade teacher (was that last year?) and have him/her explain.

4.1 don't understand your fourth point, except I would not have been as well-mannered as Public Safety if you in-terfered with a practice I was conducting or participating in.

5. If Public Safety cannot answer your question ,4Why can't I play basketball," I think I can. Have you ever heard of being mature enough to take turns?

6. It is not President Van Wylen's job to solve Dow Center squabbles. Do you go to President Reagan for a township-level dispute?

7. If you wish to protest irrationality fn this situation, it is not fair to take matters in your own hands and play basketball anyway. Is it right to break rules just because they don't happen to be in your

own best personal interest? 8. If you look at your own com-

mandments 1-7, and you still wonder why you are threatened with arrest , I sin-cerely doubt you have the intelligence to read this.

9. 14Admit that you were wrong and go home." This is the first and only portion of your letter which was a sensible idea. Are you sure someone else didn't write that part for you?

10. If a survey were conducted of the thousands of people who contributed to the Dow Center fund, I am sure the vast majority would not mind, and would probably prefer, times for the building to be set aside for varsity practices. The Dow Center is designed by its very nature to maximize student and not athletic team participation. Could you please try to look at the overall picture and not one specific incident?

Thank you, (Name not withheld)


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Is Sinclair confused on issue? It is a shame that Craig Potter Sinclair

tried to characterize the complicated history of US-Soviet relations in last week's article in so limited a space. I will not try to answer his evaluation with one of my own, for mine would surely be just as confused and ill-conceived as his. What

is curious to me is that Sinclair stated very succinctly in the opening paragraph the problem that characterizes the subject which his article is really about — El Salvador. The rest of the article was apparently dedicated to contradicting his

own opening words. "All that we are is embedded in and

dependent on a cultural history." He was speaking of America, but the words are true of any nation. Why, then, in an ar-ticle whose main thrust is the revolution in El Salvador, does Sinclair not even once mention or take into account El Salvador's cultural history?

Russia did not "initiate" a revolution in El Salvador. The country would be in turmoil if there had never been a Russia or a communist party. Revolution has been the norm in Central America since the middle 1800s. Iff Russia is supporting the revolution they are only capitalizing on discontent that is already present.

And why a r e El Salvadoreans

unhappy? Because they live in a poor, backward, third-world country where the wealth is concentrated in the hands of a small, often brutal, U.S.-backed elite.

14We do control the destinies of Central America and we do so for the simple reason that the national interest ab-solutely dictates such a course . . . " — U.S. State Department memorandum,

'I927. ^ America has a long history of backing

pro-Washington regimes in Central America no matter how brutal they have been or the nature of their opposition. To this end the U.S. now sends $5.7 million annually in military aid to the dic-tatorship in El Salvador, and an ad-ditional $5.5 million is proposed for 1981.

Winants by Carl Strikwerda The Hope film cooperative, SEE films,

will present "The Garden of the Finzi-Continis," the fourth in its spring semester series of films, tonight at 8 p.m. in Winants Auditorium, Graves Hall. Tickets at the door are $2.50.

Directed by Italian director VittorioDe Sica, "The Garden of the Finzi-Continis" tells the story of two Jewish families in Ferrara living in the midst of growing anti-Semitism as Mussolini's Fascist regime begins to ape its Nazi ally in persecuting the Jews. The two families are from different social classes; the aristocratic Finzi-Continis attempt to use their wealth and social pretensions to remain above the growing political danger, while the other family, which is never named, clings desperately to its middle-class status as Fascism closes in.

What binds the two families together is the love felt by the second family's son Giorgio for Micol Finzi-Contini, the languid daughter of the aristocrats. As the Jews a re isolated more and more from Italian society the Finzi-Continis try to cope by allowing a few middle-class Jews play tennis on their court and permitting Giorgio to use their library when the public library is closed to him. This access to the aristocratic family invites Giorgio, to indulge in his in-fatuation for Micol, which at first she only tolerates, then turns to teasing him, snubbing him, and finally humiliating

him. The isolation of the Finzi-Continis in

their idyllic estate, the dream world in which Giorgio lives with his idealization of Micol, and Micol's private world of coldness all mirror the growing social isolation'of the Jews. Just as none of the Jews could break out of their emotional and social dream worlds, so the Jews tragically could not muster the will to see (he encroaching persecution for what it

was. As one critic wrote, 4'a common

paralysis of will" entraps the characters as private individuals in their relations with each other and as a community in relation to the society around them. The movie ends with the Jews at last being rounded up for deportation as Mussolini succumbs to the insatiable bloodthirst of

the Nazis De Sica's work in "The, Garden of the

Finzi-Continis" represented a stunning return to the films he had made almost 20 years earlier. Shortly after World War II, De Sica was internationauy acclaimed as a pioneer "neo-realist" director, with such classic films as "The .Bicycle Thief," "Shoeshine" and "Umberto D." In the 1950s, however, De Sica lost the financial backing he needed and, perhaps, grew tired of the demands of artistic filmmaking for a limited public.

He turned to commercial films, most of which are indistinguishable from the run-of-the-mill European movies. Finally, when almost 70 years old, De Sica broke through the artistic obscurity ifito which he had drifted and directed "The Garden of the Finzi-Continis." The film has been acclaimed as one of the best European films of the last 20 years, a worthy suc-cessor to De Sica's earlier work.

As Time magazine's Jay Cocks wrote; " 'Garden' is a quietly touching, achingly human requiem for the passing of a social o r d e r — 0 ne of those rare films that can

make effective personal drama out of political chaos."

SEE Films will continue its spring movie schedule on Thursday, March 26, with the comic "The Tall Blonde Man with One Black Shoe" and on Thursday, April 9, with the Australian new-wave film, "Picnic at Hanging Rock." All SEE films are at 8 p.m. in Winants Auditorium, Graves Hall. Admission is $2.50 at the door.


offered Applications for the Baker Scholar

program will be available in the Provost's Office beginning Monday, March 16. The purpose of the Baker Scholar prograin is to identify students from various academic backgrounds who are interested in pursuing careers in business. These students are chosen by local businessmen on the basis of their potential as future leaders in the business community. All students who are in-terested in the program are encouraged to obtain an application and participate in the interviewing process.

Revolutions in Central America are typically anti-American. But who is to blame for this? the Russians? or the Americans? And often the most obvious ^ revolutionaries are Marxists. Often they jjj are conspicuous because they are better 3* organized, often because the U.S. finds it 5 to its own advantage to make the com- g munists the more conspicuous of the g revolutionaries. Whichever the case, these Marxists are almost always nationalists, and not pro-Moscow. Are we still so unsophisticated in our outlook that we cannot see the difference between a Marxist and a Soviet?

"In private, top State Department officials and U.S. diplomats on the scene play down the Cuban role • • • • These officials acknowledge that there is little evidence to support allegations of a heavy supply of a rms from Cuba." Washington Post

Yet in public we are told that we are facing another red menace.

If the left in El Salvador turns towards the Soviet Union for help (and they almost certainly will) it will be because they are faced with fighting a superpower — the U.S. America will drive the left into an alliance with the Soviets!

Allow me to place Sinclair's words in the proper context one more time. "No long-range policy can exist without the support of the American people, as we saw in Vietnam." How true! But even truer — no long-range policy can exist without the support of the El Salvadorean people, as we learned with the Viet-namese in Vietnam.

The government we back in El Salvador is doomed to fail, and the more pressure we apply to keep it in power leads only to more needless slaughter, and the temptation to those who a re suffering to turn to the Soviet Union for help grows.

Robert Morell

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Van Wylen explains college costs

o x: u c o U

by William K. Anderson and Gordon J. Van Wylen

In the first article in this two-part series, we noted that tuition covers 75-80 percent of the cost of an education at Hope, that federal and state financial aid programs cover about 25 percent of the charges for tuition, and that next year tuition and scholarship grants are

O budgeted at $1,030,000. In this article, we U take a more long-range view and address j the issue of how the matter of charges to oj students and the cost of education can be Cd addressed in the future so that a Hope O education can continue to be available to X all qualified applicants.

As noted in the last article, there are three ways in which this question can be addressed:

1. Reduce costs. Our goal in this regard is to reduce costs without sacrificing quality. In recent years, the college in-stalled a primary electrical system, replaced incandescent campus lighting with more efficient lights, installed its own telephone system, insulated many campus buildings, and installed other energy-saving devices. Other cost-reduction steps have been taken, such as greater use of the computer in business operations, use of fuel-efficient cars, and the purchase of two diesel-powered buses. All of these measures have helped to keep costs down, even though the actual dollar amounts have increased because of in-flation.

Many additional steps along these lines are under study at this time and will be implemented in the months ahead. One of

the primary reasons for selecting an earth-sheltered building in the future development of the campus was to reduce energy costs.

What other steps can be taken? We welcome the suggestions and counsel of the entire campus community. A few-things we can all do is to turn out lights whenever they are not needed, take every step possible to avoid breakage and damage to facilities and littering of the campus, and to use all college resources as wisely and carefully as possible.

We believe that, overall, Hope is operated very efficiently and that as we work together to reduce costs wherever we can, Hope can maintain all those programs and facilities that are necessary for the inherent strength of the college.

2. Increase Non-Tuition Income. Hope receives significant support for the operational expenses of the college from alumni, parents, churches, foundations, business and industry, faculty and staff members, and students through what is known as the Annual Fund. Support for the Annual Fund has grown steadily over the years, from $585,078 in 1974-75 to $1,134,000 in 1979-80.

The budget for the Annual Fund this year is $1,200,000. Since the budget for Hope scholarships and grants this year is $825,000, one can consider that some 75 percent of the Annual Fund is used directly for financial aid. The balance is used for operating expenses, thus further reducing the charges to students.

In addition, Hope receives income from

its Endowment Fund, which presently has a value of $6,200,000, and from temporary investments (which simply means that the college keeps all of its cash fully invested until needed). Both of these sources of income help to reduce dependence on tuition income.

Thus, it is clear that as the college is able to increase gifts for the Annual Fund and to increase its endowment, the dependence on charges to students can be reduced. The primary responsibility for this rests with the staff in the Develop-ment Office, but everyone in the college can encourage and promote gifts to the college so that the cost to students can be reduced.

3. Increased Financial Aid and Work Opportunities to Students. During the 1970s there was considerable emphasis at both the state and federal levels on providing financial aid to students so that they could have freedom of choice as regards the college they attend. A major step was the emphasis to provide financial assistance to students from middle-income families, and this program has helped many Hope students and their families.

In addition to direct grants, there have been a variety of low-interest loan programs available. All of these have been key factors in the financial aid program at Hope.


At this time, the economy at both the state and national levels is such that funding for these programs is not only keeping up with inflation, but in some cases is being actually reduced. If these measures, along with such actions in other sectors of the budget, succeed in reducing inflation, we will all benefit. But continued funding of financial-aid programs is of concern to all of us at Hope and warrants our careful attention.

One possibility which we are con-sidering is to increase the number of campus jobs available to students. Many students already have such employment, but we are exploring ways in which this can be increased. There is one problem which arises more frequently than it should; namely, some students leave their jobs a fe^ weeks before the end of the semester so that they can concentrate on studies. Obviously, this makes it difficult to operate the college during that period and we may need to find creative ways to address this problem.

As a college, we are committed to doing our best in each of these areas — reducing costs, increasing non-tuition income and increasing the financial-aid resources and the work opportunities available. We welcome the counsel and support of the entire Hope community in these en-deavors.

The Pulse

Saga put before students

Is Hope Christian?

by Anne Brown and Ingrid Anderson May 30 could mark the end of the legend

of Saga; plans to replace Saga, Hope's food service for the last twelve years, with a new food service, Western En-terprises, Inc, are under consideration by the administration.

We asked 47 students, randomly selected from the college phone book, "Do you think that Saga should be replaced by a new food service?" The response was as follows:

Yes No I don't know

64% 17% 19%

Almost all those who said "yes" commented on the poor quality of the food; one student stated, "The food quality is really poor, except when they're trying to impress somebody." Another student, a Saga employee, said, "I work there and I know what's going on — the food is of poor quality."

However, another Saga worker said: "The food is good as it is. Everybody has to gripe about something." Several who said "no" felt Saga had improved within the last year; said one student, "They're doing better than last year and they're not doing any worse than they have in the past."


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by Eric J . Sivertson Hope claims to be a Christian college;

one can read that on page 25 of the Hope catalog. One can also read there that Hope has a Christian campus. One might think from reading this that Hope has Christian ideals, that student and faculty members are commited to the Christian faith.

But not so. If Hope is commited to serving Jesus Christ, where is the proof? Hungry people are not being fed. Only token gestures are made for the hungry: a day of fasting, sending a cow to some country. Are the sick being healed? Are the blind seeing? Are the crippled walking? Is anyone going hungry or cold so a brother could have more?

Hope is dedicated to making sure we all find our niche in life. Jesus never did fit into society; that is why they killed him. Does Hope's Christian commitment in any way resemble New Testament Christianity?

Yes, I am pointing the finger at Hope, labeling it blatant hypocrisy to call ourselves a Christian college. Of course Christianity as an idea with ideals exists here. But it was taking risks that got Jesus, and other New Testament Christians, in trouble. Jesus risked being stoned to death by an angry crowd to protect a whore.

Stephen forgave the men that were stoning him and they threw all the har-der. However, the Christianity here is risk-free; when the Christian groups on campus ask members to bring a friend to

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a Bible study or prayer meeting they bring, you guessed it. another Christian. I say Hope's Christianity, claiming to relate itself to New Testament Christ-likeness, is not fair, but closer to apostasy than one would care to think.

What does a Christian do if he is ac-cused of being a hypocrite? Certainly trying to retaliate only proves that he is. We are all conscious of our shortcomings; but when one ignores his shortcomings and finally integrates them into his value system enough to not be questioned by a still, small voice, then one is in danger of eternal misery.

So let's change! Let's commit our lives to Christ instead of simply accepting Him. Commitment means growth. Ac-ceptance is only the beginning.

A Christian college does not need people f rom different religious backgrounds to be a better place for learning. A place for higher education does. A lot of people think that being confronted with other religions helps faith grow. The Bible says that faith comes by hearing the Word of God, not by the tribulation that comes from fighting against other religions.

A Christian college needs to have all teachers be Christ-like people, and to train people for service to Christ via His people. One can't go to college to learn to be a Christian; it's a matter of inner affirmation to the presence of the Holy Spirit and daily affirming Christ by being controlled by the Holy Spirit of God.

Hope's ambiguity in presenting itself as a Christian college leaves one with questions, but only after experiencing Hope can one see that it is not Christian, but that its professed Christianity is a facade for fooling supporters and con-tributors. This ambiguity breeds in-difference among some people who are here to have their Christian character developed.

Hope is historically Christian. It used to be a training ground for Reformed Church pastors. Somewhere they cur-tailed the spiritual development of men, compromising for the more popular and useful "wholeperson" idea.


i f

Students travel to Tokyo, Japan

James Piers From May 16 to June 20, a select group

of Hope students, f rom a variety of disciplines, will take part in a 5-week, 5-semester-hour seminar in Japan. The seminar will be the second phase of the Hope - Meiji Gakuin Joint International Seminar on Contemporary Social and Economic Issues; the first phase of the seminar took place during the fall of 1980, when 15 Meiji Gakuin University students spent a month on Hope's campus, auditing classes and interacting with Hope students.

Tokyo will be the site of four weeks of the program. The city itself deserves study as the center of national ad-ministration, education and economy, as well as a unique mixture of old and new. The Imperial Palace, the serene and elaborately designed landscape gardens, and the traditional Kaduki and Noh theatres provide a great contrast to the highly Westernized and technologically advanced commercial and international administration areas of Tokyo.

While in Tokyo, the students will be housed at the Asia center; this in-ternational center will offer students the opportunity to make informal contact with its other residents, many of whom are from India, Pakistan, South America, Japan and Western Europe. Since Meiji Gakuin is a 45-minute subway trip from the Asia Center, the students will also have the opportunity to experience the Tokyo subway and train systems, as well as Tokyo morning rush hours. (In past years, this experience has offered the students the opportunity to observe and c o m p a r e the pass ive , accep t ing , regimented responses of many Japanese to extreme crowding with the more aggressive and hostile responses of Americans in similar situations.)

The seminar will be carried out on the Meiji Gakuin campus. It will consist of interdisciplinary study in the areas of Japanese history, culture, religions (including Christianity), sociology and economics. A beginning course in the Japanese language will also be included.

The students will spend four days a week in the seminar. Lectures will be presented by scholars and professional leaders , including exper t s in in-ternational relations, marketing, post-war Japanese economics,' comparative religions, family sociology, journalism, social work and child welfare.

Another extremely important com-ponent of the seminar will be the formal and informal contact students will have with students of Meiji Gakuin. These interactions, and two one-night weekend visits with Japanese families, will provide students with a deeper im-mersion in the Japanese culture, en-courage further discussion of academic materials, facilitate use of "survival Japanese" and offer them the op-portunity to become participant ob-servers.

What will the students study? They will study Japan ' s group-oriented society ; the Japanese loyalty to ones company; the Japanese mate selection process and family system; the Japanese respect for the law and their low crime rate; the highly competitive education system; the role of woman in Japan ; the role of Christianity in Japan, and much more.

The^tudents will learn of the Japanese hospitality, sensitivity, and generosity. They will learn to understand and respect the Japanese culture, its structure and

logic. Finally, they will learn that they share many characteristics with the Japanese.

Said one student who participated in the seminar last year: "This experience has opened my eyes and encouraged in me a healthy respect for other cultures. I have grown and I have changed. I have found I can no longer evaluate others using my definitions; 1 must understand their culture and traditions."

Students interested in more in-formation on this year 's seminar should contact Professor J ames Piers, Graves 4B, immediately or attend a special in-formation meeting on Tuesday, March 17, at 7:00 P.M. in Graves 102. Students who participated in last year 's program will be available at the information meeting to answer questions and comment on the program.

• : 1

Alpha Phi active Lynn Forth keeps an eye on her pledges, who are eagerly an-

ticipating their latest pledging event, (photo by Lora Rector)

Military strength has advantages by Craig Potter Sinclair Last week I spoke of the necessity of

having a diversified nuclear a rms capability, enabling us to fight a limited war against the Soviets. One might argue against any nuclear war, saying that even in its smallest form it will ultimately escalate into an all-out war.

But one must consider the original cause behind the deadlock of massive nuclear a rms that presently exists. The mutual fear between the United States and Russia of all-out nuclear war makes its possibility minimal.

At present it is nearly impossible for one country to destroy another's missile force completely enough to ensure against counter-at tack. With their remaining forces, the enemy could retaliate upon the offender's cities. Considering the destruction that would result, there is little chance either we or the Russians would be willing to take an all-out offensive.

This leaves us with the reality of small tactical nuclear weapons that can be used in the battlefield with as much effect as some of the larger conventional weapons. The same controlling fear would continue to guard against escalation.

Also last week I mentioned that El Salvador would be a good place to s tar t in our effort to oppose Soviet agression. Here is an area where our new president needs to be warned.

The El Salvadorian president, Jose Napoleon Duarte, has said that he wants no more American advisors while he is attempting to make amends with the revolutionary left wing of his country. With no popular support. El Salvador could turn into another Vietnam, although the american people would not allow it. Also, when a country like El Salvador is trying to re-organize itself,

the development process should be left to itself to develop strength not dependent on outside help of any kind.

While President Reagan gives "tough talk" about El Salvador, other areas are left untended. In order to break the resistance in Afghanistan, the Soviets have cut off the gurillas' food supply, killing their cattle and burning the crops; consequently many of the resistance soldiers are starving to death, without any outside help. Soon Afghanistan will be merely another extension of the Soviet empire.

Another area where the Russians are asserting themselves is in Chad. Chad is a large country, twice the size of Texas. The Soviet-dominated dictator of Libya, Moammar Khadafy, is planning a seizure of Chad as a beginning for his soviet-backed plan to threaten the Sudan, gain control of the Nile, and then gain control of more of the Middle East. We are sending advisors to El Salvador while these threats exist.

It seems that limited wars are inevitable. With the deadlock in massive nuclear arms, the use of tactical weapons is the only forseeable alternative in the present nuclear age.

In the continuing conflict with the

Russians, agression in small devleoping countries will have to be checked, and Reagan is realizing this in his support of El Salvador ; but, he needs to be reminded that our support should only be used where the home government is no longer in control, and no attempt is being made to build from within. This is not the condition of El Salvador, while other countries need our help. American pressure is needed, but it will have a more positive effect in some areas than others.



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UWL protestors reveal position by Meg Biggerstaff A confusion seems to be centering

around the group of students protesting the renovation of the DeWitt Student and Cultural Center. I'd like to try to clear up

c some of that confusion, if I may. Pro-V.O.C. (Voice of Choice) is a student

^ committee concerned about the DeWitt o Student and Cultural Center. Our ob-§ jections to the renovation of the building U are rooted in the fact that what is to j function as the student union is again g being placed in the basement of the ad-w ministration building. A comparable G* analogy would be to move the library X back into Graves, or the theatre to

Lubbers Loft and then use the auditorium for a lecture hall.

Why are these analogies valid? Well, first, because of the drastic reduction in space from what the students had available for their use before the fire (19,700 sq. ft., which included the ballroom, student/faculty lounge, art gallery, balcony, Kletz, bowling alley. Pit and gameroom) to what they will have should the proposal to renovate be carried out (9650 sq. ft., which includes the current student offices — SAC, SC, OPUS, anchor and Milestone: former Pit and Gameroom; new Alley; and sunken patio).

The other reason the analogy is valid is that what was designed as a student center would be serving a function con-trary to its original purpose not only in philosophy, but in s t ruc tura l ef-fectiveness as well. Of course, the renovations will change much of this, but the aesthetic value of DeWitt will be lost in the process.

Pro-V.O.C. believes that there are many changes that could take place within the Student Center that would better answer the needs of students, cause less structural change and not violate the purpose of a student union. For example: moving WTAS to the building, establishing a student-run grocery, and designing an all-purpose meeting room for group use such as OPUS readings, FCA, IV, FCS, Black Coalition and IRC. These organizations and functions would properly be placed in the Student Center because they are student oriented and operated.

A second mosconception associated with our group has been compounded by the misleading or false information presented to the student body. Last week's editorial slating the earth sheltered building as the administration building is a prime example. The un-derground building, according to the architectural plans, is for the education department and economics and business

administration department, as well as the bookstore and a possible lounge/study area. The administration will be housed entirely within the DeWitt Student and Cultural Center should the plans for renovation be carried out.

Student Services, slated for the first level of the DeWitt Center, translates into Admissions Office, Student Affairs Office and the Registrar 's and Records Offices (anchor, Feb. 12). These offices will replace the present Kletz and bookstore. Pro-V.O.C. holds no objection to the underground facility but we are seriously concerned about what is happening to DeWitt.

A final misconception about Pro-V.O.C. is that we are a faction of theatre people out to cause trouble for the ad-ministration. Not only is this a slander against the theatre department, but it total ly mis rep resen t s Pro-V.O.C. 's purpose. The theatre was used, as was the art gallery, as an example of the cultural aspects of DeWitt; in no way are their needs the only needs to be considered.

I urge students to clear up their con-fusion about the renovation of the DeWitt Student and Cultural Center by talking to Dave Vanderwel in the Student Affairs Office, their Student Congress Representative or a member of Pro-

V.O.C. Certainly, if the anchor editorial offers faulty information, there is much confusion over the issue.

After you have become clear about the DeWitt renovation I ask that you make a conscious decision of support, either for or against the plans. I then urge you to demonstrate your support by writing a letter to the anchor, talking to other students about the issue, telling your Student Congress representative how you feel, giving your approval to the ad-ministration, or signing a petition in opposition to the plans. You might have a choice; please voice it.

Public Safety no longer a joke? by Robert G. Wilkie "Public Safety Increases Ranks;

Certified Police Officers Added." This headline in the Feb. 12 anchor heralded a new attitude at Hope. The hiring of four professional security employees to im-plement a campus protection program represents an unprecedented action to raise the present Public Safety bureau to a level of competence.

These new officers should provide the leadership and skill necessary to maintain an efficiently run campus security operation. Let us hope so.

But, alas, with this new-found level of competence, we must bid a fond farewell to the many laughable moments and situations we experienced at Public Safety's expense.

Gone are the days when, on a bleak and blustery Friday evening, a sole Public Safety officer stands writing a parking ticket in an all but empty Columbia lot while a co-ed is being molested in the Pine Grove.

Gone are those happy times spent waiting 30 to 45 minutes before an officer arrives to open the door.

No more can one look forward to signing one's life away (not to mention the legal rights to one's first-born male child) in triplicate when trying to report a lost set of keys.

Gone are those dull Fridy nights brightened by the sight of the "official golf ca r t " being ridden up and down the steps of the DeWitt Center by the officer on duty.

Gone are the quiet evenings of dinner conversation in Phelps Hall, interrupted by the obnoxious blare of static from a walkie-talkie propped up on a table with

the volume at maximum: " . . . . Check out a possible H-270 in progress at Kleis C o t t a g e . . . . Roger and KMG-365.M

No longer can we look on with hilarity as two officers speed to the scene of a disturbance, hands poised on their Batman Crimefighter Utility Belts, ready for action.

And finally we must say good-bye to those cryptic reports seen in the anchor explaining how the "alleged perpetrators

were apprehended alter high-speed pursuit," when the incident involved two six-year-olds playing hide and seek.

Even though we may lose some levity, the extinction of these comic phenomena can only mean a safer campus and a m o r e e f f i c i e n t l y run s e c u r i t y organization. Public Safety, welcome to the age of competence, proficiency and maybe even respect. Roger, 10-4 and out.

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Barb Herpieh gives her opinion of nosy photographers, (photo by Lora Rector)

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Black Coalition members barbeque ribs in preparation for the group s food fair

Psych department plans incest program Thursday

The psychology department will sponsor a program entitled 4 incest: The Last Taboo" on Thursday, March 19, during community hour in Winants Auditorium. The session will be repeated at 4 p.m. in Peale 50 for the public; students are welcome at this session also.

Admission charge for the public will be $2.

Conducting the program will be Betty Hayes from Allegan, a social worker and incest/rape/spouse-abuse counselor. In her presentation Hayes will focus on definitions of incest and sexual abuse, who the victims are. statistical in-dications of the prevalence of incest and sexual abuse, the impact on the victim.

identifying the problem in diverse populations in the community, and victim needs and community resources.

As part of the program a film will be shown telling the story of six childhood sexual abuse victims. Questions will be answered after the presentation.

Leslie Beach, professor of psychology, called incest 44a critical human problem" about which people need more in-formation and education. "We need to undnrstand incest," he said, "not be judgmental."

Beach stressed the importance of letting victims know they are not alone. "Too often the victim gets blamed, im-plicitly or explicitly — blamed but not helped to deal with it," Beach added.

Dancers give seventh concert Dance VII will be presented April 9

through II at 8:00 p.m. in the DeWitt Cultural Center.

The concert will consist of six pieces: one each in tap, modern, ballet and jazz, created by the dance department faculty and executed by Hope Students, as well as two performed by guest artists. The guest artists are established professionals brought to Hope for a week to expose dance students and members of the community to a variety of dance forms and how they are performed by experts.

This year's guest artists are Betty Siegenfeld and Jennifer Donohue, modern and jazz artists, both of whom have worked and trained with the Don Redlich Dance Company. Both have had choreographic experience and are presently professors of dance, Donohue at Sarah Lawrance College and Siegenfeld at Brown University.

UN schedule Following is a schedule for the 1981

Hope Model United Nations. All students, faculty and staff are invited to come and observe any or all of the sessions.

SECURITY COUNCILS Thursday. March 12 7:45-8 p.m. —Briefing 8-9:45 p.m. — Emergency Session I

Friday, March 13 8:30-9 a.m. — Briefing 9-10:45 a.m. — Emergency Session II 12-1:45 p.m. — Emergency Session III 2-3:45 p.m. — Emergency Session IV 4:30-5 p.m. — Awards Assembly — Dimnent Chapel

Security Council A will meet in Peale 219 and discuss the Polish crisis. Security Council B will meet in Peale 220 and discuss the situation in El Salvador. Security Council C will meet in Peale 221 and discuss the Iran-Iraq war.


• I andS

The Ballet this year has been choreographed by Ed Riffel and will be performed by Gwen Werner, Jennifer Stemczynski, Jamie Huffins and Peter Boundy.

The jazz piece, choreographed by Rich Rahn, will be performed by Lorrie Sanderson, Jane Morey, Kate McGorey, Dianna Dorgelo, Jennifer Wallgren, Fred Ward, Phil Herendeen and Charles Bell.

Maxine DeBruyn choreographed the modern piece; the dancers include Carol Bringman, Fred Ward, Mary Beth Reinecke, Chris Brauning, Pamela Fortuin, Julie Bosch, Lorrie Sanderson, Jan" Klomparens, Elizabeth Dodd and Kate McGory.

Tap. also choreographed by Rich Rahn, will be performed by Linda Miles, Julie Reinhardt, Trish Jenkins, Jeryl Houston, Terri Turpin, Carrie Sanson and Kevin Bailey.

GENERAL ASSEMBLIES POLITICAL COMMITTEES Friday, March 13 8:30-9:30 a.m. — Panel discussions

Human Rights — Dimnent Chapel World Conservation — Winants Aud.,

Graves Hall 10-11 a.m. — Welcoming statement and speech by Ambassador Gale McGee — Dimnent Chapel 12:15-2 p.m. — Plenary Session I

General Assembly A — Human Rights — Dimnent Chapel

General Assembly B — World Con-servation — Winants Aud., Graves Hall

Political Committee — General Discussion — Peale B50 2:15-4 p.m. — Plenary Session II

General Assembly A — World Con-servation — Dimnent Chapel

General Assembly B — Human Rights — Winants Aud., Graves Hall

Political Committee — General Discussion — Peale B50

4-4:30 p.m. — Awards Assembly — Dimnent Chapel

2 >



Stratford trip sponsored The English department will sponsor a

trip to the Stratford Festival in Stratford, Ontario, on the weekend of September 18, 19, and 20.

This year 's events include a choice of the Stratford Festival Theatre's af-ternoon production of Shakespeare's 'Comedy of Errors' or Avon Theatre's production of Sheridan's The Rivals'. The evening choice is the Stratford Festival Theatre's performance of Moliere's 'Misanthrope' or Avon Theatre's performance of Durrenmatt's 'The Visit'.

Seats for all of this year's productions will cost $7.50 and hotel accomodations


Pit Stop Lounge Presents

will be $ 12.00 per person per night, tor a total of $24.00 per room, at the Queen's Hotel in downtown Stratford. Food costs will vary with individual tastes.

Transportation will be provided by the college bus and two of the college vans. Depending on funding support by the Cultural Affairs Committee and the Student Appropriations Committee, the cost per person could be as low as $3.50 or as high as $10.00.

The total cost for tickets and hotel accomodations is payable by April 24 at the lastest.

For more information please contact the English department secretary or Professor William Reynolds.


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Hope cheerleaders patiently wait for posing Instructions from Tom Renner. director of Information services, (photo by Lora Rector)

Free $5.00 Gift Certificate to any St. Pat's Day Birthday Person.

W O Chapel Choir goes to California

by Diana Beyer The 68-member Chapel Choir is among

the many Hope groups preparing for special trips during spring break. In past years the choir has toured in the East, Midwest, West and twice in Europe, 1967 and 1979.

This year's choir is very enthused about the trip to California. According to Roger Rietberg, choir director, ''Because of the length and distance we don't make this

trip very often — usually every four to six years." In 1975 a 40-member choir toured California.

The group will bus from Holland to Denver via Illinois, Iowa and Nebraska. From Denver the choir will split in two and fly to San Francisco, where members will again board buses for the trip through Southern California. The choir will return from Los Angeles via plane and arrive in Holland around 2 a.m.

Friday, April 3. The college budgeted for the tour on the

basis of three proposed budgets sub-mitted by Rietberg in the fall. One budget reflected the cost of busing to and from California, the second reflected the cost of flying both ways and the accepted budget covers the cost of busing halfway to California and flying the rest of the way.

"This was felt to be the best way

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The 1980-81 Chapel Choir

Fishy talk Robert J. Hesselberg, of the Great

Lakes Fishery Laboratory, will present a seminar on Friday, March 13, at 3:30 p.m. in Peale Science Center, room 050. The topic will be 'Contaminants in Great L A k e s F i s h . '

because the choir will be able to visit more churches, as there are few Reformed churches between Denver and San Francisco, and the choir will avoid the exhaustion of spending too much time on the bus traveling nonstop," Rietberg stated.

Due to the added cost of flying, each member has been asked to contribute $75 and pay for his/her lunches and in-cidental expenses along the way. The churches will provide dinners for the group and host families will provide housing and breakfasts.

Once in California, tour highlights will include an afternoon in San Francisco, one at Disneyland, and possible visits to several large universities and the state's capital, Sacramento. Perhaps the biggest thrill will be the choir's participation in Sunday morning worship services at the Crystal Cathedral in Garden Grove, California. Robert Schuller, speaker at Hope's Fall Convocation, will preside. At that time Hope President Gordon J. Van Wylen will join the choir and will also attend a luncheon given in conjunction with the choir's visit to the cathedral. The worship service will ^ R ^ j a d c a s t some weeks later on "Hour ol Power."

The choir's program consists of five groups of anthems: one each by the men's and women's choirs, and three groups representing anthems from the 16th century to the present sung by the entire choir. In between the men's and women's

^groups two sets of choir members alternate each day in introducing themselves to the congregation. Each gives his name, home town, and major and explains why he chose Hope.

"The tour provides an opportunity for the choir to sing some of the great choral literature in concert at a number of Reformed churches," continued Riet-berg. "It helps to cement the ties between the College and the churches. The students always appreciate the op-portunity to relate to the members of each church where they stay," he ex-plained.

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William E. Dornemann, associate professor of German, .has recently received notification of an award granted to him by the German Academic Ex-change Service (DAAD) to provide financial support for a study tour in the Federal Republic of Germany this summer.

This grant, which is the second for Dornemann from the DAAD, reflects the interest of the Federal German govern-ment in promoting international relations, especially in the area of academic exchange.

Dornemann will use the grant money to reduce the cost of a study tour in Ger-many this summer and urges all in-

terested students, faculty and staff to contact him about details. Tentative plans indicate departure from Detroit on May 14, with a return date 17 days later after stops in a number of major German cities, including Frankfurt, Munich, Nurenberg and Berlin (East and West).

The program will include trips to museums and art galleries, as well as visits to the theater and cultural and academic institutitons.

The grant money will make it possible to reduce the cost of such a program by approximately $400 per participant. Interested students should contact Dornemann in Graves 202 before spring recess, or immediately thereafter.



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Grapplers grab third in tourney by Handy Warren

Under the direction of first-year coach Jim De Horn, the 1980-81 Hope wrestling team turned an 0-8-1 team of last year into a respectable and powerful MIAA con-lender. Starting the year with a full roster, the team lived up to De Horn's expectations of placing third in the MIAA.

Although the team wrestled a few matches in which they had to give away a weight class, for the most part they had a full squad, which is an improvement over the four to six wrestlers the team had in the last few years. De Horn predicts that the team will continue to improve and will win the league in two years.

The annual Winter Sports Assembly was held last Monday and many wrestlers were honored. The most out-standing wrestler award, which is given to the wrestler who scored the most team points this season, was $iven to Garry Visscher, who wrestled heavyweight. \ isscher also had the most pins with 14.

I he most valuable wrestler award, which is voted on hy the team, was given to Brad Conrad, the 142-pOuiul wrestler. An award lor the lastest pin was given to Jell Machiela. who wrestled the 167-pound weight class and pinned his Grand Rapids Baptist opponent in just 45

seconds. Captains for next year will be Pete

White and Brad Conrad. Special senior awards were given to Kevin Anderson and Byron Prielipp. Varsity letter win-ners included Doug Lehman (5-14), Jeff Gaikema (15-6-1), Randy Warren (4-15), Brad Conrad (16-10), ^yron Prielipp (7-6), Pete White (8-7), Jeff Machiela (14-13), Randy Pfahler (7-11), Kevin An-derson (9-14), George Harper (4-12) and Garry Visscher (20-9-2). Special recognition was also given to Gaikema for scoring the most points in a match when he defeated his Alma opponent 25-0. De Horn was also presented w ith a plaque from the wrestlers for his coaching.

This year's team finished with a 4-5 record, with four of the losses coming when key wrestlers were injured. After an opening loss to the awesome Grand Valley team the wrestlers took their own tournament and then demolished G.H S B.M. 41-25. Christmas break brought misfortune to the matmen. Captain Pete White suffered a severely dislocated elbow, Prielipp seriously hurt a rib. and Glen Blumer received a neck injury which eventually put him out for the season.

Dutchmen face Calvin victory b\ Tim Taylor Once again, the Flying Dutchmen have

caught the bouquet instead of throwing it. This w as their fate after suffering a 69-67 setback to Calvin in the MIAA playoffs for the right to advance to the NCAA Division III Regionals which occurred last weekend.

Hope was in a solid position to take the MIAA s spot in the regionals as they led 33-32 at the half and 5349 when Calvin's Mark Grasmeyer fouled out, with 9:03 remaining. The Orange and Blue didn't capitalize, however, and a 20-footer by Jerry Mastenbrook tied the game for Calvin at 57. with6:36 left.

The Knights then pulled ahead to a six-point advantage, 65-59. and they kept the lead for the rest of the gane; 'Paul Ten

Brink's tip-in with 14 seconds left put the last nail in the Dutchmen's coffin for the final margin. Hope was led by Matt Neil with 16 points and 10 rebounds, while Jeff Heerdt added 15 points and 12 rebounds. Calvin went on to the Mideast Regional, losing to fourth-ranked Wittenberg and also Wabash.

End-of-the-season statistics showed Neil as the leader for Hope, with Scott Benson charging close behind; Neil ac-cumulated 354 points for the season while Benson racked up 344. Neil, however, was by far the leading rebounder, with 156, and Beckman trailed with 116. In league stats, Neil ranked first in field goal shooting, 59.9 percent, and Beckman also pulled a first place show in free throw s h o o t i n g , 83.9 p e r c e n t .

m S t(ICh fa .nS .Chrr 0 . 1 H o p e , s b a s k e t b a l 1 team i" their near-defeat to Calvin al Midale\ ille. (photo by Tom Wagner)

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Under these injuries the wrestlers lost to. Alma, Olivet, Adrian (whom Hope came back to beat in the conference tournement), and Heidelberg College from Ohio. During that same lime Hope defeated Grand Rapids Baptist 44-12, placed seventh in an 11-team Olivet In-vitational, and placed third in the Christian College Classic. Hope also sent a partial team to the Grand Valley Tournament.

After gaining back White and Prielipp, the wrestlers demolished Calvin 32-12 Kalamazoo 36-12, and placed 15th in the six-state, 24-team Wheaton Invitational. The matmen then placed third in the League Tournament. The strong finish at the MIAA tournement put Hope solidly in third place for the year. This was one of the wrestling team's best years in the history of Hope and the outlook seems only positive.

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The I9S0-KI Hope wrestling team. From left; captain Pete White, Brad Conrad. Jeff Gaikema, Kevin Anderson, Doug Lehman, Garry Visscher, Jeff Machiela, -George Harper, Byron Prielipp, Randy Pfahler, Randy Warren and coach Jim De Horn, (photo by Randy Warren)

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We lost. . . . We played. . . .

We prayed • . .

Women's b-boll season comes to a close by Steve Underwood The season came to an end for the Hope

women's basketball team in the first round of the S.M.A.I.A.W. basketball tournament on Monday, March 2; in a game played at Aquinas College they fell to a team against whom they'd played two of their best games all year, Calvin College, 66-48. A few weeks ago the Dutch fell one point short in overtime at Jhe Knights' place, but this time they just didn't have enough. Coach Snyder reported that Hope was just 44flat" for the game while the Knights were really 44up.,,

Although the Dutchwomen played well in both defense and foul-shooting, the Knights were better this time. In addition Calvin broke the Hope press more easily than in their last contest. Mary Schaap had an excellent game with 16 points and nine rebounds; Lora Hanson added 11 markers. The loss put Hope's final record at 6-16,4-8 MIAA.

The Dutchwomen had closed out the «

Winner picked Last Saturday night the drawing for the

Lacrosse Club 44Trip to the Bahamas" raffle was held. The winners were:

(1) Bob Hutch of WhitehalI,MI. (2) Joe Griffin of Midland, MI (3) Mike McPoland of Holland, MI Three names were drawn in case one of

the winners could not go. The Lacrosse Club would like to thank Melissa Knopf, for picking the winners, as well as everybody who participated in the raffle.

regular season earlier by splitting a pair of MIAA games. On Tuesday, Feb. 24, they concluded their home schedule by deafeating the Alma Scots, 51-44. Ac-cording to Snyder, Hope was "patient of offense . . . they worked for the good shot." She also noted that the starting combo had shown signs of jelling as a unit. "They know where each other is," she said.

The statistics revealed their shooting prowess as the Dutch connected on 21 of 56 shots for 38 percent (48 percent in the second half), a season high, while Alma was good on just 17 of 74, for 23 percent. Hanson sunk seven of 13, plus a pair of free throws, to lead the scoring with 16 points; she was also credited with three assists and seven rebounds. Faye Berens scored 14 and grabbed eight boards and five steals. Schaap had 11 rebounds.

However, the Dutch squandered a 30-22 halftime lead in losing at Olivet last Saturday, 67-61.'The shooting statistics were again the story ; Hope hit 41 percent of their shots before the break, compared to the Comets' 19 percent. The Dutch built their lead up to 12, but then the Comets caught fire. They shot 45 percent in the second half, while Hope was true on 30 percent of their tries. Olivet was also deadly from the line, sinking 17 of 22, 77 percent, compared to 11 of 17 for the Dutch, 65 percent.

4They fastbreaked on us and it worked . . . we got hesitant on offense," explained Snyder. Hanson matched her shooting performance from the previous game, scoring 17. Berens added 13 markers and snagged 12 rebounds.

Schaap, 10 points, nine rebounds; Cathy Fox, nine points, eight rebounds; and Jody Foy, 10 rebounds, also helped keep Hope in the battle.

The Dutchwomen should be pleased with next year's prospects. The youthful cagers will not lose anyone to graduation. Snyder said that youth and inexperience were factors in some of Hope's defeats, but was happy with the team's im-provement and determination.

Snyder was also glad to see the junior varsity program get rolling; the team

split six games in what could be termed a pilot season. Next year, Snyder hopes that there will be a full JV schedule as well as a separate coach. She cited the play of Annette Groenik and Mary Foy among the season's highlights.

With official closing of the season at the Winter Sports Banquet, new captains as well as MVP and MIF were announced. New captains for the 1981-82 season are Faye Berens and Lora "Hoot" Hanson. The elected MVP was Hanson, while the MIP was Mary Schaap.

v Med


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UPON TURNING 18, Tommy L. was graduated

from Funny Dale Farms. His graduation was

marked by the ritual loosening of the jacket,

as well as the shifting of the tassel on his

yarmelke. As a token of their affection, his

Funny Dale buddies bought him a small dog to

take with him. Being a bright animal, the dog promptly taught little Tommy to beg. Tommy

spent the following year sleeping in a card-board box lined with old blankets.

WTAS AM / FM CABLE: Hope College radio is now accepting applications for the executive

staff for the 1981-82 school year. If interested

please contact John Vassallo (6550) or Rich Kennedy (6221) immediately! WTAS (394-6451 / 52)


auction to be held In the Kletz on Apri l 7

during community hour. Sponsored by A-Phi-O.

BEDE-HK or no HK, Novas won't be the only

ones to get a workout this weekend.

SIBS--Love is for those who find it and I've found mine right here . . . .

WANTED: female roommate to locate and

share an apartment with for summer and

1981-82 academic year. Prefer nonsmoker. Contact Tricia, x6735.

DEAR DELTA PHI'S: Missing something?--Rooftop Raiders

610 AM BUZZ--FM cable mono- WTAS is still on the air!

GLENN BULTHUIS--Entertainer, graduate of Calvin-watch for him. April 25!

SMILE PRETTY and say please . . . . Don't forget to pay for your B.C.

RIDE WANTED--to Albion College during

spring break. I want to visit my friends! Please contact Rick Dernberger at x6446. I do —

not bite or attack, I have no offensive body PHIL: Have odor, and I dpn't take up much room. Gilda.


SOUVENIRS of Pure Prairie League! If you want a limited-edition PPL poster, contact me.

Dick Donohue, In the SAC office between

12:30 and 3 p.m. Collector's items for only $2.50. Get yours between now and next

Thursday and I'll throw in two unused tickets! First come first serve!



a happy 20th birthday! Love, i