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Transcript of 02-27-1929

Bev. P p tr .

. 6 4 ^


® h ^ OLIVET



VolunwXXXVn iodbefc

Hope College, Holland, Michigan, Feb. 27, 1929 Number 7 W



ARMORY OVBBCBOWDEDWlTft exceptionally, for each man on FRANTIC SUPPORTER^ d t HoP®'8 t e a r n worthy of com-

EACH TEAM ment Although Van Lente was high scorer with nine points, yet

SCORE 30-31 h i 8 teammates were ever with him. ' Calvin presented two capable

The Hope Varsity basketfball men in Timmer and Bontekoe, while team went down to defeat befort Rote boom who was predicted to be Calvin CoUege last Friday ^vetoini: a big noise was pretty tamed, pro-at the local armory by a seort of ducing only fouls. 31-30. Although beaten in points Hope has another chance at Cal-scored, yet they displayed an all yjn on March 12 and surely isHe-around game which was equa( to termined to give them a beating, that of Calvin. Let's see if the student body can-

After many years of sepiratiori not be as well represented at that the Calvin College team vetttured game as Calvin was Friday eve-down to Hope, to play on a neutral floor, by their request, and; drew SUMMARY: a crowd which filled every coiher Hope—30 r F T of the gym. h.lf « hour beftfw the ^ F f 1 5 game had even started. Calvin Van de Bosch, F...^ 1 0 2 came with many loyal supportters De Velder, F 1 0 2 who backed their • every play Martin, 0 0 3 3 throughout the evening. Hope, too, g* ^ 2 4 from all appearances had every Van'Lente, G . Z . Z Z * 1 9 student out as well as a goodly — — — number of townspeople. 10 10 30

Calvin opened scoring by making Calvin—31 g F T a field goal and a foul shot to make Bontekoe, F 4 0 8 the score 3-0 before Hope could Timmer, F...- 6 0 12 get started. Then Van Lente scored Stob, P 0 1 two pretty field goals to make the R^eboom, C 2 0 4

count 4-3 with Hope in the lead. c Z Z l 1 3 Martin and Cook followed With a Yen Huiien, G - 1 1 3 foul shot apiece to push the score — — — to 6-3 and Calvin took time out. „ # ^ 1* 3 . . 3 1

Bontekoe then counted from the Referee: Donnely (W.sconsm).

field and "Boo" came back with a

foui shot to put Hope abeai m . D i c k e n s i a n s C e l e -Timmer, however, scored and

evened the count. Dean made good b r f t t C F o i i n d i l l f f a foul shot but Timmer again reg- ® istered a deuce as Calvin be^an to S T A G A T tr inity CHURCH slow up a bit. Bontekoe pushed in another two pointer to place The Dickensian Society celebrated Calvin in the lead by a score of 8- the founding of their organization 11 and Hope called time out. After with a stag dinner at the Trinity the rest Bontekoe again tallied t*ro Church parlors on Monday evening, points. Klay replaced Cook. Cil- February 18, at 6:30 P.M. The so-vin scored twice from the field thhi w a s organized on February the efforts of Timmer and Van Ap- 17, 1925, and has made splendid pledom. Vande Bosch scored from .Progress during th<* four years of tlye Jield and Van Lente via the e *i a l e n c e -foul route, to make the score l l - i7 A u n i ( l u e P™*™™ was earned with Calvin still ahead. Klrfy out using the theme of "The Dick-scored and Calvin called for a time e n 8 i a n Pilgrimage. Messers. Nick out. De Velder substituted for Gosselink and Aaron Ungersma Vande Bosch. Dean made a foul ^ N i c k a n d U n k "> t h c w e U k n o w n

shot and Timmer and Bontekoe, m u s i c a l comedians from the West-and then Timmer again followed e r n Theological Seminary, supplied

with field goals, as the half ended ^h€ t

m U 8 i c a l *** o i t h e P r o f * m -with Calvin on the long end by a T h e P r o * « u n ^s follows: count of 14-23 P n | y e r b y A l u m n u s B € r t V a n M a l -

Hope came back with a deter- ^ * * * * * a n d o f

mined effort the second half. Klay %***** ^ T made a foul shot and De VeldTr J * % * * ' - „ . . . . . • 4 t> ̂ by Manon Alday, the "Growth by followed with a two pointer. But •; _. . A. n . , j . , . 4uk Harm Timmer, the "Goal" by then Rozeboom counted to mak^ thfe ^ • u «vt; i

n . . . .. George Russcher, music by "Nick f T I « m a n t ""d Unk" and the "Prophecy" by foul and a field ,oal. Cook weht m A l u m n u s H e n , F k e n A l u m n u s

for Martin who was seeming to ^ . n . j , - • Gelmer Boven lead the yelling. have an off mte Lmmer aent an- A11 n o n . s o c i e t y w n a n ( 1 o t h e r s

other thru the hoop as did Van a r e . n v i t e < i t o a t t e ' d t h e r e g u l a r

Lente from long range. De Prei m e e t i o f t h e D k k e r l s i u n 8 a n ( 1 e n . made the score 21-30, with Calvin . f e l l o w s h i p , still ahead. Rozeboom went to the o showers after counting his fourth personal foul and De Pree and AUDIENCE EXCITED Cook each added a point. And F R I D A Y ' S G A M E then Timmer followed Rozeboom to the dressing rooms. Klay added Faces, faces, faces everywhere, another point while Bontekoe a veritable sea of faces, smiling,

V - missed two foul shots. Calvin wai frowning, laughing, perspiring; all not making use of their iree merged into one mass of intensity, throws, and their lead was slowly Yes, we are talking about the big deminishing. Calvin missed two game Friday night. Arranged on more fouls, they were playing a the left side of the spacious court stalling game, to the dislike of the was the formidable host of red spectators. Hope then went on a neckerchiefed cow punchers from spree, realizing the time was be- Calvin, sprinkled here and there coming scarce and De Pree, Van with an uncomfortable Hopeite. The Lente, and Cook scored as game other thrw sides were populated by ended 30-31. Noise was at its peak Hope rooters, packed tighter than when the last whistle blew. the proverbial sardines. At the

It was hard to say who played ddor a mob of exasperated patrons

d U G T O O / Y K T T A * 1 0 clamoured, nourishing vainly their reserve seat ticket Our sympathy

HOLD NINTH out to the "petites" damsels A a T a m k n ^ v e f e e t t w o w h o 'ound them-A N N U A L STAG'selves in the rear. Many of the

. ladies emerged from the chaos MASONIC TEMPLE 18 PLACE frightfully disheveled, while the

Last Thursday evening the ninth m * n t h e usual harvest of

Annual Stag bonne t of the Emer- c r i l " h ^ . 4h a t ' - ^ ^ a b o u t

•roiui Society waS held in the ^ ^ ' n t h e * "? ' • Muon ic Temple ^ t h i n « w » s Proved anyway; that WAf te r a truly iplifting and In- Ane r i "™ have great power of en-apiring dinner, the following pro- A y o u t h ' * h o was unfor-gram was rendered: t u n a t « e r K , u« h 1 0 ^ pressed upon George Washington * radiator, had his "eternal puninh-

Lester Vander Poel 1the re- W e m u 8 t n o t

1 f\ -4 * ' forget the jealous lady fan who

w it* rw. v LUr v o u t 0 ' ber seat and yelled Walter De Velder, Meal Van . i n q u i t € , ' T h c

I p l c t u r e w o u l d n ' t ** eomplete, how-

Tbe Philosophy of Emerson T " Richard c h 6 w e r ' w h o 8 € ****** gymnastics

The History of Emersonian Peter V«i Ew A t 0 0 d * * * * * * * * * .

After jrroup singing the evening To belive with certain^ we must cane Ao a close; - begin by doubting-^tanisUus.





Life of the Late Henry Bilkert

Former Anchor Editor, Who Was



The Reverend Henry A. Bilkert was born in Kalamazoo, Michigan, in 1892. In his early years he at-tended the public schools of his na-tive city, preparing also for college in the Kalamazoo High School. He entered Hope College with the class that graduated in 1914; a class which was distinguished by the fact that of its 40 members len entered* upon missionary service, twelve others entering the ministry of the Church at home. After graduation from college, Mr. Bilkert entered immediately upon preparation for the ministry, attending the New Brunswick Theological Seminary two years and removing to Western Theological Seminary for his senior year, graduating from that insti-tution in 1917.

Mr. Bilkert had developed the de-sire in early years to be a foreign missionary. While he was in the Theological Seminary, and about to make formal application for ap-pointment as a missionary, his father died. Since he was the only son, this raised the question in his mind as to whether he should not give up his missionary purpose and remain in this country for the sake of his mother. On making known to her the doubts in his mind as to his missionary purpose, his mother bravely told him that from child-hood his parents had consecrated him to the Lord's service in what-ever way He saw fit to use him, and that she would be happy in his carrying out his missionary pur-pose as they had looked upon such a decision as an answer to their prayers, although it would mean

much more to her to have him leave this country in view of the father's death. Mr. Bilkert therefore pro-ceeded with his plans, requesting to be sent to Arabia, as this field appealed to him as of the greatest calling for a type of work especially appealing to him. In forwarding his ne*} and greatest opportunity, and application to the Board of Foreign Missions, Mr. Bilkert stated that "from looking at the Christian life as a passport to Heaven when this life is done, and as a rule and order laid down to be followed as a duty, I have come to look upon the Chris-tian life as the means of the largest and fullest life here and now, the life of the greatest satisfaction and happiness for oneself, and finally the means of bringing to others that same satisfaction in this life and hope for the life to come." The testimonials to Mr. Bilkert's char-acter and ability and qualifications for missionary service sent to the Board by his professors at New Brunswick and Holland, and by his pastor, were of a very assuring na-ture and held out the promise of large usefulness on the mission field.

In May, 1917, Mr. Bilkert mar-ried Miss Anna Margaret Monteith, of Kalamazoo, and, having received appointment, they proceeded to Arabia in October, 1917. After reaching the field Mr. and Mrs. Bil-kert were stationed for two years at Bahrain, giving their time for the most part to the acquisition of the language. For the next two years (1920-1921) they occupied the

(Continued on page 2)

Tennis Courts, Gift of Class '26, Ready

in Spring

Tennis will soon return to Hope's Campus. The wish of a good many Hopeites is to come true this spring when at least one concrete court will be built when the waather per-mits. Last fall the base for two courts was built behind Carnegie Gym, and it won't be long before the top layer will be added. The class of '26 decided to build a tennis court when they learned that the new Memorial Chapel was to be erected on the site of the old courts. Nothing has been done for over a year, but this spring at least one court will be built

Tennis has always been popular with the Hope students. Hope's Tennis teams have always been among the best and this year should b e no exception with Klaasen and Vande Poel back from last year's squad, and a place to practice. Many of the students are very anxious to start playing, and the tennis courts will be the most popular spot on the campus.


give the results of the a M.O.L. contest next 11 Friday night at the 1 Gym. Impromptu en-1 tertainment will be

| | provided. g i f t mi —


The Home Volunteers met last Thursday evening and listened to a very interesting talk by Prof. Win-ter; Speaking on church govern-ment, the professor dwelt at length on the position of power in the va-rious denominations and then gave his opinion as regards church forms, etc.

The meeting was attended by an enthusiastic crowd of eighteen po-tential preachers.

o The A.D.D.'s served hamburgs

and coffee to the two teams last Fraiday after the game.

Book Report

Owing to certain con-siderations the book re-port of Dr. Dimnent will be held over for one more week.

Science Club Hears Prof. Lampen Talk

Last Tuesday night the Hope College Science Club met in the Emersonian Society hall. After the fire was coaxed into some sem-blance of activity, there was a general "round-the-fire" discussion. The first number was rendered by Dick Mouw, who read the paper, "Television," written by Adrian Kuyper. After some discussion of this topic the main speaker of the evening was given free rein. Then Professor Lampen gave the mem-bers one of those inimitable ram-bling talks on Steinmetz, that only he knows how to give. The aud-ience was in turn amused, inspired, and awed at the remarkable tales Prof. Lampen gave of this German-American genius. Only those who have heard our Math, teacher talk when he has his heart and soul in his subject can appreciate the rare treat that the Science Club was given.

After some discussion the meet-ing broke up.


Fraternal Hold Washington Stag

Echoing with calls of merriment, the "Fraternal Hall" was the scene of the annual Washington Stag, held this year on Thursday even-ing. The new frat-house has been the scene of several parties during the course of the winter, but the Stag commemorating the "Father of His Country" will stand as one of the most jovial. Toasts were offered by Fraters Bosch, De Pree, and Boone. Frater S. De Pree sang several solos. President Ot-to Yntema served as chairman. The annual serenade at the Voorhees Dormitory was run off in grand style, including fireworks. The supper was prepared by the "La-dies' League for Service" of the Sixth Reformed Church.

Y. M. and Y .W. Hold Joint Meeting

The Y. M. C. A. and the Y. W.-C. A. held a joint meeting last Tuesday evening in the chapel. "Bud" Vredevoogd led the meeting on the subject "Living Together." He lamented the lack of real con-versation on worthwhile topics, which is so often displaced by idle chatter, and the desire for artifi-cial amusement instead of the ap-preciation of natural beauty. Too many of us, he cited, see only the fences on the campus and fail to see the pines. He pleaded for frankness of conversation on the vital and religious things. Too great a number of us are apt to condemn a fellow student before we really have become acquainted well enough to appreciate his worth for often this same person becomes a leader in college life.

Mr. Jay Van Dusen, a cometist from Grand Rapids, played "The Lost Chord," which was followed by a pleasing encore. He was accom-panied at the piano by his father. The devotional exercises were con-ducted by Edith Dings. Howard Schade led the singing and was assisted by Mr. Van Dusen.

This meeting replaced the cus-tomary exchange of representatives from the "Y" groups and proved very successful, judging from the interest shown by the large number present.

No man will ever be a big ex-ecutive who feels that he must, either openly or under cover, fol-low up every order he gives and see that it is done—nor will he ever develop a capable assistant-— Mahin.

Whatever strengthens and puri-fies the affections, enlarges the imagination and adds spirit to sense, is useful.—Shelly.



SCORE 36-17

The Hope Yearlings gave the Re-serves from Calvin College a sound licking at the Armory last Friday evening by the tune of 86-17. The Frosh gave the finest ex-hibition of basketSall so far this year, before a crowd which was thoroughly convinced at the end of the session that they could play basketball.

At the outset Hope jumped into a small lead through the fine play-ing of Van Haitsma and Spoelstra. Hope maintained a meager lead as the half closed with a score of 18-10.

The Frosh came back the second half with some extra "pep" and pushed up the score by leaps-and bounds. They simply passed to "Watty" Spoelstra and then he would either score or he would pass to some other Frosh who was wait-ing to score. This kind of pro-cedure continued throughout the major part of the last half. Calvin on the other hand attempted to put up a fight at times, but their scoring sprees were short lived.

Spoelstra was easily the out-standing member. of the Frosh team, he only made eighteen points for his evening's share of fun. And the entire team play was centered about him. Dalman and . Van Haitsma also toiled in a fine man-ner, and aided Spoelstra on many plays.

Calvin presented only one out-standing player, a native of Hol-land, Westing by name, who scored eleven points.

Vander Poel handled the game very well.

Hope Reserves—M i r „ . - . (5. f T. Van Haitsma, F M 1 7 Dalman, F 1 q g Hoffman, F. ft o 0 Spoelstra, C 7 4 18 Steggerda, G 0 0 0 Bouma, G...- U...0 0 0 Beaver, G. 1 0 2 De Groot, G. 0 0 0 Cupery, G ...0 1 1

15 C 36 Calvin Reserves—17

G. F T. Bruinooge, P. 0 . 1 1 Poele, F 1 l 3 Stuurman, F 0 0 0 Harkema, C 0 0 0 Meyer, F 0 0 0 Wykhuis, G 1 0 2 Wetsing, G 3 5 I I Eldersveld, G 0 0 0

5 ~7 17 Referee: Vande Poel.


Cosmopolitans Hold Stag at Grace


The 39th annual stag of the Cos-mopolitan Society was held at Grace Episcopal church parlors Feb. 21, 1929.

A delicious dinner was served by the ladies of the church to approxi-mately 50 guests.

After the dinner was over, cigars and cigarettes were passed and the party settled down to enjoy a fine program. The theme of the evening was "The Rainbow."

PROGRAM The Sun....Toastmaster Jack Pelon At the Foot in 1928

Howard Scholten The Apex .....Louis Danstra Major Colors (music)

' C. John Meyer At the Foot in 1929

AI. Vanden Bush The Spectrum

Guest of Honor Prof. T. Helmers Minor Tints (music)

- Peter Scholten Faded (Eulogy on Russel

Schermerhom) Lester Vander Werf

Group singing This fine program, remarkably

well carried out, was followed by a business meeting, and group pic-ture.

The hall was cleverly decorated in rainbow tkits, which was accent-ed by multi-colored candles and large boquets of fresh cut (lowers. The comments in praise of decora-tions were numerous, as were the comments on the whole evening program in general "Let's keep up

T H E A N C H O R Page Two

T H E A N C H O R We have with us today-

PROF. HOOKER case out of the burning building, one of the boys missed his step and fell. The bookcase came down with

bang breaking the glass

Rev. Bilkert's Life


(Continued from Page 1)

a umiK uicaiw..ft w... and new station of the Mission at Ama-The students of Hope College as c a u s i n g the books to come tumbling rah, this being the period immedi-

„...E»rlc E. LanKeUnd w e l | a 8 t h e students of any other o u t hurried forward and be- ately following upon the war in .Alice Brunsoo, Donald Wade, Gordon Van Ark c o | i e g e a r e always interested in g a n ^ ^he books up when my which Mesopotamia was muc in-

B e r n a r d Arendshorst, WtUon Spoelttra their professors. They are espe- e y e caught sight of the title of one volved and as the result o w ic 'ampua News — - Evelyn stekeiee c i a l l y i n t e r es t ed in those who are 0f the books. I held my breath and the n ® w o f ^ Z - ? Humor M y r n n l M I , h o u t 8 ' W i n i a m K u y p e r s e r v i n g their first year at the insti- i ^ e d up dazed, for to see a ro- formed. In 1922 Mr. an

— B e r n a d i n t Siobers t u t i o n A g w e have a few new in- m a n t i c novel in the possession of k e r t removed o ag • Exchanges - ^ - Donald Martin s t r u c t o r 8 a t H o p e this year, we feel t h i 8 professor who had been edu- station 1 ® . auspices of Head Reporter-. . . . ^ uwcr very interested in them and their c a t € d abroad was too much for me. • : o f t h e depart-Reporters Marlon Alday. Adelia Beeuwke^. Nichola. Bur^raafT Anne Bulh Will.am ? r o f H o o k e r > o n e of our l o p e n e ( 1 t h e book and began to t h a t ^ . Missionary So-

Clouifh, Harold Hoover. Tlllle Masselink E.ther Mulder, ^ h n Mu d . Arthur ^ i n 8 t r u c t o r 8 , has kindly ^ d . when ^ 0 f, t h e S nnd field and

Nienhuis, RD ' r

b - h ^ t ; e ; a ' n Schade.. " coiisentecl ^ Z\ " t ' n T o ^ Intidpation of t h e o r g a n i z a t i o n

F Ho H S — l1, Schne ,de r - o { h , s ^ y paying the slightest attention to 1 9 2 4 t h e U n i t e { i Mission in BUSINESS STAFF grateful. what has been going on. Please sec M e 8 0 p o t a m i a >

M,™ j Raymond McGllvra Mr. Hooker states that he spent m e after class." I sat up with a W K .1 o i n t h i

. naB*r Louis Hamrtra, Lol# De Wolfe the early part of his life in Albany s t a r t realizinc: that 1 had been AMUtanlS - l lar rv K Smith . ^ I f 4 * 1 . .

We re sure to have what yon want in the line

of Sporting Goods

While in this ancient City of the

Circulation Manager. Aulatant . . - -

C. Van Leeuwen • - Harry K. Smith a n d Schenectady, New York. After dreaming instead of trying to find i e t t i r g to the Board in re-

a- he had completed his high school the answer to my question. a r ( 1 ^ t h e Bituation, political as course in Schenectady, he entered oh, if only some of those dreams ^ a g , . ^ ^ 0 ^ in that historic Union College in the same city would come!! but conglomerate city of the Middle from which he received his A. B. o E a 8 t J923 and 1924 Mr. degree. While at Union, Prof. Hooker was very active in college activities. He was a member of the Adelphic Debating Society, presi-dent of the Classical Club, a mem-

FRATERS SERENADE and Mrs. Bilkert availed themselves of their furlough in America,

VOORHEES GIRLS spending much of their time in Hartford Theological Seminary on

Where All Sports-

men Meet.

J U D G E N O T . work at Union, Mr. Hooker took zero and

There was a thought brought up at the Joint "Y" meet- part in athletics, being a member With a

The eleventh hour—the Dormi- studies in Islamics, with a view to ber of the Theta Nu Epsilon Fra- tory asleep—thunder and lightning f u I l e r equipment for their life temity, and a member of various descend, a pungent odor, girls genrice. In 1924 they returned to other campus clubs, besides serv- s c r e a m and huddle into corners t h e Arabian Mission and were sta-ing as associate editor of the only to be quieted by the intro- t i o n e d a t Basrah, and in the follow-"Gamet," the year book at Union ductory song of the Frater ser- jng y e a r ^ Bilkert was chosen by College. Besides his educational enade. Although the climate was j^g Mission as its Secretary. His

.d the stage was covered d u r i n g t h i s p e r i o d have set foot of snow, the optimistic . . * * * There was a thought brought up at the Joint 1 meei- part in athletics, being a member With a foot of snow, the optimistic f o r t h . n a v e r y interesting and vivid

inff last week which among o thers ment ioned t h e n is well of the track squad and a member Fraters1 songs "Dinot from Caro- m a n n e r t h e w o r k o f t h e w h o l e Mis-ing last . t f ) . infUrp and cr i t i - o f h i s c l a s s basketball team. One Hna" and "Carry Me Back to Old . T h h u n optimistic in worth passmg on: the fac t tha t too often we judge and en t h ^ ^ v i ,f M ^ n - T h ^ t h e

b-nnw O nprson hilt verv little. Most Ot the cr i t l - T , . _ , lirTM_ a: tone, ^mie aiscnmnmuiig

Arnold's Confectionery



Peanuts ^ fV,r. ovifi """K auuut uic last virgmitt, oin 01 my uivama whilp discriminatinp: in the cize when we know a person bu t very little. Mos y e a r he spent at Union was that and "The Sweetheart of Sigma judgments recorded. cizing and gossiping t h a t we do is about those whom we h e se l .ved as an assistant teacher Chi" floated up to the chilly heads Throughout the eleven years of know least, and of ten if we knew b e t t e r those whom we have in the department of English. that were bravely enduring the h i s a c t i v e s e r v iCe on the mission-criticized we would p i ty r a t h e r t h a n despise, or love r a t h e r Since he left Union College, Prof, winter blasts. The last fond em- a r y fiel(l M r Bilkert applied him-than scorn We've all had the experience of judging a person H

f0^ e r

1 Th a s ^ f w o r * brace of the affectionate couple s e l f ^ h i s ^ w i th intelligence

unt idy and careless, to find out la ter t h a t she or he was "hav- ^ the ^ ^ t y of J l . c b ^ n and furnished much amusement. The a n d e a g e r n e s s , a l l d he Krew in his

ing all they could do" to keep in school a t the same time. We've all had the experience a nervous or quietly sensitive person "uppish" because he versity, he taught for five years at your "heart and voices united in a t e g b o t h American ana Araomn. did not mingle as f ree ly wi th h is fel lows as some. We have ^ s a ™ institution as an instruct- the chorus, boys!" The merry H i s ' t r a g i c d e a l h o n j a n u a r y 21st

.11 d u b b . d t h . absent-minded p e n , . . . " . . u b l K r " a t m m ^ " " " *

t ime or o ther . I t ' s SO easy to m i s j u d g e o the i s \ \hen we don t ^Ir. Hooker has also lived in the gills jumped back into bed but it T h e circumstances of his death „ — unders tand t h e m , SO simple t o see t he i r f au l t s and peculiar!- city of New York. His home was was many hours befor the Dormi- w e r e t h ( ) s e t h a t come into the field New York, I doubt if it has reach-

With Apologies to Will Rogers



New York,Dec, 20.—There are some nuts got a habit here in

t ies SO easy to pass on bits of scandal about t h e m ! Let ' s be in Greenwich Village during the tory was asleep again,

a little more charitable, and spend some of the time we waste in "judging" and gossiping in getting better acquainted with d e r i v e d t h e m o s t pr o f i t a b l e p a r t o f

our fellow-students!


derived the most profitable part of his education. While living there, he met many interesting people, be-sides spending much time in li-

Have You Heard—

of missionary life not infrequently; ed your town, for most of your the making available their intimate state® have asylums.. It s to go knowledge of the people and the bareheaded on the street- Now, country to visitors, especially to he has worn something on hit those travelers whose interest in head ever since h.s mother tied , 4 i fU^ mMAr f\f fVio his hood under nis chin, out nc the country and the work of the tne country ana me wuir ui .. . j

And now Mrs. Coolidge is getting Mission is intelligent and sympa- r " t n d o ^ n h i H W H neck . ^ i i \ t

The pleasure derived by the two audiences of "The Ama- r e a d y t 0 Mr. Bilkert met his death boxes. thetic. move. new

, ' f w — f — * *

expen- gifts from an appreciative pub- Basrah to Kuwait over a route that i t a n y g 0 O ( | lie to their President. Besides all has been well estabUshed and has ^ ^.xV^ a s c e n e i n o u r ^ h o w

i f t h e a u d i e n c e mus t s i t unamused dur ing those crit ical wa i t s besides being an English in- these, 16 trunks will go back to been adopted as the regular mail where another comedian and A structor, 1 rof. Hooker is also an Morthamoton. Mass.. whereas 8 Mr r m n p is an pxnerienced — :»u

first curtain. The entire value of a production can be lost ence in college.

li m e auuiei i te inu&t sii-uimiuuacu uui wife p f h i/ • i huuim* *»iii sv w€»v.iv iw Decn aaopieu aa me resume mon where another comedian and my-between acts , bu t our D r a m a Class was f o r t u n a t e to have as * , T , ' 7 ° ' ' ' 0 " K e r 18 ® lso ' n Northampton, Mass., whereas 8 , o u t e . Mr. Crane is an experienced s e n c o m e o u t w i t h d r e s s suits and

i t s source of music t h e p resen t College Orches t ra . w r i t e , ' h rt ^tories^eTsavr^and ' " r t , ; e , W h i t e H o" s® traveler in the Near East Before barefooted, no diSerence from

Th i s organizat ion, t b . t a . a . t e e . b i y a n ^ H a e d ita a n d , X t T t S S Z Z t Z Z Z Z l - " " es With a well balanced p rogram of pleasingly played hshed a group of short stones in a White House than out of it." with Dr. John Van Ess, of Basrah, tention and being cip W th i s vpflr hppn directed bv Mr. Monte Emmons , volume entitled "What Feather," • • • music, has this year been directed by Mr. Monte Emmons, volume entitled "What Feather,

The orchestra is organized, having offices who conduct its "'rh*h *pS pubhshe

Qd b y t h e ^T

en" . . . (iiapon F in Svromico Mnw

on the street, for attracting at-

being funny. securing the promise of his cooper- Lsf women leave off something.

The President has asked Con- ation in the journeys inland in They do it much better than men. 1 llC U1 LllCo Ll C* lO wn Hmcrnn Prpca in Q V UWUIl ill mc jv/umc/o iiiiu.iu . business. I t s members a re d rawn from our student body, and * l ullr 8™™ ^ WS.OOfl to remodel the A r a b i a which Mr. Crane contem- Every time a woman leave* off

from those musicians of the town who are interested in IrT W o t e a a t t ' I w ^ B e f o r e N e w Y o r k ' from those musicians of the town who are interested in working with such an 01 every week for rehearsals of the group.

• the town who are interested in a r y ^ he a o takeV a ereai u l T " v f r I T p , a t e d ' B e f o r e , e a v i n g N e wu

Y o r k ' s o r a e l , : . , n 8 8 h e l o ° k 8 b u t

. .p, , . , f ; o r K ' . a i s o l a K e s a ^ r e a t Weather, Va., for a hot-weather learning of the presence in the city every time a man leaves off some-rganiza t ion . The orches t ra m e e t s interest in play writing. week-end retreat for future Presi- of Dr Mylrea of the Arabian Mis- thing he looks worse. , wi th special mee t ings f o r sections When asked what college activi- dents. It is a fine brick building. sion Mr. Crane invited him to * Yours,

tirS f e . ^ r 6 ^ ^ ) ' P r o ^ ^ 0 p k e r re ' faced with ten columns, and about Spend an.af ternoon with him. WILL ROGEjRS.

At a school like Hope, that desires to encourage every J! ^ h e ^ ( l e b a t i n g anl(l1 'lt a r e s m a , , e r buildings belonging shortly afterwards, in the latter

beneficial student aet ivi t , . eapeclaiiy tboae ot the n a t a r . of k £ , 5 S S S X 8 K

t h e orches t ra , it is encourag ing to find t h a t the o r ches t r a is the coach of the debating teams, it was once an important Govern- BaSrah pToceLine southward to Gray and Black for $1.50. doing such commendable work. Music commands a high place and from the showing they made in ment obsen'atory, it has been va- K u w a i t it had evidently been O U R N E W S P R I N C CAPS on our campus, and f o r th i s reason the s tuden t s feel grat if ied ^ l u ' i r first debates, it looks as if he cant and unused for the past 15 arranged that Mr. Bilkert should © H A T S H A V E A R R I V E D

to know that in the Spring the orchestra plans to present a aba

|e ^ ^ ^ v-rs . < ( . accompany Mr. Crane and his Y o u r s [ o r B e t t e r H e a d w e a r

concert of the highest calibre. All plans are being laid to m a n w i t h t h e e x p e r i e n c e a n d a b i l i . p r e a i d e n t _ E l e c t H o o v e r l u n c h . party. I" Pass.ng from Basrah to p . ™ , - / , / v u n . t m

that end, and when the occasion is announced we are certain ties of Professor Hooker as a mem- at Brighton, Fla., with Glenn H u w a ^ b o u n d a r y b ^ t w ^ n t h e J . J . RUTuEKS COmPANY that the student turn-out will be an indication of their inter- ber of our faculty. Curtiss, pioneer in'the field of avia- K , n g d o m 0 q a n 1 e CJ

est in the work of these musicians.


One asked a sign from God; and day by day The sun arose in pearl, in scarlet set. Each night the stars appeared in bright array. Each mom the thirsting grass with dew was wet. The com failed not in its harvest, nor the vine,

' And yet he saw no sign.

One longed to hear a prophet; and he strayed Through crowded streets, and by the open sea. He saw men send their ships for di.stant trade. And build for generations yet to be. He saw the farmer sow his acres wide. But went unsatisfied.

One prayed a sight of heaven; and erewhile He saw a workman at his noontime r e s t . He saw one dare for honor, and the smile Of one who held a babe upon her breast; At dusk two lovers walking hand in hand; But he did not understand. —Victor Starbuck.

tion, remarked that Col. Lindbergh

I f W p H a H q FJRO i f i s h o u l d s t o p l e a t h e 1)6 '""ed 11 w e m a a t ire in by the law of aviation averageSi

Dear Old Van Raalte and that the Pan-American Air-ways, Inc., should give him a good

crossed. This boundary, together with its fortified posts, has been the occasion of friction between these two governments and the cause for the recent breaking down

19 West 8th St.

A L M O S T A T R A G E D Y perusing Blue Books. As he glanced ^ n J looking t ' l e n ^ ' 1 0 a i d a s ^ o u t

. fit tVu* novt nno hie a\rna Knlcrn/I Viiq % %

One m o r n i n g history class sa/e ground job Mr Curtiss f u " o f I b l v T d V ^ e I was asked for the answer to a gested, with a twinkle in his eye, ^cumstance probably led o the

question about which I did not that the situation would probabi; **** u J T u know anything. Seeking inspira- be taken care of, in view of reports tribesmen, called I k h ^ a n ' tion my eyes wandered to the wind- that Mr. Hoover would appoint Col. g l V i n f 0 '11" ^ j ow and rested on Van Raalte Hall. Lindbergh to his sub-cabinet i n

S a o ^ d ' S u l t a n o f ^ N e ^ a n d r e" Then—I jerked foi-^-ard, rubbed my charge of civil aeronautics. Mr. cejitly become the King o ecjaz. eyes and looked again!! Could it be Hoover immediately changed the attack of the Ikhwan has prob-possible that this famous building subject of conversation. a b l y o n l y a l> o l l t l c a l significance, was on fire? Sure enough it was • • • growing out of the friction and dis-for I saw smoke curling out from The joint session of the House p u t e o c c a 8 1 o n e ( 1 b y boundary ques-the window of a French professor's and the Senate in the House's t i (>ns , T h a t M r* ®^ k e r t ' s l i f e s h o u l d

room. I jumped from my seat and chamber, for the purpose of count- b e f o r f e i t 10 a circumstance of this

ran to the burning building. ing the electoral votes to find out ^ d i r e C t l y ^ In front of Van Raalte I saw sev- who is to be our next President h l S services although of

eral students .lancing and yelling, has come to pass, and the official . " " " T Yeah!! No More School! Hurrah! discovery was made that Herbert ' l ^ e ' ^ t ' , e P 8 " 1 0 1 ' 0 " l l s ( ' e a

Three Cheers! Then some of the Clark Ho^er has been elected by M r - B i l k e r t l e a V e S " W i f u

students dashed into the burning quite a majority to that office ' o u r c ^ ' ' ( ' r o n t ^ e 'a®' t w 0 t w ' n s > 4 building and left us wondering . . . born in October, 1925. The sym-

Nearly everything in the modern ^ 0 f " c i r d e ' a . . A K i n o rt /1 try A ty\ r\ i» i /> o 11 crr\ #>iir

arc members


O t i U X perusing Blue Books. As ho glanced a n d l o o k i n g u p j s a w o n e o f o u r f r o m ^ c h i m n e y o t g t o t h e Arabia and in America, will go out

at the next one his eyes bulged, his Co-eds descending the fire-escape, boiler in the basement, is in color to * * f a m i , y- M r - B i l -l . s a m p s o n wou, R.S.V.P. nostrils quivered, and his hair stood loaded down with antiquated pic- nowadays. And now comes the k e r t W a S b u r i e d i n t h e 881110 C e m '

C.O.D., A.D., assistant professor of on end. He leaped from his chair, tures from our attic museum. Sev- suggestion for brighter Bibles. The e t e r y a t ^ a s r a ^ where lie the Monotony at Restmore College, was tore the paper into two pieces, eral of us rushed up to inquire the Rt Rev. Cyril Forster Garbett, b ( K , i e s o f R e v - Henry J. Wiersum, the soul of patience and forbear- t h r e w i t o n t h e fl a n d reason for rescuing such antiques. Bishop of Southwark, England, in w h o d i e d , n 1 f 0 1 ' a n d Mrs. Christ-ance.- If during class a student . Before we had finished questioning making a plea for more colorful i n e r s o n B e , i n e t t » ^"0 died in KonrH thp rnll of the inner man and ? ' e y a n e *0 aI? .s. u 0 her. she herself, calmlv informed Bibles, said. "Excent. in 1916. The funeral service was held

£ALL on us when you wiih to send flowers

lytoany distant point. Our dependable F T D •ervlce insures that the •ame quality flowers you order will be delivered to its destination quickly and economically.

Qyiijililillijloiier' recite because he was busy writing his brains out^on the snowdrift 1 8 5 5 w o r e ; ouitouic ior u voiume wmcn con- " — " n s • . • m • home for a check, the Professor - Aftpr his racrp had abated Leavihg the young lady with her tains good tidings?" Last year it Christians of the Western and V l | « | | l y I 011711 k l A n c t only smiled benignly. If the class ' * ^ h(. was able to explain treasures we next saw four boys is estimated that 32,000,000 B i b l e s .Eastern Churches and that the O l m U j L a i ? 11 1 i U I I o l decided suddenly to take a holiday. t h u 3 ^ ttThe c o n f o u n d e d i d i o t w r o t e carrying an old-fashioned bookcase (mostly black) were sold, and service was a remarkable tribute by p . ^ 0 C K 0

Pmfonftnr onlv smiled reliev- medium blue ink after I had which we instantly recognized as churchmen are wondering whether many races and creeds to this r n o n e s 0040-ZbDZ specified that the class was to use belonging to one of our professors. Bishop Garbett's advice would not American missionary.

at his desk pale black ink." As they w.ni carrying the book- make tor greater sale#. , From the Christian In

the Professor only smiled reliev edly.

The Professor n






» *

Page Three

H > O I 4 A « # a & ^ , •



We wonder what would happen if it rained Antar Abbie lost his wave. Would Donald Wade in after it with Annette Bos of the job and John doing Nauta thing or would Harold Kraai for help? These questions Jacob Juist cannot an-swer, so we will ask Dorothy De Goed scholar. She cannot answer either but Sidney Iflsersma question and thinks that he can answer it. I could tell you his answer, but I want Mayo Tase it first.

Marge: "I just adore caviar, don't you?"

Bernie; "I never heard it except on a phonograph."

Composition on Cats as contrib-uted by A. Froahe.

Cats that's made for little boys to maul and tease is called Maul-tease cats. Some cats are reker-nized by how quiet their purs is and they is named Pursian cats. The cats With bad tempers is called Angorie cats. And cats with deep feelings is called Feline cats. I don't like cats.

He tucked his crib in his pocket and soliloquized, "I'll get by. as long as I have you."

• • •

"There's Joey. I understand she bought that dress on the install-ment plan."

"I suppose this is the first in-stallment she's wearing."

• • •

Jack smashed his car yesterday and went to court for it.

"Really, what is the charge?" "Driving under the influence of a

woman." •v.-. • • •

Harry: "We're good friends, Don, lend me five." '

Don; "I could, but I never lend money; it only breaks friendships.

H.: "Well, after all, we never were sUch good friends."

E. P.: "Why so melancholy, old man?"

V. D. W.: "L K. rejected me." E. P.: "Oh, cheer up, there are

lots of other ones." V. D. • W.r "I know, but I just

can't help feeling sorry for the old girl.

"'Oh! Dot, come over tonight and play bridge."

"I'm sorry. Marge, but I must see 'Hamlet.'"

"Why, heck! bring him along." « « *

Our idea of an optimist is a fel-low who buys a lifetime pen in Chicago.

• • * *

"For crying out loud," exclaimed the talkie star as she displayed a fat pay check.

* • «

A few historical events in auto-mobiling: The Israelites seek a new parking space.

Phoenician sailors get at least five hundred milies to a gallon. Caesar crosses river by means of Fords. Queen Elizabeth considers getting an Essex.

' • • • •

"I've decided to part my heir in the middle," said the ax fiend as he made a pass at his son.

* * *

A word to the wise: "Don't bite your fiinger nails, you know what happened to Venus."

« « •

Mrs. Lampen to Sonny: "Don't ask your dad so many questions; it irritates him."

Lampen, Jr.: "It isn't the ques-tions, ma, it's the answers he can't give that makes him mad."

* • «

A negro mamsy had a family of (Wjfcll-behaved boys. One day her

mistress asked: "Sally, how do you raise your boys so well ?"

"Ah raise dem with a barrel stave and Ah raised 'em frequent."

» •

The difference between a profes-sion and a trade is that the pro-fessional man has a diploma and the tradesman a Packard.

It was heard yesterday that Tommy Zandtsra was in the gym playing basket-ball while Daisy was almost a block away, visiting the Girls' Dorm. Honestly, it can't be true.

• • • '

A most terrible thing happened to Dr. Nykerk recently. He was visiting a neighbor, a young mother and wishing to be neighborly, asked:

"How is your little girl, Mrs. Jones?"

"My little boy is quite well, thank you, "replied Mrs. Jones.

"Oh! it's a boy," exclaimed Dr., in confusion. "I knew it was one or the other."

* * *

M. R.: "Oh! I wish the Lord had made me a man."

E. P.: "He did. I'm the man." * *

Famous Female Flings. Well, good bye, I'll sue you later.

What! New books, and instantly there is a rush to the library. Fa-culty and students eagerly seize upon the new arrivals. It is a varied collection consisting of biographies, histories and books of travel, twenty-nine works in forty-two vol-umes. The donor. Dr. J. W. Bos-man, alumnus of '85, has often thus remember his alma mater.

The highlight of the group is "The Source Records of the World War."

The American Legion, who were by special permission given access to the military archives of the na-tions involved in the war, published the records. The bindings of the seven volumes are facsimiles of the bindings of the Versailles Treaty, one of which was had by each of the seven leading powers. Informa-tion heretofore suppressed is now offered to the eyes of the world so that future generations might know the true horror of war. The cost of the records is somewhat over one hundred dollars. All profit accru-ing from the sale goes to the aid of disabled veterans. Only persons with war records are able to pur-chase this special publication and we are indeed fortunate to receive so splendid a collection specially registered in the name of Hope Col-lege. Much more could be said but come and see for yourselves.

Dr. Bosman's previous donations include such works as "The Har-vard Classics," leather bound vol-umes of "Latin and Greek Class-ics," Hubbard's "Little Journeys" in the famous Roycroft bindings, a very elaborate set of "The Litera-ture of Italy Series," and Burton's "The Book of a Thousand Nights and a Night."

In your search for good litera-ture ask Miss De Pree about Dr. Bosman's collections and enjoy the very best our library has to offer.

Following is a list of our present gift of books: 1. William Hohenzollern. Emil

Ludwig. 3. The Life of John Hay. Wm.

Roscoe Thayer. Vol. 1 and 2. 4. My Autobiography. Benito Mus-

solini. 5. Woodrow Wilson. Wm. Allen

White. 6. Woodrow Wilson and World

Settlement. Ray Stannard Ba-ker.

7. Woodrow Wilson—Life and Letters. Ray Stannard Baker, Vol. 1 and 2.

8. Benjamin Franklin. Phillips Russell.

0. The Life of Abraham Lincoln. Wm. E. Barton. Vol. 1 and 2.

10. The Story of Philosophy. Will Durant.

11. The Sunset of the Confederacy. Morris Schaff.

12. Abraham Lincoln. Charnwood. 13. Joan of Arc. Joseph Delteil. 14. The Rise of American Civiliza-

tion. Beard. Vol. 1 and 2. 15. Twice Thirty. Edward Bok. 16. Napoleon. Emil Ludwig. 18. Walter H. Page. Burton Hen-

drick. Vol. 1 and 2. 1U. John Brown's Body. Stephen

Vincent Benet. 20. The Life of Johnson. Mowbray

Morris. Vol. 1 and 2. 21. Bryan, the Great Commander.

J. C. Long. 22. The Life of John Marshall. A.

J. Beveridge. Vol. 1, 2, 8 and 4. 23. Young Boswell. Chauncey

Brewster Tinker. 24. The Education of Henry Adams.

An Autobiography. 25. Napoleon. The Last Phase. Lord

Rosebery. 27. If Hamilton Were Here Today.

VandenBerg. (

28. Everywhere. A. Henry Savage Landor. Vol. 1 and 2.

29. The Source Records of the World War. American Legion.

W e do il the way you want it done

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We hope everyone was able to settle down to ^ork again after having a whole day of vacation last Friday. We trust that everyone made good use of his extra time. The seniors say it was quite a treat to be able to forget about a seven o'clock class for once. •

* * •

/ Ina De Cracker says she went fishing the other day. When asked concerning her luck she replied that she talked so much that she scared the fish away. Of course we may excuse Ina because she would rather talk to young theologians than catch fish anyway.

i »

Brrrr it's been cold lately, hasn't it? Mr. Winter says it was eight below zero at one o'clock last Wednesday morning. But, cold as it is, we haven't heard of any frozen ears or noses yet.

• • • •

Have you noticed that a number 4of stained glass windows have ap-peared in the hew chapel lately?

' I t begins to look as though the Seniors may graduate from the new building. Quite privileged to be the first ones, aren't they?

. . . \ Mr. Lubbers' Novel class has

been doing'some-reading of light Action lately — three volume nov-• els for instance. For further infor-mation, see Mr. Leon Bosch.

• • • •

We wonder just when we are go-ing to have Spring vacation.

• • • •

< The other day a certain little boy couldnf find his seat in chapel. So Dr. Dimnent had to help him.

..Moral (for Freshmen and Sopho-mores): Always sit in your own seat in chapel. It's less embaras-sini:.

With a little more practice the A.D.D. girls feel that they will be quite proficient in the art of throw-ing frost-bites up to people sitting on the top row of the bleachers at games. However, we think they did very well at the Calvin game — very few people were hit.

• • •

Speaking of the Calvin game — we 'wish to congratulate all those who got there early enough to get seats.

* « *

Our sympathy goes out to those who were born on the twenty-ninth of February. It's just too bad, but they will be cheated out of having a birthday this year.

a iL


FREYLING - DE KONINC In Grand Haven last Thursday

afternoon, a very pretty impromp-tu wedding took place at the Pres-byterian Church House when Mr. Arend Freyling, of Grand Rapids, a Hope College junior was united in matrimony to Misg Hermina De Koning oi Holland.

The young people went to Grand Haven with the intent of being married, and in passing the church House, its charm caused them to have Reverend De Kraker of that church perofrm the ceremony. Rev. De Kraker is a fraternity brother Oil the groom. . Fortunately, the Ladies' Aid So-cial was in progress in the church house at the time, so the wedding went on with 1̂1 the "fixin's " The couple came in to the tune of the Wedding March from Lohengrin, while after the ceremony, one of the ladies sang, "I Love You Truly.'

The curtains were drawn, the candles, center and sidelights were lit and the fire kindled, all of which added to the cozy charm of the room. Refreshments, intended for the Ladies' meeting were served, completing the arrangements.

Mr. and Mrs. Freyling are at home to their friends at 129 E. 10th street, in H o l l a n d j f f i ^ n . •


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Page Four

Undefeated Albion Team Takes Hope for

Sure M.I.A.A. Title The undefeated Albion college

basket ball team dispelled any championship hopes of the Hope

quint last week Tuesday, as they handed the Schoutenmen a 85-26 defeat but only after a hard fought game. The Hopeites went to Albion with a fighting chance of giving the Methodists a run for the M.I.A.A. crown, and although they gave all they had, the Albionites were a trifle better on the loop than the Orange and Blue representatives and thus managed to take the vic-tory. The Hope courtsters were without the services of Captain Vem Vander Hill and thus were handicapped, but Vandenbosh and De Velder filled the position in fine fashion.

Hope gave Albion a real scare in the early part of the game when Martin drew first blood with a goal, and the Hope defense repulsed every Albion effort to snare a deuce. Goldburg finally scored from mid-court and B. Grey and Latta repeated, gmng the Methodists a lead which was held for the re-mainder of the tilt. At the inter-mission the Albion team was on the big end of a 15-8 score.

Hope's game comeback in the last half was the feature of the game. With the never-die spirit, the Hope-ites managed to creep up on the leaders but each time would be re-pulsed with a barrage of baskets. Cox Van Lente thrilled the large crowd that witnessed the game with three baskets from mid-court in the last period. Both coaches used nu-merous substitutes in the fray, all the entries playing basket ball of varsity caliber.

Captain Carlson was the leading scorer for the Methodists with four deuces and a foul. He was ably aid-ed in offensive play by Ernie Grey and Richards, a substitute. Vanden-bosch, Martin and Van Lente di-vided the point-getting for Hope, While John Klay played a good game at guard, scaring the Albion-ites with his fast breaking attack.

Hope is still even in the M.I.A.A! standings, having won three and lost an equal number of tilts. Sev-eral of the teams yet have to make their appearance in Carnegie gym.

The Hope Frosh played a miser-able game at Albion and lost to the Freshm an squad in the prelim by a 22-12 score. At no point of the game did the yearlings show the type of basgket ball that they are capable of, their basket-shooting having disappeared.

Lineups and summary:


Carlson, F 4 1 9 McConnell, F 0 2 Densmore, F 0 1 1 Bromley, F 1 0 2 Richards, F 2 1 5 E. Grey, C 3 0 G Latta, C 1 0 2 Goldburg, G 2 0 4 Fleming, G 0 0 0 B. Grey, G 1 2 4 Koblin, G. 0 0 0

15 5 35 HOPE COLLEGE (26)

P.G. F.T.P. De Pree, F 1 2 4 Vanden Bosch, F 3 0 6 De Velder, F 1 0 2 Martin, C 3 0 6 Cook, G 0 0 0 De Young, G 0 0 0 Van Lente, G 3 0 6 Klay, G 0 2 2

' 11 4 26 Referee—Kipke, U. of M.



• Thursday morning many Van , Vleckites were late for chapel, oth-

ers did not get there, and some did not even visit their classes. Why? No heat in the building, and there-fore the regular alarm, the rap-tap-tapp—bang of the radiators, did not awaken them on time; and others, when they realized the frigidity of the situation and when they thought of the possible results —tonsilities, pneumonia, etc.—de-cided that it would be better far if they would lay in bed until the rooms became warm. So they lay in bed, gazing at the ceiling. How wonderful, how white, how pure! Was this not equal to a chapel ex-cercise? Yea, was it not far better?

Quiet hours were suspended. The building shook as wrestlers tum-bled and bumped here, there, and nowhere; and the halls rang with the shouting and the tumult of the fans. But hark! amidst the uproar a familiar sound was heard: "tap-tap—bang—bang." Hurrah! Three cheers for the plumbers, six for the janitors, and then the rousing Van Vleck song, "Hail, hail, the gang's all here," Then each retired to his room to STUDY.

N. J. Burggraaff. o

We advise everyone to start sav-ing pennies, nickles, etc., so as to be able to go to Grand Rapids to see the Hope Calvin game.

* • •

Equality causes no war—Salon. .


A C i( The exchange editor is more than

half-delighted to receive a novel and much beautiful edition of the Kalamazoo College Catalog en-tered as second class matter under the new name of "Kalamazoo Col-lege Index."

If the compilers will allow me, I shall indulge in a few comments. The picture of the campus and its buildings satisfy the aesthetic, while the items, explanatory of the scenes, are highly edifying. It will be my privilege, I assure you, dear editors, to acquaint the students here with the outstanding person-ages of your faculty.

Without a doubt, we at Hope will be inspired to bigger and better bigger and betterism.

However, we hope and desire that desire that the next edition of the Index, which is, I assure you, an excellent paper, will have returned to normal.

• • •

The Mac Weekly runs a coluirti., The Chopping Block, from which this good-sized statement is taken:

"Hew to the line and let the chips fall where they may."


From this same paper is ex-cerpted a fragment of an address by Pres. Acheson of that school:

"The present generation is en-joying a heritage greater than any previous; the freedom has perhaps never been paralleled."

Truly, our is the heritage. All the reclines, literary and artistic and scientific, have been sent down the long chute of the ages to land at our feet. Indeed, we are the pupils of a million yesterdays. I oppose his last statement. Has freedom been any freer or abundant today than yesterday?

• • •

Recently the Olivet Echo gave notice to Freshmen to procure tick-ets for chapel attendance. Poor Olivet, how far behind us are you! We have chapel attendance on the curriculum, scheduled under Drs. Dimnent and Nykerk, impreson-ning the students from twenty minutes up to any time. We hope that it is not to be supposed that that which will not be effectual by affection will be so my coercion.

« * *

. Dr. Ward's plea, which was printed in the echo, for clear and accurate thinking demands a ter-rific response, especially since we are now more influenced by tradK tion, prejudice, bias, and others of the unhallowed group more than ever. Of course, this is no plea for iconoclasm, nor for orthodoxy. "There opened a way and ways

and a way . . . And the high soul chooses the

high And the low soul chooses the low. While in between on the misty

flats The rest drift to and fro."

HOPE H.S. NEWS A special program in commem-

oration of Washington's Birthday was given by the Senior Class last Thursday. The program consisted of readings from incidents of Washington's life, a biographical sketch, the rendering of a poem and other appropriate numbers. Many of Washington's wonderful traits were brought out in the presenta-tion of a few of his many letters.

Those that took part were Al-berta Rawls, Deane Knoll, Cather-ine Nettinga, Esther Mulder, Joy Hungerink, Milton Van Den Berg and Ben Eckwieler, Willard Van Den Berg of the Junior Class acted as chairman.

The Meliphone Society held a stag at their hall last Friday eve-ning, attending the Hope-Calvin game in a body afterwards.

Miss Mary Weldron, one of our worthy senior teachers, had her class write a description o^ a deer. When correcting the papers, the teacher found that she had been described by every member of the class.




OUT - SO B E W A R E !

Report cards are out!! Girls crowded Mrs. Durfee's office to see the dread or otherwise, results and many were the elongated counten-ances which emerged from that his-toric place. Some, however, to re-lieve the monotony and to keep up our good name were wreathed in smiles or wore looks of smug self-satisfaction but these were very rare. We hear that there are sev-eral cases of "maniac depressive melancholia," (or word to that effect) threatening, but merely threatening. As yet we have heard of no actual instance where the dis-ease has taken active form. Many are the downcast Voorheesites who will be staying in evenings for rather than reposing on flowery beds of "e's" they are riding on stormy "c's"! The voice of the buzzer will be stilled in their rooms and loud will be the rustling of pages and scratching of pens.


Feb. 27—Hope-Olivet basketball game.

Mar. 1—M. 0. L. con-test at Alma. Hope versus General Mo-tors Tech at Hope.

Mar. 5—Y. M. C. A. and Y. W. C. A. meetings.

Not a few of our fellow Hopeites have met their downfalls of late much to their chagrin. None are immune to the fascination and magnetic power of the pavements. Upper Classmen as well as the poor insignificant Freshies a r e a l l drawn downwards toward mother earth, sometimes even suffering painful injuries to their otherwise well-behaving equilibriums. Our in-tellectual Seniors especially are much perturbed when they meet with any opposing forces but when the force happens to be in the form of a stretch of slippery shiny ice, and none too soft ground, their exasperation is beyond all bounds. But be ye consoled wise ones for even the best of us meet with sud-den declines, in life. Seven o'clock classes find most of the participants still in the realm of sleep but sud-den jolts prove very good awaken-ers, don't they Joe? To see the dignity of the mighty Senior so ruffled sends a pleasurable thrill to the region of my funny bone producing one of those unique hu-man indulgences so mildly termed a "Hearty Laugh."



A last dab with the powder puff, a hasty glance in the mirror, a scramble for books and boots and we're off for chapel, to find only too often, the closed doors con-fronting us. When the faculty walks out, they cast their eyes over the group of delinquents huddled in the back seats on the right. Most of the tardy ones are dorm girls, strange as.it may seem and many and varied are the excuses extracted by the harassed dean, for every good dean feels the responsi-bility of getting her family to chap-el on time.

Of course, the stock alibi is that the alarm didn't ring on time and there is the girl whose clock fell of the window sill. One girl fell down and tore her stockings because she had "forgotten" to wear galoshes and another had a nose bleed. The late mail bothers the freshmen as well as the late male. And — let us not forget those who fail to be prompt because they must stop to feed the squirrels.

The individualism of today is the mediocrity of tomorrow.

Albion at present seems to have things much their own way in M.I.A.A. basket ball circles. Hope and Alma are the only threatening teams and these have only a slim chance. Hope should defeat Albion at Holland and should Albion blaw any more games, the result will be quite a mixup.

o As one eminent logician re-

marked, "Give me victory or give me an alibi."


The darkest hour in any man's life is when he sits down to plan how to get money without earning it.—Greeley.

Don't part with your illusions. When they are gone you may still exist, but you have ceased to live.

—Mark Twain.

Qoalky Shoe Rcpairkg That's Onr Basaus

"Dick" the Shoe Doctor

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B R I N K ' S B O O K S T O R E

Lindy's Engagement Disappoints Girls

Have you noticed the down-cast expression on Peg's face the last week or so? The reason may be found in any newspaper you pick up.

^ es. Colonel Charles Lindbergh is engaged to be married! Peg had hopes of being the lucky bride but, alas, Lindy never visited Hope Col-lege to secure this information.

Oh! Peg, isn't the only one by any means! Several of the dorm girls have been infected with the same disease causing their room-mates to tear their hair at the in-cessant praise and tears bestowed upon Lindy.

We're wondering if Doc Robin-son could suggest a cure.

o Flapper Fanny says, "Punctual-

ity means guessing how late the girls will be."

G r e e n M i l l

If a man likes a girl—that's his business! If they want to "dine out"—that s our



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