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017 - County Executive Office GENERAL GOVERNMENT SERVICES

372 County of OrangeFY 2011-2012 Budget Workbook


017 - County Executive Office

Operational Summary


The mission of the County Executive Office (CEO) is to sup-port and implement Board policy and direction through cor-porate action and leadership, communication andcoordination of strategic and regional planning, and toensure effective service delivery through efficient manage-ment of the County's workforce and resources, and to iden-tify and respond to needs in a proactive style focused oncustomer service.

Strategic Goals:■ Facilitate, support and ensure the implementation of decisions by the Board of Supervisors in a proactive style focused on

customer service.

■ Improve County government's effectiveness in addressing community issues and needs.

■ Ensure the financial strength and integrity of the County of Orange.

■ Preserve and advance the regional services and infrastructure that the Orange County community relies upon by workingcollaboratively with other levels of government and community-based organizations to ensure that regional issues andneeds are addressed.

At a Glance:

Total FY 2010-2011 Current Modified Budget: 16,241,814

Total FY 2010-2011 Projected Expend + Encumb: 14,013,313

Total Recommended FY 2011-2012 15,466,419

Percent of County General Fund: 0.5%

Total Employees: 85.00

Key Outcome Indicators:

2010 Business Plan 2011 Business Plan

Performance Measure Results Target How are we doing?

BOARD RATING OF CEO SUPPORT.What: Board Members rate quality of support provided by CEO.Why: To provide CEO with feedback on quality of support provided to the Board.

As a cost-saving measure, the CEO delayed utilizing a consultant to conduct the survey.

The CEO will continue to conduct regular briefings with each Board office.

The Board of Supervisors provides immediate feedback to the CEO and staff at regular briefings.

AGENCY/DEPARTMENT RATING VALUE OF CEO'S STRATEGIC, FINANCIAL, TECHNOLOGY AND COMMUNICATIONS SUPPORT.What: Feedback on agencies assessment of CEO's strategic, financial, technology and communications supportWhy: To measure the effectiveness of leadership and services provided by the CEO to agencies/departments.

Surveys in progress or completed include: CEO/Purchasing, CEO Support of Computerized Agenda Management System (CAMS) and CEO Community/Media Relations.

CEO will identify and conduct additional service surveys.

Social Media survey in progress developing policy recommendations.

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GENERAL GOVERNMENT SERVICES 017 - County Executive Office

FY 2010-11 Key Project Accomplishments:■ Managed the County investment portfolio from mid-March through January 14th.

■ Sold Serpentine/Whistlejacket investment and developed internal policy for allocations between short and long termportfolios.

■ Public Finance maintained the highest available short term debt rating for our $150 million Tax and Revenue AnticipationNote (TRAN) for 2010/11. For the 2010/11 note issue, the County implemented a strategy of issuing in multiple asopposed to a single maturity. This strategy resulted in one of the lowest overall yields (0.372%) of all California Counties.

■ The Teeter Commercial Paper program generated $28 million for the General Fund in Fiscal Year 2010/11 helping to easethe budget burden for the fiscal year.

■ Held the 1st annual OC Green Fair - Showcasing green alternatives for commodities & service purchases.

■ Kicked off the "OC Purchasing Alliance" with Orange County Cities & Special Districts to coordinate purchases andreceive discounts.

■ Internal financing of CAPS/HR, PTMS and ATS software upgrades allowed these projects to continue in their develop-ment cycle without impact from the economic downturn.

■ Implementation of the third 5% NCC budget reduction with minimal impacts to services and staff.

■ Orchestrated the transition of department heads: Chief Probation Officer and Social Services Director.

■ Improved the legislative platform for 2011 by increasing collaboration with the departments and making the platformmore ambitious and comprehensive.

■ Improved morale and productivity of CEO/Legislative unit and leveraged the use of federal and state advocates.

■ Prepared issue paper with recommendations on how to phase out funding of $1.8 million in supplemental judicial bene-fits.

■ Achieved cost savings with the CSUF/Center for Demographic Research and e-Civis contracts.

COUNTY OF ORANGE CREDIT RATINGS.What: Ratings by major bond rating companies (Moody's, S&P, Fitch).Why: Credit ratings indicate financial creditworthiness and factor into our borrowing cost.

Moody’s and Standard & Poor’s continued County’s issuer ratings of Aa2 and AA- respectively. Maintained the highest short-term ratings from Moody’s, Standard & Poor’s and Fitch; MIG 1, SP1+ and F1+ respectively.

Maintain/Improve rating. The County has maintained its credit rating with Moody’s and Standard & Poor’s.

LEGISLATIVE PLATFORM AND LOCAL GOVERNMENT AWARENESS OF REGIONAL SERVICES AND COORDINATION PROVIDED.What: Provide Orange County agencies & business leaders information on County’s leadership on legislation.Why: Provides County a measure of success in defining legislative agenda and achieving favorable results.

As a cost-saving measure, the CEO canceled the use of a consultant to conduct survey.

In addition to the regular publication of an annual Legislative Platform and Legislative Bulletins for Board meetings, the CEO will establish a means of incorporating the ideas and concerns of major County stakeholders in this process through working with their legislative staff.

CEO/Legislative Affairs is working with major public agencies and select major employers in Orange County to develop a regular platform for sharing ideas and challenges as well as a means for cooperating on addressing these challenges.

Key Outcome Indicators: (Continued)

2010 Business Plan 2011 Business Plan

Performance Measure Results Target How are we doing?

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374 County of OrangeFY 2011-2012 Budget Workbook

■ Influenced the Auditor-Controller to correct the COPS funds distribution to cities ensuring the minimum allocation tosmaller cities was met.

■ Started a new review of the PAPG department.

■ Coordinated efforts that helped achieve one of the best 2010 Census mail-in results in the states. Orange County tied forsecond place at 75%.

■ Supported the Board in establishing a redistricting committee in follow up to the census results. Also provided support tothe County’s redistricting efforts through the development of a redistricting webpage and the provision of audio record-ings of redistricting meetings at no additional cost to the County.

■ Advised and guided departments on various issues including labor relations, correctional medical services, reorganiza-tion, AB 3632 services to schools.

■ Updated the County’s policy regarding review of city redevelopment plans and plan amendments.

■ Prepared a study for the Board regarding law enforcement contract policy.

■ Coordinated efforts with second district and LAFCO regarding the Sunset Beach annexation.

■ Implemented County solar and energy efficiency projects

■ Explored public/private partnership for Santa Ana Civic Center development.

■ Consistently report on customer service and satisfaction on Balanced Scorecard.

■ Worked with departments to implement job order contracting and streamlined the change order process.

■ Implemented budget cost saving initiatives and administrative overhead reductions.

■ Provided Public Information support for the San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station (SONGS) plume phase and ingestionpathway exercises. The latter exercise is held locally only once every twelve years.

■ Enhanced the County’s Public Information efforts through the use of social media through the development of a Twitteraccount (www.twitter.com/OCGovCA).

■ Furthered the County’s development of social media use by providing educational forums and seminars for County PublicInformation officers.

■ Provided Public Information support to the County’s Emergency Operations Center during the December 2010 winterstorm activation.

■ Renegotiated the County’s video production contract for Board of Supervisors’ meetings, resulting in a more than 30%decrease in the contract "not to exceed" amount.

■ Collaborated with Agency/Department business and IT leaders, developed a new Countywide Information TechnologyMission Statement, Goals and Governance Model that clearly defines how IT decisions will be made in the County goingforward. The Governance Model identifies the governing bodies and clearly defines the roles and responsibilities. The newIT Governance was approved by the Board of Supervisors on March 1, 2011.

■ Implemented an industry standard IT Service Management (ITSM) program which resulted in significant enhancementsto service delivery, including a 25% improvement in resolution time, 38% reduction in incidents, and 16% improvementin customer service based on a survey of clients. CEO-IT deployed a Network Operations Center to provide for automatedmonitoring of critical systems.

■ Developed a model for the sourcing strategy of Information Technology and Telephone Services for the County. This strat-egy will institute an IT service delivery model that is cost effective and flexible enough to meet changing businessdemands, both in terms of staffing and technology. This new model should also meet the appropriate need by Agenciesand Departments for autonomy in acquiring and managing these services.

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■ Led a cross-functional, Countywide team to identify the IT services that would be in-scope for this new service modeland created a comprehensive Request for Proposal (RFP). The RFP was reviewed by Countywide stakeholders andapproved by the Board of Supervisors in March 2011. The Sourcing RFP will be released to proposers in April 2011.

■ Worked with sponsoring Agencies to design and implement the new platform architectures and databases to support thenext generation of major County applications, including CAPS+ HR/Payroll, ATS and PTMS. The CIO’s Office also pro-vided Independent Verification & Validation Services for the ATS and PTMS projects, helping to identify project risks andrecommend mitigating strategies for project success.

■ Worked with Board offices to deploy workstations and software at public facilities countywide to allow constituents toprovide input into the decennial redistricting process.

■ Increased floor space leases at the County’s Data Center, resulting in approximately $176,000 in additional revenues to theCounty, helping to offset the Data Center’s operating costs. This included leasing space to external entities as well as thetransition of County agencies to the Data Center.

■ In conjunction with the County’s participation in the California Great Shake Out, the County and 18 cities joined forces onOctober 21, 2010 to perform a test of the County’s Emergency Notification System, AlertOC. The test was coordinated toassess the system’s capability, capacity and readiness to deliver emergency notifications to the public during a wide-spread disaster. Collectively, the system placed 546,288 phone calls within a forty-minute timeframe and sent 24,204 e-mails and 5,245 text messages. Overall, the system responded well under the high-load. Currently the system has a total of32 cities participating.

■ Converted existing storage solution to a managed storage solution including conversion of 38,000 tapes to a virtual tapesolution. This solution allows agencies to add or remove storage as needed.

■ Significantly enhanced the County’s Internal and External IT security by consolidating firewall rules; implementingIntrusion Detection System (IDS) and Intrusion Prevention Systems (IPS) monitoring and web filtering.

■ A plan for ongoing operations and maintenance of the Solano County "warm site" was implemented. Recovery procedureshave been updated and a mock recovery exercise is scheduled for the 4th quarter of FY 2011. Design of a disaster recoverysolution for the CAPS+ Financial and HR/Payroll systems is in progress.

■ The County has improved its overall capability to deliver information and services to the public online by completing its2-year migration of 45 departmental websites into a common County web presence. With a consistent web presence andstandard system in place across County Departments, the County has positioned itself to be more responsive to the pub-lic’s desire to transact more business online. The County is currently in the process of researching eGovernment costreductions and enhancement options with the eGovernment Working Group.

■ Achieved over $526,000 in savings by re-negotiating CEO/IT contracts for reduced costs without impacting service levels.

■ Continue on the path of continuous improvement by consolidating applications /databases and decommissioning data-bases/servers to reduce licensing and other operating costs without impacting service levels. To date at least 8 servers andhundreds of databases have been decommissioned and many more are targeted for consolidation/decommissioning bythe end of this fiscal year.

017 - County Executive Office GENERAL GOVERNMENT SERVICES

376 County of OrangeFY 2011-2012 Budget Workbook

County Executive Office - Provides corporate leadershipand oversight to assure implementation of Board policiesand directions. The CEO has seven direct reports and budgetoversight responsibility for all County departments. CEOAdministration and Media Relations provides leadership indeveloping and presenting strategies for communication ofCounty programs; manages and guides internal operationsfor CEO including department budget, accounting, humanresources, building security, agenda reviews, and agencycoordination.

OC Infrastructure - Provides leadership and oversees man-agement of the following County agencies/departments: OCCommunity Resources, OC Public Works, OC Registrar ofVoters, OC Waste & Recycling and OC Dana Point Harbor.Coordinates service delivery and policy development of keyregional services to accomplish corporate and regionalgoals.

Information & Technology - Provides leadership in ITstrategic planning and implementation of best practices ofcorporate information technology functions. Major respon-sibilities include the County IT Strategic Plan, eGovernmentinitiatives, IT Standards, IT Governance oversight and man-agement, IT policy development, IT HIPAA security, Coun-tywide IT security, Data Center operations, local and widearea network operations, Countywide IT procurements, ITproject management, Countywide IT business continuity,telecommunications and reprographic services.

Government & Public Services - Provides leadership inplanning and establishing effective governance structuresand relationships to accomplish corporate and regionalgoals. This office oversees management of the followingCounty agencies/departments: Social Services Agency,

Health Care Agency, Probation, Public Defender and ChildSupport Services. Other responsibilities include coordina-tion of all Federal and State legislative advocacy efforts,HIPAA compliance, trial court matters, the ExternalRestructuring Program and special projects.

County Financial Office - Provides leadership and over-sight of the overall financial operations of the County. Majorresponsibilities include long-range strategic financial plan-ning, the County's Strategic Focus effort, public finance, riskmanagement, County budget, corporate business planningand corporate procurement.

Ten Year Staffing Trend Highlights:■ FY 02/03 - One position transferred to Housing and

Community Development for coordination of homelessissues. One position transferred in from Informationand Technology ISF to provide purchasing support.

■ FY 03/04 - One position deleted in Human Resources asa result of the Strategic Financial Plan reductions. Twopositions transferred in to support the new federalmandate for Health Insurance Portability and Account-ability Act (HIPAA). Ten positions transferred in from

Organizational Summary

Information &

TechnologyGovernment &

Public Services

County Financial

OfficeOC Infrastructure

County Executive


Ten Year Staffing Trend:

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Employee Benefits as Limited Term for CEO IT pilotproject for scanning County documents. Four positionsadded as an augmentation to CEO purchasing to accom-plish the goals of the Board's Ad Hoc Committee recom-mendations.

■ FY 04/05 - The CEO Reorganization was approved bythe Board, and adopts a Deputy CEO approach toimprove the span of control. Eight positions weredeleted, two positions were transferred out, and twopositions, one Deputy CEO and one Executive Secretarywere added to accomplish this reorganization. HumanResources became a distinct department, while the CEOretains the ten positions for Labor Relations. Ten posi-tions under the County Information Officer were trans-ferred to agency 289 to provide scanning services forthe County.

■ FY 05/06 - CEO Purchasing and Real Estate functionswere separated and one position was transferred outfrom CEO Real Estate to RDMD Real Estate. One posi-tion was also transferred in to CEO IT Support fromCounty Counsel to facilitate supervision and shareresources. The Board also approved augmentations,with no increase in Budget appropriations, to convertfour contract positions, three in Information and Tech-nology and one in the Budget Office, to regular posi-tions, for on-going work which supports advances intechnology.

■ FY 06/07 - The CEO First Quarter adjustment trans-ferred eight positions to Human Resources and oneposition for Volunteer Programs was transferred in. Oneposition was also deleted in exchange for two lower levelpositions with no increased costs. In addition FY 06/07includes the deletion of one vacant position anddefunding of one other vacant position as a cost savingsto cover increased retirement costs as proposed in theStrategic Financial Plan.

■ FY 07/08 - The CEO First Quarter adjustment trans-ferred eight positions to RDMD to consolidate all realestate and records center operations in RDMD. Also twopositions were transferred in from 289 Internal ServiceFund to CEO Information and Technology. In the Sec-ond Quarter two positions were requested, one to facili-tate the Board's Multi Service Center Project and one forcoordinating the County grants program, providingstronger linkages to district staff for members of theAssembly, Senate and Congress and a coordinationcommittee with Orange County cities staff membersregarding legislative issues and initiatives. In the Final

Budget augmentations were approved for: three limitedterm positions for purchasing to support the countyCAPS upgrade and offset in their budget, two positionsfor CEO IT replacing long term contract support withfull time staff, and one position for the CEO's office.These last three were absorbed without additional fund-ing. The CEO Third Quarter adjustment in 07/08 trans-ferred one position to CEO/Risk Management.

■ FY 08/09 - In the Requested Budget two positions weredeleted to meet the Net County Cost limit. The CEO 2ndQuarter Adjustment deleted two limited-term positionsformerly used for the CAPS+ Project and one regularposition in CEO IT. The CEO 3rd Quarter Adjustmentdeleted one regular position from CEO Government &Public Services.

■ FY 09/10 - The CEO 1st Quarter Adjustment deletedfour regular and one limited-term vacant positions. TheCEO 2nd Quarter Adjustment transferred one regularposition to the Information and Technology InternalService Fund (ISF) 289 to align the position to theappropriate budget according to work assignments.

■ FY 10/11 - In the Requested Budget six regular positionswere transferred to the Information and Technology ISF289 to meet the Net County Cost limit and to align thepositions to the appropriate budget according to workassignments. The CEO 1st Quarter Adjustment trans-ferred one regular vacant position to the HumanResources Department and deleted another vacantposition.

■ FY 11/12 - Five positions were defunded for FY 11-12 tomeet the target Net County Cost Limit.

Budget Summary

Plan for Support of the County's Strategic Priorities:

The County Executive Office will lead the Board's strategicplanning process, update the Strategic Financial Plan andcontinue development and implementation of the County'sfinancial systems, integrate and coordinate regional plan-ning efforts, provide leadership in the development of theCounty's financial, technology, and administrative func-tions, and support the Board in developing and pursuing theOrange County Legislative Platform.

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378 County of OrangeFY 2011-2012 Budget Workbook

Consistent with the goals set by the Board, the Countylaunched the Countywide Strategic Focus process in 2006.The effort focuses on the County’s ability to address our cus-tomers’ service needs and ensure the County is forward-focused to meet new challenges and seize opportunities tobetter serve County residents. The next steps in this processare to develop meaningful actions that will implement theadopted Strategic Initiatives and Goals. In an effort todevelop a meaningful approach to measurement of progresstowards goals, the Probation Department, Treasurer-TaxCollector’s Office, and OC Parks piloted a Balanced Scorecard

approach, which was extended this year to OC Waste & recy-cling, OC Community Resources, and OC Public Workscounty departments. The County Executive Office continuesits leadership role as the process continues in 2011 andbeyond.

Changes Included in the Recommended Base Budget:

Changes included in the FY 2011-12 Recommended BaseBudget meet the Net County Cost (NCC) limit and includethe 5% NCC reduction and the 1st Quarter deletion of twovacant positions (one transferred to the Human ResourcesDepartment). Additionally, five vacant positions weredefunded for FY 2011-12 to meet the NCC limit.

(1) Requirements include prior year encumbrance and expenditures. Therefore, the above totals may not match FY 2010-11 projected requirements included in "At aGlance" (Which exclude these).

Columns may not total correctly due to rounding.

Detailed budget by expense category and by activity is presented for agency: County Executive Office in the Appendix on page A31

Highlights of Key Trends:■ Although a significant challenge faced by County gov-

ernment is the uncertainty of the State budget and itspotential impact on County services, the focus is shift-ing more to the local economy and housing market,which may result in reduced property tax. Property taxcomprises 75.2% of the County’s General Purpose Reve-nue.

■ The CEO’s Office has developed strategies to identifyalternatives and financial options for the Board to mini-mize impacts. CEO staff continues to monitor ourexpenditures and has maintained a limited hiringfreeze. The State’s fiscal crisis, a $12 to $26 billion StateBudget deficit, and the impacts of a declining real estateenvironment, continue to be a major challenge.Thereare a variety of issues and projects that continue to beaddressed. These include continued implementation ofthe Assessment Tax System, Property Tax ManagementSystem, Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity

Requested Budget Augmentations and Related Performance Results:

Unit Amount Description Performance PlanBRASS


Reduce Appropriations to Meet Net County Cost LimitsAmount:$ (598,920)

Reduction of $596,694 Salary & Benefits and $2,226 Services & Supplies to meet NCC Limit.

N/A 2333

Proposed Budget History:

FY 2010-2011 FY 2010-2011 Change from FY 2010-2011

FY 2009-2010 Budget Projected(1) FY 2011-2012 Budget

Sources and Uses Actual As of 3/31/11 At 6/30/11 Recommended Amount Percent

Total Positions 93 85 85 85 0 0.00

Total Revenues 2,150,485 2,044,200 2,066,383 1,973,686 (70,514) -3.45

Total Requirements 15,740,463 16,241,814 15,298,456 15,466,419 (775,395) -4.77

Net County Cost 13,589,978 14,197,614 13,232,073 13,492,733 (704,881) -4.96

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Planning, and County Performance Scorecard Manage-ment System; development of the County’s IT SourcingStrategy; CAPS+ Human Resources/Payroll upgrade;establishment of a new facility on Animal Care Services,and the impacts of various legislative items, and CEOstaff will support efforts to accelerate the developmentof Dana Point Harbor. Collaborative efforts aimed at theannexation of County unincorporated areas continuesin 2010 where possible. CEO staff continues to analyzeand recommend strategies for long-term debt reductionwhile meeting the County’s financing needs.

■ Despite the budget challenges of 2010-11, the Countycontinues to progress toward resolving a number ofissues. The proposed 2011-12 State budget will present

major challenges as Legislature and Governor work toclose an estimated budget gap of $12 to $26 billion. Thisgap, combined with the prospect of anticipated revenuereductions for both the State and County, will requireaggressive action by the CEO in collaboration with allCounty agencies. This year’s State budget process will beboth lively and challenging and our efforts will focus onfully supporting the Board of Supervisors during theirdeliberations and voice County concerns to Sacramentoconcerning potential impacts to the County budget andservices. An outline of last year’s accomplishments isincluded with this document. Planning and preparationensure that the CEO’s Office will proactively meet chal-lenges and fulfill its mission.

Budget Units Under Agency Control:

No. Agency Name County Executive Office OC Infrastructure Information & TechnologyGovernment & Public

Services County Financial Office Total

004 Miscellaneous 0 0 0 0 8,690,203 8,690,203

016 2005 Lease Revenue Refunding Bonds

0 0 0 0 32,147,000 32,147,000

017 County Executive Office 4,424,230 406,680 2,434,321 2,009,073 6,192,115 15,466,419

019 Capital Acquisition Financing

0 0 0 0 7,120,480 7,120,480

020 Tax and Revenue Anticipation Notes

0 0 0 0 3,850,000 3,850,000

021 2005 Refunding Recovery Bonds

0 0 0 0 18,433,000 18,433,000

022 Prepaid Pension Obligation

0 0 0 0 280,062,625 280,062,625

038 Data Systems Development Projects

0 0 5,436,048 0 0 5,436,048

039 IBM Maintenance 0 0 4,369,002 0 0 4,369,002

041 Grand Jury 0 0 0 0 569,278 569,278

045 Juvenile Justice Commission

0 0 0 0 159,568 159,568

048 Detention Release 0 0 0 0 1,413,603 1,413,603

073 Alternate Defense 0 0 0 0 6,568,261 6,568,261

081 Trial Courts 0 0 0 0 63,836,375 63,836,375

104 Criminal Justice Facilities - Accumulative Capital Outlay

0 0 0 0 12,319,535 12,319,535

105 Courthouse Temporary Construction

0 0 0 0 8,493,225 8,493,225

12J DNA Identification Fund 0 0 0 0 2,221,951 2,221,951

130 District Community Priorities and Projects

0 0 0 0 69,716 69,716

13A Litigation Reserve - Escrow Agent FTCI

0 0 0 0 221,107 221,107

13N Orange County Tobacco Settlement

0 0 0 0 35,026,315 35,026,315

145 Revenue Neutrality 0 0 0 0 11,788,072 11,788,072

14J Excess Public Safety Sales Tax

0 0 0 0 2,453,714 2,453,714

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380 County of OrangeFY 2011-2012 Budget Workbook

14U Court Facilities 0 0 0 0 1,335,848 1,335,848

14Y Indemnification Reserve 0 0 0 0 3,498 3,498

14Z Litigation Reserve 0 0 0 0 10,088 10,088

15J Pension Obligation Bonds Debt Service

0 0 0 0 23,893,502 23,893,502

15T El Toro Improvement Fund

0 0 0 0 593,000 593,000

15Y Teeter Series A Debt Service Fund

0 0 0 0 22,286,691 22,286,691

289 Information Technology Internal Service Fund

0 0 48,904,687 0 0 48,904,687

293 Workers' Compensation Internal Service Fund

0 0 0 0 31,226,457 31,226,457

294 Property and Casualty Risk Internal Service Fund

0 0 0 0 24,757,515 24,757,515

297 Reprographics Internal Service Fund

0 0 0 0 4,455,087 4,455,087

Total 4,424,230 406,680 61,144,058 2,009,073 610,197,829 678,181,870

Budget Units Under Agency Control:

No. Agency Name County Executive Office OC Infrastructure Information & TechnologyGovernment & Public

Services County Financial Office Total

County of Orange A31FY 2011-2012 Budget Workbook

017 - County Executive Office Appendix

017 - County Executive Office

017 - County Executive Office

(1) Requirements include prior year encumbrance and expenditures. Therefore, the above totals may not match FY 2010-11 projected requirements included in "At aGlance" (Which exclude these).

Columns may not total correctly due to rounding.

Summary of Proposed Budget by Revenue and Expense Category:

FY 2010-2011 FY 2010-2011 Change from FY 2010-2011

FY 2009-2010 Budget Projected(1) FY 2011-2012 Budget

Revenues/Appropriations Actual As of 3/31/11 At 6/30/11 Recommended Amount Percent

Charges For Services $ 2,029,370 $ 2,035,700 $ 2,043,021 $ 1,967,186 $ (68,514) -3.37%

Miscellaneous Revenues 121,054 8,500 23,362 6,500 (2,000) -23.53

Other Financing Sources 60 0 0 0 0 0.00

Total Revenues 2,150,485 2,044,200 2,066,383 1,973,686 (70,514) -3.45

Salaries & Benefits 11,888,564 11,396,397 10,396,666 11,199,734 (196,663) -1.73

Services & Supplies 4,883,287 5,652,463 5,676,274 4,951,655 (700,808) -12.40

Intrafund Transfers (1,031,388) (807,046) (774,484) (684,970) 122,076 -15.13

Total Requirements 15,740,463 16,241,814 15,298,456 15,466,419 (775,395) -4.77

Net County Cost $ 13,589,978 $ 14,197,614 $ 13,232,073 $ 13,492,733 $ (704,881) -4.96%

Proposed Budget Summary of County Executive Office:

FY 2010-2011 FY 2010-2011 Change from FY 2010-2011

FY 2009-2010 Budget Projected(1) FY 2011-2012 Budget

Revenues/Appropriations Actual As of 3/31/11 At 6/30/11 Recommended Amount Percent

Charges For Services $ 274,824 $ 54,514 $ 54,514 $ 59,132 $ 4,618 8.47%

Miscellaneous Revenues 120,979 1,500 19,850 6,500 5,000 333.33

Other Financing Sources 60 0 0 0 0 0.00

Total Revenues 395,863 56,014 74,364 65,632 9,618 17.17

Salaries & Benefits 2,530,298 2,665,127 2,458,565 2,524,293 (140,834) -5.28

Services & Supplies 1,893,286 2,196,560 1,966,260 1,914,963 (281,597) -12.82

Intrafund Transfers (123,001) (15,968) (82,006) (15,026) 942 -5.90

Total Requirements 4,300,584 4,845,719 4,342,819 4,424,230 (421,489) -8.70

Net County Cost $ 3,904,721 $ 4,789,705 $ 4,268,455 $ 4,358,598 $ (431,107) -9.00%


A32 County of OrangeFY 2011-2012 Budget Workbook

Proposed Budget Summary of OC Infrastructure:

Proposed Budget Summary of OC Infrastructure:

FY 2010-2011 FY 2010-2011 Change from FY 2010-2011

FY 2009-2010 Budget Projected(1) FY 2011-2012 Budget

Revenues/Appropriations Actual As of 3/31/11 At 6/30/11 Recommended Amount Percent

Salaries & Benefits $ 407,248 $ 399,136 $ 413,369 $ 404,330 $ 5,194 1.30%

Services & Supplies 78,705 2,350 94,162 2,350 0 0.00

Total Requirements 485,953 401,486 507,531 406,680 5,194 1.29

Net County Cost $ 485,953 $ 401,486 $ 507,531 $ 406,680 $ 5,194 1.29%

Proposed Budget Summary of Information & Technology:

FY 2010-2011 FY 2010-2011 Change from FY 2010-2011

FY 2009-2010 Budget Projected(1) FY 2011-2012 Budget

Revenues/Appropriations Actual As of 3/31/11 At 6/30/11 Recommended Amount Percent

Charges For Services $ 38,011 $ 11,048 $ 111,308 $ 84,717 $ 73,669 666.81%

Miscellaneous Revenues 75 0 12 0 0 0.00

Total Revenues 38,086 11,048 111,320 84,717 73,669 666.81

Salaries & Benefits 2,659,560 1,614,617 1,435,994 1,648,459 33,842 2.10

Services & Supplies 847,179 947,841 1,204,654 785,862 (161,979) -17.09

Intrafund Transfers (5,181) 0 (106) 0 0 0.00

Total Requirements 3,501,558 2,562,458 2,640,542 2,434,321 (128,137) -5.00

Net County Cost $ 3,463,472 $ 2,551,410 $ 2,529,222 $ 2,349,604 $ (201,806) -7.91%

Proposed Budget Summary of Government & Public Services:

FY 2010-2011 FY 2010-2011 Change from FY 2010-2011

FY 2009-2010 Budget Projected(1) FY 2011-2012 Budget

Revenues/Appropriations Actual As of 3/31/11 At 6/30/11 Recommended Amount Percent

Charges For Services $ 278,921 $ 254,145 $ 251,717 $ 244,650 $ (9,495) -3.74%

Total Revenues 278,921 254,145 251,717 244,650 (9,495) -3.74

Salaries & Benefits 995,921 1,082,128 951,360 1,027,070 (55,058) -5.09

Services & Supplies 1,128,346 1,289,836 1,425,995 1,132,921 (156,915) -12.17

Intrafund Transfers (130,338) (150,937) (148,626) (150,918) 19 -0.01

Total Requirements 1,993,929 2,221,027 2,228,729 2,009,073 (211,954) -9.54

Net County Cost $ 1,715,008 $ 1,966,882 $ 1,977,012 $ 1,764,423 $ (202,459) -10.29%

County of Orange A33FY 2011-2012 Budget Workbook

Proposed Budget Summary of County Financial Office: Appendix

Proposed Budget Summary of County Financial Office:

FY 2010-2011 FY 2010-2011 Change from FY 2010-2011

FY 2009-2010 Budget Projected(1) FY 2011-2012 Budget

Revenues/Appropriations Actual As of 3/31/11 At 6/30/11 Recommended Amount Percent

Charges For Services $ 1,437,614 $ 1,715,993 $ 1,625,482 $ 1,578,687 $ (137,306) -8.00%

Miscellaneous Revenues 0 7,000 3,500 0 (7,000) -100.00

Total Revenues 1,437,614 1,722,993 1,628,982 1,578,687 (144,306) -8.38

Salaries & Benefits 5,295,537 5,635,389 5,137,378 5,595,582 (39,807) -0.71

Services & Supplies 935,772 1,215,876 985,202 1,115,559 (100,317) -8.25

Intrafund Transfers (772,869) (640,141) (543,746) (519,026) 121,115 -18.92

Total Requirements 5,458,440 6,211,124 5,578,834 6,192,115 (19,009) -0.31

Net County Cost $ 4,020,825 $ 4,488,131 $ 3,949,852 $ 4,613,428 $ 125,297 2.79%