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Transcript of 01-31-2007



STUDY BREAK — Gabe Courey (410) and f r iends use old Phelps t rays as sleds In the

recent snow whi le t a k i n g a break f rom homework.



W H A T ' S I N S I D E

Off to the Races 2 A look at 2008 presidential hopefuls

They Were Thieves 3 Musical spotlight

'New York, New York' 4 Students studying in New York share tales of the Big Apple.

Break on a Budget 5 Road trips that won't break

the bank

Super Sunday 8 Football fans at Hope reveal Super Bowl XL! predictions



Barry Werkman ('64), vice

president for finance, will be retiring after 39 years of service to

Hope College. Werkman served

as faculty member prior to joining

the administrative team, and the Anderson-Werkman Financial

Center at 100 East Eighth Street

was named in his honor. "I knew from previous converstalions that (his) retirement was imminent,

but I accept it with reluctance,"

said President James Bultman




There will be two opportunities

this week for students interested

in studying off campus in the

coming year. For students, interested in

domestic off-campus study, there will be an informational meeting

about Hope's Washington Honors

Semester for spring 2008 on Feb. 1 at 4 p.m. in the fourth floor

Lubbers Loft. Political science professor Jeff Polet will be hosting

the session, and past student

participants will be available, to answer questions. Students from

all departments are welcome.

The French department will be hosting a panel featuring students

recently returned from France and Senegal on Feb. 6 at 4 p.m. in the

Herrick Room in DeWitt Center.



Myles Brand, president of the NCAA, will be visiting campus

Feb. 7 in honor of Hope 's 50 years of membership in the

NCAA. Brand will address several campus groups, attend a

luncheon with faculty members and speak briefly before the Hope

vs. Calvin basketball game at

DeVos Fieldhouse at 8 p.m.

Paige Calamari S T A F F W R I T E R

Topics ranging from Namia to clean drinking water were featured Saturday at the 28th

annual Winter Happening. The series of seminars, led by Hope

College faculty, introduced a

variety of topics to the public at

no cost. The day began by taking a

look through the eyes of world-

renowned author, C. S. Lewis, with the help of Dr. Peter

Schakel, chair of the department

Ka i t l i n Kess ie STAFF W R I T E R

Rachel Reenstra ( ' 91 ) recently became the host of a new

show on Animal Planet. 4 'Ms. Adventure" gives a ' comedic

outlook to what humans can

learn f rom animal behavior. ' 'Ms. Adventure" premiered

on Jan. 19. This season features

11 episodes including such titles a^ "Parent ing ," "Cour tsh ip ,"

"Cl iques" and "Sibl ings ." Each episode fol lows Reenstra as

she spends l ime observing and interacting with animals, talking

with experts and interviewing

people on the streets. Currently Reenstra is in

Los Angeles enjoying a break. Within the next two weeks she ' l l

be returning to Austral ia to film the ninth episode of the season,

"Communica t ion . " Reenstra says she loves

traveling and animals, and has

a lways played the comedic role, which is what Animal Planet

was looking for in a host. "I absolutely love [the job] .

If all goes well, this is how I'll

of English, in "The Windows to

Other Worlds." Those attending the event

could also take part in Dr. Roger

Veldman's discussion, "The Challenge of Aircraft Hardening."

Veldman, an associate professor of the engineering department, spoke

about the research developments

to improve commercial aircraft

safety. Professors of psychology,

Dr. Donald Luidens and Dr. Roger Nemeth led an interactive

discussion concerning "Ties That

Bind (Pun Intended): Whither the

RCA and C R C ? " Utilizing remote

keypads, the audience discovered the demographic of those in the

room and were able to participate in a discussion concerning

doctrine and practices. Social

issues were the most divisive between the two denominations.

The seminars continued with

an in-depth look at the restoration process of Dimnent Memorial

Chapel 's Skinner organ, presented by Dr. Huw Lewis, professor



At least a semester 's worth

of hard work for many students culminated Jan. 29 in the DeVos

Fieldhouse with Hope College's

sixth annual Celebration of Un-

dergraduate Research. The event began with an ad-

dress by keynote speaker Dr. Charlotte vanOyen Witvliet, as-

sociate professor of psychology. "The purpose of the keynote

address is to celebrate student-

faculty collaborations—the col-laborations 1 have been blessed to

have with so many students per-

sonally—and to highlight the im-portance of persevering through

the challenges of scholarship

while enjoying the benefits of do-

ing so," Witvliet said. This high opinion of research

did not end with Witvliet. Jessica Vickery ( '08) , worked

with Dr. Aaron Best in the biol-

ogy department on the gene cobD and its work in vitamin B12 syn-

thesis. "When I first got the project

description I wanted to burst into

tears because I didn ' t know what was going on, but after work-

ing on it for a semester, I know what I 'm talking about and I feel

smarter," Vickery said. Presentations also included

research from the departments of physics, history, political science,

chemistry, education, kinesiology and modem and classical lan-

guages. Some of the research was. in-

ternationally themed. George Khoury ( '09) re-

searched why Albert Camus re-

mained neutral during the Alge-rian War for Independence. As a

part of the research for his presen-tation, Khoury read four works by

Camus in the original French. "One of the most difficult

things about the research was

reading in between the lines be-

cause Camus uses a lot of sym-bolism and metaphors," Khoury

said. A larger presentation was

displayed by the department of psychology, where Dr. Sonja

Trent-Brown stood with the stu-dents from her advanced research

class. Sara Thelen ( '07) explained

that a series of six posters dealt

with different independent vari-ables they examined when study-

ing voice quality and what affects

it. "I went into the class thinking

it would look good on a graduate school application, and I 've come out of it seriously considering it

as a career. I just loved doing the

research," Thelen said.




work be spending my next four years ,"

Reenstra said. Reenstra graduated from

Hope College in 1991 with a

degree in theatre. She also has a mas ter ' s in spiritual psychology

and has worked as a counselor. Since graduating she has

appeared in movies , television shows, commercials , theater and

done stand up. Her previous

THE REAL LIFE " T A Z " - Rachel Reenstra ( '91) be-gan as a comedi-enne and is now s tar r ing in an Ani-mal Planet series, "Ms. Adventure."

"The only expe-r ience I have had w i th a Tasmanian devil has been watch ing Bugs Bun-ny car toons. Now, af ter seeing one up close, I understand the car toon version so much more," she explained In her blog.

includes "Becker ," " M A D , " "General Hospi ta l"

and Pier 1 commercia ls . She

currently lives in Los Angeles when not on location for "Ms.

Adventure ." "Ms. Adventure" airs on

Animal Planet at 9 p.m. on Fridays. For more information, visit www.animaldiscovery.com

or www.rachelreenslra .com.

2 THE ANCHOR NEWS J A N U A R Y 31, 2 0 0 7


Although not all the possible

candidates for the 2008 presiden-

tial election have confinned their

intentions, many think that this could be a historic election.

There are already several pos-

sible Democratic candidates who, if elected, could be presidential

firsts. Sen. Barack Obama (D-111). who has formed a committee

to explore a potential candidacy,

could be the first African-Ameri-

can in the White House. Sen. Hilary Rodham Clinton

(D-N.Y.), who has announced

her candidacy and formed an ex-planatory committee, could be the

first woman president. Among the

other possibilities for the demo-

crats is Bill Richardson, gover-nor of New Mexico and who, as

a Hispanic, could also become a

presidential first. The Republican candidates

are much less certain but some official possibilities include Sen.

Sam Brownback of Kansas and

U.S. Rep. Duncan Hunter of Cali-

fornia. It seems that more media at-

tention has been focused on the

Republican candidates who have

not announced an intention but who have set up exploratory

committees, most notably Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) and Rudy

Guiliani. Clinton is a national advocate

for improvement in healthcare and other benefits for veterans. She

supported the war in Afghanistan

and also initially voted in favor

of the Iraq war. Clinton has had a long-standing position against

immediate withdrawal from Iraq,

opting instead to support a timeta-

ble withdrawal. She opposed the

2004 and 2006 federal marriage amendment that sought to prohib-

it same-sex marriages and against

the flag desecration amendment that would prohibit things such as

flag burnings. Obama, if he declares his

presidential candidacy, would be

one of the most traveled to con-

sider the presidency and also the

youngest, at age 45. He traveled

to Russia, Ukraine and Azerbai-jan, as well as several Middle

East countries, including Israel

and Iraq, to consider ways to con-

trol the spread and supply of con-

troversial weapons as an essential

step against terrorism. A year later he made stops in

several African countries includ-ing Kenya and is known to be a

passionate AIDS activist. He is a

pro-choice candidate with a "do what ever works" mentality re-

garding political parlies. His ap-peal as a celebrity and a humani-




Announced cand ida tes :

Sen. Christopher Dodd

Former Sen. John Edwards Rep. Dennis Kucinich

Former Gov. Tom Vilsack

Sen. Joe Biden

Assumed candidates:

Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton

Sen. Barack Obama Gov. Bill Richardson


Announced candida tes

Sen. Sam Brownback

Rep. Duncan Hunter

Assumed candidates:

Former Gov. Jim Gilmore Former New York City Mayor Rudy Guiliani

Former Gov. Mike Huckabee

Sen. John McCain

Former Gov. Mitt Romney

Rep. Tom Tancredo


On Tuesday, Jan. 23, President

George W. Bush gave his annual

State of the Union address. For the first time in his presidency, he

spoke to a Democratic majority

in Congress. In addition, he was also the first president in history

to open the speech by greeting

"Madam Speaker / ' referring to

the first female Speaker of the

House, Nancy Pelosi. The speech marked a departure

from Bush's usual rhetoric of

Iraq and the war on terror. The

first half of the speech dealt with

domestic issues. He talked about

the rising cost of health care and how it is becoming more

difficult for people to have health

insurance. The president proposed

a plan which provides tax relief to people who will buy their own

health insurance policies. He also plans to pass judicial refonn to

"protect good doctors from junk

lawsuits." Bush also covered the topic of

immigration. He plans to double the numbers of the Border Patrol.

In addition, he plans to implement

a temporary worker program, which would allow foreign

workers to freely enter the United

States to work.

Bush spoke of the nation's economy as well. He promised

reform in the passage of legislation, so that earmarks on bills could not be added at the last

minute. An estimated $18 billion

was spent in 2005 on these types of bills, a sum found unacceptable

by the president. "The time has come to end this

practice, so let us work together

to reform the budget process,"

Bush said. The president promised to set

in motion a plan to eliminate the

federal deficit within the next five

years. He spoke of the success of cutting the deficit in half, which

occurred last year, three years ahead of the scheduled 2009.

"Together, we can restrain the

spending appetite of the federal

government and balance the

federal budget," Bush said. In addition. Bush admitted that

America is addicted to foreign

oil. He urged the development of

alternative fuels and an increase

in the size of the Strategic Oil

Reserve, citing America 's relative weakness to disruptions in the oil

supply. Domestic fuel production

would alleviate this weakness to

a degree. In regards to foreign policy, the

president defended the elevation of troop levels in Iraq. He said

the increased number of soldiers

would help to stem the violence in Baghdad, allowing for the Iraqi

government to better gain control

over its nation, therefore making United States soldiers less and


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ARTS J A N U A R Y 31. 2 0 0 6 T I IE A N C H O R 3


Wednesday Jan. 3 1

Coffeehouse Entertainment: Hurricane Hearts 9-11 p.m. Kletz.

Friday Feb. 2 Film: "The Prestige" Feb. 2 & 3: 7; 9:30 pm; midnight.

Feb. 4: 3 p.m. Wlnants Auditorium. $2. Sponsored by SAC.

Saturday Feb. 3 Senior Recital: Darcy Cunning-ham & Jeff Brown 4 p.m. Wlchers Auditorium.

Monday Feb. 5

Concert: Bill Carrothers 7:30 p.m. Wlchers Auditorium. Ad-

mission free.


" A M A Z I N G W O M A N "

Jean Reed Bahle, associate

professor of theater, is one of

35 women featured in the book

"Amazing Women of West Mich-


The book has been published

by Wm. B. Eerdmans, publishing

which describes it as "a celebra-

tion of women who strive to make

their community a better place to

live "

Bahle, a graduate of the Uni-

versity of Michigan, has taught

at Hope since 1994. She has been

involved in the arts in West Mich-

igan for 30 years.



Internationally known jazz

pianist Bill Carrothers will give

a concert Monday, Feb. 5 at 7:30

p.m. in Wichers Auditorium. Car-

rothers has been a professional

pianist for more than 20 years. He has performed in many

venues throughout the United

States and Europe. He has been a

leader on 14 albums all of which

have received critical acclaim.

"Carrothers is one of the best

kept secrets of Jazz," said Jazz

Magazine. "He is a very rare pia-

nist with a very impressive tech-

nique a an amazing knowledge of

harmony." The public is invited.

Admission is free.


In celebration or perhaps in con-

sternation of the snow the Holland

area has received of late, snow

sculptures have been spotted in

various locations around campus.

It is reported that a snowman

has been constructed near the rail-

road tracks behind College East

Apartments. Apparently it is fac-

ing the direction from where the

trains come, as if yelling at them.

The Anchor staff encourages

artmaking in any medium, es-

pecially those cold and slushy.


Midwestern liberal arts colleges are known

breeding grounds for life-long friendships,

idealism and sleep deprivation. Not many

expect rock/folk bands and record labels.

I recently sal down with Jonah Ogles ( '07) ,

singer, songwriter and member of They Were

Thieves, one of a few Hope-grown bands with

a distinct sound. Here is what he had to say.

Anchor : Where d id the name of your band

come f rom?

Ogles: Steve Baker ' s girlfriend thought it up

and it was better than anything else.

Anchor : I ' ve heard the band de-

scribed as fo lk or bluegrass. How

would you describe your sound?

Ogles: It is very folk based. But in

production it starts to get more rockish

with the synthesizers and everything.

It's a little experimental . Our sound has

progressed. We made a demo album

before I went to Spain, and I listen to it

now and it sounds so ridiculous. Where

at first we melded the two forms, now

they 've diverged. It's either more folk

or more rock now.


BLUEGRASS ROCK — Songwr i te r and

s inger, Jonah Ogles ( '07) of They Were Thieves

loves any th ing t h a t ' s " f i nge rp l ck lng and has

good harmonies . "


The Shape of Things

Tke-tj Were T/ueVes

Anchor : And you guys have been together

for a couple of years now?

Ogles: Yeah, well Steve and I started writing

songs in the summer of 2005. Then I went to

Spain and when I got back, we asked Johnny

D (Jonathan Dehaan ( '07)) to play the bass.

Anchor : Are you recording an album?

Ogles: Yeah, well it 's recorded already. We ' re

just trying to figure out what we want to do

with it. We want to release it ourselves or get

someone else to put up the money for it.

Anchor : Do you have a website?

Ogles: Yeah, it's www.myspace.com/theywer-

ethieves. Or you can look at Pretty All Right

Records which is our label. Tom Owens, he 's

a music major and a senior, he started it here

in Holland. It's prettyallright.com. S E E THIEVES, P A G E 6

Courtenay Roberts A R T S EDITOR

The Theater 490 project, "The Shape of

Things" opens Friday, Feb. 2, in the DeWitt

Main Theater. It examines the relationship

of art to life and asks where to draw the

line. "Expect to be confronted with major

questions concerning art and subjectivity,"

said Adam Carpenter ( '07) , who plays one

of the leads, Adam. "On a liberal arts cam-

pus, that 's an important question."

Kit Nykamp ( ' 07 ) is the director and

Kate Goetzinger ( '07) plays the other lead.

Evelyn. Chad Coe ( ' 07 ) and Laura Van Tas-

sell ( ' 09 ) play the supporting roles, Phil and


The cast is very excited about the show.

"It was recommended to us by Jenny

Blair," Carpenter said. "We read it and fell

in love immediately. It's an amazing play that we thought we could connect with re-

ally wel l . "

The project is a completely student-run

production, f rom set, lighting, and sound

design to costuming and stage managing.

"The faculty takes a hands-off approach



GETTIN' READY — Adam Carpenter (*07)

and Kate Goetzinger (407) rehearse.

Spoken word: Hope poets share work Katie Bennett S E N I O R W R I T E R

A poetry reading by English

professors Susanna Childress

Banner and Heather Sellers will

take place on Thursday, Feb. 1 at 8

p.m. in Maas Auditorium. Sellers

will be reading poems from her new

collection and selling copies of her

book, "Chapter by Chapter, a Guide

to the Book Writing of Life."

"You can expect poems about

Nintendo and boys," Sellers said.

Childress Banner, whose

nativity poem won over audiences

at Christmas Vespers, will read

poems from her recently published

book of poetry as well as two

works by other poets. The reading

promises a variety of subjects and


"I don't really want my poems

to contribute too singularly to one

theme, but then I am one person

so perhaps against my will there

are themes that develop anyway,"

Childress Banner said.

Jonah Ogles ( '07) will perform

music in between readings and

during intermission.

"Some art forms compliment

others," Childress Banner said in

reference to the musical interludes.

Both poets made careful

selections from their collections to


"They are ones I think college

kids will like, especially if they play

Nintendo," Sellers said.

A difficulty with poetry readings

is that some poems do not have the

same effect as they do in print when

read before an audience.

"I had to kind of cull through my

favorites and read them out loud,"

Childress Banner said.

Admission is free and the reading

is open the public.



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Larissa Mar iano STAFF W R I T E R

Four Hope College students are living

in New York City this semester through

Hope ' s New York City Arts Exchange Pro-

gram. The students live and work in the

Manhattan for the whole semester.

The most reliable mode of transporta-

tion, besides taking the subway, is their

own two feet. Jenna Witten ( ' 08 ) is interning at Dance

New Amsterdam in the market ing depart-

ment. She says that the biggest difference

between the Big Apple and Holland is the


"Everyone I have come in contact with

takes the subway!" Witten said. " I f s a

whole lot faster than fighting the traff ic."

The typical commute to work is about 30

to 45 minutes. Thomas Owens ( '07) , who is interning

with two different composers and perform-

ers, said that New York City is, also, of

course, much more diverse than western

Michigan. In addition to the diversity. N e w York

also offers an array of foods which you can

get from vendor carts, deli counters, fan-

cy restaurants and even chocolate shops.

Owens has braved the vendor carts and

was even bold enough to try grilled lamb

served with rice and a salad right on the

cab-filled streets of New York. None of

the students have visited Gray ' s Papaya,

the famous hot dog stand that was featured

in the film, "Fools Rush In." Witten has

done something completely different with

her roommates when it comes to food

they have, "instated a cupcake crawl, New

York's trendiest dessert, to Magnolias from

"Sex and the City."

Many who go to New York visit Broad-

way to see a show. The students have not

had time to see many shows yet since they

just arrived in New York.

However , the students who were living

in New York last spring enjoyed their the-

ater experiences. Nicholas Graves ( ' 07 )

said "Chicago" was the best show he saw

on Broadway. Julia Hollenberg ( ' 07 ) said

"Avenue Q " was her favorite Broadway

show, but also raved about the Metropoli-

tan opera ' s production of "Don Pasquale."

According to Graves, the best way to

spend $40 in N e w York is to do the follow-

ing: $7 to get a subway day pass, dinner at

SEA in Will iamsburg for about $10, grab

desert at Rocco ' s on Bleeker Street for $6,

spend $10 for a museum pass, and finally

$7 for a drink at Chumley ' s , which is a lit-

erary landmark from the prohibition days

and is in the West Village.

Other ways to take advantage of N e w

York City at a relatively cheap price are

suggested by both past and present New

York dwellers.

"Check out all the museums and shows,

take advantage of the student days. Get

rush tickets at the door if you can,'

Kristi Szczepanek ( ' 07 ) said.

When asked about the muse-

ums that New York has to offer ,

Owens said that he enjoyed go-

ing to the Museum of M o d e m

Art, which New Yorkers com-

monly refer to as M o M A .

A major i ty of the former N e w York City

students miss the subway and the diversity.

Szczepanek said she misses, "Everything

being open later than 5 p.m. and the fact

that just about anything can be delivered

to your door." Be warned that some type o f reverse

culture shock should be expected upon re-

turning to Hope.

"It is shocking to come back to such a

homogenous culture with a prominent re-

ligious affiliation. In N e w York, there is

no majori ty - no norm - everyone is com-

pletely free to express themselves in their

wonderfu l differences,"- N e w York Arts

Semester veteran, Julia Hollenberg ( ' 07 )


All of the students plan on going back to

the city that is said to never sleep, whether

for a visit or to call it home.


IN THE BIG APPLE - From top to

bo t tom: Jul ia Ho l lengberg ('O?) on a

mosa ic bench near Grant fs tomb ; Hol-lenberg (r) w i t h opera star Anna Ne-

t rebko ; and Hol lenberg (far r ight) w i th

Kr is t i Szczepanek (407) (far le f t ) and

two f r iends at the Bronx Zoo.

Research Continued from page 1


SCIENCE RULES - S tephen Pels (408) worked w i t h Br ian Bodenbender ,

professor f rom t h e depa r tmen t of geo log ica l and env i ronmen ta l sc iences, to

research pre-h is tor ic foss i ls in Wyoming .

Thelen, along with a few others f rom

her class, had even signed up for the spe-

cial studies in psychology class that would

continue the research this semester.

All told, there were 167 presentations

that involved 275 students and many Hope

faculty members . All of the students were

Congressional Comer

New Congress Members

Student Congress filled five vacancies

last night. The new members are Katie

Haines ( '09) representing Dykstra Hall,

Tim Carter ( ' 09 ) representing Phelps

Hall, Thea Neal ( ' 07 ) and Jessica Tur-

cotte ( ' 09 ) representing apartments, and

Beth Cooper ( ' 09 ) representing Gilmore

Hall. Due to lack of interest in the spe-

cific districts, the positions were offered

to all Hope students.

Student Congress Survey

Students should keep their eyes peeled

for this yea r ' s Student Congress survey,

due to be distributed later this week or

well prepared and eager to explain their

topics of research and also to praise the

faculty who had helped them.

The undergraduate research celebration

is a testament to the dedication Hope Col-

lege has to improving student-faculty col-


early next week. Filling out the one-

page survey will enter students to win

a free parking pass for next year, which

is valued at $200.

Next Week

Congress would like to invite mem-

bers of the student body to participate

in the "Annoyance Conversat ion" at

next week ' s meeting. Representatives

will be discussing things about Hope 's

campus that students find annoying and

brainstorming possible solutions. Stu-

dept Congress meets Tuesdays at 9:30

p.m. in the Herrick room on the second

floor of Dewitt Center.

NEW RESEARCH OPPORTUNITIES Hope joins undergraduate research consortium

Hope College is part of a group of col-

leges and universities working together to

increase the number of Chicago-area stu-

dents who pursue careers in science.

The City Colleges of Chicago are lead-

ing the consortium, which links several

two-year colleges in the Chicago area with

Hope and other schools whose research

programs in the sciences actively involve

undergraduate students.

The goal is to more effectively inspire

and prepare the two-year-college students

to pursue careers in science, technology,

engineering and mathematics, especially

f rom groups traditionally underrepresented

in these disciplines.

The program has received funding

through a $2.7 million, five-year grant

awarded to the City Colleges of Chicago

by the National Science Foundation.

Through this effort, students at the two-

year schools are funded to engage in re-

search activities during the academic year

with their faculty mentors at their home


These research activities are typically

conducted in cooperation with ongoing

research at the partner schools. During the

summers , the two-year-college students

and some of the faculty will participate in

the research activities full-t ime at the part-

ner schools. The idea, according to Dr. Graham Pea-

slee, who is Hope 's contact for the program

and is also an associate professor o f chem-

istry/environmental science at the college,

is to provide the students with experiences

and training that they otherwise would not

be able to have through their two-year pro-

grams, and ideally to motivate them to con-

tinue their education.

The new initiative will reach a total of

80 students by the time the grant support

ends in 2011, with four students conduct-

ing research each summer at each of the

four partner institutions. If it is successful ,

though^ Peaslee believes that it could ulti-

mately reach far more.

" I t ' s a model that other big cities can

follow," he said. "We' re going to be a trial

project that the rest of the country is going

to be looking at very carefully."

Although the NSF funding took effect

this fall, the program began on a pilot basis

during the summer of 2006, with three stu-

dents and Dr. Thomas Higgins of Harold

Washington College, who is the principal

investigator for the program, participating

in research in the department of chemistry

at Hope. Peaslee was pleased with the re-

sults. "They hit the ground running and they

hit the ground very well ," he said. "They

had the skills. They knew what research

was about and why they should be doing


Happening of music, in "An Illustrated History of

the Restoration of Skinner Opus 732."

Assistant professor of engineering.

Dr. Jeff Brown, and assistant professor

of nursing, Amanda Barton, discussed

how Hope engineering and nursing stu-

dents are combining research to improve

the lives of a village in West Africa in

the seminar, " Improving Drinking Water

Quality and Communi ty Health in De-

veloping Communi t ies ."

"Medical Mysteries: Face Blind-

ness," was led by Dr. Heather Sellers,

of the English department, who has

Continued from page 1

been recently diagnosed with the medical

condition prosopagnosia. Sellers does not

recognize faces, "I rely on gait, clothing,

voice and other information." Prosopag-

nosia does not cause an alteration of one ' s

eyesight and is a rare condition.

Dr. Charles Behensky, assistant pro-

fessor of psychology, and Dr. Loma Her-

nandez Jarvis, professor of psychology,

presented the physiological and mental

characteristics of prosopagnosia.

"No wonder I 'm a novelist," Sellers

said, "the name comes and the whole story

comes with it. Who needs faces?"

JANUARY 31, 2 0 0 7



Matt Oosterhouse C O P Y EDITOR

With winter break quickly ap-

proaching. many students are left

wondering how they 're going to

spend their four-day weekend,

especially if they 're low on cash.

The Anchor has come up with

several low- or no-cosf options

of which students can take ad-

vantage in the Holland. Detroit,

Northern Michigan and Chicago

areas over winter break that won't

break the bank.

ADVENTURES IN THE NORTH WOODS Northern Michigan has been a

popular destination since the early

1900s with good reason. Northern Michigan has a ton of fun things

to do, especially for those who

enjoy outdoor activities. Nubs Nob, one of two ski re-

sorts in Harbor Springs, has been

rated the number one ski resort in North America by Ski Magazine

for the past three years. Nubs fea-

tures a Monday Night Special for

adults and teens, with lift tickets for $19. The snowboard park at

Nubs features 12 rails and a su-per pipe and should be open by

winter break, according to the

Nubs website. Boyne Highlands, also in

Harbor Springs, will be hosting several races and snowboard

competitions over winter break.

Other ski and snowboard resorts in Northern Michigan include

Boyne Mountain, Shanty Creek

and Crystal Mountain.

Northern Michigan is also home to pristine wilderness areas

HAPPENINGS IN HOLLAND For those stuck in Holland,

there are a multitude of low-cost, fun activities in which students

can participate to help ward off

boredom. On Feb. 10 at 2 p.m., the De-

Graaf Nature Center is hosting

an event that focuses on wintry

wildlife. "Snow School Part 11" involves an exploration of how

wildlife survives in the cold and

snow. Participants will also be able to go on a snowshoe walk,

provided that there is enough

snow on the ground. The cost for the event is $2. To register or get

more information, call 355-1057, Tuesday through Saturday from

10 a.m. to 5 p.m. For some outdoor fun on the

ice, Rosa Parks Circle provides

a fun, frozen destination. Set in

downtown Grand Rapids, the ice rink is open for public skat-

ing from mid-November through

March. Public skating hours are Monday through Thursday

5:30 p.m. to 9 p.m.; Friday 5:30

p.m.to 10 p.m.; Saturday noon to 10 p.m.; Sunday 2 p.m. to 9 p.m.

Admission to the rink is $1 and

skate rental is free with an ID. Rosa Parks Circle is located at

Monroe Center and Monroe Av-

enue in Grand Rapids. In case the wild wintry Michi-

gan weather is too much for some.

there are also indoor opportuni-ties in Holland to ward off bore-

dom. On Feb. 9-10 and 12

K n i c k e r b o c k e r

Theatre is showing

the film "Joyeux Noel" as a part of

its Knickerbocker

Film Series. "Joy-eux Noel" ("Merry

Christmas"), an

Academy Award

nominee for Best Foreign Language

Film, is the heart-

touching story of French, Scottish and German troops that

carry out a Christ-

mas Day ceasefire during World War I.

Showtimes for the

film are 7 p .m. '

and 9:15 p.m., and admission

for students is

$5. The Hol-

land Museum is

also an excellent

place to visit dur-ing winter break.

Located on 10th

Street in between River and Central Avenue, the museum is the focal-point for immersion


and woods open to the public for

cross-country skiing or snowshoe-ing. Check out McCune Nature

Preserve in Petoskey, Wilderness

State Park near Mackinaw City or Sleeping Bear Dunes National

Lakeshore near Traverse City. Many outdoor equipment stores

such as The Banhoff and Boyne

Country Sports in Petoskey offer

affordable snowshoe or cross-

country ski rentals. The Winter Sports Park just

outside of downtown Petoskey of-

fers free sledding and ice skating.

Call (616) 347-2500 for more in-

formation. The Michigan Department of

Natural Resources is hosting a free ice fishing class on Saturday,

Feb. 10 on Crooked Lake. All

equipment is provided, but par-ticipants need to bring a fishing

license and register in advance at

(231)348-0998. The perennial tourist favor-

ite Mackinac Island is not well known as a winter destination,

but offers stellar cross-country

skiing; the east half of the is-land is designated entirely for

cross-country skiing in the win-ter. The ferries are closed after

the Christmas season, but planes

make flights to the island daily, with costs around S40 round trip

from Pellston Regional Airport.

Most roads on the island remain unplowed to accommodate for

snowmobile travel.



into the history of Holland.

The current special exhibit is

entitled "Under Cover" and fo-cuses on quilted textiles from the

1850s to the 1930s. Admission to the museum is $4 for students or

free on Monday. For more infor-

mation call 392-9084.

The Detroit Win-

ter Blast, the big-gest winter festival

in the Detroit area,

is happening dur-ing Hope's Win-

ter Break. From

Feb. 9-11, Cam-pus Martius Park,

Greektown and

areas throughout Detroit will be turned into a win-,

ter wonderland.

With free en-

tertainment and activities at many

of the venues. Winter

Blast might be the per-fect alternative to

watching "Days

of Our Lives" with Grandma

over break. Four stages will

feature music from

Detroit area artists, in-

cluding folk, pop, zydeco, blues, rock and ftink. More than 75 acts

will be performing on Friday, Sat-

urday and Sunday of the event. General Motors is sponsoring

a 200-foot snow slide to be built

along the Woodward corridor, and

REI is sponsoring a snowshoeing exhibition to introduce people to

one of the fastest-growing out-

door activities. A snowboarding half-pipe exhibition will be tak-

ing place, as well as free ice skat-

ing at Campus Martius Park. A dog sledding exhibition will

feature Michigan resident and

Iditarod finisher James Warren. When not racing, the dogs may

be visited in a petting area, and their handlers will be available to

answer questions. For those interested in art.

Monroe Street will be lined with

ice sculptures from local artists. Also on Monroe, Winter Blast is

planning to set up marshmallow

roasting brazarios. A Taste of Detroit exhibition

will take place throughout the

festival, featuring some of the

best Detroit restaurants as well as a 5K and 10K race to benefit

the Heat and Warmth Fund.

Winter Blast debuted in De-troit in 2005 to kick off the count-

down to Detroit 's hosting of Su-

per Bowl XL in 2006. More than 350,000 people are expected to

attend Winter Blast in 2007. For

more information, visit motown-


Chicago is always an excit-ing getaway, especially since this

winter break, some of the huge

attractions in the city are offering

free or discounted admission. The Art Institute of Chicago

is offering free admission from Feb. I to Feb. 21. The Field Mu-seum offers discounted admission

on Monday, Feb. 12. General ad-mission to the Shedd Aquarium is

free on Monday, Feb. 12.

The Pere Marquette line of Amtrak leaves Holland daily at

a p p r o x i - mately 8:21 a.m. and HI arrives at Union

S t a t i o n i i l in downtown

C h i -

a.m. If students are daunted by the

cost of a hotel room in Chicago, Hosteling International runs a

youth hostel in the heart of down-town. For approximately $35

per night per bed, this is a good option for students on a budget. The hostel is within walking

distance of Lake Michigan, Mil-

lennium Park, Sears Tower, the Art Institute, Field Museum and

Shedd Aquarium. Hosteling In-

ternational has hostels around the

world and across the U.S. and has a reputation for providing clean, safe and affordable lodging for

young travelers. m cago at 10:30

HEATING THINGS UP For those planning on

spending a significant amount

of time outdoors over winter break, it 's important to be well prepared. Here are some tips

for staying warm, whether the

activity is skiing, camping or

just going for a walk. Wear a hat. Up to 70 per-

cent of body heat can be lost through the head, so be sure

to wear a warm, but breath-

able hat. Layer clothes. People

spending extended lime in

cold weather should layer clothes, with a lightweight

shirt made of a synthetic fab-ric that wicks moisture from

the skin as a base layer, one or

more additional synthetic or wool layers to insulate, and a water-

proof shell to keep moisture out. Layering makes it easy to adjust for weather or activity changes

while maintaining a comfortable

body temperature. Wear synthetic fabrics. Down

is a great insulator, but useless if

it gets wet. Synthetic fabrics and * fillers for coats are generally a bet-

ter bet if the weather is unpredict-

able. Keep feet dry. For the feet it 's

important to wear wicking lin-

ers to move sweat away from the foot and wool socks to insulate. Waterproof boots are necessary

if you ' re going to be in the snow.

Gaiters are useful if you plan to

walk through deep snow. Gaiters are waterproof shells that wrap around a boot and

hook under the boot, prevent-ing snow from clumping up

around the ankles. Stay hydrated. Even in

cold weather, the body loses

a significant amount of wa-

ter through sweat. Staying hydrated is essential to main-

taining body heat. Eat. The body needs more

calories to slay warm in the winter months. Be sure to take plenty of high-calorie

food and eat regularly. Gra-nola bars, nuts, bagels with

peanut butter and trail mix

are all good choices.

VOICES T H E A N C H O R J A N U A R Y 31. 2 0 0 7

Down Deep E pluribus unum

Jenny Cencer

T h e r e ' s a l ight o u t s i d e m y w i n d o w .

Incessan t , and s p e w i n g t a n g e r i n e b laze ,

it n e v e r goes ou t . Ton igh t , the flakes

o f l ake e f f e c t s n o w are invis ib le unt i l

t h e y c h u m pas t the bulb . S u d d e n l y each

par t i c le s e e m s c o m b u s t e d into s i lve r

s h a v i n g s , b l e a c h e d and pure , i l l umina ted

aga ins t the sky.

T h e t w i n k l i n g s p e c k s filter d o w n ,

h o v e r i n g as I ca tch m y brea th in w o n d e r

then s p i n n i n g and w h i r l i n g d o w n to fall

in a p r edes t i ned res t ing p lace .

If you c o u l d n e v e r touch snow, w o u l d

y o u e ve r be ab le to i m a g i n e w h a t it w a s

rea l ly l ike?

O n e c o u l d h y p o t h e s i z e that s n o w f l a k e s

w e r e rea l ly f r a g m e n t s o f f ea the r s , mo l t ed

f r o m b i rds f l y i n g sou th in s q u a w k i n g v ' s .

S n o w cou ld be a sbes to s , t an t a l i z ing a n d

deadly . W e ' d rea l ly s tay i n d o o r s wi th

o u r c o c o a d u r i n g that pa r t i cu la r win ter .

We c o u l d call s n o w co t t on or p o w d e r e d

sugar or G u i n n e s s f ro th .

S n o w is snow.

1 shou ld be sa t i s f ied wi th tha t , con ten t .

But s n o w m a k e s m e th ink that w e all

b u n d l e up aga ins t o u r inner se lves in

d e f e n s e aga ins t the b l i zza rd of the pub l i c

eye . 4 4What a re they rea l ly th ink ing a b o u t ? "

1 que ry as I t r udge to c l a s s , o c c a s i o n a l l y

lock ing g a z e wi th a n o t h e r s tuden t l aden

wi th b o o k s a n d s t ress . W e ' l l b o t h d ip

o u r b r o w s , a c k n o w l e d g i n g one another .

O c c a s i o n a l l y p e o p l e wil l s q u e e z e out an

e m p a t h e t i c smi l e a n d a " h i . "

W e ' r e all here toge the r , sh i f t i ng w i t h i n

the c a m p u s s n o w d r i f t unti l w e mel t wi th

the s u m m e r s , t r i ck le to d i f f e r e n t r eg ions

and even tua l l y beg in the w h o l e p roces s

o v e r aga in .

T h e p roces s is as r e len t l e ss as the

p ie rc ing l ight o u t s i d e m y a p a r t m e n t , but

w e d o n ' t have to s log b l i nd ly t h r o u g h

rou t ine .

Co l l ec t i ve ly w e ' r e a s n o w b a l l wi th

l imi t l e ss in t r igue and po ten t i a l . Add

s o m e m o r e flakes f r o m the s i d e w a l k s a n d

d o r m lounges and w e can reve l in o u r

g r e a t n e s s as a p o s t - m o d e m s c u l p t u r e o f

c rys ta l l ine beauty.

M a y b e t h e r e ' s a c h a n c e w e ' l l b e c o m e

m o r e than j u s t inf ini te specks to o n e

another . Eve ry s n o w f l a k e is d i f f e r en t .

A n d w e ' v e got a long j o u m e y toge ther .

If Jenny was a Jruit, she would be a kum-

quat. If she was a mammal, she'd be a bat or

a manatee. If Jenny awoke to discover that

she was tranformed into a giant insect she'd

be a collembola.

Thieves Continued from page 3

Ancho r : Th is is the classic corny

musician in terv iew question.

W h o are you r insp i ra t ions?

Ogles: Bonn ie Pr ince Billy, es-

pecia l ly on Steve . He l i s tens to

a lot of B o n n i e Pr ince Bil ly and

D e v a n d r a Banhar t , t hose s tar ted

us with the old t imey feel . We

listen to s o m e of every th ing . We

play hip h o p in the house . A n y -

thing tha t ' s fingerpicking and

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Inc ludes soda and f r e s h cut f r ies Val id unti l Feb 7, 2 0 0 7

• dogs • heih fnot

v d i m u n u i r e p j i , A V V I

has good ha rmonies .

A n c h o r : I know you w r i t e fic-

t ion and poetry as wel l . Does

tha t inf luence you r music?

Ogles: It does m o r e and more .

( W h e n w e first s ta r ted) S teve

wou ld b r ing me a line fo r a

song and w o u l d n ' t be ab le to

finish it. But n o w he wr i tes and

1 write.

A n c h o r : Do you method?

Ogles: Well , yeah . I t ' s m o r e like

I get a p ic ture in m y h e a d l ike a

f ami ly in a log cab in in the snow,

and 1 wri te abou t the exper ience .

So i t 's abou t m o r e than jus t hey

this word s o u n d s good .

A n c h o r : Do you have any gigs

coming up in the area?

icer • j a x e s i c v e n s

Jan. ffla %$L

-carawae * de apoilo • jacl jan. 28 m m i , sz

e m o n j e i l o ' s

61 e VTt-l 1**4 n

Z!!!ANCHOR 2 0 0 7 S P R I N G S E M E S T E R S T A F F -

Ogles: W e ' r e ta lk ing to the In-

d e p e n d e n t M u s i c C l u b abou t

p lay ing a show. W e ' v e p layed

at L e m o n j e l l o ' s and migh t be

do ing that again. I think some-

one told m e abou t a benef i t

w e ' r e p lay ing next week . For

mos t of our s h o w s peop le j u s t

tell us they wan t us to play.

A n c h o r : A n d you ' re p lay ing

on Thu rsday n ight , at the po-

et ry reading?

O g l e s : On T h u r s d a y i t 's jus t

m e . I 'm gonna do t w o songs

of f the a lbum w h e r e Steve

w r o t e the m u s i c and 1 wro t e the

lyrics. Every th ing else wil l be

new s tuff , to g ive it a shot and

see how people react .

A n c h o r : Is there any th ing

tha t you wan t the readers to


O g l e s : Well , the whole m u -

sic th ing k ind of snuck up on

us. We wro t e songs like h igh

schoole rs . We j u s t en joyed do -

ing it. Then people s e e m e d to

l ike it and w e s e e m e d to l ike it.

And it j u s t got b igger and big-

ge r with spend ing hou r s and

hours in the s tudio. N o w w e ' v e

got a C D and you put it in the

s tereo and it s o u n d s like a real

band . I t ' s been we i rd go ing

through the w h o l e process .

Liked what you

just read?

Join The Anchor!

Issue planning

meet ings are every

Sunday at 6 p .m.

Disclaimer: The Anchor is a product of student effort and is funded through the Hope College Student Activities Fund. The

opinions expressed on the Voices page are solely those of the author and do not represent the views of The Anchor or Hope

College. One-year subscriptions to The Anchor are available for $40. The Anchor reserves the right to accept or reject any ad-


O u r Mission: The Anchor strives to communicate campus events throughout Hope College and the Holland community. We hope to amplify awareness and promote dialogue through fair, objective

joumalism and a vibrant Voices section.

Jenny Cenccr

Shannon Craig

Chris Lewis

Lindsey Manthei

Courtcnay Roberts

James Ralston

David M o o r e

Dylana Pinter

Scott Woroniec

Lisa Harkes



WORID NEWS EDITOR Matt Oosterhouse


ARTS EDITOR Alison Mills
















Steve Cupery

Katie Bennett

Jeremy Benson

Erin Lattin

Larissa Mariano

Brian McLellan

Kristie M o o t e

Anne Schmidt

Kaitlin Kessie


Emily Westrate

Sarah Wightman

Daniel le Revers

Mackenzie Smith

Paige Calamari


J A N U A R Y 31, 2 0 0 7 VOICES T H E A N C H O R 7

Musings of a wandering environmentalist What maps don' t show

Stephen Cupery

Have you ever stopped and considered

how profoundly the type of landscape

you are surrounded by affects the form ot

lifestyle which is carried?

Would you not agree that there is in fact a

distinct correlation, subtle though it may be,

between business suit attire and skyscrapers.

Subraru Outback ' s and mounta inous roads

or between deserts and transient gypsies?

It is obvious geography, whether natural

or constructed, dictates culture to an extent,

but w h o pays attention to the daily structure

of behaviors in which w e adapt to our

established borders and respective regions.

Whalers in the remote Fareo Island

archipelago don intricate woven sweaters of

wool sheared by hand from the neighboring

countryside sheep herd. Vast arid climates

of the Great Basin plains within Utah and

Nevada ' s borders necessitate frugal thrift

in use of local water reservoirs, thereby

requiring certain communi t ies to impose

water limits for consumers . Electrical

power for machinery may just originate

from sources of coal strips deep within the

West Virginia's Appalachians.

Land is that ever present dynamic of

territory and place altogether shaping,

regulating and concluding our means

of survival and sustenance. Through

its cultivation, health is provided; by its

t ransformation and variance, weather is

influenced; and on its surfaces life abounds

while death lirtgers, passing slowing into the

decay of the organic itself.

In thriving upon this terrestrial sphere,

w e cannot help but notice our unique

dependency on what creation outside of

humani ty offers . The give-and-take model

of using natural resources must be fully

considered comprehensively in an ethical

manner. Quanti ty acknowledges abundance

and limit. Quality results from use of

method and application.

Last night I had the privilege of listening

in engrossed fascination as our wor ld ' s

leading female environmental ist , Wangari

Maathai, spoke on mot ive and right in regards

to advocat ing peaceable environmental ly

concerned societies. Vibrantly dressed

in lavish Kenyan traditional clothing,

she spoke with outstanding emphasis on

bringing about restoration for our land.

Addressing the most basic needs each of

our lives, her explanations sought to reveal

how the effects of poor land management

has spurred activism by predominately

females among Central African nations to

al low for local economic sustainability.

The individual is not alone in his or her

role as a caretaker for w e are all members

w h o inevitably must share in the resources

not only to avoid impending conflict

and eliminate struggles over access and

ownership, but more importantly to realize

our inextricable reliance on the soil God has

given us.

Stephen Cupery can he found explor-

ing for optimal climbing trees, elusive Lake

Michigan icebergs and sociological trends.

Presidential if elected, would be the oldest president in his-

tory at 72 years old. He has criticized officials

in the Pentagon concerning the low number

of troops in Iraq and voiced concerns over the

importance of maintaining public support for

Continued from page 2

the war.

McCain is known to take many bi-partisan

compromises on tense issues, one of which in-

cludes his support for state by state definitions

of recognized marriages. McCain is pro-life

and supports further stem cell research.

Another Republican, Guliani, became an

instant icon after the September II attacks

and was seen as a rallying figure for hope and

re-building. He was elected mayor in 1993

on the platform of crime and taxes, having

already established a strong track record of

justice starting with his aggressive pursuit and

indictment of mafia members including the

heads of New York's ' l i v e families." In addi-

tion, he is pro-choice and pro-same sex mar-

riage, which could put him at odds with the

rest of his party.

get healthy at the kletz!

don't want fries with your combo? pick your choice of fresh fruit, baked lays, or a cup of soup!

for breakfast , try

our new wel lness bar. $3 .00 per trip.

try a half dell sandwich and soup.

Theatre Continued from page 3

with student p roduc t ions , " Carpen te r said. " T h e r e ' s

less l imitat ions," Van Tassell said about work ing wi thout


"Bu t in a w a y there 's m o r e because w e have a smal ler

budge t , " Goe tz inger said.

" I t ' s a good learning exper ience . It prepares

you for the real wor ld , " Van Tassell said.

"The Shape of T h i n g s " begins at 8 p.m. Tick-

ets are $ 2 and can be purchased at the door.

Union Continued from page 2

less of a necessity. He also said the U.S. must succeed

in Iraq, and that the consequences of failure would be


The president concluded his speech on a positive

note. "This is a decent and honorable country - and

resilient, too. We have been through a lot together.

We have met challenges and faced dangers, and we

know that more lie ahead. Yet we can go forward

with confidence - because the State of our Union

is strong ... our cause in the world is right ... and

tonight that cause goes on. God Bless," Bush said.


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1 A N C H O R


COLLEGE HOOPS WITHOUT THE HOOPLA JV teams important to growth, future of Hope basketball programs Nick Hinkle COPY EDITOR


There are 24 f reshmen in the Hope

Col lege basketball program, however ,

only four lake to the court during Hope

varsity basketball games . The remain ing

20 are members of the hard working,

but less recognized, m e n ' s and w o m e n ' s

jun ior varsity teams.

" T h e JV program is very helpful in the

bui ldup to varsi ty." Ben VanArendonk

( ' 0 9 ) said. "People are in all different

levels of maturity, and JV is a good place

to learn and to make the-growth necessary

at the varsity level ."

As a current m e n ' s JV team player,

VanArendonk has exper ienced firsthand

the importance of the JV program. The

coaches in the w o m e n ' s program agree

that JV is important to a p layer ' s growth .

"It (JV basketbal l) gives student-

athletes a t ime when they can play and

improve on certain skills that can then

put them on varsity the fo l lowing year ,"

w o m e n ' s JV coach Colleen Corey said.

"Ano the r main strength is that it is great

to gel kids a chance to play and meet or

create some new f r iendships ."

In order to prepare the players for

varsity play, the coaches at the JV level

must form a s t rong team out of players

w h o have never been on the court

together. By creat ing a strong and hard

working team, they are able to not only

prepare the players for the future, but also

win games .

"The coaching staff did a great j o b of

t ransi t ioning all of the new players into

college basketbal l ," Aaron Boersma ( ' 1 0 )

said. "You have to learn all new stuff and

learn how to play together as a t eam, and

the coaches have handled the situation

very wel l . "

Despi te having to introduce all new

players to the sys tem, the m e n ' s JV

program currently has a record of 9 -5

whi le the w o m e n stand at 5-8. However ,

the success of the JV program is not only

measured by wins and losses. Coach Brian

Morehouse believes that playing JV helps

to produce players with game conf idence

which is important to their success when

they reach the varsity level.

Many current varsity players can attest

to the impor tance of the JV program.

Current varsity players such as Lindsay

Lange ( '08) , Becky Bosserd ( '07) ,

K i m m y Gordon ( ' 09 ) , Brett Jager ( '07) ,

Dan Holt ( ' 0 8 ) and Ryan Klein ( ' 0 8 )

started off on the JV squad.

"Be ing on JV helped m e

t remendously ," Jager said. "It gave m e

a lot of g a m e exper ience which helped

build conf idence much more than sitt ing

the bench on varsity would do. It was an

excellent transition step f rom high school

basketball to the college level as well.

Overal l , my exper ience was outs tanding,

and I still have many close friends w h o I

played with on the JV t eam."

% 4. -Jt

* -mm


Pregame predictions Super Bowl XLI: Midwest Mayhem

For Chicago, their defense must play


M O V I N G U P — Bre t t Jager ( '07) s t a r t e d

h is baske tba l l ca reer on t he JV t e a m and

is now a vars i ty cap ta in .



Before and af ter the Super Bowl , and

either way it comes out, we know we will

hear endless discussions on what the ring

will or will not do to Peyton Mann ing ' s

status as an elite, championship quarterback.

Hardly anyone, except a diehard Bears fan,

expects Chicago to c o m e out on top Sunday

Feb. 4. Sunday will mark Super Bowl XLI,

with Tony Dungy and Lovie Smith being

the first two Afr ican-Amer ican coaches to

ever meet in a Super Bowl.

equal to or better than the Super Bowl X X

Bears that beat N e w England 46-10. The

Colts need to keep the Chicago of fense o f f

the field and keep the ball in the hands of

Manning who , if given the chance, will

utilize Pro-Bowl wide receivers Reggie

Wayne and Marvin Harrison.

Indianapol is comes into Sunday wi th

the worst rushing de fense to ever play in a

Super Bowl. However , if Indianapol is puts

points on the board early, Chicago will be

caught in a shoot-out , forc ing Grossman

to make plays. Defense is the pride of

Ch icago fans. The Bears need to play solid

de fense and then pray that Grossman ' s

self-destruct ive b o m b doesn ' t tick too fast.

The Col t ' s defense will try to help

Grossman . The Colts will play a lot o f

Cover 2 defense , leaving the deep middle

of the field fairly open. Grossman has

proved that throwing deep and accurately

is one of his strengths. However , th rowing

down the field is one of the hardest th ings

to do consistently as a quar terback. St rong

coverage by B o b Sanders in the Col t ' s

secondary or Gros sman being off his

game, will force check d o w n s and bring

out a side of Grossman that the Bears fans

are far too familiar. Indianapol is will put

up some points, and if they do so early in

the game, G r o s s m a n ' s errors will secure a

Col t ' s s tampede. Aside f rom the big story

of o f fense versus defense , the two Midwes t

t eams also boast many supporters around

Hope College.

One can expect Bears fans and Illinois

natives to be s torming the c a m p u s much

like the days the Whi te Sox w o n the World

Series jus t two years ago. Chicago ' s great

defense and the emergence of of fens ive

weapons like Bernard Berrian and second-

year pro Cedric Benson has Chicago fans

looking at the most comple te Bears team

in years. Likewise, af ter gett ing booted

f rom the chase two years in a row by N e w

England, Col ts fans and Indiana natives

feel the s ame way. H o m e away from h o m e

is where most Col ts and Bears fans at Hope

will be this weekend , surrounded by friends

and fel low fans. Keep your eyes out fo r a

f looded c a m p u s of Chicago orange and

blue or Indianapolis blue and white.

Prediction: Col ts 30, Bears 17


streets to find out your

thoughts on Sunday's

big game t.

R.J. Thebo STAFF W R I T E R

* S a r a A a r d e m a ( '09)

F a v o r i t e P l a y e r : Tank Johnson,

he has a funny name.

Thoughts on Prince's hal f t ime

show: It will be royal.

Favori te par t of the Super

Bowl : The coin loss.

Predict ion: Bears 36, Col ts 21

Dan L i t h io ( '09)

Difference maker: Cedric Benson.

Bears fan how long? At least eight


I f the Bears were a food: A

big slab of steak. They don ' t do

anything flashy, but they are a

quality team that gets the j o b


Predict ion: Bears 27, Col ts 24



The w o m e n ' s basketball team got

back on track wi th two strong

MIAA victories. They defeated

Tri-State and Kalamazoo, and

are 17-2 overall and 8-2 in the



The hockey team won twice to

improve to 21-1-0.

S a t u r d a y Feb. 3 vs. Northwood 9 p.m. The Edge


The m e n ' s basketball defeated

Tri-State 101-57 on Jan. 24

and Ka lamazoo 86-48 on Jan.

27. These victories bring them

to 16-2 overall and 8-0 in the

MIAA. Stephen Cramer ( ' 0 7 )

was honored with M I A A player

of the week for the second t ime

this season. The team also leads

the nation in three-point shooting

accuracy at 44 .5 percent.


The m e n ' s and w o m e n ' s swim

team hosted Alma on Jan. 27 and

both teams came out on top. They

also, faced Div. II Grand Valley

Stale on Jan. 26 with the w o m e n

winning 151-140 and the men

losing 127-148. The dual meet

season is concluded, leaving the

MIAA championships Feb. 8-10

and the N C A A Championsh ips

March 8 -10 for men and March

15-17 for women .

Dan M u r c h ( '09)

Favori te Player. Marvin

Harrison, he ' s humble , talented

and hard working.

Colts fan how long? Since I was

bom. I f the Colts were a food: Col ts are

like salt because they overpower

everything else.

Predict ion: Col ts 28, Bears 10

M a t t Siehoff ( '09)

Dif ference maker : Cedr ic

Benson, he has been playing belter

and better as the season goes on.

He is a hard-nosed runner w h o

has the ability to shed lacklers

and gel yards after the hit.

Bears fan how long? All my


Predict ion: Bears 24, Colts 21



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