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Transcript of 007: YOUR YEAR FOR FINANCIAL FREEDOM! - Morris...


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Heart toHeartwithGod’sservant


Are you ready to step into the spiritual destiny God has for your life? The word

‘destiny’ can be defined as a “pre-determined course of action.”

Anything happening to you, whether you consider it good or bad, is coming into your life by divine destiny and by the permission of Almighty God.

God has predestined you for the most incredible blessing that you have ever experienced and NOW IS YOUR TIME!

God spoke to me and told me He was going to raise the level of your faith because He wants to give you more blessing than you have ever received.

He showed me there are many Christians living in bondage to debt. You may be among the many thousands who have become involved in an intense financial battle, continually struggling, fighting off the bill collectors, worrying about how to make ends meet, trying desperately to get caught up with your financial obligations. Just the day-to-day pressures of providing for your needs and the needs of your family are weighing you down until you are physically and mentally worn out, discouraged, in a dilemma not knowing what to do.


God has put a prophetic word of financial deliverance and blessing in my mouth for

you. God spoke to me and said, “Son, if My people will release their finances to Me, I will take charge of their financial life, pouring out a supernatural financial anointing upon them.”

Just as God is releasing a powerful, end-time “Elijah” anointing with

manifestations of His supernatural power and double-portion anointing, He is releasing a PROPHETIC, END TIME FINANCIAL ANOINTING upon His

people.Now is your time to break through all

bondage of debt and to receive this prophetic, end-time financial anointing that will take your

finances to a new level you never dreamed possible!


In October of last year when God gave me the Big Coat vision with its 10 major outreaches,

He asked me, “Morris, will you put on the Big Coat?” At that time, I faced one of the greatest challenges I have ever faced in the history of my ministry. Just our television ministry outreach to bring the Helpline program back increased our monthly budget $400,000!

As I stepped out in faith to accept this new mandate, God spoke to me in the most awesome way. I have never had Him speak to me like this before in the history of my 60 years of ministry since the time He supernaturally took me into the heavens at the young age of 15.

As I faced this new challenge of the Big Coat Vision, God spoke to me and said,

“Because you are a Jew, I am going to give you the power and authority to bless those who bless you.”

I was born a Jew. My mother was a Russian Orthodox Jew. I was raised a Jew. I studied for years under Jewish rabbis and had my bar mitzvah when I was 13 years old.

God said to me, “I am going to give you the power and authority to release to my people the blessings I poured out upon Abraham.”

I asked Him, “What do you mean, release the Abraham blessings?”

The Lord took me to the book of Genesis 12:3. In this verse God made a covenant with Abram and gave him a special promise, “And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all the families of the earth be blessed.”


This is what the Father said to me, “Son, I am going to raise the level of the partners’

faith because I want to give them more blessings than they have ever received. If they are going to give more, they have to receive more.” God said, “Because they will rise up and bless you to do My work as I spoke the promise to Abraham, I will bless those who bless you; I will bless them who bless you as a Jew I raised up out of the orphanage and personally appeared to.”

Why God waited 60 years, I have no idea. But remember, the key to spiritual breakthrough is timing; when God spoke this to me I wondered, “Lord, why did you wait so long to give me this power and authority – this revelation? Then, He showed me something in Genesis 12:4, “So Abram departed, as the LORD had spoken unto him; and Lot went with him: and Abram was seventy and five years old when he departed out of Haran.” Abraham was 75 when God supernaturally reached down into his life and pronounced His blessing upon him and his seed.

In October 2006, I turned 75! Coincidence? No...

I believe with every fiber of my being we have come together as partners these many years for such a time as this! God has destined to wrap our lives up in what He is going to do in these end-times.

I’m more than ready!


In order for you to rise up and do what God wants you to do to become an end-time

financier in this end-time harvest, God has to take your finances into another dimension. He has to do something for you that is out of the ordinary.

Are you ready for God to do something extraordinary in your finances and release the blessing of Abraham into your life?

Every true prophetic word calls for ACTION! I don’t want you to just read this tabloid and put it on the shelf somewhere. If you believe the prophetic word He has placed in my mouth for you, you must act in faith on it to receive the fulfillment of what God has promised. Share this publication with family members, Christian friends, and your pastor.

It wasn’t until the widow acted in faith on the Word of the Lord in Elijah’s mouth that her miracle began. The Word says, “Believe in the Lord your God, so shall ye be established; believe his prophets, so shall ye prosper” (2 Chronicles 20:20).


Prophetic • End Time • Financial Anointing Edition

You and I are privileged to be living in a time of great spiritual destiny – in God’s last

days when He is culminating and bringing to a climax the fulfillment of His end-time plan.

Get ready!Manifestations of God’s power are coming

that will supersede anything the world has ever seen!

God never intended for the awesome demonstration and manifestation of His power, which was released in the early Church 2000 years ago, to dissipate throughout the history of Christianity and the Church.

As we draw closer to Christ’s coming, we are moving toward the divine intentions of God. We are coming to the time when we will experience the greatest manifestation and demonstration of God’s power the world has ever seen.

The end of the ages will not be culminated by the end-time ungodly forces. It will be climaxed by a strong and mighty Church rising up in the midst of sin, hypocrisy, debauchery, and perversion on every hand. This Church will rise up in a tremendous demonstration and manifestation of God’s power that will prove to the world that God is not dead, but He is alive!

Along with the anointing for the awesome manifestations of God’s power will come a Prophetic, End-time Financial anointing. This financial anointing will be so strong upon God’s people that it will be a witness to the world that He is the One, true and living God and there is none other!

Something supernatural must take place in our lives before this can become a reality.

God must raise the level of our faith!The Father showed me that He was going

to raise the level of your faith because He wants to give you more blessings than you have ever received. As an end-time financier, if you are going to be able to give more, you have to receive more.

God said, “Because they will rise up and bless you to do My work as I spoke the promise to Abraham, I will bless those who bless you; I will bless them who bless you as a Jew I raised up out of the orphanage and personally appeared to.”

God told me that He has given me the power and authority to release a blessing unlike any blessing you have even received.

I have never done this in 60 years because He never gave me the commission or power to do it until now.

Now God is saying that it is time because of the vision He has given us to reach the entire world.

Look at Matthew 10:41 in the Amplified Bible, “He who receives and welcomes and accepts a prophet because he is a prophet shall receive a prophet’s reward.”

If I am a prophet, then God has given me, as a result of that anointing, the power and authority to take the prophet’s reward and give it to you.

Are you ready for the prophet’s reward?

Are you ready for God to release the blessing of Abraham into your life?


We are embarking on a spiritual journey that is taking us into uncharted waters. We are going to take a close look at Abraham’s life and how God raised him up to fulfill a prophetic destiny, affecting the lives of multiplied millions throughout the ages. I believe if you receive this revelation it is going to revolutionize your life.

Abram was an uncircumcised man living in the city of Haran in a nation of idol worshippers.

Haran was the chief home of the Assyrian and Babylonian moon god, Sin, whose symbol is a crescent moon. The cities of Ur and Haran were bound together by worship of the same idol god. The idolatrous temple of this moon god in Haran was even more famous to the Assyrians and Babylonians than the temple in Ur.

Abram, living in this ungodly environment, had not yet had an encounter with Jehovah, God Almighty, the One, true and living God. He was unable to have children with his wife Sarai and had every reason to believe his name would be forgotten. There was no reason, under his circumstances, to believe that his name would ever outlive himself. He had no reason to believe that he would ever have an heir. He had nothing to look forward to but to die there, with no heir and no posterity.

God saw Abram and reached down into the very heart of this idolatrous city, placed His hand on him and chose him for a divine purpose.

God blessed Abram with a promise of him becoming a great nation and that through him all the nations of the earth would be blessed.

Look at Genesis 12:1-3 in the Amplified Bible:

“Now [in Haran] the Lord said to Abram, Go for yourself [for your own advantage] away from your country, from your relatives and your father’s house, to the land that I will show you. [Hebrews 11:8-10.] And I will make of you a great nation, and I will bless you [with abundant increase of favors] and make your name famous and distinguished, and you will be a blessing [dispensing good to others]. And I will bless those who bless you [who confer prosperity or happiness upon you] and curse him who curses or uses insolent language toward you; in you will all the families and kindred of the earth be blessed [and by you they will bless themselves] (Galatians 3:8).

When God promised Abram that He would bless him and those who blessed him, what did He mean?


The word “bless” in these verses is translated from the Hebrew word “barak” which in the Old Testament meant “to endue with power for success, prosperity, fruitfulness and longevity.” Barak is used in the context which presents God alone as the source of blessing.

The Greek Old Testament translates the Hebrew Barak with the Greek word “eulogia.” This word combines “eu” meaning “well” with Logos meaning “speech.” Eulogia means “well-spoken.” Basically, barak means “to endue

with beneficial power.” Included within God’s beneficial power is well-being for every area of life: salvation, material wealth, and physical health.

Putting these two words barak eulogia together to define the word “blessing” means:

God’s beneficial enduement of power to produce well-being in every area of life.

Get ready to receive God’s blessing – an enduement of God’s power that will produce

God said: “Now is the time to release the End Time Financial Blessings”

God said he is going to raise the level of your faith!


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well-being in every area of your life – including health and wealth!

From Genesis to Revelation, beginning with Abram, we can clearly see that God singled out and chose a people – Abraham and his seed – to whom He specifically pronounced His blessings with the pronouncement of these blessing. God did not intend for anything beneficial to be withheld from Abraham and his seed. He has promised, “No good thing will he withhold from them that walk uprightly” (Psalm 84:11).

Every blessing, whether in the Old or New Testaments, owes its origin and existence to the Abrahamic Covenant, whether the word “blessing” is used or not.


God’s purpose in calling out Abram and pronouncing blessing upon him was not only that Abram would be blessed, but that his seed and succeeding generations, including Gentile nations, would be blessed.

The blessing pronounced upon Abram was not just for the benefit of Isaac, Jacob, Israel, and the Jewish people. When God pronounced blessing upon Abram, He was, in effect, pronouncing the same blessing upon all those throughout the ages who through faith in Christ would be redeemed! The Apostle Paul made this clear. He said:

“Christ hath redeemed us from the curse of the law, being made a curse for us: for it is written, Cursed is every one that hangeth on a tree: That the blessing of Abraham might come on the Gentiles through Jesus Christ; that we might receive the promise of the Spirit through faith” (Galatians 3:13-14).

The curse has been broken!The blessing has been pronounced!The purpose of redemption is that

Abraham’s blessing might come on the Gentiles. In the above verses the word “that” in the phrase “that the blessing of Abraham” is translated from the Greek word, “hina” which means “in order that.” The phrase, “might come on” is the translation of “ginomai” which means “to come into existence.” This clause demonstrates the purpose of our redemption to be the coming of Abraham’s blessing upon Gentile Christians, as well as Jewish Christians. Our redemption

includes not only salvation, but all the blessings of Abraham!

Abraham’s blessing – God’s beneficial enduement of power to produce well-being in every area of life – becomes YOURS in Jesus Christ!


Today, the blessings of Abraham – health, wealth, salvation, and well-being in every area of your life – are yours by faith!

Are you ready to receive Abraham’s blessings?There are many Christians today who

have failed to take possession of the promised Abrahamic blessings because they have relegated them to being limited only to the Old Testament era.

The truth is that the Abrahamic Covenant, with its blessings, is just as much in effect in the Church today as it was when God spoke it into Abraham’s life!

Twenty-four years after God called out Abram, He again appeared to Abram and entered into a covenant with him. In that divine encounter, God changed Abram’s name to Abraham and told him the covenant He was making with him was an everlasting covenant. God said:

“And I will establish my covenant between me and thee and thy seed after thee in their generations for an everlasting covenant, to be a God unto thee, and to thy seed after thee” (Genesis 17:7).

The blessings of Abraham are irrevocable!The Abrahamic Covenant is still confirmed,

in full force, active and working! There are no Scriptures that state the

Abrahamic Covenant has ever been replaced, set aside or rearranged.

There is no record that God ever changed it or revoked it.

The Apostle Paul makes it clear that the Law did not change the Abrahamic Covenant one bit. He boldly declares that the appearance of the Law, four hundred thirty years after the Abrahamic Covenant was confirmed; neither invalidated the covenant nor made it inoperative. Paul said, “And this I say, that the covenant, that was confirmed before of God in Christ, the law, which was four hundred and thirty years after,

Brother Cerullo: Is it scriptural to give expecting to receive?

Answer: there are many Christians who believe it is wrong or carnal to give to God expecting to receive in return. God wants you to give to him as a pure act of worship from a heart of praise and thanksgiving for who he is, and for all he has done for you. however, as you give to him, God wants you to know – to expect – to have faith and trust that he will multiply back, and meet all your needs. Jesus said, “Give, and it shall be given unto you; good measure, pressed down, and shaken together, and running over, shall men give unto your bosom” (luke 6:38).

GOD’SPURPOSEFORYOUISNOLACK!One of Satan’s major strategies to keep Christians in financial bondage is to convince them that

they cannot afford to give. He tries to keep their eyes so focused upon their own financial needs that they stop giving, which stops the flow of financial blessings.

When financial reverses come, the first thing many people do is cut back in their giving, or stop their giving to God altogether. They tell themselves, “When my finances improve, I will give more,” or, “When I have more money coming in, I will be able to start giving to God.”

In this Scripture, we see the believers in Macedonia giving liberally and sacrificially out of their “deep poverty.” The saints in the church in Jerusalem and Judea faced a great financial crisis through war, famine and persecution. Many of them lost their means of support…their jobs and businesses…

because they refused to deny their faith and commitment to Jesus Christ.The believers in the Macedonian churches responded to the great need of their brothers and sisters in Jerusalem by giving a liberal

offering. In fact, they begged for the opportunity to give to meet the needs of their brethren in Jerusalem.Their eyes were not on their own financial needs. They were not moaning, groaning, complaining and hiding in a corner because of

Satan’s attacks on their finances. They were full of joy! They knew God would supply their need!Their eyes were not on their own meager resources, but upon God’s supernatural provision. Although they were in “deep poverty,”

they did not give a small, “token” offering. They gave sacrificially and liberally, even BEYOND THEIR ABILITY to give.Turn the battle around! Even at the point of your greatest need, continue to give…not reluctantly, not fearfully, but filled with an

abundance of joy, knowing that God will meet your need.God’s purpose for you today is NO LACK!(Excerpt from one of the more than 300 anointed commentaries in the Morris Cerullo, God’s Victorious Army, Financial Breakthrough

Spiritual Warfare Bible. Go to page 23 to see how you can receive your copy.)


2 Corinthians 8:13-15

When a JeW Worshipped God throuGh his firstfruits offerinG, it Was the very best that he could brinG. then, he left the altar With the absolute assurance that his crops Would not fail and that he Would reap an abundant harvest.

Prophetic • End Time • Financial Anointing Editioncannot disannul, that it should make the promise of none effect.” Galatians 3:17

The word confirmed in this verse is translated from a combination of two Greek words: “pro” meaning “previously,” and “kuras” meaning “authorize.” This means previously confirmed or authorized. The covenant between God and Abraham was authorized prior to the Law.

It is also important for you to understand that the Greek word for confirmed is in the perfect tense which refers to a past act, the results of which are still apparent. In essence, what Paul was saying is that the confirmation of the Abrahamic Covenant continues in force.


Paul said that the Law cannot “disannul” or “make of none effect” the Abrahamic Covenant blessings. “Disannul” in this verse is translated from the two Greek word “A Kurao” meaning “to unauthorize” or to “unconfirm.” “Of not effect” is translated from the Greek work, “katargeo” which means “reduced in status or rank to a position of no longer working or being active.”

The Apostle Paul’s use of words forcefully makes this truth clear: The Law did not reduce the Abrahamic Covenant in status rank or importance. It did not render it ineffective or render inactive the promises God made to Abraham.

As a born-again child of God, you are the seed of Abraham and have inherited all the blessings of Abraham! Paul makes this point very clear. He said, “Now to Abraham and his seed were the promises made. He saith not, And to seeds, as of many; but as of one, And to thy seed, which is Christ” (Galatians 3:16). Verse 29 goes on to say, “And if ye be Christ’s, then are ye Abraham’s seed, and heirs according to the promise” (Galatians 3:29).

You are an heir!It is through faith that you are able to take

hold of the blessings of Abraham, which are your inheritance. Paul said:

“Know ye therefore that they which are of faith, the same are the children of Abraham. And the scripture, foreseeing that God would justify the heathen through faith, preached before the gospel unto Abraham, saying, In thee shall all nations be blessed. So then they which be of faith are blessed with faithful Abraham” (Galatians 3:7-9).

You are blessed with faithful Abraham!


You are called to inherit blessing…God’s beneficial enduement of power to produce well-being in every area of life…including health and wealth!

Peter reveals that we, as Abraham’s seed, are called unto blessing, He said, “Not rendering evil for evil, or railing for railing: but contrariwise blessing; knowing that ye are thereunto called, that ye should inherit a blessing” (1 Peter 3:9).

In the original Greek translation the “a” is not in the above verse. A literal rendering from the Greek text would read, “that you should inherit blessing,” not “a” blessing…not just one blessing, but all that is contained in the Abrahamic blessings!

By faith, Christians today, who are heirs of what Abraham was promised, are continuously inheriting the Abrahamic blessings. The writer of Hebrews admonishes believers, “That ye be not slothful, but followers of them who through

faith and patience inherit the promises” (Hebrews 6:12).

The word “inherit” in the above verse is the Greek present tense, which refers to action continuously occurring in present time. As Abraham’s seed, you not only “inherit” Abraham’s blessings, but you are presently “continuously inheriting” them!


God has sealed and guaranteed the Abrahamic blessings with His oath, which means there is no possibility whatsoever of failure!

“For when God made promise to Abraham, because he could swear by no greater, he sware by himself, Saying, Surely blessing I will bless thee, and multiplying I will multiply thee. And so, after he had patiently endured, he obtained the promise. For men verily swear by the greater: and an oath for confirmation is to them an end of all strife. Wherein God, willing more abundantly to shew unto the heirs of promise the immutability of his counsel, confirmed it by an oath” (Hebrews 6:13-17).


God kept His covenant with Abraham. God’s blessings ran after him. He was blessed in every way! God’s blessing produced well-being in every area of his life.

1. God’s blessing produced well-being in his soul – his relationship with God. “…Abraham believed God, and it was imputed unto him for righteousness: and he was call the Friend of God” (James 2:23).

2. God’s blessing produced well-being in the area of wealth and prosperity for him and his descendants. It didn’t stop with him. God gave Abraham the power to release the blessing to Isaac. God’s blessings came to Abraham as a result of his covenant with God. He didn’t have to struggle to believe for these blessings. They came running after him!

Abraham was blessed in every possible way. “Abraham was now old and well advanced in years, and the Lord had blessed him in every way” (Genesis 24:1 NIV). The Lord had given him flocks, herds, camels, gold, silver, and servants.

God had greatly multiplied all that he had until he was a rich man. “And Abram was very rich in cattle, in silver, and in gold” (Genesis 13:2).

God prospered Isaac to such a great extent he was known throughout the land. “The man became rich, and his wealth continued to grow until he became very wealthy. He had so many flocks and herds and servants that the Philistines envied him” (Genesis 26:13-14 NIV).

3. God’s blessing produced well-being for Abraham in the area of physical health. He lived to a ripe old age of 175 and there is no record that his body was debilitated by disease. “And these are the days of the years of Abraham’s life which he lived, an hundred threescore and fifteen years. Then Abraham gave up the ghost, and died in a good old age, an old man, and full of years; and was gathered to his people” (Genesis 25:7-8).

Abraham lived to “a good old age” – His body was not debilitated by disease.

He died an “old man full of years.” No terminal disease killed him.

One of the covenant blessings God pronounced upon Abraham was that he would die in peace and be buried at a good old age (Genesis 15:15).

Abraham lived out his days.He was full of years.He was at peace.Look at Genesis 25:8 in the Amplified Bible,

“Then Abraham’s spirit was released, and he died at a good (ample, full) old age, an old man, satisfied and satiated, and was gathered to his people.”


The blessings of Abraham are not just some ethereal, emotional concept that we rejoice over but are unable to see a tangible manifestation in our lives. They come to us in specific ways that can be measured and you know that it is the covenant of that Abrahamic blessing. You won’t have to wonder. You will know it!

Now is your time!God spoke to me and told me He was going

to raise the level of your faith because He wants to give you more blessing than you have ever received.

Remember God’s promise, “I will bless you…and you shall be a blessing!”

God is ready to pour out upon you this Abrahamic blessing and you will experience blessings you have never before experienced in your life.

I am not telling you that God is going to make you a millionaire because you have the Abrahamic blessing come over your life. But, just as Abraham was blessed in every possible way, God wants to release His blessing into every area of your life.

This Abrahamic blessing is “God’s enduement of power to produce well-being in every area of your life!”

What I am saying is that blessings like you have never experienced before are going to run after you.

You will be above and not beneath!You will be the lender, not the borrower! The blessings of Abraham are the result of

the covenant. They are your inheritance. They are not achieved through self effort or works. They are the free gift of God. He planned for you to live under the covering of these blessings when He spoke the blessing over Abraham’s life. The blessings of Abraham are released into your life through your faith and obedience.

Brother Cerullo: Does God still require his people to tithe?

Answer: tithing is a divine plan ordained by God. It is not a legalistic form or ritual required by law. It is an outward expression of the covenant relationship we have with God, and it is God’s method of pouring out his blessing upon us. As we give our tithe, we enter into a relationship with God where we are acknowledging and honor him as “el elyon”…our source. And, in turn, he is acknowledging each of us as one of his children and is fulfilling his promises of blessing and prosperity in our lives. God’s challenge to you is to put him first – to honor him by giving your tithe, and then trust him to pour out his blessings on you. Do you owe God tithes?


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When you walk in covenant relationship with God and know it is His desire to pour His blessing upon you in every area of your life, you will be in a position to release your faith and take hold of whatever you need.

The blessing of Abraham goes to the place of MAXIMUM IMPOSSIBILITY!

Abraham and Sarah faced the utter impossibility of having a child. They were far beyond the age of child-bearing. Abraham was 99 when God gave him the promise of a son, and Sarah was barren.

The blessing God spoke was supernatural. It superseded their impossibility, and released the miracle they needed.

Abraham took hold of God’s promise that he would be the father of many nations by faith. “He staggered not at the promise of God through unbelief; but was strong in faith, giving glory to God” (Romans 4:20).

Sarah took hold of God’s promised blessing by looking past her age and inability to conceive and by believing in God’s faithfulness. “Through faith also Sara herself received strength to conceive seed, and was delivered of a child when she was past age, because she judged him faithful who had promised” (Hebrews 11:11).

What total impossibility do you face that needs the blessing of Abraham to maximize itself in your life?

What impossible situation do you face?What financial burden are you carrying in

which there is no hope in the natural?God wants to come with the blessing of

Abraham to invade your circumstances and turn them around.

He wants you to live in the flow of His divine blessings where you are blessed in every possible

manner, in every area of your life.

Are you ready to receive t h e Abr a h a m i c b l e s s i n g — a blessing greater than anything you have ever experienced, that will flow into every area of your life including your health and finances?

Remember, God released His blessing upon Israel through those whom he had sanctified, anointed, and delegated this authority. Acting in the Name and authority of the Father, Who commanded the blessing. The blessing carried with it a promise and the one speaking it invoked it with God’s authority.

The key to breakthrough is timing!God has shown me that now is the time for

me to pray and release the Abrahamic blessing over your life. For the first time in 60 years God has given me the power and authority and commission to release upon His people a blessing unlike any blessing they have ever received ... financial blessings!

God has commissioned me to pray for the release of the upon you, your family, your business, your ministry!

God’s blessing is his power to produce

well-being in every area of your life!

h i s is the most personal, intimate and powerful DVD I have ever prepared for you, my partners.

Under the direction and anointing of the Holy Spirit, Theresa and I joined

together during a very special, intimate time of prayer for you and

your family.This is the first time I have

ever done this in praying for the release of the blessings of Abraham over your life.

This DVD is our special communication to you and I want to send it this month to you and every partner who believes the prophetic word God has given me concerning the release of God’s end time financial anointing.

As a special gift to you and your family, I also

want to send you a copy of my book, “MARKED FOR GOD’S

COMMANDED BLESSING!” This book contains a powerful revelation

God gave me that will enable you to understand and take hold of His

promised blessings for your life. You will learn how God has MARKED you for His

blessings; How God intends for you to live in His favor, How He has placed His Name on

the line; How you are marked by God’s Name to receive all that He has!

Please do not take this lightly. With all my heart I believe this is God’s time to release into your life a

blessing unlike anything you have ever experienced.Whatever you do, don’t hesitate! Act today on the

revelation I have shared with you by sending for your copy of MARKED FOR GOD’S COMMANDED BLESSING!, and

your personal, intimate DVD with our personal prayers for the release of the Abrahamic blessings into every area of your life.

Our Personal Gift to You! TB


Prophetic • End Time • Financial Anointing Edition

God’s end time, Prophetic Financial Anointing

In your own personal circumstances and financial situation, you may feel like you are going under but, if you recognize your place in God’s Kingdom, you will not! You will go over!

God’s promise to you today is even in the midst of the financial needs you face, you can know that you can go to Him and draw whatever you need from His storehouse—His reservoir of the riches of Christ — He has stored up for you.

God has placed in my mouth a prophetic word of financial deliverance for you!

He is releasing a powerful, end-time financial anointing upon those who will dare to rise up in faith to believe God to take them into a new dimension of His unlimited blessing and provision for this hour.


God does not plan for you to barely survive, to struggle and worry about how you will pay your bills, or how you will make it from one paycheck to another. He does not plan for you and your family to suffer from a lack of food, clothing, or the other necessities of life.

Regardless of your current financial situation or the worldwide financial crisis God has shown me that is coming, you do not have to be afraid of anything! God is releasing this Prophetic, End-time, Financial Anointing upon those who are walking in covenant relationship with Him in this hour.

Are you ready for God to break the bondage of debt and release His end-time financial anointing into your life?

In the current economy here in the United States prices for housing, healthcare, college education and transportation have skyrocketed, leaving families unable to save. According to economists, families are being forced to live beyond their means, just to pay for the basics, such as housing and health care. They are not only spending their current income but all their future income.

• Researchers say Americans are taking on record amounts of consumer debt, $5.2 trillion since 2001.

• In June 2006, families took on debt equivalent to 129 percent of their disposable incomes, a big increase from the 96 percent in March 2001.

• With double-digit increases in health insurance costs, the number of Americans without insurance rose by 1.3 million last year, up to 46.6 million people.

• The total cost of tuition, fees, and room and board at four-year public colleges has increased 44 percent in the past four years.


Regardless of these current economic problems that are squeezing the life out of millions, God will supernaturally intervene in your life and release His provision.

A prophetic call to action!Receive this prophecy into your spirit: “It’s time for

the Body of Christ to experience a supernatural, spiritual breakthrough in the realm of finances. God is going to have a people…and end-time people. Just as He raised up the Jews for a divine purpose, He is raising up these end-time people for a divine purpose and God will supernaturally manifest Himself through them in this last days. One of the supernatural manifestations will be how God provides for them.

God is raising up a specific breed of end-time people…people who have heard the voice of the Holy Spirit and have responded by laying their lives down before God as a living sacrifice. These people have joined themselves in holiness, righteousness, and sanctification for the end-time purposes of God Almighty.

God will release an end-time financial anointing upon these people. They will be uniquely joined together with God and the world will know, as it knew through the Jew, that there is only one true God and His name is Jehovah! Jesus is His Son and the Holy Spirit is His manifestation to reveal Himself and His Son to us.

As God releases a financial anointing upon the Body of Christ, many will experience the miracle of debt cancellation. Long-standing bills, which are keeping individuals hopelessly caught in a vicious cycle of debt, will be cancelled by a supernatural financial provision.

There are many people under such bondage of debt that there is no possible way, in the natural, for them to ever get out of debt. As God reveals His plan to prosper and bless His people and they begin to act according to His plan of giving and receiving, He will supernaturally intervene and debts will be cancelled.”

Are you a candidate for debt cancellation?

As God releases this financial anointing upon His people, He will not only break the bondage of debt and manifest a miracle of debt cancellation; He will also restore what Satan has stolen.

What has Satan stolen from you?When Satan attacks you in your financial circumstances,

his objective is to destroy your relationship with God. He will try to use your financial problems to accuse God.

Not only does Satan try to block the flow of finances into your life, he will steal your peace of mind, keeping your mind in a constant state of turmoil.

Satan will try to rob you of one of the greatest sources of joy—giving to God.

Do not give him one inch of territory!Recognize the work of the enemy and bind him in the

Name of Jesus!Hold onto God’s promises and the prophecies He has given

us. God will restore what Satan has stolen, and you will eat in plenty and be satisfied!


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It doesn’t matter what may come:The stock market can crash!Real estate can go bust! General Motors and Ford Motor Company can close their plants!Banks can close down!Social Security can go bankrupt!Funding for pension plans can dry up!Whatever financial problems or crises

may come, you can know beyond any doubt that God’s financial anointing and hand of supernatural provision is upon you!

You may be retired or widowed with a fixed or very limited income, struggling each month just to pay your rent or mortgage, pay utilities, and put food on the table. There may be very little or no money left to make necessary repairs, pay bills, or buy other basic necessities.

If you are a single parent working long, hard hours to support a family on a meager salary, no doubt you have spent many hours worrying, trying to find a way to survive, living from day to day, wondering how you are going to make it through another day.

You may be a businessman facing the financial pressures of keeping your business going, loss of income, deficits, or large overdue payments.

God did not plan for you to be bound by these mounting financial pressures, but that you will have a continual supply of His blessings flowing into your life. He has planned for you to live every day expecting, looking, and believing Him to supernaturally provide for you.


The first step you must take toward breaking the bondage of debt and reaping God’s provision in your financial circumstances is to bind the spirit of fear from your mind.

Fear will keep you from taking a step of faith. Fear that you will not have enough money

to take care of your family or meet your needs.

Fear you will lose your job and not have any income.

Fear that sickness will come upon you. Fear of these things and others will keep

you from being faithful to God through your giving.

God has made a covenant with you. He will never change His mind. He has promised: “My covenant will I not break, nor after the thing that is gone out of my lips” (Psalm 89:34).

Only you can break the covenant. God never will!

You may think, I have every right to be fearful… I have no income… I face bankruptcy…the bank is ready to foreclose on my house…I just do not know what I am going to do!

Regardless of the financial circumstances you face, you must recognize fear as Satan’s weapon to keep you living in a cycle of financial failure and defeat. You must resist this attack against your mind and put him on the run!

As a child of God, fear has absolutely no place in your life! “For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love and a sound mind” (2 Timothy 1:7). You serve the same God who supernaturally provided for His people and prospered them above all other people on earth.

Knowing that He is a GIVING God and that it is His will to prosper you, instead of giving in to fear, God intends for you to look at your financial famine and laugh in the enemy’s face!

God’s Word is clear: “In famine, He shall redeem thee from death…neither shalt thou be afraid of destruction when it cometh. At destruction and famine thou shalt laugh…” (Job 5:20-22).

The reason you can laugh in the enemy’s face is because you know God will not only deliver you, but will fulfill His promise, and pour His abundance into your life.


God placed a prophetic word in my mouth for the Body of Christ at the beginning of the decade of the nineties that a worldwide financial crisis is coming before the Lord’s return. He also showed me that in the midst of the great turmoil when the world is being shaken, His hand of supernatural provision would be upon His people.

The seeds you sow now through your giving to God will produce a harvest of God’s abundance in the time of trouble. God will sustain you now and during this coming worldwide crisis.

In the midst of a great famine that covered Samaria, God placed a word of financial deliverance in Elisha’s mouth. Ben Hadad, The King of Syria and his armies had besieged Samaria. It was the king’s plan to capture the city, not by battering down the walls, but by cutting off all its supplies and starving the people to death.

Hunger and starvation in the city had reached a point of great desperation. Food was so scarce that a donkey’s head sold for eighty shekels of silver. The donkey was considered an unclean animal and would not be eaten at all except as a last resort. The horror of starvation had driven the people to cannibalism. Conditions were so devastating that mothers had actually eaten their own babies!

The King of Samaria became so enraged over the terrible conditions of the famine, he swore that he would cut off Elisha’s head, and he sent one of his men to arrest Elisha.

Elisha was not afraid. God had given him advance information, and he knew the king and his messenger were on their way. He was not fearful regarding his circumstances or concerning the famine. His eyes were not on the famine, but upon Almighty God.

God gave him a prophetic message and promise of deliverance for the people of Samaria. Elisha said, “…Hear the word of the Lord: Thus says the Lord, Tomorrow about this time a measure of fine flour will sell for a shekel,

Brother Cerullo: I am at a point of financial bankruptcy, what can I do?

Answer: Give your way out of debt! the worst thing you can do when you are having financial difficulties is to stop giving – to withhold your tithes and offerings – to stop fulfilling your pledges and commitments you have made to God. withholding will keep you living under a closed heaven. even during times of great financial difficulty, and in times of want, continue to give the most liberal, generous gift possible to God knowing that he will multiply what you give to meet your need.

God will restore what Satan

has stolen and you will eat in plenty and be


The Laws

of The harvesT

You always sow to your harvest size, not from your harvest size. (2 Corinthians 9:6 TLB) “…remember…if you give little, you will get little. a farmer who plants just a few seeds will get only a small crop, but if he plants much, he will reap much.”

(source: Steward Tips Outlines for Offertory Sermons

by John Avanzini)

Prophetic • End Time • Financial Anointing Edition

and two measures of barley for a shekel, in the gate of Samaria” (2 Kings 7:1 AMP).

The King’s captain challenged Elisha, “…if the Lord would make windows in Heaven, could this thing be?”

Elisha answered, “you shall see it with your own eyes, but you shall not eat of it!” (2 Kings 7:2 AMP).

Whenever any prophetic message from God is given, it will be challenged by those who are full of unbelief. In this instance, the captain would not receive this prophetic promise because he had already placed limitations upon what God could do, according to his own natural mind. He could not believe God was able to fulfill His promises, to supernaturally provide the flour and barley they needed, even if He made windows in heaven and poured it down upon them!

His unbelief did not shake Elisha. It did not cause him to waver or wonder if he had really heard from God. He told the captain, “You’re going to see it with your own eyes, but you’re not going to have any part in it!”

This is what unbelief will do in your life. Unbelief will blind you from seeing what God wants to do in your finances.


Deliverance for the people of Samaria came through God’s supernatural intervention. Their terrible plight was impossible to the natural mind. In one day, without them even lifting their swords, God supernaturally put their enemies to flight, and there was a supernatural transference of the wealth of the Syrians into their hands

The prophecy spoken through Elisha was fulfilled!

During the night, God caused the Syrians to hear the noise of a great multitude of men and horses, and they thought the king of Israel had sent the kings of the Hittites and Egyptians to fight against them.

The Syrians were so stricken with terror that they ran for their lives, leaving their horses, tents, and supplies, and all their silver and gold behind!

God’s supernatural deliverance and provision came in a very unusual manner. He used four lepers.

When the four lepers marched into the camp of the Syrians and saw that they had fled leaving everything behind them, the lepers began to eat and drink, and take some of the spoils for themselves. When they realized that what they were doing was wrong, they returned to Samaria to tell the King what had happened. After the King sent some servants to verify that what the lepers said was true, the people rushed out of the city into the Syrian

camp, and took the spoils!Do not ever limit God according to how or

what you think He should do in meeting your needs. If you will take the limits off Him, He will do “exceedingly abundantly” above all that you could ever ask or think. Let God be God. He may use the most unlikely resources to meet your need. Be ready to receive whatever method or vessel He chooses to use.


Regardless of the current financial conditions you face, as the world’s economy continues to crumble around you, you do not need to be fearful. Your position is a position of strength and power when your faith is tied to an unlimited God Who has promised to meet your need.

God promised you:

“The LORD knoweth the days of the upright: and their inheritance shall be for ever. ‘They shall not be ashamed in the evil time: and in the days of famine they shall be satisfied” (Psalm 37:18-19).

God promised that in the days of famine, you will be satisfied. The word “satisfied” in this verse is translated from the Hebrew word “saba” which means “to fill to satisfaction, to be full, to have plenty.”

In this Scripture, we are assured that God knows the ultimate destiny of those who walk uprightly before Him…their inheritance is everlasting. We know that we have an eternal inheritance waiting for us in heaven. However, He is also concerned about our daily existence now, here on earth.

God is concerned about your financial needs and the problems you face. He knows what you need before you ever ask. His promise to you is that in time of adversity, you will not be put to shame. This means that whatever circumstances you face, you will never be defeated as long as you keep your faith and trust in Him.

You are not exempt or immune from adversity, trouble or pain but you are promised deliverance out of all your troubles. “Many are the afflictions of the righteous: but the LORD delivereth him out of them all” (Psalm 34:19).

God will deliver you from the snare of the fowler: “Surely he shall deliver thee from the snare of the fowler, and from the noisome pestilence” (Psalm 91:3).

He will deliver you from every evil work! “And the Lord shall deliver me from every evil work, and will preserve me unto his heavenly kingdom: to whom be glory for ever and ever. Amen” (2 Timothy 4:18).

During times of famine, you are promised God’s provision…not just enough to get by or to meet your needs but you will have plenty so that you will be fully satisfied.


This prophecy God has given me concerning the Prophetic, End time Financial Anointing He is releasing is A CALL TO ACTION!

Whatever financial crisis you may face,

know that God’s hand of supernatural

provision is upon you!

Brother Cerullo: Is there financial security today for people on a fixed income, social security, or on welfare?

Answer: the answer is Yes, and the key is keeping your eyes on God who is your source of supply. remember the miracle story in 2 Kings of the widow woman whose husband died and she had no source of income – no possible way to meet the needs of herself and her family. she was desperate. the creditor was coming to take her two sons to be his slaves. All that she had was a jar of oil. when she acted on the word of the lord spoken through elisha, the prophet of God, God supernaturally met her need. God took what she had – the little bottle of oil – and multiplied it. she sold the oil and not only had enough to pay her debt, but she and her sons were able to live off the rest.

sinGle parents, reGardless of your current circumstances, God Will release his supernatural provision to meet your needs.

if you are retired or livinG on a fixed income, God Will meet your needs.


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Your position of strength, as you face your current financial problems and the coming worldwide financial crisis, is not a position of fear and weakness but of faith and power.

The key to your financial breakthrough is acting in faith on the Word of the Lord to you.

It is in your covenant relationship with God in which you walk in obedience to Him and His Word.

It is in your continual fellowship with God in which you continue to give to Him, believing, expecting and trusting Him to keep His covenant with you.

This financial anointing is going to be released upon those who yield themselves fully to God who have dedicated themselves, their possessions, and their finances to fulfill His purposes in this end-time hour and help bring in a great harvest of souls.

I urge you. Please do not allow this prophetic word to go unheeded.

One of the major strategies Satan will use to keep you in financial bondage is to make you place your confidence and trust in your own limited resources and abilities to provide for yourself, instead of totally trusting and depending upon God and His unlimited resources.

Brother Cerullo: Does God send financial tests?

Answer: look at Job’s life. God prospered him until he was one of the wealthiest men in the east (Job 1:3). he was a righteous man who served God, who gave his tithe and offered burnt offerings, and who gave to help the poor. In one day, he lost all his children, his servants, five hundred yoke of oxen, three thousand camels, and five hundred donkeys. In addition to all this, satan attacked his physical body with a painful disease covering his entire body with boils, from his head to his feet! God allowed him to be tested and tried through these circumstances because he knew Job would remain faithful to him. Job said, “But he knoweth the way that I take: when he hath tried me, I shall come forth as gold” (Job 23:10). God not only delivered him, healed his body and brought him out of his financial bondage, he restored to Job DouBle what he had lost; “…the lord gave Job twice as much as he had before” (Job 42:10). God restored his family, and all his friends brought him gifts of money and gold (Job 42:11).

Look at your financial famine

and laugh in the enemy’s



God’s will for you is that even during a time of financial famine - in the midst of adversity, in

the hour of your greatest financial need - you will have continual daily provision provided by His hand.

One of the major hindrances to financial breakthrough that Christians face during financial famine is that they limit their giving according to their current financial situation. If they are heavily in debt and have a limited income, they either withhold their tithes and offerings, or give a very limited amount. They allow their financial crises and circumstances to determine the amount of seed they sow.

In this Scripture, Isaac sowed seed during a time of famine and reaped a hundredfold!The land was dried up…The heavens were closed…No rain…Yet, Isaac sowed seed expecting a harvest.Why did he sow during famine?Isaac did not sow according to the natural conditions he faced, he sowed according to the promise God gave him.He sowed because he knew God was faithful to fulfill His Word.Because of the famine, Isaac had gone to the city of Gerar in the land of the Philistines. It was there that he had a divine encounter

with God.God appeared to Isaac and told him not to go to Egypt, but to stay in the land. God promised Isaac, “…I will be with thee, and will

bless thee; for unto thee, and unto thy seed, I will give all these countries…” (verse 3).Isaac obeyed God. Instead of going to Egypt, he stayed in the land God promised to give him and his seed. He did not look at the

dry, parched ground. He trusted God to fulfill His promise, and he reaped a hundredfold harvest that same year!God commanded His blessing upon Isaac until he was the richest man in the country. King Abimelech asked him to leave the

country because he had acquired so much wealth and possessions. King Abimelech said, “…Go from us; for thou are much mightier than we” (verse 16). In time of famine, God prospered Isaac.

It is time for your financial breakthrough when God will command His blessings upon you, your family, and all that you touch.God’s promise to you is that, during times of adversity and financial famine, you will have His supernatural provision, and that you

will be satisfied.To reap an abundance of His promised blessings, you must not sow seed according to the natural conditions you face, your

financial needs, your mountain of debt, your insufficient income. Do not look at the dry, parched ground! If you wait to sow seed until these outward conditions and circumstances improve, you will never sow and reap God’s supernatural

provision.During your time of financial famine, sow seed according to God’s promises. Regardless of the financial problems you face, act

in faith upon God’s promise that He will deliver you from your trouble, and that even during your financial famine, you will reap His supernatural provision and be satisfied.

(Excerpt from one of the more than 300 anointed commentaries in the Morris Cerullo, God’s Victorious Army, Financial Breakthrough Spiritual Warfare Bible. Go to page 23 to see how you can receive your copy.)


Genesis 26:12-14


Prophetic • End Time • Financial Anointing Edition

The time has come when we must get back to total dependence upon God and living according to “thus saith the Lord.” Jesus said, “It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God” (Matthew 4:4).

A true prophetic word calls for a response. God is releasing a Prophetic, End time

Financial Anointing upon those who will hear this prophetic word, and are fully

yielded to Him. He is raising up end-time financiers who will be conduits through whom He will pour the finances for His great harvest in these last days.

God is looking for men and women, who will enter into an end-time covenant of giving with Him, who have made a 100 percent commitment of all they have to Him.

Upon those who will enter this end-time covenant of giving, God will pour out His

abundance. In the midst of financial crisis, God will supernaturally supply their needs and they will live in a cycle of His supernatural provision where they will experience:

• His divine sufficiency!• His continual supply!• His abundance!Receive this prophetic word, believe it,

act on it, and God will release this financial anointing upon you.

In Jesus’ Name receive God’s prophetic end time financial anointing!

Brother Cerullo: when I give can I really expect a hundredfold blessing?

Answer: the hundredfold blessing is one of the laws of the harvest Christ taught in Mark 10:29-30. he said, “…there is no man that hath left house, or brethren, or sisters, or father, or mother, or wife, or children, or lands, for my sake, and the gospel’s, But he shall receive an hundredfold now in this time, houses, and brethren, and sisters, and mothers, and children, and lands, with persecutions; and in the world to come eternal life.”

It is absolutely impossible for you to ever out-give God. this is the harvest Jesus said you can expect to receive now upon this earth. whatever you sacrifice and give up in the life for Christ’s sake, or for the Gospel, God will multiply back into your life many times over – a hundredfold.


Jesus had a radically different concept regarding the wealth of this world. In a world that teaches the road to wealth is the accumulation of money and worldly possessions, He taught the way to gain was by giving that it is more blessed to give than to receive (Acts 20:35).

Jesus taught that we must not lay up treasures here on earth, but rather we should lay up treasures in heaven (Matthew 6:19). In this chapter (verses 23-25), He warned the disciples concerning the dangers of riches and how hard it is for a rich man to enter into the Kingdom of Heaven.

The disciples were totally “blown away” by this teaching, “And they were astonished out of measure…” (Mark 10:26).It was at this point that Peter asked the question, “We have left everything to follow you! What then will there be for us?” (Matthew

19:27 NIV). Peter wanted to know what type of reward he and the other disciples would receive because they had been willing to give up everything for Jesus’ sake.

Jesus did not rebuke Peter for asking what appears to be a carnal question regarding the reward he could expect. He answered by giving Peter the promise of A HUNDREDFOLD BLESSING. This promise was not limited to just the twelve disciples. Jesus said, “…no man that hath left house, or brethren, or sisters, or father, or mother, or wife, or children, or lands, for my sake, and the gospel’s, But he shall receive an hundredfold…” (verses 29-30).

The hundredfold blessing is not given to everyone claiming it. It is a blessing that belongs to all those who are willing to put God’s claims on their lives first, and who are willing to give up houses, land and their families, if necessary, for Christ and for the sake of the Gospel.

This hundredfold blessing is not a reward we will receive someday when we get to heaven. Jesus said, “…NOW IS THIS TIME…” (verse 30).

Those who give their lives away unselfishly, and dedicate themselves wholly to the work of God and spreading the Gospel, can through their giving EXPECT THIS HUNDREDFOLD RETURN!

The hundredfold blessing is based upon the principle that Jesus taught: how to gain through giving. Whatever you give up, or sacrifice for Christ or for the Gospel, God takes note of it, and you can expect Him to multiply it back IN THIS LIFE and in the life to come; you will receive the ultimate reward, ETERNAL LIFE!

This is the season for God’s people to reap His hundredfold blessing. But, you must reach out in faith and take hold of it! Whatever sacrifices you make in giving to the ministry of the Word in the nations of the world, you can expect to receive back a hundredfold. As you continue to give sacrificially and sow seed into the work of God, believe Him to release His hundredfold blessing into your life.

(Excerpt from one of the more than 300 anointed commentaries in the Morris Cerullo, God’s Victorious Army, Financial Breakthrough Spiritual Warfare Bible. Go to page 23 to see how you can receive your copy.)


Mark 10:29-30

the children of israel Gave a freeWill offerinG to build the tabernacle. every morninG they came WillinGly and Joyfully With their offerinGs of Gold, silver, and bronze. they Gave accordance to hoW God blessed them and they had superabundance. this is the Way God desires us to Worship today throuGh our GivinG.

Partner, 2007 is the year of God’s completeness. What He has put in my

heart is to tell you to Call in Your Harvest! as you sow your financial

seed this month, begin to call in the things you have asked God for through the

years, but your harvest has not yet come.

2007 is the year of the completed harvest!



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In 2002, my husband and I had a business and when he passed away, I could not

continue on my own and I lost everything.

My pastor suggested that I become involved with Morris Cerullo World Evangelism and I became a partner in 2003.

I continued to plant seeds into Morris Cerullo World Evangelism.

The Lord brought my business to a point where it could be sold.

In August of 2004 people contracted to buy my business.

At the Labor Day 2005 meeting, I had planted a $2,500 offering and in a few weeks the Lord surprised me with a check paying off the business in full! The cash payment in total was $90,000.

I was in shock at how quickly the Lord supplied this breakthrough, when I opened my mail and saw the final check for $27,000 I was in awe. Praise the Lord!




I had surgery in the year 2000 for cancer and I was on chemotherapy

from 2000 to 2001. My friend told me about Morris Cerullo in December, 2000. I attended the 2001 World Conference in Nashville one month later.

The Word of God was being ministered about a person’s life that was not being navigated by the Lord, and how it was so off course.

I was so convicted that the Lord was not really being the Lord of my life. There was an altar call for salvation and rededication, and I went to the front and rededicated my life to the Lord.

At the conference, I heard the Lord also heals the body, and so I asked the Lord to heal me. I did not know anything about supernatural healing before the conference, and after I returned home, I realized that I was healed. There has been no sign of cancer since 2001. I would just like to thank the Lord for answering every need. Praise the Lord!

I have become a partner and I have received so many blessings. During my illness, I had incurred medical bills over $50,000. Lord was faithful to bring me business contracts, and they have all been paid off.

My husband was in Iraq for 15 months and he came home in June of 2004!

The Lord provided business contracts for me and we paid off a $600,000 debt!

Since attending the World Conference in 2004, there has been a dramatic change in my life. I have been totally transformed.

Now I am leading a life of victory and know that I am to be a giver wherever I go I have received total provision and continually supply.

Praise the Lord!Also I have another testimony. At the 2005 Labor Day meeting in Dallas, there

was a Word released about planting a seed for any family members to be released who were in jail. I planted a $1,000 seed for my second cousins release. just recently he was released from jail.

The Word was when you plant the seed that your family member would be released within 9 months, and it just came to pass! Six months later. Amen.



t the World Conference in 2004, I gave a gift

of $5,000 towards an offering for Israel, and it was very personal between me and the Lord. I felt such an intimacy with the Lord when I gave this gift.

Two weeks later, I received a check in the mail from a credit card company for a refund of over $9,000. I knew that this credit card company was being sued by some other people and I was so surprised when I received a check for more than $9,000.

When we are faithful to obey God He opens the windows of Heaven and pours us out blessings that we could not even imagine.

In 2006, I had a 1996 suburban, and with gas prices soaring, I was forced to sell it because it was too expensive to operate. I never advertised the truck for sale but I had asked the Lord to help me sell it. The Lord sent me a buyer who had seen my truck and desired to have it. He did not know that I wanted to sell the truck. So, I named my price and within one week, I had the cash in pocket and I was able to purchase a brand new vehicle that was smaller and more economical. It was exactly the make, color and size that I had asked the Lord for. The Lord takes care of us widows.



I attended Morris Cerullo World Conference in 1996. At the time, I had a small business of building homes and I was going broke.

I gave a $300 seed at the World Conference, and

this was all new to me I was even shaking at the time. But within the year I had a $35,000 return on that seed!

I became a partner in 1996 and my business started to take off and I have seen over a 100 percent increase in my business!

My whole life has turned around and I am blessed in every area of my life. The Lord has blessed my family, and my children now attend the best schools.

The Lord delivered me from a charge that I was before the courts on. Praise the Lord!

Even our health has been blessed and my whole life has been transformed since I became a partner.Thank you Jesus!



In the year 2002 the Lord told me to sow a seed of $1,000 into

Morris Cerullo World Evangelism I had never been to a meeting of Morris Cerullo’s before. But, I obeyed the Lord and did what he told me to. Within a period two years I was totally mortgage free.

I was able to retire with no mortgage! Praise the Lord!

In 2002, I became a partner with Morris Cerullo and my life was totally transformed.

I have received such impartations from Brother Cerullo and I pray that the Lord continue to bless him and all his endeavourers in the Name of Jesus.



I was finishing my third year at Mattersey Hall Bible College

which is an Assemblies of God College, and I did not have the finances to completely pay for my student loan. The Lord had been asking me to continue to plant seeds and to tithe, even on my student grant. I attended Morris Cerullo’s Partner’s Conference on March 31, 2000 and I planted a seed of faith of £200. I prayed and asked the Lord what He wanted me to give as a thanksgiving offering, trusting and believing that He would pay every penny of my fees.

A few weeks after this I was on a train and a lady got on and sat next to me, I was reading my Bible college magazine and strongly sensed to strike up a conversation with her. So, after a short while, I showed her something in the magazine and found that she also was a Christian. We started to share and she said God always comes through in the final hour! I mentioned my need and she asked me “Would you like me to pay for your schooling?”

I was shocked, but I gave her my contact information.

Four days before my graduation, I found a receipt in my mail, that said, paid in full! I inquired who had paid for this and the note that was given read, “This gift is from a friend.” There was no name or contact information. The amount that was paid was £880, all that was remaining. I praise the Lord for this!

The anointing breaks every yoke of financial bondage!



Prophetic • End Time • Financial Anointing Edition


areReadytoOpen!Knowing that Christ has released the

fullness of God’s blessings upon His Church, the question that arises in the hearts of many Christians today is, “How can I live under the

commanded blessings of God?”Some look at their circumstances: their

financial struggles, their battle against sickness, family problems and their lack in different areas of their lives and wonder, “Why don’t I have the blessings of God flowing into my life?”

“I believe it is God’s will to bless me, but I do not see His blessings being poured out upon my finances, upon my children, upon my business.”

“How do I take hold of God’s blessings and appropriate them in my life?”

One of the major reasons many Christians are not experiencing the fullness of the blessings God has provided is because they do not understand the provision of God’s blessing for their lives. So many are living below what God has for them because of their lack of knowledge. God said, “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge…” (Hosea 4:6). They have not entered in because they do not understand the covenant and what God has made available to His people today.

Living under the blessings of God does not mean that you will never have any more financial problems, that you will never again face a physical battle or that you will never face any problems in your marriage or family relationships.

However, when you walk in covenant relationship with God and know it is His desire to pour His blessing upon you in every area of your life, you will be in a position to release your faith and take hold of whatever you need.


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As a child of God, He wants to bring you into a new dimension of His supernatural provision where the fullness of His blessings is flowing into your life!

The word “dimension” means the degree to which something extends. The extension of the degree that you and I want to rise has no height, no depth, no breadth, and no limit.

How far do you want to go?As you receive this revelation, I believe

God will release into your life a blessing unlike any blessing you have ever experienced.

This will be the ultimate blessing that God has for you as one of His children.

You are one of God’s chosen people. God will fulfill His promises to the Jewish people, but God’s chosen people today are those who have their hearts circumcised, not with a knife, but by the blood of Jesus! “For he is not a Jew, which is one outwardly; neither is that circumcision, which is outward in the flesh: But he is a Jew, which is one inwardly, and circumcision is that of the heart, in the spirit…” (Romans 2:28-29).

Today, you are God’s chosen! Jesus said, “Ye have not chosen me, but I have chosen you, and ordained you, that ye should go and bring forth fruit, and that your fruit should remain: that whatsoever ye shall ask of the Father, in my name, he may give it you” (John 15:16).


We are living in God’s end-time harvest time. One of the great things He is doing is raising up a very special people who will walk in obedience and experience the covenant blessings He promised Abraham.

God has provided an unlimited reservoir of His riches that he wants to release in your life.

A reservoir is where water is stored for a purpose. I believe God has been storing up a reservoir of the rivers of His blessing and He is preparing to release it upon His people.

He has promised to rain down “showers” of His blessings.

God spoke through the prophet Ezekiel, “And I will make them and the places round about My hill a blessing; and I will cause the showers to come down in their season; there shall be showers of blessing [of good insured by God’s favor]” (Ezekiel 34:26 amp).

This is the greatest insurance policy in the world – the favor of God upon your life!

Are you ready for God to rain down showers of His blessing into the barren places of your life?

For a moment focus on the most barren, parched places of your life; in your body, your family, finances or ministry. God wants to pour His blessing into every barren place until all your needs are met.


When you make up your mind to walk in obedience before God, you will not be able to escape this blessing. It will not be necessary for you to search for it or run after it.

This blessing will literally run after you because it is God’s commanded blessing upon His people.

God desires to pour His blessings upon you in such measure that you will not have room

enough to contain them. He promises that when you bring your tithe into His storehouse He will release His blessing upon you to such a degree you will not be able to contain it!

“Test me in this,” says the Lord Almighty, “and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that you will not have room enough for it” (Malachi 3:10 niv).

Floodgates control the height and flow of water. Their purpose is to hold the water in the reservoir until it gets full. When the water rises to flood level, the floodgates restrain and hold back the outburst of floodwaters. When it gets full, if the floodgates are not opened, they will break and overflow.

God is saying,


Me and rejoice in the

abundance of all I

have placed in

your hands.”

During our Labor Day Conference in Washington, D.C. where we launched The Elijah Institute, God’s power and anointing came down in such an awesome manifestation. As the partners came forward to give their offering, the fire of God came down upon us! During this incredible move of God, the following prophetic word came forth. This word is a word for the Body of Christ. Receive it into your spirit.

Prophecy: “I am breathing My breath, My very breath upon you today.

___________I am breathing life!

___________I am breathing My strength!

___________You shall rise up above, and you shall walk above those things that would

come against you.___________

My glory and My blessings will be upon you.___________

I will overshadow you with My strength and My power.___________

You will walk and you will not be weary.___________

You will rise up in the morning and you will be blessed as you go out.___________

I am the Lord your God. I am the Mighty One of Israel. I am the Holy God.

___________I look down upon you today. For this is a time of deliverance

for My people.___________

This is a day I will exalt you My people. I will lift you high. I will lift you high upon this earth so that My glory will be revealed and

My plans will be established.___________

You shall know My plans and the purposes that I have given unto you. They shall be fulfilled, for I will put into your hands all

that you need…all that you need.___________

You will walk in the provision of My hand. Not the provision of man, but the provision of My mighty hand that is stretched out upon you

and is encircling you.___________

Today, receive, receive from My hands. All that I have, I have given unto you!





Prophetic • End Time • Financial Anointing Edition

God says, “I will throw it open. I will release the river and take off the restraints. Everything that holds back My glory – My blessings, I will take off the limits!

God is unlocking the floodgates!God’s blessings are stored up for you behind

the mighty floodgates ready to burst forth, and He has promised to throw back the floodgates of Heaven and release the floodwaters of His blessings upon you!

This is God’s end-time!Jesus is coming!Nothing can hold back the blessings He has

for your life!Are you ready to receive them?The Apostle Paul spoke of the “unsearchable

riches” of Christ. He said, “To me, though I am the very least of all the saints (God’s consecrated people), this grace (favor, privilege) was granted and graciously entrusted: to proclaim to the Gentiles the unending (boundless, fathomless, incalculable and exhaustless) riches of Christ [wealth which no human being could have searched out]” (Ephesians 3:8 amp).

Unending, boundless, fathomless, incalculable, exhaustless riches belong to you. Why? You are a child of God and He has marked you for His blessings.


Are you ready to receive a blessing unlike any blessing you have ever received – of which no amount of money can buy?

Do you have any idea what God has stored up for you? He is just holding it, waiting for the appointed time.

I believe with every fiber of my being that this is God’s appointed time.

You are a child of God, and He has marked you for His blessing. This is not a natural manifestation. God has marked you for supernatural provision.

God does not want to hold back anything from His people. He gave birth to the Church and as a child of God; he does not want to hold back from you one thing of Who He is or what He has!

He is our heavenly Father. He delights to release anything that He has and everything that He is to us.

The riches of God’s blessings He has stored up are immeasurable, unlimited and totally beyond our natural understanding.

They are all encompassing and so vast it is impossible to exhaust them!

Are you ready for a new, deeper life – a new covenant relationship with your Father through Christ?


Remember, it is the floodgates that store the water. When they rise to flood level, the gates are opened or they will burst.

God says, “Obey Me. Walk in obedience to me.” He tells us to test Him. “…Test me in this, says the Lord Almighty, and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that you will not have room enough for it” (Malachi 3:10 niv).

Everything God has stored up for you is going to break forth…

Uncontrollable…Unquenchable…An uncontainable flow of the river of God’s



As the children of Israel prepared to enter

the Promised Land, God promised to bless them above all other people. Moses told them:

“And he will love thee, and bless thee, and multiply thee: he will also bless the fruit of thy womb, and the fruit of thy land, thy corn, and thy wine, and thine oil, the increase of thy kine, and the flocks of thy sheep, in the land which he sware unto thy fathers to give thee…there shall not be male or female barren among you, or among your cattle” (Deuteronomy 7:13-14).

God’s blessings upon the children of Israel were dependent upon one thing: their covenant relationship with Him.

As long as they loved Him with all their hearts and walked in obedience to Him and His commandments, they lived under His commanded blessings.

It was not even necessary for them to seek after them.

God told them all His blessings would overtake them. His blessings would come after

them and take hold of them!

God’s blessing was upon their children… Upon their land… Upon their crops… Upon their livestock… Upon everything they had!Moses told them, “And the Lord shall make

you have a surplus of prosperity, through the fruit of your body, of your livestock, and of your ground, in the land which the Lord swore to your fathers to give you” (Deuteronomy 28:11 amp).

The blessing of the Lord was upon their storehouses, upon their increase, and upon all the work of their hands. They did not have to struggle to receive God’s blessings; Moses told the people that God would command His blessing to come upon them.


How would you like to live under the command of God’s blessings?

It is coming if you will receive the word of the Lord and act on it.

When KinG Josiah asKed the people for an offerinG to repair the house of the lord, they responded immediately With Great Joy and brouGht their offerinGs to the house of God. the chest Where they placed their offerinGs Was overfloWinG!




Brother Cerullo: Are financial problems the result of a lack of faith?

Answer: no. Prosperity is not always a sign of a person’s strong faith, just as financial problems and a small income are not indicators of a person’s lack of faith. Financial problems and insufficiency can be the lack of good stewardship, bad spending habits, or even circumstances beyond a person’s control. however, faith and obedience are the keys that will enable you to live in a cycle of God’s supernatural provision. God’s promise to you is that as you are faithful in giving, he will meet your needs. Do not allow satan to intimidate you and fill your mind with worry and doubt. Keep planting your seeds, believing and expecting him to fulfill his promise to you.

God rewards


Peter obeyed and received a multitude of fish. (Luke 5:4,7 tlb)

“…Launch out into the deep, and let down your nets for a draught.

and when they had this done, they enclosed a great multitude of

fish: and their net broke.”

(source: “steward Tips” outlines for offertory sermons by John



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Moses said, “The LORD shall command the blessing upon thee in thy storehouses, and in all that thou settest thine hand unto…” (Deuteronomy 28:8). He told them: “The LORD shall open unto thee his good treasure, the heaven to give the rain unto thy land in his season, and to bless all the work of thine hand…” (Deuteronomy 28:12).

The blessing of the Lord was upon them wherever they went…in the city or in the field. Moses told them, “Blessed shalt thou be in the city, and blessed shalt thou be in the field. Blessed shalt thou be when thou comest in, and blessed shalt thou be when thou goest out” (Deuteronomy 28:3,6).

Just as God promised to bless the children of Israel in every possible way, as they were obedient to Him, He wants to release His blessing into your life, and for His blessings to remain upon you.

Beloved, today, believe you are the blessed of the Lord! You have inherited the blessing of God that was upon Abraham Isaac, Jacob…that was upon Moses and the children of Israel.

Believe God has marked you. He has placed His Name on you to be blessed with all that He is and has!

Now, let’s get down to where the “rubber meets the road!” God’s Word from cover to cover reveals His desire and will to pour out His blessings upon His people.

Why aren’t more Christians today living under the fullness of God’s blessings upon their physical bodies, finances, families, businesses, and ministries?

You cannot earn or buy God’s blessings.The key to the release of His blessings upon

your life today is dependent upon one thing: your covenant relationship with God. You cannot expect to live under God’s commanded blessings if you are not living in close covenant relationship with the Lord and are not walking in faith and obedience to Him.

You do not have to struggle to receive God’s commanded blessings. They legally belong to you as His child and as a joint-heir with Jesus! However, it is not enough to know these blessings are yours. You can even agree with the Word God has spoken. The only way you will be able to actually take possession of your inheritance and have the fullness of the blessing of God flowing in your life is through faith and obedience.

Abraham took possession of God’s promised blessings through his obedience, faith and patience. “By faith Abraham, when he was called to go out into a place which he should after receive for an inheritance, obeyed…” (Hebrews 11:8).

Abraham obeyed God. “And so, after he had patiently endured, he obtained the promise” (Hebrews 6:15). Abraham received the promised blessings of God because he did not question or doubt, but obeyed God.


God will command His blessings upon you, your children, and all the work of your hands!

Believe the Word of the Lord to you, and act in faith upon it.

Do not walk around whining and complaining about your circumstances, your problems, and your lack.

Release your faith, believe and expect God to release His blessings upon you. Look for them to come running after you.

God has set His Name upon you.As His child, you are marked by God for

His blessing to be released in your life.He is the Source of all blessing.He has placed His Name on the line, and

said, “I will bless you with all that is mine”.As you release your faith:EXPECT God’s blessing of healing to be

released upon you!EXPECT God’s blessing to be upon all the

work of your hands!EXPECT God’s blessing to be upon your

ministry!EXPECT God to release His spiritual

blessings upon you!EXPECT God’s blessing and protection to

be upon you wherever you are!EXPECT God’s favor to be upon your life!EVERYTHING that God has, He wants to

pour into your life!Why? Because you are His child!

God is saying,

“Withhold not

yourself from Me.

Give yourself wholly

to Me. Release your

finances into My hands

and I will release My

sufficiency into

your life.”






Prophetic • End Time • Financial Anointing Edition

God desires to release into your life His blessings, not just as an occasional

occurrence but for these blessings to rest upon you continually!

God has purposed that you experience the fullness of His blessings in every area of your life. He has made provision for you to live in His favor whereby you, your children and family, ministry, business, all your possessions and everything you do is blessed!

There is no question or doubt that God desires to release His blessings upon His people.

The question is, “Are you ready to receive them?”

If you have accepted Christ as your Savior and have been born again, the blessings of God are part of your inheritance.

However, before you can receive His blessings, you must position yourself.

You must have a clear understanding of what the blessings of God really are and how to obtain them.

What are God’s blessings and who are eligible to receive them?

Who are the “blessed” of the Lord?How does one live with the hand of God’s

blessing upon his life?What are the reasons why many Christians

are forfeiting God’s blessings?What is the purpose of having God’s

blessings upon one’s life?We are anxious to claim God’s blessings,

but we don’t want to think about the fact that God has given us a choice between blessing and cursing.

We cannot just focus on God’s blessings and refuse to acknowledge and deal with His warning about the curses.


Today God desires to release His blessings upon His people, but He is first calling for reformation in His Church.

God showed me there is a strong correlation between believers recognizing the awesome holiness of God, living a holy life, and having God’s hand of blessing upon their lives.

How we honor God and His holy Name, not only through our giving but in all our actions and relationships, is a very real factor in taking hold of His promised blessings.

He is calling us to return to Him with all our hearts.

God doesn’t want you to just seek after Him for His blessings and what He will do for you. What He desires is covenant relationship. He wants you to first seek to know and love Him with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength. Your focus must be upon Him, blessing Him for Who He is and what He has already done.


God is speaking loud and clear to His Church that it is time for His people to make a distinction between the holy and the profane.

Early one morning as I was lying in bed praying and meditating on the Lord, He spoke to me very clearly. He said, “My people have lost their ability to discern between the profane things of this world and the holy things of God. They must come back to Me and see Me as I am; a pure, holy God.”

Not everyone who cries out for God’s blessing upon their lives receives it.

There are conditions that must be met in order to obtain and live under God’s hand of blessing.

There are Christians who have forfeited God’s blessings because their hearts have turned away from Him and they are not living in obedience to His Word.

When the children of Israel turned away from God and began to intermarry and worship idol gods, God warned that He would curse their blessings.

Have you ever considered the possibility that your blessings may be cursed?


There are many Christians who have forfeited their spiritual birthright through their unbelief and disobedience.

There are many who want God’s blessings on their lives. They pray and cry out, “Oh God, bless me!” But they are not receiving His blessings.

Why not?As we take an in-depth look at how the

priests and children of Israel broke covenant with God, profaned His holy Name and the holy things of God, the Father will speak to us loud and clear what He requires of us in this crucial hour.

The Father has made it very clear in His Word those who are blessed and will receive His blessing.

Who shall ascend unto the hill of the Lord? or who shall stand in his holy place? He that hath clean hands, and a pure heart, who hath not lifted up his soul unto vanity, nor sworn deceitfully. He shall receive the blessing from the Lord, and righteousness from the God of his salvation (Psalm 24:3-5).

Clean hands.A pure heart.This is what God requires of those who will

receive His blessings.


The starting point in your quest to live under a continual flow of God’s blessing is to have a fresh revelation of the holiness of God and learn how to discern between the profane and the things God considers holy.

The Father wants to take you by the hand and lead you into a fuller revelation of Himself so that you will be able to live with His blessings flowing continually into your life.

Are you ready to receive?Once you receive just a glimpse of Him in

the beauty of His holiness then you will have a foundation upon which to know the difference between the things which He considers holy and those that are profane.

There is a place in the Presence of Almighty God we can live and truly know Him.

God promised, “For thus saith the high and lofty One that inhabiteth eternity, whose name is Holy; I dwell in the high and holy place, with him also that is of a contrite and humble spirit, to revive the spirit of the humble, and to revive the heart of the contrite ones” (Isaiah 57:15).

As we begin this spiritual journey, ask God to strip the veil of darkness from your eyes and


God is saying,

“ ‘My name will be great among the nations, from the

rising to the setting of the sun. In

every place incense and pure offerings will be brought to my name, because my name will be great among the nations’ says the Lord Almighty”

(Malachi 1:11 amp).


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allow you to gaze upon Him in all His glory and perfect holiness.

Dare to venture into the Holy of Holies and wait before Him as He reveals Himself to you in all His fullness.

He bids you to come.Not in fear or trepidation.But, humbly.Just as you are.


What the Body of Christ must have today is a fresh revelation of the holiness of Almighty God!

The holy, reverential fear of God is missing.

The word God spoke so clearly and deeply into my spirit was, “My people have failed to discern between the profane things of this world and the holy things of God. They must come back to Me and see Me as I am, a pure, holy God.”

As I meditated on this strong word from the Lord, I began to search for an example of what might be considered “holy” not by man’s standards, but by God’s. In order for us to discern between the profane and holy, we must have an example of true holiness. I quickly realized that in the world in which we live today, we do not have an example that we can look to which represents what the Father considers holy.

Our God is altogether holy and He dwells in a high and holy place. Night and day around His glorious throne, the angels cry out, “Holy, holy, holy!”

Wherever God is, there is holiness. On Mt. Horeb when God manifested

Himself to Moses in the burning bush, He spoke and told Moses not to come any closer, but to take off his shoes because the place where he was standing was holy ground (Exodus 3:5).

The reason the ground was considered holy was because God’s Presence made it holy.


What is more important; the offering you give or the altar on which you give it?Within the Church, we stress the importance of the gifts or offerings that we give to God, but not

the importance of the altar on which we give them.In these scriptures, Jesus harshly reproved the Pharisees for their spiritual blindness. He called

them blind fools. “Ye fools and blind: for whether is greater, the gift, or the altar that sanctifieth the gift” (verse 19)?The Pharisees considered the gold in the temple more important than the temple and the gifts which were given more important

than the altar itself! When a person made an oath by the altar, they considered it was nothing, and they were not bound by it. But when a person made an oath by the gift or offering on the altar, it was binding.

Jesus revealed the truth that the altar is more important and sanctifies the offering. The altar, which God established under the law, was cleansed, consecrated seven days, and anointed with the holy anointing oil. It was holy unto God. God said, “… and it shall be an altar most holy: whatsoever toucheth the altar shall be holy” (Exodus 29:37).

The Greek word “sanctify” in verse 19 translates into “hageeadzo” which means “to render or declare, sacred or holy, to consecrate.” The gift or offering, in itself, was not considered holy. But once it was given and placed upon the holy altar, it was consecrated and made holy.

Today, we must give our tithes and offerings upon holy altars that are cleansed and anointed by the Holy Spirit if we want to take hold of His promised blessings!

The altars within the Church today must be:• Cleansed by the Holy Spirit• Sanctified and set apart unto God by the Holy Spirit• Anointed by the fire of the Holy SpiritAs we give our tithes and offerings to God upon holy altars that have been cleansed and anointed by the Holy Spirit, we will then

see a fresh release of the power and glory of God in our midst. God will transfer the wealth of the wicked into the hands of His people, and we will use it to finance the great, end-time harvest in the nations of the world!

(Excerpt from one of the more than 300 anointed commentaries in the Morris Cerullo, God’s Victorious Army Financial Breakthrough Spiritual Warfare Bible. Go to page 23 to see how you can receive your copy.)


Brother Cerullo: what is the key to living in God’s divine sufficiency?

Answer: Your faithfulness is the key. As you give to God, he has promised to pour out his blessings into your life in such abundance that you will lack nothing. there will be a divine sufficiency in your life, so that there will be a continual flow of God’s blessings into your life. not only will all your needs be met, but you will also have more to give to his work. “And God is able to make all grace abound toward you; that ye, always having all sufficiency in all things, may abound to every good work” (2 Corinthians 9:8). As you give, God will cause his grace – unmerited and blessings – to come to you in abundance, so that you will always – at all times and in all circumstances have all sufficiency – a full supply in all things.

It is time for God’s people to make a distinction between

the holy and profane.

Matthew 23:17-20

KeYs To ProPer


God has given specific instructions concerning offerings.as you comply, you will receive a

generous return. Untilthe tithe is paid, nothing has been

given to God. The firstten percent already belongs to God.

Therefore the tithe cannotbe counted as an offering. Giving begins after the tithe (the first ten

percent is paid.

(source: “steward Tips” outlines for offertory sermons by John



Prophetic • End Time • Financial Anointing EditionGod’s Presence makes holy the place where

He dwells. There is none holy but the Lord and there is no holiness but in Him!

The only way we can possibly understand what is holy and the holiness God has called us to pursue, is to draw near to Him and look upon His holiness as He has revealed Himself in His Word and through His Son, Jesus.


The beautiful, stained-glass cathedrals, churches, worship centers, Bible schools, seminaries, and breathtaking buildings we have built as part of our ministries are not holy.

Our creeds, doctrines, books, teachings, songs, sermons, ministry, and evangelistic outreaches are not holy.

The one, major thing I found in my search to find those things on earth which God considers holy is the gifts we offer Him.

From His first dealings with the children of Israel, God chose to communicate with them at the altar of sacrifice.

Before they entered the Promised Land, God told Moses that He would choose the place where He would establish His Name…where He would meet with the children of Israel at the altar (Exodus 29:42-43).

The altar was considered holy. God said, “…it shall be an altar most holy: whatsoever toucheth the altar shall be holy” (Exodus 29:37).

It was necessary for both the offering and the altar to be holy.

When the children of Israel offered the sacrifices according to God’s instructions, the burnt offerings ascended up to heaven as a sweet-smelling fragrance to God.

There were instances when the fire of God came down from heaven and consumed the sacrifices as a sign that their offering was accepted. But when the people did not bring their offerings in accordance with the Law and were disobedient to God, their offerings were a stench in His nostrils, and He would not accept them.

Man’s entire relationship with God revolved around His obedience to all the commandments God had given him and his faithfulness and

obedience in presenting his tithes and offerings. The sacrifices and offerings they gave were holy before God. God received their holy offerings and poured out His blessings upon them in return.


To walk in the fullness of the blessings of the Lord, you must realize that your offerings and gifts which you give are considered holy to the Lord. Your offerings are not to be taken lightly or to be given haphazardly. You must give them in faith.

How you give your offerings, as well as what you give is very important, and will determine if they are acceptable to God.

In Malachi, chapter one, we read how the priests and the children of Israel profaned the Name of the Lord by offering polluted sacrifices on His altar. Instead of offering the very best of all they owned, they offered the lame, sick, and diseased.

God told them:A son honors his father, and a servant his

master. If then, I am a father, where is My honour? And if I am a master, where is the [reverent] fear due Me? says the Lord of Hosts to you, O priests who despise My name.

Malachi 1:6 AMP

Can you hear the heart of the Father today asking, “Where is My honour?” as He looks down upon us as we approach His holy altar with our gifts?

By offering polluted sacrifices, the priests and children of Israel dishonored God. The fear of the Lord was gone and there was no reverence

toward the altar or the offerings they brought. They were guilty of not discerning between the profane and the holy.

The priests asked, “How and in what way have we despised Your name” (Malachi 1:6 AMP)?

God answered, “By offering polluted food upon My altar. And you ask, How have we polluted it and profaned You? By thinking that the table of the Lord is contemptible and may be despised” (Malachi 1:7 AMP).

The priests and children of Israel were just going through the motions.

They were not worshipping God with their sacrifices and offerings.

They were not honoring God but had become weary and despised the altar and the table of the Lord.

God said:When you [priests] offer blind [animals] for

sacrifice, is it not evil? And when you offer the lame and the sick, is it not evil? Present such a thing [a blind or a lame or sick animal] now to your governor [in payment of your taxes, and see what will happen]. Will he be pleased with you? Or will he receive you graciously? says the Lord of Hosts (Malachi 1:8 AMP).

Think about it. When we offer God less than our best, we are guilty of doing the same as the priests and children of Israel in presenting polluted sacrifices. We are guilty of offering the profane on a holy altar and we are profaning His holy Name!

God told them He had no pleasure in them and rejected their offerings. He then warned the priests that if they refused to listen and failed to honor Him with their offerings that He would curse their blessings. God said:

If you do not listen, and if you do not set your heart to honor my name, says the LORD Almighty, “I will send a curse upon you and I will curse your blessings. Yes, I have already cursed them because you have not set your heart to honor me” (Malachi 2:2 AMP).


God has pronounced a curse upon those who offer blemished offerings. He expects us

God says, “Come to the altar with pure offerings.

There I will meet you and will bless you!


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today to give pure offerings. He expects us to come before Him with clean hands and a pure heart and offer Him the very best of all we have, in true worship to Him.

He doesn’t want our leftovers! Whenever we give Him what is left of our finances after we have taken what we need for ourselves and offer it up to Him, we are guilty of profaning His Name. We dishonor God when we offer our second best!

God desires to release His abundance into our lives, but when we fail to give gifts and offerings that are the very best of all that we have that will honor Him as the Almighty God, Creator, King of Kings and Lord of Lords, we cannot expect to receive His blessings.

God warned of a curse that would come upon those offering blemished sacrifices on the altar. He said, “But cursed be the deceiver, which hath in his flock a male, and voweth, and sacrificeth unto the Lord a corrupt thing: for I am a great King, saith the Lord of hosts, and my name is dreadful among the heathen” (Malachi 1:14).

We must learn to discern between the holy and profane so that we will not be guilty of profaning God’s Name through our offerings.

As God’s prophetic, end-time anointing is being released, He is going to bring us into a new dimension of worship through our giving. God is going to purify the altars upon which we offer our gifts to Him.

He is going to cleanse and purify our hearts so that we will rise to a new level in our giving.

God wants you to enter into a relationship with Him where you are giving holy offerings from pure motives, and from your heart overflowing with love for Him.

He doesn’t want you just to give because it is required of you, out of duty, or because you feel obligated or pressured into giving.

God is raising up a new breed who will give their pure, holy offerings, unreservedly and so outrageously until His Name will be exalted and lifted up throughout the nations.

We must ask ourselves, “Are we honoring God through the offerings we present to Him? Do our gifts reflect of our love for Him, given from a pure heart and with pure motives?

God said, “For from the rising of the sun to its setting, My name shall be great among the nations, and in every place incense shall be offered to My name, and indeed a pure offering; for My name shall be great among the nations, says the Lord of hosts” (Malachi 1:11).

God wants a pure offering!He wants to break through our traditions,

preconceived ideas and hang-ups and take us to a new level in our giving where we are completely unfettered from everything that would hold us back from freely and joyfully giving the very best of all that He has given us.

We have a choice: to live with the fullness of God’s blessings flowing continuously in our lives; or to have our blessings cursed.

We must humble ourselves before God and allow Him to expose any areas in our giving that does not bring honor and glory to His great Name.

Ask the Father to enable you to discern between the holy and profane and to raise you to a new dimension of worship through your giving of pure, holy offerings to Him.

He is saying, “Come to the altar and present your holy offerings to Me. There I will meet with you and there I will bless you!”

God is saying, “Stop offering blemished sacrifices on My altar. Purify your

hearts and come before Me with pure


Brother Cerullo: what do you feel is the major factor hindering Christians from receiving their financial breakthrough?

Answer: one of the first things to attack your mind when you face financial problems is a spirit of fear. If you keep your eyes on your problems, you will become fearful. the more you look at your circumstances, the more impossible they will seem until you no longer expect God to meet your needs. Knowing that God is a GIVInG God, and that it is his will to prosper you, instead of giving in to fear, God intends for you to look at your financial famine and laugh in the enemy’s face, “In famine he shall redeem thee from death…neither shalt thou be afraid of destruction when it cometh. At destruction and famine thou shalt laugh…” (Job 5:20-22).

for more than 25 years, connie broome has ministered with dr. cerullo at morris cerullo World evangelism in various capacities, including vice president of the Global prayer covering. as one of his daughters of the Gospel, connie is now fulfilling the mandate of raising up a prayer covering over the world through international prayer force ministries, the ministry she launched in 2003.



Prophetic • End Time • Financial Anointing Edition


I am really amazed by God’s favor and grace. We have grown from a small congregation to a worshiping community of more than 10,000 people in Indonesia where the world’s largest population of Muslims live. Our church is located in Semarang, right in the center of Java Island, with more than two hundred million people, most of which are still Muslim.

We started in humble beginnings. In February of 1999, I started our church with Sunday morning services with twenty-five people, including my wife, the musicians, some friends who helped me and the ushers, plus the other people who came that morning.

God has taken us from that humble beginning to a place that now seats over 4,000 people, and we have three full services every weekend. Six months each year, The School of Acts, our Bible school, trains and equips over 120 people for ministry and as pastors. We have now started evening sessions of the Bible school for our church members and as many as 2,000 attend our teaching sessions during the week. In addition to our Bible school, we have a drug rehab center and a free medical clinic.

Our radio station, which we started in 2002, has been placed on top of the highest police tower in central Java and beams the Gospel, Christian music and talk shows throughout the region. We have our own Indonesian language publishing house in our church that prints and distributes thousands of Christian books in central Java.

Today, we are building Holy Stadium seating some 12,000 people, in a soccer-like stadium that will also house chapels, full-media classrooms, offices, bookstore, baptismal fountains, and sweeping foyers.

Because of God’s grace and favor, today our church is debt free! The Holy Stadium is totally paid for!

There was no way in the natural that we could build a house of worship the size that God wanted.

But God worked supernaturally. We were able to get the permits we needed by a supernatural miracle. The man, who helped us get them in a matter of months instead of years, was a mullah, a Muslim preacher.


How God supplied the money to us is both wondrous and humorous. For four months it seemed the offering that came just for the building was getting low. It was only 10 percent of the amount that used to come in for us. Those four months were not easy for us.

I gave my car, which was a BMW, and my wife

gave all her jewelry. Everybody began to give, and then after four months, the Lord said nothing. So I said, “Lord, what shall I do?” If we just purchase the piling only for the foundation, it will cost us about 120,000 U.S. dollars. But in the past four months, we only had about 40,000 U.S. dollars. I said, “What shall I do with this $40,000? I cannot do anything with it.” The Lord answered, “You will know one day.”

A few days later, I went to Jakarta. A minister had asked me to preach in his eldership. Afterward,

12,000 Seat Holy Stadium Built In Semarang, Indonesia Debt Free!

holy stadium, seatinG 12,000 in semaranG, indonesia.

they came to me and said, “Pastor, will you pray for our land? We want to purchase this land for a school for the needy, but it’s not yet done because we are still negotiating with the price.” I said, “Go ahead. You buy this. It’s a nice piece of land.” They answered, “But our money is not enough.” The minister said, “Pastor, actually, we need only $40,000 U.S. dollars more.”

The Lord said to me, “How coincidental. You have $40,000, and they need $40,000.” I knew what that meant. It meant that we had to give all that we had to this ministry. I made a phone call to some of the elders, and said, “This is what the Lord said, my church leaders and board all said, “Brilliant, sow it, pastor!”


Again we had no money. However, in two months the Lord blessed us so that we were able to purchase the piling for the foundation. That was a time when John Avanzini came to us, and he said, “I heard the voice of the Lord, pastor. I have to come to you to help you with the building.”

We had special groundbreaking ceremonies in the indoor tennis building right beside us. That morning, he preached about the unusual gift. He took the Bible in his hand and said, “If you want to give the Lord an unusual gift or make some unusual offering, do it.” He just came to me and said, “I handled this offering with my own hand because I will honor God and place it at your feet.” He placed his offering at my feet.

Thousands of people rushed to the front with so many gifts, or they wrote pledges of the money they would give to the Lord. Four people gave their properties. One person gave his house. One pastor from another city offered her bus.

At 3:30 in the afternoon, a worker from my office called me and said, “Pastor, this is unbelievable, because the first step was to build the foundation which costs $120,000. But for the whole construction it was two and a half million U.S. dollars. That one offering this morning was more than two and a half million U.S. dollars.!”

We give all the glory and praise to God for what He has done to show us how to fulfill His vision for our city and our region.


Some have asked me, “What are the principles for building a great church?” Actually, it is very simple. I believe we have to hear what God says and just obey Him. Do whatever He says, and then every step in which we want to move, we have to wait upon the Lord. The problem with so many people is, when they begin to hear the voice of the Lord, they run. They don’t wait to hear instruction. But when we wait to hear his voice and obey, He commands a blessing upon us.

God will do the same for you. God knows the timing and the way He wants things done. We must listen and obey. Hear His voice and obey His ways in His timing. Then get ready to experience both the favor and grace of God!

The first time that I attended Dr. Cerullo’s meetings was in 1979 in Jakarta, along with many young people from Semarang. It was a healing crusade and held in the biggest football stadium in Indonesia. The meetings were very different from the ones we had known. The power and anointing of God were so real and God demonstrated His power in which many people were instantly healed and deliv-ered.

Brother Cerullo’s meeting in our church in 2005 was awesome! God’s power and anointing was so strong and real. People experienced the touch of God and their lives were totally transformed.

I consider Brother Cerullo as a spiritual giant who has influenced my life and ministry greatly and also the first person who introduced me to the reality of God’s miracle working power. Now God is using me in the same way in my ministry where we have conducted healing crusades in many cities and God has demonstrated His miraculous power!

morris cerullo & pastor petrus


By Pastor Petrus Agung

A Pastor’s testimony of God’s faithfulness

pastor petrus aGunG and his Wife tina


s of m





Are you ready to receive the unusual blessing - a blessing greater than anything you have ever experienced?


In this Scripture, Jesus sat down opposite the place where the offerings were given to watch the

people bring their contributions into the temple treasury.There is no indication how long Jesus sat there observing the people as they gave. One by one, as the crowd passed before Him,

He sat in the background silently watching. There were many large offerings among the gifts given that day which had been given by rich people. But, there was one offering

which stood out from all the rest. Jesus called His disciples to Him because He wanted to bring it to their attention so they would understand a very important truth

concerning giving.A poor widow had come and put in two mites…copper coins, which were worth only a fraction of a penny.Jesus told His disciples, “…I tell you the truth, this poor widow has put more into the treasury than all the others. They all gave out of

their wealth; but she, out of her poverty, put in everything – all she had to live on” (Mark 12:43-44 NIV). This woman’s gift represented total commitment to God. In contrast with those who gave a much larger gift out of their abun-

dance, she gave out of her poverty ALL that she had…her entire living!The difference between her small offering and the offering the rich had given was that the rich gave of their abundance, it cost

them no sacrifice. This widow gave OUT OF HER NEED. It cost her 100 percent commitment…she gave EVERYTHING.It was not the amount of the offering that was important. It was HOW she gave it. She gave wholeheartedly, unselfishly and sac-

rificially of what she had to God.God is not only aware of your financial circumstances. He observes how and what you give. He knows whether or not you give

liberally, in proportion to what He has given you; or if you give sparingly, and withhold your best from Him.When you give, God looks far beyond what you give to see your motive and purpose. He knows whether you give willingly or

reluctantly because you have been pressured and compelled to give.He also looks deep down into your heart to see whether you give with a wrong motive…to be seen and gain praise and recogni-

tion from others, to gain a position of prestige and power…or because of your love for Him.What are your motives in giving to God? (Excerpt from one of the more than 300 anointed commentaries in the Morris Cerullo, God’s Victorious Army, Financial Breakthrough

Spiritual Warfare Bible. Go to page 23 to see how you can receive your copy.)


(Mark 12:41-44)

2007 IS THE YEAR OF THE COMPLETED HARVEST! What type and size of harvest do you need? You know how large a harvest you need and what you have been asking God to do. It may be something for your children, a certain ministry, or to provide finances for certain things or to get you out of debt. This month, plant a seed and call in your harvest!

this same unselfish, Wholehearted GivinG to God, Which the WidoW Woman demonstrated When she Gave her tWo mites, is God’s requirement for our GivinG today. as We Worship him throuGh our GivinG, We must be WillinG to say to God, “all that i have is yours. i Give it bacK to you. use it for your Glory.”



00 Value


G od has directed me to call a 21-day fast beginning January 19 to break the chains of financial bondage off your life; to release God’s supernatural provision into your financial circumstances; and to stand in a strong prayer of agreement with you for your financial breakthrough.

God spoke to me! As I lay before Him under the new Elijah anointing, He said:

Tell My people that 2007 is My year to complete their harvest…to bring it in! Their prayers have come before Me! I have heard every one of them—none of them have been lost! Now it’s their Harvest Time! But they must come before Me, humble themselves, pray and seek My face. Only then will they hear from Heaven, and I will heal their entire land.”

• D i v i n e Vi s i t at i o n• R eve l at i o n• Co n s e c rat i o n• R e s to rat i o n

• Financial Breakthrough

• Miracle Provision• Debt Cancellation

�“And�ye�shall�eat� in�plenty,�and�be�satisfied,�and�praise�the�name�of�the�Lord�your�God,�that�hath�dealt�wondrously�with�you�and�my�people�shall�never�be�ashamed”�(Joel 2:26).


The number SEVEN is God’s number of perfection and completion. It often refers to the totality or completeness of something and is a very spiritually significant number throughout the Word. SEVEN is also considered as the ‘seal’ of God. He stamped His approval of creation by resting on the seventh day. Creation was complete—entire—perfect!

2007 IS THE SEVENTH YEAR OF THE MILLENNIUM! in the prophetic word God spoke to me, he said, “2007 is My year to complete their harvest…to bring it in!” God is ready to release his end time financial anointing into your life and to bring in your harvest, but you must act in faith. a prophetic word calls for action!as you respond to this divine call and set aside these 21 days of fasting and prayer, God will bring you to a new position of strength, and raise you to a new level in your finances.


throughout the word it is clear that god released his blessings…his supernatural provision…his abundance as the people first acted in faith. it was only after the first fruits offering had been presented to god that the new year’s barley could be used. they gave their very best knowing their remaining crops would be blessed.

The key to your harvest is timing! the time to act upon God’s prophetic Word is NOW.

as God’s financial anointing is being released, sow your very best seed. you know what type of harvest you need.

don’t sow according to your lack. the law of the harvest is: you will reap in proportion to what you sow. “But this I say, He which soweth sparingly shall reap also sparingly; and he which soweth bountifully shall reap also bountifully” (2 corinthians 9:6).

sow in faith today, in proportion to the harvest you are expecting from God in 2007!

act today while God’s anointing is flowing over you! fill out the enclosed response form letting me know you are joining theresa and me during this 21-day fast to break the bondage of debt off your life, and enclose your very best first fruits offering for your harvest in 2007.


G O D I S C A L L I N G U S T O 2 1 D A Y S O F P R A Y E R A N D F A S T I N G

• Financial Deliverance• Increase• Divine Sufficiency• Total Financial Freedom

Remember the word God spoke

to me:“Son, if my people will

release their finances to Me, I will take charge of their finances

and pour out a supernatural anointing upon


“2007 is your year of completion!”

Partners, this verse is God’s Promise to you as we beGin the year 2007 toGether!


U.S.: p.o. box 85277 • san diego, ca 92186-5277

Canada: p.o. box 3600 • concord, on l4K 1b6

U.K.: p.o. box 277 • hemel hempstead, herts hp2 7dh