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. •

580 1-(





IN AEI'I.Y QUOTt: .. .5/ t/Air( 6)

Secret y De ment of Air

asell Offices CANEEHRA ACT


! 7 FE.t ,966


1 . A report of investigations conducted by Headquarters RAAF Base TOWNSVILLE into t he recent sighting of an unidentified flying object in the TULLY area is enclosed.

2. This headquarters believes that the depress ions of the swamp grass were caused by small isolated waterspouts.

3. For information, Mr . R. C. RUSSELL who submitted the reports of the 13th and 21st January 1966 , is a committee member of the Queensland Flying Saucer Research Bureau •

/ t """~ 1.0

. /0./---l ~~,-­(T.D. WRIGm() Flight Lieutenant for Air Officer Commanding



Name ef Observer • Cl.~Q:t'4tf'. Alf r AA . .PC.:n:t.$Y'. Aged, 2./3. .yUJZs ••••• • ••• . ••

2, Address of Observer .1:!-\\lP.e. .~fSA'l~. ~~~y,, • . • • • • • ••• • • • • • •-• • . , ....

) . Occupation of Observer . PP.~. ~9~~~'···· · .. . . ... . ...... . .. . .. ... .

4• Date and Time of Observati on (Time given in 2o.~ '1our clock zonal time)

. ~/.UP.~ . ~t. A't2 9ll.~ .Q~99 • .119\lr.s. .•.. . . ••. . . • . . •••• : ••• ••• •• •• •••. ••• •

5. Period of observation (s) •• .J~\>9~.'~ .:J.-5 . . s.~Y9P.C\~ · . .. ....... .... .... . .. .

6. Manner of observation : ( Oi ve d~tails of o~ po~iti)n by map reference if poesi ble , or by known landca.rks, and descri ~e ~1,.~ equip:nent used in the observation) . Trav elling on a tra c tor about i mile ~rom ~arm house or Albert f~l~1~~9Y~b~ .ij9~q~~r~Q .A~~~~t~QQ. ~A~~~c~~4.P~.bis~ng noise c learly hea rd ov e r noise of t r ac t or- similar to air escapi ng f r om tyre · checke~·t3ree ·anfr~as· ~~oking·about ·~ souree·~ ·~o~se ·~~ he saw ' 9?..1.1!~~. !\~9\lt. A~ . Y.1l.:r:4~. Nlf;~Sl.· . .1/9. P.;QHc.IU. iP.S.1c~~s . l.l.Sed. J.n sighting.

·· ··· · · · · · · · ··· · · · · · ·· · · ·· · · ···· · ~ · · · ···· · · · · · ... . ('l ,. ••• • • • t•••· ····· ··· 1. \Vhar e was obj ect f i rs t observed, e . g . overheaC., couing from behind

a hil l over the horizon etc. Ob j ect about 25 yar s ahead a t height of about 30 fee t rising veMiea~·:ty: • • • • · • • · · • · • · · • • • · • • o • • • • ~ • • • o , ~ o. • • • • • • ' ~ • • • • • • • • • • "

• • •• • ••• ••• •• •••••• ••• • •• • • • • ••••• • • •• • • • •• • ••• • • • 41 • •••• • • • • • • • ••• • •• ••

a. What first a t t racted observer ' s attention , e . g. light or noise .

t,oJ.JA • ..O.~PAJ.~a. AQle~. . . . . .... . . . . . .. . .. . . .. . • . ,. ..... . . . ... . . . .. ... .

9· Di d object appear, as a light or as a def inite object .

Definite object n o light visible • ... ............................ ..... ,. ...... '' "'"'"' ''"······ ·· ·· ·· ······· 10, If there was more t han one object, ho'll' many we13 t here, and 111hat was

t heir foxmation.

<:x:~ •. ~1? ~~f.~ ~ •.• .• . ...

12. What was its apparent shape ~q. ~fi~q~r~.-:~~y~ .• ~9. f.a,q~ . • , • ••• , • • •.• • ••

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... ' .. ..... . . ·~~ ! · ~ . .. , .... .. ...... . 13. Was ~Ndetail oft structl,l..re objlervable • ~'t!~ r:r-.t oal?~~ ~ .?5 . . t:ft~!:-•• l.9W •• and 8 'to9


aeep . o s truc u r a i aetai i observ ed. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . .. .. . . .. .. .. ... .. ., ... ......... .. . 14. Was fl1l3 method of propulsion obvious~~:. . ..... . •. ,, . • . . . . .• . .• •. • • · • •

15. Was ther e fl1l3 soun~~~./~~;S.~~- !1.~~~~. ~l;~~P .. ~«;~!D.~~ . ~? . . ~~~.i.l!~~~ • • as object

* 16 Jle i,..h·L .Anal . First seen at treetop height 30! Rose vertical· • y- uercrb8lirlrWEicfJ ~hllf~Wie"lit; 'th"Ml.. lreparted; cl'i'moing ·rn· aoout: 45 de~et .

* 17 s ed D~-·, 1 Extremely fast; ~•o estimate or sneed but much • pe , or ~~ar ve oci tyf'-!..'.r.r • • .._,_. . • . • . • . . . . • .1 . . ... . . .. · · · ;-o. · • • f • • tu:s .. .,r .. nan an aerop ane.

18 . State any experience which enables observer to bu reasonably certain about the answers given to 16 and 17.

See 16. It was near treetops and these gave observer a g~od basis foP ·~st\lxiStillli' 'lie\.gi'1t: · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · o 0\ • • • • . . . .. .. , •• •• • • •• • • •• • •

• ' s ince it i s normally imposs ible to esti ~ate the hc~'~t and spped of a str !L"\ge object i t will usually be better to endeavour to detennine the angle of elevation of the subject , the ~le through ;hich it moved, and the time taken to ~ this .

• •. 2/ J

- 2-

~ • aport on a erial object observed (Contd)

19. Direction of fli8}lt with refer ence to l andmarks or points o! the compass.

~q~~. X~ft)..<j.~tf¥ • ."t:C? . P.J:>.q'l-¥ •• Gf:J. .f~~tj .'l-AA ,q ~PA.r:~~P. AQV.~A .n~t climbing a t aoout 4~ aegrees;appeared t o be r ot ating for full time observed.

20. Did the object r emain on a straight path, devia t e or manoeuvre at all.

s.~~~~ltl1~. ?.l}~lf9}.~ .l'!i.t.ll ~ . ~~-~~ . ~7.1 ..... .. . ......... .... .... . . .

21. Was any trail of exhaus t , vapour or light s een •• Jio ••.•••• ••• ••••• •• •• ••••

22. Wher e did object disappear e . g . in mid- air, behind a hill , over the horizon,

23 .


Mid air·rece&ded into d i s tance • • • • • • • • • • l ••••••••••••• •••••••••••••• • •••• • •••••••• •• •••• •• ••••••••••

Existence of any physical evidence such as fragments , photogr aphs, or othei supporting evidence .

Clearly defined near circular d~ression in swamp grass at poi nt f r o"n! ·~h"l'c:!H • b\fjMt' 'sl!~fl· 'I'Hl~;~'bb'\lt 32"'" 'lb~ ' Ml.tr '25 • • W!M'. Ur'a ss flfrl t ened to .surface of. it. It ' o1'. w~ter l virur -tn. IDI..tt-clockwise curves ~a~ner cona~~~ons exper~~cea at ~~e\SJ or ooservat~On\Sl'···•••• •• • •••·

CJ.t:;'!f. J3)!;;:l ;. J\q ~. PWl'itliA~ t • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

25. location of any air traffic in the vicinity a t t he t ime of sighting •

. t!~P.'!lt. 1>~~ . ~ttr.qlf~9. R~ . ~.·A ~4:? ...• 'fpr.~v ~ ........ ... .. .•. •.... .. .. .

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26. Location of ~meteorological stat~ons in the general area .q~~~.~+. fUld

Inni sfai l Post Uffices are '1 eather r eporting Stations . Cairns Airport would· Jl&a:~t.:&ti .s ta;t;j,o» •• . .• •..... ... • • • • • • • • • • . •. • .• • ••.•• • ••••• • • • • • • • •

. . . . Obs erved r ep orted t h is matter to Tullv Police 27. A:ey add~t~onal informat~on U'?:~1rt '01l .. l"9/l.i"138 ' &.htl 'i! t• 7~:·,zo/lJ66

went with me to the s ite of the depression in t he sw~ .His ver s i on the'rl'incJ:uoecl'tlie' ':lrltormaiion ' i na't' •-tne" o"D5e'ct . (see · ~tJ·rrose 'ver tically apP.tilit~P •• W. ~. ~}.).gQt;l..Y. .!WA .~Q.CP. .Vi~~~ •• Qf f . .i.n. ~t.t'A~Q;l\14, .vJ.J.Al:Ut~g path. He then said (see 23) and fur ther that there was no smell of combus t i ol and. ~o. a~Q:t'C~. ct. .llr~ . or .. t r eSA .vi~le.;.tha t •• t.be . tJA\t~. grass or rushes was qui te green wh en he first s aw the depression;on his r e turn tha-t. •at'toePl'leoo · tn& •g!'ase •l\l!ld• ·"bu.rned · l>I'O'WRa· • • • • • •• • • • • •• • ··•· • • • • • •

I n t his matter I for med the op inion t hat the dep!'etseed • a~ · in •111\e- oawemP' ·grass ·had· ·been- ·cau!red •by- •a • s!ll'B':H • h~licop tel and that the obs erver, in the early morning bright sunJ.ilht shi ning on the rotor may have mistaken the s hape . Hi s descri p t i on of t he t akeoff lent s ome s trengt h t o my opinion.However b er e was cleared l and t o the eas t for about 200 yar ds wher e such an aircraft could have more safely 1anded instead Of the position indi cated by the observer, close t o trees . Later I was infor med by Wal lace Evans of 68 Br yant Street , IuJ.ly ,an elec trici an that he has seen similar mar kings i n a swamp at

ur rumine Beach and is quite certain that it was caused by a whirl­wind , sucking up wa t er int o a wat erspout ,uprooting the grass and laying it o~t in a simil a r pattern. At 3 . 30pm. /66 I t ook a sample of the gras s at t he site and have forwarded er separate cover on even date .

Questions 25, 26 and 7{ to be answered by interro


'Saur.er" Nests Gra~ied Of 1

Natur 1 jcauses 8 rti"IS\'\f:, Jnn '!G.­

Th,~ n·rd... m !\or I h QUt~n .. l..aotl'"' fhJnr .. :aut·rr ,. ..... .,. h:ld dh·d of naturuJ t'au,,... a.f'cordtor hl QU4't·n.~l Lnd l nh<"r .. Jh',..

~~~nJ re~~;"~;;'0~tany (Dr R. F LloDJ:don I to· nlg.ht .;.aid a e'!nes of r.!\• amtnnuons b.>' lhf" dtparr .. r.oent bad aho~ a that th~ f'ft"d! app ... art"d to ba\:e died tr<>m aubm<I'SJOD In

·~~';.;~~ tbe-~e reeds wert' in ll 1ow-1)'1DJ: accw l.lon whoch hod been ftood· t!!d dunn£' tho> ft"t'C'nt rnlrtl!l;" h" sa.td. •·ThtJ lmtnf"njon <auaed thr ..,....,. to die.

Thr ~x.atnn'laUons re. veaJ'~d, DO 4.!\'ld~nce: ot para.r;.vt1e lntf'.etlltlon, nor an.v Cvtdtn<'t" ot burnlnJ: ··

Dr. l..llll~don ..ud th~ llndJn~a could net br con· tlu!tlve bt<lt\16!" more In· formAtion would b~.--.. re· quired Cor a completo &06\\'tl',

"l would want lo know ~i!tllils or wlndr~ currtn.t,. 1 ~nl>o~~ "',!:~"'it:~~!~g~ llnd ot.h~r intonun.t I on bto­foro I could 1:"~ " reAlly at<t:urate JL.n.-.wer," hco

ad4g~·reeda _,., rxam1nod tollo\\·anJ: a trport by a Tully Iarmer thAt hr "'"' ._ myctc-taOU"~ objeoct t.n.k{'l

;~11~~::: 1~r:UU~u~~~; 1

Te~ts Q.f 11$.LJ,~cer Nests"

BRISBANE, Janu­ary 23.- Specime ns from the North Queen s l~~d ,!lyin' saucer nests woll bo flown to the Queensland Univer ­sity Physics De port­ment to-morrow for radio a ctivity tests . Qutcnsland F I \' I II f:

s.~ue~r Rt' c.a.trc.h Bureau l·ommiU~ t.\Jr. R. RuraeiH &Dnounccd tbls to-nl,::hl.

Three ""neat&" were re­ported round in the Tully d••t net Jut week. Thoy a.tt circular eleRrlDI's of dry reed• ourraunded by ~m>en reeds, an\1 mllllY pt·ople wbo have seen them believe they were made J>y tlylnJ: saucers.

The liret WB>J found In ,, swamp by bana.na J;TOWer. ~- George Ped­le:,o. who sao<! he saw a vapout~-hki" uuccr ta.Jro ol frora tbc spot laat Wed­nesday.

Tbe ~econd a.nd thlrcl

}~·:!.~··:~::.'~:¥~';;! ~:~ and oebool teat her Mr. Hank Pennlni: wheu woiklnl<' oround Hoi'Be· •boc La.1100n . The ls~;oon 111 on the properlY of eano farmer !\tr. Albert P~nniHI. At Euramo.

SAMPLES To-ell\)', )lr. Penni•l .

•·hunbrrt"d lntn thp, fh·e­ft~~~t1 de~p M\ um1• to re. ult\e "'ttuw uf tltt> ~ru-.., ......._Jd to h.u''" ~Jto.cn '''U~b ... ed b~ u. n-..nc:- 'WU.C~r ..

M r Pon"J31 said to-nl,;ht '"J bad no t.roublo ~:ettinl; llllmplcs or tM Jtra.,<s root• and mud which normally he on the bottom or the l:t.("oon Thty wen: t1oaun;: on top ot the v.ater. \\bich b mo!l unusual. They mu,t bavc be~n auc:ked UlJ by oomothint:,"

A constant otream or cn.ra bat, poured throu!lb 3.1r Pt:nnht·,. oroJ)('rtv fUnCP. lh~: Slt:htlngs last wc•k •

"We ••ed to be "C<J>IIc:&l about this aort of thin~; but therto ·,-.crns to be no o1her explanation for tbe •tramr<• mark!s on our l~oon." ;\1 r P~nm"t ~nJd

U f.O 'nests' I Ja 1 ... probed 1

SPECIMENS from the North Queensland flying saucer "nests" will bo flown to

the Queensland University Physics Deport­ment today for radioactivity tests.

Queensland Fh lng tn •. ,...--..,.,e ot II>: '"""' Saucer Res e a r c h i,.·nlch Is Did to ba'~ ~n Bureau c:omm>ltee ~~ by a ny~ng member ( l!.fr. R. BuR- He aald art~nrarCL•: "1 ~ announced this !::pi: 01tr~bi:...Je~~ last mgbt. and mud •htcn normall:r

Three "n~sb" were !OUIIO lie on Ole bottom oc the .n the '1\llly dll<tnct lut lagoon They w~re Cloattng -k on top

They are clrcular cl•ar- '"It 15 most unUiaal lnas or dry ....,da, sur- They must have been ronnd<M! by green r~ sucked UJ> by aomethlng. !\fan>' people who have Mr. Ru..ell SAid the -n them belleve they radioactivity testa m8<1• onl we..,. made by tlytng the samplca or mud, 81"114S. saucer:.. Rnd roots from the "ne>t"

The fll'llt ~ne~t~ was In the lagoon "OUid be round In a swamp by one wily of "finding out banana grower !\tr. George the racts."

~C:f J:c ~}~ ~;o:~h~ Sightseers &pot last Wect.nesday, He &~.ld that If the

The second and third spec:lmcllll proved mdio­were (!rAt sil!bted by cane active It would be In keep· rarm~ Mr. Tom WIU"t'Cn lng Mth slmllllr d!scoverle$1 and scho11t teacher Mr. In EurQJl!!. Hank Penning, when wnlk- Meanwhile, the Pcnnlms lng around Horseshoe have reported that a con· Lagoon. stnnt stream of cnr. l':avc 'Most unusual' poured throuth their

The lagoon Is on the ~pei~kslllce t e reports P~l"ty of cane tanner "We u.•M t.O be sc:eptlaal .Mr Albert PellOW, at llbout t.hls sort or thlni. Euramo. but there seenu to be no

Ye$terday, Mr. Pennl31 otmr explanation for thtt clambered , Into the five- &tran8e mnrb on out root-deep s-..11mp to re- lagoon, Mr&. Pennbl •~Ia.

COv.t"tE,(- ,._..,IlL. 2~ ,T,q-vt<J~p

11 No.~~adiation I~ ~ S~cer 11Nests" 1 BRISBANE, January 25.-Radiatian te~s

run on gross from Tully's "flying saucer

nests" praYed negatiYa =t;;;;o,.·_d_a:..Y·-==~~----~---Qaoemland 'Cnh ~"'"' .

botanl•ts IU'(' 1\0\\ iJ>. n<tiJ!tilln~ tl\e 5J)<:Ctnt~""

~c 10rl~~';; Sauc<r R.,.. • seare:b -Bureau ptceldent

IMr. S. ~1'111 ..,d to-daY that tbc Ill'""" .. nt down rrom TUlly had obown vl~~~.~ !:":Ota~o:110 & laboratory 8$Pi"tant e.t t.ht'l

t:ru"·en•ty't~ Ph)"BBC!I De· p&rtmcnt. .atd: "So tar we ba.ve proved notblnt:: and

dis/h":vtd~~!!~:~· 'fV\"N:

u~ted ror Alpha, Beta an~ G&mma r&ya, but ~vr. I<D ti:UUl one bundr~dtb or tbe radJAUou gh·cn by a lumJoo~tal wntcb, be

""i.I<l;. S<>el'll Mid botAOUb bad SIUd tbnt at ll.rsl ""Ja.nce they did not ex,pnQt iQ gam mucb In tonnaUon

fr?.!Fb~t" :m:s~· RIX d8)'ll old blf ~me We liOt II." be ..Ltd. •'l! we cot,~ld only got earlier reporta It 1!"ul~ g-~,·e us a head-stArt.

.. w zliPa/

ftiFO 'nests' ~ ~e probed

.-y -.c.\MENS from the North Queensland ' flying saucer "nests" will be flown to

the Queensland University Physics Deport· ment today for radioactivity tests.

Que-ensland Fl~ ing tMe>c .. 1n• of the graa Saucer R c sea r c h whleh • .1<1 to h&ve be•n Bureau committee =~~ by a flyiDg member CMr, R. Rue· He aal<l arterwa.reb: "l

I sell) announced thiS !':!P~ ot~ebl~~·~~ last mg-ht. &n<l mud which normal!J'

Thre-e "ntl<U" ....,re rouna Ue on t~ bottom of the 111 the TUlly district lt.>t IRgoon They were floallng ..-eel< on top.

Tber are clreular clear- "H "' moet unu.suat. 111gs or dry reeeb, sur- Th•Y mu.e• ha• e been roundr<l by green reeds. sucked up by somethln~. llfruly people who have Mr. Ru"""\1 t;ald the seen them believe thoy rl\diOACtlvlty IA'st.• made on were made by tlylfti the 6&mple.s or mud, JrUS. snu~rs. and roou from t h<' "neat"

ThP !lrst "nest'' was In the Jngoon would be found In a ~wamp by one way of "Hnc!Jng out bo.nana lll'OWer Mr. Ge<>J'Ile the !aet.s ·• Pedley. He snld be SI\W ll Sightseers saucer take ort rrom the H ld that 11 the 5~i,~iec~~ne~';('· third spe~m~~ns proved radio­were tJrnt sighted bl' eun~ active It would be ill keep· rarmer Mr. Tom Warren lng "'1th slmUar d.IJ!ooverles and school te11ehcr Mr. In Europe. Hank Penning when a•alk· Mcnnwhlle, the Pennisi• !ng around · Horseshoe have repOrted that o eon· Lagoon stnnt stTen.m or care !:ave

'Most unusual' ~~~~ty st1~~t~ re~~~ The J14;oon 1• on the last week.

proper~y ot cane farmer "We w;•d to be !JCeptlcal Mr Albert PenniSI, at about this 601'1 of thing.

!Eunma but the«! &Ct'ma to be no Yesterde.y. I&. Penn\111 ot~r explan&Uon tor the

lclombered ·into the nve· strnru::e m~ttb on ou toot-deep swamp of re· ll\llODn, Mra. Pel)Jllsl ~;.~a.

~5<~4 Qe;,A!,l'/1. ,-1//J-_u., N


A Tully farmer has reported seeing a "flying saucer" while driving a tractor from one farm to another near Tully. Soon alter he found a big area of flattened grass, about 30 feet by 20 feel, in a swamp. llr. Gt-orc .. P odln toltl I I do not oelicve In tl\'· 1 object he did . not know

TuO, poUc:c of h i.., t'., pet- 101: e.auecn not \'tt. what he wn looktng at.. i ne.- on \\ ednf"ocla.• O&Jd ~ h' ..,, l1o1 • 1 He sateS that be "could nl~bt. h \i, o t4 on ftr ·t not bthe<Ve. bts f!'yes st

H said tht.t at ntne llr..l." but alter see.lng U.s o'clock on Wedn...Sa\ INEXPLICABL£ bape and al~e. the speed mornJo~ he W!\.9 drlvtn2 a wlt.h whtc-h It ~ew a~·ay t.raeLor from TutJv to a B u tbt Pt~ullnr rntA r k and lhl· •mp~wons made banana nlaotation. about In tht• OotWilm p c-ru'' 1n tbe gra.s!l aCU!rward~. ~t~ht mile!; sou~h of Tulh *'ll(•t•m~ oull~ lo~'<plleo.blt\. he took 11 to be a ••ftytn~: Wbt:n aDoroachtnl! Mr aucer'' Albert Pennl•i'a rarm. he "It occurrod to m• that Mr Pedley, Who Is 28. heard a loud hl<.'lh~ notOI>. II mRv """"'blv have bN•n Ollld lha.l lh• oblt!'l look~d louder thlln lhr uo1•~ ot mHf'tr h\' n h .. Ucout('r, bl.lt like two MUCCI'S JOJned lo~ the t.rtt.C"tOr to lhf' bt·!it at mv know. ~~lbcr ·with. a smaJI cabin

lf'\11:•• thMt.• hn.a lltt-n no n,t tla t.op and anot.hcr Ur'h ,Jt,h'4.'11ttt ln th~ area" •mflll projection under· HISSING NOISE S••• Jf<·Hnt .Movlu.n 1H\Id neath

thKI M'mi\tl••r h'll• hcllaoo- f!()' aa.Jd 1t v. .. n.s a.bout U ·" flrt<l lw lho urhl lh•• I··•·• conunQnlv put down ov 25 feet long nine feet :~~\;~~. 8~;·~·'"' f1;0v :,/!! '' hNt I holt fu•J •UPIIIV deep, ~>nd was gTeylab· 1 ~ '"u" rwnrJv l'Xhouatttd nnd blue tn eolour. 1"1rd 0h ~e firN~ It ..,tm rrfut•ll•d lh<"mto~lv,•t~~ from The obJe.ct bad bO\'ered !t~~.;[;, w; ~~~ .. tW( ''Ub ::;::r• earrh·d on the :~:!d 30t0;e~~l fr~'!:st th~

Gazlnt< around. Mr Ped· F.lul n~:nln•t the bt II· mtnute before rleln!: I~\" told I!OII~e. lw •aw a ~copter theol'}. h~ e.ald wu etraJght up 1111d tlytng off tlreula.. r objtel abovr some tht fa~t that the dt·pres- towards the soutb·wea:t. tree-.s n~ut 40 vnrds n.,,..,v~ alon tn tht a\\ amp s:raaa Tun> pohec la..ter con­The obJect .!!1 emtd to cUp waft tn vt~ry cion prox• tl\ete<l the R.A.A . .F bue s.t

~~~~tu:..e:~·~n~00.!'..o~" d~ ~'!'~~.to p;r~r· c!~\~" :!~~ ir---------~-.J aow.,uf"d found. a much b<'ttf'r land ..

}. s hv c.c;mtlnuttd to dt'lva lftl; apot tn a clear &r• a \.'h'! tra.c:to1'. be ao.w Uw aOOut 1n0 or ~ yu.-d4 b•c- d~or~e.ton In the. tall furthrr ou.t IUren aaaa. In the @W&nlo- On ThurNn.y night Mr land. PMlt )" I old a 1"o'"-'n8v1lle

The •w~•· cont.e.lned Bull.,un" fl'JIIOrtil"r U\.:..t about hvt f•·~t ot water. wht:n h• t1rat tl&W tbo -.\tl'\ lona:: C.T•·~n t:taM ruuS. bu)l ru•hn s:rowins:: throu,:b It- Th s:-raM had bee'n ou•hcd ftat in an llffa about 8(1 root bv :0 foe.t

On Tbunldn,· tho o!llo cer in chara~ of Tulh oollc~ '~rl:l"'ant F1nt Cl.a.aa A. v ~10\'IAq) Wf!Dt to tb'! u~a and inzPCC:t.--d

- th d~n~"'-ton In the BW&Il).O J!t'b.SIJ

He Aid tbl' 1!1'tf.Sa In t.h'' devl'eoBion wat t;U1J lV1na: Oat and lu>.ll br.,...ned otf •tthou~h tt dld no\ aoPt~ar to bave bet:n burnf"d. )fr Podle' had ootd that th~ Pt(.'Ovt~ day, when h~ saw the husre tnllrk lhe ffl\$11 WCUI QUICc ~T('Gn Sfrl!~t Mo,·lon eatd

thor~ Wlla no 111srn ot anv I mtark• ha,•lnJ! n ... n ma.ctc b\' cat,tf.._~ or Othl'r nnl· malt Thi.!l'l' wcl'(l no m trh l~odln~< m or out or tlte de»rcoslon, und tht

ll'rll.... hod bern nattenod •moothlv

(;IU'butt about th~ a•l:hl tog. and lb~ mRtl<r •• DOW bCIJ\g lnv<stol{atcd by R.A.A.F pcnoonncl

Pictured above is ll>e scene which confronted Mr. Pedley after he hod seen, what he believed was a "Aying saucer' The picture clearly shows o Iorge area of gross which was flattened by lhe object.

<Tully ' i'lldln phut ~l

MINUfE PAP ER 5/40/.U'r'( )

~: t1FC lmPCRT8

r coived fr C4IRNS nnd TV~ area on 17JAN66

·~. Se ~na r port was reo~1vcd troc Set A .ff. M:l7l1Ul ot TULLY I'GUee by t leJiiODO etl tl)e 1 orm!.ng f 20J lli66 . 'n11s r eport ~ ~o~ ap..tlro sJ.gbti ~ llPPl"OXl'llately l2 Ill:! lee South Eaet of Mf¥~¥ J.1r G. 'i'etVoy ot TULLY . , frel i.a:inary b:weeticJl)t1on waa cadc .r Bgt lio,rlan tefol"l!l contncti e tlia hE<>~il;iua.r.,.ers .

4. ~ advited 'Sg-t l:oy' en tll !lt e ITould be ic.J"'Wr.rdin.E; proformne quest!~ Ior oom:PieUcn b,y !!:- '1'-'Clley. This • as nlso foMrardod i n tbo oPe or the t'4 ~t fli gtti r.,g to H:e C't1'1cer i e Charco o fol1ce St8tiac BABIHDA t or co~letino b ~r R.C. t~a eel l .

5. On Fri dcy 2l.iAIJ66 l oonfi:n::..,:l :It ~-t • oyl n that I ..... torn.rdhlg ttro ~-6') Gr tbg pro ol'lll!l., b.,· ;:;ail that d~· cod ~ueetocl him to o~ta1r, s 8111111'1& "'f th<> -sso f roc the acorcbo<l. ar ::1 .

6 . 'nlo a1chU ng near ':'1r.. Y l'laa re·or~ed in tho 'I'mrnsv:1lle Daily hlbhn o h :ldoy 21:~: o . !:lu se _\.lent Pl'e reporto wo::-e ~e ~ t he ni~tingn on 21 nd 22JAUS6 , cuttlnge r which will bo

forwarded t o !!.,.CPCO:! .

7. On Uor.d 24J.&r.S4; 1 roceivoo ~ second l@t ter 1'l'om J!r R.C . Ihmcell of lU.E:rnit, ~ ~~cloolnc nO'il-pl\per ~ tthte;a froc tha Loeal lion,P.l\l10 • Thie rLll ba nck!Jc le<lt;od 1'"' .1e cour~ll .

8. In both cno J it •ac e nf~l'll:!ld that t ere ttero no Suv1.: or : i vil airoratt o~ ratine in the nreas at tbe t1m• ot the eightinc . Pl:.ctoat at co~it'a O'f all corr apondOI:oe w1.:.1 oe 'for, !'dod toe~th r with t llo compl eted profo:rmao to HQOPCOl! ,

' • I rtl kvo you infor.n,J<J of f Jrtb r i.level opmant e.

- ~~<::-t Fit t L(I) SO

\ . ~

.• ~ \.r-2 ,• ;.~, ... . .


r-;6 Inn1stail Listr1ct ,

l'ully Station. 26/l/66.

Rc la t1 ve '>/lil1IDEii':'IPl ED O.B.EC SIGHTED NEAR TULLY , 0900Hra, l9/l/66.Re~.5/40/Air(l8) ot 2let.Jaapary,l966.

6'1 .. /, 1 \ t • eport r C i,Pt Of your COII.Illunicat1on Of tf

ob>Ve reference on 27/l/66 and return herwith eoaoleted que t1ona1re torl'7!ll'dt1d by yo·1 under that cover.

n cl/1/66 et 3.30pm., in response to a request by F L.Wallace I took a scw~le of' the grass ~rom the deprezs­:l n ir tht: warnl gras at t.l' ... site and I am to:•w11rd1r18 that under sepal·atc ccver , 1th a copy ot'thia communicat1 on even de.te.

Please !'eel f'rec to requeet 1nf'orn:at1on :required.

Of 1 oer Co:r.nsnd1ng, He dquarte s,

Rt.AP Base, Townsville.

1/ '---

,d.,~rsl .-J,..n'J 1 'Vt 11

., s~.

~I 1.!..

'· 5


hc..·• ·f'l;7

t3ern( u e If c e

,·,_,om fo · S.eec.~n I::J, ottfc.f be )!Otd C..:Jc.•r~c: or:

t -t, ,::GJol,, ns Shea" ':J" &~"'"' ~ ... r thl;! Clc:.ltv,t-'1 ,

... ' .., s, a r ·c s a s ~ t.G r"(' I f L t, & ,, i u-:t ~ ,,;: .·s.:u I ' nd I ('J nn ~J C~IIJ¢rr

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r'\Jcc..c; f.., $C1..t::e7<..ll1Jf ;'L.t.-•fs ('..!IIC.l, cLUJe. /(J..d t d l/t\IC.

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! ou. lc• h o v ~ l.~el I 1 1 I j., (;, (,'., t. Otj' 7f.t~· 0 £; U! S ':3), f~c/

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C>l5trvo.k<~"' ct (t.Jhc.. ~ I ruc!.:u:l 1..1} O.S' J'ar~ttl~- 7~~ r .. ,-~

c.ft.ts CC<P'H?C~ tc. (' uU~£1 Cl$ CaciCI.,/

l/t1UJtu!l' t :.1 /, Is I tun ( t- .:r lrJ "::I I 1, c< ~/. c. n tt u(x o~ck('l

St~•Co: () J..qcHf ,d,~/,.1-y - f.,~, H/Cr /11.s (/Li.4$ho>. r Cc ..,e/ /.1s

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111111 ll) r'"'' [.'If h ~ rS CQr/f"·.n~~ I ciCJn'l f-h,nl. I. , , ,:; ;- I 1/. I·

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L It U ~J¥ Mq-11111 \b.n aftao ~ .. ........, ,....." .. """ ........ ~ QI;O •-n totr --..1 JW»ll• d .. ..._ U. ~ WW to the *"o liiii<IHIM.

J. ~ .,.. aol-. • .-.p1e Cit :t.t. p-. ~ .. 81Cl"¢ •• /7 .... /f :r·· 4. :rcaz ftllll,y ~- S:l thU ta- iii _. 111 •1ft.~.


otf"..o.r a llpllft ....,c !diP' w

1. .. _...,. MGQi'l'iEI. ~ o.f.l.l61ts..t1elJ ~~ ~.ca ~ .., ~!Uibu l! , aum~.;~. Qil 4 ~· ot ll&Jal~).~.

L lbt ,.,.._ ... -a. :tr.r b n.c .. spnu., 110-= ~~ • .--.-.. _. • ~., hul~ J.Jt-.. cw. tiftr!cn ww.--........ah-..

,. ,...., - .... tiaD :ln t.4U ;ttw ~'14 ~-•z•nltt ...



•s.c. IIDlraell, P.O. Aa:r 151 1¥IDR! E

····---· lAD ...


egup-2 'I!

1. :£ • 7011 f~ ;FOlD' uhezo COil~ tbe •i&tltia« of ea ..U.utitd ~ obJect at llectr••• 'B~ aa 1lU J~ 1'".

2. fila ••tv u t.~ ~tel IIDil Uae realta 1IUl \e ~ to J'G'& OD ~.,letian..

/J~ltf7 (t'.ll. UlUCI) P'l.icllt Ll~t hzo ot'tic_. ~


~ ,/l{s:)t · ~ -r'.;_ ~ /< R[Cc<V D m /,:;:) f ..,P"'~· r:tt~~ ~d '/~ . ><~tiQIJI,t(r:: ~;91Nt)~~

~IJttJ {',,.- -r-- •/U.tfA~~rot;a::.u£ 1 111-1 - ''-

_J1u &LicVC IS I"IJ:r' h~n-1~ ~,//v.r_f' -?'~''?.~ .,Y'J.9(&.~it'n/,_t:t ,.:. ~

Nnd.Lf!V'i IJI!Oel). I /urc...e Tesr t<Jt"1'1t~r:,- a s/>n•?jt! tt ,,~1 '??C(.f~rt<X/_.f

• ]-ncJvf'!,.,.,~nl 0 1-- Lvhn/ I r~r/1 ;".:hthuel___tr ~~~"hY · 1'1! /INIJ 1/ttUe~tr-r f'rvnJ 111)1 8Ea.cAjCJSt ficn a..f /J!n~Hrl'" Ctfr-oJt' 1{ nlll~s Nert·f.

tJF C4-ttrNs rk n: dr-ct-.,e

f~t t/?Qr'"f S'_jJ,/~d. {1HI!! 1-r~flitY/dft' ~turi/At,-a .. , r:-om o.}'ru,<

7 -£~-~ /o d41fr74k g S' Phi. <ltd not l"'<1"' /Cr Jn li.n';~ on-C.!!'~

Ot/f ffJO(.I~.IJ'JI'Ht);"

I/'" dt.d' Nc.·:r Ae~c·~ Ea., aN~ ot? ! a ,.u::/ a r <r-~tl'fNS 11~'1 ;?.tt:s,.,1,a ,.lu '""'''.:1 )A.Iorl.:/ 'Ut7r ~·eo .LI CJroured' 1,1h_,t'>~r t~<r ~~~ _j'J~eo.f he,7/,l" cr,;;rcx-.:Js··/d

Joq:o., !':·":- ri?~L;r??oN,., on ...Jj /a .J 7f,,,~ .Y~Ck.R.,-

~n (!ct-~,1. !<1tt? ..t.. ~ "'~ ?-7R~ h ~!-71,/t; I No..- t'~cl 1hb· Craf"r moue .tn F,-c,., EES CJ/? ;:;:cnn

SeauJt:Xrc( /he a_l,rr:n("' 77»-,~ /ret';.j ~slfm~l~c/

1<-'/,~, I no,~ol rh,~ r "br7. cUr/ /1/or ~ro~uet

/0 t"on')~ //V - /?N"tJ ·lot' elf~<'/ t n ~,7 {'c.IH?~S~ Sit!/

~cotthu, -~f~l'n . /Ciak' ~J., ~ ftn?e 7 · j-/ fi,...,..,

Tht! f/rcoTO~ j?at,,t. b--c.ns-.-71,~ CretFT 1"('~-n.:rtn~./ OM I

a-1 I~ ~0"'"1 u,.,/,/ ~ ral""l(y ~ -5-; f n-7 Tl,~,., rnov(e:/

b6C ScHeff; a: I" t"'c C.otc...l /'/on-,-, a/ (.?uPc, ~,:r S'j,~~ol

I 1.(/19/t"'~~c-/ I r (tnlt! rr cl'tsa/!fr"~ l"d (...')? ~4tf C'en·~,;r~

~/nJ-1('/ f"ll t ju:u,,l oul <r s-r/-1 lbrn?f #'...,rPt9oEo'

/tOO£( fc( Jr,.l(t- ]/&"Nt" .L ''~I.Ih-o,-, ro f'hr.i , /"er:S"O/'Ia/tj/

r<."f ,th~r /;1'cz,. ln:;on"r,-. f..T ·" .T - bh~ a.""t.'d'~ /J!a"/

71A~ ?rr >"""""""'""& :1"'-'?~,..f'/,or/ "-,/"' c: 6.rer·t c~ ~~ :>1


70~u.// 6r. /o 7 '1!/r or/ IZ ~e ro-"7h-v/ 1-/. 9. o c..

mrs ln~,Y 0~ N or hav~ S'l'_y>n,.~tC'I'O?Ct! ye/­:fdU. (..,tltll ~:f/'rarak. .- ~c!'"ck/. h aut! ~ .... u e":;f

def:t,c£./t'-' C'c.ta-:e ;:;.~r ,,.., u~s-P.J>4r;o~

!ftHt. lA/dt< ld t~ o ~are .L- t-~ ·~ n-·u~e~e;n~nH c:;F d..l If C ra rT I Nra (119--II'?N l <2 f ~tr YTJ't' f/, ,J hOC< ,•

QYI ~e~.,t en;u~.uun~ ~ 1 haut"!! oCserv('o/ -

tlrou,!J.IJI · .J T '"".!] cl ul;r ..It" -ejr crC r4 r s /a -l~(!J~ ~I'"(. ~~ /Qif' ~6L•(tJtu )-('4$Cns.

/h_y $',rv/c~ '1-.t:C'"<!IJ~ff- t.V<:Ja // N'C/_.<k./ )ny .f'~rl/I'C~

~v~ $ A',..fA:J' t'd1-?.f/C'./('r;'d -

/ Aaue d rrU<n? c=t ,~tu:.f 4 s/r-, h-4 4r rh('. ta,~q: $ 4 t:1 Uh "!..!/ rh (! :#l 0~ t" J?? t" "? /'

.!J~t.' tC/f//nt?r~ h:_y~(y /u-a£>~1<'·&/ ar <'~'ne"""<:?6.rt-~ ,~ /1 ~, 7'"-'t?~ . f'&" ' /J~ /;; .,_,,,~ l'ra~T ~ c?ai'I"PN l(;rv_,~

#-'fo /A;r t''£-f rr ,nrvf' ... ::T /6 (..,//?Nf / CGNIT</4"' no/-

.lu:'l ~~ ~ O~J"/rYt'/t'd' Th; l'yor/. I 7i--urr /1',a C shuuk /T ~n::n·~ VcLI'u~b-/1!' /nkJ/?#'I~ht1'7 In c/c.J,.HJ Sa -"'· ('0(('/d ~ ~<'t'd /" .[/t1t'N ·df"f-'J"~H<"t! _

/ ;,~(/~ -"Or c/,-c,~vn cu.'% e:-rhe/f /-'rs-cn ·.r a-h<...,/,-(7~

.)a~~ /1~ LON~~· - r?•?Cf ,(<"O(.J~ /'?' /:J ,f/~r'' hnt~.to/.-'"f!<'

t:2HCI /- t?.f';.t;;;.;~ ;;; ~c/ ~S T'r<j~N/t'~

I t"cu, &YS'fft'"t' tjlJt(. lhe ot~~rua .4~/U t:?r-C /oo,% /-C2'c~~"'= /.

r;:J, · I J


':" s /1 n•o lee/ h .cc1J.f d.!{ /:

c tT' J.. 01'P (} fv·~-{

, ;./o11e~-'~'wr /, f+Ml't • ___ l}~/oa 1 1~ f ?'Ph7

15 M.f"' I ......

Prosidellt CAPIO 100 Collizla Street (/ !.ELBOtnUIE VIC

~~sa, ~ 1. Reference your ID8I!IO elated 2n4 'brua'r7 1966.

11 fEB '66

2. Irmaotiptioaa of the area SU1:1'0Wldin3 the reported "Neate", bsti.Qg ot e~les taken troll around them and intarJ:Ogation of persona inwl'Yed in the report failed to revecl ~ ot Gignltioeoe.

3. Bcnrft'er, dur1Dg enquiries a mmber of local ro::~1dente stated that the reported "D8sts" ~e f'airl7 001:1l!OD dori.ng the OZUIOt Of the "wet" • l'urthcmore, the UD1nroU7 of Queensllmd stated that there was nothi.nc UDD&tural in the 8811Plea sulaitted and assessed that the •nash" could han M8D tbe result or severe turbulan.ce, which nol:'.~Dall7 eccoa:p8D7 line equalle .a. tlll.mderatorma prevalent in !l>M'll ~omtsLAJID at that time of tM~.

4• '!'here 1a DO expl.aDation for the visible phancaena reported lntt 1t ooul4 han been aeaociated with or the result of "down draa.16btrl", "nll.7 willie_.. or "water ~uta" that are lalolm to occur in the area.

5· EDoloaed tor 1Dtormation and retention b7 10\11' orgnnization are a IIIDber ot photographa taken in Januar,r ot this year trcD an airfield in the tToploa shing • tins uaaple or the tne and ~ ot a cloud !ormation ocourrbg with a aeTere "4own draught" . This wbirl.ing 111&80 ot tropical air .-sooiated 'lith thun.d.9ntom. aotivity, on reach!Dg the earth' a surface ~~q cl1Aa1pat" eZld aubside or persist giving rise to a:uat ed.d1(13, wator tJPOUb, etc, ad le&Y1J16 a telltale ciroular pattern on the ground. Should 1t ooou:r over a ft8111P7 ;:~KJd bed the etfcct would be to i'lo.tten the reeds 1d. tb & oiroula:t pattern. Reoultant photographa and inVOotigationa ot the "nests•• eeaa to tit in nth thio theo17 and is accepted as a po8Sible oawse of the pbom011ena.

6. 'rhia Dopartment has no further intormation to odd to the atore-mentioned dotaila.

Yours tai th1Ull7,