· Web viewa word (underneath or beside the picture) to describe the...

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Transcript of  · Web viewa word (underneath or beside the picture) to describe the...

Name: __________________________________________________ Date ____________ Block ________

Midterm Review Partner’s Amazing Race

Label the following on the map below: 7 Continents, 5 Oceans, Cardinal Directions and 4 Hemispheres

Vocabulary Words and Definitions: fill in the correct vocabulary word, correct definition or pictorial definition. These include Christianity, architecture, law, the Latin language, and trade routes.

Divine right

laws stating that all persons had the right to equal treatment under the law, that a person was considered innocent until proven guilty and that a person should be

punished only for actions, not thoughts


This legal document attempted to give all citizens of France more Liberty imitating the American Constitution

A belief or theory that opinions and actions should be based on reason and knowledge rather than on religious

belief or emotional response.

Matching: Match the vocabulary word with the “key words” that best describe the word.

___ 1. The theory that the Earth is the center of the solar system or universe. a. trade routes

___ 2. a grant by the catholic church that released a person from punishment for sins b. missionaries

___ 3. economic, movement, opportunities, diffusion, ship c. inflation

___ 4. people who spread their religious beliefs d. geocentric theory

___ 5. an increase in the supply of money compared to good, resulting in higher prices e. heliocentric theory

___ 6. The theory that the Sun is the center of the solar system or universe f. indulgences

List the 3 main Branches of Protestantism, with its religious founder.1. _____________________________________________________________________________________________

2. ____________________________________________________________________________________________

3. _____________________________________________________________________________________________

True or False: Answer the next set of questions as true or false. Use a “T” for true or “F” for false.1. ___ Today in History facts are due every week. I should turn in 6 every Thursday.2. ___ Along with plants and animals, European explorers introduced their ideas, culture, and technology.3. ___ An atlas is a collection of maps.4. ___ French sector, The Third Estate, paid the least amount of taxes and held the highest offices.5. ___ English King James II’s reign was known as the Glorious Revolution because of his commitment to the citizens.

Write a word (underneath or beside the picture) to describe the picture. Explain why each picture was chosen to represent each word for Contemporary World History since the 1400s.

Matching: Match the vocabulary word with the “key words” that best describe the word. ___ 1 French Protestants A Council of Trent

___ 2 The Society of Jesus B barbarians

___ 3 established science as the most effective method for learning about the natural world C Huguenots

___ 4 A step by step process for performing experiments and other scientific research D Scientific Revolution

___ 5 Hub of the Counter-Reformation in response to the Catholic Reformation E scientific method

___ 6 the name/term used by Romans when referring to anyone who didn’t speak Latin or Greek

F Jesuits

Fill in the chart below with information we discussed on the 7 Major Types of Government (that we focus on)Type of Govt Head of State Decision

Maker(s)Source of power & How it

is AcquiredLength of Rule Political Freedoms

Determined by:Military Dictatorship

Dictator Dictator

Absolute monarchy King/Queen Divine Through Right of Birth


Limited monarchy King/Queen or Prime Minister

Divine Right Through Birth AND a Constitution through elections

Death, Overthrow, Abdication or end of term

Bill of Rights

Oligarchy Small Group of Leaders

Intelligence & Wealth through a coalition or CONSENSUS


Representative Democracy (Republic)

President End of Term Bill of Rights

Direct Democracy N/A N/A

Anarchy N/A N/A

Use each of the following 6 words in a sentence. (Roman legacies, Columbian Exchange, absolutism, salon, humanism, feudalism, bourgeoisie) 1. ___________________________________________________________________________________________

2. ___________________________________________________________________________________________

3. ___________________________________________________________________________________________

4. ___________________________________________________________________________________________

5. ___________________________________________________________________________________________

6. ___________________________________________________________________________________________

List the 6 Themes of Social Studies 1 _____________________________________________________________________________________________

2 ____________________________________________________________________________________________

3 _____________________________________________________________________________________________

4 _____________________________________________________________________________________________

5 _____________________________________________________________________________________________

6 _____________________________________________________________________________________________

List at least 5 effects of the Scientific Revolution 1. _____________________________________________________________________________________________

2. ____________________________________________________________________________________________

3. _____________________________________________________________________________________________

4. _____________________________________________________________________________________________

5. _____________________________________________________________________________________________

Vocabulary Words and Definitions: fill in the correct vocabulary word, correct definition or pictorial definition.

Push/Pull factors

an economy in which prices are determined by the buying and selling decisions of individuals in the


RenaissanceA “rebirth”. The European Renaissance started in

Italy in the 1300s and spread to the rest of Europe in the 1400 and 1500s.

A person who holds beliefs contrary to a set religious belief, like those of the Catholic Church

List the 5 central beliefs of the Age of Enlightenment1. ___________________________________________________________________________________________

2. ___________________________________________________________________________________________

3. ___________________________________________________________________________________________

4. ___________________________________________________________________________________________

5. ___________________________________________________________________________________________

Fill in the blank. Do not use the vocabulary term more than one!!!

During the Middle Ages, a political and social order was formed, called _______________, in which

nobles governed and protected people in return for services from those people. The majority of the

people that lived on a noble’s _________________ were peasants that worked the fields that surrounded

the noble’s castle. A ___________________ was the lowest ranking person in this medieval social order,

which were the poorest of all people. They were tied to the land they lived on and subject to the will of

the land-owning Noble.

At the top of this hierarchy of medieval people, the Pope of the Catholic Church controlled all Christian

kingdoms in Europe. Although European Kings ruled their own kingdoms, it was the King’s

__________________ that had the most power in the kingdom because they were the people that help

him run it. King’s granted them lands to rule over, and in exchange, they would raise armies, collect taxes,

and make laws for the King.

There were two kinds of Nobles, _________________ and __________________. The higher-ranking

noble would give a _______________ to a lower ranking noble in exchange for military service as a knight

in shining armor. Sometimes they would ride into battle on horseback.

Medieval Times vocabulary word bank

noblelordRoman Catholic Churchtithe

plagueBlack Deathfeudalismcrusades



Multiple Choice; Circle the letter for the best corresponding answer to #s 1 – 7. 1. Which key factor fueled competition between European countries for colonies in the Americas?

a. a European shortage of pepper and nutmeg b. a mandate from the papacy c. the desire to control sources of gold and silver d. the need to secure laborers for factories in Europe

2. One major effect of the Protestant Reformation on western Europe was the a. decline in religious unity b. increased power of the Catholic pope c. reduction in religious wars d. increase in the sale of indulgences by the Catholic Church

3. The writing of the Magna Carta was a reaction to the a. economic restrictions under imperialism b. abuse of power by monarchs c. missionary work of clergy d. threats of revolution from colonial governors

4. This set of ideas from the Scientific Revolution gave Europeans a new way to • Copernicus’ heliocentric model of the universe • Newton’s law of gravitation • Descartes’ belief in truth through reason

a. view humankind’s place in the universe b. support the core beliefs of the church c. authenticate historical facts d. verify civil liberties

5. In the late 1700s, which situation in France is considered a cause of the other three? a. meeting of the Estates General b. unfair policies of taxation c. execution of the king d. storming of the Bastille Base your answer to question

6. Read the passage below and on your knowledge of social studies to answer the question below. … No …Nor is there liberty if the power of judging is not separate from legislative power and from executive power.

If it were joined to legislative power, the power over the life and liberty of the citizens would be arbitrary, for the judge would be the legislator. If it were joined to executive power, the judge could have the force of an oppressor.…

—Montesquieu, The Spirit of the Laws

In this passage, Montesquieu is making reference to a. an enlightened despotism b. a policy of mercantilism c. a separation of powers d. a social contract

Write in answers. Correctly answer the following questions in the blank space below each question. 1. List the 3 G’s of European Exploration

a.b. c.

2. Name the Portuguese noble who is credited with being a key figure (if not the most important) in European Exploration, by establishing schools and sponsoring voyages, but never sailed.

3. What 4 technological advances made it possible for the Age of Exploration to occur at that time?a. b. c. d.

4. Name the king and queen of France during the French Revolution.

5. Why did the people of France have problems with the king and queen, in the answer above?

6. What three European philosopher’s ideas did Thomas Jefferson model the US Declaration of Independence from their work? (hint…not who he thought were the three smartest men in history)

a. b. c.

7. What was the slogan of the French Revolution?_____________________ ______________________ _____________________

8. Name the Three Estates of France. What group was represented in each estate and what percentage of the population made up each group in French society?

Estate People Included % of Population

9. Compare and contrast the Boston Tea Party and the Storming of Bastille.

In the space below, design a poster for the Bubonic Plague. Make sure to include: signs, symptoms, treatment, outcome and statistics. What did the people of the time blame for the epidemic? What warning would you give

others?(you can use a separate sheet if needed)