learning.accountingtechniciansireland.ie... · Web viewWhat word for controls again three controls...

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Transcript of learning.accountingtechniciansireland.ie... · Web viewWhat word for controls again three controls...



00:19:45.060 --> 00:19:46.440

Kieran Alcock: Hey guys, can you hear me and see me.


00:19:50.310 --> 00:19:53.250

Kieran Alcock: If you can just pop it into the chat forum there to give me an idea.


00:19:57.690 --> 00:19:59.790

Kieran Alcock: Gosh, there's a lot of people here today. Again, no.


00:20:07.290 --> 00:20:15.900

Kieran Alcock: No, that's okay. Now, if I can ask you is to just use the chat forum and you can post your questions there, rather than being


00:20:16.410 --> 00:20:29.760

Kieran Alcock: In the Q AMP. A and in the chat forum so we stick to the chat forum, it's, it's easier to logically work through us. And there's a couple more minutes or two. We're just to see if there's a few more people coming in here, see the numbers are still taking long there.


00:20:36.060 --> 00:20:38.220

Kieran Alcock: Doo doo doo hope is around good farm. I knew


00:20:41.190 --> 00:20:44.850

Kieran Alcock: What to just have the smart enough to finance or text or something like that.


00:20:47.370 --> 00:20:48.720

Kieran Alcock: No, I didn't just stop there.


00:20:51.030 --> 00:20:53.130

Kieran Alcock: What did they do to deserve all of these governments.


00:20:55.350 --> 00:20:57.090

Kieran Alcock: Know, there'd be no dress up for Halloween.


00:20:58.230 --> 00:21:01.140

Kieran Alcock: And the reno trick or treating, or whatever they call it. No, it is


00:21:05.700 --> 00:21:09.120

Kieran Alcock: All Financial Accounting will be will be my equivalent of Halloween.


00:21:11.160 --> 00:21:12.750

Kieran Alcock: closely followed by taxation.


00:21:17.340 --> 00:21:25.290

Kieran Alcock: Yeah. Yes. Yeah. So then we know kids are on the toilet and this year. I think this was kind of with the public health situation all the research.


00:21:26.460 --> 00:21:39.330

Kieran Alcock: And I don't know, I think they should have got one of those, you know those things. You used to have a gigs for fire and T shirts. So with them. She could have had one of those and stand that your front doors for treats onto the street at the kids.


00:21:40.470 --> 00:21:42.990

Kieran Alcock: Any of us your financial was great. That's good to hear.


00:21:44.280 --> 00:21:46.410

Kieran Alcock: What else would you be doing. Yeah, Chris. Yeah.


00:21:49.980 --> 00:21:52.200

Kieran Alcock: Pumpkin haunted. Very good. Yeah.


00:21:54.480 --> 00:22:05.640

Kieran Alcock: And you know the wildlife loves the pumpkins as well if you're living in the countryside. Right. And when you're finished with a try to try to finish. Finish bits and pieces don't attend your garden and the foxes and badgers and all of


00:22:10.230 --> 00:22:10.860

Kieran Alcock: The


00:22:12.840 --> 00:22:13.710

Kieran Alcock: Dirty


00:22:14.820 --> 00:22:27.510

Kieran Alcock: Right. These numbers are be talking on 200 200 people and only my incredibly handsome face on the screen. Let's do something a voter owner can I change your settings.


00:22:30.870 --> 00:22:47.100

Kieran Alcock: Change certain to all panelists and attendees. So we can see all questions yet. Can everyone change the settings to all panelists and attendees there on your chatting rather than just clicking into Kiran, or to whoever you click into all panelists and attendees. Okay.


00:22:49.980 --> 00:22:50.580

Kieran Alcock: And


00:22:51.750 --> 00:22:58.200

Kieran Alcock: There was number still taken away the air or rather, we're on two o'clock now. So I'm going to kick off. So, M.


00:22:58.980 --> 00:23:09.000

Kieran Alcock: Right soil have people in this group was my understanding, is it a lot of people that I teach weekly and other people. I never see or never, never teach. Well, I never see any of us because nobody thought screen and


00:23:10.320 --> 00:23:19.170

Kieran Alcock: What I love people from around the country as well who I don't teach at all. And maybe you've been you've, you've seen or met me before at some stage. I don't know. Bush and


00:23:20.880 --> 00:23:32.820

Kieran Alcock: Really, I just this session is really just to give a kind of a very, very quick overview of what's in the teaching scheme for the next few weeks now. Weeks 552 ways are


00:23:35.070 --> 00:23:41.700

Kieran Alcock: covering topics they cover types and functions of business which more or less should be covered probably already done at this stage, but most


00:23:42.270 --> 00:23:48.210

Kieran Alcock: People and I did I covered I covered it in the original weekend session because that's what we were thinking


00:23:48.660 --> 00:24:04.920

Kieran Alcock: We get to wish we'd get covered in those initial few weeks. And so the main focus of this session will be on the topics after that. So it's all that section, section to have your book leadership and management. Okay. And there's quite a bit in leadership and management.


00:24:09.150 --> 00:24:16.590

Kieran Alcock: Comes up you know it's free examiner. It's very amenable to examiner Detroit in there and now Ana's is telling me it's me.


00:24:18.300 --> 00:24:25.350

Kieran Alcock: Maybe you tell a few of the others to be under best behavior. Some of the stuff that's been shared with me at classes over recent weeks, anyway.


00:24:26.520 --> 00:24:36.480

Kieran Alcock: So let's have a look. A general content always forced okay because if you look at the general content you can start to see things that come up from an exam point of view. Okay.


00:24:37.200 --> 00:24:43.650

Kieran Alcock: And right management defined and our let's just go into the introduction of a but when you're getting into the nitty gritty.


00:24:44.250 --> 00:24:52.650

Kieran Alcock: Of what leadership is and what management is and holders asleep difference of emphasis and so on, that's one area that's quite examiner


00:24:53.520 --> 00:25:09.510

Kieran Alcock: And the whole issue of change management has traditionally been a question that was quite a regular appearance on the exam paper, and if not every year, it would have been, you know, a regular feature every couple of years or whatever and


00:25:10.710 --> 00:25:13.350

Kieran Alcock: What what you'd be thinking there is that it was


00:25:13.800 --> 00:25:20.550

Kieran Alcock: Traditionally on the paper. It was built in the holiday of change management and this thing of individuals, groups and teams and other


00:25:20.820 --> 00:25:30.600

Kieran Alcock: That was all really traditionally dealt with in the HR chapter. Okay. So as I said to us before section one of the exam used to nearly


00:25:31.440 --> 00:25:42.720

Kieran Alcock: I turned 90% of the time had a hitch or questions or race and and a lot of the time it was here to our activities and stuff, which we've done previously bought


00:25:43.260 --> 00:25:53.730

Kieran Alcock: On occasion, it definitely was changed management because there's a couple of key areas in that that you can build a question that will see in what managers can do to affect change in an organization.


00:25:54.210 --> 00:26:05.640

Kieran Alcock: Harsh and resistance factors happen because people tend to resist change and then strategies for overcoming resistance to change all very commonly exam questions.


00:26:06.030 --> 00:26:17.400

Kieran Alcock: And and what was often built into that as well. It was a dichotomy maybe prior day of the question and Part B or C, a small part of Question what you've been to do with the


00:26:17.760 --> 00:26:24.360

Kieran Alcock: Theory around groups. Okay. So you're talking about took an embezzlement, which will see as we go through this lecture today.


00:26:25.050 --> 00:26:35.400

Kieran Alcock: And no, I won't be covering it in the level of detail that they'd be doing if I was teaching a class on a weekly basis where you know i'd be I'd be introduced and stuff. This from maybe outside of the book installer so on.


00:26:35.940 --> 00:26:44.250

Kieran Alcock: But I will give you the, the kind of the brass tacks on it, as we call it, the main bits that will be definitely a hot topics.


00:26:45.450 --> 00:26:54.840

Kieran Alcock: The last little bit in this section is motivation theory, again, a regular appearance on the exam paper over the years motivation theories


00:26:55.380 --> 00:27:01.650

Kieran Alcock: But the, the question or two catches that there's quite a few motivation theories and there's two different categories.


00:27:02.040 --> 00:27:07.500

Kieran Alcock: And there's quite a few theories in each and you get mixed up between what the theory was and who the author was and


00:27:08.250 --> 00:27:14.880

Kieran Alcock: There's benefits and limitations for all the different theories and so on and so forth. So it gets quite complicated there, however.


00:27:15.630 --> 00:27:26.370

Kieran Alcock: I do have a little memory aids and little tricks to help you to narrow down and say, well, if I'm asked for a particular type of theory. I know that these ones are in that category. And you know the other ones are in the other category and so on. Okay.


00:27:26.790 --> 00:27:36.660

Kieran Alcock: So we'll both through them as quickly as we can. So there's your, your little definition starting off for management and I would have touched on some of this with our original weekend.


00:27:37.770 --> 00:27:48.960

Kieran Alcock: Session or to the start to the year session where I talked to people about rolling bolts and docks and whatever else. I don't know what I can't remember off top my head was probably triangles in there as well and


00:27:50.190 --> 00:27:54.780

Kieran Alcock: Which were all about getting a management mindset, what the management mindset is


00:27:55.170 --> 00:28:03.870

Kieran Alcock: It's all about trying to coordinate and organize a whole lot of different things and streamline them so that you're working as efficiently and effectively as possible.


00:28:04.200 --> 00:28:10.590

Kieran Alcock: Now race and you see it there with definitions that are here and getting things done effectively and efficiently through and with other people.


00:28:11.220 --> 00:28:19.890

Kieran Alcock: And the process of assembling and using sets of resources, so it does not only people but other resources like financial resources technical resources and so on.


00:28:20.310 --> 00:28:25.080

Kieran Alcock: Now, you're not likely to ever be asked in the exam to reach a definition of management.


00:28:26.070 --> 00:28:35.760

Kieran Alcock: I think is too short. I think and but if you did like and it was for one mark or something like that, just common sense should tell you think of the rolling board.


00:28:36.420 --> 00:28:46.110

Kieran Alcock: Trying to streamline trades organized trying to coordinate so that everybody knows what they're doing wins to be done. How has to be done, whereas we don't etc etc. And it's all about effectiveness and efficiency.


00:28:47.340 --> 00:28:55.680

Kieran Alcock: Now come. One of the things that has been known to appear on the exam are Henry fails for the functions of management. All right now.


00:28:56.970 --> 00:29:07.650

Kieran Alcock: The heads up, I give you here is that a lot of people make a mistake with this question or have made a mistake with this question in the past because they've seen the question and said, all the functions manager.


00:29:09.000 --> 00:29:25.020

Kieran Alcock: didn't read the question and they started talking about marketing, finance, human resources operations, etc. So what they were talking about was the functions of a business as opposed to the functions of management. Okay. And so that's a little


00:29:26.490 --> 00:29:30.780

Kieran Alcock: Error that has happened consistently over the last 10 years when that question gets asked


00:29:31.020 --> 00:29:40.770

Kieran Alcock: So you put a little star on your notes or in your notebook regarding this and you say functions of management. It's management theory, it's not about the functional elements of a business.


00:29:41.040 --> 00:29:46.680

Kieran Alcock: Which we did in the previous section. Okay. When we talk about finance and marketing and all of those things. All right now.


00:29:47.280 --> 00:29:55.170

Kieran Alcock: This will be Henry fi all is the author, it's useful to be able to attach the author to whatever it is that the


00:29:55.620 --> 00:30:06.330

Kieran Alcock: Theory element that you're discussing. Okay. Because. Had you had you the ability to do that, then most students would make the mistake of starting to talk about marketing and finance, etc. Because didn't order Henry fail.


00:30:06.600 --> 00:30:11.190

Kieran Alcock: Was all about planning, organizing coordinate commanding control. Okay, now


00:30:11.700 --> 00:30:19.410

Kieran Alcock: There's always a little bit of overlap on all of these things. And you'll say, well, organizing and planning are quite similar and commanding and controlling are quite similar. And that's fine.


00:30:19.770 --> 00:30:26.880

Kieran Alcock: There has to be overlap. If there is an overlap. Something's wrong. Okay, know if you're looking at your manual. It's on page 45


00:30:27.480 --> 00:30:35.250

Kieran Alcock: It gives you a nice few little paragraphs and a few little examples on each one. And that's all you'd be talking about if that was a question.


00:30:35.610 --> 00:30:44.340

Kieran Alcock: Sometimes it does a car that you get asked to list the five functions of management. Nice and simple noise for then explaining involved.


00:30:44.730 --> 00:30:51.180

Kieran Alcock: So you don't have to be explaining. You don't have to be given examples, but if you're asked to discuss describe evaluation whatever critique.


00:30:51.750 --> 00:30:56.820

Kieran Alcock: Then it's point explanation example as a city before. And each of those on the screen is your point.


00:30:57.630 --> 00:31:04.890

Kieran Alcock: And your explanation will be a paragraph or two after that and put in an example. So if we just do one or two them to show you. There you see planning.


00:31:05.190 --> 00:31:12.990

Kieran Alcock: On page 45 they refer to it as or any failure refers to is one of the most important functions of management without plans organized organizations.


00:31:13.710 --> 00:31:25.290

Kieran Alcock: Have no goals or targets and therefore are likely to fail. So the idea of a plan is like having a map. Okay, you have a destination to get to and you're trying to put some kind of


00:31:26.820 --> 00:31:35.640

Kieran Alcock: Some kind of preparation into getting there. And then you have something to follow. If you don't have that you're more likely to fail and not succeed. Okay.


00:31:36.180 --> 00:31:43.380

Kieran Alcock: Planning involves devising a systematic process for attending the objectives of the organization plan so jumpsuit plans should demonstrate the following


00:31:43.800 --> 00:31:58.230

Kieran Alcock: Specific specifications flexibility active participation, etc, etc. Now he said he is, and it's a kind of a catch all that you can use in management, a simple little model called the plan, do, check, act model on here we go again reading on these little post. That's what


00:31:59.520 --> 00:32:03.600

Kieran Alcock: Planet do wish check his act.


00:32:05.310 --> 00:32:14.040

Kieran Alcock: Plan to check, act right. No, this is wouldn't be a work of art written down here.


00:32:14.940 --> 00:32:19.680

Kieran Alcock: You see that. So a plan, do, check, act as a circular thing first. You start with your plan.


00:32:20.070 --> 00:32:28.740

Kieran Alcock: You implement whatever tasks, etc. You were hoping to to work towards achieving something and then you check on progress to see if you're actually getting anywhere.


00:32:29.070 --> 00:32:35.130

Kieran Alcock: And if you're not getting anywhere you need to act or after things need to be improved the refined, you need to act. Okay.


00:32:35.910 --> 00:32:42.990

Kieran Alcock: And that's a very, very simple model. And that's what all you would advise students reporting in when I'm talking about management. Right.


00:32:43.350 --> 00:32:46.410

Kieran Alcock: Because that's an action that's a quality management continuous improvement model.


00:32:47.010 --> 00:32:52.920

Kieran Alcock: By short and Deming were the two authors, which you'll never see mentioned in any of this. But it's very easy to remember a circle.


00:32:53.370 --> 00:33:05.730

Kieran Alcock: plan, do, check, act, it's ongoing. It's a circle. A circle never ends. Alright, so you plan you do you check you refine your plan again implement you check your phone and you keep on checking and planning and redoing and all the rest.


00:33:06.030 --> 00:33:12.630

Kieran Alcock: So you're always constantly improving. Okay. And anybody, any ideas of wash commanding would involve


00:33:17.940 --> 00:33:26.760

Kieran Alcock: Using your own common sense, you'd probably have an idea okay okay delegation might be an element of US leadership orders instructions yet. Okay.


00:33:27.120 --> 00:33:34.650

Kieran Alcock: Given directions. Okay very good taking control, etc. Alright, so they're all fine and you'll see how that would overlap with planning.


00:33:35.100 --> 00:33:39.600

Kieran Alcock: Okay, and it will overlap with the organizing. If we look at organizing in the book it says


00:33:40.110 --> 00:33:49.830

Kieran Alcock: And from a work perspective organizing refers to the way the work is arranged amongst the employees. So that will be delegation would make would come in there would not


00:33:50.400 --> 00:33:55.680

Kieran Alcock: Put the actual system of who is doing wash and when they're doing it.


00:33:56.520 --> 00:34:04.020

Kieran Alcock: And how they're doing and who they report to and who reports to them and all of that, that'll all come in with all of this, these headings.


00:34:04.380 --> 00:34:09.330

Kieran Alcock: So rather than confuse yourself and say, oh, well, I said that for planning account set for organizing and


00:34:10.050 --> 00:34:21.450

Kieran Alcock: What you do is you when you're reading the chapter and you're under you're studying. Those are the things you say right I pick one, one little issue done. I'm going to explain under each heading, even though there's overlap. So it saves you


00:34:22.470 --> 00:34:26.280

Kieran Alcock: Caroline is losing me a lot. Is anyone else having the problem of losing Mila


00:34:27.570 --> 00:34:31.380

Kieran Alcock: Most women on the planet have lost me a lot. I think at this stage and


00:34:33.900 --> 00:34:39.390

Kieran Alcock: It may be your signal might my signal here is is fine. It's okay. I'm


00:34:41.550 --> 00:34:43.890

Kieran Alcock: Okay, so anyway, just to get back to us.


00:34:44.970 --> 00:34:52.110

Kieran Alcock: You might have to log out and log back in, or well you don't have a camera on sometimes dropping the camera improves the link


00:34:57.900 --> 00:35:00.000

Kieran Alcock: Yeah, bad weather. Okay, there you go.


00:35:02.670 --> 00:35:11.040

Kieran Alcock: Yeah possible yeah possibility someone else's is taken our broadband anyways. Okay, so I keep going and


00:35:12.210 --> 00:35:15.120

Kieran Alcock: So for these things of the functions. It was to be a main question.


00:35:15.420 --> 00:35:24.060

Kieran Alcock: Rather than sense yourself. I keep repeating everything under the same headings. Pick a one particular aspect and explain on reach it. So for the planning, you might talk about the things, like I said, a map.


00:35:24.450 --> 00:35:34.080

Kieran Alcock: A way of going, etc. Organizing who's doing what, when you're doing is etc coordinating somebody has to supervise and coordinate. Okay, so you see


00:35:34.590 --> 00:35:43.200

Kieran Alcock: A coordination function is essentially an extension of the organizing businesses. So they're quite complex. And that's where we got into our structures earlier in the year.


00:35:43.680 --> 00:35:49.050

Kieran Alcock: Where we had functional structures and geographic and matrix. And all of these different things. So you could


00:35:49.530 --> 00:36:02.880

Kieran Alcock: Pick one or two and talk about those are reasonable dose. Okay, controlling is more about checking on progress and seeing what needs to be done, rather than controlling in the old sense of a boss being too strict or whatever. Okay.


00:36:03.420 --> 00:36:15.840

Kieran Alcock: So when you talk about organizational organizational control you have all kinds of controls like financial controls and quality controls and so on, that are all about trying to see, or what's what's being done.


00:36:16.650 --> 00:36:25.500

Kieran Alcock: Is it being done to a sufficient standard is it meeting targets is an unchangeable, etc. So chicken and milestones and stuff like that and then coming back and saying,


00:36:26.010 --> 00:36:39.720

Kieran Alcock: We need to improve on this or we were ahead of schedule and data or whatever. Now if you're talking about organization controls, you might want to know a few here different types. Okay, so you have feedforward controls.


00:36:40.740 --> 00:36:52.230

Kieran Alcock: You have concurrent controls and you have feedback controls. OK, so the feed forward controls are what's


00:36:52.710 --> 00:37:01.440

Kieran Alcock: Implemented before you get down to, to the task of such alright so it will be a simple example. When I'm giving you an assignment to do.


00:37:01.920 --> 00:37:12.270

Kieran Alcock: And I have a chat, which is maybe the week before and Sarah, this would be the question and this is the approach, you should take and referencing this and explaining that and all the reference our structure and all the rest. Okay.


00:37:12.720 --> 00:37:18.300

Kieran Alcock: So that's before you do anything you've had some kind of an input on what way you should have tried approaches.


00:37:19.050 --> 00:37:33.360

Kieran Alcock: Then concurrent control will be control implemented by managers during the doing so that's where people interference and I are doing that wrong, you need to do this. And these are just checked out or trauma disorder. It's happening at the same time as the task is being done.


00:37:34.500 --> 00:37:48.810

Kieran Alcock: And then obviously feedback control is like your standard performance appraisals and so on. It's after the event, you've done the work and now we're checking to see what was the standard gold or not so golden and you get rewards. Do you get


00:37:49.950 --> 00:37:52.680

Kieran Alcock: Different targets for the future. Do we, do we


00:37:54.420 --> 00:38:05.520

Kieran Alcock: Maybe have to train you up or something like that. Okay, so there you're fighting functions of management in accordance with Henry fail all right now. Any questions on any of that so far.


00:38:06.810 --> 00:38:10.800

Kieran Alcock: I see my signal list or no, it's not. It's just not the signal is just a computer.


00:38:11.700 --> 00:38:22.590

Kieran Alcock: And any questions. What word for controls again three controls feedforward concurrent feedback. Okay, now there are categories of controls or race and


00:38:23.280 --> 00:38:32.280

Kieran Alcock: You can always talk about individual controls the quality controls financial controls, etc, etc. Bush, it's easier for that to stay in the general generalizations now.


00:38:33.930 --> 00:38:40.350

Kieran Alcock: There's a little lean on each one. I'm not going to go through it all again. But that would be your starting point on a question like that. All right, and


00:38:40.980 --> 00:38:46.410

Kieran Alcock: Get your focus for each point to what you're going to write about. So the focus. They chose for planning was about


00:38:46.860 --> 00:38:55.680

Kieran Alcock: Getting the best that will resources, having that map because if you don't have a guidance you fire resources and all kinds of directions and actually a wasting


00:38:56.190 --> 00:39:01.710

Kieran Alcock: Organizing was more about structures which I mentioned coordination, a more about


00:39:02.280 --> 00:39:09.600

Kieran Alcock: Numbers. So you have structure and you have lots of people doing different things and you need to coordinate them to make sure they're all streamlined and you could use your rowing boat example there.


00:39:09.990 --> 00:39:22.500

Kieran Alcock: The commanding is more about telling people what to do but also leading by example and incentives to motivate people and then the controlling his performance standard that's the chick part of the plan, do, check, act now.


00:39:23.640 --> 00:39:42.570

Kieran Alcock: There is a section there. On page 46 in your manual about contemporary management skills and using your own common sense a you will probably will be fine in terms of if it came up on you were asked to just briefly describe if you can't common contemporary management skills.


00:39:44.040 --> 00:39:51.180

Kieran Alcock: General common sense you could waffle us if you had to rather than learn off a list like this like we'd all be fairly short managers should be able


00:39:51.840 --> 00:39:58.290

Kieran Alcock: And willing around the skill of communication and your soft skills, interpersonal skills. All right.


00:39:58.740 --> 00:40:08.460

Kieran Alcock: And there should be an ethics orientation there in terms of behaving acceptably doing what's acceptable doing what's expected and so on.


00:40:09.090 --> 00:40:14.880

Kieran Alcock: And this should be flexibility around your ability to manage change. All right, because now it is


00:40:15.330 --> 00:40:21.810

Kieran Alcock: And you saw it in the, in the last section of the book they refer to this thing called the dynamic business environment.


00:40:22.200 --> 00:40:31.350

Kieran Alcock: Well, the business environment. Now it is is dynamic. There's no point looking at it any other way, there's always things happening that change the outlook, change the current


00:40:31.830 --> 00:40:41.100

Kieran Alcock: And change the future and you have to kind of deal with that. So any and every manager should have an ability around dealing with change and being flexible.


00:40:41.670 --> 00:40:49.410

Kieran Alcock: To deal with change. Obviously, the ability to motivate is a huge one. Because if you're not able to motivate people, you won't maximize the performance that you get with them.


00:40:51.180 --> 00:41:01.350

Kieran Alcock: And then there's this one that I have a kind of a dislike for. But anyway, it's there and managers are expected to have the mistake of political skills political awareness as in


00:41:02.730 --> 00:41:15.570

Kieran Alcock: Not just your external politics, but certainly and most definitely the internal politics of organizations. And sometimes there's politics involved in terms of trying to achieve what you want to achieve, or trying to get people to do what you want them to do.


00:41:16.770 --> 00:41:34.140

Kieran Alcock: Is tends to be more of a politics than capability in a lot of organizations. And of course, then you have your conflict management and most people would say conflict management will be an essential skill for managers are always wanting to eat on conflicts at some stage and


00:41:35.970 --> 00:41:47.730

Kieran Alcock: David Maloney for controls established firm standards measure performance compared yeah that's control. That's the plan, do, check, act model and I'm talking about there. Okay. It wasn't the feed for feedback, etc.


00:41:48.870 --> 00:41:49.920

Kieran Alcock: And anyway.


00:41:51.060 --> 00:42:02.730

Kieran Alcock: Which were only categories so conflict management resolving conflicts being conciliatory empathetic, etc. So being able to put yourself in somebody else's shoes so that


00:42:04.680 --> 00:42:12.240

Kieran Alcock: You can understand where they're coming from, or what their issue is rather than just seeing something on the face of insane, right. That's the problem. And I'd have


00:42:12.630 --> 00:42:18.990

Kieran Alcock: To tell everybody to cut themselves on so on sorted out, because that's not always the way sometimes it is the way it was not always doing now.


00:42:20.850 --> 00:42:37.110

Kieran Alcock: We talked about em conceptual skills, interpersonal skills technical skills and political skills as categories. Okay. Under mentioned terribly Robert cats on page 47. So sometimes the examiner is is prone to given questions like that.


00:42:38.730 --> 00:42:42.570

Kieran Alcock: And David, are you, are you still confused on something.


00:42:51.480 --> 00:43:02.730

Kieran Alcock: No. Okay, anyways. And so you have your conceptual interpersonal technical and political Robert cats, as I said, the examiner is someone's asking questions that are specific to a published


00:43:03.240 --> 00:43:12.870

Kieran Alcock: Source particular in this case will be Robert cats mentioned 1991 page 47 and your manual and you're basically talk more on what we mentioned on the previous page.


00:43:13.200 --> 00:43:22.260

Kieran Alcock: But you're going to have to explain them so conceptual as a skill is the ability to be able to view situation and and not just see what it is now. But what it could develop into


00:43:22.830 --> 00:43:30.210

Kieran Alcock: Race and interpersonal skills obviously getting on with people. That's your soft skills thing that we talked about before, and your


00:43:30.810 --> 00:43:39.480

Kieran Alcock: Social empathy and so on and technical skills, you would need specific knowledge, your own certain like if you're working in a production facility.


00:43:39.930 --> 00:43:50.460

Kieran Alcock: Knowledge of particular processes or computer programs or processes or software or whatever it is and then political thing is all about power base for most managers and


00:43:50.970 --> 00:44:06.000

Kieran Alcock: Not all people are into the political into things. A lot of people tend to just clean and do the work and are happy to do the work and are not interested in being who's best parlor. Who else's not best parlor, who's in and who's also street experienced that. And, but anyway.


00:44:07.080 --> 00:44:25.020

Kieran Alcock: We'll move it along. And we get to leadership. OK. And now we're, we're not doing too bad. I'm reasonable on time. Okay. Now, when we get to leadership is on Page 4748. And again, you start seeing these definitions by Robbins. Okay. The process of leading and influencing and


00:44:28.050 --> 00:44:34.770

Kieran Alcock: The process of leading and influencing that group knowledge. Something's wrong there. The process of leading in in slivers


00:44:36.450 --> 00:44:38.430

Kieran Alcock: I typed out right and you know the process of leading


00:44:39.450 --> 00:44:51.240

Kieran Alcock: A group and influencing that Korea. Korea rocket to achieve its goal. So it's not so much the management thing is more about coordinate and the resources, etc, etc. The leading thing.


00:44:51.660 --> 00:45:08.400

Kieran Alcock: Is more than just the organizing controlling commanding cetera. It's about setting a good example and getting people to follow you, rather than just do what they're told. Alright, so the key, the key words on the slate persuasion and influence


00:45:11.340 --> 00:45:22.710

Kieran Alcock: Now organizational leadership, there's one that you could see being put in as you know explain the difference. Explain organization. What's meant by organization organizational leadership, because the emphasis here is on the person.


00:45:23.100 --> 00:45:27.210

Kieran Alcock: Who's the leader. It's on the organization and its approach to things.


00:45:27.780 --> 00:45:34.680

Kieran Alcock: Okay, so if you're an organization. You see here and interpersonal process whereby organizations attempt to influence employees.


00:45:35.010 --> 00:45:44.220

Kieran Alcock: In accomplishing that objective and can be demonstrated by an employee at any level organization. So it's about how the company itself trees to


00:45:44.850 --> 00:45:49.920

Kieran Alcock: Lead right now. Most what we call know what is learning organizations.


00:45:50.640 --> 00:45:57.360

Kieran Alcock: Are very that's a key aspect of their organization leadership. It's not only about trying to get people to do things in a Certain Way.


00:45:57.750 --> 00:46:06.120

Kieran Alcock: But it's about letting them learn and saying, right, if things are done, but don't certain way, it could be improved. Maybe we could improve that and given them the power to improve


00:46:06.630 --> 00:46:15.510

Kieran Alcock: And then the organization learns and the people, the workers, learn and it's all about leadership from the organization's point of view, not from the individuals point of view.


00:46:17.730 --> 00:46:27.270

Kieran Alcock: Now think I'm losing my voice today. So here's a little table. I don't know if this table. This is on page or is gone. Yeah, it's on page 48


00:46:27.750 --> 00:46:39.750

Kieran Alcock: And has been known to appear in the past in terms of to see do students see that nuance of difference between the manager and a leader and again a manager doesn't have to be in a management.


00:46:41.820 --> 00:46:59.550

Kieran Alcock: frame of mind. They can you could be in a management job would actually be a leader, of course. All right. And what a lot of people to see management is very task oriented, you know, get the thing done. Whereas leaders are future oriented about achieving some longer term thing. Okay.


00:47:01.290 --> 00:47:03.000

Kieran Alcock: Who wants to previous slide again.


00:47:04.650 --> 00:47:06.120

Kieran Alcock: Is that what you wanted there. Okay.


00:47:08.070 --> 00:47:09.390

Kieran Alcock: Or is the one before that.


00:47:18.480 --> 00:47:21.300

Kieran Alcock: These. A lot of people open Moodle if they're not already honest okay


00:47:27.090 --> 00:47:28.050

Kieran Alcock: Page 40 ish


00:47:31.320 --> 00:47:39.270

Kieran Alcock: Okay right moving it on or was it. Okay, so you'll see the slight nuance and we talked about this table managers have subordinates.


00:47:39.930 --> 00:47:50.910

Kieran Alcock: There are people who report to them that tell them what to do, leaders have followers, they might not be your subordinates, they might be your equal. Okay. There might even be


00:47:52.410 --> 00:47:58.800

Kieran Alcock: People who are higher open and more senior positions than you would actually see you as the leader of a particular thing.


00:47:59.220 --> 00:48:03.480

Kieran Alcock: From a project or whatever from the way you're behaving and performing in your work.


00:48:03.990 --> 00:48:10.680

Kieran Alcock: So managers, a lot of managers tend to be managers, because they're in the job. That's your manager, because your job title is a manager.


00:48:11.310 --> 00:48:19.620

Kieran Alcock: Leaders not necessary for you to be a manager, not necessary for you to be a Senior Director, etc. To be a leader. Okay.


00:48:20.040 --> 00:48:29.520

Kieran Alcock: So managers that tends to be very functional thing that you have subordinates because they're on a lower level than you and the organization and you're responsible for telling them what to do, and so on. Whereas leaders.


00:48:30.780 --> 00:48:37.800

Kieran Alcock: Leaders show themselves by the way to behave and what they achieved and so on. And people can identify with them and kind of follow them. They're all race.


00:48:38.610 --> 00:48:46.980

Kieran Alcock: And subordinates with managers, you do what you're told he might have no time front manager at all. You might think are very bad manager and so on.


00:48:47.400 --> 00:48:57.180

Kieran Alcock: Both your subordinates, which is what what you're told with leaders, you get followers from all over and organization who admired the way you do the work of the warrior right attitude to it and so on.


00:48:58.080 --> 00:49:11.610

Kieran Alcock: So that's the slight nuance managers tend to be work focused as an organizer get that. Don't do that. Get it done. Get it done, get it done. So they're all about folks getting tasks done, whereas leaders are more people focused


00:49:12.060 --> 00:49:20.520

Kieran Alcock: They're more focused on how they can incentivize and motivate people and keep people happy or make people happier make people more productive and efficient and so on.


00:49:21.360 --> 00:49:30.450

Kieran Alcock: Managers, again, it's the more conservative they seek comfort. They seek stability, whereas leaders don't seek that they say well,


00:49:30.960 --> 00:49:33.540

Kieran Alcock: That's the way we've always done it. Maybe there's a better way of doing


00:49:34.170 --> 00:49:43.800

Kieran Alcock: Okay, whereas a manager mindset traditionally speaking is stay with what you know this is how we always did it. Don't try anything else. This is we're good at this. We know how to do it and


00:49:44.220 --> 00:49:52.530

Kieran Alcock: Even if there is a better way you'd never consider even thinking. Was there a better way leaders straight to think of the bigger picture, and the future and say,


00:49:53.070 --> 00:50:03.930

Kieran Alcock: You know, maybe it will be worth taking the risk of trying something different to change the way we do something because it might actually improve it significantly over the longer term, so


00:50:04.980 --> 00:50:06.180

Kieran Alcock: You could probably see


00:50:08.040 --> 00:50:10.830

Kieran Alcock: Yeah, you can probably see the essence of it in the last link.


00:50:11.640 --> 00:50:17.280

Kieran Alcock: Managers are reactive to don't really change anything until they're forced to buy events or circumstances.


00:50:17.610 --> 00:50:25.500

Kieran Alcock: Where as leaders are proactive. They tend to try new things and be preemptive rather than reactive okay and say, right.


00:50:25.890 --> 00:50:32.430

Kieran Alcock: Let's try it. We were very good at this, or whatever will run into a redesign that system because there's a better way of doing it, where we think it's a better way. We're going to try this.


00:50:32.880 --> 00:50:40.500

Kieran Alcock: And we'll check it, then if it's not better, where we can come back. But if it is a better way. We're going forward. Alright, so it's really about mindset.


00:50:42.030 --> 00:50:48.060

Kieran Alcock: And there's your skills of effective leaders. Now again did overlap a little bit with managers. If we go back to the manager one


00:50:49.530 --> 00:50:53.100

Kieran Alcock: Yeah, conceptual interpersonal and so on. And then we get to the leadership one


00:50:54.360 --> 00:51:02.070

Kieran Alcock: And you'll see empathy competency communication forward looking emotional intelligence. Most of those are people focus skills.


00:51:02.820 --> 00:51:11.820

Kieran Alcock: Empathy, being able to understand other people and put yourself in someone else's situation and kind of understand how they're feeling about something competency


00:51:12.390 --> 00:51:25.560

Kieran Alcock: Is to do with being able to do your job on as a leader. Most people would say leaders are the people who should be open to senior level of an organization, as we said, you don't have to be to be behaving as a leader but ideally you need leaders at the top.


00:51:26.130 --> 00:51:33.030

Kieran Alcock: Of the organization and they to be there. You should have those strong skills around being able to assess and all the rest. Okay.


00:51:33.390 --> 00:51:39.900

Kieran Alcock: And notice moral principles are mentioned in there as well because ethics is much more important thing and more and more important.


00:51:40.740 --> 00:51:57.630

Kieran Alcock: Than years gone by communication skills, obviously you have to be able to communicate effectively and make get the information out there and so on. And I know people who would have been very good to lead. Let's say a sports team on a football pitch.


00:51:58.740 --> 00:52:10.770

Kieran Alcock: But they couldn't run a meeting in the in the dressing room and in terms of before a match or a half time they couldn't because didn't have the people, the public speaking skills, you know, going to go into pitch.


00:52:12.000 --> 00:52:19.590

Kieran Alcock: They lead by example and different story than two were always still seen as a very strong and effective leader, even though they didn't necessarily have the communications go


00:52:19.920 --> 00:52:28.200

Kieran Alcock: So sometimes an effective leader will notice what they're and recognize their own shortcomings and Sarah I get somebody else in to do those things for me.


00:52:28.920 --> 00:52:37.290

Kieran Alcock: Okay, and then you have forward looking, so that's, again, about vision for the future. And the last one, the emotional and social intelligence is a big one.


00:52:38.340 --> 00:52:52.650

Kieran Alcock: Being aware of your own and other people's emotions are huge and it can be it can get you into trouble. If you're not, and sometimes, for example, as anyone here ever had a row in work.


00:52:54.300 --> 00:52:56.310

Kieran Alcock: It read a row with one of your colleagues are


00:52:57.720 --> 00:53:08.760

Kieran Alcock: Never had a row it all. So sometimes you find when you have a row with somebody and you know maybe gets into a bit of a shouting match etc etc and


00:53:09.780 --> 00:53:18.120

Kieran Alcock: Yet actually nearly could be shaking at the end of it, not necessarily with temporary. It's just that, you know, the adrenaline gets pumped and etc etc and


00:53:19.260 --> 00:53:27.450

Kieran Alcock: A lot of things maybe or said in the heat of the moment. And that's not the same to say those things. Okay, so when you're talking about emotional and social intelligence.


00:53:27.690 --> 00:53:40.050

Kieran Alcock: You're aware of your own feelings. Your where their feelings and sometimes the best thing to do is say, Yeah, I'm just going to go for a break here. We'll be back in 20 minutes and we'll sit down and have a chat that so you take all the tempers and all of that.


00:53:41.250 --> 00:53:46.890

Kieran Alcock: Because you're being intelligent about what you're you're aware of, of the scenario to faces here. OK.


00:53:48.150 --> 00:53:48.480

Kieran Alcock: Now,


00:53:50.160 --> 00:53:58.050

Kieran Alcock: Where are we going next one. So there's your types of leadership approaches. Then, and sorry director saying something to me and choice and so


00:53:58.530 --> 00:54:08.730

Kieran Alcock: On empathetic villains just going to be the ruination of a business for periods of time. Yes, I've seen I've seen it in action over many, many years where


00:54:09.900 --> 00:54:15.930

Kieran Alcock: You can see the different indicators throws an organization that all lead back to the manager, taking the wrong approach.


00:54:16.590 --> 00:54:30.780

Kieran Alcock: And they understand. It's very hard when you're aware of each other's feelings, but they're totally oblivious. Yeah. Yeah, that's true. Yeah. And because they seem to be then just a complete nuisance day because they're blind to problems and


00:54:32.070 --> 00:54:32.970

Kieran Alcock: Okay, so


00:54:34.080 --> 00:54:36.750

Kieran Alcock: Types of leadership approaches again and


00:54:37.950 --> 00:54:45.900

Kieran Alcock: All like when you start seeing labels like the trays approach or the charismatic approaches on their favorite things that come up in exams again.


00:54:46.590 --> 00:54:51.900

Kieran Alcock: Alright examiners love stuff like that that are specific theories around something


00:54:52.350 --> 00:54:58.050

Kieran Alcock: And you will probably find if you flick through the book and I'm seeing that there are no yeah I am seeing looking at Australia where


00:54:58.560 --> 00:55:14.250

Kieran Alcock: The real little bit talking about a theory and then we'll give you a table, talking about its, its benefits and limitations and stuff like that. That's the type of stuff that is meat and drink to an examiner setting an example. Okay. So if we look at a few of them, then


00:55:15.660 --> 00:55:20.910

Kieran Alcock: There's your trace approach. So what is a trait, a trace is a characteristic


00:55:22.110 --> 00:55:31.590

Kieran Alcock: And the card into the trays approach leaders are born. So you're kind of born with that characteristic in your DNA. And that makes you a leader.


00:55:32.940 --> 00:55:42.300

Kieran Alcock: Race and the training process. And yet, said has certain characteristics that leaders would have legalities once adaptability surface and so on and


00:55:43.350 --> 00:55:48.300

Kieran Alcock: They can be found in London leaders to where you would think, oh, you know, people who are very, very assertive, but they're not leaders.


00:55:49.230 --> 00:55:53.400

Kieran Alcock: They're just able to stand up for themselves. They're not leaders in the overall context of something


00:55:53.940 --> 00:56:01.500

Kieran Alcock: And I know people who are very self confident and things that they do what they don't take it on for the purpose of leadership. Leadership or anything like that.


00:56:01.950 --> 00:56:11.040

Kieran Alcock: I know people who are very, very good. From a social and emotional intelligence point of view portal again wouldn't be on it from a leadership angle now.


00:56:11.730 --> 00:56:20.760

Kieran Alcock: That doesn't mean that they're not actually leading and behaving that way. And I remember seeing it once with it with a an underage team is something that stuck with me.


00:56:22.440 --> 00:56:32.550

Kieran Alcock: And we had we'd gone and played this tournament and you know when you've been under age team Wonder Twins are under 10s and whatever they are, you have loads and loads young fillers and they all want to play and all the rest of us.


00:56:33.030 --> 00:56:42.270

Kieran Alcock: And as the team progress true that the tournament. You could see it, lads were getting tired and more than getting as much of a game and so on, all the rest of it.


00:56:42.630 --> 00:56:48.030

Kieran Alcock: But at the end of it all. They won the tournament, and everybody gets a medal and all the rest of it and a good coach.


00:56:48.720 --> 00:56:55.530

Kieran Alcock: You could see him later on the boss. Remember, and this is an example of seeing yourself and actually going to players that didn't get to play.


00:56:56.070 --> 00:57:00.450

Kieran Alcock: As many minutes or as often maybe as some of the other players.


00:57:00.990 --> 00:57:10.620

Kieran Alcock: And encouraging them and explaining to them that this is the start of, you know, on it. There's, there's other things because it's not all about everybody playing every minute, and so on and so forth.


00:57:10.830 --> 00:57:18.930

Kieran Alcock: Alright, so that's showing leadership from a cultural point of view, and it gives the team players who aren't necessarily up front and center.


00:57:19.530 --> 00:57:38.700

Kieran Alcock: The, the idea that maybe they can, at some point, make it to up front and center. Okay. And once Janice showed me here. Now, what you find is the most important trade for a manager overall for me. And the most important trade for a manager is honesty.


00:57:40.290 --> 00:57:41.790

Kieran Alcock: Yes. What do you think, and


00:57:44.010 --> 00:57:54.450

Kieran Alcock: I knew probably be plenty people will contradict me on that. But I think. Yeah, honestly, brings in all of these other ones if you if you're inclined to lie to your staff, a


00:57:55.410 --> 00:57:58.350

Kieran Alcock: You don't get to trust and what a trustee of north of


00:57:59.010 --> 00:58:12.360

Kieran Alcock: Ok and now a lot of this stuff overlaps with leaders what remember the manager is task focused get a task done the leaders future focused and people focused. So, and again, trust will be big one for leadership's as well because obviously


00:58:12.720 --> 00:58:14.430

Kieran Alcock: If people are interested or not going to follow you.


00:58:15.870 --> 00:58:24.480

Kieran Alcock: Three standing on the on the edge of a river and Santa, everybody ready I'm gonna wait across and everybody needs to follow me in single file did entre should go.


00:58:25.530 --> 00:58:26.730

Kieran Alcock: Anyways, and


00:58:27.990 --> 00:58:47.430

Kieran Alcock: Okay, so, and trade theory is basically saying you're born with the characteristic and that's what makes you a leader, but the weakness of that, of course, is that not everybody is born with these characteristics and yet end up in a leadership position. So you're kind of making that


00:58:48.570 --> 00:59:03.990

Kieran Alcock: LITTLE NUANCE. Again, I'm saying well there are a leader in terms of their in the job, but they're not necessarily a leader in their capability to do that and to lead by example and so on. Alright, so, and all of these different approaches. They all have different bits of weaknesses in them.


00:59:05.040 --> 00:59:20.340

Kieran Alcock: And now there's your behavioral leadership approach. Okay, this one is on Page 51 of the manual and this one brings in a couple of different studies that were done the Ohio State and the Michigan State Leadership Studies. Okay, and


00:59:21.990 --> 00:59:26.280

Kieran Alcock: So we're talking here about specific behaviors differentiate and leadership.


00:59:27.060 --> 00:59:36.750

Kieran Alcock: Or leaders from on leaders, so the last one was specific traits characteristics. Now it's behaviors are talking about. So if you think about it, and again, two different theories


00:59:37.200 --> 00:59:46.770

Kieran Alcock: Are different publications, but a lot of it's the same stuff repeated in Ohio Ohio State University study to talk to a concern for people and concern for task.


00:59:47.850 --> 00:59:57.870

Kieran Alcock: No concern for people tends to be more of a leadership thing, whereas concerned for tasks consume more of just a management team. Okay, get the thing. Don't miss this.


00:59:58.800 --> 01:00:05.550

Kieran Alcock: And now look at the Michigan's studies task oriented relationship oriented participant of


01:00:06.450 --> 01:00:14.190

Kieran Alcock: task oriented is the very same as what Ohio State were taught moment is a concern for task, same thing. Okay, getting people to do the thing getting adult


01:00:14.850 --> 01:00:21.960

Kieran Alcock: Relationship oriented and participants of leadership is leaning back towards what the Ohio State referred to as concern for people


01:00:22.410 --> 01:00:26.910

Kieran Alcock: So it's not just about saying, well, this is we don't we get this don't, I don't care who is fixed or pleased


01:00:27.780 --> 01:00:40.110

Kieran Alcock: We get this done. But we want to keep these people with us. We want them to come along with us rather than fight against everything that we're trying to do. Okay, so you can see a different approach being considered helpful support, support.


01:00:41.490 --> 01:00:54.270

Kieran Alcock: And participant of leadership is a leadership style that allows people to have their input. You don't just say I make the decision. I am in charge. That's the decision you allow them to make a


01:00:55.590 --> 01:01:04.590

Kieran Alcock: Suggestion suggestions and so on. Okay. Because then everybody feels it's a team. Everybody feels it's a collaboration. And again, and if you use a sports analogy there.


01:01:05.190 --> 01:01:20.670

Kieran Alcock: And you can have an you've seen as in professional sports, many, many times where you had all the best players, you know, multi million spent on players and yet the team wasn't succeeding. Why because of brilliant people individually, but together they were not collaboration.


01:01:21.840 --> 01:01:25.140

Kieran Alcock: Again, back to your rowing Bosch analogy.


01:01:26.340 --> 01:01:35.910

Kieran Alcock: And then we get into benefits and limitations. Now, did I put the benefits and limitations. I didn't for the trade theory one there is the benefits and limitations and must make a note for that.


01:01:37.170 --> 01:01:37.890

Kieran Alcock: Trade theory.


01:01:39.360 --> 01:01:45.630

Kieran Alcock: And benefits and limitations to if you were you see a table.


01:01:46.590 --> 01:01:55.620

Kieran Alcock: It's a sure sign of there's an example of question the parties, the theory explain how it works and then go into the benefits and limitations. So just for the trace one it says


01:01:56.280 --> 01:02:04.500

Kieran Alcock: certain traits are measurable and can be identified like strength. Fair enough. I heard people talking about rugby players. This week where there's a big match on understand


01:02:05.130 --> 01:02:11.580

Kieran Alcock: Or display was whatever doing out lifting everybody in the gym and all the rest of it. That's something you can measure


01:02:12.090 --> 01:02:15.990

Kieran Alcock: You can have statistics to say what their gym rotations are and repetition, so on.


01:02:16.500 --> 01:02:23.700

Kieran Alcock: And creating a classification of traits enables managers to examine substrates and potential employees yet. So we have a list of traits there on the screen.


01:02:24.150 --> 01:02:32.640

Kieran Alcock: You could examine individual employees does it yourself. And I could reach individual employees to see how flexible and adaptable. The our home wonder face with a charge


01:02:35.190 --> 01:02:41.940

Kieran Alcock: Our particular challenging environment or whatever, it's going to be, it may be possible to identify future leaders, right.


01:02:43.080 --> 01:02:50.250

Kieran Alcock: Now you'll find and this will be the same with the motivation here is there's been lots of terms of benefits and limitations, but a lot of the same stuff keeps going up.


01:02:50.820 --> 01:02:53.910

Kieran Alcock: So you could kind of learn a generic set and say, well,


01:02:54.540 --> 01:03:05.520

Kieran Alcock: If there's three or four things to kind of apply to nearly every theory and I put them in has benefits of theories and three or four things that play into them. The negatives, or put them as limitations learn one table you have it there, you can play it to anything.


01:03:06.540 --> 01:03:06.990

Kieran Alcock: Anyways,


01:03:08.310 --> 01:03:13.350

Kieran Alcock: There's your benefits and limitations to do with the behavioral approach. Okay.


01:03:14.130 --> 01:03:22.530

Kieran Alcock: And the benefits it looks at more dimensions, then treat. So the treachery was looking hang on this or something minuscule non does not and


01:03:23.130 --> 01:03:28.260

Kieran Alcock: The Traitor he was basically just saying no, unless you have these traits are not a leader. Well, there's more tools.


01:03:28.830 --> 01:03:36.270

Kieran Alcock: You might have a particular characteristic will behave in a certain way. So there's a bit more tools. It's always a bit more complex.


01:03:36.780 --> 01:03:45.510

Kieran Alcock: It's because it looks at more elements that means it should theoretically be a more realistic or more plausible theory than the traitor, like I said,


01:03:45.810 --> 01:03:53.520

Kieran Alcock: If the trade theory, Sam, while you're born with certain characteristics and that means you're going to be a leader. Well, that's probably not quite true, because


01:03:53.940 --> 01:03:59.250

Kieran Alcock: Lots of people have characteristics with the don't know we're born into a certain social class or something and they never had the opportunity to


01:03:59.700 --> 01:04:08.940

Kieran Alcock: To maybe gainful employment or university education or whatever, it's going to be to get into a situation where our leadership will flourish.


01:04:09.930 --> 01:04:18.450

Kieran Alcock: And it's a great one for the behavioral approaches, because you know that there was two studies. The Ohio State and the Michigan studies.


01:04:18.900 --> 01:04:28.860

Kieran Alcock: You can set yourself well, if there are scientific studies on these things. Well that's scientific evidence that it means that it makes sense. And if that's the case, then


01:04:29.670 --> 01:04:36.180

Kieran Alcock: It's that's a good thing, it's backed up by science and possible to ship behavior potential candidates. Yeah.


01:04:36.570 --> 01:04:42.720

Kieran Alcock: Potential leadership candidates that's in every theory. If you have a theory that says, having green hair makes you a leader.


01:04:43.170 --> 01:04:49.170

Kieran Alcock: Then you can say, I can identify potential leaders all the people with green hair if you can say


01:04:49.890 --> 01:04:55.500

Kieran Alcock: If the theory says these are the certain behaviors are these are two certain characteristics that are


01:04:56.010 --> 01:05:04.590

Kieran Alcock: Common to leaders, then you can develop these in people and make them into leaders okay no trade theory would say you're born, you're not made a leader.


01:05:04.890 --> 01:05:10.740

Kieran Alcock: What most people would say no, you learn from your mistakes and actually can learn the skills to become a leader.


01:05:11.490 --> 01:05:17.520

Kieran Alcock: Otherwise, all these people making a fortune or continuous professional development so on. It wouldn't be needed.


01:05:18.300 --> 01:05:25.260

Kieran Alcock: Anyway limitations. It's very general and may discount peripheral influences, such as background and social status.


01:05:26.250 --> 01:05:35.850

Kieran Alcock: Yeah, maybe you'll behave a different way because of your background and I think I gave you the example before have students from different nationalities and


01:05:36.690 --> 01:05:44.190

Kieran Alcock: For a student can be very loud and confident in lecture theatre and you'd have other students who will be very, very quiet and never say boo to a most kind of thing.


01:05:44.640 --> 01:05:52.200

Kieran Alcock: And nothing to do with their competence and capabilities but to do with their background and their cultural upbringing and so on.


01:05:53.130 --> 01:06:03.210

Kieran Alcock: And situational factors are secondary factors to the behavior and card and behavioral approach. Okay, which wouldn't necessarily always be the thing sometimes for behavior.


01:06:04.560 --> 01:06:17.400

Kieran Alcock: It has to be a certain behavior because of the situation you're in. And then your leadership qualities he loses and studies will not necessarily guarantee success. That's true. And you can always say certain things are are


01:06:18.900 --> 01:06:21.960

Kieran Alcock: The characteristics that you want in leadership. And then when you get them.


01:06:22.710 --> 01:06:30.510

Kieran Alcock: They don't match the particular environment that you're in or whatever and you don't get to success, just by virtue of having the characteristics or qualities he lasers.


01:06:31.470 --> 01:06:38.070

Kieran Alcock: And then we get to the contingency approach. So a contingency plan, you'd be familiar with time is from the whammy.


01:06:39.030 --> 01:06:52.440

Kieran Alcock: It's kind of a backup approach. Okay, so this one talks about fielder the LPC scale. Okay. Now, I don't know if it went into it in more detail in your book. Those it has high LPC scale and a low LPC scale.


01:06:52.830 --> 01:07:00.630

Kieran Alcock: And it basically talks about one being human relations oriented and one being task oriented and that's again.


01:07:01.050 --> 01:07:15.900

Kieran Alcock: Going back to the very original ones to talk about concern for task concern for people. Okay. So you're seeing repetition through all of these theories. Now one of the things you'll find with academics is academics like to get published. Okay, it's the thing that's kind of power to their


01:07:16.980 --> 01:07:22.080

Kieran Alcock: Directed in their career to get published, kudos career progression, so on.


01:07:22.680 --> 01:07:29.970

Kieran Alcock: And you'll always find one has written a theory and publishes someone else to write your theory that might be quite similar to tweak it a little bit and they publish


01:07:30.510 --> 01:07:42.870

Kieran Alcock: can't copy because tennis player trees. Okay, so you're going to find what all of these theories, there is a definite common trend and and some overlap with all of these because they are just trying to improve on a previous theory or whatever.


01:07:44.250 --> 01:07:44.730

Kieran Alcock: And


01:07:46.260 --> 01:07:54.360

Kieran Alcock: So if LPC is is giving you a scale on a on a survey on a questionnaire, if you like. And then based on your score. You're either


01:07:54.900 --> 01:08:04.440

Kieran Alcock: And human relations oriented or task oriented. If you're human relations going to they'd say, you're more concerned about relationships with people that you work with. That's more of a leadership thing.


01:08:05.100 --> 01:08:12.300

Kieran Alcock: If you are task oriented. That's probably more management thing. So it gives an idea for both should be on to continue and


01:08:12.960 --> 01:08:24.000

Kieran Alcock: And you see as your task oriented leaders are more effective in extremely favorable or extremely own favorable situations. No fielder gives a little bit of explanation that by saying


01:08:24.630 --> 01:08:35.490

Kieran Alcock: Good leadership subordinate relationship highly structured tasks highly leadership position power all me in a favorable situation right


01:08:35.940 --> 01:08:42.750

Kieran Alcock: So if you're a task oriented person, someone who gets things done, you're particularly useful where you have


01:08:43.230 --> 01:08:48.060

Kieran Alcock: A good relation with your subordinates, or you're in a highly structured organization where


01:08:48.570 --> 01:08:54.510

Kieran Alcock: You have power because of the position you're in. That's a very that's a favorable situation know if you reversed, all of that.


01:08:55.260 --> 01:09:02.970

Kieran Alcock: And you didn't have good leadership subordinate relations and it's not so structured and you don't have grid power.


01:09:03.570 --> 01:09:13.230

Kieran Alcock: That's a highly unfair situation. Okay. And it tends to be that you can be task oriented in that type of situation because of the regimented nature of


01:09:14.010 --> 01:09:21.540

Kieran Alcock: Okay. Now, wouldn't necessarily mean that they're all favorable or unfavorable. For example, if you're in, if you're if you're at war.


01:09:21.930 --> 01:09:27.390

Kieran Alcock: And your soon commander and you're saying, I need two people to go up and check that building for enemy combatants or whatever.


01:09:27.990 --> 01:09:32.820

Kieran Alcock: That's a very task oriented approach, you're not going to be too concerned about how to feel about


01:09:33.540 --> 01:09:43.980

Kieran Alcock: Race, you're not going to say, well, let's sit down, have a point and cigar and we'll chat about would force and then we'll see whether you're willing to go up there and check it would just be an order given and there they go. Alright.


01:09:44.490 --> 01:09:53.220

Kieran Alcock: And we're relationship oriented mentorship perform better in situations that float around in the middle, you might not have as highly structured thing and regimented roles.


01:09:53.550 --> 01:10:03.360

Kieran Alcock: You just have a good relationship that you're able to get on with people and you're able to kind of mollycoddle them along and motivate them that way. Okay.


01:10:04.800 --> 01:10:11.070

Kieran Alcock: Then you get the charismatic approach to leadership and with the charismatic and by the way, there was no table in the book for fielder's approach.


01:10:11.430 --> 01:10:17.190

Kieran Alcock: In terms of benefits and limitations, you'd all be fairly familiar with charismatic leaders already. So these are leaders.


01:10:18.150 --> 01:10:33.630

Kieran Alcock: Whose approach is based on their ability to influence others because of their own inspirational qualities and I asked this question every year, want to do with this theory I asked people to name a charismatic leader and I'm going to ask you guys to name a charismatic leader.


01:10:36.300 --> 01:10:43.110

Kieran Alcock: Know to participants have raised hands. There are three participants raised hands if you just put into chat, what you're gonna say


01:10:43.710 --> 01:10:57.540

Kieran Alcock: Be the hockey Man We've Obama, Obama, Obama, Obama Trump and Hillary mentioned Bill Clinton, you're gonna have some kind of a Liverpool fan here somewhere. Where to go back and find out who the Liverpool fan. And so I can kick them out. Class A


01:10:59.010 --> 01:11:02.850

Kieran Alcock: Right. So we've lost them there. Right. You know, you're fat.


01:11:05.850 --> 01:11:09.330

Kieran Alcock: And you have loads of them there. And some people will be saying


01:11:10.470 --> 01:11:13.620

Kieran Alcock: Gosh. Just read, there's good ones, and there's bad ones in terms of


01:11:14.100 --> 01:11:25.350

Kieran Alcock: You know favorable and in a very negative image like Hitler would have a very negative image, but he was a charismatic leader people followed them because they wanted his approach this delete his approach and to follow them now.


01:11:25.800 --> 01:11:29.790

Kieran Alcock: Also, possibly because if they didn't follow him. He waited on something and


01:11:31.380 --> 01:11:39.450

Kieran Alcock: Your store, you're good. Yes. What were your concert, you're gonna know. I was gonna say you're gonna flop. But that wouldn't be fair with


01:11:41.610 --> 01:11:48.810

Kieran Alcock: Patrick Vieira that's an Arsenal Fan Joan of Arc that will be a Sheffield Wednesday fan maybe and


01:11:50.700 --> 01:12:02.130

Kieran Alcock: Anyway, so what I'm saying is, people identify some characteristic that they follow. They like if they identify with and they follow like yeah man and beyond over in America, Trump


01:12:03.090 --> 01:12:13.020

Kieran Alcock: Huge amount of people identified with him. And that's what got him elected. Right. And you'll see the negatives like Dad All hitters that Benito Mussolini is


01:12:13.530 --> 01:12:24.480

Kieran Alcock: A we're history would say it was negative things about them, but they had plenty of followers and then you'll see links will bomb and Yeah, mine too. Fuzzy headed fellow over in England, what's his face.


01:12:27.810 --> 01:12:38.010

Kieran Alcock: Boris Johnson and all these people. Yeah. So look at the charismatic leaders and you'll say strong needs for power, probably any politician. You ever met. Okay.


01:12:38.790 --> 01:12:51.930

Kieran Alcock: Self Confidence most politicians again like he could, you could you could fire in your examples there strong needs for power. Definitely Trump self confidence. Definitely Obama strong beliefs in their ideas definitely most


01:12:53.220 --> 01:13:02.070

Kieran Alcock: Politicians and military leaders and so on, visionaries who communicate effectively john f kennedy and what's your man. Dr. Phil


01:13:02.580 --> 01:13:09.360

Kieran Alcock: Bill Clinton was another one. Okay, he communicated in a way that got people in they got the message, you know,


01:13:09.930 --> 01:13:22.050

Kieran Alcock: Got their attention and takes innovative actions to achieve their goals. Okay portrays self sacrifice some behalf of a company or whatever. Yeah, astute reader of a business environments, often on conventional


01:13:22.710 --> 01:13:29.760

Kieran Alcock: And you probably think it leaks and Michael O'Leary and so on their your mind from from Virgin and


01:13:30.780 --> 01:13:39.060

Kieran Alcock: The cultivation certain image. Yeah, you remember, Bertie Ahern would is anoraks any of us old enough to remember, Bertie Ahern, what is annex.


01:13:39.900 --> 01:13:56.580

Kieran Alcock: And you might think of Boris would is fuzzy hair, you might think of Trump would is comb over and you might think of Adolphe Hitler with his military uniforms Winston Churchill. What is cigars and so on and so forth. Alright.


01:13:57.660 --> 01:14:02.970

Kieran Alcock: Anyways, Sharon says, No, she's not old enough to remember. Okay.


01:14:04.020 --> 01:14:08.250

Kieran Alcock: What you started something here have like the Antarctic and the yellow shows or so yeah yeah that's reaching


01:14:09.030 --> 01:14:21.180

Kieran Alcock: Anywhere, somebody is raising hands here if you have a question type it in and type it into chat or maybe you're just clicking on a button by accident or something that happens to me was


01:14:23.040 --> 01:14:27.840

Kieran Alcock: Not, not nose in there, right, moving on quickly we're


01:14:28.950 --> 01:14:31.740

Kieran Alcock: Situational approach to management or leadership.


01:14:33.150 --> 01:14:42.480

Kieran Alcock: Harris Harris. See, some of us are used to have the habit of calling them Hershey, as in the bar chocolate bar heresy and running shirts.


01:14:43.800 --> 01:14:53.160

Kieran Alcock: Yeah, and find leadership in terms of the direction and support the leader provides the subordinates. So to break it into quadrants. Okay, the leadership is


01:14:53.760 --> 01:14:57.270

Kieran Alcock: Leadership is task relevant and adaptable to a situation


01:14:57.930 --> 01:15:06.060

Kieran Alcock: So you can, you don't have to have the one studio and be stuck with that style. You can evolve and change depending on what you're dealing with on a day to day basis. Okay.


01:15:06.630 --> 01:15:14.520

Kieran Alcock: Now look at the four states that the dimension here directing coaching supporting and delegating. Now I don't know if the diagram is here still


01:15:15.900 --> 01:15:19.290

Kieran Alcock: It is still here. Okay, so you'll see from the diagram.


01:15:20.490 --> 01:15:28.920

Kieran Alcock: How they've broken it into quadrants you identify who is in the quadrants. And then this is where you adapt your approach to


01:15:29.610 --> 01:15:38.040

Kieran Alcock: Who's in that quadrant, or what's happening in that quadrant. Okay. So if you look at em on each quadrant here is a number. You have it 124 okay and


01:15:38.790 --> 01:15:43.290

Kieran Alcock: Now yeah I did do this. Okay, so I had a different diagram. Not sure what to put in this


01:15:43.830 --> 01:16:02.040

Kieran Alcock: So m one workers in EM one lakh skill and our own willing to take responsibility for the job. So those are people who don't want to be responsible and self directed and self motivators etc. So the type of approach you take there is directional


01:16:03.120 --> 01:16:05.880

Kieran Alcock: Tell them what to do. Okay, autocratic


01:16:07.410 --> 01:16:15.630

Kieran Alcock: Em to the one above it, their workers are lacking responsibility for the task being don't put their own willing to work at the task.


01:16:16.140 --> 01:16:22.800

Kieran Alcock: So that it's not their responsibility in terms of decisions being made, but yet they're willing to go out and get it done.


01:16:23.280 --> 01:16:35.880

Kieran Alcock: Okay. And in that case, you coach you don't just tell them what to do. You can see they're willing, so you don't have to be doing the autocratic stuff you bring them along with you you coach them and guide them on what's to be done.


01:16:36.870 --> 01:16:48.930

Kieran Alcock: Em three. So this is the supporting one. So in this quadrant. The workers are capable of doing the task, but they lack the confidence to take on the responsibility. And in that case, you're going to say.


01:16:50.100 --> 01:16:57.600

Kieran Alcock: Right. You know what you have to do, but I'm here. If you need anything, if you're stuck on anything, I'll be here, you can come back to me or whatever.


01:16:58.290 --> 01:17:02.520

Kieran Alcock: All right. And because a lot of a lot of workers are in that quadrant where


01:17:03.210 --> 01:17:11.580

Kieran Alcock: They are capable of doing the work. But the kind of sent shouldn't really decide on that. No, I should go back and ask the boss router and just to sleep. My cell phone. Okay.


01:17:12.120 --> 01:17:17.880

Kieran Alcock: It's the ones who are confident and often in making a decision during them without having to constantly keep going back for guidance owners.


01:17:18.150 --> 01:17:25.410

Kieran Alcock: Are the ones in quadrant for and that's where you're able to just delegate the work to them. And as you're kind of saying, well, this is what we want donor achieved.


01:17:25.890 --> 01:17:36.180

Kieran Alcock: Or where we should do whatever you like, get it on whatever way you like. Because you know how to do it. Okay. And that's you're delegating know. Any questions on on either. Hang on.


01:17:37.620 --> 01:17:41.580

Kieran Alcock: Screen is going to be a wobbly on me here song. It's a chest backup their


01:17:42.600 --> 01:17:50.580

Kieran Alcock: Lack of experience. Sometimes, rather than the yeah that's true, true. And sometimes, and again year there's words in here. There's a where you're kind of saying, well, maybe


01:17:51.480 --> 01:17:55.080

Kieran Alcock: Maybe it's the maybe we should have used experiences that have confidence but


01:17:55.440 --> 01:18:10.110

Kieran Alcock: They're the theories that that's what's used in the in the in the theoretical framework and most people who lack confidence is usually because of a lack of experience and yours is different to the book and wanting them to mixed up. I might. I might my whereas them. One of them to


01:18:11.970 --> 01:18:20.580

Kieran Alcock: Workers Kevin Owens hospital at the conference that Oh maybe I have done actually workers kept lifting works kept doing the task and lack the confidence to take on responsibility.


01:18:21.000 --> 01:18:28.170

Kieran Alcock: That's him three and then wanted to which ones have been mixed up in one or two and one workers lack the skill and I'm willing to take responsibility.


01:18:29.520 --> 01:18:40.590

Kieran Alcock: In relax the skills required and they're willing to work at the task they are novice board enthusiastic workers lacking responsibility for the task being done but willing to work at the task.


01:18:42.210 --> 01:18:54.690

Kieran Alcock: divisions are more able to do the task. However, they are motivated. For this task or task, your D motivates you. Okay, I think I've used that wording is from a different lecture push em.


01:18:55.980 --> 01:19:01.410

Kieran Alcock: Yeah, I'm going to correct what's later my own. Does anyone not number of athletes situation and approach.


01:19:08.100 --> 01:19:10.560

Kieran Alcock: In wanted him to switch them.


01:19:13.080 --> 01:19:14.250

Kieran Alcock: Very good. What a spot it.


01:19:15.480 --> 01:19:21.060

Kieran Alcock: And boom, boom. Okay, and one workers lack the skill on willing to


01:19:22.620 --> 01:19:30.810

Kieran Alcock: Em one here, it says individuals lack the specific skill required for the job they are willing, yeah. So that should be changed to willing


01:19:32.040 --> 01:19:50.010

Kieran Alcock: Okay, I want to know it all. Chancellor an M two individuals are more able to do the task or D motivates on willing. Yeah, so it's willing and unwilling as all their journey towards good need to change their mind mistake. Okay, then we get on to the idea of change management.


01:19:51.330 --> 01:19:51.720

Kieran Alcock: Now,


01:19:52.980 --> 01:20:06.000

Kieran Alcock: Change management is probably, I'd say maybe even the hottest topic in this chapter, and just looking to see what it is. Yeah, there's a bit on teams and stuff. That's a really hot topic, and then you get into motivation.


01:20:06.570 --> 01:20:14.880

Kieran Alcock: So when you get them on the change management question, it tends to be a three parter. But if you look at past paper. Sometimes it only comes up as a two part question.


01:20:16.020 --> 01:20:20.850

Kieran Alcock: Explain the areas that managers can address in terms of implementing a change and then


01:20:21.690 --> 01:20:28.530

Kieran Alcock: What what causes resistance to change or something is to just said the areas that you address and then how you overcome resistance to change.


01:20:28.920 --> 01:20:34.530

Kieran Alcock: But the nice one to get. And I think it did come up in recent years for all three came up as the end the full question was,


01:20:35.130 --> 01:20:49.710

Kieran Alcock: A tree elms managers can address change the factors that cause resistance to change and the strategies for overcoming resistance to change. It's not a difficult question. The past favorite she'll be on touch point on


01:20:50.850 --> 01:20:58.890

Kieran Alcock: Gemma, I think you should have been told us, but maybe not. And so you should have. I think everybody has a touch point account do. Yeah.


01:20:59.400 --> 01:21:07.770

Kieran Alcock: And if you went to touch points and there is a section on students and student materials and stuff like that. All the past papers are under our Visa Code section of them.


01:21:09.390 --> 01:21:15.900

Kieran Alcock: And anyways. So if you're going to change management and change the approach to doing things in an organization.


01:21:16.440 --> 01:21:23.130

Kieran Alcock: Structure technology and people are to generate the three key areas that you address so structure is like what we said before about the


01:21:23.580 --> 01:21:38.760

Kieran Alcock: Boards the directors divisions departments all of this, that's the structure that you're talking about whether it's very centralized or decentralized and all of that kind of stuff. And one of the things we talked about in one of our earlier days was


01:21:44.160 --> 01:21:47.790

Kieran Alcock: Hang on a second here, then what's this from inner


01:21:48.720 --> 01:22:03.240

Kieran Alcock: And more legit continuously if their own willing you direct them. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. But it's only warning. It's semantics really that we're talking about during the bush. I shouldn't really read my view on as it should be. The theory that I should say I will adjust that and


01:22:04.980 --> 01:22:14.280

Kieran Alcock: My revision yeah touch point is in my revision is in touch point for our was maybe the structures of change. But anyways, they're all they're available online and


01:22:15.720 --> 01:22:22.020

Kieran Alcock: They're great for working towards topics and seeing how questions have been asked in previous years.


01:22:22.500 --> 01:22:30.450

Kieran Alcock: So if you were looking at change management from the point of view structure technology people si P and P. There's three things you need to remember


01:22:30.960 --> 01:22:41.790

Kieran Alcock: And you need to be able to read a paragraph on each thing. So when you're talking about the structure of an organization you're always talking about who's in what department or division and who reports to who and all that kind of stuff.


01:22:42.630 --> 01:22:55.680

Kieran Alcock: And they would always mentioned the degree of centralization or decentralization so centralization means that all the core decisions are made at the center at one key power source in the organization and really


01:22:56.280 --> 01:23:05.040

Kieran Alcock: Nobody else can make the decisions and that slows the organization down. We did all this from talking with the board turn around address. Okay.


01:23:05.910 --> 01:23:13.290

Kieran Alcock: And because before decisions to be made, it has to go back to whoever makes the decisions and come back down to whoever's going to implement the decision slows everything down.


01:23:14.130 --> 01:23:27.060

Kieran Alcock: A decentralized organizations flatter retake a lot of those layers and you allow the power out there you delegate, not only the task, but the decision making ability out to different people. Okay, now technology.


01:23:28.290 --> 01:23:33.030

Kieran Alcock: What does technology do for you, the capital A is what I always tell students to use here.


01:23:34.950 --> 01:23:50.310

Kieran Alcock: You remember the capital A your costs on your price or revenue and the middle bit. There is your profit margin technology helps you to keep this bit down the costs down and this bit up charging higher prices because they're highly tech and innovative and etc etc. All right.


01:23:51.420 --> 01:23:54.930

Kieran Alcock: Because it gives you the ability to change how you do things.


01:23:55.500 --> 01:24:05.520

Kieran Alcock: To improve your processes, etc. To streamline things and so on, you know, you're replacing, for example, human resources with technological resources in a particular process.


01:24:05.970 --> 01:24:10.830

Kieran Alcock: It gives you consistency less downtime less rewards and so on and so forth.


01:24:11.640 --> 01:24:18.030

Kieran Alcock: And then the last one is people you have to address people, most of the time. If you're going to change anything, because you can change the structure


01:24:18.300 --> 01:24:36.780

Kieran Alcock: You can change the technology. But if the people refuse to work with us. You're getting nowhere. Okay, so that's where we're starting to get into the stuff about motivation and so on. Okay, and boom. So, okay, the capital E is what I refer to as the capital A is the profit margin.


01:24:37.830 --> 01:24:50.430

Kieran Alcock: Model. Now, if you were one of my direct students I taught them what the capital because it's it's actually did a keep those diagrams. I did. Hang on a second, or under the computer here. Okay, so these are diagrams that I did on the first weekend.


01:24:51.540 --> 01:24:53.610

Kieran Alcock: Session and to show you


01:24:55.470 --> 01:25:01.440

Kieran Alcock: That's what the capital, it looks like on the top you have price on the bottom you have costs the bids in the middle is your profit margin.


01:25:02.070 --> 01:25:07.230

Kieran Alcock: If your costs increase your profit margin shrinks, unless you can increase your price.


01:25:07.830 --> 01:25:20.790

Kieran Alcock: If your price comes down your profit margin shrinks, unless you can reduce your costs technology allows you to increase your prices and reduce your costs at the same time. So you've a double benefit from it. Okay.


01:25:21.780 --> 01:25:31.590

Kieran Alcock: And and that's your profit margin model, otherwise known as the capital A model or you call it the capital, it wouldn't be published its capital because it looks like a capitalized anyway.


01:25:33.270 --> 01:25:40.080

Kieran Alcock: Moving swiftly long reasons why people resist change most human beings are creatures of habits.


01:25:40.650 --> 01:25:46.860

Kieran Alcock: If we were in a lecture theatre right now and we had or whatever it is 200 people sitting in the lecture theatre.


01:25:47.310 --> 01:25:51.870

Kieran Alcock: And then next week we come in for another lecture in the same lecture theatre and the same 200 people come in.


01:25:52.380 --> 01:25:57.060

Kieran Alcock: 90% of them will be sitting in the very same seat that dessert in the last time. Okay.


01:25:57.420 --> 01:26:13.350

Kieran Alcock: So most of us are creatures of habit and because we're creatures of habit. We stick with what we always did. And that's one of the big reasons why you change gets resisted because people don't want to do that and different than what they are had already been used to doing okay and


01:26:14.430 --> 01:26:21.630

Kieran Alcock: Simple as that habit is another thing we all get into habits. We do the same thing, or it's kind of related to the


01:26:24.060 --> 01:26:33.060

Kieran Alcock: Actually the uncertainty and the habit are kind of related on certainty. If you're unsure of something or you're not quite sure what's happening here don't really understand this.


01:26:33.840 --> 01:26:38.310

Kieran Alcock: One of the best examples I can give you for this is when you're in work you've been working on a particular


01:26:38.970 --> 01:26:46.080

Kieran Alcock: It system for years. You can do it in your sleep. At this stage, and then somebody comes along, says we're putting in new software, we're putting in a new system.


01:26:46.470 --> 01:26:54.990

Kieran Alcock: And and you're all going to be using this new software now to do whatever it is payroll codes in words I works, whatever it is, and


01:26:56.250 --> 01:27:06.270

Kieran Alcock: People get nervous because they're really good at the old system and there's going to be new system, they're going to be making mistakes on and so on and so forth. And it stresses demo. So the uncertainty causes and distress.


01:27:06.720 --> 01:27:16.290

Kieran Alcock: Not so much the habits that they built up over the years. And so if you're uncertain or something, you're not sure how this change will work for you, your resistance.


01:27:16.950 --> 01:27:20.700

Kieran Alcock: If you've gotten used to your own way of doing things as a creature habit.


01:27:21.240 --> 01:27:34.920

Kieran Alcock: You don't want to to vary from that they just think of a going to work every day, you probably DROVE THE SAME ROOF roof, you probably within five or 10 minutes of the same time every morning or whatever it is habit.


01:27:35.460 --> 01:27:40.830

Kieran Alcock: Okay. And if you're. You ever been late for me. Then you say, to take this detour here and then go down here.


01:27:41.490 --> 01:27:52.050

Kieran Alcock: And you're driving along, you certainly circling you getting stressed because you're you're adopted lays or whatever. And you're thinking, no I don't know her. This are not familiar with this particular route it only adds to the stress.


01:27:53.130 --> 01:27:56.460

Kieran Alcock: And then you have concerns over personal loss, where a lot of people


01:27:57.030 --> 01:28:07.830

Kieran Alcock: In in a workplace scenario where would have succeeded and don't very well over a period of time, and they've built up their career. And now there's going to be a change orders a new consultant coming in to change things. Can we be thinking wolf.


01:28:08.040 --> 01:28:14.430

Kieran Alcock: Will they lose status. Now when I lose the power base that I've built up over the years. So they'll resist the change


01:28:14.940 --> 01:28:24.660

Kieran Alcock: And then of course you have belief that it's not in the best interest of the organization. Now most human beings workers managers whatever go through every other reason before to get the they get to that one.


01:28:24.960 --> 01:28:30.840

Kieran Alcock: When technically was that one should be the first one, where you're saying, No, no, it's changed and all the rest of us both.


01:28:32.220 --> 01:28:37.710

Kieran Alcock: There's a net going okay and that's the obviously bored to tears. Anyway, em,


01:28:39.270 --> 01:28:46.440

Kieran Alcock: You cannot lose the change and through your knowledge and experience might say, well, not this changes and the one that we should implement but anyway.


01:28:47.310 --> 01:28:58.980

Kieran Alcock: Okay, so there's your first base. The things you change are the things you use to fiction second bit. What causes resistance and then you get these the techniques for overcoming resistance so


01:28:59.730 --> 01:29:06.300

Kieran Alcock: For example, people resist the change that they don't understand. So how do you make them understand this education and communication.


01:29:06.780 --> 01:29:17.550

Kieran Alcock: Okay, people resist the change that they feel like has been forced on them foisted on them. They had no centers. So how do you get them over that you give them a CNS, that's your participation. Okay.


01:29:18.330 --> 01:29:31.260

Kieran Alcock: people resist the change if their fears and think, oh, I'm not gonna be able to understand this new software system or whatever, it's going to be, how do you get them over to give them the training and support and the equipment etc that they need. Okay then, or less anxious


01:29:32.640 --> 01:29:33.150

Kieran Alcock: And


01:29:34.860 --> 01:29:36.570

Kieran Alcock: Boom. For example, when when


01:29:37.110 --> 01:29:47.820

Kieran Alcock: The lockdowns and all were happening enough. Lot of people who are teaching and education were saying, How am I going to teach online never taught online before August is a disaster. And we got under was terrible fear and anxiety. So


01:29:48.300 --> 01:29:55.410

Kieran Alcock: There was a question of given the resources to go humans to teaching the training and etc. And then we're happier and


01:29:56.190 --> 01:30:04.290

Kieran Alcock: At the moment you have a sad and depressed during the week where some of the, I think it's the ST or some of those teacher unions.


01:30:04.800 --> 01:30:11.670

Kieran Alcock: Are are expressing a level of fear and anxiety about returning to schools after the midterm break


01:30:12.180 --> 01:30:24.510

Kieran Alcock: Okay, what's the government going to do to try and counter that that have to try and facilitate safety and so on in the schools now. So the facilitators by announcing that all of these different


01:30:25.680 --> 01:30:32.580

Kieran Alcock: sanitizers etc on that we've been using or no all band also don't see is increased.


01:30:33.120 --> 01:30:43.080

Kieran Alcock: The fear and anxiety and so on race, so you have to train, how do you get around fear and anxiety you facilities. So if you were saying right we're banning all of that but


01:30:43.560 --> 01:30:48.720

Kieran Alcock: We've already got the replacement in place for you, then there's no need to be anxious. Okay.


01:30:49.320 --> 01:30:58.980

Kieran Alcock: And good example there from Helen about the exams going online and last summer that caused chaos. When students were told, yet going to be doing it online. You have to type your answers.


01:30:59.520 --> 01:31:08.730

Kieran Alcock: All my god students present type me answers, but I know going to type in to be a bit like me in terms of, you know, I wouldn't take properly. Well, I can type reasonably fast but not property so


01:31:09.540 --> 01:31:17.370

Kieran Alcock: And you guys are going to be doing your exams online, but you have a whole year to prep. Well, not quite. A year, but you've time to prep yourself and improve your typing skills.


01:31:19.020 --> 01:31:32.550

Kieran Alcock: And last year's group were created sold with a few weeks to go to be taken her exam. So you can't blame them for losing to get her to went mad. Anyway, I'm property so manipulation and cooperation so


01:31:33.750 --> 01:31:34.920

Kieran Alcock: Some people resist.


01:31:36.180 --> 01:31:47.550

Kieran Alcock: A for whatever reason they're going to resist and sometimes rather than bothering with education and training and all that. Sometimes if you can manipulate somebody else into comment on board, then the recipe will follow suit.


01:31:48.060 --> 01:31:54.450

Kieran Alcock: Okay. So you're seeing this here. When a powerful groups endorsement is needed if you can get certain people to agree with you.


01:31:54.840 --> 01:32:03.210

Kieran Alcock: That brings everybody else on board and didn't agree with you. Okay. The last one coercion, which is a bit more direct than manipulation and cooperation.


01:32:03.990 --> 01:32:06.930

Kieran Alcock: And coercion is basically forcing people to do something.


01:32:07.530 --> 01:32:15.570

Kieran Alcock: And that's not always a great idea but in some situations you do use coercion, because of the facts of the situation, let's say, the military or whatever.


01:32:15.930 --> 01:32:29.880

Kieran Alcock: You do what you're told. And that's that there's consequences for not following orders and so on. And in the business world. It's been hard nosed and a bit bit more cold and calculated and it might have a longer term effects in terms of


01:32:32.190 --> 01:32:39.720

Kieran Alcock: Relations and so on in terms of Porter, people will stay loyal and staying motivated and so on.


01:32:40.710 --> 01:32:54.930

Kieran Alcock: Okay, so that's your change management, I have that done in three slides, guys. And those three slides. If you had them separated. Oh 123 memories them. That's the skeleton of your answer. If that question comes up, okay.


01:32:56.580 --> 01:33:03.870

Kieran Alcock: Yeah, in the summer. That's what happens in the summer. It was a last minute kind of thing that would be typing and then there was such an uproar about what that they were allowed to


01:33:04.320 --> 01:33:18.300

Kieran Alcock: Scan but that's not going to happen in the future because everybody has plenty of time to develop their type racing and could you give an example of manipulation, please. I want a powerful groups endorsement is needed. Okay, let's say for example,


01:33:19.980 --> 01:33:24.330

Kieran Alcock: And you're the Minister for Health and you're trying to guess I'm


01:33:26.220 --> 01:33:28.950

Kieran Alcock: A change in the way things work the way things


01:33:30.510 --> 01:33:43.110

Kieran Alcock: The way systems are are done or whatever in health care delivery. And you might think to yourself, okay, the nurses server going to fight about this, the technicians are going to fight both this etc etc.


01:33:44.490 --> 01:33:46.650

Kieran Alcock: Or the consultants are going to float your boat. This


01:33:47.370 --> 01:33:59.190

Kieran Alcock: And you might say to yourself, Well, if we can get the nurses and the technicians on board, then the consultants will have less of an argument because people will be seeing all your just because you're a highly paid senior people you're not doing as etc etc.


01:33:59.490 --> 01:34:08.340

Kieran Alcock: And there's more pressure on them. And then we changed her position. Okay. Paul has mentioned good example. They're getting people to wear masks. You have to manipulate a bit


01:34:08.760 --> 01:34:16.050

Kieran Alcock: In terms of giving information that you get them to think about, you know, play on their emotions and so on. Okay, and


01:34:17.820 --> 01:34:33.810

Kieran Alcock: It's the same always happens when you have your public service agreements, you know, your collective bargaining approach and so on. Hundred doing deals with teachers, doctors, nurses guardi the military and so on so forth. Detroit to bounce one after the other, etc. Okay.


01:34:34.860 --> 01:34:35.430

Kieran Alcock: Anyways,


01:34:36.960 --> 01:34:46.590

Kieran Alcock: For my gun there reached 12 minutes past according to my watch your groups and teams now groups and teams as straightforward an offer in terms of


01:34:48.090 --> 01:34:54.000

Kieran Alcock: as same as change management, you know, he's a lot in change management, but when you can reduce the don't three slides as a kind of a


01:34:55.680 --> 01:35:14.640

Kieran Alcock: Memory notes. That's brilliant because memories and three slides takes in all length of time at all. But we're teams. There's two authors mentioned. Okay. Okay. You have daft was mentioned as a definition of what goes on with teams etc and put you two guys in terms of theories, you have


01:35:15.780 --> 01:35:24.960

Kieran Alcock: Treatment and Belbin. All right, now one year to date, ask about the difference between an actual officially formed team if you like.


01:35:25.380 --> 01:35:39.390

Kieran Alcock: And just a random group of people waiting for a bolster something later on. You're like a team, the characteristics of a team and how it should work or all these things here on your screen that you tend to be more productive. Again, think of that rolling both example.


01:35:40.710 --> 01:35:57.660

Kieran Alcock: It's more democratic. It's a if to work as a team, rather than just be told what to do. And I've noticed that you tend to be more productive because of that you're more flexible because you can respond as a team, rather than just one. So if you had a speciality of just finance.


01:35:58.800 --> 01:36:05.910

Kieran Alcock: Well, if you had a cross functional team you're more flexible to whatever challenges you face because you've more knowledge broad based knowledge built into the team.


01:36:06.630 --> 01:36:16.020

Kieran Alcock: But we're working as a team, you have more unity of purpose and you probably can communicate better as a team, rather than alone. Okay.


01:36:16.620 --> 01:36:23.460

Kieran Alcock: And and you can build up your own culture within the team and you'd see that again. Good examples of that in sports.


01:36:23.940 --> 01:36:36.630

Kieran Alcock: professional and amateur sports where a certain attitude or culture builds up amongst the team from working together over the years. You can motivate each other because we're all trying to achieve the same thing, rather than it being an individual thing.


01:36:37.980 --> 01:36:43.230

Kieran Alcock: Okay, so that's talking about the general kind of the general background of teams.


01:36:44.490 --> 01:36:50.880

Kieran Alcock: The types of teams and teams selections. Well, you can have teams with similar skills. So a finance team which three or four people honest.


01:36:51.300 --> 01:36:59.010

Kieran Alcock: You can have teams with different skills. So you could have a project. A project that had a marketing person the HR person the finance person the salesperson.


01:36:59.580 --> 01:37:06.540

Kieran Alcock: Operations productions, whatever, it's, it's going to be okay. But this is the bit that you get into just took me under his belt.


01:37:06.990 --> 01:37:12.600

Kieran Alcock: And if you look back over past papers on occasion device bolt, but usually


01:37:13.110 --> 01:37:20.850

Kieran Alcock: Devices, at least one of them in a question on here or something like that and pass papers now it's in a different section this year. But still, and are still examiner


01:37:21.360 --> 01:37:34.440

Kieran Alcock: So you could be asked to explain talk man and List Building or you could be asked to explain Belbin and lists talk. Okay, the roles are two stages and now you can see here, we took my


01:37:35.460 --> 01:37:47.220

Kieran Alcock: took one talks about how a group develops. So it goes through a forming storming Norman performing and the joining process this the forming stage like yourselves at the very start of the year when you just join a course.


01:37:48.210 --> 01:37:51.330

Kieran Alcock: That's the forming stage. Now, this year, a little bit different because all online.


01:37:52.290 --> 01:37:58.650

Kieran Alcock: But if you're in the lecture theatre. On the first night, you'd notice that people into little bits of chats going on here and there. People who know


01:37:58.890 --> 01:38:05.820

Kieran Alcock: Each other from outside of the class probably sitting close to each other or evening because new new thing. And again, seek and comfort and so on.


01:38:06.240 --> 01:38:15.900

Kieran Alcock: A stick with who, you know, that kind of stuff. And, but in the early stages of classes, you'll find you go through this storming and normal process.


01:38:16.530 --> 01:38:23.760

Kieran Alcock: Of getting used to how we're going to approach this. How are we going to, like, for example, were when I started off, like I said, is


01:38:24.390 --> 01:38:34.140

Kieran Alcock: Use the chat forum, not the Q AMP a forum. Because if we're using both of them will be crossing over, and it gets messy. So we were starting to figure out ways of how this is a workout.


01:38:34.590 --> 01:38:41.550

Kieran Alcock: And after a period of time you get into who's controlling it. Who's chairing as non resident. You understand all of that.


01:38:42.030 --> 01:38:46.980

Kieran Alcock: And you get into a way of doing things, and your classes all follow the same kind of pattern over time.


01:38:47.430 --> 01:38:54.990

Kieran Alcock: And you say, well, I know that the business classes are going to be boring and an order large class is going to be boring or whatever, it's going to be. And that's the norm.


01:38:55.500 --> 01:39:05.520

Kieran Alcock: It's on a certain time, a certain evening a certain weekend, whatever. And there's a certain syllabus, etc, etc. So you're going, you get into a normal way of doing things. Okay.


01:39:06.360 --> 01:39:21.570

Kieran Alcock: Or I'll deliver and explain and ask you questions and you lost me questions. All of that is normal out our modus operandi of how we have how we're going to deliver the class or how we're going to behave as a class. Okay, and


01:39:23.130 --> 01:39:33.510

Kieran Alcock: After a number of weeks and I probably will be at the performing stage, we will be at this stage in terms of we know what to expect every Monday or Wednesday or Saturday or whatever day a class will be on


01:39:33.750 --> 01:39:41.370

Kieran Alcock: Can you get to know what to expect. And it all goes along reasonably smoothly from the odd bit of abuse that I get fired up me and then


01:39:41.760 --> 01:39:50.550

Kieran Alcock: A joining joining happens from the group disbands know for us as a group that happens, what is it monthly or something like that. We have one Saturday session.


01:39:51.000 --> 01:39:55.140

Kieran Alcock: And then broke the door disbanded and I don't see you again for four weeks. Okay.


01:39:55.830 --> 01:40:06.390

Kieran Alcock: And for other groups, I'd see them every day. The week or exceed them certain days a week or whatever. But after a class you you start the class technical you go through all of these, again, we only go to them very very quickly at


01:40:07.290 --> 01:40:18.210

Kieran Alcock: This stage of the game, and we're at the end of the class to disband on to the next class, but generally speaking as a full group, the group disbands at the end of the course or at the end of the year. Okay.


01:40:19.170 --> 01:40:25.590

Kieran Alcock: Now, so let's talk money. It's easy enough to remember because it kind of rolls for you, forming storming non performing a journey. Okay.


01:40:26.220 --> 01:40:41.670

Kieran Alcock: And Belbin is a little bit more difficult in terms of. There's a bit more involved know you probably would never haven't seen that asked where they ask you to explain all of these roles that Belbin talks of those. So generally, what we do is we take a few of them.


01:40:42.870 --> 01:40:50.160

Kieran Alcock: And if we knew a few of them, we'd be doing our ratio. You're not late to be asked all of them, but if you could write a short explanation of, say, four of them.


01:40:50.970 --> 01:41:09.870

Kieran Alcock: Maybe for you for Jewish you'd be doing okay. All right, now they're in there. On page, whatever it is. Page 61 and 62 arrays. I'm not going to go through to know because I want to briefly touch on motivation theories before I leave


01:41:11.700 --> 01:41:13.920

Kieran Alcock: How long do I have, is it five o'clock we finish, I


01:41:16.410 --> 01:41:17.820

Kieran Alcock: Think it's five o'clock we finish it.


01:41:21.210 --> 01:41:25.140

Kieran Alcock: Was there a few heart attacks to that. It's a half, three years, the vineyard have three do it.


01:41:28.740 --> 01:41:39.750

Kieran Alcock: Anyways, right, so brief. I'm not going to get to explain all the motivation theories to you. Okay, I'm just going to give you a roof guidance on us who's winning the Ruby Pa.


01:41:45.720 --> 01:41:55.380

Kieran Alcock: Alright so okay you know I typically we're not in a classroom Lecture Series or somewhere to correct can be noisy anyways. And now, yeah. Silly question, of course.


01:41:57.180 --> 01:42:07.320

Kieran Alcock: Okay, so let me just talk briefly about motivation theory and and religious got so motivation theory regularly comes up in the exams. Okay, and


01:42:09.930 --> 01:42:18.330

Kieran Alcock: There's a couple of ways of asking that there's number of different authors who have written theories and motivation, they could ask you a question by asking you a specific author and saying what was


01:42:18.780 --> 01:42:25.440

Kieran Alcock: Abraham Maslow's contribution or theory explaining explaining please countries. So then you have to know what was the theory and who wrote


01:42:26.370 --> 01:42:38.100

Kieran Alcock: And then the other thing is if there's two different categories and they've done this in the past, sort of our students to explain a one cash want content theory and one motivation theory and


01:42:40.380 --> 01:42:54.540

Kieran Alcock: That was not quite so good because students, then wouldn't remember theories but they wouldn't have remembered which category. They were in. So they would have explained to theories perfectly but if both of them were in the same category you lost half the marks. Okay.


01:42:55.980 --> 01:42:59.730

Kieran Alcock: Anyways, who's playing into Harland today Dolan and Kenny is


01:43:00.960 --> 01:43:03.450

Kieran Alcock: That would be a nice, handy when we can hear to


01:43:05.670 --> 01:43:17.760

Kieran Alcock: No, no, I think dogs gonna beat him to show anyways. Okay so content theories and process theories are the two categories. Now, here's how you're going to remember it. Okay. Because I'm not going to get to explain all of these today for you. Okay.


01:43:21.330 --> 01:43:23.580

Kieran Alcock: Well, let's anyways.


01:43:25.410 --> 01:43:40.020

Kieran Alcock: If you take Martin beaten, Kevin. Very good. If you take the first letter of each of these theories headings. It spells. The word he hates he at okay


01:43:40.950 --> 01:43:49.590

Kieran Alcock: So from that you're going to remember that the content theories are heat and you have the hierarchy of needs, which is Muslim


01:43:50.220 --> 01:44:01.860

Kieran Alcock: You have existence relatedness cross Sharkey orgy. And that's clear now refer you have achievement teary which is McClelland and you have to factor theory, which is Frederick Hertzberg. OK, now


01:44:03.300 --> 01:44:09.030

Kieran Alcock: I'm just going with pastors for a second. Okay, so you go there we go cheap materie


01:44:10.770 --> 01:44:20.940

Kieran Alcock: Your G achievement and then to factor. Now I want you to write under North beside two factor theory. This is not


01:44:22.320 --> 01:44:24.480

Kieran Alcock: Theory X theory, why


01:44:25.650 --> 01:44:43.710

Kieran Alcock: Because that's a classic mistake students make every year and it's an it's an unnecessary mistake. Okay, so two factor theory has nothing to do with Syria exterior, which we're going to see, you know, in a second. Right. So these are the process theories know we take the same approach here.


01:44:45.330 --> 01:44:59.010

Kieran Alcock: Trust me, Mary trees, Teresa, even you will absolutely remember all of these and I'll be doing some sessions later on. No, no, I don't know. Are you in my group or not in my group or whatever. I know somebody outside colleges


01:45:00.270 --> 01:45:03.030

Kieran Alcock: Be saying, how are we going to remember all this knowledge and


01:45:03.690 --> 01:45:08.700

Kieran Alcock: In any sessions that you give and we will do workshops at the end I'll be showing you how to memory stuff, okay.


01:45:09.060 --> 01:45:21.030

Kieran Alcock: So you'll have nothing to worry about. In that regard, other show you that the memory aids and how you can reduce the chapter. Don't to a page to memorize and everything flows off from that. Okay, so don't get too stressed out about all of that. Okay.


01:45:22.770 --> 01:45:23.220

Kieran Alcock: Anyways,


01:45:24.750 --> 01:45:26.730

Kieran Alcock: And process theories


01:45:28.080 --> 01:45:34.920

Kieran Alcock: And sorry, yeah, this is not Theory X theory why that's and that one two factor theory. And the reason I say that Paul is


01:45:36.150 --> 01:45:42.240

Kieran Alcock: And most people think there's two factors so it must be x and y, and you're in the complete wrong category of theory, then. Okay.


01:45:45.540 --> 01:45:50.850

Kieran Alcock: Okay, so what do you think is our memory it for process theories absolutely be at


01:45:53.010 --> 01:45:55.500

Kieran Alcock: T Ii Ii so anyone play golf.


01:45:56.640 --> 01:45:59.970

Kieran Alcock: Golf play golf here, but anyone play golf. Anyone in the group.


01:46:07.530 --> 01:46:17.970

Kieran Alcock: Yeah, I mean he's a competitor in early taco when I when I did play a small business and not with my scalable with the treasure of hitting them with we're, we're just so


01:46:18.960 --> 01:46:31.080

Kieran Alcock: The little thing that you stick in the ground and put the golf ball on before you. I guess that's the tea and we're going to remember it. Then from that. Okay so process theories, you have Theory X theory why expectancy and equity. Okay.


01:46:34.320 --> 01:46:42.480

Kieran Alcock: No, they come up a lot, especially expectancy and equity. Okay, we won't have time to explain them today. I bought


01:46:43.170 --> 01:46:48.660

Kieran Alcock: I will go back over them in workshops and things like that with people. Now, just to give you a quick spin on it. Okay.


01:46:49.320 --> 01:46:58.920

Kieran Alcock: Maslow gives us the hierarchy of needs, which is this triangle of things and Maslow says you have all these needs as human beings, starting with food sleep sex all of that stuff.


01:46:59.490 --> 01:47:07.320

Kieran Alcock: And then answer safety then love and belonging. That's how you know man wrote the theory sex was mentioned that the first step and love and belonging was later on.


01:47:07.740 --> 01:47:15.120

Kieran Alcock: And so you have physiological safety love and belonging esteem, self actualization all different steps and Maslow's theory of St says


01:47:15.690 --> 01:47:24.150

Kieran Alcock: You won't be motivated by any of the other steps until you've fulfilled the first step. So unless you don't unless you if you already have enough food and so on.


01:47:24.690 --> 01:47:33.600

Kieran Alcock: You won't be interested in safety. You'll take risks to get enough food and then you'll be interested in safety and love and belonging and esteem and all the rest. Okay, now


01:47:34.260 --> 01:47:43.920

Kieran Alcock: Er, some as law saying it's a step by step hierarchical approach you start one and you're not interested in and listen to get that and then you move on to the next and the next era G.


01:47:44.370 --> 01:47:53.400

Kieran Alcock: Is saying you have all of those needs and we categorize them as existence relatedness and growth needs sort of the same things as Muslims mode, except for in three categories.


01:47:53.790 --> 01:48:00.960

Kieran Alcock: And instead of being a hierarchy. This time, they're horizontal, if you like, and they all happen at the same time. Okay.


01:48:02.250 --> 01:48:09.870

Kieran Alcock: Which was one of the criticisms of Maslow's theory, then you get to Achievement theory and this is Sam. We all have certain


01:48:10.740 --> 01:48:19.860

Kieran Alcock: Needs in life in terms of our motivation, etc. One is the need for achievement. One is the need for affiliation. One is the need for power. Okay.


01:48:20.820 --> 01:48:29.820

Kieran Alcock: And and for most of us. One of those is is dominant factor. And that's what will motivate us. So you might have a need for achievement or you might


01:48:30.630 --> 01:48:44.910

Kieran Alcock: Be happy to be part of the team as such. So for example, you win a championship as a soap. You were delay it to be part of your affiliation. You're disappointed to be part of it because you didn't get team.


01:48:46.410 --> 01:48:52.470

Kieran Alcock: Minutes or whatever, etc. You're in the key player on the team that's where that's showing that you have a certain achievement.


01:48:53.070 --> 01:49:06.090

Kieran Alcock: Thing that has less more about your personal contribution done being part of a team and the need for power. Think about politicians and so on. And two factor theory talks about the job itself.


01:49:07.200 --> 01:49:18.480

Kieran Alcock: And the environment within which you do the job. Both of them have a role to play. So you have intrinsic factors and extrinsic factors you might love doing the job with this like the environment that you're doing the job being


01:49:19.200 --> 01:49:26.490

Kieran Alcock: Or you might love the job, but you're not happy with the salary or the terms and conditions, etc. Okay. No way, I'm flying through these. Okay.


01:49:27.180 --> 01:49:32.490

Kieran Alcock: And then you get the process theories Theory X and Theory. Why is the first process Theory X.


01:49:33.300 --> 01:49:41.670

Kieran Alcock: What you're talking about here is managers and their perception of workers and think of an X as being a negative in Hawaii as being a positive arrange


01:49:42.630 --> 01:49:50.160

Kieran Alcock: An ex manager is a manager looks at her staff and says they're all useless. They're lazy. They don't want to do stuff. I have to kind of forced them and threaten


01:49:51.000 --> 01:49:57.990

Kieran Alcock: That would be their approach to management theory ye manager looks at their staff and says, Look, they're all honest, they're all hard work and to go people give them


01:49:58.560 --> 01:50:09.090

Kieran Alcock: Give them a bit of support and guidance and help and you'll get an old back race twofold expectancy theory is more links to what you expect to happen.


01:50:09.810 --> 01:50:19.290

Kieran Alcock: Do you believe you'll achieve something do get the reward undervalue the reward. Okay. No, it's all written in a in a in the form of an equation.


01:50:20.460 --> 01:50:32.910

Kieran Alcock: But let's say your manager constants and listen. We have a last minute order that we have to get done and out by free to even in a five o'clock. It's worth a fortune to the company. So I need you to work overtime every day this week, right.


01:50:33.750 --> 01:50:41.550

Kieran Alcock: Now let's go to the equation one expectancy. Do I believe the effort, believed to performance. So you're there on Mondays and


01:50:42.030 --> 01:50:51.420

Kieran Alcock: Well, actually I do believe that doing everybody doing the overtime each day. This we will get it out by Friday evening. Yeah. So if you do believe it, you're more likely to do it.


01:50:52.590 --> 01:50:56.340

Kieran Alcock: instrumentality your bosses and if you do the overtime pay a triple time.


01:50:57.510 --> 01:51:05.160

Kieran Alcock: Now you might say, Okay, I believe we will achieve the target. Do I believe this will lead to reward triple time.


01:51:06.210 --> 01:51:08.370

Kieran Alcock: Yes, I believe I get to triple time you're going to do.


01:51:09.600 --> 01:51:24.540

Kieran Alcock: Last one violence to evaluate the reward yes I value triple doing, I'll do it. Okay, there's motivation. Now let's go back and start again and say, right, the buses work overtime every, you might say, well, in general, if we all work overtime. This week we're still won't get it done.


01:51:25.620 --> 01:51:33.900

Kieran Alcock: You might still do the overtime, but you won't be working hard on you know because you don't. But it's totally unrealistic. Second thing bosses who pay you triple time.


01:51:35.400 --> 01:51:41.910

Kieran Alcock: And you might say, well, the last time we were we were promised that twice before and he never paid. So again, you're saying not interested. Okay.


01:51:42.930 --> 01:51:58.950

Kieran Alcock: All right, and then DOJ value the reward. Oh, the example I give us value in the reward. I often give the the sample. The example of sports stars and, you know, who gets like 100 grand a week in salary and they're a striker on a team in the Premier League or something know


01:52:00.120 --> 01:52:09.480

Kieran Alcock: If you go to them and say, we'll pay you a fee of 500 euro for every goal a bonus of $500 for every goal your score if they're already getting paid 100 grand a week.


01:52:10.290 --> 01:52:17.400

Kieran Alcock: That's not going to float your boat. Okay, so you'd have to be offering a bit more than that. Okay, then they won't bother. Don't put in the effort.


01:52:18.750 --> 01:52:24.000

Kieran Alcock: Okay, so that's your expectancy theory Victor room. I always think he sounds like a motorbike. But anyway, and


01:52:24.510 --> 01:52:33.660

Kieran Alcock: equity theory is about fairness workers, looking at what they put into their job, what to get out of the job. And is it fair, is it balanced. Okay.


01:52:34.230 --> 01:52:43.800

Kieran Alcock: If people are putting a lot in and getting little or no no they won't be more of it will be deemed motivators if they're putting a lot in and getting a fair wage will be happy and contented and motivated


01:52:44.400 --> 01:52:53.790

Kieran Alcock: If they're putting very little in and getting a very good wage that we think this is very comfortable on butter okay too comfortable moving to a butter vote.


01:52:54.570 --> 01:53:08.130

Kieran Alcock: So the idea is that, again, get that balance thing going. Alright, so there's your equity theory know all of those tables for benefits and limitations and then there's a little bit on those rewards at the end of it in terms of intrinsic to the job or extrinsic and


01:53:10.590 --> 01:53:17.130

Kieran Alcock: Put your own individual lectures will be going through those motivation theories in very good detail which is okay.


01:53:17.580 --> 01:53:22.530

Kieran Alcock: I'm just giving you a brief outline anyway us know where to find me. If you have a question on any of these things.


01:53:23.250 --> 01:53:39.090

Kieran Alcock: On the workshops at the end of years at the end of the year. I think it for something. I don't have the airbrush Adriana teaching scheme will be really, really worth going to. Okay. And does anyone have any questions for Mary is all gone, watching the Ruby and I just talking to myself here.


01:53:47.370 --> 01:53:50.460

Kieran Alcock: Okay, happy, you know, for that. So if you're happy enough with that. Then I'll


01:53:51.600 --> 01:54:03.900

Kieran Alcock: Let you go and I'll talk to us in whatever it is four weeks time again, for some reason, whenever others and see you sooner and how do you join the ACLU group be too late. We join now I think


01:54:06.870 --> 01:54:11.760

Kieran Alcock: If you contact eta office. One of the ladies will talk to you and see what the story is there. Okay.


01:54:13.020 --> 01:54:22.860

Kieran Alcock: So in the meantime I show bid you farewell and growth and enjoy yourselves in your back garden. So now you can frighten the leaf over some yourselves or


01:54:23.220 --> 01:54:34.260

Kieran Alcock: doily for something to be no trick or treating. Okay, now just questions flashing at me past past me on this. So just bear with me to have a quick look to see, did anyone asked me a question that I didn't see


01:54:44.250 --> 01:54:46.020

Kieran Alcock: There's a pumpkin like that one. Jocelyn.


01:54:49.140 --> 01:54:52.620

Kieran Alcock: We don't seem to be able to scroll back up the page here to see anything else.


01:54:57.090 --> 01:54:58.020

Kieran Alcock: No, no, I'm scrolling.


01:54:59.340 --> 01:55:05.100

Kieran Alcock: And go back. Yeah. You remember all those theory exterior boy page don't


01:55:08.700 --> 01:55:11.220

Kieran Alcock: Speed up sleeves already in


01:55:26.100 --> 01:55:26.820

Kieran Alcock: Very good.


01:55:28.140 --> 01:55:32.670

Kieran Alcock: Okay, there are good constantly registration for this lecture tomorrow pool.


01:55:34.140 --> 01:55:35.880

Kieran Alcock: There is no business law lecture tomorrow.


01:55:36.960 --> 01:55:38.700

Kieran Alcock: At least they haven't been told, have one anyway.


01:55:53.190 --> 01:55:58.770

Kieran Alcock: Okay. That's Grant. Okay, I shall packet there no and move


01:56:00.030 --> 01:56:00.510

Kieran Alcock: On


01:56:03.750 --> 01:56:04.230

Kieran Alcock: He


01:56:08.550 --> 01:56:23.640

Kieran Alcock: So in terms of joining an ETA group Zola you'd have to contact the ACLU office in pure Street. Okay. And they'll explain to you what are you can join dealing group or not at that state. Oh, you are with it to. So what was the question. And what was it a boo.


01:56:28.110 --> 01:56:37.710

Kieran Alcock: Yeah, sorry that's ground I missing the point there, sorry. That's all right. That's Grant. Grant somebody else was asking. And I mean, join your business management group.


01:56:39.810 --> 01:56:42.000

Kieran Alcock: If you're with the API online group.


01:56:43.620 --> 01:56:46.560

Kieran Alcock: Are you with the online group for Mondays and Wednesday evenings.


01:56:59.820 --> 01:57:08.520

Kieran Alcock: So if you're attending classes on Monday and Wednesday, you should have access to all those notes on move on Moodle hang on the screen is gonna be weird. Um, you know,


01:57:10.590 --> 01:57:21.060

Kieran Alcock: Alright, so if you drop an email in is probably just a link thing that you weren't added on to drop an email in to the Santa and should sort all that out for you.


01:57:22.710 --> 01:57:31.920

Kieran Alcock: And probably didn't enroll as onto a particular page or something like that. I've seen that happen before it's just the TOEFL administrative error is that our race.


01:57:43.530 --> 01:57:43.950

Kieran Alcock: Okay.


01:57:45.630 --> 01:57:45.990

Kieran Alcock: Very good.


01:57:47.370 --> 01:57:47.700

Kieran Alcock: Now,


01:57:48.810 --> 01:57:51.750

Kieran Alcock: Anyone else good dessert from either before we


01:57:53.010 --> 01:57:53.910

Kieran Alcock: Go and eat pumpkin.


01:58:01.980 --> 01:58:07.950

Kieran Alcock: Classes material has changed a lot. Francisco. It has changed significantly in business management and


01:58:08.610 --> 01:58:22.440

Kieran Alcock: It has been a significant change. So have you got the new module. If you don't, you need to get the new manual you'd need to get your hands on that and Happy Halloween okay naptime. Very good.


01:58:24.270 --> 01:58:26.100

Kieran Alcock: Revision techniques one pitch. So, yeah.


01:58:31.260 --> 01:58:46.380

Kieran Alcock: I think you'll have access to workshops k will happen in due course and and it'll be up for anybody to join or you might have to pay or enroll or something like that, push it to show be if we're struggling in business in lawn or college. Can we change to you.


01:58:49.170 --> 01:58:56.970

Kieran Alcock: Oh, I don't mean to laugh and sorry. No, I'm sorry, and my college a work in is in Rupp mines in Dublin Sinead. So where are you


01:59:00.810 --> 01:59:13.200

Kieran Alcock: Yeah, so that's not going to work for years and I tell you the other workshops will be brilliant for you. And sure, maybe I could get into car and rent a location and car. Can we can all go and have a class.


01:59:14.730 --> 01:59:20.430

Kieran Alcock: I know I'm sure you'll be fine and and but definitely


01:59:21.090 --> 01:59:30.660

Kieran Alcock: The workshops, really good. The little generally be a few hours. I think they're newer addition last year were just three hour sessions once, but I think there's going to be few more sessions. If you check your teaching


01:59:31.650 --> 01:59:40.860

Kieran Alcock: Schemes into Donny. Very good. Excellent, very good. And yeah, that's something actually that might be


01:59:41.880 --> 01:59:50.460

Kieran Alcock: I did mention it before we needed to do workshops to sue people for their field and so on. But should we say what happens, and now


01:59:52.080 --> 01:59:57.780

Kieran Alcock: Oh, you don't know individual lectures in a lot of the colleges. I know plenty of them. But you don't know them all so


01:59:58.200 --> 02:00:08.700

Kieran Alcock: If you're struggling. Sometimes it's a case of the subject, not the lecture and you're trying to get used to it or whatever. And if you wanted to, to have a look at the teaching scheme and you'll see where


02:00:10.170 --> 02:00:17.820

Kieran Alcock: The workshops are scheduled or what time they're scheduled for release and it'll be after Christmas, we can. We're getting near the end of the year and they may be in Dublin.


02:00:17.880 --> 02:00:24.870

Kieran Alcock: Maybe online but one word iterate and make them more show where you're going to them and said, you know, how much will the workshops be online yet because we don't know.


02:00:25.380 --> 02:00:34.470

Kieran Alcock: Probably online for the moment, and we'll see what happens after that voice their business law weekend lectures. Good question. Charlotte. So he argued for them what they didn't


02:00:35.730 --> 02:00:36.780

Kieran Alcock: Go with them so


02:00:37.830 --> 02:00:45.180

Kieran Alcock: I think it's a subject that people struggle with Rachel, the country in terms of wherever they're getting their classes and stuff and


02:00:46.050 --> 02:00:53.280

Kieran Alcock: So yeah, the workshops will be really, really important there. And if you check the teaching scheme that'll tell you when the workshops


02:00:53.700 --> 02:01:01.770

Kieran Alcock: Are roughly where when they're on it to be at the end of the academic year law is extremely tough player. I understand that.


02:01:02.640 --> 02:01:17.280

Kieran Alcock: You should try teaching it someplace and but don't worry I will do my absolute best to get your truth and the teachers game should have been sent out to you at the start to the year were sent out to all partner colleges so your teacher or coordinator should have


02:01:19.440 --> 02:01:20.280

Kieran Alcock: An


02:01:26.190 --> 02:01:26.730

Kieran Alcock: Excuse you.


02:01:27.780 --> 02:01:29.700

Kieran Alcock: Know what we thought business was this


02:01:31.290 --> 02:01:35.790

Kieran Alcock: Would it have a students asked for these type of lectures on the weekend probably would, but I look


02:01:36.990 --> 02:01:46.590

Kieran Alcock: I think the schedule is set for this year and for anything you can do within my realm to try and help people. I'm happy to do with and


02:01:48.540 --> 02:01:58.140

Kieran Alcock: Chapter one is this business management, we're talking about didn't receive teachers came later. And it teaches kids would have been sent to all teachers or he wrote the country.


02:01:58.500 --> 02:02:06.600

Kieran Alcock: And or at least you all coordinators been in each individual colleges. I know because they coordinate mines and I got them on a distributed to all the lectures. So


02:02:11.040 --> 02:02:19.950

Kieran Alcock: Okay, so you need to ask about that next week or whenever when you get in and we'll see, then, if any of them need a bit of assistance they can always contact me what


02:02:21.270 --> 02:02:29.580

Kieran Alcock: Can you give a suggestion for Chapter one, for I presume this is business management chapter one and hang on a second.


02:02:32.490 --> 02:02:33.450

Kieran Alcock: Let me just see what's in


02:02:45.840 --> 02:03:02.160

Kieran Alcock: No, no, Charlotte, they would have got the teaching scheme and all those schedules to all of that is in under teaching this game and it tells you what happens from week to week and then on at the end you see workshop workshop workshop and just bear with me a second here for Section one


02:03:06.870 --> 02:03:12.180

Kieran Alcock: Certainly the strong things for Section one would be the pest and swash


02:03:17.100 --> 02:03:18.900

Kieran Alcock: The Human Resources activities.


02:03:20.760 --> 02:03:21.750

Kieran Alcock: STP.


02:03:26.670 --> 02:03:31.110

Kieran Alcock: Okay, I think you've got hopefully you got those Sammy and


02:03:32.910 --> 02:03:36.480

Kieran Alcock: Teachers Romulan reach public yet. She'll be there too. Yeah, okay.


02:03:38.190 --> 02:03:48.330

Kieran Alcock: Right, so I'm going to get there. I will talk to you this, when I talk to us. And in the meantime, don't panic or anything on things like we've we've plenty of time. It's like


02:03:48.810 --> 02:04:03.270

Kieran Alcock: We're going to be running the marathon, but we're not going to be running until next June. So we planted into getting our stamina sessions already so we might be panicking about trying to know everything just us at this stage and


02:04:06.660 --> 02:04:13.350

Kieran Alcock: Lower. Lower anyway. So it was tough. It was tough league this week mark can remember that and


02:04:18.120 --> 02:04:31.200

Kieran Alcock: The recorded sessions usually come up on Monday or Tuesday. And if you check it regularly that you'll see them going up there and I don't know who has access to the the weekly sessions, everyone has access to the weekend sessions.


02:04:33.180 --> 02:04:37.350

Kieran Alcock: Anyways, I'm not a packet their religious go off and each or pumpkins, or whatever it is.


02:04:39.030 --> 02:04:42.600

Kieran Alcock: Will they go off and talk to my team and


02:04:43.740 --> 02:04:44.280

Kieran Alcock: Maybe we'll


02:04:45.570 --> 02:04:48.870

Kieran Alcock: We'll talk tactics on how many more Liverpool players we can enjoy


02:04:51.300 --> 02:04:56.820

Kieran Alcock: Race. Talk to you guys. Well done. And thanks for your participation again today. Okay, thank you.