Vegetarian vs. Meat-Eating Diets Kelsey Slough and Krysti Maronski.

Post on 23-Dec-2015

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Transcript of Vegetarian vs. Meat-Eating Diets Kelsey Slough and Krysti Maronski.

Vegetarian vs. Meat-Eating DietsKelsey Slough and Krysti Maronski

Vegetarian Diet

Why do people choose a vegetarian lifestyle? Health and nutrition benefits Moral objections It’s “trendy” or “cool” Cover up


Different types of vegetarianism

Fruitarian- raw or dried fruits, seeds, and nuts in the diet.

Lacto-ovo vegetarian- includes dairy, eggs, vegetables, grains, legumes, fruits, and nuts. Excludes flesh and seafood.

Lacto-vegetarian- includes dairy, vegetables, grains, legumes, fruits, and nuts. Excludes flesh, seafood, and eggs.

Macrobiotic Diet- a vegan diet composed mostly of whole grains, beans, and certain vegetables. Often taken to extremes, this diet can compromise nutrient intake.

Ovo-vegetarian- includes eggs, vegetables, grains, legumes, fruits and nuts. Excludes flesh, seafood, and milk.

Partial vegetarian- a term used to mean an eating style that includes seafood, poultry, eggs, dairy, vegetables, grains, legumes, fruits, and nuts. Excludes red meat.

Vegan- includes only food from plant sources.

Vegetarian- includes plant-based foods and eliminates some animal derived foods.


Nutrients: Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Vegetarian diets provide enough flaxseed, walnuts, and oils to supply essential fatty acids.

Many vegetarians continue to eat fish which provides the essential fatty acids.

Unless a meat eaters diet includes these essential foods containing Omega-3 Fatty Acids they will be severely lacking.

Children and pregnant or lactating women have a critical need for fatty acids.

Benefits of Omega-3s: cancer prevention, slow down blood clotting, and artery hardening, reduce blood pressure, and aid in growth and development in infants.


Omega-3 Fatty Acids



Proper vegetarian diets include the necessary amount of protein, iron, zinc, calcium, vitamin B12, Vitamin D, and Omega-3 Fatty Acids.


Health Benefits

Becoming a vegetarian can aid or help prevent the following:

Cancer Obesity Heart disease High blood pressure Cataracts Diabetes Diverticular disease Gallstones Osteoporosis


Survey – Kelsey

Six people ages 21-73

All are meat eaters.

Taste and familiarity were the most popular reasons to eat meat.

All but one believed meat was crucial to the diet.

Only one person believed people who don’t eat meat tend to be healthier.

Two people believed meat eaters do not have more heart issues.

Meat-Eaters Diet

Why do people eat meat? Convenience Nutrients Taste Familiarity Weight-control efforts

What is included?

Lean meat





Nutrients – Vitamin B12

Requirement small but critical.

Found naturally only in animal-derived foods.

Very important in pregnant women, infants, children, adolescents, and elderly.

Infants may have deficiency-related disorders if lacking.

Adults with low B12 may experience fatigue, indigestion, numbness of hands, and frequent infections.

Some adolescents lacking B12 could have nerve damage



Meat also contains and abundance of iron, zinc, and Vitamin D.

More well absorbed then when obtained through plant foods.

Survey - Krysti

5 people ages 20-21

All meat eaters

Taste was the number 1 reason for choosing to eat meat

All believe meat is crucial to the diet

Only 2/5 believed people who do not eat meat tend to be healthier

Only one person thought people who eat meat tend to have more heart issues


Meat can be good for the diet.

Moderation is key.

American Cancer Society suggests no more than 18 ounces per week.

Choose lean cuts.

Correct plate proportions.



In conclusion, we find both vegetarian and meat containing diets are healthy if nutritious foods are consumed.

However, we find the best diet is a good balance between both.

Nutrients are easier absorbed and obtained with a meat containing diet. While some diseases and health issues are slowed or prevented with a vegetarian diet. To find a happy medium with each diet, maybe eating meat twice a week rather than each night would create the perfect diet.