“ To read without reflecting is like eating without digesting.” Edmund Burke

Post on 13-Jan-2016

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“ To read without reflecting is like eating without digesting.” Edmund Burke. Peel Primary School. School Improvement Plan Priority 1 2009/10 Further Developing Reading Skills and Experiences. Peel Primary School. Parent/Carer Reading Information Session 6.30pm – Why Change? - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of “ To read without reflecting is like eating without digesting.” Edmund Burke

“ To read without reflecting is like eating without digesting.”Edmund Burke

School Improvement Plan

Priority 1 2009/10

Further Developing Reading Skills and Experiences


Parent/Carer Reading Information Session

6.30pm – Why Change? - Reading developments at Peel

7.00pm – Visits to classrooms

7.30pm – Finish  

Why change?

Changes in society

Implementation of Curriculum for Excellence

Changes in Society

Shift happens……

“Literacy is fundamental to all areas of learning, as it unlocks access to the wider curriculum. Being literate increases opportunities for the individual in all aspects of life, lays the foundation for lifelong learning and work…..”

Curriculum for Excellence Building the Curriculum 4 -skills for learning, skills for life and skills for work Annex C page 36

“Reading and responding to literature and other texts plays a central role in the development of learners’ knowledge and understanding. Texts not only include those presented in traditional written or printed form, but also orally, electronically or on film.”

Curriculum for Excellence Building the Curriculum 4 -skills for learning, skills for life and skills for work Annex C page 36










I can use my knowledge of sight vocabulary, phonics, context clues, punctuation and grammar to read with understanding and expression.ENG 1-12a

I am learning to select and use strategies and resources, before I read and as I read, to help make the meaning of texts clear.LIT 1-13a

PRIMARY 2Continue to develop phonological skills: onset and rime (e.g. c-at, f-at), initial blends (e.g. br, fl), initial clusters (e.g. spr, str), final blends (e.g. ng, lt), vowel digraphs (e.g. oo, ee, ay, ai) and phonemes (e.g. sh,ch,th).Continue to develop and identify a range of key vocabulary from common words, core readers and specific classroom language.Continue to read key words and phrases for different purposes from various contexts.Read aloud with a degree of confidence, expression and fluency.Identify connectives, exclamation and question marks and full stops.Can carry out writing from reading tasks associated with reading texts. Identify and discuss simple language structure texts for story beginnings/endings/actions, sentence structure (capital letter & full stop), exclamation marks, question marks & simple linking words. PRIMARY 3With partners, use phoneme words and common words to read and write longer sentences which include phonics and spelling appropriate for this stage.Recognise, use and understand capital letters, full stops, exclamation marks, question marks (and, but, so, then, that), a range of connectives, action verbs and nouns.Use word attack strategies for sight vocabulary to be able to read with fluency and simple expression.Independent daily writing linked to core readers, chapter books and fiction.Recitation of text eg Scots poetry, to an audienceRecitation of a text eg Scots poetry to an audiencePRIMARY 4Employ effective word attack skills, moving towards independence.Use meta-cognitive strategies in reading.With a partner, use a range of spelling strategies and reciprocal teaching strategies to allow pupils to learn identified spelling words.Identify, select, understand, discuss and talk about conjunctions, verbs, adverbs, adjectives, plurals, similes, nouns and single alliteration.Writing from reading tasks with chapter books, core readers, non-fiction texts to find meaning of the text and create own texts.Begin to select 1-2 comprehension strategies from the comprehension chart to enable me to read and understand more of the text:- classifying/categorizing information- comparing and contrasting information- characterization- finding and recalling detail- recognising points of view- finding main ideas/highlighting- sequencing- summarizing- predicting- skimming/scanning - using charts, diagrams, maps and illustrations- using indices, contents pages and glossariesBe able to identify reading strategies and use them in a range of contexts.Recognise the effect of punctuation marks,(capital letters, full stops, exclamation marks and question marks) to support meaningRecognise the effect of simple connectives up to (and in some cases including) level 3 of VCOP connectives.Recognise and understand the use of plurals, nouns, adjectives and verbsRecognise the effect of bold and italic lettering.Recognise the effect of simple similes.Listen to and appreciate the effect of more complex words and structures.Introduce the use of dictionaries, collective VCOP WOW words and thesaurus to help elicit meaning from the text.Use and explain the terms author, title, contents, chapter, index, headings, layouts and illustrations with increasing accuracy and confidence.

Tools for reading - – to help me use texts with increasingly complex or unfamiliar ideas, structures and vocabulary within and beyond my place of learning

“In particular, the experiences and outcomes address the important skills of critical literacy. Children and young people not only need to be able to read information: they also need to be able to work out what trust they should place on the information and to identify when and how people are aiming to persuade or influence them.”

Curriculum for Excellence Building the Curriculum 4 -skills for learning, skills for life and skills for work Annex C page 36

We started by agreeing our vision for reading.

As a whole staff we asked ourselves..

When children leave Peel …

- how do we want them to feel about reading?

- what do we want them to be able to do?

- what reading experiences do we

need to give them?

evaluated what we were doing currently

identified areas for improvement

focus on teaching reading skills as opposed to ‘hearing reading’

provide a greater range and quality of texts

introduce higher order questioning to aid discussion of texts

teach skills to analyse text and discuss with peers

As a whole staff we then …

Goldilocks and the Three Bears

What did Goldilocks see in the Bears’ house? (knowledge) Why did Goldilocks like Baby Bear’s chair the best? (comprehension)

What would Goldilocks use if shecame to your house? (application)

Compare this story to real life.What events in the story could not really happen? (analysis) How would the story be differentif it were Goldilocks and the Three Fish? (synthesis)

Do you think the bears treated Goldilocks fairly? Explain your answer. (evaluation)

Studied successful reading approaches – national and international

Identified how best to integrate ICT into reading lessons

Planned extensive staff training – teachers and support staff (over 30 hours since August 09)

Asked pupils for their views about reading

Discussed effective reading approaches as outlined in Curriculum for Excellence

What did we do to improve ?

The Guided Reading approach was taught in P1B, P5A and P7A initially

All staff observed Guided Reading being taught in these classes

All staff evaluated the GR approach, discussed and refined the approach to best meet needs of pupils at Peel

All staff introduced the Guided Reading approach

All staff trialled home/supplementary readers and decided to send core readers home

Where did we start ?

Increased time spent teaching reading

Greater focus on teaching reading skills

Increased focus on discussing texts for understanding

‘Higher order questioning’ being used

Links being made between reading and writing skills

Reading skills being applied through topic/interdisciplinary lessons

What are the results so far ?

What else have we done ?

Increased the choice and range of texts

New texts bought for reading lessons, class and school libraries

Introduced Buddy Reading

Celebrated Book Week and raised the profile of reading at Peel…

Book SwapRight,

riveting reads

wanted !

Visiting readers

Author visit

Peel’s Book of Books blog

How have we involved parents / carers ?

Emails to parents informing them of changes

Parents invited to be part of Parent Reading Group

Parents organised new resources (over 4000 books!)

Parent Group organised Readathon and supported Peel’s Book of Books

Parents and local police officer read to classes during Book Week

Tonight’s reading event