Schedule of Events Exhibits & Posters 12:00 – 3:00 p.m. Location: MAC Building Gym Oral...

Post on 19-Dec-2015

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Transcript of Schedule of Events Exhibits & Posters 12:00 – 3:00 p.m. Location: MAC Building Gym Oral...

b Schedule of Events a

Exhibits & Posters 12:00 – 3:00 p.m.

Location: MAC BuildingGym

Oral Presentations & Performances12:00 – 2:15 p.m.

Location: MAC Building122 MAC

Student Art Show & Reception 2:30 – 3:30 p.m.

Location: General Studies BuildingRoom 102, Academic Support Center

Awards Presentation 3:30 p.m.

Location: General Studies Auditorium

We have “Posters” which are research-based projects.“Exhibits” are considered to be more demonstrations

or explanations of material.Oral presentations and Performances

are the third and fourth categories, respectively.**Door Prizes will be announced during the festival.**

Cover artwork by Maggie Abbott Fowler

10th AnnualPenn State Mont AltoAcademic Festival


Faculty mentors listed in parentheses Faculty mentors listed in parentheses

b EXHIBITS a#1 Y-ORCHID-ING-ME—We will provide the audience with relevant information about orchids and their use in society.Jennifer Halterman, Maureen Mailander (Beth Brantley)

#2 Riding on Air—I will present a hovercraft that I have designed to float above the ground with a substantial amount of weight on it.Kimberly Cunningham (Kim Herrmann)

#3 Carpal Tunnel Syndrome—This project is about Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS) and the different treatment options for patients with CTS.Megan Elder, Mackenzie Morris (Renee Borromeo)

#4 Educational Demonstration of Log Sawing Methods on Wood Species of the United States—This demonstration shows different species of lumber and how the method of sawing a log produces visibly different character-istics. Several of the boards also demonstrate lumber characteristics that are naturally found in some trees.Aaron Lewis (Craig Houghton)

#5 The Dobsonian Telescope—We will be displaying a telescope with a home-made Dobsonian base that will potentially (weather permitting) give viewers the opportunity to view the face of the moon.Alex Cline, Seth Miller (Kim Herrmann)

#6 Safe House—The focus of this project is domestic violence and will include information regarding: physical, sexual, psychological, economic, and emotional abuse. We will present information about the significance of the topic and how to recognize the signs of its occurrence. We will provide community education concerning where to seek assistance, as well as addi-tional treatment resources.Angela Barrett, Birgitta Ott, Kristen Marianit (Sherry Goertz)

#7 Intervention and Prevention: Psychiatric Crises—The focus of this educational display will be psychiatric crises intervention at the primary, secondary, and tertiary levels of prevention. The exhibit will provide the information needed to help afflicted loved ones receive evaluation as well as treatment for those with psychiatric problems. We will highlight local com-munity resources dealing with acute care to recovery.Jena Leisher, Emily Whitsel, Kara Ocker, Liz Witherow (Sherry Goertz)

b EXHIBITS a#8 Substance abuse focusing on alcohol, nicotine, and opioids.—This exhibit presents key points about the negative effects of substance abuse. The focus will be alcoholism, nicotine addiction, and opioid abuse. Useful information will be provided from recognition of disorder through recovery.Nicole Alleman, Sherry Lemay, Jennefer Omps (Sherry Goertz)

#9 Depression Awareness—Depression is an illness that affects multiple individuals. This project is aimed at promoting awareness of the clinical picture of depression through recognition of signs and symptoms, best prac-tices for treatment, and available community resources. A focus on resources is provided to assist with relief of suffering.Taryn Miller, Kayla Kennedy, Ashley Thumma (Sherry Goertz)

#10 Edible Wild Plants for Nutrition and Enjoyment—There is an abundance of native plants in the south central Pennsylvania ecosystem which are both edible and plentiful. Habitat, seasonal availability, nutritional values, and recipes will be covered for five such plants, as well as the oppor-tunity to taste the results of cooking with a few of them.Maggie Abbott Fowler (Beth Brantley)

#11 What is Addiction?—My project discusses the true meaning of addiction, rather than the societal beliefs of addiction. I will also discuss how to recognize symptoms of addiction and how an addict can be helped.Devin Elder Goodhart (Jackie Schwab)

#12 Autism in Youth—Autism in youth is slowly rising. It is important to know the signs and the possible treatments to help these children.Jennifer Burker (Jackie Schwab)

#13 Scars of the Mind—The purpose of this presentation is to bring community awareness about the etiology, signs and symptoms, and interven-tion strategies with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Knowledge about PTSD will help the community understand and provide help to those in need. Resources and interventions will be provided to the vulnerable population.Ellen Funari, Brittney Smith, Jenna Miller (Sherry Goertz)

#14 Hope For A Troubled Mind—Schizophrenia is a severe mental illness. However, recovery can be achieved and hope is always within reach. This exhibit offers some essential information such as signs and symptoms, treat-ment, and available resources for those involved.Melissa Mercer, Kim Schaeffer, Don Clark (Sherry Goertz)

b EXHIBITS a#15 Like Me.....Like Me Not—Those suffering from eating disorders struggle daily with their perception of self. They may view themselves in a negative way and feel that they need to change themselves in order to be accepted by others. This display offers a description of the clinical picture of anorexia and bulimia in teens and young adults, and offers activities to promote a healthy self esteem and body image.Nicole Montoya, Rachel Trayer, Lourinda Lehman (Sherry Goertz)

#16 Overcoming the Dark Hold of Anxiety—The exhibit will present signs, symptoms, and treatment options for persons experiencing General-ized Anxiety Disorder. The focus will provide a range of information from diagnosis to treatments. There will be an interactive demonstration showing the use of anxiety-reducing techniques.Sarah Scozzaro, Elizabeth Compton, James McKeithan (Sherry Goertz)

#17 Model Rocketry Launch with the Engineering Club—The Engineering Club will launch a model rocket outside (weather permitting) during the academic festival. Join the club to enjoy engineering in action.Annetta Hartman, Zachary Hudack, Justin Tamminga, Brent Storck, Justen Zachman-Meister, Hunter Rodgers (Jacob Moore)

b POSTERS a#18 The StuDesk—A problem with today’s students is that there is a lack of a single area environment that promotes multitasking, a common necessity in today’s learning and growth. We desire to allow the typical high school & college student to maximize his or her time and efforts through the ease of multi-tasking with the use of our desk. We have designed a desk through the research of asking students what they do in a typical day for learning and personal use, as well as implementing ideas as a team of current college students.Bryton Zook, Beau Lloyd, Alvin Muthoka, Ekta Tejani (Lila Rajabion)

#19 Reviving the Boock Forest: Franklin County Management Plan—We performed a forest management plan on a 4 acre forest located in Franklin County, PA. We created maps, laid out plot points, inventoried the forest, and worked with the property owner to reach her overall goal, which was to improve the health of the forest.Jacob Sempowski, Caleb Higgins (Beth Brantley)

#20 The Well Being of Children of Same-Sex Parents—The objective of this research project is to determine if children of same-sex parenting have different well beings than those of heterosexual parenting.Stephanie Goddard (Robin Yaure)

Faculty mentors listed in parentheses Faculty mentors listed in parentheses

b POSTERS a#21 Timber Management at Strawberry Hill Nature Preserve—Through the implementation of proper forest management, we are gaining data on how to best manage a forest for health and sustainability as well as financial stability. The forest research conducted at Strawberry Hill Nature Preserve will lend better understanding on how to properly sustain and manage the forest setting by writing a prescription with health and sustainability on the forefront.Taylor David Reneker, Aaron Lewis (Beth Brantley)

#22 Sound Analysis—This project will present my findings in analyzing sound. Specific aspects include sound interference, overtones, and frequencies.Lara Elizabeth Vera (Kim Herrmann)

#23 Hispanic Laws and Values—The purpose of this project is to demon-strate the laws and values of Hispanic countries in comparison to the United States and the impact it holds for its people. This comparison will also address how these morals affect the relationships between children and their parents.Haley Hicks (Anthony Betonte)

#24 The multiple benefits of electric vehicles, compared to gas combus-tion vehicles—Our project discusses the benefits of using electric vehicles across many different disciplines including: energy conservation, fuel economy, and environmental benefits. We will compare an electric vehicle to a traditional gasoline combustion powered vehicle in all aspects.David Nye, Austin Burns (Kim Herrmann)

#25 The Workplace King Desk – Workplace High Efficiency Desk—The Workplace King is being designed to make the work areas in businesses more efficient and give more room in the office. By applying Interaction Design Methodology, we are able to create an improved user experience at his or her workspace.Dennis R. Griffith Jr., Mark Hatfield, Mike Washabaugh, Doug Carter, Dennis Griffith (Lila Rajabion)

#26 Interprofessional Project of Nursing and Information Sciences and Technology Program and Partnering with Waynesboro Community and Human Services—The focus of the project is the Development of Digital Portal and the Practice Guideline for the Waynesboro Community and Human i

Faculty mentors listed in parentheses Faculty mentors listed in parentheses

b POSTERS aServices Nursing Program, to have access to both public and secure sections.Dennis R. Griffith Jr., Jesse Chilcote, Derek Coy, Stephanie Dimisa, Kieara Fleagle, Kristina Funk, Elizabeth Gibson, Dennis Griffith, Kimberly Hanan, Sergei Ismailoff, Aaron Klein, Aaron Saul, Shawn Shroyer (Lila Rajabion and Stephanie Unger)

#27 Evidence-Based Nursing Practice for the care of Diabetes Management and Wound Care—I will be presenting the most up to date evidence on the management of diabetes and wound care. I will explain the research process that I used to obtain information. I followed the Johns Hopkins Evidence Based Practice model and guidelines.Stephanie Rae Dimisa (Stephanie Unger)

#28 Development of Policies and Procedures for WCHS—Policies and procedures provide for a standard of care, increase quality of care, and provide a consistent basis for future decision making. This project focused on the de-velopment of policies and procedures for the Waynesboro Community and Human Services organization. The focus of the policies and procedures are specifically geared towards the Congestive Heart Failure client.Derek Andrew Coy (Stephanie Unger)

#29 Procedures for Infection Control and Safety—We will present our results on developing nursing procedures for infection control and safety using evidence-based research for Waynesboro Community Human Services Nursing Program. This takes part in the inter-professional project with Infor-mation Science Technology and Nursing.Kieara Fleagle (Stephanie Unger)

#30 Development of Physical Nursing Assessment for WCHS—Our goal was to create guidelines for a physical assessment for Waynesboro Commun-ity Human Services Nursing Program based on systematic research. This is part of the Interprofessional IST and Nursing Project.Kimberly Hanan (Stephanie Unger)

#31 Clinical Nutrition—We will present our research findings and menu critiques on The Gettysburg Hospital Dietary services. Wherever you go, just know to always do your research. Any place might have a great reputation, like a hospital for instance, but that does not mean you do not have to watch what you consume. The Gettysburg Hospital is a fantastic facility providing great care and foods that are FDA approved. The goal of iiii

b POSTERS athis project is to point out the hard facts of nutrition research and to increase awareness about health in our society.Abigail Blinn (Bernadette Gettel)

#32 Juvenile Placement Programs—This project involves extensive research on juvenile placement programs and their effectiveness.Alleyssa Horn (Robin Yaure)

#33 The Next Generation—This project compares Millennials, Generation X, and the Baby Boomers. It is designed to show the longitudinal effects of each generation.Alleyssa Horn (Jackie Schwab)

#34 Human Resources—In my project, people can learn what is “Human Resources”. Also they can see the duties it involves, and where you can go or what you can do with this major.Ninoshka Coronado (Robin Yaure)

#35 Caffeine Intake, Stress Level, and GPA—This study compared how caffeine intake affected one’s stress levels, sleep patterns, and GPA. The research included 146 participants at Penn State Mont Alto. Each survey given consisted of ten questions inquiring about age, GPA, year in school, sleep patterns, employment, caffeine intake, and caffeine preference. The hypothesis that students who drink more caffeine have higher stress levels was not supported. Additionally, the hypothesis that students who drink more caffeine sleep fewer hours was not supported. However, the hypothesis that those who drink more caffeine have higher GPAs was supported. Interest-ingly, it was found that those who work more hours have lowered stress levels and older students drink more caffeine.Cari King (Cheryl Cheek)

#36 The Study of Home Life on Student Behavior and Academic Performance—This was an independent research study, that looked at a student’s home life and the potential impact it could have on their behavior and academic performance. The research was completed through interviews and research into past studies done on the subject.Bradley Allen Smith (Robin Yaure)

#37 Cinco de Mayo—We will be discussing Cinco de Mayo, and all the customs and things that go into the holiday. We will also be discussing why it is important to the people and what it means.Kennedy Thompson, Alexis Small, Allison Doman (Anthony Betonte)

Faculty mentors listed in parentheses

b 2015 Art Show Participants a

2015 Art Show JudgeStaci Grimes

b ORAL PRESENTATIONS & PERFORMANCES a#38 Testing a drone in forestry 12:00 – 12:15 p.m. This project describes how a quad-copter, or drone, takes pictures and videos that can be useful in forestry and arboriculture applications.Aaron Lewis (Peter Linehan)

#39 Desolate 12:20 – 12:35 p.m.What if the thoughts in your head consumed your world? This video takes a glimpse into the thoughts of a girl who is a slave to her mind, but gets turned around when a stranger changes her thoughts of despair to thoughts of hope.Megan Canale (Catherine Rios)

#40 Saving the Red List 12:40 – 12:55 p.m. I will present an overview of conservation groups and their efforts to protect endangered species and the environment, as well as how individuals can contribute to this cause.Ariana Giasomo (Lauraine Hawkins)

#41 Partes del Cuerpo 1:00 – 1:15 p.m. We will be showcasing the body parts and singing the head and shoulders song in Spanish.Monet James, Grace Logan-Woods (Anthony Betonte)

#42 Overcoming Earth’s Greatest Force 1:20 – 1:35 p.m. In this presentation, we will discuss our project which involved creating a simplistic model of a human arm to try to discover the approximate force required to lift the arm against the force of gravity.Brittany Ricardo, Emilee Panunzi (Kim Herrmann)

#43 Radiation Absorption/Dosage 1:40 – 1:55 p.m.I will show a short academic video to simplify the complex concept of radiation absorption/dosage and provide perspective to common exposures.Lucas Miller (Kira Hamman)

#44 Autism 2:00 – 2:15 p.m. I will be breaking down the Autism Spectrum Disorder into different categories. April is also Autism Awareness month, so there will be infor-mation on how to get involved.Nicole Steffenhagen (Jackie Schwab)

Christine BairBen Bender

Emma BrenengenCasie DavidPenny Dunn

Garrett EisenhauerKayla Frey

Maggie Abbott Fowler

Ariana GiasomoRyan HelsleyBijesh HuertaEric Janisko

Samantha LowmanLeah MaringHaley Maser

Brett Reichard

Kristopher A. RudyBrianna SnyderFrancyn StankoZach StoufferSarah Topper

Raven VaughnHaley Wagaman

Examples of art fromthe 2014 Art Show

(Photos courtesy ofStephanie Unger)

2015 Academic Festival Judges

Somjit Barat, Anthony Betonte, Beth Brantley,Bernadette Gettel, Sherry Goertz, Lauraine Hawkins,

Ed Hipkiss, Greg Mahlon, Jacob Moore,Andrea Pritt, Lila Rajabion, Tom Reinsfelder,

Jackie Schwab, Brian Sensenig, Stephanie Unger,Lisa Ward, Lisa White

The Academic Festival Committee

Derk Barnett, Anthony Betonte, Beth Brantley,Sherry Goertz, Lauraine Hawkins, Kim Herrmann,

Greg Mahlon, Jacob Moore, Andrea Pritt,Freya Qually (Art Show), Lila Rajabion, Tom Reinsfelder,

Grace Rockwell, Charlene Saeman, Brian Sensenig,Eileen Strausner, Stephanie Unger, Robin Yaure

Special Thanks to our

2015 Academic Festival Sponsors:

Thanks to the following

individuals for their assistance:

Francis Achampong, Shawn Albright, Amy Cody,Debra Collins, Michael Doncheski, Pam Fohner,

Grace Rockwell, Lori Royce, Curt Wengert, Debra Wise,Brad Kendall & the amazing Physical Plant Staff,

The Housing & Food Services Staff,The Student Activity Fee committee for

graciously funding the refreshments,All of the faculty mentors for giving of their

time, energy, and creativity