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Washington, D. C., Not'CJnber 18, 1871. SIR: The ordinary reYenues of this Department for the fiscal year

ended J nne 30, 1871, were $20,037,045 42, and the expenditures of all kinds $24:,390,104 OS. For the year ended J nne 30, 1870, the ordinary revenues (not including the amount of money-order fnuds deposited as postal receipts for convenience of transfer) were $18,879,377 G5; and the expenditures (not including the amount of money-order fnncls re­transferred) were $23,348,837 63. The increase of reTenne for the yem· 1871 over the year 1870 was $1,157,6G7 77, or 6.13 per cent., and the increase of expenditures $1,041,266 45, or 4.45 per cent., showing a net increase in revenue of $116,401 32. The increase in revenue for the ~-ear 1871 over the year 1869 was $2,722,869 70, or 15.72 pel' eent., and the increase of expenditures for 1871 ov·er 1869 was $1,251,972 58, or 5.41 per cent. The increase in revenue for 1871, compared with 1870, was less than the increase for 1870, compared \Yith "ISGD, by $270,04:2 1G; and the increase of expenditures for 1871, compared with 1870, \Yas greater than the increase for 1870, compared \Yith 18GD, lJy $740,5!)0 3~.

If, in addition to the ordinary revenues, the Depal'trnent lJe credited with $700,000 appropriated for transportation of free matter and the amounts drawn and expended for subsidies to steam~hip lines, it will appear tltat the deficiency provided out of the general Treasury for tlw year 1871 is $2,928,058 66, against $2,814,116 98 for the year 1870.

The accompanying report of the Auditor fully sets forth the details of the financial operations of tlle Depart1nent. The estimated expenditures for the year ent1ing June 30, 1873, are __ ._ $27,489, 750 00 The revenues, estimated at 10 per cent. increase over

last year.----. ----- .. -- __ . _____ . _. ___ .. ___ . __ . _ _ _ _ $22, 040, 7 49 00 Standing appropriations for free matter ___ . ____ . ____ . 700, 000 00

---- 22,740,749 00

Leaving a deficiency of---_---- _________ ·-----. ____ .. _____ ·- ____ ·--_ 4, 749,001 00

The foregoing estimates do not include tlle following special appro­priations in the nature of subsidies: For mail steamship service between San Francisco and Japan and China For like service between the United States a m1 Brazil ____ ... ___ . ____ . For like service between San Francisco and Sandwich Islands._. ____ .

'Total __ • __ ... . ____ .. _ .. __ . ____ .. ____ . __ . _ . __ .. __ . _. ___ . ____ .

$500,000 00 150,000.00 75,000 00

725,000 00


Of the dcfieil~llCY appropriated f(n· the year 1870 there -was unexpended at the close ofthat year the sum of ......... :------------ .... ------ S4,740,000 00

Amount appropriated for deficiency in 1871 ........... _ ..... _ ... __ . _. 4, G85, 032 00

A total of ...... ____ ------ ..... _ ............. ____ ------ .. ·----· There were drawn duriug the last fiscal ~-ear of the

amount unexpended at the close of the year li:l70 for paymellts on accmmt of that year ........ _ ....... _ .. $1, 050, 000 00

Of the amount nppropriatetl for the ~-car 1871 .... __ .... 1, 650, 000 00

A total of ..... __ ... _ .... _. __ ........... __ . _ . ____ . ______ ... _. _

Lea;-ing in the Treasury, nnexpemle!l, the snm of._. __ .... _ .. __ · __ ....

Against 'Yhich there are chargeable sundry uuliflnidated accounts, estimate(l as follows :

Excess of expenditures oYer receipts during year jnst elo:-;ecl .. _ .... _ ............ - ..... - .. ----- -- .. - . -- ---

For balances to foreign conn tries .... _ .. _ .... _ ...... _. _ For mail sen·ice nw1er contrad and recognized, bnt not

yet report ell ..... _ .......... __ ... __ ...... _. _ .. _ . _. _ Mail sen-ice still unrecognized. __ ..... _ ... __ . _ ....... .

$226,85i-l 66 275,000 00

527,867 95 2--19,195 00

9,425,032 00

2,700,000 00

6,725,032 00

------- 1, 278, 921 61

I~ea;-!ug, aft•·r settlement of nllliahilities to .June :30,1871, a net haJancc of deficieucy appropriations of ....... ___ ..• __ ... _ ...... ___ ... _. __ . G, 446, llO :-m

Tile 11nmber of adhesiYe postage-stamps issued during the year was 49~,12G.175, representing __ .... ____ .. _ ... ___ .. __ . _. ________ . _ ... ___ $14, 630, 715 00

Stamped enYelopes, plain~ 49,954~625, representing . ___ ...... _ ... _ _ _ _ _ 1, 432, 47 4 75 8tnmrefl enYelo1ws, "rt'fJlH"st,"·4tl,l11,650, represeuting ......... ·----- 1,434,181 50 :K e\\·:-;papPr \\Tappers, G,Gml,OUO, n~preseuting- .. __ ... _ .. __ .. _. __ .... _. 132, leO 00

TI.H• whole nnmher of stamrs, enYelopes, and newspaper "''-rappers was 602,t?Ol,-t:o. of the aggregate Yalne of. ...... _ .. _. ________ . __ ... _. _. 17, G2rt, 551 25

The increase in the issne of stamps, stamped en,~eJopes, and news­paper wrappers is best exhibited by the following table:

:F i 8 c a l year F i 8 c a 1 :)ear I I I

ended Jnne ended June amount.' per cent. 30. 1870. 30, 1871.

Descri ptin1. · · I ncrea8e ncrease,


A dhe8ive po,;tage-8tamp~> ........ __ .. ___ . ___ .


:Sn3, 976, 768 00 $14, 630, 715 00 i $65:3, 947 00 4. 67 ~tamped en n~lopPs, plain . . . . . . . ........ __ .. 1, 297, 159 00 1, 432, 47 4 75 135, 315 75 10. 43 S:ampN1 envf'lopes, request.................. 1, 084, 2.5~ 00, 1, 434, 181 50 3-19, 931 50 32.27 1\ewl'paperwrappcrs -···------···----------- 93,60;) 00 132,180 00 33,575 00 34.05

__ -:~:ga~-~~-:~~:-~-~----. __ ..... -I 1G, 456,782 00 J 17, 62!.l, 551 25 -1-,1--,2-, 7-GO 25~--7-. 1-~

The nnmber of packages of postage-stamps lost in the mails during the year was ~ix, representing 8~5(); and of stamped envelopes three, representing $.'H 70; beiug- mnch less than the losses fi.'om similar deli]](plencies in 1870 and preYions years.



There were in the serYice of the Department on the 30th .June, 1871, 7,286 coutrae.tors for the transportation of the mails.

Of mail routes in operation there were 8,951, aggregating in length (exclusiYe of special routes) 238,339 miles, in amnml transportation 107,572,79± miles, aud in annual cost $11,529,393. Adding the com­pensation of railway post-office elerks, route-agents, local agents, mail­messengers, mail-route messengers, and baggage-masters in charge of registered passages, amounting to $1,875,526, the aggregate ammal cost was $13,404,921.

The service was divided as follows: Railroad routes: Length, 49,83± miles; annual transportation, 33,537,048

miles; annual cost, $5,724,979--abont 10.30 cents per mile. Steamboat routes: Length, 20,334: miles; annual transportation,

±,68±,778 miles; annnai cost, $776,043-about 16.58 cents per mile. Other routes, on ·which tile mails are required to be conYeyed with

"celerity, certainty, and security:" Length, 168,191 miles; annual transportation, 47,330,968 miles; annual cost, $5,027,473-about 10.t)2 cents per mile.

There was an increase oYer the preceding year in length of routes oi 7,127 miles, in annual transportation 10,5±7,708 miles, and in cost :ji;6±±,7 ±2. Adding the increased cost for raihvay post-office clerlo.;, ronte, local, and other agents, $JO±,G3G, tile total increase in cost \va:-~ $1,049,378.

Tile foregoing statements of distances and costs do not include ser­viee for " special" offices. There were at the close of the year 2,115 of these, each with a mail.-(;arrier whose pay from the Department is not allowed to exceed the net postal 3·ield of the office. "SpeciaF' routes and their carriers are incltHled, however, in the nnrn ber of contractors and routes as given above.

Tile new railroad routes put in operation <.luring the year 1871 amounted to 6,107 miles; during 1870, to 4,190 miles; and during 186H, to 3,519 miles-making in the aggregate an addition in three years of 1:3,816 miles to the 36,018 miles in operation on July 1, 1868. The ]n­crease in three years exceeds 38 per cent., and in the last year alone it reached the unparalleled proportion of 17 per cent


The regular four-years term of contracts for tile transportation ot mails in the States of \Yest Virginiat ·Virginia, North Caroliua, Sonth Caroliua, Georgia, Flori<.la, Alabama, ~Iississippi, Louisiana, Texas, and Arkansas expired J nne 30, 1871. In anticipation of tile close of the term, retnrus of the amount and cllaracter of the mail serYice performe<l on railroad routes in tlwse States were obtained, as a basis for the readjustment of the rates of compensation for tile nmv term commencing July 1, 1871. These returns, \dth those from a num-


ber of routes in other States, are presented in Table E, hereto appended, from the office of the Secolld Assistant Postmaster General. The read­justment founded upon these returns, and also the adjustment of rates on certain new routes, are exhibited in Table F. The rates were in­creased on fifty routes, and decreased on nine, the net excess of the present over the former amount of annual pay being $205,448 87. Table F embraces ninety-five routes in al!, of which thirty-six are new.

In both my former reports I have advocated a revision and readjust­ment of the rates of compensation for the transportation of mails on railroads, but as yet no effective action has been taken by Congress. The Department continues to encounter many annoying difficulties in its efforts to secure a rapid transmission of the mails, particularly those containing newspapers, to the South and "\Vest, owing to complaints by the managers of railroads of the inadequacy of their pay, and their refusal to allow the use of their fastest trains and most commodious mail-cars. It is important to the service that this long-pending con­tro\ersy should be settled, and hence I again renew my recommenda­tion that the act of 3d l\Iarch, 18±5, be so amended as to allow a fair and reasonable increase of the compemmtion of railroad companies, upon condition that they shall enter into contract with the Depart­ment for the prompt and faithful performance of their duties.


The ·work on the preparation and publicatjon of the series of post-route maps of the United States has heen continued during the past year under the supervision of the topographer of the Department. Six maps in all, comprising fifteen sheets, on a large scale, are now completed, embracing the northern tier of States, from :Maine to Wisconsin. These maps are in constant demand, as brought np in successive editions, to he furnished, when considered requisite, to postmasters and other agents of the Department. They are also furnished to members of Congress, for their convenience in correspondence with tlwir constituents and with the Department. During the .past year the double-sheet map of the States of l\Iichigan and 'Viscousin has been completell by the engraver. The compilation and engrasing of a map, in four sheets, of the States of Illinois, Iowa, and l\.Iissouri are being pushed forward as fast as the pecu­liar nature of the work, involving the great and rapid changes and ex­tension of the 'mail service in that region, will allow.

I renew my preyious recommendation that an effort be made to secure some more precise and correct system of survey than now exists in some of the Middle and Soutllern States.


The amount of :fiiH~S imposed upon contractors1 and deductions made from their pay, on account of failures aud other delinquencies, for the


last year, was $75,256 71, and the amount remitted during the same period was $10,076 94, leaving the net amount of fines and deductions $65,179 77, as will appear by the following recapitulation:

An1onnt of fines ... _ ... __ .... _ . _ ..... _ ......... - .. - .. - ... -.- . ---- ... --.. $4, 132 02 Amount of llednctions ...... _ •.....•.. --· •................. ---- .•... -... 71, 124 69

'rotal . __ .. __ ..... _ .•... _. ____ . _ .• _ ....•................... - .. - . . . 75, 256 71 Amount remitted ___ ... __ . _ .•...••••.........• - .. -- .....•.. - ... - .. ----. 10, 076 94

Net amount ..•..... ----........................................... 65,179 77


A table appended to this report exhibits in detail the number, descrip­tion, and cost· of mail-bags, locks, and keys purchased and issued during the year. The total number of new mail-hags prbcurecl and put in serdce was 60,400, of which 54,000 were used for transmission of printed matter, ancl6,400 for letter-mails. Their cost was $86,015. Contracts for furnishing mail-bags of all kinds were made during the year, accord­ing to law, after due advertisement, at prices averaging about 18 per cent. less than the last contracts for similar articles.

Tlw necessity of substituting new kinds of mail-locks and keys for those formerly in use demanded very large purchases during the year The uumber of locks of the new kinds purchased was 100,000, and of keys 63,000, at a cost of $68,190. Adding $1,273 40, the cost of repairs, the total expenditures are shown to be $69,463 40.


Tables accompany tlle report of the Second Assistant Postmaster General, giving interesting details relatiYe to the transmission of through mails from '\Yashington, New York, Boston, Cincinnati, Chicago, and St. Louis to San Francisco and back; from Washington to New Orleans and back; from New York to New Orleans and back, by cliff~rent routes; and from New York to l\Iemphis and back, by different routes.

On the route to San Francisco and back, the gratifying regularity noted in the last annllal report has been fully maintained. Of 64± mails carried through, during the year ended ·with the month of September, 1871, to San Francisco from New York, 5GD were conveyed in scllednle time, and only 75 behind time, against 573 in time and 145 behind time the preceding year. Of 3G± mails carried through to New York fi·om San Francisco, 321 were conveyed in schedule time, and only 43 bebiiHl time, against 280 in time and 72 behind time the preceding year. The av~rage timt>, going west, was 173 hours, or 7 days, 5 hours-nearly 3 hours less tllan the aYerage the preceding :year. The average time, going east, was 169 bonrs, 45 minutes, or 7 days, 1 hour, and 45 minutes­nearly 3 hours less tlwn the average the prece<liug year. The sllortest time, going 'rest, was 162 hours; going east, 1G7 hours; against 144


hours, 40 minutes, going west, and 159 hours, 10 minutes, going east, the preceding year.

Between New York and New Orleans, one mail a day is still sent in each direction o\er the Soutkwestern route, 'Vla \Vashington, Lynch burgh, Knoxville, Chattanooga, and Grand Junction, an(_l one over the lrestern route, via Cincinnati, Louis·dlle, Humboldt, and Grand Junction, at \"rhich last-mentioned point the two routes unite and run on the same road to New Orleans. Of 357 mails carried through, during the year ended with the month of September, 1871, by tlle Svufhtcestern route, to New Orleans from New York, 236 were conveyed in schedule time, and 1.21 behind time, against .214 in time and 149 behind time the preceding: year; the average time being 93 hours, 9 minutes-.29 minutes more than the average the preceding year. Of 357 mails carried through, by the same route, to New York from New Orleans, .224 were conve~Ted in schedule time, aud 133 behind time, against 221 in time and 142 bellincl time the preceding year; the a,yerage time being 95 hours, 36 min­utes-54 minutes less tllan tlle average the preceding year. Tlw shortest time, going south, was 85 hours, 29 minutes; going nortb, Sti hours; against 84 hours, 5J minutes, going south, and 85 hours, 30 min­utes, going north, the preceding year. Of 355 mails carried through, by the lVestern route, to NmY Orleans from Nmv York, only 127 were con­veyed in sclledule time, awl 228 behind time, against 121 in time and 235 behind time the preceding year; the average time being 89 hours, 45 minutes-5 minutes more tllan the average the preceding year. Of 30± mails carried through, by the same route, to New York from· New Orle~1ns, only 70 were couveye<l in sebe(lnle time, aud 234 behind time, ~gai11st 126 in time and 182 behind time tlle preceding year; the ~werage being 93 hours, 2J miunteR-5 hours, 8 minute:;;, more thau the average. the prec~~ling year. The shortest time, going south, was 77 hours, 30 minutes; going nortll, 77 hours; against 75 hours, 45 minutes, goiug south, and 77 hours, going· nortll, the preceding year. Tllese figures show a slight improvement of the ser'i"ice on the Southwestern route, and on the lVestern a deterioration, yet not so great as wholly to destroy its usefulness as an adjunct to the other route, on a portion of which, between \Yashington and Chattanooga, until recently, only a siugle train a day was run. Anangements are now in progress for the trans­mission of double daily through mails over the Southwestern route .

.Au order was made in ,J nne last to transfer the great through mails for and from New Orleaus to the line of tile Alabama and Chattanooga l{ailroad, diverging from the Sontlw.:estern route at Chattanooga, Ten­nessee, aud running thence, by an air-line, to 1\'Iericliau, l\fississippi, and thence oYer the _l\Iobile and Ohio and tlle Nmv Orleaus, :l\Iobile and Texas Railroads, by which it appeared the time of transit ··might bl' reduced twelve hours; but the execution of the order was prevented by the interruption of the running of trains on tile Alabama and Chat­tanooga road, so that the capability of that line as a route for the through mails r.3mains yet to be tested by actual experiment.



An arrangement was made in January last to accommodate the citi­zens of C<llifornia with a daily mail to and fro111 the East, ·without the intermission occasioned prenously by the lack of Sunday serdce l>etween Chicag-o a11<l the lVIissonri RhTer. For this purpose, an allowance of $25,000 per annum was made, fi'om J au nary 22, 1871, to the proprietors of the Chicago, Burlington and Quincy and the Burlington and 1\Iissonri RhTer Railroads, the companies named being alone responsible to the Department for the serdce, but having the option of performing it on any one of the three lines between Chicago and Omalut, viz: the Chicago, Burlington and Quincy and the Burlington and Missouri River, rein Burlington, Iowa; tlw Chicago and North western, 1)ia Clinton, Imnt; or the Chicago, Hock Island and Pacific, 'Vi(t Rock Island, Illinois. The service has been performed in a manner eutii~ely satisfactory to the Department and to the citizens interested.


The number of complaints of missing letterH during the year is 4-,600, of which 2,037 "'ere registered ana 2,5-!3 unregistered, containing bonds, drafts, and cnrreney to the nominal amount of $±18,7 ±8 U2. Of regis­tered letters, G59 were accounted for as recehTed at tlleir destinatim1, and only 283 have been reported as actually lost. The remaining eases are in the ll~uHh; of special agents for inve~::~tigatiou.

For 'dolatious of tlle postal lan·s, 123 persons have been arrested, ot whom :31 have been convicted and sentenced to differeut degrees of Jmni~::~hment, and the remainder are in the Lauds of the Department of J n:-_;tice to be dealt "·ith according· to law.


The statement hereto appended shows an increase of eight lines and ~,9.J6 miles of rail way post-office ser~Tice. The number of lines iu opera­tion on the 30th day of J nne, 1871~ was 49, extendiug in the aggregate over 11,208 miles of railroad and steamboat routes. Upon S,GGO miles the service is performed daily, upon 2,527 miles twice daily, and upo11 21 miles four times dail:y, equivalent in all to 13,798 miles each way (laily. Conntiug all the lines both ways, the aggregate service is 27,596 miles daily, awl 10,072,540 miles annually. The number of clerks em­ployed was iH:3, at an annual cost of $G49,400, against 37t') clerks, at a cost of $-!-!2,t.WO, 'for the previous year, showing the increased cost for the fiscal year to be 820G,800. Of this amount, the snm of $28,GOO \\·as expended for the equalization of salaries, the clerks iu the "-esterll •li-dsion and on two lines in l\Iassaclmsetts, numbering iu all 1-!3, hav­ing been pai(l, previous to July 1, 1870, for the same class of duties, each $~00 per annum less than those upon the other lines. Deducting this sum, the increased expenditure is $178,:.wo.


During the last year, the Union Pacific Railroad, 1,032 miles in length, from Omaha, Nebraska, to Ogden, Utah, bas been added to this service, and it has been decided to extend this line over the Central Pacific Railroad, an additional distance of 881 miles, from Ogden, Utah, to San Francisco, California.

There is twice-daily service between Portland, l\Iaine, and Chicago, IlHnois, and over the greater portion of this route the mail-cars are carried upon the fastest passenger trains, thereby insuring the delivery of all through and way mails in the shortest possible time.

Arrangements have recently been completed to establish a continuous line of railway post-offices from Portland, Maine, over the :Maine Central and the European and North American Railways, to Vanceborough, at the boundary-line between New Brt~nswick and the United States. The authorities of the Dominion of Canada will connect and continue a similar service to St. John, New Brunswick.

Partial arrangements have also been m~de for a line of railway post-offices from \Vashington, D. C., to New Orleans, Louisiana, an

· organization baving been effected this month (N;o,Tember) as far as Chattanooga, Tennessee. From that point to New Orleans the service will be established as soon as the negotiations, now pending, can be concluded.

On tlle 15th instant, a line of railway post-offices was also established from lHilwankee, \Visconsin, to Saint Paul, Minnesota, for the purpose of securing a more accurate and expeditious distribution of the mails "for the States of vVisconsin and l\Iinnesota.

The distance from Vanceborough, :Maine, to San Francisco, California, via Boston, Albany, Buffalo, Toledo, Chicago, and Ou:iaha, is 3,832 miles; and from Vanceborough to New Orleans, via Boston, New York, Philadel­phia, Baltimore, ~rashington, and Chattanooga, is 2,108 miles. It is the purpose of the Department to establish contiunous lines of railway post-offices connecting these remote points and supplying all diYerging lines. They will be the longest lines in the world, and will afford the most ample facilities now known for the transmission and distribution of the mails between the States and Territories which they will respectively traverse.

Special efforts haye been made during the past year to perfect the distribution of mail matter upon the seyeral lines. Thorough scllemes of distribution have been carefully prepared and furnished the clerks, thus enabling them to facilitate greatly tlle deliYery of mails by the quickest attainable routes. 1 .

The value of the rail1vay post-office system was especially demonstrated after the destruction, by fire, of the great distributing post-office at Cbicago, Illinois, on tlle 9th of October last. But for the lines leading to the 'Vest and concentrating at Chicago, the mails for the extreme vVestern and Northwestern State:.-:; would have been seriously interrupted for many weeks. During the month of October, besides tlle letter-rnaile,


a large portion of the great paper-mails for the States mentioned \Yere successfully distributed on the cars and passed to their destination \Yith the usual dispatch.

The "·ant of sufficient room upon the cars now in use prevents, how­ever, the proper distribution of the large through paper-mails, subjecting them to frequent delays at the various distributing offices for separation, while the letter-mails go directly forward to their destination.


The total number of letters exchanged, during the year, with foreign countries, was ::w,~95,!398, an increase of 1,936,6:30 over the nnm ber reported for 1870. Of this number, 10,4:61,868 were sent from, and 9,834,130 were received in, the United States.

The number of letters (single rates) exchanged in the mails with European countries was 14,113,560, an increase of 912,114 over the num-ber reported for 1870. ·

The total postages on the letters exchanged with foreign countries amounted to $1,735,266 32, being $~29,~98 16 less than the amount reported for 1870.

The aggregate amount of postage (sea, inland, and foreig·n) on the letter-mails exchanged with the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, Germany, Switzerland, Italy, rrhe Netherlands, Belgium, and France, was $1,181,057 4:1, being $~6±,885 19 less than the amount re­})Orted for 1870. The postages on letters sent exceeded the postages on letters receivec1 from the same countries in the sum of $5,80~ 15, being less than one-half of one per cent. of the aggregate amount. The postages collected in the United States amounted to $755,724,39, and in Europe to $4~5,333 02, the t;xcess of collections in the United States being $330,391 37, or 28 per cent. of the entire postage receipts.

Comparing the year 1871 witlJ the year 1870, the rate of increase in the total number of letters exchanged in the mails with foreign countries was 101 per cent.~ and the rate of decrease in the amount of postages thereon was 1ln- per cent. The increase in the number of letters ex­changed with European countries was nearly 7 per cent., and the decrease of postages thereon amounted to 18r30 per cent.; this large reduction in postage r,eceipts having resulted from the greatly reduced rates of inter­national postages established bet\-.;een the United States and the differ­ent countries of Europe, which came into operation during the latter half of the fiscal year 1870, but the full effect of which was not realized. until the year 1871. The most important of these reductions "Tas that made between this country and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland on Jan nary 1, 1870, when the single rate for prepaid letters was rednced from 1~ to G cents, causing a like reduction of G cents per single rate in the postage charges on letters to and from all countries and places served by the British mails. This was followed by reduced postage charges, from 15 to 10 cents per single rate; on the letters


exchanged by closed mails, via England, with German.}'", Belgium, Italy, The "Netherlands, and Switzerland, including all.countries and places to which they respecti,,.ely serve as intermediaries, which came into opera­tion near the elose of the last fiscal year. Reduced rates of post<lge were also established, at the same time, to countries on the 'vest coast of South Ameriea, British Columbia, Sandwich Islands, New Zealand, Australia, and the East. Indies.

The total weight of the mails .exchanged, during the year, \Yith Euro­pean countries, under proyisions of existing postal conyentions, was 1,208,~-)()6 pomHls; the weight of the. letter correspondence being 281,903 pounds, and of printed matter and samples 1,017,061 pounds. The aggregate weight of the mails sent to Europe was 627,591 pounds, and of mails receiYed from Europe 671,373 pounds. The weight of letter correspondence sent to Europe was 155,601 pounds, and of letter co~'re­spmulence receiYed from Europe 126,304 pounds.

The cost of the United States transatlantic mail steamship serYice for the year 1871 ''as $17 4,138 3!), being $148,153 48 less than the cost of the smne serYice during the year 1$70. The steamships employed under contract with this Department receiyed the sea postages of G cents an ounce on letter-mails, and 6 cents a pound on other matter, as full compensation for the serYice. The earnings of the respectiYe lines were as follows, viz:

The Linrpool and Great 'Vestern line, for 5:3 trips, from New York to Qncens-to,vn ______ ... ___ . _. _ ... _________ . _______ . ____________________ . _. ____ $60, 805 :38

The Inman li11e, for 53 trips, from New York to Queenstown anll Liver-pool _ . _____ . _____ . ________ .. _____ . ___ . ___________ . ___ .. _____________ _

The Cunard line, for 49 trips, from New York to Queenstown and Li n_•r-pool _______ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _________________________ .. _____ . ________________ _

The Hamlmrg-Amcrican Packet Company, for 29 trips, from New York to Plym ou t.h a11 d Hamlmrg . _____________ . ____ . ___________ . __ ... ________ _

The North German Lloyd, of Bremen, for 48 trips, from New York to South-ampton and Bremen . _____ . ________________________ . ________ .. __ . __ . __

The Canadian liuc, for 52 tdps, to Liverpool.·-------------------·---·---

Tot::tl ____ . _ . __ . __ . ___ . ____ .. __ . _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ . __ . _____ . ______ . _ . ____ _

49,537 :35

22,178 81

20,415 li9

15,676 :3~

5,524 <'34

17 4, 138 :3~1


The United States postages on the mails conveyed to and from the '\Vest Iudies, IVIexico~ Panama, Sonth Pacific, Belize, (Honduras,) NoYa Scotia, N ewfonudland, and Bennn(la, amonuted to $125,780 93, and the cost of the sea conveyaHce thereof was $7G,857 32. The United States postages on the mails exchanged with Brazil, Japan and China, tltt>

Sandwich Islands, Ne'v Zealand, and Australia, by means of tlle sub­sidized lines of direct mail steamers, amounted to $46,993 52.

The total cost of the United States ocean mail steamship serYice for the year 1871 (including $725,000 paid from special appropriations for steam~hip scrdee to Japau and China, to Brazil, and to the HawaHan IslawJs) was $973,993 71.


The mail steamship serdce on all the ocean routes has been regularly performed according to contract. The transatlantic mails have been conveyed exclusively by foreigti steamship lines, receiving, under the general law, the sea postages thereon as compensation for the· service. Regular monthly service has been maintai1,1ed on the United States mail steamship routes to Japan and China, to Brazil, aud to the Hawai­ian Islands. There is no doubt that an increase of serdce from monthly to semi-monthly trips on the Brazil and China lines would greatly pro­mote their effiCiency for postal and commercial purposes. The great length of each of these routes, between ports distant from each other 5,500 and 7,000 miles, respectively, renders a monthly mail service on either of them disjointed and inadequate for rapid reliable postal commu­nication. This is peculiarly the case with regard to the mail service per­formed on the United States and Brazil line. The schedule of sailing­days is the best that can be arranged for a monthly service on a route of tllat lengtll, and allows, at most, only two days at New York between the arrivah; and departures of the steamers, so that merchants in Boston, rhiladelplria, Baltimore, and other Atlantic seaboard cities are usually unable to answer correspondence or :fill orders by the return steamers, causing tLem. great delay, inconvenience, and loss. The result is that a majority of the letters from the United States for Brazil are forwa.rcled in the British rnail1:ict Southampton1 reaching their destination by that circuitous route sooner than if detained a month for transmission by the next direct steamer from New York to Rio de Janeiro. It is manifest, tllerefore, that a mont!Jly service on this commercially important route i~ inadequate to the wants of the public, and fails to accomplish the purposes which Congress had iu view in granting a mouey subsidy to this line of steamers.

In my report of last year I renewed the recommendation of the pre­cecliug year for an increase of mail sen~ice to semi-monthl~r trips on the route from San Francisco to Japan and China. I am still impressed ''ith the importance of authorizing additional trips on this line, the es­tablishment of which has already gi,en us the control of the large and rapidly increasing commerce of the North Pacific Ocean with Japan and China; and, for like considerations, I deem it expedient that suitable provision should be made for increasing the service from monthl~T to semi-monthly trips on the steamsltip line from New York to Rio de Janeiro.

Au application was made to Congress at its last session, by American citizens, for governmental aid in establishing an Ameriean line of mail i-:lteamships between San Francisco, New Zealand, and the Australian colonies, by way of tlle Sand \Vich Islands. A bill granting a money ~-;nbsidy to the proposed 1ine was reported by the Senate Committee on Post-Ofiices aud Post-Roads, but it failed to pass ·the Senate, as did all other similar bills proposing Government aid to projected steamship liues. Dhmppointe<l in obtaining the desireu legislation from Congress,


the projectors of this enterprise entered into a contract for the contem­plated sen'ice with the government of New Zealand, which goYermnent had previously signified its rt>adiness to assist, by a moderate snbsicly, in establishing a direct postal communication by steamships with the United States. An Amer~can line of steamships has thus been placed upon the route between San Francisco, New Zealand, and Australia, 1L'ict the Sand \Yich Islands, and is now carrying our mails regularly once in four weeks from San Francisco, nuder the patronage of the New Zealand government, \vith the expectation, on the part of the proprietors of the line, that additional aid to maintain this service will be granted by Congress at the approaching session. There can be no question of the connnercia.l importance to the United States of establish­ing and maintaining a direct and rapid steam communication by American steamships with the countries and islands of the South­west Pacific Ocean. Sneh a line will secure to our eitizens a large sbar0 of the trade of those eolonies, now rapidly growing in population and wealth, and greatly benefit the general business interests of tlw country. A large portion of the heavy traffic and travel between Europe and Australia~ -,vllich has heretofore taken the routes V'ia, Suez and the Cape of Good Hope, w-ill be transferred to the American route via San Francisco, if reliable and rapid steam communication shall be perma­nently established between that port and the countries of Australasia. Already, since tlw inauguration of direct steamship service from San Francisco, heaY.Y English mails are being transported across our conti· nent to and from New Zealand and the Australian colonies, the time oc­cupied in their conve:yance to destination being less by nearly two weeks than by the Suez route. As manifest considerations of public policy and commercial advantage make it desirable to sustain a first-class _line of American steamships upon this route, the question of uniting with the Australian colonies in the support of the existing service by a mod­erate money subsidy is respectfully submitted to Congress for its con­sideration and appropriate action.

In previous reports I have called attention to the imr>ortanee of judi­cious legislation to encourage the establishment of American mail steam­ship lines. For seYeral :yeai·s past we have practically ceased, as a nation, to compete with other maritime powers in ocean steam navigation. Various projects haYe been dedsecl and urged upon Congress by inter­ested parties, many of them without capital or practical experience in steam commerce, seeking large subsidy grants, in a variety of forms, for tlw con\eyance of our mails in American steamships to European ports. J\Tneh valuable time has been devoted by the Post-Office com­mittees and by Congress to the consideration and dise.ussion of the many conflicting schemes presented for their action, without accom­plishing any practical results; and the transportation of onr mails, passengers, and freights across the Atlantic is still performed exclu­sively by tile steamship lines of other nations. Surely some legislation


is demanded to revive the great maritime interests of the country and encourage the construction and equipment of au efficient ocean steam mercantile marine. The subject is one of paramount importance to the material interests of the country, and should receive the most thorough and careful attention of Congress.

It is a very gratifying fact, in this connection, to state that, amid all the discouragements of the present situation, a new line of American iron steamships, to ply between Philadelpllia aud Liv·erpool, consisting of four first-class propellers of 3,000 tons each, (old measurement,) are now being built on the Delaware for the American Steamship Company of Philadelphia, of materials exclusively of American manufacture. They will be completed and ready for set~vice early in the fall of 1872, and will form a regular weekly line between the above-named ports. The proprietors of this pioneer line of American iron steamships are among the most enterprising merchants and capitalists of Philadelphia, and deserve such encouragement in their praiseworthy undertaking as can properly he extended by Congress. A reasonable compensation for conveying the mails, in excess of the postage receipts, is probably the only Government aid needed to insure the permanent establishment of this or any other similar line of American ocean steamers plyiug betiYeen our own and foreign ports; and, in my judgment, the granting of such incidental aid, in connection with proper legislation to encourage the construction by American builders of first-class iron steamships, is the most simple, economical, and practical method of esta blislling Ameri­can lines of ocean steamers and advancing the general commercial prosperity of the country.

An additional article to the postal convention between tlle United States and Germany was signed at "\Vashington 1\farch 3, and at Berlin l\fay 14, 1871, reducing the postage on direct letter-mails exclla,nged between the two countries, a copy of which is annexed. Arrangements have a]so been concluded with the German postal administration, and carried into operation on the 1st of October, 1871, further reducing the postage charge for prepaid letters between the United States and Ger­many transmitted by closed mail 'Vi(t England from 10 to 7 cents per single rate, and also the postage charges fo·r prepaid letters by the direct routes vin Br~men and Hamburg, respectively, from 7 to 6 cents per single rate.

Postal conventions have been negotiated with the republic of Ecuador and with the Argentine Hepublic establishing and regulating the reciprocal exchange of correspondence with each of those countries at reduced rates of international postage. The duplicate originals of said conventions have been transmitted to those governments, respect­ively, for ratification, and notice was recently receiYed through the Department of State that the convention with Ecuador had been ratified by tile congress of that republic.

:X egotiations are in progress with the goveruments of Denmark, Swe-


den, and Norway for the conclusion of postal conventions a1~eliorating the exchange of correspondence and reducing rates of postage between the United States and each of those kingdoms. I baNe every reason to hope for the early conclusion of the desired conventions.

I have also submitted to the Russian government, through its minis­ter at vVashingtou, propositions for a postal convention with Russia providing for an exchange of correspondence with that country in closed mails 1Yi(t Englaud and Germany, at moderated postage charges.

Negotiations have been renewed for a postal convention "'lvith France, but I regret to state that there is little prospect of a favorable result. J\Iodified propositions, based on the liberal provisions of our postal arrangements with Germany and other leading· countries of Europe, were submitted by this Department more than a yea1~ ago, at the request of the French minister at ~rashington, and transmitted by him to his government for consideration and instructions. No reply having been receh~ed, the attention of .1\'Ir. Washburne, our minister to France, was recently invited to the subject, with request to bring these propo­sals to the notice of the French government, and, if pm~sible, have them considered and acted upon b,y the proper authorities at Paris; but I am not a(h~ised that any action has yet been taken.


The report of the Appointment Office shows the following: Number of post-offices estaLlishecl during the year . "......................... 2, 407 Number discontinued ...•...... ~ ............ ~.......... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 854 Increase .........•............................. -... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1, 558 NumlJer in operation on J nne 30, 18:-0 ..•.................................... 28, 492 Number in operation on June 30, 1871 ....................................... 30,045 Number to be filled by appointments of the President . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1, 172 Number to be filled by appointments of the Postmaster General ..............• 28, 873

Appointments were made during the year: On resignations .............................•.... _ ......••......•..•....... 4,307

1,179 17t; 309


On removals .............................................................. . On changes of names and sites ...................•. - ..................... -.. On deaths of postmasters ................................................... . On estaLlishment of new post-offices ........................................ .

Total appointments .............•........••........................... 8,370

Number of cases acted on during the year.................................... 9, 416

The number and aggregate compensation of special agents, route­agents, mail-route messengers, railway post-office clerks, and local agents in serviee during the ;year ended J nne 30, 1871, were:

50 special agents ....................................... _ ......... __ .. 684 route-agents ..................................................... . 103 mail-route messengers ................................. _. _ .... __ . _. 513 railway post-office clerks ......................... _ .. _ ............ .

8'2 local agents ................................... ~ ....... __ . __ . _ . _ ..

$121,899 00 671,280 00

61,910 00 649,400 00 58,430 00

Total compensation ............................................. 1, 562, 919 00 =======:==



The free-delivery system has been in operation during the year in fifty"- two of the principal cities, with the following aggregate results:

Number ofletter-carriers ............................ ····-· ----·· --·-Mailletters delivered ..• _ ................. -- .. ------- ----------- · ----Local letters delivered ...................... - .. - .. ·----- ---. ------ . ---Newspapers delivered ................................. -.---.- ....... . Ltters collected ......................... ----- .. ----. --.- . --. -.-. --.-

1,419 112,612,693 27,045,760 :32, 610, 353

113,287,602 Amount paid carriers, including incidental expenses ................... $1, 35:3, ~)23 2:1 Postage on local matter .................................... ---~-·.... $758,120 78

Tbis shows the following increase, compared with last year: Letter-c~trriers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ......................••...... : .Mail letters delivered ............................................... . Local letters delivered .............................................. . Newspapers delivered .............................................. . Letters collected ................................................... . Amount paid carriers, including incidental expenses ................. . Postage on local matter ........................................ -.... .


57 14,800,862 5,248,11]. 4,743,330

15,· 496, !156 $12:1, 84:3 3t:l $76,256 08

The following table will show the uumber of employes in the Post­Office Department; also the number of postmasters, contractors, clerks in post-offices, route-agents, raihvay post-office clerks, and other officers, in service on the 30th J nne~ 1871 : ..

Department officers: Postmaster General................................................... 1 Assistant Postmasters General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Superintendent of Foreign Mails ........................... _ .......... _. 1 Superintendent of Money-Order Office ........ _ ... _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Chief of division of dead letters ... _ .... _ ..... _ .... _ .............. _.... 1 Chief clerk of Department ............... _ ................... _ .... __ .. 1 Chief clerks of Bureaus .................. _.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Clerks, laborers, watchmen, &c ............................... _ .... _.. 319

Total departmental ...... _ ............... ·- .............. _ ..... _ ... _ ..

Other officers: Postn1asters ................. _ . _ ... _ .. _ .. _ . __ ... ___ .... __ Cont.ractors ................ _. . . . . . ___ .... _ ... _. _ ... _. _ ... _ .. _ .. _ .. . Clerks in post-offices ..................... ; ........ _ ......... _ ....... . Letter-carriers ................. _ ........ _ .................. _. _. __ .. . Ronte-ag.ents ................ _ .......... _ .... _ ....... _ ............. _ .. Railway post-office clerks ........................ ____ ............... . Mail-route messengers ............. _ ................................ . Local agents ............... _ ... ___ .. __ .... _ .... _ ....... _ ....... _ ... .

30,045 7,286 :3,439 1,419

684 513 103 8~


Special agents ... _ ........ ___ ........ _ .............. __ .. _ .. _ ........ . 62 --- 43,()23

Total in service ........•..•.......•. _.. . . . . • . • . • . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . 43, 954

li-P G



The number of letters, domestic and foreign, received at the dead-let­ter office during the ·last fiscal year was as follows:

Domestic letters, classed as-Ordinary ....... __ ........... _ ... _____ . ___ .. _ ......... ___ . ____ . _ ... ____ . 2, 9:{1, 244

l)rop - - - - - - - - - . - .. --- - -- .. -...... - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 492, 300 Unmailablt> -........................................................... _ 373, 363 JI o tel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .................... -- .. __ . _ .. _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26, 732 Flctitions ....... _ .................. _ ..................... _ ... _. ___ . . . . . . 66, 264 Registered .......................... __ .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6, 162 Returned from foreign countries_ .... __ ............. _ ................. __ . _ 77,010

Total domestic I otters ... _ ............................ _.. . . . . . . . . . . 3, 973, 075 Foreign letters . ! .............. _. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 221, 673

·whole num her ..................................................... 4, 194,7 48

Of domestic letters uot registered, 16,218 eontained money amount­ing to $59,608 ~H, in sums of one dollar and upward; and of the regis­tered letters, 2~35!) contained $19,204 61, making a total of 18,577 let­ters, containing $78,812 98. Of tllese, 17,082, containing $7 4,420 90,

. were delivered to the writers or persons addressed; 2,902, containing $10,397 02, whieb could not be returned to the owners, were filed for reclamation; and 1,495, containing $4,392 OS, were outstanding~ The number inclosing sums less than one dollar was 1-±,956, containing $3,808 92; of vd1ich 12,-±1i_', containing $3,094 90, were delivered to the ''rriters, and 2,543, containing $71-± 02, were filed for reelamation.

The nnm ber of letters eontaining bank checks, drafts, deeds, &c., was 19~193, of the uom.inal value of $3,075,86!) 23; of which 17,905, of the nominal value of $2,85;":),030 31, were delivered to the owners, and 1,288, of the nominal value of $220,838 927 were outRtanding or filed for reclamation.

The number of paekages and letters containing jewelry, books, and other property was 6,498; of whieh 4,298 were delivered, and2,200 were_ filed for reclamation.

The number co11taining photographs was 42,119; of which 36,544 were deliYered, and 5,575 were filed. The number containing receipts, bills of lading, &c., was 28~1!J6; of which 27~081 were delivered, and 1,115 were filed. The number eontaining postage and revenue stamps and articles of small value was 40,749; of whieh 37,889 were delivered, and 2,860 were filed.

The number of letters without inclosures remailed to the writers was 1,628,803; of which 1,334,303 were delivered, and 294,500 were returned to the office and destroyed. The number in which the writer's name and loeal address were omitted or were illegible, and of letters contain-

, ing eircnlars, &c., and consequently destroyed, was 2,173,984. Of the unmailable letters, 301,472 were detained for postage, not

oeing prepaid, as requ_ired by law. They were either wholly unpaid,


were not prepaid one full rate, or were stamped with illegal or revenue stamps; 68,373 were misdireeted, the post-office, State, or some neces­sary part of tlle address being omitted; and 3,518 llad no address whatever.

The lmmber of applications for dead letters was 7 ,371, and in 2,4 71 cases the letters were found and forwarded to the owners.

The amounts deposited in the United States 'freasury were-

For unclaimed dead-letter money dnri11g the year.---- ..... ---. $R, 430 16 For unclaimed dead-letter mont•y on J nl,r 5, 1871. -..... ---. ---- 2, 200 00

----- $10, 680 16

For proceeds of sale of jewelry, books, ~~.:c ..•••• -- •• -- ••.• - •• --. - •.. -.-. 1, 669 :35 For proceeds of sale of waste-paper dnriug the year ........ -- .. $2, 229 45 For proceeds of sale of waste-paper on Jnly 1, 1871 ...... - .. --. 1, 248 75

----- :3, 478 20

Total cleposited to .J nly 5, 1871. ............ - ...... - .... - . ---- ... -. 15, 827 71


During the last fiscal y~ar, the number of money-order offices in oper­ation was 2,076. On the :31st of July, 1871, 376 additional money-order offices were established, so that the whole number of such offices is a.t present 2,452.

The nnmher of domestic money-orders issued during the year was 2

7151,794, the aggregate value of ·which was ...... _ ......... ~ ...... $42, 164, 118 0:3

The number of snell orders paid was 2,121,664, amount-ing in value to ..... _ ..................... _.. . . . . . . $41, 705, 667 03

To this sum is to he added the amount of orders re-paid to the purchasers ........................... ..

Total of paymell ts. . _ .......... _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42, 027, 3:)6 31

Exef•Rs of issues over payments ..................................... . 1:)(i, 781 72

The amount of fees or commissious paid by the publie to po:-;trnasters for the issue of orders was $295,286 15.

This statement shows an increase oYer 1870, in the amount of orders issued, of $8,10U,923 32, or 23-t per cent.; in the amount of orders paid, of $8,099,411 52, m· 23! per cent. ; and in the amount of fees received, of $60,0::iO 35, or 25~ per cent.

The average amount of the money-orders issued during the year was $19 59. This amount varies but little from year to year~ not having fallell below $H) for the last ih·e years, and having only once slightly exceeded $20.

The whole 11umher of duvlicate orders c..lrawn wa:-; 8,858, of which 8,7~5 were issued in lieu of original orders which failed to reacll the respective payees because of their change of resideHce, or because of erroneous or imperfect address, or for other canses; 111 were sub­stituted for orders which became invalid because not presented for pay­ment before the expiration of one year after date ; and 22 for orders


rendered invalid in consequence of bearing, contrary to law, more than one indorsement.

The iuerease in the num l>er of duplicates during the last year was 1,G~:3, or 23-i per cent., nearly the same rate of increase as that of the orders issued and 1)aid.

The reeeipts and expenditures of the last yeai·, as adjusted and re­ported by the Auditor, were as follows, viz:

Hcccipts: 1.:<\w:~ n·ct•.i \'<c(l fur :rnouey-ordcr:s issued ____ . _____ . _____ . _____ . _____ . __ • __ $295, 28o 15

Anwnut l'CCt~ved for premium on drafts·----- .... ·--------- .... ________ 277 23

Tuta1 ... -- ----- .. -- .. - ... - _- _ . _. _ ... ____ . ____ ....... __ ..... __ . _ 295, 563 :~s

Expemlitnres: Commi:ssion t.o post.mast.ers antl :.tllo\Yttnces for clerk hire. ___ $t77, 773 56 Allowanees for remittances lost iu tra.usmissiou l>y mail.____ 7, 715 00 I ucidental expenses for stationery and fixtnn·s. ____ . ___ . _ _ _ _ 8, SJ:3 04

----- 194, 3tH fiO

:Exeess of receipts over expenditures, being revenue derived from the tranH-aetion of the lmsiuess- . --- ----- .. ----. ------ -.-- e- ------ 101, 181 78

Dnring U1e past year, the amount of snrplus mouey-order fmul~ aceru­ing at the smaller post-oftices from the sale of mouey-onlers, and by them n-'Hlitt<:>d to and depositeL1 in the larger or first-class offices designated a~ their t1epositorie:j, was $30,DG5,~:;;J 33.

Forty-two remittaiwt>s, to tlte aggregate amount of $11,0:)3 52, were reported as haYing- beeu lqst in transmission by mail last year, of whidt the sum of $J, W2 ~)2 was reeoYered. through the efforts of special agentti of the Department; tile sum of $2,627 was allowed to the credit of po~tiuast<:>rs who fnrnislH•tl satisf<H'tory proof that they had, respect­ivl'ly, dnly remitted the seYeral amonnts stated by them; creuit claimed for n•Juittauees to the amonut of $JU5 was disallowed; and elaims amonntiug to $:3,±3D were unsettled and pending at the elose of the year.

The total amon11t of allowances made to postmasters during the year for lost n'lllittanees was $7,715; but of this ammmt the sum of $5,08~ was on aeeonnt of losses during previous years.

The drafts dl'aWll by postmasters whose money-order payments habit­ually ext;eed tlleir issues agaim;;t cre(lits furnished them to a dPsignated amonut, in each case, \dth the postmaster at ~ ew York, amounted to $3,~50,:2:!7 86. Funds amounting in the aggregate to $58,636 15 were also furnished by the postmaster at San Fraueiseo to postmasters in the l>aeifie States mul Tenitories who required assistance to pay orders drawn upon them.

Ont of the whole number of orclen.; paid, viz: 2,121,tW4, payment of 30, amounting to $U.:22 68, was elailm .. tl to have been improperly or fraudu­lently obtained. In niue easel5, the amount of the orders, $381 54, "vas n·eoYered by special ag-ents an<l paid to the rightful owners. In five cases, amounting to $141, tlw pa.yiug postmasters were held responsible


for the erroneous payment and required to pay O\Ter that amount to the seyeral persons e11titled to recPive it. The Department refunded the alllOtlBt of two orders. for $45, improperly paid, the pOStlll<lSter HOt

having been found at fault. Tu four cases, amounting to $Sl, the claim for co.mpensation was_ not allowecl, as it was discovered upon investiga­tion to be "'ithout good fomH1a.tiou. Tt>n e;:u;;;es, of the valm'. of $U7 4 14,

are still peiH1iug. From the esta1J1isllluent of tLe mouey-order system, 01J tlte lst of No-

vem lwr, 1 SG~, the profits acerning from its opPrations have beeu as fol­

lows, viz:

Proceeds from NoYemlJer 1,1864, to Jnly l, l~iifL ............... -----· -~--

Proeeeds dnring the fiscal ;~ear 1SG7 ................ -.---- .... - . --.-- ---. Proceeds during the fiscal year U36::i .............. -- .. -- ..... -- ----- -.--Proceeds (1 nri ng the fiscal year 18GD .................. - .. - --- .. - - .. ---- .. ProcPeds during the fiscal _•;ear 1870. . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -- .... - . ---

Proceeds during the fiscal year 1871 .... --- - ...... - ........ --- .... - ... --

~9U b:~

2fi, 2!)0 61 ;-'.4, lf);o:; 1[>

G~>, 5G:3 t-37 ~o. li ..t G:~

Hn; 1rH 7H

:337' 419 8\i

Postn:msters are allo\Yed, by the i:ltanding regnlatio11s of tht~ Dep;ut­ment, "to make dPpo~its of surplus money-onlm· fmHb, by proenl'iug­from any disbursing· oftlcer of the United States a eheck on an assistant treasurer or designated depositary tlwrcofloeated in the same city or tovnt as the post-office where the tiepos1t is to be made." This mo<le of rernit.­tance is not only ver.v emlYenient for postmasters of money-onler ofti1~es at or 1war military posts, but is often the only mPalls by which they ean forward their surplus fnlHls without extrenw dnuger of lo~s. Tlw Treasury DepartnH·ll t, hmvever, by tlte Second Uomptroller1s eirenltn· of May 15, 1871, notified disbursiug officers that it would decline ther<:'aft<·r to approve any (lnplicate check except for ''additional bounty aml j}('ll­

sions, as specially authorized by Iaw," for the rea:-:on that UongreRl-\, at its lm.;t session, <1ecliued to pasf.l a. biil providing a general system for the i~5sne and payment of duplicate'S of lost checks drawn 1Jy disunrsiug officers of the united Btates. Heuec, if such cheek, dra,vn in consi<lPr­ation of money-order fnillls reeei,·cd from a postmaster, is lm;t nr de­strOJ'ed, the money which it represents is lost to this DepartuJt'HL .A ei:lse of this kind has already ocenlTed, a quartermaster's check for $52j~ iu favor of the postmaster at New York, llaxing bepu lost iu course of transmission by mail by the total wreek of a steamer off Cape Hatteras. For this cheek no duplicate can now ue obtained. under these cirenm­stancrs, I would respectfully suggest snell legislatio11 as wonl<l anthor- . ize disbursing officers of the Army, under regulations to he pl'(•$eribc<l by the Treasury Department, to is~me duplicates of lost du:eks tlntwll lJ;y them in favor of one postmaster Oil account of publie uwneys reedYed from another.

By tlle aet of Febrnary 13, lt5G;), any assistant trt.~a:sure.r or <lPpo::-:ita ry of the United State~ is nllO\ved, in case of sickness or nllaYoi<lah1t· ah-


sence from his office, to authorize, ·with the ::tpproval of the Secretary of the Treasury, his chief clerk, or some other clerk employed therein, to act in his place, and to discharge all the official dutief; reqnired ofthim by law, "rn'OYicled that the official Lond gi>'en by the principal of the office shall be held to cover and appl,y to the acts of the person apr)ointed to act in bis place in such cases." The inte1·estH of the postal serviee require the passage of an aet giving po:-;tmasters at nwuey-onler offices similar authority in like circumstances.

The recommendation made in my last~ report with reference to the expediency of aclditioual legislatitm to authorize the extew~ion of the money-orde,r system to the stations or snb-po~t-oftices in tlw iarge cities is respectfully renewed.

Duri11g the year 1871, the amount, in cnrrency, received by postmasters for or!lers issued by them on the exchange office at Ne\Y York in favor uf payees in Switzerland, was $:38,±89 3G. 'l1he. amount of orders paid in the United States on acconut of remittances from Switz2rland vvas $12,003 53; showing an increase over the correspowliug transactions of

. last year of~~ 1G,2DD 8G, or 7:3,±;) per eent., in the issue:-;, and a decrease of $8,4±7 39, or 70.37 per cent., in the payments. From the eommeucemcut oft he international system with Switzel'lan<l, on the 1st of September, 186U, to the close of the last fiscal ye~tr, a period of twenty-two months, the alllount of orders issued by the United States offices for payment in Switzerland was $60,679 26, and the amount of orders pahl on acconnt of remittances from that eonntry was $:3:!,4,)± 4:;:5, After payment of the entire balance due Switzerland on aceount of this exchange of money-orders, a net profit of $±,521 jl acernetl to the United States, the expenses proper, exclusive of the premiums paid for gold fnuds purchased to pay balances found <lne peri()(lically to Swi1 zerland, having amounted to but $iH 87. The total eost of snell premiums was $2,623 77.

It was stated in my last annual report that negotiations were in progress for the establishment of an international system of postal money-orders bet,Yeeu the United States aud the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland. As these negotiations, which were conducted by means of epistolary correspondence for a period of eighteen months, failed to efJect an agreement as to the provisions of snell a system, I decided, in l\Ia,y last, to send a competent oft:icer of this Dep~trtmeut to confer personally \vith the postal authorities of the United Kingdom upon the points iu controversy. The Superintendent of the :VI.oney-Order System was accordingly dispatched to London for that purpose ou the 25th of that month, as a special agent, duly authorized to negotiate the terms of a convention for a moucy-onler system between the two conn­tries, subject to my approya1, by aud with the advice and consent of the President. The special agent succeeded iu11egotiating a convention for that object, which was signed in I"'ondon .Tune 30, 1871, and approved. and signed in vVashington July 27, 1871. A copy of that convention


will be found in the appendix. In pursuance of its provisions, the money-order system between the two countries went into operation October 2, 1871. From that date up to Oetober ~8, a period of four weeks, the amount of the onlers ·remitted from this country to Great Britain was $63,061 13, and of orders iu tile opposite direction $14,684 19, a manifest indication that this system of exchange supplies an existing public want and will be extensi,~ely used by remitters of small sums to and from Great Britain.

A commnnicatioi1 having been reeeh-e<l l\Iay 15, 1871, from the post department ef the German Empire, expressing a desire to enter into negotiations "for the introduction of the money-order system into the postal intercourse betweell the t\YO countries," I instructed the special agent above mentioned to proceed, after having completed negotiations with the British office, to Berlin, and to treat with the post llepartuH•nt of Germany as to the terms of a conveutiou for establishiug all interua­tional money-order system with that country. A conventiou to that eud was duly negotiated, in pursuance of these iustrnctions, ·with an an­thorized agent of the German post ch"'partment, at Berlin, July 22, 1871, and now awaits complete 1·atiiicatiou by the proper authorities of both countries. By the terms of this coll\Tentiou, tlw money-order business "between the t\\'0 countries is to co1nmence on the lst of October, 1872.


The recent experience of the Contract Oft1ce of this Department indi­cates the propriety of a, material amendment to the regulating mail contracts.

On the 30th of September, 1870, advertisements were issued, in regnlar form, for all mail coutracts in the section comprising the States of \Vest Virginia, Virginia, North Uarolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, Texas, and Arkansas. Iu response to tllese advertisements, many bids were received and duly entered, and, under the 24th section of the act of July 2, 18:36, contraets were, without exception, awarded to the 10\vest bid<1ers. Un tlle 1st of July, the time when, agreeably to the ad\'ertisement and the usage of the Department, the new contractors were required to commence the discharge of their duties, it was ascertained that the bidders to whom contracts on most of the important routes had been awarded had failed to perform the service. The whole number of failing bid<lers was 195, and the routes thus left without regular contractors were found to be located as follows: 3 in \Vest Virginia, 11 in Virginia, 2 in Georgia, 2 in Florhla, 77 in Alabama, 2 in .Mississippi, 11 in Louisiana, .4:2 iu Texas, and 45 in Arkansas. Suspecting that tlte bidders who had thus failed were not acting in good faith, a11d that in many cases they were ficti­tious aud what are called H straw bidders," th(j Department, on the 19th ,J nly hu;;t, addressed a letter to the Attorney General, stating the condi­tion of affairs, and asking for an authoritatiYe interpretation of the laws


as to the powers of the Postmaster General in making contracts for the conveyance of the mails.

In strict conformity 'vith the opinion of the Attorney Ge~eral, dated '-Tuly 23 last, the Department proceeded to make temporai·y coutracts, on the best terms attainable, for six months, or longer, in the discretion of the Postmaster (ieneral, and to readvertisel for the residue of the contract term, all the routes whereon service had failed. The new allve:>rtisements, for a reletting from January 1, 1872, to J nne 30, 1875, •vere issued on August 4, 1871, and the new awards were made on the 1st of November, instant.

H was hoped that, nuder the operation of the 4th section of the act of lVIarch 3, 1871, which required all bidders to accompany tlletr bids for five thousand dollars or over with a certified check or draft, payable to the or(ler of the Postmaster General, for an amonnt not less than five per cent. of their bids, and which was applied, for the first time, to the hids under the last-named advertisement, a more favorable result would he obtained. I regret, however, to be obliged to say that the bids

. unrler the last advertisement are iu no respect an improvement on those uucler the first, a.nd that, of all the routes readvertised, only two were awarded to bidders who bid over fi\Te thousand dollars and who gave e\-ideuce of honesty of purpoRe by accompanying their bids with a d.wck for fi \Te per cent. of the amount thereof.

This second failure satisfied me that, under existing laws, it is impos­sible for the Department to secure a fair competition among responsible parhes who are williug and able to perform the required service for a r'air }Jl'ice. Herewith I file a statement of the Second Assistant Post­master Geueral, showing the uumlwr and termini of all the routes read­vertised, the compensation lUHler the old contracts, the amount of failing hids, the cost per aunnm of temporary serYice for Rix months, aud the amount of acePph~d bids for the same from January 1, 1872, from which it will appear that the cost of temporary service is largely in excess of the cost of a lilw amunnt of senTice under the regular contracts, which expirt>cl ou thP h;t of July last.

Hoping to frustrate like attempts to defraud the Government in the futnre, I respectfully recommend that the laws regulating mail contracts 1w ;-;o amended as to make it a misdemeanor, punishable by fine and inq>risonmeut, for any person who, after bidtling· for mail service and reeeiving an award thereof, shall f.,til to make a contract in due form aml perform the service de~crilJetl in his bid or proposal, and also so as to deelare it to lJe a mistlomeaiwr, punishable iu like mq.nuer, for any person to withdraw m· attempt to withdraw, after the day appointed for tht• opeuiug thereof, any bid he may make for such service, until a con­t,nwt therefor shall hase been duly signed and accepted and the contractor ~'\hall have proceeded to perform his duties thereunder to the satisfaction oi' the Postmaster General. I furthermore recommend that additional power be given to the Postmaster General to reject manifestly fraudulent


or fictitious bids, and, after a regular bidder ~r contractor shall have failed to enter into contract, or to fnlfillltis contract when made, to pro­ceed to contract on the best terms obtainable from any responsible party, whether a bidder or not, for the performance of the service tor the ·resi­due of the contract term. If it be deemed advisable to continue in force the provision requiring certified checks or drafts to accompany the bids, then I recommend tllat the amount of the check or draft in each case be fixed at five per cent. of the last regular contract price, where said contract price exeeedecl $3,000. Tllis \Yonlcl compel bidders to make deposits iu support of their proposals on all the more important routes, and would uot leave open, ::ts now, an opportunity to the fraudulent bidder to defeat the law by simply redneing his bid below five thousand dollars.

The Postmaster General being required by a clause of the first section of the civil appropriation act of Niarch 3, 1871, to fix the rates to be paid for telegraphie dispatches by the several Departments of the Gov­ernment, I called to my assistance Brigadier General Albert J. lVlyer, Chief Signal Officer of the Arm.r, and, upon his reeommendation, sup­ported by the legal opinion of Hon. \Villiam vVhitiug, specially retained as A_ssistant Attorney General, I passed an order, dated J nne 29 last, declaring-1st. That the rates for all telegraphic communications known

. as the signal-service messages and reports should be two cents for each word for each circuit over which it may pass in accordance with the schedule of circuits and plans of the Chief Signal Officer of the Army, and that no additional or extra allowance should be made under any pretext whatever; 2d. That for all other communications on behalf ot the Government the rate should l>e one cent per "-ord for each distance of two hundred and fifty miles or fraction of such distance. The views of General l\fyer are fully stated in a conununication addressed to the Postmaster General, dated 18th of July last, and made part of this 1·eport.

The postal telegraph is by far the most important subject now invit­_ing cousideration in connection with the transmission and interchange of intelligence. The governments of the continental countries of Eu­rope have, \dth few exceptions, claimed and exercised for years past the right of controlling and managing the electric telegraph, and in eYery instance with a degree of success commensurate with the care and attention bestowed upon their respective administrations. In Swe­den, Norway, Hnssia, Bavaria, Italy, Turkey, Greece, and Spain, great ad vautagcs have been gained by making the telegraph a part of the public postal system; while in Switzerland, Belgium, The Netherlands, PrusRia, and FrancL', where modern appliances and improvements have been more thoroughly utilized, the policy of governmental control has been fn1ly vindicated. It remained for Great Britain to give a practical test of the public system as compared with the management of corpo­rations and compauies of private stockholders. After a protracted and


most laborious investigation, Parliament passed, on 31st July, 1868, "An act to enable Her l\Iajesty's Postmaster General to ar:quire, work, and maintain electric telegraphs," whieh was followed on the 9th August, 1869, 1Jy an act providing the money necessary to purchase the under­takiugs of the several telegraph companies in Great Britain and Ireland. On the 5th of February, 1870, the transfers were effected, and the work of the postal telegraph began. At first, serious difficulties were en­countered by reason of the delay in passing the money bill and the inadequate preparations to accommodate the immense inerease of busi­ness which immediately followed the la,rge reduction of rates. These difficulties, however, 'vere soon overcome, and, thanks to the indefatiga­ble and intelligent labors of Hon. Frank I ves Scud am ore, second sec­retary, and his assistants, the advocates of tl1e measure ean already boast of its triumphant snceess. The charges established in the begin­ning 'vere uniform throughout the Uniteu Kingdom, without regard to distance, and were fixed at the maximum permitted by law, that is to say, one shilling (24 cents) for the first twenty words or p~~rt of twenty words, awl threepence (six cents) for each additional five words or part of five 'NOrds, exclusive of signature and ad<lress. Heferring to an elaborate report of l\Ir. ~cudamore, it ap1)ears that the average cost ot inland messages was abont one shilling, one penny, (26 cents,) against an average cost prior to the transfer of one shilling, sevenpence, (38 cents,) slwwing a reduction in priee of nearly one-third. In the ·first week after the transfer, the number of messages (exclusive of news and press messages) forwarded from an stations was 128,872; in the w·eek ending 31st .March, the number had risen to 1G0,775. The average weekly number in 13 \Yeeks, to 30th June, was 177,410; the average number in 13 weeks, to 30th September, was 200,787; and the average number in 13 weeks, to 31st December, \vas 203,572. In the week ending on the 31st December, which is usually coiisidered the worst· week in the year for telegrapllic \Vork, the number '"a~ 144,0±1, or nearly 16,000 in excess of the number of the first week. l'he total number of mes­sages forwarded iu the three quarters, to :31st December, .1870, waR a11 follows:

In quarter to :30th June .. ___ ... _ ....... ____ . __ .. ___ ... _. _ .... _. _ .. _ .. __ .. 2, 306,:340 Iu quarter to 30th September _____ ... ___ ... __ . __ ... ____ . _____ ... _ .... _____ 2, 610, 2:37 In quarter to :nst December_ .. ___ ... _ ..... _ ... __ .. ____ .. ___ ... ___ .. _ .... _ 2, 646,488

In three quarters ....... ___ ... ____ . ___ . _. _ .. ____ . _______ . ___ .. ___ .. 7, 56:3, 015

In addition to the foregoing, ample provision was made for the press and news work. The companies, before the transfer, sent news to 306 subserihers in 144 towus o11ly in the Uuited Kingdom; the postal tele­graph sent news to 1,106 subscribers in 3G5 towns. 'rhe companies sent news to 173 newspapers only; the postal telegraph sent news to


467 newspapers: showjng an increase of 221 in the number of towns to which news was sent, an increase of 800 in the total nnm ber of sub­scl'ilJers for news, aud an increase of 2D4: in the number of newspapers taking news. There was, moreover, a vast increase in the quantity of news transmitted.· The companies sent, during t.he session of Parlia­ment, nearly G,OOO wonls of ne\VS daily; during the remainder of the year, they sent nearly 4,000 words daily. The postal telegraph sent, during the session of Parliament, in behalf of the news associations, nearly 20,000 words of news daily; mid during the remainder of ~he year, nearly 13,000 'iYords daily. The postal telegraph also transmitted from 13,000 to 20,000 words daily for the ordinary newspaper corre­spondents; and seven newspapers rented special wires during the night at the uniform rate of £500, instead of rates ranging from £750 to £1,000, as before. Two other wires \Vere about to be rented to news­paper proprietors at the close of the year, and many more could have been rented if the department could have spared them. There has been doubtless a still further incre<tse of messages during the current year. By an official stateme11t received from the British office, the number of messages for the week ended September 23, 1871, is shown to be 256,456, against 180,636 for the eorrespowling week of last year. ThiH increase for a single week of GG,S20, averaged through the year, would exhibit an mmm1l increase of 3,47 4,640 messages. The finaueial results are even more satisfactory. Tlte oftlcial report of Honorable George Ohetwynd, receiver and accountant general of the British office, sho,vs the followiug most favorable result for the fiscal year ended 31st ~larch last.

! Gro:;s receipts. ,Payment:'lont.J Xe:;rotlu:.

----------- - ·-----~-~-~.- --~-s. -c~!- ~---:~-(;.-

Amount receive(~ for the transmission of telegraphic : 212, 519 5 4 J 1

messages, &c., m cash. ! ~· 273, 281 17 3t : .69"I, 933 16 8 Amount received for the transmis.·;;ion of te1eg:raphic i 7;)8, 696 tl n J I

messages, &c., in pm;;tflge stamp>~. i !


1 971, 215 13 1H 1273, 281 1i. :3} i 697, !)33 Hi 8

----~- I

Let it be noted that the uet produce is £GU7,933, or, computing the pound sterliug at $4 86, $3,391,954 38.

These facts, all tending, with overwhelming force, in one di~'ection, (le­rnonstrate conclusively the utility of the postal telegraph for both gov­ernment and people.

Some may hesitate to adopt it in this cOl{ntry lJecause of the great ex­tent of our territory, the paucity of our population in certain large sec­tions, and the great expense involYed in extiugnislling the rights of tele­graph companies. The first two are the same objections that were urged for many years against all ameliorations of our postal service ; neverthe-


less, postages have been cheapened and made uniform, and, at the same time, the postal system has been maintained and improved. Rightly viewed, the extent of the country is a strong argument in favor of a postal telegraph and the additional facilities and uniform rates it will afford. It is only in countries of large extent that the value of instantaneous, or nearly instantaneous, communication can be appreciated. vYlw, that desires to convey or aeqnire any infonnation, would hesitate between setuling a telegram from New York to Cal­if<:ai·uia in se\Ten minutes for twenty cents, and sending a letter in seven days for three cents'? Our sparse popula.tion is rapidly gTo\ving more dense by the acquisition of one million and a quarter of people per an­nuu1. As railroads are extended across the plains and through the mountains, they banish solitude anll reclaim the wilderness with ace­lerity unknown to men of the last generation. The emigrant of to-day moYes as part of an organized community. rrhe railroad preserves for him a chmmel of constant supply, and the telegraph keeps unbroken the eomnmnicatiou between the new aml the old homestead. Before many years we shall hear complaints, not that we have too mneh land, but rather that we ha,re not land enough.

It is true that a large sum of money will be requiretl for the purchase of the present telegraph lines and their appurtenances. Bnt if this be a. diffieulty, delay only magnifies it; for, admitting that the Government must qt some time become the exclusive proprietor of the telegraphs, it is clear that eYery year will al1<l to the amount of purchase-money it will have to pay. The companies now in existenee will extend their operations, and new companies will be organized from time to time, all of whom would demnnd compensa~ion for a surrender of their pridleges and property. I therefore deprecate further delay as injurious to the public interests. The Post-Office Department is now prepared to under­take the organization and management of the telegraph in connection with its other duties. Indeed, I believe that the Department itself can aid materially in raising the money needed for the purchase through post­office savings banks, if Congress will authorize their establishment. The security of the Government being the best that could be obtained, manv depositors would give it the preference over every other. By paying four per cent. interest, at the most, on deposits, a large fund could be readily accumulated and invested, under the direction of the Treasury Department, in the public securities. The proceeds of these investments could he used to reimburse the original purchase-money and all other expenditures for construction and repairs.

rro prove the feasibility of this plan, I recur to the history of the British office. Savings banks in connection with post-ofiiees were estab­lished in Great Britain on the 16th of September, 1861, with a limitation in the law creating them that they should not pay exceeding 2-Q- per cent. interest on deposits. The follc1wing table \Yill show \Yith what


rapidity and to what extent they have been intrusted with the money of the people:

-----~ .~--~~~-~------ --r ~ : H i ~, ~ ~ ~

ce 1 ~-- ""',..~ ~ :2 ~ ~ Q) ~ E : [ ._ . ~ ~ 5 -~ S ~ rn .S,.::::H'S ~~ ~~: ~ ~

i rS ·. ,_.~rn· .fw',~ I ~IJ ~ ~ ~ ~ :; § · § ~ h . 9rc ...... ...... I;::;~§,£ ~::-"',""~'. ~~:-: ..., ..c:: I ~ ·c ·s o rn "' ~ - o ""

(f] - 0 0 - ' ~ '-:::1 "' .s "" Period.

From Septcmlwr 16, 1>:'61, ! I

to December 31, 1262 ... i

Year 1863 .... _ . __ . - . -..... !

1864 ...... - .. - . -.-.-!

:~: :.: •• ::··! I

1868 ... -- ... -- .. ----I 1869. __ .. ---.


1870 ... -- I

~$ ~ ~ . E ~ Z ~ s ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ • _ - me:; ~ ~ -,_ o§J~

-e ~ ~-_ ; ~ ~ C,)-- 1 .a r:::_.~ ~ .:::o a = ~ ~ ...... ~ ...... ~~ ·~ ~ ~ ;,

~ 8 ~ ~ 9 ~ -~ I 8 8 tlJ o ;:::: ~ oc.

'S g ~ . ~ 1 1 ·§ I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ s .z i ---~~ ~ ~~--- ____ H _ _ ____ 8 ____ _

:1, 535 639, 216


i £2, 1 ~ <, """ I £1, ·~· o~; , £ 35, 692 2, 901 842, 848 2, lb1, 2 .. 9 -~. 3:..i:l, 1b:.. -14, .n:3

3, 081 1, 110, 762 3, 350, 000 4, 995, GG3 I 3, 522

:3, 321 1, :o:, :309 I 3, 71!J, 0~~ 6, ~82, 3:: I 4, 327 3, 507 1, ;>2.:>, 871 4, 400, 6.:> I B, :..31, 1 j(j -~5, 791

3, ti29 1, 592, 3441 4, 643, 906 9, 867, 7031 47, 690

3, 813 1, 75:, ~03 5, ~3:3, ~38 1~, =~~· ~5~ Nil. 4, 047 1, 998,644 I 5, 187, ~18 13, I.:>OJ, .:>41 19,386


3, 372,595

5, 001, 18;)

6, 586, 65li

8, 256,967

9, 91;), 39:l

11, 8!!9, 400


15, 463,928 '1, 082 2, 135, 993 I 5, 995, 121 I 15, 305, 0·10 I 158, 888 I I ___ _._____ __ _

The total amonnt in hand after ten years' operations, and for which _ the British government pays only 2~ per cent. interest, is £15,-JG3,D28, or $75,140,690-a much larger sum than \Yill be required for the pur­chase and thcn·ongh repair of all the telegraphic lines in the United States.

CornTineed of the wisdom of establi~hing the postal telegraph a.nd post-offieo savings banks iu this cot!ntrJ~, I earnestly recommend the passage by Congress of the laws necessary therefor. In my judgment~ those laws should provide as well for the a.bsolnte purchase of the line~ aud appnrtenanees of all telegTa11h companies uow in operation as for the exclusive rig·ht and authority of the Government, after the several purchases sllall be conclnued, to conduct the bn~iuess of transmitting telegraphie messages.

Again I renew my recom.mendatio.n for the repeal of the fraukiug privilege. Its existeuce is utterly incompatible ·with au ecouowical and v1gormm administration of postal affairs. Flagrant frauds have been practiced dm ing tLP past year, and ·will con tiuue to be practiced, uude1· its eover, ::;o long as the privilege is protected by law. I refer to my arguments on this subject in fol'll1er reports with uu~haken confidence in their somH1noss.

Tlte bill ''to reYise, cou:Solidate, aud amend the statutes relating to the Po~t-Oniee D(~partment,'' known as the postal code, haviug failed iu the la:-;t CoBgress, Las been <.lgain iutroduced into the Senate. .l\Iuch time and labor haYing been expeuded in perfectiug it, I trust it may be pas~e<l at tho approaehing ses~iou with as little delay as po:-:sible. It contains some new provisions of much importance-among others, an


authority for the introduction of correspondence-cards, an improvement for which a strong desire has been manifested on the part of the public.

The salaries of tlle three Assistant Postmasters General and the Super­intendents of :Foreign }\'[ails and the J\Ioney-Order Sj'stem are entirely incommensurate with their valuable services. The Government, in sim­ple justice to a class of officers whm~e faithful labors in its behalf require them to remain with their families in ''Yashington during the entire year, should not hesitate to increase their annual compensation to $3,000. I cheerfully reiterate my acknowledgment of their conspicuous merit and industry, and earnestly commend them to the favorable consideration of Congress.

Renewing the assurances of my high regard, I lmve the honor to be your obedient servant,


~JNO. A. 'J. CRESWELL, Postmaster Genera,[.


No. l.-E.~timate8 for expenditures jol' t!te fiscal ycm· ending Ju/1( 30, 1873.

For inland mail transportation, including pay of mail-meRsengers, route-agents, mail-route messeugers, local agents, mihYa,Y postal clerks, uag- _ _ _ gage-masters in charge of through mails ............................. - :;$15, -!UU, 000

For foreio·n mail transportation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 300, 000 For ship,"'steamboat, and 'Yay letters................................... 10, 7;j0 For compensation to po::;tmasters...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . G, 5:25, 000 For clerks for post-offices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2, 800, 000 For payments to letter-carriers......................................... 1, 4~5, 000 For wrapping-paper................................................... :~o,ouo For t'vine ......... _ .....................•..... , .....•.. _ .. - . . . . . . . . . . . :3tl, 000 For letter-balances . . . . .. . . . . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . . .. . . .. .. . . . . .. . . .. . . .. .. 3, 500 For compensation to blank agent and assi::;tants ............... _.. . . . . . . 10, 000 For office furniture...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . .. . . . . . . .. . . .. .. . .. . . .. . .. :3, 500 For advertising . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70, 000 For postage-stamps and stamped envelopes, including salary of distrilmt-

ing agent and incidental expenses of agency .......... _ ......•........ For mail depredations and special agents .............................. . For mail-bags and mail-bag catchers ................................... . For mail-locks aud keys ..... _ ......•.... _ .......................... _ .. For post-marking and canceling stamps for offices .... -· ...•.•. _. _ .... _. For miscellaneous payments, including balances due foreign countries; the

preparation and publication of post-route maps; rent, light, fuel, sta­tionery, t·md miscellaneous items for post-offices; registered-package en­velopes; official envelopes for use of postmasterR; dead-letter envelopes; fees to United States marshals, clerks of courts, and attorneys; engrav­ing, printing, and binding drafts and warrants; and miscellaneous item~.

620,0,',0 1:-w, ooo lbO,OOO 40,000 12,000

8~!2, 000

Total estimated expenditures..................................... 27,489,750 Estimated amount provided by the Department, being its own revenue

accruing from ppstages and appropriations for free-mail service.... . . . . 22, 7 40, 7 49

Amount to be provided from the general Treasury to make the re-ceipts equal expenditures ......••...•... --· ...... __ .•.........• 4, 749,001

Expenditures under special appropriations to be provided out of the general Treasury:

For steamship service between Ran Francisco, Japan, ancl China ........ _ For steamship service between the United States and Brazil ............ . For ~:>teamship service between San Francisco and the Sandwich Islands ..

Total .........•............ _ ....•.... _. _ ....•• _ ......•... __ . __ . _

$500,000 150,000 75,000


·w. H. H. TERRELL . . Third A.ssi8tant Po8tma:«tn· Ge1iaal.

1 P G


No. 2~-Statementexhibiting receipts and expenditures under appropriate heacls, by quarters,jor June


Quarter emled! Qnarter ende<l Quarter ended Quarter ende1l i::leptember30, Decewber31, March 31, June 30,

187o. 1 187o. 1~11. 1871.

Lett« po'ta<e. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 l, 041 961 $83, 343 ll I $94, 688 11 $92, 378 33 Newspapers a]J(l pamphlets...... . . . . 2:W, 7Hi 79 2:.!6, 107 59 2J2, 993 99 229, 197 35 Regi~t.·red lettPl'S . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........................... _ ....... _ .. _ ... __ .. _ ... __ . Emoluments, (box-rent, &c.) . . . . . . . . . 243, 995 74 239, 534 87 248, 151 52 251, 315 13 Fines................................ 1,~25 ti.) 1,370 00 5'1 00 70 73 Stampfl sold . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4, 110, 786 28 4, 418, 312 93 4, 696, 142 05 4, 522, 147 79 Dt>ad letters......................... 1, 900 00 4, 269 35 2, 227 16 2, 200 00 Internal reYenne from postmasters . . 6, 1~10 49 7 42 ......................... _ .. _ .. MiscellanPons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2, 524 24 5, 913 80 4, 388 08 3, 754 96 Money-order funds deposited ..... -.- .:....:...:.....:...:...:....::....:....:....r.:....:...:.....:...:...:....:.:...:....:_ .:....:...:.....:...:...:....:.:...:....:_ .:....:...:.....:...:...:....:.:..:..:...:.

4, 678, 481 15 4, 978, 859 07 5, 278, 640 91 5, 101, 064 29

Comparison, incln!ling drposits of' money-order funds: Increase of recPipts over year eJule1l JLme 30, 18tm, $1,692,514 70, or 8.68 per centum. Increase of receipts oYer year ended June 30, ltl70, 2ti4,tl:U 77, or 1.3J per centum.


Compensation to postmasters ........ I 1, 247, 561 831 1, 267, 891 94 1, 257, 538 93 1, 255, 389 15 Ship, steamboat, and way letters ..... 1 :3,114 75 2, 845 28 1, 774 DO 2, !181 52 Tran:-;portation of the mails ......... i 2, 932, 130 GO I 3, 342, 474 84 3, 554, 126 71 3, 840, 9til 93 ·w~apJ~ing-paper .....................


8,890 00


2,300 00 11,100 00 5,177 00 Office tnrmture....................... 620 40 654 4<1 1, 1:3:3 50 f;Q:3 17 .A(l\'ertisin,g .........................


17,714 Sl, 31,288 39 7,04911 1,407 49 ?.Iail-bags and mail-l~ag eatchers .....


48, 401 37 ! 38, 935 76 35, 823 :36 35,413 00 Blank a:,!:t>Dt aml as:-;1:-;tants . . . . . . . . . . 1, 209 57 i 1, 945 32 1, 988 93 2 8J7 14 Mail locks. keys, a!Hl stamps ......... ! ~~· 8

1 .. ~~ 07~ i, 1;), 272 29 3!l, 635 41 5: 402 39

:MaildepredatimJsandspecialagents.! ~'•""" , 2:3,700 0:3 31,746 30 33,50:;) 82 Cl k t. m 1 6'1"', o><2 °3 · 631 o-7 01 64- 9o- 11 6~16, 949 3" Po~~a~e-~~a~1~se~~1d -~ta:~i;~zt· ~~~;~i- ·1 _c :- ". i ' ;) ;J, ;) v

opes .............................. -r 106, 03') 42 1

140, 332 98 130, GD2 74 129, 833 45 Lett.Pr-carriers . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 330, lo9 53 1 3jl, 876 24 330, 74!) 97 352, 111 09

~lll~1Ii~i~~h+~~n'+~-~-~~ I.:: •• 'il; m•;g•r:: .• _';;, m.~~ ••...• :::· 616

: ~: • ::::? [44: 1


MailstoGrPatBritain.......... .... 141,468 731................ 36,619 32 ............... .

~~~~}l.~fi;:::::~LL~L 1:•: ::.··:::·::I::·:· i.i~j;. ::::·::·:~;,,; ::::::: :: :::: 5, 665, 593 60 5, 996, 412 40 6, 217, 184 39 6, 510,913 69

Comparison, including re-transfers of money-order funds: Increa~e of expenditure~ ov·er" year ended ,June 30. 186!1, $6U1,972 58, or 2.fll per centum. Increase of expenditures over year ended J nne 30, 1tl70, 391,266 45, or 1.63 per centum.


the fiscal yew· cndecl Ju~e 30, 1871, compared 1cith the fiscal years ended June 30, 1869, and 30,1870.


ComparPd with year ended Compared with year ended Total year Total vear Total year

ended Jtine 30, ended ,Jiwe 30, ended .Tnne 30, l-------,------l------,-----

,June 30, 1869. .June 30, 11:l70.

1871. 1869. 1870.

$361, 451 51 909, 015 72

Increase. Decrease. Increase. Decrease.

$52,300 19 $419,282 85 $413,75170 ____________ , $57,83134 ............. . 778, 8:3;2 30 83;), 727 9ll $130, 133 42 ---.--- ... --. $73, 287 73 . -----.------

6 25 982, 997 26 843, :339 57 927, 87G 47 139, G57 69 . ----- - --- - - . 55, 120 79

828 15 6 25 ...... -- ... --- 828 151 ..... -- .. -- ... 2, 816 38 57 50 28, 4ifi 45 2, 75tl 8R 25, 6GO 07

17,747,389 05 15,171,721 :~6 16,581,050 44 2,57;),667 fi9 ------------- 1,166,3:{8111 ........... .. 10, 5!16 51 8, 818 00 8, 02:3 30 1, 778 51 --..... -- .. -' 2, 573 21 .... -- .... ..

II, 197 91 63, 529 19 6G, 231 01 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 57, 331 281 ..... --....... GO, 053 10 16, 581 08 27, 716 80 18, :H4 04 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 11, 135 72 . ---- .. ---- .. - 1, fi3:.! 96

.. .. .. . .. .. .. .. 1, 030, :l:35 00 892, 843 0) ............. _:I, 030, 3:l5 00 ... --.----.... 892, 843 00

20, u37, 045 42Ji3H, 510 1:21 19, 772, 220 65 2. , fl~9~96 19


1, 157, 4G1 49 1, 297, 320 3'4 1, 032~ 495 57 20, 037, 045 42 20, 037, 045 42 1, 1:-,7, 4Gl 49 . 1, o:N, 495 57

~. 692, 534 70 1------;64, 824 Till, G72, 534 70 '--;M,824 77

Comparison, exclusive of depo~its of mmwy-onler fnncls: Increa~e of recdpts over year ench•d Jnne 30, 1869, $2,722,869 70, or 15.72 pPr centnm. lnerea:se of receipts oYer year enued June :30, 1870, 1,137,667 77, or 6.13 per centum.

5, 028, 381 85 10, 7]() 45

13, 6C9, 6B4 08 27, 41i7 00

3, 211 51 57, 43P 80

158, 573 49 8, 070 98

80, 119 13 121, 8!!!1 oo 1

2. 582, 01:'_-.4 40 I 506,889 59

1, 353, 926 83

4, 5·16, 958 43 . 8, 07G 35

13, 485, 406 15 30 201 00

2: 28-! 65 79 565 41

130: 189 6:3 7, 840 27

22,767 77 1:34, 341 78

2, 295, 353 46


4, 673, 466 79 9 247 59

13, 356: 251 85 25, 530 15

2, 1$ltl 37 6G, 571 SO

179,834 29 7, 857 50

2:2,294 43 94, 1'02 18

2, 457, 190 67

481,423 42 2, (i-!0 10

184, 287 93

926 86 2, 734 00

22, 105 61

354, 9L) 061 ... ________ __ 1, 468 86 ----. --------

3I:l, 44:2 23 . - -----.-----

1, 013 14 ---- -- ... -- . -- -- -- " -- -- -- . 9, 112 00

1, (1:36 8:-.)


. ______ .... __

28, 383 81 ------ --.---- ------ -- ---- -- 21, 260 80 2:30 71 . __ ... _ . . . . . . 213 4H ..... _ . _ .. _ ...

57, 351 36 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57, 82-! 70 I •••• _. __ • _ • _. ...... __ .. _ H, 'H2 78 27, 096 82 . __ .. __ . ____ . 286,730 94 124, 8~3 73 - -- -- -- -- -- --

473,212 31 507,534 97 33,677 28 --------------------------- 645 38 1,183,915 31 1,231,340 68 170,011 52 ------------- 122,58615 -------------

5 00 . - - - - - . - - . - - - . 5 00 - - - - . - - . - - - - - - . - - - - - . - - - - - -530, 723 71 1, 073, 691 72 54G, 450 84 ... __________ . 542, 9GB 01 .. ____ . __ ..... 15, 727 13 66, 722 16 60, 847 09 115, Hi3 78 5, 875 07 __________ .... __ .. __ ...... I 48, 441 62

: : : ~ : ~ : : : : : : : : - ~g: g4g g~ ~ : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : :: : : : : : : : : : : ~g: ~~J ~~ : : : : : : : : : : : : : : I : : : : : : : : : : : : : 178, 088 03 52, 99:j 19 i 48, 453 18 125, 094 86 . ------------ 129, 634 87 . --.---------

: ~~·:: ,; ,;; "' • :. ~ ;,, ,;, ;; !: :: : ;:i: ~~· iz. • • •· • · •• : ·• ••·. ·~ ~;&· ;; • ··.i .. ;,, 49, •• ;";~ ,;; ;; 24, 390, 104 08 ~3. !i!ltl, u1 50 t 23, !l98, s:n 6311, 376, 1133 86 684, 661 28 1, 136, 453 :J81. 745, 186 93

24, 390, 104 08 ! 24, aoo, 104 08 684, 661 28 745, 186 93

--691, 972 58~--391, 266 -451-m~72 58 391, 266 451

Comparison exclusive of rc-tranl"fers of monev-onler funds: · Increase uf. expenditures over year ewletl Jnue '30. 181i!l, $1,251,972 58, or 5.41 per centum. Increase of expenuitures over year ended .Jnne 30, 1870, 1,041,2ti6 45, or 4.45 per centum.

W. H. H. TEHRELL, Third Assistant Po:;tmaster General.


~ o. 3.-Statement of payments nncler 1Xtrious heads 'charged to m:iscella­neous accounts for the fiscal year ended 30, 1871.

Regular allowances to postmasters for rent, light, fuel, stationery, and incidental expenses . _. _ ... _. _ ... __ .. _. _ ..... ____ .. ____ . . . . . . . • .•..

Extra allowances for same during year ended J nne 30, 1866 ..... _ ..... . Extra allowances for same during year ended J nne 30, 1867 .........•.. Extra allowances for same tluring· year ended J nne ~~0, 1870 ........... . Extra allo,,ances for same during year ended J nne 30, 1871. .......... . For preparing and publishing post-route maps ........................ . For registered package-envelopes ............... - ....................•. For envelopes for ofticial use of postmasters .................. ~ ....... . ];.,or envelopes for retnrn of deaclletters to writers .................... . For let,ter-balances .................................•................. For cotton and hemp twine .......................................... . For fees to United States marshals ................................ ----For fees to lTnited States attorneys .............................. ------For fees to United States commissioner ... _ ....................... _ ... . For fees to clerks of United States courts ...................•........ _ For engraving, printing, and binding drafts ancl warrants ............. . Fo1· miscellaneous items •...•..•...•.•....••••............•...........

$399,418 6t; 1, 6t:ll 40

75 00 1,894 72 3,500 11

21,760 38 13,055 35 :37, 5ti9 33 4,278 94 2,847 50

:35,719 75 1. 980 47 3;027 50

12 57 1,411 01 1,182 50 1,317 50

530,723 71

,V. H. H. TERRELL, l'hinl _-l.'Jsi>dant Po8tmaste-1· General.


No. 4.-Estimate of indebtedness of Post Ojfice Department on June 30, 1871, and not yet adjustecl.

Balances due foreign countries for fiscal years ended June 30, 1870, and J nne 30, 1i:l71 ...........•.................... -- ................... .

)lail service under contract or recognized, but not yet reported for pay-Inen t ......... _ ....................................... - ........... .

Mail service unrecognized ............................. - ............. . Excess of expenditure in year ended June 30, 1871 .................... .

$275,000 00

527,867 95 249, 195 00 226,858 66

Total. ..•............... ·... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1, 278, 921 61

To meet which there is available in the Treasury, being the undrawn bal­ances of the appropriations for deficiencies in fiscal years ende(l J nne 30, 1870, and J nne 80, 1871 .......................................... $6, 725, 032 00

'\V. H. H. TERRELL, 1'hi}'(l .Assistant Postmaster General.


No. 5.-Receipts· and clisbul'sements at Treasury

Depositories. Deposits. Grants from By transfer. I A!fc~-~~~~1~ I A-~~:~gate I Treasur,y.


lation. recerpts.

_T_r_e_as-t-1r_0_.r_1T~. S-'.-.-W-·-ashington, D. C.. $GO, 320 O;i~----- ------- $295,117 471 $355,417 521 $60,320 0~~ .Ass't Treas. U.S., Baltimore, ::\1<1... B7, Hll 78 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75, 000 OOI• 202, 191 78l 127, l!ll 78 Ass 't Treas. U. S., Boston, Mass . . . . 466, 728 78 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 466, 728 78, 466, 728 78



Ass't Trcas. U. R., Charleston, S. C 7:~. 2'.ll 06


............. 10?, 000 OOj 1}~· ~91 on: ~3, ~91 ~6 Ass't Treas. U.S., New Orleans, La El7, 777 6~1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30.:>, 000 00, 43:.., ,77 6!): L7, ,77 69 ..lss't Treas. IT. S., Xcw York, N. Y 1, 400, 4t<7 :32$4,112,45:1 00 10,580 59; 5, 63:3,526 91 5, 622,937 32 .hs't, Treas. U.S., Philadelpia, Pa.. 41:3,4:3:2 2:3............. 25,000 00

1 4:38,4:32 2:31 413,432 231

..lss't Treas. U.S., San Francisco. Cal 200, 479 91 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2G3, lOO OOi 465, 479 91: 200, 479 91 ..lss't Treas. U.S., Saint Lon is, Mo.. 152, 952 46 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 250, 4B6 43' 403, 448 £11: 152 952 4fi Des. llep. U. S., Bnm1lo, N.Y ... __ .. 25 0 1 .................. -....... 25 00! ' 25 001 De A. rlep. U. S., Chicago, Ill........ 1, 2


11 ~2 _--_ . __ · ._ . ___ ... _ ._ ._ ._ ._ :-. _- ._ . __ · ._ . __ -._ . __ --_ 1, 2~11 ~~:.. 1, 271 33

Des. <1ep. U. S., Cindnnati, Ohio . . . -"~ . v -'-' 51 28 Des. dep. U. S., ~IolJile, Ala........ 578 78 .. .. .. . .. . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. .. 578 78' 578 7i:i Des. dep. U. S., Pittsbnrgh, Pa .. .. 1, 094 85 . . .. . .. .. .. . .. ...........


1, 094 85i 1, 094 85


Des. dep. U. S., Santa Fe, N. l\I . __ -! 1, 300 47 .. .. .. .. . . .. .. . . . .. . . .. .. 1, 300 471 1, 300 47 Des. llr~p. U. S .. Tucson, A r. Tt>r . . . 167 10 . .. . . . . . . .. . . .. . . . . . .. . . . . 167 10: 167 10 1st National Bank, NashYillP, Tenn 81·) 00 1 ~1'J flO' 812 00 1st N'l Balik, LPavenworth,Kau... 1,450 0~ ::::::::::::: ::::::::::::: 1,450 08! 1,450 Otl: 1st National Balik, MilwankPc, Wis 10, ~1~ 94 . __ ...................... _i 10, 21~ 94' 10 2H 94! lRt National Bank, Wilmington, Del 140 00 HO 00 , 140 ooi lst 1'.'ational Bank, Portland, }le.. 1, 1


0 o0r0> :_:_:_:_:_:_:_._·:_:_:_:_:_ :_:_:_:_:_:_: __ ::_:_:_:_:_ 1, 11 ~040· o


:,· 1,184 ooJ 1st. Nat.irmal Bank, Portsmo'th, ~.H 100 00 lst~ational Bank, Riehmanrl, \"a.. 1,u8l 411 ............ ·------------1 1,681 41: 1,6tl1 411 1st National Bank, SaintPanl. i\lin 30 00 ' 30 0:1- 30 00

1~~ ~~H:::~~l M~:; t: ~~~~~;l~l~f<~~l~~: ~17~ ~0~~0~ :_· ~- ~- ~- ~- ~- ;_· ~- ~- ~- ~- ~- ~- :_: ;_- :_: ;_- ~- ;_- : __ ~. :_: -_: -_: -_: ~-~ ~1~7: ~0~~0~.~.: !!! ~I ~·l National Bank, Detroit, ?\Iich . . 7 00


J\ferehants' Kational Bank, Cleve- I

lanrl, Ohio ...... _ .. _. __ .. _ ...... __ 1, 270 39 . __ .. _. ____ ..... __ ........ 1, 210 391

l' 1, 270 39 :Merchants' National Bank, Savan-

nah. Ga.......................... 3,347 62------------- ............. 3,347 62~ 3,347 62

1 :Merchants' National Bank, Little I

'M!~~~~~~1;t~;\~-~t.i~~~i ·n"a;~k;- i>o~·t:- 704 l.'i . --.- ..................... 1

704 15i 704 15

lanrl, JH~. ·.---·· .-.---_-· ... ---··---1------· ---~- ·----- -------1-------------j------- ·---·-!··---·------·

~-\.tlanta N atlo11al Ban!,, Atlanta, Gal 1, 130 _o .. ___ .... _ .. -~-- ........... ~ 1, 130 20


1, 130 20 San Antcmio National Bank, San

Antonio. Tex ..... _ ....... _...... 39 75 ....... __ ... ·t·............ 39 75


39 75 Indianapolis National Bank, Im1i-

an:tpolis, Iml ...... __ .. _ ........ -~---121 00 ~.:..:..:...::..=.. ~.:_~~~~.:..::_-· ___ 121 oo1 ___ 121 00

-~To~~~~===. ·1 :3, 140, 061 28 4, 132, 450 00! 1, 32G, 20:! 511 8, 598, 714 79l 7, 27:2, 511 28

Comparatinc .statement between fiscal yeal'.s

i~~i~~~t~~ r~~ ~~~~i \~:~1~- ~ff 1~~~~::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::-$3:976:562-44 $3, 140

' 061 28

From whieh mnst be «lerluetr•d amount of money-order funds deposited at San Francisco dming the year_ ......... __ .............. __ .............. 1, 142, 108 00

----- 2, 834, 454 44

Diff,~rence in fay or of 1871. __ ....................... ___ .. __ .... __ ...................... ..

Payments from Treasnry fiscal year of 1870 .. ____ .................. -----.- ... - .. -- .. -- .. Payments from 'l'reasnr,y fiseal year of 1811 ...................... -- .............. - ... -.-

Deduct gain in receipts for 1871 ....... ____ ............• __ .... __ ................. __ ..... .

Total receipts fif;cal year 1870 .... __ ..... __ ......... __ ......... __ ..... __ ... $8, 821, 141 65 Deduct money-order funds as above .... __ ................ _. _......... . . . . . 1, 142, 108 00

Total receipts fiscal year 1871 ...... ____ ............ ___ ..... __ ..... _. _ .. _____ .. _____ .. ___

L~ss ~o 1871 il~ receipts occasioned by decrease in payments frono Treasury, which is, 111 fact, a garn .... - ... --- . -- ..................... _____ ....... ______ . _____ ..... ___ .... .

305, 606 84

4, 844, 579 21 4, 132, 450 00

712, 129 21 303, 606 84

406, 522 37

7, 679, 033 65 7, 272, 5ll 28

406,522 37

Dt>crease in. receipts for 1871 ........................ _ ... _. __ ......... _ ............ __ .... 2, 682, 819 04 Arltl amonnt of depoHits made in 1870, at depositories with which there were no accounts

for fiscal year of 1811 ....... -- .. -- . . . . .. . .. . . . .. . . . . .. .. .. . . . . .. . . .. . . .. .. .. .. . . . .. . .. 11, 021 63

Carried forward.............. 2, 693, 840 67


depositories, fiscal yew· ended June 30, 1871.

Increase of I Decrease of I Increase Decrease Balance i recdpts 1 receipts


Warrants. over 18: 0. from 1870. June 30, ~------,------Transfer account.

over 1870. / fl'om 1870. 1871. . From. I To .

............. ! $173,453 64! $35:i,082 46$102,:120 0.5 ............. $26,897 90: ____________ .1 ~:2\15,117 47 ~127, 191 781, ....... _- .... -I 1!15, 068 741195, 068 74 . . . . . . . . . . . . 7, Hi1 37 ............ -~I 75, 000 00

. ____ .... __ ..


. 129, 14-! 511

46.), 470 6.3 . • • • • • . . • . . $125, 545 :nj1os, 348 26 ._ ..................... _ ... . ............. Hll,576 86l 1!Jl,t"41 24 ........... 115,045 03 20,873 lO ........•.... 100,000 00 ••••••••••••• I 309, 805 591 494, 4Fl;2 001........... 10, 9il 5til 5, 095 54 . . . . . . . . . . . . 305, 000 00

995,518 14f ............. 4,888.554 4-2 145,598 58 ...... ------ 76,943 12$1,240,000 00 10,51"!1 59 ········-----~ 203,030 661 4.50.294 74 ··········· 144,515 26 79,fi2516 25,000 001 2:1,000 00

::::::::::::: 1 ·!~~;~~g ~~ ~~~:e~~ ~~!::::::::~~~ ~6t:~~~ ~~~ i~:~~~ ~~----4o:ooo-iio ~~g:~g~ ~g

25 00 . -- - - - .. -- - . . . - - - ..... -- - - . - - - - - .. - - . . - . - - .. - - - - - . . - - - - - .. - .. : 25 001- -- - - - . -.... . 1, 271 3:L............ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1, 246 33: 25 001- .. -.- ...... .

• - -- • - ••• - - • - - - - - • --- - - - • -- - - •• - - •• I 3~~ ~~I::: : : : : : : : : : : 765 56~.--.- ..... ---

:: l~~ iii::: : : : : 10,212 tl4, ............ .

1' ~~~ ~gi :::: :: : ~:: ~::


······ •,.,•~ ..... ·~:::.::!••••~-••••·• :••••••·•••1••••••-••·•·:1 •••••. ,._~ ___ ::: :r · _ . '· w. 210 3o12. ""· "' o•

1 s, oo,. "'" "I "'· 230 "I '· '"· "" s9 ""· o:» , '· ''"· 2o3 ,,, . , . ""· £03 ·"

of 1870 and 1871, at T1·easw·y depositories.

.A mount brought forward. . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2, (in3, P40 67 Deduct money-order deposit .............. ___ ........ _ .... _. _. _. _. __ ... ___ ........... __ . 1, l-12, 1U8 oo

Deduct increase in receipts for 1871 ... __ ................................ __ ... _. _. . .... .

~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~.1~~ ~:~~1 ~:~~~: ~i ~~+~ :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ·_. Difference in favor of 1871. _. __ .. __ ....... __ . _ .... __ . ______ .. ________ .. ____ .... ___ .. ____ _

1, 5.31, 7:~2 (i7 1, 1-t:i, 210 30

406,522 37 ~======--====

8, 9.)1' 225 95 8, 00 I, :330 0.)

94\l, 8!!5 90

Decrease of warrants in 1871 ...... _ ..... _ .. __ ............. ___ . __ ..... ___ .. _ .... _. __ .. __ . 1, 341, 798 89 Ad(l amonut of warrant" drawn in 1:370, at depositories with "·hich there were no ac-

conuts for 1871 .............. _ ......... __ .. __ ... _ .... _____ ..... ______ . __ . _. ____ . __ . ___ . 51, 327 96

Dell net increase of warrants in 1811 .... _______ ... ________ .... ____________ .. _____ ... ___ _ 1, 39:3, 126 85 44:1,230 95

Totalnnmher of warrants i>~sned rlnring fiRcal year of 1811 .... __ .... __ ...... ___ .. _ ..... -~ :--:-6,017 Totalmunher of warrantH h!::metl during fiscal year of 1870. _ ... ___ . ____ . _. _____ . __ . __ . ______ ..... ;;, OGl

Increa:o;e in 1871 .......... _ ........ _ ... ____ .. __ . __ . ______ . ____ . _____________________ . _____ .. _____ .

W. H. H. TintnELL. Thircl A8sidant l'o.~tma.~ter &encral.

No. ().-Receipts and dis1HII'8t'll!rnf8 at tlepo::;ifol'!l jJOiil-l~{licPs 011 account fi.~cal !fNll' ended .Tu1w :-:!0, 18i1.

-I ·- -·- -·--~----1

Albany ..................................... New York ............ _j

Atlanta .................................... Georgia .... ~---······· l3angor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . l\Iaiue ............... . J~atavia .................................... New York ........... . Binghamton . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . New York ........... . Butt"alo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . N t'W York : . ......... .

3l~!~~fl~:;t.i:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: mli;:,0~~:::::::::::::::: l'lLwelawl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ohio ................. . Colnmlms .................................. Ohio ................. . Concord . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .New Hampshire ..... . DaYenport.................................. Iowtt ................. . Des Moines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Iowa ................. . DP!roit ................................ _.... Michigan ........... . Dovt>r ....................................... Delaware ........... . DnlHI<Jne ................................... Iuwu. ................. . Easton ..................................... PemJs_ylvania ........ . EvaBSYillo ................................. Intli:nm .............. . :Fort \Vayne................................ ludia11a .............. . Gent·va ..................................... New York ........... . Gra11tl Hapitls ..................... _ .. _..... Mie!Jigau ............ .

~~~:n~~:r~~-::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::: ~~::::~~~~~~~~i-~::::::::: Huntsdlle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....... ..d.lal.Janut ............. . Indianapolis. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Imliana .............. . Kalamazoo .............................. __ . Michigau ............ . Kee11e.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . New Hampshire ..... . ICnoxville ............... :. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tennessee ........... .

t:~:~~~\~~.: :::: -_::::::: :::::::::::::::::::: ·. ~e~~a~~t;~ip;hi·l_-~: :::::. Leavenworth ... _ .. _ ................... _ ... _ l\.anHas .............. .

tf~~~~~_t_o_~: ._ -_-_-_:::::::: :·. -_-_-_ .. :::::::::::::: ._ ~b:~t~~~~-~~- __ . ___ . ___ : __ ._::: ·. Lom~Yille . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Keutncky .. : ........ . I.owl'll .................... _................ hlassaehusetts ....... .

if~:~~i~:JNI~- ~::::: ._: _·:: ._ ._ ._ ._ ._ ._ ._ . __ · _· _- ._ ._ . __ · _· _- . __ · _· _· .·.· \Vhseousin ........... . Pmmsylvania ........ . J\'lt·mphis. ..... ...... . Teimes~ee ........... .

~~S%:~~:::::::::::: ~: ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~: ~~~~:~i~~~::::::::::::: Nm;hvillc ................................... Tennessee ........... . Newark .................................... ·New Jen;ey .......... .

Htate. Office:;. l'roccetls. :


D •t r• lla •t' . Ag~rcgate snb.ied- to Ppost s. vO 'c 10118· accumulation. tlrai t, ,J uue

:30, ltriU. ----·-- -----~~---- --·-·


$71, 0:>4 4!) $79, 1!1~ 11 $1, 219 :Jtl $151, 465 94 $4,045 54 $1:>5, 511 4~ ~H, :158 51 l:',::l!l~ :m 4, ~47 02 4:!, :;n t~2 5,:n5 :w 47, !11:3 0~ 15, Hi~ lj;l 9, 7:10 !HI 218 11 25, 171 7:! 2, 1:3~ 6~ ~~. ::1u4 -10

:3, 7:3~ ~4 :3:!::1 1::1 ()18 8tl 4, ti74 25 719 U7 5, ::1!1::1 9:! 1::1, s::~:i !Hi 4, ;j(j7 ::14 2, 2:i4 09 20,457 ::19 l,OH ::l!l 21,501 7tl (i!.l, 507 18 2, ~14 ()1 10, 0!18 20 82, 41!1 !19 ------------ 8~, 419 99

5::19, 147 60 31, t!34 1::1 4, :!:!::1 ::17 575, 205 10 26,478 53 GOl, utJ::I 6::1 2-Hi, 7tl8 26 24,115::1 02 (iJ6 15 271, 477 43 24, 4t-3 45 295,960 88

9::1,08::1 89 7, 509 V7 285 "13 lOU, 879 59 6,:524 5:! 107, ;.!04 11 27, 8:i0 27 7, tl89 66 1, 100 9::1 ::16, i\:20 8G 6, ~;:,4 47 4::1,075 ::1::1 ll, 55tl 97 12,:368 M ------------ 2::1,927 51 l, ~>6D :l!l 25,496 !!0 15, lOu 50 6, 401 87 310 36 21,818 7::1 4, 14:! ti8 25, !lui 61 15,713 00 2, 417 42 4,::164 18 2:!, 4!16 (j() ::1, 43<i (j5 25,9::1::1 25 b6, 701 58 14, b90 98 3,::188 57 104, !181 1::1 5, n;,6 ti3 110, mn 7u

1, l!J:J 95 1, 2fl6 Oli 1, 6:.s::l or; 4, 12::1 O!l 1::10 70 4, :!5::1 79 18,6:2:3 16 18, 5~3 ~14 22::1 16 37, 430 16 4, Ht:>l. 71 4::!, 411 87

'l, ::::14 01 4ti8 41 1, 290 41 11, t;l2 ~a 1, ~40 :>7 1~, 55~ 40 13,239 46 2, 1:!;") 00 2, 6li5 }(j 1t', 0:2!) li::! 2, (j!)4 4:! ~u, 7~4 04 11, Hi! ::11 a, Ifl6 8U 1::1-1 au 15, 1!.12 41 ~~. 844 79 lD, 0::17 :!0

6, 4li9 ::1::1 2, :!H 57 ------------ 8, 71::1 90 (i:.!::l 4::1 9, 3:37 ::13 16,467 HI 8, 7HU 07 1, 439 88 2fi, 6b7 su 3, 4::1:! b2 30, 1:!0 68 31, ::178 41 10, 7~~ (i1 2, til-l 71 44,725 7::1 6, :3:l8 69 51, O(j-1 4:! (i::l, 0::14 46 2~, ·112 47 1, 1b:! 58 8li, li29 51 11,5::1::1 05 9t>, lli:! 56

2, 5:!9 74 1, 07J OJ 284 1::1 ::1,888 HO 2, OH 74 5, flli::l 64 44, 655 54 27,75::1.::15 5, 7:!4 li7 71'<, 13:3 56 10, ::107 tiO 8t>, 441 l(i

8, 4(i4 18 10, b72 82 I, ::IUS 82 20,705 82 53t! 01 21, ~4:.l 8::1 5, 107 !.17 1, 2.j1 99 2, 085 15 8, 44;) 11 1, 51::1 29 !J, !J;jtl 40 6, 870 39 4, 454 18 :214 13 11,538 70 1, til5 56 1:3, ::154 26 8, t<58 77 1, 4::!7 27 958 55 11, ::!44 59 3, 068 2·1 14, ::11:! t!::l 1, OOtl 42 1, 2::!4 99 61 83 ;2, 2D5 ;!4 1, 471 59 a, 7lili 8:3

16, 2U4 51:! 11, 124 57 11,241 09 31"', lili::l :24 G, ::119 41 44, !lb:l 65 9, 754 47 7,71251 439 02 17, !JU6 00 3, 903 52 21, 80!) 52 2, ti::lli 31 1, 7HU 2!.1 5~!7 72 5, U::l.l 3:! 2, 174 75 7, 208 07

84,:-168 81 1:!, 74:l 24 540 58 97, 652 6::1 8, 699 14 lOli, ::151 77 24, 547 4:l 2, 9:28 :.>8 9li 40 27,572 20 4, Oli8 14 ::11,640 34 t;., 4!10 74 4, 775 71 178 67 20, 44;) 12 2,16::1 D5 :!~, UU9 07

G, 6::1\i 6(i 18, ::1~1 40 1"0:2 6! 24,770 70 6, 871 7li ::11, li4:.! 46 51, 611 :.!(i 17,::.02 !J2 7, u6:J 05 7!i. 7b::l 2:3 13,956 41 £10, 73U 64 7!1, 0:.!7 71 11, ~04 4:3 I, 4!12 !11 91, 8:!5 05 7, 301 97 9!1, 1:!7 02 37, 64:3 89 4,:354 46 6B9 09 42, (i97 44 13, 04!1 9:! 5:>, 747 :36

4, 792 5(i 3, 303 li6 !) 18 8, 103 40 1, ~6::1 (j3 9, 9li!) 0::1 20, 831i 11 13, 348 27 2, 412 67

I 3li, 597 05 4, ~52 15 41, 449 20

46, 7:J7 7ti 10, 859 1ti 2, 742 77 60, 33H 71 fi, 209 71 (j(i, 549 42


$145, 87!) 79 4:1, !145 G5 21, 1~:.1 ~~

4, U::<u 64 17, ::18~ 5:! ~0, 87(i 07

57::1,66::1 24 269,760 1:! !1~, 9:!tl ::15 :n,!l::l4 19 2:{, 141 67 2::1, b34 17 2~, 970 45 97, ::16~ Gb

a, 7!.1::1 ~6 3!1, 06!1 91

9, 740 48 17, 7:Jt' 57 15,471 19

3, t!04 74 25, 0~1 :n 3!J, ~HU 14 8tJ, 3li0 7::1 5, G61 15

78, !.127 ::16 15, 756 0;!.

7, 126 00 11, 7b5 07

9, 65::1 41 2, 854 51

40,1::13 58 17, 1H 91

4, 543 45 96, 46~ :>9 25, 44:3 8::1 20,472 04 26, 7::1:! 65 79,1:38 11 94, 1::19 85 50, (j(j:J 58

8, 55!) l'o2 39, 71"8 94 51', 551 39

I .Aillllllllt

snh.iel't to -th·aJt. ,Jmlt-~

:iO l::-71.

$9, u:n GH :J, !:tH 47 (i, 174 68 1, ::10"1' :!8 4, 11::1 ~6 1' ~·4::1 92

28,020 39 ~W, :WU 76 14, :!75 76 5,1H 14 2,::155 :2::1 2, 1:!7 44 2, !J5(j 80

1::1, 569 08 4li0 53

3,3-H !.16 2, 1:'1~ !J2 2, 9t>5 47 3, 566 01 5, 5J2 59 5, Ul:l9 31

11, 1:>·1 28 9, 801 8::1

40~ 49 9, 51:! 80 5, 4e7 81 2, 8::12 40 1, 5b9 19 4, ti59 42

!11::! ::1:! 4, 849 07 4, 6tl4 61 2, (i64 62 9, 88!) 18 6, 1% 51 2, l:l7 03 4, fJU!J 81

11, 001 53 4, fl87 17 5, 083 78 1, 40!1 21 1, (j(;Q 26 7, 9!l8 oa

pj M ~ 0 ~ 1-j

0 ~

~ ~ M

~ 0 (f).

'"":3 ~ ~ (f).

~ tr:l ~

0 tr:: z t".! pj ~ r

Nt•w ll:tYP!l ................................ · ConnPcticut. ........... i !i:J, SO:l 42 15, 447 2fl ' 5!1 70 ' 6!J, :no 41 ~. 77fl :l!J 7R, ORfl 80 70. :154 (ifl 7, 735 11 (lit-all ...................................... NPwYork ............ l 1,4tli l!J l:'"ll 47 1 1'i' 5:i 2,:l7;i 21 4!1!1 02 2,H7·l2:l 2,51014 :lti4 O!J o.~dt•IIHhllrgh ....... ------ .. -- .. -- ..... --... N ('\V York .. --........ ti, 778 m !Hi.i 53 !l:l 83 7, t~:l8 2!) 1, 21tl 01) 9, U5li :n 7, liSO 22 1, 40ti l:l l't·m·ia ___ ........ __ .... __ .................. llli11ois .. .. .. . .. .. . . . . 20, 40-l 8:1 4, 4:.!0 lL 4, O!l:l 7!1 2R, Bltl 7:3 ti ·n-> '):! :l.i, :WO UG 27, 2:!3 14 8, 067 82 l'latl~lmrgh ................................ l'iew York-- .. -- ... --. i 3, IUS G4 !iH!l 28 221 37 :1, !ll!l 2!) 2: fil'll ~d li, COIJ 87 4, !JB4 77 1, GUti 10 Pitt" hlll'gh ..................... __ .. . .. .. . . . l'm! 11 R.Y 1 vaui:t ....... --I 118, 8titi 'H s, 8:H Oti s, n2 80 136 G7o Go 8, 7fH uG H:i, 4:-,2 :'iG H:i, 1 oJ oo :>48 !JG PortlazHI ................................... J\0I1:1t1_I011~-::::::::::~:::::l 4!,·,~i~~ ~~

11j·.~~70 :



3, 3o~~.; ~1 fl71 ti8I .. ·~-~87u6 ~~~ 3

1 •• ;;~8:1 5.">!J.c, G1,4(l,-~81 t4> ~27 54,!17d 2:-i 9,302 '-27

Pot·t.mwnth . . . . . . . . .. . .. . .. . .. .. . . . . . . .. . .. I v -. "- c~ u o 8, !l-H li:l 1, 873 :H ProYitll'uee ................................. Hhotlol;;laml_ ......... , 84,0-l!l !l8 7,!164 83 3ti:l23 !J2,37tl 04 8,03102 100,40!1 06 90,4'17 !l!i !J,D3lll Quiuey ..................................... Illitwis ..... , .......... j lti,223 68 2 77\l 81 537 74 lfi,5U1 2.3 6'-22 :n 20,21:1 :J-l l~,ti:lti 54 1,577 oo ]{·II i ,.h J'iortlt Carolina ......... : 7, :1!1'.! 31 2: fr/:1 72 1, li:m 5!l 11, 704 ti2 1, 80:.! 53 13, ;,u7 15 E!, !itil 22 8-l:i !13 Hit'~I~ou~l:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :y,! 1!'.~!1•,•1 i1 : •• ~I.Il·· __ ·_··_·_·_·_· __ -_·_·_·i, 4;.,]',, 1ti·~~(jl' .

4'iOO 51 ,,:..1>!11~- 6('



1181· ~(0) 4-.~,,;-l,:_.7>u0· ~Ol 6,G77 42 55,204 02 54,K!H 22 30ll80

Hipou . .. . .. ..... ....... .... . . . ... . . .. . .. . .. ' "~ " .. "' • 1 u . 712 O!J 3, Hti:J !JO 2, 213 :18 1, tio!l 52

t~::~i,:::;~::::~:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: rr~:;~~ .. t~:~{:::::::::::::l :~J~~ ~~ :~:H~ ~1 l.~H ~~ :~:~~l ~~ ::~~~ ~t 1~~J~~ ~~ ~~:~~~ ~j ::~~! ~z 1--lautln:-;k,\· .................................. Ohio ................ --j 6, 7!15 0!1 1, :HI G!J.I (il 75 8,168 5:1 2, 3:31 07 ]II, 4!1!1 60 R, 12!1 !11. 2, 36U G!l S1Tauton _ .. _............................... l'epuRyh·auin. ......... , 12, 3t6 04 23, 226 !l6 3, 470 10 3!J, 0~3 10 6, ~;l;i :n 4:1, !JUS 41 40, 146 t'2 5 7til 5U Spriu;_!tit·ltl ................................. llliuois .............. --I 17, ti62 40 U, 7ll2 34 1, 3:l6 11 28 7BO f35 3, !Jl:l 40 32,704 23 27,580 Hi 5' 124 ()!)

Sprin.g-til'!d ................................. ::\-.1-a_;;saehusetts ........ l 32,31i308 16,721J:> 27!1:18


4!1:3li:ili1 ~1,41'-207 5t-,77768 4~,01737 10;7ti03l Stt·nht•IIYille................................ Olno .................. i 4, 85:1 36 1, ;,!J'i' 62 1, (j()(i !l8 8, o:-,7 !J6 2, !):.)5 08 10, !l~:J 04 '7, ~li~ ~~ :3, 714 11 S_\Tat·u;;e ................................... .NPW York ........... -I 45, !i7~.~ 00 9, ;,6;~ 11 4, !105 56 60, 1:i!J ti7 !i, !i31 52 ti5, 7!1L Hl 37, .>].> .>!i 28,275 6:~ Urhaun ..................................... Ohio ................. ·1 :3, 3c'l 48 4:lfl 75 217 'H 4, O:lt:l !17 2, 1:!7 54 G, WtJ 51 5, :!11 53 !);,4 !18

'l~1! 1i1tt~:_·t1 •. 11


•• ~ • __ ·_·_· _· _· • __ • _· _· ._ • __ • ._ ._ ._ ._ • __ • _· _· _· ._ • __ • _· _· _· _· _· _· _· _· _· X ew York . . . . . . . . . . . . 3,~· ~~>llJi ~;! 10, 5;i2 !IS 8Hi 35 1 42, 'l.i;i 42 3, 25'-2 :34 '!:i, 707 76 4~.~~-. :l3l~1Jt1J OG!lJ •1'>,' 44~~31 ~70 ~ Iutliaua.-.- ...........


. -, -· u~ 1, 2ti:i 10 1!16 Hl i 3, 712 83 7!ll !18 4 504 til 0 ..

'Vlu·diug- .................................. \Ve;;t Virginia........ 9, 8J0 5!1 2, 2:-i!J 82 161 ;';6 12,271 97 218 50 12: 4!JO 47 10, :.):l;i :.!!) 2, 25;) 18 Vlilliam~port ............................... l'I\I:llsyh·auir~........ 12, 228 21 1, 044 37 2, 7:11 6;) lti, 004 23 3 5:lU !17 Hl, 525 20 lG, 221 72 3, :Jo:l 48 'Voo~tt·r ................................... Ohio ....... :.......... 3, :n7 63 3, 4!12 05 64!1 S6 7, 4:-iU ~H 'Hifl 02 7, G:!8 26 5, Oti3 23 2, :iti:i 03 1\'0I'CI'I-Itrr .................................. ~la;;;;;aelmsetts ........ I 42, 13Li 36 H. 3:1!1 !15 llH 581 5ti, G:n 8!) 4, 8:N 21 61, 41i2 10 52, !l:i4 2:i e, 507 85 ZmH·sdllP .................................. Ohio ................. ·j 8, 74;~ 11 2, 477 38 I ;)fiO, 21 11, 47U 70 3, o:n 74 H, 517 4i J:J, 45U 2:1 1, 058 21

:Mis(•ellaneons .......................................... ········----~--~------~~ 4~,~:1~ l~,.:._:~;,··.:··-~-,-.-~:·fi37 ~3 1 ..... 1 .~-~-~-- ~~5,~~~ 13~-.-.:~,{~:~7 1~ -.·;~-----~.-

Total .......................... -~~~-~~~~-~-~-~~~-~---J-=-~~~~-~---~8.1, ~:~~~ l L-, -~~~~13, 4J-, 06~-~-~-- 3-~· ~0<1 18 -~~-4,_e_~~~,~~Gii 4~~~ 004 1 ~-\Y. H. H. 'l'EHRELL,

'J'hird -"l.~sistant Po.~tmaster General.

No. 7.-l'ostagc-~;tamps, sllWil!Nl Otl'clope8, all(l lll!ll'SWij_)CI'-trrapJWrs issued durin!) /he ji8cal !fear cudc1l June :)0, lt\71.


-------------------------.--------------------------------------·--------------·---·--------·----------------------------------------·---.:oiUMBEU AND DE:'\0;\ll:'\ATIO~ OF STA:Ill'::l.

Quarter ending- Value.

1-e(•llt. 2-ernt. 3-eent. l;·CCHt. 10-eent. 12-ceut. 15-ecnt. 2•!-ecnt. 30-ceut. 90-ceut.

------------------------ 1--------1-------- ------- ------- - -·-·-------- - -------1-------1 ----- ----- ------1-------

September 30, 1870 .. .. .. ....... ::!, 68-1,800 17, 22:!, 300 8(i, 9-14,500 1, 414,100 803,8130 2:n, 50:1 326,480 30,300 28,920 5, 070 $3,252, 126 December :31, lt\70............... 5, Iti:~. 000 22,756, ~30 !.17, 14li, 100 1, 7;!:1, 500 8titi, 21i0 2~1i, ::!50 ::!4!i, G40 71:J, 07;) 67 :320 9, !J10 3, 7"1:.!, 5!)7 March :H, 1871........... .... .. . 5, U!J!t, lOU 24,571, 100 99,791, 100 2, lO!J, !lOU 16f1, 400 !JGI, OJO 30:3,723 50:1,:320 57,723 li!l: 110 14,770 3, !J:lU, 51li June;)0,1tJ7L ................... 5,G03,!JOO 21,174,;)00 9J,719,500 2,1.:-!d,l:iO 427,ti00 !J:!ti,-1.10 2:32,U7:i 4li:l,ti:!O 7J,!l2:i 70,1:i0 30,7!JO :J,ti!l9,476

Total ..................... 2o.l5i,&0-.~05u 377.6o'0WOj7.;;5,G;O "594.uouf3.57!0iu0-!l,Ui~;;;;-fl.ti.W:Ot:0 1 ---;u8.U-i5 1~~ 60,54014, ti::!O, '115



Quarter ending- r I' Value.

----------------------------:--1--<-;e_u_t_. -l--2--c-·.c_n_t_. -l·--3--c--c-n_t_. __ 6-ocnt. 10-cont~ 1"-'""':_ ~15-cent. 24-oonL 30-cm>t. W ,r~~r,~_,-,, ~eptember:l.0,1R"i0 ................................. 1 5,000 1,170,000 6,741,825 21,100 10,2;)0 .........


......... 1 500 50() 924,300 $246,7:i575 DecemhPr :H. 11:;70... .... . .. . .. . .. . .. .. .. .. . . . . . .. . 151, ;,uo 2, o;m, 000 14, 124, :lOU 6:3, !J50 2, 3UO 1, GOO 100 100 1, 852, OOJ 5 7, :lti4 00 Man:h :ll, 1e7l............. ..... . . . .. .. .. . .. .. .. . . . 1:!3, 730 1, b!J;,, 250 11,511, -1110 ;w, u;,o 2, 2:>0 'iUO 200 ... .. . .. . .. ... _... 2, Otil, ouo 4:!7, titi2 50 Juuc ::!0, 11:171 .................................... ··: lOti, 750 1, 455, 7:i0 10,410, OW 4!J, 000 10, 1;;0 750 .. . . . . . . 250 250 I 1, 771,500 3ti:!, 1:17:! 50

TotaL ............. _ ......................... -;;;J~ouof7.5GO,Oilo[42~~;~ m;-4W"f2~[--3-, 050j--300[--~ --75oT-ti.tiOD.OoO 1,~~;;475


No. 7.-Postagc-8tamps, stampecl cm·elopcs, ~)"c.-Continued.



Quarter ending~ 1--------.-------.----~------~~~ Value.

1-cent. 2-cent. 3-cent. 6-cent.. 12-cent.. I

---------~------ ---- ---- i !-----~--Srptcmber30,1870 ................. 12,fi01 170,500 9,776,250 29,150 I 500 J $2!18,63150 Decem her 31, 1870.................. 103, 000 219, 500 12, 166, 000 50, 500 I 1, 000 I :~z:~. ?~~ 20 :March31.1~7l..................... 88,500 206,500 11,,1fn,2:JO 40,750 1---------- .k>2,.3•• ;)0 .June 30. 1871....... .... . .. .. .. .. . .. 83, 500 261, 000 13, 338, :250 47, 000 i _ ........ _: 40!J, ();:!2 .)0

--~~----·-~-·---. 1-------~~~~~-_:_~~ 287, 5oo __ ~57, 500-~797,750j~6~~:oJ ---~·~:~~3~-~et 50


Description. I Whole num­

ber. Yalne.

-------- ---------------

498, 126, 17.) ! $1-l, 630, 715 00 49, 954, fi2;i ; t, 4:n, 474 75 48, 111, n5o I' 1, 4:!4, 1s1 5o

6, 6.•\l, 000 ' 132, 180 00

Po;;tag;e-st.mnps ................... _ .•........ _ ..•. _ . ___ ... _ ............ _ Stamperl enyelopes, plain __ .......... _ ... __ . _. _ .. _ . _. __ . _ ....... __ . _ .. _ Stamped em·elopes, rcque;;t. _ ..... _ ........... _ .. _ ....... : ........ _ .... . :Xewspaper-wrappcrs .................. __ ............... ____ .......... _. _

Total -------............ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 602, 801, 450 ' 17, G29, 551 2:i !

W. H. H. TERRELL. :third .dssistant .l'ostmnliter Genr:ral.


No. 8.-Polftage-&tampB, stamped enrclopcs, g·c.

on en on ell ~0 ;ER !'<,....; .s~ ~£

·~<~ '-'00 '"COO '"COO

~ ...... !'<.-< J:;.-< ::;.-< c:; <:l \l.)

...... <:lo-0 t;f ~: ... ~~ r-.0"':> Q) •

-t~ t-s -:... ] '"';;::., ~;s ;gc,; o;~<:l <:;! :;l

6:11 :::0 :::...., o.~

i 0 cr cr H


One-eent ............................... : 3, 684, 1:100 I 5, 163, 000 5, 699, 100 5, 605, 900 I 20 152 800 'l'wo-ccut...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17, 222, 300 1 22, 756, 850 24, 571, 100 21, 174, 300 I 85: 724: 550 Three-cent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86, 944, 500 • 97, 146, IOU 99, 791, 100 9:{, 719, 5 0 377, 601, 200 Six-cent.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1, 414, 100 1, 723, 500 2, 10!1, l!OO 2, 0:38, 150 7, 285, 650 SeYt•n-ct>nt .............................

80 ..

3 .•.

8.8.0 ......

8.8.q ..

2.6.0.. 166,400 427,600 I 594 ooo

i~~~\=!~~~l;t ·.·.·.·.·.·_·_·.-.·.·-·.·.·::.-.·.·::::.-:::::I " ~g~: ~~~ 926, 430 3, 579:600 Fiftf't>li·Cent .. - ..... -.--- ........... - .. -.. 5~~: ~~~ I ~!~: ~1~ I 50:3, :320 ~65: ~~g I i: ~!t: ~~~ T\"\~ent:r-four-cent ... - .. - ............. -.. 30, 300 I 78, 075 I 57, 725 n, (125 I 2:38, 0~5 Tlurt.y-eeut. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . 28, 9:.!0 1 67, 320 J 69, 110 70, l:'iO 235, 500 :Ninet.y-ct:'nt ............................ ' 5, 070 l 9, 910 14. 770 30, 7SO I GO, 540

.Amount ......................... I $3, 252, 126 $3, 742, 597 1

$3, (136, 516 $:3, 699, 476 ' $14, 630, 715 !==========

Stamped nwelopc~; and ·1wwspaper-wrap- l pers, plain.

- I

T~~~~lci~e~e~~~~~.ti.l:t: :_ : __ : _: _: -.· :_ : __ : _: _: _: :_ :_ :_ :_ ·_. :_ :_ :_ ·.· _: _: _: _: _: _: _: _: _: i,! 1, 17~; ~~~ II 2, ~3~; g~~ 1, ~~~; ~~~ 1, !~~; ~~~ 6, ;~~: ~~~ "O.A 6, 741 O 825 14, 124, 300 11, 511, 400 10, 440,000 42, 817, 525

:Six-cent ................................. I 21, 100 1 63, 6j0 26, 630 46, 000 157, 400

~H~H£h~~.: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::1:::: :~~·:~;~:! i: ~~ ! 2, ~~~ ··---~~·-~~- 23: ~~ Twcnty-fonr-eeut ....................... i 500 ! 100 . . . . . . . . . . . . 250 850 Thirty-eent .............................. I 500 1·........... . . . . . . . . . . . . 250 750 )i[pw~i)apcr-wrappers, (2-cent,l ........... ;~, 500 1, 852,000. 2, 061, (.)00 _22~1, 500 ~9, 000

.Amount ......................... ·I $246, 755 751 $507, :364 00 $4~7, 6G2 50 $:382, 872 50 $1,564,654 75

Stamped envelopes bearin.IJ a req11.est to ·re-~=-==~~=--== .== == ==--= turn. :


()ue-ec•ut ........................•...... i 12, 5I){) II 103, 0.00 8B, 50~~ 83, 500 287, 500 'I'wo-ceut ............................... i 170, 500 219, 51,0 I 206. 500 261,0 0 857, 500 Three-cent .............................

1 9, 776, 250 12, 166, 000 11, 497, 250 13, 358 250 · 46, 797, 750

Hix-ceut . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............ ·' 29, 1.10 50, 50{) I 40, 750 1!7, 000 167, 400 Twelve-cent ............... '" ............ J __ ~ 1,000 ........... ........... 1,500

Amount ......................... i $298, 631 50 $373: 550 00 I $352, 377 50 $409, 622 50 $1,434,181 50


Numoor. Value.

-- .... ----·--·--------~---------------------

l' ................................•...................•.. 498, 126, 175 $14, 6:30, 715 00

Stamped em·elopes, plain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49, 954, 625 1, 432, 474 75 Stamped envelopes, req ttest....... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48. 111, (i50 1, 434, 181 50

Total sta,mped enYelopes...... .• . . . . . • . . . . . • . • . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . • . . 9~~2751 2, 8fl6, 65~ 25

Newspaper-wrappers ......................................... ~....... 6, 609, 000 132, 180 00 ::::;::::=='========== ==============

~~~~:~~:~~3~~- ~~(~ -~--~~~~~:-~~:~~~~~:~: -~t-~~-~~~- ~~-,:~~~~~~·--~~~1. ~~-~~:. 602,001,450 1 17,629,551 25

W. H. H. TERRELL, Third Assistant Postmaster General.


No. 8.-Coutinuml.-Statcmrnt H!tolt'iii!J I he increase in the iH~>IW (~f' postagc-8famp8, siampccl eiii)Clopes, and IICWHPfllWI'-wrappcrN jo1· the Ji.scal year t'IHll'd .!twc ~~0, lt:\71, orcr the fi-:oJtXtl yc£tr,

---------------------------,------------------------------,----------------------------1870. 1871. INCREASE. Plm CE:-\'1'. OF INClmASE.

Description. __________________________

1 __ N_'_n_m_b_c_I_·._

11 __ A_n_1o_•_u_lt_. __

1 __ N_Tl_u_n_b_c_r_._ Amount. _ N mu_~~·_l Amount. Number. Amo~~----

Posta,a-c-stamps ............................................... 4fi8,118,4•!5 $1:3,97(i,7(i8 00 498,126,175 $14,G30,71:'i 00 30,007,7:30 I $G5:3,947 00 6.41 4.G7 l:;tamperl envdopcs, plain .......... _ ....... _ ... _.............. 45,027, 250 1, 297, 15[) 00 49, !l54, G25 1, 432, 474 75 4, 927, 375 U5, 315 75 10. 94 10. 43 Stampetl enveloprs, request ........ _ ........................ - 36, 32G, 000 1, 08~, 250 00 48, 111, 650 1, 4:H, 181 50 11, 785, G~>O 349, 931 !:0 32. 44 32. 27 N cwsl•aper-wrappers .. _ ................ _..................... 4, 9:16, 230 98, G05 00 6, 609, 000 132, 180 00 1, 672, 750 33, 575 00 3:t 88 34. 03

Aggregate ..•.. _ ................... _ ................... ·1554,407,94516~;782oo ----oo2.801.450in~G29;55J:-;;- 48,393,505]1,172, 7li9 2s ----8:73 ---ill W. IT. H. TERUELI,,

Third Ll:os·istwnt Postmaster U:eneral.

No. fi.-Comparalit·t~ 8fatcmcnl of dmd lctfel'8 J't'Cl'il~('(l and di11JW8rtl of du1·ing .fiN('(tl years lR70 and 1R71.

------------w(-l.-----------;~;1-. -------------~~~~~~A~~~--~- lJI;;;;,~~---~IXC~-:E~\-~I~. 1 11ECI~,A~;

--- ---: -A 11101111 t,, Amonnt., I Alttol!Jlt, .AnwHIIt·, I Character of lcttPrs. KnmlH·r. or umtlinnl Nnmlwr. or No. 01_· Jl<llll.iual. No. or ,~': 1o1t1t111i~J.Jai Per cent. Per cent.

Yaltw. Yah11•. Yahw.

~~:~~t~~ :~~} 1::;~~r;:;t?t\~.~~~-~~~~~;~-i~~¥~:::::::::: ::-::::::::::::: -_ 3.-~~f~1TII:~~~-~::: :l:l~~~::: ~~ ~~~:~~·8:.:8:1:~~ 0.~~~- 4_~_:_~-~~-~- _I:_:_: __ ::_:_:_: ___ -:_:_:_ ".··14. {).'J4 ~.4-- -----------~-~-~_-f_l,:::: :1:(:)._:7:.7:

Nnmlwrrll'liveredtoownPr~.-----------------·-····------- 1tl,2:i0 77,1Ui22 17,0t:l2 74,42000 ---···----·· 1,Hitl 2,!i!J5:32 6.40 Money lettnrs coutainin!--._'· one tlollar and upward........ . . . . . . 22, :1~1 $!1'2, 8fi.•7 f'2 18, !T-17 _ "" . :1, 7~4 ~' c

Nnmlwr tiletl for reclamation, and ontstmuling;............. 4, 071 15, 7:i1 ()0 4, :m7 14, 7R!l 10 :~2G . __ . ___ ..... !JG2 50 8. 00 Money lottm·s eontainin~ smns lPss than one dollar ......... __ . 22, !1!12 5, 7!1:! !iO 14, H:iG :1, fi08 !12 .... _ .... __ . ____ .... H, o:lS 1, 984 !i8 34. !!5

Nnmlwr 1kliveretl to OWIH'l'S . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. 20, :l:iti 5, O:i8 7~ 12,41:3 3, 0!14 !JO .. _..... .. .. . .. .. .. . 7, 0·!:3 1, !Jfi:3 82 :1!!. 02 NnmhPrtilPtlfin·rpclamation.............................. 2,ti:l8 7:H t:\8 2,5,1:3 71-l 02 .......... !15 2t! Sli 3G.01

LottPrR eontainin.!! bills of oxelmnge, deeds, &c................. 17, SHO 3, 075, 514 !10 1!1, 1!1:! 3, 075, Sfi!l ;n 1, 333 $32-l 3:3 . . . . . . . . . . . . 7. 46 Nnmlwr lll•li\'Pl'Pil to OW!lt'l'S - ... ----------- .. - .... --.- .. -. Hi, H(i8 2, %:1, 400 02 17, !)();) 2, :-<55, O:lO 31 1, o:n ------------ 101:!, :3G9 71 G. 14 NnmhPr lwl!l for rPclamation, :mrl ontst:uulin~............. !ltl2 112,144 88 1. 288 220,838 !J2 29li 108, 6f'4 0·! . . . . . . . . . . . . 29.83

LcttPrsaiulpacka!!PRenntainin~.icwt'h-y,!Jooks,&c............ 6,~121 ····---------- 6,4!18 ······------- ........ ............ 42:! ..................... . 1\nmlll'rtll'livl'n·ll toowiH·rs .............................. 4,"1~0 .............. 4,298 ............. ............ 4-!~ ................... .. Nnmht·rlwltlf••rrt•damation ................... .......... 2,181 .............. 2,200 ............. 19 ............ ............ 0.87

I.Pttt'l'sl~ontaiuingplwtographs,postagc-stamps,reeeipts,&e ... 110,!120 .............. 11l,Oii4 ------------- 144 ............ ............ 0.13 NnmlH•rtklh·ered ....................................... 100,013 .............. l01,5H 1,4!Hl ........... ........ ............ 1.4!!

6.11 £1.03

NnmhPrtikll ....................................... 10,!'fl.i .............. 9,55!1 ............ 1,355 ...................... 12.4'2 LettPrRwithont.inelnsnressentontfo)'(leliYery ............... 1,8.J2,3:!5 .............. 1,628 80:3 ............................... 213,522 ............ .......... 11.58 N nm ht'l· fleli""r"cl .. _ ...... ___ ..... _. . _ ... __ .. ___ . ___ . _. _. 1, 4~7, 021 __ . _. _ .... _. _. 1, :n4, 30:3 __ ... _ .. _. _ .. _____ ... _. _ ........ _ 152, 718 __ ............. ____ .. _ 10. 27 NnmhPrrt>tm·npdnnlldPstroycd ........................... :l5:i,:lo4 .............. 2!14,500 ........... ________ ............ C0,804 ............ .......... 17.11

Lflttl-rs, circulars, &c., I!Pstroyctl ---. ---.- .. -------.-.- ... -.-.- 1, !JOB, 704 -.-- .. - ...... - 2, 173, !184 --.---- ..... - 265, 280 --.- ..... - ..... - ... - ...... -..... 1:!. sn 1-- ... -... . DonwsticlPt.ters,·etm·net!fmmfurcignconntriPs ....... ...... fi!l,4til .............. 77,010 ............. 7,54!1 ............ ........ ............ 10.861 ........ .. ForPi.gnlPttersretnrnPdtol·onntriPRfromwhidJtheyPmanat\'11. 220,415 .............. 221,G73 ---·--···-·--- 1,2;18 ............ ........ ............ 0.56 ......... .

--------------·---~ ----------·--·-- --~---------------------·----W. H. H. TERHELL,

1'hird As.~istnnt Pnstma8fer General.


POST-OFFICE DEP AR TMEN'l', Contract Office, Novembm· 2, 1871.

SIR: For a statement of the mail serdce for the contract year ended June 30, 1871, &c., I have the honor to refer you to the tables hereto annexed.

Table A exhibits the character of the service, the length of routes, the nnmber of miles of transportation, and the cost the1·eof, at the clo::5e of the contract year.

Taule B exhibits the railroad service as in operation on the 30th of June, 1871; also the cost per mile in each State.

Taule C exllibits the steamboat service as in operation on the 30th of J uue, 1871.

Taule D shows the increase and decrease of mail transportation and cost in the se,·eral States and Territories during the year ended June 30, 1871.

Table E shows the weig·ht of the mails, the speed. with which they are conveyed, the accommoflations for mails and agents, the trips per week, and the rates of pay per mile per annum, on railroad routes in States (chiefly) in wllich the contract term expired June ~10, 1871.

Table F shows the readjustment of the rates of pay per mile on cer­tain railroad routes, and on certain new routes tlle adjn,stment of the rates, based upon returns of the weight of the timils, the speed with which they are conveyed, the accommodations provided for mails and agents, and the uum ber of trips per week.

Table G is a statement of the number, description, and cost of mail­bags purchased by contract and put into._ service during the fiscal year ended June 30, 1871.

Table II is a list of railway post-office lines in operation on June 30, 1871, gi\ying the termini and length of each ronte, the miles of sen-rice performed, the number of trips per day, and the nnmber of clerks of each grade of pay.

Through-mail tables, numbered from 1 to 18, show the time occupied in the transit of mails from 'Vashington, New York, Boston,. Cincinnati, Chicago, and St. Louis to San Francisco and back, from "\Vashington to :New Orleans and back, and from New York to New Orleans and l\lemvllis and back, for the year ending witll the month of September, 1871.

Very respectfully, your obedient servant, JOH~ L. ROUTT,

Second Assistant Postmaster General. ' Ron. J. A. J. CRESWELL,

Postmaster GeneraL

A.--Table 1~!" '/>el'l'icli for tile ,111'111" euded Juuc ~{U, ltliJ, lliJ t'.dtibitul by 1111' 8/ale of the lli'J'tlltffCIIU:III8 at lite duN(i of the !fell/".

1 The Pntiro :-;pryieo all(\ pay on each route are set down to tho State uudc·r whieh the routo is nnmlwrecl, thongh Pxtemliug sonwtiuH'H into othl'l' StateH, im4e:ul of ht•.ing tliYicled among the f::ita.tes in which the clill'ereut. portious lie.)

States and Territoril·s.

Mnine ................. . ~ew Hampshire ....... . Vetmont ............ ; .. . Massachusetts ......... . Rhode lHlaml .......... . Connecticut ............ . New York ............. . New J erRey_ ............ . Pennsylvania .......... . Delaware .............. . M:uylancl. ............. .

~~;t·nT.~~:~~~~~:::::::::: Nm:th Carolina .. : ...... . South Carolina ......... .

~~1a~a::::::: :::~::::::

r}~tfr~0::i::::::::::: ~ ~: Texas .................. .

tt~:~~!~~~~~ ·.:: :::::::::::: Tennessee ............. . Kentucky ............. . Ohio ................... . Indiana ................ . Illinois ................. .

~\~~~~~u": :::: ::::::::: Iowa ................... . Minnesota ............. . ~ ebraska .............. .

Miles. 4, 31~ 1, !l20 2, 252 2, ()64

5:\0 1, 615

11, Hll 2, 205

14,4:3 11 481

3, 355 4, li25 9, ,,~!) 7, 15G 3, 208 4, [123 fi, 4!'i7 6, 8:lt 4, Hll 5, 34!1

11,065 8, 143

12, 474 G, 021 7, 048

11, 6Hi 7, :no

10, 182 9 21\J 7:973 8, 77:3 6, 299 3,134

··----·--··· --.- ____ .... ________ --------- .... -------- ---·--------------......... -----c-··---·--------- --r£ ~rod ·T.· ,_ oc~ rn

Annual transpurtatior~ and cost. ----- -------. ~ ~ a E ~... f§ ~ =~~ - -~ =d

! ~$.8 c; ~~ a:~ ~.s

I ~82~ ~i §§ §~

Celerity, el·t·!aiuty, aml .13." 1 .. ,11·lroa(1. 8 ·~ ~ ·1:· ··- -= ~ 0: o Hecut·Ity. [ By ~;teamuoat. I ·' ,..... .;::: - ::: [ -2..: ~c- ..... _~"0~?~ ,..... H

~~~-~ ~8~ ~;-;-: !S

--·--·---------·------ -------------~----~--~H.=>-- E:-i ~ Miles. Miles. -----~ Miles. j]fileg. Miles. - ~-;::-- ----.Mile11.

:3, 5:lR $74,086 .. .. . . . ... .. 780 $76, (i:31 1, 514, 2!10 1- ... .. .. .. .. li:l:l, 3:30 2.147, 8~0 1, 3.J7 2:), 380 108 $:3, 340 ~)'3ti~ :ltl, 4!!0 505, 1:'77 I 46, 020 4G3, .J74 1, 015, 371 1,71!1 42,111 ........................ ! - 73,f:'li!l 831,3891............ 5rJ!I,:lll:l 1,4:20,707 1, Oli4 53, 407 30 2, 500 1, 570 208, 8!!8 740, tlti'l 18, 7:20 2, 4:i8, 361 3, 217, 948

2tiO 8, o:n 160 2, 5oo 130 13, !l74 118, 118 9!l, 840 2~3. 764 5 •1, 1:12 82!1 2!t, 4:n .. .. .. .. . .. . . . . . . . .. . .. . 78ti 10:-i, D88 4:!8, 41l4 . . . • . . . . . .. . 1, 380. :356 1, 818, 820

6 92o 2.;1, :no 182 7, 14!l 4 o"" 551, no5 3, 100, 113 126,741 6, 28!1, 3!J;3 ll, 516, 2·1!l 1:102 :lti, 8!10 72 3, sn 1' o:3i.l 123, 4!J5 3:.!9, 3W 01, nli 1, 2!l:l, 2c'li 1, 884,578

11, 1GB 2H 517 !l4 fi, 300 3' lGtl 30;), 5:!2 :3,505,327 58, G56 4, 47!1, 1:!8 8, 04:3, 121 263 f-<247 ........... ............ '218 Hi,(i!l8 117,400 ............ 2!i1,1i!l:) 36!1,0!)5

2, 4!12 63, o:J5 40 750 s2:J 181, 2H4 sroo, 14:-i 12, 480 1, 4·1!1, 441 2, 342, IJiiti 4 "1') 52, 37!> 2311 12, 14!1 163 15, ~02 74•) P·Hi 1;)11, :!12 102, 10:~ 1, 001, 21i0 6:;;4:; 119,5(13 1,011 4:3,515 1,468 129,667 1 51~'23o 36!1,051 1,24G,52!l 3,133,810 5, 8911 7!1, 725 316 6, 599 944 7:!, 115 '!lH: 658 82, !!!12 71!>, O!J:I 1, 742, 740 1,974 28,714 51 806 1,183 109,125 284,414 5,31·1 1,052,!1!):3 1,342,721 2, 570 45, 2:!2 584 10 330 1, 76£1 134, 926 422, 032 GO, 7:36 1, 675, 27£1 2, 158, 047 11 11:3 2•1, fl:l:3 4, 851 154: 7110 43:3 31, 37-1 18:), !l!lfi 441, 152 214, 81'15 902, 03:3 4, 73(i 104, 21i8 487 25, 683 1, fill 1:31i, 1{j;) 812, 1356 15!l, li40 1 159 77£1 2, 13:.!, 07.) 2, £118 69, H:l:.! 272 5, 000 1, 001 105. 775 55!1, 4(i8 f,G, 576 '914: 113 1, 5:30, 157 2, 324 7<l 3:3'> 2, 612 10:.!, 200 413 51,472 5.35, 786 552, (j;){j 4 !1, 128 1, 517,570

10, 183 45fl: li!l4 48:l 40, 500 39!1 38, 310 2, l-12, 1:'36 15:1, P16 2!l;i, 7R5 2, 592, 437 6, 602 218,054 1, 453 53,250 88 10, tiOO 1, li:.!3, 518 301, 9:.!8 54, fJI2 1, !li"O, :351-l 9, 758 210, 361 6~1 22, ooo 2, o:J5 247, 012 2, 7Go, 21i4 2:n, 344 2, 555, 470 5, 553, 01~ 4, 5!>8 5[1, 745 235 10, 500 1, 228 100, 25:l 85;3, 494 59, 280 954 41i3 1, 867, 2:37 5, 074 101, 015 1, OS!J 50, t-OO 885 8!l, 317 1, 411, G8fi 489, GOG 888: 758 2, 7!JO, 050 fi, 79!) 1:l£1, 482 2131 !l, 410 4, 5:16 GOG, 703 2, 224, 042 110, 760 5, 181, OG3 7, 515, !-'65 4, 8u7 77, G50 . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . • . . . . . . . . 2, 503 25S, !l:3a 1, 104, 948 . . . . . . . . .. .. 2, 908, 210 4, ot:3, 218 5, 834 112, 095 . . . . . . . .. .. . .. .. . . . . .. .. 4, 348 53!1, 2G2 1, 721, !l2o .. . .. .. . .. .. 5, 328, UfiO 7, 050, 1-'88 5,1:32 111,735 1, 723 37,535 2, 31H 223, 7G!l 1, 522, t06 361,061 2, 7:37.45:3 4 621 320 G, 251 97, U70 252 11, 100 1, 470 15:3, 1:l4 1, mn. 817 81, 185 1, 425, ;;:~3 3: 204: 5:1;"5 6,579 131,\154 ........................ 2,1£14 17t!,O!l7 1,E!lfi,330 ............ 2,101,941 3,!1!JP,271 4, 990 EO, 354 230 12,740 1, 079 84, 150 1, 179, 532 84, 120 941, 22(1 2, 204, 8R1 1, 997 47, 180 ............ ----........ 1, 137 289, 443 615, 224 . • . . . . .. . . . . 819, 338 1' 43·1, 580

$150,117 67,210

115, !IRO 264, P05 :.!l, 511

13:i, 41!) 71i0, 4:.!4 1G4, 2:i8 551i, 34!) "4 '145

215: cJ7!l 80,326

2!12, 743 15fJ, 4:l!l 1:38, 645 190, 488 211,007 261i, 116 1t'O, 727 2:1:l. 004 5:35, 50·! 281,904 47£1 373 170: 4!lR 241, 132 755, 5!15 3:36, !iR3 ()51, 357 373, O:l!l 2G2, 204 310 051 177:244 336,62:3

Kansas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5, 50!l 3, 889 72, 972 ............ 1............ 1,· 620 I 140, 629 1 1, 086, 696 ........... ·[ 1, 137, 872 2, 244, 568 2U, 601

~~1l'r~~~i~:::::::: :::: ::: ~: ~~~ ~: ~~~ !~g: ji~ · · · · · · i,· 25i ·1· · · · · 65,· ooo · · · · · · · i.· 3o2 · · · · · 277; 747 · 2, t~~: ~~~ · · · · 29i." o24 · ( i.· o4i,· siii 3, ~~~: ~~~ ~gg: t~~ Oregon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2, 102 1, 873 49, 581 229 31, 000 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 290, 588 126, 048 , . . . . . . . . . . . . 416, 63!i 80, 581 Washington Territory.. 2, 661 1, 360 102, 619 1, 301 I 45, 654 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31:5, 040 79, 944 :. . . . . . . . . . . . 392, 984 14t!, 273

~ Idaho Territory. . . . . . . . . e55 855


91, 936 ................................... ·r·..... . . . . . . 295, 4oo ........... ·1·..... . . . . . . 295, 4oo 91, 936 I'd Montana Territory...... 1, 339 1, 339 84, 572 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 377, 52!' ..... •...... . . . . . . . . . . . . an, 520 84, 512

Q ~~i~¥if:!~~i~~~~:::: 2,~g~ 2,~g~ I 3J:~~~ :::~:::~::::1':::::::::::: :::::::::~~:l.:::::i.:~~~:l 1,:1~:~~~ :~~::::::::·:11 :::::~~.:~i~- -1.:~~:~~g I. 31~:g~~ Colorado Territory...... 2, 053 2, 021 166, 994 ................. -...... 32 1, 600 i 809, 478 . . . . . . . . . . . . l!J, 968 82!!, 446 168, 594 New Mexico Territory.. 1, 763 1. 763 313, 224 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... ·1 661, 008 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 661, OOt! 313, 224 Arizona Territory . . . . . . 1, 495 1, 495 64, 659 ............

1 ........................


. . . . . . . . . . . 225, 680 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 225, 6so 64, o59

Total............. 238,359 HiS, 191 / __ 5, 027, 473_ 20, 334j __ _226, 943 _j-49, 83~ ~· 7~~-~~!:o!~~~· 96B 4, 68~~~!~~~~04!o 10~572, ~~J11;-529, 395

Railway post-office clerks ....... -.............. ·· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · .. · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · .... · · · · ....... · .................. I 649, 400 Route agents .................................... · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·. · · · ·. · · · · .. · · ...................



~?.th~~g~~~;;:~~.~; ~~ ~~~:L; ~~~Li~-- ~ ~:-: ~-: ~:: •::::;- ~ ~;:; •::;; •; •; _:;;:;;:::::;; •:; •:::;;;: _:;::;;; •;;;:;:;::;:;:;;;;; :~::;:;::;;:;:::;;;;:;::: _: -~ .!!: !~ .Aggregate .................................................................................................................................................... 1


13, 404, 921

JOHN L. ROUTT, Second Assistant Postmastm· General.

B.-Rail1•oad serv·ice as in operation on the 30th of JuntJ, 1871.

State and termini.


Corporate title of company carry­ing the mail.

1 Augusta to Skowhegan............ Portland and Kennebec .......... . 9 "Danville ,Junction to nangor...... Maine Ceutral ............. - .... . 9a Newport to Dexter. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..... do .......................... .

19 Farmington to BrunAwick ........ Androscoggin .................... .

84 Calais to Princeton.......... . . . . . . Lewy'A !Aland ................... . 114 Portland to Portsmouth, N.H .... Portland, Saco, and Portsmouth .. .

115 ~Portland to Augusta ........... ~ p tl 1 1 K b

.Jfile.9. 39

110 14

66.50 5

21 52


Miles .


117 163 181 188 201 202

~Withbranchto"Bath ........... 5 or am am enne ec .......... .

Graml Trunk ... - - - . --- - - · · · - -· · - - 1t~ :::: :: :::: :: Portland to Canada Line ......... . Portland and Rochester. . . . .. . . . . . 36 .........•.. Portland and Oxford Central...... 27. 50 .....•...... European and North America. . . . . 62. 25 ....•....... Bangor and Piscataquis........... 40 ........... . Maine Central...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34. 19 ........... . Portland and Ogdensburgh........ 35§ . -......... -

--- 780 113-200

Portland to Springvale ........... . Mechanics' Falls to Canton ...... . Bangor to Mattawamkeag· ....... . Oldtown to Dover ............... . Belfast to Burnham Village ...... . Portland to \Vest Baldwin ....... .


~151 Concord toN ashua. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Concord .................•........ 253 Concord to Wells River . . . . . . . . . . Boston, Concord and Montreal ....

36 ;)0. 75 42.25


~55 ~56 269 278

~Concord to White River Junc-1

tion. Branch to Bristol. ............ .

Concord to Bradford ............. . Concord to Portsmouth .......... . Manchester to North "\Veare ..... . Nashua to \Vilton ............... ..

299 Contoocook Village to Hills-

Northern ..................•......

Concord aml Claremont .......... . Concord ......................... . ...... do .......................... . Boston and Lowell and Nashua

and Lowell. Contoocook River ................ .

38tl borough Bridge. Dover to Alton Bay ............... Boston and Maine ................ .

30:.1 i Brock's Crossing to Union ........ Port,;mouth, Gr't Falls & Conway.

69 13

26 60 25.50 16


28 f)


6 (j


1~ J 6


1~ s 6 6 6 6 6



1~} 12 ~

6 5 6

12 6




$2,925 00 13,750 00

840 00

5, 412 50

2,100 00 9,137 50

8, 275 00

17,700 00

1, 999 97 ...... ---- --1, 246 5"/ .... -- -- .. --7, 781 25 .. -- -- .... --2, 000 00 .. -- -- -- .. .. 1, 709 50 . - . -. - - .... . 1, 756 25 -- .... ---- ..

---- $76, 633 54

5, 400 00

9, 300 00

11, 160 00

1, 500 00 3, 000 00 1, 025 00

900 00

750 00

1, 400 00

1, 300 00

$75 00 125 00 60 00


75 00 {Includes $50 per a11num for 75 00 mail messenger service at

Lisbon. 100 00 175 72 113 35 ~ 6 t.imes a week for 5 months.

{ 12 times a week for 7 months. 125 00 100 00

55 55 45 33

125 00 50 00 50 00 50 00

150 00 100 00 100 00

140 00 50 00

75 69 50 00 ~0 00 56 25

50 00

50 00 50 00 50 00

Pay estimated.

Includes $850 per annum for mail messeng-er service.

3.11 :J42



461 475



487 508

Lancaster to 'Vells River......... Boston, Concord aml Montreal ... . Hooksett to Pit.tstieltl............. Suncook Valley .................. .


Burlington to Rouse's Point, New Yorli.

White River Junction to Derby Line.

Windsor to Burlington ........... . Rutland to State Line, with branch

to Bennington. Bellows .Falls to Windsor ........ . Bellows Falls to Burlington ..... .

Vermont Central and Vermont and Canada.

Connecticut and Passumpsic Riv· ers.

Vermont Central. ................ . Harlem Extension ............... .

Sullivan ......................... .

Rutland and Burlington .......... .

Brattleboroug;h to Bellows Falls . . Vermont Valley ................. . Saint Albans to Canada Line ...... Vermont and Canada ............ .


601 Boston to Portsmouth, N.H...... Eastern .................... : .... .

~Boston to South Berwick June-~

602 tion. Boston and Maine ................ . Branch to Great Falls ......... .

603 Boston to Nashua ................. Boston and Lowell and Nashua and Lowell.

604 Boston to Fitchburgh ............. Fitch burgh ...................... .

605 Boston to .Albany, N.Y ........... Boston and .Albany .............. .

606 Boston to 'Voonsocket Falls, R.I ........... do ...................... . 607 Boston to Soutl1hridge ............ Boston, Hartford and Erie ....... . 608 Boston to Providence, R.I ........ Boston and Provi<lence ........... . 609 Boston to Plymouth ............... Old Colony and Newport ......... .

610 Boston to Medford............ . . . . Boston aml Maine ................ . 615 Boston to Mattapan ....... : ....... Old Colony and Newport ......... .

616 Boston to West Lynn Depot ...... Eastern ..................... . 617 Boston to Dctlham ................ Boston and Providence ........... . 618 Grafton Depot to Mil bury.. . . . . . . . Boston and Albany ............. . 619 SalPm to Gloucester............... Eastern ......................... . 620 Salem toMarhlehead .................... do .......................... . 621 Salem to Lawrence ...................... do .......................... . 622 Georgetown to Haverhill .......... Boston and Maine ................ . 627 Lawrence to Manchester.......... Concord, Manchester and Lawrence 629 Lowell to Lawrence ............... Boston and Lowell and Nashua

• and Lowell. 631 Winchester to Woburn ........... Boston and Lowell and Nashua

aiHl Lowell.

43.10 .......... .. 20 ........... .

32.50 23

114. 17

119 59

25 52 67.50 24 17


75 3




45 56


{ 3~. 68 70 44 38

5. 50 8. 50

10 11

4 16 4

20 6. 50

28 14




6 6

1~} 6

15 6


1~} 12


:n 12 { 1~ 5 21


~~{ 18.5 25 { 12 5 12 25 12

6 12

12 12 12 12

6 6 6

12 21


2, 1!'15 00 ........... . 600 00 ........... .

---- 38, 490 00

9, 712 50

11, 417 00

20,825 00 2, 950 00

3, 500 00

20,405 00

3, 360 00 1, 700 00

11,300 00

11,400 00

6, 300 00

8, 000 00

68,475 00

1, 984 00

3, 500 00 8, 800 00 5, 345 00

275 00 768 00

500 00 550 00 200 00 800 00 200 00

1, 000 00 325 00

2, 800 00 1, 050 00

150 00

73,869 50

50 00 30 00

175 00 175 00 100 00

175 00 50 00

140 00 100 00 180 81 140 00 100 00

200 00

150 00 50 00

150 00

153 84


375 00 375 00 300 00

~ 50 00 l 50 00

50 00 200 00 125 00

50 00 50 00

50 00 50 00 50 00 50 00 50 00 50 00 50 00

100 00 50 00

50 00

Includes $3,000 per annum for mail-messenger service.

Includes $595 per annum for mail-messenger service.

Includes $343 per annum for mail-messenger se1·vice.

Includes $350 per annum for ru.~il~m~sse~1ger service.

H.-Railroad :-;ervice a:-; in upcmtiun 011 the 30th of Jnne, ltl71--Coutiuued.

.. -· --~--------..---

~ I • .s 11l .s ;.....=l

8 "-< 0

~ ,:,

_!_\ ·I

632 635


637 638

639 640

• 641







State and termini.

~eo) ·§' . a.: ~~ I § ~ ;::: ~ ~ ;;-~ t; ~ .1 Corporate title of company carry- . a,; ~ili ~ ~ p,. Ad 8 § .

ing the mail. I ~ co ..=l ~ ~ co::.<:: ...... a:>

~ at~ s~ ~ p~ ~~-s I -~ o ~ P A P § § ;:l ~ 8


Porter's Station to Lexington .. -~. South Acton Depot to Htidson ....

I ~~:~ r~-11-:-il-es-.-r-iZ;-- ---~--- -~...j--- _...j __

Lexington and Arlington ......... I 8 . .. .. . . . . .. . 12 $400 00 . . . . . . .. .. . . $50 00 Fitchbnrgh ....................... i 9 ............ 12 500 00 ........... 50 00

Ayer to Lowell................... Boston and Lowell and Nashua

Ayer to Mason Village ........... . Auburndale Station to Newton

Lower Falls.

and Lowell. lfitchbnrgh ...................... . Boston and Albany .............. .

Na,tick toSaxonvillo ........................ do ...................... . South ¥ramingham to Pratt's Boston, Clinton and .Fitchburgh . ·I

Junetwn. · South Framingham to Milford.... Boston and Albany ............... .

Cttnton Depot to Htoughton. _...... Stoughton a,nd Easton Branch ... .

South Braintree Junction to New- Old Colony and Newport ... : ..... . port, Rhode Island.

South Abington to Bridgewater ............... do .................... -~

Braintree Depot to Cohasset...... South Shore ...................... .

Middleborough to Hyannis ....... Cape Cod ........................ .

Yarmouthport to ·wellfleet ............. do .......................... .


4 29



Gl. 75

7. 75





12 18








1, 100 00

1, 150 00 100 00

200 00 2,17500

900 00

250 00

7,105 00

380 00

1, 304 00

t1, 500 00

5, 800 00

-----------·1 ---------------·--------

50 00

50 00 50 00

50 00 75 00

50 00

50 00

100 00

38 70

50 00

117 00

100 00

672 New Bedfor(l to West 'Vareham .. New Bedford and Taunton ....... . 50 00 50 00 ------------



Includes $50 ver annum fin· nutil-messenger service.

Includes $~50 per annum for route-agent service.

Includes $300 per annum for mail-messenger srrvice.

Incltules $50 per anunm for mail-mcsRenger service.

Includes $930 per annum for mail-messenger service.

Inclnllcs $80 iJcr annum for mail-messeng-er serYice.

Includes $704 ver annum for mail-messenger service.

Includes $1,000per annum for mail-messenger sen·ice.

Includes $2,600 per annum for mail-messenger service,mHl $100 per aunum for an ad(H· t.ional daily to \Vest Harwich.


Taunton to Middleborough . . . . . . . Middleborough and Taunton. ____ . 1

Taunton to Mansfield Junction . . . Taunton Branch ................. .

678_ Taunton to New Bedford ......... New Bedford and Taunton .. _ .... .

16.25 9. 50



1 ------·-----r

12 12 23


812 50 475 00

1, 500 ·00 100 00 Includes $300 per annum for mail-messenger SL'tTice.

6831 'Vorcesterto Nashua ............. WorcesteraudNashna ... · ....... .. 688 Sterling Junction to Fitch burgh.. Boston, Clinton and Fitch burgh .. 680 :Fitch burgh to Bellows Falls, Vt... Cheshire and Ashuelot ............ .

46.25 14 64

18 18 18

2, 000 00

4, 625 00 1, 050 00 7, 500 00

·----------·, ............ !

75 00 Inelmles $462 50 per annum

I for mail-messenger service.

100 00 75 00 i

117 18 I

l~ 0


696 702

703 721


728 731


802 803 821







939 942 943


955 !l72

Fitchhnrgh to 11rnt tkhoro', Vt, nml V(lrmont and l\IaFl~mchnsrtts ..... . l\lilll'r's Falls to Iroos:w Tmuwl.

Palnwr to Jllillt•r's Falls .......... N0w London Northern ........... . ~pringfieltl to South Ynuon ,Tunc- Connreticnt RiYer ........... - ... .


South Vrrnon Junction to Kern c.. Cheshire and Ashuelot.--- ..... - .. Pittsfield to North Adams .. _ ..... Pittsfield and Korth Adams ...... .


24 21

Gloucester to Pigeon Conl ....... . Eastern . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~ · 5 1. 50

30.50 34

WakE>field to Xcwburyport ...... . South Braintree Junetion to :Fall

Boston and :Maine ... _ .... _ ....... . Old Colony and Newport ......... .

RivE>r. East SaliRlmry to Amesbury .... .. Eastern ....... _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 .......... . Palll~t'r to nilhertsdlle ... _ ....... . New London Northern............ 15.75 .......... _. l\lanstidtl to South l<'raming-ham .. \Vinchcmlon to Peterborough .....

Bost011, Clinton and l<'itchlmrgh... 22 .......... _. l\fonadnock . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 ........... .


Providence to Worcester, l\fass. _ . . Providence and Worcester .. _ . _ ...

Providence to N'ew I.ondon, Conn. New York, Providence and Boston Providenee to BriRtol .... _ ... _. _.. l'rovidPm".e, \Varren and Bristol .. \Van·en to ]<'all Riwr, Mass Fall Jlh·er, WarrE>n Provi·



Norwich to Worcester, ?.lass .. _.. Norwich and Worcester ........ __ .

New Lomlon to Palmer, :ftfass ..... New London Northem .......... ..

Middletown to Berlin Depot ...... IIartford ancl New Haw•n ....... .

:X ew Haven to New London . . . . . . New Haven and New London .... .

New Haven to Sprii1gfield, Mass .. \New HaYen to Williamsburgh, { ( with lmmr-h to New Hartford. 5 New IIan·n to New York, N.Y .. . l~ritlgPport to \Yinsterl .. __ . _. _ ... . B1·ithr-port to State J,ine, JYiass.,

with brauch to Pittsfieltl, Mass. 1 Sonth Norwalk to_ Danbury .... { I. Branch to Ritlgefit'ld .......... 5 \\r aterbnry to ProYidencP-, R. I. .. . V('I'non Depot to llockville ....... .

Hartford and New Haven ........ . New Haven and Northampton. __ .

New York and New Haven ...... . Nangatuek .. ___ . __ . _ .... ___ ..... . Housatonic . ___ .. __ . __ . __ ....... _.

Dan bury and Norwalk . __ ........ .

Hartford, Providence and Fishkill Rockville ....... _ ................ .

·---- 1, 570. 43


G:3. 75 15.50


60 30 35 10


635-6 83 16 76~ 62


23.50 4

122.50 4~



12 15

6 12

1~ 1 6 6

12 6 6 6


22 12 12

12 12 ~ 18 5 18


31 12 { 18 5 31 12 12

12 { 12 5 12 12

10, 800 00

2, 625 00 6, 550 00

1, 200 00 . - ... - ..... . 1, 575 00' .......... ..

450 00

1, 525 00 1, 700 00

250 00 .......... .. 775 00 .......... ..

1, 100 00 ........... . 1:!00 00 .......... ..

----$208, 898 50

4, 800 00

7, 968 75 855 00 350 00

3, ()00 00

5, 625 00

1, 000 00

'7, 567 00

20,745 83

8, 425 00

28,625 00 4, 650 00 9, 680 00

2, 120 00

12 250 00 '500 00


100 00

75 00 125 00

50 00 60 00

50 00 50 00 50 00 50 00

62 50 50 00 50 00 50 00

75 00

Hl5 00 55 16 50 00

60 00 100 00

75 00 75 00

150 00

325 00 75 00 75 00

375 ()() 75 00 80 00

85 11 30 00

100 00 50 00

Inclmles $300 per annnm for sitle supply of Chicopee Falls.

Indudes $315 per annum for mail-messenger service.

InclU<les $125 per a.mmm for mail-messenger service.

Includes $1,500 per annum for mail-messenger serviee.

Includes $250 per annum for mail-messenger serYice.

Inelmles $67 per annum for mail-messenger service.

IncltHles $1,000 per annum for mail-messenger service.

Includes $268 50 per annum for mail-mes!>enger Storvice t.o VE>rnon.



1002 1003






1009 1010 1011


1013 1014 1015 1016

1017 1018 1019 1020

B.-Rltilroad 8ervice al5 -in operation on the 30ih of June, 1871-Continued.

State and termini.


Corporate title of company carry­ing tho mail.

New Haven to Middletown .. _.... New Haven, Middletown and Willimantic.


r .New York to Middletown .. ____ }

I ~~~~~~f~~'iftet~o~~~~~;~~~-~~~-::: Erie ---------.-- ...... _ .. _ .. _. _ .. . l Salamanca to Dunkirk ........ . New York to Troy ................ Hudson River------ ___ ----------· New York to Chatham Village .... New York and Harlem .......... . New York to Manhasset ........ _. ]'lushing and North Side .. ___ .... .

Stapleton to Totten ville . _____ . __ . Staten Island ................ - ... .

New York to Greenport ---- __ .. _. Long Island. __ .... ___ ...... ---- __ .

Mineola to Locust Valley __ .... __ .. _ .... do .......................... .

Hicksville to Northport ................. do . _ .................. _ ..... .

Suffern to Piermont. .. . . .. . . . . . . . . Erie ............................ . Newlmrgh to Chester .......... _ .... do . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............. . Hudson to "\Vest Stockbridge .. _ ... Hudson and Boston ..... _ ........ .

.Albany to .Albany Junction .... _.. Rensselaer and Saratoga ......... .

Albany to Binghamton._ .. _. . . . . . . Delaware and Hudson Canal ..... . Central Bridge to Schoharie . _. _.. Schoharie Valley ................. . Schenectady to Ballston........... Rensselaer and Saratoga .... __ . __ _ Troy to Schenectady._. ____ .. _ . _. . New York CentraL. ____ . _ ... _ .... 5TroytoNorth.Adams .......... ( T dB t ( Branch to State Line._. __ .. __ ._ 5 roy an os on·- - ·- - ·-. - ---.----Troy to Saratoga Springs .... ____ . Rensselaer and Saratoga .. __ ..... . Eagle Bridge to Rutland ...................... do ............... __ ... . Saratoga Springs to Castleton._._ ..... _. __ .. ...... _ .. _ .......... .

Miles. 24

J 61

l 26;) 82 46

150 130.50 13

8. 75 21 67.50 33



18 19.75 35

9 3

142 5

16 22 50

5. 50 32.81 62.50 54.


785 19-24


23t} 17 16!

7 25 6

1~} 12

1~ J 12


6 6

12 uq 12 5 12 18 12 18

1~ J 12 12 12

$1, 200 00 - - - .. - - .. - ..

----$105, 987 83

122, 675 00

52,500 00 13,050 00

2, 400 00

1, 800 00

12,050 00

862 50

1, 250 00

900 00 987 50

1, 750 00

1, 029 00

14,200 00 400 00 8(10 00

1, 650 00

6, 937 50

4, 921 50 9, 375 00 8, 100 00

$50 00


300 00 275 00 250 00 200 00 350 00 100 00

5 110 35 l 110 35

85 70 5 100 00 ~ 100 00

50 00

50 00

50 00 50 00 50 00 85 75 85 75

100 00 1:!0 00 50 00 75 00

125 00 125 00 150 00 150 00 150 00


Old rate of pay. Includes all 8ide service.

Do. Includes $2,000 per annum for

mail messenger service at New York.

Includes $250 per annum for side service.

Includes'$425 per annum for side service.

Offer of Department.

10:21 PlaMshm~h to Cnnarla Line ...... Montreal and Plattsburgh ........ 23 1, 725 00 ··---------- 75 00 Twelve times a week 8 months, six times a week 4 months.

1022 Rouse's Point to O!!dC'nsbnrgh .... Ogdensburgh and LakeCl1amplain. 119 12 10,710 00 .................... 90 00 1023 Rouse's Point to Cimada Line ... '. Champlain and St. Lawrence ...... 2. 25 6 262 50 ..................... llli 66 1024 Watertown to Cape Vincent ...... Rome, \Vatertown and Ogdens- 26 12 1, :lOO 00 ................ 50 00


Utica to Lowville ................. Utica and Black River ............ { 35 1~} 4, 000 00 67 80 1025 24 ................. 67 80

{Rome to 0)!densburgh ......... ( Rome, \Vatertown and Ogden a- { 72 241

115 00 1026 Branch to Potsdam Junction ... } burgh. 70 12 19,205 00 ................ 115 00

~ 25 6 115 00 tr: 10~7 Svracuse to Rochester ............ New York CentraL ............... 104 21 10, 400 00 ................ 100 co Offer of Department. '"0 1028 S~Tacuse to Binghamton .......... Syracuse, Binghamton and New 80 ---········ 12 7, 200 00 .................. 90 00 0 York. ~ 1029 Syracuse to Oswe~o ............... Oswego and Syracuse ............. 35.50 ----··----- 12 2, 662 50 ------------ 75 00 t-:3 1030 Cauaml:tigna to Ntag-ara Falls .... New York CentraL ............... 97 ------------ 12 4, 850 00 ·----------- 50 00 Do. 1o:n CanamlaiJ.i'na to Elmira ........... Northern Central. ................ 68.50 ............... 12 5, 137 50 . ................. 75 00 Old rate of pay. 0 1032 Rochester to A von ................ l~rie .............................. 18 ................ 6 1,:150 00 . ................. 75 00 ~ 1033 A Yon to Mount Morris ............ A von, Geneseo and Mount Morris. 16 ................. 12 950 00 . ..................... 59 37 1034 Suspension Bridge to Detroit ...... Great \ \T estern Hail road of Canada 229 .................. 25 11, 450 00 . ..................... 50 00 1-3 1035 f Buffalo to Attica . . . . . . . . . . . . } Erie .............................. { 31 ................... 24 J 17,300 00 200 00 :I:

Attica to Corning ......... : . ... 111 24 . .................... 100 00 t%j 1036 Buffalo to Loci{ port ............... ~ewYork Central. ............... 22 12 1, 100 00 ................... 50 00 Offer of Department. 1037 Buffalo to Lewiston ............... ...... do ........................... 29 6 2, 17.) 00 .................. 75 00 Do. '"0 1038 Attica to Horn ells ville ............ . Erie ......... 60 12 12, 000 00 ..................... 200 00 0 1039 Bnft'alo to l~rie .................... Lake Shore and. Mi~itlg~~~- S~~;tb~~~; 89 31 22,250 00 ..................... 250 00 en 104(1 Owego to Ithaca .................. Delawal'e, Laclmwanna and 'Vest- 35 12 3, 000 (l0 ................... 85 71 1-j

ern. ':.?' ..... 1041 Chesterville to ·warwick .......... 'Varwick Valley .................. 11 12 550 00 .................... 50 00 ;..-1042 Oswego to Richland ............... Rome, \Vatertown and Og<lens- 28.50 12 1, 645 00 .................... 50 00 Indudes $220 per annum for 00

burgh. side service. t-:3 1043 Brocton to Corry .................. Buffalo, Corry and Pittsburgh ..... 45.30 2, 865 00 ·--···--·-·- 50 00 Includes $600 per annum for t%j

side service. ~ 1044 New York to Patchogue .......... South Side . . . .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. . .... 55 12 3, 400 00 ..................... 50 00 Includes $550 per annum for

Q side service, and $100 pe1· annum for supply of Bell- tlj

port and Firt>place. z 1045 Goshen to Montgomery ........... Montgomery nnd Erie ............ 10.25 9 400 00 ·---···-···- 39 02 tlj

1046 Skaneateles Junction to Skane- Skaneateles ....................... 5. 50 18 350 00 .................... li3 63 ~ ateles. P>

1079 Albany to Buffalo ................. New York Central. ............... 298 25 89,400 00 .................. 301) 00 ~ 1228 Utica to North Norwich .......... Delaware, Lackawanna and \Vest- 48.50 6 2, 425 00 .................... 50 00

ern. 12e2 Rochester to Niagara Falls ....... New York Central. ............... 76 12 19, 000 00 ...................... 250 00 1338a Fredonia to Dnnkirk Station ...... Dunkirk aJHl :Fredonia ............ 3. 50 18 400 00 ---········· 114 28 1405 Chenango Forks to Norwich ...... Delaware, Lackawanna and vV est· 30.69 6 1, 534 50 ...................... 50 00

ern. 1451a Middletown to Unionville ......... Middletown, Union ana \Vater Gap 14 6 500 00 ----·-······ 35 71 1454 Utica to Smith's Valley Station ... Utica, Clinton and Binghamton ... 31.40 .................... 6 1, 570 00 .. ................... 50 00 1509 Bnft'alo to Holland ... .' ............ Bnffalo and \VaslJingtou .......... 27.57 ................... 6 1, 340 00 . ................... 50 00 t...:J


B.-Rail1·oad seJTice ll8 in oprl'afiou 011 the ~~Oth-of .fum;, 1871-Continned.

-------------·-------.-----------------,----------;-----:------,----~~----·-;·-.s .9

State and termini.

NEW YORK-Continw.'.rl.

Corporate titlP of company carry­ing tlw mail.

1510 Sehohal'itl to Middleburgh . . . . . . . . l\fitltllcbnrg:h a111l Schoharie Vallo~-

1518 1524 15:J5




1543 1544 1545

1546 1560 1561

Plattsburgh to Ansahle Forks ... . Chat.ham Villagl• to Bennington .. . Cooperstown to Cooperstown J unc-

tion. Oswego to Sidney Plains ......... .

~Fishkill on the Hudson to Miller-~

ton. Branch to Sylvan Lake ....... .

Owego to Auburn ............... .

Montgomery to New ?a.ltz ....... . ColJleskill to ChPrry Valley ...... . C::tRsYille Junction to Richfield

Rpring-s. Sidney Plains to New Berlin ..... . Johnsonville to Grcenwieh ....... . .Fonda to Gloversville ... : . ....... .

1562 Canastota to C::tzenoda .......... . 1563 Poughkeepsie to St.iRsing ........ . 1564 , Port ,J crvis to Mont.icPllo ........ . 1565

1 5 ~i~.dd~etown to ~men ville ..... _ ( t ],I,mch to ::Montwello ........... 5 15li6 Ithaca to McLean .... __ . __ ....... . 1567 Goshen to Pine Island ........... .






New York to Piermont .......... .

New York to New Bridge ........ . New Yor:k to Easton, Pa ..... ____ _

New York t.o Harrislmrgh, Pa ....

·whitehall and Plattsburgh ....... . Harlem Extension ............... . Cooperstown and Susquehanna

vall<>y New York and Oswego Midland ..

Dutchess and Columbia........ l Southern Central ............ .

Wallkill valley ............... · ... . Delaware anrl Hmlson Canal. .... . Delaware, Lackawanmt and \Vt,st-

ern. New York and Oswego Midland .. Greenwich and Jolmsunville ..... . Fonr1i1, ,Johnstown and Glovers-

ville. CazenoYia and Canastota ......... . Pm tghkePpsie all!l .Eastern ....... . Mont.icello and Port ,Jervis ....... .

New York and Oswego Midland ..

Ithaca and CortlalHl ............. . Goshen and Deckertown ......... .

Northern Railroad Company of New Jersey.

Hackensack and .New York ...... .

Morris and Essex. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~ Central Railroad of New Jersey . _I


!-----1 --·----- -------1-----1----1-----------1

Jf~;.';o 1- :'£~"':-2:3 ------------;}7. 80 . ----------. 16 ------------

124.28 56.50

4. 50 69.37

18 22.47 21

24.84 14 10

13 21. G5 24 22.75 19 14.50 11


16.50 6~ 24.40


4, 088.68



6 12


~} 6



G 12 12

12 6 6

~1 1:J


$~95 00

1, 000 00 2, 890 00 1, 000 00

G, 214 00

3, 050 00

3, 960 93

540 00 1, 123 50 1, 030 00

1, 242 00 GOO 00 700 uo

750 00 1, 082 50 1, 200 00

;!, 087 50

725 00 . -- -- -- -- -- -250 00 ·--·-------·

----$551, 905 43

G 1, 865 00

12 825 00 12 ( 7, :J20 00

1~) I 36, GOO 00

$50 00

43 47 50 00 6:2 50

50 00 50 00

50 00 50 00

30 00 50 00 50 00

50 00 42 1:35 70 00

g~ g~ I

50 oo I 50 00 50 00 50 00 22 18

52 16

50 00 100 00

2gg gg I

Inclmlcs $120 per annum for nutil-messengt>r service.

Includes $500 per annum for side service.

Includes all side service.




HiOG New York to New Brnnswiek... New ,Jersey Railroad and Tmm~-portation Cmupany.

f Port ::rromuonth to A teo ....... ) ]•;atouto\nt to llrandt f-ilwro. · · · l. l~arit:m a 1111 Dl'laware Bn.y.

f -,~, 10




1G54 1661 I GoG 1G70


\l :?\landwstl'r to Tom\; Hi\·t·r .... j \Yhiting to l'cmlwrton .... _ ... .

NPwnrk to ::\[out Clair ... _ .. __ .. Newark and Bloomfield .......... .

i ii~~;~t~]~0~}~,~~~l~Jt~:'.::::::: ~ ~ ~: Sussex ... -- .............. _ ....... . Lam bt'rtsville to }<']emington._. __ . Beh-itlere, Delaware ............. . Trr·nton to Jklvid••re .. --~ .......... -.. --do - .. - -- . -- ------ . ----- -----. New Drnn»wick to Philadelphia _. Philn<l<:lphia and Trenton ....... _.. Jamesburg-h to Freehold .. ___ ... _. Freehold, Jameslmrgh and .Agri-

I'Illtnral. Mount Holly to Mellford. ____ ..... M:1~~:~foi~~lly, Lumberton and

1 {

1,-;92 5 l'hila1lelphia to South A mbo,v .. ( Camden and .Amboy ______ . __ . ___ . 5 ~ Branch to Trenton ............. ) 'i


93 5 Phil:Hldphia to Hei.!!;htstown ... ~ CanHlt•n a111l Buriington County, I Branch to Mount liolly ........ ) :n11ll'em hertou allll Heightstown.

1G9,1 Philadelphia to Bridgdmt .. ____ .. \Vest Jersey ..................... .


170:2 1703 1709 17:21 1725 1739

1740 1741 1743

1801 1802 1803


1805 1806 1807 1808 1809 1810 1811 1812

Camden to .Atlantic City ........ . Gla»Rborong-h to Mill\·ille ........ . Eluwr to Ralem ................. . ~lillYillP to Cape May ........... . Somenille to Flemington ........ . Rocky Hill to:Momnonth Junction New Brid,ge to Hillsdale ... _ . _ ....

Camden awl .Atlantic .......... _ ..

~~~~! ~ ~-r_s_t':Y_ : : :: : : ::: : :: : : : : : : : : : : \VPst Jersey .................... . Central Hail road of New J crsey .. . Rocky Hill. ___ ............... .' .. _. Hackensack aml New York Ex ten-

!:don. Dover to ChestPr ____ .... __ .... __ .. Morris and Essex ......... -- .... .. Lafayette J unct.ion to Branchville. Sussex ......... -.- .............. . New York to Denville . _.... . . . . . . Del a ware, I"ackawanna and

\Vci'Jtern. l'E~KSYLV ANIA.

Phi~all<:lphia to Pittsburgh ..... _ .. Pennsylvania ................... _. Philarll'lphi:t to PottRville ...... _ .. Pbilatll>lphia and Reading ........ . Philadelphia to \\est Chester ..... \Vest Chester and Philadelphia ... 5 I'hiladf'!phia to Bethlehem ..... ( 1 Hrau<'h to DoylPstown. ___ .. __ . S North Pennsylvania . ____ .. __ ..... Philarlelphia to Norristown ... _._. Philadelphia and RPading, (lessees) Phil:Hll'lphia. to Darby .. _ ......... Philallelphia and Darby..... . .. . Bridg!']Hll't to Downingtown .. ___ . Pbiladel phi a and H.ea1ling, (lessees) Chester to Port Deposit .. __ .... _ .. Philadelphia and Baltimore Centml Honesdale to Lackawaxen ....... Erie------------------------------Allentown to \Yaverly ............ Lehigh Valley ................... . Penn Havnn to Mount Carmel .......... . _ ....... _ ........... ___ . Penn Haven to Amlenrietl, with .. ___ ... do . __ .................. _ ...

branch to Trcskow.


7. 23 17. :20 5. G7

12 12 12.13 68.70 54 11.45

6. 50

G6 G

25 27.50

7 :18.40


22 16. GO 41 lli. OG 8 G. 50

10 6. 24


354 93 27.50 54 10 17

8 21.50 59.25 25

189 49.70 17.50

1, 031.33

H ~j

12 12 ~

6 5 (j

12 25



12 ( 12 5 12} (j

12 12

12 (j

6 6 G 6

6 6


37 12 12

~J 6 (j

6 18

G 12

G 6

13,500 00

5,177 50

275 00

1, 200 00

GOG 50 5, 152 00

20,250 Oil SuO 00

325 00

7, 462 00

4, 000 00

4, 440 00

3, ooo 00

2, 200 00 1, ooo 00 3, 075 00

690 00 400 00 325 00

:1'1"5 00

!lO 00 50 00 50 00 50 00 48 60 75 25 2!1 00 50 00 75 00

375 00 G6 37

50 00

~ 103 64 { 103 G4


75 00 50 ou 50 00

100 00

50 00

100 00 60 24 75 00 43 00 50 uo 50 00

500 00 -- -- -- -- - -- - 50 00 450 00 - -- -- -- - . -- - 72 00

1, 79G 50 . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 00 ---- 123, 495 00

132, 750 00 9, 300 00 2, 062 50

4, BOO 00

680 00 500 00 537 50

4, <143 75 l, 875 00 9, 450 00 1, 242 50

525 00

------------ ~

375 00 100 00

75 00 75 00 75 00 40 00 62 50 25 00 75 00 75 00 50 00 25 00 30 00

Inclnll<:s $100 per annum fm· mail-messenger sen·ice.

\ Includes $400 p<'r annum for · I mail-messenger servic<'.

IIJClutles $600 per annum for mail-messenger service.

5 13 times a week 8 months. { G times a week 4 months.

Includes side service.

B.-Ra·ilroad service as in operai.ion on the 30th of Jll,ne, 1871--Continned. ~ C)

Q) .s 00 .s r-.,.q ~ A <llc;, c <l;> -~ p.-,<:5

A c.:: 0

c;,Q) ~.!.i ~ _..,Q) ... ;::! ...

~~ .... Corporate title of comf.any carry-c.:: a! .... Q) c.:: 00

0 State ancl termini. c5 ~ .... 00.> A 0;::1

Remarks. tl,lr:/). itf:: rn oo ... ing the mai. "' :S,.q ~ ";,.q ~~~ Q) ;:I ,.0 iJ -o ,o.r-. :::1 c'-' s '""' SQ.) ;:I ;:leO §] 8 c ~

~Q) >:lA ;:I ;:~<ll

z E-i z <li '"'1 ~ ~


trl PENNSYLVANIA- Continuell. ~

Miles. ]files. 0 1813 Pottsville to Tamaqua ............ Philadelphia and Reading ......... 17.50 ................... 6 $875 00 . ................... $50 00 ~ 1814 Port Clinton to Milton ............ Catawissa ......................... 92.43 .................... 1~ 6, 932 25 . .................... 75 00 1-3 1815 Tamaqua to Shamokin ............ Philadelphia and Realling, (lessees) 42 .................... 6 1, 680 00 .. .................. 40 00 1816 Hazleton to.J unction, with branches Lehigh Valley .................... 10.7-12 ....................... 6 423 33 . ................... 40 00 0 1817 Scranton to Northumberland ...... Lackawanna and Bloomsburgh .... 80.10 ................. 12 6, 007 50 . ..................... 75 00 ~

1818 Scranton to Carbondale ........... Delaware and Hudson Canal and 17 ...................... 1:.! !:350 00 . ..................... 50 00 Railroad. ~

1819 lling ham ton, N. Y., to New Dnhtwar<>, Lackawanna, and 144. 40 ...................... 6 10,830 00 . ..................... 75 00 ti: Hampton, Pa. ·western. trl

( Bl"''""'gh tu Corning ......... } { 40 ..................... 12l {

75 00

1820 .' Branch to Fall ~~rook .......... Tioga ............................. 7 --·-·····-·· 12 3, 925 00 75 00 1-0

l Branch to .Morns nun ......... 4 -----····-·· ~J ................ 50 00 0

Braneh to Arnot .. _ ............ 4 .................... 50 00 (}).

~ 1821 Williamsport to Elmira ........... Northern Central, (lessees) ........ 78 ------------ 12 7, 800 00 ................... 100 00 ~ 1822 Sunhury to Eric .................. Pennsylvania, (lessees) ............ 248 .. .................. 18} { 75 00

40 .................. 18 24,600 00 .................... 150 00 > (}).

182:3 Sunbury to Mount Carmel ....... Northern Central, (lessees) .... _ ... 28 ..................... 6 1, 400 00 .. ................... 50 00 >-:3 1824 Alton to Carrollton ............... Erie, (lessees) ..................... 25 .................... 6 1, 000 00 . .................... 40 00 trl 1826 Irvine to Corry ................... Oil Creek and Alleghany River ... 50.20 . ...................

1g} 5, 840 00 50 00 l;d

44.40 ...................... ..................... 75 00 1827 Strasburgh to Leaman Place ...... Herr & Co ........................ 5 .................... 6 250 00 .. .................... 50 00 0 1828 Lancaster to Middletown .......... Pennsylvania ..................... 31.30 .................... 6 2, 347 50 . .................... 75 00 trl 1829 {Harris burgh to Auburn ........ } Schuylkill and Susquehanna ...... 59 . .................. 1~} 1, 980 00 1 30 00 z

Branch to Tremont . . . . . . . .... 7 ..................... .................. 30 00 trl 1830 Harris burgh to Hagerstown .. _ ... Cumberland Valley ............... 52 . ........ ......... 1~} 6, 300 00 { 100 00 l;d

22 ................. .................. 50 00 l>

1831 l Colum hia to Sinking Spring .... } Reading ancl Columbia ............ 39.49 ..................... ~} 1, 424 70 { 30 00 r' Branch to Lancaster ........... 8 .................. .............. ~ ...... 30 00

1832 York to Colnm bia ................. Northern Ct:>ntral ................. 14 .................. 7 700 00 .. ................ 50 00 1833 Hanover .Juuetion to Littlestown. Han oYer Brauch ................... 20.40 ................ 12 1, 020 00 ---------··- 50 00 1834 Hanover to Gettyslmrgh .......... Gettys burgh ...................... 17.50 ............... 12 875 00 . .................. 50 00 1836 Huntingdon to Mount Dallas, with Huntingdon and Broad Top ....... 49.32 ---------·-- 6 2, 4()6 00 ------------ 50 00

branch to Broad Top. 1837 Tyrone to Clearfield .............. Pennsylvania, (lessees) ............ 40.73 ------------ 6 2, 036 50 .................... 50 00 1838 Altoona to Hollidaysburgh anll .......... llo ....................... 10.77 ···--·------ 6 538 50 .. -.. -......... ~ .. - 50 00

Newry. 1839 Cresson t{) Ebenl!burgh ............ . ......... do .................. : .... 11. 30 [ ~ • • • • • • • a • • • 6 565 00 ................... 50 00

1840 1841 1842

1843 1844 1845 1846 1849 1850 1853 1854 1855 1856 1857 1858


1860 1861 1862 1863 1864 1865 1866 1867 1868 1869 1870


2802 2803 2804

;1;r~~~~;itre ~~t~t~r~~~J:~~;::::::::::: ::::::::: :~~~ ::::::::::::::::::: ·::: ·washington to \Vheeling, vV. Va .. Hempticld ....... - .•... ----- .. -- ..

Pittsburgh to Uniontown......... Pittsburgh and Connellsville ..... . Pittsburgh to Oil City.......... . . . Alleghany Valley ................ . lkanch ,Junction to Indiana....... Pennsylyania .. -.- ............... . ~IeatlYille to Oil City . . . . . . . . . . . . . Erie, (lessees) ................... . New Castle to Homewood. . . . . . . . . New Castle and l~eaver Valley .. . Miles Grove to New Castle ........ Erie and l 1 ittslmrgh .............. . J ameRtown to Oil City ........ :. . . Lake Shore, (lessees) ............. . l~ethlehem to Chapman Quarries. Lehigh and Lackawanna ......... . Downingtown to Honey Brook .... East Brandywine and Waynesb'gh \Vest Chester to Intersection...... \Vest Chester ................... . Shamokin to Herndon............. Philadelphia and Reading, (lessees) Junct.ion to Milroy ................ Pennsylvania ................... .

Pottsville to Frackville . . . . . . . . . . . Philadelphia and Reading ........ .

Greenville to Irish town........... Shenango and Alleghany River .. . Carlisle to Mountain Creek . . . . . . . South Mountain Iron Co ......... . :Freeport to Buth\r ................ Pennsylvania .................... . Wilmington to Birdshorongh...... \Vihuington and Reading ........ . Mansfield Valley to \Vashington ..',\dl, Cincinnati and St. Louis. Junction to Schwenk's Store ...... Philadelphia and Reading ........ . Pottstown to Colehrooktlale....... . ..... do ....................... - .. Oleopolis to Pi thole City.......... Pi thole Valley ................... . Lehan on to Pine Grove . . . . . . . . . . . Philadelphia and Reading ........ . Towanda to Bernice.............. Sullivan antl Erie Coal and R.R.Co. Schuylkill Haven to Glen Carbon. Philadelphia and Reading ........ .


Wilmington to Delmar...... . . . . . . Philadelphia, Wilmington and BaHimore.

Harrington to Lewes . . . . . . . . . . . . . .J nuct.ion and Breakwater ........ . Clayton to Easton................. Maryland and Delaware ......... . Delmar to Crisfield............... Eastem Shore ................... .


2901 ~Baltimore to Philadelphia ...... ~ Philadelphia, Wilmington ( Brauch to Port Deposit ........ 5 Baltimore.


2902 Baltimore to Sunbury, Pa......... Northern CentraL ............... .

2903 Baltimore to Washington, D.C. . . . Baltimore and Ohio .............. .

2904 Baltimore to Wheeling, vV. Va .......... do ........................ ..

2906 Araby to Frederick.... . . . . . . . . . . . ..... do. . . . . . . . . . ............... . 2907 Intersection to Mechanicstown. . . Western Maryland .............. .

57.60 63.70 32

72 132.35

19 36.29 15 83 49.87 15 18

9 21 12.40

5 3

23.50 18.50 21. 40 63.60 14.40 11 13.75

7 24 28.29 13

50.62 46.32

38.83 44 38.01

5 28 { 7~ ~ 84. 80 ~ 55.90

40 ~ 179 ( 201

3 54.80

3, 168.50

217. 78

6 6 6


12 6 6

15 12

6 6 6 6 6


1~} 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6

18 ~ 12 5

6 6


31} 25 12 25 ( 145 26 19 ( 13 5

6 6

2, 880 00 3, 185 00 1, 977 00

3, 600 00 6, 617 50

950 00 2, 721 75 1, 125 00 6, 225 00 2, 4~l3 75

750 00 600 00 250 00 900 00 620 00

400 00

940 00 ........... . 462 75 . - .. -- .. -- -.

1,070 00 ........... . 2, 544 00 -...... - .. ..

576 00 .. - . -- ... - . 440 00 .......... --550 00 ..... - .. - . - . 210 00 960 00 ........... .

1, 131 60 - .. - ..... -.-520 00 -.......... .

----$305, 531 88

50 00 50 00 50 00

50 00 50 00 50 00 75 00 75 00 7:> 00 50 00 50 00 33 33 27 77 42 86 50 00 50 00 50 00 40 00 25 00 50 00 40 00 40 00 40 00 40 00 30 00 40 00 40 00 40 00

10, 621 25 ... - -. --. - .. { 1~~ ~~

1, 941 50 1, 760 00 2, 375 63

--- 16, 698 38

37,700 00

25,345 00

15,000 00

93,900 00

300 00 2, 740 00

50 00 40 00 62 50


375 00 375 00 50 00

{ 200 00 150 00 375 00

5 247 10 ( 247 10

100 00 50 00

Includes $377 per annum for mail-messenger service.

Pay estimated.


Includes $1,400 per annum for mail-messenger service at Philadelphia and Wilming­ton.

B.-Railroad scn,icc as in operation on the 30th of Jnne, 1871-Continuell.


$ ::; 0 F-<

'+-< 0 F-< <l.l

..0 s ;j


2908 2909 2910 2911

4169 4253 4269

State and termini. Corporate title of company carry-ing the mail.


Annapolis to ,Tunction ............ Annapolis and Elk Ritlge ........ . Salislmrv to 13erliu............... \Vicomico and Pokomolw ........ . \Veverto1t to Hagerstown ......... Baltimore and Ohio .............. . Cambridge to Seaford............. Dorchester and Delaware ........ .


J,aurel.Tunction to Volcano ....... J,anrel Fork and Sanll Hill ....... .

<J5 0 >=l

~ i:i

1Iiles. ~0 23 24.25 33.50

.s Q;> <.) a;j->=l-+-> ~~ _... .... rnW. ;s~ ,...,c.:> c;S~ ....,_;.~

0 H



Harper's Ferry to Strasbnrgb ..... B·1ltimore and O!Jio I 'itr.-Grafton to J>arkersburgh ........... .' .... do .. ~ ......... ·.·_·_·_·_·::::::::: 1ol ::::::::::::


-~ .0~ '+-<<l.l oa; F-< ~ <l.l;...

..Oa; S:::.. ;j ('j

13 G

12 6

6 6 6

.s :>,~ ~ a.s Cll

:::.. w. c=.o ~

;j :::; ~ ;::l §~ ;::l

-'1 -'1

$2.000 00 1-----. _____ _ 1,150 00 ~--·········· 1, tll8 75 ........... . 1, 340 00 -.......... .

----$181, 293 75

5, 1G2 50 ........... -

1-----,-----,- 163. 6251! VIRGINIA. -

4401 S Alexamlria to Lynchburg It ..... ( Oran!!e, Alexandria and Manassas. {Branch to \Varrenton ........... 5 ~

4402 Game Point to Richmond ........ . Richmond, Frederickshurgh and

171. 50 9


240 00 _________ ...


10, 400 00 ... - . : ..... .

i.l ~,GOO~' 15,8~-50~1{ 1:3 11, 325 00 1 • • • • • • • • • • • •

4403 4404


4406 4407 4408 4409 4410 4411 4412 4413 4414


Alexandria to Hamilton ......... . Manassas to Harrison burgh ...... .

Richmond to Covington .......... .

Richmond to Greens borough, N. C Richmond to Petersbnrgh ........ . Riehnwntl to \Vest Point ......... _ Petershurglt to Norfolk .......... . l'ekn;\mrgh to City Point ....... . l'etersb11rgh to Lynclthurgh ..... _ Petersbur!!lt to \Veltlon, N.C .... _ Portsmouth to \Veldou, N.C ..... . Lyucltburgh to G-oodsou and Bris-

tol, Tenn. Washington, D. C., to Alexandria,


Potomac. Alexandria, London & Hampshire Orange, .Alexandria _autl Manassas.~

Chesapeake and Olno ..... ·-.-- - ·- I

Richmond and DanYille .......... . R!chmond and Petersbnrgh ...... ·I R!Chmoml and York .............. 1

Norfolk and Peter;; burgh ..... _ .. -~

::~::~11~~:ii:-:-:-:-:·:·:·:·:: :-_:_:: ::::::::: Seahoar<l and noanokc ............

1 Virginia and Tennessee ........... I

45 111

7G. 50 151

190.50 24.50 40 81.50 12

.123 65 80


.....•.••••. (j

. .. . .. ...... 6

:::::::::::: :::::: J

14 14


G 6 6

14 6

\Vasltington, Georgetown and i 7 ........... . Alexandria. 1----- 1, 468. 50


2, 250 00 5, 550 00

15,380 00

23,812 50 3 675 00 1: 000 00 4, 075 00

{i(/0 00 G, 150 00 9, 750 00 6, 000 00

20,500 00

.......... ,.1

·----------· ... · ......... 1

2, ooo oo .. _. _. _. _. _ .1

---- 129, 667 50 . ======:::-======

F-<,.o '"'c.:> ~e\l



c;:i g~ ~ r::S8


$100 00 50 00 75 00 40 00

30 00 100 00 100 00

100 00 50 00

150 00

50 00 50 00


100 00~ Seven times a week on 136! 50 005 miles. On 91 miles, six

times a week four mouths, and three times a week

125 00 150 00 25 00 50 00 50 00 50 00

150 00 75 00

100 00

285 7~ I

eight months.


5001 5"Weldon to \Vilmiug;ton ........ . {Branch to Tar borough ........ .

5002 Raleigh to \Veldon .............. . 5004 Goldsborough to Charlotte .... .

5005 Goldsborough to Morehead City 5006 Salisburv to Pleasant Retreat .. 5007 Wilmington to \Vades borough ... .

5008 Fayetteville to Egypt Depot .. . !'196 Charlotte to Chenyville ........ .


5601 Kingsville to \Vilmington.

rKiub"Sville to .Augusta ......... . .-:602 1

Branch, Kingsville to Camden .. <> 1 Br:meh, Kingsville to Columbia.

l Br. Braneln·ille to Charleston .. . !)603 :Florence to Cheraw ............. . 5604 Charleston to Florence .......... . !JtiU:l Charleston to 8avannah !JtiOG Columbia to Charlotte ........... .

{Columbia to Greenville ........ ·1

5607 Brauch, Hodges to Ahbcville .. Branch, Belton to .AII(lPrson C. H

5608 Chester C. H. to Yorkville ....... . 5609 .Alston to Spartan burgh C. H ... .

~~~g ~~~~~:::J 8.-lf·t~) #~'N~~ll~ ~: -~-:. 5712 Columbia to Augusta ........... .


6002 600;{ 6004 6005 li006 6008


6010 6011 6012 6014


~Augusta to Atlanta ............ ~ l Branch, Camak to Milledgeville 5 Atlanta to Chattanooga ......... . Atlauta to West Point .......... . Millen to .Augnflta .... • .......... . \Yashing;ton to Double Wells ... . Uuion Point to Athens ........... . Kiugston to Home .............. . 5 S:wauuah to Live Oak ......... . {Branch, Lawton to Bainbridge .. Savannah to Maeon ............. . Maeon to Columbus ............. . Macon to Atlanta ............... . Milledgeville to Gordon ........ .

\Vilrnington and \Veldon ......... .

Raleigh and Gaston .............. . North Carolina .................. ..

.Atlantic and "North Carolina ..... . \Yt·stcrn North Carolina ......... . \Yilmiugton, Charlotte and Ruth-

erford. \Ycstern North Carolina "\Vestern division \Vilmington,

Charlotte and Rutherford.

162.25 26 97

130 93 95

109 141

45 45



\Vilmington, Columbia and Au- ~ gusta. {

64 107 ll!J 37.50 27

South Carolina ................... .

Cheraw and Darlington .......... . North Eastern ................... . Savannah awl Charleston ........ . Charlotte, Columbia and Augusta

Greenville and Columbia ......... .

King's Mountain ................. . ~paitanbnrgh and Union ......... . LanrPus ........................ . Blue Ridge ....................... . Charlotte, Colnmbia and Augusta

Georgia ......................... .

Western and Atlantie. ............ . .Atlanta and \Vest Point Central Railroad and Banking Co . . Georgia .. " ..................... . ... do ............................ . Honw ............................ .

Atlanti(\ and Gulf ................ .

Central Railroad and Banking Co .. Southwestern .................... . "Macon and IV estern ............. . Central Railroad and Banking Co ..

r l 62

40 104 104 110

114:3. 50 11.50 9. 75

23.50 70 32 ::!4 85

171:1 47

138 81\.25

1, 183. 75

53.125 ........... . 18.50 .......... .. 41 ........... . 20.50

180.75 105. 50 192.125 ........... . 100 10:3 18.25 .•..•....... 1

7 7 6

12 ~ 12 5

6 6 6

2 3

24, :l:n 50 608 00

7, 275 00

21, 375 00

4, 750 00 5, 450 00 7, 050 00

920 00 1, 350 00

1~ J 22, 450 00 7 11,900 00 7 1, 125 00 7 1, ::!50 00

6, 200 00 6 1, 200 00

13 15, 600 00 7 7, 800 00

13 13 750 00 6 10: 762 50 6 345 00 (j 292 50 4 705 00 3 2, soo no 3 1. 200 00

73,115 50

(j I 1. 020 00 ...... ____ __ 13 _ 10, 625 oo . io!J,' i 25. oo.


13 21, 458 33 6 2 350 00 7 17:250 00 7 8, 625 00

14 5, ::!13 00 6 925 00 6 2, 050 00 7 1, 025 00 7 13, 556 25 6 5, 275 00

14 19, 212 00 13 5, 000 00

7 7, 725 00 6 1, 368 75

150 00 2::! 38 7:> 00 75 00

125 00 50 00 50 00 50 00

20 44 30 00

1VO 00 150 00 100 00 30 00 50 00

lOU 00 :30 00

150 00 75 00

125 00 75 00 30 00 30 00 30 00 40 00 37 50 30 00

125 00

125 00 50 00

125 00 100 00 100 00

50 00 50 00 50 00 75 00 50 00

lOU 00 50 00 75 00 75 00



6152 6154 6158


6402 6403


6477 6479

6601 6606 6607 6608 6609 6611



6817 6824

B.-Railroad sert'ice a8 'in operation on the 30th of June, 1871-Continued.

State antl termini.


Corporate title of company carry­ing tlw mail.

Miles. Miles. Milledgeville to Eatonton ........ . Central Railroad. and Banking Co .. 22.125 ... ---.-----

{Fort Valley to Eufaula ......... ~ Brauch, Renwick to Albany ... . Branch, Cuthbert to Fort Gaines

Macon to Brunswick ............. . Thomasville to Albany ........... . Griffin to Newnan ............... .

Barnesville to Thomaston ....... .


Fernandina to Cedar Keys ....... . .Jacksonville to Lake City ....... .

{Quincy to Lake City ........... ~ Br., Station No. 3to Monticello .. Branch, Tallahassee to St. Marks

Pensacola to \Vhiting .Junction .. . Tocoi to St. Augustine ........... .


Southwestern .................. .

Macon and Brnnswick ......... . Atlantic aiHl Gulf. .............. . Savannah, Griffin antl North Ala-

bama. Macon and \Vestcrn ............ .

Florida .......................... . Tallahassee ...................... .

. ..... do----------·----------------

Pensacola and Louisville ......... . St.John's ........................ .

Mont.u;omcry to West Poini, Ga... Monto-omery and West Point ..... . OpelikatoColumbus,Ga ................ d'o ........................ . Columbus, Ga., to Troy, Ala ...... Mobile and Girard ............... . Selma to York Station . . . . . . . . . . . . Selma and Meridian .............. . Selma to Dalton, Ga. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Selma, Home and Dalton ......... .


115} 22.50 24


?~~-3.) .• 5

17. 2;)

154. 80 61


131.25 4. 50

21.75 44 15.69

88.50 28 ~0

Marion .Junction toGreensborough Selma, Marion and Memphis ..... .


Memphis, Tenn., to Stevenson, l f Br~~~-h, Moscow to Somerville __ J Memphis and Charleston....... . . <l Branch, Tuscnmhia to Florence.

81. 70 237.50 37.25

271. 50

14.50 6. 50

22 Gaiusville to Gainsville .Junction. Mississippi, Gainsville and Tusca­loosa.

Montgomery to Midway . . . . . . . . . . Montgomery and Eufaula ..... . Mobile to Montgomery ....... , . . . . Mobile and Montgomery ....... .

53 187

1, 768.875


6 13

7 7 7 (j


6 6 6 6 6 7 6

6 6 6 6 6 6 6

6 6 6

6 6

$1,106 00 5, 78:3 00 1, 125 00 1, 200 00 u, uoo oo 2, !)16 00 1, 072 50

690 00 . - - - - - - - - - - -----$134, !J25 83

7, 740 00 6,100 00

13, 12;) 00 337 50

1, 0~7 50 2, 200 00

"184 50

8, 850 00 1, 400 00 4, 500 00 6,127 50

17, 812 50 1, 862 50

40,725 00

435 00 325 00

1, 100 00

2, <i50 00 18, 700 00

31, 374 50

$50 00 50 00 50 00 50 00 50 00 50 00 :30 00

40 00

50 00 100 00 100 00

75 00 50 00 50 00 50 00

100 00 50 00 50 00 75 00 75 00 50 00

150 00

30 00 50 00 50 00

50 00 100 00


6t!46 litH7

7001 7002





Chatt:moop;a, 'l'mm., to Meridian, .Alabama mul Cha~tanooga ....... . Miss.

Montgomery to Calera...... . . . . . . South :tiHl North Aln.banm ....... . Mobile to New Orleans, La ........ Nnw Orleans, Mobile :md Chatta-


Canton to ,Jackson, Tenn ........ . Memphis, Tenn., to Grenada, Miss. ~ Vicl\shurgh to •! a~kson ........ ~ ~ Jaekson to Mendwn ........... ) St. Franeisville, La., to Woodville,

Miss. ~ Mollile, Ala., to Columbus, Ky. ~ (Branch, Artesia to Columbus .. 5 Grand Gulf to Port Gillson ....... .



Mississippi Central .............. . M1ssissippi and Tennessee ....... . Southern Mississippi ............ . Manuel Lillerty .................. .

Mobile and Ohio ................. . Grand Gulf and Port Gillson ..... .


6:3.55 140

237 101.70 45.50 95.20 27

47~. 70 14


8001 New Orleans to Brashear ......... Morgan's Louisiana and Texas.... 83


80tll 8086


New Orleans to Canton, Miss .... .

Clinton to Port Hudson .......... . Baton UougP to Livonia ......... .

VickMburgb, Miss., to ~Ionroe, La.


New Orleans, Jackson and Great Nortlwru.

Clinton and Port Rulison ........ . Baton Rouge, Grosse 'l'ete and

Opelousas. North J,ouisiana and Texas.

850:! Houston to Galveston............. GalveBton, Hom>ton and Hender­son.

8504 Houston to Groesbeok . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston allll Texas Central. ..... . 8505 Harrisburgh to Columbus ...•..... Gah·eston, Harrisburgh and San

Antonio. 85tH Hempstead to Brenlmm........... Houston and Texas Central. ..... . 8595 Longvww to Shreveport . . . . . . . . . . Southem Paeifio ................. .



21 28

7J. 50


169.50 84

25.30 66.60

~Memphis, Tenn., to Madison, } 1

7501 Ark. Mempl1is an<l Little Roek. ....... . Duvall's Bluff to Argenta ......




10501 St. Louis to .Atchison, Kans . . . . . . Pacific Railroad Company of Mo ..

1St. Louis to Columbus, Ky ..... }

10502 Branch, Mineral Point to Potosi St. Louis and Iron Mountain ..... . BranclJ, Bismark to Pilot Knob

10503 Pacific to Seneoa ................. South Pacific ..................... .

~ 283.50 ~ 44.25 5 197

t 1~. 75 293.25

1, 611 00

1. 001. 10

............ !




.... 't .......


7 14

14 6

14 7 3

7 7 6


3 1


6 6



14,500 00

3,177 50 .......... .. 14.000 00 .......... ..

---- 136, 165 00

35,550 00 7, 627 50 5, 687 50 7, 140 00 1, 200 00

47,270 00 .......... .. 700 00 .......... .. 600 00 .......... ..

---- 105, 775 00

12,850 00

30,900 00

1, 200 00 360 00

6,162 50

--6.-7-00-00- 51· ·~ ~ 1

16, 950 00 8, 400 00

1, 265 00 4, 995 00

5, 800 00

4, 800 00

as, 310 oo

10,600 00

~~ } 59, 312 50

13 ~ ~ 5 20,437 50

6 29,325 00

;;o oo

50 uo 100 00

150 00 75 00

125 00 75 00 44 44

100 00 50 00 75 00

150 00

150 00

57 14 12 86

75 00

125 00

100 00 100 00

50 00 75 00

145 00

100 00

~ 200 00 ~ 50 00

~ 100 00

50 00 50 00

100 00

l'ay oKtimatetl.

Includes $400 per annum for side service.

Includes $500 per annum for mail-messenger service.

State and termini.


B.-Railroad serrice a.'i ·in operation 011 the 30th of Jnne, 1871-Colltinuetl.


, I

I Corporate title of company carry- i

ing; the mail. a; <:)

@ I ~


I ~ ---l----1\-l_I_SS-'O_U_I_U ___ C_'_OI-lt_i_n_u_e_!l_.---~' ~----I------I-----------!-----~~~-----------------

, 1 ~IJ[ iles. ]f ilcs.

10504 8t.Lonisto0.ttnmwa,I.owa ...... Northl\liflsom·i ................... ll ~~~ ............ ~~J $35,10000 ............ i{$l~g~~ ~Quincy, Ill., to St . .Joseph, Mo .. (I H .,, 1 1 St .J 1 ~ 203.50 - •.. -. _____ . 20 ( I~ 17:i 00

10505 ( Branch, Paliuer to Hannillal . _ 51 amnua UJl( • osep L-- • ·- • • • I ( 15 . _ ...... __ .. 20 5 38• 237 50 --- · · · ·-- ·--: ~ 175 00

10506 5 K~~~~"- City to Council Bluffs, {! KaTn1 Cj!Y· St . .Joseph and Coun- • 5 203 .. --- .. ---.. 12 { 31, 405 oo --- .. -- .. -. J 1;00 oo: {Branch, St . .Joseph to Hopkins. 5 CI u s. l 61. 50 ~------ .. --.- 12 5 ,,

1050Ga LeavPnworth, Kans., to Cameron, Chicago and Southwestern. __ ... __ 55. 50 . . . . . . . . . . . . G 2, 775 00 . - ...... __ .. 50 00

_ :Mo. . · · I 16 10~07 N.ollerlytoKan~asC1ty ·····-----1 Nor~hM1s~oun .................. I 125.75


.... .-.. .... 12,575 00 ------------1 100 00 10v08 I1ptou to Boonville . __ . _ ........ ·1 Pamfic Railroad Company of 1\io .. : 25 . _. ___ ...... 6 1, 250 00 .... _....... 50 00 10509 CentraliatoColumbia ............ North Missouri ................. --~ 22 ............ 6 1,100 00 ............ 50 00 10510 Kansas City to Cameron .. _....... Hannibal and St . .Joseph .......... 1 54 j--.......... 12 7, 480 00 .. .. .. .. .. .. 125 00

10512 Sedalia to Parsons, Kans._........ Missouri, Kansas and Texas .•.... ' 158. 50 1- __ .• __ .•••• 6 7, 925 00 . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 CO i---1 2,035.50 ----$247,012 50


10001 Knoxville to Bristol, Va. _........ Eaflt Tennessee, Virginia and : laO. 70 ........... . Georgia. :

10000 5 Knoxville to Chattanoog·a ...... ( 1 5 ~ ( Branch, Cleveland to Dalton, Ga 5 ·-- · .. ( 0 ·-- ·---------- ·------------ (

10003 Rop;ersYille to Bull's Gap ....... _. Rogersville and .Jefferson ........ .

~Nashville to Chattanooga ..... ·1 {

10004 Branch, Wartrace Depot to Nashville and Chattanooga .... _. Shelbyville. ,

10005 Fayetteville to Decherd .......... ' ·winchester and Alabama ... _ .... . 10006 1 NasHville to Decatur, Ala ........ Na;;hville and Decatur .......... . 10007 Nashville to Hickman, Ky .. _ . . . . . Nashville and Chattanooga ...... . 10008 Nashville to Hopkinsville, Ky . . . Edgefield and Kentucky ......... . 10009 Guthrie, Ky., to Paris, 'l'enn .... _. Memphis, Clarksville and Louis-

ville. 10010 Memphis to Paris ................. Memphis aml Ohio._ ............. . 10011 KnoxYille to Coal Creek .. .. .. . . . . Knoxville and Kentucky ......... . 10012 .Morristown to River Side ......... Cincinnati, Cumberland Gap and


112 28.50 15


4: 1· -- -- --- -- ..

122t I::: : : : : :: : ~ : 170 . -.-.-.- ....

73 -- . -- -- .. - .. 82.50 ........... .

1a2. 5o 31. 50 39.80

1:::::::::::: ~------------1

7 10,605 00

~ 119, 650 00

6 790 00 14 { 7 515, 540 00

6 1, 600 00 6 9, r/5 00 6 5,100 00 7 3, 650 00 6 6, 187 50

66) I 13, 250 oo

721 00 (j 995 00

150 00

5 150 00 ( 150 00

52 62 5 100 00 l 30 00

40 00 75 00 30 00 50 00 75 00

100 00 22 88 25 00

Includes $730 per annum for ferriages.

Pay estimated.

Old pay.




1001-l Tr:H',I'('ityf.,('.,wan ···------·

101231 Nai<ll\·illL• to Lt·hanon .. _______ . __ _ 101:.17 I Tullallotna t.o :\11':\linnl'illo -------

~ KE:\TI'l'KY. ~ ; Q 9u05


1 Ashland to Coaltoti.. -.- ...... -.---9u0u Covington to Nit·h.,J:tw.-i!le ....... -

[1()07 I La Gmng:• to Lr·xingt.m- ........ -

9u07a. Codn.don to Loni,..villl'. !lfiOt' 1 Lonil'l'illt• to ::\al'hdlll', Tt'lllL ... _ !IU09 .Jnndiou to llartll'town. __ ... _____ .

T•'JIIIt'><HI't' <'oala11tl J:aili'O:ttl (~0111-pany.

't't·un.·:-;:-;t•t' a ntl Pat· ilk. ____ .. ____ .. l\ft- :\lilllll'ille autll\I audtl'Htt•r. ....

L<•xington and Big Smuly _., ...... '

Kentucky Central ..... ___ ....... {

Louisville, Cilwhmati mul Lt•xin!2,'- 1

ton. · ' ...... do-·----··----------·--------LoaiHI'ille antl X ash ville .. _._ ...

. _ .... tlo _. __________ . _______ . ___ . _

~ Ll'h:tlwn .Juul'tiou to Fil>lt Point~ {

9G10 Hr:mt·h, Hi~lmwwl Jn!tl·tiou t11 ___ ... tlo ____________ . __ .... ______ . l:il'ltmmHl.

11 !l!l 1:1 (j7

108. 2:-i 186. GO

17.:30 109.90

:.1:.1. 80

!11111 Bm\lin~ lirPPn to Guthrie __ .. tlo ...... ________________ . __ . 51._00

1, 2:!7 ;).()

!lfil~ ll'atlncah to Troy Htation, Tt•nn... l'.!tlncah awl Gulf. __ . ____ . __ .___ li~ !lUI:lai El·:utHI'illt•, l111l., to l\LuliH,Jll\ illt·, Allli'J'icau ('ontra(·t Comp:lll,\', :1:! I

K,\'. (h•;;:-;t•t>H of E\':tllHdllP, Hendel'- f

:-;on ;nul Na;;ltvillP H:tilroarl.) !l7:lF: Eli;~alu•tldown to Hm·:-;t• Bt·:tlt<'lt Eli;~alll'thtov.n antll'atlnealt. ____ . :ill. :>0 .... ___ _

!17!llia _\u<"lwr.tge to H!Jl'lhyvtlll'_ Hlwlh_v. -·--------- ·--- ---- · ·····- -~-- ~-~~~~~:75·[

!li.(Jl !1002

9003 !lOU-!




900il !lOOfl 90l0 !lUll

!1012 !l01:3 9014 9015



I Hdlaire to Colnmlms. ___ ... --- ... Ct•Jttral Ohio------ .... -·----------'~ I' itt :lmrg-h to Chieag·o...... . . . . . . l'itt:-;llllrgh, Fort "'a_vne aUtl Chi­


Pittshnrgl1 to Bellaire _____ . _ .. _ _ Clnv.l'lalltl antl l'ittP-hmg;h _ ... ___ .. Erie to CleYelaml................. I"ake Hltm·o a]l(l Mic]1igau South­

ern. Hn<lson to ::\Iillcrslmrgh. _. ________ ; Cle\'t•l:u111, Za11esvillc :1])(1 Cincin-

1 nati. Clt•yr·lnu<l to Sharon ............. -I I~l'ic, (lt'RRCes of A tlantie ant! Great

j Western.) Clewl:uHl to \'ir ellsl"illc ...........


ClcYelantl allll Pittshmglt _____ ... .

CJen·lmHl tn Samlm;l;:y........... Lal;:e RlJr,re . _______ . _____ . _. _____ _ Ila~·artl tn X ew I'hilatlPlpltb ... _ .. , CIPYl'lautl aHtll'itt;;hnrgh __ . _ ..... ( hl!'itla 1\lillR to Carrollton .. _... ( ;:urolltmt alii! Onl'itla. __ . _. ______ . SmHln~:~ky to N l'v,·ark....... . . . . . llaltinwrt· :JJI(l Ohio, (lef-<st>es efi:-inn-

tlnsky, l\lamdiPltl alHl Newark.) ::X:Puia to Dayton.................. Coll!IJI ht1s antl Xl•llia. _. _. _ ... ____ . ]layton to Hant1n:-;ky _ ............. Ciucimwti)·h]](lm;ky alli1Clcveland Hpl'in.tdidtl to U..Jaw:n·"-. __ ...... CleYt·.l:mtl,Cnlmnlmsaud Cincinnati! ColulllhnH to Clcn:lawl. ... :....... Clen•la11tl, ColnmhuR, Cincinnati

antl Intlianapolis. Colnmhw:; to Xt•nia............... Colmnhns and Xenil)o. _ .... _____ . __

1:l7 1f ·Hi!l. ;;u

n.t. ;,o !l(j

so :n 5ri. 50 4:1 Gl 3'! 12


17 156

5U 138


-----1 ------ .. ----1

I .. --::::::::I

(I i fi!Hl 00 _ .... _. _____ I :;o 00

12 I 1, ;,;;o oo __ .. ______ __ '1' 1 1, 7;,o oo ____ . _____ .. ---- lGO, 2:;:3 :10

li :u:; co 12 ~ li 5 10, 5:10 00

12 u, 700 00

12 12

li (i li


HI 12

18 1:.1 '


16, 237 ;.o 32, (ijj 00

5'10 00

7, 1S:J 00

7, 6:11) 00 :l. 100 00 2; 0<:'0 uu

1,m;, oo uUO 00

27, m:; oo !l:l, !JOO UO

11, i\12 50 24,000 00

3, 100 00

:; } :;, 300 00

t'!l, :n7 ;,o

;.o o:1 :>U 00

;2!) :14 1UO 00

.')0 00 100 ou

13() 00 175 00 :n 21

5 50 00 l 50 00

v;o oo 50 00 40 Oil

:m on :n :1:1

200 00 200 uu

]~3 00 2.)0 ou

50 00

~ 7:i 00 l 5o o:1

I ~ 150 oo 1K ( 1·- "'~" 00 12 5 J, _;.,) -- .. -.. . . . .. l 150 00 (i 3, 0:-iO 00 (i 1, 37~ 00 (i :100 Oil G P, 70U 00

12 12




1, 27:> co ------ .... --Ul, :1110 00 __ ..... ____ _

"'.~. 1~:! 0()


.. ____ .. __ __

24, L:>O 00 .. _ ........ .

E!, 373 00 ........... .

;.o on 42 87 4L ull 75 00

l';"i 00 123 00

42 SG 17:-i 00

225 00

D.-Railroad 8Crricc as in opaation on the 30th of June, 1871-Continucu .

~ I 8 '- I c State and tl"nui11i.

, Corporate titl1· ol" I"OHIJI<Lil,\" earry-1 in;!_" lhl' mail.

! ~ z \_ -- ·----1

-~ ()I!iO-Coutiune<l.

901".' ColutnlJll, to 1ndiall:lJH>Iis ....... -1 CohluJlHI>i. Chicago atHl llt!liaJm ·.

I Central. i

!lOt,.: Galion to lm1iau:tpoli:-L .......... _, Clen,l:m~, Colm~llHLt<, Cinduuati I aml Inuumapohl'l. - :

fHJl. !1 I Tllmtt'JH·stPr.· to IlillslJm·on.u:h ...... I' 1\lai'ietta aml Cil,u:iunati .......... ; !111:.!11 l'ortHmonth to Hec1l's l\iilh;_.----- ·-- · · · · · · ·-- · · · · · · · · · · -~ !Ill:.! I To>h·do to Cli'Yelaml........... . . . . .La kn Shore and Uichigan Sonthern !'O·!·! 'J'nl<·1lo to Qniu .. y. "·it. h Ul'lllH'hl·>', I 'l'olPdo, WahaHh, aml \Yt'stf'.rll ... -I,

Blutf City to Naples, and Clay- : ton to Keokuk ................. ·1

!1024 Fremont to l•'iuky................ Lake Erie and J,ouisville ........ . !102:-i Carey to :Finh·y...... . ...........


Cincinnati, ~audusky and CleYe- ] laud. i

flll::!<i na\"ton to Fuiou City..... : J>a\"tou awl Fuiou ............... : !10:!7 lla:\"ton to Toh••lo .. .'............ . 1 1 l:t~·ton am1 :,ri .. hi,c;aH ............. : !10,!:• l!muilton io Im1ianapoli:4 ........ ·I Cii~eiillla1 i allll Indianapolis June- 1

I ttoll. I

!10:2~1 Hamiltou to HidtmoJHl........ , ( 'ineiuuati, !Uclnnontl and Chicago:

!10:30 Cincinnati to Daytou ............. ] Cilldnnati, Ha111ilton <1Jll1 Dayton. i ~ ' ~ !'O:ll <'iueinua ti to :-;priJJgfieltl ......... ·i Litt h• 1\liawi..... . ............. - . , t

!tO:l:! Ciudnuati to rarker~.lml'glt ...... ~ "Maril'tta aml t~illeinuati ......... : {

!10:33 Mmrow to Zam·sYilll' ............. \ Cinl'immti aull Zalt<'SYille ......... j !lO:H Dnytou to HidnnoiiiL ............. ! Colnrnhns awl X<·nia .............. i

!10:3::> Yalley Junction to Hag-1~rstown .. -I Int~ianapolii:!,Cincinnati and La fay-:

!HJ:J<i ~ Columuns to Pittshnrgh ......... ll'iti~~nrp;h, Colmulnu< and Cinein- :I t llranel1, l\Ieanfl to Calli?. ......... -I 11ati. t

!'0:37 Spriug1iPlll to I,olltlou ............. ! ( 'ilJ('illltali, ~.allllnsl,,\. mul Clt","l'· laud. 1

!1038 Salamanea to Dayton ......... _ ... : Erk (h·;;>«'<'S of Atlantic and Great 1 5 I \V I'Stcl"ll.) I '1.

!103!1 Yomtgstown to CI'W'S Cnt ......... 11

l'itt:-;lntrglt, Fort Wayue amlChi-1


Jlill"s. lt!t!

:n lli

.J:; 1-!!J

H!l. 01

4R 2:> :3:) (j;)


1!17 !J

l:l~. 90 4~ <i!l. 70

lGO !':


61. ::;o 326 20.80

. s ~~ ;;· ;;-~ ~ <!)

~ ~w. ;: § _. ] ~~ ~~~

~ I ~ ~ IJ~~ u i ~:37, tiOO 00 1

1 ...... - .. - .. ! $:.!00 00

12 :l:i, 400 00 ............ 1 175 00

li 12· 1:2




G 12? 1:~ s 13 (

G S (i I (j) (j

12 { 12) (j

487 00 :.!, 800 00

~t', 500 00 78, GOO 00

J, ·!t-"0 00 cOO 00

:l, (1(10 00 14, UIJO 00

·1, !I:JO ::;o

:l, 600 00

8, 730 00

Hi, 5:~5 00

20, 150 00

!l,U!Yi 50

" 100 00 ~: 712 50

:l2, 400 00

1, coo 00

:HI, GOO 00

1, 040 00

I :n ,1s ..•...••••.. I 50 00

: :: : : : ::: : J i~~ ~~ ~ - - - -. - - - - - . 10 00 -----------·' 50 00

------------ 75 00 ------------ 100 00 ------------ 50 00

----------- 75 00 14'5 00

----------- 125 00 225 00 ----------- 100 00 100 00 ----------- 50 00

·---------- 75 00 -----------· 50 00 ------------ 125 00

200 00 50 00

------------ :JO 00

100 00 -----------· 7'5 00 ·----------· 50 00


U(l Jn

!10-tl fllJ.!:l '1(1!:3

\ \'ollllllhll:-. to .\1111'1~>'- .. ; .. : . .. ~ . ];1':111('1;, Ln·~·;111 In :\t'\Y ~tr:llt>:- t' l Yilk. ) 1\ik,; to :-it'\'' Li"'"'''- ..... . XnYnt·k to ~;ollll'l'"d. (']illtnJ! In :\La.-,;illoll ............. .


('\i]t-,; aud :\'t•w Li,;bon ........... . Nt·\\·ark, ~onwr,wt :u11l Htrait,;Yillo ('],'\'l'!:md, :\It. \"t•t·uon antl Dl'la-


1:2001 Iudian:qH•]i,; to Yinct'llll(',; ........ lllltiauapoli,; ami \'illct'lllll'H ...... . l:!ttO:~ lllili<lll:!]•oli,; tn Torre HaH!l' ...... Tt'l'l'l' Haute :11111 ItH1iannpoli,; .... . 1200:3 , Intli:tuapo]i;; lo ('illl'im!ati ..... _ .. 1IH1i:tnajioli><. l 'iw·imt:tti :tilt! T,a-

1::!004 ~ llllliallapo]i,; t" 1'<'1'11..

12005 i lwlian:tpnli,: to Laf:t,\'<'llt· ... .

J'!OOu Cullllnhn-.; to :ll:~t\i,;otl. ..... .

12007 Xt·w .\lh:tll\ to IndiaH:qwli,: 12008 Nt·w _\lktu\· to ~lil'ltigau Cit,\

12009 J:idnnoJI(] to Cltica~o ............ . 12010 Ciul'iunati to l~a;;t :-)t. J~otli>< ...... . 120Jl ' Camhritl.!.!:C' Cit~- to Colmuhl!>' ... .

1:~012 E\-HIIS'.'ill<- to Hol'li.Yilll' ........ .

12013 State I,int• to Logau,;port ......... . 12014 l'l'rn to La l'ort.u ............. . 12015 Fairlantl to ::\Iartin:-;Yilk .... .

I :2016 Brat1forll to Logan><port ......... .

1:21117 , lnllinuapoli::; to Peldu ............ .

I :!018 Jl'tl:\'r,.;onyiJle to Korth Yet'llou ... . 1·!01!! 1 Fort \\"ayne to ConHt•rsdiJ, ...... .


1·!0~0 I Hil:lunow1 to\\"iudtester ......... .

1':.!021 I 'iV:tl'f<a\\' io t--:usht•!l .......... . I

1~1)22 Princeton to -:\Immt ('armt·L ....

1:!0:23 Tene Haute tu CoYingtou ....

12024 Imlinnapol·h; to Tt·JTC Hantt·.


llllli:m::po]i,.,, l't·r•t and t'ltil'a.',!,·o ...

lntlianapoli:-<. ( 'itwi1111ati :1111l La­faydtl'.

,TI'll'enHJIII'illc-. :\ladisnn ::n•l !n­t1iauapoli,;.

(1o _ ... . ___ ....

Loni><\·ill<·. :\,.,, .\ lh::li_Y awl Chi-(':i!.!.·o.

Pit (;lnw~lt.( 'illl'illliati and ~t.Lulli>< Ohio aud Mis,;i,;sippi. ,JI'fl't•I'>'OllYill:·. :.\ladi,;nn :tnt! ln-


El·ans\illt· :u:d Ct·:l\rfnn\:;\·ill<· ....

J>ittslmt';!'li.( 'illt'illll:<ti :111tl ~~.Lon j,: Chit·.:1~o,'('indtlll:I-ti :till! L•JIIis\'illt· Tlltli:n\apolh:, t'inl'i11nati :m•l La-

f:,,·,·.tlt·. Pitt-~i>m· .. f, CiJwinn'ati allll :-;t.

Loui,.;. ·' ltuli:tll:t]Holh. J:!o<J!lliu"·ton a111l

\\'t•:<tt•J'II. Ohio· :111tl ::\Jit;~js,;ippi .... Fort \'v'avll''• :\lnut·it· :t111l Cincin­

uati. · Cinl'innati, Hil'hullnlil :11111 .Fort

\\"aYJlt'. \Yarsav.-, t ;,,~J~t·It a1111 1\Thite Pi!.!:­

Pon. LonisYillt•, ),",.,, .. \lh:ttl\ :tn<l :--<t.

Louis _\.ir Lint·. · E1·:msYilk. Tnn· H:nttt• and

Chil'a~o. llll!iann1lo]i:; ami ~t. Lolli>' ...... .

17 . .'iO l:l

:l:l. j 4 :2-l.ti7 t:l. 70

1 Hi. :J::! 7:!

11:>. :-.o


Ill Iii


:.!:.!:~'· :;o :w

I iii



11.-l. (i0

.>:l. ;;o 10!1

:.!-L :!0

10. :-<;;

,).!_ 41

4, 5:35 ::!!1

2, 50:3 !JO

ti I~

l, n.• oo ___________ .1

r I, li57 on ............

1 1,:2:1:1 r.o ............ 1

:l-18 ()() ............ 1

----- -::.~6~03 50_1


li -1, li.):,! 80 1--·--- ...... 1

:21 14, tiOO 00 I ...... " .... I jij 1-1, lti'i' 50 I ............ '

I 8 ~ ! j r; 5 • 10, ;;oo oo [- ........... 1 ~

18 li, 562 50 !-- ........ --l

I'! I li} ti· (j'


;!, 300 00 i ...... ' ... .

II, 100 uo :""" .. " :2::-:, 8oo oo I .......... ..

:):!, 825 00 1-- ....... . (itl, 200 00 ....... ' .. . ·!, ti.JO 00 1-- ........ ..


1 o, :-.oo oo i ............ ; {

:l, 050 00 1-- " ........ i :1, u5o oo ............ ! 1, 7:3:2 50 ' .. - " .. " " l

I .>, 7:lO 00 I .... .

10, :3!!0 00 1 .......... "

1, u03 oo 1

1 ___ ....... ..

.), -150 00 .......... .

t~'i2 nu


1 ____________ ,

I, 250 00 .......... __ l

: :J·2:'i so_ . _ ......... ·1

I '.?, 7:.!0 :-.o 1- ........ .

Jl.l I 8, 280 00 I ...... " ... 11

:---- 25!!, o~ :~o ,

.co 00 ,)() 00

50 00 :JO 00 40 00 '

40 00 20t) 00 1:l.''i 00

Inelll(les :$200 per annum for mail-meRsenger ~;ervicA.

150 00 Ineludes $600 per annum for 15 00 side service.

100 00

50 00

150 00 100 00 100 00 150 00 200 00

40 00

85 00 30 00 ' 50 00 50 00 1

'J5 00

50 00

50 00 : Pay Pstimated.

:30 00 : Do . 50 00 !

40 00

50 00

:m oo

50 00 i

115 oo I

D.--Railroad Nl'l'l'icc as in opl'l'afiou 011 the ~Otlt of June, 1871-Continncd.

tltate and termi1!i.


11401 i Chkag;o to J\IilwankeP, ln.-. 11402 ! Chicago to :Freeport .............. .

I . 11403 i Chicago to Connt'il Hlntll-;, Itma .. .

11404 I Chicago to DaYPllport, Iowa ...... . ll Chicago to Hlll'lit.lgton, Iowa .. _. l 11405 llnmeh to 'x;li~'Ju•r ............ _. (

Bmneh to l\.ettlu;bnrg;h ......... )

Corporate tit11' of <'Olllp:wy eany­iug tlw mail.

Chieago and Northwestern ....... . ...... do------- ...... ______ ....... .

...... tlo .. ~ ........ _ .............. .

Chicago, llock 1fllallll and l'acific ..

Chit-ago, llurlington aud Quincy ...

1H06 Chicago to Ea:st St. Loni:,;. _....... Chieago antl Alton ... _ ........... .

11407 Chicago to Cairo_ ............... _. Illinois CenLral. .. _ ............... .

1 1408 Elgin to lliehmontl ... __ ......... . Chicago and Northwestern ....... . 11409 5 HuHhYille to YateH City ___ . ___ . ~

( .Umnch, Elmwood to ~Utla ...... 5 Chicago, Burlington and Qniney .. .

11410 Comtlantl Station to Sycamore ... . Sycamore an<l Con1tland ......... .


11412 1141:~ 11414


114Ui 11417 11418 11419

11421 114;!2

State Line to \Yarsaw............. Toledo, Peoria and \Varsaw .... _ ..

Bnreau Junction to Peoria........ Chicago, Rock Islam! and Paeiflc .. J olict to Lalw St.atimt ........ _ .. _. l\liehi.!!;aH Ct>ntral ................ . Peoria to J a eli: Hun Y i lle .......... _ . . Peoria, Pekin autl J ae kHon Yillc ... .

Peorin to GaleHlmrgh .......... .

Bloomington to GOllfrey ......... . GalPslmrgh to Qniney ....... _ .. __ . Dulmque to Ceutralht ........... . Terre Haute, Indiana. to East St.

Louis, IlL ' Carbotnlale to (}rawl Tower. ... _ .. l~ast St. Louis to Duquoin .... _ .. _.

Chicago, Bmlington aml Qnincy ...

Chicago antl Alton ............... . Chicago, Burlington and (lnincy .. IllinoiH Ceutral. ...... ____ ........ . Iudiauapolis and St. Louis ........ .

Gra111l Tower and Carbondale ..... St .. LoniR, AltoH and Terre Haute ..


11424 5 \\raHhington to Dwight ......... ( { l~ran~:h, Yarn a to Laton ....... , 5 Chicago and Alton ................

1 {

lJlilcs. 87 92. 30 28. 50 98

3fl2 183 207. 70

13 156. 25

283 2:):3 112

:3:3 63. ~·;) 44. 50


117. 75 111

47 45 87.40 4tl 6

152 100 :H4 18!)

25 70.80 C{). 21 10.60

rn I ·~ . .... ,!.<! ~

'B t .I c: ~ ~ :=

l~ I 1 I ----- ~----- ------~-~~~-1

Jlliles. --- ---- ----

---- ------ --.. .. ·--

---- ------ --

---- ...

--- .. ------ -- -------- --... ... ·------ ---

... . ..


I 18 ~13,2::.!5 co 1

............ j $1!5 00

~~ 1 1 ~, 150 oo I _____ ... __ .. !~ ~~~ ~g 24 ? ~ 200 00 1tl s 98, 000 00 l 200 00 1:3 36, 000 00 200 00 18 ) l 200 (II)

() I, 70, !i02 !)() 50 00 6 ) 50 00

12 56, r.oo oo 12 ( 12 5 42, 100 00

(i 1, 650 00 () :1, 187 50 G 2, 225 00

12 400 00

fi G G

~ 14 880 00 5 , 3 523 00 1: 125 00 4, :no oo

() ' ~ 2, 800 00 p 15

]2 I 15,200 00 1 8 1;l, 000 00 12 3-1, 400 00 12 40, 635 00

12 1, 000 00 12 5, a to oo 12 ~ 12 ' 5 :3, 540 50 ........... 1~

200 co 100 00 1:i0 00 50 co 50 00 50 00 50 00

GO 00 65 00 75 00 25 00 ~.u uu 50()() 50 00

100 00 150 00 100 00 215 00

40 00 75 00 50 00 50 00

;Jr25,000 of t.lti.- t<lllll i~ for Smt­day scrviet>, cm·l·ri1112: Iowa rontc No. llC03, Hnl'liug'ton to East l'lattHmonth.

Inelnllc:.; $150 per aunnm J(;r mail-nwsse.nger S(•rvicl'.

Inelndes $GOO per annum for feniag<'t<.

lnt'hHl1•,; $100 JWr aulllllll Ji>r 15 adtlitional trips a W<'l'k lw­twPt'll 1\)IOXYilll' Hllll {i;t]l'fl·

burgh, ,;ix mile:;.


11426 11427


11429 114:30 11432 IH:l:3


12.)01 12501;\ 12502-12503 12:i04 1:.!50;)


12:i07 E!501-l 12509 1:.!510 1:.!511 12512

12513 12514 12515 L;};)L6 1:.!517 12518 12519 12520 12521 12522 12523 12524 12525 1252li 12847


Ea"t St. Louis to Tl't'l'l' llantP, Iwl.

Drcatur to f't. Loui><, ~Io ......... -Pt>kin to Lincoln .... - ..... --.-----~Hannibal to Naples ..... - .... -. ~

Terre Haute awllmlirmapolis,(ll'H­sPeS of St .. Louis, Vandalia all(l Terre Haute.)

Toledo, 'VabasltmHl 'VeRtern .... . Pekin, Lincoln antl Dt,t·atnr ...... .

Toledo, 'Va bash and 'V r.stcrn .... . ~Branch to Pitt~field .......... -. ) Sterliiw to Alton Junction . . . . . . . . Rockford, Hoek Island and St.Louis. Sagt'to~-n to Keithsbnrgh ............... do .......................... . Btirlington to Quincy.............. Chicago. ]3nrlin!-(ton and quiney .. . Beanlstown to l"'ltrni·net'town...... Springfield and Illinois :-\ontheast-

ern. Chicago to St. A nne ....... . Cltieago, DanYille all(l Vineemtes. _


lli5. 40

112 :3:'i. 60 4;1. 50 6

270.80 18 71. 8;)

1tl5. 70

' 1-----------

4, :H!I. 81

Toledo, Ohio, to Chicago, Ill ....... Lake Shure and .Michigan South'u. ~244. R5 .....•... _ .. Toledo, Oltit•, to Elkhart, lwl. .... ...... do -- ........ --............... 1:1:3. liO -.......... . Toledo, Ohio, to Detroit-, Mich .......... do .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . li-t. 75 ........... . Munroe to Adrian ...................... do . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 .Adrian~to\Tackson...... . ..... 1lo ......... --................ 47.20 .. -- ....... . "'bite Pigeon to Kalamazoo . . . . . Saint J os!'plt Valley . . . . . . . . . . . . . . :~s. 33 ............ :

~ ~09. 25

~~:~::~:. !: ~:~::~t~~~:~e:I- ..... -.--- ~!~~-~~a:u~0

~\;~~l~~~-c-::::::::::: t l~g :::::::::::: Detroit to l'ort.Hnron ............ OrmulTrnnk ........ _............ 64.25 ........... • ,J ac k1-1on to Fort "' ayne, lllll.... . . Fort 'Vayne, Jackson and Rai!:ina w 96. 30 ... -- ...... : Jackson to 'Yenona. ............... JackRon,'Lansing:, and Saginaw.... 114. 10 ........... . Jal'l,son to Grand Rapids......... l\fiehigau Centml................. 94. ;,o ........... . Kalamazoo to Grand Rapid, . . . . . . K~~~~~~~o, Allegan and GralJ(l ;iti. 875 ·. -. -. -_ -_ -_ -_ -__ - _- _- .·1 Hidgeway Rtation to Homro ... _.. l\Tichigan Air Line...... . . . . . . . . . . 14. 1)0 Holly to .Flint ...... __ ..... __ .. _ ... Flint and Pore :Marquette......... 17.20 ----- · ·-- · · -~ 1~ayCitytoFlint ........................ do ......... - ... ·------·--·--- 46.25 ........... .. Ea:st Saginaw to Farwell.·- ............. do ...... _..... . .. . . . . . . . . . . . 56.47 ......... - .. Lansing to Greenville ......... _... Ionirt and Lansin_g ............. __ . 57. 80 .......... ..

Fort w·ayne, Ind., to Paris, Mich.. Grand Rapids aml Iudiaua........ ~02. 60 _-: :_- :· :· :· :·- _·: _-: :-_ :-_ :·-_·:I Kalamazoo to South Haven. . . . . . . Kalamazoo and South llaven. _.... 39. 60 Lansing to Climax Prairie........ Peninsular........................ 57. 12 New Buffalo to BreedsYille ........ Chicago and Michigan Lake Shore. 58 l'ort Huron to Lapeer . . . . . . . . . . . . Port Huron and Lake l\lichigan.. 65 Alle!;\'an to Muskegon ........ _ ... _ Michigan La.lw Shore ..... _....... 57. 25 .. - .... - ... -~ N umca to Montagne ........ _..... Chicago and Michigan Lake Shore. 29 :::::::::::: Yp1-1ilanti to Hillsdale .......... _ .. Detroit, Hillsdale and :Michigan.. 61.60 ........... . .Tack:sun to Niles ... __ ............. Michigan Cl'ntral................. lO:l .... _ ..... ·I ; ~:::::::: :: :~;::::~i~:. :::::: : ::: . ~~~~~~~oe~~~ -~~:~1-~~~-t_o_I:~~~~~:::::::: I :~ I:::::: -::-.: ~~

1 ,---- _:_:l64. ~:~.

li ()


1:3.\ I( (i


2-t (]

6 li 6 G

24( 30 s

{j (j

li (j




12 12


6 6 6 6

12 (j

6 li 6 (]


~1, 2'1'0 00 I ........... .

5, 600 00 1, 424 00

J 2, 575 00

20,:310 00 5-10 00

3, ;)~12 50 t', G35 00

1, 8ll0 00 ... --- ...... ------ jj;:J;J!l, 262 00

Gl, 212 ;)0 10, 0:'.!0 00

fi, 475 00 2, li25 00 2, 3fi() 00 l,lllli lili

40, D18 7:-i

lH, 00!1 00 li, 42;) 00 4, b15 00 :1,705 00 4, 725 00 3, 532 50

7:!0 00 1, 2HO 00 :3,4118 75 2, 82:3 50 1, 7:34 00

10, 1:30 00 1, 980 00 2, 856 00 ~. 900 00 :J, 250 00 2, Bt32, 50 1, 450 00 2, 413-l 00 5, 150 00 1, 050 ou


1 900 oo ... -....... :---- 22:i, 769 1()

5{1 on

GO 00 40 00 ;,o uo 50 00 75 00 :io oo 50 00 40 li7

:JO 1'0

2:-iO 00 75 00

JOO 00 j,) 00 ;)0 00 50 00

175 00 175 00 IUO 00 100 00

50 00 :;o oo 50 00 liO 00

!)0 00 75 Oll 7:-i 00 50 00 ;)0 00 50 00 50 00 50 00 50 00 50 00 50 00 5n oo 40 00 50 on 7;) 00

50 00

Pay t'><timntetl. ·Do.

Do. .May I to Nonmlwr 15, in eaeh year.


B.-Railroad Bf'l't'i.ce as in opemtion on the i{Ofh of ,Jime, 1871-Continued. CJ.:) 00

~ I II ~$ .. e. ~ .s~ I !J.J<i k

~ · Corporate title of company carry- ! ~ .'!}.rn ] ~ g$ ~ ~ ::->tate and trnniui. [ ing the mail. i ~ -=:: ~ i <i:> ~ ?.

i - -------_------ I ! ~ -- --~~ I 1 ~~-.J--~--1-~-~--WISCO:I\i'IX. 1 , Mtles. Mtles. 1

13001 Cl' Ill t G ]~ "'\T" 'Cl' J11.T tl t If 63 ············'! 18 ~ $4287"00 , ucago, ., o reen >a;.·, , 1;, ... ' ucago Ulll .nor 1 wei'l Prn ........ ' '1. 182 12 5 . , J

13002 Kenosha to Rockforti,Ill .......... i ...... llo ........................... \ 73.60 .... ::::::::~1. 6 4,416 00 , ........... . 13003 RaciuetoPortByron,Ill .......... l "\VcsternUnion ................... ] 180.40 ........... 12 9,020 00 1·------····· 13004 Milwaukee to North MeGrPgor, Milwankr~PandSt.l'aul .......... l 197.20 ............ 12 2!!,_58000 1------------

Iowa. . · ! I 13005 Milwaukee to I.a Cros>w ......... ·1· ..... do .......................... i 198 ............ : 12 29,700 00 [···· ........


l:l006 .Milwaukee to Berlin .................... do ........................... ; 94.80. 6 7,110 00 1

.......... ..

13007: MiltonJnuctiontoMonroe ............ do ........................... ! 42.80 6 2,140 00 ~---··-------~

n8~~: ~i~~~~!~,1~:~t;~~~~~~~;~~~~~::~::i1 ::::::~}~ :::::::::::::::::::::::::::1 1~:~~ ~ ~:~~~ ~~ 1::::::::::::1 l:lOll. \\'arrentoMinPra!Point ......... MineralPoint ............. : ....... l 33 ll 1,650 00 1'·---········1 13012 ~hehoyp;au to yollll dn Lac ........ 1 Sht?boygan an~ FoJHl tln Lae .... --\ 44. ll;i 12 ' 2, 67!! 00 ............ I 13013 Ca~~~~~ma Station Ill., to Marhson.j Clucago and N orthwestent. .......


60. 75 ll · 6, 075 00 , ........... -I 13014 Tomah to 1\IenommJee ............ I Milwaukee anll-St.. Pan! .......... i 113. 80 6 5, 690 00 1- ........... : 13015 Calamine to Platteville .... __ ..... ! MineraJI>oint .... _ ................ i 18. 70 , . .. .. .. .. . . . fi 935 00 , __ .--.---.-- '1

13016 MadisontoPort.ageCity .......... l Madisonani!Portage ............. '


39.50 :-·---------· 6 1,975 00 ~--------·-·· 13017 \Vi nona to "\Vi nona .Tmwtinn ...... 1 Chicago mul Northwt·M·t'l'll....... 28 ....... ;. ... :.· 1, 400 00 . -.------.- .



1 .


___ 1

1,4jO.b ----e_3,133}5 IOWA. I=== I~-'-'

11001 1 KeoknktoFortDodge ............ DesMoinesYalley ............... :: 249.70 '


............ 12 18,727 50 1 ............ 1

11002 1 Keokn k to Burlington . . . . . . . . . . . . Chieago, Bnrlingt.on and Qnine;.· .. I 42. 75 . . . . . . . . . . . . . ll 3, 206 25 ........... .

i Burlington to East Plattsmouth.1 ~· 1100., B 1 R d 0 k J t· t B I' t 1M' ·n· 1{279.14 : ......... 12 27,914 00 ............ · ,, ranc1, ,e a· nncwn o nrmgonan( tssonn~.JYer ....

50 ~--· · ll '>~IJOOO

Eastport. I ~,······----·-: ~,a ........... . 11004 Wilton Junction to CentreYille... Chicago aJH1 Southwestf.>rn ........ I 13.l. 30 6 8, 358 0[) ............ I 11005 Daycuport to MisRouri HiYer...... Chicago, Rock Islaml and Pad tic.. 318 ~--::::::::::: 12 47, 700 00 ........... j

g~~~ ~~~~1~~,~~ foe~~~~~~W;~?.:::::::::: _ ~1l~~~\1ce~~~~~;i~~~~~l~~~~~n~::::::: i 3~~: Ig 1:::::::::::. 1g 3~: ~tg gg . _.::::::::I 11008 Albia to Mason City .'............. Centml Railroarl Company of Iowa: 168. 80 I (i 5, Ofi4 00 ........... -I 11009 Calmar to Algona . : .......... _ . . . . Milwaukee and St. Pan! : . ........ ! 127. RO I':_:_:_:_:_:_ :_ :_ -_- -_- ._· -. 6 6

4,, 30



0 ·. -__ · _- _- _· -_ -. _- _- _· -_



11010 Waterloo to .Mona .. . . . . . . . . . . . . Illinois Central. .............. _ .... 1

1 80 !l

~Missouri Valley to Sioux City. ~ ·

76 6

11011 Branch, California Junction to . Sioux City and p,1ci1ic ............ ! f 36 ;[· ·_ · ·. ·_ · __ · ·. ·_ ·. ·_ ·. ·-1 6 51

• 78°0°0 °0 · · · · · ·- · · · · · '1

Fremont. [ 1 ( , 00 - · · · · ---- · ·

,..,... &] ~Q)

g§ Remark~.

~Q.)i 6=3 § -=~ ....

pj <lj trl "tJ 0

$75 00 _pj 75 00 ~ 60 00 50 00 0

150 00 "j

150 00 ~ 75 00 ::r: 50 00 trl

100 00 75 00 "tJ 40 00 0 50 00 (f)

60 00 >-:3 1011 00 s:::

> 50 uo (f)

~ 50 00 trl 50 00 l:r.l 50 00

Q ~

7:5 00 z M 75 00 pj

100 00 See Illinois route No. 11045. > 50 00 Pay estimated. ~ 60 00

150 00 60 00

100 00 30 00 Old rate of pay. 50 00 5o oo I

75 oo I 50 00

11012 , Bmlingtnn to f~··•lar Rapids ...... . Rnrling;ton, ('Ptlar Rapi•h anrl l\filllii'HOf:l.

11013 Cedar Hapitli! to Ct>tlar Fall' ...... : ...... do .......................... . 11014 D:we11port to Maquoketa ......... : Dan'Hport :1111l ~t. Pan!. ......... . 11015 CliHto11 to Maquoketa ........... ·I Iowa :MidlaiHL ................... .

!18. 70

til. 80 42.70 41

I ------- 2, 194. 57

)IJXXE,.;oT.\~ I --·==--==-~--

135ol La Ct·osse, Wi11., to '''innehago Sm1them iliirmcsot.a . . . . . . . . . . . . . 170. ;,~) .. _. _ .. _ ... _ City, Minn.

13503 Winona to St .. Petl'r. with branch[ \Vinona and St. Pt·tt•r..... .. . .. . . . 144.10 to :Mankato. I

13504 Minncapolii! to North .:\ld{rl'gor, Milwankt·c HJHl Mt. Paul . . . . . . . . . . 2l:i. 70 Iowa. i

13505 Sa~nt Paul tu Saint .ramPs ........ i St .. l'anl and ~:on~-City ........... .

13506 s,unt Paul to l3enl'!on ......... ---- .1

St. Paul antl 1 ac1tw .............. .

~ 87. 25 1 25. 7::; p24 1 12.50

78 13507 Saint Paul to Sank Uapids ...... - .1

...... do .......................... . 13508 Saint J>aul to Dn Lnth............ Lake Ru]wrior an•l Mississippi.... 15ti 13510 Mi11nesota City to \\'ean~r ........ I Chicago a11d NmtlnvPAtf'm........ 14 13511 A w4in to Ma;;on City. Iowa ...... I l\lilwankPr. anrl St .. Pan! . . . . . . . . . . 41. ~~8


14401 Omaha to Ogden City, Utah ........ Union Pacific. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I, 0~~.\ ~0 14451 Plattsmouth to Lincoln ........... i I3nrliug-ton and l\Iissonl'i Ri ,-er.... ;,,> 14478 Omaha to Blair . .- .................. ! Omaha and Southwestern ........ -~ :lO 14479 Omaha to .r uuctwu.... . . . . . . . . . . . ' ...... do . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20. 50

I . KAXSAR. I ,-------

! J Kansas City, Mo., to CheycHUP,) /1 .

Wy. Ter. l , , . > 5 74'i 14001 l B1·~~~~~'e. Leavenworth to Law-J I h.ausa>~ I a c. !lie .................... I 3;1

14002 Atchison to ·waterville ........... 1

1 Central Branel1 Uuion Pacific..... 100 14003 Lawrence to Thayer.............. Leaveuworth, I.awrPnee an•l Gal- 111. :lO

I veston.

14004 St.Joseph, Mo.,to Marysville, Kaus. St. Joseph and Dmwer City._..... 112 14005 Kansas City, "Mo., to BaxterSpriHgs,l Missonri Riwr, Fort Scott and 164

Kans. 'j Gulf. 1'006 Junction City to Chetopali ........ Missouri, Ka,nsas and Texas....... 180 141431' North Topeka t~ Florence ........


Atcl~ison, ~opeka ~~~d Santa F~e _ 107.10 14211 Olathe to Ottaw,t ................. , Lea>enworth, Lawu~nce and hal 32

1 j veston. 14212 · Atchison to \Yl!ite Cloud ........ -: Atchison and Nebraska ......... --I 35.78

I ~-----

.... ~ . - - - - .. -: I


•••••••••••• 1

1, 137. 70

1, 620.18 i

li ti

12 ~ 12 5 lg} 12 li fi II

6 ( II)

7 12

6 12




4, 9:l:l 00

:1,090 oo _.I 1, 425 00 ............ I 1, 230 00 ........... _I

-------- 17tl, 0!17 a::. ---~---~~


R, ;l2:i Oil I" .... . 12,248 50 ..... .

:l'2, 35!i 00 ..... . i

8, 3:~1 2:1

ll, 825 00

5, 850 00 7, ROO 00

560 00 1, 655 20

1:'4, 149 95

283,855 00 ........... . 2, 750 IJO .•.......... 1, 500 00 ........... . 1, 338 00 ........... .

------- 2tl!J, 44:l 00 --------

77, ROO 00 ...................

5, 000 00 ...................... 11, 130 00 ....................

::;, (i00 QO ------------16, 400 00 ---------·--

9, 000 00


10,710 00 ------------3, 200 00 -----------·

1, 789 00 ------------------ 140,629 00 i


!)O 00

;,o oo · :~:J 37 :10 oo :

85 00

LIU 00

7;1 co 5!) 00 50 00 50 00 75 00 50 00 40 00 40 00

275 00 ;,o oo 50 00 ;,o oo

100 00 100 00

50 00 100 00

50 00 100 00

50 00 100 00 100 00

50 00

Pa~' f'Rtimatl'tl.


Pay estimated.

lu!'lntleH $313 per annum fot· ferriage~.

Olt'er of Department.

Old rate of pay.

B.-Railro:u7 serricc a8 in operation on tltr 30th of Juuc, 1871-C'ontim1et1.

--------·-----·- -------------- --------·- ·- ·---·-----·-·-

s:ate antl termini. Corporate tit.le of eompauy eany­ing tlw mail.

.s 1

~E I

~~ I

--- -----------·--·---!----------I ~ ~ I

--:ilcs. -- --~---- ---~--~ 14701 1<17lJ2 1-1703 1-1704 H705


14708 147m> 1487G 14877


17038 17051


Sacramento to Og-dPn City, Utah .. Central Pacilic ......... _. ____ .... . San Franciseo to Gilroy . . . . . . . . . . San Franeisco- aml San ,J use ...... . Roseville to Chico ..... _........... Califomia and Orcp:on .. _ ...... _. _. Folsom City to Shingle Springs . . . I>laccrville and Sacranwntu .. _ .... Sacramento to Folsom City .... -. -( s_,:a,'lL.l~II_i·~(lll'lllCI·I! •. ltt. ol;av~.a.J.lti~;::r_·_. _ .. _ -... · .. ·_. _· _- _-_ ·_. ·_ ·_. ~ Racrameuto to San Franeisco.... , v .

( Brauch, Davisville to Marysville ... _ ... do ..... ___ .... _ ............. . Napa Junction to Calistoga ..... _ ....... do . _ .. __ .................... . Marysville to Oroville............. Califoruia N ort!tern .............. . IAtthrop to Modesto ............... Central Pacitie ................... . Yaea. to Vaea.ville ................. Vaca Valley ................... __ .


Jliles. 877. :;o

80 7!1 ~(j

~:J. ~0 83 42 31i :JO ~1

·1 1, 30l. 70

I Salt Lal;.c City to Ogden City_ .... Ula!t Central ....... - .. --- · · · · · · · · ~~-~ · .. · .. :iii.' 5o·j c---==.--== c--== I COLOI:ADO.

1~ 1*~·1~: ~6~ t,~ :::::::::::: i 7 I ;;, 025 00 . - ....... - . - I (i 1, :~oo oo ........... . (i 1, lliO 00 .......... .

(j :~. 150 00 - - .......... . 14 II;}, 450 PO ............ .

(i 1, 8CO 00 ............ ~. (i 1' 500 00 ........... - : (j I 1, 050 ou ............ , 7 ~uo oo ............ 1

~------ $272~-~~"~()_1 i I

1, E25 00 ..... : ...... i ----- 1, t'2::i ou i


Denver to Golden City............ Colorado Central .................. i 17 .......... - '11

(j I 850 00 r· ........... ! Hughes' Station to Erie........... Dcnyer and Bonl<ler Valley....... 15 ... __ .... _.. li 1 750 00 ... _ ........


1 --- 32 ~--- 1, liOO 00

--------.. -------------·-----·---------- .------

:H7:i oo 100 00

7::i 00 50 00 50 00

1:\0 ()() 7;) 00 50 00 50 00 50 00 :>o oo

50 00

;;o oo :;o oo

OH'c•J' of DPpartment. Do.


,TOliN L. llOUTT, Second ..liiiit~iitant PuiitJUaliter Uencral.


States and Territories. i


New Hampshire

l\fas:;achnr:rtts ....

HhotlL• Islaml .......... 1

New York ........... .

N cw J erscy ...... .

PPunsylvania ........ .

I Mar,ylaml. ..... -.------ i


U.-Stcamboat ~ervicc as ·in O]Jcration on. tlw :JOth of June, 1871.

·~ . .~ ·~ ~~ .;:;~ ~: ~-~

~ ]~ ~ ~ fi AOO (.) ...... ~ ~ ~ ....-. c;~ § :.s\..) ,.!:)~ ~ PO

1i ~g ~HI ~ sg I

-------1- A_ __ ~ _H __ I~ I ~ -----


1 . Miles. ' Macs. I I I 317 'I AltonllaytoWoltlJorongh............................... 10 ~-------- G 1"' . . .

Center_ Harl?or t.o Meredith Villa~e ...... , _____ ...... ___ . 20 . __ . ___ . 3 ~·wl, 200 00 .1

.... -- ----- -~ Dnnup; IWYJgatwn. 321 MPre~bthVJllagetoNorthConway ...................... 1 40 .·--··--· (j, 1,4!)0 00 ------------

llraneh, Monltonbm·ough to North Santlwil'h ............. 1 8~ .............. 1

1 ...... _ .- __ . --1- __ ... _____ -~· Six timl's a week 11m· in~ navig-ation; 1 1 1

1 three tinws a week rcshlno ofyt•m·. 3'1'l w·eir's lll'itlgc to \Volfbm·o11gh ......................... --I 30 G 1 G::iO 00 .. ____ ...... Dming navigation.

,--==~~ ·-----=~~~-0~ G68


Hyannis to Nantucket ................... ---- ........... -1_.2':_ ..... 30

. 2, 500 oo 1 ---~,"Goo-(Jo-

810 NewporttoNewYork.----------------------------------~ lGO ~~~~ G 2,::i00 00 ~~~~~~~ ' I 1GO ---- 2,500 00

1040 Ithaca to Cayuga .................... __ ...... ______ . __ . __ I 40 G 1, 500 00 ~~~~~~ ~!~; :d:liJ~~~~\'V!'li~t~~~~l~-~-~:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ~~ 1~ 4·~~g gg ::::::::::::

1G07 1608 16!)2



182 ,---- =-_2~~~~ New York to Keyport. ...................................


2;, - -- · -- --, G I 535 00 ---- -- -- -- --I New York to Port Monmouth------ - .. --- ------ --- ------- 20 r- ---- -- 'I G 1, 000 00 i .. ---- -----.

South Amboy to N cw York .. ____ .. __ ....................


__ 27


:~-2~~ 12 ~-'l-~,_3_3tl_oo_ ~~~~~~

l'ittslmrgh to Grccnsborou_gh .. -- -.---------------------~--~[-~~~~ 61 __ G,_3c_,o_oo_ 1~~~~~~~ Baltimore to Qucrnstuwn ................................ 1 40 ~~~~~ 31 750 00 ~-~~~~~]

~---1==~~. ~---- ==cc~~~~~~

C.-Steamboat Ben•ice aB in opel'afion on the 30th of .June, 1871-Cont.inue<l.

I -~ ·I·~ . 1 -_s-·---· ---- ---------------


~ ~~ ~~ ~- ~-~ 5 ~ B .;: ~ as ~ ~~

StateR antl Tt>rritories.


..., Termini.


. ,__, ~~ ~~ ~: i ...... ......w Remarks. ~ ~ .--4 Q ~ ~ : ~ ~~

I . I $ ~~ ~P-<i § §~

--------1~1- ~~~-~---~ -!----1--1---~----1----------1




. llltle.~. I , w f'St Virginia ........ -, 4102 r' Wheeling to ParkerRbnrgh ...... - ... - ......... -- ... ----.. 99 .... -... 6 $4, BOO 00 II_.-.- ....... ·.


4120 Parkers burgh to Gallii)olis, Ohio ......................... 1

86~ ........ ! 6 4, 900 00 ............ ! 4129! KanawlHtC.R.toGalipolis,Ohin..... .................. 65 : ........ , 6 2,44!1 00 ------------1

I - :'J~J-1~~,~-_!-_ 5--~-k_:j ---- _!!:~!!oc~~:) Virginia ............... ~ 4402 ·washingtou,D.C.,toGamcPoint,Ya .................... 1

u_ 13 8,325 00 :--·········· 4415 Norfolk to Baltimore, Md ....................... - - -- .. - - - ! 2~07 !

1· -_ -_ ·_ -. -_ -_ -_ -_ !, 6 1 3~ •• 0


00 0


1.· -_ -_ -_ -_ -_ ·_ -_ -_ -_ -_ -_ '.·.

~orth Carolina ....... .

South Carolina ....... .

Georgia .............. .

4417 Norfolk to Eastville ...................................... 1

u 3 4-tlB Norfolk to Matthews C. H ............................... · 60 '- ...... -I 2 1, 000 00 1-......... ' 4419 Norfolk to Richmond .................................... ! 145 ! . • . • • • • • :l :l, 000 00 i .......... . 4n5 NorfolktoNewYork,N.Y .............................. ~· 300 i........ 1 750 CO:--·-······· 4736 Washington, D. C., to Norfolk, Va..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 200


1........ a !l, 000 00 I .......... .

' . -- 1,0lnl ----1 4:1,575 001

5026 5030 5037 5040 5235

I :==c:c"i ,======: Wilmington to Smithville ................................ ! 30


~3<> ti99 00 ------·-····, Greenville to ~ashi_ngton . - ...... -............ -........ -r 12056 r· __ - ·_ -_ ·_ ·_ -_ > 900 00 ............ I Plymouth to Franklm Depot............................. 3 2, 000 00 ........ _ .. -I Pl~·m<?uth to Hamilton.·: ................................ [ 35 1- ....... 1 3 1, 000 00 ............ i W 1lnungton to Fayetteville ... _ .............. _ .......... ·I 120


........ ! 2 2, 000 O:J .•..•.•••.••

i--~--~~1 -----~~~~~:

5709 Beaufort to Port RoyaL ...................... : ........... : 16 !~~~-~] 182 00 ~~~~~~~-~:~ 5711 Charleston to Edist(, Island .......................... _ ... 1 35 I ........ I 624 00 ............ I

,--~--~~~ ---- 806 00 1

:----1 ,=====1 6060 RometoGadsden,.Ala ................................... 155 i--------1 1,526 87~------------~~ 6124 Fernandina, Fla., to Trader's Hill, Ga .................... 1 96 I ........ : 1, 303 00 ........... . 6144 Savannah to Jackson-ville. Fla ............................ , 333 i ........ ! 7, 500 00 ....... _ ... .

1---!_~'!.._1 ---1~~~2:~~!

Plol'itia ............... .

.Alabama .............. .

::\Ii8RisRippi ........... .

Lonh;iana ............. .

Texas ................. .

rkausas ............ .

6414 6416 64:1:> 6462 641i7 6471 6478 ll500 '

PilatkatoJacksonville .................................. ' 75 ,'······· ?. • 1,800 00 ........... . PBil_at;~~~ t

1o 1\fGellOJtlvil\le ..

1 •••

1._. ••

1 .• ·,_;

1 ......... _ ..........••. , 125 . . . . . . . . ~ ',I :3, 500 00 ........... .

amurHgf', a., Olpaacueoa,L<a ..................... , 201 ........ ,., 7,00000 ........... . J~altimon•, Mil., toN ew Orleans, La ..................... _I 1, 701 . . . . . . . . .... -/ 31, 000 00 ........... . Key 'Vest to Biscayne ................................... I 175 . . . . . . . 1, 200 00 ............ ,

~EX~~H~~~~:\~~i~;,, ••••••••••• : ·················I.~Jg~ 11_::~:.:8,-:~ .. ~:.:,_! ~I' ~~J~~ ~g :::::::::::::~ : v ' ---~-~~~0~~~!

104 [~~-~~ 1 II~ 18 -------, 94 ' (j ~ ' :378 00 I •••••••••••• ;

2H9 I : : : : : : : : :l 7, 304 80 ! ............ I

1==~~- ~--·-!=~~~~~' 7211 Yieloihnr~lt to l:rePnwootl .............................. , "''"' [········! 2 5,000 00 1--------·---"~" I i i i I

j---~==~!,~ '---~-~~~~~ I I ' ~-- . ----1

t'003 New Orleans to St. l•'rancisvilie . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1~107 [1

, _· ._ ._ ••• _ ._ ._ •• ' 2 6, 400 00 I ........•... ' 8005, NewOrleanstoBnras.................................... ., '' 1,800 00 i .....••••••• l 8007 i New Orleans to Covington . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~6 ; . . . . . . . 2 :3, 000 00 I· .......... -I 8074 i Brashear to New Iberia ................ _................. 10


........ I 6 I 9, 000 00 i ........... . 8080 : Vicks burgh, MisH., toN cw Orleans, La . . . . . .... _ 408


........ 2 ! 20, 000 00 1 .•.••••••••• i

8103 /' N cw Orleans to ,JI'fferson, Tex . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 750 ........ ! 3 / :30, 000 00 I • • • • • • ••••. '

8105 NewOrleaustoMonroe.................. ..... . ..... 480 1·······-: 2 20,000 00 1-···········, 81061 New0rleanstol3razos~autiaoo,Tex ................... 611!-·····:·1······! 12,000 00 /····--· ......



'--1 2 612 1 ---- 102 200 00

I i=~==: !=-=~~===! I • ~f 2201 ........ :...... ! fi

8506 ' Brashear to I1.11hanola ................................... 1 ·l 130 I. 30, 000 00 ; ......... 'l'. : ........ T..... i '

8508 Indianola to CorpnR Chrb;ti ............................... ! 1:33 1 ........ :, 3 10, 500 00 1

1 ......•..•. _



1 ------1 483 I --- 40, 500 00

7505a' Pine Blntfto Little Rock................................. 105~~---~~] 2 6, 000 00 ~~~~~~~~~] 7506[ White~UvertoJackso~1port_................ ........... :J70 : ........ 1 2 12,000 00 ............ '[ 7659 , Memplus, Tenn., to Wlnte R1ver, Ark................. . . . 223~1- ....... · 2 3, 000 00 ........... . 7660 I White River to Vicksburgh, Miss............ . . . . . . . . . . . . 229t~- ....... ·: 2 7, 000 00 !, ....••..... ·]

7661 ·white River to Pive Bluff . . . . . . . . . ......... _ ........... 1 152 . . . . . . . . . 2 13, 000 00 I ......•.. ·-. 7663 l-ittle Rock to Dardanelle............................. . . . 111 .......


1 4, 750 00 I ........... ·I 7668 Mem}lhis, Tenn., to Friar's Point, Ark ... _ ............... ' 112 ... _ . . . . . 3 2, 500 00 : ............

1 7670 I Jacksonport to Pocahontas ... __ ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 150 ' ........ i 2 5, 000 00 1

•....•.•.•.. ,

__ :=~~~~ ---:=~~~-~~-!

Twice a uwutiJ. Do.

Twice a montl1.

Twice a week four months ; four times a week flmont.hs.

Twice a week four months; three times a week 8 months.

t:d tzj

.Jod 0 ~ 1-3

0 / t'%j

...., ::rl ~

"t1 0 rJ) ...., -~ p.. 00 ...., ~ ~

0 ~ z t_%j ~ :;.... r

C.-Steamboat seJTicc a8 in opemtion on the 30th of June, 1871-Continncd .

. ~--------------~-----~---·----~-------------o----~--~------

< JE II!~ II 2 -~~ States and Tenitories.

:MissomL ............. .

Tennessee ............ .

Kentneky. __ . ____ ......


Michigan ............. .

1051!) 10516

10215 10216 10;217

9fi01 9602 9U03 9603ct 97'14 9771

Q .~w. 8 ~ :::, ~~

~ j~ I!~ I J ! ~ Termini.

JJlile8. ~iles~-~--~----- -----

St.. Louis to Keokuk, Iowa............. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. . ~:n -...... -I li $R, 000 00 ........... .

-- 681 I ___ $22,000 00 St. Louis to Memphis, Tenn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 450 - .. -- . - .


' 2 H, OOU 00 ------ -- .. --

Chattanooga to Bridgeport, .Ala .... --- ....... --- .... ---.. 8~ ~~~~~ 1 I :l, 000 00 =~~= Loudon to Rockwood . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4a - ---- - - - U · 4, 000 00 - .......... . Roekwood to Chattanooga................................ 110 -.- .... ·1 2 3, ;JOO 00 .......... .

---- 233 ------ 10, 500 00

Louisville to Cinciunati, Ohio . .. .. . .. . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . 143 ........ , Louisville to Evansville, IJl(L . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 202 Evansville, Ind., to Cairo, Ill . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . 200 Paducah to Cairo, IlL.................................... 51 1---. -Bowling Green to Enmsville, Ind .. -------·---·---·--···· 2231.------Patluea,h to Eastport, Miss . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2US ...... .

---- 1,08U

6 (j


!l, 000 00 15, 000 00 l.), 000 00 1, 000 00 4, 800 00 15,000 00

50, t:OO 00

90;)1 I Portsmonth to Cincinnati ............... __ . _ ... ____ .... __ 9052 Cincinnati to Maysville, Ky ............................ .. 9053 Portsmouth to Gallipolis ................................ .

117 ........ i 74 ........ i 90 .. '"28i 'i

3 6 3

2, 500 00 4, 000 00 2, 910 00

125G4 12658 12802




Detroit to Sault de Stc. Marie .......................... .. California to Quincy .................................... . Grand Haven to Milwauker, '\Vi:; ........................ .

Grand Haven to Manistee ............................... .

Manistee to Frankfort .................................. .

Port Rnron Railroatl Station to ?.Ia('.kinaw .............. .

12843 Green Ray, '\Vis., to Menomonee, Mich ................. _. ' Cedar :Fork SU}lpliml from l\lcnomonee .................. .

350 143 .. - .. --- i


2 3 6




1, 250 00 4, 000 00 2, 730 00

6, 2·10 00

780 00

84;') 00

500 00

9, 410 00

He marks.

During wwigatim1, ~'<ay G.,! months. ~ix months. Dn!·ing; mwigation, say 7 months;

11ay estimated. . .Apl'il 16 to NoY. 14 m each year;

pay cstimatc1l. ?.Iay"l·to Oct. 31 in each year; pay

estimated. Dnring mwip:ation, Ray 6~- months;

pay estimated. .May 1 to Nov.l;J in each year

\\"isconsin ........... .

11fillllt'stlla .......... .

Califomia .....


1:!1"11 l:.!t' ~~. 1 :.!t'.~ll 1:.!:-'li·l l~t-'ti7


1:J0:2G 1:3l:J(i

1471~ l.f'j'!l!l Ht~:ll





13412 154:.!1

. ~:~:·::1.1 _1_::~1.', ::·.i~ .. -~.·~-~:~~·(:~1~1-\~ ~~~~~-~~~~:]~::-:: ::::::::::-::: il

,ll:tlt[lldlt•lo ll:tJH'Odc.. ......... ..................... •·• ll:tllt'ock tolht Luth,.illim................... .......... :!.-,o ( 'hl'lio~g:tll to .\lpt·IJ:t. ....... ... . . . . ... . . . . .... . . . ... . . . 100

1, 723

I·•·• .I


L:t Cro::;st• to lhtblltlllL', Iowa_ .......................... . Hi.)

U~~W~1~ t;,~~~~:l~~~~~~~~:~:~::::: :::::.:::::::::::::::: ::::: .1

~;~ - :::::: I

1, •10() 00 .. ---.- .... . 4, !l;iU 00 I_ .......... .

1:!, ouo 1111 1 ..... - .... -.

1, ~30 00


. __________ _

;JUO 00 ........... . ----- :n, Ga:> oo

n, 100 oo

1, 200 00 800 ou


11, 100 00

Jlo. Nov. IIi to April :10 iu l':ll'h yt•:tr. 1\l:Jy I to No\·.(;, iu l'adl yt·ar. Dui·iug Itavigatiott, H:t.Y ti iuouths. .May 1 to No\'. 14 in P:tdi y<·m·.

April 16 to :Nm·. 1-1 ill t•:tclt yPar; }lay PS(illl:til'tl. '

May 1 to N oY. l.i in Padt y0a!'. Do.

~--=- ~:i:li Hl.l':tllllo L:t ('tosse, \\'i:-; ...... ....................... 1!'0 ....... . 7,2PO 00

1 •••••••••.•• Aprill to Nov.14 in each year;

La Cross!', \\"is., to l'"illoll:t, )lillll........................ 40


pa,v Pstilllatt•tl. r., 4{i0 00 ... : . ....... April! to NoY.14 in each ycm·.

----- 1~, 740 00 :-:=::-.=======--=--=

Han Frn11l'i:-wo tol'l'talnllln. _.. .. . . . . . . . .. . . . ... . . . ... . . . ;,1

~::~: i~:::::;:~t:::: t:: ;:~:~·tt;1i·~~;,':~·p~- :::::::::::::::::::::::: --1_:::;~ I 1,:.!:->1

•J, 000 00 :}.i, 000 00 :w, 000 00

6:>, 000 ()()

~::::: ::::::: ::: ;\~:: ;:.:,,.;; . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ·I ~ 1lr:~ :: ~:~ I

g } J:l, 000 00 1---- ... --- .. (j 18, 000 00 [·---.- -----. ----- 31,000 00

=--:.::_-::_ =-==--===:-::::=

CH,ympia to Hteil:woolll City .............................. , :w 775 00

Olympia to Vidoria ....... _ .......... ___________ .. _..... ~ 1~g ~ J 1:}, COO CO

"' ttl t 'IT"] t 11'- () 979 00 ,-.('a,.c -0 HIll COlll .........••••.••.....••.••••••••••...


h> ..•.....


1 ~, , Portland to ~itlm, Al:11-d,a Ter ........................... _ !100 . . . . . . ~H, 900 OU

1,:301 ----


Fi\·c trip::; a Hwntlt.


Once a month.

.TOHN L. llOU'l'T, Second .Jsststant Politma~Stcr Gcne1'al.

D.-Table 8lumi11g the illcrcHse and dccrea:;e i11 mail trali8JWI'tativn and cost duri11g the yem· ended Juuc 30, 1871. - -- -~-~~------~~-



T,etwth of . rt•~tes.



I J.tmgth of I~ength of ----:-C--os--t--.----~~ Total annual tnms­portation.

Total annual cost.

Cost. t CO~\t. t rou .es. ruu es. I

~ ~ ~ ~ I ~ ~-- ~--~ ~ ,-- ~ l i_; - ~ - ~- ----~-~ -~~--~-- --- ~

t s I t t I t i t I . t i ~ I c:: t ~ ~ II E z ~ A -- ~ _i __ A __ I __ ~- A ~ ~ I g i A ~ A H H ,:;

~;\t;;;\~ii~i:··~E < .. ~··:~ Jlli; I '·'·li:l. );;; IJ[>l,, '.[''[[0 .... :.,.::000!,,~~ 17.' ~::~~I''·"' I----J-f-~-;:_!_il-1-~:·::: }:!!~ $1, 6R4 !)0, 198

N(•W ,Jt·nw~- ··-· -- m 1 li·J.! I . ' Hn 4 8!16 66,()01 ··--···--· 3,232 l'('llll:'.YlYallia . _. 3:J!J :;, 3j2 . ____ '_.: ~. :::::::::: ~: ~::: l:::::::, 24G I'-_ 11: 720 264, :360 13, 2!}2 1>\'l;nYan·--------- "'' 4~ti ', .. ------· ------- tl5,252 · 488 -:\lanlmHL 2lli :lli 2,3:~t _______ .

1.... •• 1 ~ j-

1 t~~ .... 60,268 2,75!.1


....... .

;~'1• 1t:,..~t1: 11\1·' •. lt·r_:~_i_u_i_a __ · _- __ ._ ._ . __ - _· _· _ _ __ . _ .. _ ·j· _. _.... . 1

. , :.I .. ___ .. :.! ~:0l,, o6'l8_ti4' 2, 041 __ ... __ -

XorthCaroliua ... ~~~ I,~~~ ::::::::J:::::~I:(:: ~t~ ~!l,~j~ 118 -----~~-~: .... ~ 4 - -~~;-~~~-~:~~,:~~~ i2s,2~2 ;!~;~~~ 1:::::::: ~;:~~;~~i;!~l~o~i-l~<~:::::::-.--'-- ·. ~1 w_ J, 30!) i. . ...

4 .•. ) ;l-)(-J 123 .... _ 14, 114 403, 0.54 \)

4' 26

R --- i2: G05. 1' 148

.Flmi(la .... _ _ _ 1 3 '"' 1, ;)f!6 1. .., tiO . . . . . _' ;!, 9tH 175, 656 45, 4:~2 Alabama.-----····· 33 ~81 ---·--·· 2G --~·---- ·1~5 :2:3 , ________ ·10,Hl:l :468,941 39,417 Missi~sippi _ .. _ . _ 107 :1, C4~ 272 5, uoo ! tl 1113,244 :w4, 309 21,292 Louisiana. _ ... ___ . __ . __ .. __ , (j[)'j :Jo, 010 1, OBIJ . - ... _ _ ~1, 000 7(i I· __ .. ,.


3G,, 6

181; 10, 265

Texns . ___ ... ___ . ____ .... _ _ _ 1:l7 :J5, !.JO::l __ . _ .. ___ . _ _ _ 2-1.1 . __ .. _. 12, 000 ,. 102, 853 A l'kaHsa~ . 41ifl :32, 21-:-1 306 1, :iiJU ! 206, !}08 'lfhsomi .. ---.- !l49 :l\J, H2 I 442 . --..... H, 000 . 4.}.j .. 1. ·lfi, 721 1, 681, 8:n

-~~(:.\\':~;~~,,,~~· _- ---- -------- 4~~ 1:2, :l!)5 ::- ~·: :~~~: ~~~ • :::::::: 1~~: .!}~~0~ ~·(j~ ~·_: _- _- _- -_ -_ -_ -_ ~lg4:, ~~0~ ~~~: g~t I::::::::: (Jilin . ____ ... ____ . _ . . . 21K :.!, :!94 I .lO • v ou 149, 462 . _____ .. _

Itu1imw·'----------···-···-· ------- :H2 1,331 ::~~,:~~~: :::::.::_~:::::::· 1 _::··-- 4531 ........ 27,120 1 J~~:~~~ ---------

() 3lJ8 27' 0!}0 - - -~·-- ~ -33, 784 . - - . - - - .

1oo, 133 I· ..... __ ~~: ~~~ I : : : : : : : : 1!}, 224 2t<, 651 ~8, 222 53,830 21,937 85, 542 2,1303 ~~~}~~~t·····~····\\·.·:::,~~ 1

••• :_.:_:: __ -_1 __

1_~_~:_:_:_~~:_ ):::~ ,,, -: • 11· '" ::::: ~~ i1'~·ill I. ~~u~ tt393, 235 26, 140 175, ·118 .. -.-- ... - .. ---- . ------ 615 ! ---.--.- ~4, 179 ---------.- 5fl, 920 . - - --.- - -- 150, 639

. ::·~~t:::::·]~~·•":~ ••.•. :: ! .... \!!:!!! 1, i<2:J ..... .

2, 769

15,288 1'0, 772 :l:l, 1)[)6

173, 442 . . . . . . . . . . 119, 425 47,006 24,339 li5, 551 :l5, 405

··-------· .......... . [), lihti

110, 81i3

25,999 1, 5:l8

7·~!.~ 5,736 1 .Jt::7,t<:.ll[ 5~~·~?6 ti,lll7 1 r~,5~8 :1s~,5991IL5,810 j ri,J_I! :n li02,~l:l!J 5,961111·~~~·~57 962,759 1,1~36,~72 491,337

.>, ;,y{, ...... 1

.. .. • • , .J, 1, c.ll .. .. .. . 6, 1G7 l1J, 810 :"...... ,j, .. .. . 5, J(j1 .. . . . . . !Jli~, 159 ...... .. .. 4.H, 331 ........ Tot;tl ........

-1 ''"1·----~-----,--_,:;-~---,--;:;-----(jl ,-:-() ~·~---,-,-. -107 --~~· 10~" ----~-1() ;:-4~ 7[)8 ------(.,1-4 -74-:;-----1 . ' ..JL.: I • - - •• - - "I" . ---... - I ""'-, ....... ' . - - . - - - . i d : t ' j IJ, • ~ - • - - - • I ), • - •• - - . J, >, 4 u . - - • - - - . ' J l' - --- •• - .. • • J , .... -· .. - • - - - •

______ , ____ !_ ---- ----------- .... I. .. [ ___ - -·· . __ I-- - I ''Contract for l'aiTyiug; the 111:1il hy ~teamship front N"e"· York to ~all Fnuteh;l'n, Cali-

fol'llia. ria l':tn:uua. I'Xpiretl. I Cmflt•tl ]ll'illt'ip:tlly h,\" innt·a,.;:·;\ lllltltlli'l' or il'i]'cl Oil raill·o:ttb. 'Corl't'dl'll di,.;t;tlll't'. ~ Suuday "''1'\"il'L' 1\i,.;t·otd iullt·d. II Illl:l't'<·(\ Jmntlll'r oi' I riP''· •. Xo. c~>U:.l. Hunostuu to Culnnillia. di,.;l'olllilJtt('t\ a:-; l'aill'oad 'wn·itT, cmdug ;,O,Ii lltilt•s.

and st'lTkt• o11 :\'o. :-:.o-1, llunstuu to Caln·rt, l'Xtclllktl :J!l.:J llliks, and that 011 No . .-<3(1:;, llall,.;.,-illt· to ~-ltn·Yt'lHHt, exti'HtlPt\ 10 l!lil1·,.;: in alL ·J!I.:) miles.

"·> Clooso of tho first year of now eontract tl•rm. t1 Oltiei:-~1 n·port from railroad eompauy shows but. seYcn trips a week on tho "Guion

Pacitic Hailro;ul this year, inskad of twPlve tripH a week, aH stah•d last year. ~~Embrace:; route front Port T!rWnt~end to Sitbl, Alasl,a.

00 TrauHfeiTcd to \Vashington Territor~--

,JOHN L. ltOUTT, 8ecunil .l~>liiNtaut Pustuw:ster General.


E.-Table 8lwzcing the weight of the mails, the speed 1~·ith which they al'e conveyed, the accom­)'(l!lrocul1·vutes 'in Staie8 (chiejfy) in which

i..l.BnllEYL\. TIOXS.-f f., fixtnrrs aJH1 fnrnitm:r; f. f. c., fixtures. and fnrnitme completr: m. c., mai i agents; 1t'. t., way-trains. .·\.. nmnl.Jer followed hy an asteno-:k ('') shows the equiyalent in round

-,--- .£ II 'E I

~ ~~I State. 0 j ;::..._. \

I s § §

: 11~ Termini. I Cm·pomte title of eo~'P"'Y '"'.Y-~ I

mg the mall.

~ 0 ;..;


]( H

~---~--~---~ I

'i K. Y .. i 1001 !. ..... 1 New Ym·l<, Dnnkh·L .... --~ E•·ie ............................ . JJfi.les. 4ti0

I Do loot . .. i New Ymk, >Ii<hllelowu


Do ........................... .


I Do ... 1

1001 .: Mitlt1ldowu, HornellsYille __ i Do ............................ ..


265 !

i I Do ... , 1001

1 Do ... 11001

I !

::!1 Ill .... i11419

:3 N.Y .. ! 1035

I I 'i Do ... [l03H

5 La .... ' 800"2 1'002

·Gi Ya .... 1 4402 4401 I I

7' .Ala ... I 6613 GG05 , I

8l Miss .. i 7001 7001 I I

91 Ill .... i 11406

10! Ya .... ! 4407 4·10!.l 111 Do ... : 4412 4410

12 J,a .... \ 8001 8001 d N. c .. J 5oo1 5oo2

I I . HI f-': c--.! 5G04 5G07 1.) l\Io . _. -105CG

161 N. C _. \ 5004 5004 171 s. c. --I 5606 5601 18


Ga .... 1

G001 6001

;ni ~; C-- .I ~11; 5G03 :..0


G-a .... [ 600:.. tiUO~

21, Miss __ ! 7003 7003 22' Iml ... !12024

I : 23


Ya ... l4401 I I

24i D~- --~ 4414

25 Ohw . -\ 9012

261 Tenn -!10004

I '

llonwll,.;ville, Salamanca.... Do ............................ .

Salumuneo, Dnnki'''- .... ...1 Do ............................. .


Terre Haute, East St. Louis. 1 Indianapolis am1 St. Louis ...... .

Buffalo, Attiea ........... ---~ Ede ........................... .

.c\. ttira. Hornellsville ........ : Do ............................. .






Xew Orleans, Canton ....... \ Kew·Orlean;;.,Jac1:sonandGreat 206 : :Northern.

1\'ashington, Tiiclnnoml ..... 1 Ri<-bmmul, Frcdcricksburgh and 131 I Potomac.

Memphis, StcYenson .. _. _ ... i Memphis and Charleston .... _... ::!71. 50

Ca11ton, Jackson ............ I Southern Railroad .Association, 231 I lPso-;ees Mississippi Central.

Chicago, East St. Loui~;.. .. I Chicago antl Alton............... 2::<3

Hkhmmul, Petcrsbnrg:h ... -I Richmonc1 awl Peterslmrgh...... 24. 50 Peterslmrgl1, \Yeldon ....... , Pcterslmrgh --------·---·-------· G5

New Orlean~, Brashear_ ... -I Morgan's Louisiana and Texas... 8:3 Weldon, \Vilmington ....... , ·wilmington and 'Vehlon .. --- .... 102.23

Charleston, Florence._ ...... \ Northeastern .... : ........ -...... 104 Kansas City, Council ll.lufl's. :_ K. a.nsns City, St. Joseph ::nu1


2UJ 1 Cmmeillllnffs.

Greenshorong:h, Charlotte . -: North Carolina --- ·.------------ -~ 93 Colnmhia, Cha.rlotte ....... ·j Charl~tte, Columbia and.A.ugus.·ta 1!0 Augno-;ta, Atlanta ...... __ ... , Gcm·g1a ................ _......... 111. 66

Columlda, .Augusta .... _ .... Charlotte, Columbia, allll.A.uguo-;ta 85 Atlanta, Chattanooga . . . . . . \Vesten1 aml Atlantic ---------- -~' 1:38

Vicksburg, Jackson .... _ .... Yickslmrgh and Meridian .. -..... 45. 50 Illllianapolis, Tene Haute .. ] Indianapolis and 8t. I,oui,.;....... 72

A lex.uuh-iu, Lyueb hu,gh ... i O'"nge, Aloxumh-iu am!Mauo,J l' l

I~ynchlmrgh, llris tol ... _ ... 1

Atlantic, Mississippi aml Ohio, 20.) 1 (Virginia & Tenneso-;ee division.)

Xenia, Dayton. _____ .. ____ .. , Pittsuurgb, Cincinnati allll 8t. 17 I Louis.

NashYille, Chattanooga ..... ·. NashYille a1 d Cha'tauooga . . . . . . 1;)3


r..: :::: 2 ;..; C)

~ w

"" ;;::;












32 .


m· ~5 I

20 18 19 '

18 20

16 25

19 i



modation.s for mrtil8 and agcnf8, the fJ'ip8 per ll'ed:, and the rate8 of pay per mile pc1· an11111J!. on the r.ontract term e.rpired June :30, 18il.

catcher~; b. c.,; ·r. p. o., railway post-office; d. l., <lonble line; s. l., single line.; r. 0·· ronte trips. The figures in parentheses in the '"Remarks" column refer to the order of t~e routes m tlns table.]

any distance for thirty I carried whole · & da~·s. · i distance. ~ c;,

·whole weight carrie1l ! A. v. weight ~'-~ II

---.-----c-1 --- rii _ Size, &c., of mail car ~ ~ ~ Remarks. l ] I 2

~~ !l or apartment. -~I ;§ i ~ 6 ~I~ ?5- 'JH 6

Pounds. Pound~:Pound.:Pouncl,,, ~ds. - Feet and inches. ~~~ ·---~----------I 450, 479 138, 466, 588, 945 336, 600


11, 220 r. p. o., 42 by 11, 2? ,2H" (Rem.) 07 _n~~es at $3.?02 265 at


I by 11. 11i by 11, f. i $~•-J, 82 at !J;'2.,0, and f.' c., d. l. 33::J m., s. ~6 at $200, (~ee below;)

I l. res .. and r. a. on 111 July, 1871.

I W. t. 1

__ .. __ .. ______ --1-- _____ . 420, 56~ 1 14, 018 r. p. o., 42 lly 11, 26 34~*,$300 00 $300 part. I I l~y 11. 16 by 11. f. I


I t c., d. l., aJI(1r. a. 1 on w. t. ·

____ . _____ .. ______ .. ____ , 382, 453 12, 748• r. }). o., 42 by 11, 26 20\~ 275 00 $275 })art.

I I hy 11, 16 by 11, f.

• f.' c., d.l., aiHl r. a. on w.t.

-------- -------- ·~-. ---- ..


1 213, 875 7, 128 r. p. o., 42 hy 11, .2fi 19 25'1 00 $250 part. h.\' u, 16 uy 11. f. t: c., d. I., and r. a.

I I OIIW-~ -------- --------1--------~170,74:.! 5,6911 r.p.o., 42 by 11,26 13 200 00 $200part.

I i II ~J~-~~~- ~-6 by 11, f. 43£1, 228 163, o;w: 602, 254_ 513, 184 8, 553 r. ~- o., 45 by -, f.,18 200 00 60 <lays, from March 1,

I 1 f. e., m. e .. s.I. . 1871. 37. 213 £16, 503: 133, 716.· 131, 660 4, 3881 r. p. o., 42, by 11, 2?


25 ~00 00 ' Part of route; in July, 1 : I ~.v 11, 1h by 11, f. 1871.




~~~~\-~-t~·· and r. a.



33, 620! 98,752 132,372 122,3631

4, 078 r. p. o., 42 by 11. 26 125 200 00 In July, 1871---- __ __ __ 4

I ~ by11,16hy1l,f.l

1 I f. e., s.l., antl r. a. 1 . 011 w. t.

104, 094


130, 7·11


234, 835l ~01, 5!)2 G, 7Hl 23 s~>r 9, 16 by fl. f. f., l13 150 00 In April, 1871 ___ . _. __ .

152, 6% 4!), 921 ... 202, 617 .. 190, 318


G, 34. :~~ r. p. o., 8 h~- 22., 7 by 1113 150 00 Part steam boat. ______ _

I I I 16, f. f., d. l. 5"1, 295: 180, 462 ~37, 757 1G6, 58:i 5, 533 r. p. o., 43 3 l•y 9 10, 13 150 00 :Main ronte; branches

I I I I . f. f. e., s. l. $30, (l-15,) $50, (121.) 71, 696 131, 156 202, 852, 139, 720 4, 6571 25 b~- -, f. f. c., s. L. 14 150 00 -- --------- .. ------.

I I i I





9 148, 236.


. 79, :395


227, 631! 123, 21"314, 109


r. {~-~-~- l. 6 by 29, f. 12 150 00 ! In ::Uarch, 1871 .. ______ .

92, 721 26, 630· 119, 351 118, 7711

3, !359, r. p. o., d. l. __ ... ___ .. 13 150 00 i __ ---- __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ 10 93, 516


26, 906


,1 120, 422

1 114, 723 3, 8241 r. f.~-~-;1 _81.6 by 05, f. I :3 150 00 : __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ 11

71, 746 20,562 92,308: 89, soe 2, 994 a:no hy ::< s. f. f., 1'1. 1. 7 1:>0 oo '1-- ______ .. ____ .. _____ .. 12 -.-------~----------------~· 72,940 2,431,164byP,f.f.,s.l. ... 7 15000IM~tJ·~l ron~~: branch 13

'!;:':..:3 38, (L>-3.) 11, 368i 31, 593:. 42, !161 40, 12:~ l, 3:l719 by 10 .. f. f., s. l. __ .. 13 150 00 1

______ .... __ .. ________ .. 14 48, 576


42, 315


90, 8!.11 37, 204 1, 240 r. p. o., f. f. c., s. I __ -~1:! 140 00 , ::Uain route; ],rauelt 15


$50, (105.) ------ -------- -------- 56, ::!18 1, 874 8 hy 13, f. f., s. I .. _ .. ,12 125 00 Part; rl'si<lne $75, (55.) 16-19, ~4~ ~7, 582


~7, 52~ 51, 2su 1, 7~9[ 8 h:r s, f.j~- s. 1.. __ .. ,11:3 1"5 oo I n 41, ,6;J! .n, 971! •3, 736 49, G::l: 1, 6;J4


r. 1.). o., ~-) by 9 6, f. ,u 125 oo


- ~i~F~ --~:,;t~t<:) -;- -i,~-~~-~1~- 1~ .I ~ ~ -· - f. C:, S: ]: I $;,0, (97.)

34.408, 1~.66;)

1 50,0t.3


46,831 1,;>61 Sbys,f.t.,R. 1. ..... :13 125 oo ______ ------------------ 19 1!J, 942


2;J, 080 45, 0221


32, 010 1, 067 r. f'c~,''s.1~ by 9 3, f. 17 125 00 1


.. ---- ---------------- --~20

fl, 964 21,4481 31,412 28,928 [}64 6 6 by 9 6, f. f., s. l. .. :13 125 00 Part; rrsi11ne. $75. (61.) 21 424, O,O!l, 125, 585'


549, 594; 537, 605 8, 961 r. p. (,., 4:> by-, f. f. 118 115 00 GO <lays, from March 1, 22

I I c., m. c., s. l. I I 1871. Parallel to

I route 1200:.!. 240, 827·l. Gl, 706·! 302,533,


266, 770 8, S!J::!, 42 l•y 8 2, f. f. c., s. L.' 7 100 00 · Main ronte; hraneh ~3 I I I $50, (119.)

217, ;J2!ll 50, 83·1! 268, :3631 :250, 667 8, 3531 20 by 8 6, f. f., s. l.--. 7 100 00 1------ -- .. -------------- ::!4

64, fl771 44, 276110!), 2531108, 5!J4 3, 61[}1 No r. a _______ . ______ j27* 100 00 I In )larch, J 871.. _ _ __ _ _ _ 25


n:3, 68':'11164, 527,· 78,686 2, 6221. 16 hy tl 6. f. f., s. L-- -1!13 100 00 I In.Jannar,\-, 1871. l\Iaiu 26

I routn; branch :;;;:30, (151.)



E.-Table showing the weight of the mail8, the 8peed 1cith which they

~I c5 ~ ~ ~~ ~ § ~ Termini. Corporate .title of comf.any carry- ,.... State. t: ;::: ~ mg the mai . o ,.; s ~ <1i

~I ~ ~ § ~ 0 Z M ~ -~----;---,----~----------------!-----------------l--H--l-~-

1 I Mile8.1 271 Ga ... _ 6004 6004 i :Millen, Augusta............ Central and Banking .... _........ 53. 125 20

·281 S.C... 5602 56051 Kingsdlle, ~Augusta_....... South Carolina __ ._. __ .. _ .. _...... 119 20

;w!Ga .... 6003


6003\A.tlanta,\'{estPoint ........ AtlantaandWestPoint ......... 86.25 19 ao! Ala . _ 6601 6!i01 ~Iont.!!;Omery, \Yest Poiut .. _ \Ye8tern, of Alahama. _.......... 813. 50 20 31 Ga. __ . 6010 6009 Savaunah, ::'\lacon ....... _... Central and Baukiug. __ . . . . . . . . . 192. 125 19 32 Iowa __ ,11003 11007 Dubuque, Fort Dodge_..... Illinois Central, lessees Dubuque 19-J. 75 20


and Sioux City. 33 ... 6847 6613 Mobile, New Orleans ........ New Orlean~, Mobile am1 Chatta- 140 27

nooga. :34 W. Va.


4269 4102 Grafton, Parkers burgh...... Baltiliw;e and Ohio._ ...... _..... 104 24

22 i 35.1 Kans .,1421~ Kansas City, Ottawa ... ·- ... Leavenworth, Lawrence and Gal- 5."3


_ vestou. 3til Va ... _ 440:J 4406 Richmond, Gordonsville .... Chesapeake and Ohio_ .... _ ... ___ 76.50 l8 I

.37 Kaus .


14003 Lawrence, Thayer.......... Leavenworth, Lawrence and Gal- 110 22 f

veston. 15

j' 38! Ala . . . 6~'!4 ~~~0121 Mobile, Montgomery........ Mobile ancl11ontgome:ry......... 1


16 !.

39]' Ark . . 7;Jul v Memphis, Argenta ...... __ .. Memphis anrl Little Rock . . . . . . . ~ "40 Mass .. l690 Fitchbnrgh,Brattleborough, Vermont and Massachuootts .... _ 108 25 [

Hoosac Tunnel. [. 41 Va .... 4405 4406 Richmond, White Sulphur Chesapealw ancl Ohio ... __ ....... ~27. 50 18 I


Springs. ; 42 Tex .. _ 8505 85U4 Hanislmrgb, Columbus . . . . Galvest~:m, Harrislmrgh, and San 84 15l~

Antonio, (late Bnfiitlo Bayou, Brazos and Colorado.)

43 N.Y._ 1013 .Albany, Binghamton........ Delaware and Hudson Canal Com· H2 20 [.

I pany, lt'ssees Albany and Sus- l

h t que anna. "




' I\. 441 S.C.--~5602 5605 Branchville, Charleston ..... SouthCarulina .................. ! 62 ""'

45 Fla .. _16403 6402 .JacksonvHle, Lake City . . . . .Jacksonville, Pensaco]a and Mo- 61 bile

46 i Fla ... 6404 6403 Qniucy,.Jacksonville ____________ do. ___ ........................ 192.25 ~O ~~

4711 Fla ... 6404 6403 Quincy, Lake City .............. do ....... __ ................... 131.25 ,.

48 W.Va. 4253 4101 Harper'sFerr:v,Strasbnr.!:!;h. BaltimoreandOhio ...... -------- 51.625 211 49 Va .... 4.J06 4407 Richmond, GreensboronglL. Ricbmonrl antl Danville_......... 190. 50 20 1 50; Ala __ . ~t01o0~ ~600t~ l?,el


1, Dalto

1n c· _

1_- .

1 ...•...•. Selm.

1a, Home aml Dalton ......... 237.50 ~O t.

51: N.C __ v .. v .. hounoroug1, 1arotte .... Kort1Carolina -----·------------ ~23 "' . 52/ r Ga._.. 6009 6U08 Savannah, Live Oak . . . . . . . . Atlantic and Gulf. ............ --. 180. 75 17:7



53~ Ga.... 6012 60ll Macon, Atlanta-............ :Macon and Western ............. 103 18!

54 S.C .. -I 5605 5606 Charles~on, Savannah._..... Savannah and Charleston........ 104 17t! 55/' N.C __


1 5004 5004 Goldsborough.Greensboro'gh North Carolina .. ---·-----·-----·- 130 20 fl

56 Miss.. 7002 7002 ~{em phis, Grenada.-.-...... Mississippi and Tennessee __ ..... 101. 7 18. · ·57: Texas. 8595 8506 Longview, Shre\·eport .. _... Southern Pacific . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . 66. 6 161 58/ 6G08 6609 Selma, York Station .... _. _. Selma and Meridian .......... -... 81. 7 20 591 Mich .112847 Negaunee, Marquette .. _ .... Marqnette and Ontonagon .. -.. -- 14 20 I 60


Ill .... 114~2 East St. Louis, .New Athens. St. Louis, .AltonaiHl Terre Hante, 29 15 1 (Belleville and South'n Ill. div.) I

, 61 Miss.. 7f103 7003 .Jackson, Meridian .......... Vicksbnrgh and Mericli~n. _- ... -. 95.2 16 62 La, ____ 8107 8005 Vicksbnrgh,Monroe .. ______ NorthLouisianaandTexas._ .... 75.50 15

. 63 Ill .... 1 14~9 Sterling, Alton .Junction.... Rockford, Rock Island and St. 270. 8 20 I Louis. 1

64 S.C... 5607 56()-J Columbia, Greenville C. H.. Greenville and Columbia .... -.... 143.50 16

65 N. C . . 5002 5001 66 Va .... 4413 4415

Raleigh, Weldon_........... Raleigh ancl Gaston .....•........ Portsmouth, Weldon _....... Seaboard and Roanoke_ ...... - .. .

67. Ga .... 6014 68\ Miss. . 7189 69


Fla... 640.J



Pa.. . . 1864

71 La ... _ 8081 · 72l Ohio . _



6013 Milledgeville, Gordon ...... _ 7006 Grand Gulf, Port Gibson ... . 64031.Junction, Monticello_ ...... .

. . _... Mansfield, Cannons burgh .. .

8004 1

Clinton, P?rt Hudson ...... . ····--[Dayton, R1chmond ......... .

Central and Banking .. _.-· ...... . Grand Gulf and Port Gibson ... . Jacksonville, Pensacola and Mo·

hile . Pittsburgh, Cincinnati and St.

Louis. · Clinton and Port Hudson . _ .. - ... Pittsburgh, Cincinnati and St.


97 80

20 23

18.25 15 8 18 4. 50 20

14 20

21 5 1~ 25


al'e COI!i'eyed, the accommor1ation8 jol' nwil8 a11d agent.s, 9·c.-Continued.

Whole wei~rht carried 1


Ax. '"eight I I fij any distance for thirty carried whole ~ ;::., days. • distance. &;: ~ :3


!I Size, &c.~ of mail car ~ ~ ;::: ~ ~ g:: . ~ . I Ol' apartment. 8. ;.. a ~ ~ r-2] ~3 ·~ rn ~ce ~ ~ .s .s 5 .s .e- ~ 6 H ~ g ""I 8 ~



.P'ds.\ Feet and inches. .----~ I

13, 783~ 39, 5871 53, 370 49, 87()1, 1, 662., 9 2 .by 7 9, f. f., s. I. .. 14 100 00 ........ - ............ -.. 27 36, 780


' ~3, 125


1 59, 905.


: 45, 957 1, 532


~by 25, f. f., s. L .... 1

7 · 100 00 Main route; branches 28 $30, (141,) $5o, (80,) I

I and $100, (44.) , <>')

30, 720 13, 020 43, 7401 38, 425 1, 281! 7 by 11, f. f., s. 1. .... 7 100 00 ........................ ' -· 18, 5~0. :11, 796· 50, 3t.6i 3~.~. 78!l~ 1, 260. 6 5 b.).' 12, f. f., s.l. ... 16 100 00 ............... --- 30 34, 011 36, G47 70,658 35, 4761 1, 183; 9 2 by 7 9, f. t:, s. I. .. 16~* 100 00 ..................... • 31 49,404. 2ti, 664 76, OG8j 35, 471j 1,182 18 by 9, f. f., s. l. .... 2 100 00 October, 1810 ....... ' 32

12, 428! 2ti, 2G8 38, G96! 34, 99111, 166: 16 by 7 6, f. f., s.l.. .. 1 14 100 00 ........................ ! 33

33, 0501 14, 833 47, 883! 34, 13911 1, 138: 8 6 by 14, f. f., Ill. c., 19 100 00 ........................ : 34 - I I . ~ i s. l. .

2:>, 103! 10,996



33, 216! 1,109: t car, f. f., s. 1. ...... , 6 100 00 I In March, 1871 ........ 1



12,084 36 5841 31,95011,065 20by6 11, f. f., s.L..\7 100 00, Part;res.$50,(74,)(see41) 1 36 40, 122


20, tl75 60; 7971 31, 209


1, 040~ ! eRr, f. f., s. L ......


:. 6 100 00 i In :March, 1871 . . . . . . . . 37'

1ti, 6:l8 25, 13~ 41, 771, I 29, 590 986' 8 by 8, f. f., 3. I...... 7 100 00 I •••••.. -.-.. . • • • • • • • • • • • 38 2:3, 4tG; 10,596 34,012 27,834 928: 10 b_,·1o. f. f .. s. L ... ,7 100 oo · In Jnly, 1871 .......... :w 67, 315! 53, 176 120, 491 25, 4061 846


14 6 by G ?· f: f. c .. d. 14~" 100 00 In October, 1870. . . . . . . 40 i L, (~ll Bb miles, s. t

1 I 1 , resitlne. 47, 690


22, 670 70, 3GO 23, 454:1

7811,1 20 by 6.11, f. f. ...... 11

5. 9* 100 00 151 miles at $50. (See 41

"· "'I '· wo "· '"'I 21, :':1 ':1i , by 10, '·. '· ,__ .... ·I : 100 oo "· "'I ., . 1,,1

' '· '"l '"· .o.1

, ,,


• .,y -. f.f. ,., •. 1 J _ 100 oo

"· "'; "· 062i ''· ,o,i "· ,.,I '"! , b,· '"· u .. •. 1 .... I, 100 oo 5, !1811 11, 070! 17, 051114, 467'! 482il10 s~Y. 7, 12 by 8, f. f., 100 00

17, 996110, 20;)1 28, 2011 9, 174i 305110.~{ 7, 12 by 8, f. f., 100 00

16, 3961 9, 188 25, 584 6, n:~: 225! 10 by 7, 12 by 8, f'. f., 100 00

_z. 7~~~ 5, fi561 13, 175 5, n51 1921 7 :-~;;, 12, f. f., 1';. L _ _ 6 1oo oo ~8: 71jf! ~~: ~~~~ ~~: ~;!1 56, 13611, 87li 9 6 loy I 7 G. f f., s. I . 114 75 00

38, 560 1, 285, 8 h_v 12, f. f., s. I ...... II 7 ~~ 0000 61, 1!171 27, 076 88, 273 34, 07211, 1:35. 8 by 15, f. f.,;;, l. ..... 12 •v

29, 983j 11, 769 41, 752 30, 5413 1, 0181

9 4 b;y 16 n, f. f.. s. L . . 'I 75 00

17, 68411 16, 355 34, 039 27, 4491 914i 10 8 by 6 3, 7 6 by 6, i 14 ·I f'. f., 8; I: I 18, 471 7, 089 25, 560 22, 139 ~~8 9 7 by _ti 6, f· f., l'l.l .. I ~

... .. .!. .. .. . .. . . . . . .. . 19,770 6:>91

8 by l<J, f. f.. ~<.I .... -IL 13, 805i 14, 136


27, 94tll 18, 663 622. 12 by r. 10, f. f., s. 1 .. ·I 7 6, ~44: 21, 141 28, 085 18. 490 616 8 by 8, f'. f., s. I ...... I 7 9, 1261 8, 676 18, 402 13, 533 4511 12 hy 7, f. f., i'l. I. . . . . 7

75 00

75 00 75 00 75 00 75 00 75 00 75 00 75 00

36 antl 74.) 42


Blended with 6403, 6402, 46 new.

Main route; branehel'l 47 $75, (69,) $50, (124.) ..•.... - ..•••.•..... 48

........................ 49 In August, 1 871 ....... : 50 93 miles, at $125 ....... · 51 Main route : branch 52

$50, (lO·t) • I

........................ :53

•••••••••••••• -. -· •••••• i 54 Part; residue $125, (16).


~5 •••••••••••••••••••••••• I a6

:::::: _·_-_-_-_-_- ::::::::::::I ~~ In August, 1870 ...... _' 59

..................... GO

8. 390'. 4, ·>;-J"' 1", ~14" 1" 508 4161 B 'T I 6 ... u "' u :., J..,o.r.a ...


13, 574 5, 353 18, 927112, 343 411 B. c., with r. a., s .. 1... 6

8, 158 10, 150 18, 308 11, 512 383: 6 6 by 9 6. f. f., "· L. 7 75 00 Part; resiilne $12:j, (21). 61 9, 103 5, 271 H, 374 11, 26:3 375 6 6 hy 10 6, f. f.,~-<. 1 . ·I 6 75 00 In .June, 1871 ......... ...._f!.2

24,590 25,681 50,271 11,122 37Ijl06hy7G,f.f.,s.l ..

113~'' 7500 In.June,1871 .......... 63

19, 876 9, 600· 3201

12 3 by 6 1 . . . . . . . . . . 6

15, 721 9, 4781 316111 6 h~- 6 6, f. f., s.l.. 6 13, 578

11 9, 272 309 5 G hy 7 10, 6 6 by 8 G, 6



f. f., s.l. 4, 1~4 4, 16~ 138 9:r2hy79, t: f. Nor. a

1 6

2.187l 2,181 721 :No apartmf'nt ...... 1 G

,::::1 ,::::, ,::1' ~-~~-~::::::::~·::::· : 4141 414 29 ...................... 3

103,918ll02,80313,427 No r.a ............. 1


13, 409 6, 467

7, 578 8,143 6, 586 6, 992

1, 6:!7 2, 527 1. 40~ 779

804 547

8, 371 4, 263

196 218 65, 542 38,:376

75 00 Main route; branches 64 $30, (142, 146.) In

75 May, 1871.

00 ... --- ~ .... -...... -- ... 65 75 00 ......... . ........................ 66

7.1 00 ................... .................... 67 75 00 ·----------- ------·----- 68 75 00 Branch: main route fi9

$100, \47.) 60 00 In March, 1871 ....... 70

57 14 14 days ................ 71 50 00 In March 1 :m ....... 72



E.-Table showing the weight of the mail-9, the speccl with which tlu:y

~-,~~~,~·- I It ~· I State. ~ ~ ~ 1 Termini. .. Corporate !itie of co~yany carry. [ ...., _.. ! I • - - 1 I 1n!! the :ma1 . 0

I ~ ' t >::: 0 1 I ~ -

~ : :1 ~ ~""I i I ~ j I o~ z z [ I- ""'~ -~--~---I ------:----------ll .: ... 1-"-! 73; Ga .... I 6011 6010 jl\faeon, Columbus.......... S,onthwestern ...... ,. ..... __ ...... 1~0 · '. 9 ) 741 va ... ·I 4405 4406 I Gordonsville, "White Sui- Chesapeake and Oluo ---- ........ [ 1al .lo8 ~

1 plmr Springs. [ ! 75


Ga .... 16016 6015 i Fort valley, Enfanla ........ Southwestern ................... ·1 115.66 16 ~

76 Ala .. 1 6606 6607 Opelika, Columbus......... ·weste_rn, of Alabama ............ [ 28 15 ~ 77


1 G~ ... 1 6206 6006 Union Point, Athens...... Geor{l:Ia . I 41 15 f 78 M.ICh . i12a10


...... .Jackson, Wenona.......... .Jacbon; "L;~;s·ii{g -a~{l. S~g·i~~1~-:: 114.12' 22 (

79! \a, ... ·I 4404 I 4405 Manassas, Harrisonblugh.. Orange, Alcxamlriaam1M;massas 1U }8 I 80! S.C .. ·1 5602 ![ 5603 Kingsville, Columbia . . . . . . . South Carolina................... 27 20 ~

81! X. C .. I 5805 5005 Goldsborongh,l\forel•rad CHy Atlantic alJ(l Nortl1 Carolina..... 95 20 \ 821 Ga .... i 615216012 :Macon, Hawldn~ville, Bruns- Macon aml lhmmwicli: ....... _... 198 20 \


, i wick. ' 83 :Fla. .. ·1 6477 6404 Pen&""'"' Wl>itingJundion.

1 Pe~AAOola and Lnni"'ille . . . . . . . . « >51

84 Ala... 6846 I 6604 Montgomery, Calera ....... ·l Sonth and North Ala ham a ...... ·[ fJ3. 55 20 ~

85! Ya .... 4·Hl9 I 4412 Peterslmrgh, li[orfolk. ---. __ i .Atlnntic, l\Ii!!!'lSRippi and Ollio, i 81.50 25· r

I 1 ' I (Norfolk and Pete~·slmrgh dh·.) I ,

~~: 1f·- .. 1

Macon, Bnmswick. --- ...... j Macon and BrmJswiel.;: .. . . . . . . . . 198 18 ~ 1 f a ... I Ml:~~~~~ nl unction, Gree:us- J Selma, Marion and ?llt'mphis .... ·1 37. 25 12' !

88[l\Iaine. 1

1• 201 Belfast,"'B~ml}Jam Yilla!!e- .. I Maine Centrnl,lessees Belfa5t :m(l i 34. 191 ;uJ j '· I :Moosehead Lake. I 1 wl ¥inn . !1350~ La Crosse, Winnel>a.go City ... 8ontl1ern Mi:nneBota . .-........... 170. 5Q 20 ~

90! Kans . :14006 ,J~udion City, Chetopa ..... ·I Missouri, KansaR anc1 Texas ..... l180 1~ ! 911 Ga .... j 6008 Kmgston,l!ome ....... ______ .


Rome............................ 20.50 lo l

921 OIIio .. !· ~1040 Columbus, .Athens .. _....... Colnm bus an~l Rocking Valley .. ·1 77. 5 25 ~ 93i. ~y ... I' Bul2 Pacl11cah, Troy Station ...... : Paclncall ancl Gnlf. ......... ·...... 62 20 1 94• ""\a._.. 4411 Peterslmrgh, Lynchburglt .. I .Atlantic, Millsissijlpi and Ol1io, l 123 1ff ~.'

I -~ (Soutl1side division_} I 1 93! .Ala ... ; 6815 6602 Mm1tgomcry, Selma ........ We~-Stern,of .AJalJama .. __________ 50 22 ~

{!6[ Ya .... [ H03 4404 .c\.lexamlria, Hamilton ------l \Vas]Iington and Ollio, ___________ \ 45 :W l 971 Ga .... [ 600"1 6001 CamaJ.:, Milledgeville ..... --I Georgia .......................... ! 47 18 1

!18 l'l'. C __ I 5006 5006 ~alislJnr_y, Plt-all:mt RPtreat ·I Western North Carolina ........ -i 109 15~ 9ct. X. C . ·I· 5007 5003 'YiJmiugton, \\7ade-sborougl1 ·wilmington, Charlotte and:Rutb- ! 141 16 ~

1 erfDrd. · I I \ 1001 Pa .... i 1862~------ FrePl~?l'~, Bntler:·---------·1 !'ennsylYai~i_a ................... ( 20.4 131 101! Ga .... I 6016 6015 Ren•Hck, .A.llmn) ..... _ .....

1 lS0\1thweste1n...... .. ... -- ...... 1 22. 5ili 16 ~

I ' ' l E f I I -3 ~~- 1 10:} Ala. .... 6817 1 6603 Mnntgonwi';\', :Midway ...... [ J\lont_gomery anc n :ann ....... ·I a3 ~. 1 12a~l 103! Tt>nn .. :101:37 ·-····· Tnllahonw, McMinnville- ... Me::Mimn·ille and Mancllestel·-···1 .u I ~1

104! Ga .... 1 6~091 6008 Lawton, Bainbriclge .. _ .... --I .Atlantic aml Gulf. .............. j 105. 50 12 j

105i::llo ... lUa061 .... _. St.,Josep1t,Hopldns- ........ l

1Kamal! City, St. Joseph and!,. 61 125\

I : 1 Council Bln:ffs. 1 I 106i ::.\Hch -~12518 i------ Fornyayne,Paris .......... [ qrand.Rapidsandlnllianl\ .... - .. 1 202.6 20\ 107i Ga .... 600516005 Wasl_mtgt!,n~,Donhle!'\dls ..

1. (~eo~·gia.-------·----- -----------·< 18 .. '50i 15[1

H:J8i Mich . 1

12520 1·..... Lansmg, tvlmwx Prmne . . . . 1 emnsnlar .. - .... - ..... _ .•....... l 56. 081 25 1091 Ala .. ·1 6607 6608 Coinmlms, Tro~· ............. \ :Mobile and Gintrd ........... - .. ·1 90 15 . 110


1 Kaus . 1l4212 ...... ~~tchisniJ_, Wh:lte Clcn_al. ..... [ ~tc~ison and Nehra&ka.......... 35.78120! 1111 ~, ~l(tll;_-- !, 66~~29 I 66~00~ 1< ernanclma. Cedar l~ey~ .... : Jilonlla ................ _ .........

1 154.8 16 f

. .. u .. ... .. u ToC'IJi. St . .A ngnstine .... _ ... I St . .Johns ................... ---. 1;). fi9 8 i 113.1' G·,._a ... ·I 5l.ll51 6014 ::Mi.lled.!,:"eYillf"', I~atonton ...•. I Central, ancl Banking ..... - ..... ·1 2:~. 1~ l~ \ 1 H Ill ....


1143:2 . . . . . . Bmlington, Quincy ......... 1

1 Chica,!!;o, Bnl'lington aml Qnincy . 71. Sa[· 2a 1 11;~ Tenn . 10~06110005 :Fayetteville, DeehenL _ .... . Wi11chester :uHl .Alabanm ........ , 40 10 I 1 H· ::\Io ...


10a06a . . . . . . llevPrly, J>Jatte City ..... _. ·1 Cl1icago and Southwestern .. - ... ·[ 8. 6 .... ~ 11?


. :i\lich 112tN9 .... ~., Ne_gmmet•, ~hampi?n ... _... Marquette aml Ontonagon .... _... 18 20 11~ Ga .... ! 6016 601a Cutl1hert, l•ort Games ______ Sonthwc~tern .................... , 2·1 16

119' T"a .. --14401 4403 : Owl I!nn, \\anenton .. _ ..... ! Orange,Alex.ancldaall(lManassas. 12

120 Fla ....


1 6,179 - ..... / Tocoi, St..dngustine ........ [ St.J'ohJls ........................ 15.69 8 121 6613 6605 1 Tuscuml.lia, :Florence ... _... Jfemphis aml Charleston ...... -.. 6. 50 16~ 1 122 Ga ... _I fil54


6016 Tlloma;;yille, ~Ubany ........ [.Atlantic ancl Gulf. ....... _. . . . . . . 58. 33: 15t! 1231 Ya .... ,4-HO 4411 Pctershmgll, City l>oint. .... l.A tlantic, l\iil'sissippi ami Ohio, 12 118 1

~outbshle division.) I

1241 Fla... 6-104 6403 TallalJassee, St. Ma1·ks---- .. (J"aclu;onville, Pensacola and Mo- l 21. 751. 20 ·~'·

: I I i bile.


al't colwcycd, the accommoclations jol' 11trtils an(l agcnt.s, 9'·c.-Continned.

Whole weight carried Av. weight an;~ distance for thirty carried wlwle days. distance. .:!­


Size, &c., of n1ail car ~ 'B I . ..,; ~.... i ;f. . or apartment. ~

j I ~ I ~ :~ I~~ ! --,--~----:-- 1-Pol!n~l_!- Ponnds.'Ponnds. Pound~. I Yd-~-~ Feet a1!d. in~hes. I

2J, li17 12,2421 37, 9t9 19, 7li21 6J91 6 hy 11, f. f '~-l. .... 0 1~ . 31, 714 15, 9471 47, 661 19, 090 636


20 by G 11, f. f........ ;:>g"

16, 893 9, 461 26, 3541 13, 36411 4451 6 by 12, 6 by 14, f, f., 13 I s. 1.

6, 087 7, 547! 13, 6:l41 12, 51a: 4171 6 5 hy 12, f. f., s.1 °. 0 0 ~ 9, 474 5, 892\ 15, 366, 1:!, 230'1 408, 12 6 uy 7, f. f., s.l. 0. 0. (j

t8, 484 1, 221


. 3o, 111 10, 983 366117 br 8 8, 13 uy 6 s, 1. 9• _ 1 f. t .• s. !·

13, 986 8, 7u4 22, 740 9, 9141 330·110 uy 8 li, f. f., s. 1 ... 0 6 5, 638 a, 932 9, 570 9, 2liS: 309 8 by 10, f. f., s. 1 ° 0 .. 0 1

5, 7641

9. 553 15, 311 ~· ~7~~ :s~ll 1 by _1~, t'. f., s. 1. 0 0 0 0 10, 421 5, 957 16, 37t 11 34;:>

1 24;:> 10 b,)' I, f. f., S. l_ ••. o

2, 954 4, 586 7, 540 7, 268 242 No apartment. 0 0 ° 0 0 0 7 2, 006 5, 42:>


1 7, 431 7, 431 239 A..partmeut; no fix· 7 tures, s. 1.

5, 334 4, 069 9, 403 6, 852 229 20 by 8 6, f. f., s. 1 0 0 0

8, 102 6, 7301 14, 832 6, 746


. 224 8 by 7, f. f. c., s. 1.... G 5, 521 3, 7911 9, 312 6, 696 223


7 by 10, fixtures, s.l. 6

1, 465 4, 20~1 5, 670 5, 6701 2171 7 by 12, f. f., s. l. .... 12

14, 093 9, 49;:>, 23, 588 6, 495 216, 10 hy 12, f. f., s. l. 0 0. 6 11, 599 11, 798 23, 397 6, 250, 208; 8 hy 14, f. f., s. l 0 0 0. 0 6 2, 495 3, 7421 6, 237 6, 2371 208: 7 hy 8. X o r. a. In 7

I charge conductor. • 8, 103 5, 2771 13, 380 6, 0341 2011 12 hy 7, f. f., s. l. 0 0 0 ° 12

2, 165. 5, 047: 7, 212 5, 179 199; G 6 by 8 2. f. f., s. l . . 6 6, 243 6, 019: 12, 262 5, 855 195


20 by 8 6, f. f., s.l ... 0 6

3, 749 2, 696! 6, 445 5, 852 194[ Nor. a ........... 0 ..

6, 308 3, o~o~ 9, 378 5, 438 1~1~10 hy 14, fi~t_uu~_s, s.l. 5, 864 3, 9;:>4


!), 818 5, 341 1181

12 6 by 7, f .. f. Nor. tt.

7, 697 2, 9131 10, 610 5, 048 1681 6 by 12, f. f., s. l. 0 0 0 0

7, 569 5, 998 13, 567 4, 7321 158. 8 by 10, f. f. c., s. l. 0 0 0

3, 615 1, 8301 5, 445 4, 695 1561 5 by 8, fix:tmes, d.l.. 12 3, 331 1, 903


5, 234 4, 5991 153


' Small room, locked. 7 Nor. a.

4, 224 1, 517l 5, 741 4, 519! 151!· 7 uy 9. f. f., s.l .. .. .. 6 3, 071 1, 830 4, 901 4, 13~J 138 Nor. a .............. 7 6, 036 2, 7901 8, 826 4, 1281 1371 6 by 15 5, f. f., s. l. 0 0 6

6, 392 3, 0221 9, 414 4, 086 1361 -by :-• f. f. c., s. I .. 12 I

15, 290 16, 8101 32; 100 4, 050 1351 H.alf car, f. f., s. l. . . 7t*l 1, 279 2; 9901 4, 269 3, 779 126

11 Bag. car. K or. a.... 6

3, 042 3, 7151 6, 757 3, 521 117 9 6 by 1U G, f. f., s. L 10~''l 5, 120 2, 217 7, 337 3, 391 113: 5- bag. car, f. f., s. L. 6 4, 692 2, 637, 7, 329 3 406 1131 11 by 8, f. f., s. l.. 0 0. 6 5, 879 4

1,, 0.~}~~·, 9. 894 3: 178 106 56 by 13, f. f.,_ r. a... 7k*l

1, 5971

_0-<; 3; 11!1 3,119 104 Nor. a 0 _ .. 0 ...... 6 1, 826 847 2, 673 2, 673 fl~ 93by79,f .. f. Nor. a 6 I 4, 488 3 426 7, [)14 2, 611 81 1;:> by 8 6, f. f, c., s. l (i

I, 767 3: 322i 5, Otm 2, 494 83 8 by 8, fixtures, s. l.. 6 1 1, 294 1 048 2, 342 2, 342 78 6 2, 586 1: sl6 4, 402 2, 338 11 ° n·~g;.- ~;~~-.-- ·:N·(; ~ . .-;:::: 6 1, 797 849 2, 646 2, 327 77 Small room, locked. 7

j Nor. a. 1, 436 1,1101 2, 546 2, 290


76 Locked cupboard 0 .. 12

1' ~3786 1 1,1871 2,165 2,1651 721 NoapartmPnt. No r.a - 585 1, 821 1, 821


60· Baggage car ........

1, 036 1, 3201 2, 3561 1, 5331 51 6 hy 15 5, f. f., s. l. 0 0 6 2971 137 434 43·1! 14 Bag. ear. No agent. 6

1221 1121 2341 234i 8 Ooo•oooooooooo•ooooooo 3

Remarks. I

I~ 16


...... o-ooooooooOOo-0000173 $50 00 50 00

50 00

50 00 50 00 50 00

50 00 50 00

50 00 50 00

50 00 50 00

50 00

50 DO 50 ou

50 00

50 00 50 00 50 00

50 DO 50 00 50 00

50 00

50 00 50 00

50 00 50 uo

50 DO 50 DO

50 DO 50 00 51) 00

50 00

50 00 50 uo 50 00 50 DO 50 DO 50 00 50 00 50 DO 50 00 50 00 50 uo GO 00 50 00

50 00

50 00 50 00

50 00 50 00

50 00

Part; residue $100, (36). i 7 4

Main ronte; branches / 75 $50, (101, 118.) i

:::::: 0-.-.-.-.-.- :::::::::: ::! ~~ In .:\fay, 1871 ......... -j 78

...........•.......... __ I 79 Branch ; main route ; 80

... ~~~0·-~~~·! ..... o ...... i 81 In March, 1871 .. ··--- 82

31 flays ............. .. 83 84

0 0 0 0 0 000 0 0 0 •••• oo 0 .,.ooo 85

In Oetober, 1870 ____ .. . 8D

26 days ............ o ... Sb

In March, 1871 ..... . Iu October, 1870 0...... !lO

91 ... o ........ 0 __ . --1 92 26 days, February, 1871°

1 !!::

........ __ 0 .... 0 .........



Formerly " star " · sero 1 95 vice. 1

. nr~~~~~~-;- 0 ~~i~- ·r:~~t~ -~ i~~ $125, (18.)

••• 0 00 0 0 00 ooOOoO 0 0 0. 0 0 ''I !)8 ...... __ ................



In May, 1871 .......... :100 Branch ; main route 'lOl

$so, (75.) I 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 •oo 0 0 0. 0 0 0 0 0 1Q2 0 oo ........ 000.0 0 oooOOO ·103 Branch; main route .104

$75, (52.) I

Brauch; main route :105 tiiHo, (15.J 1

In April, 1871 ... 0 •••••• ', 106 ........................ :107 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 '1118 ......... 0 .............. 111(1 In February, 1871 . 0 .. 0 110 ........... 0 ............ Ill In March, 1871 .... 0 .. 0 11::!

oOoOoOOooooO ............ 11:3 "'•oooooooO ...... OooOOo -114 In June, 1870 .. 0 .. 0 .... ll.:i ........................ '.ll(j In August, 1870.0 ..... 117 Branch ; main route 118

$5U, (75.) , Bm11ch; main route ;119

$100, (~3.) I In Feuruary, 18il 0 .... ~120 Brauch; main route ,121

$150, (7.) I 0 0 0 •• 0 ••• 0 0. ooo .. 0 0. 0 0 0. 12~ ........................ 123

BI"anch; maill $100, (47.)

rontc 124 i


E.-Table showing the H'eigM of the mails, tl1e 8peccl with _which tl!cy



~ : "0


I 8 8


State. )I ~ ]]

! 1 I i" Alston, Spartanburgh C. H _ ·wenona, Dwight _____ ..... .

Corporate title of company carry­ing the mail.

Spartan burgh and 'Cnion ........ _ Chicago and Alton._ ... _ ........ _

,,, .. c ... I 51)0!) I,,,, 126: Ill -- . .'11424 1-- .. --127! Pa .. --11860 [------1281 .. do .... 1863 1 ......

Greenville, Irish town ...... . Wilmington, Birdshorongh Perkiomen J'n, Schwenk's

Shenaugo and Allegheny_ ........ 1

\Vilmington and Reading ....... .

Store. Pottstown, Cole brookdale.__ Do. ______ .. _____ : ....... __ __ Schuylkill Hav'n,GlcnCarlJ'nl Do .... _ ......... _ ......... .. IUcbiuond,_ "'inchester- .....


Cinoinnati, Richmond and Jl'ort Wayne.

BarnesYille, Thomaston .... - Macon and Western __ .......... .. Lebanon, Pine GroYe _ ...... , Philadelphia and Reading_._ .... . Newberry C. H., Laurens ... Laurens ... ___ .. __ .. __ --~ .. _ .. _ .. Nashville, Guthrie ... _ ...... Edgefielll and Kentucky ........ .

129! .. uo ... [18651·-----

130_1 .. do ... [l8G61 ____ __ 131 .. do ... l1870 ..... . 132 Inu ...


12020 _ .... .

1331 Ga._ .. 16159 /6143

135, s. c- .. I 5610 5611

Philadelphia and Reading ....... _

134. Pa.... 1868


1 .. _ ...

136[_. Tenn 11000~ 1000~ 137: Ala .. _ 682;)


661;J \Vanhatchie, Tus0aloosa _ .. . 138, S.C ... ! 5608 .5609 Chester C. H., YOI·kYille ... . 13[)1 N. C ..

1 5196 5007 Charlotte, Cherryville .. _. _ ..

~~ab~ma aucl qhattanooga. _ ..... Kmg s Moun tam._ .. ____ ... ___ ... Wilmington, Charlotte,andRuth-

erford. 140i Nioh . 12517 ! _..... Lansing. Greenville_ .. _ .... _ Ionia and Lansing_ ...... _ .......

1411 S.C... 5602 5605


.. tlo ... 5607 5602 I

143l .. do... 5682 5612

1441 .. do... 5603 5608 145! .Ala .. . 6613 6605

146 S.C ... 5607 5602

K;ingsyille, Camden ..... -... South Carolina .... __ . _ .•.......

Belton, Anderson C. H...... Greenville and Colmnbia ..... .

Anderson C. H., \Valhalla ... \ Blue Ridge .... _ ............... ..

Florence, Cheraw ...... _ .... ) Chemw and Dm-lin.gton _ ... _ ... _. Moscow, Somervill& ........ -I Memphis and Chal'leswn .... .

Hodges, Abbeville.......... Greenville aml Columbia ... I

147[ Ga .... 61581 (i017 Gr-iffin, Newnan .......... ..

148~ Ill .... 11430 1--.... Sagetown, Keithsburgh .. ..

Savannah, Griffin and North Alabama.

149i Tenn _ 10013 ,1

...... Tracy City, Cowan ......... . 150 Ind ...


12022 _ ..... Princeton, Mt. Cm•mel. .... .

1511 Tenn, 1100041100[)4 '\Y~rtrace, Shelby-dUo ...... .

Rockfonl, Hook Island and St. Louis.

Tennessee Coal ancl Railroad _ ... Louisville, New Albany and St.

Louis Air Line Railway. Nashville and Chattanooga ......

Richmond, West Point ...... Richmonrl and York River ...... . Rocky Mmmt, Tarborough .. Wilmington and \Veltlon ........ _


Miles. 68 H.i 34.95 23 22 15 63.6 I 20 11 . 26

13.75 131 13 16

24.3 .... 1

17.25 12 24 24 32 ....

48 20 I

1~t~ r~ I 57.8 30

37.50 20

9. 75 16

34 15

40.50 13-§ 14.50 16

11.50 16

35.75 14

20 20

23 10.85 12


40 20 26.

1521 \'a .... 4408 4408 1531 N, C . . 5001 5002

154 La.... 8086 8003 Baton Rouge, Livonia....... Baton Rouge, Grosse-Tete and---~~~-12 \' 1 Opelousas. -~·. . ____ ...



are conreyecl, the accommodations for mails and agents, 9·c.-Continued.

:... <::> Whole weight carried

any distance for thirty days.

AY. weight carriNl whole

distance. ~ H

<::> <::>

~ s s I I

Size, &c., of mail car c >::: ;:::

...: . ~ if . or apartment. 8. t: a

J I 1 ~ :~ _:_;_~_--1----------~-~-~- __ e_~--c;;--1-----------:~----Remarks .

Pounds.IPounds. Pounds Pounds. P'd-~. Feet and inches. 2, 949i 1, 337 4, 286 3, 1281 104 8 by 6, fixtures, t s. L 3 2, 24tlj 2, 988 5, ~1(j 2, 8~2, 95 Bag. car. ~or. a -. 12 2, 686

1 1, 986 4, tJI2 2, 837

1 94 Bag. car, w1th r. a.,s.l. 6

4, 996


. 3, 726 8, 722j 2, 420




6 6 by 10 6, f. f., s. L _ 6 2, 417 1, 452 3, 869


2, 456 81 Bag. car. Nor. a .. 9*

1, 8021 - 1, 252 a, 054 1, 747 5811

No separate car .... -. 6 1,92:·3·


1,547 3,4701

1,713' 57 Noapartment.Nor.a12 912 535 1, 447. 717 51 Baggage car ........ 6


549 1, 403 1, 227 40 3 6 by 3 6. No r. a ..... . 1, 774


1, 01~ 2, 792 1, 093 36 6 4 by 4 6, fixtures,s. L 6

~; ~~~ 3, f~~ 1~; ~~~ ~; ~~~ 2~~ . .A P;~t;1;~~-t: fi~t~1~~~- 9* s. I.

8, 6401 7, 074 15, 714 5, 3381 197 9 by 9, f. f., s. L..... 7 3, 599! 2, !129 6, 528 5, 482 182 8 by 12. Nor. a .... 4 4, 664


1, 480 6, 144 4, 094 136 t car, f. f., ~ s. L . . . . 3

5, 674! 2, 440 8, 114 3, 542 lltl Apartment, 6 by 9, 7 - f. f .. s. I. .

~::1 1,::: ~ ::, ::::: ':t by_JO: ': '·_ ': l :: 6 2, 4871 1, 536 4, 023 2, 751 91 8 *~ r~ a~' fixtures.

3, 294! 1, 392 4, 686 2, 677 89 9 by 13, f. f. c., s. L.. 6 1. 543i 741 2, 284 2, 284 76 Baggage car . . . . . . . . 6


1, 354!

1 3981

1:8611 j~gl


1 652: 1:4281






694 306


643 737


1, 612

2, 313

2, 825

1,124 616


2, 295 2,165


1, 612

1, 471

1, 416

855 616


1, 519 2,165

531 ____________ .......... ! 6

:~~-~-~ ~J~ .3. ~~ --~~ _r_._~:: .... 28 ...................... 6 21 In way car. . . . . . . . . . 6

17 .. ------- .. ------ ..... .

50, B. c., r. a. s. L ...... 6 721 .... - .. ------ .... --.. 7



Pa"- m. Nor. "--I'

40 00 .... ---- .. ---- .. -- ...... 125 40 00 In March, 1871 ........ 126 40 00 ........ -- .. -- -- -- .. . .. . 127 40 00 In June, 18il .......... 128 40 00 -- . -- -- -- - .. -- -- -- ... -- - 129

40 00 -- .. -- -- -- .. -- -- -- .. -- .. 130 40 00 In J\[ay, 1871 .. __ ...... 1:n 40 00 14 days ................ 132

40 00 -- . -- .. -- ...... -- .. ---- 133 40 00 .... -- ... -- -- -- .. . .. .. .. 134 37 50 15 day A. In J nlv; 1871. 1:35 30 00 --~-- ---- -- - -- .. _.-- . -- .. 136

30 00 30 co 30 00

30 00

30 00

30 00

30 00

30 00 30 00

30 00

30 00

30 00

30 00 30 00

30 00

25 00 23 38

12 86

:!~: :~~:2::1~1:.::: .1::! Branch; main route 141

$100, (28.) Branch; main route 142

$75, (64.) In J\Iay,1871. In July, 1871. _ ........ 143

............ -----------· 144 Branch; main route 145 $150, (7.)

Branch; main route 146 $75,(64.) InMay,1871.

-------- ................ 147

In June, 187L .......... 148

In February, 1871. ..... 149 In February, 1871. ..... 150

In January, 1871. 151 Branch; n1ain route $100, (26.)

--- .... ----.--- .. --.-- .. 152 Branch; main route 153

$150, (13.) --- .. --.--- .. -- .. --.---. 154

JOHN L. ROUTT, l:Jecond Assistant Postmctster General.



Alabama and Chattanooga ... 137 Albany and Snsqnehauna.

(See Delaware and Hudson Canal.)

Atchison and Nebraslm ...... ;110 Atlanta and 'Vest Point .... -~29 A..tlantic and Gulf. . . . . . . . . . . 52

Do ... ___ . __ .... __ ...... -104 Do ...... _ ..... __ .... _ .. 1122

A.tlantic and ~orth Carolina,. I 81 I ..:1.g~y~~c, Mississippi and I 24

E~-------~-~-~-~ -:-:~~-~~::::::: :U~ Baltimore and Ohio . . . . . . . . . . :14

Do. .. . . __ .. . ,18 Baton Rouge, Grosse-Tete 154

Opelousas. Belfast and Moosl' heall Lake.

(See Maine Central.) Belleville and Southern Illi­

nois. (See St. Louis, .Alton and Terre Haute.)

Blue Riuge . ____ ... __________ 143 Buffalo Bayou, Brazos an!l

Colorado. (See Galveston, Ha~risburgh and San An­tomo.)

Central Railroad and Bank- 27 ing, of Georgia.

Do .................... 31 Do----·-·----- ........ 67 Do . . . . . . . . . ........... 113

Charlotte, Columbia and Au- 17 gusta.

Do .......... ·--------- 19 Cheraw and Darlington ...... 144 Chesapea,ke and Ohio . . . . . . . . 36

Do .............. ______ 41 Do.......... 74

Chicago aml Alton. . . . . . . . . . . 9 Do .. _ ............. __ .. 126

Chicago and Southwestern ... 116 Chicago, Burlington and '114

Quincy. Cincinnati, Richmonu and 132

Fort Wayne. Clinton and Port Hudson . . . . 71 Columbus and Hocking Val- 92

ley. Delaware and Hudson Canal, 43

(lessees Albany and Sus­quehanna.)

Dubuque and Sioux City. (Sec Illinois Central.) _

Edgefield and Kentucky ..... 136 Erie ....... ·-------·-------·- 1

Do .................... 3 Do---------··--·------ 4

Florida ...................... 111 Gal,·cston, Harrishm·)!;ll aml 42

San Antonio, (late Buffalo Bayou, Brazos and Color­ado.)

Georgia, ..... - ..... - - .. - - - - . . . 18 Do-------------------· 77 Do ...... ·------------- 97 Do .................... 107

Grand Gulf and Port Gibson. 68 Grand Rapids and In(liana ... 106 GreenYillc and Columbia ..... 64

Do .................... 142 Do--·-······----------- 14(i


14212 6003 6000 600!1 6154 5005 4414

4409 4411 4410 4269 4253 808tl



6010 6014 6015 5606

5712 5603 4405 4405 4405

11406 11424

Inde:c to table E.


6615 I Illinois Central, (lessees Du- 32 hm1ne and Sioux City.)

Indiauapolis and St. Louis . . 2 Do.................... 22

Ionia mHl Lansing .......... 140 6003 J~ckson, Lansing and Sag- 78 6008 maw. 6008 Jacksom·ille, Pensacola and 45 GOI!i Mobile.


4412 4413 4411 4102 4101 8003


J)o. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 Do .................... 47 Do .................... 69 Do .................... 124

Kansa& City, St-. Joseph an<l 15 Council Bluffs.

Do .................... lOS King's Mountaiu ...... ______ 138 Laurens .................... 135 LeaYenworth, Lawrence 35

and Gah·estou. Do .................... 37

LonisYille, New Albany and 150 St. Louis ..-\.ir Liue.

! Mc.MimtYillc and Manchcs- 103 ter.

Macon and Brunswick . . . . . . 82 Do ........ ------·---·- 86

Macon and Western........ 5:3 Do . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 133

6004 Maine Ccutral, (lessees Bel- 88 fast and .i\Ioosehead Lal;:e.)

6009 Mar_quette and Ontonagon . . 59 6013 Do .... __ ..... __ .. __ ... 117 6014 i: Memphis and Charleston.... 7 5tl01 1 Do ... __ .. __ . __ ........ 121

51103 5(i08 4406 4406 4406

! Do ... ________ . . .. .. .. . 145 I Memphis and Little Rock ... 39 ! Mississippi and Tennessee.. 56

II M~~~~~,l:~t~ ~:t:;.~~~i ~!~~ ciation.)

Missouri, Kansas and Texas. 90 l\Iohile aud Girard .......... 109

10506a ....... 114:32

Mobile and Montgomery.... 38 Montgomery and Enfanln ... 102


8081 9040


10009 1001 1035 1038 6402 8505

Montgomery aml \Vest Point. (See ·western, of Ala­bama.)

8004 Morgan's Louisiana a,nd 12 Texas.

NashYille and Chattanooga.. 26 Do ... _ ..... ___ . _ ...... 151

New Orleans, Jackson and 5 Great Northern.

New Orleans, Mobile and 33 Chattanooga.

10008 Norfolk anlT Petrrsburgh. (SL'e Atlantic, Mississippi aud Ohio.)

6-101 8504

North Carolina, .............. 16 Do .................... 51 Do ...... -··----------· 55

, Northeastern............... 14 North Louisiana and Texas. 62 Orange, Alexandria and 23

11001 6001 Mauassas. 6006 6006 Do.................... 79 6t:01 6001 Do .................... 119 6005 6005 Paducah and G-ulf . . . . . . . . . . 93 71tl9 7006 Peninsular ................. 108


1- .. 5.6.0 .• ~- Pennsylvania .............. 100

:.. Pensacola and Louisvillo. . . . 83 5607 5602 : Peters burgh . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 5607 5602 ' Philadelphia aml Reading ... 129

"-< 0


11419 12024 12517 12510


6404 6-104 6404 6404


10506 5608 5610


14003 12022


6152 6152 6012 6159 201

12847 12849 6613 6613 6613 7501 7002

14006 6607 6824 6817


10004 10004 8002


5004 5004 5004 5604 8107 4401

4404 4401 9612

12520 1862 6-177 4412 lfl65



6403 6-103 6403 6403

5609 5611


6011 6143

6605 6605 6605 7501 7002

6608 6612 6603


10004 10004 8002


5004 5004 5004 5607 8005 4403

4405 4403

6-104 4410


Index to table E-Coutiuued.


1 ~ ~i ~! I ~ ~ ~0 I

--------. ----~------- ,------------1-- ---- ---

Philadelphia and Reading .... !130 1866 ........ ! Southern Minnesota ........ 8£l Do .................... J31 1870 'SouthernPacific ............ 57 Do .................... 134 1868 I Southern Railroad .Associa- 8

Pittsl.mrp;h, Cincinnati and . 25 9012 -::::::: 1


tion. St. Louis. I . Southside. (Sec Atlantic,

Do .... _____ .......... _I 70 1864 [ :Mississippi and Ohio.) Do . _ ................. -I 72 90:i4 :::::::: Southwestern ............. _ 73

RaleighandGaston .......... 1

65 5002 5001 1 Do .................... jJ

HithmundandDan·dlle ...... 49 440u 4407 r' Do ...... • .............. 101 HidnnondandPeterslmrgh .. !lO 4407 4409 Do ......... ; .......... l18 RichmomlaJI(l York 1Uver ...


il;'i:l 4408 4408 1 Spartanlmrghantl Union .... 125 Itichmond, Fretlericksburgh li 4402 4401 Tennessee Coal and Hail- 14[.1

and Potomac.. I road. Rockfonl, Hock Island and 6:i 11429_ Venuont and Massachusetts. 40

St .. Louis. i Vicks burgh and l'lll·ridian . _ j1'21 Do .................... 1148 11430 Do .................... 61

Rome...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ! 91 6008 6007 Vir.l!inia and Tennessee.

Title. Title.

13501 8595 8506 7001 7001

6011 6010 6016 (i015 6016 6015 6016 6015 5609 5610


690 '1'003 7003 7003 7003

St. J obn's .................... 112 647£) 6405 (See Atlantic, Mississippi Do 1120 647£) all(l Ohio. )

St. Lonis,- iitc;n·- ;~1~l- T~;;.~ -1

60 11422 Washingtou anrl Ohio....... 96 Haute, J3elleYille and \Y esteru and .Atlautic . . . . . . 20 Sonthern Illinois Division. Western North Carolina ... _ 98

44oa 4404 6002 6002 500G 5006

SaY;mnah and Charleston .... I 54 5605 5606 Wc:;tem, of Alabama._ .... _ 30 SaYannah, Griffin and North 147 6158 6017 Do .................... 7G

.Alabama. [ Do .................... 95 Seaboard and Roanoke .......


66 4413 4415 Wilmington and Reading .. _ 128 Selma and .Meridian . . . . . . . . . 58 6608 6609 'Vilminl!:ton and 'Yeldou.... 13 Selma. ::\larion and Memphis. 87 6611 6606 Do ....... _._ ... _ ...... 15:i Selma; Home anrl Dalton..... 50 6609 6610 Wilmington, Charlotte and 99 Sl.Jenango and Allegheny .....


127 1860 Rutherford. Southapd~orthAlabama ... ~~ 684G 6604 Do .................... 139 South Carohna ...............


~l:l 560'2 5605 Winchester and Alabama .. : 115 Do----··-------··----· 441 5602 5605 YorkRiver. (See Richmond Do .... ----------------! 80 5u02 5605 and York River.) Do ........ ------------~141 5602 5605


6601 6601 66061 6607 u8Vi G602 18fi3 . - ... ---5001 5002 5001 5002 5007 5003

5196 5007 10006 10005


F.-Table shozeing the rcacljustmcnt of the ?'atc.s of pay pm· mile on certain railroad routes mails, the speed with ·u~hich they a1·e conveyed, the aecommodatio·ns

[ AnBREVIATION~.-:f.j., fixtnr~_s and fmniture ;f. f. c., fixtures and furniture compl(•te; m .. c., mail-catchers; w. t., Wa}: trams; m.m., m~1l messengt-r. A number followed by an asterisk(*) shows the equivalent entheses m the" Remarks'· column refer to the order of the routes in this table.]

""" 0

Termini. Corporate title of com­pany carrying the mail.





N. y--

Ohio ..

Ohio ..

Va ....

5 \'"a ....

6 Tenn.

7 Tenn .

8 Til----

9 va ....

10 Ill ----

11 Va ... . 12 ' Va .. ..

13 Ohio ..

14 Ohio ..

15 Tcnn.

16 Cal ...

17 N.C ..

18 Va ....

19 s. c ...

20 Ga .. ..

21 S.C .. .

22 s. c ...

23 s. c.--24 Ga ....

25 Ala ...

26 Ind.--

27 Ga ... .

28 Ala .. .

29 W.Va.

30 Ala ...

Miles. ·1

:Pounds. 1001 ...... Kew York, Dunkirk ..... Erie....................... 460 I 11,220 30

9004 . . . . . . Erie, ClcYcland ......... .

9021 . . . . . . Toledo, Cleye]and ....... .

4401 4403 Alexandria, Lynchlmrgh.

4414 4414! Lynchburgh, Bristol .... _



...... Knox•ille, Bristol. .. ____ .

10002,...... Knoxville, Chattanooga .. I

11422 11419 Terre Haute, East St.

Lake Shore and Michigan Southern.

Lake Shore and Michigan Southern.

Orange, Alexandria and Manassas.

Atlantic, Mississippi and Ohio.

East Tennessee, Virginia and Georgia.

East Tennessee, Virginia and Georgia.

Indianapolis aml St. Louis. I Louis.

4402i 4401 Washington, Richmond.. R~~tll~~~l)~~~~lericksb'gh



...... Chicago, East St. Louis .. Chicago and Alton ....... .

4407, 4409 Richmond, Peters burgh .. Richmond aml Petersb'gh .. 4412! 4410 I>etersbnrgh, Weldon .... Peters burgh .............. .

9012: ...... Xenia, Dayton ............ Pittsburgh, Cincinnati and 1 St. Louis.


....... Dayton, Ricllmoml....... Pittsburgh, Cincinnati and St. Louis.

10004\10004 Nashville, Chattanooga.. N asln·ille and Chattanooga.

14873, 14706 San FI·ancisco, Sacra- California Pacific ......... . I mento.



5004 Greens borough, Charlotte Richmond and DanYille, (lessees Korth Carolina.)

4406, 4407 Richmond, Greensbor'gh. Richmond and DanYille ...

560J 5fi01 Columbia, Charlotte ..... Charlotte, Columbia and I Augusta.

6004 6004 Millen, Augusta ......... Central, aml Banking .... .

57121 5603 Columbia, Augusta ...... Charlotte, Columbia aml Augusta.



5605 KingsYille, Augusta . . . . . South Carolina . . . . . . . . ...



34\! 5607 Charleston, Florence ..... Northeastern ........... _ ..

6003 Atlanta, \Vest Point ..... Atlanta and West Point .. .

6601 6601 Montgomery,\Vest Point. Western, of Alabama ..... .

12024 ...... Indianapolis, Terre Haute Indianapolis and St. Louis.



5, 743

5, 727

171 8, 892 19




8, 355

7, 084

6, 690

189 8, 553


131 6, 343 21

283 4, 109 25~

24. 50 3, 959 25 65 3, 824 :!3

17 3, 619 25

42 3, 427 25

153 2, 622 20

83 1, 429 30

93 1, 874 20

HlO. 50' 1, 871

110 1, 709



53k 1, 662 20

85 1, 561 18

119 1, 532 20

104 1, 337 18~ 86. 25 1, 281 19

88. 50 1, 260 20

72 8, 961 25

6010 6009 SaYannah, Macon........ Central, and Banking . . . . . 192-k 1, 183 19

6847 0613 Mobile, New Orleans ..... New Orleans, Mobile and 140 1,166 27 Chattanooga.

4269 4102 Grafton, Parkersburgh ... Baltimore and Ohio........ 104 1, 138 24

6609 6010 Selma,Dalt~n ............ Selma,RomeandDalton ... 237.50 1,285 23


and on certain new roufe8 the ar7ju8tment of tlle rates, based upon returns of the weight of the procidcd for mails and agents, and the number of trips per tccek.

b. c.: bag-gage car: r. p. o., railway post-office; d. l., double line; s. l., single line; r. a., route agents; in rouu~r-trips, a more particular'statement in tabular form being incou\·enient. The figures in par-

Size, &c., of mail car or apartment.

Feet and inche8. r. p. o., 42 by 11, 26

by 11,16 hy 11, f. f. c., d.l. 332 miles, s. l. residue, and r. a. on '"· t.

r. p. o., d. L ....... .

r. p. o., d. L ....... .

r. p. o., 42 by· 8 2, f. f. c., s. l., and b. c.

r. p. o., 40 by 8, f. f. c., s. l., and b. c.

r.}J.o., 40 by 8, f. f. c., s. l., and h. c.

r. p. o., 40 by 8, f. f. c., s. 1., and b. c.

. p. o., 45 by-, f. f. c., 111. c., s. l.

r. p._o., 8 by 22,7 by J6, f. f., d. l. .

r. p. o., 8 6 by 29, f. f. c., s.l.

r. p. o., d.l. ....... . r. p. o., S 6 by 35, f.

f. c., d. I. . No route ag-ent .....

Xo route agent .....

16 by 8 6, f. f., s. l ..

8 8 by 11 6, s. l .....

8 by 15, f. f., s. L. ..

9 6 by 17 6, f. f., s. L.

R by 8, f. f., s. l .....

!) 2 by 7 9, f. f., s. L.

8 by 8, f. f., s. L. ...

8 by 25, f. f., s. L. ..

9 by 10, f. f., s. I ... . 7 hy 11, f. f., s. L .. .

6 5 by 12, f. f., s. I ..

r. p. o., 45 by-, f.f. c., 111. c., fl. l.

9 2 hy 7 9, f. f., s. L.

16 by 7 6, f. f., s. l ..

8 6 by 14, f. f. antl m. c., H. 1.

8 by 12, f. f.. 8. L. '"I

& ~2 -s I ~ ~ ~ I § ~

~ ~ 2§ § ~;:. ~ ~ :::,.c: r.o ~ ;:;~

t~ s~ ~~ tg ~c: ~ ~ g ~ ~ ~ s~ s § ~ ri ~~ <1 R

Dolls. Dolls. i Dolls. I Dolls. I 2ll' 300 00 (Ueml38, 000 !ll22, 675 00


July 1,1871

13 2.'50 00 225 00 24, 000 00~ 21, 600 OOI July 1, 1870 I I

12 250 oo 200 oo! 28, 500 ool 22, soo ool July 1, 1870


:Formerly 67 miles at $300, 265 at $275, 82 at $250, and 46 at $2CO. \VeightinJuly, 1871.

Ordered Nov'ber, 1870. Weight in 1867.

Ordered Nov'ber, 1870. \Veight in 1807.

t mile decrease. Or­dered July, 1871.



4 14 225 oo 100 00138,475 00117, 150 001 Oot. 1, 1871

14 225 00 100 OOI 46, 125 OOI 20, 500 OOI Oct. 1, 1871 Ordered July, 1871 . . . . 5

14 1225 00 150 OOI 29, 407 50[19, 605 OOI Oct. 1, 1871 Ordered July, 1871 . . . . 6

14 1225 oo_ 150 0011

,_ 25, 200 001! 16, 800 001 Oct. 1, 1871 Ordered July, 1871. 7

Main ronte. 18 1215 Ol• 200 oo; 40, 635 oo

1· 38, 600 00 July 1, 1870 4 miles decrease. Or- 8

1 1 dered June, 1871. 13


200 00 130 00 26, 200 00 1l19, 650 00 1 July 1, 1871 r. p. o. cars to be en- 9 ! I largell.



200 00 150 00 56, 600 oo1

- 42, 450 00! Jan. 1, 1871 In January, 1871 . . . . . . 10 ', !

13 175 00 150 OOj 4, 287 501 3, 675 OOi J nly 1, 1871 .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . 11 1:~ 175 00 150 oo


u, 375 001 9, 750 00


July 1, 1871 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 12

27* 175 00 100 00


2, 975 OOI 1, 700 00 April 1, 1871 Weight in March, 1871. 13

18 175 00 50 00 7, 350 001 2, 100 001 April 1, 1871 Weight in March, 1871. 14

13 150 00 100 oo1


· 22, 950 00 15, 300 ool1

July 1, 1870 Main route. Offered 15 April, 1871.

14 150 00 75 00 12, 450 00· 6, 225 001 July 1, 1870 Ordered May, 1871..... 16

12 125 00 75 00


1 1, 1, 625 00 6, 975 00


Jan. 30, 1871 Part; residue $82 11, 17 (42.) Renewed from July 1, 1871, Co. to provider. p. o. cars if required.

14 125 00 75 001

23,812 50 14,287 50i Jan. 30,1871 Renewed from July 1, 18 1871, Co. to provide

I r. p. o. carsifre11nir'd. 13 125 00 7:\ 00

1 13, 750 00


8, 250 00 Jan. 30, 1871 Renewe<l from July I, 19


1871, Co. to pro,,ide r. p. o. cars ifreqnir'cl.

14 125 00 100 001 6, 640 621 5, 313 00


J uiy 1, 1871 Co. to provide more car 20 room if required.

13 125 00 75 00 10, 625 00, fi, 375 00 Jan. 30 1871 Renewed from Jniy 1, 21

I I ' 1871, Co. to provide

r. p. o. r.arsifrequir'd. 7 125 00 100 00 14, 875 00 11,900 OOI' July 1, 1871 Main route; branches


$50, (78 ;) $60, (59;) and $75, (41i.)

13 125 00 150 00 13,000 00. 15 600 00, July 1,1871 ........................ 23 7 1125 00 100 00


110, 781 251' 8: 625 oo: July 1, 1871 Co. to }H'OVide r. p. o. 24 I cars if reqnired.

6 !ll2J_-_· 00 100 00 11, 062 501 8, 850 oo11- July 1, 1871 r. p. o. cars to be JlrO· 25


vided if required. 18 lllJ 00 ... ~--- .......... 1 ......... ,Oct. 10,1870 New;paralleltoroute 26

16k*lllO oo 100 oo; 21, 133 75~19, 212 ooj July 1, 1871 . --~~~~~-................ 27

14 1110 00 100 oo1

15, 400 oo:_ 14 0 0 00 July 1, 1871 ;Rt>a<ljnstment t em- 28 I I ' I · porary.

19 1

no uo 100 ooj 11,440 ooi 10,400 OO,Jnly 1,1871 ........................ 29

7 ljlllO 001

75 00:1

23, 730 Ooi1

, 17, 812 5ol1

J nly 1, 1871 Second daily train to 30 he run.


F.-Table slwzcing the readjustment of the rates of pay

31 32


34 35 36



Ala. ... Kans.


Ga .... Miss .. Ark ..

Ga ....

Va ....

6847[···---142111 ......


Mobile, New Orlraus ..... Kansas City, Olathe, Ot­

tawa. Lawrence, Thayer ...... . 1400+-----

60091 6008 Savannah, Live Oak ..... 7003 7003: Vicksbmgh, Jackson . _ .. 75011 7501i l\Iemphis; Argenta .... _._

6012j 60llj Macon, Atlanta .. _ .... _ ..



' 4406 Richmond, White Sul-1 phur Springs.

39 S.C... 56051

56061 CTharles~on, Savannah: ...

40 Kans. 14143~------1 North Topeka, Emporia ..

41 'Ill .... 11418-19


11416i Bloomington, Godfrey._ ..

4::! N. C . . 5004· 5004 Goldsborough, Greens-! I borough.

43 Miss .. I 7002, 7002]1\Ieniphis, Grenada .... _ .. 44 Tex. . . 85U5' 8506 Longview, Shrm·eport _ .. 45 Ga.... 6011: 6010 ::\Iacon,Colmubns ........ 46 S.C... 5602! 5605


Branchdlle, Charleston ..

471 Ga.... 6016l 6015


Fort Valley, Eufaula .. ..

48 , Ala... 6606 6607 Opelika, Columbus ...... . 49 l\Iich. 1284l ..... Negaunee, Marquette .. ..

50 Ill.... 1
















. East St. Louis, Marissa ..

51 I Ga.... Union Point, Athens ... .. 52 La.... 8107! 8005 Vickslmrgh, Monroe .... .

53 Ill .... 11890-92 11429 Ste~·liug, Alton Junction.

54 Mich. 125101 ...... Jackson, ·wenona ...... ..

55 Fla... 041>3·41 6402 Jaobonvillc, qo;ncy .... .

56 Pa.... 1808


...... Chester, Port Deposit ... .

57 Pa.... 1864 ...... Mansfield, Cannonsburg;l1

58 Va. .. 44041

S.C ...

N.C ..


440~!, ~arriso~burgh

5602 560<> Kmgsv1lle, Colurnlna ....

5005 5005 Goldsborough, Morehead City.

11010.... Waterloo, Mona ........ .

6152 . . . . • . Macon, Hawkinsville, Brunswick.

Corporate title of com­pany carrying the mail.

'2 ~~~I ~ ~ :~!1t I~ ..:: C.C.xc:> ~-

~£ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~

I Jfiles. !Pounds.~-Mobile and Chattanoogo ... 1 l.JO I 1, 166 27 Leasenworth, Lawrence 3~ I 1, 109 1 22

and Gal \'Cston. I

Leavenworth, Lawrence 111. 3 1, 0-!0 22 and <;Jcal ,-eston. -1

Atlantic aml Gulf ...... _.. 180. 7<>1

1, 018 17! Vicksbmgh and Meridian _ 45. 50


964 16-Memphis and Little Rock . l:H 928 l16

Macon and ·western....... 103 I 914 18i

Chesapeake and Ohio...... 227. 50 781 18

Savannah and Charlrston ..

Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe.

Chicago and Alton ....... .

Richmond and Dam·ille, (lessees if orth Carolina.)

::'1-Iississippi ancl Tennessee. Southern Pacific .......... . Soutbwestf'rn ............ . South Carolina .......... ..

Southwestern .......... _ ..

IV estern, of .Alabama .. _ .. ::\Iarquette aml Ontonagon.

St. Louis, Alton and Terre Haute.

Georg·ia .................. . North Louisiana and Texas

Rockford, Rock Island and St. Louis.

J;~ckson, Lansing and Sag-~ umw.

Jacksonville, Pensacola and Mobile.

Philadelphia and Baltimore Central.

Pittsburgh, Cincinnati and St. Louis.

Orange, Alexandria and Mauassas.

South Carolina ........... .

Atlantic and North Caro­lina.

Illinois Central, (Iowa di­vision.)

Macon and Brunswick .....





101.7 66.6

100 62


28 14


41 I 75.501




I 59. 25i 14





738 17i

673 17!

525 23

659 20

622 18 616 16 659 li! 543 20

445 16

417 15 416 20


408 375




15 15



264 20







282 20

269 15

245 20








Ga ....

Ala ...


Me ...




















. 1fontgomery, Calera . . . . . South and North Alabama.

Nashville, Hopkinsville.. Edgefield and Kentucky ...

201 ...... Belfast, Burnham Village Maine Central,(lessees Bel-













22 21



68 69




! fast and Mooschead Lake.)

13501 ...... La Crosse, Winnebago Southern Minnesota ...... . City.

14006 . . . . . . Junction Cit,\T, Chetopa . . Missouri, Kansas and Texas

68151 6602 Montgomery, Selma ...... \Yestern, of Alabama ..... . 4253 4101 Harper's Ferry,Strasb'gh. Baltimore and Ohio ....... .

~::· 5011



194 1(12


jJCI' mile on cel'tain railroad routes, ~j"c.-Continned.

Size, &c., of mail car or apartrneut.

Feet and inches. 16 lJy 7 6, f. f., s. l. .. Half car, f. f., s. L.

Half car, f. f., s. 1. ..

9 4 by 1t> 9, f. f., s.l. 6 6 by 9 6. f. f., s. L 10 by 10, f. f., s. l.

10 8 hy 6 3, 7 6 hy 6, f. f.. 8. I.

:w hy 6 11, f. f., s. L _

u 7 by 6 6. f. f.' s. l..

11 11 hy 7 t3, f. f., s. l.

r. p. o., s.l _ ....... .

8 hy 15, f. f., s. L ...

12 by 6 10, f. f., s. I R by 8. f. f.. s. I _ ... 6 by 11, f. f., s. 1. . -8 by 10, f. f., l-l. L ..

6 b;\'12, 6 hy 14, f. f' s.l.

~-~--b~);·:.: ~-: ~: ~:::

r. a. in b. c ......... _

1::! 6 h~- 7, f. f., s. l. (j 6 hy 10 6, f. f., s.

10 6 l1y 7 G, f. f., s.

17 h~- 8 8, 13 by 6 8, f. f. (See trips.)

10 by 7, 12 by 8, f. f., s.l.

t car, d.l ......... .

611~·4. Xor.a, __

10 h~· 8 G, f. f., s. l. ..

8 by 10, f. f., s. 1 - .. .

7 hy 10, f. f., s. L .. .

18 b~· !l G, f. f., s. 1 .

10 h~· 7, f. f., s. l_ ...

Apartment in h. c., s.l.

13 hy 7, f. f. e., s. L.

7 l1y 12, f. f., s. L _ ..

10 hy 1::!, f. f., s. 1 .. .

8 by 14, f. f., s. I .. ..

X o route agent ... . 7 6 by 12, f. f., s.l .. .



jDoZl8.! Dqlls. Dolls. I Dolls. 14 100 OO' _.. ... .... .. .... Jan. 1,1871 New .... _ ............. : :n 6


wo OOj ..... _ ......... _ ......... 1 Jan. 16,1871 :N~~{1~1~1~~~~~countet1 ~2

:I 00 00 _..... _ ......... _ ........ ·I Dec. 19, 1870 New, as here state11. 33 ' I 1 Weig:ht, in :Mar., 1871.

7 1100 OOi 75 00' 18, 073 oo1

13, 356 25, ,Tnly 1, 1871 l\Iai_u route; bra_ neh ij;50.134 1:3 ·100 oo: 125 col 4, 550 ooi 5, 687 50 .Jnly 1, 1871 Part; l'P~illue $75 ... -.. a5

statetl. 1

100 001'1

... _ .... , .......... _ .. _ ..... ·1 July 1, 1871 New route, as here 36

l<l 1100 OOj 75 00 10, 300 00 7, 7::!5 00 July 1, 1871 ....................... I 37

/wo ooi 50 00122, 750 ooi L'i, 200 ooi.July 1, 1871 76t miles formerly at. I 33

!wo ool 75 00 10,400 ool 7, 800 0011 July 1, 1871 M~~-~0'car room to lH' I 39

j 1 I I fnrnh;lwd. I 12 1·100 001- ........................ --1: Aug. 1, 1870 OnlPl'Cil January, 1871. 40 New. ·

12 !100 001

50 00; 15,200 OOi \J, 092 50 ,July 1, 187ll 0. 9 miln i_ncrcasc. Or· 41 i I / I I · I deretl Ma~·. 1871; Glt

I I 111iles formt>rly at $75.

12 - d211 75 00


10,675 00,1

9,750 OO'Jnly 1,1871 Part;resirlnc·:l;;t'25,(17.) 42

I Co. to pl'OYille t·. p. o.


1 ears if required. so oo 75 ooj 8, 1:lG oo 7, 627 5o


July 1, 1871 .... _ ...... __ .. _ ..... __ 43 7 80 00 75 OO: 5, ::J28 00 4, BD."l 00: July 1, 1H71 ................. _...... 44

1:3 75 ooj 50 oo1

7, 500 oo 5, oo<J oo' July 1, 1871 _....................... 45 7 75 001 100 OOI 4, 630 00 6, 200 00 .July I, 1871 Branch ; main route 46

$125, (:J2.) 13 75 00 50 001 8, 675 00 5, 783 00 J-uly 1, 1871 ::Uain ronte; branches 47

$40, (87,) and $50.






75 00 50 00 2, 100 00 1, 400 00 ,Jnly 1, 1871 July 1, 1870

...... ······ ............ 48 75 00 ................ . Onlered Nov'bcr, 1870. 49

75 00 ............... .. Sept. 25, 1870

New. :From May 1 to Nov. 15 in c•ach year.

Or1lered Nov'ber, '1870. 50 New . .Apartment to

I be }H'OYitlcd.

~~ ~~~~-- ~~. ~o . ~~ ~~~. ~l- ~·- ~~~. ~o -r~{J. 1~: i~~~ :N~;~;r-~l~t~.'. A:it.i~l~t~~;.-t· g~


ordered Au_!!;., 1871.

:: ::1·;; ;f;, ;;; ;o, ;_-;;; ;; ~:~ •:: ::;: ~Jfrt',;,~:::;\~,:g, :: 75 00


100 00, 1-1, 756 25 19, :i62 50 ,July 1, 1871 4~-milcs formerly at ~75. 55


Main ronte; branch :ij::30, (95.)

75 oo1

50 00


4, 443 75 2, 962 50 Oct. 1, 1870 0:-tlerCll Nov'ber, 1870 _ 56

60 flO~ ...... I ......... ( .......... 1Ja11. 1G,1871 ~e1" .................. 57

60 oo! 50 ool' o, 660 oo' 5, 550 ool1 .July 1,1871 ......................... 58

I I 60 oo! 50 00


1, 620 oo! 1, 350 uo, July 1, 1871· Branch; main route 59 : 1 1 $125, (22.)

55 001 50 00 5, 225 001 4, 750 OO(uly 1, 1871 .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . 60

50 oo;...... i IJnly 1,1870 OrclererlNovcmhcr,'70. 61

50 00; ....... ::::::::::1::::::::::1 Dec. 15,1870 Nr;?~v: ................ 62

~: ~:~--~~-~0 --~.-~~~-~/·~.-~~~-~~~~::~~- :::::~ :l~(~:r~-~~-~~~~.:·;~;;_--~- :~ 1 I 1 1 mile iuerease.

~0 001 ...... - ..................... Jan. 1,1871 New ........ _ ......... 65

aO ool...... I" ....... ·I--.... . .. I.Jan. 16, 1871 N cw, a>~ ht•re stated. -._I 66

50 oo1 ....... 1


.......... : ........ -I Jnly 1, 1~70 Orrlcrctl Ikccmher, '70. 67

6 ~o OJ I I New. 6" ;) l, ....... , .......... t .......... :.Jnly 1,1~71 New route ............ o G ' ;;o O<l, lOll 00 2, 581 25. 5, Ill~ 50•.Jul)· 1, 1871 j ....................... _ G9


F.-Table showiug the reruljnstmeut of the rafe8 of pay ----------------------;---~------,---,-----c

'0 II ~ '0 -~ . i t 0 ~~~ .


~ -= :5 Corporate title of com- .:: ~..=:'"' ..=: g g Termini. pany carrying the mnil. c ~ ~:; & S

~ ~ ~=~

70 11Iinu _

; .... I !~ ~~ ~ ~-~ z ~ ~ ~

-----j--~-1 ---~-. _ Miles. Pounds.!

13502 ...•.. Ramsey,Wells ........... , Sonthern:Mnmesota....... 42 1.731


71 Pa .... 72 Ga .... '73 Tenu.

74 N.C ..

15 :Mich _ 76 l.Iich. 77 :1\fich. 78 S.C ...

79 Fla ...

80 Ill.---81 Til ....

82 :Mich _

83 S.C ... 84 Pa ....

85 Pa ....

86 Pa .... H7 Ga ....

tiS Pa .... 89 Pa ....

90 In(L ..

91 Pa .... 92 Ill.--.

93 La .. __ 94 Tenn _

9 Fla ... I

I : 18G2 _ ..... Fre~port, BntlPr _ ........ ) PemJsyh·ania ... - ... -.... - 21. 4 156 ! 13 60Hj 6013 MilledgeYillP. Gordon ... ·I Cent.l'al, anrl Ban kin~.---.- 18. 25 13tl I 15

15011~. 671 ..






. ~ Tullahoma., ::\'IcMinnYille .


::M~::.~iunville and:M anches- 3:'1 1381121

" , Charlotte, Cherryville . . . \Vilminp;ton, Clmrlotte and 45. 50 136 12 R.utherfonl, \Ve:-ltern di- I

I I vision.

12518 ..... _ Fort Wayne, Paris ....... i Grund Rapids and Indiana. 202. 6 135 i 20 1~~17 ..... _ Lans~ng, ~1:eenville.:.: .. i Ioni_a and Lausing ..... - -- . 57. 8 118 \ 30 12520 _. _. _: I;.~nsm~. Chmax Pra1ne -1 Penmst~lar-:- .... ----.--. · 57. 12

1 111~6• I, g


5602 560: Kmg~v1lle, Cmud~n _ .....


South C


arulma............ 37. 50 :!

6-179 640;> Toco1, St. Augustme ..... 1

St . .Johns - ............ -.-. 15. 69 1041 8

11424 _ .... _ Wash'ton, Lacon, Dwight 'I Chicago and Alton - ... --. 70. 81 95 [ 2:1 11432: ...... Burlington, Quincy _ ..... , Chicago, Burlington awl 71. 65 87 I 25

1 Qniricy. 12849 . . . . . . Negaunee, Champion .... I 11Ian1uette aud Ontonagon.

560~[ 560H Chester C. H., Yorkville. King's Mountain __ ..... _ .. 1860 _..... GreenYille, Irish town . . . Shenango and Allrglwny __

1R651······ Perkiomen .Junction, Philadelphia and Reading. Schwenk's Stote.

18631 .... __ ·wilmington, Birdsboro'gh' ·wilmington imd Reading .. 6016!' 6015 Cuthbert, Fort Gaines .. _ i Southwestern __ ..... _____ _

~~~ZI:::::: §~~!~)~?~IT· ~t~~~~~oM~~e: ~~i~~~~l:~~i~- ~~-~ -~-e_a_(~i-~~ _


Carbon. I 12020 _..... Richmond, Winchester_ ..


Cincinnati, lUchmond and Fort Wayne.

18681. __ .. _ Lebanon, Pine Gro\e _ ... : Philadelpliia aml Rea rUng 11891111430 Sagetown, Keithsburgh. -~· Rt:!,ckford! Ruck Islawl and

~t. Loms. 8081 80041 Clinton, Port Hudson .... Clinton and Port Hndson _.


_ ••••• Tracy City, Cowan._ ..... 1

Tennessee Coal and Rail-! . road.

6404; M03 Tallahassee, St. ·arark'11 .. ' .JaeksmlYille,Pensacola and . I l Molri'le.

lil 77 i 20


23.501 182 115 :.n 50 94 15

11 81 26

63.6 81 20 24 77 Ill

13.75 58 13 1~ 57

2·!. 3 51

2~ 36 18 47 20

21 29 23 28

21.75 20

Excess of present o\el' former amonnt :()f annnal pay, by readjustment ........... .


pr mile on certaiu railroaclroutcs, sf·c.-Coutiuued.

---,-------,----:----,----~-------~--------------11 It ~~ 1 h P Size, &c., of nlail ~ I ;:: ~ a~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ s 8 Hemarlo:s. car or apartn1eut. & ~ 8 ~ ~ -= A t ~ ~ ~ ~

rn ~~ ;:~ 5 F. a C,) Cj rn ti ~ ~ ·~ s ,.... ~ ;::; ·~ ~

~ ~ ~~ -<1 ~ A iO

Feet (I_Jld inches. --~Doll.~: -~olls. Dolls. i Dolls. . ! -

10 by 12, i: f .. s. 1.... 1 50 00 .. _____ .. __ ...... i...... .. . . July 1, 1870 ~r~~;~,d October, 1870. , ~0

5 by 8, fixtures, d. l . 12 150 00 . _. _ . _ _ ... _ . . . I.... . . . . . . Mar. 1, 1871 ~ C'\Y .•••.•••••••..••• ·I c 1 !J2by79,f.f.Nor. (] , 50 00 75 00 912 50' 1,368 751.Jnly 1,1871 ........................

1 7Z

No route agent . . . G I :iO 00 _ __ _ __ ... 1• .. __ ..... ·I'T nly 1, 1870 Orcle_red.Nuvem ber, '70. j 73 , :New.

t car, f. f., s.l -.---- II :iO 00 30 00~1 2, 275 oo:!: 1, 350 001, .July 1, 1871 3 t_rip!> formerly. 1- mile: 74 j ; mcrea:oe. 1

~ ~~~-ri{f1·.~·8~ i:--·- ~~*! ~g ggi. '3ii'iiif '2: soo' 6ol"i: 734'66 1 i~~~: i: i;~~ ~;r~~·~(i::: ~:::::: ::::: :! ~~ ~ t:ro~~. ~~-,t~\· ~:.. 1 ~~*~ ~g gg~~-- ao- ooll·- i,· s75- 00~-- i; i~5. oo1 i~~\~- It i~~i ~1:1~~~\k~.f;:~l1~-. ~·~~{t~~ i ~~ Norouteagent.... 6 ::;_o 00 ....... ·--------~---------- Feb .. 1,1871 New. Renewed frornl7g

Jnly 1, lfl71. b. c. 'Nor.a ........ 12 ::>0 00 .......................... A.pnl 1,1871 New, us here stated ... , 80 15by86,f.f.c.,s.l. 6 5000 ...... 1


.......... 1 .........


Apl'il1,1871 New .................. l81 b.c. )ior.a....... 50 00 ........................... I.Jnly 1,1870 OrderedXoYember,'70., 82


I New. From May 1 I

b. c. Nor. a .......

6 6 by 10 6, f. f., s. 1.. Small room, locked.

No r.a. No route agent. .... No apartment orr. a

I to 'NoYember 15 in each year.

40 00 30 00 940 00 705 00 .Tnly 1,1871 ........................ 83 40 00 ...... -~· .............. • ..... j.J uly 1, 1870 •' Ortlt>red .J annars, '71. 1 84

New. g-+ 40 00 ...........................


.Jau. 16,1871 New ........ _. ... ---·--i 85

6 40 00 ........................... 1 Jan. 1, 1871,_ ....................... 1 86

: : :: ~ ~I . 9~ 0011, ~0. 00 ::~ :: :;;: I J:i\~~\~~ ) ~~n .'~~te • :: 12 4000 ................ '!' ......... .Apnl1,1ti7ll~ew ............ ____ 8g

b.c. Nor.a ....... 6 40 00 ....... ·----··--·1---·------ Oct. 1,1870 1 Ne,~·· Ordered .June, 90

64by46,f.f.,s.l. .. 6 ~0 00 ................. , .......... :Mar. 1,16?1 N~~!~· ................. 91 No route agent..... 6 :10 00 ...... ·1 ........


, .......... 1 Dec. 20, 18ti91 New. Ordered August, 92 I 1871.

····-········-------l3 3000 5714 (330001 1,2oooo:.July 1,1i<711

........................ 9:l :N·T·o- -r·o·n·t·e· _a_g_e_r.Jt ..... _ .. .. 6 30 00 . ___ ... I._ ....... ·I __ . __ ... ·i.J an. 1, 1871 , New . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94

30 00 50 ool 652 50' 1, 087 50 .July 1, 1871JI B~.:!_~ch L main l'onte 95 1------- ' :;tihJ,(5::>.)

1892, 4fi8 37 687, 019 50 1687, 019 50 .... -- .. -.

~~~~·· ...... ·--··-·-··l2o5,4:18871~1

,JOHN L. ROUTT, Second, Assistant Postmaster General.


Index to table F.

----- 'T1'tle.--------~.~ -:~ -h -~~ ------------- ~$ I f~ . ..3 s .... .... I Title. ):; g I ,::; e ~ ~.... ;:'B ~ s.... I ~~

------------ ~ i_ ~II ~ ~ I ~ Atchison, Topeka and Santa 40 14143 Nashville and Chattanooga . 15 10004 10004

Fe. New Orleaus. Mobile and :!8 6847


6613 Atlanta and \Vest Point...... 24 6003 G003 Chattanooga. At lautic and Gulf.... . . . . . . . . 34 6009 6008 North Caroliua. (See Rich-.Atlantie and Korth Carolina. 6il 5005 5005 i montl and DanYille.) Atlantic.l\IississippiamlObio. f> 4414 4414

1 Northeastern .............. 23


5604, 5607 Baltimore and Ohio ......... 29 4-269 4102 ]1 Korth Louisiana and Texas. 5:; 8107 I 8005

Do............. . . . . . . 69 4253 4101 II Orang-l', Alex::tmlria mHl lila- ., 4401 I' 4403 Belfast and .:\loosehead Lake. nassas.

(See ::Uaine CC'utral.) Do.......... . . . . . . . . 58 4404 4405 Califomia Pacitie . . . . . . . . . . . 16 14873 14706 I>eniusnlar _..... . . . . . . 77 12520 Central mul Banldng........ 20 6004 6004 II Penlll'lyh·:mia . . .. . . . .. .. . . . 71 1862

Do.................... 27 f>010 6009 Peterslmrg:h .. .. .. . . .. .. .. 12 4412 Do.................... 72 6014 60131 Philatlelphia and Baltimore 56 1808

Charlotte, Columbia and An- 19 5606 5601 Central. gnsta.

1 Philadelphia a111l RC'at1ing.. 85 1865

Chesa~e~1k~-a-~d-Oili~·:::::::: ~~ ~~5; ~~~~ IJ B~::::::::::::::::::. ~~ ~~~~ Chicago aml Alton. .. .. .. .. .. 10 11406 ........ i Do .... -- .... -- . . .. . .. 91 1868


Do..................... 41 11418-19 11416 'I Pittslmrg:b, Cincinnati and l3 9012 no...... .. .. .. . .. .. .. . 80 11424 ...... --I St. Loms.

Chicago, Burlington and 81 114:3:2 . 'I Do.......... . . . . . . . . . H 9034 , ....... . Quincy. r Iii Do---- -- -- .. - .. ---- - 57 1864 1--- -- ---

Ciudnnati, Richmond and 1 90 1:20'l0 ........


. Riclnuoml and Daudllfl . . . 18


. 440G 1 4407 Fort \Vayue. I l1 Do.,(lesseesNorthCar- 17 5004 5004

Cliuton am\l'ort Hudson ... -I 93 8081 8004 olina.) EastTeunessee,Virgiuiaaud: 6 10001 ...... i Do.,(lf'sReesNorthCar- 421 5004 5004

Georgia. I I olina.) Do ............. ·-------1 7 100:2 --------11 Riclunomlau~l Petersbnrgh 11 4407 4409



1_geef_i_e_l_d_ a_n __ tl __ K __ e_.n_t_t_I_c_k_.Y_·_- _- _- _- _· 1 64

1 10009 I 10008 I Richmoml. .Fredericksbnrgh 9 440:2 4401

1001 ..... 1l amlPotomac. · . Georgia ... ~. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 51 6006 600G :1 Hoekfonl, llock lsb!Hl aud 53 '11890-92 11429 Grand llapids and In(liawt... 75 12:i1tl ....... 1 ~t. Louis. Illinois Central, Iowa divis- 61 11010 ....... _:I Do .... ------------ .... 92 11891 11430

ion. 1 St. ,Tohns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79 6479 6405

India~r,~:i_s_ ~n-l~ -~~-- ~~~l~~::: I 2~ g~~~ __ ~~~~~.I StH~l~l~~~~, Alton alHl Terre 50 11422

Ionia and Lansing ........... -~76 12517 ....... -11 ~aYannah and Charleston... 39 5605 5606

Jackson, Lansing and Sagi- 5·1 12510 __ .. __ .. 11 Sdma, Home all(l Dalton .... :10 G60~l 6610

naw. I .! ~henan~o awl Alle)!.heny.... 84 18GO Ja1~[k0~?1.nle'"_il_l_e_,_P __ e_n_s_a_c_o_l_a __ a_n_d_ ( ·' 55 ~ 6403 ( 640:) !I South ;\iHl ~orth ..ilalntma .. 63 6846

.n u 5 {6404 ) ' ~ l1 ~uuthCr~rohua .............. 22 5602 Do .................... ·I 95 6404 ... ; -... -II Do.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 5G02

King;'s~fonntain ............. 83 5608 ;J609II Do .................... 59 56112 Lake Shore and Micbig-::m I 2 9004 Do 78 5602

Southern. I --------


,1 Sontllem-:M\~;~~~;lt~·:::-:::::; 66 13501 Do .. . . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . 3 9021 1- ..... --~ Do ......... - .......... ~ 70 1:3502

Leavenworth, Lawrence and 32 14:211 _ ...... ·I S,onthcrn Pacific ..... ---.... 44 8595 Galnston. il ~outllwestern .......... -.... 45 6011

Do ..................... 33 14003 II Do .................... 47 6016 Mc:::Uinm·ille and ::\lm1chester.l 73 10137 ---.---.' Do 1 Ri 6016 }\{aeon mHl J~rnnswick ...... ·I 62 G152 -- ... - --~~ Tenncsse~ -C~~l ;I~il-Ilitiir~l~tl: 1' ~4 10014 Macon and \v estern _. __ ... _ _ 37 6012 ---6oii · I Yicksbnrgh aml.:\Ieridian... 35 7003 Maine Central, (ll'ssecs Belfast I 65 201 _ .. __ ... I \\' <'steDrJ

0J,_ o_f_' _A_-_l_a_l_),_ln_ 1_a __ - _- _- _- _- -_ ._


~.85 BG01 anfll\fooseheatl I,ake.) , .. 6GOG

Marqm~tte and Ontouagan .. -I 49 12847 11.... . .. . Do .... -- ------ - - ... -- . G8 681:)

Do ................... --I 82 1284U ... __ ... Wilmington and ltPatling.... 8li 1863 Memphis and Little Hock .. _' 36 751JL 7501 Wilmington, Cbal'lottP. all<l 74 I 5196 Mississippi alHl Tenn<'s;,;ee ... I 4:J 7002 7002 . nnth<'rfonl, \\T estL"rH tli-~ Missouri, Kansas aml Texas II li7 14~06 1-- ...... ~~ Yision. i Mobile and Chattanooga ..... :n 61:147 1- •••••• ·I 1

I I. .

5605 5605 5605 5605

8506 6010 6015 6015

7003 6601 6G07 6602



G.--Statement of the numbe1·, description, and co8t of mail bags purchased by contract ancl pu f into serrice during the fiscal year ended Jnne 30, 1871.

I Description. Sizes. Prices. Cost.

:------------- ·----1------'----

400 I Leather mail pouches ........ _ .. ___ .. _ ...... _ ........ No. I $9 50 $3, 800 00

:· ~~ r• ~ ~ :~~ • • • • •: • .i~_.:_:_~-~-~ :_: _ _:_:_:_:: ~ • • • ~ ~:: •::: • •::::-• • • ~ ~ _____ ! , ___ i ~ __ ;~:_ r~ ~~ $41,750 00

--300 I Leather horse mail bags ........... _ .. _ .. _ ............ No.1 7 75 2, 325 00 2<l0·--·--- .do-------------------------------------- 2 6 75 1, 350 00

:~.!~r·;+··:~;~~.:::::;::::::::;:;::::::::::::: <~: ::·:: l·i·:~~ 4, 925 00 •

33,540 00

Cost of 600 sockets for same, at 50 cents . .. . . .. .. . . .. . . . . . .. . . . . .. .. . 300 00 ==1 Cost o~ 300 mail eatchers, at $15. __ .................... _ ..... __ ...... _ 5, 500 00

---- 5, 800 00

1 60, 4oo I

I ---

Total ... ~-- ................ ________ -:~~~-~----_. __ ...... 1

... ______ .. _ -~~~~- s6, o15 -~

Xumber and cost of mailloeks and keys purcha13ecl and repaired during the year ended ,]unr 30, 11:l71.

20,000 new brass locks, at 74 cents each .... _ ........ _. ___ . _. _ ... __ ... ___ . 3,000 new brass keys, at 13 cents each. __ .. _ ... _. _ .. ___ .... _ .... __ .. ___ _

BO,OOO new iron locks, at 58 cents each.-----··----- ............ ----· ..... . 60,000 new iron keys, at 11 cents each_ . _ .. ___ .. ____ ... _ .. ___ .. _. __ .. ___ _

2,000 old iron keys, at 20 cents eaeh ................................... . 2,540 uld iron locks repaired, at 20 cents each .. _ .... _. __ .. ___ . _ ... ____ . ;3,654 old iron lQcks repaired, at 10 cents each ......... ___ ......... _____ _

$14,800 00 390 00

46,400 00 6,600 00

400 00 508 00 3'65 40

Total •.....••....•••...............•............. ---------· 69,463 40


JOHN L. ROUTT, Second Assifltant Postmaster General.


H.-Railll'ay offices, June 30, 1871.

Terminal points.

__________________________ ! ~ Atlanta, Ga., to Chattanooga, Tenn ................. . 140 Alban~-, X. Y., to Buffalo, X. Y ......... __ .......... . Atlanta, Ga., to Augn~ta, Ga ....................... . Boston, ~1afls., to St. A !bans, Vt .................... .

298 171 2!10

Boston, Mass., to Port land, 11P ..................... . Boflton, :\lass., to Albany, N.Y ........ _;_ ........... .

111 200

Boston, 11ass., to W elltleet., Mass ................... . 122 Boston, :Mass., to South Berwick. 1\fe ............... . 74 Bo"to:1. :\:lass., to Fitch burgh, :\Inss ................. . 50 Bkomington, Ill., to Centralia, Ill ................... . Bloondngton, Ill., to St. Louis, M o ................. ..

136 181

llri>~tol, Tt'llll., to Chattanoo;.ca, Tenn ............... . 2H I~urlin.~-tou, Iowa .. to Council Blnfl:-;, Iowa .......... . 2[)1 Chicago, Ill., to Green Bay, \Vis .................... . Chicago, Ill., to ~nincy, Ill ......................... . Chicago, Ill., to Dnnlt>ith. Ill. ...................... .. Chicago, Ill., to Iowa City, Iowa ................... . Chicago, Ill., to Clinton, Iowa ....................... . Chicago, Ill., to Centralia, Ill ...................... .. Chicag·o, Ill., to St. Louis, 1\Io ...................... .. Chicago, Ill., to Toledo, Ohio ........................ . Centralia. Ill., to Cairo, Ill ........................ ..

. 242 2u3 188 2:37 1:38 258 280 24:~

112 Colnm hn~. Ky., (by river) to Cairo, Ill .............. . Cliuton, Iowa, to Couucil Bluffs, Iowa .............. .

21 350

Cincinnati, Ohio, to St. Louis, .Mo ................... . 340 ClPVP lane!, ( )hio, to Indianolis, Incl ................. . 282~ DubuqnP, Iowa, to Fori Dodge, Iowa ............... . D::wenport, Iowa, to Council Bluffs, Iowa ........... . Detroit, ~fid1., to Chicago, Ill ....................... .

214 307 284

Freeport. Ill., to Bloomin.!!ton, Ill ................... . HornellsYillP. N.Y .. to Dnnldrk,N. Y ............. .

139 128

Indianapolis, Ind., to St. Louis, Mn ................. . Kansas Cit.\·, Mo., to Coundl Blnffs, Iowa .......... .

261 200

LonisYillr,, Ky., to Nashville, Tenn ................. . I,a l'a~·dtP, Ind., to Qnincy, Ill .. ----.-.- .. -.----- .. -. :hfemphi..;, Tenn., to Chattanooga, Teun ............. .

185 273 310

~pv; York, X. Y., to Bosto11, :\lass ................. . 234 New York, X Y., to Washington, D. C ............. . 232 XPw York N.Y., to Bnffalo, N.Y .................. . 422 New York, N.Y., to Albany, N.Y .................. . 144 Omaha, NPhr., to OgdPn, Utah ...................... . 1, 0:32 Phila1lelphia, Pa .. to Pittshnq.d1, Pa ................ . 358 Peoria, Ill., to Burlington, Iowa .................... . 96 QniHc.v, Ill., to St. JoRt>ph, Mo ..................... .. Hoclwstl~r, N.Y., to Xiagara Falls, N. Y ............ .

206 77

Tolerlo, Ohlo, tiJ Lafayette, Iml ..................... . 20:3 TolPcln, Ohio, to Bnffalo, N.Y ....................... . Tole1lo, Ohio, to Elkhart. IJ](l .. : .................... .

295 132

Wasllington, D. C., to \Velrlon, N.C ................. . 216

·1 No. of clerks­..=: o I ~ I

~ 0 g c -~ ~ ~ g - ~ ,....; ,...I

00. * "# ~


---:-~-~-n-1e ___ (1_;_ii_ir ___ :. !·----g l ~=~ 6

Daily........ ...... 4 Daily........ 4 4

280 1

1,192 342 581 444 BOO 244 148 100 272 :~GO 4tH 582 484 526 376 474 276 5lfi 560 972 224 168

' 700 6i"O 565 428 614 568 278

2561 5'>'> 400 370 54G 620 9:~6 928

1, 688 576

2, Ofi4 7Hi Hl2 412 l:i4 40G

1,180 528 t:l64

Twice daily... 4 4 Twice daily. . . 6 9 Daily . . . . . . . 5

E~U~ ::::::::: :::::: _. __ ~. Daily . . . . . . . . . 3 3 Da~ly ... . . . .. 3 3 Daily........ 4 4 Daily . . . . . . . . . 5 5

~;!!~LH ~ l Daily......... 4 i li Daily........ 4 5 Twice daily. . 9 7 5 Daily . . . . . . . . . 3 2 4 times daily. 1 Daily . .. . . . .. 3 .... 3 -~::::: : Daily .. . .. .. . 6 ...... Daily . . . . . . . . . 5 '! . _ ...• Daily........ 3 '> Daily . . .. . .. . 4 411


Daily . .. . . .. . 4 5 .... .. Daily .. .. .. . 3 2 .... .. Daily . . . . . . . . *

~~g~ : : : :: : : : : Daily . . . . . . . . . 3

~~u~ : : ::: : : : ~ Twice daily. . . 8 Twice daily. . . 9 Twice daily.:. 11 Twice daily. . . 4 Daily........ 15 Daily......... 5 Daily......... 1 Daily......... 4

~~n~ : :::: : :: · 4 Twice daily. . . 8 Twice (laily .. Twice daily.

4 5 3 4 6 8

16 11

5 20

5 2 5 :~

4 16

3 8

11 4 7 4


*Included in Xew York and Buffalo. 'XOTE.-In arlrlition to this list, tlwre is one head clerk at $1,400 per annum, detailed at San Francisco,

Califumia, in charge of route from San Francisco to Ogden.


Number of lines of railway post offices ................................................... . AggrPgate number of milPs of the alJove ............................................... --. Number of miles actual sen·ice perfnrmerl daily .......................................... . N nm ber of miles actual service performer! auniwlly ............................. , ........ . Number of head clerks at. $1,400 per annum.......................................... 212 Nnm her of clr;rks at $1,200 per anunm ..................... __ ........................ 258 Number of assistant clerks at $1,000 per alinum...................................... 43

49 11,208 27,596


~faldng t.he total number of clerks................................................... 513 Wit-h annual compensation amounting to .................................................. $649, 400 00

JOHN L. ROUTT, Second Assistant Postmaster General.



I.-Through mails to San Francisco from Washington.

RorTE.-From Washington, D. C., Yia Baltimore, ~d., Harrishurp:h, Pa., Pittsburgh, Pa., Cllicago, Ill., Clinton, Iowa, Omaha'City, :Nebr., Og-den, Utah Ter., Sacramento City, Cal., Stockton, Cal., anu Oakland, Cal., to San Francisco, CaJ.-3,250 miles.


i .rfj 1 1

:f( ~ ~ ! ~ I I ! -~ ~ ~ -~ ~ I t~ i ~ ~ ~:!;!:~e A~-i~~~~e S~~~~~~~t I' l~ ~~ ~] -~ ~-~ II g 1

1 5-:: .=> ces ::: s c:

"' I r.r.: ::n tJ). ~-~-.=> "'

_______ : ~ ! ~~-S ~ ~ ~ ~~-~-----1-----~----~------ --~-----

Oytober, 1870 _ ... _ ...... _1

31 f f.~14 .Jf~~- ~~~ MJ~· : ..t;_~8i Mfg·li 20 11 10 ..... . ~o,·ember,1820 ..........


291 4,976 20 171 35 166 30 24 5 ...... _____ _ December, 1810 ..........

1 30 I 5,286 35 1713 13 166 30 20 10 10 .... ..

.Janum·~-. 1871. .......... -: 28 i 4 782 12 170 47 1613 20 24 4 4 - ... __ February. 1871 ........... I 27 I 4: 543 12 168 16 1136 15 25 2 2 ..... . ::Uareh. 1871. ............. I 29 I 4, 1':'50 20 1137 15 1136 15 28 1 1 .... .. Avril. i~7t. .............. 1

1 29 I 4, 854 10 167 23 166 20 28 1 1 ..... .


Juue, 1871. ............ --I 5, 039 50 167 59 166 05 28 2 2 .... .. July, 1871................ 31 5, 219 25 168 22 166 05 27 4 2 ..... .

September, 1871.......... 30 5, 047 35 168 15 166 15 28 2 2 ..... .

7 6 8 6 3 3 2

2 2 5 2

May, 181l...... .......... 33

01 II 5,163 53 166 34 166 20 31 ................. .

August, 1871. ........... ·1 31 5, 311 40 171 20 166 10 26 5 5 ..... _

Whole period ..... ·1'-3·5--6-·~--6-0-, 5-1-9--52 J 169 59 1 166 05 \ 3091 471 39 .... --1----:-.46

2.-Tlu-ough mails to Washin:;ton from San Francisco.

Rot:TE.-From San Francisco, Cal., via Oakland, Cal., Stockton, Cal., Sacramento City, Cal., Ogden, 'C'tah Ter., Omaha City, Nebr., Clinton, Iowa, Chicago, Ill., Pittsburgh, Pa., Harrisburgb, Pa., anu Baltimore :llu., to \Vashiugton, D. C.-:3,250 miles. '



Agg-regate time


.Aserage time.

ffj \-2 ~ :~ ~~ "'0 s ~ @.§ ~ . 0

~ ~ 22 ~ .§ ] l ; rd Shortest ;-2 ,..,; :5 :;.-,...., ~ 1 ~ 'l.l

,time. 'E'~ ]~ ,a"g -~ i ~-2 ~-B ~ ~:§ ::: I § i tt:: ."1') "' tt:: .=> "' I ?:_ ~-S ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ e


I Hrs. .Min. I Hrs. Min. ~-H-r-1'1.-.M-i_n_. -I------------~--October, 1870............

30 55

,, 31 ~9·.·)04 ~00 1 11!1 .~ ~u0' 1




0 ~74 4 4 ... _ ._ ._._·.I

:Xon•mber, 1870.. ... ... .. _ ,_, ,. "' 6 5 5 December, 1870.... ...... 31 1 5, :H5 30 172 26 11~~ 2

105 <)2~45 7 4 -!

-January, 1871. ..... ...... 31 ' 5 337 30 172 10 uu 6 3 1


ir~~~~\\~i~7i~:~:: ~:::::::: ~~ g; ~~~ ~g i~~ ~~ i~~ !g ~r 5 : ~: ~ ~: 1------.April, 1871.................... 30 5,087 60 169 36 166 10 27 3 ···-i· ------.------l\lay, 1R7L............... 30 5, 132 45 171 05 166 45 25 5 1 ...... :1 'l

Juue, 1871............... 2!1 \ 5,016 45 172 59 166 50 25 4 .... 1 .. _:_:_:_:_:_:.1

_____ 2_ Jul,v. 1~71................ 31


5 2!19 57 , 170 58 170 10 30 1 August, 1871............. 31 s' 2G6 45 'i 169 53 I 166 10 27 4 1 ' 1 September,1871 ... : ...... _3~-_io39 -~~~~~~~ 28 2 ...... ::::::~ .... ..

whole perio<1 ...... 1

363 I 62, o39 57 I 110 5-t ! 166 10 3t6f47f2or~~~-~~- 22


3.-Through mail8 to San Franci.scofrmnNeu· York.

ROt;TE.-From x~w York, N.Y., Yia Hanishurgh, Pa., Pittsburgh, Pa., (also from New York, Yia Erie l'a.,) Chicago, Ill., Clinton, Iowa, Omaha City, N cur., Ogden, Utah Ter., Sacramento City, Cal., Stockton, Cal., and Oakland, Cal., to San Francisco, Cal.-3,307 miles, (3,370 miles via Erie, Pa.)


~ 1~- ~ ~- ~ 0 0~ ~ ;: rd ~

~ -5 ~ ~ ~ ~ ·6 ~..; Period. "= .Aggregate Average Shortest ~ ~ .-:::: c.5 ""' '-' :l.>

---- --- ---- !_~,. .,:~~lea. time. time. II ! l ~ ~ H ! l~ -- - - - ~ ~-.. ~ ~ ~ §


Hrs. Min. H1'8. Min. Hrs. Min.~l-----------O.ctober, 1870 . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 10, 382 10 175 5d 162 00 44 15 13 8 1\ovemher, 1870......... 26 ~·. 5()~1 90 14~ 173 50 167 15 1 D 1~ 7 10 DecemLer, 1870. ... .. .. .. :n ~ v 182 54 167 15 • 16 v 15 8 Jannar:v, 1871 ...... :. . . . 31 5, 545 10 178 52 167 05 17 14 14 8 February, 1871 . . . . . . . . . . 28 4, 850 34 173 14 167 00 22 6 G 5 March. li:'71 ... _......... 48 8, 288 42 172 40 167 00 45 3 3 3 April, 1i:'71 . .. .. . .. .. .. .. 7() 13, 045 45 171 :19 167 10 74 2 2 1 Ma~·, 1~71 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . 56 9, 436 33 16tl 30


167 05 5G . . .. .. .. .. .. 1 June, 1 ~71 ........ .... .. . 58 9, 822 15 lti9 20 167 05 551 31 2 .......... .. July, 1e71 .. .. . .. .. .. . .. 76 13,067 10 171 5fi Hi7 05 74 2 2 . ... .. 2 .Augu;;t, 1~71 .... .. .. .. . 80 I 13,939 50 174 14 167 10 72 8 8 .... .. 3

September, 1871 ..... ·---~~~~ s.::_~~~-~~~~~ ~: ~~--1 '\Vhollc period . . • • • • . 644 111, 412 39 I 173 00 1 162 00 I 569 I 73 I 72 .. .. .. 50

I I I l

4.-Th1'ough mails to Kei'v York from San Franci8co.

Rot:TE.-From San Francisco, Cal., Yia Oaldand, Cal., Stockton, Cal., Sacramento City, Cal., Ogden, "Gtah T<'r., Omaha City, KelJr., Clintor., Iowa, Chicago, Ill., Pittsl,urgh, Pa., and Harrislmrgh, Pa., to New York, N. Y.-3,307miles.



~ f.o <!) C)

~ "i3 .... 1:1)

::::<:3 -:) s = c- .-:::: ~

2 ~:a Q)

~~ ..; 0

-5 ,!:l

"' ..

C) 0 .. ~~ .Agg-rt>_gate ~~ "' . ~~ -~

.-:::: A•erage Shortest ,....Cl .... C) C)

-~ time <:.:::: .§.§ r§~ ~ :=: .:::

'-< occupied. time. time. -~] -~ ~t .... ,.::::..-

c::.ol c: Q., s =~ C) Q~ ..::: c:.> 0

~ rn"' "' ,$..0 r11 rn ~= ·c;: '@ ·a ~

~ ~--- ~

~ ~ ~ ~ A -----

Hrs. Min. Hrs. Min. Hrs. Min. October, 1870............ 31 1 5, 315 45 171 28 167 15 25 6 4 4 Non•mher, 1&70.......... 30 I 5,158 20 171 56 167 00 24 6 5 5 DecemLer. 1870.......... 31 5, 318 50 171 34 167 30 23 8 4 4 Jan nary, 11':!71.. _......... 31 ' 5, 334 30 172 04 167 35 22 9 4 4 Fehmary, 1871........... 28 4, 749 40 169 37 167 30 22 6 ................ .. March, 1871.............. 31 5, 213 CO 168 09 167 00 31 ...................... .. .April, 1871............... 30 5, Ofi9 05 168 58 167 30 29 1 .. • .. . 1 May, 1871................ :n 5, 234 15 168 50 1H7 30 30 1 ........... . June, 11':!71............... 30 5, 040 00 16tl 00 1ti7 20 30 ...................... .. July, 11'<71................ 31 I 5, 217 00 168 17 167 05 28 3 , ................ .. .August, 1871. ......... __ . 30 5, 0!13 30 169 47 167 10 27 3 l .1 .. .. .. 2 September, 18171 .. .. .. . .. 30 I 5, 048 50 168 17 167 20 30 ......


................ ..

--~h~lep~~~_:_~-~- . 31i41 fi1,7~~----45 ____ 169 45_L~~7---~~- 3211 4~J..--2~ 1-- .. ~~~-~~


5.-Throngh rnails to San Francisco from Boston.

ROUTE.-From Boston, Mass.;da Albany, N.Y., Buffalo. N. Y., Erie, Pa., Toledo, Ohio, Chicago, Ill., Clin­ton, Iowa, Omaha City, Nebr., Ogden, Utah Ter., Sacramento City, Cal., Stockton, Cal., all!l Oaldaml, Cal., to San Francisco, Cal.-3,449 miles.


1 ~--- --- 1£ ~ 11 ll-i .· ! 1 ~ ~:§ ~ M ~ ~ i ~

Perle<!. 1 :,"Ei;r.:.· A;;~~ge I· s~~::.'' I H ~] Iii i In ; I' I ~~ -; I :j : ; ;1, r';j ~ ~-S ~ ~ I ~ ~

--·--------~-----~ . ~~--~---~~--! ~- H

1 Hrs. J[in.l HrR. Min. 1

Hrs. Min.


: I ' Oetober,1870 ............ 1 37 6,718 35 181 35 166 00 27 10 7 i------ 10 Nowmber.1870 .......... : 26 4,624 30 , 177 51 171 15 19 7 I 7 1------i 11 December, 1870.......... 26 4,910 40 I 188 52 171 15 12 141 14~------i 11 January, 1871. _.... .... .. 25 4, 49"/ 33 179 54 171 05 16



9 ------1 9 Fehruary,1871. .......... 24 4,23'2 10: 176 20 171 00 21 3 ...... : 5 March, 1871. _ .. __ .... __ .. 26 4, 757 47 182 59 181 00 24 2

2 i .. ----

1 7

April,1871. .............. 26 4,647 05 ! 178 44 171 05 24 21 1

------• 6 May,187L............... 28 4,964 45 177 18 171 05 21 71 71----- 7 Juue, 1871. .............. : 27 4,768 20 1 176 36 171 10 23 4 2 !------1 7 Jnly,1871. ............... 25 4,457 00 I 178 16 17! 10 21 4 3 1 ------1 7 August, 1871 ....... _ . __ . 28 5, 081 55 181 29 16;> 10

1 24 4 4 1--.-.-

1 8

September, 1871.---------~_22~~~~~-~~~ ~~~~~:~[--4 Whole periocL.... 325 58, 378 00

1 179 37 165 10 [ 259 66 60 1 .. ---., 92

----------- _____ j ____________ ' __ -------------' ___ I ____ I ____ ' ___ 1 __ _

6.-Tllrough mails to Boston from San Franci.sco.

RoeTE.-From San Francisco, Cal., via Oakland, Cal., Stockton, Cal., ~acmmento City, Cal., O~clen, Utah Ter .. Omaha City, Nebr., Clinton, Iowa, Chicago, Ill., Toledo, Ohio, Erie, Pa., Buffalo, N.Y., and Albany, N. Y., to Boston, Mass.-3,449 milee.


,---~--- ~ -1-5 ~ -~ 0 8 as s . . o == . ...-~ ..d ;..... C) r-::; ~


~ ~ ~ . 0 .§ -~ ..::: ~ Agfi:~~ate Atv


,_cre Shortest asS ~ ~ ~~ f;:: .;:,; ~ occupied. tiine. ·e ~ ·S .;; ro ~ ~ ~ ·~

: i.3~ ]..., .e~ ·s §a

-~ i ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ I ~ ~ I~-.-. ~ ~ i ~-

-------------1------ _____ I ____ _

Hrs. Min. I Hrs. Min. I Hrg. Min. 1

i --~------~---October, 1870 ........ __ .. 31 5, 491 45 I 177 O!J 171 15 15 16 5 1 5 N oYem her, 1t<70.......... 30 5, 359 15 178 38 165 00 · 12 18 4 .. __ .. 9 December, 1870.......... 3

31t 5,537 30 178 3R 171 ·15 15 16 5 ......

1 9

,January, 1871............ 5,543 15 178 49 165 00 12 19 4 ______


7 Febrnary, 1871. __ ........ 28 4, 911 45 175 25 171 00 17 11 1 ... _ __ 6

tif!.1~~~I~~~~~~~~::~~:~~: ~~ g;~~~ ~g H! ~~ H~ ~g !g ~ ---T ::::J ~ June, 1871............... 30 55,,1168~ o





111701 0




56 ______ ....



Jul~-,1871. ............... 30 _ Augnst,1871. ............ 31 5,382 45 I 173 38 170 30 I 23 8 1 ..... 1 2 September,1871.......... 30 5,211 00 I 173 42 170 30 1 22 81 1 ______ , :1

Whole period ...... 36363,6512()l_ 175 20_L~~-~~ 1229J134 23-· -~! _51



7.-Thl'ough mails to San Fmncisco from Cincinnati.

ROL"TE.-From Cin~innati, Ohio, Yia Chicago, Ill., Clinton, Iowa, Omal1a City, Nebr., Og:rlen, 'Ltah Ter .. Sacramento C1ty, Cal., Stockton, Cal., and Oaklaml, Cal., to San Francisco, Cal.-2,702 miles.


~ I~~ j ~. I~ ~ [ .... ·:) al t=,§ "g I>:: ~ Ao-rrreo·ate A Sh t t .-...... · 'E ~..::;~ -~ II "'tim~ ~i~:~~~e t~~~~~ .S E ~ ~ ~-.; g ~ -~-""


occupied. ~~ ~:5 :~ .;!:; ..- ~ Period.

rfJ ~ .$ ~~ 00 oc 2 I ~~ ~ 0 s §~

S ----- ~-S ~ ~ ,I-~ ~ -------·. -· . -~~- ·n,.,. 1Bn.-~ n,. Min. H". Min. ,~- I

Octolwr, 1870 . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 1 :l, 868 55 161 12 138 00 8 16


16 .. .. . . 13 NoYem!Jer, 1870.......... 25 , 3, 896 25 155 51 143 15 14 11 11 I ......


8 Deeemlwr, 1870......... 25 j 3, 824 00 152 57 143 15 16 9 9 I...... 10 Jamwry,187l............ 23

1 3,414 41 148 27 143 05 19 4 4 i------ 9

Febrnary,1871........... 221 3,437 52 156 16 143 00 11 11 11 1------ 10 Mareh, 1871. .... __ ....... 24 3, 456 34 144 34 14~ O? 20 4 4 i ...... ! !J April, 1871 ...... ____ ..... ~~~



184 45 11-14~ 0



3.3 0o~ 20 4 g ·,! ._ -__ • _· _·_··,I


J\1ay,187L............... .. 20 ._, -. ._, 25 2 _ Jmw,1?7l ............... 2413,657 10 152 22 143 05 17 7 7 I ______ ! 8 Jnly,1871. ............... 2.'i 3,620 20 145 17 143 0;) 2:3 2 21------! 6 An_gnst,1871. ............ 27 3,H61 45 1-16 43 1-13 10 2-l 3 3! ...... 1 7 September, 1871......... . 24 _ 3, 43~~ ~~ ~~ ~ .:..:..=..:..:_'_:__:_:_:_:_J_:.:~---6

__ _:_hole perio~~~ 294 L44, 0~~~1-~~--~~-0~~-~~~--- 7~--~---~3-~--~~~

8.-Througlt mails to Cincinnati from San Fmnci8co.

RouTE.-From San Francisco, Cal., Yia Oakland, Cal., Stockton, Cal., Sacramento City, Cal., Ogden, Utah Ter., Omaha City, Kebr., Clinton, Iowa, aml Chicago, Ill., to Cincinnati Ohio-2,702 miles.


fiJ ,.:::l .3l I (!)

cl) :::


.... ·a ::: ~~ 0 s --::: s 0 c::: (!) c5 c ;...

~== --:::

~ -§ ~.§ <!l >:: rn ·c ~~ .--::: Agg~~ate Average Shorb•st ~~ ~~ i '...., ;:...

Period. .~ 2r-: c;l ·;::: > ;....

occupied. time. time. '5~ ~:0 i

r-::;j, -~ i"E ;....

c:~ ~ (!)

i s >::<a '-' ..=> 0 .-;c wrn 00


~~ rn ro ~-S ~ ·c:; >.


~ c:: ~ ~ ~ ~ H

------ -----Hrs. Min. Hr.~. JJ[in. H-1·s. JJ[in.

October, 1870 .. . .. .. .. .. . 30 4, 422 30 147 25 142 30 23 5 5 Nowmlwr,1870 .......... 1 30 4,436 50 147 5:3 142 3"o ~~ 7 6 6 December, 1870 ..........

1 31 4, 598 25 1-!5 06 142 30 -- 9 4 4

Jan nary, 187~ ... _ ........ 1

31 4, 617 10 148 56 142 35 16 15 6 6 Fdmwr_Y. l81l. ___ ..... __ , 28 4, "098 50 146 23 143 00 21 1 1 Mar!'h,187L............. 31 4,490 55 144 52 142 20 22 9 1

------------ 1 April, 1871. ...... __ ...... 30 4, 353 20 145 06 143 10 21 9 1 2 l\Ia,\·,1861................ 31 4,714 20 152 04 143 15 10 21 5 5 Jmw, 1871 ------- ___ ..... 30 I 4, 546 45 151 33 141 50 15 15 4 3 July, 1871.. __ ....... _ _ _ __ :n 4, 631 15 149 23 145 oo 24 7 4 4 Aug:nst, 1871 ------------ 3') I 4, 784 HI 149 30 145 00 26 6 6 3 September, 1871 ....... _. 30


4, ·48ti 55 149 33 145 00 24 6 I 5 4

Whole 1Jeriod .... __ :_·_[ 3651 54, 1~~--~~--~--1~8 ~c I_ 141 5o"l247r1is1

47 ~---~1 ~


9.-Through mails to San Frauci8co fi'OJn Chicago.

ROL:TE.-F'rom Chicngo, Ill., ·via Clinton, Town, Omaha City, Xel>r .. Ogden, L'"tah Ter .. Sacramento City Cal., Stoekton, Cal., and Oakland, Cal., to San Francisco, Cal.-2,406 miles.





'§; I

c I


~ !

Ai!gregate I AYerage Shortest

-~ time


occupied. I time. i time.

~ G

~ I

c: ~

..<:: I

C) C)


cu ;; ;...

~ ~d 0 -:::: s

~.a I C) ::5 ~ 0

~~ I ::; ;_§ -~ I

::: ~~ I

w ...::.-.:

E.§ ~~ ~ .:;.:J,;J

·E~ ·=:;...

I ~ ....


~-= -~ I ~-E

~~ C) ce"§ s ::ell QQ


..=> 0 r:t:;r:f1 .$ ~~ ~ I ~. :;:::::: co=·~

I 3 I ~

:: c::i ~ ~

I ~ ~ ----

I Hrs. Min. Hrs. Min. I Hrs .. lliin. .. 24 3,123 35 130 013 128 15 .. 26 3, 338 00


128 23 128 15 ;;;; j ___ .l ___ ' :: ; Octo her. 1870 ____ . _. __ _ Xo.-emlwr. 1870 ....... .

.. 25 3, 23:3 00 129 19 128 15 -- 23 2, 949 21 128 13 128 05 ~j ~----~- ----~- :::::: ~

26] 2 2 2

Decemhrr. 1870. _. ____ _ January,l871 ......... .

.. 28 3, 638 27 129 56 128 00

.. 31 4, 021 17 129 43 1~8 00

.. 30 3, 873 05 129 OG 128 05

.. 28 3, 617 35 129 12 128 05

.. 29 3, 720 00 128 16 128 03

.. 30 3, 873 25 129 04 128 05 -- 29 3, 813 O:i 131 29 128 10 .. 29 3, 716 50 128 10 128 00


~I J _ _: :I' l !~ 1----~-~----~- ------ f

:Febrnar~-. 1871 ....... . )farch. 1871. .......... . .April. 1871. ........ - .. -:May. 1871. ___ . ____ . __ .. JUill', 1871. ___________ _ July, 1871. ____ . __ ...... Augm;t,1871 ____ . ____ _ September, 1871 ... _. __

Whole pm·iou. __ . .. j332 42,917 40 I 129 16 I 128 00 I 318[-14[12 ---44

10.-Tllrough mails to Chicago from San Fmncisco.

RouTE.-From San Francisco, Cal., via Oakland. Cal., Stockton, Cal., Sacramento City, Cal., Ogden, 'Gtah To:r., Omaha City, Nebr., and Clinton, Iowa, to Cllieag·o, Ill.-2,406 miles.



A.ggrrgate time


.A.Yerao·e time:"

ShortPst time.

Hrs. Jiin. : Hrs. Jfin. 1 Hrs. Jfin. Octobrr, 1870............ 31 4,098 55 1 132 13 I 127 35 ~;) :Xowmlwr,1870 .......... 30 3,!141 05 131 22 1 127 15 26 Deeemlwr. 1870.......... 31 4, 079 40 131 35 128 20 27 .Januarr, um----------.. 30 3, !160 1;) 132 15 128 20 27 }'ebrnnry. 1871........... 28 3, 608 35 128 52 128 25 28 :March.1871 .............. 31 3,!l85 0.) 128 33 128 25 31

6 4 4 3

5 4 4 3

5 4 4 4

Avril,1871 ... ____________ 30 ~.8~~ 05 129 24 128 20 29 ::\fay.1871._______________ 31 ,,!ll;) 4;) 128 15 127 20 31 -----· _________________ _ JunP.1871. ______________ 30 3,822 10 1:.!7 24 127 20 30 ...... _________________ _ July,1871 --------------- 29 3,6117 20 127 29 127 20 29 ______ ______ 2 .A.U!-£1lSt.1871 ---------··· 3::! 4,267 20 129 18 127 20 30 3 1 -----· ...... Septemlwr, 1871......... 30 3,827 L) 127 34 127 20 30 ____________ -----·

Whole period .... -- 3o4f47,1~30112n-n 127--15[343 21_1=~~-~ ___ ~~-~


11.-Through mails to San Frartcisco from Saint Louis.

RorTE.-Frnm Saint Lonis, :Mo., via Macon City, Mo., Saint Josl:'pb, Mo., Omaha City, Nebr. (till 16th April, 1871, antl afterward from Saint Louis. Mo., Yia Kansas City, Mo., Dl:'nver Cit.,: Col. ) Cheyenne \Vyo .. Ogden, rtall Tf'r., Sacramento City, Cal., Stockton, Cal., and Oakland, Cal., td San' :E'raucisco' Cal.-2,354 miles, (2,400 miles via Kansas City.) '


s=n ffJJ ~ 2 [:; :::: I ::l Q) "::! a : s 8 I 8a ~ · o ~ , ..:: :.3 ~ ~ -~ ~-: I ~ ... "g Aggregate Average Shortest


1 ~~ "::! ~ I ~..., - . ]'¥ time - - ::: ::: - ..- ce I "" ~ -~ occupied. time. time. 1 ·c ~ :2 :5 ..;; .§ -~ ~·a g I @..:: j "'-::1 a =o ce

r11 I ; iE - I


:; ! :a.s ~ I ~.=l ~ ~ --------~---- I~ 1~1 ~ ~!_:___

Hrs. Min. Hrs. Min. Hrs. Min. I ! I' I October, 1870 . .. . . . . . . . .. 27 4, 148 25 153 38 141 30 i 19 I 8 8 .. .. .. 9 ~ nvem ber, 1870...... .. .. ~~ 3, 938 21~ 157 31 ~ 11~44 30 1 22 ~ 3 ...... j 5 DecPmber,1870 .......... ,.v 3,975 v 159 v v 30 1 20 v 4 ...... 1 7 ,January, 1871............ 24 3, 509 50 146 14 131 05 11 13 13 .. .. .. 12 February, 1871........... 24 3, 150 12 131 11 130 00 23 1 1 ...... I 4

~;~?~\~~{~:::::::::::::: ~~ ~:~~~ ~~ U§ ~~ ~~g g~ i~ ~ 5 ...... 1 1~ May, 1871...... . . . . . . . . . . 24 3, 223 40 134 19 130 05 21 4 4 I 10 Jnne, 1871 .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. 24 3, 320 15 138 20 130 05 16 8 1 8 .. .. .. 11 July, 1871................ 20 2, 693 20 134 40 129 45 16 4 I 4 .. .. .. 14 August, 1871.. .. .. .. .. .. . 24 3, aso 15 140 50 129 50 15 9 9 .. .. .. 11 September,1871 ......... ~__::_105 ~ 135 ~~129 ~~~~~~~.-~

Whole period...... 289 41, Ou8 17 142 06 129 45 122_0 I 70 I 6() ...... ! *11~

~ .. Including days on which missing and Stmdays' dates were due.

12.-Tlll·ough mails to Saint Louis front San Francisco.

:XOUTE.-From San Francisco, Cal., Yia Oakland, Cal., Stockton, Cal., Saeramento City, Cal., Ogden, · Ftah Tl'r., Chl'yenue, \\cyo., Omaha City, Nebr., Saint ,Joseph, Mo., anrl ::'liacou Cit.\·, Mo., ltill 16th

.ipril, 187l, and afterward, after passing Cheyemw, Wyo., Yia Denver City, Col., and Kansas City, Mo., ) to f::laint Louis, Mo.-2,354 miles, ( 2,400 miles na Kansas City.)


I ~n 11n~~~ ~ ~~ ~ ~-= ~ ~ ~ ~ 0

I~ ':;3"'"'12;5 c::: ~ ~.,: ...... _:': .Ap:.!!:ti!'Ielll£ate .A Shortest "::! .9 ,...: :;i >. ~ .oB o ~

Period. ~ " . t' ~ :::: ::: = ~ ..- •• :E >


~ occupied time. I H j il 1

~ ~ -~ § ·~

I ~ I ! ~-; ~ I~~ I ~ I i ----~------1 --- 'i-1 -- -~'-· 1 Hrs. Min. Hrs. .Jlin. Hrs. JHn. 1

October, 1870 ............ 1

30 4, 0:33 00 134 26 128 00 19 ~· 11 I 4 1 1 10 :NnYemhPr, 1870 ..........


30 3, 953 30 131 47 128 00 ~~ 68 1


.. -- .. [ 46 December, 1870 . . . . . . . . . . 30 4, 028 00 134 16 126 00 ,.~

.January, 1871. ........... ! 31 4, 234 00 136 34 128 00 18 1

13 i 4 1 7 Febrnar_v:..1871. .... ··----1 27 3, 72~ 30 141 34 134 00 ~2 ! ~31 · g :::~::11 ~ March, l81l. .............


31 4, 211 CO 135 50 134 00 ~o _

April, 1871............... 30 4,188 00 1:39 36 134 00 "1 9 I 5 I 6 l\iay, 1871................ 31 4 2!15 00 138 33 134 00 ~34 s

6 54

:_: ·_. :_:_:_I, 57

Jnn\', 1871 ..... _......... 30 4: 078 30 135 57 131 00 "' I .Tnlv;1871 ................ , 29 4,037 00 139 12 131 30 22 7 G ...... ! 9 August, 1871 ............ 33 4, 48() 00 136 01 1:n 30 27


6 I 4 ...... 3 September, 1871 ......... -~~ 4, 085 00 1;{6 10 132 00


23 7 1 __ 4 _, __ I_! __ (i

-----=~~:llel'i~-~:~~--~~2--~9,~~~---~o--1136 20 126 _:_1~71 j_~~ ! 48 I 3 i 71


13.-Through mails to New Orleans from Washington.

Rot:TE.-Frorn Washington, D. C., via Lynchbnrgl1, Va., Bristol, Tenn, Knoxville, Tenn .. C~ttanooga, Tenn., Grand Junction, Tenn., and Cmiton, ::\liss., to :New Orleans, La.-1,280 miles.




I Period.

Aggregate time


I A>erage ! time.

Shortest time.

,..:::: Q ~

:JJ "5 0 c ~ ~ rg ~.§ rd

,.::::l '""" ..0 r-::: ~ -~-~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ 0 ~~ ~ ~ ~- 1"-:j ~ ~.... ~ ~-~

·E~ ~~ ~:; .:_·~;:: 8 ~-= 3 ~.E c·; \..):,; ... 0 -·;J rx r£ rn ... ~ 8

jls .~. ~ 2 -~-- § _ ~---·1--- I

H1·s. Min. ! Hrs. Min. Hrs. Min. I October, 1870 . 0 .. 0. 0 0 0 .. 0 29>' 2, 767 25 ' !l:i 25 77 05 20 9 Xonmber, 1870.0 _ 0 0 0 _ 0 0. 30 2, 513 4.5 83 47 77 05 13 17 I 5 December, 1870 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 31 2, 674 40 86 14 77 05 HI 121 8 January,187l.oooooooooo0 30 2,484 40 82 49 77 30 22 l::! 5 Febrnary, 1871 _ 0 _ 0 _ 0 0. 0 0 27 2, ISO 20 80 45 77 30 23 4 4 March, 1871 _ . 0.... . . . . . . 30 2, 470 50 82 21 77 30 25 5 5 1 April, 1871 ............. 0 30 2, 425 40 80 51 76 45 21 9 4 I· ... ..

¥ual:, Vjs'A :: : :::: : : :: : ::: ~~ , ~: ;M ~~ . ~~ ci~ ~g ~g ~~ 1~ il ~

2 (}

4 6 6 4 6 3 7 4 2 July, 1871 . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 31 2, 523 15 1


84 37 76 50 27 4 1 August, 1871.. 0.... . . • . . . 31 2, 430 05 78 05 76 45


~7 4 I 2 September, 1871 .•..... 0. 29 2, 287 35


78 52 76 45 21 8 1 1 2

__ w~~~~r~oa.~~-~-~ 3591 30,095- 44 j 83 49 j_ 76 45 J 264 951 -~6j 51 -~l *Via Mobile from 3d to 20th October, inclusive.

14.-1/u-ough mails to Washington from New OJ•lcans.

RouTE.-From New Orleans, La., via Canton, Miss., Grand Junction. Tenn., Chattanooga, Tenn., Knoxville, Tenn., Bristol, Tenn., and Lynchburgb, Va., to ·washington, D. C.-1,2130 miles.


--------------000 ____ 0-----

Period. .Aggregate

time occupied.

AY~rage time.

! ~Jl a)- ~ ~0 -------g-] -~- ~ ..,...,2.:_~ ~ ....= -- - -- -.-- rod --~-·' ~ .+-J ~ -~ -

Shortest I ~r£ :: s ce~ e ~-~ time. 'E~ ;§-5 ~~ -~ <;

~~ ~ ~~ I ~ :-~ ~~ ·- ~:; ~ ~-..... ~ ~ 2 c: ~ ~ ~-;:; __ ~ _:_

Hrs. Min. Hrs. Jfin. Hrs. Jlin. ; I October, 1870 °.... .. . . . . 30 2, 755 10 91 50 73 15 12 18 18 11 XoYemhPr,1870 ...... 0 ... 30 2,705 15 90 10 73 20 12 113 11"' i 1 9 Dec-em hPr, ltl70 _ 0 0 0 _ 0 __ . . 3

301 2

2,, 66


00;)5~ !'884



~33 1105

15 , 11~ 11[~> 1·-- 01° • •


Janum-~·. 1871 _ ....... 0 __ , 19


~ :

Fel.Jmary. 1871 .. 0 0 0..... 25 1, 922 00 76 05 73 10 20 5 ;> 7 'March, 1871. 0 0... . . . . . . . . 32 2, 565 35 80 10 73 15 26 6 6 I:::::: 5

tr~;~,\~;ll: :::::::::::: ~: ~~ ~: ~~~ t8 ~~ ~~ ~~ :g ~~ 1~ 1g 1---- i- g June, 1871. ·······o····o· 29 2,354 20 81 11 72 45 19110 '> 1 4

i~~~.~;~!i!~s7·1· ~ ~:::::::: ~ ~ ~~ ~: ~~~ ~b ~~ g ~~ ~g ~~ ~ ~ ! :::::: ~ September, 1871 .. 0 0..... 30 2, 287 25 77 11 72 45 26 4 4 i .... 0 _ 4

Whole period ........ 358f29~~ O~o-[ 82 ot - 0-~2 ~~~_j 2~~~ 11~~ 10~-~-4[=~


15.-Tlu·ough maill'l to l{ew Orleans from JS'"ew Yorlc.

So~THW~STEI;;> UOUT~.-Frorn :N ew,York, N.Y., via W<~shington. D. C., Lynch burgh, Va., Bristol, Tenn., l"Lnoxy~lJI', l_nm., Chattanooga, Tenn., Grand Junctwn, Tenn., and Canton, Miss., to New Orleans, La.-l,olO nnles.


I Hrs. .Min. Hrs . .Jlin. Hrs. ]Hn. ----

October, 1870 . . . .. . . . . . . . 26., 2, 869 54 110 22 85 49 3 23 23 3 8 Novemhi·J·. 1S711..... ... . . 30 I 2, 795 00 93 10 85 49 14 16 6 ... ... 5 Df'cPmher. 1:-<70... . .. .. . 31 2. 945 24 I !15 24 85 4!1 16 15 9 .. .. .. 6 ,Jannar_,., h'7L ......... ·I 31 I 2, 8~3 09 i 93 09 86 14 21 10 7 . .. .. . 6 Fehm•n·~-. 1871 . . . . . . . . . 2S , 2, 691 37 1


96 07 86 14 17 11 11 .. .. .. 8 :Mareh, 1871 .. .. .. . .... .. 30t[ 2, 709 10 90 18 86 14 23 7 5 1 6 April, 187L .. .. . .. ...... . 30 I 2, 6!16 00 99 52 85 29 23 7 4 . ..... 3 Ma~-. 181'1 . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 30 2, 899 00 1' 96 38 88 44 20 10 7 1 7 June, 1871............... 30


2, 785 25 1 9


50 88 59 25 55

o1~ . .. .. . 4 Jnl~-. 1871 _. ________ .. _ _ _ 31 2 793 49 I 07 85 34 26 I 2

te~~~~;:;b~;,'~87·1·_·_·_-.·.·.:::: ~~ 1 ~: ~g~ ~t ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~i . ~ t ... ~.. ~ Whole period ....... f357T-:13,358331~09 8529 236Tl21[83[--6-[----s9

*Eleven of these diverted via \\estern route. tOne of these diverted via \Vestern route.

\\ESTJWX JtOVTF..-Fmm :Xew York, N.Y., via Rarrisburg;h, Pa., Pittsbnrgb, Pa., Colnmbns, Ohio, Cin­cbmati, Ohio. Loni:-wiliP, Ky., Bowling GrPPn, Ky., Humboldt, Term., Granu Junction, Tenn., and Canton, Miss., to Xew Orleans, La.-1,608 miles.



i .§ ;.. ~ ~


~ ;;.,g a ~

~ ..=1 ~:3 od g ;:l ;E ~

•ate ~ ~c) ce] -~ ~~ .AYerage Shortest ~ ;...

e ~ :2:8 c; ;a.~

ied. time. time. ;::s -~ ~t= .s ~ ..§.=> -=c;: .=> ~ 0 rn ..'!3 rn ~

~ rn :; '@ =0 ;.., ~a c: c:

~ ~ ?1 A ------ --------

H1's. Min. Hrs. 11Iin. Hrs. 11fin. October, 1870 ......... _ ..


30 2, 722 N OYf'lll bPI', 1820.... . ... 'I 28 2, 531 Dt'Ct>mbcr. 1i<.U .......... , 31 2, 908 ,Jannary, 1871 ....... ···1 30 2, 676 February. 1871 .. .. .. .. .. 27 2, 419 March. 1871 ............ _


31 2, 816 .April, 1871 ............ _. 30 2, 599 Mav, 1871 .............. ·1 29 2, 683 Jmi~. 1~7l............... 30 2, 689 Jul,\, 1811_._ ..............


. .~~2 ;2.,o6"~74 .An:rnst. 1tl.1 .... -..... 1

' c September, 1871 ..... - ... ,~ __:, 546

Whow period ........ : 355 31, 81H I

44 90 44 81 40 9 21 8 1 4 40 91 07 80 30 7 21 11 ------ 4 25 93 49 80 30 8 23 12 ------ 3 50 89 13 80 30 8 22 4 ------ 2 20 89 36 80 30 10 17 5 ···--- 3 10 90 50 80 30 14 17 5 1 4 00 86 38 80 30 14 16 4 ------ 3 25 fJ2 31 79 30 5 24 16 1 4 05 89 38 79 00 15 15 14 -----· 5 50 88 32 79 00 12 17 12 ·----- 6 00 83 52 77 30 19 13 4 ------ 6 30 90 56 77 30 6 22 20 1 7

591--sD 45· -----121! 228 1151_4_1-----;t 77 30


16.-Throngh mails to New rod.; front Xew Orleans.

SoFTIIWE,.,TEitX nouTE:.-l<'rom :New Ol'leam;, La., Yirt C;tnton, 1fi:-;s., Gl'.tnll .rnnction, TPnn., Chatta­noo,:!;n, '1\"m., KHoxYille, Tenn., Bristol, Tenn., Lynchlmrgll, Va., aml '\Vashiugton, D. C., to .New York, S. "Y.-1,510 miles.




t!) ;::: 0 ;..

~ ""::: .Ag·greg:ate .A.Yerage

I ~ time ·;:: time. ... occupied . c;

~ :5 ~

'2 Sl1ortest

""::: ;::

time. ~


s ""::: ·:: 0 <ll


:2~ ~

.., I c o ci I;:; 2.§ ~ 1 ....

~~ ~ i:£rg ~~ ·s ~~~·C

e...-:.S """ k

.~ ~~~ :g25 ~ ~ <;;) ·~ ~ ~ ;::: lc·o; oo oo 3 ......-~.~ § Tl lrr. a ..... ~ ~ -~ ,;, ~ ~ d c::- d c-~: .,.. :::; ~ ~ ~ ~ '~

------------------~'__::_____ Hrs~-lli-: Hrs. ~Un. --;;:.8, llin~-- -- -- -~~--October, 1870 __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ 29 3, lt33 10 109 50 E'li 4::> 4 2

1.85 I 17 1 13

Nowmber, 1870______________ 30 3,0'1:~ 30 101 27 ' ~5 45 12 I Hi ----~ E; Decem her, 1::<70 __ __ __ __ __ __ __ 29 2, j97 45 96 2R I 85 45 17 12 'I 10 --.. 8 Jauuary,1871._______________ .:lO 2,903 35 !JIJ 47 85 45 17 13 9 6 February, 1871 __ __ __ __ __ __ __ ~m 2, 686 05 92 :n 86 00 1 21 8 'I Z 1 3 March, 11::!71 __ _ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ 30 2, Sflli 35 96 33


85 00 2:3 "I • 1 8 .April, 1r<71 __ .. __ __ __ __ __ __ __ 29 2, 534 35 87 23 85 10 2::> 4 1 2 1 1 May, 1871. ________ .. _______ . 31 3, OH 50 98 13 87 00 21 10 I 10 5 June, 1871. _ .. __ __ __ _ __ __ __ __ 29 2. 893 45 99 47 86 10 9 20 1 13 .. .. 4 Jul~-. Hl7L __________ .. __ __ ___ 31 2, 753 20 I tl8 49 85 15 25 6 1 2 __

1 2

.Augnst.1871. ____________ -_-_-_-_!, 31


2,885 50 93 05 85 00 22 91

1 9 .... 1 September, 1871 __ _ __ __ _ 29 2, 508 15 86 29 85 10 28 1 _ --1 2

Whole period. ___________ ~357f3.1.13315-~--953(;1--85ooj-m -m;-103 3 : 67

'WESTETIX ROUTE.-From New Orleans, La., Yia Canton, "Miss., Grand Junction, 'l'enn., Hnmbolt1t, Tenn., Bowling Green, Ky., LouisYille, Ky., Cincinnati, Ohio, Columlms, Ohio, Pittslmrg·h, Pa., allll Harris­burgh, Pa., to New York, N. Y.-1,608 miles.



Aggregate time


AYerao·o time~

Shortest time.

Hr8. JJlin. Hrs. JJ[in. Hrs. Min. October, lfno ________ . __ _ _ __ _ 26 2, 350 30 90 24 77 :~o 11 15 11 10 :X on·m hrr, 1870-- __ .. __ __ __ __ 26 2, 332 45 8!) 43 77 15 6 20 12 8 DPCI'ullhl'r,l870 .............. 24 2,153 05 89 42 77 30 6 18 10 9 Jannan· 1871 27 2, 4118 25 91 25 79 00 9 18 11 7 ~': •. lbl~c·~111a,·I1·;·~.·7118·7-·1_-_:_:_:-__ :_:_:_:_:_:_:_:_:_:_ 23 2.030 25 88 16 79 10 11 12 11 7 .ill. 26 2, :i92 5;) fl9 55 79 00 9 17 12 13 .April,187l __________________ 25 2,172 20 86 53 78 40 11 14 7 8 l!Iay, 1871 --- ... __ __ _ __ __ __ _ _ 24 2, 24:! 15 93 28 80 15 6 18 16 2 9 Juue,1871. __________________ 24 2.3fi7 10 98 37 83 00 24 18 1 9 July, 1871 ________ .. _______ .. 27 2, fi84 55 99 26 95 00 27 27 '1--.. 6 .August. 1871 ______________ .. 26 2, 5:33 10 97 25 9! 55 __ __ __ 2tl 26 .. __ 7 September, 1871 ______ -- __ _ __ 26 2, 4fi6 35 94 52 n oo 1 25 25 ! 5

Whole period. ___________ -3o4f28.39_5_30\--93~~77-oo -70 -234~-186~~~98


17.-Through mail8 to Memphis from New York.

SOUTHWERTERX ROUTE.-From NPw York, N. Y., \ia Washington, D. C., Lynchbnrcrh Va. Bristol Tt:nu., Knox.Yille, Tenn., Cl!attanooga, Tenn., and Grand Junction, Tenn., to Memphi~, '£e~n.-1,Hi~ miles.


-----------------~-~ ----~~---~~--~---~---- ---

Period. .Aggregate

time occupied.

.Avf'rage time.

Shortest time.

~ I <ll '"' I ~ ~ 0 cS ~ ;;..::: ..

~ i ;J~ ~ ~-d ] .-o Q3 ce ::: ~ '-~ ~ ~E ~:S :g] -~ ~-a

i .s ~ Q a §<ll I rn 00 ~5 $ ~

~~~----~---1 ~ --------------------- ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ e i Hrs. "l[in. Hrs. Min. Hrs. Min.

Octolwr, 1870 ................ ! 27 2, 236 3~ 82 50 63 14 3 24 22 2 , N"oYt~mber, 1870 .............. ! 30 2,025 25 67 30 62 29 26 4 2 2

~~l~~~l~:1it:"_: ~ ::: :: J ~ ~: ~~ il il H !i ft i! i ~ ! Al_)ril,l87l. .................. l 29 1,926 46 66 26 62 59 25 4 4 3 May,I87l. ................... 32 2,2:N 13 69 49 62 59 25 7 7 6 June, 1871 .. __ ..... __ ........ 30 1, 893 15 63 04 !i2 59 29 1 ............ .. Jnly,1871. ...................

1 31 1,971 29 6:~ 35 62 59 29 2 1

.AU).!;USt,187l. ................ j 30 1,896 05 63 12 62 59 27 3 1 September, 1871. ............. 1 31 1, 090 39 64 12 62 59 29 2 1 ...... ..

Wholepcriod ............ (358124~947---67521fi22Gj2s3755Sj4-:n

WESTEHX ROUTE.-From New York. N. Y., via Harrisburgh, Pa., PittAlmrgh, Pa., ColnmlmA, Ohio, Ciucinnati, Ohio, Louisville, Ky., Bowling Green, Ky., and Humboldt, Tenn., to Mempl!is, Tenn.-1,229 miles.


------------------.--------- ----·--·-----------~-~----,----.~"C""

..d c3 <:;>

'"' ;:a =..o -~ :3 0

'"0 ~~ ~~~ 0 ~

C) -d :::

";; :::: IE ce.-o .s ~ .Agg-regate ~ ~Q,)

;... I Q Q AYerage Shortest <ll = a Period. <ll time = = ~·= ::s .::: -~ time. time. 0 :3:5 ..... ~ ~ ;... occupied. en ,23 I;;~ ~ .s <ll a = ~ <..I Q 0

"' .!l .!l .$E; "' I~ .,... ·;;; ·; .,... = ~ ~

~,... ~ ce ~ ~ ~ ~ A ------~ -

Ht8. .llfin. Hrs. Min. Hts. .Min. Octolwr, 1870 ........ __ .. 31 1, 990 1::1 I 64 12 58 15 8 23 1 Nowmber, 1870 ......... _.... 29 1, 789 10 61 39 58 15 19 10 1 Deeemlwr,l~70 .............. 31 l,tl9-l 00 61 05 59 30 22 9 ............ ..

~~~t~-;~:~~~~:: ~::::: ~:::::: ~~ t ~~~ ~g ~~ rr g~ ~~ i1 ~ ~ 3 ~ ~~~!\~~1~:::::: _::::::::.::: 1 3o 1, 822 3o ~~ ~g g~ ~~ ~~ g 1 -- -l-- · Jnue.1871 ................... ~~ 1 ~:~~~ ~~ 59 o6 57 30 25 5 2:::::::: f~~.I;l;ris7i::::::::::::::::: ~31o1 _i1_:.~,9jg11 e~o __ ~5~g9 ~4924_ g5~7 ~3~o

32/s1 ----2-· ........

8eptem\.Jer, liHl. .......... _.. _

_ _:hole periotl ... -~=:~~l2~, ~~_: __ j~~~-'---~-~-~8 41


lB.-Through rnaih; to New rork from Memphis.

Sol;THWESTEHX ROUTE.-From Memphis, Tenn., yia Grand .J_nnction, Tenn., Chattanooga, Tenn., Kno~: ville. Tenn., Bristol, Tenn., Lynchlmrgh, Ya., and \Vasbmgton, D. C., to New York, K. Y.-1,1ti<> miles.


0 ~ s ...... ft ~


:= "= ~~ s 0

$ ::: ~ ·c

= ~ "'=~ .~ .::

':;:: ::: ee5 ·~~ ~ AgR~~~ate A>erage Shortest ~ r-:=c3 ~ Period. -~ ~ ~E

4-.·::::: ... occupied .

time. time. ]~ ~ ~~-s ... '§ ~ .s ::= ~ Q .0 ~ :c 00 00 00- ~2 00 1m

~ ~ ·c; ~;:::: ·~ :§ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

I ---- ----

Hrs. .Min. Hrs. Min. Hrs. lJiin. October, 1870 .. .. . . .. .. .. .. .. 5 625 15 125 03 92 15 5 5 29 No-.emuer,1870 .............. 24 1,657 05 G9 02 67 05 23 1 1 3 December, 1870.............. 29 2, H3 45 73 55 65 5;'1 21 8 8 4 January, 1871. ...... .. ....... 28 2,142 25 76 30 67 20 19 9 8 9 Feb1·uary. 1i371............... 28 1, H49 00 69 36 67 20 26 2 2 1 March 18~1 30 2, 264 00 75 21:'! 67 00 23 7 7 6

ff:~~t~t E_ :_: :_;_;_._: : __ : __ :_ -_ -_- :_ :_ :_ :_ :_ i1

~ i: !~! ~ !! !l !i ~ H ~ , i i August, 1871 28 1: 949 00 69 36 68 00 26 2 1 . . . . 4

September, 1871.---.-.- .. - .. -1---..::_ _____:_=:.._ 03: _u_s_~ ~-8-~ o~jog[~ ~ :..:__1· .I 701

\Vhole period ............ 1

319 22,951 v 71 56 65 55 "' 49 I 43

1\'~_sT~RX R?t:TE.-;-From Mem})his .. Ten~., via Humboldt, Tenn., l~owling Green, Ky., Louisville, Ky., Cmcmnati, Oluo, Columbus, Oh10, Pittsburgh, P<>~., and Harrisburgh, Pa., to New York, N. Y.-1, 229 miles.



October, 1870 .............. .. November, 1870 ............. . December, 1870 ............. .

~~~~~~~~~!~~~ ::::::::::::::: April, 1871., ............... .. ::\lay, 1871. .................. . .June, 1871 ................. .. July, 1l-071 .................. .. August, 1871. ............. __ . September, 1871 ............. _

51 55 57 56 47 60 55 61 75 42 30 3lJ

Ag(!!egate tune


Hr8. Min. 3, 104 05 3, 421 co 3, 612 40 • 3, 546 10 2, 894 25 4, 080 10 3, 3;j8 45 3,644 40 4, 548 10 2, 4!i8 0.5 1, 698 45 1, 868 35

------Whole period ............ 619138, 255 30

Average time.

Hrs. Min. 60 51 62 12 G3 54 63 19


61 35 68 00 60 42 59 45

i 60 38 58 45

I 56 37

I 62 17 I

---~-6 ,.=: ;.. I.-.

:5 i ;~ ~ ,-~ ~ ] "=~ -~ ~~

Shortest time. ] ] ~ ~ ~- ~ 1·~ ~

~ ~:;; ,.§.5 -~ ~~-s

Hrs. 50 47 55 54 56 56 55 48 47 45 50 50

.s ,:;. C) ,---, § ~ rn rn .$5 ,$ rn ·a ....... ;:I ...... h

i ~ i~ ~A

Af~1- -:-I-: -:- ~- --3

45 7 ' 48 29 4 ~0 15 42 15 2 20 24 32 18 2 10 19 28 8 3 1 00 25 35 17 3 25 10 00 30 10 45

32 2:3 6 1 32 29 14 18 57 28 19 23 16 18 12 8

6 24 17

1 8 8 6

,JOHN L. ROlTTT, Second Assistant l'u11tmaoter General.


Statements showing operations anrl1·esults of foreign mail se>·vice far the fiscal year ended June ~0, 1871.

The posta,ges on Unitetl and European mails were as follows: The aggregate amount of postage (sea, inland, ::mel foreign) on the mails exchanged-

·with the United Kingdom ............................................. $564, lt-!7 59 '\Yith the North German Union ......................................... 527,148 18 ·with France.......................................................... 6,47:3 60 'With Belgium . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14, 04~ 76 \Vith Netherlands . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1~, 50[1 12 \V1th Switzerland..................................................... 29,104 68 With Italy............................................................ 20,994 48

Total postages ....... _ .................... ~ __ ..... _ ...... _ .. _ .. 1, ltl1, 057 41

BPing $264,885 19 less than the amount reported for the previous year. The postages on mails sent to Enrope were as follows, viz:

To United Kingdom .. _ ... _ .. _ ..... _ ............... ~ .................. . T11 North German Union .............................................. . To }'ranee ........................................................... . 'l\1 Be-lgin1n ........................................•.................. 'fo NPtherla.nds ...................................................... . To s,vitzerlaud ...................................................... . 'fo I tal~· ............................................................. .

$293,914 97 252,721 96

4,735 40 6, G:H 95 9,29;) 80

14, :3R4 00 8,742 70

Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 593, 429 78

The postages on mails receitecl from Ertrope were as follows: From Unit~><l Kingdom ............................................... . From North German Union ............................................ . Fron1 France ........................................................ . :Front B~'lginrn ........................................................ . From Ne:-therlall(ls ................................................... .. From S"·itzerlan<l .................................................... . :Fro1n Italy ........................... _ ............................... .

$270,272 62 271,426 22

1 738 20 7:408 tl1 9, :W9 32

15,320 68 12,~51 78

Total . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 587, 627 63

Postages collected in tht=:' United States ....... _ ........................ $755,724 39 Postages collected in Europe...... . . . . .. . . . . . . . .. . .. . .. . . . . . . .. . . . . . .. . 425, ~3:3 02

Excess of collections in the Uuited States............................... :3:~0, :391 37

Nnm11cr of letters sent from the United States ......................... .. Nnml>erofletters receivetl from Europe ................................ .

7,410,573 6,697,987

'fotal...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14, 113 560 =============

Being an increase of912,114 oYer the nnm1;er reported for the previous year. The excess of postages on mails 8e11f from the Uuitecl States to different countries

of En rope, over that on mails rccdved from the same cou11tries, was as follows :

United Kingdom ................................... ,.................. $23,642 35 }'ranee.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2, 997 20 Nether lands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86 48

Total ....................................•......................

The excess of postages on mails receh·ed oYer those sent was as follows: North German Union ................................................. . Italy ................................................................ . S'Yit.zerland ................................................ --~- ..... . Belgiun1 ...................................................•..........

Total ........•...................•......................•.......

26,726 03 =============

$15,704 26 :3,509 08

936 68 773 tl6

20,923 88 ========


~umber of letters and amounts of postage on mails conrryed to and from Europe by the fol­loH:i ng steam skip lines:

---~~-------~----~--· ------ -~---~------ --------~---~---


~arne of line.

j Sent. Received. j Total. Sent. \ Receiwd. I Total.

'W-i-ll-ia_n_l_R_a __ n_d_G_t_1i_o_n_l_ii_Je ___ ll 2, 597,883 257 2, 5f!S, 140 $201,266 ;- $12 32 1


$201,279 1~ Inman line . __ ... __ . __ . _.. 2, 059, 733 1, 877, 50!) 3, 937,242 168, 743 6!) 1-63, 649 92 332, 393 61 Hamlmrgliue ............. 848,222 32R,6li4 1,176,886 70,73050 28,90032 9!>,6:~082 Cnua~·ll line ______ . __ . __ . 942, 017 3, 6R3, 4-H 4, 62:l, 461 78, 227 88 3'20, 4~4 ~~ \ 398, 7:22 67 Korth GPI'lllflll Lloyd line I fi60, 2921 791, 248 1, 451, 540 54. 489 o:l 72, 9.)s ;)~ I 127, 447 55 Canadian line .... _: __ . __ .j 252, 674 1, 927 254, 601 15, 673 69 114 !)6 1 15, 7t'R 65 :FrenchliuP .............. I 40,3,1!) 14,!:68 55,317 4,03490 1,496>?01 5,5:H70 W.H. \\~eub'sliue_______ 2,633 ............ 2,633 263 30 ............ 1 263 30

Totals .......... __ __ 7, 40:_ 803 \ 6, 69t<, 0~2J!-4, 101, 820 5!l3, 429 78 _5!"'1,_627 ~: 1. 181, 057 -~

Increase overl870 .... ___ --~~~4, 06~1 5!)6, 30~~-!~0, 374 ~.:..=...:...:__ ~_:_:__:_~:_:_~_:__:_.:__:__:_:_.:__:__:_:_ Decrease from1870 ...... _. ~~~~=~~ ~~~ 146,49018 118,3~~ -----;w~8519

Payments to ocean mail steamRhip lines pc1formiug 81'1-ricc on basi-s of posta~rc em·nings during fi.scal year ended June 30, Hl71.

i Amount of com-1 pemation.

North German Llo~:d ..................................... ---· .... $15,676 32 Ham burg- American Packet Company ............. _ .... _ ... _ .. ____ ·I 20 415 69 Inman Line...................................................... 49:fi:37 :~5 Cunard Line ...................... - .... _. _ ...... __ ... __ .. __ . __ . . . . . 22, 178 bl I~iverp_ool m_Hl Great 'Vestern Steam Company ... __ .. _. _ ....... __ ... 60, t-!05 :38 Cana(lJan Lme .............................................. ··---- fi,524 84 For stemm;hip sen· ice to ""est Indies, )lexico, Honduras, &c 76, 857 32

Name of line.

2GO,H95 il

Wcigllt of c01'1'C8]_J011dcncc exchanged during the fiscal yeal' ended June 30, 1871, between the United States and cmmfries of Em'OJJC 1Pith 1t~hich tlte Unitccl States 00 ltw·e po.'llal coll'!wntions. 0

------------------------------------------------------ -------------------------------------------------------

U.;TTEHH. PHIXTED li!A'n'ER A~D SAMPLES. Total of l~:tters,

From the To tho I -;~~~~~-------;:~1:-·-r··-- ---- P~~;;t\11 ~\l~:~~,\~~r, Unite«l States. Unitetl t;tates. Total. United States. Unitml 8tates.l Total. ox~;hauged.

--:~------:---------Pounds. ozs. P01ouls. ozs.l Pound8. ozs. Pounds. ozs. Pounds. ozs. Pounds. &zs. Pounds. ozs.

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Irelaml ............. _ 92,784 1 81,6:34 15 17,1, 419 3~U, 357 9 488,597 8 81!1, 955 1 9fl4, :n4 l Germany ... _ ......................... _ ..................... _ 54, 988 9 :n, 505 14ft 92, 404 7J 118, (i06 11 43 064 10 llil, 671 5 254,165 12J Belgium..................................................... 1, 323 12! 1. 3:i3 12:} 2, ti77 8~ 3, 726 4; 414 2 8, 140 2 10, i!17 10}


NPtlH'l'lantls .......................... :...................... 2,01'!810~- 1,5fl9 nt 3,688 4;1 2,745 2~ 1,956 11 4,70113~ 8,:3!10 Lt Switzerlaml................................................. 2,82610! 2,414 8 5,241 2~ 9,449101- 4,177 6 13,627 ! 18,Hti8 2~ Italy ................ _....................................... 1, 589 H 1, 7!)5 10~ 3, 384 12 6, 105 8 2, 860 2 il, 965 10 12, 35CI 6

Totals ........... _ ...................................... -155,60~~~G,'3o45i'" ~1,905% ~~g~~--;45, 07071,ill7;06~ 1,2~66 2fr


Number of letters and newspapers, a11d amounts of United States postage, (so jar a8 reported,) on mails exchanged with Canada, the West India Islands, Panama, and South Pacific, Mex­ico, Belize, Brazil, Sandwich Islands, New Zealand, and ..d ustralia, Japan, and China, and }{om Scotia, Newfoundland, and Bermuda.

Number of Number of II United States letters. newspap'rs. postages.

----------------------------------------------4, 857, 075 1, 132, 800 $381, 4:t4 46


Canada ..........................•.......•......•.••..•.•.•.•.. West Indies, &c ....................•.•.•.••.••............•... 722, 640 302, 220 83, 673 41 Panama and South Pacific .................................... . 190, 852 132, 820 26, 797 30 Mexico .....•.................•........•..........•.........••. 40, 675 67, 694 4, 270 50 Belize ........................................................ . 4, 813 Not stated. 571 10 Brazil ........................ ___ .........................•.... 98, 487 103, 751 13, 276 59

102, 159 184, 815 14, 120 03 127, 895 167, 355 19, 596 90

49, 582 20, 738 10, 468 62

Sandwich Islands, New Zealand, and Au'!tralia .............. .. .Tapan and China ............................................. . Nova Scotia, Newfoundland, and Bermuda ..•..•.•...•.....•..

Totals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . • • • • • • • . . . • . . • • . • . . . . . • • . 6, 194, 178 2, 112, 193 554,208 91

Statement of the nnmber of letters, newspapers, l}'·c., and the amonnt of United Statc8 postage thereon, conve!Jed b!J the Btearners of the Pacific Mail Steamship Compan!J, under contract, between San Franci.sco, Japan, and China, during the fiscal year ended June 30, 1871.



rn ~ rn

I rn a! ~ rn

r.D '"' '"' '"' '"' ... 1::(1 ~- ~£ ::i ... ~d ~d 1::£ •

:§ .Sd GCQ ~ c::~

~~ g~ ~~ ~~ ~~ 17.~

Date. ~ ~r£ Date. ~ ~00 8.5:l "-< A<l ........ ~'"' "-< ~'"' ......... 0 ·.=l o'"' '.=l 0 •.=l O<l.l .,.q

00-+"' -~ 00-+"' 0

00-+"' -~ 00-+"' 0

~ 0

~ ~ 0

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ -----Julv 1, 1870 4, 336 $585 80 7, 391 $147 82 1 July 13,1870


6,129 $966 55 4, 686 $65 86 1, 1870 5, 018 628 30 8,155 165 30 , Aug. 12, 1870 7, 403 1, 310 29 8,104 125 12 Sept. 1,1870 4, 569 558 90 8,196 173 16 I Sept. 12, 1t-J70 7, 370 1, 310 40 6, 356 90 64 Oct. 1, 1870 4, 903 59:l 60 6, 650 135 08 Oct. 16, 18i0 7, 290 1, 120 46 4, 451 59 42 "NoY. 1, 1870 4, 031 578 70 8,124 163 !18 , Nov. 17, 1870 8,137 1, 148 39 4, 830 fi5 40 Dec. 1, 1870 5, 365 679 10 9, 622 195 80 Dec. 20, 1870 7, 592 1, 032 09 2, 92d 64 68 Dec. 31, 18i0 3, 806 .{61 40 9, 381 196 68 .ran. 17, 1871 4, 702 396 70 6, 280 87 86 Feb. 1, 1871 5, 484 666 40 11,866 240 20 Feb. 16, 1871 4, 955 M7 20 5, 829 86 80 Mar. 1, 1871 4, 919 611 50 9,122 184 42 Mar. 18, 1Ril 4, 666 433 20 3, 435 39 88 April 1, 1871 5, 014 608 60 11,325 229 58 April15, 1871


4, 382 418 70 2, 871 24 40 May 1,1871 4, 494 551 00 9, 456 190 56 May 13, 18il 4, 642 457 70 3, 491 40 62 -Tune 1, 1871 4, 511 562 20 11, 194 226 00 J·une 12, 1871 4,174 344 20 3, 612 26 26

----------2,248 5s I Total .. ·171, 442 9,485 88 56, 873 ITI6 94 Total .. 56,453 7, 085 50 110,482



I I thereon. papers, &c. thereon.

No. ofletters. U.S. postages' No.l'f news- U.S. postages

}fails on twar_d _______ .-.---__ -_-_ --.-.---_ .-.-. -__ -_-_-_ --.-.-. _-_-_-_ l----5-6,_4_5_3-l---$7-.-0-8~--50-~ 110, 482 $2, 248 58

~!ails inward.... . . .. . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . .. . . . . • . . 71, 442 9, 485 88 56, 873 i76 94

Total. .................................. ----127,"895 -16,57138,-167,'355 ---3,02552

Total United States postage on letters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . • . . . . . . . . . . $16, 571 :~s Total United States postage on newspapers, &c............................................ 3, 025 52

Total United States postage . . . . . . • . . . . . . .. . .. . • . • .. . . . . .. . . . . . . • . . • • . • .. . • .. . • .. .. . . 19, 596 90



Statement of the number of letters, newspapers, &-c., and the amount of United States postage thereon, conveyed by the steamers of the Cal-ifornia, Oregon, and lllcxican Steamship Com­pany, umle1· contract, between San Francisco and Honoluln, .Anst1·alia, and New Zealand, during the fiscal year ended June 30, 1871.


+' ~§ rb ~g +' rn,..; rb a>=:i ~ ~ : ~ <llo li= <llO +><ll <llo +><ll +><ll <llo _..,<ll

<eE:l ceE:l ce'"' ~~ • ""' !:::~ I ""' +>1l ~~ 0 ,; +'...::< 'Sar """'..:= Ori_, """'..:=

Date. 00+' <£+' I

Date. 00+> Or[ oo+> ~8 <ll ........ <ll .... .... .... .... <ll<ll <ll<ll ~~ <ll<ll ~ ~£ ,.o+' 0:::: ell ,.0:::4 "Cbl) i ..0 .... ..0:::4 <llo:j <ll<e s ...... Sell ~~ I s :!:~ §a ...... :::::

·~a> ::::::::4 ! ::::: ·~ f1:l 1=1 0 !::o l=lo !::o

~ P>=4 z PA z PA ~ PA ---- -------r----

July 10, 1870 2, 579 $304 56 5, 668 $122 76 July 4. 1870 1 3, 326 $457 36 1, 755 $35 09 Aug. 11, 1870 4, 069 459 92 6, 851 153 60 Aug. 4, 1870 3,117 327 98 2, 665 53 30 Sept. 12, 1870 3, 582 383 18 7, 404 151 6~ Sept. 6,1870 2, 728 341 00 1, 71~ 38 56 Oct. 12, 1870 4, 288 472 60 11, 031 240 30 Oct. 7, 1870 3, 448 193 10 2, 348 46 96 Nov. 15,1870 3, 791 413 10 H, 120 298 30 Nov. 5, 1870 3, 426 1!15 90 2, 314 47 06 Dec. 15, 1870 3,~:w 404 34 15, 194 314 81 Dec. 10, 1870 4,187 421 64 2, 323 46 4» Jan. 15, 1871 3, 769 466 98 B,OOO 247 81 Jan. 8, 1871 3, 313 358 36 2,125 42 50 Feb. 16, 1871 5, 556 653 42 17,501 360 62 Feb. 7, 1R71 3, 925 500 94 2, 990 69 80 Mar. 1H, 1871 5, 275 537 48 13, 091 273 28 Mar. 12, 1871 4, 236 454 36 2,179 44 58 April17, 1871 1, 309 118 82 2, 264 48 50 A pril13, 1871 4,/l:n 365 95 2, 834 56 68 May 24,1871 2, 008 200 12 6, 941 141 68 May 12,1871 3, 890 240 32 2,180 43 98 June 23, 1871 2,176 2.JO 96 1, 257 25 14 June 22, 1871 2, 271 88 50 850 8 6U

---------------- ----~4541f26. 276

----42,222 4, 665 48 1113, 322 2, 378 48 42,704 533 57


Number of letters. thereon. papers, &c. thereon.

U. S. postage I No. of news- I U. S. postage.


$4, 6fi5 48 1 113, 322 $2. 378 48 Mails outward .............................. . Mails in ward .•.......•.•..............•.....

Total ..•.••...•.•.••..•...........•....

42,222 42,704

84, 9-26

3, 945 41 26, 2i6 533 57

8, 610 89 I 139,598 2, 912 05

Total United States postage on letters .............•...•..•......•.............. $8,610 89 Total United States postage on n~wspapers, &c................................. 2, 912 05

Total United States postage . . . . • • ••• • •• . • . • . • . • • . . • . • •• • . . . . . • • . . . • •• . . • . 1 1, 522 94


Statement of tlte nnrnbe1· of Zettel's, newspapn·s, 4·c., and the amount of United Stafc8 postartc tl!enxm, com·eyed by occasional st(!mncrs, bel!cecn San Francisco and Honoluln: 4·c., during the fiscal year ended ,June 30, 1871.





l rr:. • I ~ :t:J..:. ~ <Xl..:, ,;, I a;..;

Dat~. I

!8 ~o.i Qo I ~ !§ ~o.i !g ...... .:~ ~-<j ~~ 1 ...... ~s .:~ I' c::t ~~ :~ ] ~- ~~t J Date. ~l ~in t ~- : ~; a ~~ooll -s~ .8~ I -s !:.5 .-;? i 'fJ) .; ~ .e .... ·a ~ .e ·a ~ := .... i' ·::: ~

------ _F-i ____ P_~ ____ F-i ____ P ___ ::::. __ ·I~-----------1--F-i---- __E__::_ ~. ;:. ::::. July 2, 1870 748 A u~r. 29, lfl70 614 Rept. 4, 1870 112 Sept. 22, 1870 403 Oct. 2, 1870 477 Oct. 14, 1870 108 Oct, 19, 1870 111 Xov. 23, 1~70 316 Dec. 1, 1870 318 Jan. 2, 1871 731 Jan. 4, 187l 97 Jan. 18, 1871 146 Mar. 22, 1871 90 ~far. 24, 1871 128 Mar. 28, 1871 305 liar. 29, 1871 186 April 8, 1871*! 2, 493 :May 6, 1871 .. ; 2, 293 June 20, 1871 t 1, 654


$66 39 1, 845 46 84 885 8 28 103

35 46 638 62 50 1, 830

6 90 215 9 96 362

25 08 686 24 42 679 51 42 2, 694 10 26 97 9 42 150 6 42 210 8 64 318

31 62 284 11 64 514

270 84 9, 880 242 20


11. 242 140 92 7, 630

1, 059 21 139, 262 I

$38 71 18 00 2 12

14 28 37 20

4 60 7 48

16 52 13 58 53 88

2 22 4 18 4 40 6 60 5 68

12 52 209 50 242 65 164 74

858 86

I I Sept. 3, 1870 I Sept. 4, 1870 • Sept. 29, 1870 ~ Oct. 1, 1870 i Oct. 3, ltl70

Oct. 25, 1870 Nov. 4,1870 Nov. 26, 1870 Dec. 22, 1870 Jan. 9,1871

· ,fan. 13, 18"il , Feb. 20, 1871

Mar. 16, 1871 · May 10, 1871 1 May· 14, 1871 June 7, 1871 ~ J uue 30, 1871

235 414 369

11 30

267 191 316

23 658 213 124 23

871 160

1, 983 15

*Comprised mails for thfl Hawaiian Islands, New Zealand, and Australia. t Comprised mails for the places last named, and also for t.he Fef'jee Islands.

$20 24 51 76 30 80 1 02 2 46

22 02

20 44 2 46

57 06 18 30 13 02

2 04 75 54 13 02

224 96 1 50

407 $8 l'l 546 10 92 456 9 12

42 84 43 86

460 10 5~ 429 8 58 679 14 58 20 1 :j(i

782 15 64 98 1 96

109 2 18

216 4 32 flO 1 60

1, 588 31 76

~Comprised mails from the Hawaiian Islands, Xew Zealand, Australia, and the Feejee Islands.



I Number of I U.S. postage i No. of news-. U.S. post1tge letters. thereon. papers, &c. thereon.

:Ma!ls ~mt;;ar<l .............•............ _ .... 1 11. 33? 1 $1, 0~9 21 3~. 262! ess~ 1'6 Ma1lsmv.ard ................ ----·····--·····! 5,903 5;>6 64 ;,,955 12:.! 38

Total ........................ ··········l--l7,2331--1,615 85 -- 45,217~--98124

Total United Sta~s postage on letters.......................................... $1, 615 R5 Total United States postage on newspapers, &c................ . . .. .. . .. . . . .. .. . 961 24

Total United .States postage ... . . . .•..... .. • .. .•.. .. .•• . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2, 597 09




As a regular steam~Jhip line between a port of Germany and a port of the United States of America can he employed for the transportation of

.. the German-American mails at such a compensation that the entire cost of transportfl.tion between tile boundaries of the two countries shall not exceed i silbergroschen for each single letter: Now, therefore, the under­signed, duly authorized l>y their respective governments, that is to say, the Government of the United States of America and the government of the German Empire, have agreed UJ)on the following additional artiele to the postal convention of the 21st October, 1867, and to the additional convention of the 7-23 April, 1870:


The single-letter rate on correspondence exchanged directly between the two administrations l>y means of such steamship line shall be as fol­lows, viz:

1. For letters from Germany to the United States: a. \Vhen prepaid in Germany, 2i silbergroschen. b. \Vhen paidiu the United States, 12 cents.

2. }-,or letters from the United States to Germany: (t. · \Vhen prepaid in the United States, 6 cents. b. \Vhen paid in Germany, 5 silbergroschen.

This additional article takes effect on the date of the dispatch of the first mail by such steamship line, and from that date forward has t.he same duration as the convention of the 21st Octol>er, 1867, and the addi-­tional convention of the 7-23 April, 1870.

Done in duplicate, and signed in Washington the thirty-first day of March, one thousand eight hundred and seventy-one, and in Berlin the fourteenth day of :May, one thousand eight hundred and seventy-one.

[SEAL.l JNO. A. J. CRES 'NELL. Postmaster General of the United States.

[SEAL.] HEINRICH STBPHA.N, General Post Director of the German Empire. •

I hereby approve the aforegoing additional article, and in testimony thereof I have caused the seal of the United States to be affixed.

Bv the President: . ~[SEAL.j BA}HLTON FISH,

Secretary of State. WASHJNG1'0N, March 31, 1871.



Total operations of the Appointment Office for the yea1· Mded Jnne 30, 1871.

Post-offices. Postmasters. ri a;, :l) >=: 0:

rn ~~ s . ..::l .s cs c"= <:.I

'fil 0: <.>~ .... ~ 0

States and Territories. ..0 ~rg "' -=·s.. '" ........ §~


..0 C) ::It;() ffio ,t:l C) ;::l 0:>:: s"'.E "='rn ..0 ..0 s ~ l=l oil ;::l :g rn..O ~ CJ/~ Q.)§ ~ ~ l=l

~ .S ::I rn -=:-~ p.

0 "'"' 00::"0 c.crn 0 0: <e <.> s ~~::: ·~·§ s c;> Q 0 rn ce ~"'"' c;> c;>

~ ~ z <1 ~ ~ H Eo;

~fJFEI~::::::::::::::::: ::::.:: ··-~;I··· i :::::~: ::::::; ·····;;;I 1 ;! :;1 California.......................... 87 ~ 17 15 8 76 17 6 I 218 Colorado . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 5 6 2 31 5 1 69 Connecticut........................ 4 1 1 1 41 6 3 56 Dakota .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . . .. .. .. .. .. 11 3 1 1 9 5 29

~~fn~~t~~F.HLT ··· ~i I .. !; ::··t[.f ~ :::-::!. :::.i lil Illinois............................. 107 43 31 12 254 67 11 513 Indiana . . .. .. . .. .. . .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. . 63 28 11 7 278 44 15 4::19 Iowa. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 130 28 24 8 240 38 7 467 Kansas . .. . .. . .. . .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. . 1B7 40 29 15 176 42 7 491 Kentucky.......................... 69 50 4 3 169 49 17 358 Louisiana.......................... 33 7 5 3 34 20 3 102 Maine.............................. 10 11 3 82 12 10 128 Maryland ........................ :. 35 13 9 8 52 12 12 133 Massachusetts .. . .. .. . .. . .. .. . . . . . . 9 1 5 2 59 10 12 U6 Michigan . .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . . 54 29 21 13 137 48 7 296 Minnesota......................... 71 24 11 7 116 37 259 Mississippi ... ... .... .. ..... . .... .. 101 34 4 1 62 22 5 228 Missouri........................... 176 50 14 5 287 59 13 599

~tl::~~:::::::::::::::::::::::::: ~g 1~ 1~ 1"""9 ~~ 1! 3 1~g N evarla .. .. .. .. . .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 9 10 · 1 I·....... 19 2 41 New Hampshire................... 5 1 43 6 4 59

~:;¥£JJ~~::::::::::::::::::::::: :! 1! :~~::~!:.~:~~:::~: 2~~ 1~~ 3~ ~~~ N ortb Carolina .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. . 77 53 3 . .. .. .. . 78 22 8 241 Ohio . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. . .. . .. 44 22 91 4 270 65 19 429 Oregon............................. 24 6


..... 2.7.. 26 7 1 65

Pennsylvania...................... fiB 37 317 73 24 580 Rhode Island . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 2 1 13 4 1 22 South Carolina..................... 45 35 3 .. . .. . . . 38 20 4 145 Tennessee . . .. .. . . . .. .. . . .. .. .. . . .. 107 21 91 6 129 50 12 328 Texas.............................. 112 37 8 5 130 49 8


344 l'tah. .. .. . . . .. . . . . ... . . . ... . .. .. . . . IS 2 1 1 19 3 1 44

+f~~i~i::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 1~~ 2~ ~ ~-----·3 1:~ 5~ ]t 3~~ ·washington....................... 16 1 1


1 18 3 3B W PSt Virginia . .. . . . . . . .. . .. . . . . . . . 41 15 5 1 1 92 25 6 18,1 Wisconsin . .. . . .. .. . . .. .. . . . .. .. . . . 43 16 12 1 7 149 31 14 265 Wyoming.......................... 1 4 1 I 1 9 4 1 20

--- --...---~--- ----------------Total........................ 2, 407 8541 360 I 178 4, 307 1,179 3091 9, 411l


Table showing the inCI'CW'W and dem·ease of post offices in the several States and Territories • also the nnrnber of post offices at which appointments are made by the President and by tlte Postmaster General, for the year enclecl Jnne 30, 1871.

States aml Terri­tories.

g ~ ::.> ;... Q C)

A ---1----'--------1------------~

.Alabama......... 543 563 20 ---- 10 12 2 ---- 533 551 18 ___ _ Alaska ... _ .. _ .. _ 4 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 4 . _. ______ . Arizona 21 26 5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 26 5 ___ _ .Arkansas_ ... ____ 428 506 78 ... _ 4 5 1 424 501 77 ___ _ Califomia .... _ _ _ _ 506 576 70 . . . . ~0 19 . . . . 1 486 557 71 __ .. Colorado _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 94 110 16 . . . . 4 6 2 __ . _ 90 104 14 __ .. Connecticut...... 400 403 3 ---- 32 35 3 .... 368 368 ------ ___ _ Dakota .... _. __ . _ 41 49 8 . . . . 1 1 . . . . . . . . 40 48 8 __ .. Delaware ______ ._ 89 96 7 . • . . 4 4 . . . . . . . . 85 92 7 __ . _ DistrictColumbia 5 5 -·---- --·- 2 2 .••. ---- 3 3 ------ ___ _ }'lorida _ .. _ . _ _ _ _ _ 122 139 17 . . . . 5 5 . . . . . . . . 117 134 17 __ . _

~~KJ~~:::::::::: 4~~ 4~~ 1~ :::: 1g 1~ __ ~ _ :::: 4~~ 4~~ 1~ :::: Illinois 1, 610 1, 674 64 . . . . 99 108 9 . . . . 1, 511 1, 566 55 __ .. Indiana_ ..... ____ 1, 335 1, 370 35 . . . . 46 48 2 . • • 1, 289 1, 322 33 ___ . Iowa __ ... __ .. _. _ 1, 138 1, 240 102 . . . . 46 53 7 . . . . 1, 092 1, 187 95 __ •. Kansas _. _ .. __ .. _ 500 657 157 . . . . 18 21 3 . . . . 482 636 154 _. __ Kentucky------- 905 924 19 .... 22 22 -------- 883 902 19 .... Louisiana_ . ___ .. _ ~05 231 26 . . . . 6 6 . . . . . . . . 199 225 26 ___ . Maine·--------·· 815 814 ------ 1 24 23 ---- 1 791 791 ------ ---· :Mar.)laml........ 515 537 22 .... 9· 9 ---· .... 506 528 22 ___ _ Ma~sachusetts 686 694 8 . . . . 76 81 5 . . . . 610 613 3 __ . _ Michigan _____ . _. 1, 006 1, 031 25 . . • . 54 55 1 . . . . 952 976 24 ___ _ Minn'3sota _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 625 672 47 . . . . 15 18 3 . . . . 610 654 44 _ .. _ M~ssissippi _ ... _ _ 340 407 67 . . • . 15 16 1 . . . . 325 391 6fi .... M1ssoun ______ . . . 1, 206 1, 332 126 . . . . 33 35 2 . . . . 1, 173 1, 297 124 __ .. Montana 68 76 8 . . . . 2 3 1 . . . . 66 73 7 ___ _

~ ~~;~l~~~::::: :::I 2~~ 2A~ -.- ~:- -- i. ~ ~ : ::: :::: 2g~ 2gg --- ~:- ---i

New Hampshire. 406 410 4 . . . . 16 19 3 . . . . 390 391 1 ___ . New,Jersey ...... 540 564 24 .... 33 37 4 .... 507 527 20 ___ _ New }fexico _ _ _ _ _ 40 46 6 . . . . 2 2 . . . . . . . . 38 44 6 New York ....... 2,642 2,690 48 .... 134 146 12 ____ 2,508 2,544 36 ---· North Carolina _ _ 753 777 24 . . . . 11 11 . . . . . . . . 742 766 24 ___ _ Ohio __________ . _ _ 2, 032 2, 054 22 . . . . 86 87 1 1, 946 1, 967 21 ___ _ Ore;..(on ---------· 157 175 18 .... 3 2 .•.. 1 154 173 19 ___ _ Penn>l_llvania ___ . 2, 842 ~. 893 51 . . . . 101 104 3 . . . . 2, 741 2, 789 48 __ .. Rhmle Island _.. . 98 100 2 . • . . 9 10 1 . . . . 89 90 1 ... . South Carolina.__ 3-26 336 10 . . . . 7 8 1 . . . . 319 328 9 _ .. . Tennessee _ .. _. _ _ 788 87-1 86 . . . . 14 14 . . . . . . . . 774 860 86 __ .. Texas .......... _ 521 596 75 . . . . 18 19 1 . . . . 503 577 74 _ .. . Utah------------ 120 136 16 .... 1 3 2 ____ 119 133 14 ---· Vermont ......... 457 467 10 .... 17 18 1 ____ 440 449 9 ___ _ Virg-inia ......... 1,035 1,115 80 .... 19 20 1 ____ 1,016 1,095 79 ___ _ V/ashh1gton ____ . 77 92 15 _ .. _ 1 2 1 _ .. _ 76 90 14 ... . West Virginia... 588 614 26 .... 5 5 ____ .... 583 609 26 ... . Wisconsin _. ___ . _ 1, 058 1, 085 27 39 43 4 . . . . 1, 019 1, 042


23 Wyoming_ ... _ .. _ 27 24 3 3 3 _ . . . 24 21 . . . . . . 3

TotaL....... 28, 492 30, 045 1, 558 5 1, 093 1, 172 ! 82 3 27, 399 21:!, 873 1, 478 4



The free delivery system bas been in operation during the year in fifty-two of the principal cities, with the following aggregate results : Number of letter-carriers ...•....................................•... J\Iailletters delivered ..................... - .....•................•••. Local letters delivered .....•..•........•......... - .•..........•...... N e'vspapers delivered .........•...•.....•....................•.....•. Letters collected ................................................... . Amount paid carriers, including incidental expenses ..........•........ Postage on local matter .............•..•....••.. _ .••.• - ........... - .•

This shows the following increase as compared with last year : Letter-carriers ..............•...••...•.....••..••••.............•..• Mail letters delivered .............•• _ •.•......••..................... Local letters delivered ........•.....••..... _ •..•.................•... Newspapers delivered .......•...•....••...••..•.•...............•.... Letters collected ................................•................... Amount paid carriers, including incidental expenses ....•.............. Postage Oil local matter .....•.. ; .•....•............................•.

1,419 112,612,693 27,045,760 32, 610, 35:3

113,287,602 $1,353,923 23

$758, 120 78 ------.

57 14,800,R62 5,248,111 4,743,330

15,496,556 $123, 84:3 38 $76,256 08

NOTE.-For full details of the operation of the system, see tabular statement accom­panying Auditor's report.

The report of the appointment office shows the following: Number of post-offices established during the year ....••.............•...... Number discont.inued .........•••....•..•••.•.............•...............• Increase ...............•..........................•....••....... ." ........ . Number in operation on June 30, 1870 .....................•................ Number in opemt.ion on June 30, 1871 .........................•............ Number to be filled by appointments of the President ...................... . Number to be filled by appointments of the Postmaster General •..•..•.....•

Appointments were made during the year: On resignations ...•..........•..••...•••.....................•...•.......• On removals .................•...•................................•....... On changes of names and sites .........••............•............. _ .... _ .. On deaths of postmasters ...........••.•...................•............•.. On establishment of new post-offices ...•.....•.................••....•.....

2,407 854

1,553 28,492 30,045

1,172 28,873

4,307 1,179

178 309


Total appointments . . . • . . • • . • • • • • . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • • • . • . • . . . . . . 8, 370

Number of cases acted on during the year ••••.•.•••••...... ··"'···.......... 9,416 ===



Numbe1· of employes in the Post-Office Depm·trnent, also the nnrnber of postmasters, con­tractors, clerks in post offices, route-agents, railway postal clerks, and other officers of the Post Office Department, in service on the 30th of June, 1871.

Department officers: Postmaster General ... _ .... _ .........•......... _ . _. . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Assistant Postmasters General .....•....•......................... _ .... _.. . 3 Superintendent of foreign mails............................................ 1 Superintendent of money-order office .. _ ..... __ .... _ ..... _. _ ........ _....... 1 Chief of division, (dead letter)............................................. 1 Chief clerk (of Department) ............................ _ .. ___ .... __ ....... 1 Chief clerks ........................•........................ _ ....... __ . . . . 4 Clerks, laborers, watchmen, &c...... . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 319

Total departmental ..................................•... _ ......... . Postmasters...... . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . • . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . 30, 045 Contractors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7, 286 Clerks in post-offices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . 3, 439 Letter-carriers . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1, 419 Route-agents . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 684 Railway postal clerks . • . . . • . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 513 Mail-route messengers............................................. 103

~;~~fat~~~~t~·:::: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::~:: ~~

Total nun1 ber of officers .••••..••....•...•.•.........................



43,954 ==



The General Post-Office of the United States of America, and the general post-office of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, being desirous of establishing an exchange of money-orders between the two countries, the undersigned, duly authorized for that purpose, have agreed upon the following articles:


There shall be a regular exchange of money-orders between the two countries. The maximum of each order is fixed at ten pounds sterling when issued in tbe United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, and, when issued in the United States, at fifty dollars in the national paper currency of the latter country.


The British post-office shall have power to fix the rates of commission on all money-orders issued in the United Kingdom, and the United States post-office shall have the same power in reg·ard to all money­orders issued in the United States. Each office shall communicate to the other its tariff of charges or rates of commission which shall be established under this convention, and these rates shall, in all eases, be paid in advance by the remitter, and shall not, in any event, be repay­able. It is understood, moreover, that each office is authorized to sus­pend, temporarily, the exchange of money-orders in case the course of exchange or any other circumstance should give rise to abuses or cause detriment to the postal revenue.


Each country shall keep the commission charged on all money-orders is~med within it, but shall pay to the other country one per cent. on the total amount of such orders.


No money-order shall include a fractional part of a penny or of a cent.


The service of the postal money-order system between the two countries · · shall be performed exclusively by the agency of offices of exchange. On the part of the United States, the office of exchange shall be New York, and on the part of the United Kingdom, London.


Any person in the United States desiring to remit to the United Kin~d?m a sum of money within the limits prescribed by article 1, may pay It mto .any po~t office of the United States designated for such pur­pose from t1me to tune, by the Postmaster General of that country. Such person shall at the same time give the name and address of the person to whom the amount is to be paid in the United Kingdom, and his own name and address.


Any person in the United ICingdozn desiring to remit to the United States a sum of money, within the same limits, may pay it into any n10uey-order office of the United Kingdom, giving at the same time the name and exact address of the person to whom the amount is to be paid in the U uited States, and his own name and address.

The receiving postmaster in either country shall, in accordance with the rules established by his postal administration, notify every such payment to the dispatching exchange office.

The postmaster at New York, upon receipt of every notification of that kind, shall make out and forward to the payee in the United King­dom a money-order payable in sterling at the post-office in that country designated by the remitter of the order, it being und.erstood that the money-orders so remitted shall be sent, iu the first instance, to the con­troller of the money-order office in Lon<lon, and shall not be subject to postage.


By ever,y mail the exchange office of each conntr,y shall send to the exchange office of the other country a certified list of sums payable in that country, and received since the dispatch of the previous list.

As soon as any such list shaH bav~ reached the New York office antt been verified, this office shall make out inland money-orders in favor of the payees for the amount specified in the list, and shall promptly for­ward them to the payees or to the paying office, in conformity with the regulations existing in the United States for the payment of money­orders.

The list forwarded to the United Kingdom shall be accompanied by the relati ,~e letters of advice. of the. orders entered therein, together with the orders themselves, as already settled in Article 6. After com­parison \Yith the list, the 'advices shall be dispatched to the offices drawn upon, and the letters inclosing the orders posted for delivery.

The lists, by means of which each· office of exchange comrnunicates 'With the other, shall be according to the ~...,orms A and B, annexed.


The lists dispatched from each office of exchange shall be numberedw consecutively, commencing with No. 1 at the beginning of each year, and the entries also in these lists shall have consecutive numbers, those in the lists from the United Kingdom commencing each calendar month with No.1.

Of each list dispatched from New York, a duplicate shall be sent, which duplicate shall, after being verified at the British office, be re­turned to New York.


Should any list fail to be received, in due course, the dispatching office shall, on receiving information to that effect, transmit witlwut delay a duplicate of the list, duly certified as such.

AR1'ICLE 10.

Each office of exchange shall promptly communicate to the other the correction of any simple error which it may discover iu the verification of the lists. vVhen the lists shall show irregularities which the receiving office shall not be able to rectify, that office shall apply for an explana-


tion from the dispatching office ; and this explanation shall be afforded without delay. ·


Duplicate orders shall only be issued by the postal administration of the country on which the orig-inal orders were drawn, and in conformity with the regulations established or to be establisbed in that country.


At the close of each quarter, three copies of an account shall he pre­pared and transmitted by the office at London, exhibiting the balance found due on the exchanges of orders during the quarter; wbich balance, after proper verification, shall, if due by the UnitPd States office, be paid at London; but if due by the British office, it shall be paid at New York, and always in tbe money of the country to wbieh the pay­ment is made. If, pending the settlement of an account, one of the two postal administrations shall assertain that it owes the other a balance exceeding one thousand pounds sterling, the indebted administration shall promptly remit the approximate amount of such balance to the credit of the other. This account, and the letters which accompany such intermediate remittances, shall be in accordance with the Forms C, D, and E, annexed to this convention.

AR1.'ICLE 13.

Until the two general post-offices shall consent to an alteration, it is agreed that, in all matters of account relative to money-orders 'vhich shall result from the execution of the present, convention, the pound sterling of Great Britain shall be considered as equivalent to four dol­lars and eighty-six cents of the gold coin of the United States.

AR1.'ICLE 14.

Each exchange office shall certify its orders to the other in amounts designated in the denominations of the money both of the dispatching and receiving country, at the rate of conversion established upon the basis of gold by article 13 of this convention. This conversion shall be checked at the receiving office of exchange.


All payments for money-orders, whether to or by the public, if not in gold, shall be made to the nearest practicable equivalent.


The value, i.n gold coin of t~e United States, of deposits in paper IDOlH:'Y .made m that country for payment in Great Britain, shall be d~ternm~cd at the exchange office of New York, according to the rate of premiUm 0~1 gold on the day of receipt at that office of notification of such dep?s1ts. On the othe~ han~, the value, in United States paper cnrreuey, of money-orders certified 111 the lists sent from the exchano·e oftiee of Lonuon to t~1e exchange office of New York, shall be determin~d · (also at New York) 1n ~ccordance witli the premium on gold on the day of the receipt of such lists.



Orders which shall not haYe been paid within twelve calendar months from the month of issue shall become void, and the sums received shall accrue to, and remain at, the disposal of the country of origin. 'n1e British office shall, therefore, enter to the credit of the United States in the quarterly account all money-orders entered in the lists received from the United States which remain unpaid at the end of the period specified.

On the other hand, the United States office shall. at the close of each month, transmit to the British office, for entry in the quarterly account, a detailed statement of' all orders included in the lists dispatched from the latter office, which, under this article, become void.


Repayment of orders to remitters shall not be made until an author­ization for such repayment shall first have been obtained by the country of issue from the country where such orders were payable, and the amounts of the repaid orders shall be duly credited to the former coun­try in the quarterly account. It is the province of each postal adminis­tration to determine the manner in which repayment to the remitter is to be made.


The orders issued by each country on the other shall be subject, as regards payment, to the regulations which govern the payment of inland orders of the country on which they are drawn.


The general post-office in each country shall be authorized to adopt any additional rules (if not repugnant to the foregoing) for the greater seeurity against fraud, or for the better working of the system gener­ally. All such additional rules, however, must be promptly communi­cated to the post-office of the other country.


The present convention shall take effect on the first day of October next, and shall continue in force until twelve months after the date at which one of the contracting parties shall have notified to the other its intention to terminate it.

Done in duplicate and signed in London on the thirtieth day of June, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and seventy-one, and in Washington on the twenty-seventh day of July, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and seventy-one.

[sEAL.j JNO. A. J. CR.ESWELL, Postmaster General of the United States.

fSEAL.] V\T. MONSELL, Her ..Llfajesty's Postmaster General.

I hereby approve the foregoing convention, and in testimony thereof I have caused the seal of the United States to be affixed.

U.S. GRANT. By the President:

'[sEAL.j HAMILTON FISH, Secreta,ry, of State.

WASHINGTON, July 27, 1871.


A. List So.--.

Stamp of New York office.

SIR: I have the honor to transmit to you herewith, in duplicate, a list containing- a detailed statement of the sums received in the United States since my last dispatch, (List No. ---,)tor orders payable in Great Britain and Ireland, amounting- in the ag-g-regate to $ ---.

Be pleased to examine, complete, and return to me the original copy of this list, with your acknowledg-ment of its receipt indorsed thereon.

I am, respectfully, your obedient servant, ------,

Postmaster, New York. To THE CONTROLLER 1\ioNEY ORDER OFFICE, London.



.:.. I ..: ...:

I " .s C) '0 "t:: .... . s .... ..: 0

Payee. Remitter. ...... ..:

0 C) <e


eli .... "=' ;:3 c~ ~ .... .. .. 0 ·s.o ell ........ :~

~ vo c; ·~ cii ..::: .... ,.. .. A := 0:: !:D


- .. 0 ·~ C)

:::o ...... .. .... ~:;j 0 ·~ ·s :: ~~ .... 0 'LI i .... C) ...... .~ Name. Address. :Name. Address. Cl ,.Q 0


I C) .... § $ 0

~ .... !8 ::I z i


--1 0 A 0 0

----'---- ----i

. I





~ -~-

t; ~

~ ~ ;;:i


Amount of order in United States currency.


Date of rt>ccipt at Ne;­York.

--~,--Pre~nium on J!oltl on tlny of rcl~l'i}Jt.

t; c ~ ~ ~


Value of or1lt>r in Uuited States gold.

--------------------------------~-----------------------,;:;:-1 Amount In lMUnh monoy.l

I Dnto of payment.

------------------------------------------------:-------;;:;:-1 PnhUn ,.,., of IMne.


---------------~- I Pnid iu the followi11g year.


~ I Renewable orde".


i:'j ~ 2 ;;:: 1;. Cl i:'j

0 ":: ::l (")

t'l 0 ":: !.-': 1:')

::;: >< 0 ;:o;


":: 0 :;l

;;; t'l 0 "l (")

:I: &;;

"' 0

"' "' 0 _t=J

t"' 0 !.-: 0 0 ~

~ trj ~ 0 ~ r-:3

0 ~

r-:3 p:: M

1-!j 0 (f).

r-:3 ~ > 00 r-:3 tr.l ~

0 M z tJj

~ > ~

t:.O 01


MONEY ORDER OFFICE, London,----, 187-;

SIR: I have examined this list of monev-orJers from No. -- to No.--, inclusive, for sums recei\Ted in the United States for payment in the United Kingdom, amounting in the aggreg-ate to $--,and which is to be paid to the net amount of £- -s. -d.

The said list was found to be correct, with the following exceptions:

I am, sir, j'our obedient serva~t, ------,

Controller. To THE PosTMASTER








7 1., G


OtJit•e stconp.



No. OF LIST,---.

A list of money-orders issued in the Unitecl Kingdom and pay(tble in the· P1·emium on gold ..




Unite(l States despatchal this-- day of--, 187-. Date of m'l'ival at Xew York,--. at that date, ---.




-------------.-----~-S-. -----,---1:)--~ l:i >. S I Office on whieh I

Address of the payee. - = 1 - Q ' 0 · the h me orde ' ~,§ ·~ I ·: ~ .... :::~ I' ""'.g ,. is drawn. r .1

·~ gf ~ :S <l) ;:... "-< ~ ~ ~ 8 ?n ~ ~ o .;s I I :

5] I 'Ow , 'c ~,. I t~ j '

~~ E ,1' .Ea. i I "S 5 ' ~ ~ ---1 ~ ;w z o ~

--- --l-£--s-. --,--[ -d-.1 Dou,. 1 C,.l Dol~. I Ct,.

I !



·I I

, r·

I I I I -------------'------..c._ _ __.:.____;__....!__ _ _j_ ____ _


c . ..1ccount of the exchange of money orders beliccen the L"nited Kingdom and the United States

during the (j_llarter ended-----, 187-.




Numbers of the in-~ i

~c: Date• of temational orders. Total amount t', ~ list. ·



of each list. !! 'o I II •

o 1 From- To-· 1,· ~ z[-- ,...__, -1 £ '·d.,-

1 li





li I,



fi li



I 1


J Tutal .. - -~-~-~;

Datl3 of list.

Total - - . - -.- - - - - -----


\ Total amou•t of each list. Cents.




. j Dolls. I Cts. Amount of international orders is-


sued in the United States. __ . ___ . i

One per cent. on amount of such I issue . _ . _ .. _____ .... _ .. _________ -I

Amount of void orders of British I issue as per table ______ ....... _ ..


Amount of intf'rnational onlers re- I paid in the United Kingdom as !

per :::tl:l ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ : : : : : : ::::: : ~-- --:­

f=ll=i= ! £ s. d.

Converted into sterling _____ . _____ .:

United St:-ttes cre<lit to be tleducted.l I --.-,-

Balance to credit of British office .. I 1

I I Paitl ~m. ac:om~t l1y the office of the I :

D:::ted ~tatls _. ____ -~~:t~~:1;~;_---~ ~~

£ s. cl.



'----'---'--1 Balance remaining . _. __ . ___ .I



i Amount of international orders is­sued in the United Kingdom ....

One per cent. on amount of such issue .. __________ . ______ --.-----.

Amount of Yoi<l orders of United States issue as per table ___ ... _.

Amount of international orders

£ d.

~~;~~~\~~- ~~-~ _:T~i-t~~~ -~t~~~~. ~~. i I T.,,, _ _ _ _ _ --~r-1

Con>erted into <lollars _____ - _ .'. _ .. Dolls.i Cts.

British credit to be dednctetl.- i--.

BalmJCe to credit of l'nited States ofiice _________ . ----- ____ .-. -- ....

Paid on r,cconnt. l.Jy tho oftlce of Great Britain .. ____ ._. ___ .-----.

Dates. ..d. mounts.

Dolls. Cts.

Balance remaining ... _ .. ____ .

Table !:ilWII'ill!l the parlicnlars of such O}'(]CJ'8 as ltm•r been repairl to tlte rcmilfPI'B in the country of issue.

J'((blc sliOlring tlte pal'liculm·8 of suclt Ol'(lcr.s as ltm·e become I!Oid.

------------------cc--------·--------------~--- ·------



l .s~ ~ ~~


'+-< '+-<0 0 c ..... ..,

'H ~~;; "" ~ 0 ~~Q,)

s 2 S'"--::: a;~ ::::: ell ::j....,. 0

~ ~ ~

To Cr. of British office.

Amount of order.


s.ltl.: Dolls.! Cts. £ _1 ____ 1_ -

+-> rn

'+-< 0 ,... QJ ~

s ::::: z







'+-<0 c·.;: .., ell • <l.lJ:<>,

~ .~~ ~~ 0


To Cr. of U. S. office.

I Amunut of onler.

~--~-1 1- I . DollN .. Ct8. £ s. d. i __ l __ ----


---------- -----------------------

~ ..:. ~ c '+-< ~ 'H Amonut. of onlt•r. '+-< 0 0 0 .., ..... t~ ,... ~ "" ,a c ~.-;:: ~

s 2 s ~~~Dol~-

s ::::: cll ::::: £ Cts. :::::

~ ~ ~ z

Amonut. of order.

Dolls. Ct.~.~ £ Is. d. - Tr--1 I

I !



To Cr. of llritisb office.j -----------------

To Cr. of U. S. office. - --~-----------------'---


The within account exltibits a total balance of ---, wllicb, after deduction of the payments on account as therein stated, leaveR a balance Temaining of --- due the --- office.

-·-----, (Signature of proper accounting officer of the British office.)

The aboye statement of account is accepted with a ualance of --­due the --- office.

. ------, Aw~htor of the Treasury for the Post Office Department.

"\Y .ASHINGTON, ---, 187-.

The payment on account of ---haYing ueen receipted by specia Youchers, tlle receipt of the balance remaining- of --- is hereby -acknow I edged.


------, --- ---, 187-.


D. No.-.

MONEY-ORDER OFFICE, London,----, 187-.

SIR: The lists of international money-orders which the ---exchange office has transmitted to the New York exchange office from--- to ---, 187-, amount to the sum of £---, equal to ... e $ The lists transmitted by the New York office to the---

office during the same period, amount to ... _ .......... $ ------

Difference _ . _ .. _ ........................ _ ........ - $

On account of which the British office bas already paid the following sums, viz:

--18- ............ ···-·· .... ·-···· $ --18- .... ······ ........ ·-········ $ --18- ............................ $

Difference remaining ... _ .............. - . . . . . . . . . $

In accordance with the terms of article 12 of the conYention of ---,a bill of exc:hange on New York for$--- is herewith trans­mitted, the receipt of which you will be pleased to acknowledge in due form.



------, ------•..


E. No.-

PosT OFFICE DEP.A.RT~IE:NT, Washington, D. C., ----- -, 18-.

SIR: The lists of international money-orders which the exchange office of New York bas transmitted to the exchange office of -----, from ----to----, 187-, amount to the sum of $----, equal to. ____ ..................... _ .................. £ The lists transmitted by the exchange office of---- to

the New York office during the same period, amount to£

Difference ... _ ................................... £

On account of which the United States office has already paid the following sums:

--18- ............................ £ --18- .. ,,,,,. •••••••••• •••• •·•••o £ --18- -··························· £

Difference remaining .......... _ ... : . ........... 4 £

In accordance with the terms of article 12 of the convention of ---, 18-, a bill of exchang-e on London for£--- is herewith transmitted,. the receipt of which yon will be pleased to acknowledge in due form.

------, Superintendent jJf oney- Order Office.

To the PoST}IASTER GENER.A.L7 &~c., &c., ({';c., London, England.


. I



October 17, 1871. SIR: I haYe the honor to submit tlle following annual report of the

l.'eceipts and expenditures of the Post-Office Department, together with the operations of this office in connection therewith, for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1871 :


The number of post-offices in operation during the year was 31,68tl; which are thus classified nuder the regulations adopted for the goYern­rnent of the Department, chapter 26, sections 275 to 270, inclusive:

The following-named offices, seventy-four in number, are denominated depositories, and are required by the Postmaster General to receive and retain, subject to the drafts of the Department, the funds of certain adjacent offices, as well as the revenues of their own:

L·ist of o:tfices designa-ted as depositories, 1cith names of postmasters.

Albany, N. Y . _ -----. J. F. Smyth. Atlanta, Ga ________ . J. L. Dunning. Baltimore, Md_. _____ A. W. Deui:sou. Bangor, Me _____ ·--- A.B.Farnham. Bat~wia, N.Y ... __ ... M. Taggart. Binghamton, N. Y . _. E. B. Stephens. Buffalo, N. Y .. _ .. _.. I. M. Schermerhorn. Chicago, Ill ... ___ • . . F. A. Eastman. Cincinnati, Ohio .. __ . Thomas H. Foulds. Cleveland, Ohio ..... John vV. Allen. Columbus, Ohio .. _ .. James 1\f. Comley. Concord, N. H ....... J. E.•Larkin. Davenport, Iowa . ___ Edward Russell. Des Moines, Iowa._ .. G. C. Tiehinor. Detroit, Mich._._ .... F. vV. Swift. Dover, Del. ____ . _ _ _ _ .J. B. Smith. Dubuque, Iowa. ____ . Y .. J. \Villiams. Easton, Pa __ ... _ _ _ _ _ J. L. Mingle. EvansYille, Ind. _____ J. \V. Foster. :Fort \Vayne, Ind . __ . J. J. Kamru. Gene,"a, N. Y ___ • __ .. S. N. Anthony, Grand Rapids, Mich _. A. B. Turner." Harris burgh, Pa .... _ George Bergner. Hartford, Conn. __ .. _ E. W. Whitaker. Huntsville, Ala. ____ . D. C. Rncm. Indianapolis, Ind ____ \V. R. H.;'il'oway. Kalamazoo, Mich _ .. _ J. A. B. Stone.' Keene, N. H ____ .. __ . H. C. Henderson. Knoxville, 'l'enn. ____ J. Rodgers. Lafayette, Ind .. _____ ,J. L. Miller. Lancaster, N. H ... _. 0. Nutter. Leaveml'orth, Kau:s .. K. B. Johnson. Lexiugton, Ky ______ S. \V. Price. Lima, Ohio. ____ . ____ C. Parmenter. Louisville, Ky ______ . L. M. Porter. Lowell, )'[ass_. ______ .J. A. Good win. 31adi:sou, WiH. _. _____ E. W. Keyes.

Meadville. Pa. _____ D. Y. Derrick~on. Memphis, ·Tenn ... __ J. Deloach. .Mil waukee, \Vis____ S. C. \Vest,. Mobile, Ala ........ G.L.Put,nam. Montpelier, Vt. ____ J. \V. Clark. Nashville, Tenn. ___ . \;V, F. Prosser. Newark, N. J _ . _. _.. \Villiam Ward. New Haven, Conn .. N.D. Sperry. Ogdensburgh, N. Y _ R. G. Pettibone. Ole~n, N. Y _. __ . ___ . J. G. Johnson. Peoria, Ill._. ___ . _.. D. vV. Magee. Pittsbnrgh, Pa _____ J. H. Stewart. Plattsburgh, N. Y _ _ _ H. S. Ransom .. Portland, Me. _. _ .. \V. Davis. Portsmouth, Ohio. __ 0. \Vood. Providence, R. I _. __ E. S. Jackso•. Qnincy, IlL_._. ____ M. Piggott. Raleigh, N. C _. ____ . C. J. Rodgers. Richmond, Vtt .. ___ . E. L. Van Lew. Ripon, \Vis. ____ . ___ H. S. To\'\'"ll. Rochester, N. Y ____ . E. M. Smith. Rutland, Vt. _____ . _ J. B. Kilburn. Sandusky, Ohio ____ A. C. Van Tine. Scranton, Pa. _____ . J. S. Slocum. Springfield, Ill._____ J. L. Crane. Springfield, l\Iass ___ W. Stowe. Steubenville, Ohio .. J. M. Reede. St. Paul, Minn _____ .. J. A. vVheelock. Syracuse, N. Y _ .. _.. D. H. Bruce. Urbana, Ohio. _____ . D. C. Hilt. Utica, N. Y ___ .. ____ C. H. Hopkins. Vincennes, Ind. ___ . \V. N. Denny. Wheeling, vY. Va ... C. J. Rawlings. \Villiamsport, Pa __ . Robert Hawley. \Vooster, Ohio. _____ A. L. McClure.' \VoTcestcr, Mas:s _ _ _ _ Josiah Pickett. Znue.'4ville, Ohio ___ .• J. J. Douglas.


The following depositaries and Assistant Trea·surers receive and retain subject to the warrants of the Post-Office Department, the funds of such post-offices as are instructed to deposit in their bands: .


S .. T. Ho1lt";v ...... _ .... Buffalo, N. Y. ·william .Miller ... Mobile, Ala . . J. E . .McLean .......... Cllicago, Ill. R. H. Stephenson ...... Cincinna.ti, Ohio. E. vV. Little ........... Santa Fe, N. M. J P. Lnce ............. Louisville, Ky.

J. Cushman ...... Olympia, \Vash. Ter. Thomas Steel. .... Pittsburgh, Pa. C. H. Lorde •...... Tucson, Arizona.


Thomas Hillhouse ..... New York, N.Y. George Eyster ......... Philadelphia, Pa. F. Haven,Jr ........... Boston, Mass. Charles Clinton ........ New Orleans, La.

J.D. Geddings ..... Charleston, S.C. A. G. Edwards .•... St. Louis, Mo. C. N. Felton ....... San Francisco, Cal. Peter Negley ...... Baltimore, Md.

One hundred and twenty-eight post-offices are draft offices, and during the year paid 17,701 drafts, issued by the Postmaster General, counter­signed, eut.ered, and sent out by the Auditor, for sums in the aggre-gate of.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2, 535, 898 75,

Four thousallll and sixty-four offices are deposit offices, a portion of which, during the year, deposited with the Treasurer and Assistant Treasurers of the United States the snm of.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3, 135, 181 53,

The remaining 'deposit offices deposited with the depositaries named above, the sum of $G88,254 59, which is embraced in the $2,535,898 75 paid on the drafts of the Departme~t by said depositaries and draft offices.

Twenty-three thousand one hundred and forty offices are collection offices, and paid on collection orders issued to mail contractors the sum of. . . 2, 678, 031 42

Forty-t.wo hundred and eighty offices are special and mail messenger offices, and derive their mail supplies by the payment of the revenue of their offices therefor, amounting to._.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 441, 150 21

The amount paid into the Treasury by postmasters for the use aml pur-poses of the Post-Office Department -during the fil'ical year was .. _.... 8, 790, 261 91

Reren11e accouut of tlte Post-Office Depal'tment.

The receipts of the Department for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1871,. ''ere ................ ·--· ............................. -----· ....... $20,03.7,045 42

The amounts placed in the Treasury for fbe service of tbe Department for the fiscal year, being grauts in aid of the revenue nuder the fol­lowing acts of Congress, were-

Under the second section of the act, approved July 11, 1870, for mail steamship service between San Francisco, Japan, and China ................................... $500,000 00

Under tbe second section of the act, approved July 11, 1870, for mail steamship service lJetween San Francisco and the Sanclwich IRlauds ..................... -.-... 75, 000 00

Under the second section of the act, approved l\larch 3, 1869, for supplying deficiency in the revenue of the Post-Oftlce Department for the fiscal year ending June ::W, 1870 ............................................. 1,050,000 00

Under the second section of the act, approved Jnl~· 11, 1870, for mail ste:uuship service between the United States and Brazil. ....... _... . .. . .. . . . . . . .. . • .. . . .. . . 150, 000 00

Under the twelfth Rection of tlle act, approved March 3, 1<""47, for the transportation of free matter for Congresf~ and t11e other Departments of the Government.... . . . . 200, 000 00

Under the eighth section of the act, approve«l March :3, 1t:l51, for the tran.<>portation of free matter for Congress and the other Departments of the Government ..... -.. 500, 000 00

Under the act, approved )larch 3, 1H71, for the prepara-tion of the Post-Office Directory for 1870 .. _... . . . . . . . . 1, 200 OG


Un<ler the third section of the act, approved March 3, 1871, for supplying- deficiency in the revenue of the Post-Office Department for the fiscal year ending June 30, 187L .. $1, 650,000 00


$4,126,200 00

Aggregate of revenue and. grants...... . . . . . . . • . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . 24, 163, 245 42. The expenditures of the Department for the fiscal year ending June :10,

1871, were . __ . ___ . ____ ...................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24, 390, 104 08

Excess of expenditures .............................. - ....... . 226,858 66

The net revenue of the Department from postages, being the aggregate of balances dne the United States by postmasters on the adjustment of their quarterly accounts for the year, after deuncting their compensation anu the expenses of their offices, was-For the qnarter ended September 30, 1870 •••......•....•...........••• $2, 7 48, 466 51 For the ~na.rter ended December 31, 1870 ................. -....... . . . . 3, 016, 839 77 For the qnarter etHled March 31, 1871 ........•.......... --- .. --.. . . . . . 3, 303, 168 97 For the quarter ended J nne 30, 1871...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . • . . 3, 004, 496 00

Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . 12, 072, 971 25

Tile amount of newspaper aml pamphlet postage paid in money was­For the quarter ended September 30, 1870 ......................••..... For the quarter ended December 31, 1870 ............................ . For the q narter ended March 31. 1871. .............................. . For the quarter endeu June 30, 18il. .......••......•...........•.....

Total ........................................................ .

The amount of letter postage ])aid in money was-For t be quarter ended Septcm ber 30, 1870 .....•............•••.•.••..• For the q narter ended December 31, 1870 .•.......•.................... For the quarter ended March 31, 1871. ..... _ ................•......... For the quarter ended J nne 30, 1871 ..... : .......................... .

$220,716 79 226,107 59 232,993 99 229,197 3:)

909,015 72

$91,041 96 83,343 11 94, 6S8 11 92,378 :t3

----Total ........................................................ .

Tile amount of stamps allll stamped envelopes sold was-For the quarter endell September 30, 11-170 ............. _ ............. . For the quarter ended December ~n, 1870 ...... _ .... _ ... _ ............ . For the quarter ended March 31. 1871 .......... _ .................... . For the quarter ended J uue 30, 1871 .................... _ ............ .

361,451 51

$4,110,786 28 4, 4113, 312 9:~ 4,696,142 05 4,522,147 7H

Total ......................................................... 17,747,389 05

The m1mher of quarterly returns of postmasters recei.-ed and audited, on which the sum of $12,072,971 25 waH found due the United States, was-For the quarter ended September 30, 1870 _ .. _. _...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $27,342 00 For the quarter ended December 31, U370.... .... .. .... .. .. ...... ..... 27,800 00 For the quarter ended l\Iareh :n. 1871 ...... .... .... .... .... .... ...... 27,992 00 For the quarter ended Jm1e :30, 1871. ............... ,... •... ..... ...... 28,412 00

Total ___ ............................... _ ................ _ . _. __ 111, 54"6 00


The amount charged to transportation acerne<l and p1acell to the credit of mail con­tractors aml otherH for mail trauHportation duriug the year was-For the regnlar service of mail routes . __ ............. _ ........•..... $10,997,390 72 For the supply of special aiHl mail messenger o11:1ces ..... _............ 441, 114 21 For tile salaries of postal railway clerks, route amllocal agents....... 1, ::!21, ()94 3:1

Fot·eigu mail transportation.

Unite<l States and Brazil ..................... ___ ........ $150, 000 00 8an Fnmcisco awl Hong Km1g, Chiua .... _ ....... _ .. _.... 500, 000 00 8an Francisco and Ha"·aiian l:slands . . 75, 000 00 Xew _York, Qneeustown, atHl Liverpool~~~:~~:~~~~~~~~~~~~ 170,8D9 11

12,760,199 26


New York and Bremen, and Baltimore and Bremen .. _ _ _ _ _ $46, 085 51 New York and Panama, and San Francisco and Panama __ . 21, 76r, 97 New York and Havana·----- ...... ·-----................ 3t:l,823 94 Nev>' York and 'Vest Indies·----- ...... -----·............ 1,36S 78 New York and Bernnula ............. __ ........ __ . . . . . . . . 3, 240 53 Boston, Nova Scot.ia, antl Prince Edward Island........... 3, 034 17 New York and VeraCruz ........................... :.... 7,770 67 New York and Havre, France............................ 329 ~{8 Baltimore and Havana ..... _ ..... __ . _ ..... ___ ... ___ ... _ _ 1, 790 12 Baltimore and Bremen ............... _. _ ... ___ . ___ .... __ . 151 43 New York and Hamburg ............. _ ............. __ .. _ 37,517 ~2 New York, Rio Janeiro, Buenos Ayres, and Montevideo.... 388 64 E:x:peuses of Government mail agent at Havana........... 1, 200 00 Expenses of Government mail agent at As pin wall......... 1, 155 00 Expenses of Government mail agent at Panama...... . . . . . 1, 47 4 60 .

------ $1, 061, 995 67

13,822,19-! 93 The amount credited to transportation accrued and charged

to oontractors for oYer-credits was .. _ ..... __ .......... . Fines impooPCl on contractors ... _ ... _. _. _ . ___ ........... . D~o~ductions from their pay .... _ ......... _. _ ... __ ........ .

15,024 9:3 2, 9:18 :{5

77,6:30 24 95,593 52

Net amount to the credit of mail contra.ctors and others_... . . . . 1:3, 726, 601 41

The amount actually paid and credited during the year for mail trans-portation was ........................ _ .... _. _ .................... $13, G69, 694 0:-3

Of which amount there was paid for mail transportation of previous years the sum of .. _ ........... 1•••• • . . • . • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 4:3, 925 94

Statement of collecting dil'ision, showing balances collectedfro'lt1 late po8tmasters.

During the year this division has hatl·charge of accounts-Of present postmasters .............................. _ ....... _ . _.. . . . . . . . . . . 30, 324 Of late postmasters .. _ ................................... _ ... _ ..... __ . . . . . . . . 8, 068

Total .................................. _ ..... _ ........... ___ . . . . . . . . . . 38, 392

l'otal anwunt collected of balance8 due from late postmasters ·!l'ho went out of o:flice prim· to 1, 1870.

· Collectetl by draft ................................... _ ..... _ ........ _ .. Colleded hy suit . _. _ ........................... _ ... _ ......... _ ....... , Credited on vouchers_ ... _ ................... ___ ...... _ .... _ ........... . Charged to suspense ................................................ _. Chttrged to bad dt'ht~ ___ ........•........ _. __ .......... _ ............. .

$185,071 00 19,478 til5

121,042 74 149 69

18,310 !)4

'rotal _ .... _. __ .... __ ... ___ .. __ .... ____ ... ___ .... __ ............ _.. 344, 053 02

Number of changes of postmasters reported by appointment office tlnring the fiscal year was 8,068, and the balauce dne the United States upou the accounts of said late postmasters amounts to ................. _.... $510, 014

Of which there has been collected by draft .. _ ............... $149,262 4:3 Collected on suit .............................. _. . . . . . . . . . . 717 87 Credited on vouchers .............. ···--·---·.............. 70,12:3 98 Charged to suspense ............. _ ....... _ ..... _ ..... _ .. _ . . 200 80 Charged to bad debts ...... ·----·.......................... 77 25

----- 220, :182 :n

Total remaining dne .. _ .. ___ ... _ ...... __ .................... _ .. _. 289,632 44 Of which there remaius in suit._ ................ _ ....... ___ . 5, 776 87 Of ,,/hich there remains not in r.;uit.. ___ .. _ .. _ ....... _. __ .. _. 283, 585 57

Amount clue postmasters late in the fiscal year 1871 .................... . Amount paid la.te postmasters on all accoHnts prior to July 1, 1871. .. - .. .

289,632 44 =============

$26, 163 74 117, 110 65




Amount clue by late postmasters, for which suits were instituted cluringthe fiscal year ___ . ________ . _______________________ . _. _ ... _... . . . . • . . . • . . . $56, 472 91

Amount collected by suit during the fiscal year •......•......••........ -. 46, 204 :10

The su~joined tables, numbered from 1 to 36, inclusive, exhibit in detail the transactions of the Department for tile fiscal year.

I baYe the honor to be, very respeetfnlly~ J. J. J\1ARTI.N, Anditor.

Hon. J. A. J. CRESWELL, Postmaster General.

Xo. 1.-Staf.ement exhibiting quarterly the 1·eceipts of il1e Post-Office Department clnring the fiscal year ended June 30, ltl71.


LettPr postage .. _ .......... __ . ~~'wspapers au1l pamphlets . __ l-1ues ................ -- .... --·

$91, 041 96 $83, 343 11 $94, 688 11 $92, 378 33 $361, 451 51 220, il6 79 226, 107 59 232, 993 99 229, 197 35 909, 015 72

1, 325 65 1, 370 00 50 00 70 73 2, 816 3l:l J-~molnments ................. . Stamps sol1l ... _. _ .... _ ...... _. Dead ldters .................. . Internal revenue from post-

masters. :Miscellanoous ........ _ ... _. _ ..

243, 995 74 239, 5::!4 87 248, 151 52 251, 315 13 982, 997 26 4, 110, 786 28 : 4, 418, 312 93 4, 696, 142 05 4, 522, 147 79 17, 747, 389 05

~: i~8 ~~~· 4, 26~ ~g . -.-- ~·- ~~~. ~~ .. ---- ~·- ~~~. ~~. 1~: f~~ ~~ 2, 524 24 5, 913 80 4, 388 08 3, 754 96 16, 581 08

--------------------TotaL ... -.. ----- .. -.-... 4, 678, 481 15 I 4, 9i8, 859 07 5, 278, 640 91 5, 101, 064 29 I :20, 037, 045 42


FOR THE PosT-OFFICE DEl'ARTMEYr, Octoba 17, 1871.



No. '2.-Statemcnt exhibiting qual'ferly the expenditul'e.'l of the Post-O.ffice Department during tlteji8cal year ended June 30, 1871.


Compensation to pm;tmasters. ~ $1,247, 561 83 :$1, 267, 801 94 ,$1, 257, ;)38 93 Ship, steamboat, and wa~·letter::: 3, 114 75


2, 845 28 ' 1, 774 90 'l'rausportation of the mails .... 2, 932, UO GO ' 3, 342, 474 84 3, 554, 126 71 '1\'rapping-paper ............. _ 8, t\90 00 . 2, 300 00 11, 100 00 Otfiee fnmitme................ G20 40 I G54 44 1, 133 50 A 'lnrtising __ ................. 17, 714 t-1


, 31, 28R :i9 7, 04!! 11 ·uail bag~ aud eatehers ....... _ 48, 401 37 38, !!35 76 35, 823 36 Blank agents and assistants_ . _ 1, 209 51 I 1, 945 32 1, 98tl !J5 1\faillocks. l;:eys, and stamps._ 19, 809 04 . 15, 272 29 39, 635 41 :Mail 'leTJredations and Silecial 27, 949 77 I 28, 700 02 31, 741i 39 a~~i I

Clerl;:s fur offices ............. _ 628, 082 93 631, 057 01 645, 995 11

enyeJopes. Compensation to letter-earriers 330, 189 53 331, 876 24 339, 749 97

$1, 255, 389 1.5 :-.! 981 52

3, 840: 961 93 5,177 00

80:1 17 1, 407 49

35, 41::1 00 2, 8:37 14 5, 402 39

33,502 82

676, !!49 35 12!!, 833 45

352,111 09 168, 144 19

Postage-stamps and stamped lOti. 030 421 140, 332 98 130, 602 74

MiRcellaneons .............. : _. 115, 211 2!) 129, 751 !!8 117, 616 25 l\1. iscellaneous account, British 141, 4G8 73


............. - 36, 619 32 ............ .. mails.

M;1~~il~~neous account, Belgian . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1, 482 31 4, 593 74 ........... _ ..

Miscellaneous account, Korth 37, 118 56 I 29, 603 60 ....... _ .......... - ........ -German Union mails.

$5, 02R, 381 85 10,716 45

13, 669, 694 08 27, 467 00 3, 211 51

57, 459 80 158, 573 49

1:!, 070 98 EO, 119 13

121, 899 00

2, 582, 084 40 501i, 889 59

1, 353, 926 83 530,723 71 178,088 05

6, 076 05

66, 722 16




Ko. :t-Table exhibiting the l'eceiiJts anrl expenditure.<; ofthe Po8t-Office Deprtrtmentjrom ,July 1, 1836, to June 30, 1871.


Year. Expenditures.

Reycuuc. Treasury grants. Tot1tl.

1t::37 ...... 0................. $4,943,668 21 ·o····oooOOOoOO····· $4,94:i,668 21 $3,28-3,319 OJ

~~:~g:::::: :::: :: : ::: :: : ::::: :: ~~t ~~~ ~g I : ::: :: : :: : : : : : : :: : : : !: ~~~: z~~ ~3 !: ~~3: g~~ ~~ 11340oo.o0,.oo .......... oooooo 4,34:l,5::l192 0-----------0--00000 4,54:3,521 !l2 4,718,23.'5 Gt 11341.00 ... 00 ... 00 00 .... 00... 4, 407, 726 27 $48;2, G57 00° 4, 890, 383 27 4, 499, 5::!7 131 1i-142 0-- 0 0 0----- 0- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0- 0 0 4, 546, 849 fi5 0 0- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 - 0 0 0 - 0 ° 4, 546, 849 65 5, 67 4, 751 ~0 184300-~0oOOOOOOooooOOOOOOOO 4,296,223 4:J oooooOOoooooooooOOOO 4,2!)6,225 43 4,:374,753 71 113-14 00 .. 00. 00 00 00 00 00 00 00.. 4, 237, 287 83 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 4, 237, 287 83 4, 29G, 512 iO 1:''45 00. 00. 00.00 .. 00 .... 00 00. 4, 289, 8H 80 100 00 .. 00. 00......... 4, 289, 841 80 4, :l21J,731 ~l9 1846 00 .... 00 00 __ ...... 00 00.. 3, 487, 1!19 35 750, ooo oo 4, 2:n, 199 35 4, 076, o:3n 91 1::<47 00 00 0 .. 00 .. -- ...... 00 .. 0 3, 8::!0, :J09 23 12, 500 00 3, 892, 809 23 3, 979, 542 10 18~8 00--0 00 00 ........ 0- 00 .. - 4, 555, 211 10 125, 000 00 4, 680, 211 10 4, :l26, 850 27 1849 0----- 0--- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0- 0 0 0 0 0 4, 705, 176 28 0 0 0 0 0 0 - 0-- 0- 0 -- 0- --- 4, 705, 176 28 4, 479. 049 13 11330...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5, 499, !)84 l:IG ................... 0 5, 499, 984 86 5, :H2, 95::l 43 12."iLoo.ooooooOOO-oo0o'OOOOO 6,410,604 33 ooooooooOO 000 6,410,()04 3:3 I 6,278,401 GS 1t52000oO'oo0ooOoooOOo'OOoOO 5,184,526 84 1,741,444 44 6,925.97128 7,'108,459 04 18:>:3 ----.---- 0 0 0-0 0-.---.-- 5, 240, i::l4 70 2, 255, 000 00 7, 495, 724 70 7, 982, 756 59 1834 00 00 0 00-00 0 00-00. 00 00 00 6, 255, 586 22 2, 73fi, 748 96 8, 992, :i35 18 8, 577, 424 12 185500 00 .. 00-00 0 00 00-0 00 00.. 6, 642, 1:36 13 3, 114, 542 26 9, 756, (i78 39 9, 968, 342 29 1836 .. 00 00 00 00 .. 00 00 .. 00-00 0 6, 920, 8':!1 66 3, 748, 881 56 10, 669, 703 22 10, 403, 286 36 18.')7. 00. 00 00 00 .. 00 00 ... 00 00. 7, 35:3, !151 76 4, 528, 004 G7 11, 881, 956 4:3 11, 508, 057 93 1:"38 .. 00.00 00 .......... 00... 7, 486, 792 86 4, 679, 270 71 12, 1G6, 063 57 12, 72:.!, 470 01 1859 00 ...... 00 .. 00 00 00 00.... 7, 968, 484 07 3, 915, 946 49 11, 884, 430 56 11, 458, 083 6:l li3GO ....... 00 ........... 00.. • 8, 518, 067 •10 11, 154, 1G7 54 19, 672, 234 94 19, 170, 609 !19 18GL 00 ......... 00 00........ 8, :i49, 296 40 4, 639, 806 53 12, 989, 102 93 13, 606, 759 11 1862 .. -----------00 .... 0 00 00 8, 299, 820 90 2, 5!:18, 953 71 10, 898, 774 61 11, 125, 364 13 1863 ............ 00.......... 11, 11J:3, 789 ;)9 1, 007, S48 72 12, 171, G38 31 11, :n4, 20G :'-14 1864 ... -- 0-------------00--0 12, 4:38, 233 78 749, !.!80 00 13, 188, 233 78 12, 644, 786 20 1865 ...... 00 ........... 00. 00 14, 556, LiS 70 .· 3, 96S 46 14. 560, 127 16 . 1:3, 694, 728 ~8 1866 00 00-- .. 0---- 00 00-- .. 0-- 14, 386, !186 21 100 .... 00 00 00 00 - .. --- 14, 386, 986 21 15, 352, 079 30 1867 00 .. 00 ....... 00 .... _ 00.. 13, 2:n, 026 B7 , 3, 991, 666 67 19, 22s, 693 54 19, 235, 483 46 18GB .................. 00.... 16, "2!J2, GOO RO ! 5, 696, 52;, 00 21, 989, 125 80 22, 730, 592 65 1869........................ 18,344,510. 721' 5.,707,115 30 24,031,626 02 23,698,13130 1870 00 .... 00 .. 00 00 ..... 00 00. 19, 772, 220 63 4, 02::!, 140 85 23, 794, :361 50 23, 998, 837 G3 1871. 00 .... 00 ... 00 00 00 00 00 00 ~· O:i7, 045 42 1 __ ___::, 126, 200 ~ _ 24, 1G3, 245 42 __ _:_:_ 3DO, 104 08

288, 977, 798 10 I n, 788, 368 s7 360, 766, 1G6 97 I 339, 283, 427 (j(j

.T • .T. M.A.RTIX. Auditor.



No. 4.-Stafr:ment of the po~;talreccipts aucl e.rpenditm·c8 of

c5 I ~ 'S

8!''",;~·;:~. T.-ni. f I ~~ i§ 1 J I i t -~-~------1--_,....,_' __ l ~ r ~ I ~ 1 ~ "

:1\-Iaiue .............. $4, 786 69 1$21, 833 89 $104 24 ~334, :~50 29 1$16, 878 94 !


$117 30 $378, 071 35 New Hamp;,hire--- ~I 1, e:w 91 I' 14,790 21 81 29 191,412 81 8, 64:3 (lO 71 80 2l6, 836 92 V ermout.- ... - ... - ..

1 2, 082 50 14, 372 !J1 50 2:3 ltli3, 512 41 6, 00~ 72 52 72 2ll, 073 49

Massachusetts ------ 20, 235 05 I 47, 123 70 4ti5 27 1, :383, 691) 50 82, 975 82 40!J 67 1, s:H, noo 01 ~hode.~~l~nd ... ---- ·1 1, ~~3 ~0 I 5, 4Z3 ~0 45 60 H8, 146 27 13, ;,57 71 1 51 14 Hi!l, 1:!"7 22 Connf'c.t·ICUt ........ 4,••7.38 21,41412 15656 42!!,19729 24,34471116619 480,11685 NewYnrk ..... -----~109,757 28,117,%2 o-; 700 66 3,947,744 75 154,258 0411,009 20 4 331432 00 Ncw.Jt>rsey ......... 8,679 52117,420 02 1:32 22 :353,79::109 17,!J42 33115140 '3as:lhl58 l'e11ns~·h·auia ... - ... 2!J, 641 48 84, 010 99 873 07 1, 810, 649 73 65, 646 62 479 03 1, 991, 300 92 Delaware ........ --- 3UI li5 I 2, 621 60 50, 975 59 707 04 12 62 54, 636 50 1}_ar.\l<~llll ... - .. ----- 8, 5~4 32 ~1~, ~~ti 12 121 44 :35:3, 529 26 7, 426 77 ,


' 101 Gl 3P:3, 17!1 52 "\ u·p:nna.-.---.----. 1, !lti7 44 l '• ~~:;3 93 63 64 280, 971 88 10, 888 0! , 120 91 311, 795 84 WestYirginia______ 780 !J71 7,490 93 67 65 94,334 24 3,21412 I 29 06 105,!JI'Ii 99 NorthCarolina______ 877 48 9,290 08 5 53 117,';'36 89 5,231751 4145 1:3:3,20:318 Sonth Carolina .. --.- 1, 2:33 44 6, 722 51 14 68 106, 102 28 7, 144 90 I 31 43 121, 249 24 Geor.:.da----- ------. 1, 974 n I 14, 637 82 101 25 23ti, 230 88 22, 6!J5 14 108 97 27;'>, 768 77 Florida ... _____ ----- 991 431 2, 019 06 38, 374 17 3, 327 25 18 95 ·14, 7:30 8ti Ohio ________________ 13,92:~ 7:> 7fl,195 72 730 01 1,201,58314 61,462 56 40tl 1:~ 1,354,301 :n Michigan ___ . ___ .--. 13, 3!JG 65 3il, 763 ::;o 32G 41 542, ti9D 66 :~!J. 526 77 ! 259 90 6:!4, !172 89 Indiana _____________ 4,977 35 41,55010 177 06 4Pii,497 56, 35,fi77 01\ 23166 5G9,110 7-1 IllinoiS-------------· 32,198 4•! 71,G87 52 815 25 · 1,451,006 91 1\ H0,551 33 1 49ti G2 1,6:J(i,756 07 ·wisconsin ... _ .. _--. 14, 549 ::<2 30, 146 62 177 12 40 I, 217 26 28

0 585 92 1 182 30 47-1, 859 04

Iowa. ___________ .. -. 10, 201 34 34, 177 01 142 Oi:l 4j0. 7~:~ ~~ 1 ~0, ~04 65 ! 2~3 ~:3 5:>5, 8:31 91 l\li~>sonri. ___________ 0,91!1 70 38,G93 07 212 ::<6 630,91;> 1li ~7,;)94 401 1b0 .~2 707,55611 Kentucky .. _ .. ___ --_ 3, 270 37 17, 867 7:3 142 62 2!)6, 877 :H 12, 868 751 113 04 3:H, 139 85 TennessPe ------.-- 2, 416 a3 15, 409 22 108 91! 2:!7, 5il0 ()3 9, 558 a9 94 47 :265, 168 00 ~"-l_ah:<m_a. -.- _ ·.-. __ -- 1, ~22 ~2 ~, ~-'>:3~ 60 64 63 l;JO, 060 11 13, 650 021 49 27 174. 889 05 MlSSJS><lppl -----.-- 1, ;,:14 ;.:8 I, ,JIU 02 19 88 12:3, 792 82 10, 398 66 60 74 142, 802 40 Arkan;,all _ . ___ - . . . . 873 57 4, 426 SO 1:~ 72 67, 872 46 5, 273 85 25 70 78, 486 10 l,ouisiana .. _. ___ . _. 9, 389 62 7, 851 38 1 2.5 225, 5:33 83 25, 879 75 56 1:3 268, 711 96 'l'exas .. __ . ___ .. ___ . 3, 8711 12 15,258 96 55 92 194, 023 11 19, 987 94


122 40 23:J, :318 45 California. ______ ._. 15, OHI 41 1 27, 504 :!8 l!Jl 80 4:~2. 371 !!6 :n, 646 8•! 220 04 512, !l;i4 43 Oreg;on .. --.-- . ----. 336 36 I 4, 129 73 38, !)84 95 5, 221 35 18 93 48, 691 32 ~iu!wsota ______ ... 14, 493 94 1:1. 251 15 76 3.5 185, 1:30 31 14, 44::i 94 82 56 22!1, 480 25 Xausas ----------- 2,7()917 12,497 81 14 8-1 208,524 54 18,326 94 8611 242,24fl 41 .N elmu;ka .. _. _- _.-- 1, 484 5\l 4, 588 77 2 11 73, (130 53 7, 407 14 16 00 87, 429 ltl Nenu1a .... --------- 38151 4,340 02 33,74104 5,754 00 40 77 44,2~•7.34 Colc·-'ttlo . ____ - _---.. 360 11 2, Ci39 20 1 00 38, 097 37 10, 435 90 41 G4 51, 575 22 Utah~ .. __ . _______ -- 555 12 2, 390 42 15 16 2:3, 723 61 2, 758 25 15 37 29, 457 99 New ::\f~xieo . __ .. _ . ::<.'l 14 4132 :30 :i 00 0, 015 -IO 427 75 13 88 10, 020 47 ·washington. _____ . lOG 32 1, 246 91 lll, 37-1 81 908 40 84 12,6:37 28 Dakota .. ___________ 50756 76800 !1,94176 56:~77 84 11.78193 Arizona .. _. __ -. ___ . 15 9:l 133 51 5, 306 0-1 138 00 5, 5!15 48 Idaho______________ 10121 842 40 8,928 ;j2 l,t127 75 5 05 11,504 93 :Montana .. ___ .. _._.. 224 !15 1, 412 65


20 19, 665 831 5, i:-!90 50 18 95 27, 213 03

~~~~i~~t~~~~~~n~~~-i~<: 2,80~ ~~ 3,2i~ t~ --~~~-~~ 110,~~g ~~ --~·~~~-~~- --~~~-~~- 124,g~~ ~i \Vyon1ing. _ .. __ ........ _. ___ 75 45 __ 771 42 ~~~~ __ 12, 577 32 I 1, 73~~ __ 1 ~ 21 __ 15, 172 ~~

3Gl, 302 00 1909, 723 78 16, 632 63 17, 767, 487 881982, 432 80 6, 156 57 20, 033, 735 6G ~~cl m~~~ 1

m•ous items .. ___ . __ ... __ . __ . 708 06 . __ . _ _ _ _ _ 20, 098 83 ... _ .... _ ... __ .. ___ . 20, 051 58

Ar;~ml~~~~~~l-l~~-~~~l~-1~2~~~~~!~~~1~~~~ 56~~ __ 4:~ ~~~~ Total _________ \361, 451 51 ~~109, 015 72 i6, 632 63 i17, 747, 389 05 \982, 997 26 16, 197 91 . 20, 013, 684 OS

1':\0TE.-The following items of expenditure and revenue are not embraee!l in the above statement:

Amount paid for foreign mails and expenses of Government agents. __ .. __ . __ ... __ .. __ . $1, 061, 995 67

~~i{~~~~~~~~~e~'lc ;~;(i ~~{];pi~~ -~f -sp~~i-~1- ~ffi~;.~ ·_ ·. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~: ~ ~ -. -.: ~ ·_-: -. -. ~::: -_ -_ -_ -_ -.: ~ ~ ~:: -_ -. ~ ~:::: 1' ~~i: ~i! ~~

Forei).!n po;,tag;e collPded aml r!'turuetl to forPig11 governnwnts ____ . _____ .. _- _ .. __ .. --. 250, 886 26

~~~~i)~~~~~)~~~~ ~~~-(~ ~~~~ ~~,~~~~~:::::: ~:: -_::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ~~; J~~ t~ <i~;~/~i~~-:~~~~~-~:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::-::::::::::::::::: 52, t~~ ~; Mail bags . __ .. _ ... ______ ....... _ .. __ . _____ . ___ .. __ . _______ .. ______ .. __ .. ______________ . 96, 4-18 70 Blank ai,rents and assistants. __ ... _ .. _._._._. ___ ._. ___ . __ .. __ .. ___ . __ . ___ . __ . __ ... _ ... _. 8, 070 98

. ~~u !r~:l~(i~1~~;;~'l~~~(t!~~~~:i -~i~~Jt~:::: ~:: ~:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ~:::::::::: 1~~: ~~~ ~~ Clerks for offices .. -. _ ... _--.-.- -. _---- _. ______ . ______ . __ .. __ . __ . ____ .. __ .. _ ... ___ - .. --. lG, 502 0-1 Compensation to letter-carriers ... - __ •. ____ .. __ . __ . ______ .. - ____ .. __ .. _____ . __ .- .. __ .. --. 1, 353, 926 83



the Unite<l State8 for the ji8cal yew· ende(l June 30, 1871.

... -c..:: :::§

~~ ~ ~~ ~ c = l) u


$134, (i(i:} 50 $-!:3, 070 73 $177, i33 2:3 $14R, 153 93 $323, 892 21 I!---------- ---- $52, 179 14 B2,333 50 14,856 93 107,210 43 67,399 98 174,610 41 -------------- 42,22u 51 9::!, 879 20 12, 072 05 1l0, 951 23 11:>, 951 01 226, 902 26 I $15, 82S 77 - .•.. -----.- ..

2~~: ~~g ~i 2n: ~~~ gi 5~g: ~~~ ~~ 2~~: ~~g ~~ 7~~: ~gl j~ II: : : : : : : : : : : : : - 7~~: i~~ ~~ 141. 2:3:l 21 55, ~ll 45 197, 044 66 1:36, 834 5[) 33:3, 92[) 25 -------------"I 146, 1:'7 GO 6n, on 52 874, D23 80 1, 487, 0% :l:J 71D, 781 D9 2, 201, 77'7 :n 1-............. 2, 1::!3. G:J4. G!l

!~~:: t~~ ~g 2~~: ~g ~~ ~~;~- ~~f ~3 ~~~: ~~~ ~~ 1, ~~~: ~~z ~~ ~.:::::::::: :: :: 7lk !~!! ~~ 18, 280 02 4, 56!) 18 22, 1:'4!, :w 23. 5130 70 48, 400 ~J[) 1- ------ - -- - - -. 6, 2·21) ::il 6.), 670 61 7:3, 666 81 139, 3:37 42 25:3, 169 041 39:.!, 506 46 ! 9, 32() fl4 --------------

10;), 2'"9 <14 47, 1(13 73 152. 3P::l 17 27ll, 994 71 432, 387 88 ' l::lO 5!12 04 ............. . 41, 6:.!8 6:~ 17, o:39 62 58, 6138 25 so, 475 56 139, I.J3 81 3:3: :n6 82 ............. . 57, o:n 59 12, :3ti4 84 <i9, 3!l(i 43 157, oo:3 89 226, 400 32 9:3, In7 H ........... _ .• 37. 02:3 75 12, (i:J8 61 49, 662 36 140, 320 10 189, 982 46 68, 733 2:2 - -- •.• -- •• ---. 77, 290 63 40, ti-!:i :3.3 118, I :36 ill 197, 453 :39 315 589 40 :30, 8:W 63 ............. . 18, 745 24 ·!, Di-14 20 2:3, 7.59 H 193, 664 88 217: 424 32 172, 693 46 ............. .

368, 0~9 17 IG:J, 61[) 98 531, 7Wl 15 7!iu, 0-!8 03 1, 297, 757 18 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56, 544 1:.~ 21:'<, 246 46 77, ·1!!3 43 295, ;:~~~ 1'-£1 3.'i:J, 949 88 649, 62[) 77 14, 71.6 88 - .. - ---- - ... - -213, (jii7 11 8.), 864 42 29[), 531 ;;:3 33-1, :H!J 82 6:33, 881 35 64, 770 61 - .. ---- .. --407, 384 50 2:n, 489 36 638, 87:3 86 601, 98U 39 1, 240, 863 2:i . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3!!5, 8U2 82 178, 3fl0 72 47, 200 43 22;), ;)[)1 15 25:3, 093 lf) 478, 684 31 3, 825 27 --.--.-.------21a, 719 84 46, 515 03 260, :n4 87 211, 765 76 478, ooo 63 _ .... _ ... _.... 77, 881 28 162,018 88 104,2fi:3 46 :26ti,2,.<2 34 465,827 891 732,110 23 24,55412 ............. .

98. 981 00 41, 9:38 7:3 140, fll!l 73 242, 676 35 383, 596 Oil 52, 456 23 ............. . 7.\ 869 53 47, 285 oo 12:3, 1:>4 :,:3 111, 683 25 2:34, 8:n 78 ..... __ . _ ... _ 30, 330 2::! 50, 037 35 22, 037 00 72 OiJ 44 2:n, 224 74 325, 299 18 150, 410 13 __ .. __ ... _ .. .

• 61, 3~16 83 10, 4:ll 93 1 n: s28 76 IH3, 440 30 263, 2G9 06 122, 466 ti6 .... _ ....... _ 31, 738 64 11, 063 49 42, 802 13 274, 734 86 317, 5:36 !J9 2:~9. 050 8~1 .. - ... - ... -.-21, •188 89 5:3, ;;ot 41 eo, 990 :;o 230, fi43 92 :nt, n:14 22 62, 922 2fi . _ ... _. _. ___ _ 77, 829 97 31, 177 77 109, 607 74 ;"•24, 814 n o:H, 421 85 401, 10:3 40 ............ _. ss. 57fl 95 86 519 11 175, om'l OG 774, 874 no 94D, 972 96 4:n, 018 :s:~ . _. __ . _ ..... _ 17,856 19 o: 182 31 24, 038 50 84, 377 88 108, 416 38 5[1, 72.) OG ......... _ .. . 81, 1:~6 28 23, 918 Oti 105, 034 34 178, ;)57 30 2il3, 611 64 54, 1:H 39 ............ . 75, 904 25 2-i, 445 83 100, 350 08 178, 273 51 278, 62:5 59 3fi, :376 18 - . --.-.--- - ---25, 705 41 11, -tin 41 4:1, 188 82 33-!, 185 47 377, 374 29 2sn, V45 13 ___ .. _____ ... _ l!J, 079 2fl 10, 8li2 4:l 2£1, 941 71 104, 867 6!J 1:34, f'O!l -!0 90, 552 06 .. _ ....... ___ . 20, 9!)4 67 9, 20S S.'i 30, 203 52 13[), 51:3 70 16!1, 717 22 118, 142 00 ...... _ ...... . 1:3, 022 13 5, ·107 45 18, 429 5tl 2!11, 078 38 309, 507 9() 280, 049 97 - .. -----------

7. -!0:3 88 :-175 00 7, 778 tlS 22fi, 192 83 23:3, 971 71 2:.!3, 942 24 _ . __ . ___ ... _ .. 6, 504 90 50il O:l 7, 012 93 117. G:3D ll 12-t, G32 0-! 112, 014 76 .... _ ..... ___ . 5,0t<-! 5:.! 101 lJO 5,18;) 52 12,81312 17,~1~18 64 G,216 7l ............. . ~.58:! 5:31 210 OfJ 2, 792 5:3 4a, 048 .JO 45, 8·11 0:3 40, 2·1:5 55 .......... _ ... 4, 795 42 60J 00 5, 3!18 42 5!1, 5G9 :J5 . 64. DG7 07 53, 4G3 04 .... ____ . __ .. _

11, 3GO fl7 5, 50!1 05 16, 870 OJ 78, 224 79 95, 0~14 81 67, 881 73 .. _________ .. 6, 6Z4 ?·) I 107, 062 14 113, 736 89 -.. - .. -------... 113, !~6 ~9 - .. --- .. - --.. 10, 350 70

2 j!) ;>8 - .. - - - - - - - - - - 11 ~~~ ~11"" .... ---------- 2 j 9 ;)::$ 73 27 - - .. - - .. - - - - .. 8, G88 63 2, 710 11 I 10. 196 68 I 21, 5!15 42 6, 423 07 --.-------- .. -

4, g!)9, 471 of"l3:035~1.1ti9j8:03-!:7s5 .:t- -u;:-;77~;JU--;-1f19:0~:I~45:3:5G5:S%16 -.!, 5s7;"446 37

· · ·;;.· ;;~ ;; ! • • • •••• •• • ••1· · · ;; ;;; ~ · ;;. ;;,;· ;; i .. · .. ~;.-~; ;; I·· ;; ;;; ;; · .... ~· ""·, ------·--------------------------- I 5. 028.381 85


3.035,314 691

8. OG:J. GUG 54 1

10.997. :l90 72 . 1D. 061,087 261

3. G14. 79797f-4.5u7. 3!1·1 ,g

Expt'lli;Ci'., postagc-1-!tamp!!, anrl Rtarnpetl enYelopcs --- .. ---.----------.- ... -- .... -.----.- $50G, ssg 59 D•·atl lt·tteJ·A, "moneyH refunded" ......... _ .. _ ................ _. __ .. __ . :\!i.;edlaneous payments ............................................... ~::: ~::::::::::::: 131, 245 !11

5, 481, 521 G7

~~~~::~ :~~ r~:~~~r~:~.::~~i~ft~~~~~~:~a :: ~ ~: ~::::: ~:::::::::: ~:::::::::::::- ...... ------ .. -.. --. $~52.-596~ H<•f·l'ipts on aeP.onnt of rlead letters ........ ___ .......... _ ... _._. __ ._.::::::::::::::::::::

1 ~~: ~g~ ~~ i~::~::H:i: ~~ :~~~;~::::;::f. ~~.·~=~di~;.;,~;;; ·::: ~ ~ ~ ~ ~::::: ~ ~:::: -----. -.---- ---.-- ---- ~. f'lll 38 Tutal l'XI'Cl:IS uf cxvcnditun:s OYel' receipts .............. .".".~·.~·_~·.:·_-_·.-_-_:-_-_--·:.~·_·_·_-_-_:::::: 4, 35~·. ~~)t~ t~

5, 481, 521 G7

J. J. l\LUtTIN, A.wlitor.


No. 5.-Statement in (7etail of mi8cellaneou8 payments ma(7e by the Po8t-O.tfice Department fm· tllcjiscal year endefl June :)0, 1:-:l71, exhibiting the 81111!8 placed to the credit of ]Jostmastc/'8 and other8, and clwrgal to mi.scellcwcou8 account.


For what object. Amount. Date. I To whom allowed.


1870. I

Oct. 28 ~ .J. W. ~It:Donough .. __ .. __ .

Xt>Y. 9 l C. R. Tyler. ___________ ....

1G .J. S. Slocum ............. .

18 C. E. Brown···-···········

25 , R. IY. H. Brent ............ .

25 : R. A. Denison ............ .

Dec. 3, P.W.llall .............. ..

12 , \Y. G. Price ............. ..

22 .J. L. :Miller ........... _ .. ..

23 P. W. Hall .............. ..

1871. Mar. 4 H. W. Farusworth ....... .

C . .d.. Baker .............. .

10 .J .. J. Crayen ............. ..

14 D. B. Barnard ... _ ....... .

22 C . .A. Baker ............. ..

27 .J . .J. Kamm ............ ..

April 28 D. Barwalll .............. .

28 ·w. L. Clift ............... .

May 13 .J. H. Stewart ............ _.

1G C. H. Collins ............ ..

23 :ll. L. Filkins ............ ..

29 :ll. Piggott ............... .

31 Elliot Sh nrtz ............ ..

31 S.D . .Jewett .............. .

31 1

H. H. Hamlin ........... ..

31 i .J. W. Hill .............. ..

.June i D. B. Greene ............ .. I

3 T . .J.l~nger .............. ..

3 E. B. Smith .............. .

1G C. W. Keeting ........... ..

27 T. C. I'hillips ............ ..

Au,g. 2 G. Fuller ................. .

2 X. B. Stone .............. .

1G C. Stebbins ............... .

17 W.L.Clift ............... .

23 T. G. Simms .............. .

Late sp~cial ag:eut and acting postmaster, GalYt>s­ton, Tex., for light and repairs in2d quarter, 1870.

Postmaster, Grt>en l3ay, \Vis., for expeuseg in­cuiTell in detectil1g mail ro!Jbery on steamer S1qrinaw in AJlriL 1870.

Postmaster. Scranton, Pa,, for repairs and station­ery in 3tl qnartrr, 1870.

Pof>tmastcr, Chillicotbe, Obio, for fnel in 3d quar­ter, 18GO.

J>oRtmaster, Muscatine, Iowa, for rent in 3d quar­ter, 1870.

Postmaster, \Yarren, Pa., for rent in 3d quarter, uno.

l'ostmaster, Cah·ert, Tex., for rent in 3d quarter, 1870.

Postlllaster, Chester, Pa., for rent in 3d quarter, 1"'70.

Pof<tma:;ter, Lafayette, Ind., for rent in 3d quarter, 1870.

Postmaster, Caln·rt, Tex., for light aml stationery iu 2d quarter, 1t:l70.

Postmaster, Topeka, Kan., for light and fuel in 4th q11artcr, 1870.

Postmaster, Hastings, Minn., for light aml fuel in 311 qnarter, 1870 .

Late postmash'l', Kcwark. N .. r., for ligl1t, station­ery, mHl glazing: in 1st quarter, 1807.

Postmaster. Calais, Me .. for rent, light, antl. fuel in :311 alH1 4th cpwrters, 1870.

I'ostmastPr, Hastings, l\Iinn., for light and fuel in 4th quarter. lfl70.

l'ostmastf·r, Fort \Yayne, Ind., for rent in 1st, 211, 311, aml 4th quarters, 1870.

Postmastn·, Americas, Ga., for stationery in 4th quarter, 18i0.

Late postmaster. SaYmmah, Ga., for Tepairs ancl statimH·ry in ·Hh qnarter, 1840.

Late postmaster, St. l'anl, Minn .. for rent and sta­tiouery from J nl y 1, 11<66, to J\1arch 31, 1870.

Postmaster, Crooked Creek, Iml., for expeuses in­enrred in taking clmrge of the otlice, NeYada Mills, Iml.

Late po8tmastl)l', Albany, N.Y., for light and sta­tiouery in 2d quarter, 1870.

Postmaster, Quincy, Ill., for printing, 1st quarter, 1871.

Postmaster, Marshalltown, Iowa, for rent in 1st qnarter, 1871.

Postmaster, n1iiltllefieh1, Conn., amount of waste paper and twiue refunded on account 4th quarter, 1870.

Late postmaster, .~..'\.ngusta, :Me., for rent in 4th IJnmter, 1870, aml Ist quarter, 1871.

Pm;tma><ter, \Vater!Jury, Coun., for reut in 1st quat·-~ ter 1871

I'oRti~wstt>~·. Ypsilanti, :Mich .. for fuel and light in 4tl~ quarter, 1869.

Postmaster, .JaneRYille, Wis., for light, fuel, a!Hl rent in 3d ii!H1 4th quarters, 1869, and 1st and 2d quarters, 1870.

Late poRtmaster, W<>Rtfielll, l\1aRs., for light, fnel, aud rent in 311 and 4th quarters, 186£', and lst aiHl 2tl quarter,;, 1870.

Postmast<•J', ~hn,Yeport, La., for light an<l n,nt in 1st. quarter, 1871.

I'ostmnstPr, Bay City, Mich., for light, fuel, and reut iu Jst quarter, lbil.

Lat(' postmaRter, Ban~or, nle., n:opair;; anil printing in 4th quarter, 1870; and 1st quarter, lBil.

Postma;;ter San Francisco, Cal., for rent in 1st qnartt•r, 1871.

Late postmaster, Owego, N.Y., for lig:ht and fuel in 4th fjliarter, 1870. anll hlt alll1211 tlnarter>~, 1871.

Late postmastl·r, SaYaunah, Ga., for priuting and statiout>ry in 1st qnartPr, 1871.

Late postma:-;1t·r, ~\.tlauta; Ga., for repairs and }ll'iuting in 4th quarter, 1865.

$50 50

30 25

23 75

18 75

87 50

75 00

75 00

50 00

187 50

23 50

43 80

18 75

23 90

101 6G

18 75

275 00

41 75

152 55

398 fiO

2 50

392 00

21 40

25 00

2 50

439 13

123 00

45 97

529 60

209 29

101 05

100 00

21 00

75 00

28 28

53 94

1, 681 40


No. 5.-Statement of miscellaneous payments made by the Department, ~f'c.-Continuell.

~~----T_o __ w_h_o_r_n_,_au __ ow_e_d_. ___ 1

_______________ F_o_r __ w_h_a_t_o_b_d_ec_t_. ______________ 1

__ A __ m_o_u_n_t __ .

1871. Sept. 1 D. Barwald ............. ..

1 B. Smith ................ ..

Po~tmaster, Americus, Ga., for rent and fuel in 3<1 alHl 4th quarters, 1870, and 1st antl 2d quarters, 1871.

Late postm~<>tcr, Westfield, Mass., for rent in 3d I qnarter, 181 IJ.

, L. A. Spaulding _. __ . ___ . _ .1

Late postmaster, Lockport, N. Y., for rent and sta-tionery in 1st qnaJti<'r. 1871.

I. Semlear .......... _...... Late po~tmaster, \Villimnsbmg:h. N.Y., for light, fnel stationery, and printing in 4th quarter, lf370.

A. B. Smith _. _............ Post~astrr, Pmighl;:eepsif\, N.Y., for fuel and sta­tionery in 4th quartt'l", 1870. and 1st qnarter, 1871.

F. S. McNeely ........... ..

J. H. McClelland __ ....... .

2 J. W. Allen ............. ..



J. A. Tomlinson . _ ....... .

2 J. C. C. Ho.'lkins ......... ..

12 A. S. Miller ............. ..

14 J. Deloaclr . _ ............. .

13 T. G. Simms .............. .

25 ,J. W.llarris ............. .

271 R. A. White ...•..•.•......

Late postmaBtPr, Trenton, N. J., for lig·ht, fne1, rent, priuting, allll stationery in 1st qnar:ter, 18~1.

Latf\ postmaster, Pittsburgh, Pa .• for statiOnery ru 4th q narter, 1870.

PoBtmaRter, Clf;ye]and, Ohio, for adyertising- Ger­man letters in 2<1 quarter, 1871.

Postnwster, Fort Scott, Kans., for fnel and rent in 1st quarter, 1871.

Postmaster, Sioux City, Iowa, for light. fnel, rent, an<l repairs in 3d aud 4th quarten;, 1870, and 1st and 2d quarters, 1871.

Late postmm;ter, Rockford, Ill., for light and re­pain; in 1st quarter, 1871.

Postmast!'r, l\femphis, Tenn., for fuel, printing, aml repairs in ht quarter. 1871.

Late postmaster, A..tlanta, Ga., for rent in 3d quar- • ter, 1866.

Postmaster, Lock Haven, Pa., for light in 2tl !J.Uar­ter, 1871.

Postma~ter, Charlestown, Mass., for fnel in 3d anrl 4tlr fluarters, 1870, and 1st and 2d quarters, 1871.

$308 75

3 25

28 75

93 61

64 15

122 26

103 85

11 50

200 00

369 85

17 01

130 50

75 00

1 20

104 82

No. G.-Amo1mt paid by the Depa1'iment on H'W'/Ytllf8 and chm·gecl to m.iseellaneou8 account.

oc£870' 1 I Dempsey & O'Toole ....... • Washington, D. c:. for 400,000 regist~rerl parkage­

enYelope8 furnished the Department in tlre 3d qnartPr, 1870.



4 S. G. Courtney ......... _ .. United States district attorney, New York, N.Y., for fee in the case of \V. M. Mar·tine vs. P. H. Jone~.

8 Benjamin Chambers, jr .... ·washington, D. C., for 575letter-halarJCes furnish-

1 ~ cd the Department in 4th <pmrter, 1870. ~ George H. Reay ........... New York, N.Y., for official enYelopes furnished

tlw De]mrtment in 3d quarter, 1870. Daniel Horlbeck.......... Clerk United States court, Charle:ston, S. C., for

costs in snndn· caf!PB. ~F. H. Sn'1ith ............... New York, N. Y~. for 10,000 "[lOmHls cotton twine

furnished the Dt>partment in 4th quarter, 1870. Bennett Pike ............. United States _district attorney, Jefferson City,

1\Io .. for fees m two ca~es. 3 F. A. Macartney . . . . . . . . . . Disbursing clerk, Post-Office Department, for in­

citlPntal e.xpemws incnne<l in the preparation and publication of po~t-route mapB, iuc]llllirw salarif'>l of assistants to topographer, fur Octo": lwr, 1:370. '

9 D. B. Parker .............. Unik<l States marshal, Richmond, Va., for fees in ten cafiPR.

18 Adams Peabody .......... Clerk U_nitt;<l St.ates district court, Jefferson City, l\Io .. fnl" fees m one ease.

30 G. I. Lammon............. Unite<l Statt~Fl mar~hal, Carson City, NeYatla, for

3 ft~e antl expPnSt'S rn one case.

:F. A. Macartney . . . . . . . . . DiBlmr~<ing: l'lerk. Post-Office Department, for in-cit len tal PXJH'Hses incurred in the preparation arul pnl1lieation of post-route maps. ineludino· salarie:s of assistants to topographer for NoYen~ her, 1870. '

19 S. F. Beach ................ La~e U:nitetl States attorney, .Alexandria, Va., for tel's m two cases.

Hl D. ::\icClelland............. \Vashing~on,. D. C., for l'np:raving copper-plateR, and pnutmg from copper-sheets of post-route

1271. maps.

Jan. Dempsey & O'Toole....... \laRhin.2:ton. D. C .. for 372.000 regif;terf'rl package- j envelopes furnished in 4th quarter, 1870.

$3,400 00

500 00

1, 050 50

6, 598 89

139 40

4, 398 00

40 00

960 00

252 00

11 85

102 00

1, 358 50

40 00

2, 416 22

3,162 00


No. 5.-..lmount paid by the Depal'iment on wmTants, 9·c.-Continued.

Dato. I To whom paid. I For wh::tt object. I , I ,

Ja~.87 l. 51 G. H. Roay ................ ' New York,~- Y., for official envelopf's furnished I

I tlw DPpa1-tmeut in 4th qunrter, 1870. I

7 F. A..l\Iacartney . . . . . . . . . . Disl.mrsiug clerk, I'o><t-Oftiee Department, for in.


' cidental CXJ.Wnses incurred in the prepnration

I an•l publication of post-route maps, inclntlill!!;

· salm·it·s of assistants to topographer, for Decem- 'I


ll~l', 1870. 11 I D. L. Baumgardner & Co.. PhilarlPlphin, Pa., for 5,000 ponnds twine


fm·ni;;;hetl tlw Department in 1st qnartnr, 1871. I 23 J. H. Huckleberry ........ U1;ite(~ St~tes district attorney, l''ayetteYille, Ark., j'

for fees 1n two cnst>R. 23 ?!Irs. P. Harrison .........


Ex.;ecntri"x; of. Jason llarri.son, lat.e clerk Uni~etl ~1 ~t:ltt•,.: tb:;tnct court, J etlerson C1ty, Mo., for fees in RmHlry cases.

23 L. D. Latimer. __ .......... Uuitetl ~tates <li;;;trict attorney, San Francisco, Cal., for ft•Ps in tln·t>e cases.

2G A. Kihlaek................ Lnte clerk Unitt'tl !liRtrict court, Tyler, i Texn>~. for fees in three Cfl>lt'S. I

27 C. H. Krum ............... 1 Unitell State;; attomey, St. Louis, :llo., for fee in 1

1 mw case. I

30 J. K Stewart ............ ·I LatP; Un~t-Ptl Sb;tes rlistrict attorm•y, Coriutl1, jl , J\hss., tor ft~l's l!l tPn cnses.

30 H. Bisbee, jr. _. __ . __ . _ ... ·1 U~tited States attorney, St. Augustine, Fla., fees I m two cases.

Fob. 3 P. A.. }.Iaeartuoy.......... Disbursin:; clerk, Post-Office Department, for inci-


dental expenses incurrt•tl in the preparation antl , • · puhlication of post-route map;;, iul'lntlin,!!; ,.;alaries I

of a~<sistant;; to topog:raphPr, for ,J nmwr~·, 187l. I 4 F. R. Smith ............... 1


New York. N.Y., for 15,000 pumH1fl cutton twine 1

fnmisLed the Denartmeut in January, 1871. 23 G. \I;'. Wells .............. 1 Uuitetl Statt•s district attoruoy, Mississippi, for


fees in fiyn eases. Mar. 7 F. A.. ::Uacartuoy .......... Dil-;bmsin,!!; clerk, Post-Office Departmrnt, for inci·


dPntal t•xppm:es ineurrt~tl in tho pr{lparation and publication of post-ronto maps, includin.~ sala­l'iPS of assistants to topographer, for Fouruary, l~il.

11 J.P. 11. Epping ...... _ ... 1 Late Uniterl States marshal South Carolina, for i fr-cs in nit,wt<>Pn cm:;rs.

15 R. F. Cattrrson ........ __ . i Unitetl Slates marshal, Little Rock, .Ark., for fees I in ;mn1\n· eases.

1G D. L. Baumgartlnrr .. __ ...


Phi\arlt·lpl;i.a, Pa., fin' 5,000 poum1s Ilrmp twine t'nruisht~d tlw D':l]Jartment in ~Larch, 1.'371.

18 J olm Logan .. _ ....... _ ... -I Late UnitPtl States marshal, Illfnois, for fees in I snurlrv casrs.

18 J. 0. Churchill._ ...... __ . -1 ClPrk UilitPol States district court, Arkansas, for fePs in tln·:•ti oases.

20 L. S. B. Sawyer ....... ___ . Clt·rk UuitPtt Statrs circuit court, California, for fl'eS in thl'l1C C:lf<CS.

21 William Breetlen . . . . . . . . . Clt·rk United State-; supreme court, New :Mexico, f:•c•s in two ea~es.

31 J.P. M. Epping ___ ..... _. Late Unit.erl States marshal, South Carolina, ftJes iu three eas1~s.

31 Jonas Seely_ ...... _ ... ___ .


United States district attorney, Nevada, for fee in ono east~.

April Dcmp;.wy & O'Toole ....... \Vashiltgt.on, D. C., for 367,400 registerf'rlflackag:e-. [ enye]opes, fnrnishetl in lRt quarter, 1871.

5 F. A.. ::Uacartney _ ...... _·I Dislmrsiug clerk, Post-Otl:ice Depart:tH,nt, for inri-


1 rlPutal expenses incurrot1 .. in th~ lH'<'paration allll ])ilulication of post-route maps, iuuln1liu.~ sala­ri•!S of assistants to topographcrfor :\Inrcll, 1871.

6 G. H. Re:v.- ....... _ ....... 1 New York, X. Y., for 3,000,875 ofiicial em·elnpes .. 1 fnrllislH·tl the Dt•partnwut in 1st quarter, 1871.

7 G. H. Reay ........ _ .... _ .J :XPw York.~- Y .. for 587,500 tlead-lotter envelopes · I furnislwd in 1st quarter, li371.

10 J. S. Botsford ............. , Unite'~ :::;t~tes district attorney, Missouri, for servwes 111 one case.

14 D. McClolland .......... _. \Vashing:ton, JJ. C., for engraving copper-plates, ancl printing from copper,sheets of post-route maps.

14 H. H. Wells .............. ruito·tl Statrs district attorney, Virginia, for fee;; in fonrt<'!'ll cafll'S.

14 D. Urban .. _ ..... __ ....... Clerk Fnitl·tl States circuit court, Louisiana, for SP!'dCP'i ill StllHhT C:1,iit'S.

14 E. P. Jacobson............ Unitt"l Statt·s tlistl'ict attorney, Mississippi, for serYices in fbnr cases.

28 G. I. Lammon ............. Uuitrd States marshal, Nevada, for fees in thn•c !"aRf'N.

28 National Bank Nota Co ... KewYork, X. Y .. for fnrnishin.gstoek, printing· and numueriug dra.ft-books for use of Department.


$9,294 68

1, 268 47

887 50

2;') 00

44 40

50 00

5::> 60

20 00

1G5 00

25 00

1, 733 93

6, 597 00

60 00

1, 016 16

311 52

66 20

887 50

320 OG

15 08

84 00

22 20

94 98

20 00

3,122 DO

1, 523 47

10,326 85

1, 045 75

20 Otl

3, 203 40

280 00

49 25

40 00

2.'35 77

388 75



1871. 1

::\fay 3







Juno 8














Sept. 5




No. 5.-.J.mount paicl by the DeJJCll'fment on IC(I.I'I'ants, <f'c.-Contiuuefl.

To whom paid. :For what ohject. .Amount.

----------' . ---------- -----

F. A. liacartr.oj~- ........ _I Disbursing olerk, Post-OHico Department, for in-


, citlental :-xp~'nses ~IWlllTPtl in thH pr~parat~ou 1

antl puhlwatlon of post-1·onto maps, utclntlm~ i salaries of a><Mist~mts to topogra1Jller for .A.pril, I 187t.

M. F. Pleasants .......... ' Clerk Unite:l StatPs circuit court, Vil·p;inia, for sernces iu twentv-mw nases.

F. H. Smith.............. ~ PW 1 ork. K. Y . ." for 5,000 poumls hemp twine ftll'ttblwtl i11 1Lw, 1871.

R ::\[. Daggett . . . . . . . . . . . Cl .. rk "Cuitetl Kta tes tlistl'ict comt, }[ entcla, for fec·s in thn·t~ cases.

L M. A.shenfeltl.'r........ United States distriet attome_y, New .Mexico, for feus iu out! ease.

Xational Bank Note Co.. Xew York, X. Y., for fnrui>;hing stock. pl"iating , mulnumlwrillg' \Yal'!'ant-hooks for nse of Dl'p:ll·t­ment.

Fairbanks & Co . . .. . . . . . :XPw York~- Y., for fumishing:600 letter-balancl.'s iu ::\fay, 1871.

G. rr. neay - .. - ... - ... --. :Xew y,;l'k, X. Y .. for furuishin.~ ::!00 sets of Hamplo post-ottiee eHYelopes null making wootl-cnts in l\fay, 187l.

E. F. Brown . . . . . . . . . . . . . Uuit<:tl States commissioner, Washington, D. C., for sPITices in one •·aso.

E.P.Jacohsou ........... V11itl'<l ~tatPs district attomey, "\Ihlsissippi, for fl•es iu t>ix ca,.wH.

G. E. Wentworth........ La to United States mm·shal, Florida, for fees in three eases.

:F. A.. Macartney . . • . . . . . Dh;hnn;iug- clerk, Post-Ofl1en DPpart-nH:-11 t, for inei­dt>Htalt>XJil'llSI'>' iuem'l'Pd i11 till' ]ll'l']laration aml p11hlicatio11 of )Hlflt-ront<· map". iHdwliug s.1laries of assistauts to tlw t:>pl)g-raphl.'l' t'"r :\lay, 1:371.

G. D. Chenowith .......... Dishnrsiu.:.:: cl('rk, Post-Ofti.c'' Dt>partmeut-, for amon11t to rdmlmrse him for expenses inenrro<l in the prepar)Jtiou rmt1 pnhlication of pm;t-ronte maps, indwliug ;;a.lari"" of assistants to the topo_!!;I'it[Jher for JnnP. l871.

A.. Sterling, jr............ Unite<l States distriet attumey, Maryland, for fee in oue case.

G. H. lleay......... Nt>w York City, for 5,233,510 envelopes furnished tlw Ikpm'tllli'Jit in .July. 1871. .

Dt•mpsey & O'Toole...... \\a,;ltiu~tou, D. C., for at!U,OOO re.~istorcd pa,cli:ago- ' ('11\'t'lop<'" fm·ui~dwrl in ,July, 187l.

F. R. Smith.............. K<!W York CHy, fo1· 7,500 punutls hemp twine fur­llisltcotl iu Jul.v, 1871.

A.. Sterling, jr . . . . . . . . . Uuit<'<1 States di~triet- attorney, Maryland, for fe() iu ot!e east\

C. R. Krnm.............. United States attorney, Missouri, for foo in uno ease.

George Smith. . . . . . . . . . . . Unite<! States marshal, .:\Iissonri, fur fees in Runt1ry e:uws.

Adam Peabody . . . . . . . . . . Clerk Unito<l States distriet eonrt, ?.Iissonri, for fco in one case.

H. H. IV ells . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Gllit<'<l States <liAtrict attonwy, Virginia, for Sbl'· Yices in snndrv easPs.

G. D. Chenowith......... Dishnrsiug el<•i·l•. Post-Office Department, for amount to rdntburs~ him for expenses iuenrr<'<l iu the prl'p:n·atiou n111l pnulieation of post-ronto maps, inelwling salaril's of assistants to topog-rapher for -Jnly, 1871.

B. F. Tracy..... Uuite<l Statt·:-~ disnkt attorney, Brooldvu, X. Y., for fef's iH t\\·o cmws. · "

S. :ll. A;Jhonfelter........ Unite<l States •li~;triet attorney, New Mexico, for serdees in one easo.

J. A.. Coruorfonl......... Attorney-at-law, T_ylt~r, Tex:ts, foe services in one easel;.

G. D. Chcuowith...... Di>;hnrsing clerk, Post-Offico Dt>partmf'nt. fu1· amonnt. to I'l'illl hm·,,~ him for incill<'Utal t'XJH'Il"''-~ it•.<·tn'l'<'<l in tlw Jll'<;parat.ion a111l pnhlieatiuu of post-rontP lll:lJl». indwlin!!,· sal:u·ieH of as~;istauts 1

1 tn thP topD~t·aplt<•r for An.~nHt-, 1871.

Xational Bank Xoto Co. X<·w York City, i'ur ~.tiOO itHJII'llHsious from draft. I platefl. I

\\.H. II. Cowl!.'s ......... A~~~l~·~:.'i~~~t-luw, \\'ilk!·slJOrung-11, N.C., for fee' in I

G. D. Cheuowith........ Di~lmrsiug clerk, Post-Offiee Department-. for in- : e11lnutal ~Xpt_'n:;cs incmTI'd in tlw prPpat·ation j

autl pnhhp:tti!H• of post-ronk map:-;. iudntliu.~ salanes ot assistants to the topographPr for Sep-1 tember, 1871. -

$1,140 77

2~8 10

936 50

22 50

5 00

;:!!)5 00

1,115 00

230 00

12 57

100 00

L17 64

1, 294 81:l

1. 45!) 16

20 00

H, 573 10

3,1:20 45

1, 404 75

20 00

20 00

137 64

12 25

235 00

1, 212 73

270 00

30 00

62 50

1, 132 59

298 75

25 00

1, 135 10



No. 5.-Amount paicl by the Department on drafts ancl chargefl to mi.~cellaneous account.

Date. To whom pai<l. For what object.

1870. Oct. 15 · J. ::U. McGrew............ Washington, D. C., for expenses to aml from Co­

lmnlms, Ohio, attending· to seeuriug aud collt·d· ing $5,500, due the United States "from Lucien






26 i







Dec. ()



I 1871. Jan. 3





Feb. 8


Mar. 2


11 Hi

I 16








May 13

June 5


E. C. Camp ...............

C. P. Redmund. ............

\\T. H. Bradley ............

R ::UcDannel. .............

J.P. Southworth ..........

W. J. Hiddick .............

G. \V. Hazleton ...........

D. L. Baumgardner & Co ..

Catherine hl. W!Jiting ....

Bluford \\Tilson ...........

F. II. Smith ...............

R JHcP. Smith ............

c. s. Hamilton ............

Edwanl Kurtz ............

C.C.Camp ................

H. Bisbee, jr ..............

G. E. Whitney ............

William B. Smith .........

D. II. Starbuck ...........

J. II. Litchfield ...........

S. A. Strickland ...........

Benton Fraley ............

W. J. Hidtlick .............

Beujamin C!Jambers,jr ....

E. H. Murray .............

R. Hastin.~s ............... J.D. Pope ................

Levi Jones ................

T. ¥.Browne .............

Gould, Pearce &Co .......

L. C. Rockwell ............

William Van Vleck .......

J. D. Pope ................

J. E. Townsend ...........

M. Hopkins ...............

Gonl!l, Pearce & Co .......

F. II. Smith ...............

William F. \Vhecler ......

ButtlPs, late acting postmaster, :Mobile, Ala. Uu~ted ~ta tes district attorney, Tennessee, fur ser­

VICes 111 one ease. Clerk Unitt•d States cit·cuit court, Arkansas, fur

serdces iu sun1lry cases. Clerk United States comt, Chicago, Ill., for fees in

two ca~;es. Late "Gnited States marshal, Tennessee, for fees in

two cast•s. U1~itet~ States district attorney, Mobile, Ala., for

fees m snnrlrv cases. Clerk Uuit.Pll States court, Raleigh, N.C., for fees

in sundry cases. United St;1tes di_strict attorney, Milwaukee, \Vis­

cnusiu, for fees in threl' eases. PhiladP!phia., I'a., for 5,000 pounds hemp twine

furni>;hed in Oetober, 1870. .lulministratrix of the estate of C. C. Whiting, late

Unikd States marshal, Kansas, for fees in t\velYe cn.,es.

United States district attorney, Sprino-fieltl, Ill., for fees in four cases. '""

New York, N.Y., for lO,OOO pounds cotton twine fnrnisht>tl in NoYcmbcr, 1810.

U~ite1l States district attorney, Tennessee, for fcc 111 one case.

Uuitt>d States marshal, \Visconsin, for fees in three cases.

ClPrk United States circuit court, Wisconsin, for fPt'S in thrPe caRes.

United States district attorney, Knoxville, Tenn., for fee in one case. .

Unitecl States district att-orney, Florida, for fees in thrtec cases.

Clerk United States circuit court, California, for fePS in twenty-nine eases.

Clerk Unit-ed States dh;trict court, Atlanta, Ga., for feeR in ten cases.

United States district attorney, Salem, N. C., for ftws iu three cases.

United States mars!Jal, Dakota Territory, for ex­pPuses incurred in serdng summons in one case.

United States attorney, Nebraska, for fees in three Catll'S. .

ClerH: Uniterl States court, Dakota Territory, for fe<l in one ease.

Clerk Unitecl States circuit court, Haleigh, N. C., fur fees iu three cases.

\Yashington, D. C., for letter-balances furnished l<'ebruary 28. 1~71.

United States marshal, Kentucky, for costs in three CaSPR.

Uuite!l States marshal, Ohio. for costs in two cases. United States district attorney, Georgia, for fee in

one ease. Clt•rk United States district court, Galveston,

Texas., for fees in two caseR. Unitetl States district attorney, Indiana, for fees in

three cases. Cincinnati, Ohio, for cotton twine furnished March

22, 1871. . UuitPd States attorney, Colorado Territory, for fee

in mw ca~e. "r ashiugton, D. C., for preparing Post-Office Direct-

u~ii;:rl States district attorney, Georgia, for fee in one case.

Clt'I'k Uuitetl States circuit court, Florida, for fees in six ca!'les.

ClPrk Unitc1l States district court, Texas, for fees in ci~ht caKes.

Cincii1nati. Ohio, for 10,000 pounds cotton twine fnmislw1l in ~1ay, 1871. .

New York, N. Y., for 5,000 pounus hemp twme fnmiHhPrl in May, 1811.

"Gnitetl States mar::;hal, Montana Territory, for fee in one case.

$54 75

20 00

27 85

14 40

14 34

130 00

40 70

60 00

887 50

118 20

40 00

4, 398 00

20 00

64 26

:w 85

5 00

60 00

136 10

102 30

60 00

42 00

30 00

5 50

23 63

682 50

36 82

44 09 20 00

30 30

50 00

2, 690 00

20 00

1, 200 00

20 00

37 35

164 55

2, 690 00

936 50

92 85


lt171. June 30





Aug. ::!~


30 31

Sept. HI




No. 5.-..Amount paicl by the Department on drafts, ~f'c.-Continuecl.

To whom paid.

D. J. Baldwin ........... ..

J.D. Pope ............... .

John Lynch .............. .

Gould, Pearce & Co ...... .

M. F. Pleasants ......... ..

Gould, Peareo & Co ...... .

H. E. Hudson ............ .

J. C. C. \Yinch .......... .. S. D. LeaYitt ............ .. 1<'. H. Smith ......... _ .... .

Gould, Pearce & Co ...... .

S. A. Strickland .......... .

For what object.

United States district attorney, Texas, for fee in one case.

United StateR district attorney, Atlanta, Ga., for fees in eight casefl.

Washington, .D. C., for advance to pay expenses while attending to money.order business in New York City.

Cincinnati. Ohio, for 10,000 pounds cotton twine furuishetl in July, 1871.

Clerk United ~tate::-~ circuit court, Hichmond, Va., for service;; in snndry eases.

Cindnnati, Ohio, .fo1· io,ooo pounds cotton twine fnruishL·tl in August, 1871.

United States attorney, Tennessee, for fees in seven cases. .

Attorney-at-law, Texas, for services in two cases .., Eal-ltport, .J'Ife., for fee in one caiole. New York City, fur 5,000 ponntls hC'mp twine fur.

nished the Dcpurtnwnt in Septemlw~·. 1871. Cincinnati, Ohio. for 10,000 pomuls cotton twine

furnished tlw Department in ~eptt•m her, 1871. United States district attorney, Kebrnska, for fee

in one case,



$10 00

135 00

30 00

2, 690 00

46 83

2, 690 00

125 00

100 00 40 00

9::!6 50

2, 690 00

10 00

Amouilf allou·ecl to tlwpo8fma8fPr8 at the pl'inoipal o.ffier8 of tho V'nited 8tate8 jo1· incidental expenses of such o.tfiec8, actually and necessarily incurred, 1-mch (til rent, fuel, .stationery, lights, office repaiPs, printing, ga<J ji.rtttres, ~·c. .

399, 418 68

Total miscellaneous p<lyments .............................................. · ...... 530,7~1 7l



No. 6.-Statcmcn t nf tlw operafious of the lcttcr-carricl' 8!J8tcm fm· the ycm· cndcrl J11 nc 30, 1871.

I c'o


I ~~ i:~ ~~ -~ ~~

i5 ,::; :b fn


~z; ;::;o ~H 0 >=<

~ II ;E ~E ~ ~ ~ ~ ---~----1---~-'---1-----

1, 7:32. 101 1 164, 025


G07, 5:lli li:i, fi!J7 4 •. 87:l, :lli I 'I Gl !), 5!7 5, :H:l, 17!! 1, GIG, HHi 2, 4!i7, :J:J:J 39!), 2!l7 2 '1 7'l ~·1 1 21i I, 80tl '3;;7: l~4 31 640

321,!l:3V 15:G77 <l-17, 016 17, 497

ll, 27;), ;2 ·5 1, 524, 018 ·i 1·'1 °<10 59:.!, 073 2: 2ti!i: ~s() :::m, 5t2

it'" tJ•>·> 61, :!!5 2, (il~: Gfi;j 292, :3tl7

·l:H, 757 42, 308 3116, -!!J.t 2:3,014 6Gil, 7;,;3 81, 0:)7

1, !.JH, 402 120, ;;:n 5Gii, 210 30, 057 341'!, 5:l8 :H, 7 HJ 418, 383 18, fH:l

2, 5.14, l ()!) 22{i, 2!!7 5:..!6, 3:lfi 28, t<l:> -112 Hi3 lii, liH 4:Hi: 515 23, ;>:.!;)

1, I:JO, ws 10D, a9:3 1, 71t', 20-· 115, 77,

7!)3, 5-!9 '11'!, 71il 1, 4:l5, DOO '>OI'l 4·'4

30:l, 1~0 -!.~: 1\3 !'1!1;3, O!:O '·>, f>l!), (J(i(j 70, 475

23, 021i, 44!.1 12, 158, 912 11, ;i31, 715 5, {j22, 9U.i

·1!.17, oo2 :{2, o:. 1 1,:m,1tn 1i4,t'o7

'Hl, lli2 1:32, O:.l3 431, [!81 41, 224

53!), 678 3!!2, 354

1, 071, 54() 1, 2!)7, 277

87!.1, 4:32 794, 762 1:34,031 105 ()(j(j

14G: 5:38 2, :l:35, li74

()43, !:02 i:'ti5, 887 :38!1, 8::.!1 (I:J:-3, !153 341, !.J:H llli, 411 228, Ci3l 4:l4 Oi!1 14<': 740 120, fitS 1tl·l, 013 61\l, 664 1!H, 5:35 HU lG!) :ws: rtt<5 317, i~~ 4.3.l, •• l;) 270, 111 547,501

!.!7, 7!!6 211, ~)59 211, 4!i9

5, 48 '· 1!)7 4, 46J, 84;.)

2tl2 1)74 i.m;864 27H, 5JO 213,222

$.). OG3 00 2, 2(19 40

1!), !)74 22 47, 5-13 75

n, 470 :H 6, t82 33

6:.32 80 3:i8 87 579 66

3R, 685 17 18, 791 G8

6, 1'31 66 1, li80 58 6, :..!7:3 92 1, 200 :3R

H24 64 3, 313 14 2,313 34

!)!JL {j(j

52:3 84 ():.l4 !)6

5, 064 Dl 97!) 41 64tl :23 56;) 57

1, 804 81 3, 61"9 05 1, 784 H 4, (j(j) 78

986 9!) 3, 70!1 ,17 2, Ll4t< 34

362, 4ti3 20 l:JO, C6;) tH

1, (i7!) 2:l 5, 2-IJ !}7

5, 3;30 10 832 29



I f·~ ~ -~-~~


'-' i:J. :-1 .-:;;: 0

i -~~E

~]~ l:d -1 t::j

"'0 $22,084 04 0

~ G, 711 ~;.,! ~ 5~, G:H H7 67, 378 26 0 38, :l57 13 ~ 31, 057 :33

3, 8!l9 !)(j ~ 3, 002 9!) ~ 4,2n 10 t::j

10:3, 8(;6 47 5(), H6 75 "'0 22, 0!!8 :i7 0

!), 583 14 U1 21,044 26 ~

5, 7til 00 ~ :l, 31:):3 00 > 7, fJ5:l GO Ul

16, 226 51 ~ 5, tms 15 t::j

4, 4~l:J 70 ::0 li, Ot.l 25

0 22, 4!37 17 5, GOO 00 t::j

4, ti:il) 64 z 5, 445 8:l t:-.:: s, t~Oll no ::0

21, 014 70 > 7, (j;JO (i(i r

18,287 ();{ 4, 8:20 4!) 8, 02!1 00

3:3, 7!)3 07 2!15, !154 81 175, !JRl 20

7, 212 :-35


Hi, 299 R3 11,37:. 28

5, (ill 59

RichmmHl ................................... Virg-inia ...••..•.•...•••.•••••....••...••. Ho!'ht•Hil'l' ................................... Nt•w York ............................... . Ht. Loui,; .................................... 1\fiHHOlll'i ................................ . Halmn ....................................... 11asHat·hH,;l'tts ........................... . Han l•'rauehwo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . California ............................... . Svracuse .................................. -. New York ............................... .

~~r~~.{~~~ ::::: :::::: : ::::::: .· _·:::: .· .-:: :: : . : ::: ~~~i~ :~ ~1:~~~:::: :: : :: :: : ::::: :::::: : ::::::: ij~i1t~'l:::::: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: . ~(~~~~~~·~: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

~ill~i~~B~~i:;:::: .. ::::::::::::::::::::::: ~g~;i::iit'~t::::::::.::::::: •:::. •

:J5fl, 4!13 !H"io, :w2 ;;4, 44~1 1 2.2:1,, 2.:·1. 1 1, PR~< :1r. 10, HP2 o;, 1, O!lti, (itiO 2, 0~~. 4Hi ~;,~, ~~~ . t:·l:.., l'j.>b 'i ">I'' 'l'i 1ti, (ili4 ·Hi 3 <~I<~ 'i'l"' 7, a:l·l, :ltiO 111, .>1.1 1, :1n1, ;,i'd 1i;: il7i ~~· ~'~· :1~.1. :_14. , 2t7; ~[,~ :JO:.!, llti ~.,H 4tt0 J:i~, ti·1H '4':H lH :>, Ol.~ ;l~ 1, 144, litil fl'l7, 71i4 1?:2: 7:18 2-18, R8H 5, 5!!7 58 21, t<:J5 t-"5

9·1~, :H4 1, ;,;,s, t'·l:l 1:15, 57!1 5!ll, I !18 ::!, 711 ti:2 12, Pti3 J1 2~1i, :I~ :5!!1, 0!)3 28,010 I 1:22,773 1, 0:22 !ltl :!, 7:28 ·IH 81!), ";,.! 818,775 411, t'li2 311', 2li7 1, 5!11 :H !l, •JO!l !l6 975, 757 1, :nu, :{28 1:11, 5-12 :JOi', 7 w 3, ;,rtt n 11, co:1 54 687, !lt<5 !l04, !ll'!l 81,2:18 :l(i~, 412 1, 7:3•1 48 11, 581'l DO

1, 275, 45n 1, 41"4, lll6 175, 48:J tiiS, sn2 4, 5fi2 !l;, ~u. ·17·1 47 41l:l, 110 1,14:1, H5 !'0, 574 ~!66, !J4:l 2, 008 !l6 10, 41!> 7G 285. 764 (ilO, !J;i5 60, t'50 2:3:!, 40!) 1, 52fi 3!l 6, IJ;)7 GO 263, 491 4tm, 032 51, !t;i3 110, 56o 2, t>:JO 87 :J, !l42 33

~~;7, G0:2 112, Gl2, G!l3 27, Q.!.i, 7u0 32, hlO, 3:J:3 758:1~~ 1, :151,"2::!8 23

Sal"'Y;:;:;~: Ihlg·"'' apc~ial ag't .P 0~-D,_p:<i:lout "'"':.•PI':"lUiationf"'lotte·''"'''" 1

: ··~:: ..• :: .. ::::::::.:::: : :::::.:::: ::::::::::::: ::::::::::::: ~;~~


l•'OH TUE l'owr-Ot<FICE DEI'AHTMJ~!\T, October 17,1871.

No. 7 .-Siatcmcn t slwzcing the transactions of the uwney-order office of the Un if eel States for tlw fiscal yca1· cndi II[J June 30, 1S71.

t:5tates and Territories.

Maine .................... . New Hampshire .......... . Vermont .................. . Massachnset.ts ............ . Rhotlc Island ............ .. Connecticut .............. _. New York ................ . NewJersey .............. .

~~m~~~~~:~·-~i-~ : : :: : : : : :- :::: Oregon ......... ___ ..... ___ . Ohio .......... __ ......... _. Delaware ................. . Nebraska ............. __ .. . Illinois ........... __ .... __ .. District of Colnmbia ...... . Michigan ................ . l\IiSROlll'i .................. .

~~b~l~~--~i~-i~-:::::: :: :::: : Arkansas ................. .

~~~:~~~ :::::: :~::::: :::::: £~::i~~l~~r ~ : :: : ::: : : : -:::::: ~f:.~)i~~I~~i-: ~:::::::::::::: North Carolina ............ . Iowa ...................... . Tennessee ................ . Colorado Territory ........ . Dakota Territory ......... . I1laho Territory ........... . Montana Territory ........ . Nevada ......... .' ......... . Utah Territory .......... _. \Vashington Terri tory .... . Wyoming Territory ...... _ Arizona Territory ........ .


No. of or­ders issued.

34, G7l 20,818 23, 0:>8 74, 137 11,065 37 916

156: 245 2!), 154

135, 052 H, 447 12, Hi5

hH,!lH 5, 910

21, !148 233, 194 1~, 152

101,315 94, 56!) Hl,G54 31,245 2:-i, 7~4 lG, 913 32, !)6:3 44, !134 23,778 28,722 27, !)37 22. ::~:Js

128, 412 49 !)!9

7: 20!) 48!)

3, 374 4, :l60 4, !)29 2, 085 4, 020 1, G37 1, 49:3

120,610 37,252

Revenue. Balance from Amount of onlers Drafts anll de- Balance due Transferred

last year. iHstwd. I-------.~------I lJOHitsreeeived. 111 ~.~-~~t~~.r-·s. from

$11,098 41 3, ll7 35 5, 810 78

11,678 2:l 1, 331 3ti 8, 434 24

182, 707 1G 6 947 56

33: 22!) :l6 35, Dli:i !)7 12, s:n 04 2B, 314 09

1, 333 !ll 11, li57 7;3 'iu, 346 G2

7, 502 71 30, 5()5 08 42, 517 !17

7, 656 90 10, 77:3 6G 32, !167 11 10, 98;l 05 31), 377 98

8, 695 54 24,917 49 12, 316 24

5, 403 03 7, 1!)8 82

25,517 17 30,295 28

852 07 31 64

9, 9!ll GO 4, 7:20 20 4, 236 49 1 369 34 1:273 79 4, 935 16 3,11417

43,672 74 12,866 3<1

$795,767 45 884, 299 28 423, 5lli 5W

1, 51!), !Jl(i 41 211, !}7!J 33 G3·l, -.WI 01

2, 771, Oli8 04 538, :38~ 62

2, :3tl.l, 924 95 1, :mi, oti-t D9

337, U4li l!l 3, 043, 167 4:l

105,583 32 52:3, DG5 IG

3, 972, 3 t4 88 3!)ti, 791 63

1, 875, li35 90 1 8tH !l::iU 79

' 35:l: 420 21 736, 18:3 !l2 84:3, 609 tl9 572, :JUS 7~ 708, !l:l2 47 814, tiOU 82 632, OG4 03 545, 14';! 82 589, 749 '80 505, 94fl :JO

2, 255, 913 10 1, 074, 424 7:!

175,749 21 10, 3!)2 64

119,020 44 126, 312 61 lui 948 oo 52:824 20

140, 1-W 57 31::5, JG7 54 Gl, !)59 49

2. 359, 335 04 755, 379 34

Total. fe0s re- Premiums. ., , postage fund. cetYed. I

$5,109 151~~=- $447,982 00 $4:>8 98 $11,893 32

;: ~~~ ;g I:::::::::::: ~~: ~~g gg 3~~ -~; ~g: ;t~ ;~ 1U 2li4 35 . . . . . . . . . . . . 1, !'J90, 10"/ 03 49 H3 43, 258 7:3

1: 4::'0 !l5 .. .. .. .. . .. . liH, 38~ ti!J 9 18 3, ;)!.)4 50

"4, ~~~ 7~ .. .. .. .. .. .. 348, 7ti5 00 2.) 28 1G, 788 Sli

~O, .3;>;> uJ .. .. .. .. .. .. 9, 5G~, :303 GJ 351 02 8~, 152 03

1~·~~g ~g :::::::::::: l,Gg~:~~~ ~~ i~~ ~! ;g:~~g ~j 7>-!03 15 .. . .. .. .. .. . 94~, 215 00 18 4G 4, 082 00 2, on 65 .... __ .. .. .. 2;n, 5!Jo oo ______ .. __ .. ~167 ali

23, 32:3 60 .. .. .. .. .. .. 2, 328, 453 44 45R 34 G8, E-'84 81 773 60 -- .. ----.. .. 4, (i50 00 5 23 4, 584 00

3, :33:3 7;) .. .. .. .. .. .. 641, 83G 45 1 25 4, 20ti 00 29, ~~1 ~~ ---......... 3, 483, :384 9:l 134 00 50, 4LHi 67

2,.111 ,JJ ............ 7;11,675 55 .......................... .. 1:3, ti 16 25 -- .. --.... .. 997, t!li!.J :i(i 2!1 j(i 32, 44!) 75 l:l, 119 70 $43 92 1, 974, :li-38 H 149 88 19, 351 3;i 2, 5:28 55 .. .. .. .. . .. . 54, :;;;o oo 5·HJ 08 o!.l:i oo 4, 745 12 132 97 117,598 00 .... .. .... .. 1, 061i 01 4, 807 50 . - - - . - - . - - - . 40!), !.lliti 00 . - - - - - - .. - - . 20 00 8, 186 80 . . . . . . . . . . . . 13o, 881 07 16 71l oo oo 4, 7:H 70 . . . . . . . . . . . . 5!!2, 949 00 !J 54 689 00 5, 97!) 90 .. - .. -- .. .. . 44-J, 890 34 12 05 9, 492 •1.) 3, t'38 85 69 34 84!J, 976 74 H 07 453 oo-3, 8:i.i t'5 .. . .. .. .. . .. 789, 162 21 Hi 85 2, 8t!O 34 4, 0:25 !l8 . - ... -- .. - .... - .. - -- ...... -- .... ---- ------ 200 00 3,398 35 ------------ 8G,272 00 ............ 4 721 !l4

16, 796 55 . . . . . . . . . . . . G85, lG!l 00 10!) 34 JO: !.JBO 04 7,210 60 ............ 1,0!J(i,3l)!) 00 3~ 17 1,665 51

1,1g~ ~g :::::::::::: g~~·~~ 1:::::::::::: ~t~ ~~ 659 40 . - - .. - - ...... - - - - - . -. - . - - - . - ... - - - - . - . - - - .. - - . - . - - . - - - - - .. 74.) 0.) . --- .. - .. -- .. -- .. ---.-- .. ---- .. --.---.-.- .. -- .. ---.---.- .. !) 14 :l5 . - - - . - - .. - - . (i!)6 00 . - - - - • - - . - . . . - - .. - . - . - - .. - ..

~~~ ~g : : : ~ : : : : : ~ ~ : . --.. --. if ;,;3[,- 00. : : ~: : : : : : : : : : : : . : : : : : : : : : : : : :243 70 31 00 . - .. - - .. - - - ... - - . . . .... - - .. - ... - - .. - . - - . - .. - ..

16,~~g ~g 1'~::::::::::: -----i.-~83;4i8"{,(J' "'"""7.~';=;i' 7,5g~ ~~ 5, 221 95 .. - .. - ... -.. 815, 261 00 4 41 11, 6<11 88

Tnmsferreuj from ~wi;;s I No. of _or-

fund. <lers 1)mtl.

~ . -.. -- .. - - - . 35,983 -------··--· 1:-i, 005 ------------ 14, 187

$1, 13.) s:J 1:24, l;ll 210 77 8, 2:!3

.................. 36,325 !), 109 0!) 42ti, :38:3

7:.24 137 23, (il4 232 30 170, 1G4 545 05 21, 2UO

---·---·---- :3, 87U fl07 51 207,047

--·--------- 3, 742 .................... 11, ;,7:3

1, 2:!9 uo 270, ~75 G3L 00 21,072

4H :3:J G~, ~48 4G·! 97 112,259

·----------- 8, ~68 120 5;) 11, 0~!)

·----------- 7, 1!!3 10 10 4, 151

------------ HI, 958 415 7!) 36,557 4G5 96 21, 7:!8

............... 47, 1-lO 19 89 5, 7l!J

-----·-·--·· 7, BU3 4R5 47 75, 4li3

1, 353 20 33,883 32 00 2, 5t!!)

..................... 2G8 ------------ 323 ................ 829

422 00 GG9 ·-·-·-- ---- 752 ------------ I, 427

2 07 298 ------------ 46

GG9 66 86,762 191 :31 27, 4ti1

~ t'tj ,., 0 ~ t-j

0 "":j

1-3 ~ ..... t_%j

~ 0 [fJ

1-3 ~ ...... >-00 1-3 ~ ~

0 M ~ t-.j p;j

> ~

'l\1xas .. _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~:!. 7~::! 1 ~. ;,;,~ r.s fi5fi, :>42 :n 4, OQ3 fi5 . . . . . . . . . . • . ~50 oo . • • • • • . . . • • • 4, 834 fi~ 5fi3 22 6, 1 ~8 ~tinuesola . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . :!7, ;~!/ 1!1, ti:l4 51 91!1, 778 61 6, 5U 75 . . . . . . . . . . . . 3Gl, 404 GO 1~ :m 14, O!H 87 50 00 21i, 983. Imli:um.................... 1,, l, ~.>.l ~7, 150 5:i 2, ~713, 870 a~ 16, 823 70 . . . . . . . . . . . . 5HJ, 6~9 ;-,9 8U 1:! 15, BOt 57 7i:l0 Oli 67, 772 KausaH . _. ___ .............. 5:l, 818 23, 12fl 39 1, 21~, !l!16 85 7, 97:3 35 ....... _.... 754, liGB 10 134 9!) 21, :n4 12 . . . . . . . . . . . . 33, 257 South Carolina............. 15, 605 4, 118 •16 321, o:-,3 4~ 2, 214 10 . . . . . . . . . . . . 3!.la, '110 00 58 Hl 378 04 . . . . . . . . . . . . 10, 421

Total.. ............. ---;2,"151, 4·94 - su9~94T-42, iGI,lts 03~-- 2()3, 28613-- 27723--34, 88~. 3n3G" --3, 4uo 76-_- 576, o51 !.171-;, 5uo 87 2, 1:!1, 664

Stales and Territories.

Maine a••••••••••••••••••••

New Hampshire ........... Vermont ................... Mas;;achnsetts ............. Hh01lc Islaml .................. Connecticut ................ New York ................. New J(•rscy ................

~~m!~i~~~~;~~~~~ : : ~ ~: ~ : : ::: ~ ~:

~~l~;.;~~:: --:: ·~::-~ -- ••• :1 Illinois ............................. District of Columbia .... ;_.

~~~:~ff~f.:::: ::::::::::: ~:: West Virginia ............. Alabama ................... Arkansas .................. Florida .................... G.eorgia ....................

~~~f~t~~~: : ~ ~ ~ : : : ~ ~ : ~ : ~ : : : : ~i~;1~:~i;~;;i·: ::: :::: :: :::::: North Carolina .................. Iowa •...................... '1.\nlli!'HSl'e ................. Colorado Territory ......... Dakota TPrritory .......... Itlaho Territory ........... Montana Territory _ ...... Nevatla .............. _. _____ Ut-alt Territory ........... ·I

Amount of or­ders pahl.

$712,043 20 308, 15() 77 290, 457 79

2, 282,200 ~.n 185, 80.) 28 658, 341 47

6, 780, 161 55 507, 5:11 5;2

2, 874,977 48 770, 2!J2 19 140, 0;28 02

3, 797,510 92 77,518 61

310, 37·1 88 4, 893,644 19

426,722 10 1, 406, 619 75 2, 726, lO!.l 87

174, 9::22 no 268, 012 55 232,033 71 1:35, 5~l!.l 94 451, 661 37 795, 7R1 28 671,287 17

1, 103, 2!)5 72 12:1,127 89 173, !110 42

1, 63t<, !.l83 43 7~J:I, 4;17 7l

80,147 20 8,174 07

11,691 20 29,:320 41i 27, 2HI 84 22,533 89

Amount of ordPrs re­paid.

$~. 840 (i7

1, \J64 75 2, 585 ;~!)

10, 471 08 1, 667 48 5, ~40 !.lO

29, ~;26 !.l6 4, 6:13 91

20,160 GO 7, 537 34 3,2"14 ()7

22,974 88 786 9ti

3, 035 36 32, ()03 G7

2, 746 13 15, ot:l 29 15, 786 78 2,115 ()8 6, !153 26 5, 44li :w 3, 831 05 5, 207 57 5,138 73 G, 322 54 3, 9!.17 04 4, !)7() no 3, 341i R7

17, .')12 41 7,:169 72 1, 829 7.3

235 00 8i'li 13

1, 59:3 36 57() 11 5;"J2 !)5

Transfcrrc1l to postage fund.

$1:-iO 00 314 u

1,160 46 5, 657 00

................ 2,150 00

lll2, [l(i3 61 111 00

5, 75;2 82 ..................... --------·----·

24,675 00 20:3 52

·····----·----7, 860 58

................... l, 735 41 3, 731 46

.................... 2:15 00



....................... 558 50 17:1 52 115 12 121 55

6, 2~7 42 2, :I:J7 16

208 4H ()() 33






Transfcnetl to l'ostmaster General's money-order account.


.............................. -----·----------.. - .. -..................... ~ ....................... .........................

$90,000 00 .................... ........................... ........................ .......................... - .. - ...... ~ ..... --...... -........................ ........................... ............................ ....................... ····------------......................... ............................ --------··-·····-......................... ............................ ...................... .......................... ......... ~ - - ........... ........................ ....................... ....................... ...................... ··---·-······---....................... ........................ ..................... ............................ ··········------.........................

Transferred to SWil:lS fund.



....................... $iJS 16

50 00 50 00

1, 0:15 20 2;) 00

600 Ou 191 89

....................... 3~2 72


................... 87 20 2~0 00

--····-------· 8GD !11 38B 26


.................... ······--·--·-·

56 74 . .......... - .. - .... ~ -

!.l7 27 .......................

82 73 . .............. ...

G:H 25 4!.l-1 ug

······-···--·--·········----.................... ..................... ................... .....................


$544,873 00 13!1, 293 00 1()1, li82 3tl 847, 331 64

97,681 69 :157,275 O.J

5, 33:1, i<-!9 :n 14tl, :i~9 00

1, 164,090 56 1, 52tl. (i97 00

411,444 00 1, 5();), S50 6:~

3ti, i:l5G 00 838,750 00

2, 570, 183 ()4 GU7, 43() 00

1, 472, 109 89 1, 150, 8;25 :34

235,833 54 577, 8()3 00

1, 0;21, 631 00 561,4-10 50 83!1, 317 56 4li4, 44!J 03 7!Jt', 7;21 :30 231, 3(i0 (jj

4(i0, 4:>4 41 41:.!, li77 00

1,:320, tl:i:) 01 l, :IHH, lili:.l 00

!11, 4:2.) Oil ~' ~;)) 00

103, 0·4!1 00 !.l-1, 2-18 00

137, 205 oo 29,085 00

Commissions I llalancc ilne Miscellaneous and clerk- the· United item~:~. hire. States.


$:n 00 $2, 818 !.lB $!1, 200 !)() $15!) 50 6 ()8 1, 687 48 ~~ 75~ 08 115 04

15 00 1, 742 !12 5, 41!1 ~7 8 21 134 80 8, 84fJ ll2 21, HGL 30 16 58

17 00 83·! 06 (j(j:J 8G 69 41 57 08 3, 11:3 flO 7,103 74 . ................

1, !.liS 30 20,370 71 20tl, 2!14 46 241 49 4 00 2, 477 7() 5, !.l77 lti 2gn 80

77 67 10,712 (lg :i;2, 701 10 61 14 96 50 7, 007 03 1:1, ·l:i:i 00 7 li7

4 87 801 81 21, tlii4 ti7 ...................... 127 liS 12, ti5(i 84 a-t, uti·! 51 216 04

};) 7:i 451 Ill 1, Oll7 5tl . ................ 1 00 1, 6~13 2!) 11,145 i:l1 . ...................

3, 006 !18 17,855 !15 5~, 5U:3 51 82 78 1, 52~ 7;) 2, 78~ 83 7, 7:3!) 41 . ..................

4ti6 15 7, 227 :1!1 46, !172 5;~ ----··--------63 85 ~~. 21'8 (j2 2S, 1-18 51 181 35

5 7;1 1, 159 2:3 3, 89;) 28 58 80 279 8.) 2, 00:1 3~ 13, 243 Ul . .................... 453 15 2, 182 36 2[1, li03 !);2 --············ 379 28 1, 401 2~ 22, 7!J-I 51 . ........................

8!) 5.) 2, oo:l 01 45,356 89 . ..................... :18 55 ~{, a2-t l4 14,751 09 4:'> 57

9[15 21 1, 010 tl:l 32,69:3 78 . ................... 1, o:.!:l 35 3, tl.iU 83 H, 720 63 1 !)3

56 14 1, 4:l!l 0:3 ~1. l:.m :14 7 71 2-1 00 1, 51i-l !U n, 7;>0 !.lil 3.) HO 42 5;) 9, 13:> 08 2:>, 3:15 48 14tl 30 [.j :!.I 3, 471 :w 17,671 !J~ ..................... !.lO 23 :lOli G~ 4, i:H;i 36 ·-------------

·····-··· ·t:l 15 77ti :ltl ···--·-------· 2, H13 !JG 24:-< !15 8, c92 20 . .....................

2 00 3::i7 74 6, 2.J(j 30 . .................... 18 50 37:l 00 2, 749 3!1 ······--··-···

167 15 3,187 00 . ..................

No. 7.-Statement showing the transaetions of the money-onler of]ice, ~)'c.-Coll1illned.

States aml Territories. Amount of or­ders paid.

Amount of Ol'!lf'l'S l'C­


TranRfenetl to po~tage fund.

Transft·ITCU to ]'m;tmal4t·t·r U !' nera. I' I> JliOll!'Y-onler


Tran!4fPI'l'<'u to Swisi4 fmuL

Deposited. Connni~~odons

Exp0nses. mHl clerk hir·c.

·washington Territory..... $58, 146 G1 $:-,!Js 75 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . . . .. .. . . .. . .. . . . . .. . .. .. .. . ~91, 900 00 :j);<! 75 $40G 76 $2, 687 09 ............. . Wyoming TPrritory. . . . . . . 8, 4:n 01 318 23 $249 26 .. .. .. .. .. . . . . .. .. . . . . .. .. . . .. :J:!, 825 GP. '1 88 ll2 'i5 4:i5 !1-! ............ .. Arizona Territory .. .. .. .. . 1, !lOG 25 1, 048 45 .. . . . • .. .. .. .. .. .. . . .. .. .. . . .. .. .. . .. .. .. . .. 57, !115 00 .. .. .. .. .. .. 11:! 22 4, 4Gfi 1!l ............ .. 'Wisconsin................. 1, 860, 337 32 1G, 192 27 862 28 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. $415 90 2, 07:!, 101 41 505 20 8, 2!il 88 51, 425 58 $47 El Virginia.................. !i01,269 04 4,40319 50 00 ................ .............. 977,(iG8 52 11 43 2,96!i 0:3 14, 1!1S 02 ............. . TPxas...................... 11'4,550 87 4,28!i 47 15 6:J ................ .............. 4;):!,526 62 775 SO 1,43612 34,1Vi P.7 41 fl7 :Minnesota .......... _... .. . 607, 404 14 G, 130 23 1, 68!) 39 .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. . 278 80 687, 013 00 9 15 :J, 402 9:! 1 ;;, 47.'\ 82 2G Indiana.................... 1, :J42, 037 O:J 1G, 468 00 1, 247 7:! .. . . . .. . . .. .. .. . 322 f:<[l 1, 4:i:J, 488 94 23:! 5:! 8, 07:! 18 37, 170 2;) HG :J;i Kam;;as _ .... _.............. 929, 521 oo 10, 0!12 42 3, fi05 34 ...... _ .. _ .. _... 6:!5 ;~5 1, 047, 8:!0 1!l 51i;i 7;'5 5, o:;2 fil 22, :1r-:2 !12 571 :32

SouthCaroliua ............. __ 222,240_!2__ __ 1~=_2~---· -~~.:...:..:..:_.:..:..:_:_~.:..:_=,~~~.:...:..:..:_ __ 4~G,004~--~_2~-~:!!l2~-__:,510 2:i i.:..:..:..:.~.:...:..:..:_.:...:..:..:_

Total.._............. 41, 705, 667 031 :321, 669 28 I 2:l4, 2ll2 1!! :jl:!lO, ooo uo \ !i, !!54 lfi :1:>, 284, Em 4:! l!i, oos 0·1 177, 7:!8 !l2 fl70, !178 !151 2, 58:! :n

.r . .r. M.,iH,'l'IN, A.wlitor. OFFICE 01; TilE .A.UDJTOTI OF THE THEASUHY

JcOR TilE PosT-OFFICI•: Dm·AHT~IEXT, October 17, 1871.


No. 8.-Statement of receipts and disbursements of the money-order o.f{ice fm· tlte fiscal year ending Jww 30, 1871.


Balance in hands of postmasters June 30, 1870 .................. , .... . Amount receive(l for money-onlers issnecl .. __ ....................... . Amount received for fees ... __ .......... - .... - ..... - .. - ... --.- ... ----Amount received for premiums, &c ............ ------ ........... ·-----Amount received for deposits awl drafts ........ _ ................... . Amount due postmasters •. _ .. _ ....... _ ............ - ... -- •.......... Amount transferred from postage fnnd ............. - ..... - .....•.... Amount transferred from Swiss f'nud ......... - ...... -•..............

$269, 14G 94 42,164,118 03

295,285 15 277 23

34,882,337 36 3,490 76

576,051 97 20,590 87

Total ...........•............... _ ......... _ ................. _ 7~, 811, 299 :11


Amount of money-orders paid ... _ ................................. . Amount of money-orders repaid ... _ ......................... __ ..... . Amount transferred to postage fnnd ... __ ........ __ ..... _ ........... . Amount transferred to Swiss fund ........... --·- ...... -----· ....... . Amount deposited at first-class offices ..... _ ..... _ ......... _ ...... _ .. Amount paid for incidental expenses .. _ ... __ ....................... . Amount paid for clerks and commissions .. _ .................... ___ .. 1\Iiscellaneons i tcms . : . ....... _ ......... _ ........... __ ............. . Balance in hand::-; of postmasters J nne 30, 1871 .... _ .......• _ ...•.....

$41,705,667 m 321,669 28 234,262 19

6,954 16 ~~5, 37 4, 837 4:3

Hi, 608 04 177, 7:~8 92

2,583 31 970,978 95

Total .................. __ ..... __ ... ___ ... __ ......... _.. . . . . . . 78, 811, 299 31


Fon Tim PosT-OFFICE DEP.\.RnmxT, Octoba 17, 1871.

No. 9.-Statement of rel)Cnue c'ccrued to the money-order o.tfice for the .fiscal year end'iug June 30, 1871.

Total amount of fees received ..... __ .... __ ................... _ .. : .. __ .. $295, 28G 15 Total amount of 1)remiums ........ ·----- ...... .... .... .... ...... ...... 277 2:3

Total .......... -.-- .. -- ..... --.- .. -- .... --.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 295, 563 38

Commissions and clerk hire allowed .......... _ ..... ___ ... _. _ ... _. . . . . . . $177, 773 56 Lost remittances allmYecl. ...• ___ ........ _ ..... _ ... _____ . _ .... _ .... __ .. 7, 715 00 Incidental expenses allo"ed .•..... ___ .. __ ...... __ .. _ .... __ ... _ .... ___ . 8, t-:~9:3 04 Xet revenue .... -----· .......................... ____ .................. 101,181 7tl

Total ....... _ . _ ......... __ ... _ .... _ .... __ . _ . _ .. _ .... __ ..... ____ . 295,56:3 38


FOH THE PosT-OFFICE DEP.\.R'DIENT, Octobcl' 17, 1671. 9P G


:No. 10.-Siatement of receipts and disbursements of the money-order office 1cith Switzerland, for the fiscal year enrling June 30, 1871.


Balance in hands of postmasters J nne 30, 1870 .......•.........•.... ___ _ Amount of orders issued .................. -............................ . Amon n t of fees received .......... __ ... ___ ... _ ........•................ Amount transferred from domestic fund ........ _. ~ .. __ .............. _ .. Amount due postmasters ...............•..............................

$10,741 87 ~38, 489 56

227 95 6,954 16

2 20

1'ota1 ................ -----·. ...... ...... .... .... ...... .... ...... 56,415 74


An1oun t of orders paid ......•......................................•.. Amount of orders repaid .............................................. . Amount transferred to domestic fund .....•............................. Amount paid Switzerland ............................................. . Amount pmd for exchange ...•......................................... Amount allowed for commissions ...................................... . Miscellaneous items .................... ~ ............................. . Balance in hands of postmasters Juu·e 30, 1871. .........•...............

$12,00:3 53 25 95

20,590 87 7,481 18

. 912 07 16 72

85 15,384 57

Total ......................................... __ .. . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . 56, 415 7 4 -----


FOR THE Po~T-0FFICE DEPART)mXT, Octoba 17, 1871.

No. 11.-Statcment of 1·e-cenne accrue[l on mone.lJ·m·rlcr transactions with Swit.zerlwul from September 1, 1869, to June 30, 1871.

Balance in hmHls of postmasters J nne 30, 1871 ............ - ... -- .. -.-- .. Excess of transfers to domestic fund ............................... -·-·

$15,:384 57 3,986 84

Total. ____ . _. _ . ___ ..... _ ... __ .... __ .. _ ................... _. __ ... 19, 371 41

Paid Switzerland .T uly 20, 187L ........ - ............ - ... -.- . --- .... ---. Paid Switzerland August 10, 1871. .................... --- .. -- .. -- .. -.-. Net rev en ne ......... _ . _ ..... _ .................. __ ..... _ .... _ ......... .

$14,183 23 666 97

4,521 21

Total .... _ ...... _ ........ _ ....................... ·.....•......... 19,371 41 =======




No. 12.-.:lmount of Zettel' po8tage on Britis!t mail8 receivNl in cwd sentj1·orn the United Statet5 during the fiscal year ended June 30, 1871.


-----------------------,,------------,-- - ------

u . 1


1 Unpaid dis- I Paid. Paid dis- I T tal npau · tributed. tribntetl. ( 0

--------- I ~---

cunard lin6 -------.-----. --------.----- $13, 138 85 I $Hl, 381 951------.-.--- $133, 946 74 I $166, 467 54 Dale or Iuman liue _______ .. _. ___ . ___ . __ .: 6, 799 29 10, 504 83 . _. __ ..... _. 6[), 159 [)4 86, 464 06 XorthGermanLloytl,ofEremen ........


1,74613! 2,tnO 33 '·-----·----· 12,657 281 17,213 74 Canadian line ------·-----------·----·---1 1 30 I 122 ~------------ 112 44! 114 96 Li-.erpool and Great '"~estern Steam Co _ 1 5 84 ! 1 32 , . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 16 i 12 32


Total.. ............................ !2t,691411 32,699 65~~~~1215,881561 270,272 62

Amount rec<>iYed ..... _. ____ ... __ . ______ . i $54,391 41 1-----.------ i$215~81. 56 1------ ... -- --~---- -- --~-~ _________ ! '

SE::ST •

... -Li:,: -- - r l'aid. I r;:wu,ii.-1 .l:~:~ .. -~- Unp:~(~.-- --~~-=--1 • -~-----, -,-----~ -~-----

Cunanllme --------·---------·---------·1 $193 841 $34,047 ;>7~------------ $4,532 35 $38,733 76 J!amlmrg .A meriean Packet Company. __ i 119 44


, 25, 896 31 . __________ . 1, 912 76 27, 928 51 ~orthGermanLloyll,of Bremen ........ ; 4813 7,218 44~------·----- 1,047 23 8 313 80 Dale or Inman line ...... __ .. ___ .... _. ___ : 342 84 , 80, 914 24 . _____ . ____ . 6, 108 97 87: 566 05 Liverpool anll Great Wer-;tern Steam Co . j 210 13 ' 109, 692 48 , ___________ ·1 5, 696 55 115, 659 16 Canadian line ..... _ ... ___ ... ____ . __ ... _ -~--~~~ -~' 980 ~! ~~~ __ 626 ~=- __ 15, 673 69

Total ....... ----·-------·--------·! __ 1,24124! 272,749 55 i:_:_:_:_~.:_:_=.__J __ 2.:•924_!~ 293,91~2 ~mouut sent-~~~~:--_~:-~~------ ... _ .... _. i$273, !J90 791 ~=~:-:-~~~~-~ $19, 924~18 ~==

Amonnt collected in tho Uuitecl States .. ___________ . __ .. ________ .. _____ . _______ . ___________ $3:28, 381 85 Amouut collected in the United Kingdom. ______ . ____ . ___ . _______ ._._ ... ___________ ._ ... ___ 235, 805 74

Total . -----.-.---------.----- .. -...... --- .............. __ . __ .. ____ . __ ... ___ . _ .. __ . __ . 564, 187 59

:Excess collected in the UnitC'd States. ____ .. _. __ . ___________ . ____________ .. ____ ._______ _ _ _ $92, 576 11 Decrear-;e compm·pd with last fiscal year._. _______ . ______ . ___________ .... ________ ... __ . __ .. _ 82, 575 32

.T .• T. M .. Al:TIN. Auditm·. O:FFICE OF TilE AlllllTOJ{ OF 'filE THBASURY

FOR THE PosT-OFFICE lliU'AHTME::ST, October 17, 1871.


No. U.-~Lmonnt of letta po8tage 011 JYorth Gamau Union 11utils receil;ecl in and se11f j1·om the United State8 during the fi8cal year cnclccl June 30, 1871.



TT • 1 I Unpaid dis- p . 1 'I Paitl dis-~~. T u npaH · trilmted. aH · trilmted. otal.

Cunard line ............. --_-_-_-__ -_-_-_ -__ -_-_-_-_. t;;lO, 87-1 fi2 ~69, 485 55 .. . .. . . .. . . . $47, 551 47 I $127,911 6-1 N orth German I. loyd, of Bremen . . . . . . . . 4, 59-1 ()5 19, 158 12 .. _____ .... _ 27, 105 76 I 50, t;58 53 Dale or Imn ... n line . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5, 428 38 35, 495 89 ...... _ .... _ 23. 034 16 63, 958 43 Hamburg American Packet Com pan~-... 2, 653 51 6, 429 80 .... ___ . _. _. 19; 61-1 31 i 28, 697 62


TotaL...... .. . . . . . . .. .. .. .. .. . . . . . 23, 551 16 130, 569 36 .. _ ... _ .... _, 117, 305 70 1 271, 426 22

.A.monntreeeivcd ......................... 1~~~~~~~~$ill~wj~~~~~~~ SEXT.


I . ,

Paid. I Pa~tl t1is- Paid ! Unpaill ~- T t 1 tnbuted. stamps. I ' · 0 a ·

--------- I-----

Cnnard line ............. _ ................. I $56 96 $28, 732. 49 ............


! $5, 126 19 $33, 915 64 North G0rrnan Lloyd, of Bremen........ 222 19 34, 362 48 . . . . . . . . . . . . 10, 232 94 44, 844 61 Dale or Inman line ...... ___ ............. 150 25 60, 068 26 _ ......... _. 7, 077 86 67, 296 37 Hamlmrg American Packet Com pan~-_._ 172 81 31, 538 44 . . . . . . . . . . . . 5, 493 181 37, 204 43 Lh·erpool and Great 'Vestern Steam Co . 77 13 62, 912 28 ............ , 9, 471 50 72, 460 91

TotaL ............................. = 679 341217, 613 95 ........... -1_!2·~~ 67 I 255, 721 96

Amount sent._ ................ _ ........ _ $2lli;29329 === =--~=~$37,42s67j===


Amonnt collectNl in the Unitc<l States ..................................................... $37'2, 413 81 Amount collectetl in the North German 1i uiou ..................................... _ ... __ .. 154, 734 37

Total ...........................................•.•.............. __ .......... _ ... __ .. 527, 148 18

Excess collected in the Unitell States .................. ------------ ........................ $217,679 44 Dcen,ase comJmred with the last fiseal year................................................ 41, 579 52

,J. J. :MARTIN. A.uditor. OFFICE OF Tim ,'\.UIJITOR OF TilE Trm.\I'.UltY

FOI1 TilE l'osT-OFFICE DErAunmxT. Octoba li', 1871.


Xo. 14.-Amount of lctte;o postage collected on French mails receired in and .sent from the [;nitecl States during the fixcal year ended June 30, 1871.

----- -----------


Lines. -------.-1-i_-c-_n_~=~-d-i-s--~--P-ai_ll_. _____ p_t_ral;-.;~-tl-t(e-hl'l_s_--~-, -T-:t:l~-

Unpau · i triimted. 1



:French Steamship Company-.----------- i $9::12 90 I $563 90 . -.------- .... -- .. ---- ..1 ~1, 496 eO XorthGcrman.I:loyd,ofBremen ........ l 36 SO, 1 !JO ........................ 1 38 70 Hamburg Amencan Packet Company. _ 1 138 50 ; 64 20 .. _. _. _ .. __ . , _. _ .. _ _ _ _ _ _ 202 70

"lmon:::~;:,;::,;::::::::::::::::::::::::l~~i,::::~:;;;;;;:;;l~ SENT.

Lines. P . 1 I Paid dis- ! Paid ail • tl'ibuted. stamps. Unpaid. Total.

-------------------- ------1-----1------

French Stcamsh!p Company ______ ...... ·I--.......... $4, 034 90 ............... _ .. _ .. _.. $4, 034 90 Hya.m.burg.dmen1·an PacketCompany... ............ 437 20 -----------· ------------ 437 20

:.:::::::.:~'""_'''"":::.:.::·::::::•:::~~~~~~~t~~~~ .Amount collected in the United States..................................................... $6,473 60 _-\.mount collected in :France .. _ .. _ ...................... __ ........................ _......... Unknown.

Total collected in the United States .. __ .................................. _ .......... . 6, 473 60

X o treaty in operation with France during the fiscal year.


FOit THE J>osT-0FFICE DEPAHT:\IE::\T, October 17, 1871.


No. 15.-.hnouut of ldteJ' postage collected on Belgian mail8 receirecl in and &ent from tlte United States during the fi8cal yeal' ended June 30, 1871.


______ _"in". I Unpoi<l. I ~~fb~~e~i""l Paid. ! ~~~~.~~~ _ Tobl.

Cunardlinr .............................. ! $416 38 $386 36 -----------·1 $3,750 46 $4,553 20 North German ~loyd, of Bremen ....... ·I 72 88 63 25 ... ________ . , 5~3 96 69~ 09 Dale or Inman hne __ ........ -- ---- -- ....

1 202 59 199 11 . ____ . ______ 1 1, 763 82 2, 16;J 52

Total_, ____________________________ j-69185- 648 72 =~=~-6,06s24·-7,4088i

Amount received ___ • __ . _____ . _____ . ____ -l=$i;3w57 ~. ~ ~~~~~$6~68-24J?~~~ __ ~ -~~ __ ~~-~ SENT.

Paid dis- Paitl I Lines. Paid. trilmted. stamps. unpaid. I Total.


Cunard line ........ __ ... ___ ....... __ . . .. $18 00 $777 88 . __ ......... I $252 30 I $1, 048 18 Dale or bm1an line . _. __ .. ____ . __ ..... _ . . 36 16 1, 929 73 .. ___ ....... 1 4~~ tg ! 2, 388 37 NorthGermanLloyu,ofBremen ........ ------------


o9~ ------------1· 1

24612 Harul.mrp; Americ-an Packet Company ... -----------· u -----------· 114 61 796 56 Liverpool and Great Westem Steam Co. 19 30 1, 829 H ------------1 307 28 2,155 72

Total.·-------------------·--·-----~--7346 5,401 72 =~=~-1,159 77 -6,634 95

Amountsent ............................ ,=~~=~~~~~~~~=$05977~~

Amount collected in Belgium _______ . _ ..... ____ . ____ .. ___ . _. ___ . __ .... _ ....................... $7, 228 01 Amount collected in the United States ... -------- .... ---- __ ...... -- ... -- ..... -- .. ----- .. ---- 6, 815 75

Total ____ . _ . ____ . ____ . ____ . __ . _____ . ____ . __ .. __ ... __ . ______ . _. _ .. __ . _. _ . _____ . _. _. _. __ . 14, 043 66

Exce:<s eollfletPrl in Belginm .. ___ ....... ___ .. _. _____ .. __ .. __ .. ____ .... ________ -- .. __ --------.. $411 26 Increase compared with last fiseal ,Year .. ____ .. _ ........... __ .............. __ .----- .. ------.. 3, 167 2S


FOH THE POST-OFFICE DEPAHT:c\fEXT, Oetober li, 1871.


No. 16.-Amount of lette1· postage collected on Ketherlancls mails received -in and sent from tlte Unitecl States dnring the fi8cal yeat· fncled Jnne 30, 1871.



"d 1" ! I "d 1" I Lines. Unpaid. tribnted. Pale· tribnted. 0 a · . Unpa1 ( 1s-~ . 1 Pa1 ( 1s-~ T t 1

Cunard line.............................. $545 16 1

$1, 422 48 ! . . . . . . . . . . . . $3, 029 74 $4, 997 ;~ Dale or Inman line...................... 302 90 1, 159 77 . . • . . . • . . . . . 1, 919 90 3, 382 57 ~ ?rth German Lloyd, of Bremen . . . . . . . . 123 90 216 45 . . . . . . . . . . . . 489 02 829 37

Total. ______ . __ .. _ .........•..... _. -97196 -2, 798 7or-~~~~ -s. 438 66 -9, 2o9 32

Amount received ..... ~=-~--:~--~--·~ ... $J~66 ~~~~--~ j=$5~38~~==~~~~-~~:~~~ SEXT.

-------~--~~~~~~----~~~~~~---;--~~~~---;--~~~~~~--~-~ ~---


I I Paid dis- Paid I tribnted. stamps. Unpaid. Total.


Lines. Paid.

Cunard line ......................................... _ $1, 125 40 .: .: .: .: .: .: .: .: .: _·_ .: .: I' $162 60 $1, 288 00 Dale or Inman line .... _ .. _ ... _.......... . . . . . . . . . . . . 3, 067 10 376 40 3, 443 50 North German I-loyd, of Bremen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 248 20 44 40 292 60 Ham bur~ American Packet Company... . . . . . . . . . . . . 1, 048 10 . I 128 90 1, 177 00 Liverpool and Great Western Steam Co.. . . . . . . . .. . . . 2, 749 40 :::::.:::::: 345 30 3, 094 70

Amou:::~::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ~~~~~::;;;~~~of::~~ Amount collected in the United States..................................................... $12, 008 86 Amount collected in theN etherlands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6, 496 26

Total...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18, 505 12


$5,512 60 525 98

J. J. MARTIN, Audit01·.


Xo. 17.-.Jmoulll of letiel' postrtge collecte(l on Switzel'lmul mails receit~e(l in and sent from the Unitecl States during the fiscal year ended June 30, 1871.


Lines. I Unpaid ~~Unpaid dis-[ Paid. ! Paid dis- \ Total. · tnbuted. j tribnted.

~unard line . ==-~~~~= ~.--$5_7_2_3_0_1 $2, 267 75 ........... -~-$-6-, 6_3_7_5_0_1

__ $_9_, -4~-,7-;:>-~5 Dale or Inman line ......................


247 00 1, 155 35 .. . . . • . . . . . . 3, 021 18 4, 423 53 ~ orth German Lloyd, of Bremen ........ , 122 70 287 50 . . . . . . . . . . . . 1, 009 40 1, 419 60

~'mou~:::~,;~~;;::::::::::::::::::::::::l*-1~~::;~~~~~ SEXT.

Lines. ! Paid. tributeu. Paitl

stamps. Unpaid. Total. i I Paid dis- I -c--1-1---------------~ $1, 827 30 $;ro 40 $2, on 10

1~~~~~~.~~~~~;-ii~;~::::::::::::::::::::::l:::::::::::: 4,347 40 :::::::::::: . 6~4 60 5,022 00 :North German Lloyd, of Bremen . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . 375 80 . . .. . . . . . . . . 132 60 508 40 Ham burp: American Packet Company.- T----------- 1, 7l6 50 -.. ------.-- 295 50 2, 012 oo· Liverpool aml Great Western Steam Co. -I-........... 4, 206 20 . . . . . . . . . . . . 557 70 4, 763 90

Total .. -----------·---·-·······- -·-1- -·--·_.:.··---~. 12,473 20 ..... ----·-·1=2~!!!~~-~:_~~~ Amount sent- ...........................


$12,473 20 ........................ $1,910 80 ........... .

..imount collected in t.he United States ................. -..... -....... ---.---.-.-.- ..... ---- $17, 125 8(), Amount collected in SwitzerlnmL ............................. - ...... -.-- .. ---- .. -- .. ----.- 12, 578 88

TotaL _ .. _ ........... _ .. _ .... _ ..... __ . _ ................. _ .. _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29, 704 68

Excess collected in the United States ..................................... -...... . . . . . . . . . . $4, 546 92 Decrease compared with last fiscal year .................................................... __ ;)_~,_1_3~~·

J. J. MARTIN, Auditor.



Xo. 12.-..:Lmonnt of letter po8lage collected on Italian mails receit·ec1 in ancl sent ji'OtiL the lJnitecl States during the fiscal year endNl June 30, 1871.


. I Unpaid dis- p . 1 Paid dis-Lines. [Jnpaltl. trilmted. aH · i tribnted. 1 Total.

Cunard line .. _ ...... ___ .. __ .. __ .. __ .. __ . $670 181


$1, 899 36 ______ .. __ .. : $4, 517 94 $7, 087 48 Dale or Inman line .. ________ .. __ ...... __ : 4o2 60 804 91 1


__ ...... __ .. l 1, 988 30 II 3, 255 81 :XorthGermanLloyd,ofBremen ........ j 204 40 499 77 ·-----------\ 1,204 32, 1,908 49

TotaL .............. __ ............. ~-1, 337lS~-3~040'4•~~=~-7, 710 56i-I2, 251 78 ,=====>=-==== ======i===== ====

.A..monnt receh·etl ........... _ .... _ ....... ! $4, 541 22 1-- .. __ ...... $7, 710 56 1-- ...... -.. -,- ...... --- ..


Lines. Paid. Paid dis-1

trilmted. ! Paid

stamps. Total. l!np,id. I ------------------ --~-~1----- ------1-----l-----

Dale or Inman line .. _ ... __ .............. .. .. .. .. .. .. 2, 737 80 _ .......... _ 289 CO 3, O:.l7 40 Cnnard line ............................. '. _ .. _ .... __ . $1, 021 00 ~--.......... $103 60 $1, 124 60

:X orth German Lloyd, of Bremen __ ...... .. .. .. .. . .. . 256 20 .. .. . .. .. . .. 27 30 283 50 H_amburgA.mericauPacketCompany __ ------·----- 1,088 00 -----------· 86 80 1,174 80 LI>erpoolandGreatWesternSteamCo. ------------ 2,860 50 1·----------- 27190 3,132 40

TotaL ..........•........ __ .... ~ ... ~~~~~J= 7, 9~ -~~~~-. ~::: =:2~::!~1==~~==~ Amount sent ............................ , $7,963 50 !------------i------------1 $779 201------ .. ----

Amount collected in the United States. ____ ...... ________ ...... ________ .. _ ......... _ .... ___ $12, 504 72 Amount collected in Italy .. ___ ..... __ .. _ .... _ ........ _ ....... _ ....... _ .. _ .... ___ . __ . ___ .. _. 8, 489 76

TotaL--.- - .. - ---- ......... -- ......................................... ______ . _....... 20, 994 48

Excess collected in the United States. __ ......... _ .......... _____ ...... _ .. _____ .... _ .. _ ... _ $4, 014 96 Increase compared with last fiscal year ......... ____ .......... ___ ....... __ .. _ .. _____ . ____ .. fl87 68

J'. J'. MARTIN, Auditol'.



No. 19.-.J.mouut of letter JJoslage collected on European mails receieed in and sent from the United States during the fisca.l year ended June 30, 1371.


Countrirs. . tnlmted. 1

trilmted. Total. I

Unpaid I Unpaid dis- Paid. I Paid dis-

-~-------- ·--· ---+~----i'----1· li----'1-------

The United Kingdom .................... $21,691 41 $32,699 65 ............ $215,881 56 $270,272 62 The North German Union............... 23, 551 16 130, 569 36 . . . . . . . . . . . . 117, 305 70 271, 426 22 France .............. ~................... 1, 108 20 630 00 .. .. . .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 1, 738 20 Belgium................................. 691 85 648 72 . .. .. .. .. . .. 6, 068 24 7, 408 81 Netherlanr1s.. ... .. .. .. .. .. .. ... .. .. ... .. 971 96 2, 798 70 .. .. . .. .. . .. 5, 438 66 9, 209 32 Switzerland............................. 942 00 3, 710 60 ............


. 10,668 08 15,320 68 Italy . .. .. .. . .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. . .. .. 1, 337 18 3, 204 04 .. .. .. .. .. .. 7, 710 56 12, 251 78

------~--------1-.----------~-TotaL. .................. ----------[ 50,293 76 '-~~· ~61 07 ~~~~~~~!~~~~___:;~[=~~~~~

Amount received ........................ t$224, 554 83 ........... -1$363, 072 80 I· ......... --1-- ......... . SEXT.

Countries. Paitl. [ Pairl dis- I Paid F • 1 II T t 1

I tributed. stamps. L' npaH · 0 a ·


T~h-e_U_n_i_t_e_d_K_I-.n-g-·d_o_m ___ -_-_-_ -__ -_-_-__ -_-_-_ -__ -_-_-_ --! ~$-1-, -24_1_2_4 $272, 7 49 55 -__ --_-_-_ --_-_-_-_ --.-l-$-.1-9-, 9_2_4_1_8_1 ~2~~. ~14 9~

~~:n~eo~~~- ~~~~1-1~~1~ -~-~~i-~I~: ._ ._: :: : : : :::::: _____ ~~~ _ ~~ _ 21 ~: ~~g ~g :::: :: : ::: :: __ ~~·. ~~~_~:·I 2;)~: ~~~ ~~ Belgium....... .. . .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. 73 46 5, 401 72 .. .. .. .. .. .. 1, 159 77 I 6, 634 95 Nether lands.. .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . . .. .. .. .. .. .. 8, 238 20 .. .. . .. .. . .. 1, 057 GO 9, 295 80 Switzerland ............................. I............ 12, 473 20 .. .. . .. .. . .. 1, 910 80 I 14, 384 00 Italy .................................... [--.......... 7, 963 50 .. .. .. .... .. 779 20 8, 742 70

TotaL. ............................ I 1~ 994 04 I 529, 175 52 .... ~ ..... :._1- 62, 260 22 [ 593, 429 78

Amount sent ........................... -1$531, 169 56 1·........... . . . . . . . . . . . . $62, 260 22 1· .......... . . Amount collectrd in the United States ............................. _ .................... . Amount collected in Europe ............................................................ .

$755, _724 39 425,333 02

Total. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1, 181, 057 41

Excess collected in the United States.................................................... $330,391 37


FOR THB POST-OFFICE DEPAHT.\IE;'I,"T, October 17, 1871.

' No. 20.--NumbCI' and weight of letters, and 1ceight of neH•spapers, J·c., exclwngecl between tltt United State8 and the United Kingdom, in British rnails, during the fiscal year ended June 30, 1871.

Letters. N ewspal_)ers, &c.

Lines. Received. I . 1 i s t

-------------, ReceiYCl . I en ·

I Rates. Wt. in ozs. 1

Rates. Wt. in ozs. Lbs. Ozs. Cunard line ............ _ ...... i 2, 625, 526 806, G05 ~ 592, 199 194, 580! 317, 712 02 Hambnrg .A.mericanPaeketCo.!........... . .. .. ... . . . 413,021 138, 127§- ............ -


Lbs. Ozs. 43 330 04 32:50:3 06 •

9, 847 12 North German Lloyd, of Bre- ·f 268,139 79,008 125,307 41, 111~ 28,737 02

n!r:~~ Inman line ............ ! 1, 345, 205 419, 995 1, 328, 103 440, 247 142, 143 02 94, 669 00 Liverpool and Great IV estern : 257 26 .. 1, 828, 414 594, 793 ~--........... 135, 583 05

St.eam Company. I Canadian line ................. I 1, 927 525 1 252, 67 4 75, 685~ 5 02 15, 423 14

TotaL .................. f4, 241,054 1, 306~1 4, 539, Tis 1, 484,545


1488, 597-0s 331, 357-----og

IncreaRe compared with last ~,- 833, 186 .... ('') .. ~~-823~687 259, 992 92,418 151 34~ 906 03 fiscal year. i [ /


*Not given last year. J. J. MARTIN, Auditor.



No. 21.-Number of lettas and :wt:ight of 1!Cicspapers, ~··c., exchanged betn·eel!· the United States and the Xol'fh German Union (inclosed mail8 throngh England and by d1rcct steamer) during the .fi8cal year ended June :30, 1871.

Letters. Newspapers, &e.

Lines. Receivf'd. Sent. Received. Sent.

Rates. Rates. Grams. Lbs. Oz.~. Cunard line........................................ t'25, 347 294, 507 8, !)71'!, 776 11, 010 14~

~~f:ho?~~:~~~ t!~t1: ~~- ~1:~~~~~~::::::::::::::::::: !{;; ~{~ g~~: {~~ ~: ~~~: ~~~ ~!: Z~5 ~~+ Ham burg American r>acket Company........ . . . . . . 326, 637 I ~91, 18~ 3, 271, 403

21 {,' n~ ~~

Liverpool and Great \Vcstern Steam Company ................. I 638, 191:5 ·---------------1----·------------

TotaL. ............. -.-- ........ _._...... . . . . 2, 047, 176 I 2, 438,801 19,522,631 118,606 10 =====-======-=·;~===~ =====-=====--== --=======~=-====

Compared with last fiscal year ....... { ~ec:r~~~ee:: :1

. _ ... ~~·-~:~ _;. ·· · · 6i;is3· :::::::::::: ::::::::::::::


FOH THE PosT-OFFICE DEl'AR'niEc-;T, October 17, 1871,

No. 22.-l{umbCI' of letter.•; and nell'spapers receiced in and 8ent from the L-nite(l StateN to France dm·ing the fiscal year eudcd June 30, 1tl':"l.

Letters. Newspapers, &e.

Lines. Received. Sent. Receh·ed. I Sent.

------------------ ! ________ _ JYmnba. Xwmber. :Number. Number.

Hamburg American Packet Company.............. 2, 027 4, 373 2, 6:i7 Not giYen. North German Lloyd, of Bremen................... 387 . . . . . . . . . . . 204 ............. . Fn>neh ~teamRhip Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14, 968 40, 349 17, 479


104, 15!1

Willia:0:1~~~~~:~ ~~~~~ ~ ~: ~ ::::::::::::::::::::::: ~~ __ 4~ ~~~ -~~ These mails were sent direct to France, no treaty in operation tlm·ing the fiscal year.


FOH THE POST-OFFICE DEl'AltTli!ENT, Octobel' 17, 1671.

No. 23.-NumbeJ• of rateN ancl ll'eightof letier.s aucl H'eight of printed mafteJ' euclwnged between th(( United Statc8 and Belgium dul'ing the fiscal year endecl June 30, 1871.

Letters. Newspapers, &c.


Received. Sent. ! --------------------------------I-----~-------------,--------I--------1-----

Rates. W't in ozs.i Rates.

Received. Sent.

JT''t in OZS. Lbs. Ozs. Lbs. Ozs. Cunard line ............................. 41, 633 12 779 10 408 North German Lloyd, of Bremen........ 6, 428 2' 257i 2' 418 Dale, or Inman line . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . 19, 979 6; 6:!4 2;3: 511 Hamburg American Packet Company... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 776 l.iYerpool and Great 'Vc;;tern Steam' co_ .................. 21:361

3, 431:\- 2, 549 03 449 10 8101- 484 12 141 07

7, 6751- 1, 380 03 1, 402 14 2, 45~1 ·----------- 543 02 6, 807 ------------ 1,188 15

Total..-·---------------------.--. ~8, 040 ~~GOt ~~5, 474 21, 180! 4, 414 02 3, 7260()

Increase compared with last fiscal year .. _29 466 -~-~ ~(*·)~124 3~1 4 7 !JO- '>L (t) 1 .1>'l7 1-;; • I , I , , v" . ... . -- .. I ' "' -

*Not given last year. t Given for seYcll months only last year.

OFFICE OF TilE A.FDITOR OF TilE Tim .. \fWRY ,J. J. l'IIA.HTIX, .A1tditor.

I<'Oit Tim PosT-OFFICE DEL'Airr~mxT, Octobe1· 17, 1871.


No. 24.--'.Yumber of rates and weight of letter8 wul printed matte1· exclwnqecl bet1ceen the United States wul the Netherlauds during the fiscal yew· endecl June :30, 1871.

Letters. Newspapers, &c.


Received.! Sent. Recei1ed. Sent.


Rates. Ozs. Rates. I Ozs. Lbs. Ozs. Lbs. Ozs. Cnnanl line ......................... _ .. _ 43, 460 14, 761 12, t'SO 4, 473i 943 4 285 9:!-North German Lloyd, of Bremen .... _ .. _ 7, 1R7 2 1911 2 9261 1, 034 219 \JO 120 41: Dale or Inman line ..................... _ 28, 913 s: 641 34: 435 12, 759 794 7 1, 307 13~ Hamburg American Packet Company ____ .. __ . ___ ..... _ .. _ 11, 770 4, 259~............ 297 9l; Lh·erpool and Great ·western Steam' Co. _ .. __ .. __ ......... 30, 947 10, 892! .......... __ 733 13!

Total ............................. 79,'560 ~ 593l 92, 95sl~us~ 1, 95611- 2, 74S~

Increase compared with last fiscal year_ . 22, 862 ... ~~~-. :_-119, 54~ 8,261'ii~~ ~ 625 2t


J.'OH THE PosT-OFFICE DEPAH'DIEXT, Octobel' 17, 1£71.

No. 25.-Xnmber of rates and ll'eight of 1etter8 ct)l(l printecl matter exchanrjecl between tlw TJnitecl State8 aucl Sll'itzerlancl during the fiscal year ended June 30, 1871.

Letters. Newspapers, &c.


Reeeilell. Sent. Reeeived. Sent.

Rates. Ozs. Cunard line ...... _...................... 85, 366 24, 032

Rates. [ 20,777

Ozs. Lbs. Ozs. 6, 4 78! 2, 625 00 1, 572! 488 15

Lbs. Ozs. 1, 226 2

X orth GPrmau Lloyd, of Bremen_._ .... _ 12, 865 3, 624 Dale or Inman line ...... _. _. _ ... _..... . . 39, 558 10, 976 Hamburg .American Packet Company ... _ ................ _ Li1erpool and Great \Yestern Steaui Co ......... _ ........ _

5. 084 so; 220 20 120 47:639

16, OOH 1, 063 7 6, 354 ........... .

14, 817 .. -- .... - .. -

384 2.\-3, 948 6t 1, 192 13 2, 698 2

Total. ............................ 1

137, 789 38, 632 143, 840 45, 226! 4, 177 6 9, 449 lOt

Increase compared with last fiscal year -~~9'(34 ~ 24,m =~-~~ =t,4863!


FOR THE PosT-OFFICE DEr AH'DIE~T, October 17, 1871.

No. 26.-~VHmber of rates ancl tceight of letters an(l priutecl matter exchanged betll'een the Unitecl States wul Italy during the fiscal year ended June 30, 1~71.

Letters. Newspapers, &e.

I ... iues. Reeeived. Seut. Received. Sent.

I Rates. Ozs. Rates. Ozs. Lbs. Ozs. i Lbs. Ozs, Cunard line .............................


1i2,112 16,763 11,246 3,205~ 1,665 12


736 3 )/"orthGermanLloyd,ofBrernen ........ 16,667 4,521 2,835 822t 504 2 20114 Dale or Inman line ... __ ... __ ........... _ 2il, 207 7, 446~ 30, 274 8, 792 690 4 2, 503 4! Hamburg American Packet Company ___ .................. 11, 748 3, 283t .......... --~ 745 2 Liverpool and Great ·western Stearn Co.~~~~.:..=.:....=.~~-=-: ~324 __ 9, 3==-=~:..:..:.:.~~~~

Total __ .... __ .................... _ :106, 9861- 28, 730~1 87, !.:~~ 25, 425~~ 2, 860 2 I_ 6, 10~ 8

Increase eompare<l with last :5.scal year. i ;n, 529 .......... -I 23, 687 7, 496~~- .... -.- ... -I 2, 165 15




No. 27.-.Statemeut of letters aud uewspap£1'8, with the seceral pJslages, receirecl in aud sent from tlte United States to Panama d11riug the fiscal yea/' ended June :~0, 1871.



' News- • Postag:e on I I.etters. papers, &:c. letters. ~

~--:-~.-~-~~--~-~1-_ -:-:_:_:_: :_:_:_:_: :-:-_-:-::_:_:_: -::_:_~_::_:_:_:-::_:_:_:_: :_:_:_: :_:_:_: --_ :_:_:_:_-_ :-: :l -- 1~~: ~6~ ~g: ~ji ~-- ~~: §~i -~i

Pacific ::nail Steamship Company.

TotaL ____________ ----- _______________________ .. ------ --190,'852 ----1-32,820 i


-----;24, 140 DO Atl!lnewspaper postag:es, at two cents each __ .. _. __ ... ----- --------- .. --- --------------, 2, G56 40

Total postages. _____ ._. _______________ . __ . ____ ..... ---~~~ ~~j----;26, 7£17 30

~=====~ ==------==:::::::.:==:==:1=======:===== c 1 · 1 ~Tncreasr .... 2i,125[-------------------:--------omparel w1th ast fiscal year------.-.------ '1. Decrease ____________ . _ _ _ _ 18, :i39 :1:'3, 805 13



FOR THE PosT-OFFICE DEPAHTIIH<:XT, Ot,tober 17, 1871.

No. 28.-Statcmenf of letters and newspapers, 1l'ifh the set,eralpo;lagf's, 1'cccired in awl £ent from the United State-s to Jie:rico during tlte fi-scal yew· cnd(d Julie :30, 1871.


United States and Mexican Steamship Company. 1 papers, &:c. lettl.;rs.

Letters. i News- I Postage on

_______ ! -------~--

~e~:~~~-(~:::::::~:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::1 ~~:~;~! ~~;;~I I 2~~~! ~g Total. _______ . ________________________ . ______________ -~-- 40, 675[ ---67~4~---2, 9~6 "6;

Atltlnewspaper postages, at two ecnts each .... ----------- -~ :..:..:..:..:_:_:_:_:.:..:..:..:..:1:.:..:..:..:..:_:_:_:.:..:..:..:..: __ 2 3o.>3 88

Total postages _____ .... ____________________ . ______ . _________________ ..... _ ...... _-I 4, 270 50

Compared with last fiscal yoo.r. ______________ {Increase.-- -I-------~-----.!= 9, ~5~----- ;, --q:;,--; Decrease __ .1

4, 339 ~- _ .•.. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ :j;i1, ~o.>~ 51


l'OR THE PosT-OFFICE DEPAHDIEXT, October 17, 1871.

No. 29.-Statement of lette/'8 all(l nell'8)Htpe1'8, 1!'iih the set·e}'(tl po8fage8, 1'cceirecl in and 8CIIi

from the United State8 to Brazil dul'ing the fiscal year ended Jnne :30, 1871.

United States antl Brazil Steam,;hip Comp;my. Letters. News- Postap;e ou papers, &:c. letters.

--------------------------I--~-------- ---------1------

Recf'iYe!l .. _____ . ______ ... _____ ... _______ ... ___ .. __ . ______ .. i 45, 828 43, 808 *:~. 4l9 3.5 Sent._ ..... ___ .. _____ .. _______________ .. ______ .... _________ -[ 52, 659 59, 943 7, 782 22

Total ...... ____ . ___ ... _________ ._. __ . _______ . __ . ___ . __ ~--98,-487~--l03, 751 ---1~ 201 57 Atl<lnewspaper postages, at two cents each ___ . ______ .. ___ -~.:..=...:....:._:_:_~ .:..=...:....:._:_:_~ ___ :_ 073 0~

Total postages_~!-._ .. _ .. ___ .·: __ . _. ________________ . __ ~~~-- __ .:....:..:..:.. __ -I- ____ ~~ ______ . 13, 276 50

Dl'crea:;e compared w1t.h last fucal year _________ . ____ . __ . __ ! 67, 897 I 2, 719 . $7, 039 00


l'OU Tin<: PosT-OFFICE DEP.\UDIEXT, October 17, 1871.


No. 30.-Statemeut of l~tfe1·s, with the setcral poNtage8, ·1·ecei.ved in allll sent ji·om the Uniie(l States to Bel1ze, Hondnras, cl1tring the fiscal year enclecl June 30, 1871.

:Ne\Y Orleans aml Honduras line. L tt I News- Postage on e · ers. I papers, &c. letters.

Heceived------------------------------------------····-·--- 2,4871 No account $29198 Sent.----- .. -.- ... ----------.-----.-- .. --.---.-- ... -- .. ---- -I 2, 326 taken. 279 12

Total .. --.-----.---- .... ------.---.---- .. -.-.-.- .. --- .j--4, 813 ~~~=:-~--571 lO Increase compare<l wi~h last fiscal year. ___ .. __ . -__ .. __ . ___ . 1=1,5W"~~~~ = $1!J9 t:l3


I<'OH nm PosT-O~"FICE DEl'AHT:IIE::ST, Octobet 17, 1811.

No. 31.-Statement of lette/'8 aud lleH'8]Htpe1·s, with the seceml po.•dayes, rcct>i1wl in and stmt from the United States to tlle Trest India Islands dllliug the fiscal year ended June 30, 1871.

\Yc·st In<lia mail steamers. ! News- Postage on I,etter·s. j papers, &c. letters.

-~ 415, 043~---~;,~ --;~~4~~-~~ 307, 597 190, 040 32, 160 89

Received. ___ . ______ . ___________ . _____ . ___________ . _____ . __ . Sent ___________________ --·-------·----------- . ____ ---------

-------------------Total. __________ . __________________ -. _____ . _. _ .. __ . __ . 722, 640 I 302, 220 77, 629 01

A t1cl newspaper postages, at two cents each . __ .. __ . _ .- ... __ . :...:_:_:_.:..=..:_:_.:_:_.:_:__:_:,_. ==.:..:.~__:__:__:_~--~~~

Total postages ___ ... ___ .. ________ - - - .. ____ - _ . - - - .. ___ . . __ .. --~. _ ... __ -!. __ . __ ~.:....:_~ __ . = 83, 673 41

( ,_ 1 'thl tfi 1 ~Incre:tse.... 207,500 I 117,764~-------------· oompare( Wl as sea year -.- .......... -- I. Decreas~==~~-.----.. $780 80


FOI~ THE POST-OFFICE DEPART3IE:>iT, 0ctobm·17, 1871.

No. 32.-Statement of tlw amonnt of letter JW8fages on the mails exchanged between the Unifetl State8 wul ~Noat Scotia, 1-lcwfounrllancl, anrl Bermuda, with partial1·eport of the nmnber of letter8 and ne!t'spapas c:cclwnyed, cluri ug the fiscal year fnrled June 30, 1871.

'' Unpaicl dis- Pain dis- 1 Number of

-----~-----~- --~~npai~-- _tribute~!~-~_ tributed. ~~~t_e_rs_."_· __

~:;'~~ive~ :::::::::::::::::::: I·· ... *96'. 49 ...... $8'6.60 I $291 53 1

8, 332 00

*Reported only by the New York office.

18, 186 31, 396

Number of newspapers.*

5, 872 14,866




No. :3:3.-..Jmoant of postages on mail.s exchanged between the Unitecl States and the British Province8 clnl'ing the fiscal year encled 30, 1871.

(Incomplete returns.)

Amount on u n paitl received ................................ . $38,728 56 1:38, 363 50 Amount on paid r~ecived .................................. .

Amount on unpaid sent .................................... . ---- $177' 092 06

27,328 37 177,014 0:3 Amount on 1mid sent ..................................... ------ 204, 342 40

'l'otal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 381, 434 46

Amonnt collected in the "United Sta,tes .......•.......................... $215, 7 42 59 Amount collected in the British Provinces...... . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 165,691 87

Excess collected in the Unitcll State:-> .. ·.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50, 050 72

Increase compared with last fi.seaJ year...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $29, 802 Jl

Number of letters sent .......................................... . Number of lettersreceivecl. ..................................... . Number of newspapers sent .... ~ ................................ .

.- Number of newspapers received ................................. .

2,425,027 2,432,048

705,046 4~7,754

NOTE.-l\fany of the exchange offices have failed to give the number of letters and • newspapers exchanged, while some have failed to report altogether.


FOR nm PosT-OFFICE DEPAH'DIENT, October 17, 1871.

No. 34.-Number of letters cxchanuerl between the United States and foreign countl'ieB dn1·inq the fiscal year ended June 30, 1871. ·

Number of letters. Countries.

Received. Sent.

Cn~~~~ Kingdom o~ ~Gre:~ Britain-:n~~ ~re l:~d.~.~- ~=~--.-- ~ ~-·~. ~-~--·

S~1~;.::0 ~7::: ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ • ~~ ~ ~ ~. ~ ~ ~: ~: ~ ~ • • •: ~: ~ ~ ~. ~: ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ • ~ ~ ~:: ~ ~: · 4, 241, 054 ~. 047,176

17,382 68,040 79,560

4, 539,718 2, 438,801

47, 35:> 65,474 92,958

Switzerland .......................................................... . Italy ................................................................ .

~~~~~~~a-~~~~~~~s-~ :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Mexico······························:························ ....... . Brazil. ................................................... - ........... . Honduras ............................................................ . :X ova Scotia, Ncwfoumlland, and Bermuda* .......................... . Canadian lJrovinces k ................................................. .

137,789 106, 986 415, 043 85,045 17,427 45,828

2, 487 18, 186

2, 432,048

143,840 87,427

307,597 105,807 23,248 52,659

2, 326 31,396

::!, 425,027 ----------

Total -- · ·--- · · · ·- · ·-- · ·- · · ·- ·- · · · · · · · · · · · ·----- ·- ... - ... •.---... 9, 714, 051 10, 363, 633 ~~~ ~=========~

Increase comparml with last fiscal year ............................. .. i756, 185 t317, 442

·< ~artial :cturns only! and not ~ncluded ~n this statement last fiscal year. t Companson made w1th those mcludcd m the statcmt'nt of last fiscal year .


l'OH THE PosT-OFFICE DEPAHTl!EXT, October 17, 1671.


No. 35.-~mounts 1'epo1·tecl as clue the steamers of tlte Dale m· Inman line for 8C1Tices 1·en­deJ'(·d during the fiscal year enclecl June 30, 1871.

Third quarter of 1R70 ........• , ............................•.. ,. ....... . }<~onrth quarter of 1870 .................................... ~ ...• __ ... _. :First.qnarter of 1871 ................................................. . Second fllUtrter of 1871 ............................................... .

Total amount paid . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . __ ........•...

$10,245 91 1:3.991 48 12,579 10 12,720 86

49,537 35 ========

.Amounts reported as due the stem11ers of the Xorfh German Lloyd, of E1·emen, for seiTiees ren-dered duriug flw fiscal year ended June 30, 1871. · ,

Third quarter of 1870... • . • .. . . . . .. . . . . . ....................... _ ..... . Fourth quarter of 1870 ............................................... . Fhst rpwrter of 1871 ... ~ .............. ~ ............................. .. Second quarter of 1871 ............................................... .

Total amount paid...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ................ .

$2,3:34 67 1, 175 21 3,283 06 8,883 38

15, G76 :32

A mou11fs repol'ied a8 flue tl1e stamu·rs of the Canadian line for seJTices rendered during the fiB­cal yem· e11cled Ju11e 30, 1871.

Third quarter of 1870 -~---- .......................................... . Fourth quarter of 1870 ............................................... . First quarter of 1871 ................................................. . Second quarter of 1871 ............................................... .

Total amount paid ............................................ ..

$1,415 54 1,4G2 47 1,337 64 1,309 19

5,524 84

.Amo1111f8 reported a.s due the steamers of tlw Hamburg-American Packet Compa11y for ser­t·iccs rendered dul'in[J the fiscal year ended June 30, 1871.

Third flnartnr of 1870 ................................................ . ]!'ourth quarter of 1870 ............................................... . }..,irst quarter of 1871 ................................................. . Second quarter of 1871 ................................................ .

Total amount paid ............................................. .

$3,264 71 591 7:3

5,549 63 11,009 62

20,415 69

.Amounts reportccl ct8 due tlte &ieanW/'8 of tlte Cu narclline for liCIT ices 1·endaed during tlte ji.s­ea l year ended June 30, 1871.

Third quarter of 1870 ................................................ .. Fourth quarter of 1870 ................................... _ ........... . First, quarter of 1871 ................................................ .. Seeond quarter of 1871 ............................................... .

$6,493 40 (), 839 91 7,299 23 1,546 27

Total amount paid ........................... :.................. 22,178 81 =========

Amonui8 l'eported as clue the sfeamcr8 of tltl' Lit'I'I']JOol ancl Great Tre.~tcrn Steam Company for sert'icc8 rendnw7 durill§ tlwfiscal year ended Ju11e 30, 1871.

Third quarter of 1870 ................................................ . Fourtb c1narter of 1870 ........ _ ...................................... . FiJrst quarter of 1871_, ........................ ___ .................... .. Second quarter of 1811 ............................. _ .. _ .............. .

$15,86:3 61 18,976 27 15,G93 50 !0,372_00

Total amount paid.............................................. (;)0,805 38


Amounts reported as due the steamers conveying the mails between the United States and the Trest India Islands, Mexico, Panama, and Nova Scotia, for services rendered dnT·ing the fis­cal year ended Jnue 30, 1871.

Third q narter of 1870 ...•...... - ... -.- ... - - --- --- - . --- - -- --- . ---- · ---. Fourth quarter of 1870 ........ -----· ---···---· ----· -----· ----··------· First quarter of 1871 . _ .... --- •. - .•• -... -.- ... -- ---- . ----- ---. ---- -----Second quarter of 1871 ...... __ .. -.... - . - .. -- . ----. -- ... ---- .. ----- -.--

Total amount paid

$18,040 72 17,690 81 21,856 92 19,268 87

76,857 32


FOR THE PosT-OFFICE DEPARTl\:rENT, Octobm· 17, 1871.

No. 36.-Balances due the United States on the a(Uu.stment of the postal accounts between the United States and Switzerland, joT the quarte1·s indicated, settlements made duTing the fiscal year ended June 30, 1871.

Third quarter of 1870. _.- ................................. - ....... - ... . Fourth quarter of 1870 .............................. ----- ........... . Fir:;;t quarter of 1871 . __ ........................................ - ..... . Second qnarter of 1871 ............................................ ----

Total . _ . _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... _ . . . . . . . . . . . . ..... __ ............. .

$1,544 88 1,360 96 1,342 95 1,641 04

5,889 83

Balances due the United States on the adjustment of the postal accounts between the United ~fates and the Netherlands, for the quarters indicated, settlements made du1·ing the fiscal year ended Jnne 30, 1871.

First quarter of 1870 ......... _ ....................................... . Second quarter of 1870 ..•............. _. . ...... _ ................ ____ . Third quarter of 11:l70 .... _ ........ _ ... _- ...... _ •.... _ .... ___ . ____ .. _ .. Fourth quarter of 1870 ... _ ..• _____ .. ___ ........... ___ .... _ .... ___ ... .. First quarter of 1871 .......... ·----- ·----- ··---- ·----- .· ..... ____ ·-----Second quarter of 1871 ....... __ .. _. __ •. _. _ ... _. __ •. ____ .• ____ . _ ... __ ..

Total .. _ .. ___ . _ . ____ .. _ . ___ . ____ .. _. _ . _____ . ____ . . .... _ ... ____ •

$342 46 503 72 606 27 772 42 546 68 368 69

3,140 24

Balances due the United State.<J on the adjustment of the postal accounts between the United Stafe8 and the Kingdom of Italy, for the quMteTs indicated, settlements made duTing the fis­cal year ended June 30, 1871.

Second quarter of 1870 __ .. _ .... ____ .. ___ ... __ • _ .. _ ... ____ . _____ . ___ . _. Third quarter of 1870 ... _ .......... _. _ .... __ .. _. __ .. _. _ ... ____ . ___ .. __ _ Fourth q narter of 187'0 ... _ ......... __ • _ .. ____ .. ___ ... __ ..... _. ____ . _ .. First quarter of 1B71 .... _ .......... _ ... _. __ ...• _ ... ____ .... _ .... _ .. _. _

Total ......... _ ............ _ ... _. ____ .. _. _ .. ___ .. ______ .· .. ____ _

$68tl 72 151 98 941 95

1,318 02

3,100 67

Balances due j1·om the United Statc.s to Belgiurn on the adjustment of the postal accounts betzcecn the United States and the Kingdom of Belgium, for the quartm·s indicated, settle­ments made dnring the fi8cal yew· ended June 30, 1871.

Fir~t quarter of 1870 . ___ ...... _ ........ _. _ ... _____ . _____ . ____________ _

~t~~~l(~l ~~~~~;~;1~J~\l18J?. ~ ~ ~ ~ :: ~ ~ ~ ~ _· _- ~: ~ ~::: ~ ~ _-::: ~:: ~:::::: .- ~::::::::::: Fourth qnartt>r of 1870 .......................... ---· .......•...... ---·


10 PH

$1,430 02 1,149 03 1,369 79 1,623 58

5,572 42 ----------


Balance due the North German Union on the adjustment of the postal account between tlze United States and the North German Union, for the quarter indicated, settlement made dur­ing the fiscal year ended June 30, 1871.

* Second quarter of 1870 ............•..............•.... _. . . . . . . . . . . . . . $26, 669 91

Balances dne the United Kingdom of G1·eat B1·itain and Ireland on the adjustment of the postal acwnnts between the United States anfl the United Kingdom, for the qnarters indicated, set­tlements made dnring the fiscal year ended Jnne 30, 1871.

First quarter of 1870 .................................... _ ............ . Second quarter of 1870 ............................................... . Third quarter of 1870 ................................................. . Fourth quarter of 1870 ... __ ............. _ ............................ .

Total .... _ ..................... ~ .•.......

$19,685 90 15,180 41 22,602 53 21,209 53

78,678 37



*This is the only account settled with the North German Union during tbe fiscal year.






11 P G


lt!ail-routes adrcrti-~c£l..111(]1t8l -1, 1871,for reletting from .Jwwm·y 1, lt:li'2, to June 30, 1875, in COII8CCj_IICIICC of the failnrc of pret·iows bidders Ol' contmctor8 to pnt savice in opcmtion 011 July 1, 1871; 8howiug the compeu8cttion on contmcts -u~ltich e:rpii'Nl Jnne 30, 1871, the failing bid.s for 8CJ'vice from that date, the co8t pe1· annnm of temporary scn•ice for six month8, to Decembe1· 31, 1871, aucl the accepted bids for the same fi·om January 1, 1872.

4139 4140 4135





'YEiiT -V-Il-lC_;J_X_I,.-1..--~ Kanawha Court-Honse ·wayne Court-House .. ...... do--------------- Jacli:sonConrt-House _ Raleigh .......... _. . . . l~ell Sulphur Sprillgs ..


4444 Tunstall's ............. \'{illiam;;lmrgh -------4-188 Gen_ ito .... ------------ Rnun:n;hle ------------~ 4492 Jetersville ........... : Cmu \Jerlaud C. :H .... . 4G06 Go:;heu Brit1ge ........ LPxin~ton --- .. ------.

1 4Gll Stanutou ............. _ Cedar-Grove ;\rills ... . -Hi:35 Culpeper. ............ -I Front HoyaL .. _. ___ . _ -~-4636 --.- ~. l:o .... ------- --.-I Sperryvil~~ .. -- .. _ .. _ ~ 4G36a/ Lura)------ ----------1 :New:Matket-. _________ 1 ~ -W48 J Dumfries _ .. __ .... ___ .! Alrx::mdria . --- .... _ ..


;)031 /Ph-month ___________ Fr'lnklinDepot ....... l :-;on I Eiizalleth City __ ... -_ Curritud;_ Cuart-Eonsl'l

GEUIWIA. I 6072 !!-1~1p1.:u~l1l1 \_·i_l_le __ - _- -_ -______ - _- _- _- _. Fr:n;kliu ... ______ ... __ 1 ti074"' La< .. rauge .. __________ l

134-!G II



Weelmmee. ___ .. _... B:lil:,~··s ::Uills-------- -1 Lake .... ___ . _. Olustee .. --- _ .. __ ... _.

$5-15 00 545 00


880 50 570 00 350 00 !150 00 6HJ 00 691 25

1, 120 00

coo 00

:2,000 00 500 00

180 00 1, 475 00

321 4~ 1tiG G7

$448 00 448 00 410 00

:l-17 00 347 00 2-44 00 588 00 -W4 00 559 00

!)90 00

()~0 00

1, !:!!Hl 00 :2:2:3 50

110 00 1, 079 00

365 00 200 ou

I . AL.\IM.:ILI..

Gf-30 )folnle ________________ Cahaba--------------- 7,304 80 -1,000 00 lit531 llridgcport...... Decatur .. -- ... _ .... _. 18, 378 00 ti, 800 00 titi32 :M:ollile ....... __ ... _ _ Demopolis ... - ...... _. Not let. :.!, 000 00 li6:34 Athens ..... ______ . _ Flore11ce.- .. _. ___ .. _ _ _ 900 00 700 00 UG:~il Hunts-dUe .. _ . _. __ . _. Claysville __ ._ ..... ___ . 500 00 300 00 6645 ScottRborongh . . . . . Lebanon .... __ .. ____ .. ("') 200 00 15646 - ..... do .. _ .... _____ .. Cottollville .. _ .... _ _ _ _ 299 00 250 00 ti647 .... .. _ .. ___ .. _. _ Hunt-'s Station________ 369 00 350 uo G648


Ste,·ellson . __ . ______ . Big Coon .. ______ ... _.. 111 12 133 34 liG51 Guntersville ___ .. _ _ _ _ _ Blountsville ____ . _ _ _ _ _ 390 00 400 00 •i652 .. . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ Scottsllorough . _ ... _ __ 241 515 :~oo 00 G6:>3 Decatur ______________ Jasper ________________ , 1,788 00 800 00 ~~~~ ~omervi,Ue~- ___ . ___ . Elyton ..... -- _______ .. : 1, 275 00 700 00 tioati l3asham~-Jb-ap...... Hanby'sMills ......... : 375 GO 300 00 GG57 Courtland. __ .________ ::Moulton .... ___ .... _ _ _ 720 00 350 00 t3G59 Moulton _. _. ___ . __ . Tnscaloosa .. __ ..... __ . ~540 00 §1, 500 00 fiGG7 Chalk Blntl' .. __ . __ _ _ _ Pikeville ... _ ... __ .. ___ ·luG ~3 102 38 t16fjil lllussellvillo .. _______ . .:\fount Hope ... __ ... _. 1:-i9 00 100 00 Uti69 . -- .. -do .. _ .. _ .. __ . _ _ _ Tu;;cnmllia _ ... __ .. _ _ _ 4H6 00 350 00 66721 Pikeville _____________ Thorn HilL ___________ . 300 00 175 00 6673 .. -- •. do ..... _____ . . A hcnleeu _ .. ______ . __ _ 500 00 :JOO 00 G674 ...... do------------ Vernon.--------------1 300 00 190 00 t)G7G I T3lonntsville ___ . _. . l\fontevallo __ .... _. _ _ _ 1, 787 00 1, 500 00 1)677 Cerlar Bluft'. _ _ _ _ _ Guntersville __ ... _. _. _, 571 67 400 00 G680 Cross Plains ___ . Chattanoo~a .. __ . _____ ' 1/2, 500 00 §2. 000 00 6683 i Jacksonville.______ Gunter~Yille ______ . __ .! 8, 000 00 3, 800 00 (i685 ;! ...... do---------···-- Asln-ille:·------------~1

75190 417 GO 6689 .Jasper ____ .... ____ .__ Blountsvtlle .. ____ . _.. 663 00 :300 00 6G90 -- ... -. _. ___ .... Eldridge ... ____ .______ 380 00 150 00 G691 .... do---------------- Jon!'shorough ......... l 1/1,260 00 ":300 00 6692! Fayette Court-House .. ; Columbus, ~1i:-S-------! 1,350 00 T700 eo 6693 j ...... do ---------------'------do ---------------1 900 oo :n;:; O:J

* New from .Tnly 1, 1871. t Temporary sen·icc- continued. § Tllree timeiil a week. II Twice a ":ec:k.

,}624 00 545 00 320 00

780 co 570 00 416 00 950 00 825 :33 900 00

1, 544 40

no oo

·l, 000 00 300 00

283 00 1, -1'75 00

~73 00 Not let.

7, 305 00 18, 000 00

None. 1, 200 00

400 00 :390 00 :1G4 00 598 00 .129 on 572 00 375 00

1, 700 00 1, 250 00

:wo oo 450 00

§4, 000 00 150 22 104 00 3!10 00 250 00 500 00 300 00

3, 000 00 450 00

§3, 000 00 4, 500 00

548 00 500 00 245 00

+485 00 1; 500 00

BOO 00 I

:;i:489 00 345 00 519 50

69 99 5'>0 00 315 00 ti7.3 00 374 00 589 00

1, 225 00

780 00

:!, ;;oo oo 300 00

170 00 780 00

Xo lrifl. 140 00

4, 100 00 100 ()()

1, 700 00 550 00 39:3 00 340 00 :l50 00 4GO 00 (t) 440 00 :100 00 !100 ou 100 00 380 00 350 00

1/1,200 00 160 00 123 00 :.!90 00 ::!90 00 500 00 300 oo

1, 900 00 490 oo

IJ1, 100 ou :.!, 000 oo

450 oo 350 oo 240 oo ~:no o0 750 o0 ·WO Do

! Once a w·eek.


Mail routes culcertisecl ..lugust 4, 1871, ~fc.-Coutinuecl.


i ::I 8 'S ... <!)


s ~

l~rom- To-

~c. :ss

t'c.i r::~ . ~-~ C) C'l

~ ~s&3 ;:: 89l'""'i H ~~,..,-

-----------·--------------'-----AL.ABA)IA-Cont'tl. I

6694 1'a:-ette Court-House... llefonn __ ............ I $:375 00 6695 ...... do . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Moscow ............... I 350 00 6696 ...... do . . . . . . . . . . .. . . Elyton ................ i 700 00 t>702 Pickensvillc . . . . . . . Co'lum lms, ~iss ....... ! eoo oo 6704 Reform .. . . . . . . . . . . . . Pickens ville ......... -~


700 00 6iOG New Lexington. FayetteComt-House.. :355 00 6708 Carthage . . . . . . . . . . . Greens borough .......


1 £191 60 6709 Tuscaloosa........... Eutaw ,.,770 00

~+i~ ::::::~1~ :::::::::~~:-· ~~~;!~~~~~~~:::::::::::\ ~~~ ~g 6712 ...... do .............. Bmlgenlle -----------~ 57:316 6718 T[!lladeg-a .............. ~allitdt>g;a............. 143 00 67:31 .Jone:-;'s Cross Roads. Chanahachee .........


250 00 61':33 llandolph ............ Trion................. 918 04 6735 ::Uarion . . . . . . . . . .. . Plattsville............ 1, 100 00 6736 .... do ................. Ran~lolph. ------------1 475 00

~+~~ ·u~l~nt~~,:;t·::::: ..... fj~~l~~-~:::~~:::::::::1 1,~~~ ~~I 6739 Autaugaville ......... : Montgomery ......... -I 1, 2.')8 04 6740 "\Vetumpka ........... ! Talladt'ga .............. ,1,140 Oil 6741 ...... do ............... 1 Childersburgh ....... 950 00 6744" Crawford............. Columbus, Ga. . . . . . 500 00 6748 Loachapoka . . . . . . . . . Dade-dlle............. 468 00 6755 Pine Lwel...... Union SpringA ........ l 36;) 00 6758 Letohatchee .......... "\Vllitman ............. i 5-10 00 I 6759 Cahaba . . . . . . . .. .. . . McKinley ............. ; 900 00 61'60 .... do .................. Hichmuml . . . .. . . .. . . 404 25 1

(i761 .... rlo ........... " _____ Selma................ 400 00'

g~~g ~;;:~'1St~ti~~~:::::: : :::! ~~~~~~'"-i~l_e_:::::: ~:::::: ~~~ ~~ u771 Lindmt. ............... / Demopolis ............ i Xotlet .. .. 6777 1 PrairieBluil:' .......... 1 Grove Hill ......... ___ ; 1,050 00 6781 Eufaula ............... / Mid~vay .............. j 02,210 36

~~~~ : :: ~ ~~- : : ::: ::: : ~: : :: : : : : . ~~~-~~~~:: -_::: : : : : : :::I_ . -~~ :~~- ~~-

~~~ };~Floii/ ::J !~?I~l~~l /Hi i ClwitHi fl791 ... do .................. 11\Iontgomery .......... l 1,415 00 6794 Greem·ille ............ i Troy .................. ' 756 05 6797 .J acksatn-ille .......... ; Tallapoosa, Ga....... 296 00 6802 EYergTeen ............ ; Grow Hill... . . . .. . . .. 1, 200 00 6813 Abbeville ............. 1 N ewtun .............. _ 1 440 00

70:24 7153

7504 7505 7506 7.jQ7 7521 7522 7524 7525 7526 7531 7533 7536 7558 7568 7575 7387

i :1\IISSISi:'Il'PJ. I

i I

Viekslmrgh ........... 1,, Grermyootl ........... i 5, 000 00 , n 1 1\""ll. JJ 1 1 1, 60" 37 ~1 rall( on .............. i 1 lams urg 1. . .....



AI:KAXSAS. i I : Memphis ............. / White R .• iver ..........


1 3,000 00 I "White Riym· .......... l' Vickslmrg-l1........... 7,COO 00 I ...... do .............. Pine Blntl' ............ 13,000 00 PiueBluff ............. Little Hock ............


6,000 00 I Little Rock ........... ! Benton................ 1,473 00

...... do---------------~ Monticello ............ , 3,088 00

:~~~:~~~: ::::::::::::: :1-::~;~~~~~~~ ~: ~::::::::I ;:~J~~- ~~-i Argenta .............. l Little Hock ........... ! 750 001 Madison .............. ! Harrislmrgh .......... ! 1,250 00, .Jack_sonport .......... Yelh"ill.e .............. / 12,80~ 00 [ LewiAburg-h .......... PerryYille ------·-----1 22;.J 00 1

Dardanelles ........... Wal1lrou .............. ; New ______ , Clarhville ............ Charleston ............ ! 111,649 00 t

Ful'tGilJson ........... Shermau .............. l :34,296 00, *Three times a week. t Twice a week. § Six times a week. II To :Fort Smith.

$200 00 . 200 00 4:30 00 400 00 400 00 100 00 417 60

I ~?450 00 II

375 00 1, 250 00

8oo uo 1

700 00 I 175 00 i

1, 104 oo 1 ''780 00 .

624 00 885 00 624 00 208 00 250 00

1, 200 00 1, 100 00

470 00 620 00 i

l; o report.! 1, 07:3 00 II

1, HO 00 800 QQ I

40iJ 00 I [,46 00 '

$:200 00 200 00 500 00 785 00 590 00 140 00 680 00

t700 00 450 00 400 00 450 00 398 00 220 00

~1, 000 00 ~ 850 00

600 00 500 00

t900 00 970 00

1775 00 '945 00 390 00 448 00 450 00

t500 00 ~675 00 325 00 375 00 790 00 ~740 00 1237 00

*750 00 300 00 300 00 250 (10 183 00 220 00 243 00 470 00 2fi0 00 3;)0 00 245 00 6ft0 00 600 00 500 00 2~10 00 448 00 260 00 ·!00 00 400 00 175 00 230 00 500 00 560 00 200 00 400 00

~2, 000 00 1, 400 00

Not let ... 590 00 500 00 2!)0 00 240 00 i 175 51 i

300 00 II

650 00 900 00 450 O:J I 400 oo 1

900 oo 1

i:l:3~ ()0 I 350 00

X o service~ 4(!0 00 t680 85 t ~650 00

2, 800 00 1, 500 00 ·-·--- ·-----------

1, 500 00 1 950 00 900 oo I 750 oo 494 tOO 375 00

No report. 425 00 :305 00 . 300 00

800 00 I 7!)0 00 1, 500 00 t1, 000 00

845 00 740 00 :300 00 348 00 345 00

1, 190 00 44 00!

1, 800 00 1, 696 00 440 00 349 00


I 5, 000 00 ! "/, 500 00 1, ·100 oo I 1, 600 oo


1, 97.5 00 I 2, 4()6 00 6, 8-10 00 18, 400 00 4, 000 00 12, 9()9 00 5 250 00 7, 400 00

' 01 1, 679 00 1, 500 00 4, 474 00 4, 900 00 1:3, 750 00 :3, 245 00 4, 600 00

745 00 1, :375 00 3:33 ou 1, 850 00 895 00 1, 800 00

2, 451 00 4, :368 00 HO 00 208 00 624 00 1, 196 00

,-r745 00 ,-rl, 200 00 soo 00 ' 34, 2!l6 00

! Offered. 'ff To Charleston.

No bid. 1, 5()8 00

300 00 3, 000 00 4, 997 00 3, 474 00

150 00 1, 400 00 :3, 700 00 1, 000 00

574 00 574 00 890 00

:.l, 300 00 150 00 624 00

,-r 490 00 2, 7n oo


Mail route;; adal'tised .J.ugust 4, 1871, <j'·c.-Coutjnued.

o .:. I' -:::.-: ~ ~

~ i ~ ~-~r• ~·~ ~~ To-From-


I e,s ~-;- · ~, I

8~ -1 I ~ 1

------------------ -----'--"---:--"--- ·----

i AUKAXS..I .• s-Cont'd. I . ~ o 1 F ts 'th I B t ·n *l>B,7t~2 oo *::;1 Poo oo l::i!J •or mi ............ , en on:~I e.......... '~~' ., §.loo 00

llfl (J~ -~:~~: :::: :) ~~:~71~i~~:~:~::: ~;~:-: d~ !! 7ti01 1 '\Yasl~ingtou .. . .. .. . .. l~oc_ky Comfor-t .. . . . 840 00 550 00

~~~~ ~~:::::::t~ ::::::::::::::: U!~\~~,~~1~~:::::::::~~~~ ltg~ gg ~~Jg~ g~ 7605 ...... do .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . ShreYPport ............ ! fi; 800 00 1, ~~g ~~ 7606 Antoine--.-----··-----~ P~raelit'ta ............. i 1,650 00 7608 Arkadelplna.......... B1g Bl'ml . -.... - ------, ~~~ ~~ ~~~ ~~

~~ig ~~~:i~~~1.1~.:::::::::::: w~~;?;gt.z.~-::: ~ ~::::: j 8, 200 00 850 00

~~i~ 1:::~1~ :::::~:::::::::~:: ~~l~~~~i~~:g_~:::::::::l ~:~~~ ~~ 980 ~~ 7615 Rockport ............. CenterPoint .......... ) 1,515 00 8.)0 00 7621 I Camden............... \Vas~Iin_,gton .. , ..... --) 2, 400 00 1, ~~00 u


7622 .... do .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. l ,ewlsnlle .. .. .. .. .. .. 1, 600 00 "v 7623


.... do ................. Hon1er ......... , ...... l


1,975 00 1,49.') 00 7624 .... do .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . ::\Ion roe .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. 3, 920 00 1 1, 300 00 7ti2B Hillsborough .. . .. . ...... do .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. 2, 267 00 ! 1, 300 00 7631 Eldoratlo -~ .......... -~ Warren............... 1, 667 00 i 1, 045 00 7i!32 Lisbon ................ Lewisville ............ [ No sen·ice.; ~2,00 o0~ 71135 Helf's Bluff ........... , Napoleon .............


1 1, 042 00 1 ov

7636 Monticello .......... __ I Camden .. .. .. .. . .. . .. 2, 400 00 ! 1, 2-15 OIJ 7ti37 .... do ................. 1 JHonr-oe............... 5, 375 00 · 2, 7!l5 00 7li40 Hambnrgh ............ l·warren.............. ~l,Ofl5 00 I §4:i0 00 '645


Eunic:0~;;:~-:-.---. _ i M:outh·ollo. ________ • _ .


;1, 471 00 I "J, 350 00 i

POOl) Yirkslmr~h-.: ~_· __ ..... I New Orleans ........ --I *20. 000 00 i +7, 000 00 t007 'I Br-ashear- - - -- - - -- -- - --I New Il>eria - -- -- -- - -"I 9, 000 00 'r 4. 300 00 8010 New Or-leans .......... , Bm·as................. 1, 800 00 2, 400 00 8013, ...... do .. . .. .. .. . .. .. . Slmweport.. .......... iii 30, 000 00 j :f.~G, 500 00 eOH ...... do .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. St. Fr-auchs l'ille ....... I o, 400 00 .


5, 500 00 8015 ...... 'lo ... .. .. . .. . .. . .. Carrollton .......... --I 950 00 200 00 8043 1 111onroe . .. .. .. . . . . .. . . Shrevepor-t ............ I 11, 880 00 , 2, f3GO 00 I 807:3 \Vashingtou . . . . . . . . . . Evergr-een. .. ........ --~Ue-arrang'dl :300 Oil 8082 New Il>el'la .. .. .. .. .. . ChenPyYille........... 8, 440 00 ! 1, 900 00 o083 - ... llo .. .. . .. . .. .. .. .. . PerTy's Brid;;e .. --.... §100 00 j '''"95 UO 8084 St. Mal'tiusyille ....... , Opelousas ............. Re-arr::mg'tl: 1, 130 00

'l'EXMJ. I . I i

8512 In<1ianola ............ _I Corpns Christi ....... -I 10, 500 00 II 4, 251 00 8513 Galve;;ton ............. ::\Iata,!.(on1a ............

1 New. 3,940 00

85:26 Corpus Christi........ BrowllsYille .......... -~ 10, 371 00 3, 900 00 ~~~30 I Br-ownsvill~. . . . . . . . . . . B~'azos_ Santiago . . . . . . §§~, ~00 00 §§2, 730 00 ;:,;:>33 San .A.11tomo.......... VICtona ..............


:3, 670 00 1 1, 400 00 8534


.... llo .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. Corpus Christi........ 1, 671 00 I 1, 200 oo 8;"i36 .... do .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. Waco ............... --I ~4, 700 00 §§1, BIJO 00 t<."i:n .... do . .. .. . .. .. • .. . .. Eagle Pass ............ 1 17, o 12 00 3, 300 oo 8538

1 .... do .. .. .. . .. .. .. . . .. Fort Concho .......... , G3, 730 00 3, 700 00

85:39 :For-t Concho .. .. .. . . .. El I' a so. .. .. .. . .. .. .. 81, 706 00 I 4, 200 00 ~~40 .. ,--do .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. Fort Ar bu~kle ........


44, ~25 00 5, 200 00 t'->49 Columbus ............. S:m.A.ntomo .......... , 6,;:>60 00. 2,100 00 8~. ~0 .... d. o_ . .. . .. . .. .. . .. .. . ~~tstir~ ................ _1 1111.1, 320 00 I 'IT 'IT 2, 400 00 8;:>.)7 .A.u>~tm ................ \ 1ctona --------------! .~,9~0 00 :3 800 00 s:i59 -- .. do ---------------"I Lampasas .. ----------- i; 1, 1!)4 00 , 590 00 8.';61 .... do ................. Bumet ................ i G49 00 , 700 00 8~~~ Brenham------------- La Gpmgc ............ ,lf]'fi5,000_00 !'*"*1,200 00 8-JI:. .... do ................. Anshn ................ l Noserv1ee. 2 200 00 R575j Groesbeck ............ ~ 1\raxahatehie .......... tttl,681 00 t'ofifl 00 85761 Calvert .............. -I n.,ltou ...... _____ ... --1 **2 500 oo , +t'. 5oo oo 8~77 Br:e.mond .... -- ...... --1 1:~ ae~ --_: --: ........... , tt'!y2~ 00 1 +~§G~O 00 8~18 Bt,pu ----------------, Centtenlle -----------, ~343 00: ""bJO UO

000 00 500 00 GOO 00

9, 000 00 7, 800 00 1, 040 00 ,r 1, 5t•o oo 5, 000 00 3, 200 uo 5, 900 00 2, 200 00

930 00 80R 00

8, 200 co 1, 843 00 7, 478 00 1, 515 00 2, 400 00 1, t'OO 00 2, 400 00 4, 500 00 2, GOO 00 1, Gti7 00

7:20 00 1, 300 00 3, 4~:4 00 5, aoo oo

M:!O 00 ''1,-500 00

+37 500 00 + 14: 000 00

5, 000 00 tt2fl, 000 00

Hi, 000 00 !JOO 00

23,400 00 '5.)0 00

15, 000 00 ,.,,, 1, 0.)0. 00

:3,120 00

10,500 00 3, 700 00

10,371 00 §§1, 800 00

• 9, 9JO 00 1, 800 00

§§27, 000 00 17,612 00 63, 7:30 00 81, 706 00 44 225 00 21: 000 00

~'\T6, 000 00 8, 000 00 1, 100 00

G4!l 00 3, 000 00 7, 81'08 00

14,000 00 p, 750 00

§§7, 500 ()I)

*"1, 801) 00

*To Wa11hhurn. ,Y To Dallas. t To Bentouyille. "" Twice a week. ~Three times a we~:•k. tt To ,Jc·fferson.

r1 II To La Grange. ,-r,r To .Austin.

§ Once a w"ek. !! To Shreveport. ~,·,* Oifcl'e<l. ttt RemTangec1.

HI, !100 oo §350 00

421 00 2, 500 00 2, 100 00

58:) 00 f. 840 00 2, 430 00 1, 500 00 2, 500 00

820 00 739 00 550 00

2, 884 00 147 00

1, 900 00 850 00

1, 200 0,0 1, 100 00 1, 898 00 ~. 555 00

!JOO 00 1, 100 00

590 00 650 00

1, ,100 00 1, 200 00

§395 00 ''100 00

''4 700 00 :3: :>OO 00

. 800 00 !t 4, 000 00

2, 300 00 200 00

14, ROO 00 245 00

2, 948 00 ''*135 00 1, 500 00

D, 000 00 ;{, 500 00 4, fi61 00

!1, 000 00 1, 000 00

900 00 §02, 700 00

1, 900 00 3, 7oo o:J 4, 97:3 00 4, 300 00 4, 37:3 00

'\i~l, 900 00 1, 900 00

913:~ 00 G40 00 940 00

2, 100 00 1, 900 00 1, 590 00

§§1, 900 00 ''"900 00

II To Wilton. §§Six: times a week. +tt Three time~ a week to ~Ionlin.


Mail contracts adrertised Augnst 4, 1871, S,·c.-Continuec1 .

~~ $ ..., . II

:From- To--~~ I. .....~ !_rig I ~;; ;:::: :.o fs , §.s

8~ I ~ : ---~---,----'---

TEXAS-Cont\1. , I

8:580 , Anderson _...... . . . . 1.rar1isom·ille _ ........ _I Rc-arrang;· 1l I 85~:~4 1 -waco. --------- GatesYille ............


$5£1100 I'

8585 .... do . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Towat;h ............... , :Yo !>erYice. 8589 1 :Meri1lLm . . . . . . . . . . . . . ::;tephensville ........ _I 475 00 8590 ; Hillsborough . . . . . . . Jacks borough ........ I 2, 400 00 I 8598 I Dallas . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cll'lmrne ............. ~ VOO 00 j

8603 Sherman .............. ·waco ................. Ite-arrang'd 8~10 1 Cla~·ksville............ Sherrnm~- ............. l~e-an:'1n~(d! 8613, Jefferson ............. Clarks·nlle ............ l 2,3;,0 00 1

8619 I :Marshall ....... _____________ do--------------· 4,542 o_o ,_ 8620 Longview_ ..... _...... Dallas ........ -.-- .... Re-arrnng'll' 8642 Crockett .............. • Longview ............. ! 4,033 00 I 86461-···do ·-.--············· Navasota···········--~ 3,500 00 8648


IIuntsnlL• ............ Homer................ 1,200 00 1 86491 Cypress Top.......... Huntsville . . . . . . . . . . . . 1, £134 00 1

8652 Liberty ............... : HPamuont ............. jRe-arrang'di 8654


Woodville ............ : ~1ilam ................ j 1,5tl4 00\ ~660 1 J?.ea~unon_t._. ........... J~sper................ 1.~~~ 00

H l , .. , TIT 5 8h64 ~ 4 n-~ 00

eono 00 ~ 0 rrport. ~00 00 ! $780 00 300 00 I 520 00 I

''62G 00 I 780 00 : 1, 200 00 i -1, 500 00 .

775 oo 1 1, ooo oo 2, 400 oo 1 18, ooo oo 2. 200 00


. 7, 500 00 1, 800 00 2, 600 00 2, 600 00 7, 000 00 1, 100 00 8, 412 00 1, ooo oo I 10, ooo oo 2, 3oo oo 1 10, ooo oo

~~g gg I ~: ~g~ ~~ 549 00 I 1; ROO 00 G20 00 1, O·W 00

1, o.9~ oo 1, 716 co j{j!);> oo I j:l, 570 oo

!)00 00 10, 000 00

;£:3:23 00 470 00 400 00 GOO 00

1, 500 00 533 00

l, 950 00 1, 750 00 1, 300 00 1, £150 00 2, 4G5 00 2, 373 00 2, 465 00

600 00 800 00

1, 400 00 600 00

1, 000 00 ~.J.50 00

3, 100 00 8661! s_,tblnePass .. _ ......... , Beaumont ........ ~----~ tt:ir;> 00.

8630 I cm.eitltl>l. .•......... ,aco ......... {i:'GG5 5 •"';>


··Offered. t Once a wee 1-::. ~ Twier a week.

JOIIX L. ItO"GTT, Second ~l11.sistcwt Posi11ut8ter General.


Letter of General AJbcrt J. Myer.


T'f:ashington, D. C., July 18, 1871. Sn~ : Acuon1in o· to yonr req nest, the follmYing report is furnished

regan1ing· the rat~s fo1~- telegraphic se~'Yice sn?~nitted or~ June .2G, 1871, for your consideration, by Hon. \Villmm \Vlntmg, speewl ass1st::mt to the Attorne.Y General, and speeified in your snhsecruent order l1ated June 2D, 1871. .

In :March last, it was conshlered uy this ofi'ice important to obtam, by personal iuterYie\YS between its officers and the representatives of the most important telegraph companies of the United States a full under­standing, and, if -possible, an ac~jnstment of the subjects uoth .of cc~m­pensatiou aud also of special facilities required, in reg[lrd to \YhiCh cllfii­cnlties hm1 ariseH.

BreYet Lieute1~ant Colom::l Gnrriek JHa11ery nnd BreYet Captain II. \Y. Hovq;·ate, both of lJ11ited State~ Army, ai'Hl acting signal ofucers, on duty at this omce, 'irere, on :\Ia1·ell 20, 1871, designated by the 1Var Department to represent it in conferenee ·with oftkers of the seyeral companies, and took part in all the meetings held.

On April J, 1871, Ron. )Yilliam \Vh~ting was commissioned as Rpecial assi:stant to tbe Attorne:v General of the United States in relation to matters in controversy uet'\Yeeu tl.Je Government and the telegraph com­pnnies of tlle Uuitcd States, and was instructed to act in co-operation 'ilitll the Chief Signal Officer of tl.Je Army, who met him and partiei­pated in the vm·ions snuseqncut meetings and disenssious.

The above-nllmed officers met at di:ffereut times and places in refer­ence to tlle above-named dnty, the preside11t, vice-preshleut, and elec­trician of the \Vestern U uiou Telegraph Company, (Ydw also represented the Northwestern Telegraph Compally ;) the president, general superin­tendent, alJ(l secretary of the Pacific and Atlautic TelegTaph Company; the general superintendent of the Atlantic and Pacific Telegraph Com­pany; the president and superintendent of the Franklin Telegraph Com­pany; and the president and treasurer of the Intcruationfll Ocean Tele­graph Company. Ia these meetings were obtained a mass of reports, estimates, and other statistics, verified in rnauy cases by reference to tlle books of the companies, ·which \\ere made freely accessible.

The pnrpos3 of the represcntati'i·es of tlle Go\Ternment, persistently adhered to, was to ascei'tain the actual cost to the telegraph counmnies for the Rervice reCJnired for the '\leather reports, signal serYice, fairly esti­mate(l, with proper allowanee for the difference in cost bet11een that partieu1ar service and ordinary comlllereial or press business. It was also proposed, after asccrt<tiuiug that, cost, to allow a fair profit upon it, tlle profit of 30 per cent. being the one used iu the general calculations.

The rf'snlt of lll<1ll.Y nud prolonged consnlbttions was that part of the order relating to the Yleatl.u:r reports, signal serdee, 'i\·luch IS m the following language:

The rate for all telegraphic communications known as the signal-scrdce messages­and reports shall he two ctmts for each word of said reports ~tnd mess:t"'OS for each cirf cnit over which it may pasH, in accon1auee with the schedule of circrrits and plans oe the Chief Hignal Ofiicer of the Army, wltich are 110w adol)ted or mny hereafter by adopted hX him for traw·nH~tting these dii!patches, or snt.:fl part tbet~cof as he may <lesignate m sueh "·<mls or ciphers as may from time to time be <1irectcd by him. The amount thus cstimatetl, is to he taken in f'nll payment for saitl dispatches, 1{o ndtlitional allowa11ce to l.Je made for tll'ops, ofticc messages, or other ser-Yices or :-;pccial facilities r~''Jniretl b~ the Uhicf 8ignal Otlicer for the correct and prompt trausmission of said srgual-st·rvwe messages alHl reports.


This r:tte was voln~1tarily and iu advance of your order assented to by ~·h~ "\Vestern Umo_n Telegraph Company, and the following table exh1b1ts the comparative cost of transmitting the weather reports for the 48 _station~, being_1_8 cirm~its, actually ia oprra tion on .T nly 1, 1871, accorchug to the provisiOns of your order, as contrasted with the com­mercial rates preYiousl.r charged and paid:





I C 1 • rates for

Numl)('rof 0- st ):>_Post- same No. WOI'llf!. ~~~r~e~r~~~: of WOl'US.



$14 08 $29 32 40 48 74 26

5 28 4 84 2, 112 42 24 176 00

396 7 92 26 38 572 11 44 20 97

1, 144 22 88 g;; 33 200 4~ ~~ 572 L1 44 14 30

2, 112 42 24 35 20 440 8 80 12 46 44 88 88 88 1 76 8 80

308 6 Hi 7 70 572 11 44 ~!0 97

~m~~~1~~: ~~~~i £~~1~~~~1~~~::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :; ~~~ I 1~ ~~ I ~~ ~; Lake City and Key \Ye~t............ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...... -I 396 7 92 52 80

One uay ................... _ .............................. ~=12, 980 ~=-25gog ~= 685 22

Three mouths, 30, 31, 31=!::2 tl[lys ........................ i 1, 194, lGO I 23,883 20 I 63,040 24

This statement shows a saving to the United States for a service of three months of $39,157 04, being at tlle rate of over G2 per cent.

The additions to and changes in this service to be made from time to time will not probably Tednee tllis rate of sav-iug.

It 1vill be understood that the weather reports of the signal sen·ice are necessarily sent over defined and established circuits and circuits. of great length, under different circumstances from messages of any other character, and therefore required special provision.

An essential part of the plan being that the reports of observations should be furnished hy what js technically called "drops" at many points intermediate between those of transmission and address, this increased the amount of service rendered, and occasioned the recom­menuatiou of a rate \Yhich should compensate in fac.t for the "drops," while it was not practicable to consider them directly as the basis of calculation.

Under the general instructions to l\lr. "\Vhiting, it was also proper and necessary to examine and report upon the rates considered to be fair for the transmission of telegraphic communications between the several Departments of the Government of the United States and their officers and agents, other than tlw signal-service messages; and, obserYing the same principle before alluded to, the re~>nlt \Vas reported to yon in the following laEgnage : ·

One cent per word for each circnit through which it shall be transmittell, saiLl rates to be compntecl snbject to the follo,viug conditions, viz: A distance of two bnndred and fifty miles, as computed by tbe tables of the Post-Office Department, shall ?e (1eemed a circuit. If, on computing circuits, th(•re shall lle found one or more eirm:1ts and a fraction of a circnit, snell fraction shalllJe decnwd a circuit. If a eonnnnuieatwn shall be sent a distance less than two hundred and fifty mileA, that <listauee shall be deemed a eircnit. All wonls of the eoummnication trausmitted are to he conn ted, except­jng the date alHl place at which snch conmm11ication is tiled, no communication to he at a rate less than 25 cents.

The unit of distance (two hundred and fifty miles) mentionetl in this


part of the report as aboYe submitted to you, wai'; fonnd to be the ~1'/Cr­itge length of circuit over which messages in the U?ited States were transmitted. ThiR rate ''ras substantially acceded to, Ill' adYance of your order by the vVestern Union and the Franklin Telegraph Companies. Th~ follo\viug table exhibits the r:1tes of late actually clmrged to !he

Departments of the United States by the several telegraph compames, and the cost to the United 8tates for the same messages and distances, according to tlle rate establi~hed by :von, sixty-five of the most import­ant telegraphic stations in the United States being taken for example, with \Yashington as the point of transmission:

Com'l./Gov't J Corn'l.lGov't i -~~~~1~ ~~ov't Com'l./Gov't

Place. .S'cr.; -3 w ~--2w ~-] ,: i Place. ~il I 'E w ~,~ 2 w $~ s~ 1 ~~ $~ ~~ s~ ~~ s~

o o. o? I'='?. I ? t ~ oo oo ~ ~ g i::: ::; ;::: ::; ;::: :1 I ~ ;::: I g ,... ::; ~ ::; ~

Albany, N. Y _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ $0 95-!$0 60 -:$5~.-wl$2 00 i Green B:w, Wis.--- (~--;:;- 1 $'1 ::o $1"!75 $4 00 Pon.gl1ket'Jl~">ie, ~. Y _ 85 60 5 ~? 'I ~ Ofl : Mobile, Ah _------ -1 3 01 Ill SO 17 130 ; 5 00 A.n.!!usta. G<t _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1 9S 90 11 JJ .l 00 Montgome1·y, Ala -- 2 8S 1 20 lG 80 4 00 Baltimon·,?.Irl.______ 26 30 2 001100 NashYillc. Tenll----i 121 i 90 7:30 3 00 Annapolis, .lid _ _ _ _ _ _ 36 30 2 10 1 00 New London, Conn-~ 721 60 4 20 2 00 Elkton, :Mtl. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 54 30 3 15 1 00 I'al!ner, Mass - ----- 67 60 4 15 2 00 Bangor, l\1(•. ____ . ___ . 1 0~ 90 6 4~l ~ 00 ~ ~"~ Orlr:aus,. La ---


3 01 : 1 50 17 tO 5 00 Boston,:\Ia~s-------- 61 60


4l;)~~OO,Ne\\,YOlk,N.Y .... 1

49,30 310 100 Bnfthlo,N.Y ........ 10S liO 630 200: Norfolk,Va.-------' 49 :30 310 100 Burlington, Vt______ 1 57 ~10' 9 40 3 00! Umaha,N',Jbr -------~ 3 06 i 1 SO 17 8.) 6 00 Cairo, 111 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 2 16 1 20 112 GO 4 0 J 1 Oswego . .N. Y . - .. -. 1 OS , 60 6 30 2 00 Chal'le8ton, S. C _ _ _ _ _ 1 9S 90 11 5513 00 ! Philadelphia, Pa .. - 41 I 30 2 15 l 00 Cheyennt<, \Yyo ____ . 5 17 2 -10 30 40 8 00 I ~est Chester, Pa - -! 77 1 30 4 25 1 00 Cl.tieago,IlL ........ 1211201 7301400jiPittslmrgh,Pa .....


~~~ ~~ 205 200 Cincinnati, Ol_tio. _ _ _ _ 59 90 1 3 20 I 3 00 : Portland, l\Ie ---- --

1 OS ,


, ,,

0 5 25 3 00

Clewlautl, Ohw .... _ _ 1 3l 90 / 7 40 3 00 i Roclw8ter, N.Y.---, " 6 30 2 00 DaYc:tport, Iowa ___ . 1 80 1 50 10 50 I 5 00 1 Canandaigu;l, N. Y -~ 1 21 60 7 :w 2 00 Des Moim·_s, Iowa _ _ _ 2 7;> 1 so


1 15 so 5 oo i[ SaYannah, Ga _. ___ . 2 34 90 13 65 2 oo Denwr, Col __ .. __ .. 4 !10 2 40 31 00 I 8 00 1 Springiit·l1l, Ill _. _ . _I 2 29 1 20 13 60 4 00 Detroit.,l\ _______ 157 90 940 300•.

1Toled!-:>,Ohi?-------·1157 1!0 940• 300

Momoe, l\It_eh _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1 ~7 90 I 9 ~0 I ~ 00 1 Ol'.erh_n, Olno . .;. .. ; _ _ 1 31 !JO 7 40 3 UO ,Jacli:SOll, :.:i.hch------- 1 cO 90 1.0 aU 3 00 '.I \\ Ilnnugton, N. L- -, 1 44 60 8 <10 2 00 Fort Belltou, ::\lout__ 9 05 3 90 ' 52 55


1:3 00 ! GalYeston, Tex.---- 4 81 , 2. 10 28 30 7 00 Fort Smith, Ark _ _ _ _ 3 78 1 EO i 22 05 G 00 'I Grand HaYen, il1ic.h. 2 0:3 1 20 11 fiO 4 00 Terre Hant P, 1nd .. _. 2 03 1 20 I' 11 (;0 4 00 II. Indianapolis, Ind ...


59 90 3 20 3 00 ,Jacksrm.11Iiss ...... 34Z 120 19\15 400.,PcnnYau,N.Y .... 162 60 945 200 Louisdlle,Ky ....... !JO 90, 525 300]1St.Lonis,hlo .......


211 120 1255 400 New.All.mny,Iml .... 1G2 901 945 300 1 Alton,Ill._ _________ 229 120 13GO 400 LeaYenworth, Kans _ 3 06 1 50 ' 17 S5 5 00 1 San Die~o, Cal ..... 1


8 51 4 50 4!) 40 15 00 Topeka, Kaus ___ ... 3 24 1 EO llS !JO 6 00 ;I San .Fra11cisco, CaL_ 5 !J9 , 3 90 34 70 13 00 LeweR,DPl__________ 7


30 4 25 100 I SantaFe,N.J\1: ..... 1 G 7212 70 53 GO 9 00 KewCastle,Del_____ 30 415 1001

1 1



== :Memphis. Tc·nn ----·. 1 4!J 1 20· 8 45 4 00 ' . .AYeragedifference. 2 29 1125 1:3 !JS 4 14

-~ilw~kee'_~~-~~~---- -_: -~~-_2-~~!- ----------~---~ __________ _ In explanation of this ta l)le, it may be stated that experience shows

messages of 13 "body 'vord:-~ '7 (the address aud signature lJeing omitted) to be vroperly cousidered equivalent to those of 30 total words nuder the tenm; of your order. _

Calcnlation1:1 made from the aboYe table show an ayerag·e savilw to the Uuitml States beyond ·what. had been paid previous to tl~e date /J'r· your order, in the case of the shorter me~sages classified as above, of 43 per cent.~ and in the longer mm;;sages of 70 per cent., which rate increases in fayor of the United States when the number of -n-ords exeeeds 100.

It was further insisted upon uy the representatives of the United States that the proper eonstruction of the act of CongTess, approved .~uly 24, lSGG, entith~d ''An act to aid in the construction of telegraph h~c:s, aud to secure to the Go;~ermnent the use of the same for po:-~tal, nnhtary, all<l other purpose::-~,'' was that all telegraphic commnuicatious iu.1:elation. ~o the affairs or business ?f t.l1e United States by it1.:1 eivil or 1~11htary officer~, agents, or emplo,Yes, In their transmission m~er the hues of the compauies which had accepted the provisions of tllat act,

12 P G


shonhl be entitled to priority over all other business; ancl a1so that the said comp:mies are not entitled to rer~eive prepayment therefo1.', l>at are bound to recei ve~ompensation t.l~ere_for ~t rates to be ann nally fixed by the Pustmaster General. No obJectwn IS ma<1e on the part of the sev­eral companies eonferred with to the abo•{e construction. Attached hereto are copies of se,·eral papers considered of importance, as con­nected with the above report.

I am, sir, very respectfLllly, your obedjent servant, ALBER'r J. 1\IYER,

Briga(lie1· GeneraJ, mul Chief Signal Ojficer of the Army. The Honoral>le the PoSTJ.\fASTER GENERAL.

Proposed rates fm· 8i_qnal-serllice 1nes.mges wul reports, a,s assentecl to by the lVestern Union Telegrdph Company.

The rate for an Government dispatches known as signal-service mes -sages and reports is and shall be fixed for the year commencing -----, 1871, as follows, viz: 2 cents for each word of said reports .and messag·es for each circnit over which it may pass, in accordance with the schedule ef circnits and plans of the Chief Si.~'nal Officer of the .Army \Vhich are now adopted, or may hereafter be adopted, by him for ·transmitting these dispatches, or such part thereof as he may desig­nate, in such words or ciphers as may from time to time l>e directed by him. The amount thus estimated to be taken in full rmyment for such disp~ltches, no additional allowances to be made for drops, office mes­sages, or other services or special facilities required by the Chief Signal Officer for the correct and prompt transmission of said signal-service mesRages and reports.

The ab<1ve is satisfactory, and tile service may commence at once. WILL'M ORTON,

Presiflent TVestern Un1~on Telegraph Company. NEW YoRK1 .Jfay 8, 1871.

Letter of William Orton, presirlent of the lVestern Union Telegraph Com­pany, proposing terms for departmental telegraphy other than tha,t of the wectthm· 'reports.

VV:ASIIINGTON, D. C., June 2±, 1871. SIR: The Western Union Telegraph Company will consent to the fix­

ing by the Postmaster General of the following rates for telegraphic serviee for the several Departments of the Government for tlw fiscal year 1871-'72, (excepting the weather reports,) viz: .

One cent per word for each circuit of two hnn<lred and fifty miles, or fractional parts thereof, all words to be counted, except the date and the. place at which the message is filed: Proviclerl, hou,,ever, Tha.t no messnge shall be eouuted as less than 25 words; distances to l>e emu­puted b,y the tables of the War Department.

I have the honor to be, very respectfully, &c., WILVl\f ORTON,

Pre8ident. Ron. WILLTAi\f V\rHITING,

Assista,nt Attorney General of the United States.


Letta of the 1n·esident of the Pacific ancl Atlantic Teleg~·aph Co.mpany to llfr. lVhiting, proposing terms fm· the depctrtment((,l telegraphmg other than that of the weather reports.

\V ASHIKG'l'ON, D. C., Jww 24, 1871. SIR: Onr company are of the opinion that for the serdce for which

proposals are asked in the foregoing letter the following ·would be a jm~t rate of compensation:

A message shall be held to be 30 words or less, aU words or figures to be counted. A unit of distance shall be held to be two hnnurecl and fifty miles.

The rate of compensation to be one cent per word for each unit of distance, an portions of the unit to be deemed as a nnit.

No tnessage to be less than 30 cents. Very respectfully,

GEO. H. THURSTON. President Pacijic a?ul Atlantic Telegraph Cm;tpany.

Hon. WILLIA:i.VI \VHITING, Assistant Attorney General of the United States.

Proposal of the Fra.nklin Telegraph Company for s·ignaJ ser-vice.

NKW YORK, ]}fay 12, 1871. SIR: In reply to your letter of 11th, I conclude, without consultation

with any otlwr lines, to make our offer at onee, on the lowest basis we can afford-two cents per won], connbng address and signature-for our entire line through-Baltimore, New York, Philadelphia, or Boston, and everything intermediate.

Yours respectfully,

Capt. H. W. HowGATE,

GEOHGE H. ELLERY, President.

Act·ing Signal Officer and Assista.nt.

JJ[emm·a.ndum of Hon. lV. Whiting, filed with Chief Signal Officer, after interv-iezo teUh the general superintendent of Frankl-in Telegraph Company.

.. The Franklin Telegraph Company, represented by J. G. Smith, gen·

eral superintendent, agree to the rates for the general business of the Departments as proposed by us.

W. WHITING. JUNE 26, 1871.

Rights ~f the Gov~rnment agrcinst the telegraph co1npan·ies in relation to prw;t.ty of servwe ltncl the mode of payment the'refor, as stated by Mr. lVlntmg and assented to by the lVestern Union Telegraph Com]Htny.

Whereas questions haye heretofore arisen between the Departments of ~he ~:tove~·nment and certain telegraph companies in respect to the obligatiOns unposed by law upon such companies as have filed their


written acceptance with the Postmaster General of the restrictions and obligations of the act of Congress approved July 2-1, 18GG, entitled "'An act to aid in the construction of telegraph lines, and to secure to the Government the use of the same for postal, milit::1ry, and other purposes ''-in order to prevent fntnre misunderstandings, it is claimed by _1\'Ir. \Yhiting, acting on behalf of the United States, as assistant to the Att.oruey G-eneral of the United States, that by the true interpreta­tion of the aforesaid statute all telegraphic communications iu relation to the affairs or business of the United States by its civil or military officers, agents, or employes are entitled, in their transmission over the telegraphic lines of said companies, to priority over all other business; also, tllat said companies are not entitled to receive prepayment there­for, but are bound to receive compensation therefor at rates to be annu­ally fixed by the Postmaster General.

The \Vestern Union Telegrapll Company will make no objection to this construction of the said statnte.


vVASHINGTON, June 24, 1871.



By vVILL'lVI ORTON, President.

\VILLIA1\1 vVHITING, Assistant to the Attorney General.