,. Question Board 1234 5678 9101112 131415 1. Question ?

Post on 26-Mar-2015

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Transcript of ,. Question Board 1234 5678 9101112 131415 1. Question ?

कौ�मा�रभृ�त्य, स्त्री� तथा� प्रसू�त�तन्त्री

Question Board

1 2 3 45 6 7 89 10 11 12

13 14 15

1. Question

कौ� न य�निनव्या�द्� मा� गभृ� पटकौ पटकौ नष्ट हुन्छ ?

1. Answer


Question Board

2. Question

What disorder is shown by the arrow in the given figure?

2. Answer

Hydatiform Mole

Question Board

3. Question

What is the most practised rule for child dose nowadays ?

3. Answer

Body surface area ( BSA ) x Adult dose


Question Board

4. Question

४ प्रकौ�रकौ� द्�%त कौ& -कौ& हुन� ?

4. Answer



Question Board

5. Question

What is the main diagnostic criteria for menopause?

5. Answer

Caesation of menstruation for 6 consecutive months

Question Board

6. Question

Lightening is the symptom seen in which month’s pregnancy?

6. Answer

38 weeks

Question Board

7. Question

“Koplik’s spot” is found in which disease ?

7. Answer


Question Board

8. Question

रक्त ग�ल्माकौ� चि.कौनिकौत्सू� कौनित मानिहान� पचिछ गन��पद्�छ?

8. Answer

१० मा�निहान�

Question Board

9. Question

आ. सू�श्रु�तले& न�भिभृन�ले�च्छे&द्न कौसूर� गरिरन्छ ?

9. Answer

न�भिभृभृन्द्� ८ अं9ग�ले अंग�नि: न�भिभृन�नि:ले�ई बाँ�%ध&र अंग�नि: कौ�ट�न&।

Question Board

10. Question

What is the child dose of metronidazole ?

10. Answer

10-15 mg/kg body wt. 3 times a day x 5days

Question Board

11. Question

Name the test used for screening procedure in cancer of cervix ?

11. Answer


Question Board

12. Question

A depressed, socially outcasted woman complains of constant dribbling of urine and methylene blue test was positive. What is the diagnosis?

12. Answer

Vesico- vaginal fistula

Question Board

13. Question

गभृ��शयकौ� आकौ�र कौ& सू%ग त�लेन� गरिरएकौ� छ ?


र�निहात मा�छ�कौ� मा�खसू%ग

Question Board

14. Question

आ. कौ�श्यपले& उल्ले&ख गर&कौ� अंष्टसू9स्कौ�र क्रमाबाँद्�ध रुपमा� भृन्न�हा�सू� ?



Question Board

15. Question

The four clinical menifestations ;Dysmenorrhoea


Infertilityare found in which disease?

15. Answer


Question Board