( · ). Project Unit 2 The imperial tombs Unit 2 The imperial tombs.

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Transcript of ( · ). Project Unit 2 The imperial tombs Unit 2 The imperial tombs.


( 模块九 ·高三上学期 )





The imperial tombs

Unit 2 Unit 2

课件描述: 通过阅读 The imperial tombs ,帮助学生快速理清文章总体结构和相关细节以及文体特征,了解两大著名的皇陵及其保护的有关知识 。同时,让学生从中受到启发,以小组的形式用英语完成对某一历史建筑保护的提议书。

Lead-in Mini-discussion:

Which historic site or building will you recommend to your foreign friend the most to visit in your city or province? Why?

Introduction to the topic Will it be your choice to recommend

the Imperial Tombs?

Fast reading Read the title and subtitles as well as

the first and last paragraph. Answer the following two questions:

1. What do you suppose the passage

will talk about?

2. What do you think is the purpose

of the passage?

Hints of the answers

1. Mainly about the Ming and Qing Imperial Tombs as well as the

preservation and recognition of the


2. Calling on people to protect them.

Detailed reading1. Why are the Ming and Qing Tombs

among the most impressive cultural remains in the world?

2. What are the Ming and Qing Tombs mainly composed of?

3. Why is international recognition also important in preserving and restoring historic sites?

Hints of the answers1. Why are the Ming and Qing Tombs

among the most impressive cultural remains in the world?

• Both for their complex planning and the great wealth buried in them.

2. What are the Ming and Qing Tombs mainly composed of?

• The Ming Tombs―Shisangling and Xiaoling;

• The Qing Tombs―Dongling and Xiling.

3. Why is international recognition e.g. the inclusion in UNESCO, also important in preserving and restoring historic sites?

• Because it brings needed attention, recognition, and funds to protecting them and leads to increased tourism.

Discussion1. What are the similarities between

Xiaoling and Dongling?

2. Besides the government preservation and international recognition, what other efforts can we make to save some endangered historic sites?

Possible answers Similarities:

1. In terms of architecture and choice of tomb site;

2. Both for the first rulers;

3. Both covering a large area and taking much time and labor to complete.

Other efforts:

1. Make public awareness of the importance of ...;

2. Promote tourism and call on visitors to ...;

3. Laws should be passed to ...;

4. Public donation...

Writing a proposal

Preparation: work in groups of 4 and decide the following questions:

1. Which historic sites or local building will your group research? Why?

2. What are the dangers that the historic site or the building faces?

3. How can it be protected and saved?


1. Writing: finish the proposal on protecting a local historic building.

2. Supplementary reading: Oriental Venice Rebuilds Landscaped Gardens.