© Paradigm Publishing, Inc. 1. 2 Excel 2013 Level 2 Unit 1Advanced Formatting, Formulas, and Data...

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Transcript of © Paradigm Publishing, Inc. 1. 2 Excel 2013 Level 2 Unit 1Advanced Formatting, Formulas, and Data...

© Paradigm Publishing, Inc. 1 Contents

© Paradigm Publishing, Inc. 2 Contents

Excel 2013

Level 2

Unit 1 Advanced Formatting, Formulas,

and Data Management

Chapter 1 Advanced Formatting Techniques

© Paradigm Publishing, Inc. 3 Contents

Advanced Formatting Techniques

Conditional Formatting CHECKPOINT 1 Fraction and Scientific Formatting Special Number Formats Create a Custom Number Format Wrap and Shrink Text to Fit within a Cell Text Functions Filter a Worksheet Using a Custom Filter Filter and Sort Data Using Conditional Formatting or Cell Attribute


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© Paradigm Publishing, Inc. 4 Contents

Conditional Formatting

Conditional formatting applies format changes to the cells within a range that meet a certain condition.

Cells that do not meet the condition remain unformatted.

Changing the appearance of a cell based on a condition allows you to quickly identify values that are high or low or that represent a trend.

© Paradigm Publishing, Inc. 5 Contents

Conditional Formatting - continuedTo apply conditional formatting using the Quick Analysis button:1. Select desired range.2. Click Quick Analysis button

located at the bottom right of selected cells.

3. Click desired rule.4. If necessary, enter parameter

values.5. If necessary, change format

options.6. Click OK.

Quick Analysis button

© Paradigm Publishing, Inc. 6 Contents

Conditional Formatting - continuedTo apply conditional formatting using a predefined rule:1. Select desired range.2. Click Conditional Formatting

button.3. Point to desired rule category.4. Click desired rule.5. If necessary, enter parameter

values.6. If necessary, change format

options.7. Click OK. Conditional Formatting


© Paradigm Publishing, Inc. 7 Contents

Conditional Formatting - continued Using the Top/Bottom

Rules list you can elect to highlight cells based on a top 10 or bottom 10 value or percentage, or by above average or below average values.

Top/Bottom Rules option

© Paradigm Publishing, Inc. 8 Contents

Conditional Formatting - continuedTo create and apply a new formatting rule:1. Select desired range.2. Click Conditional

Formatting button.3. Click New Rule option.

continues on next slide…

New Rule option

© Paradigm Publishing, Inc. 9 Contents

Conditional Formatting - continued4. At New Formatting Rule dialog box, click desired rule

type.5. Add desired formatting attributes.6. Click OK twice.

New Formatting Rule dialog box

© Paradigm Publishing, Inc. 10 Contents

Conditional Formatting - continuedTo edit the formatting rule:1. Select desired range.2. Click Conditional

Formatting button.3. Click Manage Rules

option.4. Click desired rule.5. Click Edit Rule button.

continues on next slide…

Edit Rule button

© Paradigm Publishing, Inc. 11 Contents

Conditional Formatting - continued6. At Edit Formatting Rule dialog box, make desired

changes to parameters and/or formatting options.7. Click OK twice.

Edit Formatting Rule dialog box

© Paradigm Publishing, Inc. 12 Contents

Conditional Formatting - continuedTo delete a formatting rule:1. Click Conditional Formatting

button.2. Click Manage Rules option.3. Click Show formatting rules

for arrow and click This Worksheet option.

4. Click desired rule.5. Click Delete Rule button.6. Click OK.

Delete Rule button

© Paradigm Publishing, Inc. 13 Contents

Conditional Formatting - continued Format a range of values by using an icon set to

classify data into three to five categories. Excel places an icon in a cell to visually portray the

cell’s value relative to the other cell values within the selected range.

Icons are assigned to cells based on default threshold values for the selected range. For example, if you choose the 3 Arrows (Colored) icon set, icons are assigned as follows: Green up arrow for values greater than or equal to 67% Red down arrow for values less than 33% Yellow sideways arrow for values between 33 and 67%

© Paradigm Publishing, Inc. 14 Contents

Conditional Formatting - continuedTo apply conditional formatting using an icon set:1. Select desired range.2. Click Conditional

Formatting button.3. Point to Icon Sets option.4. Click desired icon set.5. Deselect range.

Icon Sets option

© Paradigm Publishing, Inc. 15 Contents

Conditional Formatting - continued Excel 2013 also provides the ability to conditionally

format cells using two-color scales, three-color scales, or data bars to provide visual guides for identifying distributions or variations within a range.

Use a data bar to easily see the higher and lower values within the range.

A data bar appears in the background of a cell. The length of the bar is dependent on the value of the cell as it relates to the range. A cell with a higher value within the range displays a longer bar than a cell with a lower value within the range.

© Paradigm Publishing, Inc. 16 Contents

Conditional Formatting - continued Color scales format the range using a two-color or

three-color palette. Excel provides 12 color scale options, half of which are

two-color combinations and half of which are three-color combinations.

The gradation of color applied to a cell illustrates the cell’s value relative to the rest of the range.

Color scales are useful for viewing the distribution of data.

© Paradigm Publishing, Inc. 17 Contents

Conditional Formatting - continued The image below displays the payroll worksheet for

ViewItVideo with data bar and color scale conditional formatting applied.

conditional formatting

© Paradigm Publishing, Inc. 18 Contents

Conditional Formatting - continuedTo apply conditional formatting using a formula:1. Open New Formatting Rule

dialog box.2. Click Use a formula to

determine which cells to format option.

3. Type desired formula.4. Click Format button.5. At Format Cells dialog box,

change desired formats.6. Click OK twice. Use a formula to determine

which cells to format option

Contents© Paradigm Publishing, Inc. 19

CHECKPOINT 11) The Conditional Formatting

button is located on this tab.a. FILEb. HOMEc. PAGE LAYOUTd. DATA

3) Format a range of values using this to classify data into three to five categories.a. data barb. objectc. ruled. icon set

2) This defines the criterion by which the cell is selected for formatting.a. data barb. objectc. ruled. icon set

4) Use this to easily see the higher and lower values within the range.a. data barb. objectc. ruled. icon set

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© Paradigm Publishing, Inc. 20 Contents

Fraction and Scientific Formatting

To apply fraction formatting:1. Select desired range.2. Click Number Format

button arrow.3. Click More Number

Formats option.

continues on next slide…

More Number Formats option

© Paradigm Publishing, Inc. 21 Contents

Fraction and Scientific Formatting - continued

4. At Format Cells dialog box, click Fraction option in Category list box.

5. Click desired option in Type list box.

6. Click OK.7. Deselect range.

Fraction option

© Paradigm Publishing, Inc. 22 Contents

Fraction and Scientific Formatting - continued Scientific formatting converts a number to exponential

notation. Part of the number is replaced with E + n where E

means exponent and n represents the power. For example, the number 1,500,000.00 formatted in

scientific number format displays as 1.50E+06. In this example, +06 means add 6 zeros to the right of the number left of E and then move the decimal point 6 positions to the right.

© Paradigm Publishing, Inc. 23 Contents

Special Number FormatsTo apply a special number format:1. Select desired range.2. Click Number group

dialog box launcher.3. Click Special option in

Category list box.4. Click desired option in

Type list box.5. Click OK.6. Deselect range. Special


© Paradigm Publishing, Inc. 24 Contents

Create a Custom Number Format You can create a custom number format for a

worksheet in which you want to enter values that do not conform to any of the predefined number formats.

© Paradigm Publishing, Inc. 25 Contents

Create a Custom Number Format - continued

continues on next slide…

Format Code Description Custom Number

Format Example Display Result

#Represents a digit; type one for each digit. Rounds numbers to fit the number of decimals.

####.### Typing 145.0068displays 145.007.

0Also used for digits. Rounds numbers to fit the number of decimals and fills in leading zeros.

000.00 Typing 50.45displays 050.45.


Rounds numbers to fit the number of decimals and aligns the numbers vertically on the decimal point by adding spaces.


Typing 123.5, .8, and 55.356 one below each other in a column aligns the numbers vertically on the decimal point.

© Paradigm Publishing, Inc. 26 Contents

Create a Custom Number Format -continuedFormat Code Description Custom Number

Format Example Display Result

“text”Adds the characters between quotation symbols to the entry.

"Model No."###

Typing 587 displaysModel No. 587.

[color]Applies the font color specified in square brackets to the cell entry.

[Blue]##.## Typing 55.346displays 55.35.

;Separates the positive value format from the negative value format.

[Blue]; [Red]Typing 25 displays as 25 and typing -25 displays as 25.

© Paradigm Publishing, Inc. 27 Contents

Create a Custom Number Format -continuedTo create a custom number format:1. Select desired range.2. Click Number group dialog box

launcher.3. Click Custom option in Category

list box.4. Click General in Type text box.5. Press Delete.6. Type desired custom format

codes.7. Click OK.8. Deselect range.

Custom option

© Paradigm Publishing, Inc. 28 Contents

Wrap and Shrink Text to Fit within a Cell Several options exist for formatting long labels that do

not fit within the column width. The column width can be expanded, the font can be

reduced to a smaller size, a group of cells can be merged, or you can allow the text to spill over into adjacent unused columns.

Additional options, available in the Format Cells dialog box with the Alignment tab selected, include Wrap text and Shrink to Fit (located in the Text control section).

© Paradigm Publishing, Inc. 29 Contents

Wrap and Shrink Text to Fit within a Cell -continued

To wrap text in a cell:1. Select desired cell(s).2. Click Wrap Text

button.3. Deselect cell(s).

Wrap Text button

© Paradigm Publishing, Inc. 30 Contents

Wrap and Shrink Text to Fit within a Cell -continued

To shrink text to fit within a cell:1. Select desired cell(s).2. Click Alignment group

dialog box launcher.3. Click Shrink to fit option in

Text control section.4. Click OK.5. Deselect cell(s). Shrink to fit


© Paradigm Publishing, Inc. 31 Contents

Text Functions

continues on next slide…

Text Function Description Example

=PROPER(text)Capitalizesthe first letterof each word.

=PROPER("annual budget") returnsAnnual Budget in formula cellORA3 holds the text annual budget;=PROPER(A3) entered in C3 causesC3 to display Annual Budget

=UPPER(text) Converts textto uppercase.

=UPPER("annual budget") returnsANNUAL BUDGET in formula cellORA3 holds the text annual budget;=UPPER(A3) entered in C3 causesC3 to display ANNUAL BUDGET

© Paradigm Publishing, Inc. 32 Contents

Text Functions - continued

Text Function Description Example

=LOWER(text) Converts textto lowercase.

=LOWER("ANNUAL BUDGET")returns annual budget in formula cellORA3 holds the text ANNUAL BUDGET;=LOWER(A3) entered in C3 causes C3 to display annual budget

=SUBSTITUTE(text)New text isinserted inplace of oldtext.

A3 holds the text Annual Budget;=SUBSTITUTE(A3,"Annual","2013")entered in C3 causes C3 to display2013 Budget

continues on next slide…

© Paradigm Publishing, Inc. 33 Contents

Text Functions - continued

Text Function Description Example


Extracts the requested number of characters, starting at the rightmost character.

=RIGHT("2015 Annual Budget",13) returns Annual Budget in formula cellOR A3 holds the text 2015 Annual Budget; =RIGHT(C3,13) entered in C3 causes C3 to display Annual Budget


Extracts the requested number of characters, starting at the leftmost character.

=LEFT("2015 Annual Budget",4) returns 2015 in formula cellOR A3 holds the text 2015 Annual Budget; =LEFT(C3,4) entered in C3 causes C3 to display 2015

continues on next slide…

© Paradigm Publishing, Inc. 34 Contents

Text Functions - continued

Text Function Description Example

=MID(text,start-num, num-chars)

Extracts the requested number of characters, starting at a given position.

=MID("2015 Annual Budget",6,13) returns Annual Budget in formula cellORA3 holds the text 2015 Annual Budget; =MID(C3,6,13) entered in C3 causes C3 to display Annual Budget

=TRIM(text) Removes extra spaces between words.

=TRIM("2015 Annual Budget") returns 2015 Annual Budget in formula cellOR A3 holds the text 2015 Annual Budget; =TRIM(C3) entered in C3 causes C3 to display 2015 Annual Budget

© Paradigm Publishing, Inc. 35 Contents

Text Functions - continuedTo use the substitute text formula:1. Make desired cell active.2. Type =SUBSTITUTE(.3. Type source text cell

address.4. Type a comma.5. Type text to be changed in

quotation symbols.6. Type a comma.7. Type replacement text in

quotation symbols.8. Type ).9. Press Enter.

SUBSTITUTEtext formula

© Paradigm Publishing, Inc. 36 Contents

Text Functions - continued

To convert text to uppercase:1. Make desired cell

active.2. Type =UPPER(.3. Type source cell

address OR type text to convert in quotation symbols.

4. Type ).5. Press Enter.

convert text to uppercase

© Paradigm Publishing, Inc. 37 Contents

Filter a Worksheet Using a Custom FilterTo filter using a Custom AutoFilter:1. Select desired range.2. Click Sort & Filter button.3. Click Filter option.

continues on next slide…

Filter option

© Paradigm Publishing, Inc. 38 Contents

Filter a Worksheet Using a Custom Filter -continued

4. Deselect range.5. Click filter arrow at

top of desired column.

6. Point to Number Filters option.

7. Click desired filter category.

continues on next slide… Number Filters option

© Paradigm Publishing, Inc. 39 Contents

Filter a Worksheet Using a Custom Filter -continued

8. Enter criteria at Custom AutoFilter dialog box.

9. Click OK.

Custom AutoFilter dialog box

© Paradigm Publishing, Inc. 40 Contents

Filter and Sort Data Using Conditional Formatting or Cell AttributesTo filter by icon set:1. Select desired range.2. Click Sort & Filter button.3. Click Filter option.4. Deselect range.5. Click filter arrow at top of

desired column.6. Point to Filter by Color

option.7. Click desired icon. Filter by Color


© Paradigm Publishing, Inc. 41 Contents

Filter and Sort Data Using Conditional Formatting or Cell Attributes -continued

To filter by color:1. Select desired range.2. Right-click within

selected range.3. Point to Filter option.4. Click desired filter


Filter option

© Paradigm Publishing, Inc. 42 Contents

Filter and Sort Data Using Conditional Formatting or Cell Attributes -continued

To sort by color:1. Select desired range.2. Click Sort & Filter button.3. Click Filter option.4. Deselect range.5. Click filter arrow at top of

desired column.6. Point to Sort by Color

option.7. Click desired color.

Sort by Color option

© Paradigm Publishing, Inc. 43 Contents

Filter and Sort Data Using Conditional Formatting or Cell Attributes…continuedTo define a custom sort:1. Select desired range.2. Click Sort & Filter button.3. Click Custom Sort option.4. At Sort dialog box, define color to sort first and add a level

for each other color.

Sort dialog box

Contents© Paradigm Publishing, Inc. 44

CHECKPOINT 21) This type of formatting converts a

number to an exponential notation.a. exponentialb. conversionc. mathematicd. scientific

3) Text wrapped within a cell causes this to automatically increase.a. font sizeb. page sizec. column widthd. row height

2) In a custom number format, use this format code to separate the positive value format from the negative value format.a. #b. 0c. ;d. ?

4) The Sort & Filter button is located on this tab.a. FILEb. HOMEc. INSERTd. DATA

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© Paradigm Publishing, Inc. 45 Contents

Advanced Formatting Techniques

Apply conditional formatting by entering parameters for a rule Apply conditional formatting using a predefined rule Create and apply a new rule for conditional formatting Edit, delete, and clear conditional formatting rules Apply conditional formatting using an icon set, data bars, and color scale Apply conditional formatting using a formula Apply fraction and scientific formatting Apply a special format for a number Create a custom number format Apply wrap text and shrink to fit text control options Modify text using the text functions PROPER, UPPER, LOWER, SUBSTITUTE,

RIGHT, LEFT, MID and TRIM Filter a worksheet using a custom AutoFilter Filter and sort a worksheet using conditional formatting or cell attributes

Summary of Presentation Concepts