بلأ بزش ذق حذحا ػ لأ ب جاشحلإا تجسر...

Post on 15-Mar-2019

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Transcript of بلأ بزش ذق حذحا ػ لأ ب جاشحلإا تجسر...

ألب ... قذ مشزب... مب أل ػ احذح

.مبذ رسجت ى اإلحشاج

My mom only had one eye.

I hated her... she was such an embarrassment.

Ibuku hanya punya satu mata

Aku benci dia… dia begitu memalukanku.

مبذ رؼو طبخ ف اىذسسخ اىز أرؼي

.فب ىزؼو اىؼبئيخ

She cooked for students & teachers to support the family.

Dia memasak untuk murid dan guru guna

mencukupi kebutuhan keluargaku

ف اىشحيخ االثزذائخ جبءد ...راد

.ىزطئ ػي

There was this one day during elementary school where my

mom came to say hello to me.

Suatu hari saat aku di sekolah dasar, ibu mendatangiku dan

mengucap salam padaku

مف فؼيذ زا ... أحسسذ ثبإلحشاج فؼال


I was so embarrassed.

How could she do this to me?!

Aku begitu malu saat itu

Bagaimana dia bisa melakukan itu padaku

didepan teman-temanku?!

.سزب ثظشح يئخ ثبىنش, رجبيزب

I ignored her, threw her a hateful look and ran out.

Aku abaikan dia dan melemparkan

pandangan benci padanya sambil lari

أل ... ف اى اىزبى قبه أحذ اىزالزح

أ... ثؼ احذ

The next day at school one of my classmates said,

"EEEE, your mom only has one eye!"

Esok harinya, salah seorang teman kelasku

mengejekku dgn mengatakan

Eeee, ibumu hanya punya satu mata…!

حب رذ أ أدف فس

.أ رخزف ا حبر

I wanted to bury myself.

I also wanted my mom to just disappear.

Aku malu sekali dan ingin mati rasanya

Aku juga ingin ibuku pergi dari kehidupanku

:ف اى اىزبى اجزب

!! ى ال رر ؟, ىقذ جؼيذ أضحمخ

So I confronted her that day and said, " If you're only gonna make me a

laughing stock, why don't you just die?!!!"

Aku bertegkar hebat dengan ibuku dan kukatakan padanya:

Kalau ibu hanya jadi sumber bahan tertawaan teman2ku,

mengapa ibu takk mati saja!

!!!ىنب ى رجت

My mom did not respond!!!

Ibuku tak menjawab…!!!

ى أم زشددا فب قيذ ى أفنش ثنال أل مذ

.غبضجب جذا

I didn't even stop to think for a second about what I had said, because I

was full of anger.

Aku sama sekali tak mau berpikir ttg apa

yang kukatakan

Karena aku sangat marah padanya.

... ى أثبى ىشبػشب

I was oblivious to her feelings…

Aku tak pedulikan apapun perasaan dia

..أسدد غبدسح اىنب

I wanted out of that house..

Aku ingin keluar dari rumah itu…!

دسسذ ثجذ حصيذ ػي حخ ىيذساسخ

.ف سغبفسح

So I studied real hard, got a chance to go to Singapore to study.

Jadi aku belajar dgn keras agar aku

mendapat kesempatan belajar di luar negeri

.. ث رضجذ .. دسسذ .. رجذ .. فؼال

أججذ أالدا مذ .. اشزشذ ثزب

.سؼذا شربحب ف حبر

Then, I got married.

I bought a house of my own.

I had kids of my own. I was happy with my life

Kemudian aku menikah

Kubeli rumah

Aku punya anak dan aku hidup bahagia

أرذ أ ىضبسر ى رن قذ ..ف األب

!سأر ز ساد ى رش أحفبدب أثذا

Then one day, my mother came to visit me. She hadn't seen me in years

and she didn't even meet her grandchildren!.

Suatu waktu ibu mengunjungiku

Dia bertahun-tahun tak melihatku dan bahkan

belum pernah bertemu cucu2nya

...قفذ ػي اىجبة أخز أالد ضحن

When she stood by the door, my children laughed at her.

Ketika ibu berdiri di depan pintu,

Anak-anakku mentertawakannya

.. مف رجشأد أرذ ىزخف اطفبى؟: صشخذ

!!!اخشج حبال

I screamed at her, "How dare you come to my house and scare my



Aku berteriak padanya: Betapa beraninya kamu

datang ke rumahku

Dan menakut-nakuti anakku


أخطأد اىؼا .. آسفخ : )أجبثذ ثذء

....اخزفذ(.. ػي ب جذ

And to this, my mother quietly answered, "Oh, I'm so sorry.

I may have gotten the wrong address," and she disappeared out of sight.

Ibuku menjawab pelahan

Maaf… saya salah alamat

Dan diapun pergi

راد صيز سسبىخ اىذسسخ رذػ

.ىجغ اىشو اىؼبئي

One day, a letter regarding a school reunion came to my house.

Suatu waktu, ada undangan reuni

dikirimkan ke rumahku

فنزثذ ػي صجز أخجشرب أ سأرت ف

...سحيخ ػو

So I lied to my wife that I was going on a business trip…

Jadi aku berbohong pada istriku

Kukatakan bahwa aku ada tugas keluar kota

ثؼذ االجزبع رجذ اى اىجذ اىقذ اىز مب

!!!.ىيفضه فقط, ؼش ف

After the reunion, I went to the old shack just out of curiosity!!!.

Usai reuni, aku mampir ke kampungku

untuk sekedar rasa ingin tahu

.رفذ.... أخجش اىجشا أ أ

My neighbors said that she died.

Salah seorang tetanggaku mengatakan bahwa

ibuku telah meninggal dunia

!!ى أرسف ى دؼخ احذح

I did not shed a single tear!!.

Aku tak terharu ataupun meneteskan air mata..!

....قبا ثزسي سسبىخ أ

They handed me a letter that she had wanted me to have…

Tetanggaku itu menyerahkan sepucuk

surat dari ibu untukku

..ىطبىب فنشد ثل.. اث اىحجت

"My dearest son, I think of you all the time..

Anakku tersayang,

Aku memikirkanmu setiap waktu

.آسفخ ىجئ إى سغبفسح إخبفخ أالدك

I'm sorry that I came to Singapore and scared your children.

Maafkan aku datang ke rumahmu dan

membuat takut anak2mu

مذ سؼذح جذا ػذب سؼذ أل سف رأر


I was so glad when I heard you were coming for the reunion.

Aku sangat gembira ketika kudengar kau

akan datang ke reuni

.ىن قذ ال أسزطغ غبدسح اىسشش ىشؤزل

But I may not be able to even get out of bed to see you.

Tapi sayangnya aku tak bisa bangkit dari

tempat tidur untuk melihatmu

آسفخ أل سججذ ىل اإلحشاج شاد شاد ف

. حبرل

I'm sorry that I was a constant embarrassment to you when you were growing up.

Maafkan aku yang membuat malu kamu

saat kita masih bersama

ىقذ رؼشضذ ىحبدس ػذب مذ صغشا ... و رؼي

.قذ فقذد ػل

You see........when you were very little, you got into an accident, and lost

your eye.

Ketahuilah anakku…

Ketika kau masih kecil, kau mengalami kecelakaan yang

membuatmu kehilangan matamu

احذح, مأ أ ...ى اسزطغ أ أرشمل رنجش ثؼ

As a mother, I couldn't stand watching you having to grow up with one


Sebagai ibu, aku tak bisa berdiam diri

membiarkanmu tumbuh dengan 1 mata saja

.....أػطزل ػ ... ىزا

So… I gave you mine…..

Jadi… kuberikan 1 mataku padamu

مذ سؼذح فخسح جذا أل اث سزطغ سؤخ

.اىؼبى ثؼ

I was so proud of my son who was seeing a whole new world for me, in

my place, with that eye.

Aku sangat bangga pada anakku yang telah

memperlihatkanku dunia baru untukku

Di tempatku, dengan mata itu

.....غ حج.....

…With my love to you…

Bersama cintaku…


…Your mother…


!!إرا مبذ ز سحخ األ ثىذب فنف ثشحخ اهلل سجحب؟: سجحب اهلل

:يقول رسول اهلل صلى اهلل عليه وسلم في الحديث

:عن أبي هريرة رضي اهلل عنه عن النبي صلى اهلل عليه وسلم أنه قبل

Omar Ebnulkhatab said: (Once upon a time

while we had some captives we saw captive a

woman taking babies, held them tight and

breast fed them.

The prophet asked us: Do you think this

woman will throw his baby in fire? We said:

No if she has the choice:

Then He said: Allah is more merciful to his

worshiper than her with her sun.)

:ويقول أيضب

:وكمب قبل رسول اهلل صلى اهلل عليه وسلم عندمب سئل

صذق سسه اهلل صي اهلل ػي سي

The prophet (sall-Allahu alayhi wassallam)

Told us that we must obey Allah and His

messenger at all times but after that Comes

your mother then your mother then Your

mother then your father