Jubilation...Jubilation Jubilee Primary School Weekly Newsletter, Tuesday 12th November 2013 34...

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Transcript of Jubilation...Jubilation Jubilee Primary School Weekly Newsletter, Tuesday 12th November 2013 34...

Jubilation Jubilee Primary School Weekly Newsletter, Tuesday 12th November 2013

34 Manra Way, Pacific Pines 4211

PO Box 486, Helensvale 4212

Ph: 07 55028566

Fax: 07 55028522

Email: pgaven@bne.catholic.edu.au

Web: www.jubileeprimary.qld.edu.au

Important Dates to Remember

Final P & F Meeting for 2013

TONIGHT 7.00pm

Catholic Schools Aquathon

Wednesday 13th November


Bus departs school @ 8.30am

Swimming Program P-Yr.2

Week 6 - Week 8, Term 4


Prep Christmas Concert

Friday 29th Nov. 12.30-1.20pm

The Jubilee Centre

Jubilee Christmas Carol Night

BBQ at 5.00pm

Carols at 7.30pm

Prep 2014 Start Dates

Wed. 29th Jan. Prep boys only

Thurs. 30th Jan. Prep girls only

Fri. 31st Jan. Prep boys & girls


Download to Smart Phone App.



Dear Parents and Caregivers, Jubilee Primary School now has an App for smartphones. Download for either an iPhone or Android. Just go to your App Store and search Jubilee Primary School, download the free app and you’re ready to receive the latest news, connect to our website, call or email the school, find out where sporting venues are, send the school photos, calendar dates and most importantly receive messages (instant weather updates for event cancellations e.g. Athletics Carnival).

Is it ever easy to say goodbye….?

Whether we like it or not, life is full of times when we have to say good bye.

Some of them are happy times, as we know we will see our loved ones again after a short break.

Others occur at the end of a school year when we leave a teacher behind. Or when we change schools and leave our friends behind.

Then there is the transition from lower to middle school, and then on to high school. Graduation services are happy /sad occasions, when long time friendships are sometimes severed due to the different direction our lives will take.

For those who have finished school, it is on to the work place or to further education, and each of these changes bring more times to say good bye. Then comes leaving home and moving away from the security of family life. And finally we move from life through death to Life beyond this realm.

In my role as a pastor, I am on many occasions invited to share with people as they gather in the final farewell to loved ones who have died. Some of these farewells are happy occasions when the loved one has lived a full life. Some are much harder, when the departed one was not yet in the prime of life. How people cope with the farewell does not always depend on how close the relationship with the loved one was. Faith in God can make this separation easier to bear.

Parting from someone we love, no matter what the relationship may have been, is never easy, whether the parting is for a short time or permanently. We as human beings grieve, some deeply, some not so deeply and our grieving can cause sorrow. In the Bible, God tells us that no matter how deep our sorrow, we can have hope. A hope that takes us through the sorrow and loss and brings us out into a richer place.

To share in a farewell service where those gathered have a strong faith in God’s love and presence is a wonderful experience.

I am learning that because of my relationship with God, I can face what ever tomorrow may hold for me, because I know that whether good or bad, sameness or change, God will be there and He will guide me through. I cannot hold on to yesterday. I need to say goodbye and walk on.

May this end of year be for all those saying goodbye, a positive though sometimes sad, time.

Pastor Jim Hohnke Living Rivers Uniting Church.

Principal’s Weekly News

Dear Parents, Staff and Friends,

Yesterday, Jubilee Primary School stopped to remember all of our Aussie Diggers who have fought for freedom and for this great country of ours. We remembered those who never made it home from war and conflict, but whom we will never forget.

I was in Brisbane at a Strategic Pilot Meeting, but at 10:45am I was aware that our School Community stopped and paid homage to these brave men and women. I was extremely proud to hear that our Year 6’s and Mrs Wood and Mr

Parsons lead the community in such a moving tribute.

I would also like to thank the parents who attended. It was great to see and hear that our school community had come

together yet again.


Last week I met with Cr Tracey Gillmore regarding the possibility of installing a crossing located on Manra Way. She

seemed quite positive about the chance of this occurring. I await Tracey’s advice and will report back their decision.

In the meantime, I have requested that she send Gold Coast City Council Parking Inspectors to Manra Way to write infringement notices to parents who consistently park across driveways, stop to drop off children on the roundabout,

mount the curb etc. So please refrain from doing so if this has been your practice.


May God grant you always...

A sunbeam to warm you, a moonbeam to charm you, a sheltering Angel so nothing can harm you.

Laughter to cheer you.

Faithful friends near you.

And whenever you pray, Heaven to hear you."

Irish Blessing

God bless and best wishes for the week ahead.

David Sewell


APA Weekly News

with Brian

G’day everyone. Welcome to Week 6 of Term 4. What a wonderful week we had last week with our Book Fair and Grand-parents and Special Friends Day last Friday! This week continues with some exciting events, including the Gold Coast Catholic Schools Readers’ Cup Challenge today. Unfortunately the Gold Coast Catholic Schools Aquathon, which was scheduled for tomorrow, has been cancelled due to the weather and beach conditions. Book Fair and Early Bird Reading: As mentioned above, our annual Book Fair took place last week and was a resounding success. Congratulations and thanks go out to all who assisted and attended, especially Mrs Sketcher and Mrs Thompson and their band of trusty staff and student helpers. This week Early Bird Reading returns to the Resource Centre at 8:00-8:30am.

Grandparents and Special Friends Day: This was a wonderful event which took place last Friday morning. It opened with a simple but very beautiful prayer service, continued with visits to classrooms, a visit to our Book Fair and finished with a beautiful morning tea outside the Resource Centre. We had a huge attendance by grandparents and special friends and to those I spoke to had a wonderful time. As ‘Grandy’ to two beautiful grandchildren myself and as a Special Friend to the Jubi-lee kids, I had the opportunity to speak about what being a grandparent means to me. Our congratulations and thanks go to Ms Lynes & Mrs Parry, who organised the liturgy and to Mrs Higgins, Mrs Sheather, Mrs Riddell, all the School Officers and the Learning Support team who organised, prepared and served the morning tea. Another wonderful team effort and great community day, Jubilee!

Prep – Yr 2 Swimming Programs: Yesterday our Yr’s P-2 students commenced their swimming program at Andrew Baildon’s Superfish Swim School. The program will continue on Mondays and Wednesdays during Weeks 6, 7 & 8 of term. A separate A5 note has gone home to P-2 parents / carers with two important reminders: Each student must have and wear a swim cap while taking part in this program. This is in line with the current BCE Health & Safety Position Statement and Jubilee school policy. For convenience, high quality silicone Jubilee caps can be purchased at the office or uniform shop ($15) or parents can choose to purchase cheaper caps at the pool or elsewhere. Any concerns about the lessons or program should be raised with the class teacher or with the School Leadership Team, not directly with the instructors while the lessons are taking place, as this disrupts the lesson for the group as a whole.

Student Progress Reports: Over the next few weeks, our teachers will be finalising student reports. The Student Progress Report documents will go out to parents and carers at the end of the second last week of term. It is very important that you let class teachers know well in advance if your child(ren) will be finishing before the final week of school.

Reminder - School Expectations of Students and Parents:

Our standards and expectations remain consistent with regard to respect, co-operation, following the rules and wearing the correct uniform. We have asked our staff to be proactive in their supervision of our students and to continue

to maintain our standards and expectations.

We ask all parents and carers to support us in this with regard to your children and also with regard to the structures and

guidelines we have set for parents as well.

Please do not drive into the school grounds via the Manra Way entrance or the Jubilee Centre car park areas on school days, as these areas are for staff parking only and do not cater well to two-way traffic and safe student movement during peak times. Please do not use the internal road that leads to the Tuckshop and OSHC for pick-up at peak times, as this also does not cater well to two-way traffic and safe student movement during peak times.

When using the “Kiss ‘n’ Go” drive-through pick-up system, drivers must remain in the vehicle at all times – please do not stop and get out of your car in this area. If you need to get out to strap in young children or rearrange bags etc, please pull into one of the marked parking bays to do so, for the safety of the children and courtesy to other parents waiting

in line.

Have a great Week 6 everyone ! Cheers,

Brian Mason, APA

Jo’s APRE Weekly News

Have a great week everyone,

Yours in faith

Jo Riddell

'Up': Getting Serious About God

'The believers met together in the Temple every day...' Acts 2:46 NCV

Question: Do you get itchy if the meeting goes over an hour, or the preacher takes an extra 10 minutes? Is one meeting per week

your limit? And think about it: does this attitude look anything remotely like the Church that the book of Acts glows on about?

Those discipley guys and gals met together in the temple every day. 'They spent their time learning the apostles' teaching,

sharing, breaking bread, and praying together.' (Acts 2:43 NCV) Church group wasn't a hobby, or a part-time commitment. So

what was the secret? What drew these faithful fellowship-fans? Was it their cutting-edge media presentations on plasma screens?

No, perhaps it was their awesome youth group programme, with teaching you could also get on an app. Of course not! So was it

their brand name? Ah, maybe it was that their lives were easier, and they were just kicking about with nothing else to do? Nope.

Everything about their lives was harder, took longer, and was less convenient. (Try looking up the ancient Hebrew word for


And yet their encounter with Jesus had transformed their priorities so much they hungered to gather in

the presence of God. They rejoiced in His promise: 'That they may all be one, just as you, Father, are

in me, and I in you, that they also may be in us, so that the world may believe that you have sent

me.' (John 17:21 ESV)

Taking God seriously means spending time with Him. Meeting other Christians, hearing His Word

together, and encouraging one another (Hebrews 10:25). It's a time thing. And it's a together thing.

Make this time-and-together thing a priority for you.

It was lovely to see so many Grandparents and Special Friends visit our school last Friday morning. I would like to thank all staff

for making their time here enjoyable.

Special mention goes to Deb Sketcher and Janette Thompson in the Resource Centre who held yet another successful Book Fair

Week., well done to both of you.

Weekly Update with Alistair Davies

Yours in sport Alistair Davies


Dates: Wk 6: Mon. 11th Nov & Wed. 13th Nov Wk 7: Mon 18th Nov. & Wed. 20th Nov. Wk 8: Mon 25th Nov. & Wed 27th Nov.


Prep F & Prep J 10.55am 11.10am 11.50am 12.05pm

Prep L & Prep U 11.35am 11.50am 12.30pm 12.45pm

1F & 1L 12.15pm 12.30pm 1.10pm 1.25pm

1U & 2F & 12.55pm 1.10pm 1.50pm 2.05pm

2L & 2U 1.35pm 1.50pm 2.30pm 2.45pm

Speech and Drama News

Anita Eldridge – Specialist Teacher

Our preparations for the upcoming ASCA assessments are well underway. The timetable is now complete and all students will have received a notice regarding their appearance times to hand to parents. Please locate this and join us if you can! All students are very excited about the presentation! We are now opening our enrolments for 2014 to any interested students across all year levels. If you are interested in your child start-ing classes next year, please fill in the form available at the school office and leave it there for my attention. Please note that these classes fill very quickly. This form has all the necessary details regarding classes. For students already involved in classes and who wish to continue next year, please fill in and return the section at the bottom of this terms account or send me a brief email if you have not already done so. An urgent reminder that all fees should now be paid. Your attention to this is appreciated. We have a very busy and stimulating three weeks ahead - I hope to see many of you during this time.

Anita Eldridge

Specialist Teacher


Catholic Schools Aquathon, has been cancelled for tomorrow. Due to only receiving this advice late this afternoon I can only assume that tomorrows beach forecast is not favourable. Congratulations to Cy Dacey and Evie Phelan (gymnastics) and Hunter Leitch (break dancing) for your recent achievements. Keep up the hard training and wonderful approach to competition.

Resource Centre News

Readers Cup Gold Coast Catholic Schools Readers’ Cup

Today, our Readers’ Cup team competed in the Gold Coast Catholic Schools Readers’ Cup. It was an extremely tough competition with exceptionally difficult questions. The girls were glad they had poured over the books for hours and hours, and met several times each week to pose questions of each other. The scores were very close! I am very proud of their effort, perseverance and success! Well done: Sage, Mia, Lily, Kimberley, and Gaby from Year 7!

MEGA Size Thank You to Jubilee Community!!

Thanks for supporting our hugely successful Book Fair this year!!

Some highlights:

Children tipping out lots of “shrapnel” coins, direct from their piggy-bank savings to buy that special

book they chose the day before;

Children being so very purposeful about which books they will put on their “wish list” and those who

were obviously aiming high who needed a second page for theirs;

Parents and Grandparents coming in with the lists to surprise their children later;

Children bringing in their Grandparents, sharing the love of books with them;

One obviously very special Grandad who bought a book for each of his 16 grandchildren!

Our brilliant Year Seven volunteers who were there EVERY time we opened!! Thank you so much:

Emily, Lizzy, Dakota, Ethan, Jackson, Ryan, Amal

Overall, the Book Fair was a great success and we have the fabulous Jubilee community to thank for it!

Thanks also to Janette Thompson who ALWAYS goes the extra mile and to Thelma Wilson, volunteering



Deb Sketcher

Parents & Friends Association


Jubilee P&F Executive Team – jubileepandf@yahoo.com

President – Rhonda Verheijen 0419 728745; Vice President – Nancy Carter 0412 438184;

Secretary – Jyotika Prasad 0450433811 ; Treasurer – Sharon Hutchison 0423 841068

P&F SURVEY… Please help us with our 2014 Initiatives and complete this anonymous survey. Just click on the link below, it will take only 5 minutes and will help us decide what projects to commit to next year.

https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/BTXZWRB The survey will be open until the day of our next P&F Meeting on Tuesday 12th November @ 7pm in the Jubilee Centre Meeting room.


Please come and join us for our next P&F meeting to be held in the Jubilee Centre Meeting Room. The following items will be on the agenda:

School Disco Feedback

Early Bird Reading Feedback

Sporting Program Proposal

Christmas P&F BBQ

P&F Initiatives 2014

So, please come along and join us – everyone is welcome – we would love to see you all there.

FREE BRUMBY’S BREAD The P&F pick up bread each Thursday night from Brumby’s Pacific Pines and we are calling for a volunteer to help coordinate this bread run plus people to be on a roster system each week to help collect the bread for 2014. The bread is FREE to all families to collect every Friday Morning outside the office, so come and grab some to take home with you. Please be aware that children are not permitted to remove bread from the bins – ONLY parents – so please don’t ask your children to bring home the bread for you.

We are also running very low on plastic bags so if you have any spares please bring them in with you. Please email the P&F if you can help coordinate and/or help with pick up the bread each week.


One of the pivotal roles the P&F look after each year is helping to coordinate a Parent Support Representative for each class. With next year fast approaching we are looking for someone to liaise between the Parents and Administration on behalf of the P&F, if you think this might be you please send through an expression of interest to the P&F email. Please note: All nominees for the class rooms are decided by the Administration team & teachers so all you need to do is liaise between them.

Not returning in 2014 ?

Please complete this form and email to lsimpson@bne.catholic.edu.au to ensure

your child’s enrolment is cancelled for next year.

Tuckshop & Uniform Shop


We are currently out of NEW size 6 Prep Polo's & size 4 Prep Shorts.

Please email jane.bourke@bne.catholic.edu.au

to place a request for stock to be held once received.

ETA Jan 2014

Swimming Caps are Compulsory Next Week Reminder for Prep - Yr. 2 Swimming Program Participants


Please remind your child to

check our lost property bins

for any items of clothing

prior to Monday 25th


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