If we set java settings permanently they are available from all command prompts even after system...

Post on 13-Jan-2016

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Transcript of If we set java settings permanently they are available from all command prompts even after system...

Java permanent path settings

If we set java settings permanently they are available from all command prompts even after system restart

Right click on “ my computer ” click on “ properties ”

Below window is opened

Click on “Advanced System settings” hyper link, bellow window is opened

Click on “environment variables” button, bellow widow is opened..

In System variables section scroll down find the Path environment variables

Cut its value (ctrl + X)

double click on it, bellow window is opened

Open Notepad and paste it here (ctrl + V)

Now open C:\Java\jdk1.7.0_11\bin folder right click on bin in address bar click “copy address as text” to copy entire path

Then paste this path at beginning of notepad with semicolon as shown bellow

Copy this updated path value back to “path” variable windowSelect complete text on notepad (press ctrl + A)Copy the text from notepad(press Ctrl + C)Paste in the path environment variable window (Press Ctrl + V)

Then you can find bellow the updated window..

Finally click on Ok button till all widows are closed

Thank you