Catalogue · Herrera. El fotógrafo de las estrellas, Children’s Books Ruiz Johnson, Mariana,...

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Transcript of Catalogue · Herrera. El fotógrafo de las estrellas, Children’s Books Ruiz Johnson, Mariana,...

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As part of our recent improvement, we now have our editorial and commercial processes

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fce’s backlist encompasses over volumes, from which (aprox.) are still in print, with

around new titles added each year. This great cultural wealth is grouped in many subjects, such

as Literature, Philosophy, Social Sciences, History, Children’s Books, Art, Economics, etc.

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Gómez, Maricarmen (ed.), Historia de la música en España e Hispanoamérica (vol. )De los orígenes hasta c. ,

Herrera, Héctor, Armando Herrera. El fotógrafo de las estrellas,

Children’s Books

Ruiz Johnson, Mariana, Irupé y Yaguareté,

Cabezas, Esteban, El niño con bigote,

Hinojosa, Francisco, La peor señora del mundo,

Serrano Guerrero, Lucía, ¡Qué niño más lento!,

Valdivia, Paloma, Es así,

Chamorro, Marco, Segundo acto,

Isol, La bella Griselda,

Farr, Jonathan, ¿Por qué no vas al baño?,

Chávez Castañeda, Ricardo, Severiana,


Bahamonde Magro, Ángel and Juan Carlos Sánchez Illán (eds.)Una república de papel. L’Espagne Républicaine (-),

Florescano, Enrique, Los orígenes del poder en Mesoamérica,

Pizarro, Ana, Amazonía, el río tiene voces,

Prieto, Carlos, Por la milenaria China. Historias, vivencias y comentarios,

Ruiz Ibáñez, José Javier (ed.), Las milicias del rey de EspañaSociedad, política e identidad en las Monarquías Ibéricas,

Vos, Jean de, Fray Pedro Lorenzo de la Nada. Misionero de Chiapas y Tabasco,


Cruz, sor Juana Inés de la, Obras completas, i. Lírica personal,

Rojas, Gonzalo, Qedeshím Qedeshóth,

Castro, Dolores, Viento quebrado. Poesía reunida,

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le o

f C




Hahn, Óscar, Señales de vida. Antología,

López Colomé, Pura, Santo y seña,

Ochoa, Enriqueta, Poesía reunida,

Boone, Luis Jorge, La noche caníbal,

Esquinca, Bernardo, Belleza roja; Los escritores invisibles,

López Páez, Jorge, El chupamirto y otros relatos; El nuevo embajador y otros cuentos,

Padilla, Ignacio, Los anacrónicos y otros cuentos,

Bradu, Fabienne, Artaud, todavía; Antonieta (-),

Reyes, Alfonso, Einstein. Notas de lectura,


Navarro Reyes, Jesús, Cómo hacer filosofía con palabrasA propósito del desencuentro entre Searle y Derrida,


Merino, Mauricio and Guillermo Cejudo (eds.), Problemas, decisiones y solucionesEnfoques de política pública,

Vidal, Gregorio, Arturo Guillén and José Déniz (eds.), Desarrollo y transformaciónOpciones para América Latina,

Guerrero, Omar, La administración pública a través de las ciencias sociales,


Bracho, Javier, Introducción analítica a las geometrías,

Marcos, Alfredo, Ciencia y acción. Una filosofía práctica de la ciencia,


Castellanos V., Gonzalo, Patrimonio culturalIntegración y desarrollo en América Latina,

Design: Laura Esponda

Translation: James Tomon


Historia de la música en Españae Hispanoamérica (vol. )De los orígenes hasta c.

[History of Music in Spain and Latin America, vol. Origins through ]

Maricarmen Gómez (editor)

1st ed., fce-Spain, 2009392 pp.16.5 × 23 cm (6.5 × 9 in)Series: Historia de la música en España e Hispanoamérica. Subjects: Music, HistoryISBN 9788437506388 paperbackISBN 9788437506364 hardcover

This volume delves into the music of the Middle Ages

as part of an ambitious publishing project to consist of

eight volumes; each one edited and coordinated by prestigious

and renowned researchers. The aim of the series is to provide a

reference work that brings together all the necessary elements

to further promote understanding of the history and tradition

of the music of the Hispanic world.

Maricarmen Gómez has a PhD in Philosophy from

the Autonomous University of Barcelona. She studied

Music at the Conservatoire of the Lyceum of Barcelona

and Musicology at the University of Göttingen. Since ,

she has held the chair in Early Music at the Autonomous

University of Barcelona.

• Iconography, lavish illustrations and samples of musical scores—an all-round comprehensive history of Spanish and Latin-American music


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Armando Herrera. El fotógrafo de las estrellas

[Armando Herrera Photographer of the Stars]

Héctor Herrera

1st ed., fce-Mexico, 2009346 pp.19 × 25.5 cm (7.5 × 10 in)Series: TezontleISBN 9786071601056 hardcover

This collection presents the essential work of

a restless celebrity photographer. Armando

Herrera (Mexico City, ) became famous as a

photographer of actors and actresses, musicians and

comedians of the ‘Golden Age’ of Mexican cinema.

His images capture artists such as María Felix, Pedro

Armendáriz, Pedro Infante, Agustín Lara—images

still very much alive in the Mexican imagination.

This splendid collection of photographs evokes the

spirit of an entire golden age of cinema and radio in


Héctor Herrera, like his father before him,

has devoted his professional life to photography.

• Actors, musicians, and comedians of the Golden Age of Mexican cinema in all their splendor

• Introduced by insightful essays by Carlos Monsiváis and Fabrizio MejíaA



Irupé y Yaguareté

[Irupé and Yaguareté ]

Mariana Ruiz Johnson

1st ed., fce-Mexico, 2010[32] pp.22 × 17 cm (8.6 × 6.7 in)Series: Los Primerísimos ISBN 9786071602558 paperback

Irupé is thirsty. She drinks water from a canteen as

she walks quietly through the jungle, never real-

izing that the hungry jaguar Yaguaraté lurks in the

grass. Suddenly, the beast leaps out at the little girl...

This simple, almost wordless story, leads readers into

a jungle of mysteries, colors and surprises.

Mariana Ruiz Johnson was born in Buenos Aires in

. Since , she has worked as a freelance illustrator

publishing her work at many major publishing houses in


Age: 3+

Shortlisted at the 13th ‘A la Orilla del Viento’

Picture Book Award




’s B




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• Through a clear visual narrative, the illustrations are evocative of Gauguin, and maintain a consistent tension

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El niño con bigote

Age: 5+

[The Boy with a Mustache]

Esteban Cabezas

Illustrated by Alejandra Acosta

1st ed., fce-Mexico, 2010[28] pp.22 × 22 cm (8.6 × 8.6 in)Series: Los Especiales de A la Orilla del VientoISBN 9786071602633 hardcover

One morning, Juan wakes up to discover that he’s grown a thick

mustache. At first he’s happy—he’ll be able to do all the adult

things he’s ever wanted to do. But he soon realizes that he will also have

to do things he doesn’t really like, things that people with mustaches

have to do, like work. He decides to shave his mustache off and be a kid

again. Yet, a big surprise awaits in the mirror…

Esteban Cabezas (Santiago de

Chile, ) studied journalism at the

Catholic University of Chile and is

currently editor of LA CAV magazine.

He received a special mention from

the Norma-Fundalectura Prize for the

Novel in .

Alejandra Acosta is a graphic

designer who has served as art director

at Elle Chile and [Lat.33] for which

she was nominated for the Altazor

Award in . More recently she has

specialized in illustrating children’s


• Simple illustrations are charged with meaningful details to aptly reinforce the humor of the text


rights sold

Shortlisted at the 13th ‘A la Orilla del Viento’

Picture Book Award




’s B




La peor señora del mundo

[The Meanest Woman in the World]

Francisco Hinojosa

Illustrated by Rafael Barajas El Fisgón

1st ed., fce-Mexico, 19923rd ed., fce-Mexico, 2010

67 pp.20 × 25 cm (7.8 × 9.8 in)

Series: A la Orilla del VientoISBN 9786071602107 hardcover)

In northern Turambul lived the meanest woman in the

world. Children were punished if they misbehaved, and

likewise they were punished if they behaved! The mere

sight of the lady made everyone run away. One day the

children and the villagers alike decided to do something

to end her malevolent ways…

• Risky and innovative, this book knocks down prejudices and opens new criteria as to what children’s literature may discuss

Age: 5+

Francisco Hinojosa is a poet and storyteller for adults

and children and one of the most active and important

authors of children’s literature in Mexico.

Rafael Barajas, El Fisgón, is a museographer, muralist,

painter, researcher, writer, interviewer, and one of the most

prominent political cartoonists in Mexico.

Over 300 000 copies sold




’s B



new, lavishly

illustrated color edition


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¡Qué niño más lento!

[The Slowest Boy]

Lucía Serrano Guerrero

1st ed., fce-Mexico, 2010[36] pp.20 × 17 cm (7.8 × 6.7 in)Series: Los Especiales de A la Orilla del VientoISBN 9786071602008 hardcover

Néstor is a child unlike any other. Sure, he

wakes up, eats, plays and does his home-

work, like all boys, yet he always does it step by step,

very, very slowly. While every one else is constantly

rushing, Néstor prefers to listen to his own rhythm

from within. He is happy just the way he is. One day,

though, he loses his inner harmony and, along with

it, his peaceful, unhurried nature.

Lucía Serrano (Madrid, ) has illustrated children’s

books for numerous publishers. In , she won the ‘Los

nuevos de Alfaguara’ Prize and in the Princess of Eboli

Prize with the book El día que olvidé cerrar el grifo.

Age: 5+

• Thematically original, this volume intelligently explores obstacles to children’s development and social integration

Winner of the 13th ‘A la Orilla del Viento’

Picture Book Award




’s B




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Es así

[It’s Like This]

Paloma Valdivia

1st ed., fce-Mexico, 2010[36] pp.19 × 23 cm (7.5 × 9 in)Series: Los Especiales de A la Orilla del VientoISBN 9786071602565 hardcover)

A simple but profound reflection on birth and

death; drawing strength from simplicity and

humor, Valdivia deals with complex feelings and ex-

plores longing, joy, doubt, love, and change. With at-

tractive colorful images, she delivers simple everyday

examples, full of charm and with a friendly, intimate

tone which children will find reassuring.

Paloma Valdivia (Santiago de Chile, ) won the

bib plaque International Prize at the xviii Biennial of

Illustrations in Slovakia.

Age: 5+

• Attractive colorful pictures in which children can find answers about life and death




’s B



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Segundo acto

[Second Act]

Marco Chamorro

1st ed., fce-Mexico, 2010[40] pp.

22 × 22 cm (8.6 × 8.6 in)Series: Los Especiales de A la Orilla del Viento

ISBN 9786071602831 hardcover

This album offers a theatrical performance in

which a mysterious actor transforms himself

into the backdrops of fantastic landscapes. Images

borrowed from musicals, dances, and theater plays

all invite readers to immerse themselves in a staging

with Van Gogh, Paul Klee and Gustav Klimt.

Marco Chamorro (Ecuador, ) received the Dario

Mayorga Guevara National Prize for Children’s Illustration

in and and an Honorable Mention from unesco

at the xv Biennial of Illustration, in Noma, Japan in .

• ‘The colorful decorative paintings are well executed and contrast so well with the blurred silhouettes…’ — Anthony Browne

Age: 6+




’s B




• A keenly told, humorous story that invites readers to reflect on vanity, selfishness and loneliness

• Isol’s narrative has the superb quality of revealing the fantastic in the ordinary

La bella Griselda

• A keenly told, humorous story that invites readers to reflect on vanity, selfishness and loneliness

• Isol’s narrative has the superb quality of revealing the fantastic in the ordinary

Age: 7+




’s B



Beautiful Griselda had truly a killing beauty.

No man could help but, literally, lose his

head for her. Thus she was always alone in her pal-

ace. One day, tired of loneliness, Griselda invited a

somewhat myopic prince to visit in the hope that

he would not be aware of her mortal beauty… un-

til, as everyone around gaped in amazement, he too

was beheaded. Beautiful Princess Griselda remains

at the mercy of her own misfortune in all but the

briefest of meetings.

Isol (Buenos Aires, ) illustrates, writes and designs

her own books. She collaborates in several journals and is

a poet, comic book creator, artist and singer. She’s one of

the most recognized and respected illustrators of children’s

literature and has been nominated twice for the prestigious

Hans Christian Andersen Award.

[Beautiful Griselda]


1st ed., fce-Mexico, 201028 pp.20 × 22 cm (7.8 × 8.6 in)Series: A la Orilla del Viento



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¿Por qué no vas al baño?

1st ed., fce-Mexico, 201032 pp.19 × 23 cm (7.5 × 9 in)Series: A la Orilla del Viento

Reni visits Plip and Charly for a weekend of fun.

After an afternoon of play and a nice snack,

Reni feels like going to the bathroom and in absence

of his potty chair, he has to go to the grown-ups’

bathroom. But as he approaches the door, Reni hears

mysterious and inexplicable noises! Will Reni dare

to overcome his fears and discover what’s inside the


Jonathan Farr (Oxford, ) studied sculpture at the

Slade School of Fine Art in London and has exhibited in

Mexico and Europe. He collaborates as an illustrator of books

for children and young people for several domestic

and foreign publishers.

• ¿Por qué no vas al baño? makes toilet training a little easier and a little more fun

• This book follows on the successful book series for preschool children to address personal issues and meet the needs of growing up

[Why Won’t you Go to the Toilet?]

Jonathan Farr

Age: 3+

• ¿Por qué no vas al baño? makes toilet training a little easier and a little more fun

• This book follows on the successful book series forpreschool children to address personal issues and meet the needs of growing up



Ricardo Chávez


1st ed., fce-Mexico, 2010172 pp.14 × 23 cm (5.5 × 9 in)Series: A Través del EspejoISBN 9786071602619 paperback)

Children begin to disappear without any ex-

planation and the city becomes increasingly

paralyzed. Schools and parks are closed and public

meetings are strictly forbidden. Fear and perplexity

consume parents and teachers alike. The police

seem incapable of action. A group of friends search-

ing for clues discover a secret door and, unaware,

reveal a mystery involving hidden worlds behind

words, a utopian land called Severiana.

Ricardo Chávez Castañeda (Mexico City, ) is the

author of several novels and books of short stories. He won

the Borges Short Story Award, the Premio Nacional de

Novela Juvenil ( / ) and the National Children’s Short

Story Award ().

• A story about the mysteries of language and their implications in a world where imagination merges with reality by means of the word

Age: 13+

• A story about the mysteries of language and theirimplications in a world where imagination merges with reality by means of the word



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Una república de papel L’Espagne Républicaine (-)

[A Republic of Paper. L’Espagne Républicaine, -]

Ángel Bahamonde Magro and Juan Carlos Sánchez Illán (editors)

1st ed., fce-Spain, 2010214 pp.14.5 × 21.5 cm (5.7 × 8.5 in)Series: Biblioteca de la Cátedra del Exilio. Subjects: History, JournalismISBN 9788437506326 paperback

France was the first place to host the Spanish exiles during

the Spanish Civil War, especially in the Mid-Pyrenean

city of Toulouse. There, in June , one of the most unique

and relevant publications of the Spanish in exile, L’Espagne

Républicain, was released. This political and literary journal

faithfully recorded events and became the interpreter of the

dreams and hopes of the thousands of exiles longing for the

restoration of a democratic regime in Spain. The unique na-

ture of the newspaper lay in its non-partisan disposition, as it

never served as the mouthpiece of any of the political parties

or mass organizations of the Republican world in exile.

• This is the first monograph to examine L’Espagne Républicaine in depth

• Reveals a journalistic universe key to the identity of the Spanish exile

Ángel Bahamonde Magro is a professor of Contemporary History

at the Carlos III University in Madrid, Spain.

Juan Carlos Sánchez Illán is a professor of Journalism and

Associate Dean of Journalism Studies and Audiovisual Communication

at the Carlos III University.



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toryLos orígenes del poder en Mesoamérica

[The Origins of Power in Mesoamerica]

Enrique Florescano

1st ed., fce-Mexico, 2009540 pp.19 × 27 cm (7.5 × 10.6 in)Series: TezontleISBN 9786071601186 hardcoverISBN 9786071601407 paperback

Los orígenes del poder en Mesoamérica centers on the po-

litical, social, and economic history and the cultural de-

velopment of the people who inhabited the territory of present

day Mexico before the arrival of the Spanish. This book deals

with the formation of the state since its first appearance in

the Pre-Classical period until its abrupt fall in . The au-

thor explores the origin of power in the realms of the Mayan,

Teotihuacan and Mexica peoples, and in the formation of

the kingdom of Tula and the saga of Topiltzin Quetzalcoatl.

Richly illustrated, the book includes photographs and draw-

ings by Justin Kerr, Felipe Dávalos, Jorge Pérez de Lara and

Michel Zabé.

Enrique Florescano is a Mexican historian and the

author of numerous books and articles on a wide range

of Pre-Columbian topics. He studied Law and History at

the University of Veracruz. He earned his masters degree

in World History at El Colegio de México and a PhD in

History at the École Pratique des Hautes Études at the

University of Paris.

• ‘Florescano’s journey through the centuries before the arrival of the Spanish is an effort to decipher the symbolic content of the political world of the Pre-Columbian peoples. The symbols of power in Mesoamerica were not mere ornamentation for palaces but were frames of thought and, therefore, the contour of collective action’ —Jesús Silva-Herzog



tory Amazonía, el río tiene voces

[Amazonia: The River and its Voices]

Ana Pizarro

1st ed., fce-Chile, 2009249 pp16.5 × 23 cm ( 6.5 × 9 in)Series: Tierra Firme. Subject: Cultural Discourses of the AmazonISBN 9789562890762 paperback

Amazonía, el río tiene voces traces a carefully rendered

navigation map, inviting readers to discover and im-

merse themselves in the speech, imagination and cultural ge-

ography of the Amazon. Through the chronicles of explorers

and conquerors and more recent literary and film references,

the author shines a new light onto the region without losing

sight of the cultural, social and geopolitical influences that

have affected its development. This is a major step forward in

the research of one of the vastest regions of the planet.

• A fresh, lucid essay on the Amazon region, one of the richest and most complex areas in the Americas

• An essential contribution to a renewed understanding of Latin-American identity

Ana Pizarro is a researcher, academic and literary critic. Her extensive

experience in Latin-American culture has made her into one of the

most sought after experts on the continent. Among her works are: Sobre

Huidobro y las vanguardias (), De ostras y caníbales. Ensayos sobre la

cultura latinoamericana () y Gabriela Mistral, el proyecto de Lucila


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toryPor la milenaria China

Historias, vivencias y comentarios

[Through the Millennial China Stories, Experiences, Observations]

Carlos Prieto

Por la milenaria China is a delightful account of Prieto’s

four trips to China (, , , and ). In these

pages, the reader will find a wide range of information, from

Chinese food and the Chinese language to religion, politics,

architecture, and, of course, music. The book functions as a

travel guide, abounding in Chinese geography and offering viv-

id portraits of prominent figures and anecdotes from a country

rising in the twenty-first century as a major world power.

1st ed., fce-Mexico, pp.. × cm (. × . in)Series: Vida y Pensamiento de México. Subject: Mexican travelers to China, Chinese history and culture ISBN 9786071600479 (paperback)

• A brilliant collection of anecdotes and facts from Chinese culture and history in the best tradition of travel literature

• A delightful book for all readers

Carlos Prieto is one of the most respected interpreters of cello. He

has been awarded the Mozart Medal, the Order of Letters and Arts

from the French government and the National Prize for Sciences

and Arts. Carlos Prieto has written six books: Cartas rusas, Alrededor

del mundo con el violonchelo, De la URSS a Rusia, Las aventuras de un

violonchelo, historias y memorias, Senderos e imágenes de la música and

Cinco mil años de palabras.

foreword by

Yo-Yo Ma


Las milicias del rey de España. Sociedad, política e identidad en las Monarquías Ibéricas

[The Militias of the King of Spain Society, Politics and Identity under the Spanish Monarchies]

José Javier Ruiz Ibáñez (editor)

The authorities and local political

entities that acted on behalf of the

territories of the Spanish monarchy dur-

ing the sixteenth and seventeenth centu-

ries controlled the non-professional armed

forces, ‘militias’ of armed citizens. This

work explores the phenomenon, as it was

common in the American viceroyalties and

captaincies (New Spain, Peru, Chile...),

in the Mediterranean on the Iberian and

Italian peninsulas and in the Netherlands.

José Javier Ruiz Ibáñez is a historian and

professor at the University of Murcia and one of

the founders of Red Columnaria. Editor of this

book, he was also lead researcher on the project

that resulted in this volume.

1st ed., fce-Spain, 2009546 pp.16.5 × 23 cm (6.5 × 9 in)Series: Historia. Subject: Military HistoryISBN 9788437506258 paperback

• An intriguing work of comparative history of the social evolution and development of state power in the Spanish monarchical territories

• A brand new historiographical perspective of the Spanish speaking world, thoroughly documented by historians of diverse backgrounds



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Fray Pedro Lorenzo de la Nada Misionero de Chiapas y Tabasco

[Fray Pedro Lorenzo de la Nada Missionary to Chiapas and Tabasco]

Jan de Vos

1st ed., fce-Mexico, 2010135 pp.11 × 17 cm (4.3 × 6.7 in)Series: CentzontleISBN 9786071601803 paperback

An intellectual biography of Fray Pedro Lorenzo de la

Nada, a sixteenth-century Dominican friar and the

greatest defender of the Indians of Chiapas and Tabasco of

the colonial era. Based on extensive research in the archives

of Chiapas, Guatemala and the United States, de Vos deliv-

ers a moving portrait of the real man, beyond the literary

figure and the object of religious devotion. The friar’s his-

torical persona is, nevertheless, worthy of literary attention.

This work recovers Fray Pedro Lorenzo from the anonym-

ity of four centuries and earns him a place among the most

fascinating of historical and religious figures.

Jan de Vos () earned a PhD in History from the Catholic

University of Leuven. He has done extensive research in the colonial past

of southeastern Mexico, and Chiapas in particular. Fondo de Cultura

Económica has published many of De Vos’s most important works,

among them La paz de Dios y del Rey: la conquista de la selva lacandona

- (); Oro verde: la conquista de la Selva Lacandona por los

madereros tabasqueños - (); and Una tierra para sembrar

sueños. Historia reciente de la Selva Lacandona, - ().

• Jan de Vos’s studies of indigenous people have revolutionized perceptions worldwide



the life of a great

defender of the

Indians of Chiapas


Obras completas, I. Lírica personal

[Collected Works, i Personal Poetry]

1st ed., fce-Mexico, 19512nd ed., fce-Mexico, 2009557 pp.13.5 × 21 cm (5.3 × 8.3 in)Series: Biblioteca Americana Subject: Mexican LiteratureISBN 9786071601773 hardcover

F ifty years since the first edition of Obras completas de Sor

Juana Inés de la Cruz, Antonio Alatorre, following on

the research of Alfonso Méndez Plancarte, added to this new

edition five previously unknown personal lyrical compositions

of Sor Juana. This volume also corrects typographical errors

and excludes a composition previously erroneously ascribed

to the poet.

Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz (-), one of the chief figures of

the Spanish Golden Age, mastered poetry and dramatic prose. Her work

earned her the nickname ‘the Tenth Muse.’

Antonio Alatorre (), dedicated to education since

, was director of Nueva Revista de Filología Hispánica.

In September, , he was made an honorary member of

the Mexican Academy of Language.

Primero sueño y otros escritos

[First Dream and Other Writings]

1st ed., fce-Mexico, 2006341 pp.

13.5 × 21 cm (5.3 × 8.3 in)Series: Aula Atlántica

Subject: Mexican LiteratureISBN 9681675959 (hardcover)

• Selected writings of Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz with notes and glossary intended for advanced students of Spanish as a second language

New, definitive editionIncludes five recently discovered and previously unknown poems

Sor Juana Inés de la CruzL




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Obras completas II. Villancicos y letras sacras

Obras completas VI. Comedias, sainetes y prosa

[Collected Works, ivTheater, Sainetes, and Prose]

Villancicos. Lírica coral

[Villancicos. Choir Poetry]

1st ed., fce-Mexico, 1952550 pp.

13.5 × 21 cm (5.3 × 8.3 in)Series: Biblioteca Americana Subject: Mexican Literature

ISBN 9681644727 hardcover

Obras completas III. Autos y loas

[Collected Works, iiiAutos and Loas]

1st ed., fce-Mexico, 1955739 pp.

13.5 × 21 cm (5.3 × 8.3 in)Series: Biblioteca AmericanaSubject: Mexican Literature

ISBN 9681645111 hardcover

1st ed., fce-Mexico, 2006398 pp.13.5 × 21 cm (5.3 × 8.3 in)Series: Conmemorativa 70 Aniversario fceSubject: Mexican Literature

ISBN 9681677919 paperback

1st ed., fce-Mexico, 1957721 pp.13.5 × 21 cm (5.3 × 8.3 in)Series: Biblioteca AmericanaSubject: Mexican LiteratureISBN 9681644719 hardcover

Also by Sor Juana

[Collected Works, ii Villancicos and Holy Texts]





Qedeshím Qedeshóth

[Qedeshím Qedeshóth]

Gonzalo Rojas

1st ed., fce-Chile, 2009347 pp.14.5 × 23 cm (5.7 × 9 in)Series: PoesíaISBN 9789562890793 paperback

Qedeshím Qedeshóth takes its name from one of the most

widely read poems of Gonzalo Rojas. This anthology

of the best of his poetry includes recent poems and more than

a dozen texts previously unknown. At , Rojas has not taken

a moment’s rest from his creative pursuits, and through more

than poems, Qedeshím Qedeshóth plunges the reader into

Rojas’ vast imagination, where the classic and the avant-garde

mingle and breathe life into some of the most consistent poetic

works in contemporary Hispanic letters.

Gonzalo Rojas Pizarro (Chile,

) belongs to the generation of ’.

Rojas won the Chilean National Prize

for Literature and the Reina Sofia

Award for Latin-American Poetry in

and the Cervantes Prize.

• The best of Rojas's poetry along with 12 previously unpublished works




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Viento quebrado. Poesía reunida

[Wind Faltered, Collected Poetry]

Dolores Castro

1st ed., fce-Mexico, 2010316 pp.

14.5 × 23 cm (5.7 × 9 in)Series: Poesía. Subject: Mexican Poetry

ISBN 9786071602480 paperback

Possessed of an amazing capacity for synthesis, the poetry

of Dolores Castro is apparent in her careful observation

of nature. As in the monumental, so also in minimal possi-

bilities, in reflective surfaces that allow for the arduous task of

self-reflection. In the sea, the wind, the sky, the trees with their

trunks, branches and fruits, the poet discovers and shapes her

own interior landscape, where being alive is, at once, a cause

for great joy and melancholy.

Dolores Castro (Aguascalientes, ) is a renowned

poet and a distinguished literary critic who teaches at unam.

She was part of los Ocho Poetas, the Eight Poets, alongside

Rosario Castellanos, Efrén Hernández, Alejandro Avilés and

Roberto Cabral del Hoyo, among others.

• This new compilation includes the unpublished collection of poems, Asombraluz





Señales de vida. Antología

[Signs of Life. Anthology]

Óscar Hahn

1st ed., fce-Chile, 2009265 pp.14.5 × 23 cm (5.7 × 9 in)Series: PoesíaISBN 9789562890779 paperback

Óscar Hahn (Iquique, ) was a member of the

generation of in Chile. In , he left the country,

ahead of the Pinochet dictatorship, to settle in Iowa City

where he served for over years as professor of Latin-

American Literature. In , he was appointed Professor

Emeritus at the University of Iowa and returned to live in his

home country. Translated into English, Chinese, Greek, and

Italian among other languages, Hahn received the Casa de las

Americas Prize in .

• Mal de amor, one of Hahn’s most famous works included in this anthology, was the only book of poetry banned and pulled from the market by the Pinochet regime

• Mal de amor, one of Hahn’s most famous works included in this anthology, was the only book of poetry banned and pulled from the market by the Pinochet regime

This anthology journeys through the work of Óscar

Hahn from the most recent of his productions, Pena

de vida () backward to his first book, Esta rosa negra

(). In this journey through time proposed by the poet,

like Charon, the reader travels through the world of the dead

to reach poetry without linguistic pretense that speaks of love,

ghosts, death and resurrection.




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Pura López Colomé (Mexico

City, ) is a professor in Hispanic

Literature at unam. Highlights of her

work are: El sueño del cazador (),

Un cristal en otro (), Aurora (), and Tragaluz de

noche (), published by the fce.

The North American poet Forrest Gander translated an

anthology of her poetry that, under the title of No Shelter:

The Selected Poems of Pura López Colomé, was published in a

bilingual edition by Graywolf Press in . A new selection

of her poetry Mother Tongue, also in a bilingual edition, was

published in in Ireland, by Arlen House, in a translation

by the poet Lorna Shaughnessy.

Santo y seña


Pura López Colomé

1st ed., fce-Mexico, 2007101 pp.

12 × 21 cm (4.7 × 8.3 in)Series: Poesía

ISBN 9789681684808 paperback)

In this book, López Colomé once

again returns to her poetic ob-

sessions: infancy, loneliness, aban-

donment, and how these are felt

through the body, soul and mind.

A selection of poems bearing all

the force of a soul sensitive to the

world and to the acts of life, and

of man, internalized and poetically


Winner of the 2007 Villaurrutia Prize


rights sold





Poesía reunida

[The Collected Poems]

Enriqueta Ochoa

st ed., fce-Mexico, pp.

. × cm (. × in)Series: Poesía

ISBN 9789681680978 paperback)

If poetry is the forceful transformation of time

into eternity, it is even more so in the poetry of

Enriqueta Ochoa. Since Las urgencias de un Dios

first appeared in , Ochoa has dedicated herself

to delving into the confines of the soul where dark-

ness and pain dwell. The works compiled here unveil

a serene language that, far removed from men, con-

verses with the unspeakable. In a world where reason

has colonized our thinking, Ochoa’s poetry redeems

a rare spiritual significance.

Enriqueta Ochoa was born in Torreón in . She is the author of

Las urgencias de un Dios (), Los himnos del ciego (), Las vírgenes

terrestres (), Retorno de Electra (), Canción de Moisés (), Bajo

el oro pequeño de los trigos (, ), Asaltos a la memoria () and Los

días delirantes (unpublished). She is a dedicated journalist and has taught in

various national and international universities.

• Ochoa’s work is a marvel for its mystic and spiritual content—a perpetual restatement of divine yearning




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La noche caníbal

[The Cannibal Night]

Luis Jorge Boone

st ed., fce-Mexico, pp.. × cm (. × . in)Series: Letras Mexicanas, Serie Breve. Subject: Mexican Short Story ISBN 9789681682200 paperback)

The texts in this book are difficult to classify: somewhere

between the genres of short story and novella, different

protagonists disrupt the reality filtering their fears, fantasies,

and delirious visions. Clear, concise prose without grandiose

pretensions, La noche caníbal shows the author’s narrative ma-

turity and his preference for fantasy and science fiction atmo-

spheres that recall Jorge Luis Borges, or Philip K. Dick.

Luis Jorge Boone was born in Monclova, Coahuila, in . He

is a poet, narrator, and essayist who has contributed to magazines,

such as Letras Libres, Luvina, Voz Otra and Tierra Adentro. He’s the

author of Legión () and Galería de armas rotas ().

He received the Salvador Gallardo Dávalos National Prize for

Young Literature for his poetry, the Inés Arredondo National

Short Story Prize in , and the Clemencia Isaura Poetry Prize in


• A young author who has received widespread recognition. A true promise in the Mexican literary scene

Over 10 000 copies sold







Belleza roja

[Red Beauty]

Bernardo Esquinca studied Communication Sciences at the Instituto

Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Occidente (iteso). He is the

founder of the journal Público, in Guadalajara, and of the Diario Monitor, in

Mexico City. His previously published books include La mirada encendida

(), Fábulas oscuras (), and Carretera perdida ().

Bernardo Esquinca

1st ed., fce-Mexico, 20052nd reprint, 2008

103 pp.14 × 21 cm (5.5 × 8.2 in)

Series: Letras Mexicanas. Subject: Mexican novel

ISBN 9789681674793 paperback)

Bernardo Esquinca’s tale—part psychological

thriller, part detective story and part erotic

dream—follows simultaneously a crime photogra-

pher obsessed with turning his work into art and

a beauty clinic that continues to thrive despite its

substandard practices. The two stories run parallel

with minor overlaps until they reach a mutual sinis-

ter climax. One question lurks unanswered behind

the narrative: What are we willing to do for a slice

of the sublime?

Los escritores invisibles

[Invisible Writers]

1st ed., fce-Mexico, 2009110 pp.14 × 21 cm (8.2 × 5.6 in)Series: Letras Mexicanas. Subject: Mexican novelISBN 9786071600462 paperback)

Jaime Puente is a magnificently naïve writer who

finds himself involved in a high stakes conspiracy.

The adventure leads him to discover that true talent

is too often wasted, guarded like a valued memory

or silenced; unfortunately he may learn this lesson

too late.

Over 10 000 copies sold

French and Greek

rights sold


rights sold

• A novella of fierce clarity and breathtaking pace• A novella of fierce clarity and breathtaking pace




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El chupamirto y otros relatos

El nuevo embajador y otros cuentos

Jorge López Páez

1st ed., fce-Mexico, 201096 pp11 × 17 cm (4.3 × 6.7 in)Series: Centzontle. Subject: Mexican Short StoryISBN 9786071601674 paperback)

López Páez invites us to travel through memory.

His tales are a record of the adventures and the

dilemmas of childhood. His great ability to change

narrative voices and his masterful handling of diverse

perspectives are just some of the elements that con-

tribute to the force of reality in these three stories. A

child’s perspective, in the hands of López Páez, is not

only a valuable source of imagination but also the

re-creation of a frame of mind that will trap anyone

who ventures to enter the realm of memory.

Jorge López Páez was born in Huatusco, Veracruz in . Upon

moving to Mexico City, he studied law and earned a BA in English

Literature. López Páez has worked at unam where he has a creative

writing workshop. He is also a member of the National System of


1st ed., fce-Mexico, 2009362 pp.16.5 × 23 cm (6.5 × 9 in)Series: Letras Mexicanas. Subject: Mexican Short StoryISBN 9681672038 paperback)

Any experience turns into a fascinating an-

ecdote under the eyes of Jorge López Páez.

These stories present amazement at life’s daily

events, through simple language and characters that

stand out as close and familiar.

[The Hummingbird and Other Stories]

[The New Ambassador and Other Stories]

Winner, 2008 National Literature Prize (Mexico)





Los anacrónicos y otros cuentos

[The Anachronists and Other Stories]

1st ed., fce-Mexico, 201058 pp.11 × 17 cm (4.3 × 6.7 in)Series: Centzontle. Subject: Mexican Short StoryISBN 9786071601698 paperback)

In this collection of stories, Ignacio Padilla shows

that Time always takes its toll, eventually erod-

ing everything. Whether through aged soldiers,

brothers, or concrete abstractions, Time resonates

through Padilla’s fraternal relationships and echoes

in these pages.

• Padilla is one of the most beloved of writers, not only by the general public but by critics as well

• This volume is a welcome addition to the well established tradition of the short story in Mexico

Ignacio Padilla (Mexico City, ) is a representative of the

Mexican literary movement labeled ‘The Crack,’ he has received the

Gilberto Owen, Juan Rulfo and Efrén Hernandez awards. He earned his

PhD in Spanish and Latin-American literature from the University of

Salamanca. Highlights of his work are Ampythrion (), El androide

y las quimeras (), El diablo y Cervantes () and Los papeles del

dragón típico ().

Ignacio Padilla

Winner, Julio Cortázar International Short Story Prize




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Artaud, todavía

[Artaud, Still]

Fabienne Bradu, born in France, is a writer, literary critic,

and researcher at unam. She’s a contributor to the magazines

Vuelta and Letras Libres and the French translator of Mexican

writers Juan Rulfo, Xavier Villaurrutia, José Vasconcelos,

Octavio Paz, and Francisco Rebolledo, among others. In

November , the Mexican government awarded her the

Mexican Order of the Aztec Eagle Medal, Insignia degree, for

her work in promoting Mexican literature.


rights sold

Over 20 000 copies sold

Antonieta (-)

1st ed., fce-Mexico, 1991245 pp.13.5 × 21 cm (5.3 × 8.3 in)Series: Vida y Pensamiento de México. Subject: Mexican Literature

ISBN 9681635930 paperback

W ith intelligence and sensitivity, Fabienne Bradu re-

constructs the life and times of Antonieta Rivas

Mercado. Above nearly anyone else of her time, Rivas Mercado

kept alive a passion for the art and culture of Mexico, before

she committed suicide in the Cathedral of Nôtre Dame in

Paris while still in her youth.

Fabienne Bradu

Antonin Artaud’s mysteriously discreet visit to Mexico in

has become both a cult theme and an impenetrable

challenge for scholars, who now and again revive the hope of dig-

ging up unpublished documents, or encountering unknown tes-

timonies that will clarify and materialize his presence in Mexico.

Fabienne Bradu reconstructs a conversation sustained through

the correspondence of Guatemalan poet Luis Cardoza y Aragón

and Paule Thévenin—who edited Artaud’s complete works at

Gallimard—in which letters compose a mirror reflecting the out-

line of the French author in Mexico.

st ed., fce-Mexico pp.

13.5 × 21 cm (5.3 × 8.3 in)Series: Vida y Pensamiento de México

Subject: Literary CriticismISBN 9789681684587 paperback)


Einstein. Notas de lectura

[Einstein. Notes]

1st ed., fce-Mexico, 2009104 pp.

11 × 17 cm (4.3 × 6.7 in)Series: Centzontle Subjects: Science, Mexican Literature

ISBN 9786071601629 paperback

A universal teacher, Reyes describes

in these brief writings a revolution

unfolding not only in his time but one that

would have impact for many years to come.

Einstein and his theory of relativity are

presented and explored in these writings

by one of the great exponents of Mexican

letters of the twentieth century.

Alfonso Reyes (-) along with Antonio Caso, José

Vasconcelos and Pedro Henríquez Ureña founded the Ateneo de la

Juventud in 1909. A member of institutions like the Mexican Academy

of Language and El Colegio de México, he was also founder of the

Colegio Nacional and the Instuto Francés de América Latina (ifal).

His extensive work covers various topics related to culture, especially

literature and linguistics, and is presented in nearly every genre including

chronicles, stories, poetry, criticism and essays.

• Einstein’s theory of relativity—and Einstein himself—remains cultural and scientific reference points of our time. This work will appeal to a general public as well as to an audience drawn to the relationship between literature and physics

• Einstein’s theory of relativity—and Einstein himself—remains cultural and scientific reference points of our time. This work will appeal to a general public as well as to an audience drawn to the relationship between literature and physics

• A personal Reyes, as yet, little known to the public

Alfonso ReyesL




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Junta de sombras. Estudios helénicos

[Gathering of Shadows Studies on Greek Culture]

1st ed., fce-Mexico, 2000390 pp.11 × 17 cm (4.3 × 6.7 in)Series: Colección Popular Subjects: Mexican Literature, Classical StudiesISBN 9789681657406 paperback)

Also by Alfonso Reyes

Cartilla moral

[Moral Record]

1st ed., fce-Mexico, 2004101 pp.

11 × 17 cm (4.3 × 6.7 in)Series: Centzontle. Subject: Mexican Literature

ISBN 9789681674083 paperback)

Letras de la Nueva España

1st ed., fce-Mexico, 2007153 pp.

11 × 17 cm (4.3 × 6.7 in)Series: Biblioteca Universitaria de Bolsillo

Subject: Mexican Literature

ISBN 9681683293 paperback)

[Literature of New Spain]


1st ed., fce-Mexico, 2009532 pp.13.5 × 21 cm (5.3 × 8.3 in)Series: Tezontle. Subject: Mexican LiteratureISBN 9786071600806 hardcover

• Selection of the best pages written by Reyes (fiction, non-fiction and poetry), selected by José Luis Martínez and translated by Dick Gerdes


Cómo hacer filosofía con palabras A propósito del desencuentro entre Searle y Derrida

[How to do Philosophy with Words On the Disagreement between Searle and Derrida]

Jesús Navarro Reyes

1st ed., fce-Spain, 2010336 pp.13.5 × 21 cm (5.3 × 8.3 in)Series: Filosofía. Subject: Contemporary PhilosophyISBN 9788437506401 paperback

Suffice it to say that there are different ways of ‘doing phi-

losophy’ prevalent on either side of the English Channel.

Becoming aware of the difference is crucial to any understand-

ing of contemporary philosophy. More disconcerting is that, in

this divergence, there aren’t normally explicit confrontations.

Most philosophers, whether analytical or continental, get to

neglect the contributions of the other side. Fortunately there

are exceptions. This book presents one of them: the failed de-

bate between John Searle and Jacques Derrida in the late s

over the theory of the act of speech of John L. Austin.

Jesús Navarro Reyes () is professor of

Philosophy at the University of Seville. He has

been visiting researcher at several universities,

including the Sorbonne, Berkeley and Oxford.

Navarro Reyes works for numerous international

journals and is author of the book Pensar sin

certezas: Montaigne y el arte de conversar published

by Fondo de Cultura Económica in .

• A detailed study of the disagreements between Searle and Derrida, this volume provides fruitful insights into the traditional thinking of both philosophers

• A detailed study of the disagreements between Searle and Derrida, this volume provides fruitful insights into the traditional thinking of both philosophers





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Problemas, decisiones y soluciones Enfoques de política pública

[Problems, Decisions and Solutions. Focus on Public Policy]

Mauricio Merino and Guillermo Cejudo (editors)

1st ed., fce-cide Mexico, 2010323 pp.13.5 × 21 cm (5.3 × 8.3 in)Series: Administración PúblicaISBN 9786077843047 paperback)

The analysis and design of public policy has become, in

the last thirty years, an object of study for research-

ers and professors around the world. The contrast between

methods of analysis, is enriching for the design of solutions to

public problems. In this book, nine researchers from Mexico

City’s cide (Centro de Investigación y Docencia Económicas)

offer a fresh perspective on the various methods of analysis

and provide insight into government decisions that affect so-

ciety as a whole.

Mauricio Merino earned a PhD in Political

Science from the University Complutense of

Madrid and is the Director of the Department of

Public Administration at cide.

Guillermo M. Cejudo is a professor

and researcher in the Department of Public

Administration at cide.

• Relevant multidisciplinary proposals for solving pressing social problems• Relevant multidisciplinary proposals for solving pressing social problemsP




Desarrollo y transformación Opciones para América Latina

[Development and Transformation. Options for Latin America]

Gregorio Vidal, Arturo Guillén

and José Déniz (editors)




1st ed., fce-Spain, 2010492 pp.16.5 × 23 cm (6.5 × 9 in)Series: Economía. Subject: Economic DevelopmentISBN 9788437506333 paperback

A fter a long period of low growth, Latin America has

steadily increased economic production since ,

which has likewise permitted average per capita income to

rise. Beneficial results have been realized from economic poli-

cies that, in varying degrees, have moved away from the rec-

ommendations of the imf and the Washington Consensus

agenda. Readers are presented with a thorough analysis of the

strategies implemented in several countries and a discussion

of the most important issues regarding regional development


José Déniz is a professor in the School of Economics and

Business at the University Complutense of Madrid.

Gregorio Vidal y Arturo Guillén are both professors

in the Department of Economics at the Metropolitan

Autonomous University (uam) in Mexico City.

• A thorough examination of economic changes as experienced in Latin-American countries presented in light of the ongoing global crisis

• Essays by outstanding professors from universities in Mexico, Uruguay, Spain, France, Brazil, Argentina and Japan

• A thorough examination of economic changes as experienced in Latin-Americancountries presented in light of the ongoing global crisis

• Essays by outstanding professors from universities in Mexico, Uruguay, Spain, France, Brazil, Argentina and Japan

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La administración pública a través de las ciencias sociales

[Public Administration through the Social Sciences]

Omar Guerrero

1st ed., fce-Mexico, 2010386 pp.13.5 × 21 cm (5.3 × 8.3 in)Series: Administración Pública

ISBN 9786071601919 paperback

This work provides readers with a specific framework for

the study of Public Administration as an independent

science. Guerrero presents a general analysis of the field and

the means to understand and draw upon other fields most

relevant to Public Administration professionals and students.

This is an accurate and scholarly approach to the relationships

between Public Administration and the other social sciences

under the light of classical social philosophy.

Omar Guerrero received his DPA from the School of Political and

Social Sciences at the National Autonomous University of Mexico.

Guerrero is member of the Mexican Academy of Sciences and the

Mexican Cultural Seminar. His published work includes La teoría de la

administración pública and Raíces borbónicas del Estado mexicano.





Introducción analítica a las geometrías



[An Analytical Introduction to Geometry]

Javier Bracho

1st ed., fce-Mexico, 2009354 + xxi pp. 21 × 27 cm (8.3 × 10.6 in)Series: Ciencia y Tecnología Subjects: Mathematics, GeometryISBN 9786071600219 paperback

Javier Bracho draws upon his experience

as a professor to reflect on the current

status of geometry. The result is an origi-

nal and extraordinary textbook. Beginning

with an analysis of cones—the starting

point of almost any course in analytical

geometry—Bracho delineates an alterna-

tive order, showing that the normal route

is followed for merely historical reasons.

He replaces the traditional method with a

more intuitive order, where problems and

solutions serve as a background to increas-

ingly complex issues.

Javier Bracho is a professor and researcher at

the Institute of Mathematics at unam. Fondo de

Cultura Económica previously published Bracho’s

¿En qué espacio vivimos? (). Bracho also

participated in the design and production of the

mathematics room at the Universum Museum

of Sciences in , for which an international

patent still bears his name.

• A significant contribution to the teaching of Mathematics and Geometry, applicable to all school systems

• A significant contribution to the teaching of Mathematics and Geometry, applicable toall school systems

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Ciencia y acción. Una filosofía práctica de la ciencia

[Science and Action A Practical Philosophy of Science]

Alfredo Marcos

1st ed., fce-Mexico 2010399 pp. 11 × 17 cm ( 4.3 × 6.7 in)Series: BreviariosSubjects: History, Philosophy of ScienceISBN 9786071601667 paperback



This book is the result of a reflection on science as a human

and social action, and not only as a tool for gaining knowl-

edge. Science is the product of human endeavor and, as such,

a wide avenue is opened for the study of its development. The

moral and political dimensions of science and the involvement

of both in all of the activities of society, create together their own

language and thus affect aspects of science related to its didactics,

and aesthetics.

This book presents the historical and philosophical foun-

dations of an expanded concept of the philosophy of science.

Readers are invited to address the scientific culture from a per-

spective closer to their own interests and concerns, that is, closer

to their own pursuit of happiness.

• A unique, holistic view that reconciles science with the humanities and the social sciences

• Current issues such as climate change and new information networks are acknowledged as fundamental to the agenda of Philosophy itself

• A unique, holistic view that reconciles science with the humanities and the social sciences

• Current issues such as climate change and new information networks are acknowledged as fundamental to the agenda of Philosophy itself

Alfredo Marcos earned a PhD in Philosophy from and is

director of the Department of Philosophy at the University of

Valladolid, Spain, where he currently coordinates the Master

Studies Program in Logic and Philosophy of Science.


rights sold


Patrimonio cultural Integración y desarrollo en América Latina

[Cultural Heritage Integration and Development in Latin America]

Gonzalo Castellanos V.

1st ed., fce-Colombia, 2010128 pp.

13.5 × 21 cm (5.3 × 8.3 in)Series: Sociología. Subjects: Culture, World Heritage, Latin America

ISBN 9789583801587 paperback

About million people in Latin America entered the

twenty-first century in poverty. This situation, which

could be called a disaster, is not far removed from all of the

varied tales of Latin-American independence. The principles

of equality and privilege were represented in assumed owner-

ship by a small group of aristocrats who concentrated land in

their own hands and dominated the fields of economics and


This book demonstrates that this pattern of dependency

and exclusion could actually increase. But it also envisions an

alternative Latin America: moving toward a common cultural

space that exceeds discordant interests to build the cooperation

necessary to fight the causes of poverty and against the region’s

tributary position in relation to the global centers of power.

Gonzalo Castellanos V. has been, for more

than a decade, designing cultural management and

finance systems in areas such as cinema, cultural

heritage, publishing, library networks and archives

in many countries in Latin America. He has

counseled governments and ngos throughout

the region.





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foreign .r ights@fondodeculturaeconomica .com

Carretera Picacho-Ajusco 227Bosques del Pedregal, Tlalpan14738 Mexico City, MexicoTel: (52-55) 5227-4672Fax: (52-55) 5227-4656

Fondo de Cultura Económica has foreign branches in Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Chile, Guatemala, Peru, Spain, the USA, and Venezuela