
Post on 27-Sep-2019

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I ~ ~e~i~~n~Lj- Pages 1 to 8ERALD

~R MIS k ~ I'ANS IN "RITES SUNDAYWIN SECONINl l;~j:'Wo~J~n~ ~l~bs KIW " H~frii:~~'~ii'TS

ST~TE CONTE~T, M:r~~~~"~~~~I~~:o M' DAY PARTY ;~,:I:<:;'~n~::~::~~~U~;~~~~: fOR J. G. BERGTGerald,'nle Gambleff Wayne I Held AI' Albi n. Dr. John S. Nollen Speaker of health and plomptmg the Wayne County Aa&eSSiOr Dres

:J -l For tvening Entertainment adoption of health habits Un- At Altona Wednesday OfHil(h ~hool b C ampiop nev F. C Mils of ~aYne, ad- At d,"ty Auditorium. less one has a pam somewhere L t Week Ap it 124

T iat For 5 ate. dressed dcle~ateg to tile hud DIS- m hiS anatomy he does not give as ,1I I •

yP tnct WOfl}an s c b C;on entlOn at Wayne j<'lwams club membcls much heed to physlcul welfalcWayne high school won sec~nd AlbiOn Friday a telnoo on "The wele hostsl at an mter-club palty The stomach IS probably the

plate m the state eomr/nelcml tn-r Personal Pllllos~ hy of Intorna- and goverrIJ.Ol's receptIOn Monday chIef object of abuse, and <:IC-test held last Fnday !at Kear ey. banal RclatlOns.11 MIS A Lut- evenmg at the city audltonum cordmgly IS the cause of a goodGelaldm¢ Gamble wt>n first 10 gcn €If Wayne ""l s also a speakel Evemng dmnel was served to 216, deal of trouble It IS assaultedadvanced tYPing, makmg Ihe,: on the conventio plOgr m, glvll1g and of thll number 100 were Kl- WIth anythmg that SUits taste,cllilmplOn typist of NElbraska 1~ the response to t e addl, ss of wel- waOlans f am Nodolk, Omaha, and It receives sllght consldera-schools. Gelaldme typed 75 w r~ come delivered y M~Ol D G. SIOUX City and Yankton, S D Dl tIon until It rebels Health weekper mn1Ute Vlrgmla San ahJi, Howell of Albia. John S N lIen of Gunnell, Iowa, can't do much about It EspcClal-placed second 10 spellmg WI a Mr}S Lutgen a eal ed on the Ar- dlstI let governor of KiwaniS, was ly In eatmg, people do not flg-score of 97 and the Wayne s. ell~ bm day progra at A hlOl1 last honor guest and gave the prmclpal ure that an ounce of preventionmg team, composed of Vlrg rua week! Wednesday and d dlca~ed a address of the evemng Wives and IS wOlth a pound of CUl¢ ifSandahl, Opal GranqUlst and er- tree planted by he CIt of {\lblOn fnends of Klwamans attended the !somethmg pleases the sense ofaldme Gamble, placcd fust WIt an that day Mrs L gen IS vice presl- party. taste, lt eaSily ~e.r~~ades one toaverage of 95 dent ,of the Thtr, dlstn 1. lVl;rs. E. Rev. L W Gramly of Wayne, forget evil POSSlbllltlCS. Thus,.m

Vlrgmia Sandahl placed thir 10 E. G<!uley of wafne, als "'8.ttended gave the 1Ovocabon, after which later life, after years of mlS-novice shorthand and Hazel ap- the officers' me tilngs t AlblOn Fred L Blair, preSident of the use, the stomach often becomessey placed fifth The novice sh r~- April 22 and IS halrm n of mo- Wayne Chapter, mtroduced the a source of almost. perpetualhand team composed of Virgtma tlOn plCtures for the dl tnct Mrs toastmaster, Rev Fay Charhng annoyance, reqUlrmg muchSandahl, Hazel Capsey and Ma Ian Galley had a bo th at t e conven- Mills, pastor of the Wayne Metho- pampering to prevent greatJean, placed second No lce bon Thursday a d Fnd y ,dlst churell Responses to the ad- mls~ry. If health wec~ couldtypmg people from Wayne ad Total mcmber~hlP I Woman s dress of v.1elcome given by Rcv lead people to treat thclr stom-good scores but a few too many er~ clubs for the diS rid w s given by Mills were by L. R Morns of SIOUX achs in early life as though the?rors to place j!l the secretary as ,059 feature of City, C A Beaver of Yankton, S were not made of shect-~ron, It

The HcHdnwe high school PI~ed the Thursday mornm program D, T M. Barber of Norfolk, and would be considered emmentlyflrst 10 the $tate With a SCOI of was a musIc con~est be ween chor~ Glenn L Cavanaugh of Omaha, worth while.33. Wayne SiCcond With 31, Y- uses from clubs of the Istnct WIth the last namcd lieutcnant-gover- ~_=======mOle third With 27 Comme clalstudents who went fmm W yne Many To Attendwere Neva Jbnes. Geraldme G -

Music Contest



Sl READING ,gravel on til, Clyne-Pierce highway, Iul'dis iog a hurd-surfaced out! tfOl: the Carroll neig:hborhoo.:ita ted Mondny. Int~rsectin

thi highway and runnin1il11' ugh Carroll will soon begra eled road, as we arc assu d. It is a safe guess th- tthi highway itmprovement hal s~h state's recbrd for delaAn way, we are glad the en .~ "n sight, and that inhabitan sof orthwestern sections of tl eCO nty will nob long haveanj"lnge their travellng sche ­~lds aCl:ording to the weathe '.WQ are also pleased to note r ­ndvcd headway on the hig~­1va(Y improvement south ~W~keficld. This h<!ls also bee:il }png deferred, but highly n ­tc'sary improvement. Anoth I'

..~;~f I -. I ,I ~

Jo<.b t,'m t f'Cl.tY!O.~931t ltm-lifllf; \

Into <\,000 Homes15,0~0 Reade!'s








In summer sh."](leo;.



69c and 79c





~~;~~eso:~ei~esFct:~i~ea~~:);~~' r\~;>J'~resent;lltion. yotng folks \Vhf! ;d­

tended the con erence lastMiss Helen Jo es, Mi,ssScott, Miss B{'s~ Cropley. ;md 111'sponsor, Mrs. 9, E. Wilson, g:I',

talks. Miss Jeanne Wright wl\"tended the conf(lrence tht· )'l'<I1 I"fore, also spoke.


Close Skimming

.Easy to Turn

Easily Washed


Japanned Finish


DUI'ahly ~ade

froc k~.

to re~ist

Is the newest of new materiaL..,

for Rummel'. You'll nnt he :tlJli'

"Murmuring Pines"






I wish to invite former patronsand friends of the StandardMarket to corne in and get ac­quainted. , . We will render thevery best service possible .. Ourmerchandise is of the highestquality. We earnestly soljcityour patronage.

In The

Standard Market


New Management


"Keep on the Cool Side of Summer"

Smart New




S" sioes-350 to 150fJpounds 101 milk perhour--f~rf)Mcoworh:

~ h"ndredl Equipped for~\I hand,el~c'ricmotor,fJ"

enHin" operation.


, I "

. only genuirle pa t8. We arenterliational aarv~~ter b., anq carryed parts. Let: us Il:niow OUr wants' in

, i I II' • I



You'll find a col-

or for eve r y

mood - a style

for evesy type.

U ergo-Mrs, lbert atsQh underwent

a ma~or operat on Wednesday lastw'eE.'k:, ~ e is d jog as well as canbe £lxpe ted.



i I

, NEB ~$IrA, T SDAY, APRIL ,30, 1936.1

I. I

Decisi6n Is jiiled

Rep.reseht W.1J:lle bel" Team Wi.ns iveStudentsH ~~---I~~~;~~~~~u';; Ab~UI 140• J\. d couples attended the event andIn Group eetlng Pel M t Teaching Pos ~ions muSIc for danCing wa, !u,""hed by

Mlrs. F: S. Berty, .dioc~san studty ,a es n ee The pl&cement' bureau df the the Don Smltho:oo~c~e~tra of chmrman, spoke Tt/Jesday Dod -- ayne State Teachers C~hege an- , .

~~d~~S~~;~~~: ~~~:s~~o~~~~= W4yn.e Olle,.e LadA A.ttend pounces the folloWin~ eleJtib~~ fo~ ~v~~~· :~~h;' c~ie;~ ~~n;;~ril~~eil of Catholic Women at West Meet t Boulder, Colo., ~ext year lor teachmg pO!,ltl~ns. .tor a pep meeting in relation toPoint, She conducted 0 study' clu:b T e Plbt Weeki. le~~p~o~;arls:no~ ~ew~a$tlri fIfth .the Estes park conference, June 5program. Mrs. E. J. Huntemer 'a~n :!SIX, gra es 8. ea o,W r?ve; to 15. The Regiofl!ll Rocky Moun-chairman of the Jacl$sQn deanery T Mehlnbe CS OIl!' the i'ay+~: Sta~e sU

tn:w~ S~ux C:t{'G e~~ht bin conference for org~nizntlons

t d 1 b d M 'W' A E eac ers 0 ge re ay IX\<1m W 0 ra'!'e a 1 g; argar~ u er I ~iiiiiiiiiiiiiill!iiiii'liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii_iiiiiii_iiiiiiiiDiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii_""':.~1a~ y ~l'~ o~ ~~e r~s'rm~ Tue:~ry attended he Boulder, Colo., meet IOf Wjnside, s,ixth nnd sevpnth I.Mrs,P Berry, Mr~ ~untemer O:d ~ast Thu ay and Friday placed ,g~altles at .Ewmg; Vernon Wl'yh­M El' b th M t· th t In sever of the events.' Norman nch oC Pierce, commerdal fitte~~ed t~~; ~eetin Sa~~:h daan~ a~~ Tegeler laced third, ,a~d Don :Ewing; 't:liZ3beth Wentworth ofM J H B ~ M ~ , McClaren placed fOUl'th In the 100- 'w~tr'le, ptlrilary at Geneva. TheM~:: Glen'n ~Uogr~i;' an~s'Mr~e~, yurd das!. . , firs three nam~d fin,ish the two­KI'oger were there Tue~day. 'The W yne r~lay team composed ,year ~ourse thIS sprmg and last

of Tegele , McClarren, 11vin Ste- Itwdti receive A. B. degrees.

T D ' . JA Iber and rvin RetzlafC1i placed Iroup IVJ( ",S third In he 440-ynrd relay, nnd Ftnd Stolen Car,

J TI G second in the BBO-yard nBay. The11 lree roups Unlver<it nf Coloradow9n fir<t in, : Abandoned Here

__ the BBO- ard relay With bme of I A car belonging to Ray FarquahrLeaders And Officials For 1:29;'Wa ne's time waSJ:~9.2. ,In of Omaha, was found aJt>andoned

PIN ••• d the 440-yard reloy the mverslty Inear 5th and M::lin streQts here lnst

atro s amen lY,IOn ay of Colora 0 set a new redQrd with week. Geo. Bornhot! reported thatFor Coming Year. 42.2; Wayne's time was 43,1. the car had been here two days.

, Nine schools attended the Bould- Sheriff J. H. Pile checked up andScouts of troop 175, met Monday er meet: Univerlility of Colorado, ,found the machine was stQlen from

evening to reorg<lnize fair the year's Denver yniversity, Colorado State 'Columbus Monday 1uslt week.

~~~~h;e~ep~~~rs~~~~1~c~~ddli;~~~ College, ¢olorado SchoQl of Mines, 'Thihgs were n.ot disturb£1d in theers and officials for each patrol. Colorado 'State TeftChers College of mathine. Mr, Bornhoft took the

GreeleY'tn1Vers,itY or' New Mexi- cur to the eity to its owner Slltur­Frank Gamble and J~mes Kingston co, Univ tsity of Wyoming, Chad- daY'.will be junior assistant scoutmas- ron, Has ings and Wayne.

~:~ ~~~s t~:~r~~Ptr~;;ns:tr~b~e;e~~ Coach W R Hickman took the ,Goes On Month's Trip,Van Bradford, his t1ssistant. four merJb~rs ~f the relay team to Mrs, o. W. Hahn will leave this

The Flaming Comet patrol Boulder thursday evenIng, return- ISa~rdaY for Omaha and fromnamed Wnyne McMaster plltrol ing,to Wjuyne Sunday, there ~c will go to Atlantic City,le3der; Buster Ellis, assistant pa- 'rhe !college will send n~· ~., nrttord" Con~" and Wash­trol lender; Jimmy Meillor, scribe; team to jthe relay meet at Sioux lngton, D. Ie. Sh~ ,Wl1_1 be gone nJunior Larsen, hike mnster. Beav- Fnlls S D 'Friduy nnd Saturday mOhth for rehubllltatl1:m confer-er patrol named the follOWing: this ~e~,L 'There will be an invi- ences, _Buster Johnson, patrol leader; .'Jack talionalj'eet 01;1 the Wayne collegeWright, <lssistant patrol leader; field Fr day, May 8, with five J. N, ~~~~gS~XouT:h~C~~~m p, L,Floyd Morris, scribe; Jack pen- schools, Omaha, Peru, Midland, Brtggs six new Ford tl'ucks fOl'hollow, hike master. The Elk pa- Buena ,istll und Wayne, taking his, gravel work,trol named Hiirold Johnson patrol part. Th'r state conference meetleader; -Billy Hawkins, assistant will be eld at the Wayne field -R-..-.-\;-ne-B-.,-.,-.....-.-patrol leader; Paul Petersen, May 15, and the Northeast Ne- Wayn~ city council Tuesday

:::~~~:;: l~unior Haehmei~r, hike ~;il~~:\h e~;;n~c~7~~~('d for MRY transhete-d routine business.

Lead'eJ of the troop met Tues- C IIday ev~ing 10 make plans!nc the Man Serving Time 0 ege Societies.year's work. -- Wayne, Nebraska.

C~fesses Charges w. A. A. annual ,pring pa'tYI~!l~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Resettlement Aid When Sheriff J. H. Pile was in will be held this Thursday eveningljLincoln Uesday~ H~t1ry Bo~tteher at Hol.t;l Strat~~n. ,.,

Has Helped Manry o! COIU{'bu" who i, serving four ' , . ,The resettlement administration years 0 school theft charges in S~phomores will be hosts nt a

has advnnced aid to 70 farm fam- Madison county, confessed that he "TrJplemania," party at the co]-\Hies in Wayne county the past year, had fOr d checks i~ Wayne, Dix- l~g~ gymnasIUm tQrnorrow ev('­Ray L. Verzal announces, "Since on and ther t'(tuntles, The Bahe nmg, May 1.resettlement offices were opened cafe Of! Winsipe" Victor servicein Wayne last May, }note than $39,- station iof Waynt!. and trank Ybung Women's Christian asso­000 hus been disbursed in grants Thompsqn of Wakefield, ar!':' among 'ciation bal'Jquet will be held Mayor loans," states Mr. Verzal. In this those to whom these were given, 6 at the Presbyteri"n church indistrict 50 farmers are now operat- the names of ,Frank Cooke and under budgeted loans. Lawrencb Moo e being used. After

four yeatts Bo ttcher will face an Katz club met Monday nndDuto theft cha ge at Seward. pla~ned a sports dance May 15,I

' this i to be the last social eveningIn Supreme Court ~ale G MondaY, ,pOIj,ored by the club th;, tC'·m.

S~P!I'em~ court m'/,L~nc.oln Frid~: ~~~~~l;,~P~:~i i~o~:~: i~I2~~yn~~' .to * ~ * : .decld~d for the pltllnbff in t e- Cattle ahd br od sOws brought .C~ercial Clu? held Its sprlOgsuit On ren,t nbt/;" filed by Ft d good pr ces b. o. A good run of fllcrnc In Bressler S EP'0ve west of

: Bartels 3gamst ~rl and Gle n t k' b - d ' , ware MO~d.ay evenmg, Guests of. A ~-E:I Pou~tr~ club as ~rgan- Wade. cou.nty court de~ided for t e s l~ ~I f stan t ro~ sows IS thl.e oup were the sponsors, MissIzed, m ~he Wmslde co mumty on plaintiff and defendant appeah:Jd. pane 0 ne wee, Atli Sutherland, Dr. and Mrs.AprIl 1~..The cl~b has an enroll- District court decided Ifor the de..: G 'I'D A end Funet&l Myrick Sublette, and their son,n:ent 0

1eIght achve me bel'S. Of- fendallt aJ1.d plaintiff appealed. The r " Ivan SUblette. ClUb members re-

f~cers e ~cted are: Bonn e Jo M~r- supreme court favored the plaih- M, a d Mr . E. A..Surber. and NmUy nppointed the following totm,,~re Ident; Myron R hmus, vice tiff. Defendants may file motion Mr. and ~rs, . E. Galley Went tq ilo~lnate officets for ·the ensuingpreSIdent: Betty Gray, secrebry; Jor a rehearing Carson It)!', I wa, ,Wedn@sday to yea~: Vernon Weyrich, chairman;and Lucille RUhlow, n s report- " at~end t e tun tal for Mrs. Surb~ Helen Jones, Sally Ahern <l nder. Harvey.podOll was elected as S . h . Ch i ers bra her-in law, .Claus Hartz, Elaipe Gildetsleeve. There will belocalleadel"!. New metn ers will be ythp OnlC 0 t 76. They plan t remam a few daY!1· $ nieettng Within a few days tolaken iIlto !he club at a y time and Tol Give Progrhms vote: nlI the o!lie", ,eleoted.those d~sjring to becom members "Pays outt FIne. 'should get in touch wit the local Wayne college ~ymlj)honic choir, 1!axW:ell An erson pleaded guil- TlJe annual spring prom, spon-

leader. ~~~~~tC:ro~;a::o~t ~\il~:~a~ai~: ~~aJ;geCO,~~t~v~ ~r~i~~~~e:~~~n: s~ by the W c~ub, was held

Thre:e Youths Ponca May 10 anel Cal'Toll May 17. lind pa~ fine f $5 and costs, Q Ftidhy evening, ApTl~ 24, An e]ab- I Waynetotalof·$9.61. e bought a license. oratl!' system of b-Iue IJghts find blue I

lit Car A Improves In ~ity. I • pn decorations were u:sed in the ------,. ,---Mrs, August Ene-Ieben who is in S~~k8 a West Point,

David Horrell suffere a cut on an Omaha hosPit~1 for treatments, Mrs. . A. 1. tgen goes to WEIstthe face, Raymond Hog n was cut is improving and will remain there Point M y 7 to speak on I'Women

~1'~;at~~~i:1~r~~~d~;~~I~~~ ~;J~;;~;f;e~i~~~:I~:~~~!r~~;~~~o d~ ~~t~O ':~q~~tlhf~rm~~~~;about 9130 when the Fr nk Horrell Stueve visited her in the city Sun-machinejl driven bY~the first day 6_~a,~ed,~tIr*k;atruckp' rkednorth . ~.--l..- !t.'

of the Jlnd~ew Patker r sidenee on Aid Is dvproved.6th and L~gan. The 'orrell car Wayne cou~ty, board approvedhad th~ front badly br en. A car 13 additi¢mal ~OI<V agd 8MisUmcecame fI10m the east as t e Horrells applicati~s and fout additionalcarne fro;m 'the west an the latter for dependent ch\Jdren. The coun- DIVO~ PeiUlon.struck the truck. . ty this we'ek received" $35.0'8 ft0:m Petiti ,n see' hg diyorce has been

, the sltate and! th,? same from the filed in Way cdunty districtAlp apsi Om'e a federal gbverhment lor blind as- court by Lllur~ Jone's agditls-t bel-

1'0 Prese t Play ,istanee, . t win Jo_n+'_._+- _


t' ,P~i Ci>rhega is orking on 1Jh11t Veeoatd.

two Pl~' i\vllich ate t be given A ton tas botn APri115 to Mr.before ayne societies The club and Mrs. Ted· \juoss, tif Dixon.WiU. gi . t.h.e play, ."H arts," this 'there is on!':' tjtthet child~ a daugh..Thursd y before the MethodIst ter, itl the Fubss'c'fartdly. Mrs, Fu.:.:Ladies' Aiid, society at t e home of OSS is the 'former Miss Helen West­Mts. L.~,. Etoe. The gro p will give erhouse, a d,!mgbtet IOf Mr..andtho., Play..6.'Hrhe Queen f H.earts,,, Mrs. Fred W~stl:!tho.use t>..! the t~rie club tn eting nextMonda "811d will giv the sahle In NOl'fol~ H pita"plflY ih.l,qh~pel Wedues ay of next M~s. Milton Gtitfit efitered aw~ek. I hospital at Norf&ik the last of th~


2:fti 25c.6 ~~~N. 17c~tg~· ge3~~N~ 251:12~:N: 19t1i6°;N Sc~ ~Ig 23t

. Lb. ' 5cI.Do~. ·23t

.4 Lbs. 23clib. lOci~ fbr 9t


~Gc .. "J7c :~d 49c II

~ ,: '


,CO~ONADO POWER WASHEREce at one time may have stood befIReeii the fatQi hoti&ewife. tnd a good depend~

hIe power washer. But not DOwl Gamble's have broken down $6'»c)S~t last banierfwith this !ine motlel, :Etas all eotonlu!o wa~er ~

features. DroL~y~~~t:M~r1~·.2:~oe~d:'ii 'Si.ii pm 'w·Eri ,


Down4: Cubic 1l'eet

HeJght, (11%·; Width. J ••;' l!QfIl(o'fer l!IUl. 2S".

NetStoragfl Capacity, fouccnbJcieet.Food lrtotalf8 lIudac. area. ,.6.....,..looL

Iee'tr4ys----2.Nnm:ber Icll Cubell-U,Bscerior Fiul8b-High lnster ru­

quer. BllIck basil.1n~or Finlah-Acld.res1nUl& p­

teJaJn.lnsulaticm-Elaisam Wool r10 Point Cold CODtrol. 'Int~orUltbt-Aukmlatk.dO&f'_




That'li more etonomical than buying icel Is there any questionwb1~ethodof refrigeration you'd prefer? For the purPose of:pQfl~~aigr~~:::U::~~~:;;S:;g~r~:~:~dth~~itwill 'e IIIgoing strong" for many yCiltS aftet that. The costdividM; by 8660 days (10year~) ive!! an approrimatecost (;If Cl flet day.Uash 'ce-Model G48 .••


I Iii

Deciflive reduJiio1l8 on rlreSf:lcg to insu 'e immed­iate f/lule. An assortment of styles. c lors andfabrics, regular values liP to $2.95 -I

"OW age,

In ordql" to malke rodm for our n~w ~ rchandisethat is arrivil\& dailr We are makin-II these 8ac~rifiees. \ , I

'Dresses ---............,..............~

Brol{en sizes, so,' e sli~htlY Boil,ed; in 0 gand'ie8~, lin-

en, lac~. etc.,111;;5v59~: .

I '" .•

'HO~e~i·' ,Ladi~s' full fuijhion, ThdJl 0' 'I'M Lak Silk, chif­fon 1108e. whif~ the last =,

'j 9c


~(By II'en~ McF,ddeA )

I S~erlf! J. H'( Pile was a ca l~rer~' MondayI E A Marsha I of Stanton tr ns-


• -JC~d bus,n".. ss Ihere Thue'dsyIrs. A. G. Carlson spent S n-! a ~n the ~vo ~~redricks I~ome

rs. Pear) LeWis of Lau!'el v sit­I .n the W. W. Jones honlJe T es-

Irs. V. OJ Mc!Fndden 3n'~ do gh­t 'Irene, were shoppers it W 'ri'e

o day. I ': . I

Iaron M~ds~n. a Wayne col ege, s u ent, sp¢nt the, week-end ,\.th

(I e folks.: Ir. and lVIrs'i Coin Beuck s ~nt

li day afternoon in the' W. .E.

1 ~e~. h~:gltt visited: in theo ard Winge{t home ne~r H ~t.

i,g on Sun ay~1 'I

: rs. Fra k Wleehelman of an-

d~o:p~~~~~ItS;~;~~~:I:re.~v~ry Mc~ona d, home.· ~l\11rs. Ed. iKe hy who is i a r-

I" lIF. hosPit~l, I re,cov~r. i g. ni. ~IYf otn her'r~ce operatwn I

IVrr. ~n'di Mr • Leonard Wh en" " fa/n~ W ~SuJlday su per

~1;:Pi:1it~ lff~s~id e...i.·~ ji;,h lsin " ho -if1 at rt loU:r

r. an s. Oeo. ,,;'fkten ;0£

r har.~. '. '~re, ..•. ur.lblY dv~r .. i~.htg. sts hi the e HlekeY ho ,e.:;isse~ ,Ma, . ,e"l and M rion r,;1o

p. nham •. ,.w.'. ,e .l:.sun.daY .dl.hher. sts. of :c\\1l s ~rene M Fadd/'b:

", (". p.d•.,.~... '.:'.]!'r.,nl'. Th em~.. lj. Of.db)"h'we • ~\mday 'even'ng, s tOrs in lh' :W. W.

r.' nndi'~ s. iW:m.

eariut Butter1\ de fr~m No. '~ Pea.nuts


1.- 1

'1 'I, "J',; I '

_'_' .~:' " i . I I I WAYNE ImRAtIl,'\vA~. IlASItA..ImunSMY. APnn. 30, 19M. PMIl TJiRl!l!

'..' .....•,B.e.81,Ch~.'.~ ~ ,~-ii.~~--~-.- Chi.ldl' ~ reiI•.~'";~~i;?~~~di;.on, s~-W ~~~.s;~ .'~nq lli~ L~ther n bago. spel1t sev.eral! da.yS th~ ,i?Dst S(Jl~'theh8tlWhkefi"'d--'-l!:unice ~nn ~f ~~a~~}-~rs, John Eklund, tioiJ. b¥ Arlene Utecht, "Hfl"'-..: 'lou" 'Ii' ,I! 'J' ~ D., S day !after vlsding Mrs. 1. st te onference~ He wIll be go e week visiting,in t~e.HenfY Mj:lhr 41 u. u. & th S ~ ft t d t M TIN J h M H:1:, ~~h!"," ' Conti ~ t: OS~ rs H. B ell. I I ov r uday'. : home. I "(~Y ~iss ll, th H4nson) gu~stsU~ at en ~ napn ~un~~ir~ " H~~mb~:~. Mrs\) ;:~~~n ::laId;;::' Planted a Tree?" recitcltion Ily:!:'~ i~ :',! ,- , ,': ~l' fmd~rs, Chris TietgelJl were Mis Helen Felber left Sund y Mr. and Mrs. Ed*r Eric){son ~nd Mrs. Anna ndel'srn visit~d home iO IC cord for the celebr _ Mrs A W COllson and MISs Rdna g~~~~,ardl:e:~;o~h~nYD~'~~~~

: '~i ' i, ,'I d'i , Sel: 'I - I'· ih ~i tIx . iY last Friday. ! fot M~comb. Ill,~ [lfter visiting r. family were Sunda dinner gUfsts ~ft':r'l~totnO. Fred, cksonl Saturday tS'7olnh 0w'edM'dr,'lganadnnM,vl'ller'sLa"ryn.dstromrs Dahlgren. Bparkluntl, lI'i:'he Creat 'tree to HisI ',.·.'.· ·"",au ,ea ,_ec:~. 'r..• W.itt .era Xl .,er L *.Stttan and,L, t.,alkins ana ~rs. H, J. F,ether who to k in t,he Ed. Weilan e,r home Ifar '-' '- ~1.., Ii Cpildren;" recitntion by Fnithi:!~:~. : Jri 'q9mpe:titl t\ 'ohso d" spent ,Sund (Y, in Sioux CitJ1. hebto Omaha. Randolph. I I Little Jacqu line I At'Jderstm ·Mr. and .1}f1rs. Albert Johns9n Newly Wells are Guel'ts. ?J._,u"s,;ab'SyOh.'llh~u'l'pl'l;e,.?Tnhd....npPl·Pn"lm,.,.:~Ii,: ": ByL· i r ' Oil Gre quist went to Omaha r. ;[Ind Mrs. W, M. Hileman of Mil'S, F. W. Crosslwent to Wayne sPC'nt'MOnd3 Y n~ ht in the Walter and fam~ly, Iof Wayne, were Su~- The Study Circle club members "''-l '6 1-'....... :l! '''-"i;I~' +. ' eglo -, lary. last hurs ay on business. Si ux City, visited Monday in t e Mondny to attend ~he aolden w~d- Otte ~me.' 'day evertln~ callers in the G. A~- tlnd ffllnllleS hod :1 wIener toast at Sllhg" Miss J1:ansotl has kept the

:.~:.'.. ',' t . ,.1 .. PI.~.zes.'" in._ thO.•. '.'~ ;y lposter~ __~on- Mi Jea1.ette iLe:wis waS! 11('1'(' CHarles Heikes home When ~~ro t~ ding anniversary oflJudge an.d. JIif. rs. Mr bnd MI'S. Wilbt Roberts fred Johnsbh. home. On Wednd- the Elmer Boeckenhnuer home schoolroom decorated With pussy-.'-' \ '1tes.t, l'ecently S l n Olied by "'the from. end SuturdtliY;sndSunday to,Julesbutg, clo. ,~J. rvt. Cherry. I .! \lSltcl:I the Ma vin ortensons day Mr ahi Mrs Glen Johnsq,n Flld;ly ('vPOlng for Mr and Mrs Willows and IriS flowers A tree" . ,Ii AnieriC~n Legio ! u 'diary wtu be in ttl br.. GL W. Lewis home. H. E. Hein c me- fl'otn dnc ln Mrs. Geo. HUlIsm,pnn nnd daugh- Wedl1eSdny Drter oon Mr and M s Ch,lS Johnson hr Weldon MortC't1son A gift of S11- ('qmtc-st for the week was begun.

- ! n,~r~rded atinn e 'Iy elite. Over 50 M~ and 11vI~s. Walter Savidge S~UrdaY and vi i~eaaw-the.:R. . tel'. Hazel. spent 'JI'hursdoy nfter- M[ Ruth Han on \V s a lunch ... Wayne, Vlsl (Od tht>re and wete vt'lwnrf' was presented to the new- E~bCh pUpl} 1S to make a hRt or: P?S.. were .~.n.. re .- in 'th~ .. eO~l- were n Til~e-.nlSaturday oft.l:.>rnOon. 1,. home until . ~na.ay whenl M s. noon in the Chas l

• Fdendenbnch {on llcst In th Ed Gustafson lunCheo~gu~sts lyweds About 50 were In attend- a} the trees sef'n ot heard of att.est and JU. e b .n co LE1 Ma~h of wak~flel~.' spent H in <lnd Virgi i •• l·cturned w th home <It RandOlPh,. I hom Frldoy (1ft rnoonl Mr ,m Mrs A P Borg, nt:- Dnce \\ Ith thc followmg as guests 8 Y time

., 'tee ml;ltle up af r .. Henry' Sund y wi h Miss Mary 'MaIn. ltliJn.' Mrs. Guy Root tind d.wghl:er, NIr J Mitche I spe~ last week cotnpanl d by Mrs W S Hart, of ~Isses DOiothy Jackson and The K of Yo! the Lmeoln Circle. Miss' Jessie St~ l1e '~,nd W Je el~ 1bin~on spetbt Friday f- , Miss BerhlCe ~Plittgerbe-l' sp nt Floren~. l\1~s. R.1y~ond RO~i~~ With her daugh I' rs EItner Concord 311d Mra. B H. Jones of Gladys Leitzke, Mr and Mrs Lau~ met Wedhesday for the flrst tjme. Porterfield. MI.'~ . A. ternq n In h,e J. K. Johrum~.ho e. thh wee}{-end in Q$aha with r. and M:s~ Clmre Tlfilm were ~Ol Boer enhauer u tl' fam ly DIXOh, oiujlred to Omaha Wed~ renee Hanson and baby Ht several weeks, As AprIl 19 to

'.h..d Mrs. F. G. DO., e, ve;n~. In c Mr .. R... , mkham ca.lIed., In 'f,he ariJd Mrs. Vbl Darl'll1g who ate 0-1 folk VISitorS Elatuq::lay. . I I Mr imd Mrs John Erickson nesday t htflp the ladles' motMr, 25 inclUSive is the natlOnal "Kmd-or tile cqntest. :I Hem Lagthome SLjntlay ~veU1 g. ca~ed in tht? Win4sor-Al'lns dpa ,t- Mr. nnd 'Mrs, FI1ed HICk~y jmd wei c Monday s pper guests In Mrs Ma Williamfl, celebrflte hier School Notes. ness to AnllTlel" week end thiS

The ~contest :Va!' Clividea int q ",: K a.~vil.WM i~ ,Pie ce rntnts. M~. and Ro~ey .Isom, Were the ,mmett Enc son h me 87th blrt dayannnersary All lle- Dl"-tllet 11 was especially stressed by several~hde nnd"-schoo :'gr up.s to faeill Mon. y al1 111 SIOUX: City TUfs- M' . t . _ Fnday evenmg callers l. n the Lynn Mr and Mrs A Carlson turned t nt evenmg AI hOI dny was observed by hav- rt-adlngs and poems gIVen by ML'lS' jU~lging Di si n :one iri,~It1d- day. i , I b' r~ ~Ug~ Ka~ and Mrs, H 1'- 150m home nt.Hosldns. :\,(:rp_ Wednesday eveni g visitors ing a program of readings, songs, Hanson f.or the prt.?,gram part ,~of

, ~d entrjes fr~m ;d '5 4,: 5 nod 6 0 l M': Cln ence Rreston of !I..nuj·el, ~rt cll of ,end:.t, were at ,9' r- _.Mrs.. MartIn Rbsmussen <lnd lt1 the Arthur ~: exand r home. Eltt~~4Jns for Mother. and di"cLlssions. A contest w<J-s the meetl~7' As a VSpare Tim."tlR' Wtl,yne.'-TrUl' ~ --s-choO'I 3fld- oj visit~ the. D.-NaBs St!tnd-ay aftc.,r- elee CO~g;( ~ Fudtiy. They to k daughters spent Sunday nfte.r- Mrs. Martin} olmb g was a MI·s. E~d)r Ring entertained a held in c1osinl, to Sf'e how many Adven.ture for the week eacht'his group fir"st a'c wais awarde noon I • ' ~ ea Fein m home for the wee{- noon with Mrs. Joe MeDonnll1 who luncheon guest i the John ''N. group of:} ~Ies Tuesday aftemobn fact.<l eould be re('alled. The iris pupil IS to fInd a collection of hiS

i,jaCk'Dnle :md S 0 dl Wanda! 01 Mr tlnd Mrs·IJ· M. $trehan nnd d. has beC'n ill sC'vC'l"nl weeks. .Johnson !'lOme Stnday fterhoon. complimEin Qry to her mother, beds un thE' schoul Yard were f~vorlte poetnsand mak~ them l~:-·"'son. In 'g-rndes 8 nhd 9 of' th 'child en WCre in Winside Monday ~r. and Mrs. John Clauss.en of The W. E. B. dUb wn~ {'nt~r- Miss Adelaid Bull' Was a Mrs. C. G. ochron who ·arrived cleaned during tllt' afternoon re- teil a booklet. Each jJuplI pledged.

truining schools I tI el'l Jean Dlso even' g. .' M, and the Otto. Reith d tained by Miss, I~oIT~linc ~ -'.If Thul sdny overni ht VI ItOI' With here frat Compton, Calif. last ~es' h/lmsel! to follow the golden ruleDnd M'~rbn J.J -ns n ";von r.,flrs M nd ~rs, Walter MiJIer and fa Ily were S~mday dtnner a d Wedl'!.esdn~ evenIng. MISS Ylrgl, In !lPJ schoolmate MarH n Harn- week Vl Itors were MIS Madill' Le Roy Lund,lhl observed hiS or schoolroom and playground.l?lace on-::f pest lade tog-Jther Bi ,inS~ouxCity lost Wed- stpper guests of lVft'. und Mrs. J. Whalen wlll cnt('l't,lin th;'; mef- on' Holmber , M1S Elmer I3oecken- pl£\pnth lmthd<lY Monday by At the radio amatellr hour pro-Rulh Wilson wo' 5 dohd. 9 H~ Claussen. bel'S m two weeks. ! r."; j Mr nnd~Mrs arvin Mortenson hauel, M s Jane Mitchell, M1 s C tl e<J.tmg the sdhool to candy A gra.m Friday Miss Faith Gustafson

P 1 P I .' f' 1 'I' M office will be closed until iMI'. nnd Mr.<l E. E. Gailey - Mr. and Mrs. Rll~ Jone~.'>~f R~n- md Maid lie we e su.. n ay. dmner L B:.lrd, ~1l$ C A Bi3rd and Mrs glmc \\::IS plnv~d before dlsmlssal won first c ersc w n Irs, an M a ' I" T B .' k" I " , • d 1 h M ~'M 'J ~'1S 11 II "·Ib R b l ~ Il',d 11 n'ot M!s Arthur Borg D' '1 t· '00 F .~ d - L d· tl 1" a , u~ 0 lown. . . Hec dt, h~rned Saturday from Elgll1. r. 0 p, r. anu rs.! ay ,( eon . In W Wi e 0 er s \.-arne T 1 {le011 was <:", V- urlllg cons ruc IOn pen n-

.0 ne~ ~~(', s 5 l~ 61(' ,~I~l den . ,a30tl. : Ghlley was there while Mrs. Gail y of Belden nnd Mr., and '·s. qill ed. Di~trict 59: day pin trays were made.

,~::.n 0 1~'3l C5 ~~ I nf ~; M. ·-Chris Tietgen viBi,tcd her a~tended the women's club co _ Arp we~e Sunday d"nner ~lcstsl in ,'Ida Mo Hel £IS was a The pupils raked the school Y.3rd Seventh and eighth grades lire, 8 .IY~l~ D

Hg1 I~~(: n gra ~es siste~t MrsfMD~'y Kirsch at B3ttle V~ntioll in Albioh, the LOUIse Jon·es home.:! ' Saturday overni tad Sunday 'Mrs. i][bltnberg Entertains. Monday morning. Arbor day was working on physiology drawings

fi~~ 'andal~:~en~_I~ ~~.;~~sS~~:ed Creelf Sun, ay. ".' 'Mr. and Mrs. 'L~tiei-L~ ~awk of Mr. a~d Mrs. B, C. Plrlkeln~.~ ~i~itOl' in, the WaIte PeOrson Mrs. Mattin Holmberg honored fittingly observed by the pupils and wall )Jar:Jer designing.F·J'st llace in de .io 11 a d I" Mll~: G.. ~nberg and ch~l~t~n Charleston, w. Va., ai-rfved M01- nnd fa~lly of ,Obert, Mr. ~nd M S'I tm~. ! , Mrs. Geor,ge- Anderson find dau$h- presenting the following progtam Rut&. Hansun, teacher.

i .. I b \ '.' P (£.11 ~ retu! ed T,lU,r~d:JY from a. Vl.<llt III day. by car to spend a \Veel{ wi -h Joe Pmkelman nn~1 fam~ n, d J\.1l. nncl, MI s. Jnme. Leonard t('1' Alice M<ll'ie, of Hastings, 3t ;] Wednesdny <lfh}rnoon: "Arbor Daywas won y II Y . en I ow Roch' ster, 1M inn. till' formel"s s·ster Mrs" C F LaVerne L(,n?Jt'll o( liondolfih, M ·A. ~1llc1 ehlld~('n vis ted I the -Iut- birthday 'P:il,rty for Mrs. Ander$on Song," by 311 pupils; reading, To $PelUttg Bee.and second b.

yut 1 Pltzel", I Be ty nndi Bllrbarn Strahnn spenl Ole-nsf and fa~ilY.· > • • Herman Marx :Jl1d Mr. at~d M ·S. t('I"~ pa~·t'l~tnl, Jo n Li dahl home ~~~~o~I~~.c~~~·('~;~:~b~l~es~~Ji~~ "Celt-'brnte thc Al'bor Day," by DDnald HOrh. county spelling

Prlzesfor firs' .l~ ce~ ~lre "ledal Satu dtly in Merle Mulready'~ Wm: VonSeggern, jr:, of So th Raymond Marx :lnd family f r Sunday! I, . I Miss Hanson; t;ong by quartet, champion, gdes to Omaha May 16and second p}a_ S WIll be Ismal horn, at Norfolk. ' Sioux City. Mr~ and Mrs. W. E. FUl'dyc~, w,;,re Sunday' dlm ~~r Mr. nnd Mrs. ilton ~C,orkll~- were: MtS'i Sablemnn and Joyce "The Birth of Arbor DaYi" recita- for the state spelling contest.c.ash awards. I l\Ilr ~md Ml;s. Andrew Juhm;oh! V S : d M· B t . guest.<=; 111 the lIC'nry Len7.('n ]llJO E~. rhlp rllld sons of ILa,ure VIsltl:'d m

. , spent Sunday afternoon in tilt' EdJ S~n~l:gg~lIl a~l ,.~~s r ~VIs~ ,;r:'l~ ._____ ill(' .John McqQrkind Ie homeDil'oJ"ce G~ a lted 1 w;ll'c1 Mey~r home. ' HI'I;S~~~' ,1111~~e~~~~eSDSOl~oth;/.S' . I:JRI~NNA Sn1H.luy, nfternoo~ .

c., III Dit tl i(,t CFiIIl'~ L. ,'. Brbwn retul"Tl:Pr1 Saturct,lY Miss Netha .James, Miss Jow 11 ~lSS Rl.J.tlt H nson met WIth, t..!' fl:O~l~ ~)I~laha :~'.her.e ~w spent n few Rbbinson, Miss Della Giese, M ss (TIy Staff Corrqsponuent.) :lh~~)~~:i~;~;~:: i~~ r::- ~~~:sJ~r

'In the dlvOIcq a tum of J(lmr: d.l):> 101 medlCdl ~<lle, Vll'ginia Be<.'!onnn and Mrs . .To In Bil'tihday DimU'l'. . - yT>.Iilllken ,lgdlnsl l H ttl(' Milllkeni Mt '. U. S. Cbnn of Omaba, visit- Deckman were ~unday er To hmwl' Mrs. D. A. Wvlie bn III thC' church pa ·lors. .heald III dlstl'ICtlcomt !:lst 'I1~HlIs1 e~ f om. Frid:y to ..sunday 1I('1'f' guests of Miss iVlnnlynn Glel~n. her birthd:1Y, the fullowing \~ent ;111~1r~h~~d~E'~r~e ~m~7 a~rJ~;t~~~dny, Jlld!~e CllI~tPn~ChUSl' gJ!8nt('{~ \\ Ith I Ml S. I. B. Bntel!. 1) L Muson of Meudow (,1'0 'P, to the Wyhe home at CUlTol! SllIl- . It' t .dlVOI eo to thel IIDt e1 lJf'lE:jndnnt Mil' <md Mrs. Ray Rubin:;on o.n.d Cll.\d -C;E:ne B'ell.mtlll attended [I. m

f·,.dny for di.nner: Mr. o.n.(i M.'.'S. J1<trt.y nO~Il. \'~P ".O~'!': and] suppe gues s 111

W::JS I ('stOl cd h~~ I arne o[ 1lattlj Jewell spent, SllmlflY 1'\'t'llIIlIJ J!1 tici:lllS' convention at Nod -lk Baird nnd family 0:[ nrenna, Mil'. til( ,To!.!: Enckso~1 home.l\ll:Nutt She \\. ljowed IJuclg the 4>. G. NeJsun hom£'. Monday l'vemng. Wilbrd Wiltse of and Mrs. P. C. ,1C'1l$Cn of Currol!' A M,rs'ld A, NI~?~d ~n:d ~e~:~lent of $23250. a 'uble nOi' an .~Il·, and M,s: ~. ~. :_o~mg lJvlll W,lUS,l, :dso nttended 1h(' can\' - MI'. ilnd Mrs. Chestf'r Wylie <Iud lU~l~~E'O~ e::~~~ o~ IMr .< B. W.Ijil,OOO pel mnncli al mony, p liYabl~ ill n . ho~~ FndLlY dftll s!Jpnd1l1g tion. family of Newcastle, Mr. ahd Mrs. Fl'ederi{'ksl~n T~rSdBY afterootm.nt $30 n monthl: be 1l'll1lng 'llgust the \ mter tlll the 'Rev. W. C. Heidenreich was lin Harold Anderson, Mr. LInd Mrs. Mrs. Walter 0 te and Mrs, J·ohn1, H13G. t Dr Wal e1 Benthdck W,lS I~ E;xeter Monday Ito VISit hlS daUr1- Wm. Wyile and family, MISS Fr:.ll1- IlDnsori were in he C. A. Kitmey

---+----+--1 I fl~~~ ~u~~~IJI~~~c,~t~:~~~~n~or th~ te~, Mrs G L Klstler The fOi - ces and Frank Wylie. home from Wed esday until 8at-Baby Bt'E'J CI it l\fc('ts~ M S er s slster, Md COlli ad Ked of urdW assisting ith ho se clean-

Wayne Baby Be f club met ,It SlS~ ~ Mrs" ~~~~;y SVc\~~~~t~ h~l~ FleepOi tIll, -Who WDS m Exet J, For Mrs. Will T("st. Jng.' ,tlw COUI t hous A rjl 21 \\11th 2~ New asUe Tuesday last week (rlmC here wJ1h llum £01 ,I \ ISlt Fc Mrs. Will Tcst's biIthclJ.y of Mom- - Mr. and MrS'l' A. imrod andmembels plese t fr rfn three clUb~ II MI <lnd MIS Clurence Sd1C'ln r, d<lY was celebr<tted Sunday noLl hmlly and Mrs Anna Andlllt'.<lonMembels wele imn e ncquull1ted W dNlssen of Sterling, Colo, MIss MdllC Schemel and Alfled Mondny in her home. Sund<lY \'~·el·e g~ests in t e J Sundellphns wele n13d~ fo se~eral to ntt leftt ;1 hay after VISIting the J Al- l-L1SS, Jl , of HOIIstelll, lo\\-a, sp~nt noon guests were MI". and Mrs. ho~e Sunday f I' the ~ annualte~d 4-H CIU'b Iwe It program ltjl i:?e~ bZrtnsK~:~~d:~:e~ h,:-:,e t ~un~uy hela wlth their gra d- Gust Test Dnd Mf. and Mrs. Henry iwafflc di.nner.L1I1coln 10 Jun'" nd feedmg or W I II II b h hac es a "p0thel, Mrs R II Hansen, a d Baker. Sundtty evening, guests Mrs G B Ai trbpe nnd Olivecalves Was dISd!.;SS d The clU

ren~ ; th~~r. ~ ;m':d~~ss ~~~ke- wJth th: Glenn Wallace family I were Mr. and Mrs. Chris Holst or Mr. ~~d Mr~. !inuren e H~U'~so~

meets at the ct)urt house ~or It M~ nnd 1\1 G t D f Mr .md MIS. H S Ovcrocl f'r Hooper, <lnd ,lVIr. nnd Mrs. Marttn ::Ind Dplono, Mis Ida ae Hell{esnext procrram when he Top iNot~h N f II h IS ran aVIs 0 01 Flemont, John Oveloeker of Holst nnd family. Mr. <lnd Mp. were Thursday venin visitors ih

"'lli or .., \\Ide here laf>t Thursday Norfblk MIS Lpme Overockc>r of John Test were MondaY'afternoon th At M 11 hel \Vlll be m ch rg The may.teturn to Wayne to In C' SlOU}:: F'alls, S :0, and Peter Ell 1- visitOrs. Guests in the rest hmlle ~!.. rnnd ~~~ ~~~~ Mortenson

~ R v W C Helde~lrelCh wns In brock of Little Rock, IOWll, w re Monday evening Were Mr. and l! and Murdelle, A. L. Mo tensoti, andLOtL LS j I PIer ~ SU~day afteUloon to help SfundDY guests of Mrs W B ml Lout;;, Test and family, Mr. and M1:'.:S. \ErWI.n were' in t eEl'.n st .J(lhn.son.. r1 I Rev H", tzbetger WIth servIces a~d Ml s Smal1 Ovelocker Otto'Test Dnd family, Mi. and MiI'sr home Sunday ev rung IIJing bale

o Be~ ElliS spe_lt th week fnd 1m M SSS VlOr- E Jones who teach- Mt and Mlsi Fled Bartels of Alfred Test, Mr. nnd Mrs. John celcbrnte his fo rth bi thday,~~. T t t J i es a t J,rmes, spent the week- ~oux Clty, speht Snturd<lY nd Brudigam and Neld<l, Mr. and M1's. fer!lon Leo ard as among

W'l u~ ld;:; wn leiI'I flam end lete With heL mother, MIS R undlay hele \\I'lh then daugh el, Carl Brudigam, Mr. an~ Mrs. Atu- tf'! --tro~p of bo s fro',' the t1gtl~~{e led M onlay. L vi H. Janer 1"S. Charles Heikes. Dnd fam ly. gust BrudigDm Dnd family, Mr. ,Ibd lil Ire class ho atcotnllahied

__r. on rs. ,en a s R v. 'l. .' thJr Sunday glj1.ests were Mr. indo Mrs. Henry Brudigam and .famn.'.Y, t.he· in.structor,. r. va.pee, to Lin-NIl's. Lawrence }vamberg of H ·t- Mr. Dnd Mrs. Peter Nelson and Ib- n [jnd stayed from IwedneSdaymgton, and Mr~ and MI'~. G. B. Win, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Nlc'h- until Saturday.Aistl'ope and Mtss Olive of Wa e- ols and daughters. Mr. nnd Mirs.' 'Mrs. Bert If rriSl)~ played afjeld. Clnrence B,lker, Mr. anq. ,Mrs. WilL piano solo for t e Wo en's Miss-

~RtlPh Ingham of A~am~,n, Baker nnd family, 1\11'. and Mrs. ionary society hursd y nnd also

" i~~~'~ 1~~~~ t~irl~r~\;: ~~I~e~~~:Y t~ ~i~~., ~~;:~~r~~dsu~~~~;s. l\~c~~~ ~~~tn:t:i~han~e :.i~ t.~~unl~~~~and; Mrs. C. '1', Ingham. ChillIes gie Suhr Dnd Clifford, Mr. and gtf'est after scho I. 'I gliam, student in Omailu, ill Ml's. Bernard Meyer and family, G. Alfred Jo nson. t:1lis J(lhn-

f'~it~l~n~~~~~~~~~t~l:l~~n~~~ ~~~i~n~O:I~~'a~I~~sl~ns~~~s:'~;: ~~~;~~ie~i~~R :~,an~a~St~~'ChaaCs~ill, be h.ome f,rom Crofton for fhe, Milis Gertrude Mq.'lt, Miss Johnson of Wa~ ~, vi .!ted lh, theeek-end. Etltjin Aevcrman. Miss Irene Test, Clifford Johm;o hom north ofMl'. and Mr$. Harold Huff I'd Gus ,Jaeger, :Frank Brudigam, laud, ICarroll Sunday fternbon.d~ Jamce and Keith of oma.1O' Russell ~arveY Lutt. Mr. ahd MI·S. Nels ajorklund,

spe t Saturday and Sunday h 're ~--., , --._- ,----

wit Mr. and Mrs. J. E. HUffi·d.

~' r. und Mrs. RaUe Hufford' nd

s n Iof Lincbln,' who sp<ent heI eek-end j~ COleridg.e wlth rEi.

ufford's rflother, stopped ereurjday afternoon wlth the I- f":

f rds on their return to Lincoh .I


Implies low price on enryItem. Not on one or two so­called bargains.

nODe Grocers no..

5 ~ 5

Soap Flukesdvi~ It~.ei~o~~r.~~~e. Pack..

C';tons_... 37c

UA Safe Place To Save"

True Value


i Loaf CheeseEit.her Am('r~can or brick ­a -[.ery fine cheese.

Ppund _ 26c'frosted CookiesOven fresh - 3 varieties

~oUDd ..... 15c

Fresh Fruits andVegetables

'~~~~hRadishes 3c:~s~~~.~~~~ _23c~::~i~l~wer : IOe;::~~bbage ..4c~ ~~ ~ii~:a~Plcs ,22c

I Canned Cornacked in No.2 cans. Extra

s ndarq, grade.I


The monthly nntion'll 4~H ('h,11radio broadcast May 2 will be 11':jl)to 12, 'noon, from ',NOW, Otn;tll,l,

and WHO, Des Moines. The /1Onwdemonstration program isover the same stations May

Indications point to flnotlH'lof soybeans. Tests show thatbean meal cubes will likely h,i\"l'a place in livestock feeding. TIll'cubes contain 37 percent protelfland are worth 93 plil'cent as muchin food value as cottonseed cake.

...._ ••,1

About 33 women will go fromNebraska to Washington, D. C, fll!'

the triennial conference of aS~OCl­

ated country women of the wol'ld.They leave May 25. Plans call fill

stops at Battle Creek, Mich .. S1Thomas, Canada, Niagara Falls ;Jl1L!

Easton. Pa. The 1500 women willdiscuss gardens, bread making,home landscaping ;lJ;ld' CCOnOllllt.:


Demonstrations of gopher ex­termination will be given if de­mand is sufficient. Agent Molkrhas poison for preparing bait fOlgophers.

Secretary Wallace speaks infarmers at Lincoln May 4 on l!lCsoil conservation program. This ishis only appearance west of the

Nearly> 400 Nebraska falrmers Mississippi and nearby stateshave entcl'ed the 1936 pasture con- invited.test with May 1 the final date for I.iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii_~entering. I ~


..---Agricultmoal 1Notes

~~~~~Nebraska's "big four" soil con­

servation crops LInd practices underthe soil conservation pI"ogram havebeen listed for l:onsideration. Thefirst practice which will draI\V thesoil c;onservation payment is toleave stand for pasture, hay or seedan additional acreage of second­year sweet clOVel" or an acreageof alfalfa or perennial prass whichwas seeded in 1935 with a grainnurse crop harvested as grain orhay. The second is to seed a,lfalfa,clover or grass this year without anurse crop or with a nurse cropwhich is used for pasture. The- thirdpractiCe is summer fallow and thefourt~, temporary rotation of pas­ture.

"Muddy w<lter doesn·t look sogood," says Henry Debuhr, John­son county farmer who learned soilconservation I in Holland. Mr. De­buhr finds srtrip cropping' withoutterraces to bt' effective in controll­ing erosion. Jon gentle slopes. Onmore slopilig land he uses terracesto prevent soil washing and to con-

We Can: Supply Your Wants in.Quality Work Clothing

serve moisture. Gullies 0111 his LIl'tn

have diversion ditchcs above tlW:11


Sturdy, AU-Leather


Grey covert, sanforized.Jackets and zjpp~r sli.irtstomat\.__



WAYNE MARKETS,April 29, 19361.

cr~.te5 ...~~~~.~~~ .. to ChangeNo.1 eggs ....,.•: I8(

~~~1.~.~~~... 14 and ~~~Roo$ers HI J~~~YI'J"'ia"r . IU,

Horsehide and Cowhide

Our feature work shoe ismade of leather tanned bythe Rosite process whichmakes it absolutelYj barn­yard acid proof. ;

For mechan.ies. carpentersand others who desire asturdy shoe with dressshoe fit, wo show threestyles, including an ox­ford.

1.'he best fitting


That can be bought. Allsizes to 20. Sanforized,shrunl('_

UNDER.WEA~In all -the popular,' styles.

S"!aWi'SAPPAREL FOR~~ WOMEN, .. I'!I:· .

:for the Man Who Works




Oahkoah OVERALLSBlue, Hickorr. stripe andwhite for pamters. Also

~~Z~dds~~k~~:;allsa~tI a popular price.


AY, \wRIL 3D, 1936:

We know how to makegoo, sturdy screens.And, they are made tofit ach particular win­dow

F y Time Willery Soon BeWith Us


(Continued from page one)

and kicks like a T~xas ~teer if ex­pectations are notkully realized.

Under-SUPitl;jf Humorists.Some one thinks; there is a dearth

of humorists in .Ajnerica. A fellow

!i I!

at 51 cents lin hour, ir,orking ffom eight to REtwelve hQl1rs per day, Willia A. Irwin, A late ppresident <If the Uni~ed State Steel .Cor- ing lbat .,ix te,! per,on,pOfl,\tioll, began work ·.at 15. James Slmp- believe politics lue~ces the

--+¥-+J.l:::""--':'+i--+i---!---!--:---:-:.., Ison ~tarted! clerking for Marsljall Field & bandling oIled. I reliel lund,Company. ~t 17 and be arne president?f sugifests ,.popu" _resentment

-':::J:m:W=-tl-,-Jr=-+--:-+---r--lItheQrgani ation at 49. Jame~ H. HUB~lB, wben opportunity ,to do '0 i,,rUb ~ to Tht W NebrOSka retired pr sident of the Bostqn & Maine presented. It i~: Ihe marjority,tlb~ Ma ce ;:, 1886 ·'der lbe act railroad al)d of the Ne Ha\jen & Hart- bellel, then, eXPf!,ed by many

Xu wn b co 0 P'ubuca~on, ford railrO~d' got his fi t railtoad experi~ ~e:~~~;a~:'dem~,a~n:~~erea~~~en~ as 0 ce boy. Fr derick H. Ecker, some relief reci.tlients that poli­hea of t e Metropolit n Lif1e Insurance tics is distributingCo pany, as 15 yealrs ld when he began taxpayers' donaij'ons. From an­work at $ per weelk. Calvin Coolidge, other source it :is learrned thatHerpert H ~ver and I-AI red $mith made a PhiladelPhia!rty Ie,ader in­their own l~ving in bo hood. S. S. Mc- structed one c 'mit~eman inI,.~r~~~iill"l1 "\ ClulI'e. fam

id in the rna.g zine field, figured Mal1ch to urge rsons doing re-

he ~o'uld . 0 almost an hing on a farm li61 work to register fl.S demo-

when he , I,lS 12 years ld. Henry Ford, j~~~ ;~e:~::: L~o~~~e~t~~~~~4j"~~=t-=F::":=ft::o::r1=al;..::;AJJs=o=cl=ali=Oll""::"'1Harvey Fit.Eestone, C. Nash and. many Admini,trator" r'~rry. Hopkin,- otht leading figures in merican hfe got had declared tlm5el~es posi---,-,!j-rl---:-::I+C:-oJ~-=t--;;-:-;---I thei first .lessons in in stry in boyhood. tiveJy against a '.' wing politics

hile none had OPP rtunities afforded to have any in " ene, in be-

by money ~)}: easy school ng, not one blam- e,tv0etW,lntghererleiceolrd' lefbit/;o'kenHoawd=ed lack of /ll1vantage~ 0 his parents. Not r(one ,expressed the id~a t at he didn't have mgrlanvj'attrea,tiontbePledgsepsi~~~Yt~~tan equal ~hance 'Wii her hoys. Each §j1oue helped strugglin p rents by helping promise and per~rma~cedo not

himself and affectio "at consideration for ~~~~~i~~~:a:~·:~~r.lose rela­

parents' was almost inv riabl~ expre8sed'I""'=====~=::::::===IEarly explerience in p oductIve e~ploy- IJ

ment built, needed pluck a~d self-rehance, DEMANDope1Jing fi~lds for obse atlOn that provedvaluable fbr later leal1 ship. Too muchregulatingl as proposed ,by the president,would lik,\ly hinder the ~har"cter. develop­ment needed to fashio4' 'Winning humanfiber.


you! a dldir thdtcm \.'1 ~tJg'l Or a porch

sWlflg') ()1' ~Jd{cr furnituretlldt nL'cds new _ cushions'?Somcthlll~at reqUires a :~lTIodE'l"ate]y priced piece of ~

~1~~1~1::1:~\~~~~~tl~~~1n~~~~ i~\I~~~~;l);)[ ~ ~~~.n .t~e~~·~ Ihd\e n('w mdter'itlis that iWill sdtl:>fnctory for !you ~ln' good look- ~In)..; ton dbo 11,I\e culor- E

~~~ <.Jt 251' and ~

&b Colored ~;::~~oWclS'\('er. ;"•."",.ta-inlv arf' a nice deconl~ion

for the bath room. They ~re

just as useful as white of!.e5too, and cost about the same.Lat~e ones are SOc ahdsmaller ones to match alre ~".35c. Extra nice wash rags inth£" same colors and nth

~;~~~~\:oiSm:~~o:r~ir:C~ I,.buy them while we havel acomplete ncw stock or all ~colors and sizes. ::

We h,we~e:w sl ,:rtl~r~

:~~,c;~,~f~~O~~(s ~~ee ,i, ::"_"'",,,,'thlS style which 15 so'popu ar _With the young folks. We I-so have Silvcr Kid San alsin both hIgh and low heelsfor wear w1th formals andcommencement frOcl{s, Tbey,ll c $3 g') dnd $5 00 And :weIl,l\e some new lattIce front :',ll1d wld(' sttap styles 1l1~a- ~dIe" White Footwear ) at ;ell e the Sma! test thmgs J st EblOUght out All our r t- Eweal IS modClatcly pnce~ at ::$2 95 to $3 95 except a ew ~speCialtIes WhICh are $500 Eand OUi Wilbur Coon A ch ::SUPPOI t Footwear Whlch[A,:S, - $750 -4 ...

We ar~ -;c~~S" ilt $l.OO :Children's White Lea.therSandals and also brown l~a~ 1', ~"'•.

ther sandals WiUl good we/a.r~ _iog- soles. They \are re~k-~:I;' values at ,~1.00. SiZr 6 i



-.-You can select a house

dress or better eottun floel\:here from hundreds of fre!Oh,new dresses. Lots of cleverstyles at $1.00. The betterfrocks at $1.95 and $3.00 areso st.yleful and the materialsso attractive that they almosttake the place of Silk dresses.~

Before you buY a cottOI'ldress sec the great <l5sm t­ment <.lt Ahern's.

-e-Muusing and Warner Bros.

make t.he outstanding linesof foundation garments ° ••

Their style and quality a.renationally fa.mous. The newSpring and Summer styles

! Pl'intl'd Silk Dresses andnavy blue sheer dresses aregoing to carryon rightthrough the summer. Somepastel crepes and pretty laceswin be worn for special oc­casions. But for all aroundusefulness - for travel andfor seventy per cent of t.heoccasions when you reqUIrea nice w'e55 you'll find yourprint or navy hlue sheer willturn you out stylefullY andcomfortably, So say the st~ Ieauthorities. And S9 \\'e havebought more New Prints andNavy Blue Sheers along withour summery Light Colorsand you'll find an attractivecollection of these popularand practical dresses hereright through the season, Wehave a lot of ne\\' ones justarrived that you'll enjoyselecting from. They aremostly $5.95, $7.95 and $8.95.No extra charge is made foraltcrations. -.-Here's ~I dandy S I speCl,llin LadICs' SlIps. Your chuiceo[ 6 styles mclurilng MunsmgKIHt Silps --- ~h,ld()v; pclnclblcts cut slips and ldcc tilln­med styks - culUts wIBle,flcsh and lJl"lch.

-e-Many of our Ladies' Hats

are on sale at bi~ markdowns. $2.95 hats are $1.95,the $1.93 styles are $1.29 and$1.tJ5 hats are $1.00. Theseare nice quality felts andstraws purchased in April.The May styles are nowcoming and we wish to clearevery April hat this week.We follow this plan so as topresent a new fresh assort­ment every month. Our hatsare vcry popular heca.uscthey offer at moderate pricesthe very smartest, ncweststyles at $1.45, $L95 and

~~,;5.cYe~~'a:aeY~~~e:m~~i~\\eek-end a becoming hat at$1,00 or $1.29 that will pleaseYOU pcrfedly. Come Frldayor Saturday and sec.

The l educ('d J)nc('s wehavp bcen rllilkll1g on Ladles'::'IUlts hd:; cel t,lInly attracledHttentwn. No\v wc have onlysIzes 14-16-t8 ;:md 20 left.But there IS still a fme selec­tion of .styles.m these SIzes.The mann1sh tailored short­Jacket SUits marked down to$7.0U are a grcat bargaliLThe:>e short J<leket SUItS <Ire\'cry pr<lCllC,ll-they can beworn for many summer oc­casions iltld next f,dl andwmter they t"ke the placeof a wool dress.

Our SWdggCr SUIts 111 pl ct­t,Y plaids are now $37;',. Andlovely S\Vaggel~ of fme n.lvyblue fancy woolens {lnd o[smart tweeds are mal keddown to $1450 It you \'.C<l1'

~ 14, 16, 1801 20 lool~ hcre futYOUl" biggest barg3111 ll1 aSUIt.

~~f~~~~~~1r~~;~g:I~~~::E:! 1----~A-h-e--r-n--'8 0 '''f'''''e''''·''r!:::::''==:·::iAnton Ols~m took the part of a ;:radio ann~uneer; Oscar Jonson !~.':.took part *s an harmonica kin~; IO. S. Rob¢rts portray~d a waltz All our Ladies' and Misses' in La.,; x GWdl('S, COl'St"-

singcr; Mr~. Gertrude Groskurth ~~~a~~~.m~~r: d~~~~~~~~ ~~~~:' ~e ~:~~~eA~~r~:~~gave a reading, "Her Sister's with linings are $8,75 and upBow;" antI. E. Ellis sang a song to $14.50 _ Plain ('olors in $LOO t $5,0~and receiv d the gong. Mr. Jon- Dress Coats are ~lO.O(l to -e-son rec(!iv d first and Mr. Rob- $11.50 _ Ilnd \\e large Ther ,I\"e of w... yserts sccol1d Pl'lZC. Cards were sitt"s In thcsc nicc coats. to <:l1l'fll en sdk IHJf>C. The first

weann and v,!a&hmg show!'thc\11 u~ Mpnsing Sllk Hos­Icry IS I ept up :to high stand­<.ltd. Tt' t is \>Jhy they keep

~\~~l~;~!~rlo~rYJh'~I~~~~~r~~I~~I~-whetfer It i:1 a good everydllY sl1 stockihg:;It 48e p,l,ll'or the fm('st, sheerest dullSIde au chilTon at $1.00. Thecorrecti summCr shades arc

~~~1\~1[',l~~~~.y fb;ue\V~l~l~ ~~:~~footwl"\1' Kmt 011 the newlltlg!C'S.'i mdchmes-.-Now jis the i time you'll be

;:\~~;n&ent~~~~~~in~~: Emost or our new stock. So ~we arc hady ror you ",ith a I;

choice srlection of pre-tty nctv §out-of-t~e-ordlna;ry curla.ins, I,.,YOU'll n~tice someth.i.ngspec- !~

ial abo\$. the way our cur­tains anli made. The sewingis ncati and firm - tileflounees find ruffles are dccpand full', with ""ell boundedges -\ the whole curtainis generdusly full cut. Thematerials Ilre good nets thatwill wea~ ahd wash. You'lllike the pretty colorings andstyle ideas of these curtains.And if )\011 need shorterthan reg~ar curtains forsome odd "'\ indq","S YOU canget these t~rt"e~quai1er sizes~Iere. YOUr' can select nowfrom til(" f est, largest dis­play of the year. Prices areverY...-asotmblc, $1.00 to$1.95 pair. L


Pupils In RecitalMrs. pa~l Harrington present­

ed plano uplls in a recital ather horne tudio Saturday aftcr­noon. A tPecial feature was acello solo l<lycd by Anne Ahern.Mothers a d friends were guestsat the fall wing pl'ogram: Ducts,"Fiddle Dee Dec" and "The Mdlon the Brook," by SUsanSchmIdt, Allce Smolski lInd BIllleLee Hahn; "The Rdm," "TwoMelodlcs" and "Beal' D,ll1ce,"Alice Smqlskl; "Bird Cnlls" and"The Honicsick Child," I3;!le Lee

'Hahn; "Court Bull" and "FaIryBells," b)f Strcabog, Dorothyimolski; '!Waltz," "LUllaby" and'Jubtlo," Billie Lee Hahn;"Chatter Box," "Leap Frog" and"June Mornlllg," Dorothy Smol~

ski; "Punch Bnd Judy," by Le­mont, and "Music Box," byPoldllli, Josephllle Ahern; ducts,''Maryland'' and "Old Black JoC',"Billie Lee Hahn and Mrs. Har­nngton; cello solo "Schcrzo," bySchlemu~er, Anne Ahern, ac­companied by Mrs. John Ahern;"Largo," by Handel, Lyle Sey­mour. Catherine Cavanaugh re­ceived reaognition for scout hon­or 1n musle. The class and guestsremained for a social hour afterthe recital. Barbara Felbel' andCatherine Cavan<lugh assIstedMrs. Harrington i~ servlOg lightrefreshments. I

Spring P~ano R~cital.Mrs. ~lbert G.! Carlson pre­

sented a group of piano pupils ina spring recital ~t her homeTuesday aftemoon. The progl'amwas as follows: "Iitoses GrowingEverywhere," Sp~uldmg, M<.lr­garet Lairson anTi MarguenteEinung; 1'Cail ofkspring ," BIi-

~:~'ne,"S~t:;I~'~a ~~~~~;y'::CO~~=

g~e~e~7i, il~:l:~ IJ~<~~em~~~~';"Cradle $0l1g," Kerr, "Rondo,"Bilbro, CaroIin~ McClure:"Long, Lqng Ago'l and "FairiesDance," WiliiamSk"Off to theCountry,"1 Felton, anda Olson;"A Metry"Waltz," rate, Margar­et Larson~ "Full f M1.rth," An­thony, "Octave Etyde," Eggellng,Marguerit!e Emu*g; "In theBright Moonlight!" Spauldmg-,

~:~'~~!~~ct:~~;eFt~~~"~"~'S~~ll~=mann, "M~I'Chc MIHtaire," H.olfe,Ethel JCil,n Olson; "Barcarolle,"Offenbaoh, "AniElra's Dance,"Grieg, Virginia wis; "Rob

Roy," "JIJ,t. the Di:l cing School," : ~.:,',:..Spaulding, Ethel J~an and Wan-da Olson; "Ddncmg Columbine,"Ewing, "Etude," Braur, Margue­rite Eimtng; "Melody 111 E Min­01'," BortklCwkz, "Ronda a laTurquc," Mozart, Larhyl1a Whit­more. Miss Whitmore will playthese two numbers at the statepiano contest at Kearney, Fridayafternoon, hav~ng placed in thecity clim\i.nation and. dlstnct con-tests. I

I >l:",'::",

Wayne Woman's ~Iub. .,.,.

th~:l~~~ r~~~a;l:~d~~u~i~e~t~l:dents wtjm entercd the Arbor dayessay a'$ bird house' contests asguests. As Mrs. E. E. Gailey andMrs. L. A.I Fanske were in Al­bidn for the district conventIOn,

Mrs. E. W. Huse and Mrs. Willis 000 SPECIALSNoakes ~c,'ved as p,·csiden! aod F 'secretart for them. It was voted Don't mISS our Grocery Specials thiS wcek~.end. There! are fto give $3 to Minerva cottagcs in .ood saVings to be made on these speCIal Items. In~ad- :omaha·tMrs. M. H. Sublette an- dltlon we gIve you an extra 3'7<> dIscount on all y~ur pilrch. . ~nouced he program for Mrs. C. Free dellvery and monthly charge accounts to rcItable fa. les. EC. Hern on, program chairman, iwho Wlaunable to attend. Mr'S. Manllfaclllrer'S Pint iR, W, aspee, aeeompamed by Peanut Butler 7c 1Mes, J, ,Keith. sang Joyce Kil- Special Freemer's" rees." Mrs. R. B. Jud- Deals Broken Slice I ~son ga a paper, "Along the 113 .Gaeden alhi' in w'hleh she de- Pineapple It e jscribed r~es, flowe;~ and shrubs 1 Grape Nut Flakes, 1 Post For 2 No. 21,2 ca~ ;~

::in!O~~:,~in~ein~:st~~jl~ ~~~~' ~:::is~I~~::, ...l '?~~- 23c ~ "and across the continent to the 1 Kellogg's Wheat Krispies, RSeae~,'se.,SSn-S L2bS. 5a' iI:~~h~o~:t~eT~ea;: ~~r~:o~~~s~ 2 Kellogg's Com Flakes, 1 I ~test, were on disiitay, 44 in the ~;~~o~~:~. _p~~... . ..... 37C K, c. I ~youngeel gcoup ana'.2 In the Bak',ng Powder 122c I i,_older g~oup. Mrs. H. C. Capsey 1 Qt. Cider Vinegar, 1 Icc I

told 'about .the jUdging and pre- ;;:., ~.~~~~ Bottle 13c 15 ounces! ~sented pril;cs to Burrell Hughes, Gold Dust I I ~

Jack Dale and Erwin Hatfif!ld, 1 Lb. Lipton's Tea, 3 piece S . P d 115 ~

:~\I~~~~; t':~1~ii\~~::;:.e~~~ : ~:~~h~~..~~~....... . 85c CO~~~~!o lO~Ti;J. TC ,I !Enid qmklyn ann'puneed the ~ t .winners'in the esgay contest, ~ % Pt. Pompeian Olive Oil, Yellow Cling I .. I ~

Rodede Peck, Wilma Bakee, ' ~:I~~e~essingShak. 38c Peaches" 't'49.,ell i_,._ Charles Dien~t. and Gerald .; _Wright IShe read the essay by i 40 oz. pkg. White King For ,2 No. 2"h Riehell ,cansj ~.,'Wilma', aklM\, To . obs~rve , na- __i_', Granulated Soap. Pkg. of Fresh .' J. 5tional h alth Week and to PfO- :i::e~';;e~a.ter SSe I 20·~~~ ~ ::t~;s~~ ~~seh~~Ifz~~ ~ Tomatoes, b. I. - J'

. Reeve Pi esentE1d third graders'in ! 2 Pints . 1 Baby stuart or . I ':" "j ~ ~a heal play,.~hildren depicting l..,.' Cltr"awberr,'es '25c Maxwell Hnnse ", '"ve'geta es, miJ1t and health ha'b- ¥ Cff !D.----iits whi are' beneficial. CaI;la , 0 ee • , •i ~,~" __LWright! as ~qnouncer. The stu- .§ nicheUeu DakillA' ~!

::n::e: ~ea~~r~ ~=~e:r~~c~: I ,Chocolate , !18c Santosli,olle,e ~ ,i.l,,',i,~"_:"" 'bird h s ~l:!e~. bought by Ulej " _

~;f.j: A.iti~::'e~;·~4: "I ,AIIEJl~.'S:~; ,;~J;.,t0ii !~+;A~d,t'I!'~',!l~:i::I:;;;";';F';!i;;';\Fi'!;'~i;'r~Ii:{i~·~f~1/?\i~0:i~;:~!~,~:g,~::~::':TI·',~,~~~~~iiiii

Adol~h CUlUsse an~ famllY,'J.h, alnd M~·s. Ot 0 He~thold andfamily, Mr; and Mrs~ ConradWele['sheus~r an bab:r, Mr. andMrs. Geor~ Ma tens 'and fam­ily, Mr. an Mrs Hent Frevert,Ml'. and M s. W II M, rtens and IMr. nnd 'J\, rs. enry Kellogg"After a soc~al ev mng, lunch was ,selved.

.;. *' *""Acme Names fficJn.

Acme d$b m t With Mrs. J.G. Mines Mond' wh¢n otficersweI"(; chosen as allows: Mrs. T.B. Heekert~ pres dent; Mrs. E. S.l3ldir, vice presi cot; Ml·S. W.' A.HISCOX, sccret<ll' ; <llnd MI's, G. A.Renard, treasu ell'. Mrs., EphBeck¢nhaucr I' ad. an article.:lbou~ C< Ja obs Bond. Mrs.Mines served. meeting ofthe season is a o'clock lunCh-Ieon next Mond y With MIS. C.E. Carhart.

, ,

ed Friday aft

1noon for Mrs A.

L, Hegenber er of Den cr,Colo. Guests w re Mrs. Joe'B I~­

er and daught 1'5, Francis, Wilmaand Roberta, Mrs. Lee Caauweand Leah Jeanne, Mrs. Ed. Sk~.­han, Mrs, Keith Cartwright 8l),d

"Karen and Mts. Clifford John- 'son. The hostess sei'ved after asocial time,

Book Revie,. Group.Book Review group of A. 1\.

D. W. met Monday evenmg wiLhMrs. R. R. Sn~ith and Miss EnmdConklyn. Miss IStella Traster re­viewed "sevCfl Pillars of Wis­dom," by La'!"Tcnce of Arab~a,

The hostesses served. A piCI1IC

~~,I:~ ~l~:~g~l~r~~s~o;.n J~~~~l~~Mrs. C. A. Orr, Mrs. E. S", Blairand Mrs. Fro.nk Gamble.

>I' "' .....

For Miss Stocking.College faculty women, wltli

MI~s Le'ttie Scott add MISS PeadRutherford in chat'ic, planneda no-host tCa Fridky aftt-rnoonat MISS Scott's apartment I!n the

~~). ~'I~c~C~it\~O~t~~~~~J~hb~~~~here from North Bend, Otherguests were Mrs. U. S. Conn ofOmaha, Mrs. Scace, Mrs. A. F.Gulliver, Mrs. I. II. Britell, Mrs.J. T. Ande1l S0n und Mrs. J. G.Millcr.

W;th Mr•. P. L. March.MIS. P. L. March entertillllcd

the NuFu dub Tuesday <lfter­noon at dessert bridge. Gue~ts

were Mrs. J. R. Johnson, Mrs. J.R. Miler and Mrs. Robert Kil'~~­

man. ~.f,iweetpl!',IS wei e used pnthe small tables. Mrs. A. n. DaVISwon high score in bridge. ThedUb Will have a covered dishdume!" ut Mrs. O. P. Birdsell's£01' the last meetmg of the yenr.

'* .. "'''

For Bobby Bathke.Ml'l>. T. C. Bathke entertd1l1cd

Tuesday fOI" Bob:bl.e's 5th birth­day. The little folks enjpyedg,unes ,-~nd Bobble presantedthcm With balloons ,:IS 14-'01 S,

MI s. Bathke servcd ICC creamand l:ake. Guests were Anit!Jdell

Dick and DOll Boycel Ro­sella ;:mel Lloyd Rbs­s('ll, Dick Bunlstel', Don;:{b-clle<lnd F'J",tnccs MItchell, BIlly 1Vtal' and Joe I/~C~l..;. \"

Monday Club Elect•.Monday club mct wlth Mrs.

J. G. Davldson and eleded Mrs.Clarence Wright president, Ml s.1I. S. SCdce vice Pi ('Sldcnt,: Mrs.Davidson secretary and Mrs. R.E. Cillttlek, jr., treasurer. Cur­rent events tmd brief reviews ofbooks compnsed tile progr<lm.This was the last regular meetingof the season. Mrs. G. J, Hess WIllcntertain the club at a spec1alrtlcetmg soon, t

Young Women's Miasionary.Members of the Young wot­cn's Missionary SOCIety of ~t.

Paul's church met Tuesday e e-""mng With MISS M<lrg,lrC't Br<id­lord: 'The lesson was 111 charge ofMIsS Beulah i Bornhoft. PlfnsweI e made for uttending jhCSPI'1!ng conference at Dakota qltyand SIOUX Clty May 9 and 'lID.The soclCty WIll have ItS mextl'egliilal' mectmg: the last Tues?aymMuy, 1

With Mrs. Corzine.Apron club met last Thursday

witl1 Mrs. Kermit Corzme .mdchanged the name to Che4f10.Mrs. Texley, SImmerman: andMrs. EmIl Llldels gave a damon­str(1tlOn on rug makmg. Mrs.::Robert Juhnson and Mrs. JoeHaberer's aunt, Miss Clara Mc­Namala of Highmcle, S. D., wereguests. Mrs. Corz1l1e served. Ml SClarence Beck l'ntcrtams 111

two weeks.




~ped I.AnnOuncente~t i

ITIM: r.AK(O~ PRV-SP AYandassoe aUon of . f1c~cr Malcolm, State Veterinarian I! of t~eState 'of Iowa, 20-.9~:l. with our organization.

Tim 'I1ake~prod is' Ink. has established a research depJrtmentand ~oult' Y eli i , under the personal supervision of lOr. MallHcoim.1 reD eri 'flo 5faiviee to all interested' In tlhe rl'istn'g ofbe~te po Itry. I I : ( I

Take adv ntag f til' service by writing Dr. Ma.Jcohn for btwfo non/cone nin~ ~c Ilea-lth and care of Iyour pout'try, Thisbure u is fol' y ur 0 venienee, an'" shall be op~rnte& on Ur.-Male 1m's life I II ry that', I I I

I 'I I I")An' unce ,I r Ifr~vention Is WOrlh a Pqund :or Cqre.","II" I',,··', I,

~sk ~our Dealer ...L-'I ' I

, II

P. E. O. next uesd at guestday meeting. ssisti her areMI~S. R. W. Le , Mrs J. A. Rayand Mrs. C. T. Ilgha . The pro­gram IS 1I1 cha~gc 0 !"S. J. T.

~:l~~~~r, ]r, a:d M~. H. A.

Mrs. L. W. !Roe :entert,lilJ.sMtlthodlst Aid I thiS lThursday.ThlC progl am is JIl ell l'ge of Mrs.T. B. HeCkcrt. On f e servingeommlttee arc MIss rnet Fort­nCr, Mrs. Walter Pn is, MI·s. H.A. ::1'~ston, MI'~SL. F. Coo~l, MI·s.L E. Ellis fll1d rs. H . Capsc)'.

W,lyne branc of . A. U. W.Will ente1'talll SCnlOr ¢irls of thecollege LInd hv,b V'; ~rnc hi~hschools Saturdat aft 1/noon, Miay16, at 3 o'clock at a !tea In Pilehall. A progril IS' I.'lOned bythe dramu grou~')' 0 ~he servingcommittee are I'S. i E. Wlisl,}n,Mlss Emr! Con dyn, iMrs. ColiaPearson, MISS £'c~lrl ~uthQ-dord,

Miss Mlldrcd S~\yder 'lis::; JeSSieBoyce, MI!'::; ~uth uss, MissAnna GeIsler, ~/I1J(. q;.. W. Cos­tet isan, )\11SS Beul ~ Hundle,I\1lSS Maude Curlev IM1SS CoralSto(ldMd and Ml'';, i;' ~v. Nyberg

For Illinois Cues ,a.MISS Ruth ,-lfld MI' Mae Pcar­

sPl1 inVited 12 fll r $ to theirliJomc Thursda,y <.lft;1' (lUI) fur anlnformal "oewl tim m hanOI" ofMr. <.lnr! Mrs. Pau Ipearson ofSpring1H;ld, Ill. I~e hostesses'sL'l·ved. The Pillll aan;ons ieft'SatulddY aItl:l' spe d~llg a weck'hcle \\nlh Hev. 1'. IPedl~on anddaughters.

U·Bid·Urn Club P rty.MI". and 1\1I"S 0 iar Lledtke

,mel MI's <ind Mrs i Cilrl NusscntertclllH'd tho U- Ild-U,m cluband husbnnds ,1t d A('r,'id~c

Wednesday c\ cning- t week atLIt'dtke's. PIIZOS \V('I t ,to MI'. <lndMrs. E. E. Melby ~ ld MI'. andMIS, J. E. Blittaltl. ,

.,. -,iClub Dance Frid

One uf a ~CllCS of dolnces.held tit Hutel Slr.: Flld"lYevcnlng, \\,,15 attc! cd by ~5

couples. On the CQI (l11t!ee wereMI'S H. E. MI·s. IP. L. March,Ml s. 'CHI ,-m Mrs. F. A.Mlldncr. A NOl(ol mclleslrafUI r1Ibhcd mUSll'. A otllel (bnccwlll be held III May.

With Mrs. M. L. inger.i\hrus.l club mct ond,lY with

MI s M. L. Rmgel'. fter roll callon till' '-11 t of tJole s ~tl11g, bndgeWdS dlverslon WIth '!prizes gomg10 1'I'h s Ehn<'r Noal ¢s and Mrs.Faye ::'Itl dlwn. Mrs IRll1ger, <.lS­f>lsted by MrsclL. W, Vath, ~elvect

luncheon. The club cds 1n twoweeks wlth M)s. R. q H,dlibcck,

~'········"·l··· •.••-••••~5 REOPE liD :5 SPEC AL S: .


Coterie Club lects.

M~~ti~~~e~~u~n ~~~~~da~c~;;~ iOfl'Ir.:dlS as' folldWs: Mrs. wm.1MeUm', plCSldent"; Mrs. A. T.Cdvanaugh, vice, president; Mrs.W. C. Shulthcis, secretary; andMrs. L. W. Vath, treasurer. Aguest dny tea closcs the-- s('~son Inext MondaY at the home of Mrs. IL. A. l''clllskc. A&ilstmg her arc IMIS. W. C. ShulthclS',) Mrs. Wmf.Mellor, Mrs. II. A. Welch andl\lls. l"lUlllal'n,n~~~.

For Mrs. Harve Mitchell.Mrs. lIarvc Milchqll's bi! thd"y

\\',IS cC'lebrated wItil1 <l party atthe MItchell home f'unctay cvc­mng. Guests were Mr. and Mrs.ll<-ll'old Qumn :lnd family, Mr.and Mrs. Ben MtYCli' and family,MJ. nnd Mrs. Ray Surber, Mr.and Mrs. Andrew' Parker, Mr.,md Mrs. Dean fI<tI/1son, Mr. andMl s. John Goshqrn, Mr. and 1.1n;,Manta Domer a~d Mr. <lnd Mrs.Wm. II,'lltchcJ1. Pl"izes in cardswCIlt to Mrs. Goshorn, Mr. Surb-

%~;t:l~~~'~~eL~~~~~~t~ ~~~ ~~~~,I~~S.* * 011 '",

Birthday PartyTo remember ~11C bIrthdays of

MIS. Lt>e Caauwe and MIS. AdamI\IcPherran, thel~' T. Birthdayclub went to the Caauwe homeWednesday last cek fot· a soelaltime and lunch~or. Besides Mrs.

~:~lU;~u~n~ne~ld~d~~~~lC~~az,.Hcgenbuger of Denver, formerlyMI~S Amber James of Wayne,

, Mrs. Lester QarLwrig11t of Nor­folk, Mrs. G. M. Golder, Mrs.John Scbloedcr. IMrs. Fred BIl-

B~~~~~t ~::~~erB~~~~Huth, Mrs. ~d, Skeahan, Mrs ..Jack Skealian~ Mrs. LesterBoyoc, Mrs. flow I'd James, Mrs.EI nest Kohrt, Mt's. K~lth Cart­wnght, Mrs,.:: J; ~\DaWson.

U. D. Club GdJ.t Day.U. D. elub hpUd guest ddy 1

o'clotk lunGheqn,Monday at thchome of Mns. l-t. )8. Craven. MiS,

A. 'r. qaYlomb land Mrs. H. B.,Jones ,-UiSIS cd. G~ests were Mrs.Nettie Cal, M,iss M~ry Mason,Mrs. A. Bj Cat'hart, Mrs. J. G.

~~~:~;~e~~~~~,J-r,~e~~~~,r~l~:L. A. Fadsl:e, Mn;-. John Har­nngton, Mrs. EI. S. I Blair andMrs. H. 1';. Lcy.ISPll·lng flowersdecorated, the ta les. ridge wasdivcrsimf,'afterw rd, uest pnzcgOing to ~l·S. A.. B. arhart andclub prizp to M·s. J W. Jones.Next MQnday t 1C cub seasoncloses w~'th a <ly b 'eakfast atthe homp of M s. J. W. Jones.Assistlllg her at Mrs. R. W. Leyund Mrs: W. :\, .,,01~S ggern.

With M~•. W. . A drew•.MIl'S. 'w. C. ndr ws enter-

tamed Mincrvu club membersand gu¢st.s, Mr . G. . Cross­land, Mirs. H. C. Caps y, Mrs. F.

Cameo Club Party. c. Mlil~ and Mr . P. ,Mabbott,

Mrs. E. O. Stratton cnterbined ~~l~~~,}\~~i~~el~lst~~s ~saC~l~~d flt~Cameo dub Fl'idny ,It dessert tractive with spung flowers Hndbndge. Gue.sts were Mni. WaItcl' May basket nut cups. IMrs. F. S.PI iess, Mrs. 0. P. Miller, Mrs. G. Benry and Mrs. A. Fj GulliverB. Sanberg ant Mm. L. W. Ellls. had ehurge of tl e pro ram andDuplicate cont act was dIversion, they invited M . Beny to talk

~~~'iS~~Fb;:~I"Yh~;~~~~~thH~~d on "T~e Politic 1 Out oak," the

• south team a d Md, Robert ~~~~~~~l:~i~;:a~~\~~ ti~l}~ ~~~• Kirkman and Mrs. L. W, 'Jfmie- 1• tiunal poUtica 'ondit·ons. Mrs.• son high cast <1tnd west tea . In S. A. Lutgen tertai s May 11= two weeks Mrsl· W. A,. Wme en- at lojdoddu c eon. 1'5. L, W.

tertains, ' ,I d! '" * ;, ~ . ~~~"~~;I~i't~in [~nr~:v a~e ~;~~• NE $82 For J. H. Claussen. n 0 "W P , P blie Ai: 1 In honor of J. H. ~laussen's ;~irs.,~ , om I In -: I Neb. birthday Fdday, eve Ing guests '" 4' I* "II ....'•••~_._~~!_~~~l_'::'ereMr and Mrs. PupUs In Re~ital. . ~: !a?iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii_-I"'iiiii"iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii__iiliiii~liiiiliiiiiji Ml's. Grace Dickson' Keyser

ple~ented piano',pupilS. in recitallast lev'ening dt \ her' residerice~t'r',et~o, A sctlC detn nstratiolllwas'· given by ior p pHs, also501011 and two~pi no il bers byjuniprs and seni rs, In he junior'gro~p playiIlg ere B tty Milli-

t:nt:'e~eg~v~dr i:;er~ .K~~~~~~,Au er, warrel N~a es, PaulPet rsen, Patt Mi Is. MarjorieReuter, Marjo i C we, Del-ph.t Horstman ar udle Mil-

neI>l Dorothy s~p 'I BarbaraHo0ft' Billy 0 an lois Rog- ..gen~aCh. In t1h n' r groupwer Marian I ra • H~erSClfl. e, Marcella F e r~ JeanMints. Dorot a d, BettyBl;Jli and G 'r Idon Gamble,L,}f.n eUe Shuc aVie' tap dancewitq Betty Bl .. as a companist.

" I ". >10

H"v~A.1 ,F llowin'.10,0 e mee

e AJ.1.e

[I I


• Home modern.wcg begtcs in thekitchen. With tbesebeautiful, i CODveo.ieot. economicalNorge appliancesin your kitchen.your h~me is mod.

TYLage Mrs.. Earl Fox Will be 111

char c of the program.a r Redeenrer's Aid will meet

ncxt Thursday afternoon withMrs. Henry Koch. Mrs. Wm.Plep nstock 1S assistmg hostess,

B sincss and Pl'OfeSSlOnalWon en's club Will have <l plemcMon ay evening. Mrs. PaullllcAlle is ehail man of the C01l11l1lt­tee 1 charge.

Mrs. C. !-'. Dienst pl;Ins to ('11­

tCrt In th~ 1a:;t of tillS weekcom ~limentalY to hel' ~Ibkl-Itl­

law MIS. Lcshe L. HH\\ k 01elm leston, W, Vel.

M 'S, W. S. BI~esslcr and 1\11 s,Shu CY ::;iJrague entertain B'-Ip­tlst mon May H. lVII's. CarlosMar Itl has charge 01 the COIl­secI' tlon and installatIOn 5erVI('('.

'\ eleome-In club wlll mel'tWt> nesda)', Md)' 6, With MISSIr(' Barlt11l1g. Mrs. Andre\vJoh son and Mrs. Edward Meycrdie m ch':ll·ge uf tlte entel til1l1­me 1.

ISS Mal'gclret Wade cntel t,llnsWo ld W~de.Glfild thiS Frid,ay.MIS Ina Ruth Jonson ~Issists.

Mr Fred Blumer leads dc\'o­tlO and MISS Irene Dawes hasthe lesson.

nsumers' group of A. AU. . Plrns 6 o'clock CtJ\Cll·ddlSI lunc 1('on Tuesday e\ l'lllllg

\\"It Mrs G, W. Costens,ln Ontbe COml~Jttce ore Mrs G. B.S.1 erg ~tnd MiS. J. R KClth

ldru bi has bndgc-luncheontod y Wltl1 1\'Ii's. J, W. Jones. As­Sist ng hdstessl'S are Mr~. C. E,Cmhctrl, 'Mrs. A. T. Cld)"comb,Mr . W. E VonSeg~ern, Mrs. H.J clber dnd MIS. C C. Hern­dOl.

, ,'w H~f. ,\~ou grea'C yo r' car yDU huy pro- 'Itt' ion, In ord r to lssure you of getting

thp mosT bene~it f!m g eai:iing .vour car wehave ill~'~1;1.11ed the i< test l~rni!le power greas­ing e~~(1I>menl. We re j sUy "roud in sayingthat 'w~ II have Ihe most up-to-date greasing

, equipn[1~I~t in thik to ritor , :j J 1 I

',Now :i~ th~ yme ~ get your l car ready' for~ummo frIvmg,•

Royal Neighburs meet nextTuesday.

Mrs. Julia LilAC' luntet tams the500 club this Fl'idH~.

tIl'S. John Ahdtn entertainsEpiscopal Guild May 13.

MI's. Albert Bnstlan entertains:R R. club this Th~rsday.

llF~~~i~~~~:' ~~U~j ~~:~~;er~l;l~Chatmors wlllll1¢E't next 1~u('s­

day e\"cmng \\ ~thl :M iss DOl othyRoss. I

King's DaughtejS w111 medthis afternoon wi h Ml:> Ann.lDavis, .

Ea.stern Stell' kc slllgton n1('£'1sat Mason1c hall Fll'iday afternoonfol' quilling.

St. Paul MI~siJ nary SOCIetymeets next Tues ay \\ ltil flit 1'".W, C. Heidenrcicln

G. Q. C. club (na t.s [\by 5 \\ ltl11\1l"s. John Go~hw ·I~. Eat'll \\"Jllbring a May b,-~sk 1.

Mrs. M. C, Lm. 'er and MI s._ Geo. Kablseh en I·tam I)I~as,lI1t I

Valley club May O.

E. O. F. club m 'et ncxt Wl.'d-Inesday \nth Mr$ Perc) Cdd­wall1.ldcr ot Wms c. I

Light Bl'igadcat SL Paul churc . Child] el~ Will


prLlctice fOI" Indi4 lace day.Mrs. n. C. hdt1 beck and Ml s.

John C;'nmm m'lt 'I'tam St. Paul.AId thlS Thmsdla at the chul ch.

Country club ~l 50C1,\1c\ cnIng May 7 at fHotcl Stratton.Dean und 1\1rs. H. H. '-HeIII charge.

H:lnnony dub l~~Il.met.;t,Wed­( . ~le:>d~l~~ M:1Y 6, W~!~~" _rlcTll?


friday andSa~urday •


":~~1z:~~s°bY JiFactory :

Demonstrator"i .The m~n is here totell oti~· customerswhat fO use and

Ii how to,get bestre­=SUIts. k\ttend this5two d~ys demon-:= stratiqn. - Bring =eyo~r ~oupon for =• free s~mple. Our :5~to¢k is heavy, wefeature a full line hof dU~lity~ paints f'at lpwpst m~rket =pri~es~ " i

I I_e-_ 11.W~ McNatt ii,. idwareij

I.J.l:~ 1(. ,,'. •.•~"fJ.&.,l.,'~ ...~,~ • ,,_ l.,.



ChampionChick Starter

Cheat your cJ:1icks byfe~ing them a cheal>feed and eXPl1ct them t"make· a rapla growth.!

COLS~NI• Bal(he;ry. .

Makes chicks arow un­usually fast; makes bigbodiea and little winggrowth. Just what youneed in a cl,ick starter.Colson.'s C ham p io n

'Chick StarGr has 18per cent protein, con­taining twenty .i::l: v.'.rieties, blended making' the be~t

starter you can buy.


Birthday Party.To celebrate the birthdays of

Mrs. Ed. Roggenbnch Dnd Mrs.Geo. N:1u, Sunday ~vening guestsin the Roggenbach home we\'e Mr.and Mrs. Florenz Nieman anddaughter of Winside, Mr. and Mrs.Geo. Peters and daughters, Mr. andMrs. W. E. Roggenbach, Mr. andMrs. Edwin Loewe of Pilger, MF>

R DAY, APRIL 30, 193~,



eWayne Herald"ak~field' every Tuesday. Any news cQhtrlbUtionsautlJorlzed to rece.ive new or renewal subscriptions.

C~nr. FlUm R~ady-to-Servll

SOUp 2N:;';::" 27;s~iibiiii" Plni c~~ 25c

Clqnr Farm

Jell Pkg. 5c

Gci'r~'Flak8s P~" 21cCr'., ll'.lt,.

Rip. Wheat Pkg, 1DcCiOn.,1 Fat1ft

Spinach 2 ':;~: 28c

lot Omah" gr nd chap/hin; Wm. T. ternoon with Mrs Charles Rog-Iand Mrs Otto !hles <md !<.Jmll, (r~Or~~~e;~~f O. ~{.a~a~il~~~~~e l~~~ H SKINS ge~br~C~nd Mrs Wdl Martens and ~~~:h;es,~~, a ~d fa:;I\~ H~~J~111,~: . "-dinner at 6. Mrs. . J. Ohlund of Hoskins, farrJllY were Fnday evenmg guests Bros~hejt, Fra k Ro~g(nb It il \1 .,

If) edlto of this department. In the J H Claussen home Iand Mrs Hen y ~


Jt1u; Cracked Bonf'.9. Any oe s contributIOns from Gus Stuthmann and Wm Stuth- and MrS Geo N~u <lndHenry, Jr, son of Mr <lnd Mrs owrt or ountry wIll be gladly mann Were m Sioux City Friday Henry KO('nJl'{ nd Wm Pl hi

Henty Tnrnow, pulled a plow onto ecclved by her, Both had hogs on the market sons Prizes Hl~,lrds w( nt tel \1".l!!l!!JlI.W!WlMllIJ,!!!!JJII.U!J~l.!.!.!!.!!!l!I.!.I.'J.!iWJJWJJ!.!!!!l!LwZl his right leg Thursday Both bones Otto BIermann of Mineola, 13., l;vm Peters ::Jhd Df'lI!l1 t 'J ~'I':ii werecr::JCked. MIss All e Anderson was a Sun- caLled in the Frank Pflueger home 'Lunch('on w::Jsl.';(>r\'ed ,It rmll[II'I', dj h at T dk h Tuesday afternoon of Inst week. INucrnberger in a Wayne hospital come Tuesda Ito "j51t to the Oscor Iby It L, Fredstrom, Reports trom Ltonlclbttl ets y guest n t e to 1e e ome Mrs. Harry Bennett and Glo- L(~CALS

Saturday afternoon. Mr. White IS Bloomq~llst 11me. Mrs. Johnson the district P. T. A. convention ~ u e. a Pilger t ~Cedar county ngent. .went the tim n the 1\1. F. Ekeroth held at Orchard'iwere gIven by Lions lub ret Tuesday evening, Mr and Mrs Ed Behmer were ~~~~ai~~~t~~'~.'i...:~~~~~ ~~~~- Mns. C. C. ~llrtL ,Ind o;nn ,'I'

Mr. Dnd Mrs. C. A. S,1\' took 1001('. R1"\·. lj)omf1IJ.llst and Oscar Mrs. Wm. Hugelman, Mrs. Law- at Hotel ga:~/or dmner The pos- S mdaY dl ncr guests Itl thtc H,lIlY Mrs. Fred Frevert Dnd Mrs. A!- spC'n(Jmn ,I lIN \\.'(.. ell:<; Wltll 11

. M-, ~a, es Shert'an :1pd Ge - Miss Adeline as far as LJn("oln Hloomqul:>t H (j bl"otbers. rence Rmg. and Mrs. Fred Strnnge. Slblhty 0 a sa es pavlhon at WLlke- B hmer h me'., d Ii """'---------'- The folLowing officers for the l1c>x( field was dlS!SSed G"O,'g" W",",'"d "", "nd Juhn fred Sydow cLllled on Mrs. Leonard lormer's parcn g :,t Log,H1, 10.'. J.aldine s Q~ the: wee! -cn in Lau- Sunday on her way to Dawson , - - __ '- '--' '- n'" .~, Hylund last WedneR<!ay afternoon. Hugo Berg: ;lOci daughkrreI. ',_ where she teaches. She h;1e1 spent year were elected: President, Mrs 0 tr C b 0 i Drevsen ~ere bU~llness \'I~itors in M· L VEl b t d (~ I_ Mrs. C'I Davis v..f'ntl\o SlOur the weelt-end here. Lnw!t'ent.'l' Ring; vice presidpnt, A r ~ h rgan I~ Omaha M nday. sun~s:'y~ :vee:i~~ ;~x ~h:n ~~r:r~(:1 ~~~~:r(J~r,/n;ru)~(JVlj~~;~g,~r:(~; (:,11,:

I. t I ' •." Alb ( P t nl Pw!n' Mrs.FrankWatson;!il£'cl'C'tarY,Ml's. meel~g~Tt egolfclu ~em- M,'o$ Benyne W,n'c" °pent the I I~ity Sntr ~y to en cr a l-OSpl...; er (' crs a ( , ,1 [. bers waS pel uesday evenmg nt ., '- , ., VonSegjgern home with Mi~~ Jrm::1 Iha'/I: tA~l·n 111 n 8n Orn.dl;1 !II)' 1'1-fsr medi~~I~ orc. I Jev,:ell Peterson ;lnt! Mrs CllJ 1S Clifford Nlml"Od; trcosurel'. George th f hilT . d f " week-end 10 the C F Winter Mr. and Mrs. Albert Grr-f'n'Wuld t,,1. .. Miss r.nil cd Nelson o~ Sioux Rodgers and Otto \\"cre S\mony ;If- Kyl. Refr~'shments weI'£'. sen.-'l:d by ye~r~;ew;lfk', d;:~ti~:~~~~Zers~rt1e I hljlme at Norfolk. .. ~tOd Don~ld were Sund<lY f'venlng I Mr. iJnd ~fr.j. V/ill)(lr Bnt!(Jtl .tTl.l

.City, SPi e WCl'.I~-en~~ 1 the~. tcrnoon and luncheon guc·;ts In till' fIrst, second. nnp thlr~ gl'ndc l__ ! Anna an~ Fred Lunquist oC Nor- guests 10 the Puul SpllltKf'rber BdJy, K,.ith " d fbd):Jf-a (If S"'ll .P N I tme I E:m\l Rodgers home. mothers, The school CXhlbl.t WIIS I ToWn HUard Organizes. 'f~I{, were guests in the E. E. Pot- home. . e,ly, HTld ~.1r.: nd M~" F IJ lJl' 1-

"·rC,".so I ., B'''hdfi nndiell"ld""" M"s. N""v"l Hlnd.o ,"nd M'·.s. U. the m<:llll fcatme of the ('"cmng' II ha S dIVI '" :m ,.. '" .......' u ., tl • Town boar4- will orgnnize next me un uy. Mrs Pnul Spllttgerber and ('r 'Jnd rJdlH,r I, r .'.!.p' Sunil,spent S4Qfl~:Y in the C. ,End¢- \V. Henton went to Holdrege .YC~- . State Judging Contest. Tuesday evening. May 5. The new Miss Eululie Brugger spent the daughters spent Tuesday e\!f>nmg Iben hom~ la~ Altona. terd:lY morOltf\g to nttend till' sLltt' Ttllrteen boys rCprl'SE'I.1tPd W:lk,'_ members, Art, Larson and Walter WiE'ek-end In t~ D:lle Brugger of last "':('-e'k 10 the Alfred Syd(Jw ~~~~.t_<, (Jf :-'Tr ,(j(J ~,I: '; C. C. III II -

Mr. nUdltlrs. Elmer Enl:_leben ~If P. E. O. conventIOn. The)" WIll \l'- field. at the stote JUdglllg contest Johnson, will pe installed as coun- home ~eHr Wmside. homeAltona, ~P~Ht last ThiursdUy In the turn home SlltUl·da:r·. .It Lincoln. tlst week-end. They cilinen.~ I Mrs. Louis Kl"::Iuse spent a lcw Mt~ and Mrs. Fred Frev~rt :md Mrs JUf'!r·1·"nw r :Jnd lI,Tr 11,jEmest BD1~p:c ho01('. Mr. and Ml"s. Roberl Wylie ,md stdt(' I"on- went to LlIlcoln Wednesdny uUer- __ days in the Mrs. Mary Anron home Delores and Marcella spent Sutur- :'v1r~. Juhn L<l~ rJ~ ;H~I\("(j MIIII<I.,,,'

Mr. D11d: :tvlrs. Elmer l!'orsbel'g Jlmmie we're in Tildell 0\1'1' till' !loun. nnd returned home Saturday To Regiolna.l Conference. in Sioux Clty last wcck. d:1y evenlllg in the Allr~d Sydow from Lrmg 1: ae.J, c,lllr; \\IJI I'·and 1;'rnQ s speht Sundn.y in tile weel;:-end. returning :::l:l1uro,I.\ ~ l' ve nll1lg. About 10 :;chools pal tl(')- Third dlst~ct regionnl confer- Mr. and Mrs. Frank Brown of home. t?e~ Sj)l."llt tl--t '~. I(Jtl'r. [Ill' I" IHarry .rbH son home They attendqd the fUlwr;il uf ,I iSrl/Clal. paled, and approxlm~ltely GOO boys cnce of the . C. T. U. wap held Omaha, were wt'pk-end guests lTl Mr. and Mrs. Frnnk Pflueger ;md I C<lllkfOrnla on, Wl'dm sday III ILl

. Mr. arid'i rs. Adarh' N....ernber·g- CIt J G tf·' wee +'f frlMc~ds', JF,Ac~l; <lLl'e"':mC'" n "n("r",',1 ' w~'re ('o~pe ~ng. i.\mcs us u s.un this Wednesd y <lnd Thursday. tl10 R. G. Rohrkc homC'. . famJiy were Sunday dinner guestsI' ,

er were PI isncr Saturday urk\'- , '-'I '" '" , For "IN. Fr *Strangt', ptlced flISt In Judgmg Ayrshl]"(.' Miss Wigg31n, ,,¥ho is n nation:d Mr. nnd Mrs Carl FlllUP [1m! J;:\st week HI the Mrs. Mnrtha Bler- Mrs. Ph(j('!J 'wed ~lnd d'ill';II~noontos~e rs.IBenChnM" home Fridaylevening [tom SIOUX A gruUpl1 !];ldl('s "pent Mondny d~llI·y cattle and ,Jef.fl'rson Ll'rm_ wOl"I~('r, plans to be there, also faml1y were viSItors in the C:lrl mann home. tel', Gretchen,!and MI'J F E 1"1":-

MissAgl RLlthAr1ders()n~pent City Whl'll' sltlC h~ld been wllil MI .dtel"lloun \~1 h MI~ FIPd Sll:Jl1gf> ~lldp111Cf:'dt('nthJudg1l1g('r()p>,.Th(' state offifcrs. 'Wakefieid planned Wnntoch home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Roggenb::leb llSh ::lod d~lught('rs :\1:I1'JOIII> "II,]Saturdayl Omahtt with hor Lehmnn who was opcr,ltl'd on fl)1' In hOllOI" (ll h f· Ilil thr!;,v (If Sund:ly grOllp also Vlslt('d the s1:1te C~IPlt(Jl, to bc reptcse ted. Rev. nnd Mrs. T. P. Frey ,\vere nnd sort were Sunday dinner guest.s Doris, all of tremont. \':'1(' .',lljl-_mother, M Elna ~q.derf,()n. appendIcitis. He IS gct!lng ,dllllg The 1~\Il'~t', ~t' I\·l'd. jll'nltl'ntwry, <lnd museum. t guests in the Walter MilicI' ::Ind b5t wCl::'k In the Ch3rles Roggen- dny guests In lhe DI A. G Ad .. I,.

Roy S, ggums ajld iUs Pos- Illcely. r ~ Cappella. Choir Enll'rta.ins. Fire en Ha~e Medin. Ceo. Wagner homes Sundz.y. bach hOme. home. J .pisil wcn~ Norfolk last IWednes- MIl'S Gladys And<'rson, who is ,1 I he' i-l (;,lppell,\ c!lOlr fI om LlIUH'r F' '1 t ~ Mr. ~md Mrs. Carl Mlttclst('adt Mr. ,-,nd Mrs. Alfred Sydow and Mrs. Alfre r~('x(J\\ ~nd d.IW,1 -day lor ~h ankcrs' tonvj~ntlOn. nurse nt the Imm,1Ou£'1 htJ',plbl ~n ilt W,dWIl, S,lllg ])1 - mc~~·t~me ~;~{,n la~~l <1

4I~fu~~: of Norfolk, Visited in the H.' C. tlaughtNs <:ltlended the uchie"e- ter left Wedmesd,)y b~t \'1'[ -ן

MI'. an! ·s. n,IY l1ob€'ttson and Omnlla, cun)e S~ltllrd,IY ['\ !'!lIH?, 'IS.';l--'lllUly mOlll-1 1 11 F g . y, y b . Mlttelstead home Tupsday. ment dLlY progl <:1m In Brenna pre- their home III E\',lnston. III . ,If',fnmily 0 ' kota CitY, 5P~t SUll- ,Illd viSited hE'r Culks, Mr .Iml MI'~ ~~ i·nitI1~~J~~ ~ n~~~~dm::: ~:IIW~I(~ Mr.. and Mrs. Freel Sonnenberg Clnci Friday evening. spendIng a rT10llth Ill·n· \\ Illl [",.day in tli bert SCll~delli orne. H,lITY Andel f';OIl, lIntll Slllldd! V\ ~ - nwn tl';lcll{'l·~ ftom W dl.l'-!1n chuI.gc of t lC mltiation. Lunch ?i Lmculn, spent the week-end Mrs lli.Jrold Knudsen onr! Nell fUl mel·s p;jr~llts, ;'lIt. "n,1 ;,\11', (.

Alice un Ruby H~'fel;<lj d Fl"un- nlllg. fll'ld alt('nc!pc! a mt't'tlnf~ of III(' III b d TI fI 111 the LoUls L:lIlgpnberg borne. ond Mrs. Will Peters and b:d)y, the L. Wnght. j

ces ForsThe spellt Sunctil after- . Mr. ~lIld Mrs. !lenlY Nullp ,111e1 NUltlii'asL .Nl'lJr.lslql S(l1~{Jllllt'll .It \~~{)d ~l"~~~ea tl~: e~~~~:i:~~n~ Mr. <Jnd Mr~ Ruben ~elher last of Ptlger, spent Fnduy ::lftcr- i\lr. ;)nd T\1rs. C13rl'nu' (()I1~'I'I·noon wlth elcn and Vcrrj,ll Oberg. f:llTIlly, Erm:st lIpns(lJ!d', 1'vk, \\';lytW W\'dllf'.c,duy ~'\(,Jllllg. fast evening hen the broll ht were Sunday dmncr guests 1Il the noon to the E. W. Lehmkuhl homp well' 1t1 C.rcllihtun SlInd.!)" teJ II' Ip

Mr. and rs. flay Jen~tn w{'rc Esthl.'lllensl.lhkc:lndMI!;sl\L1Ig,ll- 1'1'aek Dual With Allt'n. l\ll-I-Roy the 1~1 leian J~f're. g Thomas LeRoy home at Norfolk. Mrs. C. J. Wolff ,md dclUghlf'l, tIle btters d'lOUll·l. )\11" II,JlIIL. Iin Sibux ty last Wed11 sday to et Pntkrsml \'.en' Sumbv :-II]I)lt'l lldll'" '~J"llt At ;1 1l,I(k dllcxl 11('1"(' I ' g, Mrs. Emma Unum;m and son, Miss Normn. nnd Miss Lenon JJlrn- Moorc-, cl'lf'l!Jr,lk ,1)('[ IJll\1l11 L

see Fred chrnLln in ,I 1l0s[Htal guests III the GeOl ~!(' FWI,llof[ 1\\ illl !WI· Til' );\1(" is ~Jft{'lllOOn, ApI i).. 21, Allton I I[ V·t t· D LOUiS, of Pielce, well' glH'sts in' cek of Winside. wer\' Sund:1Y ell _ hey ;1150 \ 1~ltcr\ \11" ,111([ :\1:there. hUJne. - - top hOlln!"s \1,1tl1 ti:i 1-2 JlI'lllb S tve

~I a IOn ay. the H. C. Mittel!iteuclt homp Sun- ner guests 1n the Alfred Syrlow 1lJe Moure. lDr. ~1llC1 l's. G. vI. Hf'ntjon Wl'nt 'Mrs M. F. F.keruth rf'lUrlH'tl S.I- For ;\1l"!'I. }'r ss('11. Wakt'fll'ld ("(llll'ded :)4 1-2 1)(lltlt~ IJ'(:i.i~~I~ {11~~ v ~i~~~~o~~)f~<l ~p;~~~~ day. home. MISS Pe3rl' Eberl\" t('~H IIPr I [

to Humb9l ,In .. SatuI'da)f kll1d \ IS- III day ('\f'nll\g: 110m Om:lll.! \\ llt'l t' III 1111!l(JI (I MI <; \\' \V Ft Is.q'IJ'o.; Tht' flrw! ('\ l'nt tf Ihe ,dlt'l.lllJOll, and Alleln gra s. n,'me IYO Wal'e- Herman Opfer of Bplden, .nnd Rev. ::ll1d Mrs. \V Krnulpltlls of Engk,h and III '!"ek,lrn.I:1ited in th~ (>1\ rn Bn,kf'r Ibi-tme un- slw had been J"{'Cl'II,'Jr1g" trt'.!ltnl·ll1s 11'11 lllll.J\' Til 'lIT ~d.l\ I gl (lip oj till' 1"('1<1)', \\'''S til dVCldlJlg Lil tUI flPld and Alip ~el::tservices here Merle C,hase of !,!orfolk, were. Sun- Pender, nnd Mr. nnd Mrs. Georg" WilS -:1 gUl'~t of !\[r ~til MondaY] ,1fl t1w lmmahllCl hOsPlttll Ml J I -IIICllt'~ \, (1\1 to IH I !In!ll(' til tlll of tlw 111('('t. 'fl II' I t Pd' day 6vtclock dmner gupsts III the Wittler of Thul"ston, snent Sundav Hallie A Bl1eyC'rnicht at tllt'·(;. \._, I. " . I(' Hee a ns wen 0 en el' " .J, Mr. [lnu fS. AI. Bprg aiho Burld,v 11 oth ,mel Miss (ldflll \\ ( lit 10 the Ifh I 1111(1[] \ [( 1 1 ~llll Ii tl1lH lilt} 1 r,H.;k e\'t nts l'('fiu]tf'd :IS follows. I I W I r 'ld h d h Wm. ss home. of lnst week In the Will Mnrtcns Lambcl'son hpmf' hen' iY1r. ,1[11!

Dale we['l~ ....n(l:ly dlnnl'r~llests qf nty for ht'l S(l\(([ High hUiclil's: lkdll, WiJkelH'ld, :~l:~~;~S. ~~~Cl All;n ~:~~~ie~~ ,Mr. tInd Mrs. Eo E. Potter and home. M,r~. C. L:J\mbC'~son entf'II,IIIH·'1Mr, <H1d 'M s. Ed. Weber' It Hutel MISS Inn,l MflY Otll(' ,111(1 MI's I' - - Tluhy. Allen. flrs~ ~~H'):.I. Kp;lgl(" Pender th 'n went'to Thurs- Mrs. Clws. Ohlund atlertde? the Mr. nnd Mrs. J. H. Sp;Jhr nnd Ht dmner Si.ltt\rd;\) e\l'nlng fur tI",Stratton inr ayne. Phylll~ H,d.nm oj Punl 1 ) S,I1- I lor :'Itrs. FI t'dstrom. W;lkdll'ld, tllll d~ 1m1\': 9.4 O>l'(-I ton for gmnps, upper and serVIces. funernl of Mrs. Bertha Collms at Mr. and Mrs. Rn'hal'd Kyl. the Visitors. Mrs. <; A, !..lmb('1 "on ,ll1d

• Mr, alld Mrs, Enncst ohnson llrd~IY ,1llU 111 1,ytOIII III IiU!lOI jJ1 MIS n :r,.., FIl'd- onds Anothet' qf th se WIll be held thIS Norfolk Thursday... l<lst of West Point, spent Saturday Mrs. Blle\'errikht 'l-;ltCO !\lt~ .1nnd family nd Leonmd J¢!lIlson of Heydon llOml'. !VlJ 111£1 "tl urn ~ 1m til IV hel ](J()+y<lrd dnsh: \V.ll·nt'r, AlIt'n. MiSS Verna and MiSS Allce An- evening of lnst week 111 the K P. T. S~lundl'rs :It DI'dm S::Iturd,ly :,1-Allen, spe~ S::ltllrmy e',( mng 111 Mrs. Ileydon <llld ((lllk l\11 lJl MIs A first; Summl'ls, All('Il, s('('(JJl(L summer. derson, Mrs. D,:lle.Zlegler and Mrs. Ca3uwe home. ternoon. I

·theGeorgd ickhoffhom thcmhomc. dnd IIOdklU1d,Wl'll,gUPSbl Allen, 1111rd TilTH.' lO7 C. W. Anderson wc:-e Siopx City Mr and Mrs 'Wm Stuthrn:::mn Mrs A L :Hcgcn!;crgcl' fllllTl-Mr. and l's. Frc, Ro l('y und Mr. and Mrs. Robert \\ (Ill. 1ll!lU IHil1l{ j(1l I (, ullock d1l11H I passengers Saturday. and f~mllY and MI'. n~d Mrs. Will- erly ~1Iss' A~~(,I ,J,lmcs~ l~f( I·, 1-

~lh~~~md:~eann,;;\:,Cs\BI,e:dl~fCh~,s:la'~uOCnl;lf, ;h~r::~.:;~ ;~l ~~~l~~r;~:~~ll~d~~rlOdlst FI Iror lUIS En 1l Hem ickson. I\ 1~1~1j(\~d~~;(t);1~1~,\1m~::lti. ~:l:;~~= M~r~I~~d ;;t~~· ~I.b~·.t :i~t~l~~e~~~ ~e~n~;~t~~ean~~N~est~~~~t :.:;~ g~YJa~~~~~ a\~~t~~117clh~~'ld~\1~1~~', ·."I~::"'~I ~L L convention. Mr. :lnd Mrs. A tldll'S spent last f1('lo., thud. Time: G min. 5 sec. attended a party In the Tom Hill in the Gus Behren'5 home. w('nt to SIOUX City to \1Slt l\lJ~~

E~;\~~t r~I~:s" ~~r~d ~~~ :~Pi~~~s~~/Itlended tIle ~~~~tesd~IY III h()~:)~~ ()f~ll~~: fll~~:)-~~~'~ L~J~i(\\~l~II~I,1I~\lle~~:2~~= ho~~. a;n~i~~~~ ;~~d;~n~~:n~~~ ba~~·· D~~G s~rs;n~h~:.~s D~~g~~s- ~;·:~o~:~ :'d~~~nA~v~~~I~~;l~:~-tenkamp d Miss Elcan a Wal- Mrs. Mmnie Mead left Thursd.1y gLl('~ts served lunch. ond; El;:el'oth. W,J!;:l'fIl'ld, thlld Mrs. Cnrolme Fcnske motored to Paul Splittgerber and children Mr. Hegenbel'g('r wlil cnme ('Iters were· Sioux City 1\1 nday. for her home at Shellrock. IO\'-<J, Mrs. H. Irllls(Jn uf \N:1ym', "',IS Time: 58 seconds , Lincoln Saturday, to spend ::l few were Sunday evening guests lost CounCil BIUff~ <lnd then lH' :md

chft~~~'nano ~:y~'e~'a~~i s~~ :~~ ~f~~~:;e~~~~~n~l~eh~;~t.el~:.I.l i.;:~~ cd1 ,Ill-d~y ~u~~ Bel~~~~V h~~:~~e:~j~~tiJY~~l~~~.; dm~r.inan~leM~~~~ra~I:S~~~~m:f the Mrs. Martha Blermann ~~s ~~~e';111 ~ctllrn to thpJr l)ll'lli'

Mrs. Craig Curley spent Sunday Mrs. C. E. WJ,\son took her tu 8hcll- S nior,' Pr{"lo~enl IKe:1glC' W,I!,-dlf'ld, (!tIl d 1f'JnlC Ohldlw, nnd Mr. nnd Mrs. R. G. MI'. and Mrs. Emil Spllttgcrber 1I II.. iI •••• a ••M.II ..

~~:~h i the R. L. Rtedstrom 10:r O:n~h~sW~;r~I(~ ~~~1\r31~<:11~~1 ~ se~~~~;~rd dash: W,n'ner,; AJlc,~. ~bchr~;h~~Jiu~~IO~f:~~m~i~n:~d~~ ~~h;';~::~~r~~r~~~~;.~·~~~~:~ GOOD SEEDMr :1hJMrs E F g~rrow of Notman Cochran of Peolla,]ll (] s l)Jay Iler(~ first; Ank('ny, Allen, seqond; A. evening. and d:1ughter) Ernaline, and Mr. I

Battle dr k, In., came Ielst Wed- came Thursday .md "\ lSlted untli Keagie, W,lkeficld, thll"ii. Time. IMrs. Lizzie Longnecl(er and and Mrs. Bruno Splittgerber were atnesday dYe 109 and rem!ll~led untll Monday mornmg wlth thc men S WaI<cfiei High Boys Take 24.5 sec. d$ughter, Edna, went to Norfolk Sunday supper and evening guestsThwsday, n the EmIl mother, MIS C C Corhlan, thtll Part n Events At 880-ynrd Ilin: Emery, Allert, Christ n Church. Stmday, where Mrs. Longnecker of Mr. <lnd Mrs. Walter Sphttger- Reaso,!able Costhome Sister, MIs EldOl Rlllg, and otllel Tr ck Meets. first, Killion, Walc('flPld, second; (Rev. G, B. unning, pastor") will be employed O1t the Geo. Hugh ber.

Helen H 1m, d:1ughte~Of Mr relatives. I SnndJhl, Wah'ficld, third. Time: 2 I"Elsidence. ALFALFA SEEDand Mrs Roy Holm, eturned Mrs N P Nelson nnd Rcuben Lml of I~e--;:on" :1 comedy min, 21.3 scc. ~~':::Yg~~~: 1:;~Oi;'c~rgc at I Altona Trinity Lutheran Church. atMOnday~r: m a SiOUX Cit hosPlt~1 went td Stanton and Red, I j In thl(~ ads bv Gladys Bngg Tay- Relny: Allen, first; Wakefield, 11 a. m. T Son Is Born. (Rev. E. J. Moede, pnstor) $950 Per

~', ;:;~c:~p~n~ ~,~~ hod on perallon ~~A~d~t:~dv:~,;~~~c~e~~~~~yJe , ~- :~~l~';~~~o:' t~~,~,:e~o~o~~~::~:= 5e~~rci event results wcr"; , dO~eev~e~rnng~i~ ;~ll bc here Mon- Gr~;,~n~oa ~;~2a;:un,;;r~~y ~~~r~ ~~;~,~~::;~i::: ~: ~o~o :;: ~AP~ushel!~~~<. Fr~~:erlro Q~r~~o~~u~~ hO~~~~ ;l~r~~;:n~~~o~~a~~~ath;,:th~~,~~~:~O~'l~~y~: ~~r~l;r~:C~~~ln~~I~ fir~ti~~J~S~ea~~~~~~~~fie~~;ee;~~l~; n !,sda

y, April 22. Genneroths Have Son. 6c Per

Where hu ~ been recelv rg med,- cO~ference <It Stanton, 1a IS dlrectmg the play The story Nuernbprger, Wakefield, third. Daughter Is Born. A son 'NilS born Apnl 1G to Prof. Lb.

:~c~a~~~ ~~eral wc~~s He Is andevd:~~h~~~' ~;;g~~t~m1:t::~ centels dbo ~ Anne Klrkpatllck Distance: 192 ft. 6 m. p~~~t:~~ ~~~t~~g~nK;~~~:~d;~~ ~~m~:;thsC'h~;e~~;om~~~~~. c~~~ Waytl~ Grain &

H:r~~R1;: ~;r~d~~r~r~ ~~~d;~_ ~~~~~~~h ~wM;~~e:~~,Mr~o~s~: ~~~{:;o~:o~IF~~~~~~:;\~I~h~i~ ~~~~E~2~f£1~~~~~':~;o~~fl: dn~v'~~~~n;e~ ue will meet Sun- ~;;l ;~iiaM~~,~~~'~o:::~n:~rmer dre~:, bolh SOnE. Cqal Co.~~~~~;;;;;;;;;E;;;;;E;;;,;~~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;i;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;o;;;;;;;,;,;~1 knows want to marry her for her . Pole .vault: !'Juernberger, Wake- home, For Mrs. George Nau. PHONE 60 d

wealth. On the day set fur her field, first; StiPP, Wak.efleld, s:c- Birthday Party, In honor of Mrs. GeOl'ge Nau's Wayne, Nebr. :wedding sh runs away and nc- and; A. ~(';:\gl~, Wal:efleld, Smith, Presby er~e~~~~:s,o~it~eD~~I~\ZlyL~~~= birthday Friday, afternoon guests .1I..DII•• II••••••••••a ••••:eepts a pos tion as governess in :l.len, thu·d (tie). Dlstanc{:': 10 ft. (Rev. W. I'd Ray, pastor) prised Mrs. I. P. Frey on her birth- ~:~;h :::~e nL~~li~ob~~~~~·rs.~~s~ ;-•••......--.-. l'~~~:;in~~om Il~fm~~~lederp~~~c~:t~ . I]~igh j~lmp: J. K:agle,. m.Sunday; Su day school at 10 D. ~:~s ~~~~~d~~~e::h~~·n~~~, ;f~e~~~~ Stuthmann and son, Mrs. Austin

~~~~:~ ~l~~J a~~1;a;~riue:u~)~~~~ ~~;~,~I~~enfi;:~:k~::~~~'~:~~;('~~~~~~ se;';.~~~~n~f~o:sW~t:r\<ll~iCV~~?st~~~ :~~c~p~n~e~~~~!1~glu~c~:~na~~~~ ~~1~~1nin~rfr~~1~~r~faa::e~son (Adah keroth). This engage~ th1rd (~e!. Dlstanc~:. 5 ft. 2 1-2 In. Youth day. Ge rge Kyl 'r-lill sing n served IJy thc guests. Mrs. Frey b rSh .d· tllrM rsA' . tOffet~­

ment is, als( arnmged by Robin's fie~~·O~irs~~~;rn~~ ~~~~ s:ak~~ solo. 'received m~lnY useful ::Jnd be::lut1ful h:~, ]ar~, as~~sMn;.~I~n~l,g~arjo:ie~mother, Mr. Eleanor Winslow N' , w'!,' CO?, In, the afte 1160n and evening gifts. Donald nnd LeRoy. The guests(Mariarp. Pc rson). WheIt. Anne D~~~~~~~gle~\t. 5 ~~~ leld, third. the young pe pIe- will attend the served lunch. Mrs. Lillie--, Morse

~~p~:~~ ~i heh~~e~~dR~~~u~~2~ Shl1Jt: Travers, ,,:uen, first; y().~~~~ ~~~~~~ ,r;f\~~a;~rw~~:ting 500 'Club Meets. brought a vel:y decorative birthdayJealousy pr pt:; her to belittle Nuerhberger, Wat{~fH"ld, .!1econd; Will be held t the T. C. Bypse Members of the 500 club met at ~~~~I~n~~S;i~n~~~I~~e~h:ne~'en?n~Anne Newman, Allen, third. DlstanC€: 110me. ~~~d;:ereb::l~in~~h;~;~t~O:eere~~r~

Mr~. Alic Mason is played by 34 it. 10 fn. I and Mrs. Forrest Cook, Mr. andVernn SUp ! Nancy Wihslow by The DIxon county track meet l'fteih 1st Churclt.r'u'l, etrlCU , l'I,,'I,'n, Rob- wlH be hf'ld here May 5. '(R b W I Mrs. George Langenberg, Mr. nnd

"I. " •• 0 ert y ie, pastt'lf) Mrs. Ernest Langenberg, Mr. and

~~~~~~ ~I~~~~yb~U;o~~r~I~~~t Conference lleld St~~:~~r~a~ ~. w1~~ ~eot~~~~r~~~ '~~~: i;~nl·;rd~~~VsW~~~ld~rpr~z:~und Be sie uy by Agnes Ruth ] M"" Ch h invited. . 'were nwarded Mrs. Albert Behmer,Andel.s~n. II IS~I()n nrc , ~un?oy seh 01 at 10 a. m. ~ ~ Ernest Langenberg, Mrs. W. J. Rig-

Marv n B hel is aeting as busi- Ch.Olr prod ce Mondny evenmg gert, H. C. Mittelsteadt nnd Mrs,ness ali sta e manager. There will --' -:- at 7:30 nt the E. O. Fent~n home. Ernest Langenberg. A deliciousbe SpeCl:11n mbers between acts. GolQ,en JUblh;e Is. Held Epworth en$ue will meet

The l:1Y s produced by speeinl In Connection With Thursday eve ing at 8 at the pnr- tt'0-eourse lunc~on was served.nrrang men with The Penn Pub- Meeting$ Here. sona·ge. This IS an Epworth in- "Top Notchers' Club/'lishlng 'Com any, philadelphia. stitute servic , Iti will be' interest- Members of the Top Notchers'

Tltack eet At Norfolk. Meetings of the 'Nebras!{u and wg and aU a e invited. bie-by beef club met Fl'iday eveningWak~field: tracksters went to Colonado Mis~ion conferen~e and ~ev, Samu P<!Jlovinn, known os at the Ernest Fuhrman home.

Norfol"4 to a invitation hack meet gold€jn jubilee were opened la~t "Methodist S' m,'i WJIl give 3 meg~ Meeting was c<.Jlled to Older by thelast Fl1iday April 24. About 20 evening at th¢ Wukefield Swedi~h sage here Ma ~O. Let tlB plan to president, Lloyd Klug. HowardSChOOlfpnr 'cipatdd. Norfolk, AI- Mls~lon churcth of whIch Rev ~ gl'VC lilm a g pd ~earing: Fiuhrman was apPOInted secretarybion, C lum us, 'Wayne, York, Ne- A TurnqUist IS pastor. Hev L II ---... flj>r the ey.t:nmg to ilil the placeligh, S uth iaux City, and Bloom ... Perp~n of D{?nve~, preachted ~,. Salem L .theran Churqb. : o~ the nb!k:nt officer EdWIn Kol.field w rc <11 ong the larger sch~ols E!1chsh Wednesday ~vemng, Se - (Artht,lt L Petiersol1, J)ostor) I lath, leadeIT, gave out l bteraturethat ok~ ield ¢ompeted WIth. Vlees WIll be held every mGOlln, Next Sund Y' - books to members The tlme wasNorfQI pIn ed fi~st at the meet. aft~r~'oon and evening throll h Sunday school, 10 a. m, spent m studymg the differentStanlcJ[" Ha lund of Wakefield SUnd~Y All pastors and delegat s English ser ices 11 a. ,In. when I parts of cattle Members who wereplaccd,first ? the pi~cus and third fr?Jt1~Ne.braSka,Colormdo and Wy - Rev PaLtl F. nkson of Om~ha Wl~ll present were Lloyd, Marvm, andin tHr 440,ya:rd flash'l Iirelimin- mUlg!wIll be here, _J i' give ~?e ser on·IRev. Ertkson .IS !'eROY Klu~, Gilbert Bauermeister,aries 1 thei ield ejvents were ~eld n~. 'rheodiore .~,.~nderSOh[ atten~~n~ th co:pfere~ce held in oward Fuhrman :and Glen Kox,in tile mo~ iog" pod LWakefIelji pr~~l. eot Of~wedl~~ E nn~el~ca the MISSI0~ hurch thIS Week. erman B<h~rm~isterwas a visj.t~qualiti d th folloying tqr compe- Ml~~I~n c~:mv nant 0 , enca, at The JUnIor ut~erLeague me~ts . LunchElotl was served at thetitianl! the fternoon; role vault, ChllCdgo, IS g est .spe ke , ' May 6, 81 p. . Cdtntfiittee~ Harriet lose of th~ meeting, The next se5~

and ~. Ke~4:le; broa9 ,cOofenant omen's Auxiliary ~t Anderson, ~ rgaret ltodgers, Lin~ s on will b May 24, I

• d'SCUB J. Keagle NebIJiskll1 Wit have a cpnferenca nea Bloomqu st, .1 Lawrerke and r

gh 'um~!~, }{eagle; her~lllstar img riday or~ing at 10 Donald IBad str~m and Harold AIl a NewsI . I at tI?:~ Sal~in Ltfther n church. " Brown. ' I, ton

u~l with Wa;vne. ~ -- I ' Dorcmi soc ety meets May 7, (By Stl~ff Correspondent.)

a~dj inW:f:ck ~~g~ H yai tha ter : 2.3:a~1·will ce ebrate IUie 30th Mr. ahd Mrs. Valer!lts Dainmeue day ~fternoon. I lanslTo eillbrdt~ anni~erlry f t~e dedieation of s ent SUll~ay evemng m the e, J.

I! I _ 1 I, tite ahU (!h ay 8-10. Rev. d. T. 'rxle~eJ1 9ome.ea [9 To I eiliors. I 'ieth oqriiversar of H:;tggai Kraft, f rroe pa tor, Will be here The R, H, Hansen, Jr" ~amI1Y

ro the 'Wniverslty llh~ er !'to. 3P. Me ter Mason t at the t~e. F th r nnnou cements isited Th r~day evenmg ill thetb the senior wll be T!)ilrlday, ~y 7, at t ~ next W Ie, lbert Me ~m~de end ehildren

rltsd ~t~~npon. I M~~ nie hall:1 AlJ1Qn guests wi The bra a ()nf~rep, e of t~e t~SkErin ;t sP:~t Sund,y- in theM;eeun~, I be t r1 Rf Grreson of Nor Aug~~ta Q L th r~1 ~: t~:~ w~~ " J. ~r:l: e~ home. . I

p~l 2 'to MlIY Mrs.·J!'r nka:1~ P1'1ueger ~aned onS~1etn: 'Wlu ljJe s. C.' E. eroth at 1ft W81'n«:

L petersQn,.f ospital S d,~ after-fl0ort. ' .. ,' ,.~~;;A~d,~Mr~,M !,1~af!lt[llijdMfI~'

For Mrs, L. C. Lamberson.,'\1rs. L. C. L.lmbclson's bllth­

d.l v W.lS ob:;el"\'{'d1l1l;g \\,h('n neighbOi s ollld('.lIY1C 1'1 lwlp llPI 11,1Vl' ,( SU( l.ll

1111ll' TIll'\' sl'I\Tc! !IIJll'lH'Ull.

EOrerl/Unll W•.r.,..<tay.Miss Barbara Claycomb· enter­

tained las~ Efvening for MISS HelenVath, Mis;- ~a"ulll Seymour, MissAlice IM!I~ iY'oung, Miss MargaretJonesl Mls~ Dorothy Hook, MissPegw str8lan, Miss Mary EllaPile, Mis.!! L one Coryell, Miss Zadaand Miss> G ea Gifford, Miss PencQKingston, Miss Paqline Yocum nndM1SS Neva -rones. Dnncing was fol­100\iE'd by l~ncheon.

-~-~-~ .-I

II <..,.

"~ I .11 IIi I,~~'I I) I' " I

I, !' i ' , I,'Ii



W,\Y"", 'W RASKAA~al ]I , Bible St"dy Ciccle.

I!J"'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''I'i'+'''+'''''''''''''''''''01 Bible Cll'cle met \vlth :Y11S.EmIl Luders TuesdnY Wlll'l1 MIS.Dora Bpnshoof led ttw ]{'S<:Ull.Next T\lesd~lY Mrs. Benshoof IS·hostess ~md Mrs. H.lll·,}' l!lm:l1 tilhas the lesson.

B.a'$e';~IIC--r,llb I - ---.-- a~;-;;s.·-~:~n~~~~t~~sonaQ~ dJnner --;:~~n ~~-~. . ~6-~~-- st;~~s and hrrs. Fete Johnson \'15- The pubhe IS cordially Invited. ICaauwe and Barbara He/ne hud

Is Farm tl Here ::l~;~te:t ~:~~er~uJ~~%on~:eniQg d '~r~~r;:~ ~~;'d~~ff Mun on ~ere ite~:~~r~f iour women att0nded pe;~~, ~:l\~cnth~ei~r~~h~~~ois t~~ t~~, p~:c~~~ t::v~~~~ W;~~1~ ~:;;;Wayne baseball club i!s a reality Sunday dinner guests <I.~ the Will ~hurSday evening visitor in the Di,xon county <lchil'\"cment d,lY m wicked." Pile and Myla June Tho.qnas lire

and the team plays ib ~irst game Baker home were: Mr. 'and Mrs, E~mer Lundberg home. Wakefield 'l'uesduy. The uffalr was A passage from the BIble in the sixth graders who had . perfecthere Sundny with W~ mer at the Raymond Nichols und family antl iThe Chas. Pierson famll were in a new experience for all und nced- lesson-sermon IS from Psalms 9: 16: spelllng grades.park adjacent to the Iswimming Mr..and Mrs. Bernard Meyer alnd t c Lawrenet' Carl.son h me to less to say was enjoyed by ('vcry- "The Lord is known by the judg- SIxth grnd~I:": orc t<Jkin

1tip tll.e

pool gl-ounds. Wayne g s to Car- family. s end Sunday evenmg. one. 1 rn,ent whIch he executeth; but the study of petnflt'd woods ,~ld fOSI-roll the folloWIOJ:t qu ay. Frank Mr. and Mrs. Gust Wetlstrand" 'Harry Robinson and OU Brum- The'Wesley Rubeck famJly ac- wicked IS snared III the work of sils, :md lotk l'lImi.ltl()ns III ~u-

Sturma, manager] rep Its 30 can- Mr. and Mrs. Walter Pearson alnd niomi plowed with tract rs for compunied B-uby Rubeck dnd her IllS own h<lnds." l'nce. ,jdldaites trymg out Sun ay and 20 Anita and Idll Mae lteiltes were Wesley Rubeck this week. mother to Wakond,l, S. D, Thurs- A eorreln\lve from the Malte Crayola Dra\Vig~. 'l-epl1rtlOg Tuesda:y, T roster of Sundny ufternobn nnd lunchElOtl' IThe C. F. Sahdahl fam ly Were' doy where Ithey hl'ljJt'd MI'. ,mel Christian Science "SCl- Fifth grac!prs made cIJlyola18 wlill be selected Frid y for Sun- guests at the Ernest Johnson horhe. dlnner and supper guests Sundny Mrs. J. G. Ctlmpbellcl'lcbI',lll' t1wu enec and Heulth with Key to the dr,\WIJlg~ of whic~l they

Mr. <lnp Mrs. E. F. Speck left day's gnme. Mr. and Mrs. W<llter Grdsc, I~ the Ed. Sandahl home. fortJcth weddlllg 'll111l\eIS,11)". They 'Scriptul'Ps" by M:ll'Y D;lker Eddy, brought to Rober~ EmungFridalY fdr thclr home at Pequot, Mr. Sturmn, il1l bell ~f of the Emily and LeVerl1 spent Sunday Miss Almn Ltlutenbnug V>{ns:1 rclurned tllllt p\cnlTlg. [('ads: ''In tIyJng to undo the er- brought a prllt shell p~cked upMinn" flfter spending two weeks sponsors, expres~es tmreciation <lt the Bernnrd Yl1'nSeggetn home sJtlPper nnd ovetnit;ht gu $t Mon- .Mrs. Carl AndC'l'..;on, MI~. J:lck l'O~s of sense one must P<lY fully on the fHolds of !for ttl{'here nnd ~n Columbus. They \'islt~ fOr W:holchenrted ~uPPo'l of Wayne at Scribner, in hdnor of the l*t- dby in the Fredi Victor orne. Soderbprg, Mrs. Joe John:wn, Mrs. :lnd f<lirly the utmost farthing, children of the fifth to ~x-ect t1l!'rc ""jtll MIS, Speck's si!l;ter, buslhess nnd profession 11 men who ter's twentieth 'wedding anniv~:r- Mr. and Mrs. Paul O'son <lnd Richard Utocht and Mrs. L,lUrence until all error is fmally brought lammc. Rodney Lo\"c plC-

~(I'~ryA~~~~;. Luers, <llld f:l1hcl', ~~'et~f:ll~'~~~~~~~/7~~~0~ d~.~Ot~~~~ sa~~. nod Mrs. ~rnest Mitch~ll, ~r7~so\~e~:~~e~~n~~/:~t~,~o:~·.d~~o~:~~ J\~~~~C~\I number ~~~o). subjectIon to Tl uth." (page ~~~~sd~~~h~~dl~~;~1~~~C~'s(ln hiS

Tuasd~y, May 26_ f. K. N. P~rke ----+-.--~----- lO\'ltll'S the moral Sllpp i't to mnke Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lundin nlhd ,I Ruby Rubeck and Mrsf ~Chaun- banquet m.tu meetin5 . cent tnp acrOss the «',I. ,.lIe alsopresented the SUI it' t"mp plans I J. l-I. Emley of Wisner, nne of the orgnnlwtion sucC"c sfu!. CorrIne, and Mr. ~nd Mrs. AJbf.!rt cey AgI.el' helped Mrs .. W~sley Ru- :It the sch;~l house <:lfter- W· S' I I \brought s()~ :vlexlcdn cOIrs:

d Ed 5t 11 O!. tbetWOmf'I'nben:oftheflr:>tfamilY About $200 was reelved for Anderson and LOIS were en tel'- beckWIth pnper hang109 Tuesday. noon. )11 eCOn( n In sclf-test> In ,lllthrrjetlc tlw~'~l d thO OW~. cit ~H l1ll; l'-!AICO~~ to s{'t'tl~, noltth o! the Elkh(ll"ll IS 83lCQUlprncnt. til£' contdb bons rnng- tained nt dinner nt the wih Bqrg The Lyle Gamble family Vlsited Mr. :md IYfrs. Althur Florine <:Ind I s c past week WIlli:': Lessrnbn "nd~ ~e h I; st~ JLltJ · de r VOl ye'lr~ old 'mg fh'om $1 to $750 Suits were home Saturday evening. Sunduy afternoon in the DIck Kermit Dfternoon tate ()nte~l El<.lltle 13l'n1l1,lck had tlH.1 hlgll('st

'~or ;~6l'~', Z~d ~j ~ar~()~otst~~:~ .. _~'__ "__ .__~~_.~ Ibought by Strlltton I-Iot 1, Artificial Mr. nnd Mrs. John Bengston, Sandahl home and werej supper a~d Suppe\' In. Lawlence (Continued from page on!') I r:.ltlllg pos;,lbll: to w't ,on organizing ~I troo)s P~Jnd Jrc Co., ell I Shuck, 'upcr Ser- Enoel: <lnd Paul, ~r. <lnd Mr,s. Fr~d guests. ho.rne.. IS I dUI nll1g" to ~~~~~~ R{'gm Library (ontE'"L .'eheckin old one JLbdlVI~1I1 thr' ~Q' '0 \ I('C', P.1!;ICC C,rfe, Un gs Motor Lundm and Corrme, F. A. Lun~in AnIta VIctor spent the weel~-end hiS poslbon In S. D, Ito Dr. ell,lS. F. Dienst states that he FOUl til gruders <.lre 1Jpg~Tllllng ;l.

, district ~vns ('ullsi'l d. Ne\\' t~nO)5 CTETY. ~(), G & W. Motnr 0., 'Vayne and Vera, Mrs. Johnson and Hat.ry with home fOltc~. Tuesd,~ishe com:- Thursdny, hJ.lvlng re- <.lnd ,moUlcr lud from Orchard s('t 1conte:t on the l('~I~mg of,nre bl'ing formed n ~ml'rson Ln~I-11 ~ (;I·('<1OH'1'Y. (;em C<lfl'. pryell Auto <In.d Arthur Larson were ('nt~r- ml'nccd worl<- In the CI1ff Busby covered f:-om )11:-, I (;'('ont out 1.000 trees in SIX hours' tIme; book~. ~he ct~tldl{n ,may re

•. 1 dB ld' I 1 ._~ • Co., Llng~ftleier nd Monu- tamed at Sunday dinner nnd s~p- 1lOme. , bs opcraborL the trec phlOting recor.d is 1,200 books flom thl 11~ldF urH' an (' en. , mpnt CoIhtributi ns were by per nt Arthur Borg's. I Dorothy Sundell spent Saturdny James Erli<:li.son, LC'on:llrl Rob- IOJ" th;lt time and the boys bclieve school rcferen('!' ,and dIP

. Regular Y'0rk. . W. R [;off. Dr. A. D. Lewis, Ed. Mrs. Clnrence Holm, Mrs. Reu- WIth Glendora Faye Piertson whlle erts nnd K~nntt ,Iohnson WCl'(' In that they will be able to brenl{ It gIven credIt lur their \J,-W k. Tln'yThe L. W. Krnthl.t 1 n:to\cd Wed- Mrs. A.IV. Tf'ed md With ():lk Otto Vlctdr, Eco omy Shop, ben Holm and Veryl spent Wdd- Mrs. Sundell and Jellnl wel'(> m Lincoln frorh Wl'drl('~c1ay to S.ltur- bdOle long. Joe Smolsky has beeO" ha\e bl'gun the study uf ,ftlhsld 111

nesdny'from the l; M, Cllfflth scouts dt ~he collegt' WerllH'sddY T Houk, Wrn. Beck nhuucr, H. nesd<lY at Sioux City with Helen SIOUX City. duy competing III the c!;IIlY dlvlslOn III for a fcw days WIth tonsilltls geogrJlphy. Iproperty. The OUQI ai(>rs lllUI,'{' [[) fur \\ 01 k 1m k~ts, W. Kuglel", H. E Sima I, Dr. S. A. Holm at a hospital. On Sundny Mr. Mildred Soden was an,cwernight of the judging cllnle<,t. Boys II (Jm III the cnmp hOSPltul the last tIme In obscl'\ dncli' of n::ltiorl~d llC~Jth~l-=-.h~~s(' ----+ ~. l ' ," "' ILutg0n, B L. St;jlrk, Pc e Petersen, nnd Mrs. Clnrence Holm ahd VIsItor 10 W:Jlter Hetman all over Nebr·i.lsk'l took p.l!'t and thc he wrote. week tilt' tlllld gr:"k IS J pl.l11ninl--!

• ":";":,1."'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''~'' '!' .."" ,:",,0 IBirthday Party. MJllrr & Stricld<lnd, I- H. Hnch- :Merlyn, RoY Holrn, Doris and Alice home ul)d uttended tht:: concel t l~cnlla.ds t~or~ughIY (lllJOY.l'd their SClllor girls of the Wayne high hea:th ,. 'TIl(' gr;ld~~ \~/11 .l.lso~ . ~lw 1,IOl1C Hoefs l'ntC'rtllncd;l ftlf'ICl', Myroll Colson, . A. Fish- 'nnd Adn Wulters spent the d6y With them. ,. fIrst expcrn!nc{,. Jot" ,Juhnson took school who Dre Illtercsted In gIve hultll for: c.Hldl f'll

~ llumbC'r of children '11-1 el", John K<lY, R. R. L, rson, Mcr- Iwith Mrs. Holm and Helen. i Mr. und Mrs. Herbert Green thC'm and ,llso VlSlkd hiS brothel, nurses' tr<llning were mVlted to at-I of the ,other loolfS. kr school fo~' ~1('~ 71h ,h:wt & Stnlhnh,' Die! "Plnkham, The Ralph Purl< <lnll Bcrnatrd were dmner :md supp/;,r guests Albin, ;:1t S;ll'onvlllL'. tend a dmncr ut Hotel Str<.ltton lust Jl~tcrnoon thiS wl'('k. Ill; the

;':',:,_ C:lllwi \ Lllmb('r O~ j .bcques P?l"k famllles spent T~l!lI:sday c~'~- Sunday in the ,John Gushorn homp Mr. ,~nd Mrs. VII gil C(Jrhr,lI1 ;ll1d by mcmbel s of the el~lzdensh.JP CfJllt,','s,t 11('., /llJe I ",Have Dinner Together. l'ICJ:lIW1S, W;llt{'11 Pries tState Na- nlng <It Henry Bnrtlmgs helpthg IlP;lr Wnyne. Nclt'nwn-Cochr~tn (',lm(~ WJlyne club. MiSS Ci.lIO! gr.1 e luom H .11 lfld S ,nl

Tilt' EpISCOp.ll ehulch f,Jllll!]('''; It1On;1I H.ll1k, l';lld Mil's, Wuyne Loretta celebrat!' her birthday.?n Mr. and MIS. Lor('n Pat];: :md from ppona, Ill, 10 \'151t Martm, state of nurSlllg ahead flf tl:l' Dilleullchh,1d Llltln{'J" lugt'tlll'r Sllllc1:!v :11- Ibkl'1 y, L B. Flkh, () " Robel ts, Sunday evening 50 fl'lends spent SOilS and MISS Hazel Vtln HOln VlS- mothet·, IlAI $. C. C. C[),,!lr,lll, ,mel l'duc,JtlOn for W~lS guest I Al d.Jth. St!ldl'f[ef. uI HIOCI\:, IS C1

, ~"':"'" \{'l !lel'\·lel'S .It til(' B I\. ,Jud.' lin Al malld HISCOX. S. D. gge, M. L the evening at the Burtling hoJ1:1e ltt'd III the Lee SbtJifel' home Sull- oth1'1' relJ!Jtlves ']')wy \\'('1'0 guC'~te: ::;peJ.I(el". new pupil III :he third /~j"oIclc.llonw I [{Inger, ('!;ll','nCt' Wligl L Mrs. W. in hOllor of Clara's birthday ah- d.lyafternoon. In the C. 1,. and CA. B:lId homes Perfor-mScience Expel'lment. Has. Birthday lar-ty.

IV. W(,bPI\ ('('ntnl !\-1'lf];:el, .Tohn- Illversary. A luncheon b1'o1lght by Monday dinner guests of MI'. nnd rrc,.speetivel.Y. Sun<'1ny tht.' group, Robert Benthuck and J:lck Blll)' HelnC' Ob.St'I\'C'd IllS blrth-

Here and There Club. son RdH'IY, Fitch Gl"(JPrY, Safe- the guests W,IS C'lljoyC'd. Mrs. E. J. Lund<lld were Mr. ,Inel <llso Mr. nnd MIS E. E. lwd Wright performed un expenmC'nt d;l,}' last w('ck MU!1tby 'lInd tlt"ltl.'dH~'l t' :Ind 'rhpl"(' club Ill( t StOll', Wayne DIll Co., G,]ln~ MI.~. Pnul Bec.k 0'[ SCllbncl". The dmner .In the C:, L. H,lrrl h{)mt~ Ior the seventh grlldl' sCIence class IJ~IS schoo~ m,t'~ ~n tile ~Jl st g.~ 'ld,l',

!P11I,ly .lJtl'nlOOl1 \\ lth 1\-11 s. IlJl(' S \V Cissna, "J. Ahern, S h W k II l,ldlcs are cousms. celebratll"rg Vlrgll s of MOlldny, shOWIng how W,ltl'f m~lY Joom to l1ldn du.1l IJtI tL'lddY l:.dH sI'e1elSOI). Aftu :l SU('l,,1 ,JI't{'I- elII Nuss, A L. :-)wnll, L W. Mc- otl1 a efie ( nUdol~KaY's bi\thd;ty was col('- Monday on WhlC,h, dny tilt' , be sl'Pdlnlcd Intu lts'\"~ll"lOUS (,!l'_I':'!~ICh ,m:~ntJ~lll'r m~d~':, Ml.S.n()"n. til{' 11O'<t1'SS SPl\I'd. Ndtt, Simon StI<:lte, J.IIII. Rehder (By Stnff Correspondent) blnted FridJY evenmg wl1c'll about retulned homl'. Jill' OrvJtlf' I',rJt'- mente:. fr<l,!ll< ~rllrH, fI.lIS .. fI.1 h lJ.lwIOld

I() B. H·,I'I';, SWdDson & Lillv, Wal~ 30 relntives brought .I lunch .1ud son fiJmll~ jo"l!lt'd tlH'lll ilt suppt'l'. The eighth grade hns sbded its an<,ll Mrs. Fl,lllk Lrl{'s ~ lS1tl.'J theter Lf'1 nt'!", Ralph Morsal R i. Lar- Normn Jean 'test WDS a Fridny spent::J social time. ..... last history dIVISIon tor the year Iroom Upt <lfteIlloull. ,

Ison, Dr J C..Johnson, l' c. Peter- overmght guest of M<lrcella Brudi- The foundatIOn is laid for a new :md wlll devote its time to a NormJ.l1l Rod:wl'll Idt the sp('onrl


sen C!.lvpn StudiO -un DaVIS gam, barn on the Ed. Gustafson PlJlCC·IQi1HURCH ESJ study of "Modern TImes." Leah grade room when Ill.s p'lI·l· tl tSI)I.' L F. P(,l"J~Y, RlI~S U nal"t('I~: Mr. nnd Mrs. August Brudigam Wn!tn Johnson ;lnd helpers wlll I ~I iii Jenn CClnuwe gave u spccwl r('- mO\'f'd to I--:,Iur~", rGt'o. M<:n tlll Schulz, D. attended Mrs. Ed. Fr~1Jert's bi-rth- construciion soon. port on 1'(,l'sJa 'for se\'enth geog-I Be/rlO ~r~ Boo Iets~. ,H. (-;iffol'd, W:tltf'l Benthnck, day perty SntuI'd;:ty ev['nlOg. AllJert,l Wilson who is cm- ~ rdphy Monday. Klf1~elgdrt~n, I.DOn: ego mak-H K. KllkmJlll, E. F John,son Mr. nnd Mrs. Louis 'test nnd ployec! 10 Lutt Bros. home nC'ar Salem Chdrdl. Rlclwrd Claycomb and Edna 109 blld boo),~c!s thIS ect, 'l'?~yB.lkt']" Wm. Flll1, Jack Ed~ daughter were Sunday dintIer Wnyne, was::t Sunday dlOner gt]('st (Rl'v. A. Hofct'9r, P~J<·t()r) IMartens took ('uunty seventh und 'lr~ ;llso .m:lizlllg tlwti l ve y firstw,lrc!s, A. J'JC'obs, BrOwll- gU~~ i~n~e~:~1 ~~~1~g~~si'o:~ in 11,(' Jas. Chambers home. . No sot'vices. eighth grade eXamlllJ1!lons 1:Ist M, y baskcts. _ __ _ -

:~~o~~i':~n;:~;~', ~~~u:C~, l~;~~, ~~\l;= c!:lUghter spent Friday evening in <lt ~~g~~t~~~~l~~~~~:::n~l~l~,~~ LadlC's' Aid nwd1 ]\1,1)' G with Iw~~~rcll Johnln, J~lmcs Pile and Ki ,ran i~ Jnham lct' Crenm Co., Fi ,<;t NCltional th.e ,RU?Olph Kny home for Ml'. ning and were dinner guests Sun- Mrs. Ed. HaW'Il1all. I Wllmer Ellis mtervil'wed Judge J M()ll(la~ I~"ll'lyB:JllIi., Ray Surb~r, GC'. Bnrnhoft, K<Jys bIrthday. . ,day' In the Henry Nels un home. OUI" Rf"dremcr's Ev.<Luth. Church. M. CJWllY l,1st wel'k on pdt1}' ddY.~ JG A. Hl'Iwrd Jlnd Dr. B. Young. Mr. nod Mrs.! August Brudlgam The Rudolf Kay fnmily :md Mr. (Rev. Jr. A. Tcckhl'lllS, 1';I,-dOl) of the county. Wtlmer Ellis g;l\"e (COlltlllUC'd fltJtn Jl:lge one)

nnd daughter ~ent Sunday nt the nnd Mrs. Rollie Longe were dlll-I Rev. H. G{)('nl' ofl nl'llf1ltlgtUtl, a l't'port from fhe m~t('ri~il tilt' boys ·fScouts In Meeting. J-;I.erbert Barel :lll home at Ban- ncr guests nnd spent Sundny In will ptT{lch ;,h T I .1. Ill, The collectcd. hals for the' men. A plcli:C't fenre

croft to see the mew dGlughter. the John Heine home at Pender. pastor will CiJS(1 SPili;: brIefly. Eighth grnde is beginning th.e decorated With flowFrs enclosedsw~:m~~;u~~stf('~~~f~g\;: I~~\~ Wlll Crossl:lOd wns h('l"c from Mr. and MrRI. Louis Test nlnd Vlrginia Sandahl attendcd the Sundny school at 10 n. m. study of algebra, preparatory to Ithe 01 cllestrn. Cards ,and dancing

Lincoln Thursday. ~aughter und Mr. nnd Mrs. August state commercial cbntest at l<ear- Ladies' Aid owet 7 WIth high school work. \clOSed the C'venlng's etiltert:lInment.~0~~~t/)~~~'[ll~0~~'J;llt~e8u~:~~0\~'~~~ M!'s. ,Llfle Demme of Emerson, is rudigam hf'lped Mrs. Will T'rst ney Friday and plJ.lced second and Mrs Hellry Koch, nd \Vm.. In art work the se~('nth.. and The committee hC<jds f~r the

WII E N I~ ~ID u are seVC!',ll ,(liJys hcre m the c('\cbrate her bIrthday Monday thIrd in spelling and shorthand. PH.:,p('nst()cl~.' eIghth grades UI"C mnkm~ CllIzen- Monduy evenmg ~ntertamment6 ning ,1t 7 o'clock. evenlllg. lYIr. and Mrs. Henry Bokcmper _ ship and udverhSll1g posters. The were: C. L. Plcb,tt, p~ogram; A. T.ready ~uy Hail W. h M E.Ii M Ib MJss F;lym' .GllmCI Stanton, . and daughter and Enoch Ande,I'Son First Presbyteriln ChuI"('h. hl~h .school art class IS studying IC~vanaugh, housc;. rof. W. R.

~Insur,an.ce..t.bili~~ar .. buy It Irs. '.. e y. 'P t th 1 d'l1 tI H D S h W were supper guests in the. E. J.I (Wlibur F. J)1('rlcjng, PD:tor) pcllntlllg. from eally Italian to Hl:kman, :r~ceptlOn\ .IO.f. Cllffordit from an Ie. tablished Mrs. 1':. E. Melby entertained ~~~Ison~l(~~el'e~~~ l<.lldij~s ~l"t, ~ou~ out east ayne Lundahl home Sunday evenmg. Prof. CUfford B,m, ~usiC alrector. modern tImes. BDlr, mUSJc, C. M. Cp<lven, Illter-

U-Bilil-Um club Tuesday nftel- sins. i' (By Staft Correspondent) Mr. and Mrs. Chauncey Agler Church school at 10 u. m. Perfect Spelling Grades. club relntlOlls; rM1 iNuss, f<l\'o1's;

inFiurance age cy, one noon nt de!;sprt bl'ldge. In con- W,dtl'r Phipps pUl'cjII1a~ed the Mr. and Mrs, Chris Holst of spent Su~daY afternoo.1l with the MOl'mtlg worShlP'~l. ._;~L,e"n,;,O";t",;n,,,e:;,;;;;p;;;O:.I~C;;;"S;;;,;;;;;;:L;;;e;;;'I;':;,:;;;J;;;en;;;n;;;;;;D;;;C;;;,R:;;;;;;,w;;;;;:";;;c;;;as;;;p;;e,,c,;,;;;d;ij;;;co;;;r;;;n';;;IO;;;r.;;;';;,;;a,:jJ~that writes it in stO('k ~)\~:~.~. ~:;~: C~l~l~\'v~ltts;~l:~ZI~nl~~:~ Clyde Wilson property Ih thE' north Hooper, spent the week-end in the Reuben Lmdsays ~nd vlslted m the Cullege dhnstlan "lllleaVOI", 6;30 eJ - ._-~-----l'ompanie.c.; 0r1] "1.' In caRe weeks WIth M1's. Nuss. ]Kll t uf Wdyne ,md m~ved to the Martin Holst home. Anton Pflueger home Monday eve- p, m. I

of a loss it W~ prove Ipcope,'ty se",'"'' dnys ,go, ning. M F I S d I H,gh sch.ol Chcis'ion Ende"voc, Class-If-Ied Advert-Is-Ing'"Mr. and Mrs. Frank Larscn and Mr. nnd rs. ran <- c ers rom 6.30 m.h ' . f t Presbyterian Aid. ~ For- Mrs. Ed. Frevel't, L 'I: . ,~roue more ryaJ ,ac ory. f.lmlly tec('ntly moved, from L<lu- visited in the Edg<lr nrson and Frances Rh des of Sioux I ~ " ,

p ~I ' Presbyterian AId met Wf'f!ncs- In honor of Mrs. Ed. FreVjrt's H NIh M d d d' I II d I' .i,l'crniums ar 1ery

rea- daY fur busin~ss '-lnu soei<:rl flOW. ~'~I ~~a~~/()~7s~E~~l~ tSrE~~~~~~rt~ bf~~e'nhdd~YonSdat~eCjdaa'':v'e:WneUnmlbetoC ,hOe: T~~;%ay :~~~ing~mO~s las~::~{ ~~_ ~;~Yv~~~~ls~fS~~S~;" s~~~~' f':ll I! Phone 146,Ronnhle and! Icase of Mrs . .J, G. D;:1vidson, Mrs. Nettle employed at the count clerk's of- hL~me:n the ~\fening~ Prizes ini50~ spectively. " ~ ;10RS the CO~' ny ad- Call, Mrs. R. W. Casper, Mrs. W. flce here. I wenl 10 M-o, Augu"t B,'ud'ga-Ialld The Illinois relatives, Mrs. C. C. 'theo~iJus 'hUTCh. !I """.""" ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,"'''''~''''''''''''''''''''l.''''''''' "m. hI' d C. COryell and Mrs. C. Shullhcls ", '--' ,In , )JllstS t e OS.' issues Mr. and Mrs. H. ~' D~dlcy of Mrs. Cl.--.rencc Longe. Ti,e g"~sls Cochran, the C. L, Bard famIly and (Rev. A. Hofer r, P~s or FOR SALE~Yello\\.jsepd corn, testchedk right I ben. No served, L1I1coln, spent S~mda ',Jl'ld Mon- served l~·nch. 1.1'<:1 MI'. and Mrs. Ejdor Ring were din- Sunday school at :30 n. m. WANTED 95 per ce~t. H. !A. Bayer, tenwaiting'for Ri:t months Nu~F1u-'Club Picnic. day m thc O. W.,BJlh I,home. Mrs. j1er guests in the C. A. Bard home English services t 10'30 <1. m. WANTED C ttl t t J M mIles north of Dix/on, Neb. n23t2

to_, year. A"I ['100.,oes are NU-Fu club membt'l'"s nnd theIr IHInhn ~,eturnRed 'to hl1e with At Ca.rl~evert·s. I Saturd~Y. h ILlahdies,' A'i

dmOlt lJ.JSr' Tlhullr.sdaY Holdorf~,2 ~ile~ S~t;t~'> aU;~'1 ~ust\ I WIll have a land i of Reed's Yel-

,. ~l "'" 1em. "ts. obert A imstrong of Mr. :md Mrs. Carl Frevert en- Mr. and Mrs. Swan Lundahl won e ClurCl palos or ) smess ,

paid in fulll Mutual ~;:bl~~~ST~~ljr~~~~'n ~~I~~;~gSU~~; ,A,.~b~I'n!~~"'hPnc~'t Monda.t! arbd Tues- tertilined at Sunday dinner foriMr. have been in the Walter Herman nnd socinl time, l.\,.O~t~n~~~~ ~~r~~ncord. Phone 122F\~~~; ~;y~:.11~lc~:~~~1~~~~::~~~~~~~. J I "y U 1.,. I and Mrs. Adolph Henschke, Erna home for the past year and G hulf bemg hostess. Mrs.~~~p:;let~ IV h~:n~~~ ~:~tl: t~~o~~.p~f~~;~~I;~h~~~~ I V I <lnd PaUl, Mr. nnd Mrs. E~win ar~nfow.fuests o~ their son, E. W., tertmns M1llY 14. WANTED~Expel"lenC'ed, reliable field, Neb. a30tI

what your 1) nient will for curds. ....ogan a ey Vahlkamp <lnd Janice, Mr. ,and anMr.Gr;:~%'Mrs. W. C. Ring and Baptist, CI urch. girl for C<lre of children Jhd FOR SAL.E-John :Deere model D

. be I) I Mrs. Welch, Hostess. I (B~ Mrs. Albert A ,derson) ~~~·e~:rb~~~I~h~a:ndH~na:~~~=:Merle were guests in the Lenus (Rev, M. C. Pow rs, Pnstor) ~~~;~work. Mrs. Glcnn ~ao~~ ~;rc~~~~ ;~d2~)1;~/~0~~D:rc:7:

• 1 'L... GertH" Swnnson, sp~t W~d~e~- Mr. :Ind Mrs. Carl Hugemann .md Ring home Friday evening and Sund<:lY school <1t 0 a. m. __ -- -~---- row eultivdtor tad Granquist.This A&,enct J(epresenh ntMJ;~n~~ ~~i:a~C'i;v~~~~r~ni~~~ ~<1Y nIght vlsltJng with Vlrglnlu Goldie, Mrs. Emil Hansen, the lnst spent SundaY afternoon with the Morning worship and sermon at WANTED-Your use of the ex- a30tlp


o~g.. B b ,~S I d four at Correctionville. Iowa. Af- GunnarSwansons near Concord. 11. , pert marl,et service of <l Com-. S,IMrO,nAgSRIOC, , Prof, and Mrs. O. R. Bowen, Mrs. .' unlce ,us y spcn, a ur oy ternoon callers were Mr. and Mrs. The Edgar Lorson family were B. y, P. U. at 6:3q. mission firm of 23 years stund- Rock <It;ld Brown Cbunty, Nebraska

~~~.~I~cl.:n~~~n'DMeo'n·~lnldd MM"~,.', lllght ;md Sunday at e lJarcntol, H J Hansen MJi' and Mrs Herman dinner guel'ts in the ala Nelson Evenlhg service nt 7:30. jng. Costs no more, Bonded for ~<cm"cchuC>p.n'wly,.~tieze·loF:-Op~ln$3Ie·5dOl~Selc.., u., Thomas Busby, home.11 y' . '.' . home Sunday and visited Mr. nnd your protection. Correspondencc... ""'"

H. }fl. Hahn. A SOcilll time j{)l- Ida M<Je Heikes spe~t Saturday n~~I~mPG~lss Clara and Henry Mrs. Aug. Longe that evenmg. Bob St, Paul's Luthe n/CllUTch. invited. Frnnk E. Scott Comm. Perq' .(,Land Company, Long

Ilowed. :It '" '" * night and SundaY visitjlfng with the or lese, Nelson nlso had dinner with his (Rev. W. C. Heide reIch, Pastor) Co., Stock Ynrds, Sioux City. Pine, Nebraskn. a¥Otlp

Wnltei' Pearson famil 1 grandparent!l.· Sund<1Y school a 10 a. m. al6tfYoung P~ople's Cli!lu. Mr. and Mrs. CIai Anderson Southwest Wakefield Mrs. Lawr'ence Ring assisted Morn~ng wOl"ship'nt 11. .

RIN~I ,:rt,R Tlhe Young People's Bible class and Valjean ""ere Sun ay evening: (By Mrs. Lawrence Ring) with serving-SlIpper for the Luther Clnss in rc>llglo s InstruotlOn I =-:::..:.::.~=;.;:.. .I __~ L_O_~'-T -~ met Friday evening with Miss ViS~~~~~~ ~~~.r~~~:~ f;~:~n and colle-ge n enpella cht:)ir in the Sotl.lrday [l.t 2 p. _ FOR RENT LOST~A set of ',eys-. Please re-

~~:~;~W:o ~~~:~:·te~Mr~. ~.J~ss:~ fit L Carl Sievers deliver.ed corn to church parlors Mondijy evening. LIght BI"jgade S<: tllrLl:lY nt.3·30 FOR RENT-All modern 6-room turn to Heraldl office. ReYb-ard

A n 1 t 0e"'eo., The clooo, me-', wl'll, M,',"", lami,lY were Sun,dU,YA

" lerno,on and °MurencedRMing Mon1day . The concert was welll'tttended nnd p. m. nj I I f II N bungalow. Phone 37J <l30tl offered. , a30tlU fJ ., " ., u.,., ,,-,~ .~" unC1('on gUE'stsla n .ers, orgell- r. an r.s. Car Sundell werc mueh e-njo ed 'I MI'. u aCI{,.secre 11y 0 1e n- I I

'I I : Ziegler this Friday when Mrs. sen's. "I in Sioux City Tuesday ofdost week. Y '.' tional Lutheran L. ymcn's Move- FOR RENT-Fnrm n('~r Wayne. MiI'gCELLANEOUS1~~~~~=~~~~¥~E~m~I~I~L~u~de~C~s~h~n~s~lh~8~S~'~Ud~Y~.__.1 Mr. and Mrs. Ern ~t 'Mitchell, Anita Victor visited in the Oliff The Wm. Victors hlelped !Jrs. ment of W<lshir1gt n, D. C., will In9uire Herald. a3Utlp II ,~ Estelle and Jares s ,~nt Sunday Munson home Sunday aftern$on, Ernest Grone celebrate her bIrth, speed<- at lh lay met 's mc('tlllg In

ev~ning visiting <lt th iElmer Nel- Ed. Temple has been reshingling dff Wednesday ~".en~n~. SundaYj Emerson tllis TltulS ay ('venlng <.It FOR SALEson home. Ii the W. C. Ring residence this week, n erno?n they Vlslte at L{)u.i~ 7:30 p. m' l Some 0 our men are

Sunday nfter~on v ~itdrs at the Allan, Marinn and Vir~inia San- Meyers nhd spent the evenIng I Planni'~J; to attend. I FOR SALE-Sudan seed, 3c aGUy Scott hom~ ere: Mrs. dahl have been on the sIck lIst this the Jack Soderberg home. I Syn~ convenes t Sidney May pound. Carl Baker. a30t2pllussell Powell of H bbard, ~md week, ' Mr.',and, ~rs. tterbett Lundah 12 to ~4~.T~e pastor will utknd.Harry Scott. I r Mr. and Mrs. Gus Schultz visited nnd MiSS LII11e Lundah~ Were afte~i You are r-elcome to our services., Mr. and Mrs. !Ivnn 'als~rom and Thursday evening in the W. C. noon :nnd supper guests Sunday IQ I 1son were sun1ny a rrloon and Ring lIlome. , . the E. W. r:.u.ndahl home. The Jo¢ Ch~i8t. an Scie ce Society.luncheon guest. of tlnd Mrs. MrsJ Albert Killion vls-, Johnsoh family and WJss bagmat C ty Audi orium'Lalul'ence Hans n, i !ted in the RolH~ Longe !home Fri-: Mattson were evening vi.~itors.' May~: ervices t 11 <:J. m. Sun-

Mrs. Anders' Jorg seln spent day evening. Mr. nnd Mrs. EmilI· Al}derSOn day selloo at 9:45 a. m. Subject:Saturday at :Hurry onher's in MrS!. l{emp .ltas been assisting were supper guests ·in the Ed. Gus~ Everlastin ·Puni!:ih ent... Text:honor of Mrs. Conn's Ibirthdtly her dbughter, Mrs. Hnnry' Robin-I tafson home Fi·iday. Miss Rut~'l· 1st.!. 48:22. I --anniversary of unda. I ~ Bon, With sewing, Hanson culled after Sahool. Sun- Wednesday eve in~ testimonial

Mrs. Ernest ,.JohnS n and sons My, a~d ~rs Carl Sundell were! day afternoon the Alfred Nord- meeting- May. 6 at o'clock.


Fell Base RugsAny I'housewife )Vill find thesefiner!elt-base rugs acceptablefor ~"l'e kitchen or bath- lOcroom.' Sizes 18x361 : ... ••• •

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Work Tools

Phone 339

Toilet\ Articles

$7.00 bu.



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01\'E GROUP OF FROCKS willeh ll1c1udesbright plain crepes. flgured prints III florul

~~~r~o1;~~·~~i.StlC patterns, dcltcate $3.95

LINEN SUITS and DRESSES, wu~h silks and

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HSeeds That Grow"

Ha.cksaw Blades for scroll work and fine cut-out, 3 tor IOeCl1otPenter's Levels. An accurate and handy tool _ '. __ :lOcLig~eight Planes, Every home needs on.e of these. 190Paint-Bl'ushes with good. long-wearing brIStles _ 10e

~~~h;l~a~~ee':s.DS~~e::at-yourkjt~h~n'h~s ~~e of ihese··t~~Clamps. Handy for holding a.rticles while glueing or

sawin'g. _ IOe

Farmers Grain.Feed & Seed Co.

Gold Mine - Krug's






Ipana Tooth Paste. La;ge 50e ~IZP 39cPebecco Tooth' Paste. Large 50c size 39cSquibb's Tooth Paste. Large 50c size _.. .. 390Colgate, Ipana. }'ebeceo, Pcpsodent and Listerine Tooth

Paste, small sizes. 10eRubber Gloves, A good heavy long-wearing glove. 10c

. Double-edge Razor Blades. 10 for. lOc




Good Yellow



Head Leuuee


Puffed Wheat





Quart Jar


Head, '1"


PHlbNE2~ "=to:: FREE DElIVER~


1~9 ~B.BA 's

._~-- -~-_.~-----...-..,.'-,--_. __ .. - M B bE' f C S d . b (I d f'l d M d Mrs club at John Dennis'. Mr. and r-rs. Lcwswho~,adspenlthcwcck_{'lld


ltllbY spent Saturday aftl'l"lloO!ll in Vern and OP<l.'and Mr. and 1'5. were o· tWin 0 OIleO,td, Al- was give un y evenmg y 1(' ~10 aml y <In r. an "

I, .th~ Rev. P. Pearson home at Faul DHhlgrc(, rthe last of Wake- bert and Norman Anderson or Luther L guc.! Hcl1l'Y Korth uttcnded the "ptl~- Holt were supper guests that ve- the I' . I

Wayne. . fJeld, W('I'C Sunday afternoon Wayne, and Bud nod Richard H'm ... " pet show:' given at Th,urston Fn- mng In the Hollastelle hom~ at D an anq Mrs II H lLdlll Illd';;.-.:.c.:...-H+t-.,---'--r-il Rev. and Mrs. L. A. Peterson guests .1t Bil I' Pearson's. son of Concord.' dllY evcl1lng by Waketleld partles. Wakjeflcld MIS 1 C Shu'thc1~\H1C dlll-

~went t.o Lanyor, Iowa, Monday to MI·s. C. J. i<l*nuson and Glenn. -- I'LE LIfE I Mr: Hnd Mrs. Harry Bressler of - I ncr iguests In the J U

...Fred L 111 ill visir Mrs. Peterson's folks a f~w Mn.;. Oscar J I~nson and. Everett Couple 1l1arried I.., Co!cndgc and MI~. and Mrs. L. J. At Roy Pierson's, ho::\earne·~ J I . S' C lS' B,·co le"'nd r"'rolly were "t Mrs TI'c L. D. c""d club I"", ,'('_ C f L. I'HJ

1kett ldt fll(' r1"y " I :1... day~. omson WCrellI1l 10UX I Y un-, • (Mrs. Gra c BL1.skilk) ·., .... ,", _ . '"''MJ.'s ,. a~nc[, Re\'. G. T. Kern h;lS been VCI'Y dny nftemoon tt> see Mrs. Arthur On Last Frlday Mary Bressler's m Wakcfleld. Sun- host dinner Sund,ly evening the bus!ness tnp tq 1);1I,0,)" j{, I

~pent th ,~.~ k·end In CO l.:OI I H1 WiOl pneumonh.. The l.TISIS \\'11S .Johnson in a lJS,pital there. Edward Kai he.s (l Dlew ~cdi\n. day. M,'UY Helen t.OOk. p'-lr~.m the Roy Pierson home. TIllS till' el J.t.ld SU411~ '~I\)llX. Cltl' 11(''Mrs. R~dfJf h Roebe( s~e t Monr Saturd.1Y night and he IS llOW 1111- MI'. ,md 1'111' .»arold Gunn,u'son, MI'. nay Ricc, son of Mr6. Anna ' Miss Hekn IUe wus a I eccnt E~worth League servlCcs <1t Pcn- 1,]st mcc1111j:{ of the YCilr. MiSS In~1 ll't01l n tu ,\\ do! nc S,,~t\ll d.I.\

· ~ aften"ob With Mll> Ed Knch.,. proving. Mr. and Mrs. I<tlarellce DahlqUist Ricc of Concord, and l"hss Fern Sioux City visito . del' and Thurston ~unday With the Rum Jonson was a guest. ~rs. D;H'ld

~~1. nnitl!~l$ C. Ii Dl eSchet fa::;t;~ I~:d i;~s.;o~~~uia~~;~~'dal;~ :~~~so~~r~v~~~l '~~a~'I~el~~~~:g~~S~; ~~;'~~;1 d~~~~~~l' o~f ~~'o~~d \~\.~ ito~'~' ~~~~i~ngs n~s ~ F


UYvis- Wal<cllcld memb~~_ "",F.'.o,r",w"~d,dJ,<,•• ,oJg""c,l~ol.~,v,r,,I.""',,',,'l·.:,.',' "'1,. '~J"",~,l·,'~c:~I.I;~·~\':::~~'~~'~'I~I,',:~I-,,'I,~,:,'<',:,l,.~ 1\11,',',', "." I,',

I,.p:nt Fl'1~~FndSaturday flt Wes tile John McIlrath home sunday!tn.tIW Carl G Jinarson hom(~. married Friday. Mr. and Mrs. rich Al ers were' Will)ur J>" •• " ., _ , _, "l> ., ' ..

· ~mt.. J": .i· ted · evening. Rev. P. Pea ~on, Miss Huth and in Sioux City Tlursday. ~Illd Ml'c;. ILllukl Kllud!.('Jj dud Ml llVE'd ;Il C,1I"l(Jll. /~.,Mrs. q~~~e Vollers \/l:jl II) Mrs. Frank Reynolds ll11d lul,l, MISS Mac Pc' r~oll of Wayne, Mr. Da.ughter Is Born. Paul Gerdes I ngain n school (By staff Correspondent) ann Mrs. Joe 11,lberl'1" \.....C1C TLl('';- fill". ;Illd Mrs H \I.' 11,111,

"It!te Olaf ~~lf;on home Fnday aI. Mrs. Floyd Reynoids Hnd MISS Vcr<l and Mrs. Pau i Pearson of Spring- A d:.l.ughter, Devcrly J!?':ln, W:IS after his il1l1CSS With flu Mr!;;. ClIff I'cnn lIdS been lil f('1 di.lY f:vcnillg dllll1L'l" guc:;ts III tJH' 1\11;. <lllcl .'\11.s. G (i JJ"III I~noon. '~ "1 l-l I Erwin ,vere in W<lyne Monday M- fJeld, Ill., an . Harry Thompson born to Mr. ami Mrs. Merle Jewell Jacqueline K i c('l~br lted hel sevl'l· ..d d'IYS. M... thlc:; Holt, Jl , home m llOllOl ot" i Suhddy gUt:,c, 111 1ii' (io ])i" , PF!t~ and ~al. t ~g 1C~1 ternoon. were Tuesda! ~venll1g SUppCl- Apnl 16. birthday Sundfl evel1mg

JMI". und MIS. Fr;lnl.; GI t1flth pl.ln il,elr secund wcddlllg' anuI\"t.'l'"jl) lwiI h(Hl1l' "t' W,,],( ]le](1

:'':~t:e 1~ W~y c Monday af ctl100n M~·s. D. A. Paul rmd Ibzel ami guesl'i last w qk 111 the IvaI' An- Henry Tarno celeb 'aled his to take their daughtcls tu Ke\Jl"l1ey [1\lIIS \Vm :'rIlu p]n \'. ['I t:md~,.. e~~. '1 lled MarjorIe and Mrs. Earl Hughc" dcrson home. i: Teacher Reelected. birthday Saturd' y. evenin . tillS Friday and SaturdclY 101' the LOCALS I there.

• ,l\:'h8. Eall. ughcs and Gal ,ea .1 and Gall wore III Laurel Saturday Mr. and M I~. Alber! Anderson Philip Carl:;ul1 has been reclect- Mrs. Geo. Bus (Irk was a T~lut'S- musIc contest. I Alv~{ FtJIlll.l.,.1t (,[ J] IItt the Me ~,Jewell home Satur q,fternoon. and Beverly A In were Sunday din~ cd principal and coach of the lins. day caller in the hco. Ka, home. Mr. and Mrs. Matlucs Holt, Jr., G. G. lIilller srwllt :It, \Vnllcr Gutzm.lll ofday altern, n. " II I M1'. and IMrs. John Stellwall lC- ncr and after opn guests in the N. tow high school. Mr. 'Cramer f Omah~, was a and daughter were Sunday dinncI the R. W. Hallel' f<..lnn n(Cdl ! Huok ,Inc! C . .II" l{(on 'I <I h" t , ('I','

[" Ila Hal' €l' $pcnt Mond~Y and tmned hOl11e ~atll/'d:lY ('\Tlllng af- O. Anderson ~me. Mr. Hnd MI:S. Tuesday VisltOI' at G.eo. auski,rk'S' and sUpper guests m the Helman slde. JLl tlli:i .l!'lld .. v j" 1,( ljl 1', oil' ','F1'Iursda

y, ighls last ,.",eeli: 111 the tel' spending a cuuple rtd.).';:i at Lt'o Gcrcon AllvlI1 (\If Wayne, called In Ta.ken To ll06pital. Mary Lou Bru igum enjloyed vis- Schneider home at Huskins. Dr. ,md Ml s. A. lJ. Lcwls \\{'lll \htlll (Tl('!J1 .,to' til" "11111.'

IOI;,lf Ne1s9 horpe. Stcnwall's, \. tllc afternoon. I Mrs. Ludolf KUllZ \....ClS taken to itol's on Sunday vemng, her bll'th- Miss Pauline Ib:uie is staying at to Nodolk ..sun(];IY to get All'!' !)('lI1g dl~ll let .I}..jt'llt 1"1 ~! \ 0 ,l

I :.Hern~.m LClunCln went to SIOU:K Mrs. Fnmk Reynulds ;,lllel lola Ludolf Kun;JI went to SIOUX City to SIOUX City hospital Thursday day. the Albert Watson home wilde Mrs'I.~_"' "_"""__"'''' ''''City Sun~;.\y to sec Fred Lehman <lnd Mr$. W. A~ EI WIl1 S Wilt all da\1 ~ond,IY tu :;ed, Mrs. Kunz: III a 110s- for trcatments. She WeiS bcttcl M.r. and Mrs. has. Thomsen ;m,d VVatson is I.n a Wa~ne hospital. Mrs. IIin a hosP~41 tilere. hst \VCdlltsd'~ 111 the 'FIO'ct TIe:. Plt,l1 tllcle. I,Ludolf KUllz <ll~d Sunday. family werc at udolph 1rhomen s W<ltson is Improving after an oper-''Mr.•mq· Mr$. R~ub¢n Goldberg ·ld I CY ;);} daughter, Elaine, and ~lSS Sophl(~ Sunday. artlOn.

Ispent Fr~c!llY qvenmg m the Ax£/I no s lOm~. . Kuru:, tlie last of Senbner, went 0 t. Mrs. Herman Thomseni was re- I Mrs. R,ly Perdue imd MISS Luttu.lFrcdrickSQn h0me. Mrs. MillY Stmglcy left :-Jullday to SIOUX elly Sund;lY to ~e't' Mrs. lias pel'a lon, membered Wed csday evdning, her Rush spent Sunday iJftt:rnoon lfl

· Mrs. W, A. Erwin and ~hl!drep for hcr home at lllghmol"{': S. D., KUl1l:. MI'S~, ArtlH,I.r Juhns~n w~s t<l.1.;:11 birthday. ',. t~C' James McIntosh home. Mr. <lnd'~nd Mrs.' FlQyd Reynolds were 'lh after sp_enldll1g the wlIltel \1'ltJl ML and :\11'$. Wall?-f'r Ryan und to a StOUX ,City hospltul Satuld<.JY Wilbur Kal (ssisted at the Ed, l'fIrs. MilfOrd Wright and JerrySioux Citt Friday. rclatJvcs here. Ison of StillllOl~, spent''''Sunday ;lnd ~hen shc llIl?e~'went an operiltlon Grubb home w st of Wayne a few were evenIng guests.

MiSS B~rtha Bel"gcl'son~ SPf'.,t;jj Mrs. Floyd Heynolds and suns Mund.l.Y JJ1 U.c Garfield Johnson or 'lppcndlcltlS. She is gettJl1g days last week. .. Mr. <Indo Mrs. HugoTu.eSdIJY Clf, tifrnooll of last week 111 ~l1d MISS. v,ern Erwin spent :;und,ly IhOI11C .. The ladleS ,:Ire cuusms.. Ml'. <dong ::IS well as can be expected. John P"rk 1 us retu1·l1led. from ill'. and Mrs. Allen Ho]]astellcthe Ralph Park home. 111 the Andrew Davldson home and l\'1rs. l;c~rge Magnusun and his winter'g sta With rclatJves Jl1 lurley, MI'. and Mrs. Arthur

Mr. and Mrs, Albin Carlson spent north of DIXon. sons wei c a1$0 Sunday dll1ner Business Men Entertained. Rock county. onge <:lnd Dill'. and MI':;. Franklast Wednesday afternoon in the Fred Anderson spcnt Sund,ly ,If- guests 't SIX Concord busmess men were Mrs. Fred Jal e and fn~het' spent riffith were Thursday dll1nerHar~ld GlJInmarson home. ternoo~ In thc Olaf Nelson homt'.. Mr..and Mr ,,~rtJest Haines and gucst~ at t.b.C .reg~lal' .meetll1g . of Monday at Her an .Tho~sen,'s and uests in the M<lthies Hult, Jr.,· 'MISS T~kla Goldberg sp£/nt from Mr. and Mrs. Eric Nelson ilnd f<Jm-1 Llml1y and I'. and Mrs. J. J. 111e CommCl cI,d dub at Loll! eJ. Thursday at Jol n SieVer s. Wedttl.esd~ to Sunday 111 the ily were evemng guests.. ~.·ta~IC)' w~r(' Lin.d<1Y guests I~l the ~~t~r ~he dmner, better roads Were Miss M,argar t Bakerl. was a Mrs. Allen Hollastelle ,md Shir1-George 1~agnuson ho~e. . Melvm, Wallace ;md LUCIle M<lg- .~t·\t,ell ~t<ln11Y: home. MCtla~d. dlscllssed. Wednesda~ ov r-nlght 'ISltOI' <1t y of W;,tkefield, were Tuesd"y· Mr. and Mrs. W. D. St<llhng and nuson and Mr. and 1\.lrs Al I'ld 1'l't- l.lenn and ~'ephe Noe and Mist; -- Iher cousm s, J ne MCQ~lst1;)n. mncr guests last week in the

c.hildren spent Thursday !cvemng crson ,and son s"cnt Sunda.Y ,lftcr- HUtl.l Armstr(h~g were afternoon Baby IS, III.. Betty Meye,r was a gutst Hl. tlle II H It· hIlih G I "I <I 1,les 0, J1"., omc. n le1P t e ust Kraemer lO~. noon in tbe USC'll' Johnson !lome rgUCS1S. Yvonne MaXIne, the Infant Charles Baker

1home a Wayne ftemoon Mrs. Holltlsklle and

Mr. and Mrs. Frednck ISalmon M' d M" A'U . '\ d" Dlllner andjsuppcr guests III the daughte,I' of MI". und Mrs. M,lX dunng, the eig. tho grade cX.",m,ma- hirley and Ml"s. Holt and Donnalind ~aby of Wakefield, sp~nt Sun- and t~o~~' Nt'lslSAnd~r~~:l :ll\1d e~~,,~ t,nl Jol1nSOl ~ jr., home Sunday, Holdorf, Ila; bcen :'el'Y ill. She Wil~ t~ons. 'ae were guests of the G. Q. In thE! Fred Salmon omC'. Millllle Carlson werc ;lfter- Alll"Il 19 we 0: 1\1l'. und Mrs. O. takel.l tJ \.\~yne Sunday. morntng El<lIl1C Hans n enJoydi \ lSI tors 1 :::::::,;:;;:::::::::::::::

Mrs ... F.t1ed, Flege, a,n.d Mr.s. E~'ncs~ noon ,guests.1n .the (.l.SC.;W., '. l'. Lundstromf M1SS II.d.da nnd. An_. to Std)' In d hOSP.lta!. Mrs. H01(101"f Saturday, It ring her, bll'thcby, I!Echtenkamp called m th~ .lame:; home. Idrew .lollnsotthl

Mr. Hnd l\1rs Le- remamed \\'Ith hCL Mrs. Chester anson baked herHank home Sunday afteqlOe1n. Lind JohnsOlI. 1\11.<;5 Esther und -_ a C<:lkc.

l\l1'. and Mrs. Carl Johnson, JI". .. 1\1l. and.Mls Hrlb('lt r"l\\I!1 \\":T\' 1':11111 8Jorkl~lld WCl"t' aJtl'rnOOIl For Marie Doescher. Ml". and Mr'. Wm. RiclwrdsonMeredltl~ iallld Al1lta were vlslt.orsl Sund,ly dmnel guest:-, III t1H' ~>cn ,1nd supper g~tests. A group of fl'lends went to the and Mrs. C. . KiiUon 'vislted atIn Norf{jllk Tuesday afterpoon. ,Jones home. Ht'\ . .Ind MI s. I,IU] . '!H c. H. Doescher home Sunday e\'e- the Paul and J well ki1l~on homes

I '::Mane'Lalnser spent the week- S.nvtcll Well.' aftelnoun .lnO SllP- ':\.1Is._\\. Sivt mt, MIS. Bell Jones nmg for Marie's bIrthday. Prize'S last week.

, end wilh lh« foU{s. Mr. and Mrs.1 per guest:>. ~. ~,I;d MI "wd \:;e~·ttoB~~"I~:~~~:.~~ in c,lrds \\"I.'nt to Dt'lla Thompson, Augus.t Kui spent Frid,IY afte.l'-I Herbut I1.anser, nOI th of <'tI.llen, Mr, and 1\11'::;, Emd S\\",l1l~{)11 ,1ml I Rut/\. Doctor, Howard Dudge and noun With Cat! Thomsen whde

1\11'. and i Mrs. Will. Flio"l HtlJd Ichildren, LUUIS ::-)IV,lllSUIl ,Inc! i\Ils:-, f 1\-1' ~ Ie V\~·~iil bll·thday Elray Hank. Lunch WilS served. Mrs. Km was ~t \'-layne WJth Mr<;.famdy o~ Cq,fl"l.'etlOnvil1e, I~ .. spent Ednd sPQn~ ~undclY aftl'rn'lO!1 III ~\ ill]'I\~S 1:-. .. HCI:.t'~am~ot~~:~·, Hel"~el"t Kai. I ,Sunday In the D. A. Paulljlome. the Axel frcdncksull humC'. '1'1 . For \erna. Kraemer. MIss Ruth a d Leila Nelson of· Mr. Hr';llfl: Mrs. Earl HughFs calleel Mrs. Charles Nelsull \\dS cdllcd IJll

1CIl' W('le 1~;:I~.I\"t't'Ll';'~ ~.I~~ About 60 fl'il.'nd:; il'l1d I'cl'lt~I't'S Allen, spcnt t1£' week ....end with

In the t~e\l G. T. K('rni~lnd C·ito\Val.;cfkldS,ltul·ddY 1)('-1 Sllnd;IY. ;\11. Hart S,ltunlClY lI1thCGlI~t thea' mO~hel', I's. A. E. Behrens,Reith !lome sundaY,J.fteI110UlJ. : cause of thc llllll.'~::' of !\-'lrs. 1\lll1t to S'lll·lru'lv. .'. home for Ke:lcl.n- ,Hid faln,lly. I

Mrs. ltd. Allen went t Umaha' dolph MI :" Ncbull ll'-: ~~. l'1 S bu tllda.y. lIuneo ;md cal ds Mrs. C. W. 1\. cGUlre \~ontes thatSaturday :a~~rnuon and . eturnc(j tLllncel hume I" I" .1:1 CI wcn; dl\CI"SI(Jll. :~'j~t's \\'~ll.t to she wll! be ,.1 MU.$c.lllnc fOl.· aSunday .-:lftqmoon wlth l"e~atl\ es. Mr. and :Vks. Hell] Y E.I \\ III ,llld j~ng l,s;.\~ I DWIgilt Cldl cnel' .13dl tllng, couple .~f weel s Yct,' Shc IS Im-

MiSS SophIe Kunz of ~cllbner f"lmllv, Mr. and MIS. Elmt'. [\1'1_1' .' I' lP MJldIIX! ;Illc! Anltd VICtq.l, provmg m hea1l1. Icame Y11UrSday to rem,lI~ 1/1 th~ sun <I~ld (jclughtel ,mel 7\11 .dld 1\1::, It"OI1( IIEo! «'"(pg-raln LUllch W(l:; :ocJ"\ni. Mr. ,md Mrs JUhtl Mundelloh. So. of depotLudolf Kunz home until n 'xt:'SUIJ- r~red Burn:; spent :-JulHL,y ,lllcr- I _ l r :u.~F b" ~1.I"S L.m~t J. j;dI~' j A~·lenl'. ;Hld

day. . noun :..It 1'hom<:ls ErwJl1'~: . . ISOPhO'rnor~ Class Entertain~I In 1l~1~1;JJ.I~·lf --~I:S. or' ~ ..r;·F()r'.;_ F;.~~u~~hd~:leS nq.a~~dCl, wCle ;It

Mrs. A:*c~ Frednekson nd Miss Mr. ~ncl. Mrs~":~~k C~~~1_12 dl"ld i High Sch ol-Other News 1)['1 g'~ Wl'dl\t'~cI:IY. Ml'. and lVII'S. Wl1l,CoJ'l1w;ill ,Ind I!~~:~::~~:::::::-:-:-:-:·:--~~~-~-~--i-i-i-~-~i.':ii--:ii::i::iiii~::'.::iZ::~-ii--~-:'-~~-i-iii-:--~Of , ast Week. I;lltcrlloOll III hel" II(Jll1L' NII·S. Poymb. all or, Pendcr, illlt! IIi -- Mr~ nO]}l'rt EI \~ 111, Mrs. O. Jl. Smith uf pmrrlon, S. D" V1::;-

Wedllc::,d.l mornmg 'lssl'lnbl.y of Miss lidda Lundstrom. itl.'d at Theo. K,i's ',1st \~E'ek.Concord sel'onl W;IS \1\ l\1rs. BeltlJ, MIS. Wayne' Word,tdb ut he death of SOl('noj" tIl(' J,L~njlil ,md ~elll(J1 ,IV]I s. E. I'~. l'1:;!H'rL'Jlld MISS Anderson uf Pc Hkr, former rcsi-classes, 1 he mogr;lIlJ was ;1 b~tJlCl' Artel ;J sUJ'lal <.1[- den of hcn'. H OW~lect the f,lI mon:,tr,l1rul\ of 'V,''!ys (.)f rnal.lllg 111- tel"lIu(Jll, the guests SCI \Td) luuch. Where. Fre~l .Jab e IIUW lives.trodU\:tl(Jl} 1$ the must frequently -- a ,.;., Rev. Hermun erdes (mel family

~~;;~ln,SI~;)';'\n{l:llt~~~U~:_:'on,\\;~I~i~~ Tile N:l~:'~~il~C~C~l:~~~I;('Cuf tllC ~;fel':eJ:~ll~;;:~ ~l l~a;}:~tl\1~:~~ln-::;.1l~:Jewel! iJlld.!H<lZPi Paul \'.('1 e thc AugusLil1d SYllod met in the Au- Fled J~lhd.e WCl"' evening VI::;ltOlS.('(Jtl1II1IUee 11, chi-lrgc. Lutl1el an chul cll of Onw- Dean Dll1klHg • .son of Mr. ,llld

'I'll(' ~ophdnioJ"(' da~.s entcrtal11ed Wednesd,l'y tlu:; wed: for f1\'e Mrs. Geo. Dmk age, fell from <I

the high scltopl Friday evening. A days' cunvcntion. It is the fiftieth chClir bnto a h t olven door last~r~Clsure huht was followed by u annu,ll cunvention of the Nebrusk3 week and bum'd his IClce. lr iswiener rOilS!. conference. Rev. C. T. Carlson and thought it will ot pcal".

Jun,iQr High Room. Albed Nygren arc attending as Henry Yarno ,jr., h"d the mlS-The l"()Onl. had ne<il'ly Jon per- delegates from the Concordia Luth- fortune of havi g ~~ plow fall Ull

ccnt Clttendlll1cc last week. eran church. his leg last w eJ.<. .Imd badly ill-Current dt'cnt days arc Tuesd,~'ys Jured it. He 1. the, little son of

r~~s~}~Uil~~~~\:~I~~)(:~:~~:n~SEI;;:= The L~t~l~~aE~:~::Ct'hd~J1'mem- Mh1I~n~:d~l~r ~c'~les~~.n~;~.senOpi<lIl war sltuatJOns. bel'S of Luther Ilollegc, Wahoo, - - --~,--

InteHnediate Room. were cntertained whl1e in Concord •••••••••••• 111•••••••11.

IS ~i:~d~i:r;~II~:~~ ~i;jt~~t~~l;l;;~~:lc~:~~~ ~~ ;~~~c;.~(:)~~sM~.~".G~~~I~~rl~O~~~o~:vel b. AlbCl't Lehm:Olll, Rpn .lone~, Ger<lld

Markers lur the HrithmetlC CIJ;ll·t Clark, W. S ..HHl't, Roy :JI:. John­t111~ w~el{ a1·.e Darrcll 'l'idem,m and son, WJ11 Wall, Lee Ellis, C. H.Vel del Er II). Buth boy!> have ;l Tuttle, Lyle Clevehwd, G. O.perfect SCQ'e of ten on thpir un- Johnson, Fred Johnson, ThomasPlovemen1~est MonddY 1:1 WIn, John Stelt-wall, Ml!; Al-

The pup Is mude M ly b I"k( ts bel tllnd Goldbel g Cecil Cldl k, JohnflOm pape pldtc:; thlS \H l k J[) MellI dth, Dd\ ld P.1Ul and Rev CtheIr art ork T C,u!!;on

The foUl h gl ade lS studYlllg the -- ISOUl ce dnd uses of 1unnmg WiltCI To Memorial Services,

PupJIs a c wor]uog on a Sdnd Ml and Mrs Fled Rewinkel andtable PIOJO t showmg a 11\ ('r sys- fclmrly went to Lyons Sund.1Ytern, SDrmjS and dlvldes, also the mormng to attend speelfll memon_uscs of I Innmg watel al Sl!!rv!C(>s m St John's Evangeli_

The 11Ist ry class 1S studymg thc cal Luthcl an chUi ch In memoryways m w H.lh George W<'lshmgton of founders of the congregatIOn whohelped hIS Qountly m W,H ilnd laid the foundatIOn In 1874 Thepeace. death of Mr Rewmkel's uunt, Mrs

l'Unary Notes. Anna RewmkeI, m February mark-Fll st a tl second grades al e ed the passmg of the last charter

memorizirJ the poem, "The Cow," member of the congregation. Theby Robert Louis Stevenson. Fred Rcwinkel family were dinner

Second, rade is learning to tell guests in the Wm. Guhl home andtime. ' called in the Juhn Riescbe home.

May ba CElts wore made during • '

lasl~~~:1 ',s~i~P~'~~d~bsent sev- ~';e~.F{.e~~;:t::~oo~)~:~~l~~· 5fl~~~YSil ast week on account of ~~~~:~ :;~~~~e~~ 10 ,a. m. Ele~~~~l\f a~~~;t v::~~{ctar:~e~~~: ~O~~~ge;eh~s:~Psear~i~~ at 8. EMadsen, azel Nygren, Harold MId-week serVIces • :Nichols, annie Schroeder, Carol Thursday evenmg the cones- •Tideman, IVirgil Carlson, Joan pondent Bibl~ dass 'till meet in -:Clark, Ni~ and Rita Arnold, Marie tQe church.:, _

Lanser, arlyn DahlqUist, Nor- Friday even)ng, cho1r practiCe!. : I~arS.O;"'8 5c to ,$1}Q!J. Basement~~h:rb'n~~~~: ~~;~onRonaa~~ w~lat~::(;k; ~e~o~~~r::::J~~ E childr~n\s Ray~n PanliesJ5e

Mae Sal~ nl· class, t,. In sizfls 4 io 12 ._ _~... . __ ., !.~-: Girl's hite and Pink l Broadcloih Slips ..29cTargt> :hoot Q eld con.ordia~'.;).d,""era~ ChUJ'e1L : With emstIleh.d rU!f'es. SIzes' '0 14 .,.,... d'S d (Rev. C. ' Carlson, pastor) - Play uits for Children in ~izes 4 to 8. . _69~In l ncor un ay Sunday, M 3:: Heavy chambray arid ,cheviot .

I. i - S!-mday se)l 01 at lOla. m. For the - Girdle for the grOwi'*=' girl and for adults 59c:ra~ff h~otin~ wa~ done .at a Bible ~tUdY less(m,. ',Jesus teach_ : ---':• .-1 in the new two-way s~reich s_tyles...._..... _"... ~ ...:

target ~ t for il·X bqys AprIl 26. es forgl\reness. hUmlljty and grati~ - Child en's Dresses. Dainty little ba\iste and organdy dte~es forlvan" n e son, Cori~ord school tude," rend Luke }7: -19,: I theli.tlefol~s. ' .. ' .. 4ge an'

a '69C .

seniorf' a mo~t a'pcurate, hit- Mornhlg w~rship in Swedish at • M'N tt 1= . In siz s 1 to 3 j..........•........... ~ ~ . ! Yard Goodsting ~9 u' of 130 moving tar- ll'o'clocf ' = "., a I. FIIl~ plam color b( oaddolh andgets ,lit he air Ith a .22 to evsnjng serVlc~this Sunduy. = • l.I III rastjPnnts 111 Larson's 15cca1ibe~ ,r fl • T~c f' at 25 shots I uther. Le~gue pr gram P'ridar .. I I= b~srent, Per ;ral d

were WI' eye 't1tl1" <' 0 misse,' on ev n,l~g Ih1l week a\ Po'clock. = rdJare- I I:a c6ast r w gon }Vhe , :five inches .~h01~ 'l"~li~rsal, S turday ,eve- • I • Candy Bars. " air. The niI!Jg, J~m,'.o~s, at B 'II 'o'clock·~ aDd, =J I jl. An3'i kind of regular 5c size

, ,.IleJ)1Ors lat 9 o'clock.' I : -' I I I' eandy!bars. ,,,IOc

he- ponfirmati6n' lass Wil~ not :: yeNebf. • ~ f~r .+_..:'"~-- ...

~~..t1Hh~~1 " .'1-1 .. ! I':: ';.': II I"", r I I , ·'l!~il;~ii~~~~~rn~t~!lm~~tm~~ii~~~i1~~:L~~!1' ~i . e and iIiSph; tional jjf~}~e .~~"" 11~·~~·~ ,~~~~~m·.. a"," ,;,:.:l',ii3"f;,:;, ~((:, ~~ ::~FS..''\':l,i~,,:,~j'I;~"'.:' \: ~~:.:.' ':.:~:-./"i. ';'~:"":\I'!:<, !",~';<_ _ !j,I<:;::lr:(; :~:,:~!. 'I j \ )~~~'I! I~' 1;j¥l~ J~F?'" hr', l,~ ~t},\lli' 1'~i~1tfl :;'~Vt::!:i!'h:\]{l~;*~ ~l,t,;i?~X,\I'irf~~r~~4~~~, <r~Sf' ,1j"~~,I.\,:fl~\,:/N:?:,~ :}i'1: !,{<


Is First Alternate. f-R. W. Ley was chosen first <1'1-

;et:~te :%~~fl~e~f thfj~ta~;b~~~~~Bankers' association. Henry Ley·served on the nominating commit­tee at the district meeting.

Claims Disa.llowed.The state supreme COUlt Friday

outlawed claims of cities 'for sharesin road taxes collected since theirfounding. Such cases 6have beenfiled in 27 counties, among themone in Dixon county, for $346,37U,

Houses "l\'lnst ~veiPaint P~olectio'11. · ·

~;I;J~~wi.· 'IIIII_""""""""""''''''''''F~I 'OfT· k Meet ..iudited Li~t, I ~ , RALD Nearly 100 PercentiWayne Trainil chool And Into ,3,000 Homes ., ," Coverage of the

Winside Sc IT l-lillh In 15,000 Reader~ , .. . county field.

't/ Friday Ii' nls. I~ffi~~~~~~=GF::!!-~-----~"'-~~--""""===~;~+~'Ai~~'Ni;:;R4;';-;;;'~;;~h;i;';~:;;;~:r::::~:::~:::::':::~~=!k~~~~~~::=~:=::~\. I WI'ncr was w ~I' of a track I - '--.~~- 'NU' M-B-'E'-'R-'-F-O--U-R

Imee~ held Fnda t Ule WaYIlQ! ::::::=.~~="':~=.~===~==::~::=~r=~~=~-I-='~'-~-''''''=--~'~-~===~~O=~':t-=:~~::':~llf~~~~c;~;X~;;;:;;~=p====~===-======'='-=-='~~~~=='~~====~~~~~~~State TC<lChcUi C ge field willi FiEt' th A . f schb I \.... enl about it in a rather unique in the old opera h ; .....' ','

I'3 1 2J T " Ie n""lversary 0 h 111111 •••• ·a·.·.·.·.·.·••·.··.a·.·.·.··.·.·.·••••••••·•· i, !

D. SC011C 0... ~. Iyne I <lll1m~ •• U way! A group of boy:> would go Perry recalls, a S:P . kCr was Pl"es- lUI•••••••B.. •school and WmSl 1 n <l clo::;e 1.1CC about in a buggy stopping at ~he ent from Sioux ci . Ray CDr~Oll:: I G W' :=

I.. " ~~~:·;n\g~l:~ep'0;~',~11.. If, :::~Y~ve,n~~~~ 0·'bserved 'by Pll'eseni- Cla..J "'f '36 gi.-l,' home' wlmo they wishod to w,,, vulodiclmian , d Frcd B,,-t- :.=. I a Theat"e, .' ayne ==~ .." I!. DCLf \\B arrange for 'date;;.' One of We lett W<l~ salututori I. The latter .. -••

, ;~~tllmal)klalnceg ~iU t'. C~1~5r.i~~aeuh,acd" . " ,young men would take a note into WHS killed in the ilippincs dur-:: I Ii,)1 ... • _ • the house fur the l~arty most con- the Spanish- mcrici:ln war.. ----+-----1------,---,;,..--1----,;:;.----- :=

I ~~rth with 10, and ': .gCf sixth with Early. Teachel~, And Gradua~es 0.1 Wayne cerncd, who remained in the Perry read tl class hi:itor; :: :=Summaries: .,~ HIgh SchO<Dl T.ell Ea.l'ly F~X4)el'l~nCeS ~~:g~·r~;~~l ~~~lu~~ :~i~~h~:·e~.~~~; ~~~ld.JP~~.~~.~ ~,o.';,..l>~n .l~i~~ly t~.~:l5. ~~~~~ i.E ::lOO-YLUd dash !VI on bv Faubel Wh T W y r while the carricr wnltcd. The p~o- erintcndcnt. :: :=

of Wisner. TiulC ,J A sc~onds, . en o\vn as oung-. cess \"'us rcpeuted until th~ 'buggy- Tragedy vISIted 1(' cla:-;s of 18\13 •• ::2::!-:yard dash- 1 by Cel.'lllil of. load W:lS dated' for tile cdming 50- tWIce In a few yc:' ·s. 'MISS Alma :: ...

, W~~~~;,~~~~~ . O~l~S; Hunte-I' g,~~'~,,'t~~' ~~~,~ ';;~~ t;;;,,~~~: ~;:;I~ ei'~,~:e"c:,:,ven lemembers thnl ;:I~ll~'~idll;?h~l~:,'nc '~:"~i'IYd:~~v~~ :5 55mer of Wayne, TI ,:' 56.1 seconds. schoolr lhe .first three M the more there were declal1wtory tontosts fl"Om Wayne :-;hortl ::lfter Miss Al- _. .-

SStJ-yatd ~hLl', Spangler of than 8pUslnce thdt melllorabl(' d,lY, even as early as 1895, she ;wd m,I'S gr'Hduation, oing to Sduth :: ::,, Timc:.-3: 'I 'Ilutes 17 sec-: 5.0 YC1rs ago, left the, Sll'h001.I'OO.J1lS George Wilbur winning first in ~hc DOlkota. Miss Aim, came bad':l. to •• .-

onds. ~' of th old frame bllU~illlg on tile W,lytle elimination events and then Wayne for a visit 'til Miss Bcrtha :: ::Mile run-Won y E, Spungici site \\ Il('IT the Plese-nt.. i.llStltutlon. to CU1UIllbus for tHe district Annst.rong, no\v M s. K A. Forbes := ••

of ,Vlsner. Tim, -1 minutes 5 llOW srtands. The GI8sS of \836 wlll or Rhlllchlwj('r, S .• and \vhllc Ill. ::seconds: ! , : have Jill' honor and eil~tln~tlOn 01 hc1'c ,w;~s taken ill : lei passecl aW,ly =: :':

120 Iligh i,urdl~~, Won by. Lewis m'lI.·kmg the h:,lif-c('ntu~'y hlle ,md \\'lL1l1n a few ei,lYS, .11' .-or Wayne. Timet-~a .9 seconds. I thea' gnlduatlon will lqng be IV11"S Edll;l Sewcl , now Mrs. R"y :: ::

of2~\t~o~~,h~~1 :2 ~o~e~~'Il~s~wiS! ~~n~:nc~~ne~~~:' "golden jubill'l' ~~!{~'f(~I~s~'~e~'~'; W;lS a rn~m-I:: 5:880 I'clay-Wo ~ y Waync pi Cpo \ In 1883. three YCilrs before tile l\hs. Perry reca Is that Mrs. C'!:: .-

Time-l mmutc ·ccond,;. i cl"ss was graduated, IMI s. 1\. ,/\ A, Chace \VdS one of her'acl1(HS Ii. 5:~h.O.tPut-w.on. b TIHlInllson of IWl'lch of Waync, .thcn MIS"; r\nn<l Willie sThec'I~~aso'fHl);',';, g(':.'ll.~l~C:,>,-. ..111: •

Wisner. Distanc ..1.. 2 feet. Dancs, callle here tu teach III tlll' ~ 0 ......-. • :.

Ja\.'elin thrJwi' on by FnulJI¢ pl'lIn,-lry department. TIll' There were 10 embers nf th0 :: ::~[ WIsner. Dlst'~Il<.(') -153 fl'et t~~ I,.vere 111CO.llOllS..Td 111 ('];1:;'; of 1896 till now living in .It' .-

~'lllch. t' wlucI} wa:> torn down ,I few tile' W;lyne ~'icini y: Miss P~url :: ::

.I'~.,~.".·..!.,'".•!~••'; ~ High jump- 0 by Huutcmer "go \.fhen Mr. and Mrs. A. 1.. county supenntcndcnt; In, .. -. ~ Wayne C1nd av nport of Wlnr n:~placcli It With a modern st.ruc- lOW lVII'S. C. K :: ::

Side. TIed at 5 !fp t 7 3-4 incll!:!S. tun~ 4Jnd the hIgher grades \\,('IC III Miss Lulu :: :=Broad jum~W n by Lewis Of !.he qld Presbyterian ,ehun:h Juc;t LlIlc'!s<1Y .11 ...

\Va).'ne, Dlstanf'e -19 feet 9 1.£ d~rt~ of the present site. :: ::inches. ' < "I came herl' about Cltrislm;ls rE ,ilL~ the [il':;t:: ::

Fole \'alllt~vfon by lip!' of LaUI- time" 18(13, and began work .the \' licil ,;he attend-I Ill. ••

:" ...•.:.1"", 'el. Distallce,-lp 1et 2inches ;I~~~~~:c:~~;~~:, '),~':)\~'inerl \~c:~~ Of'I~~ b~~~~:~;'~'::: 55. ::4, ~ISCUS thrO\....~ ~n by Mann df Weloh. "My coming here W;lS it In Hoy llotel and was .111 _.

OO,'.;,,'.l WmSlde, 100 fe t mches. matt~'r of cbance-'yo~l see, 1 was ('I;lborat(' al L qUIte an event ::, ' ::iIf.I . Indi\'ldualhi h oint winners in taking voeal work at LeM"ll's, Iow<1, ncwestai 1l1l1 m'mbel>; -: ::~i tl:e t'riday me·t, ....ere.: LeWIS of t1.len1a n d g~ttillg Tllccl.y. (J1 lr!es Rey lds deceasr-'d:. 11111

~~i:, \\ayn.c, HI; J. Fa bel of VIIsncl", Whet, mysIstel', MISS gl Idulte of till I,ss of WdS =i SYLVIA SIDNEY ::1.,~,'.,1~,'i!,~ 14; Spangler of W soer, Itl; Hunte-I \yro:bme of th(' clelk 10 ~4 }f ll' II ::

~ mer uf Waync,1 Ilt : II~n~~I;l t~l~r~~; mind >i' m~ h'oille' ~~::~ted -He ',o\~: ;,::ne : FRED MacMURRAY ::, ~", . Baseball ague inSI~Cd. that I. l(jt.~ :I.nd. the . tu ;motller lwei tunc ~o b,le Ji\-.c; Mb~Qurj ~.o. )C.IlS' Jl: III mid hpl .: HEN RY F,ONDA ,_40" ::

O. . , 'T Pi " deCided mf'. llext apprecl:l tc they dld Earl GllJ~on III Omah,l. MISs Mile CUJlllll 'bam W:1S l11a]'- II! .11

:~* J ga liZleS 0 Uv D on tlH' tralll, comlllg Ill<l\'e Iberg WQS at one limc Iwd if) Cl,lllde -i Idsrm <:Ind h'l:';:. ::

The Dig-Tcn!BHI'il'bulllc,lguc ol!'-: ' Jln (~Iass 1Rfl(;. ent of \\:i.lYll: ' L,~cr. ]l\cd 1:1 l'vlun:,.llr ;l.ll~'{',hCI.· 1l:~llTl- := IRAII 0' IHI ==". ani.zed last- \~'ee c at Wl.'1l5Idt., j' A. A. welch. Wi.lS thC'tl I ".1 S. ll. 1.3. til.". [fil'mer lot'S\vdt of Chl- V\"ddo.n 1 U k '1 .IS d ."'.l!lki'J.' m iJM " IHI n . ==.electing Wm. Sch l~lo\V of iVisndf', t'end('nt of the WHyoe MJ:os M,lUdr' W;IS ,:1 lJl('m-\ C,lg0, IS now Idaho. T ICouk's name::'sldcllt; F. J,:Di mel of Wmsidt, Davies taught 111 188'1-188~, at the UPI' of the cbs'> ten Mrs. ]Jerry 1:-; '93 Graduate" tu U 1 Sch,1!fer ,md aN 110M E10MI lB'NI"I ~=secret'.l!'Y; < ar Pilge.r Of. p~.I~ _ end.. of wl~ich the pITHy. h.ttle lyear,.; 'J.' the Jll'.St .class w.."'.S MISS Li.til. C01'b. it, now Mrs. Ed- n.o.w. In.O ;1 l.a... :)~. tl.'.'._ del., ss. =5 .. R F ::ger,· treasurer.: If e season opeu.s teac.her und the diistinguIslled- graduated Supt W. W. BOIlICr WilS ward Perry of was gr{l(lu- o,f 1896 fOUl 11 ~ lhlssed dW,ly. :i e:a Sunday. M~n gel'S and dlret- lookmg professor werc married. then he~d 01 th(' ~dhoot and. whJic ated With the C1<I~S 1893 ,md elLlS. ~lISS P{1(ll1 RE'Y- _ w••nbh.F,I..Bd.S,','.",·"sNpj;:,lyB~M':.f:~;~~h,~:~J.y r,.H,;. ::ors for towns In t e league arc t e Mr. Welch ga\'(~ up the supcrin-, n Wayne marrijd MISS LIlllc wellt to school 'in the !lolds n.. Lcy), M1SS Me/'- : " U"-' II-followmg: La. urel Earl RlffiCI a d ten~ency the. last yeajr Welch Bee.I.'C.nhaupr, G<JUs'p of Epl~ Beck- frame bUdding. 1,.:eClted on .. till' ,Iunun ~l.nd ?ed l. '.lilC.'O' .:_ Knight· Atl\lolly filmed ouldoon In Te(~n.. !.A ::Earl Becbe; Pllq:e', Louis Foy a~d taught and hiS p1<ICC '\\iilS taken by enhuuer of Wayn(', !the famJI)' now of the present bl'lck structure. The l_ Nme In I s of 1898. ~R . :~;~~~r;:I::\lb~I~~.~Hp~~:;:~~~::tC;:: vr· . ::Ted Axen; Win ide, John Rei _ ifv1r.! McCoy. Mrs. Welch's sister, reSldmg III W<lshi ,gton. fn.llllC building was moved to the Mrs. H. J. '~1 e1' who was = .-brecht; HosklOS" arvey Anderso ; lMiS

tSusie Davies, who also taught Ml·S. CraveFI re ~lls the organ- comer of Eighth and Mam when graduated from fl e Wayne hIgh I!Il Matinee Sunday 2:30 and 4:30, evenina- 7 and 9 ::

Carroll, Wayne Evans; Wisn r, ~n he earliest WayolC SC.hO.OI' was izatlOn uf the "Ha PY H.OUl''' dub the new .bUlldill,g W<olS lJegun, ;mn SC.hOOl in 1808.' .. 'l:l$.S Ethel Tuclc- : SundaYt Monday, Tuesday, May 3e4-5 Ill-

Ivan Adams an<;l . S. Dily; Sta,m-I ~a ried to Eugene Barns in 1884, und made tip of yo 'ng people about later usen for a ~'ilrd schoo!. WI1en er recalls VIVI Iy her graduiltlOfl ~. ::

ton, Harv~y In.I elder and, L~e heJe.'ouPle maVin,S t

J1I1.'.:101S. M. I'S. town.., ':\.VC. PI'.'IYOOl. dO. and the SCh¢>Ol.was startC,d at n.. lght, the excl' given in the ?Id : ::

Colbert; Coleridg , M. V. WelliQ.g~ a ris now lives in I linOls. gave pnzes anQ. reo ~Iy had t1narvel- the coliC'ge ;the old structure was opcra house. •BC of ~hc nme : "TOO MANY PARENTS" - Wed., May 6 .-ton and Je$Se Lp ther; Wakefi 'lfi, I '~~ayn~ was entire y different i.n ous. tImes. ,--?f COUl'· , In thqse days sOl.d to Ell Laughllll wllo had it>- m:~bers of thel cl ss delivered an - :=Hubert EatoJ1 a Frank StUI' ; thel early days ,froIJn what It is people dldn t have h<nnes, flO when wlccked. , (HatlOn., : TWO BIG FEATURES SAME PROG~AM, THURS, FRI., SAT. .-~nd Wayne, Pete Petersen, 'now," M,·s. Welch salid m he,- ,oft, the boy, mad 'en a4emc t,' thoy G,·"dua"on e,b-d,cs we,cheld "I think our I'" enls must have is, "LOVE before BREAK;FAST" An1l "BIG BROWN EYES" =:.

;: Carole LO~b~~:t~:r;to~Foster Also ~ Joan ;;U::~t~n~a;; Bran~

::::::::::=:::====::::::1:::::=::::::::::::::::::::::::::==::====~('I:jn bored -lo tears!,--i;;;gh;;d:-M;.;I;l9Os, 12 we-;; g-r-;ct~ted; Mi-~ Highway GriFeltbel'. "TherB"'WflS no limit to the Lucy J. Miller, now Mrs. Carl B . 1 C' tlength of the orations. I remember Surber, is the only dne of the egun noun Y~hat mine began 'the individuality group still residing in Wayne. Miss Gr<lveling on highway 98 westofof man has asserted itself-!' Isn't Claire· Moran (Mrs. E. J. Huntc- Wayne was started Mond:IY v.'Ith


that a profound subject? The cxer- mer) and Miss Wintfred Pawelski J. N. Einung, contractor, in lasted for hours. After they (Mrs. Arthur J. Lynch) of Wayne, The graveling project includes ninewere all over we were all presented are members of the class of 1906 miles of t?e Wayne-Pi~.rce high­with baskets of flow~s brought of which there were 12. way. The state plans to connect the,to the stage by little flower girls. There were nine in the class of highway by gravel with Carroll.;Tbe girl graduates wore dresses of 1907 and three still reside here: Culv,ert work on a fivelmilestretch


White or light colored organdy Miss Maria Rennick (Mrs. Carl on highway 92 south of Wakeflehimade with long,:full skirts and the Wright), Miss Marian Hyde (1\1r.s. was started Monday. A delegationstage, with the pretty dresses and Pen:y Theobald) and Miss Jc~sle from Pender which visited LincolnI'bas!;;.ets of flowers, made quite a Strickland (Mrs. Frank Morgajn). recently in int~rest of the Wakc­pioture." Of the group of 12 in the class!'ol field-Pender hlghway, is?f t~c


As Mrs. Felber recalls there were 1908, Mrs. G. A. Wade, the fo1'l-n- opinion that prospects for 'comple-

~~ci:~hf:O~cf.i~~~e:e~~dei~~:tp~~v~: ~a~~:~ ~~s~.,r~~~n~~~~ar:~~e~Ii~ ~~~e~f~~~fr~~jte~~~~~':;i~rga:e~~~=or church parties. Charlotte Ziegler are two of the tlOO of this highway in Wayne

Miss Julia Anderson wa~ vale- group of mne graduated in 1909 county was let some time ago.dictorian of the class. She was later who are still here. Jamesmarried to Chas. Corbin, now a Britton, Paul Pawelski and Missprofessor at Pacific college, Stock- Nellie Strickland of Wayne al:eton, Calif. James Wdght, father 0.[ members of the class of 1910.the jockey, Wayne Wright, who Classes from 1910 on had ,thehas attained SOfie racing fame in following number of gradua~es:the past couple of years, was also 1911, 15; 1912, 20; 1913, 21; Ip14,

I a graduate in IB9B. 14; 1915, 17; 1916, 19; 1917,! 13;Sununary of (:lasses. 1918, 10; 1919, 18; 1920, 28; 1921,

In the class of 1886, the first to 13; 1922, 17; 1923, 42; 1924,' 28;b~ graduated from the school, were 1925, 30; 1926, 43; 1927, 28; 1028,Minnie Gamble, Mrs. :tyIeFarland 36;, 1929, 42; 1930. 29; 1931, 46;of Cleveland Heights, Ohio; Eva 19312, 36; ID33. 42; 1934, 36; 1935,Meyers, Mrs. Charles Draper of 44.Pittsburg, CaL; Minnie .smith. In The first school board of wl~i('h18157 six were .graduated from the Ithere is a complete record is that ofschool, the only two now living be- 1891 find was as follows: P. M1Ss Carne Stringer of Oma- Corbit, moderator; Dr. W. Cha, Nathan Chace" lUlTI,ber, IWightman, secretary; ~. J. N.anigle,LOIfg, Beach, CalLi. lhere were treasurer; William Miller, S" in the class of 1888 and mne Russell, C. O. Fisher. Begmdingin 1890. There were no gradu~tes with 1891 superintendencies h~veIl1 either 1689.or 1891. Harry FlSh- been as follows: B. w. Ashley,

. ~:u~f ~C;;~~:n;I:;r~~h~:1 ~~a~~~~~ ~~::.:; ~.a;:;S~dg~~ss~;on~~\e~l~~In: 1894 there we,re 10 graduates; E. P. Wilson, four years; J., H.1895,. eight; 1896; 10; 1897, eight, Kemp, six years; 0, R( Bowen, bve

Mrs. T. T'. Jones, !'4rs. H, J. Fel- years; J. A. Armstrong, two y$'ars; My~ery in Fire.- }bel', Mrs. Alice Rick~aug!l, Harry R. W. Shirey, one year; Co rad ofM:S:~I:_t6~n~~~~~~Jo~lea~,~'~~~~B. Craven of Wayne were all mem- Jacobsen, two yeal's; T. S. H 61{, doned road in Dixon-eQunty, northbel'S of the class of 189B:. M~ss Maq £01..1' years; H. R. Best. s~x years; of Wayne. The plates, radiator cap

~'a~a~~sl:i.~:k~:r~;s~~ L:;~~~ Dr. C. F. Dienst. and ,other identificatio~ were. ~e-

There __~er~t four in the ~lass: of Training School In, ::~~: ~h~;i~ec:;~b~fil~~I~~~18B9-; five ill 19do; four 10 1901, I d' • truck -had been stolen and de~

,'Miss Vayle Jones (Mrs., George-, I Operetta Pro ,uetlon sh;oyed in an insurance -f~aud at-IShcrbahn) and ~iss tiboie; Ellis The operetta, "Ask the Profes- tempt. .(~rs. Harry FJsher? grad~at~d sor," given .by the Wayne trainingWith class of 18 In 1902. MiSS high 6ch601 students Thursday Manages Play Troupe.Ethel Holtz, now, Mrs.,C. A., eve·ntng at the college auditorium Elwyn Strang, br"th~r,:pt..Wal-

W~yn,e, and pan.CUn- netted about' $Zfi which will be ter Savidge of Wayp.e, is_ this se,a­o! 810mc C~ty, were In the used to help defraY the expenses son man.agin~ the \yEA 5up.ported

of tWhlCh there ,were of the s~Udents,whowill go- t,o the Lincoln VU;Tiet~ Company~ a: l~Jstate musie.cout.~t at Kearney this people dramatiC trol'pe roaking1,\Friday ,iud,Saturday. The produc- tou~ of C. C. ca.m~s, sehool~,..!wo~k

LU\h~;:ra:i~B~;'G;'r';-I;i~;I~ei S~~j,";;;: I;iioq., was coacJied" by Prof. H. H. ca~ps: an9' concen~~~tion .~fi'~o.,,:-

~~~~"1~~~~~~,ie~~~~~~~;':;~~:;:~1 ~a~~~;~~ia;~i s~~~:~~s ~~~~~~; ~~:,~~~~~~orted' ,ag~nc~:~o~W~:,6p~etta alid Rurinlf" intermission ana the t~o-

. . cost




For greatest efficiency and economy

have YO~' gr~ase and oil checked now.

Sinclair prod~cts protect your motor

and guarante, b~t operation.

" ;0--.I , I

Sinclair Gasoline and Oil give extra I value a~d guaranteethe utmost in power and smooth motpr pperatlOn.

TANK WAGON S ~VICE .FaFP.'ers:-W~ will deliver ~ractor fuel at your fa . promptly at any ti~e soyou:Will not be delayed in field work" Our tractor Del is absolutely the bestyou can buy, as use will prov~:. l -'

Special Pri'ces on Trac tOI' Oile and Greases.

\ .,::~·Firestone Tire .A tire that .will take you w~ere you want to go i yen In mud - .and IS guar­anteed for one year against.all road hazards sl1~h a blowouts, brUIses and anyother injuries which are beyond your control, I

Good Tr«de-Jn On Your 01 Tires.

: . [Qu~~ity Ha's INbSustitlttei '

fVfc:l:rat;vi~ej. R•. J1illrer • I Ph~ne' 10 I , I. :: C. C. Sitt:



Poulld 15c

, Tango Cookiesi 'Sr. e e" jo~u~ .~ookies ar~ coatedl with pure c:h'..

co te'E' 'kldli~eswlll enJoy them' as a part of t~Be 001 ~h. they will sell at 2 pounds for 25cs.I dy.! .

Preserve ISpecialS ' awl:lettY arid RaspberrY: Prese,."es in the large)4. oUlld jar. for the week·end We price this de­li, oUllaptead at 35c per jar.

,FANCY BACONA' 'j m~l~ !navorek bacon inl the- whole' piece, ~It piece!o~ !IIi ed fo~ .qJJ1!I week end at a: special price of 32c perpqpn.

MIL CU~Ej SUMMERSAUSAGE, pound "" 26"I:J .." " , '

P E LA,,!). 2 lb. aaftita~y carton """'''''''''' 2ge

O~DI PLATE LUNCHEONA ,nie a!llottmbt of cooked m~ats; sliced and ready toserve. Pret3sed IHam, Liver Sausage. Veal Loaf, and· BigBdto . All oRe kind or assorted. For this sale a 8~cial'price f 19c' per pound. I


~~~~=h;:;',;;i~~I'~~',!:;'ll~:;;:~Ai'~1iii'I!~'~'Inl'~~~~~~~~~~~~ZH;;;:~~~lWAYNE SKA: 936.---- I. ~_. ~ ------ _. ------- -- -- - --;~; -- ..n --- -~~~-,

nig~t; nd Sunday,g est lost week Lutt wel"e in the John Lutt home this Sunday dinner g esfs: in te appointed County Asscs;sbr ;Jf~ai~~a r: ;;~~~'~li h:e~~u~itl.~a Fr~;~ ae;;n::;. ~i1l Meyer Dod A~~~'~~~W ~~m~eyJr :md L is i:o~~~e o(~~~~ty ~~~~~~;o~~I,_,ll'J';

Mr:. nd M.rS,'Erpf id AlIV,in a d Doris Mae spent Monda~ evening were Friday' afternooh gllcstsfiIl said county to fill such \':l('~IL'faml'1Y od Mr. and: rs. Roy Sp.a r last week in the Maunso Ulrich the EmU Bargholl. home, Clnd r. uritil his successor is ekCtl'd ,,1,'1and ~$. ily were Sun ay guests I s't home. nnd Mrs. Walter Reeg dnd son w re qualified. '"weeklf the A. L. reland home. Mr. and _Mrs. Lyle Gamble nnd there that evening t$ help Ella Whereupon Board ;"djollrn, '! tu \

~'j nd Mrs. Hertrt Thun ahd family 'were SUnday' nfternoon celebrate her birthday. May' 5, 1936.

Ma IJn , Miss Dorot y Loomis abd guests last week in he Ben Ahl- Ml'. and Mrs. Russell Preston a~d Bertha Rent's, ('1"1

Her a Thun spen Sunday e'{c- vel'S home. ' family were Sunduy 1<1$t week dln- -------ni3 Of last week in ,e Fred Thlun Mr. and Mrs. Russell Preston ner guests in the Charld~ Bull hOltne Notice To Creditors.ho eJ I and Bonna were Sunduy evening O1t Laurel. Others thcl;e were Ml'. The State of Nd.Jr:lska, \\

d. Herman Ge we and IVJlrs. guests last week in the Elmer H,lr- an,d ~:s. H. A. l'restcJ!n and 11<11"- County, ss.Amos~ MadelIne rison home. olrl of Waynt', Uw C!<l!rf'm.:e l'rlt:->- In the M:.JttRr of the E_'I;,', ,~Vspe~t! u:esday.afteinQ9n of .last Mr..and Mrs. Arthur OdegCl~rd tuns of ~<lun'l, utlcI EJlrl Pr~:;l(jns Ulysse~ S. Omn, D(.t't~'l:;t'd

~~e~~r. Ith MISS ~YdIa welerS- Ug~~S~HI~'irte~~~r~nSt~\I~cl~~l~\~~.~~: of Cuit'ndgt'. Creditors uf said ('slull' ;11,' I",\ by notified, th;Jt I will Sit ",

Mr. nd Mrs. E"pi Bergholz ~nd quisthome. -County Board. ~ County,Court Ruom infamily und Mrs. l!1r est! Kohrt and Mr. and Mrs. Arvid Vogel and Woyne Nebrnskn said County, on theehildre were SUJjl~Y dinner lj.nd family of Wagner, S. D., spent! April 23, 193{l.' May, 1936 <lnd on the lflth d,supper guests last w ek in the Otto Sunday of last week! in the Frank Boord met .1StPCr adjournm~nt August, 1833 at 10 i/dock .>\MUler orne I Weber home I All membICrs c" sent'., : . each day to reCt'IVC' ;Iod

Mr. md Mrs Ott<j) Rosaeker and Mr and Mrs Frdd VIdor nnd C P C ~·ld I "~,. 4-Llun orSemlnolelnililn. family and Ml and Mrs Herman family were Sund,ny afternoon P o.mets Anow . f' '~1'1 eCC'tce:vc

r, all claims <Jg:::llnst sClitll'~l;ltl·.

~ are deported from Flqrida. I ~ 1 reCll1e ssessor or, lC I Y 0 a view to tllelr1858. GeeVoje were Su d<lY evening guests last week In the Leoll'urd W N b kj d It oder J QllowaoC'€. The

~ 1$-0. A. R. dClII"~tt8IMav ~u~ts as~ week Il1 he Amos Ech- De;;Ch h~m~ G F d re:i~~~'tiO~ <.l~Zl~re~i~~t A~sessu~ f~;,~ presentation of cLlims~ ~~~ u Decoration DIY~ e~a p d o;e R ~ l"'h K J r an rs ~orge t~X a~ the City of Wayne, Ntbrnskn, to t~st<.lte is thrP(> ml)nth~

r. 0 rs u!-'(') It' ay at lmmIe were goes sine take effpet as of April ~3 1936 15th d::lY of M;lY, W:W.

~, . I famlllY Iand Mr 3lj1-d Mrs Frank B WrIght home at SlOUX City Sun- WHEREAS, on the ~2d day· of time limited [Ul

~ --r=~o~.~::~~~tII I Longf ~nd Melvm Were thiS Sun- day of last week Ap'l 1936 J G I3er~t County is one yf',lf frume"'''~ day d~'ner guests lin the John Mr. and Mrs. OUo Saul and fam- An, f Vi . Cc1' t N April,1936.

Heyne h,ome at Fq'n~er. ily were Sunday afte'rrlOo~ and brs::l~~ord{'o arte~y~~iS 1if~nilY~d t~~ Witness l1and ,llld tlil ,jClnd family land Mr. and MrS. Dan Mrj nd Mrs. E~wm Vahlkamp supper guests last wcek In the ff' 'f!!. t A of said Cuurt, 1.1li.,> 'J. ,['1

~:~~~~~d ~~~s{:~~~~;:kT~s~~~ and lJl y a~d Mr.1 and Mrs. F~ed Adam Saul home. . ~:::l~~~t~ oun y sses$or IS now day of April,

Otto 'Heithbld home in hOllior of ~:'~~ml~'n~~;;o:1~e~~~~:r:~~l~ ch~~;i~~p~~~'l~;;l;:ea:~~;d~:~nf~ C Bce'lidt thclreforcbreSOlct\1ehd t,hb.:Jt 1:. (SEAL) J.:\1. CHERBY.DelOl;es' bjljthday. Lunch dosed the in 'the August All man home~ ternoon in the Herbert Barelm~m . J ers ('eve e an Ii __~'~_~~~30t3 CfHlllty ,)lllll:'

:.Jffair. II I ' PJIr. and Mrs. . C. Bareltnan h'ome at Bancroft.For IIGeor~ Martens. I an'd fa ily spent jSunday of' last Mr. and ~rs. John Geewe and

week n the Herpert Barel,man Rudolph viSIted in the HerbertMr. :::lndl Mrs. Henry Cl:::nJsser home t Bancroft.1 They spent the Messerschmidt home flt Th~ll>ston

spent last Wcdnf;sday after~oon i~l evenin in the Will Bare'man SundaY last weelc.'the Gcorgd Martens home 10 11011- home. I Mr_ and Mrs. Aden Austin nndor of ML Martens' birthday. Evij-- Mr~ nd Mrs. Allnas EchtenJ~nmp Mrs. Earl Bennett and baby WPI"Pning gu('st~ were Mr. nnd Mrf· WillI and da Ighter. Mri' anj Mrs. W. H. guests last Wednesduy in thc B. L.

6\~~tf:~~i~~~~df~\~1~1~'al~~i\~a;~d~~: Rachel' aumer an fa ily, Mrl. and Austilf home at Newcastle.Mrs. F itz Thun a d b~by, M~. and Mr.,' and Mrs. ~ert Hyatt, A .. J.

and Mrs. Conrad Weiershcus('r Clnd Mrs. erbert EChtenk-amp I and Hyatt, Mrs. MagglC Suht and C1lf­lJaby. Lunch was served. Obert chtenka

JP were: chllers ~ord.were in the J:::lcob Reeg, humelast w~ek in the- tto Millh r'ome. s.'unday afternoon last week.

For August Haas. , Mr. and Mro:. Kaspar Rom ~llld

Neighbors went to the August or Mrs. HI L. Atkins. Miss Fannie Selders were ,sundayHaase hotTH' Thursday evening in In h nor of M s. H. L. Atkins' dinner and supper guests last weekhonur of IMr· H,l:::lse's 63rd birth- birthd9Y Friday, Jafternoon etue-sts in thr Armand Beiermann homC'.day. GuJst' were Mr. and Mrs. in he~home wertf Mrs. 1. E.'l'Ellis, Mr, and Mrs. Otto Lutt :::lndGeorge Me er and Ganava, Mr. Mrs. . E. pana1.aker, Mrs.I John Lester and "D,elores, Nels Nelsennnd Mrs·IIH ry Meyer and Vernie, Dennis, Mrs. ea 1 Shuck, I Mrs. and Mr. and Mrs. Will Lutt SPC'llt

~~il<ym, (~LI~ ~~d ~~s~ ~~~sye~I<l':~ Bla!1C~e Trumba e1' and Mrs'.I)Hcn- iSunday at TIlden in the Eric Ne.l-~ ry Pr stan. After a social pfter- sen home.

~~~~~~I~;; ~~'u~~~ ~labse~;r~e~~lon noon, he guests s~rved. i Mrs. Otto Lutt nnd .Toy, Mrs.

, ;" ' For RUdtPh Kay. II tc~~~nG~~~~~;ad ~~~ ~O~d;;lr~~~In ~onor Of. i RtldolPhllKay's ternoon guests last week in the

birthdtY Friday" levening gl.Hj!sts in F. C. Hammer home. 'his ho e were l\ifr. and MrS'Jrank", Mr. and Mrs. Herman Longe andLonge ,and Melvfn, Mr. an Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Art Longe spent Sun- IAugU$ Brudigll and Marcella, iday afternoon last week at C:::I,rl I

Mr. a d Mrs. ouis Testl and Biehel's. The Longes were ~daugh er. Mr. apd Mrs. 4ugust :also Friday afternoon guests.Kay. r. )md Mrs. John Kay and Mr. and Mrs. Hans Lubberstedt ~son, r. and, Mrs. RoBie Longe. and sons and Mr. and Mrs. Erw1l1 D' ' daJ..J.Z '~~~~d social e'fening, lunch was ~:::;st:~;~~~o~,:~~ef;:~~,::;~ : epen 01 ,ty ~

in the August Lubbecsledt home, and -Beaut'''' II

Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Heseman 'J I

and family spent Sunday evening I I Iof last -week in the Curtis Footehome, Evelyn He,eman cemained You geti bMh in long..U/e ,Iall week to help with the house 1 H d It, £ L IIwock, Mu e· l1 l'.00 S. et us

Mr. and Mrs. John Lutt were I Tshow YO~hEreasonablY'Yot1 I::,".:~n~~~:s~,';"~~::7~ ~e;~,~ ~;:= can roof yo new home or I~~n~:l::~e~~~r:s~:'~~fe~'~l:~~I; repair 0 ,I re oof your old one. I

:~~:~i:~ltm~dke;~~~s:,;;n,~ I~:: I,'. Wr;ghl "br. CO. J,Hecber! Pollers home n! Ailen I 'I D I L I

I~IPhone 78 ! Wayne, Neb. ',1Aatllorke4 BIDE Dealertl !ll'~(J

__ . ;r;;,U-


I r




' ExaminationTraining

~ _ Glasses Prescribed

-Office At-WAYNE NEBR.

114 Ea8t Third


the ;.moo'hsl~ .~,••, rid. 0' alli' : (I

SHOCKPROOF, STIlIlR~O.making drMng .oller and .a'e"

Ibon .ver b.'oA I




BEFITTING EVERY STATION IN LIVE.nefkeUhauer s(-"rvi(~e offers a memory Ilidul'e _ softly

I beautiful - cvcr treasured.WAl:'~E, Telephone 292W NEBRASKA,



sought to be taken up a~d p~id off Hressler j City Clerk, at his officeby means of Refundlng Bonds of in said City on the 7th day of May,the said City, in the 'I principal Hl36, between the hours -Of:' nineamount of Thirty-One ThousalJd o'clock A. M. and four o'clockDollar.':l.' ($31,000.00), bearing intc-\-- P. M" or during business hoUrs onest at the rute of four per centum any day prior to said date.(1%) per nn~um, p<lyable semi- (SEAL) ~altcr S, Bressler,

'~~:~~iiY~(~~:lc~it;l~~r~~~rtoa~~~~_,~ _.~~_~~~~ Clerk.

sue. 1'1111•••••••••\Public Notice is hereby given II~~~~~1~ni~;~~1~~~j~~ti~~~ ~~t~u~; Dr. J. rr_propos('d action with W,l!h.'r S. GILLESPIE










. ,DIVE IT .i·

, ~'." ~


stating that the C ty ot aY~, s And, Four 'Thousand Dollarsoutstandmg and pall bon s 1 ($4,qOO 00) JaefundlOg Bondsthe total pnncl I mou t f l;!ated September 15, 1930, dueThIrtY-One '1'h usatl D~la s September 15, ~940, ophonal any($31,00000), and Consl tmg: tIme, beanng mtercst at the rate'l'wenty~Two Tl ou$<lnd Dol ar of five per centum (5 1/0) annu-

($22,00000), Re uoWlng B nd ally, bemg Nos 2 to 5 mcluslVc

dated AprIl 1, 19 8, ~ue Jul)! 10, ;~th~~'I~~~ O~n~c~; d:r~~h lS;~;~

;~~;' 1~~;lg~;11b~ :1I1kl~~reitt:~ by Ordll~ance No 361 of saIdthe rate of foUl' nct/one-hal per CIty, whIch was passed and ap~

centum (4!h %) an*ually, b 109 proved on the 16th day of Scp-bonds Nos 19 to 40 mcluslV for tember, 1930.$1,00000 each, hi~h were au- That since the i.ssue of said bondsthOllzcd and or IC~'1d Issue by the l,'ate of interf.Jt has ~--so de-

~~~~~a~:s~~ss3d~n~~s:~~r ~~ci ~~l;C!pi:n~1Cp~~~:~~e~~ft,I~,~~I~)~)~~~~.;on the 27th day of March, 1 28, by un issue of Rct'undll1g: Bonds

And, Five Th $sand DoU#l's Of, the City, a substantIal sd~ing:, In Secretary-Treasurer($5,000.00), P "ing Dlst~ict the amo~nt of yeatly rUI1I11I1g m-IBonds, District c/J'\ 7, dated Feb.. tei'est '!J1ll, be made to the City, :i:~~eFa~~bi~a~~~ M~O~::~:rual'y 15, 1928, d ~ February .5, that the ~lty has accum~lHtcd no tory cover west 12 miles of1938, optional Fe tuary 15, 1936, funds whIch ~ay be applJcd thcl'e- Wayne County. 012tfbearing interest a,'the rate of five o~; that the Indebtedness ?I,the,'- .:

PCI' centum (5(/(,) annually, b¢ing Cit::'. on ncc?~nt ~f. the pnncIIJ<lll':.~~~==~=~~==~::::~:::::::=:;~:.:;_:~:~:..:-:;~~bonds Nos. 4 to 13 inclusi;r' for of saId bonds IS Tim ty-One Thous-I.$500.00 each, wh ch were au hor- and D?llars. ($.31,00.0.00), and tll,~tized and ordet"c issued b 01'- the said pl'll1clpal IOdebtedness ISdinanc~ No. 34 of said ity, ._._-~~..~-,-~~ ..

which was P<lSS d and upp ovedon tbe 31st day f January, 928,

'1&I;ly . ay~"~ ~~~:I~n~;~eJt:nu~~~:~~~oon. . ~ : I C k ~ t Mr. and Mrsl, Chris Jensen and

W y~e OWl Y family were Sunday dinner guestsi f' i __' - ; las~ week in the Peter Iversen

(I: .Eurly Dass from the ~Vn'ync home.J Herald Ior lpril'29. 1920: Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Nelson of

.: .,.1.,,' Wayne Li\estoe.k P;:"hViliOl,',a wakef,'iCld.' spent last Wednes~ay: i 25 percent ividcnd! D. H, Cun- evening: In the Arthur Florm,e

I ~~~~~a:;; ;. E~h~~~dh~~e~~1~bl\.~~ hO~~ .. and Mi'S. Fred Wittler andsigned after ninci ycbrs in the of- LeRoy were Tuesday evening

I, rice. CUler embed of the, ,'board guests last week in the Adam Rceg."" .:re L. M. 0 ven, C.IB. Thojt'IPson, home......; W. H. Gil erslec\'o, Hcm~r Ley, 1\11". and Mrs. H. S. Moses spent

L. C. Gildersleeve ""ias choslj'n scc- from ~ondaY to Wednesday lastretary. 'week III the Art Auker home at

Dorothy Meyers of Carrqh. won O'Neill. .first. place in the county spelling Dorotby AWIZSUS and Leonacon lest. Meyer spent Tuesday evening ,of

A soh was born to Mr. a:nd Mrs. l<1:;;t week in the Arthur VouScg-Roy Pearson April 25, 1920. gem home.

A son was born April 27; 1920, to Mr. ~nd Mrs. Ted Montgom~ry

Mr. and Mrs. Loo 8ierks, : and rhltdrcn spent, Monday eH-Wayne' hospital: ,Arthur Davis Iling of last week In the Alonzo

1 received me<iicnl c{tl'e. X-ray pa- Soden home.Hents were J, E. Blackmore, i\.'liss Mr. and Mrs, C<lr10s Martin andStella Skiles,' E;wl Merchant and BOl1ni~ Jo spent Sitmday of la~tMrs. J. A. K1·ogc.r. 1Ralp11 Carhart week 111, the }:larry Bressler home

~~(:s ~~~~te:U1:~(~d~ ~~~t ?~i~~~.ti~~~~ at I\~~.l:l;~~g~rs. Clarence Witte andcovering from nn !operation. I\lrs. Billie and. Bobbie of; ~inside, wereDa\'e Surber was' a rncdic ..ll p<l- SundaY,dll1ncl' guests m the HalTY Dr. E.,~ Dots ntient. Gnlnqulst home.

Ed. i\IcGuil'E' and rlIiss Ad"l Mrs. Hel1l'Y Wittler and Mrs. EYES GHTGrubb of Les]ie. were married Harvey Reibold were Saturd<lY ,af- SPEC! L~STApril 21, 1920. ! tCl'llOOn guests H \""-eek ago ll1 the , '

A daughter was born ~a l\h, and ..\lVlll Vogel home. ~~ne , .. ,: ebr.Mrs. John Neumann of Ho~kins, MI". <\Ud Mrs, F. l: Moses ,md Drs. Lew; & Lejl'SApril 20 1920 Robert spent from FrIday to Sun- I"'

Augus't Hoe~eke bought the fl.Irs. day last ,,:,eelt i~ the Ed. Danune r~ ro.stkrred in Wallter Wangel"s CIDRO~ CTORS~ Gus Marotz residbnce in Hoskins home at SlOUX CIty. . t' "The TraU of the Lonesome Pine," the (EstabUs! ed 1914) W.YNE, NEB.

lor $7,000. ' ~r. and Mrs: Melv.ll1 Wert and Jl'., novel of CUmhcrlfcmd Mount~ln "feudists." Neurocalom tel' Serv}c '"A daughter wasJborn to Mr. and chIldren and ~ISS ElSIe Wert were The pidure ope Suiiday at the Gay Theatre. 112 East 4th St. Wayn , Neb. rv'ERY MONDAY 1

Mrs. Adam lVlacl"· of Wakefield Tuesday everung guests last wcck --"---,- '--'---'1'-~-'---'--'-'''''-- Pha a 49 I: 4 %5 or 10 "'EAR TERMApril 22, 1920~ , lli the George Wel·t home. silid County Cour, ttJ,is 11th day Corded September l1:7, 1030 "iri;Book

Marie, John, ~d Wm, Haskell Mr. and Mrs. Herman Boettger of April, 1930, ! 48 at p~gcs 7 and 8 of the !VIo~-tga,gc At 12 :30 p. m. 2 0 PROMPT INSPECTIONwent from Wakef eld to Sioux City and Marlene left .wcdn.esday ~f (Seal J. 1M, CHERHY, RC'col'cJis of Wayne County, Npbras- If you want to buy or solI AND DISBURSEMENTto make their ho e. last we~k for Portland, Ole.. whele a16t3 ' County Judge. J~a, wlVch mortgnge was given to live stock of any l{,ind try the N S k D-.J i. N E . . F W'h

Miss Clara 1Bentson of Wake- they Will make then' home. ~~-.~-- pecurc~tbc payment of a promissory 0, toe l.'"Ul,'lchons. 0 Jtamlnahon ee, yfield and Either Tishendorf of Mr .. and .Mrs. Bruns a~d Notice of SeUlem lit or Account. note 0 even date therewith in the Wayne market first. Not Refinance!Your Present Loan at the New LowAnoka, were :'matried April 22, :El~a, MelVIn and WIlbur were 1Il In the County ,'ourt uf Wayne Isum 0 $20,000.00 due October 1, WAYNE SALES Rate? i ......i920. Wisner .at t~e John Frahm home County. Nebra,'jk~ll 1935, ilnd for the appointment of r L,

Mrs. Clyde Pippitt received 'Sunday evenIng of last week. The Slate oI NelH·Llska, Wayne a receiver to take charge of and FOR FAJRTIIER INFORMATIO:'l SEE

medical care 'at Winside hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Perry Benshoof of County. SS. I "rh<ll1<l*e .md control .saId mOlt- L. C. Gil~er8leCve COMPANY, Inc. A T i CAV'ANAUGHCarroU;s now bank is near com~ ;Van Tassell. ·Wyo., spent fro~ 'fo all pf'rsonsJnter('likd 'In the gag-cd premIses dUling the pen- -All kinds f Insur4nee- w. D, NOAKES, Manager • "

pletion. , l ?hursd~Y to Saturday last week 111 estate of ,Iohn L, e"t~l~, deceased: dcncy of s.ud actam -Agent or the- WJ. yne, I D12tf Nebraska

L.C.~rsen~~gtfueW.W.~theH.. S.andF.I.Mm~ho~e. YOII;lrellC'rC'~~,m,lrlcdtll;lt.,on PlalnWfPraYsfuranacc0untlngl._~:a:_:~:':8~O~I~H~rl:fu:r:d~M:W~"~~.I~.~~~p;~;n;.~3;O~L;W~~w~u~n;.~.;N;~;.~~~~T~~~~.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~,M L M t S t t!w 14th dClY of pl'll. 19:1G, Clclr- of the amount dud It on saId mal t- Lin s IhstlGarwood property in Carroll. . day 1~~gh~O~~d ~~~~C1;el~st ~~~~~ enl'e A. Beaton, ad~~l)'lltor.flied gage IndClJt~dneS$, 111 the.. of

· From Wayne Herald. for Apnl with Miss Marian Frahm. Miss Lo- IllS final account I~nd petitIOn (01'1 $20,5~5.50 WIth irtterest as In said27,. 1~99: M~·s: J. M. Pile went t,o zein Baird was also a Sunday SUIJ- distribution of th1 residue o( said petition set forth; that the!s to VISlt. ... G. W. C.Uller ~s per guest there. estate, a dctcrmjration of the, may be dccrecd tp be a first mort­bUlldmg an additIOn to IllS re51-, Mr, and Mrs. Harry Wert and <Ioct for (l eli clwrge. Hearing, ga,g.e lien on. sai~ mortgaged pre-dence... La\~rence . Brown ~ Joao, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Morse WIll be had on s lid and' mlse$; that in df-fault of pay-Brenna, wh~ 15 plantmg corn, lS and family and Miss Alta Nelson petItion at the Co nty Hoom ment by the de~cnd:ll1ts of theone. ot .the ft.rst to sta~t. .' . R. R. were Thursday evening guests in in Wayne, Nebr~lsk<l. nn the 1st amount decreed ta be due theSnuth lS havmg ~he ,":mslde pow~ the George Wert home. day of May, 193f)' at 10 o'clock a. plamtiff, saId modgaged premiseser house ~oved to his farm and Mr. and Mrs. Louis Schulte and m. when 'lit pel"So*s. interC'sted may be, decreed to be~sold aceol1.ding toconverted mto a ba~n... A dlS~ Mr. and Mrs. Victor Kniesche and appear to show I, cause \vhy the law to satisfy th sum found due,patch from Washm~ton states son were Sunday dinner guests last prayer of the pd'tltiol1l'l" JJe nut With interest and; costs of suit, andth'lt Judge w,. F. Norns of ,Wa~_n.e week in the Emil Vahlkamp nome, granted, i that the ddcndarll'i and all person5n:ay be apPolOted to Colton s PlJSl~ They spent the evening in the Carl Dated this 1uh duy of April, c1:J,iming by, thtugh ,or underhon as revenue collector... Nort~- Thies home. 1936. them, b~ exc1ud d from and fore-,easrt Nebraska bankers met In Mr. and Mrs. George Bruns went (SEAL) J_1 M. ClIEHRV, closed of any a ld all interest,Wayne. Mayor Ley weleome,d them. to Pilger F~iday evening to at- a16t3 1 County Judge. It"!~O'I','t,s,~ toirtllc'...."nndup qnu~:y'.domf ore,dtge,~gPed'A. L. Tucker and H. F. Wlison of tend a dance at the Erwin Strudt- ,... .,'"" '""Wayne, J. D. ~askel~ arid L, Kim- hoff home. 'L'he dance was given --;r~'d;~~ premJses. Plaintiff suggests Johnball oJ .Wakef\~ld, add C, H. Ran- by Mr, and' Mrs. Louis Woehlel· Notice js hereb.Y glven th<it bids L. B::lrber as being competent til

, da~1 of,Randolrh, todk part on the who were re~ently married. will be reccived !ilt the county act as receiver for said premises."program. Cl<;irence Gtanquist, Fred GHder- clerk's office at !WHiYlll' County, and the H<ll'tford Accident and In-

Fl'Om Ponca Journal for April sleeve and Lbona and Opal Gran- Nebraska, fo)' tllcl futnis)ling of ;:ill dernnity Company. <.IS surety, for28, 1881: ParUes who were on the quist were a:rtcl'noon guests. Mrs. ,mel labOl" for the plaintiff and for the receiver.river bluff could see with field Henry Loebsack--and Shirley and eompktioll (If You arc required to- answer saidglasses a small s.ail bpat on the Da- Noreen and r0iss Shirley Bell Witte 1)(" onll'l"t'd petition and :lpplication for receiv-kota bottom gomg from house to of Winside, were supper guests. CUmD1IS;jlOnor.s er on or before the 18th daY ofhouse taking off tile in~a.bitants. Mr. and Mrs. Herman VonSeg- MaY,,1936.· .. Fearful floods are bell1g ex- gern of Wisner, were Sunday din- UNITED STATES NATIONALperienced aU over the Iwestern ner guests last week in the George COMPANY, PLAINTIFF,states, especia[ly along the Missouri Bruns home In the afternoon M1' By MORSMi\N & MAXWELLin Dakota tetritory...!Driven by and Mrs, V~nSeggern and Mr. and <lnd FRED S. BERny,a wind from the northwest, a Mrs. Bruns visited in the Ben Von- Its Attorneys.prairie fir:e l11ade rapid march on Seggern home at Winside. U()(m-! (If a9t1this town and people turned out Mr. and Mrs. Carl Thies and ka. ----~----_.~

in a despera~e fight to subdue the family, Mr. !Bnd Mrs, Byron Ruth Bids to ..IJ.(, Notice of SeiUement of Account.blaze... A ferry: boat brought and Mr. and'Mrs. Fred Bilson and clerk of Sdlrl In the County Court of Waynef~eig~t and mail ffom S~oux C?ity, Ruth were Sunday afternoon braska, on 01' County, Nebraska.the first th~ town has ;ha~ 1Il a guests last week in the Alvin Vogel noo~ of the Tile State oI Nebrasb, Wuyne~eek... Not a hQuse remams on home. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Vahl- 1936. S5.

Gr~en isl~nd, ~nlY flood wood, ~arnp and children were there in SCl,id bids foj' To persons interested in the

~~~sl~o~~eIc.!i~e~le~~;~liSh~d"n;: the evening. ~~fe·~::~n:l()~nc ~:,~~.~~~f:OI Edith May Stringer, de-

tween YankJton ar1:d the Nebraska J. O. B. Cfuh Meets. lOth uJ' Ma', ID;:l(-i. by, You arc herC'by notified that onslde of ~he rive~" fYankton is eomi ,T. 0, B. club meets this Thul"s- C~unty of '<1)(,' county Il1I the Ithe 20th iday of .f\pril, 1936, Het~rypletely Isolated by flood water. d~y afternoon with Mrs. Everett pI escn~:,. tl:c r}O,~~d (~r CO~Il1~y E. Ley, admjnistJ:at~l',filed his. fll:-

Lmdsuy. Comml~slOlle.r::; ~ saId cuunt,Jf', at al account and retltlOl1 for dis tn-, Dale ,,~sBuys _ the offl('e 01 th county clerk of bution of the res due of said estate,Dale Han,ks qf r'Wausa, formerly B. C. Club starts. said county. a determination of the heirs and

at Wayne, t!radqd a car for an air~ B. C\ club will have first meet- No bids will be;considel'ed unless for a discharge. Hearing will beplane last weelt.! Dale went to lug of this year this Friday at the a.cCompanied by cash or a certi-l had on said1acco mt and petitJ,'on atBroken Bow for the ship and in- Alonzo Soden home. fled check for $ 50.00, payable to the County CouJ1 Room in Wayne.struments. He w~.1install a motor. Bertha Berres, 'ounty Clerk of ~ebraska on th~ 8th day of MayThe new plane] i for one person Notice of !;ettlement of Account. said co~nty, to b forfeited to said 1936, at io o'clo~k a. m. when aliand can carry 3 0 pounds. It can In the County Court of Wayne count~ In case th bt~det' I:cfuse to pel'son$ interC'stlild may appear toa,ttain 200 :milE.jS ian, hour add an County, Neb aska. ent~r mto c,ontra, t vnth sa~u coun- $how qause whi the prayer of thealtitUde of 17,00 'feet. The State of Nebraska, Wayne ty, lf same IS aw' rdcd to hIm. . petitiOl\!el' be no'i,granted.

:, Co~~t~il s~~ ons interested in th~ sio~~~s ~e~:~~e~~eC~I~~~YtoC~~:;;I~~ 19~~ted this 2Jth day of April,

Exchanges estate of Ch des F. Schroeder, de- eo~struct any otlWl' concrete (SEAL) J. M, CHERRY,Robert ~nes, {J5, died at Bloom~ ceased: bndges, a~-chesl, j. sl,ab:;, other! than a23t3 I County Judge.

field Tues ay Ipst week. You arc ~ ereby notified that on steel, WhICh b'e' I' on other r lam; ---1+' _Ponca usin~s~ men have set 'the 11th day of' April, 1936, ~lJgust and speei~ieation furnished i::Jy the Notico, 0,£ settl~ment of Account.

June 26 afd 27 ~or celebration of Kruse, exe~ tor, filed his final ac- State Engmeel' ahd adopted !::1y the In tl~el Count.$' Court of Waynethe town's 80th, ~nniversary. Icount and p titlan for distribution county board. ,County, Nebraska,

Dixon coun~r: Farm Bureau of the resid e of said estate, a de~ The board of ounty Commis- The State uI Nebraska 'Wayneelected temporlti officers as fol- Itermination f the heirs and for a sioners reserves he right to reject County ss. 'lows: Emi~ Sch~ te, president; Er~. ,ng will be had on any and all bids . To ,Iil persons Ilnterested in thene,Vt:, e,pres,identj ElliS, said accoutll," and petition fit. the Dl3.ted at wa~, <" INebl'a,,',k~,' thiS estate of Mary r,hampson, dc-Afidrews;~ecre y...treasur¢r; Mrs. County CouI1t Itoom in Wayne, Ne- 21st day of Apnl 19f6." ceased~ ,John Mc!Kinl . women's work bra~ka, on' the 1st day of May, (Seal) Bert fl eneSl, daunty You arc hereby notifred that onrI!pres:n:rtive;: ussell'IWenstrand, 1936, at .10 1 o'clock a. m. when all Cle k 0 WaYlle ~oun-I the 17 h aay of Aptil, 1936, NinaexecutIVe boar ~rlmber; and Ml·S. persons mterested may appear to - ty, , ,ebraska. Thom 5011, administr<;ttrix, filedH. ~, W~re, p i~,!sldent of women's shdw, cause why the prayer of the .a rt4 I her fi~al account and ~etitiOn for

• prOJect clubs. i' t pet~tioner b~ not granted,. L. I distrib~tiQn of the res· due of said. Ij)ated thiS 11th day of AprIl, ,tlce.' cstate,'u qeterminaUon of the heirsB •NNA I 19~6. c.. ILLI ~IRST and fOr a dischal·ge. nearing wql

. (8,;al) J. M, CHERRY, AND REAL N OWN, be had',on;said account and petitioh(By Slaff lorrespondent) a16t3 County Judge. WIFE OF P E., eKII,.- at the' C.punty Court :' Room Hi

.Mr. a1d M .Wm. W*de and • LIP: I wayn} ~eb..skn. on lhe 8th da~Violet s~nt l~wedne~daY wit No To CreditorS, You are here noLIfie ~hat on ot Ma , ~936, at 10 o'plock a, rry.telativeSdat R 1. ~ jI'he Stat at Nebraska, Wayne the '6th day of ' bruary, 9~6! the when I1 persons mterested may

I Mr. a d Mr , Fred B ns County, 55. United States at~.nal trinany, appea tg show caus~ why UJeSunday aftern~60nguests last In the M tter of the Estate of a corporation 0 aha, ehr~ska, prayer ofl the petltlon41 be I not

I. in the Georg BruDs h me. H~rY W. B nham, Deceased. as plainbff, ftle i s pcb ibn 1and .gl anler,( M't. and M . ~arry Gra ditors of said estate arblhere- commenced an ctl n in tile IDjs~ Dat Jh1S 17th day I of Aprii,~gent s,Bnday ven.!!'g oflfust b nQtitied,!~hat I will sit at the trict Col1rt of 1 ~ e Call 'Y.INe- 1936. loUj the nels G nqths.t holiie~ C unty Court Room in Wa~e, in y U, I leaded (Seal) J.IM HERRY,

1 Miss Edna ~nd MISS rhez BIlie

1sa d CountyJ on the 1st day O~MaY, with Marti I get, e al,l and a23t3 I I Co nty Judge

spent sundia~afternoonl~ot ~as 1~36 and on! the 1st day of Agust, subsequentl il~ saId tl(;~n ItSweek with Mi s Mable G mblel ~ 1936 at 10 b'clock a. m. eae day application in tne t of Publio otic.I I~· and • Charles Goebber ireceive ~nd e'.Camine all ~lahns a receiver, t d ay of The IMGlyor and . of thf

~spenl S~daY venlnb

g of ~stwee a afnst Saif:lall' with a yJew tp S8i~· petillo City o~ Wayne i niy oil~ 'l~l'tIiec l'ji. '8 ll~!! UV~r hllmli. ~ ett Raj... ent, ~nil allowanel>; to foreclose 'waY~n In' a5k~ ,",~.~r~C" . ~;~~.~!Mb~! ~~~! ' e:ttme:ljfl:lt~ fo~ th~, pre,~n\~;, ,bY,,',r,es, "I,Uti,on du)YJpass alld en' '[ounoay on ox: lW!lt'WeelC w t1 n ot clai agalnst said e~ te JS tercu n the minul/es 0 their pro-

Mr. Q three mon s frlnn. the 1st y of ceedin s on .

time mited ~i~~' ~~~~~

~~::d' ~~t~ !,




Joe Smolski

Phone 527

Nora. Echtenkamp

And Yo, are sUI'e toPle~se. lIer.

$2.50 to Si5

Permanent Wave

Permanents, that areGuaranteed, only


Solve the dirt Problem forthe Girl qradnate with a.

New Spring Suits, shirts

and hats are also here.

.')••••·••They're I.

: J1f ,~: !ere.:5 I :• The new white oxfords I: for men, Style and com- :: fort combine in these :• new s~oes. Men, {'orne I• in nO""f and get your ...

dress-~p shoes,






Looking NewDaintiest silks lind heav­iest suits respond to ourmodern "leaning meth­od. Let us heI!> you lookyour best,


sati.factill· GUliltaftteed, I

Ill' Mey B~ck

Have c~:mmitte:-;ee\ing.SO't':i;lll Cirq1e held fi committee

mceting :at tHe home !Pf Mrs. CoraBradd Sbtord'ny :enitg.

M1~·I~ldrsM~~t~~. M~thOdist Aid

II II I t I ·~N Di an IS a q.ew member of riCH RCH ESJ beck who IS at home ImprOVIng family went t O::l1dand Su d<lY.II' = the ad It conflrm~tlOn class. ., after an operatIon The Wayne Mr. Colson S lrthday of M nddY

W. He Id 5 Rev H, M, Hilpert took mem- folks returned Monday was honoredIay-e ra:3 bers the young people's con.. Mr and Mrs ErVin Hageman MISS LaVer e L;n:J and MIS".'11 :: firmat on class to Norfolk Sunday Immanuel I Reformed Church. had Sunday dlOner last week 10 Laura Asbens n who tea~!p. \~= attern on to have photographs (Rev ChJs RIedesel, pastor) the Henry Wittler home Afternoon Colendge, spe t the weck-e~d ill I

these columns from town Or = Sunday s~hool at 10 a m and luncheon guests of the Wltllers the R R Lal on home3: Preachmg serVice at 11 a m. and Harvey Re~bolds were Mr Mr. und M s Don Ml1kr ,mel= and Mrs Henry Fleer and Arthur BobblC' Wl'nt R,mdolph Slilid Iy1~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I~IIW"WIWIUfU"~lll"~"W"U"UI~~~~~~~~~~~I~.~fUIUIUI~IIU"~IWIWIW"U"UIUII~ln"W"~A~ ~Pmh~~h. andMerlln,a~~~yWlttlerof~vlsltlnthEd lli)b~l~ 11I11 III

(Rev. H. M Hilpert, Pastor) Wmslde, Jacob Relbold, Mr nnd Bobble rem,u d for the wetkAlbert J~ger, Mr. and Saturday school at 9 n m Mrs. F W F'rnnzen and Billy lind Mrs Gco Illmgcr who wu~

lfred Jank , M;r. and Mrs. Sunday, May 3, serVlCes In the Donald ~he ],lst fIve Icmnmcd for WIth hel d lUghlers MIS W I)-Willia Janke, erner and Ta- English language at 9:20; Sunday the evemng. .. Gdf6rd and r-.frs. Otto Balel', h,I';

WON BY SfNIORS'~itha Id Miss M~rtha :Krueger. school at 10:25; services in the Mr. ?nd l'1rs . H. W. Wmte'rstel,n returned to hfr home. ;:~t Inm;I]!.

I Guest at the Ffank Dangberg German langulilge at 10:40. nnd MllsS Ethel Cnrter of Oma~<l, The Ed. St ('Ie LlmJiy mo\ ed


home unday at c nfirmation din- Tuesday, ¥ay 5: Walther League Mis~ Dorothy Winterstei~ and MISS from the C. E. icholaisen property- ner W re: Rev. an Mrs. H. M. Hil- business and! social. R~s71la Andl':J~ of ~lOn, came in northwest ~rt of town to Mrs.

Seniors Take Fwst In pert and daught~, Janice, Carol, -- F~Iday and vlSlted until S:rnday Waiter Weber:s house on MamMr. a d Mrs. Adplph Janke, Mr. Mdhodist ChOJ'ch. Wltll Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Wmter- street. I

Intercl~ss: Contests and Mit,ls. John RoU, Ed. Janke and (Rev. A. E. Fowler, Postor) steirt. Ot~er Sun?<lY dinner gUC,sts Mr. and Md. Ferris Bennett nfThe Past Week. daughter, Martha. Mr. and Mrs. Sunday scbool at '10. of tl1e Wmter~telTIs v:ere Mr. and Pender ~'pent tlhC' week. end In lin'

WiUiaJt!1 Janke anld Albert Jaeger Morning Worship at 11. Next Mrs. T. C. Wrnterstem nnd Betty John G~hOln f' (Jme. Mr. and J\.1J.~.In nn intercla.:ls track meet held visited in the Frank Dangberg S~nday ~iIl be'Vet~rajDs day. Y,o.u of .Carroll, Mr.. nnd Mrs. Harold Herbert Gr~en of W'lkefieJd, \\"1'1l'

[It the Winside school the pu,st week home ~,UndaY evtng. w,n be mterested m the expen- Qumrl and (amlly, Mr. and Mes, "Iso Sund,y d; 'ne,' gue,"', "seniors won with 71 points. Juniors n ence of those who laid foundatIOns Bert Surber. I

~e~e7s~~~~~s ~~t~ frO~s~~:}~~n;~res ChUt*ch To bserve an~~~;~~ds~~~~~I~tO~~ church. At Ernest Grone's ----~----~---.-Events for the m~ct were as fol- Fiftieth Birthdau Choir practice Thursday, 7:30 p. In honor of Mrs. Ernest Grone's

lows' I -J- m. nod L. H. Meyers' birthdays of I10~-yard dash, Jcnsbn, first; Ma!9 marks the fiftieth anni- The Women's Fore!gn Mission- April 22 nod Gerald Grone's of

Pohlman, second; Porter" third; verser I of the organization of Im- ary society will meet Friday., May April 23, guesls were entertninedtime 11:2. 440-yard dash, Pohlman martu 11 Reformed. church and a 1. at the home of MI's. Henl y Ul- in the Grone home last Wednesday I~7-~nte~~~~~d~i~i~;0~G S~il~~~cls~l~g~ prograJ1l is being arranged for May rrch. ~~~n~7.~.T~:~ Ji~~:n~n~e;~m~;:run, Misfeldt) first; E. Weible, 10 in CEtlebration Of the day. Trinity l..uthernn (;hureh. Mr. Bnd Mrs. W. H. Meycr nnd fam-

second; Fillmo're, third; time, 2.28.8. Fl'l.~l,ds Do Plow:ng (Rev. W. F. Most, Pastor) ily, Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Meyer andMile run, Misfeldt, first; RUhlow"n &-,,,. Sunday services at 11 a. m. Eleanor Mae, \'Itlr. und Mrs. Martin

~~~~~~~ p~:~~e,h~:~1~s~im~i;~~~d~; l/lor Chris Weible at s~on~~yr:.ChOOl and Bible clnsses ~e&(~~~etr~~n\'f~j'l;n~~~~first; Davenport, second; Porter, ' Quilting Wednesdny, Thursday Meyer, Miss Berthn Grone :md Al-

Neig~bors and friends went to R d C d d"~~~~. ti~~~~;;'S~~~c~t~:.~:lSt~ii~~d; the CMis Weible' home Monday an~e;~~~~~'i~~~h~~~~l;~~~::('l;~~qg ~~s. ~~~n:'se::e~;:;~rc~. IwrSlOn.disbnce, 37' 8". Qiscus, M'l<ls, first; witl1 ~r~ctors to complete ~Iowing Saturday a~ 8 p. m. :It tile W,dterMann, second; p6rtcl", third; dis- for .Mr., Weible wh? sustalne~ a Fenske horrk.tHrICe 96'. Bro:.Jd jump, Purter, ba~ y, c:~us~ed t~e In l~ndaCCident Junior antI seniOl' choir rehearsalfirst· Jensen second' Davenport Whl~~~OWmg a out ays ago. Friday at 7:~9 and 8 m.thi:'d; disbn~e lij' 2.'" High jump: Mr. e!ble's foot is improving but Luther Leaguc ~nd devo-Dnvenport <md Misfeldt tied f91" he ~s~l~pable to be about without tional May 14 at 8 p. m. Mr. andfirst place'; Eckort, thml; ht,jg1it the 1a111 ~r crutches. Mrs. Dannld Podoll and Harvey af~~~~~nV:~thA~717a:X:~~~=5' 6". Javelin, .T~sen, first; Eck- '-- Podoll will Qomprise the commit- Johnson.ert, second; M::ws, thIrd; distance Honor Birthday tee. There will be a I3lble contest. Mrs'. Stella Chi-ehester visited her

127' 9", , !Of Fred Pfeiffer brother, Harry Und,ay, at W;tls;deSix members :of English class I IF 'd Y evening For the matJy ('vents duringhave finished th'~ir book reports S h t W n a. I· k· f I I

and [lrc beginnil~g work f(w the In. llorhor of the 77th birthday an- 011t WC~ ayne DOI1i.'<'Ild Mason was here from l:' osmg wop'S 0 SC 100. yOllfair. ,nivt1rS<l~yof Fred Pfeiffer his chil- (B St ft edt) Meadow Grove to spend the week-. will want to look your bp~t.

hIstory cl.lss, :Olne of drel1l ~nd th~lr famIlies went to hiS y <.l orrespon en . end rith Mrs. Mason. Lf't Irs Sf'rve You.In U S horrie SI/lnday evenmg to help hIm Mr. and Mrs. Walter Savidge I

the students are engdged, 111, m,lk- observe. the occaSIOn. The follow- The W~. Vnhl~{amps spent Sur:- spent Sun'day in Lincoln visiting Ijng a project fur th.. fair. fv. 0 POs- ing went guests: Mr"lnd Mrs. Gust day ~vemng last weck nt Alvm WaIter, jr., and friends.~:r~{w~~~e~~~r~tl:~~j w~;~, ~~~s~~ Kraemer and famiTY' f Altona, Mr. Vogel s. Mrs. DeUef Bahe spent last Wed- .

and 0~· William rueger and Miss Florence Suber spent Fri- nesdny with her sister, Mrs. Pctel-and the second uy NurmLi F.rese daugHter. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Pfeif- day night and S<lturd<:lY in the Nels Bahe, at Cedar Bluffs.<Jnd Esther Koch. fe-r, jr., I and sons, Mr. tmd Mrs. Granquist home. Miss Helen Ray was home from

English 9 members of the class MaJ!"tih Pfeiffer and family, Mr. The Hmold Quinns and H. W. Verdigre for the week-end. J. A.<lre req~jred tn write ~l 3,500 word and' Mrs~ Carl Pfeiffer and daugh- Winterstcins were Thursdny eve- R<lY went there for her.story. Frrst of t.h~ ston~s W,-lS com- ler" Mrsf Henry Bojens and He-r- ning callers at Bert Surber's. Mrs. E. C. Rhodes is nursing apleted .bY M~non'D<.lVls. .. man, and John Dji~mel. Afternoon MI'. and Mrs. Ernest Koch and case of pneumonia'at the Albert

English 11 ~lass has bce~ wntmg gu~s~ of the Pfelffers were M~s. d<Jughters were Sunday guests last Colson home near Laurel. .poems for th1 past week. file two Ehz~~eti)t Rehmus and two chll- week in the Carl Wltte home at Mrs. O. W. Bahn went to Lmcolnbest of these wilL iJe sent tu the dren land Henry Petersen, jr., of Pender 1ast week Wednesday on business. ~ Florence J{adley

coun,ty fair'. . Carroll. I Henr~ Glassmeyer of Hemi.[lg- She .returned to Wayne Sunday. I"_IIII~IIIIIIIIIIIII"IIIIIIIIIIII~Adv?nced a~sirless Anthmetic I~, ford, Neb., came Thursday eve- MISS Esther Mae Ingham w~o I~_. ~ ~__

class IS studymg domcsllc ex- A~nllalBti.,nqllet Is ning to the E. H. Glassmeycr homc teac~es at Crofton, spent the week- II!JE•••••• If*II••III1.II ••••••~change and forleign excl1an ge. t~t- 1 I1d F 'id N" ht to spend the summer. I end m the Dr. C. T. lngham home. :(tention is being given to find tost ef r ay 19, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Clover of \of bills of tore

f·n time drafts, 'ex-' ~ ,_ .Evelyn Heseman spent I~st week Pender, spent' Sunday with Mrs.

ports and itnPo t dte of gold. Ju ior+-senior annual spring WIth her aunt, Mrs. Curts1Fo~te;,. J. B. Kingston nnd Miss E:lsie King-, GraM ar Room. \ 'banjq et !was held at the Methodist The Adolph Hesem.ans 00 { e stan.

The art cbs mbdc borders and churc ~.rlors Friday evening. The there Sundny evemng la~llweek.. Mr. and Mrs. Don Mill.e-r willWall paper desi~ns last week. ban;q et roam was arranged ~s a Mr. ~nd Mrs. August eman move into an apartment III the

Fair Work i~ I.j>einlg completed and Japo es gardenr With Miss Ruth e~tertamed at Sunday laskwe~k Mrs. Blanche .Trumbnuer housemounted this~ w-eeli:. Schlin e and the jU'l':jtors in charge dmner for Mr. and Mrs. . .' this Friday.

The- Hobby 'Idub met Friday at ih d oratioIlis. the following Vahlkamp, Mr. and M~. ErwI~ Mr. and Mrs. Myron Colson andmorning. Tl1~oddre. Witt had pro~ mj',~as ~i~,en:.I·:~onbonwa," ~:~~=:p ~~.d Mr. and rs. Fre •••••••••••• IIi••••••••••charge. RoI~ caV was, answered"by GoldI~ llson, Prel:lldmg at Tea p, J iigiving the riam~ o~ different kinds TimeJ" onald B,air'd; "Japanese Mr. an~ Mrs. Harry Baker were Iiof wood. The Iwodd group had Sandtpan,," Hatold Hansen; "The- Sunday dmne-r nnd lunch~on,guests :¢harge fol1owljng the business Lante~n,'! Alvin' Schmode; "Our last week at Albert. Pnul,sen ,s near :meeting. The club qonducted a jury 3apanese[ Dalls,'~ Gilbert Eckert; Laurel. Thai evenmg Uk Harry •trial at the close of the meetmg "Japanese Love Song," Shrrlee Bakers, Emil Bakers aniit Herman •Donald Christensen was the plam- Mrsfe1dt;1 "The Fan," Flank Lee, Vahlkamp, Jr, VISIted pt John F =tIff and Altle $€lders was the de- "Sayqnorp," Morma~Frese; school Baker's. :tendant Lawye~s were Larry Dav- song, lall rThe menu arried out the Mrs Anna Sweigard and Fred •enport and !JqJm McIntyre The Japanese Ildea. Dmn r was served Brune were Suntlay last week dIn- :Judge wns T~epdore Wrtt and the to 62,.Lh1gth schoQl ~Udents and ncr guests In the 0 G Boock homeclerk wns J~n~Ol Trautwem The facultp' m~mbers. nt WmSlde They called at the Ray-Jury found he defendant gUIlty I __ mond Bates home That evenIngThe Judge pr nounced sentence. Wil~im Koe ke Is the Harry Jensens of WInsrde, call-

Fifth a d SiXUl Grades. • ed on the fIrst namcdMerllO Beps~oof brought some H~ From OSptta"l Mr. and Mrs LoUIS Schulte, Mrs

red tulIps tOJC1~OOI last Fllday. \ _ Otto Gerleman and Mrs MmmeLast FrIda a! radIO was blOUg'ht William I{oepke, s ,was brought Brune went to Dempster, S D,

to School a d chrldren listened home lastl ThutSd8Y from a Nor- Saturday to VlSlt Mrs Ben Fall-

Coq.cprd. dnd August Speck wlswere! Sunday dinner guests I inthe ~eorge Coulter home. 1

.. M:~. and, Mrs. Howard Kj11er

~' eEl Carlson w s in and daughter and Miss Gert ude

Wiie' Frl:day,' , Molt S d 't-:1: were' un ay suppet· g es s

s. i Erickson Waf in in ~h~ Re"f W. F. Most home. IWay' e Thursdar. __L ¥*s fVI~rgaret Leffler \Ven~ to

M s. J, E. WiJ;~qn was q Wayne- Ma~tson~F:riday evening to sgend. visit r ThursdaY. I . the ~vcek- nd with h('r pnr¢nts,

Mt. (1)ld Mrs. 'eb,as, wehdtjw, Mr. and s. Thomas Lerner.,I vi$itbrs'in Waybe Monda~" ~" Miss Helen Witt, MIss Gert~ude• ~. and Mrs.IEmmett ~ol ard Mo~t and ~iSS Alma Lautenba\.Jgh,

w~ n~iOl~3~itrn~~it~~t~unO~k ru~alint;~n::J~ ~i~~th~~e ~f:~~-! sp . t the pnst w~l\; at Sbvanhah, ·Mrs. C. ,J. Rosenbaum left IF'ri-M~~rs T T PryO- VI'Sl'tCd W1th day !ot,K¢hnord after visiting' her

....~ ... 1 t::: daughters.: Mrs. Rudy ThompsonIvor Morh3 Saturday after-

ImportationsAt a rec~nt agricultur­al meet held here inSioux City, many amaz­ing fnct:;;; and fi~ures

\vere pi'c~f:'nted regard­ing the importation offoodgtuff•.


lONG &HANSfNCOMMISSION ~O.Established 1892

Stomach Gas::v~ ;;-~~~~~l::r!u~eat IUllil "leep pod. Q'lltek, thOrl)'U&lfIMIUOU, yet enUrel7 PIIUIII and

tzj.II1#1,IIOO1Felber's PharmacY,-in Wakefieldby Long's Drug Store.

We con~ider this thefarmer'~ most vitalprohlem at present. Re­gardles£ of parLy affi­liations 'we .think theyshould ma!<c a unitedprotest.


__ ~_land climbed out to gerhmble for­

'ward into tile cockpIt. ~'

UG' HY IN THE WILD The slde of the cockpl had beenCA plo'Ced by ,e..,.1 hulle But wheu

Br ROBERT AMES BENNET :u:l~1at~:'::pt~ot~~l'~:: ~:p:~:;]~WNO Servlcel Copyrtgjbt by Robert Am"'. Rennet hIdden fnglU.. be h~dLmed with

1,!;;;;~;;~~======;;i;;;;=;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;=;;;;;;;;;;;;~Jlgreatcare to avoId . ge to theinstruments aod contto and the

CHAPTER II~-Contlnued With this assuranee, Garth crept motor. , •~_ out through the tunnel, shoving his After re-movlng the b~kerpoints

At that, an her pent-up emotion snowshoes ahend of him, Snow had from the magne-to. Gart* raD blCk.1burst out: "Oh, how you must de- continued to fall after the wind had to the tall oC the P130e.{ere camespise me I Get y~ tnto this fright· died down. That :meant easy track' the greatest of illS rlSks. he bridge

f:~da:s~~;;tl1:r1:oo~a~~~1A~~~~ i~g~u;:S ~eth~~a:~~r~;~i h~: ~:~ ~~~\~:d ~~t~~~~s~ec~~ ;a~~gasga;~beastly coward~he'll hunt you out to the stream channel. mnlned emoel1ded ill the mud under••• murder~yotJ like t,he poor po- During the nlght, the last dwin· the water, _ ~1lceman. And ail my fault I" dUng now had ch()ked thl" cbannel He let himself down 1;\1 ewnys. As

Garth shook his h,ead. "You tnl~e with nnchor Ice, bad f10qded ove-r hl'l moccasins toached he sJeod~rtoo much of the credit. Miss flu.· the snow, jand fr02en solid. (jartll trunks, he let go o.r the dder andmill. So far as regards Constable took ()f'( his snowShoes ~d crept leaped. Tbough the e ds- or theDillon.. the result woold have heen 3cross the glare Ice Wltllout leav~Dg poles sbot downwardslL, hIlt gwlft 1;­the- same if you had stayed at Fort any marts. dash carried biro: up ~t;lelr sharp

Sl~::~~ut you can't get away!" h~~ t~I:aI~tl~~rI~:k~lJ~el~lOt::~e~ Sl;?~et:'.e~~tn~~:~t~~o~~S~~~~~I~geGal'tWlJ smile hardened, "!\:either :~= ~;o~:\::~n~~; ~;~a~; ~:;~ ::w~~r~Yal~~~\~"io~~j~av~i~~~:

~: ~:g. ~oOrWme::t~.. to your nnkle. boa. He lert the meat atop the ed him In deep bo!:"; ~(]t be hadHe'dressed and crawled out lnto moraine, and started down the tun~ done tar too much Cfirl<lelng anll

the storm. When at last- be came dra ns fust as be could travel by rough-ground running tp luck bul-back In, be had brought nearly hnlf stnrtlght. ance or 5ure-footf'llness:of the caribou me:!t from tile lce Dawn wns graying ovel' the east Safe back on solid ground. he ~cnll'e and stacked It around the 19- mountain wall of the \-nIley when once stepped Into bislao. B9 had" also set up blocks of he nenred the lake. He crossed beaded straigohC awanow-erust to sl~npe a drift of new over the frozen ford and went: to shore into a lIense grsnow in a ce:taln waf' peer at the three-seatel' plane In There he circled to

He nnroned tbe thawed wolverine the growing twlllg'ht It stood much wards th~ glacler ngpelt and showed a big bank of cat· higher than he had lert It 'Well bnCk~:frOm the lake.gut. WIth Ills knife he started to A close vlew showed tlutt the en· .J!fldway 0 tbe stream channel heshape carIbou skins for parkas nnd glner Rnd his men bad managed to stopped here, throtl~h 8epar~te

trousers. LIlith's eyes brightened. raise the craft above water by erlb- vistas, he qOllld se-e both planes.'lheShe softened a length of catv;ut tn bing logs under tbe shattered pon- gray Jnwuj had brlghte-ned .enong-hthe me-Ited lamptae, and asked tor toona. The top loga of the crib- to make lflD vjsi-ble at II dIstance.a needle. brought the bOttom at the ftosts He snt do n on a lo~ to "':lIt, In

All the f'emalbder at tllat'day of level with the thickening skim lee. the Esld 0 suit, the cold wasdeath and storm both of them pUed Loo~ votes had been set t& brace negllglble.awl and buckskin ne£:dle SOli cat- the \vlngs agaInst the wind gusts. A look r:t the constable's pistolgut thread Neither wag an Eskimo Garth swung aboard. As he ex- ,showed It to b~ fully loaued. B'1seamstress. Bbt thefr stitches, pectM, nil the toad hfd been taken took oft' tl e belt and buckled It onthough coar!le, were strong. By away. So also had been the break- again up~n(ler the luose fuUness ofIII bttaJI they finished the first er points fr?m tlle magneto. Hurby his park Holstered between thecn~OU.Skln Slllt_wai~tl{lDg soC'k- no doubt had f1gnr~~._thftt the eanQe caribou s In and his rabbIt-fur un·JegdDgso- and p1k,."I'ka: wItb bood-front buUder might repaIr, the floa.ts with dersult, t1 e oll In tbe pistol m~eh.fioln.:ed with wlolverine tur. rawhide, and run away with the nnlsrn wo¥ld become I\"arm. Cold

three-seater. To baUl: the engineer, aU Is ap~to jam a gon.Atter anoUl(~1' meal at broiled In turn Garth helped himself to the of tn pistol

~1~atill?C~~~ :::~:[~:tt:n~aCtl~:'rbe~ breake; cam. hcA~~e; n nt~~~~ ~~r~o ~:<lf:Pt giv~quantity or caJtiboUI moss from be- He jumped back 00 the bank, and his face n occasional rub- to pre·t~veen the snowdrifts on the wind- mushed eastward along the sbore 'vent fros bite. Be 5--'1t restfully. re-

dr In the dIm grayness. At first, thlck- llL"'\:ed,. a patient as IU1 Eskimoswept tuo a. Ej;ts of alders and willows cut off' all 'hunte!' b sldoe n seal hole. q~ry

Wheo he returned, Llllth lay view of the lake. He did not tro~ 1 I ~ ~llY dawn brtghtened.asleep 00 one of the uncut skins. ble to Beek 8n opening DDtU be- hnd ~ 0:;' fast ee:an to mellow into gold.She bad sunt( down, completely covered a half mile. There be came t.. htlL'ed out. Gn.rdh covered her over, to Ii remembered stretch ot partll From across the laRe came i =block€'d the roM hole wll)l a chunk open bank. crGck Ofifie$-thr~ Sh~::ltq~h~tor soft snow, nnd spread Ills own 'l.'hough the gray 'dawn had grown suc('esslo Gjarth to dI!'kfn mat on the orher sIde of the a lIUle less faint, he peer~ fo. sev~ HurlJy bls men were huntinglamp" fro~ the ~Irt He lay dpwn I ernl moments without sltbtlng the moose. I- e surmised why. The en4

on It ami soUfrled out the lIght cabin plnne. It seemed as'lf Its pon- gtneer- 1l1nnned to co~r the shat·toons mucb have been Ilmwed tered etdS at the tbreelsellter

CHAPTER X through by the sbarp.edg~Sheet of, plaoe's oats with rawhlde.,i ,L Ice, so that the aircraft had foun~, The s n glat>e.d. ovel' the JaggedThe B4devlling. dered in deep water. . barner onntains IntiO the frost·

, ·LlL.nlT\,HhOOd"heI'!"'h.hse,.' ::Oes., "0" G,."",'lhp

• But then be made out vaguely ft! gr1PPed~neY. QuUe ,. whIle later,~..... <>. white shape Jlgalnst t;b4! wbLte of: Gartb one of bls four ene~ie9

seared, meat and fat He explained the snow~overed lce. A shorU dash, come au of the trees near the lal~ebJs pI~ns to her, Her hands clutched brought bIm close to the g,rounded shore, 0 the' far slde of the frozentogether untIl they whitened. lane. It Iny In shallow water, lJUl'"- glaCler~ream. The mnn carrted 11

"'U be carefnl7" ~ounded by (reezing slush. Th~ big f()ld hide on bIs, left shoulder."1fever_fear. I'll come back to look bUzzard had hit the lake hard He held hls fl~e ready fO.f a qUick

o;ut for you. ';the storm has b,lown enough to break up the sheet fee nnd shot, a as he ndvllneed, fie peel'Cdout. Clear skyl:fird about ten tielow crack It Into pleeeS" to"a small' tq llroun~t the brush m!aa trees.~ero. Keep treatIng your ankle and grind throu"'h me .sides of the pam A s t turned the man's sfepswork OD ,youn, sult." toons to n'P tow rdS the ford. Other shouts



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Socony-!vacuum'a Clearo&ol I'Process rid~ Mobiloil of the gum .and .;"rbon-for~inlrelements inoil. Mobiloi) user.. reIWrt 25% to50% greater oil 'mileage-cleanerengi"~8-rewerrepairs.GJ~ thes~ savings, Stop today

where you see tlte SIgn of the RedGarg~leoPithe Flying Red Horee. '

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2173 (oc 252.30 102!) fu, 538 ;W 4159,1:270 fUI" 35.0U


78 Bredemeyer's Store. March groc. Ifor ~oor ..78 D. J, Davis,, )febr., and Mar. $roc. for pOor . ~.

_78* TimlIn Grocery. Alpnl groc. '1'or PQlor . ..783 Hills Food Store, April gro . for POOl" ..784 Smith-Hovelson Lumber C ., coal' for poor .785 Carhart's Lumber Co., coal for plilor ...78p L. C. Mittels~adt, (;.oa1 f01" p Or .r ...

787 lo'red Pepperkorn, Apnl re t for 'poor .. ~..71.1B Wayne Creamery, Jun. and!Febr.lrni1k lor pOor789 Dr. J. G. Neely, prof. scrv~.cs for! poor ~ . .,' ...7DO Elmer J(,hnson, allowance or sUjjlport fm Apr. . '...7tH Lcunmd M. Plckenng. <Ill unee 'fol' support for ApI I!7n Mrs. Muude Smith. alluw nee fbr SLlPPOl t for API it7LJ3 Luthclun 11u:;pltal,'hosPlt,1 Cnl"e of p~r .. ,~ ... j ...•

, General :Road ,Fun ICUmml$SIOlWr Dlst. No. 1- ·rxlc\JQl)

77'2 Lonnie llenl'gc\l", eulvert '-"'lark ~ .7U I Ht'!"lYl.lll Assenheimc,'. l'Clidu·ing tract'~I1· ..'il15 J. J. Steele, Co. Trcas~, freight atlvanqcd796 J. J. Steele, Co. TreaS.-, e~prcss" advahced797 Mlller-Hasselbalch Co., le~irs . r···· f.... .....

798 Interstate 011 Co., 011 . ' ..J :.... '·1· . .. ~7!J~ Yrank Erxleben, oVCrS('Cl'jg !"Oad war ~ ClDd rcpulllllg

CommissIOner D1St. No.3-KochBOO Ollycr Reichert, r~<.llllngj tructor501 Da \. Id Kucll, oveI scclIlg r~ads .1802 Allen Koch, l"cNlt"lng traftor.... . ..803 J. J. Sicdc, Co. Treas., f1"lght advul1ccd80'1 Intcrstatc Mact1. & Supp Y Co., rcpatrs .8U5 rllterstatc MClch. & Supply Co., repuw; and ICpal1' wOlk80G Intel'state Mach. & Supply C:o., l"cpail's807 Inter-State Oil Company I oB ... ..... ... .... ..

Automobilc or Motor Vehicle Fund:Road Dragging PISt. No. 1-£1 xlcbcn

808 Dcn 1\1c)'er. !"Oad draggiJ!lg8u9 Adolpb H. Claussen. road drilggmg .810 E. W. Lehmkuhl, -roud drilggmg .811 Dun Leuck, road draggll1g812 B. R. Evans, road draggmg .., .813 Fritz Acvermann ... roud dragging814 W. F. Biermann, road dt'8ggll1& . .... .815 Ncbr. Culvert agd Pipe Co., grader blades. ..816 Lcslie Swinney"opclatin~mall1taincr and rCpall' work817 Cobbs Mfg. Co.,Ji1futo ccr~lficute holder~ for Co. Treas.

Road Dragging PISt. No 2-RethwlSch817 Cobbs M,fg. Co., auto ccr~iflcatCi holders for Co. Treas.

Road DragglOg I Distl'lct No. 3-Koeh817 Cubbs Mfg Co., auto certIficate holders for Co. Trcas ­818 M. C. Jordan, druggmg ~oads + ....8lD Art BroneYl1elw, draggmg road~ .

Road Dist. funds:, Ro"dl .... ,No, 54

8::l0 A. N. Granquist, rbad wljlrk. 'ROCld DISt. :No. 61

SUI Art Uroncyncke, road work.Road Dlst. No, 65

1321 H. R. Weich, lOad work . ~.

Thc follow 109 c1alms ~~~d ~V~~le~~he county dClk but Iwvcnot bcen passed on or allowed at thiS time:

i General Claims:Amount No. Amount Nu.







:) !J()3.HU3.!JO3.UO








!:I!J2 6841.48


RIL 30, 1936.r--

. Hi~p rt, election offici;ll ...., :• . Needl am, election oCficiul und delivcring b,J1l10ts

b oUs $3'} a~nd $3 20· . Schm de, elechon offlcwl and ret\.;I mn~ ballotso Q. Clerk $330 and $3 20 J· Neely, el ctlon off10lal .

Fleer, lettlOn offlclal 'Fl anc ,¢lcctlOn OffU:ldl I

Wa.ync 1st Ward· I RICS, ¢lcctlOn of.f1cwl und delivcI mg ballots

oIls $3.9p and $2,00. ...· . Jones~ clection officiald urber, 1:1~tion officlal .e ,Surbcl", cl ction ofIlcial .· . Vall), el etion official.u ld Plestonj, election offleldl <Inti ll:tulnlllg llllll,l"

a 0 Clel~ ~3 90 and $200I' J dcob~, 11CdlOI1 ofJ'Ii::l,ll

Cal pcJjJte , election offlt ul~l el T. 9av dge, elcctlOn oftiU<i1

I I Wayne 2nd Ward· . Hotnqr, rlect~on off~c~al .

opmamll, electIOn offIcwl .eo. A. Lnr:bcrson, c1ection OffiCldl <.Ind ddlVCrult::

aIll ts ~to p~lls $3.90 and $2.00 _ .· . Hunterper, election official .· It. Sprague, el~ction ~f~lciuI. . .· <t-. Dale, IcldetlOn Offlcwl . . .

.~. ~ic:;\~~~~1,1~~~c~J~~t~~iC~~~i~IU.~ .. :::: :. : .. ::: .." . WrigtJt,1 elcction offlcw.l und rctullling ballots

Ii'I o. Clerk $~,90 and $2.00 "'" "" ""

~. Waync 3rd Ward ~

'Ii ,Walldcc, election officwl ilnd dcli\el"lllg bullotst , oIls $3.~0 and $2.00. . .c. . Gild~q;lcevc, election officwl . .... . .L, . McClure, electIOn OffIcialW. . Heldepl'elch, cJcct\on offiewlA. ". Gildcrf.lecvc, electIOn offlcwl .Ej,l, er E. Gailey, election offIcial.R:. . Judson, election offlcwl .G. I

• Renakd, election offlcial . .~oh) C. Car~al t, electIOn offlcial and rctulnmg ballots

to Io. qerl~ $3.9~:~~r~~·~c~i~~ F·~~d~· 5.90

J. M'IChcrry, ICounty Judge orders thut Mothers' PensIOns be 1e­duced ali increased. for the month of April, 1936. ut the umounts atwhich thp foHowi~g Mothers' Pcnsion cluims arc allowed:762 ~O~hers' PTsions for April, 193G: '

r$. Lyle /{say, Wayne. .. 15.00Mrf· Viola I}cdlow, Wnyne. . .. ID.OOE~thcr J or~nsen, Hosldns . .... ., .. .. 10 00

~;.t ~1:~~ jM<~~l~I~~~;I:~ef~~: M~:~·~··L~~~;~'· L~~~~~;ck~;: QJ.OO

~~,!~d~~rdle·iMjtchcli~· Wa·~~~ ..... .... ..... ::. . .') . ::::.. ~.~ ~~Mr . Minnir Krause, 10r MIS. Femc PJppitt, lloslun::; 25.00Mr . Daisy IPlppltt, Carroll .... .. ,.... 20.()0Mr~. Dorotl/ y ~tone, W~yne .... 1000

mlidg-c Fund:768 Wheeler Lumber pridge & Supply Co., lumber769 F. H. Me~lman, bridge wOlk, churned $993.00,

amJ·ned an allowed at770 F, II. Me el~~m, bndge Walk771 J_! . Steele, Cp. Tre<.Js., freight advanced772 L}61iC HCIfcgar, rcp".lIring bridges .

UJilcmploymcnt Relief Fund:763 Lu cran jOSPit<1.1: hospital care of poor ...764 YtJ . C. Til. CS, room rent for poor [or Apfll .765 ~r·. Alice·'Cnmce, bal. due for care of poor fUI ApI Jt766 Cp yell Auto Co., repairs, all and alcmitc767 Jay Dl'nkc, timekeeper fOL' WPA .....

OJd AF.Q A.<;sist.a.nce Fund: DO for 25.00

773 ;-\i~!'~f?~tSto,~:"u"Pt'e' ~.'.'~d type~" ,tel renidl for G,,;~; i~; 2g;2~

774 ~:F~r;;.~ ..1v.I:~,~.1.1.t.' ..~~1.u.ry ::~ .. 13~~kl\.~C.].).~.~ .. at nc.1J~~.Offlee. 65.00 Com~~::o~:it~~~s~i~~~etl~~~~ben775 JIjrI~s. Dora VI¢tor, mJieuge as Co. NUlsc and salary us 423 for 24.49 424 for, 56.95 425

do. Nurse from AIYH 1 to April 11 ..... ,. . .. 32.40 CummisslOncr Dist. No: 2-Retl1wiseh

776 1~~rS:;~~i~ ~~~~~::::e :::e;:V~::~d fOllCl'cIOf~ 1.1U 731 fur 4°2ommi~,~n ~:~; ~~3;~Ko'hpfcwuy Sore, M<ll"eh tlOd April groc. for pOOl· . .... 4273 for G2:) 4214 fOl' 6.GOP erts Ca·h $tol'e, Feb. and 1\1<I.r. groc. for POOl' ; Whereupon Board adjoul ncd to Apnl 23, 19;Hl., ible's S are, March groe. for poor :.. DCI t1w Iklfes, ClerIc





[. 3.903.90

............ 3.903,903.903.90
















~:~II'hIPr'"""'OIUbE~y . prou<! 10 ~a ,'I'in fr';'" Nebraska,'I ' .IR ' • "ir.:n k' "ThiS pro~lem Jlj malnl,y in thel

,.'1 .. ,~: ': ~Cftl I hands of thF high school students', .. mlttlld':llere of this stal~. They are its tuture,. '.' The' followirtg ¥ th,~ prlzQ..wln- citizens and l~oW is the time to iQl.-1

.;- e BY in Utel co~est r~ntlY pr~ss op th'lr minds the serious-,."1 spQns by. ~e Wan's clUb ness of this fJital question. Perhaps." ," "W Nebraska th, elder pepple of this statc,think: 'erve ~t»q Day" pod thj1t ~e yqunger generation al'C'

wri .ll~ri~ P~k, a Junior too 'ratUe brainled' and, irresponsi-in lh~GYnehigh ~OOl: bl~ to ~e e:ptr~ted WIth such a

.'N ask~ contributed Arbor problem. T?~t .is where they aredD$ to the J,tolJ,"'days Of .our nation.. wro~. and'! If they only s~op toThis, i ea 9f a qHY ~or planting realize that I the boys and guIs oftrees spreaa. until half the elv- today, '110 ...atter what they'mayilized Iworld ObserveS the prac- :Ieem exten¥illY, they are still red-

, tice 8~d custolp. 'It is doubtful if blOoded, In~elligent Americans atthe ~ple 61 ~ebraska fully real.. heart! The Is~ner the people of. the' th~ mapitude of'this contri- Nebraska rt:;alize the vital import­

-bution, I ance of ArbQr day and its meaning"

~Th Legion' in Ne- the sOOner Nebraska -will become

br believes that' greater im- a bette,.- sta~c Jp which to live.portan e should be. at~ched to,the "Trees ~nr vitally important, notQbserv nee of ArbOr~daY in the only fqr ~autifying the countrystate Q its origln. It is elieved that but to ~he ~thod of making a liv­by awAkening a wid pUblic in.. iOg in Neb~aska. I believe I amstinct ~n this tree plaqting day, the sale in sayiJ/lg, we are chUdTen ofideal ~hich prompted 'its founding the soil. +h~re i:s no man, womanwill b more achieved, or child·in Iilebraska who does notand til dream of the.Pioneer, who get a living1 directly or indirectlydid so; uch to con\o1ert 'the bar.. from the pqople of farming com..reo p . 'ie into a m~re habitable mun~ties su~ as Wayne. For in­land \:. be more fuillY realized.- stance, sup~05e there were DO

··D~ing the recent:years of de- trees in Nebl;aska, what would thepressidn, trees by the tnillions have ground use t~ hold th~ moisturebeen tut in Nebraska to supply in the ground? Irrigate you say?

'juel. Ib. tile building of highways Fine! llut ""here would our watermany ~es have been removed: A supply come from'? There are nolarge number of these trees have large rivers or mountain reser­been taken from places where they voirs from which we can get water

. were c;loing so much ~s preventing for irrigation purposes. This rea-soil ~on. Resulting from this son alone would be or should bewas a: loss of five m1llion dollars enough, to star:t a trclt planting

I ~ .~e~ year of 1933 a~ne. ca~pai~n that :vo~ld startle the, "In, the early de\(elopmeu.t of nation, not menttorung the preven­

NebraSka pioneers fO\lnd trees on- tion of I soil erosion, etc. Then too,ly alo~ the stream ctjurses. There any nOll'mal person likes to live in

IIII pique began to plant trees for a a pleasant environment and whatfuture wood. supply, ~or shade and can be more so than spreading trees

! to be~tify their surroundings. We casting wcl~ome shades? Is it anyr-ecciv our present I sqpply ll'om wonder tho:t the immortal poemthe pi neers; we are I now reaping written by Joyce Kilmer incliaesthe fr ·t of their toil. To continue one to the point of planting a wholehand' this heritage dOwn to iu- forest in themselves? People ofture generations and· to show our Nebraska, I have adequately ex w

. appreciation for the work of tfie plained why Arbor day shoU\ld bej PIOrter'rs. what is our duty? My observed in iNebraska. Let the mot.."I opfnio is, observe Arbor day! to of every person follow that of

,:';: " Carryon the work of our fore· the American Legion 'A tree fori,:l'~ lathe r and make our children every stump'."

f,1 ' p',. Count.y Board Proceedings.

: ' . Wayne Nebrasku,April 21, 1936.

Board met as per adjournment. Present Frank Erxlebcn, Com­missioner and Chairman, David Koch, CommisslQn, and 8ertha Berres,Clera' Absent; Henry R~thWisch, Commi5Sion~r.

lans and specifil:ations fOl' the year 1936 bddge and bl"idge workare h reby adopted and approved and the COU!l1ty clerk is ordered toadve~tise for a letting as of May 19,1936. .

On motion the follOWing eighty (80) na~es are SUbmitted, tobe etillied to the Clerk of Pistrict Court, from which to draw thejury or the May 1936 term of District Court in Iland for Wayne County,Nebr ska: '

I Winside iandt:r~e~:~~.t,Fred G. Miller, Frank Krause. Grovel' Francis,

, ~renna. td Lindsay, Geot'ge Wert, Adam Saul and GeOl'ge Von Se~gern.

I CbapiD I 'q. a. Boock, Jadab Walde, Ebner'Radlorq, Ben Lewis, and John

Gettm~an. 1 HOllkins '

has. Ohlund. Henry Langenberg, Ernest Pulli, Helman Welch,and . O. Behme,. I I

1 Hancock~len Hamm, Fl'Jd Fenske, HeIDY Asmus,1 John Weible, and Gus

Deck.I Deer Creek 'J?e~e Christensen, Rinehart Gehrke, Ted Wi/nterstein, Ray Rosacker,

Wm.ILIttleton. Beach Hurlbert. William Bonta, Otto Wagner.[ WUbur [~ohn Grier, Edward Fork, Henry Scluoe~er, and Roy Day." I ' ShermanDave Rees, William Wrobel, Walter Tiet!n. and Guy Root.I GariieW

tthur Glass, John L. Jones, Fred Bargg dt, and Axel Smith.Sirahan

rnfri.d Allvin, A. H. Brinkman, Herman Gathje, Wm. Eo Meier.M, " Kelly. '

John Beckman, Ezra Bec~~~~er, Edl Frevert, John Geewe,J. J.,Johnson.

, Plum CreekHanfe~~l Bailiff, Val D.ltnme, George l"ox, Dan Leuck, and R. H.

~. Russell Hal"'ri~on, Chest:;es~i:nsen, L. J, Bressler.

Logan. W. Fredrickson, John N. Johnson, anr' ~ohn Kay.

. I Wa.yne I

f;.E. Bradford, T. C. Bathl{c, Wm. P. Cal}ning, Burle Craig, Clar­:enc Conger, E: H. Dotson, Fred Ellis, Wald~f. ~~e~ber, Clifton C. FQJi,:,~t n GranqUIst, W. D. Hall, R. S. Jcffre;f. Sigurd Jensen, FlotyUKlr.rton, and C. E. Liveringhouse. ' I

he following claims arc on motion <jludited atld allowed and wJr,­rna ord:red drawn on the resp~ctive furids a~ h~reln shown, Y;8narltts'to b avaIlable and ready for delivery Oili Saturday~ May 2, 1936.

I General Fund:No. I Name What for Amouqt73~ J. J. Steele, salary as Co. Treas. f~H' A~r... :.. .. ... .... 166.61673~ Dorothy Steel~, salary as ass't to Co. TIlcas. for Apr. . . 83.3473 I Leona B~hdc, ~aJ.ary as Deputy Co. Tr~as. ~or Apr. . .. 104!73~ J. J. Steele, C6. Treas. express advancttd :6773~ Aletha Jp~lDson, salary as ass't to Co. 3Ud'~'.'''f~~.A~~·i·i 83.374~ Frank F. KOrf~, elk. Di5t. Ct., postage fdr A . 5. 074 Fr~nk F. K~r~ salary as elk. Dist. Cou~t tor April 166 674 I E'1e1yn..B. Lar cn, salary as Ass·t to C01Cler t for API'il 83'3;'

, 74 BE1l'~ha B:erre~, salary as Co. Clerk for pril , _ 166:6'74~1 I;z;~ra Laugh!" • salary as Deputy Co. lerk for April 83.~ I74&]. , Ppe~rl ;E. rcwel • postage for April I_~................... 6.5

. 74q earl E.1se.wre 1, salary as Co. Supt. for Apr~l __ 166 6i~

74 ' ~;~~~:;J~:'~~~~~~~,~~i: ~~I~~~.~~l~~.~t~.~~.~.~~:~~ 105~J:,74~ ZIOn Olliee rUPPly. supplies for Co. ~heril.~ 85e' Co. '1749 I~::~siJ:~::al:·prh;tm~···c~... ··SUP~li~~ "i~~' C~.' ·S~~~·II£ ~J~q'150 Gre~n M~sl,: Laboratories, supplies for lfo. Jahnor, ... 25'i'75~ ITl1e Au~usbn~Co, supphcs for Co. Clcllk. I.. . 4.?52 K-B Pr~ting Co., 1926 PrImary Electiop"Supphes . 324. ~..753 IOlivet F.I BroWn. Mgr., supplIes for Clk. Pist <tourt 750

:j: II ~~:~ar.t~~~;~:;t:~:~~I';;::f":~:::~~:.f.~es~~~ ..~5,~:~~; ;;:j~'1~~;.: ~:~~~io~tt:~~:'~~~~~;~i'~f'I~~f~~~i~:~~;:;1~~ 29.3'

, _ .:.for.~h 'fqrICo. elk, .31Ci elk. Di~t. c~. $1.04; for Co. 'i[1: s, ,plus [c/lecJ!~ prlllted ~8.l1 ...:". ""......................... 7 d~

,756 ,I Olli e expense and •jI Sa!!rVi e,..,1,:..,.,.",',1 , ;. :0, "

l'Y electt~n __.. 5. I

! ,':', ''~ "1: ' , '

·,1', r