Europeans Reach the Americas. Sailed West looking for route to Asia 1492 Landed in the Bahamas ...

Post on 21-Jan-2016

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Transcript of Europeans Reach the Americas. Sailed West looking for route to Asia 1492 Landed in the Bahamas ...

Europeans Reach the Americas

Sailed West looking for route to Asia 1492 Landed in the Bahamas Gave natives the name Indians (thought he

was in Asia)


Conflict- between Spain and Portugal (both

wanted to add lands to their growing empire) Pope Alexander VI (a Spaniard) issued the Line

of Demarcation. Imaginary line- dividing the Atlantic Ocean-

west of the line for Spain/ east for Portugal Portugal complained- Treaty of Tordesillas- was

signed this moved the line 800 miles kept a war from happening.

Impact of Columbus Voyage

Columbian Exchange

Vasco da Gama

Landed in India in 1498.

Important trade route from Europe to India and East Indies.

Vasco da Gama

Age of Exploration


Magellan- around the world

Amerigo Vespucci- new world named after.

De Balboa- crossed South America and saw the Pacific Ocean

Columbian Exchange Introduced new

diseases to Natives Natives began to use

horses and farm products like barley

A trade exchange developed, Known as the TRIANGULAR TRADE

System of trade between Europe, Africa, and

the Americas. Stage 1: Raw materials to Europe (tobacco,

rum, sugar) Stage 2: Manufactured goods to Africa (guns,

cloth, rum) Stage 3: Slaves to the Americas to make raw


Triangular Trade

Triangular Trade