Eduardo Quiroga Aguilera IBM Cloud

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Transcript of   Eduardo Quiroga Aguilera IBM Cloud

|||||Eduardo Quiroga Aguilera

BIO: Ingeniero Civil Informático, Mg. Educación Superior, Diplomado en(Seguridad Informática - Gestión de Unidades de Información - PedagogíaUniversitaria)

Eduardo Quiroga Aguilera

BIO: Ingeniero Civil Informático, Mg. Educación Superior, Diplomado en(Seguridad Informática - Gestión de Unidades de Información - PedagogíaUniversitaria)

IBM Cloud Essentials

Issued by: IBM

Issued on: 25 May 2019

This badge holder has a understanding of the essentials of IBM Cloud. Through anonline course they have learned about the IBM Cloud platform and gained hands-onexperience using the Cloud Foundry command-line interface and the IBM Eclipsetools for IBM Cloud. The badge earner has used these tools to deploy and modifybasic applications using a managed service in IBM Cloud.


Cloud Foundry, IBM Cloud


• Completion of the course "IBM Cloud Essentials" including passing in-courseassessments with a score of 80% or higher.

• Note: This badge was originally named Bluemix Essentials and has been renamed toreflect IBM's re-branding to IBM Cloud.

Principles of Reactive Architecture

Issued by: IBM

Issued on: 18 May 2019

The badge earner has demonstrated an understanding of why Reactive Architecture isimportant. They have shown knowledge of the Reactive Principles. They understandthe difference between Reactive Architecture and Reactive Programming. Finally, theyknow why the actor model is important to Reactive Systems.


Actor Model, Reactive, Reactive Architecture, Reactive Programming


• Successful completion of the "Introduction to Reactive Systems".

• Apply knowledge learned within the course to analyze a series of case studies.

• Pass several quizzes and the final exam to show knowledge of Reactive Architecture,and why it is important.

IBM Blockchain Essentials

Issued by: IBM

Issued on: 18 May 2019

This badge earner has developed an understanding of Blockchain principles andpractices and how they can be applied within a business environment. They have anunderstanding of Blockchain and distributed ledger systems, the important conceptsand key use cases of Blockchain and how assets can be transferred in a Blockchainnetwork.


Blockchain, DLT, Distributed Ledger Technology, Hyperledger, Ledger, Open Source


• Course: Successful completion of the Blockchain Essentials course

• Demonstration: Successful completion of the associated practical lab demonstratingthe ability to create a working chaincode and deploy it to a blockchain network

• Assessment : Completion of the end-of-course test and received a score of 80% orhigher

Data Science Foundations - Level 2 (V2)

Issued by: IBM

Issued on: 18 May 2019

This badge earner has a solid understanding of data science methodologies, andtools. The individual also has a hands-on appreciation of programming languages touse in data science tasks.


Data Science, Data Scientist Workbench, Dswb, Python, Scala, Statistics


• Successful completion of the course "Data Science 101".

• Successful completion of the course  "Data Science Methodology".

• Successful completion of the course "Data Science Hands-on with Open SourceTools".

Big Data Foundations - Level 2

Issued by: IBM

Issued on: 17 May 2019

This badge earner understands the big data ecosystem and hadoop commands andoperations to work with big data. The earner also has foundational knowledge aroundSpark and its operations including RDDs, DataFrames, and the various librariesassociated with the Spark Core (MLlib, Spark SQL, Spark Streaming, GraphX).


Big Data, Hadoop, Spark


• Satisfactory completion of the following courses:

• Big Data 101

• Hadoop 101

• Spark Fundamentals I

Spark - Level 1

Issued by: IBM

Issued on: 17 May 2019

This badge earner has a basic understanding of Spark. The earner can describe Spark,articulate its benefits, and describe how it is used. The individual can also useResilient Distributed Datasets (RDD) and DataFrames to perform in-memorycomputing and create applications on top of the Spark built-in libraries.


Big Data, Hadoop, Spark


• Satisfactory Course Completion:  Spark Fundamentals I

Hadoop Foundations - Level 1

Issued by: IBM

Issued on: 17 May 2019

This badge earner has a basic understanding of Hadoop. The earner can describewhat Big Data is and the need for Hadoop to be able to process that data in a timelymanner. The individual can describe the Hadoop architecture and how to work withthe Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS) using IBM BigInsights.


Big Data, Hadoop


• Satisfactory Course Completion: Hadoop 101

Enterprise Design Thinking Practitioner

Issued by: IBM

Issued on: 17 November 2018

The earner has acquired knowledge of applying Enterprise Design Thinking and itsvalue. As a Practitioner, the badge earner finds opportunities to try it out in theirevery day work.


Design, Empathy, Experience Design, Ideation, UX, User Experience, User Research,User-Centered Design, User-Centric


• Able to discuss and apply basic Enterprise Design Thinking concepts.

• Able to identify opportunities to apply Enterprise Design Thinking.

• EARN: Complete the online Enterprise Design Thinking Lessons, or IBM Approvedcourse equivalent. You may also earn this through intimate in-person training andassessment. Contact IBM to learn more at


Enterprise Design Thinking

Data Science Foundations - Level 1

Issued by: IBM

Issued on: 26 September 2018

This badge earner has an understanding of the possibilities and opportunities thatdata science, analytics and big data bring to new applications in any industry.


Data Science, Data Scientist Workbench, Dswb, Python, R, R Programming, Scala,Statistics


• Successful completion of the Cognitive Class course "Data Science 101".

IBM Garage Method for Cloud Advocate

Issued by: IBM

Issued on: 12 September 2018

The IBM Garage Method for Cloud Advocate has demonstrated the ability toimplement the IBM Garage Method for Cloud through hands-on experience using thetools that will allow them to implement the methodology with their team. The badgeearner understands how to track and manage a project using a ranked backlog and akanban board, use a toolchain and delivery pipeline to enable continuous integrationand delivery, manage their deployed application, and analyze the usage of theirapplication.


Agile, Continuous Delivery, Delivery Pipeline, DevOps, Garage Method For Cloud


• Complete the course: "Become a IBM Garage Method for Cloud advocate".

• Successfully complete the Course Exams.

• Note: This badge has been renamed twice to reflect IBM's re-branding to IBM GarageMethod for Cloud.  It was formerly known as IBM Cloud Garage Method Advocate andIBM Cloud Innovate method Advocate.  The content has remained the same.

IBM Garage Method for Cloud Explorer

Issued by: IBM

Issued on: 12 September 2018

The IBM Garage Method for Cloud Explorer has demonstrated an understanding ofthe IBM Garage Method for Cloud practices. The individual has learned the phases inthe method and the key practices in each phase, including the IBM Design Thinking,Agile, DevOps, and Analytics practices needed to help their team evolve their processand continuously delivery innovative solutions.


Agile, Design Thinking, DevOps, Garage Method For Cloud, Lean


• Complete the course: "Explore the IBM Garage Method for Cloud".

• Successfully complete the Course Exams.

• Note: This badge has been renamed twice to reflect IBM's rebranding to IBM GarageMethod for Cloud. It was formerly known as IBM Cloud Garage Method Explorer andIBM Cloud Innovate Method Explorer.  The content has remained the same.

Big Data Foundations - Level 1

Issued by: IBM

Issued on: 21 August 2018

This badge earner has a basic understanding of Big Data concepts and theirapplications to gain insight for providing better service to customers. The earnerunderstands that Big Data should be processed in a platform that can handle thevariety, velocity, and the volume of data by using components that require integrationand data governance.


Big Data, Hadoop


• Satisfactory course completion: Big Data 101