, Dr. Dimitra Iordanoglou, Panteion University Dr. Dimitra Iordanoglou diordan@otenet.gr Department...

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Transcript of , Dr. Dimitra Iordanoglou, Panteion University Dr. Dimitra Iordanoglou diordan@otenet.gr Department...

Dr. Dimitra Iordanoglou, , Panteion University

Dr. Dimitra Iordanogloudiordan@otenet.gr

Department of Communication, Media and Culture

Panteion University, Athens Greece

Dr. Dimitra Iordanoglou, , Panteion University


Dr. Dimitra Iordanoglou, , Panteion University

What is it?What is it?

To be positive and look at the brighter side of life

The way we perceive things and attribute our successes and failures to.

Dr. Dimitra Iordanoglou, , Panteion University

Optimism and leadershipOptimism and leadership

“Optimism is one of the key things people need from their leaders in order to achieve positive results. Every exemplary leader that I have met, has what seems to be an unwarranted degree of optimism – and that helps generate the energy and commitment necessary to achieve results.”

Warren Bennis

Dr. Dimitra Iordanoglou, , Panteion University

Optimism and leadershipOptimism and leadership

The most effective executives display moods and behaviors that match the situation at hand, with a healthy dose of optimism mixed in. They respect how other people are feeling— even if it is glum or defeated—but they also model what it looks like to move forward with hope and humor

Dr. Dimitra Iordanoglou, , Panteion University

Obstacles to Optimism - Negative thoughtsObstacles to Optimism - Negative thoughts

1. Black & white2. Labeling3. Focus on the negative4. Ruling out the positive5. Thought reading6. Prophecy7. The worst-case scenario8. Undervaluing one’s skills9. Emotional judgment10. It’s other people’s fault11. It’s only my fault12. Generalization13. Unrealistic expectations14. Discovery of the «real» self

Dr. Dimitra Iordanoglou, , Panteion University

Reframing or Cognitive Reframing or Cognitive reappraisalreappraisal

…is changing how we think about a situation in order to decrease its emotional impact (Gross, 2001)

Reframing increases left lateral prefrontal cortex (PFC) activation which decreases activation in brain regions involved in the processing of negative emotion like the amygdala and the insula as neuroscience findings have shown (in Prehn, 2012)

Dr. Dimitra Iordanoglou, , Panteion University

The ABC method of FramestormThe ABC method of Framestorm

Its aim is to pause and disturb a hard-wired connection in the brain by gently redirecting attention to completely new and different perspectives on the situation. It can also be a co-created method with a Framestorm facilitator.

3 steps:

A: Ask calibrating questions Which emotional effects does this create in me? What is my current framing Does it make me more resourceful? Is that helping me get closer to my goal? If I continue to give life to this framing, what reality will I create? Do I want this scenario to become my reality?

B: Begin the framestorm Visit different framestorm perspectives and answer them If you run out of energy in relation to a particular question, choose another one Keep momentum until you have at least 15-30 alternative reframings A framestorm process is not about criticizing and excluding options but about identifying options

C: Choose your reframings Read your alternative framings and taste their effects Choose one or two that make you more resourceful and try them out Notice the different effects that these reframings have for you and others

Dr. Dimitra Iordanoglou, , Panteion University

Framestorm perspectivesFramestorm perspectives

What does this situation looks like from someone else’s point of view?

How would a wise person (a role model for you) view this situation?

Looking back at the situation 10 or 20 years from now, what may be your constructive learning?

If your friend or your child were in a similar situation, what advice would you give?

If you were to reframe the situation in a humorous way, how might that sound?

Dr. Dimitra Iordanoglou, , Panteion University

Negative thoughtsNegative thoughts - Inner Inner DialogueDialogue

1st step: Recognize negative thoughts the moment they appear.

2nd step: Treat each negative thought rationally and spot its irrational points.

3rd step: If this is difficult imagine a STOP or something similar that can actually put an end to this thought. Negative escalates or becomes like a snowball

4th step: Try to replace it with a positive thought about your abilities.

Dr. Dimitra Iordanoglou, , Panteion University

Optimism under crisisOptimism under crisis

Stern (2009) offers some key points in developing a positive realistic belief in employees in times of crisis:

Talk tough. In times of recession the best overall tactic is to be honest and provide more information on the business environment, not less, so the employees do not fill the gaps with their own nightmare scenarios. Offering more details also provides some stability.

Be visible. Spend more time on the shop floor, not less, so people can approach you and not feel you are hiding in the executive bathroom hoping it will all go away.

Be (a bit) positive. Resist the temptation to put a positive spin on everything, but some genuinely good news is worthwhile including.

Dr. Dimitra Iordanoglou, , Panteion University

Developing optimismDeveloping optimism Avoid negative environments. If this is not realistic, make every effort to seek the

company of positive individuals in your organization. Sometimes this may mean fraternizing with peers in other departments. Stay away from the professional complainer.

Celebrate your strengths. The key to high achievement and happiness is to play out your strengths, not correct your weaknesses. Focus on what you do well. (If you are not sure what your signature strengths are, consider reading Now Discover Your Strengths which includes a web-based questionnaire that helps you discover your own top-five inborn talents.)

Take care of your spiritual and emotional well being by reading inspirational material on a daily basis. This may be different for each person. Some may be inspired by daily quotations, others by reading biographies of successful people in their field and yet others may derive inspiration from reading about all the innovations that we are graced with. A useful website for this is the World Future Society, which keeps up with new inventions.

Manage or ignore what you cannot change. When faced with setbacks, identify what you can change and proactively try to find ways to do something about it. We have often heard this advice – it bears repeating. Be inspired by Benjamin Franklin's words: "While we may not be able to control all that happens to us, we can control what happens inside us.“

Learn to reframe. This involved deliberately shifting perspective and looking for the hidden positive in a negative situation: the proverbial silver lining. Look for the gift in the adversity


Dr. Dimitra Iordanoglou, , Panteion University

Developing optimismDeveloping optimism Adapt your language and outlook. Consider how a simple shift in the language

you use can make a difference in your outlook: Do you frequently say: "yes, but...." in response to your constituents' suggestions? The "but" automatically negates anything you have said in the beginning part of the sentence. A simple shift to "yes, and..." might make a positive difference. Check the emails you have sent recently. Count the proportion of negative to positive words. It could be enlightening.

Focus outside yourself, on important people in your life, on pursuits and projects that fire you up. Bertrand Russell once said that the quickest way to make ourselves miserable is to continually focus on ourselves. It was his love of mathematics that kept him going.

Nurture a culture of optimism when you are in charge of other people at work. Expect people to succeed. Even when they occasionally fail to achieve what they set out to do, encourage them so that they can tackle the next challenge. A simple: "I know you'll do better the next time" can have very positive effects.

Cultivate spontaneity. Consider putting aside all your plans once in a while to take a walk with your kids, play a game or catch a show. Getting out of your comfort zone by being spontaneous helps to develop your optimistic muscle, as spontaneity essentially involves an expectation of having a pleasurable experience.

Consider the health benefits. If you need an extra motivation for practicing optimism, consider the statistics linking optimism to greater health. As Dr Seligman explains, there is evidence to believe that immune systems among optimistic people are stronger than among pessimists.

Dr. Dimitra Iordanoglou, , Panteion University

6A: 6A: Framestorm ExerciseFramestorm Exercise

OBJECTIVE: To help participants recognize and reframe their negative thoughts

ESTIMATED TIME: 25-30 minutes

MATERIALS: Paper and pencil


Step 1: Write down your most persistent negative thoughts1._________________________________________________2._________________________________________________3._________________________________________________4._________________________________________________5._________________________________________________

Dr. Dimitra Iordanoglou, , Panteion University

6A: 6A: Framestorm Exercise Framestorm Exercise

Step 2: Framestorm perspectives

Read the different framestorm perspectives below and answer them. If you run out of energy in relation to a particular question, choose another one. Keep momentum until you have at least 10-15 alternative reframings. A framestorm process is not about criticizing and excluding options but about identifying options.

What does this situation look like from someone else’s point of view? What does this situation look like from someone else’s point of view?

How would a wise person (a role model for you) view this situation?How would a wise person (a role model for you) view this situation?

Looking back at the situation 10 or 20 years from now, what may be your constructive Looking back at the situation 10 or 20 years from now, what may be your constructive learning?learning?

If your friend or your child were in a similar situation, what advice would you give?If your friend or your child were in a similar situation, what advice would you give?

If you were to reframe the situation in a humorous way, how might that sound?If you were to reframe the situation in a humorous way, how might that sound?

Dr. Dimitra Iordanoglou, , Panteion University

6B: Positive Psychology Exercise6B: Positive Psychology ExerciseOBJECTIVE: To help participants focus their attention on the positive aspects of life

ESTIMATED TIME: 15-20 min.

MATERIALS: Paper and pencil

DESCRIPTION: Write down 4 positive things that happened to you during the day

Write down 4 things you are grateful for in your life

Dr. Dimitra Iordanoglou, , Panteion University

6C: Relaxation and Imagery 6C: Relaxation and Imagery TechniqueTechnique OBJECTIVE: To teach participants a quick and easy way to relax under stress and prepare their brain to

reach a state of calmness and focus which leads to optimum performance

ESTIMATED TIME: 15-20 min.

MATERIALS: A quiet place and a relaxing piece of music


Deep breathing is the key to relaxation. Although there are many different versions of relaxation the basic rules are the same.

- Sit quietly and comfortably.- Close your eyes.- Take 3-5 deep breaths- Breathe in deeply and then let your breath out. Count your breaths, and say the number of the

breath as you let it out (this gives you something to do with your mind, helping you to avoid distraction).

- Start by relaxing the muscles of your feet and work up your body relaxing muscles.- Focus your attention on your breathing.

Dr. Dimitra Iordanoglou, , Panteion University