Define détente. QOD 5/28. Nixon’s Foreign & Domestic Policies.

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Transcript of Define détente. QOD 5/28. Nixon’s Foreign & Domestic Policies.

Define détente.

QOD 5/28

Nixon’s Foreign & Domestic Policies

Cold War is not “us v. them” Look at world politics in gray scale We can use China and Soviet Union as future

trade partners to increase our economy Germany and Japan are future economic


Redefining Foreign Policy

Nixon’s National Security Advisor Communist plot to take over world does not exist

Henry Kissinger

First U.S. president to visit China since revolution in 1949

Wanted to establish diplomatic relations with China

Economic gains- SHOW ME THE $! Vietnam War-also purpose for trip


Policy to ease Cold War tensions between U.S., Soviet Union & China

Examples: Joint space mission between countries Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty (SALT I) Helped America to make peace with North



Name of Nixon’s Domestic Policy Campaign to help “Middle America” Revenue sharing with states, give $ to

states for programs to help people Creation of new government agencies: OSHA

(work safety), EPA (environment), DEA (war on drugs), & Affirmative Action policies

Nixon’s New Federalism

Recession & Inflation = stagflation Caused by:

Vietnam War Foreign competition Formation of OPEC (Organization of Petroleum

Exporting Countries) = high gas prices

Bad Economy

Nixon won reelection in 1972 High approval ratings in `72 Won the entire South However, his second term would soon be emblazed withscandal
