Comprised of seven countries of East and Horn of Africa Region namely Djibouti, Eritrea, Ethiopia,...

Post on 03-Jan-2016

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Transcript of Comprised of seven countries of East and Horn of Africa Region namely Djibouti, Eritrea, Ethiopia,...








Comprised of seven countries of East and Horn of Africa Region namely Djibouti, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Kenya, Uganda, Somalia, Sudan

Headquarter in Djibouti created in 1986 to combat drought and

desertification Mandate expanded in 1996 to economic integration

and Peace an Security IGAD is one of the 8 RECS in the continent

Mission of IGAD is to assist Member States to achieve regional integration through closer collaboration in the areas of :

Economic Integration

Peace and Security

Agriculture, Food Security & Environment

Social Development

Established in 2000 Promote Social Policies ( Health-education-Social

protection,, migration… Address the need of mobile population ( Nomads, Refugees,

Migrants…etc Health: Provide basic health package for the cross border

and mobile populations mobile Education: Access to the basic needs particularly for the

remote people- Mobile schools Migration: addressing the issues if irregular migration in

the region and particularly the human trafficking

IGAD member countries share common concern about the movement of irregular migrant populations whether inspired by a search for economic opportunity or by other motivations

IGAD Social Protection & Promote the role of social protection as an instrument in reducing chronic poverty& Food insecurity in the region

IGAD region is one of the most environmental hostile part of the World

Important population of nomadic pastoralist dependant on long term food

Poverty and Food Security are both pervasive & Chronic Program funded by EU trough the 9EDF and its objective is to: Improve regional and national policies, to analyze policies and

programs, to manage chronic food insecurity and to assess the role of Social protection approaches in sustainably reducing food insecurity and poverty

The program has the following main activities:

1. Review of existing policies and programs Review of existing policies and programs

IGAD in collaboration with Member States have undertaken an inventory of existing Social Protection programs and Actors.

The process of mapping and review of social interventions are expected to:o Provide learning opportunityo Stimulate debate & contribute towards the coordination and harmonization of

efforts by all stakeholders implementing social protectiono Findings contribute to policy dialogue with government and key stakeholderso contribute to the national protection strategy

Support to countries in establishing a national and platform for sharing experience in the region

Most countries have established national Platform

Facilitate regional dialogue

Regional platform

Regional policy