Ch 29: The Sun by: Emily Hartley. Nuclear fusion The process by which nuclei of small atoms combine...

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Transcript of Ch 29: The Sun by: Emily Hartley. Nuclear fusion The process by which nuclei of small atoms combine...

Ch 29: The Sun by: Emily Hartley

Nuclear fusion

The process by which nuclei of small atoms combine to form a new, more massive nucleus; the process releases energy.

Sun Spots

The movement of gases within the suns convective zone and the movements caused by the suns rotation produced magnetic fields. The magnetic fields end up slowing in some parts due to the convection.

Solar Flares

Are sudden outward eruption of electricity charged particles, such as electrons and protons. The trigger for theses eruptions is unknown. However, scientists know solar flares releases


Great clouds of glowing gases that Form huge arches that reach high above the suns surface. Each solar province follows curved lines of magnetic force.

Suns 3 atmospheres

1. photosphere- the innermost layer of the solar atmosphere

2.chromosphere- the 2 most inner layer

3.other parts- the outer most layer of the suns atmosphere


Are an band of light that are usually seen seen close to earths magnetic poles because the electrically charged particles are guided towards earths magnetic poles by earths magnetosphere.


Was the person always connects e=mc2 to. But most people don’t know that this is a theory of relativity. E represents energy produced, m represents the mass or the amount of matter that is changed. And c represents the speed of light which is about 3000,000 km/s . Einstein equation is used now still today to calculate the amount of energy produced from matter.