> Attendance Policy and Procedures Faculty Meeting >, PSA Counselor > Copyright-2015 © Los Angeles...

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Transcript of > Attendance Policy and Procedures Faculty Meeting >, PSA Counselor > Copyright-2015 © Los Angeles...

<<SCHOOL NAME>>Attendance Policy and


Faculty Meeting<<PSA NAME>>, PSA Counselor


Copyright-2015 © Los Angeles Unified School District - All rights reserved

Why is Student Attendance Important?Why is Student Attendance Important?

• Allows teachers to do their job to the fullest!

• Better performing students!• Chronic absence in Kindergarten is associated with lower

academic performance in 1st grade among all children and, for poor children, predicts the lowest levels of educational achievement at the end of fifth grade.

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Students with Chronic Absences…Students with Chronic Absences…

• Are headed for potential delinquent activity, social isolation, or educational failure via suspension, expulsion, or dropping out.

• At risk for substance abuse and teen pregnancy

• Show low self-esteem and experience greater feelings of rejection or criticism from their parents

The National Center for School Engagement

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The LawThe Law• Ed Code 48200: Compulsory Education • All students between the ages of 6 and 18 must attend

school daily and on time.

• Ed Code 48260: Truancy• 1.Absent from school without valid excuse three full days

OR• 2. tardy or leaves early in excess of thirty minutes on

three occasions one school year OR• 3.Any combination thereof, is classified as truant

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Working with ParentsWorking with ParentsExplain to parents…

•Good attendance is a strong predictor for better academic performance!

•It’s the law! Habitual Truancy (more than 5 unexcused absences) may lead to fines and even jail time!

•Attendance incentives for their child: certificates, incentives, school events, field trips, etc.

•Preparation for high school, college, and work

•Household routines for the morning and bedtime do help.

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List of Excused AbsencesList of Excused AbsencesEd. Code 48205

•Illness or injury of student (not parent/ relative)•Illness or medical appointment of a child (only when the pupil is the custodial parent) •Funeral of Immediate Family Member (may include anyone residing with the student)

1 day: in-state

3 days: out-of-state and/or country•Jury Duty •Medical, dental, optometric, or chiropractic services•Quarantine •Prior Principal Approval

All students who are absent or tardy must submit a note (parent/guardian or medical) to the teacher or office in order to be cleared NO MORE THAN 10 DAYS FROM THE DAY OF RETURN TO SCHOOL. The note must include the student’s name, the date(s) of absence, and reason for absence.

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Your Role as an EducatorYour Role as an Educator• Must take attendance accurately everyday on MiSiS

and on paper roster (Letter from Mr. Cortines)• Please submit by <<DAY/TIME YOU WANT ROSTERS IN>>

and place paper roster in the attendance box in the front office.

• Work with PSA Counselor to resolve any missing attendance submittals.

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Attendance ProceduresAttendance Procedures• Clearing Absences:

All students who are absent must submit a note (parent/guardian or medical) to the attendance office in order to be cleared in MiSiS. The note must include the student’s name, date of birth, the date(s) of absence(s), and reason for absence.

• Attendance Intervention:Teachers should contact families of students with excessive absences initially and then refer to PSA Counselor if no improvement. Referrals can be done by [SHARE YOUR REFERRAL PROCESS HERE].

Copyright-2015 © Los Angeles Unified School District - All rights reservedCopyright-2015 © Los Angeles Unified School District - All rights reserved

Tardy ProceduresTardy Procedures• After <<TIME SCHOOL STARTS>> students need to be marked

tardy by their teacher. Please mark the time on MiSiS and on paper roster.

• After <<TIME WHEN GATES CLOSE>>, <<WHO WILL KEEP TRACK OF TARDIES>> will begin keeping a record of student tardies to be given to the attendance office to ensure students are marked tardy, rather than absent.

• Tardy Intervention:Families of students with excessive tardies should be contacted by the teacher initially and then referred to PSA Counselor. Referrals can be done by <<SHARE YOUR REFERRAL PROCESS HERE>>.

Copyright-2015 © Los Angeles Unified School District - All rights reserved

Absence/Tardy CodesAbsence/Tardy Codes• These codes apply to MiSiS and also your Paper Rosters:

___ :Excused Absence Verified by Medical Professional

___: Excused Absence Verified by School Nurse/Designee

___: Excused Absence Submitted by Parent (cannot be used excessively)

___: Justifiable Personal Reasons (needs Prior Principal Approval)


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How to take daily attendance…How to take daily attendance…• On Paper:

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How to take daily attendance…How to take daily attendance…

Copyright-2015 © Los Angeles Unified School District - All rights reserved

How to take daily How to take daily attendance…attendance…

• On MiSiS: http://achieve.lausd.net/cms/lib08/CA01000043/Centricity/domain/139/jobaids/Comprehensive_teacher_attendance.pdf (replace with current MiSiS job aide link)

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Updating Previous Attendance Updating Previous Attendance DaysDays

• For Missing Attendance Submissions


(replace with current MiSiS job aide link)

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•Teacher Attendance Policy

•Attendance Law

•Classroom attendance data

Copyright-2015 © Los Angeles Unified School District - All rights reserved

Quick Recap….Quick Recap….• What age range does the CA Attendance laws apply to?

A: 6-18 years of age.

What absence code is used for a Parent Note?A: ___

What absence code is used for a Doctor’s Note?A: ___

What absence code is used for an Unexcused absence?A: ___

After how many unexcused absences is a student labeled a “truant”?A: ___ unexcused absences

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Any Questions??Any Questions??

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