牛津版 九年级 (9A) Unit 4. Unit 4 TV programmes Reading 3 + vocabulary 广东 钟 聪.

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Transcript of 牛津版 九年级 (9A) Unit 4. Unit 4 TV programmes Reading 3 + vocabulary 广东 钟 聪.

牛津版九年级 (9A)

Unit 4

Unit 4 TV programmes

Reading 3

+ vocabulary

广东 钟 聪

Reading (3)

Review the reading part.

Do part D on P63.

Which programmes do the students l


Language points

1. weekly adj. 每周一次的 , 每周的 a weekly magazine 周刊 a weekly visit 每周一次的拜访 They are doing the weekly cleaning.


补充 : daily 每天的 monthly 每月的 quarterly 每季度的 yearly 每年的

2. Happen vi. 发生 , 主语常是物 ;

( 无被动语态 )

The story happened in Shanghai.

A fire happened in his factory last


What happened just now?

常用短语 :

(1) happen to sb/sth 某人 / 某物发生什么事 If anything happens to the machine, do

let me know.

(2) happen to do sth 碰巧做某事 I happened to be out when you called.

注意: take place 发生 ( 无偶然性 ) 无被动语态In 1919, the May 4th Movement took

place in China.

3. cover

v. 涉及 , 包括 Is that word covered in the dictionary?

v. 报道 , 采访 He is covering the 10th National Sport


v. 覆盖 She covered the sleeping boy with a co


v. 行过 , 走过 ( 路程 )

She covered 50kms that day.

n. 封面 , 覆盖物 The cover of the book is attractive.

短语: be covered with…

The ground is covered with white sn


The trees are covered with fruits in


The classroom is covered with dust

without cleaning for a week.

4. a number of = a lot of ( 大量的 , 修饰可数名词 )

A number of students are playing footba

ll on the playground.

I have a number of letters to write.

A large number of students are studying


the number of …… 的数字The number of the students of our clas

s is 40.

5. live adv./ adj. 现场的 , 实况转播的 The football match is covered live o

n TV.

There is going to be a live TV progr

am about teenage problems.

adj. 活着的 ( 一般不修饰人 )

Have you ever touched a live snake?

v. 居住 , 生活 , 生存 They will live for ever in my heart.

His parents lived a happy life.

We can’t live without water.

They live in Shanghai.

People in the south live on rice.

He lives by teaching.

alive adj. 活着的 表语形容词 , 作定语时常后置She kept the little dog alive by feeding

it warm milk.

He is the only man alive in the battle.

The fish was caught alive.

living adj. 活的 n. 生活Are there any living things on one of t

he stars?

make a living / earn one’s living 谋生lively adj. 活泼的,活跃的He had a strange way of making his cl

asses lively and interesting.

6. die v. 死亡 His grandpa died three years ago.

His grandpa has been dead for thre

e years.

The little dog is dying.

They are very sad because of the litt

le dog’s death.

7. attend v. 出席 , 参加 , 上学 , 到场 (join; join in; take part in)

Did you attend the meeting yesterda


She was so sick that she didn’t atten

d her classes.

8. be full of : be filled with

The film is full of horror and mysteries.

The bottle is filled with red ink.

9. If you enjoy solving mysteries, you’ll lo

ve the film.

finish, keep, practise, mind, can’t help,

feel like +doing sth.

10. These tigers are being killed for skin a

nd bones.

Tiger Watch won an ward for its amaz

ing photography.

11. a bit 稍微 , 少许 , 相当; 用来修饰动词、形容词、副词及其比较级 .

I’m afraid I’ll be a bit late tonight.

This pair of trousers is a bit longer for


1. 我妹妹很喜欢吃水果 , 比如苹果、西瓜。 My sister likes to eat fruit, such as apple

s and watermelons.

2. 第二十九届奥运会将于 2008 年在北京举行。

The 29th Olympic Games will be held in

Beijing in 2008.


3. 那个篮子里装满了各种鲜花。 The basketball is full of all kinds of


4. 我们都喜欢看冯小刚导演的影片。 We all like the movies directed by F

eng Xiaogang.

5. 自从 1978 年以来,我们的国家发生了巨大的变化。

Great changes have taken place in

our country since 1978.

6. 游客们陶醉于西湖的美景之中。 The visitors all lose themselves in t

he beautiful scenes of the West La


7. 他们每周用大约两小时打扫他们的教室。 They spend about two hours cleaning their

classroom and their bedrooms every week.

8. 昨天下午我做作业时 , 我爸爸在看一本英语杂志。

My father was reading an English magazin

e while I was doing my homework yesterda


9. 我们的教学楼座落在绿树丛中。 Our teaching buildings lie among

the green trees.

10. 南京到北京有 1000 多公里。 It is about 1000 kilometers from

Nanjing to Beijing.


Understand key vocabulary related to

TV programmes.

Use correct words to talk about differe

nt types of TV programmes.

Understand key vocabulary related to

TV programmes.

Use correct words to talk about differe

nt types of TV programmes.


New wordsNew words

1. cartoon 2. chat show

3. comedy 4. documentary

5. drama series 6. game show

Key sentences

1. What types of TV programmes do y

ou like?

2. There are always famous people on t

hese shows talking about their lives.

3. I don’t have time to sit in front of th

e TV every night.

How many types of TV programmes

do you know? What are they?

What types of TV do you

like, and why?

Where was Liu Xiang?

At Athens, 110-metre hurdle

comedygame showcartoondocumentarychat showdrama series



What types of TV programmes do y

ou like? And why?

Match the scenes with the correct

types of programmes they represe


Part A

TV series 电视系列片TV serial 电视连续剧soap opera 肥皂剧feature film 主题电影

Do you want to know some more


variety show 文艺晚会、综艺节目 comic sketch 小品 news 新闻feature programme 专题片quiz show 知识竞赛

Ss fill in the blanks with different

Types of TV programmes. Check and

read after it.

Part B

Pair work

A: What types of TV programme

do you like, B?

B: I like watching…because…

A: I like… because…



I like watching……,


Think and say

1. What types of books do you like?

2. Why do you like the book?

3. What is your favourite one?

4. How long do you spend reading books?

5. When do you often read books?

6. Can you tell us something about a book?


Do you still remember the words?

1. Growing pains is a wonderful _____.

2. Zhou Xingchi is a great _______actor.

3. Many children like to watch ___on TV.

4. Do you like the ______ hosted by

Cui Yongyuan?

5. I do want to take part in _______

because I can get presents from


6. If you want to learn a lot about

nature or history, you can choose

to watch ________.


I Recite Part B

II. Writing

write down one of your favo

urite TV programmes.

(Brief introduction and the re

ason why you like it.)