Самопрезентация на английском

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Transcript of Самопрезентация на английском


16 сентября в 20:00 (мск)

Самопрезентация на английском: учимся рассказывать о себе

План вебинара


1.  Говорить о себе: легко или трудно? 2.  Основные ситуации, в которых нужна самопрезентация 3.  Как произвести хорошее впечатление?

Онлайн-школа Skyeng – это:

•  Удобный формат занятий •  Преподаватель мечты •  Уникальная платформа для занятий

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Легко ли говорить о себе?



Почему сложно говорить о себе по-английски?

1.  Непонятно, с чего начать 2.  Непонятно, сколько информации давать 3.  А что если меня не поймут? 4.  А что если людям неинтересно? 5.  О себе и на родном языке говорить непросто


Первое впечатление

Даже если ваш английский не идеален, вы можете впечатлить собеседника


Контекст - наше всё

В большинстве ситуаций от вас ожидают определенного ответа


Solve the problem

В каких ситуациях мы говорим о себе?

1.  Собеседование 2.  Формальное общение на работе/учебе 3.  Неформальное общение на работе/учебе 4.  Знакомство с новыми друзьями/родственниками 5.  Социальные проекты


Job Interview

“Tell me about yourself” = Do you truly understand which experiences, skills and abilities are relevant for the position?


Job Interview “Don’ts”

Don’t •  Retell your CV •  Tell your whole life story •  Ask “Well, what do you want to know?”


Job Interview “Do’s”

Do •  Focus on what interests the interviewer •  Show the qualities they want •  Tell a success story (but be brief) http://theinterviewguys.com/tell-me-about-yourself-interview-question/


Job Interview - Useful Phrases

•  I graduated as… in… / I obtained my ... degree in .../ I have a solid ...educational background

•  I am a wide profile … professional •  I am customer oriented / I have good people skills / I am a people person •  I am results driven / a trouble shooter / persistent / resourceful •  I have a can-do attitude to work / I am 100 % involved while performing

work related duties •  I have a … year experience in the field •  My English is competent for this industry •  I’ve been speaking English for the last … years


Job Interview - Sample Answer

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=20LfN8ENbhM 2:00 - 2:29


Formal Presentation

“What can I tell them about myself?” = “What do people expect from me?”


Formal Presentation

•  What can stop the fear of making a fool of myself?

•  How to break the ice? •  What fits the occasion?


Formal Presentation - Useful Phrases

•  If I could have everyone’s attention / Let’s get started / Perhaps we should begin? (how to catch people’s attention)

•  Thanks for coming / Welcome to … / Good morning •  My name is...., I’m responsible for … / For those of you who don’t know

me, my name’s … / As you know, I’m in charge of … / I’m the new …. •  This morning I’d like to present… / Today i’d like to discuss… / What I

want to do is to show you… •  I’m looking forward to working with all of you.


Formal Presentation - 3 Steps

1.  Name and company 2.  Specialty / Value 3.  Even If https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_mc1ckQGHpk 4:53 - 5:16


Informal Presentation

“Tell us all about yourself” = “What do we have in common?”


Informal Presentation

•  Join in the conversation •  Include humour •  Be honest •  Invite responses


Break the Ice

•  How are you doing today? •  What nice (wet / awful / windy...) weather we are having! •  My mom said I shouldn’t talk to strangers but you don’t look scary:-) •  I really liked that thing you said about… •  That’s a nice watch (tie / shirt ...) you are wearing. •  Do you know anything about …? •  Can I help you with …? •  I’ve heard about / always wanted to visit your hometown. •  I need a girl’s/guy’s opinion on… What do you recommend? •  That’s a lovely name! Are you named after someone?


Good Discussion Topics

•  present/past activities - shared experience •  work •  holidays •  travel •  hobbies •  vacation plans •  sport http://www.phrasemix.com/collections


Body Language

•  Smile •  Firm handshake •  Good posture


Don’t Sound Categoric

•  All women are crazy about shopping. •  The music here is horrible! •  I find football so boring, I don’t see why

people like it. •  I would never have a tattoo done, it’s

distasteful. •  I am a vegetarian, and the very idea of using

by-products of murder seems horrible to me. •  Homeschooling is not what modern children



Ask Questions and Show Interest

Frank: So, how was your vacation? Brandy: Oh! This was the best vacation I’ve ever had in my life! Frank: Wow! Where did you go? Brandy: We went to the Bahamas. It’s such an amazing place. Frank: Really? Did you go with your parents? Brandy: Of course not! I went with my cousins. We had a blast! Frank: I can imagine that. Did you take any pictures? Brandy: Yes. I’ll be uploading them to Facebook today.


Sound Confident

•  Imitate good speakers •  Copy the intonation

Онлайн-школа английского


Онлайн-школа Skyeng – это:

•  Удобный формат занятий •  Преподаватель мечты •  Уникальная платформа для занятий


Самая крупная онлайн-школа английского в России и СНГ

•  530 преподавателей •  5100 учеников •  435 000 проведенных уроков

виртуальный класс, в котором проходят занятия


Занятия проходят в виртуальном классе

•  Интерактивные материалы и упражнения •  Мгновенная синхронизация с учителем •  Домашние задания с автопроверкой •  Встроенный словарь •  Мобильное приложение

Vimbox и мобильное приложение


Как выбрать курс?



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