藥物與慢性腎臟病 之相關性

Post on 13-Jan-2016

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藥物與慢性腎臟病 之相關性. 國立台灣大學醫學院附設醫院雲林分院 腎臟科主治醫師 李玟儀 醫師. 2007 年度台灣地區透析狀況. 腹膜透析 8.5 %. 盛行個案數 52,537 血液透析 48,072 腹膜透析 4,465. 盛行率 2,288 每百萬人口 發生率 416 每百萬人口. 血液透析 91.5 %. TSN Renal Registry 1990 ~ 2007. 透析治療現況. 腎臟相關疾病致死率,多年來一直在全國十大死因排行榜上 ( 第十名 ) 洗腎高居重大傷病花費的第一位 平均洗腎每人每年花費六十多萬 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of 藥物與慢性腎臟病 之相關性


腎臟科主治醫師李玟儀 醫師

盛行個案數 52,537

血液透析 48,072

腹膜透析 4,465

盛行率 2,288 每百萬人口

發生率 416 每百萬人口

TSN Renal Registry1990 ~ 2007

腹膜透析8.5 %

血液透析 91.5 %

2007 年度台灣地區透析狀況


腎臟相關疾病致死率,多年來一直在全國十大死因排行榜上 ( 第十名 )

洗腎高居重大傷病花費的第一位 平均洗腎每人每年花費六十多萬



原因 人口老化 濫服西藥(止痛劑,消炎藥) 濫服中藥(馬兜鈴酸) 透析照護品質良好(洗腎一年死亡率:台灣, 15 %;美加, 25 %;日本, 9 %)

非類固醇抗發炎藥物 Non-steroid anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID)




Maintain GFR,


Enhance NaCl and water excretion.

Influence regional blood flow (vasa recta)




Vasodilation (PGI2/E2,direct)

Vasoconstriction (PGE2,indirect)

Stimulates renin release

Compartmentalization of PG-- act as autocoids

Site Eicosanoid ActionArterioles PGI2, PGE2


Vasodilation (direct)

Vasoconstriction (indirect)

Glomeruli PGI2>PGE2


Maintain GFR


Tubules (most collecting duct)

PGE2, PGF2α Enhance NaCl and water excretion

Influence regional blood flow (vasa recta)Interstitial


JG apparatus PGE2, PGI2 Stimulates renin release

使用 NSAID 造成的腎臟問題1. Vasomotor acute renal failure 血管舒縮性急性

腎衰竭2. Nephrotic syndrome with tubulointerstitial

nephritis 腎病症候群與腎小管間質性腎炎3. Chronic renal failure 慢性腎衰竭4. Salt retention 鹽分滯留5. Hyponatremia 低血鈉症6. Hyperkalemia 高血鉀症

NSAID 引發之血管舒縮性急性腎衰竭臨床表現• Oligouria• Usually occurs with a few days of beginning

medicine• Hyperkalemia out of proportion to renal failure• Low FeNa, unlike other oligouric ARF.• Urinalysis is unremarkable.• Usually does not require dialysis• Usually reversible with discontinuation of NSAID.• Oxford textbook: acute tubular necrosis

NSAID 引發之血管舒縮性急性腎衰竭危險因子 urinary passage of metabolites of PG is elevated in these conditions

Decreased effective arterial blood flow

Normal or increased effective arterial blood flow

Congestive heart failure

Cirrhosis (esp. ascites/low UNa)

Nephrotic syndrome



Diuretic therapy

Postoperative patients with 3rd space fluid

Volume depletion/hypotension

Chronic renal failure



Contrast-induced nephropathy

Obstructive uropathy

Cyclosporine use

(in these conditions, the vasodilatory effect of PG is important for maintain GFR)

Isoforms of COX

• COX-1: constitutively expressed in most tiuuse, involved in normal homeostasis. Gastric cytoprotection.

• COX-2: inducible under stimuli (GF, cytokine) in inflammation.

• Specific COX-2 inhibitors can reduce GI complications.

• Current evidences revealed that, both in human and animal studies, COX-2 is constitutively existed and is important to maintain GFR in normal conditions.

• Mostly expressed in endothelial and smooth muscle cells of arteries, arterioles, veins, and visceral epithelial cells.

對腎臟而言 , 是否所有 NSAID 都一樣 ?

• Celecoxib reduce the urinary excretion of prostacyclin metabolite to a comparable degree as with indomethacin.

• In older patients with GFR 30-80, rofecoxib and indomethacin both reduced GFR to a similar extent.

• Celecoxib and rofecoxib has similar risk of renal toxicity, compaired with traditional NSAIDs in high risk persons. (FDA)

• Specific COX-2 inhibitor may not offer any distinct advantage over traditional NSAIDs with regard to renal toxicity.

NSAID 引發慢性腎衰竭Chronic renal failure• Anagesic nephropathy: aspirin+phenacetin+

caffeine• Long-term use NSAID alone can lead to CRF.• NSAID related CRF: tubulomedullary

dysfunction: impaired concentrating ability, acidification defect, salt-losing state.

• Slowly progressive, nonspecific symptoms.• Mixture of glomerular and tubular proteinuria.• Common sterile pyuria, occasionally hematuria.

NSAID 引發慢性腎衰竭Suggestion of chronic analgesic use

Suggestion by National Kidney Fundation (NKF):• Ingestion of aspirin and NSAID was not

encouraged. (increased risk when combine use)• Habitual consumption of analgesics is

discouraged. Monitoring is recommended if used.• Combination analgesics is recommended to be

available by prescription only with an explicit warning to physicians that habitual consumption of the combination products could lead to the insidious development of CRF.

NSAID 引發慢性腎衰竭Suggestion of chronic analgesic use

4. There should be an explicit warning to consumer regarding NSAID use.

5. There is negligible evidence of habitual use of acetaminophen alone leading to CRF, and no evidence of that occasional use of acetaminophen cause renal failure.

6. There is no risk of regular use of aspirin in the doses recommended for preventing CV event.


中藥的迷思 < 迷思一 > 中藥藥性溫和 , 又可以固本強身 ??

未經科學驗證的治療或強身固本之道 , 都不應採信

藥性溫和 = 可能沒效 ?? 有一些中藥應該是有效的 , 但在沒有科學驗證之前 , 我們沒有辦法知道

中藥的迷思 < 迷思二 > 天然 = 安全 ?? 其實天然物如曼陀羅花、夾竹桃等植物也可能含有毒性物質


中藥的迷思 < 迷思三 > 西藥的殘留物會破壞身體 ?? 無論中藥或西藥 , 都會經由身體代謝排泄 例外的是 , 一些重金屬會與身體成分緊密結

合 , 而無法很快排出 例如鉛會與骨骼組織結合 , 並會破壞神經細胞及紅血球 , 所以慢性鉛中毒會有許多後遺症

西藥對於各種有毒物質的管制甚嚴 , 上市前必須經過嚴密的化驗分析

歷史 1993 年, 比利時醫師 Vanherweghem 於

Lancet 期刊中發表 : 有多名年輕女性因為吃了某減肥診所開的減肥藥後發生急性腎衰竭的案例,開始引起大家重視。


廣防己中所含的「馬兜鈴酸」 就是造成腎衰竭的禍首。

中草藥腎病變 馬兜鈴酸已經被證實會造成間質性腎炎及腎衰竭。

在過去許多研究中,大家習慣將這些因為服用含中藥減肥藥而造成腎功能異常的病例稱作「中草藥腎病變」 。


臨床表徵 女性為多,腎衰竭的症狀並不明顯,半數以上病患血壓正常



臨床表徵 即使停用中草藥,腎功能損害仍持續進展 腎功能的惡化速度與用藥時間長短成正比,與停藥到發病診斷的時間間隔成反比。

病人從開始服用減肥藥到腎衰竭接受洗腎治療,平均時間約 5-20個月。

泌尿細胞上皮癌 馬兜鈴酸造成上皮細胞癌症特點是 : (1)主要發生於「上泌尿道」。 (2)潛伏期相當短。 (3)可能在沒有發生腎衰竭之前便罹患癌 症。 高達 46% 的人有上泌尿道變形細胞癌。 這些癌症患者平均服用減肥藥的時間是 15個月 馬兜鈴酸累積劑量與其是否會造成癌症有關。

哪些中藥含有馬兜鈴酸 ?

馬兜鈴酸是馬兜鈴屬 (Aristolochia)植物的主要成分,常見臺灣市售中藥材中含馬兜鈴酸成份的有「廣防己」、「關木通」、「馬兜鈴」、「天仙藤」、「青木香」、 「細辛」 、 「威靈仙」 。

行政院衛生署已於 92 年 11 月 4 日公告禁用這些藥材。

對腎臟有害的方劑 含木通 : 八正散、八味帶下方、甘露消毒丹、辛夷散、泌尿煎、消風散、疏鑿引、當歸四逆湯、過期飲、導赤散、龍膽瀉肝湯、變製心氣飲。

含防己 : 上中下通用痛風丸、小續命湯、防己黃耆湯、疏經活血湯。

含馬兜鈴 : 補肺阿膠散。 含細辛 : 獨活寄生湯、九味羌活湯、川芎茶調散、小青龍湯、辛夷散、金沸草散、苓甘薑味辛夏仁湯、麻黃附子細辛湯。

其他各國行動 1994 年,法國率先禁售含馬兜鈴酸的中藥,接下來英國、比利時、澳大利亞、奧地利、西班牙、美國、埃及等多國亦陸續對含有馬兜鈴酸的中草藥發出禁令。

2003 年底,台灣地區衛生署中醫委員會正式宣布禁用含馬兜鈴酸的馬兜鈴、關木通、天仙藤、青木香和廣防己等五種藥材及製劑,因此有 69 種中藥製品也必須在藥店禁售。

現今衛生署規定 禁止進口及銷售含馬兜鈴酸的藥材,包括馬兜鈴屬的關木通、青木香、馬兜鈴、尋骨風、廣防己,及細辛屬包括細辛全草(除根部外)等。

細辛藥材,只可用根部入藥,成人一日常用量不可超過 1錢或 3克。細辛藥材應以水煎煮後服用,時間不應少於 60 分鐘;不應磨粉內服。細辛的藥用品種必須為馬兜鈴科品種北細辛、漢城細辛及華細辛。


結論 根據以上國內外的研究報告,雖然中草藥用於治療疾病已有多年歷史,在很多疾病治療中亦有很好的效果,但一樣存在一定的毒副作用。


含碘顯影劑引發之急性腎衰竭Radiocontrast media-induced acute renal failure

定義 Acute decline in renal function following the

administration of intravenous contrast medium in the absence of other causes

An acute rise in serum creatinine from 24 to 48 hours after the contrast study

Absolute increase of Cr > 0.5 mg/dL or relative increase 25 to 50% from baseline

Serum creatinine generally peaks at 3 to 5 days and returns to baseline by 7 to 10 days

JASN 2000;11:177-82

發生率 Mild, transient decrease in GFR occur in

almost all patient Whether clinical significant ARF develops

depends on presence of risk factors The incidence depends upon its

definition and the characteristics of the study population

Incidence: 3% (low risk) – 100% (with for risk factors)

危險因子 for contrast nephropathyPreexisting renal impairment Diabetes mellitus Decrease in effective arterial volume • dehydration  

•  congestive heart failure•  nephrosis •  cirrhosis High doses of contrast Concurrent use of nephrotoxic drugs •  nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs •  angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors

臨床表現 Non-oliguria or oliguria? Low urine sodium concentration and FENa Urinalysis:

Renal tubular epithelial cell casts, course granular brown cast, amorphous urate crystal

Minimal proteinuria Persistent nephrogram (24-48 hours)


General consideration Identify high risk patients Absolute indication Correcting risk factors before contrast

administration Lowest dose of contrast media Monitor renal function


Fluid administration Nonionic and low-osmolality media Furosemide (?) Mannitol (?) Dopamine (?) Atrial natriuretic peptide (?) Calcium channel blocker Theophylline Hemodialysis N-acetylcysteine

Acetylcysteine 的角色 2000 年 7 月 Tepel 發表於 NEJM 之報導指出,口服投予 acetylcysteine ,不需要高深的技術卻似乎可有效的改善顯影劑引起之腎病變。

實驗中 83位接受電腦斷層檢查之慢性腎功能不良患者(平均血清 creatinine(Scr)濃度為 2.4 ± 1.3 mg/dl ),以非離子性、低滲透壓之 iopromide 為顯影劑(其引起急性腎衰竭之可能性較高滲透壓顯影劑來的低),患者隨機接受抗氧化劑acetylcysteine (顯影劑給予之前一天及當天口服600 mg 每天 2 次 ) 及 0.45%  食鹽水(顯影劑給予前後 12 小時以 1ml/kg/hr 速率靜脈注射)或接受安慰劑及生理食鹽水。結果 83 位中有十位(12%) 在顯影劑給予後 48  小時, Scr 濃度增加至少 0.5mg/dl ,其中 acetylcysteine  組:安慰劑組 =1/41 : 9/42 (2% : 21 %) 。

Gadolinium 與系統性腎臟纖維化病變 (Nephrogenic Systemic Fibrosis, NSF)

4 種顯影劑 衛生署指出,使用美格維斯造影注射液、得立顯注射劑、摩立顯及麥林可歐得麥造影劑時,醫師應審慎評估患者可能發生系統性腎臟纖維化病變的風險。

美國食品藥物管理局日前發布含有 gadolinium 成分顯影劑的藥品,應加註嚴重腎臟疾病患者、或肝臟移植前後曾有嚴重腎功能不全、或慢性肝病患者,使用含上述成分的磁振造影顯影劑時,可能會發生系統性腎臟纖維化病變。


Gadolinium (Gd)

A rare earth element from the lathanide series

Its seven unpaired electrons 擾亂 proton relaxation in water => ↓ T1 relaxation time,↑magnetic resonance signal intensity

Gd in its unbound state is highly toxic It is a potent inhibitor of calcium channels

and has considerable CV and neurologic toxicity

Nature Clinical Practice Nephrology 2007, Vol 3 (12), 654-668

Weiss A S et al. (2007) A case of nephrogenic fibrosing dermopathy/nephrogenic systemic fibrosisNat Clin Pract Nephrol 3: 111–115 doi:10.1038/ncpneph0373

Figure 1 Skin thickening, tightness and contractures are hallmarks of the clinical findings in nephrogenic fibrosing dermopathy


Progression: rapid in a subset of pts Increased risk of thrombosis: DVT, PE… Antiphospholipid and anticardiolipin Ab↑ Deficiencies of protein C, protein S and

antithrombin III; presence of factor V Leiden Liver disease or post liver transplantation Involve fascia, subcutaneous tissue, and lungs,

heart, kidneys, dura mater and testes…

治療 Often unsuccessful NSF can improve with recovery of renal function

(after successful kidney tx or resolution of AKI) UV A1, plasmapheresis: 各 1 人 Extracorporeal photopheresis: 3 人 Sodium thiosulfate: 1 人 (ESRD under HD) IVIG: 1 人 , PD, partial Physical therapy


Sequestration of Gd in interstitial or intracellular compartments would be erroneously interpreted as dialytic removal => 不準

Half-life of Gd during HD: 2.6± 0.4 hr Low-flux, 4hr, TIW => one HD session removed

65% of Gd

Okada: 72.8%, 95.6%, 98.7%, 99.5%

Recommendations for Use of Gd

FDA, Danish Medicine Agency (DMA), United Kingdom Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA), and American College of Radiology (ACR)

FDA: all Gd chelates are potentially linked to NSF DMA, MHRA: Gadodiamide: contraindicated in pts

with GFR < 30 mL/min/1.73 m2

Gadoversetamide, gadopentetate dimeglumine: 沒建議

Recommendations for Use of Gd

Standard Gd doses should not be exceeded Repeat doses should not be given in < 1


Recommendations for Use of Gd

Most controversial issue: post-Gd HD? The most recent FDA update: prompt post-

Gd dialysis only in pts who were already on HD (prompt ?)

ACR: HD within 2 hrs of Gd administration in pts already on HD (no evidence)

Broome: 3 pts developing NSF despite 3 consecutive daily HD!

Recommendations for Use of Gd

CKD stage 3 or 4 pts, NSF after Gd administration 的 risk↑

Exposure > 1 次 , liver graft recipients, MDRD overestimate true GFR…

GFR 越低 , risk 越高 , ESRD 2.5% 應盡量 postpone any Gd-enhanced imaging

procedures in AKI pts


治療原發性疾病 避免腎毒性藥物及中藥止痛藥 及早發現與治療高血壓 適當時機開始低蛋白質飲食 治療相關的併發症


