קטיף תפוחים רובוטי דינמיקה של רכב - אור הירשפלד -...

Post on 30-Jul-2015

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Transcript of קטיף תפוחים רובוטי דינמיקה של רכב - אור הירשפלד -...

1. : : " 1 2. .2 3. 3 4. 4 5. 4.8 kgfImada DPSJapan5MARKET QUALITY TREE FRUIT FRESH .)2003( .'D. L. Peterson, S' D.545-548 ,APPLIED ENGINEERING IN AGRICULTURE .HARVESTER 6. .6 7. 10.5 ". .150-230mbar - 200 3 . .http://hal.inria.fr/docs/00/19/47/39/PDF/fsr_21.pdf.7th International 6 .Autonomous Fruit Picking Machine: A Robotic Apple Harvester .)2007( .'Johan Baeten, K' D.Chamonix: FSR 2007 .Conference on Field and Service Robotics 8. - 4 150 -.8 9. ? ? 9 10. . . . 10 11. 11 12. 12 13. 13 14. 14" 80 15. 15 Y , X 16. 16 17. 150 0.5 15 .)step(time,0,0.5,10,15017 18. 18 19. 19 20. 201614121086420-2Friction force [N] between cone and apple6000 5000 4000 3000 2000 1000 0Friction Force [N]Time [ms]smooth conetooth conesmall cone : 14 - . 4 - . 3 - . 21. . . .21 22. 350- http://www.old.international-agrophysics.org/artykuly/international_agrophysics/IntAgr_2008_22_2_99.pdfhttp://www.pjbs.org/pjnonline/fin942.pdf /https://www.memsnet.org/material/siliconsibulk http://www.academia.edu/7521157/Experimental_Verification_of_Damping_Coefficient_by_Half_Power_Band_Width_Method22