세상을 읽는 지침서

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Transcript of 세상을 읽는 지침서

버펫의 투자기법 형성에 15% 영향을 준 필립피셔는 수치화할 수 있는 기업의

기본적 가치 못지않게 질적인 측면이 중요하다고 여겼다. 따라서 경영진,

연구개발능력, 판매부서를 중시하고 동 업계에서 제조원가가 낮은 기업, 경영진과

종업원의 관계 등 중요한 정보를 경쟁사를 통하여 입수하여 투자판단을 해야

한다는 것이다. 그는 기본적으로 기업의 질적 가치를 중요시하고 이에 바탕을 두고

3, 4개 종목에 집중투자를 해야 한다고 했다.

1) 매년 지속적으로 매출액이 동 업계 평균 이상 증가하고 있는 기업

2) 연구 개발 능력을 중시하는 기업

3) 뛰어난 제품에 못지않게 소비자를 연구하고 이를 매출로 연결시킬 수 있는

판매조직을 가진 기업

4) 경기 확장기에 높은 수익을 낼 수 있으나 경기가 나빠지면 수익이 크게

악화되는 한계기업은 위험

5) 기업의 수익이 늘어나더라도 증자를 자주하면 주당 수익성이 떨어지기

때문에 증자없이 내부유보를 해나가는 기업

6) 단기적인 이익보다 중장기적인 이익을 우선하는 경영철학이 담긴 기업

7) 경영진과 종업원의 관계 등 동 업종 타사와 비교·분석하여 장단점을

파악했을 때 경쟁력 우위를 유지하는 기업

나는 전설이다 - 벤자민 그레이엄



매주 목요일 이 시간에는 세계 최고의 전설적인 투자자들을 소개하는

코너인데요, "나는 전설이다" 둘째 주인공은 누구인가요?


그레이엄은 오늘날의 증권 분석, 기업 분석의 모든 틀을 거의 혼자서 다

구축해냈습니다. 고학으로 어렵게 대학을 마치고 영어, 철학 등 여러 곳의 교수

제의를 다 뿌리치고 월가의 허드렛일하는 직원으로 취직, 결국 젊은 나이에

백만장자가 되었고 월가에서 애널리스트라는 직업을 처음으로 만들었던

장본인이기도 합니다.

투자의 아버지라 불리는 벤자민 그레이엄의 명언으로는

1) 독자적 판단이 가능할 때 투자해라 = 운에 기대지 말고 확실히 모든 것을 알

때까지 기다려라

2) 안전마진이 확보된 곳에만 투자한다 = 1번과 같은 뜻

3) 앞으로 2등이 될 10등 주식을 산다 = 1번과 같은 뜻

4) 감정을 다스리고 이성으로 판단한다 = 감정을 다스리는 것은 욕심을

버리라는 말과 동격으로 신의 경지를 말하는 것이므로 인간으로서 도달할 수

있는 경지가 아니어라

5) 투자 실패에서 배운다 = 두 번 실패하지 않는다 = 역시 신의 영역이어라

등이 있습니다.

그레이엄은 투자와 투기에 대한 정의를 내렸는데요, 투자란 철저한 분석, 원금의

안정성, 기대수익이 동시에 이뤄지는 행위를 말하며 이 요건에 부합하지 않는

행위는 투기라고 말했습니다. (그러므로 한국에서 이루어지는 모든 주식 행위는

투기에 해당함)

벤저민 그레이엄의 재미있는 투자명언을 몇 가지 더 살펴보면

1) 주식 거래는 아내를 선택하는 일과 비슷하다. 많은 구체적 사항들이 어느

정도 세심하게 검토되어지고 그런 다음 거기에 비합리적인 편애라는

강력하고 지배적인 요소가 더해진다, 절대로 투기용 자금과 투자용 자금을 한

계좌에 마구 섞어 운용해서는 안 되고 매매 자체고 구분해야 한다

라고 말했습니다.

벤자민 그레이엄은 투자와 투기를 철저히 구분했습니다. 그래서 항상 투기 자금과

투자자금은 나눠 운영해야 한다고 강조를 했습니다. 워렌버핏은 자신의

투자철학을 묻는 질문에 항상 이렇게 답을 하는데요, 그 이유는 투자에서 가장

중요하다고 할 수 있는 "안전마진"의 개념을 그레이엄에게서 배웠기 때문입니다.

필립피셔는 위대한 기업을 수십 년 보유한다면 지금 당장의 높은 가격은 문제가

되지 않는다고 밝혔지만 그레이엄은 오직 숫자로만 기업을 판단했기 때문에

가격을 매우 중요하게 생각했습니다. 그레이엄은 경영자나 브랜드, 진입장벽 같은

무형의 자산은 전혀 고려하지 않았습니다. 완전히 다른 스승의 투자방법을

워렌버핏은 "위대한 기업을 싼 가격에 사는 전략"으로 만들어 냅니다.


앞서 안전마진이라는 개념을 확립했다고 했는데요, 안전마진이란 게 뭔가요?


안전마진, 가치투자전략의 핵심으로는 먼저 안전마진은 한 기업의 이자비용 뺀 뒤

남은 영업이익이 소진될 때까지의 비율인데 파산했을 때의 자산가치와 현재

시가총액과 비교해 보더라도 안전마진 클수록 손실보다 이익을 볼 확률이

높았습니다. 결국 지속적인 수익을 내면서 재무상황도 건전하고 기업을 싸게 사는

방법이 투자의 핵심이라고 말했습니다.


벤저민 그레이엄은 어떻게 투자했나요?


기업 규모가 크면 클수록 좋다고 했고 이것은 워렌버핏 방법과 똑같습니다.

재무구조나 배당성향 등을 철저히 밝혔습니다. 최근에 증권가에서 보면 1분기

이익이 좋아졌다나 2분기 이익이 좋아졌다고 따지는데 벤저민 그레이엄은 최소 10

년 정도의 추세 이익을 좋아했습니다.

10년 동안 한번도 적자를 내지 않은 기업, 20년 이상 배당을 지속한 기업을

좋아했습니다. 이런 케이스의 종목 중에 주가가 폭락하는 종목을 좋아했습니다. 한

예로 우리나라에서도 과거 19년 동안 단 한번의 적자를 내지 않은 기업,

현대모비스가 있습니다.

두 번째로 보면 재무상태나 배당기록을 보면 과거 5~10년 최소 기준은 10년을

잡는데 유동자산이 150불 이상 그리고 부채가 110불 이하인 기업들을


재미있는 것은 지난번 필립피셔의 경우 숫자도 중요하지만 CEO의 능력이나

진입장벽 등을 중요시 했습니다. 그런데 벤저민 그레이엄은 그런 것들을 철저히

무시했습니다. 다 필요 없고 숫자가 가장 좋은 종목 이러한 종목을 좋게 봤습니다.


그레이엄 방식으로 이렇게 투자를 하면 전부 성공하나요?


꼭 그렇지는 않습니다. 일반 투자자의 경우 벤저민 그레이엄 투자 방식을 선호하다

보니까 몇 개의 소수종목을 싸서 담아 놓았는데 실패하는 경우가 많습니다.

이것은 벤저민 그레이엄 투자 방식을 오해하고 있기 때문입니다. 벤저민

그레이엄도 인식을 했기 때문에 모든 주식을 담는 인덱스 펀드처럼 운용했습니다.

소수의 싼 주식을 담는 것이 아니라 수백 개의 종목을 담아서 이끌고 간 것입니다.

개인투자자들이 이런 것을 오해하다 보니까 싼 주식들을 가지고 있는데 몇 년이

지나도 그 자리인 종목이 있습니다.

분산투자 하는 것이 벤저민 그레이엄 방식의 가장 효과적인 방식인데요. 저평가된

주식을 사면 언젠가는 오른다? 이 부분에 대해서 벤저민 그레이엄은 아니라고


수백 개의 기업에 투자하는 것이 가장 효율적이고 그런 점에서 그레이엄 투자

방식은 인덱스 펀드라고 볼 수 있습니다. 언제 어떤 주식이 오를지 모르기 때문에

다 담는 전략을 사용한 듯합니다.


벤저민 그레이엄이 주식시장을 '미스터 마켓'이라고 표현한 것도 봤는데 무슨



매일 우리에게 주식가격을 알려주는 친절한 아저씨로 표현했는데 1 만원 짜리

주식을 2 만원에 사라고 달려오는데 똑같은 상황임에도 기분이 너무 나빠서 1만원

짜리 주식을 터무니없이 1000원에 제시하는 사람, 즉 주식시장을 미스터

마켓이라고 표현했습니다.

이를 잘 이용하면 돈을 잘 벌 수 있다고 하는데 보통 일반 투자자들은 '미스터

마켓'에 잘 속기 때문에 돈을 잃는다고 말했습니다. 최근 장이 좋지 않았는데

미스터 마켓을 잘 활용할 필요가 있겠습니다.


재미있는 일화를 하나만 소개해 주신다면요?


벤저민 그레이엄의 경우 아내가 많았는데 그런 아내를 파티장에 다 데리고 다녔던

재미있는 사람입니다. 벤저민 그레이엄이 교수시절 유일하게 A+ 준 학생이

워렌버핏이었습니다. 그런 워렌버핏이 무급으로 일하겠다고 일자리를 달라고

했는데도 일자리를 주지 않았습니다.

엉뚱한 사람이었는데 신발을 짝짝이로 신고 가다가 다른 사람이 지적을 했을 때

우리 집에 똑같은 신발이 한 켤레 더 있기 때문에 괜찮다 라는 재치를 발휘할 수

있는 사람이었습니다.

주식투자를 마지막에 그만 두었는데 돈 버는 것이 재미없어서 그만 두었다고

합니다. 그러나 현존하는 거장 투자자들을 모두 길러 낸 위대한 사람입니다. 대단한

사람이기도 하고 파란만장한 삶을 살았던 투자자입니다.

Benjamin Graham

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Benjamin Graham

Birth May 8, 1894

Death September 21, 1976 (aged 82)

Nationality  United States

Institution Columbia Business School

Field Finance


Alma mater Columbia University


Jean-Marie Eveillard

Warren Buffett

William J. Ruane

Irving Kahn

Hani M. Anklis

Walter J. Schloss

ContributionsSecurity Analysis (1934)

The Intelligent Investor (1949)

Benjamin Graham (May 8, 1894 – September 21, 1976) was an American

economist and professional investor. Graham is considered the first proponent of

value investing, an investment approach he began teaching at Columbia Business

School in 1928 and subsequently refined with David Dodd through various

editions of their famous book Security Analysis. Disciples of value investing

include Jean-Marie Eveillard, Warren Buffett, William J. Ruane, Irving Kahn, Hani

M. Anklis, and Walter J. Schloss. Buffett, who credits Graham as grounding him

with a sound intellectual investment framework, described him as the second most

influential person in his life after his own father. In fact, Graham had such an

overwhelming influence on his students that two of them, Buffett and Kahn,

named their sons, Howard Graham Buffett and Thomas Graham Kahn, after him.



1 Life and career

Early life

Benjamin Graham was born Benjamin Grossbaum in London, England [1] to Jewish

parents.[2] He moved to New York City with his family when he was one year old.

After the death of his father and experiencing poverty, he became a good student,

graduating from Columbia University, as salutatorian of his class, at the age of 20.

He received an invitation for employment as an instructor in English, Mathematics,

and Philosophy, but took a job on Wall Street eventually starting the Graham-

Newman Partnership.[3]


His book, Security Analysis, with David Dodd, was published in 1934 and has

been considered a bible for serious investors since it was written.[citation needed] It and

The Intelligent Investor published in 1949 (4th revision, with Jason Zweig, 2003),

are his two most widely acclaimed books. Warren Buffett describes The Intelligent

Investor as "the best book about investing ever written."[4] Graham exhorted the

stock market participant to first draw a fundamental distinction between

investment and speculation. In Security Analysis, he proposed a clear definition of

investment that was distinguished from what he deemed speculation. It read, "An

investment operation is one which, upon thorough analysis, promises safety of

principal and an adequate return. Operations not meeting these requirements are


Graham wrote that the owner of equity stocks should regard them first and

foremost as conferring part ownership of a business. With that perspective in

mind, the stock owner should not be too concerned with erratic fluctuations in

stock prices, since in the short term, the stock market behaves like a voting

machine, but in the long term it acts like a weighing machine (i.e. its true value will

in the long run be reflected in its stock price). Graham distinguished between the

passive and the active investor. The passive investor, often referred to as a

defensive investor, invests cautiously, looks for value stocks, and buys for the

long term. The active investor, on the other hand, is one who has more time,

interest, and possibly more specialized knowledge to seek out exceptional buys in

the market.[citation needed] Graham recommended that investors spend time and effort

to analyze the financial state of companies. When a company is available on the

market at a price which is at a discount to its intrinsic value, a "margin of safety"

exists, which makes it suitable for investment.

Graham wrote that investment is most intelligent when it is most businesslike, a

statement which Warren Buffett regarded as the most important words about

investment ever written.[citation needed] Graham said that the stock investor is neither

right nor wrong because others agreed or disagreed with him; he is right because

his facts and analysis are right.[citation needed] The Intelligent Investor p. 524 (Revised

Ed 2006) Graham's favorite allegory is that of Mr. Market, a fellow who turns up

every day at the stock holder's door offering to buy or sell his shares at a different

price. Often, the price quoted by Mr. Market seems plausible, but often it is

ridiculous. The investor is free to either agree with his quoted price and trade with

him, or to ignore him completely. Mr. Market doesn't mind this, and will be back

the following day to quote another price. The point is that the investor should not

regard the whims of Mr. Market as determining the value of the shares that the

investor owns. He should profit from market folly rather than participate in it. The

investor is best off concentrating on the real life performance of his companies

and receiving dividends, rather than being too concerned with Mr. Market's often

irrational behavior.[citation needed]

Graham was critical of the corporations of his day for obfuscated and irregular

financial reporting that made it difficult for investors to discern the true state of the

business's finances. He was an advocate of dividend payments to shareholders

rather than businesses keeping all of their profits as retained earnings. He also

criticized those who advised that some types of stocks were a good buy at any

price, because of the prospect of sustained stock price growth, without a good

analysis of the business's actual financial condition. These observations remain

extremely relevant today.[citation needed]


In recent years, Graham's "Mr. Market" approach has been challenged by Modern

Portfolio Theory, as advanced by such proponents as William J. Bernstein, whose

book The Intelligent Asset Allocator extends Graham's The Intelligent Investor via

an appreciation of long-term trends and the near impossibility of understanding

the market writ large. Modern Portfolio Theory posits that it is generally impossible

for any individual to outwit the market, and is widely taught in American and British

business schools. Nevertheless, Graham's approach retains a widespread and

dedicated following. Indeed, numerous academic studies, including "Contrarian

Investment, Extrapolation, and Risk",[6] "Good news for value stocks: Further

evidence on market efficiency",[7] "The Cross Section of Expected Stock Returns",

[8] and many others, have proven that value stocks outperform the market over

virtually all multi-year periods.

According to Warren Buffett, Graham said that he wished every day to do

something foolish, something creative, and something generous.[9] Buffett said

that Graham excelled most at the last.[10]

Personal life

According to The Snowball (Warren Buffett's Biography), he had an affair with his

deceased son's girlfriend (Marie Louise Amingues) and used to travel to France

frequently to visit her.[11] He later separated from his wife Estey in New York, after

she refused his novel idea of living in New York for six months and France for six

months. Marie Louise was content to live with Ben without marriage. Ben never

officially divorced Estey.[12]


——— (1917). "Some Calculus Suggestions by a Student". The American

Mathematical Monthly (The American Mathematical Monthly, Vol. 24, No. 6)

24 (6): 265–271. doi:10.2307/2973181. http://www.jstor.org/stable/2973181.

———, Benjamin (1943). "The Critique of Commodity-Reserve Currency: A

Point-by-Point Reply". The Journal of Political Economy 51 (1): 66–69.

doi:10.1086/255988. http://www.jstor.org/stable/1826594.

——— (1946). "The Undistributed Profits Tax and The Investor". The Yale

Law Journal (The Yale Law Journal, Vol. 46, No. 1) 46 (1): 1–18.

doi:10.2307/791630. http://www.jstor.org/stable/791630.

——— (1947). "Money as Pure Commodity". American Economic Review 37

(2): 304–307. http://www.jstor.org/stable/1821137.

——— (1947). "National Productivity: Its Relationship to Unemployment-in-

Prosperity". American Economic Review 37 (2): 384–396.


——— (1962). "Some Investment Aspects of Accumulation Through Equities".

The Journal of Finance (The Journal of Finance, Vol. 17, No. 2) 17 (2): 203–

214. doi:10.2307/2977419. http://www.jstor.org/stable/2977419.

——— (1962). "The Commodity-Reserve Currency Proposal Reconsidered".

In Yeager, Leland B. (ed.). In Search of Monetary Constitution. Cambridge,

MA: Harvard University Press. pp. 184–214.

See also

Philip Fisher

John Burr Williams

John Neff

Valuation using discounted cash flows

Gordon model

Benjamin Graham formula

William J. Bernstein

Janet Lowe


1. ̂ The Motley Fool. Investment Greats: Ben Graham. April 17, 2009.

2. ̂ However, he wrote in his Memoirs that, "I must confess here that I feel

little emotional loyalty to the Jewish people from whom I sprung". Graham,

Benjamin; Chatman, Seymour Benjamin. Benjamin Graham: The Memoirs of

the Dean of Wall Street, pp. 63-64. McGraw-Hill, 1996. ISBN 0070242690

3. ̂ Jason Zweig, on page xi of The Intelligent Investor, Revised Edition.

4. ̂ Warren Buffett, "Preface to the Fourth Edition", in Benjamin Graham,

"The Intelligent Investor", 4 ed., 2003.

5. ̂ Benjamin Graham, "The Intelligent Investor", 4 ed., 2003, Chapter 1,

page 18.

6. ̂ Josef Lakonishok, Andrei Shleifer and Robert W. Vishny, "Contrarian

Investment, Extrapolation, and Risk", The Journal of Finance, Vol. 49, No. 5

(Dec., 1994)

7. ̂ Rafael La Porta, Josef Lakonishok, Andrei Shleifer and Robert Vishny,

"Good news for value stocks: Further evidence on market efficiency", The

Journal of Finance, Vol. 52, No. 2 (Jun., 1997)

8. ̂ Eugene Fama and Kenneth French, "The Cross Section of Expected

Stock Returns", The Journal of Finance, Vol. 47, No. 2 (Jun., 1992)

9. ̂ Buffett, Warren E.: "Benjamin Graham", Financial Analyst Journal,

November/December 1976.

10. ̂ Financial Analysts Journal, November/December 1976. (Reprinted on

page x of the preface to revised Fourth Addition of The Intelligent Investor.)

11. ̂ Snowball, Page 164

12. ̂ Snowball, Page 391

13. ̂ Graham and Dodd. 1934. Security Analysis: Principles and Technique,

1E. New York and London: McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc.

14. ̂ Graham and Dodd. 1940. Security Analysis: Principles and Technique,

2E. New York and London: McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc.

15. ̂ Graham et al. 1951. Security Analysis: Principles and Technique, 3E.

New York: McGraw Hill Book Company, Inc.

16. ̂ Graham et al. 1962. Security Analysis: Principles and Technique, 4E.

New York: McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc.

17. ̂ Graham and Dodd. 1988. Security Analysis: Principles and Technique,

5E. McGraw-Hill Professional

18. ̂ Graham and Dodd. 2008. Security Analysis: Principles and Technique,

6E. McGraw-Hill Professional

19. ̂ Benjamin Graham. 1937.ISBN 0-07-024774-9 Storage and Stability: A

Modern Ever-normal Granary. New York: McGraw Hill. 1937

20. ̂ Graham and Ed. Chatman. 1996. Benjamin Graham, the memoirs of the

dean of Wall Street. New York: McGraw Hill.

External links

Wikiquote has a collection of quotations related to: Benjamin Graham

Columbia University biography

Heilbrunn Center at the Columbia Business School

Storage and Stability, plus list of other major works by Graham

Stock screener based on Graham "Defensive Investor" strategy

ModernGraham.com - Site dedicated to the study of Benjamin Graham

The Graham Investor

The Rediscovered Benjamin Graham - selected writings of the wall street

legend, by Janet Lowe.

Retrieved from "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Benjamin_Graham"

Warren Buffett

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Warren Buffett

Buffett speaking to students from the University of Kansas School of

Business, May 6, 2005

Howard Graham Buffett

Peter Andrew Buffett


Warren Edward Buffett (pronounced /bʌfɨt/; born August 30, 1930) is an

American investor, industrialist and philanthropist. He is widely regarded as one of

the most successful investors in the world. Often called the "legendary investor,

Warren Buffett",[4][5] he is the primary shareholder, chairman and CEO of Berkshire

Hathaway.[6] He is consistently ranked among the world's wealthiest people. He

was ranked as the world's wealthiest person in 2008[7] and is the third wealthiest

person in the world as of 2011.[8]

Buffett was born in 1930 in Omaha, Nebraska, the second of three children and

only son of businessman & politician, Howard Buffett,[14] and his wife Leila (née

Stahl). Buffett began his education at Rose Hill Elementary School in Omaha. In

1942, his father was elected to the first of four terms in the United States

Congress, and after moving with his family to Washington, D.C., Warren finished

elementary school, attended Alice Deal Junior High School, and graduated from

Woodrow Wilson High School in 1947, where his senior yearbook picture reads:

"likes math; a future stock broker."[15]

Even as a child, Buffett displayed an interest in making and saving money. He

went door to door selling chewing gum, Coca-Cola, or weekly magazines. For a

while, he worked in his grandfather's grocery store. While still in high school, he

carried out several successful money-making ideas: delivering newspapers,

selling golfballs and stamps, and detailing cars, among them. Filing his first

income tax return in 1944, Buffett took a $35 deduction for the use of his bicycle

and watch on his paper route.[16] In 1945, in his sophomore year of high school,

Buffett and a friend spent $25 to purchase a used pinball machine, which they

placed in the local barber shop. Within months, they owned several machines in

different barber shops.

Buffett's interest in the stock market and investing also dated to his childhood, to

the days he spent in the customers' lounge of a regional stock brokerage near the

office of his father's own brokerage company. On a trip to New York City at the

age of ten, he made a point to visit the New York Stock Exchange. At the age of

11, he bought three shares of Cities Service Preferred for himself, and three for

his sister.[17][18] While in high school he invested in a business owned by his father

and bought a farm worked by a tenant farmer. By the time he finished college,

Buffett had accumulated more than $90,000 in savings measured in 2009 dollars.

Benjamin Graham (1894–1976)

Phil Fisher (1907–2004)

Buffett entered college as a freshmen in 1947 at the Wharton Business School of

the University of Pennsylvania and studied there for two years from 1947 to 1949.

In the year 1950, when he entered his junior year, he transferred to the University

of Nebraska–Lincoln where at the age of nineteen, he graduated with a degree of

Bachelor of Science in Business Administration. After the completion of his

undergraduate studies, Buffett enrolled at Columbia Business School after

learning that Benjamin Graham (author of "The Intelligent Investor" – one of his

favorite books on investing) and David Dodd, two well-known securities analysts,

taught there. He received a M.S. in Economics from Columbia Business School in

1951. Buffett also attended the New York Institute of Finance. In Buffett’s own words:

“ I’m 15 percent Fisher and 85 percent Benjamin Graham.[19]

The basic ideas of investing are to look at stocks as business, use the

market's fluctuations to your advantage, and seek a margin of safety. That’s

what Ben Graham taught us. A hundred years from now they will still be the

cornerstones of investing.[20] ”


See also: List of assets owned by Berkshire Hathaway

Warren Buffett was employed from 1951–54 at Buffett-Falk & Co., Omaha as an

investment salesman, from 1954–1956 at Graham-Newman Corp., New York as a

securities analyst, from 1956–1969 at Buffett Partnership, Ltd., Omaha as a

general partner and from 1970 – Present at Berkshire Hathaway Inc, Omaha as

its Chairman, CEO.

In 1950 (20 years old) Buffett had made and saved $9,800. In April 1952, Buffett

discovered Graham was on the board of GEICO insurance. Taking a train to

Washington, D.C. on a Saturday, he knocked on the door of GEICO's

headquarters until a janitor allowed him in. There he met Lorimer Davidson,

Geico's Vice President, and the two discussed the insurance business for hours.

Davidson would eventually become Buffett's life-long friend and a lasting

influence[21] and later recall that he found Buffett to be an "extraordinary man" after

only fifteen minutes. Buffett graduated from Columbia and wanted to work on Wall

Street, however, both his father and Ben Graham urged him not to. He offered to

work for Graham for free, but Graham refused.[22]

Buffett returned to Omaha and worked as a stockbroker while taking a Dale

Carnegie public speaking course.[citation needed] Using what he learned, he felt

confident enough to teach an "Investment Principles" night class at the University

of Nebraska-Omaha. The average age of his students was more than twice his

own. During this time he also purchased a Sinclair Texaco gas station as a side

investment. However, this did not turn out to be a successful business venture.

In 1952[23] Buffett married Susan Thompson at Dundee Presbyterian Church and

the next year they had their first child, Susan Alice Buffett. In 1954, Buffett

accepted a job at Benjamin Graham's partnership. His starting salary was $12,000

a year (approximately $97,000 adjusted to 2008 dollars). There he worked closely

with Walter Schloss. Graham was a tough man to work for. He was adamant that

stocks provide a wide margin of safety after weighting the trade-off between their

price and their intrinsic value. The argument made sense to Buffett but he

questioned whether the criteria were too stringent and caused the company to

miss out on big winners that had more qualitative values.[citation needed] That same

year the Buffetts had their second child, Howard Graham Buffett. In 1956,

Benjamin Graham retired and closed his partnership. At this time Buffett's

personal savings were over $174,000 ($1.2 million inflation adjusted to 2009

dollars) and he started Buffett Partnership Ltd., an investment partnership in


Buffett's home in Omaha

In 1957, Buffett had three partnerships operating the entire year. He purchased a

five-bedroom stucco house in Omaha, where he still lives, for $31,500. In 1958

the Buffett's third child, Peter Andrew Buffett, was born. Buffett operated five

partnerships the entire year. In 1959, the company grew to six partnerships

operating the entire year and Buffett was introduced to Charlie Munger. By 1960,

Buffett had seven partnerships operating: Buffett Associates, Buffett Fund, Dacee,

Emdee, Glenoff, Mo-Buff and Underwood. He asked one of his partners, a doctor,

to find ten other doctors willing to invest $10,000 each in his partnership.

Eventually eleven agreed, and Buffett pooled their money with a mere $100

original investment of his own. In 1961, Buffett revealed that Sanborn Map

Company accounted for 35% of the partnership's assets. He explained that in

1958 Sanborn stock sold at only $45 per share when the value of the Sanborn

investment portfolio was $65 per share. This meant that buyers valued Sanborn

stock at "minus $20" per share and were unwilling to pay more than 70 cents on

the dollar for an investment portfolio with a map business thrown in for nothing.

This earned him a spot on the board of Sanborn.

As a millionaire

In 1962, Buffett became a millionaire, because of his partnerships, which in

January 1962 had an excess of $7,178,500, of which over $1,025,000 belonged to

Buffett. Buffett merged all partnerships into one partnership. Buffett invested in

and eventually took control of a textile manufacturing firm, Berkshire Hathaway.

Buffett's partnerships began purchasing shares at $7.60 per share. In 1965, when

Buffett's partnerships aggressively began purchasing Berkshire, they paid $14.86

per share while the company had working capital of $19 per share. This did not

include the value of fixed assets (factory and equipment). Buffett took control of

Berkshire Hathaway at the board meeting and named a new president, Ken

Chace, to run the company. In 1966, Buffett closed the partnership to new money.

Buffett wrote in his letter: "... unless it appears that circumstances have changed

(under some conditions added capital would improve results) or unless new

partners can bring some asset to the partnership other than simply capital, I intend

to admit no additional partners to BPL."

In a second letter, Buffett announced his first investment in a private business —

Hochschild, Kohn and Co, a privately owned Baltimore department store. In 1967,

Berkshire paid out its first and only dividend of 10 cents. In 1969, following his

most successful year, Buffett liquidated the partnership and transferred their

assets to his partners. Among the assets paid out were shares of Berkshire

Hathaway. In 1970, as chairman of Berkshire Hathaway, Buffett began writing his

now-famous annual letters to shareholders. However, he lived solely on his salary

of $50,000 per year, and his outside investment income. In 1979, Berkshire began

the year trading at $775 per share, and ended at $1,310. Buffett's net worth

reached $620 million, placing him on the Forbes 400 for the first time.

In 1973, Berkshire began to acquire stock in the Washington Post Company.

Buffett became close friends with Katharine Graham, who controlled the company

and its flagship newspaper, and became a member of its board of directors. In

1974, the SEC opened a formal investigation into Warren Buffett and Berkshire's

acquisition of WESCO, due to possible conflict of interest. No charges were

brought. In 1977, Berkshire indirectly purchased the Buffalo Evening News for

$32.5 million. Antitrust charges started, instigated by its rival, the Buffalo Courier-

Express. Both papers lost money, until the Courier-Express folded in 1982.

In 1979, Berkshire began to acquire stock in ABC. Capital Cities announced $3.5

billion purchase of ABC on March 18, 1985 surprised the media industry, as ABC

was some four times bigger than Capital Cities was at the time. Berkshire

Hathaway chairman Warren Buffett helped finance the deal in return for a 25%

stake in the combined company.[24] The newly merged company, known as Capital

Cities/ABC (or CapCities/ABC), was forced to sell off some stations due to FCC

ownership rules. Also, the two companies owned several radio stations in the

same markets.[25]

In 1987, Berkshire Hathaway purchased 12% stake in Salomon Inc., making it the

largest shareholder and Buffett the director. In 1990, a scandal involving John

Gutfreund (former CEO of Salomon Brothers) surfaced. A rogue trader, Paul

Mozer, was submitting bids in excess of what was allowed by the Treasury rules.

When this was discovered and brought to the attention of Gutfreund, he did not

immediately suspend the rogue trader. Gutfreund left the company in August

1991.[26] Buffett became Chairman of Salomon until the crisis passed; on

September 4, 1991, he testified before Congress.[27] In 1988, Buffett began buying

stock in Coca-Cola Company, eventually purchasing up to 7% of the company for

$1.02 billion. It would turn out to be one of Berkshire's most lucrative investments,

and one which it still holds.

As a billionaire

Buffett became a billionaire on paper when Berkshire Hathaway began selling

class A shares on May 29, 1990, when the market closed at $7,175 a share.[28] In

1998, he acquired General Re (Gen Re), (in a rare move, for stock). In 2002,

Buffett became involved with Maurice R. Greenberg at AIG, with General Re

providing reinsurance. On March 15, 2005, AIG's board forced Greenberg to

resign from his post as Chairman and CEO under the shadow of criticism from

Eliot Spitzer, former attorney general of the state of New York. On February 9,

2006, AIG and the New York State Attorney General's office agreed to a

settlement in which AIG would pay a fine of $1.6 billion.[29] In 2010, the federal

government settled with Berkshire Hathaway for $92 million in return for the firm

avoiding prosecution in an AIG fraud scheme, and undergoing 'corporate

governance concessions'.[30]

In 2002, Buffett entered in $11 billion worth of forward contracts to deliver U.S.

dollars against other currencies. By April 2006, his total gain on these contracts

was over $2 billion. In 2006, Buffett announced in June that he gradually would

give away 85% of his Berkshire holdings to five foundations in annual gifts of

stock, starting in July 2006. The largest contribution would go to the Bill and

Melinda Gates Foundation.[31] In 2007, in a letter to shareholders, Buffett

announced that he was looking for a younger successor, or perhaps successors,

to run his investment business.[32] Buffett had previously selected Lou Simpson,

who runs investments at Geico, to fill that role. However, Simpson is only six

years younger than Buffett.

Late 2000s recession

Buffett ran into criticism[33] during the subprime crisis of 2007–2008, part of the late

2000s recession, that he had allocated capital too early resulting in suboptimal

deals. “Buy American. I am.” he wrote for an opinion piece published recently in

the New York Times.[34] Buffett has called the 2007—present downturn in the

financial sector "poetic justice".[35] Buffett's Berkshire Hathaway suffered a 77%

drop in earnings during Q3 2008 and several of his recent deals appear to be

running into large mark-to-market losses.[36]

Berkshire Hathaway acquired 10% perpetual preferred stock of Goldman Sachs.

[37] Some of Buffett's Index put options (European exercise at expiry only) that he

wrote (sold) are currently running around $6.73 billion mark-to-market losses.[38]

The scale of the potential loss prompted the SEC to demand that Berkshire

produce, "a more robust disclosure" of factors used to value the contracts.[38]

Buffett also helped Dow Chemical pay for its $18.8 billion takeover of Rohm &

Haas. He thus became the single largest shareholder in the enlarged group with

his Berkshire Hathaway, which provided $3 billion, underlining his instrumental

role during the current crisis in debt and equity markets.[39]

In 2008, Buffett became the richest man in the world dethroning Bill Gates, worth

$62 billion according to Forbes,[40] and $58 billion according to Yahoo.[41] Bill Gates

had been number one on the Forbes list for 13 consecutive years.[42] In 2009, Bill

Gates regained number one of the list according to Forbes magazine, with Buffett

second. Their values have dropped to $40 billion and $37 billion respectively,

Buffett having (according to Forbes) lost $25 billion in 12 months during


In October 2008, the media reported that Warren Buffett had agreed to buy

General Electric (GE) preferred stock.[44] The operation included extra special

incentives: he received an option to buy 3 billion GE at $22.25 in the next five

years, and also received a 10% dividend (callable within three years). In February

2009, Warren Buffett sold part of Procter & Gamble Co, and Johnson & Johnson

shares from his portfolio.[45]

In addition to suggestions of mistiming, questions have been raised as to the

wisdom in keeping some of Berkshire's major holdings, including The Coca-Cola

Company (NYSE:KO) which in 1998 peaked at $86. Buffett discussed the

difficulties of knowing when to sell in the company's 2004 annual report:

That may seem easy to do when one looks through an always-clean, rear-view

mirror. Unfortunately, however, it’s the windshield through which investors must

peer, and that glass is invariably fogged.[46]

In March 2009, Buffett stated in a cable television interview that the economy had

"fallen off a cliff... Not only has the economy slowed down a lot, but people have

really changed their habits like I haven't seen". Additionally, Buffett fears we may

revisit a 1970s level of inflation, which led to a painful stagflation that lasted many


In 2009, Warren Buffett invested $2.6 billion as a part of Swiss Re's raising equity

capital.[49][50] Berkshire Hathaway already owns a 3% stake, with rights to own

more than 20%.[51] In 2009, Warren Buffett acquired Burlington Northern Santa Fe

Corp. for $34 billion in cash and stock. Alice Schroeder, author of Snowball, stated

that a reason for the purchase was to diversify Berkshire Hathaway from the

financial industry.[52] Measured by market capitalization in the Financial Times

Global 500 Berkshire Hathaway as of June 2009 was the eighteenth largest

corporation on earth.[53]

In 2009, Buffett divested his failed investment in ConocoPhillips, saying to his

Berkshire investors,

I bought a large amount of ConocoPhillips stock when oil and gas prices were

near their peak. I in no way anticipated the dramatic fall in energy prices that

occurred in the last half of the year. I still believe the odds are good that oil sells

far higher in the future than the current $40–$50 price. But so far I have been

dead wrong. Even if prices should rise, moreover, the terrible timing of my

purchase has cost Berkshire several billion dollars.[54]

The merger with the Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railway (BNSF), closed upon

BNSF shareholder approval in 1Q2010. This deal is valued at approximately $34

billion and reflects an increase of a previously existing stake of about 22%.

In June 2010, Buffett defended the credit rating agencies for their role in the US

financial crisis, claiming that:

Very, very few people could appreciate the bubble. That's the nature of bubbles –

they're mass delusions.[55]

On March 18, 2011, Goldman Sachs acquired Federal Reserve approval to buy

back Berkshire's preferred stock in Goldman. Buffet has been reluctant to give up

the stock which average $1.4 million in dividend a day,[56] stating:[57]

I'm going to be the Osama bin Laden of capitalism. I'm on my way to an unknown

destination in Asia where I'm going to look for a cave. If the U.S. Armed forces

can't find Osama bin Laden in 10 years, let Goldman Sachs try to find me.[58]

Personal life

Buffett married Susan Buffett (née Thompson) in 1952. They had three children,

Susie, Howard and Peter. The couple began living separately in 1977, although

they remained married until her death in July 2004. Their daughter, Susie, lives in

Omaha and does charitable work through the Susan A. Buffett Foundation and is

a national board member of Girls, Inc. In 2006, on his seventy-sixth birthday,

Warren married his never-married longtime-companion, Astrid Menks, who was

then sixty years old. She had lived with him since his wife's departure in 1977 to

San Francisco.[59] It was Susan Buffett who arranged for the two to meet before

she left Omaha to pursue her singing career. All three were close and holiday

cards to friends were signed "Warren, Susie and Astrid".[60] Susan Buffett briefly

discussed this relationship in an interview on the Charlie Rose Show shortly

before her death, in a rare glimpse into Buffett's personal life.[61]

Warren Buffett disowned his son Peter's adopted daughter, Nicole, in 2006 after

she participated in the Jamie Johnson documentary, The One Percent. Although

his first wife had referred to Nicole as one of her "adored grandchildren",[62] Buffett

wrote her a letter stating, "I have not emotionally or legally adopted you as a

grandchild, nor have the rest of my family adopted you as a niece or a cousin." He

signed the letter "Warren."[63][64][65]

His 2006 annual salary was about $100,000, which is small compared to senior

executive remuneration in comparable companies.[66] In 2007, and 2008, he

earned a total compensation of $175,000, which included a base salary of just

$100,000.[67][68] He lives in the same house in the central Dundee neighborhood of

Omaha that he bought in 1958 for $31,500, today valued at around $700,000

(although he also owns a $4 million house in Laguna Beach, California).[69] In 1989

after having spent nearly 6.7 million dollars of Berkshire's funds on a private jet,

Buffett sheepishly named it "The Indefensible". This act was a break from his past

condemnation of extravagant purchases by other CEOs and his history of using

more public transportation.[70]

He remains an avid player of the card game bridge, which he learned from Sharon

Osberg, and plays with her and Bill Gates.[71] He spends twelve hours a week

playing the game.[72] In 2006, he sponsored a bridge match for the Buffett Cup.

Modeled on the Ryder Cup in golf, held immediately before it, and in the same

city, a team of twelve bridge players from the United States took on twelve

Europeans in the event. He is a dedicated, lifelong follower of Nebraska football,

and attends as many games as his schedule permits. He supported the hire of Bo

Pelini following the 2007 season stating, "It was getting kind of desperate around

here".[73] He watched the 2009 game against Oklahoma from the Nebraska

sideline after being named an honorary assistant coach.[74]

Warren Buffett worked with Christopher Webber on an animated series with chief

Andy Heyward, of DiC Entertainment, and then A Squared Entertainment. The

series features Buffett and Munger, and teaches children healthy financial habits

for life.[75][76] Buffett was raised Presbyterian but has since described himself as

agnostic [77] when it comes to religious beliefs. In December 2006 it was reported

that Buffett does not carry a cell phone, does not have a computer at his desk,

and drives his own automobile,[78] a Cadillac DTS.[79] Buffett wears tailor-made

suits from the Chinese label Trands; earlier he wore Ermenegildo Zegna.[80]


Buffett's DNA report revealed that his paternal ancestors hail from northern

Scandinavia, while his maternal ancestors most likely have roots in Iberia or



In 1999, Buffett was named the top money manager of the twentieth century in a

survey by the Carson Group, ahead of Peter Lynch and John Templeton.[82] In

2007, he was listed among Time' s 100 Most Influential People in the world.[83] In

2011, President Barack Obama awarded him the Presidential Medal of Freedom.

[84] Most recently, Buffett, along with Bill Gates, was named the most influential

global thinker in Foreign Policy's 2010 report.[85]


Buffett and President Obama at the Oval Office, July 14, 2010

In addition to other political contributions over the years, Buffett has formally

endorsed and made campaign contributions to Barack Obama's presidential

campaign. On July 2, 2008, Buffett attended a $28,500 per plate fundraiser for

Obama's campaign in Chicago hosted by Obama's National Finance Chair, Penny

Pritzker and her husband, as well as Obama advisor Valerie Jarrett.[86] Buffett

backed Obama for president, and intimated that John McCain's views on social

justice were so far from his own that McCain would need a "lobotomy" for Buffett

to change his endorsement.[87] During the second 2008 U.S. presidential debate,

candidates John McCain and Barack Obama, after being asked first by

presidential debate mediator Tom Brokaw, both mentioned Buffett as a possible

future Secretary of the Treasury.[88] Later, in the third and final presidential debate,

Obama mentioned Buffett as a potential economic advisor.[89] Buffett was also

finance advisor to California Republican Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger during

his 2003 election campaign.[90]


Warren Buffett's writings include his annual reports and various articles. Buffett is

recognized by communicators[91] as one of the great story-tellers, as evidenced by

his annual letters to shareholders. He warned about the pernicious effects of


The arithmetic makes it plain that inflation is a far more devastating tax than

anything that has been enacted by our legislatures. The inflation tax has a

fantastic ability to simply consume capital. It makes no difference to a widow with

her savings in a 5 percent passbook account whether she pays 100 percent

income tax on her interest income during a period of zero inflation, or pays no

income taxes during years of 5 percent inflation.

—Buffett, Fortune (1977)

In his article The Superinvestors of Graham-and-Doddsville, Buffett refuted the

academic Efficient-market hypothesis, that beating the S&P 500 was "pure

chance", by highlighting a number of students of the Graham and Dodd value

investing school of thought. In addition to himself, Buffett named Walter J.

Schloss, Tom Knapp, Ed Anderson (Tweedy, Brown Inc.), Bill Ruane (Sequoia

Fund, Inc.), Charles Munger (Buffett's own business partner at Berkshire), Rick

Guerin (Pacific Partners, Ltd.), and Stan Perlmeter (Perlmeter Investments).[93] In

his November 1999 Fortune article, he warned of investors' unrealistic


Let me summarize what I've been saying about the stock market: I think it's very

hard to come up with a persuasive case that equities will over the next 17 years

perform anything like—anything like—they've performed in the past 17. If I had to

pick the most probable return, from appreciation and dividends combined, that

investors in aggregate—repeat, aggregate—would earn in a world of constant

interest rates, 2% inflation, and those ever hurtful frictional costs, it would be 6%!

—Buffett, Fortune (1999)


In 2008 he was ranked by Forbes as the richest person in the world with an

estimated net worth of approximately US$62 billion.[95] In 2009, after donating

billions of dollars to charity, Buffett was ranked as the second richest man in the

United States with a net worth of US$37 billion[96][97] with only Bill Gates ranked

higher than Buffett. His net worth is up to $47 billion in the past 12 months.[98]


The following quotation from 1988 highlights Warren Buffett's thoughts on his wealth and why he long planned to re-allocate it:

“ I don't have a problem with guilt about money. The way I see it is that my

money represents an enormous number of claim checks on society. It's like I

have these little pieces of paper that I can turn into consumption. If I wanted

to, I could hire 10,000 people to do nothing but paint my picture every day

for the rest of my life. And the GDP would go up. But the utility of the product

would be zilch, and I would be keeping those 10,000 people from doing

AIDS research, or teaching, or nursing. I don't do that though. I don't use

very many of those claim checks. There's nothing material I want very much.

And I'm going to give virtually all of those claim checks to charity when my

wife and I die. (Lowe 1997:165–166)

From a NY Times article: "I don't believe in dynastic wealth", Warren Buffett said,

calling those who grow up in wealthy circumstances "members of the lucky sperm

club".[99] Buffett has written several times of his belief that, in a market economy, the rich earn outsized rewards for their talents:

“ A market economy creates some lopsided payoffs to participants. The right

endowment of vocal chords, anatomical structure, physical strength, or

mental powers can produce enormous piles of claim checks (stocks, bonds,

and other forms of capital) on future national output. Proper selection of

ancestors similarly can result in lifetime supplies of such tickets upon birth. If

zero real investment returns diverted a bit greater portion of the national

output from such stockholders to equally worthy and hardworking citizens

lacking jackpot-producing talents, it would seem unlikely to pose such an

insult to an equitable world as to risk Divine Intervention.[100]

His children will not inherit a significant proportion of his wealth. These actions are

consistent with statements he has made in the past indicating his opposition to the

transfer of great fortunes from one generation to the next.[101] Buffett once

commented, "I want to give my kids just enough so that they would feel that they

could do anything, but not so much that they would feel like doing nothing".[102]

In June 2006, he announced a plan to give away his fortune to charity, with 83%

of it going to the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.[103] He pledged about the

equivalent of 10 million Berkshire Hathaway Class B shares to the Bill & Melinda

Gates Foundation (worth approximately US$30.7 billion as of June 23, 2006),[104]

making it the largest charitable donation in history, and Buffett one of the leaders

of philanthrocapitalism.[105] The foundation will receive 5% of the total donation on

an annualised basis each July, beginning in 2006. (Significantly, however, the

pledge is conditional upon the foundation's giving away each year, beginning in

2009, an amount that is at least equal to the value of the entire previous year's gift

from Buffett, in addition to 5% of the foundation's net assets.) Buffett also will join

the board of directors of the Gates Foundation, although he does not plan to be

actively involved in the foundation's investments.[106][107]

This is a significant shift from previous statements Buffett has made, having stated

that most of his fortune would pass to his Buffett Foundation.[108] The bulk of the

estate of his wife, valued at $2.6 billion, went to that foundation when she died in

2004.[109] He also pledged $50-million to the Nuclear Threat Initiative, in

Washington, where he has served as an adviser since 2002.[110]

In 2006, he auctioned his 2001 Lincoln Town Car[111] on eBay to raise money for

Girls, Inc. [112] In 2007, he auctioned a luncheon with himself that raised a final bid

of $650,100 for a charity.[113] On June 27, 2008, Zhao Danyang, a general

manager at Pure Heart China Growth Investment Fund, won the 2008 5-day

online "Power Lunch with Warren Buffett" charity auction with a bid of $2,110,100.

Auction proceeds benefit the San Francisco Glide Foundation.[114][115] The following

year, executives from Toronto-based Salida Capital paid US$1.68 million to dine

with Buffett.[116]

In a letter to Fortune Magazine's website in 2010 Buffett remarked:

“ “My luck was accentuated by my living in a market system that sometimes

produces distorted results, though overall it serves our country well... I’ve

worked in an economy that rewards someone who saves the lives of others

on a battlefield with a medal, rewards a great teacher with thank-you notes

from parents, but rewards those who can detect the mispricing of securities

with sums reaching into the billions. In short, fate’s distribution of long straws

is wildly capricious.”

. (Buffett Says ‘Capricious’ Economy Requires Charity (Update1) by Hugh

Son, Bloomberg, June 16, 2010 16:17 EDT) ”

This statement was made as part of a joint proposal with Bill Gates to encourage

other wealthy individuals to pool some of their fortunes for charitable purposes.

Bill Gates's wife urged people to learn a lesson from the philanthropic efforts of

the family that sold its home and gave away half of its value, as detailed in The

Power of Half.[117][118] On December 9, 2010, Buffett, Bill Gates, and Mark

Zuckerberg (Facebook's CEO), signed a promise they called the "Gates-Buffett

Giving Pledge", in which they promised to donate to charity at least half of their

wealth over the course of time, and invited others among the wealthy to donate

50% or more of their wealth to charity.[119][120]

Public positions

Buffett's speeches are known for mixing business discussions with humor. Each

year, Buffett presides over Berkshire Hathaway's annual shareholder meeting in

the Qwest Center in Omaha, Nebraska, an event drawing over 20,000 visitors

from both United States and abroad, giving it the nickname "Woodstock of

Capitalism".[121] Berkshire's annual reports and letters to shareholders, prepared

by Buffett, frequently receive coverage by the financial media. Buffett's writings

are known for containing literary quotes ranging from the Bible to Mae West,[122] as

well as Midwestern advice, and numerous jokes.

Buffett and tobacco

During the RJR Nabisco, Inc. hostile takeover fight in 1987, Buffett was quoted as

telling John Gutfreund:[123]

I’ll tell you why I like the cigarette business. It costs a penny to make. Sell it for a

dollar. It’s addictive. And there’s fantastic brand loyalty.

—Buffett, quoted in Barbarians at the Gate: The Fall of RJR Nabisco

Speaking at Berkshire Hathaway Inc.'s 1994 annual meeting, Buffett said

investments in tobacco are:[124]

fraught with questions that relate to societal attitudes and those of the present

administration. I would not like to have a significant percentage of my net worth

invested in tobacco businesses. The economy of the business may be fine, but

that doesn't mean it has a bright future.

—Buffett, Berkshire Hathaway annual meeting (1994)

Buffett and coal

In 2007, Buffett's PacifiCorp, a subsidiary of his MidAmerican Energy Company,

canceled six proposed coal-fired power plants. These included Utah's

Intermountain Power Project Unit 3, Jim Bridger Unit 5, and four proposed plants

previously included in PacifiCorp's Integrated Resource Plan. The cancellations

came in the wake of pressure from regulators and citizen groups, including a

petition drive organized by Salt Lake City commercial real estate broker Alexander

Lofft and directed at Buffett personally. The 1,600 petitioners, who described

themselves in a letter to Buffett as "a collection of citizens, business owners and

managers, service professionals, public servants, and organization

representatives ... your friends and new customers here in Utah," explained that,

in their view, any further expansion of coal generation in Utah would "compromise

our health, obscure our viewsheds, shrink and contaminate our watersheds, and

thin out our most beloved snow pack," concluding that "our attractiveness as a

place to live and work is also threatened, and so is our economic competitiveness

as a major metro area and a state, compromising our recent gains in income and

property values".[125]

Klamath river

American Indian tribes and salmon fisherman sought to win support from Warren

Buffett for a proposal to remove four hydroelectric dams from the Klamath River.

He had David Sokol respond that the FERC would decide the question.[126][127]

Trade deficit

Buffett views the United States' expanding trade deficit as a trend that will devalue

the US dollar and US assets. He believes that the US dollar will lose value in the

long run, as a result of putting a larger portion of ownership of US assets in the

hands of foreigners. In his letter to shareholders in March 2005, Warren Buffett

predicted that in another ten years’ time the net ownership of the U.S. by outsiders

would amount to $11 trillion.

Americans ... would chafe at the idea of perpetually paying tribute to their creditors

and owners abroad. A country that is now aspiring to an ‘ownership society’ will

not find happiness in — and I’ll use hyperbole here for emphasis — a

'sharecropping society’.

Author Ann Pettifor has adopted the image in her writings and has stated: "He is

right. And so the thing we must fear most now, is not just the collapse of banks

and investment funds, or of the international financial architecture, but of a

'sharecropper society, angry at its downfall".[128]

Dollar and gold

This induced Buffett to enter the foreign currency market for the first time in 2002.

However, he substantially reduced his stake in 2005 as changing interest rates

increased the costs of holding currency contracts. Buffett continues to be bearish

on the dollar, and says he is looking to make acquisitions of companies which

derive a substantial portion of their revenues from outside the United States.

Buffett emphasized the non-productive aspect of a gold standard for the USD in

1998 at Harvard:

It gets dug out of the ground in Africa, or someplace. Then we melt it down, dig

another hole, bury it again and pay people to stand around guarding it. It has no

utility. Anyone watching from Mars would be scratching their head.

In 1977 Buffett was also quoted as saying about stocks, gold, farmland, and


Stocks are probably still the best of all the poor alternatives in an era of inflation —

at least they are if you buy in at appropriate prices.[129]


Buffett stated that he only paid 19% of his income for 2006 ($48.1 million) in total

federal taxes (due to their being from dividends & capital gains), while his

employees paid 33% of theirs, despite making much less money.[130] “How can this

be fair?” Buffet asked, regarding how little he pays in taxes compared to his

employees. “How can this be right?” He also added:

“There’s class warfare, all right, but it’s my class, the rich class, that’s making

war, and we’re winning.”[131][132]

Buffett favors the inheritance tax, saying that repealing it would be like "choosing

the 2020 Olympic team by picking the eldest sons of the gold-medal winners in

the 2000 Olympics".[133] In 2007, Buffett testified before the Senate and urged

them to preserve the estate tax so as to avoid a plutocracy.[134] Some critics have

argued that Buffett (through Berkshire Hathaway) has a personal interest in the

continuation of the estate tax, since Berkshire Hathaway has benefited from the

estate tax in past business dealings and had developed and marketed insurance

policies to protect policy holders against future estate tax payments.[135] Buffett

believes government should not be in the business of gambling, or legalizing

casinos, calling it a tax on ignorance.[136]

Expensing of stock options

He has been a strong proponent of stock option expensing, on the Income

Statement. At the 2004 annual meeting, he lambasted a bill before the United

States Congress that would consider only some company-issued stock options

compensation as an expense, likening the bill to one that was almost passed by

the Indiana House of Representatives to change the value of Pi from 3.14159 to

3.2 through legislative fiat.[137]

When a company gives something of value to its employees in return for their

services, it is clearly a compensation expense. And if expenses don't belong in the

earnings statement, where in the world do they belong?[138]

Investing in China

Buffett invested in PetroChina Company Limited and in a rare move, posted a

commentary[139] on Berkshire Hathaway's website stating why he would not divest

from the company despite calls from some activists to do so, due to its connection

with the Sudanese civil war that caused Harvard to divest from the company in

2005. He did, however, sell this stake soon afterwards, sparing him the billions of

dollars he would have lost had he held on to the company in the midst of the steep

drop in oil prices beginning in the summer of 2008.

In October 2008, Buffett invested in new energy automobile business by paying

$230 million for 10% of BYD Company (SEHK: 1211), which runs a subsidiary of

electric automobile manufacturer BYD Auto. In less than one year, the investment

has reaped him over 500% return of profit.[140]

Books about Buffett

Numerous books have been written about Warren Buffett and his investment

strategies. In October 2008, USA Today reported that there were at least 47

books in print with Buffett's name in the title. The article quoted the CEO of

Borders Books, George Jones, as saying that the only other living persons named

in as many book titles were U.S. presidents, major world political figures, and the

Dalai Lama.[141] Buffett said that his own personal favorite is a collection of his

essays called The Essays of Warren Buffett,[142] which he described as "a

coherent rearrangement of ideas from my annual report letters" as edited by Larry


Some best-selling, or otherwise notable, books about Buffett:

Roger Lowenstein , Buffett, Making of an American Capitalist

Robert Hagstrom, The Warren Buffett Way.[141][143]

Alice Schroeder , The Snowball: Warren Buffett and the Business of Life.[144]

(Written with Buffett's cooperation.)[145]

Mary Buffett and David Clark, Buffettology[146] and four subsequent books.

(Combined sales of more than 1.5 million copies.)[141]

Janet Lowe , Warren Buffett Speaks: Wit and Wisdom from the World's

Greatest Investor.[147]

John Train , The Midas Touch: The Strategies That Have Made Warren Buffett

'America's Preeminent Investor'.[148]

Andrew Kilpatrick, Of Permanent Value: The Story of Warren Buffett.[149] (The

longest of the books about Buffett, with 330 chapters, 1,874 pages and 1,400

photos, weighing 10.2 pounds.)[141]

Robert P. Miles (2004). Warren Buffett wealth: principles and practical

methods used by the world's greatest investor. John Wiley and Sons.

ISBN 9780471465119. http://books.google.com/?id=OOZWykmT-



John P. Reese , "The Guru Investor: How to Beat the Market Using History's

Best Investment Strategies".[150] (Includes step-by-step stock-picking method

based on Buffett's approach)

Janet M. Tavakoli , Dear Mr. Buffett: what an investor learns 1,269 miles from

Wall Street, John Wiley and Sons, 2008, ISBN 9780470406786 [151]


The Essays of Warren Buffett : Lessons for Corporate America, Warren

Buffett and Lawrence A. Cunningham, The Cunningham Group; revised

edition (April 11, 2001), ISBN 978-0966446111

The Essays of Warren Buffett: Lessons for Corporate America, Second

Edition, Warren E. Buffett and Lawrence A. Cunningham, The Cunningham

Group; 2nd edition (April 14, 2008), ISBN 978-0966446128

See also

Forbes list of billionaires


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fortune". Fortune.


Retrieved May 20, 2008.

104. ̂ "Gates: Buffett gift may help cure worst diseases". MSNBC. June 26,

2006. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/13541144/. Retrieved May 20, 2008.

105. ̂ "The birth of philanthrocapitalism". Economist.com. February 23, 2006.


Retrieved February 23, 2009.

106. ̂ TIMOTHY L. O'BRIEN and STEPHANIE SAUL (June 26, 2006). "Buffett

to Give Bulk of His Fortune to Gates Charity". The New York Times.


107. ̂ Yuki Noguchi (June 26, 2006). "Gates Foundation to Get Bulk of

Buffett's Fortune". The Washington Post: p. A01.



108. ̂ Carol J. Loomis (June 25, 2006). "A conversation with Warren Buffett".

Fortune Magazine.



109. ̂ "Most of Susan Buffett Estate to Go to Foundation". The Foundation

Center. August 11, 2004. http://foundationcenter.org/pnd/news/story.jhtml?

id=75900030. Retrieved May 20, 2008.

110. ̂ "''America's Most-Generous Donors, Rank: 1 Warren E. Buffett'',

Chronicle of Philanthropy". Philanthropy.com. February 22, 2007.

http://philanthropy.com/stats/donors/detail.php?ID_Gift=1906. Retrieved May

23, 2010.

111. ̂ Chapnick, Nate. "Warren Buffett". Forbes.


cadillac_dts.html. Retrieved May 20, 2008.

112. ̂ "girls-inc". eBay. http://members.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?

ViewUserPage&userid=girls-inc. Retrieved May 20, 2008.

113. ̂ Lindsay Goldwert (July 1, 2007). "Lunch With Warren Buffett?

$650,100, Charity Auction Winner Bids Big Money For Steak Lunch With

Billionaire Buffett". CBS News.


Retrieved February 23, 2009.

114. ̂ Zuill, Lilla (June 28, 2008). "uk.reuters.com, Warren Buffett lunch sells

for record $2.11 mln". Uk.reuters.com.


idUKN2646483420080628. Retrieved February 23, 2009.

115. ̂ "cnbc.com, Warren Buffett Charity Lunch Auction Ends with High Bid of

$2,110,100". Cnbc.com. http://www.cnbc.com/id/25421046. Retrieved

February 23, 2009.

116. ̂ Funk, Josh (June 6, 2010). "Buffett hopes lunch auction again draws big

bids". Associated Press.


Retrieved June 7, 2010.[dead link]

117. ̂ Bina Abraham (October 1, 2010). "They half it in them". Gulf News.

http://gulfnews.com/life-style/general/they-half-it-in-them-1.686505. Retrieved

March 17, 2011.

118. ̂ Robyn Griggs Lawrence (February 22, 2011). "A Rich Gift: Homemade

Jelly for Bill and Melinda Gates". Mother Earth News.


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119. ̂ "US billionaires pledge 50% of their wealth to charity". BBC. August 4,

2010. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-10870361. Retrieved

September 6, 2010.

120. ̂ Moss, Rosabeth (December 14, 2010). "Four Strategic Generosity

Lessons". Business Week.


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121. ̂ "Warren Buffett's Letters to Shareholders". Berkshire Hathaway.

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122. ̂ "Chairman's Letter—1993". Berkshire Hathaway.

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123. ̂ Burrough, Bryan; Helyar, John (1990). Barbarians at the Gate: The Fall

of RJR Nabisco. New York: Harper & Row. ISBN 0-060-16172-8.

124. ̂ "''Warren Buffett Cools on His Attraction to Tobacco Business'', Jenell

Wallace, Bloomberg news, Apr/25/94, Legacy Tobacco Documents Library,

University of California San Diego Library". Legacy.library.ucsf.edu.

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125. ̂ "The Education of Warren Buffett: Why did the guru cancel six coal

plants?" Ted Nace, Gristmill, April 15, 2008

126. ̂ Josh Funk (5/3/2008). "Buffett again rebuffs advocates who want

Klamath dams out". USA Today (USA Today).


127. ̂ Bacher, Dan (May 1, 2009). "Indybay.org". Indybay.org.

http://www.indybay.org/newsitems/2009/05/01/18592169.php. Retrieved May

23, 2010.

128. ̂ "A Sharecropper's Society?". Washingtonpost.com. August 7, 2005.


0600862.html. Retrieved February 23, 2009.

129. ̂ Buffett, Warren (1977–05). "How Inflation Swindles the Equity Investor".


130. ̂ "Warren Buffet". Forbes: 24, 42–3. November 26, 2007.

131. ̂ Ben Stein, "In Class Warfare, Guess Which Class Is Winning", New

York Times, Nov. 26, 2006

132. ̂ Dave Zweifel, "Plain Talk: There’s Class War, and Rich Are Winning",

The Cap Times, Oct. 6, 2010

133. ̂ "Rich Americans back inheritance tax". BBC. February 14, 2001.

http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/americas/1170874.stm. Retrieved May 20, 2008.

134. ̂ Jim Snyder (November 15, 2007). "Buffett tells Senate Finance panel

‘dynastic’ wealth on the rise in U.S.". The Hill (The Hill (newspaper)).



135. ̂ Berlau, John (August 23, 2004). "Buffetted. The Sage of Omaha loves

the estate tax — as well he might". National Review (FindArticles).

http://old.nationalreview.com/issue/berlau200408180838.asp.[dead link]

136. ̂ Ackman, Dan (October 11, 2004). "America, The Casino Nation".

Forbes. http://www.forbes.com/2004/10/11/cx_da_1011topnews_print.html.

Retrieved May 20, 2008.

137. ̂ "Warren Buffett, ''Fuzzy Math And Stock Options '', The Washington

Post, July   6, 2004, Page A19" . Washingtonpost.com. July 6, 2004.


Retrieved May 23, 2010.

138. ̂ Buffett, Warren E. (July 24, 2002). "Warren E. Buffett, ''Who Really

Cooks the Books?'', The New York Times, July   24, 2002" . New York Times.



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139. ̂ "Shareholder Proposal Regarding Berkshire’s Investment In

PetroChina" (PDF). Berkshire Hathaway.

http://www.berkshirehathaway.com/sudan.pdf. Retrieved May 20, 2008.

140. ̂ "Warren Buffet's 500% Return from BYD: The Show Just Begun?".

ChinaStakes. http://www.chinastakes.com/2009/9/warren-buffets-500-return-

from-byd-the-show-just-begun.html. Retrieved September 16, 2009.

141. ^ a b c d e Del Jones, "Book titles like to play the Warren Buffett name

game," USA Today, October 22, 2008.

142. ̂ Buffett, Warren; Cunningham, Lawrence. The Essays of Warren Buffett:

Lessons for Corporate America, Second Edition. The Cunningham Group.

ISBN 978-0-9664461-2-8.

143. ̂ Hagstrom, Robert G.; Miller, Bill R.; Fisher, Ken (2005). The Warren

Buffett Way. Hoboken, N.J.: John Wiley. ISBN 0-471-74367-4.

144. ̂ Schroeder, Alice. The Snowball: Warren Buffett and the Business of

Life. Bantam Dell Pub Group 2008.. ISBN 978-0-553-80509-3.

145. ̂ Janet Maslin, "Books of The Times: The Richest Man and How He

Grew (and Grew His Company, Too)," New York Times, September 28, 2008.

146. ̂ Buffett, Mary; Clark, David. Buffettology: The Previously Unexplained

Techniques That Have Made Warren Buffett The World's Most Famous

Investor. Scribner. ISBN 978-0-684-84821-1.

147. ̂ Lowe, Janet. Warren Buffett Speaks: Wit and Wisdom from the World's

Greatest Investor. Wiley. ISBN 978-0-470-15262-1.

148. ̂ Train, John (1987). The midas touch: the strategies that have made

Warren Buffett America's pre-eminent investor. New York: Harper & Row.

ISBN 978-0-06-015643-5.

149. ̂ Kilpatrick, Andrew. Of Permanent Value: The Story of Warren

Buffett/2008 Cosmic Edition/2 volumes. Andy Kilpatrick Publishing Empire

(AKPE). ISBN 978-1-57864-455-1.

150. ̂ Reese, John P.; Jack Forehand (2009). The Guru Investor: How to Beat

the Market Using History's Best Investment Strategies. Wiley. ISBN 978-0-


151. ̂ Tavakoli, Janet (January 9, 2009). Dear Mr. Buffett: What An Investor

Learns 1,269 Miles From Wall Street. Wiley. p. 304. ISBN 978-0470406786.

External links

Wikiquote has a collection of quotations related to: Warren Buffett

Wikimedia Commons has media related to: Warren Buffett

Berkshire Hathaway official website

Latest Holdings In Berkshire Hathaway Portfolio, Dynamically Updated

Buffett Partnership Letters

Berkshire Hathaway SEC 13F Filings

Appearances on C-SPAN

Warren Buffett on Charlie Rose

Warren Buffett collected news and commentary at The New York Times

Warren Buffett collected news and commentary at The Guardian

Works by or about Warren Buffett in libraries (WorldCat catalog)

Stempel, Jonathan (February 12, 2008). "FACTBOX: Warren Buffett at a

glance". Reuters. http://www.reuters.com/article/idUSN1223441620080212.

Philip Arthur Fisher

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Phil Fisher

Born September 8, 1907

Died March 11, 2004 (aged 96)

Nationality American

Occupation Stock investor

Known for

Common Stocks and

Uncommon Profits (1958)

Philip Arthur Fisher (September 8, 1907 – March 11, 2004) was an American

stock investor best known as the author of Common Stocks and Uncommon

Profits, a guide to investing that has remained in print ever since it was first

published in 1958. His money management company, Fisher & Co., was founded

in 1931.[1]

Philip Fisher is considered a pioneer in the field of growth investing.[2] Morningstar

has called him "one of the great investors of all time".[1] In Common Stocks and

Uncommon Profits, Fisher said that the best time to sell a stock was "almost

never". His most famous investment was his purchase of Motorola, a company he

bought in 1955 when it was a radio manufacturer and held until his death. [3]

His son Kenneth L. Fisher also founded an investment firm. Perhaps the best-

known of Fisher's followers is Warren Buffett who has said on some occasions

that "he is 85% Graham and 15% Fisher".

[edit] Books by Philip A. Fisher

Common Stocks and Uncommon Profits (ISBN 047111927X), Harper & Bros.,


Paths to Wealth through Common Stocks, Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1960

Conservative Investors Sleep Well, Harper & Row, 1975

Developing an Investment Philosophy (Monograph), The Financial Analysts

Research Foundation, 1980

[edit] See also

Warren Buffett

Kenneth L. Fisher

Benjamin Graham

Thomas Rowe Price, Jr.

John Burr Williams

Growth investing

Wall Street

[edit] References

1. ^ a b http://news.morningstar.com/classroom2/course.asp?


2. ̂ http://www.new2shares.com.au/popup.php?name=fisher

3. ̂ http://www.fool.com/investing/general/2004/04/15/thanks-philip-


[edit] External links

Fisher obituary by his son Kenneth L. Fisher at Forbes.com

Fisher obituary at Fool.com

Learning from the Long Men , National Review Online

Retrieved from "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Philip_Arthur_Fisher"