高中基础 (2239 期 20150317) 1 版 To Binge or Not to Binge?

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Transcript of 高中基础 (2239 期 20150317) 1 版 To Binge or Not to Binge?

高中基础 (2239 期 20150317)1 版

To Binge or Not to Binge?

• Do you love watching TV series or online videos? How much time do you usually spend watching them every week?

• Have you ever watched or heard of any of these popular American TV series? If so, which one is your favorite? Why?



Scan the article and list the pros and cons of TV that the author has mentioned:



miss out on lots of other miss out on lots of other important stuffimportant stuff

increased feelings of increased feelings of loneliness, sadness and loneliness, sadness and depressiondepression


health: fatigue and health: fatigue and obesityobesity

improve improve language skillslanguage skills

Pros: Cons:


learn about learn about other culturesother cultures


Well, according to researchers, binge-watching, defined as watching at least 2.3 episodes in one sitting, may be more than a harmless escape.

Word bank


define v. 给……下定义episode n. 一集

escape n. 暂时逃避现实的消遣

While reading

more than + something 不仅仅是

All of those hours of inactivity could be turning you into an unhealthy couch potato. Studies have shown that side effects such as fatigue and obesity could be in your future.

Word bank


While reading

inactivity n. 懒懒散散 fatigue n. 疲劳coach potato 沙发土豆side effect 副作用

obesity n. 肥胖症

Of course, if you’re sitting around for hours with your eyes glued to a screen, there is another obvious concern—you’re missing out on lots of other important stuff!

Word bank


While reading

be glued to something 紧紧盯着concern n. 忧虑miss out on something 错过



Fill in the blanks with the phrases you’ve learnt from this article:

1. We had hardly _________________ our seats (坐稳) when the first goal was scored.

2. She _________________ (错过了) getting a promotion.3. He spends every evening _________________ (盯着)

the computer screen.4. Humor is often ________________ (不只是) a laughing

matter.5. It’s cheaper if you book the tickets _________________ (

提前) .

While reading

settled intosettled into

missed out onmissed out onglued toglued to

more thanmore than

in advancein advance



1. He ________ me that he was going to Canada on business.2. There is no agreed ________ of “happiness.”3. Her interests include painting and reading detective ________.4. It’s been quite tiring, but the journey has been very ___________.5. You can ________ the alarm system by breaking the glass.

Choose an appropriate word for each sentence and fill in the blank with its proper form:

inactivity fictional informative reward define




While reading

1. One tends to be a binge-watcher if he/she spends 2.3 hours watching TV every day.

2. Watching TV is always a good means of escape from loneliness, sadness and depression.

3. The author encourages people to watch TV on weekends for recreation.




True, False or Not Given?



1. According to the article, why do people tend to be binge-watchers?

Because they want to reward themselves for “binge-studying” and escape from such feelings as loneliness, sadness and depression.

Answer the following question:


While reading

2. What is the author’s advice for binge-watchers?

Use your willpower and limit the number of episodes you are to watch before settling down into your favorite fictional world.


While reading

Answer the following question:

A clear structure and various sentence patterns make this piece of writing a good example of an argumentative essay. Try to make an outline of the article and think about how the author develops the topic of binge-watching.

Language study




第二段:引入主题句: binge-watching may be more than a harmless escape 。

第三段:分论点 1 :追剧对身体健康的影响。第四段:分论点 2 :追剧对心理健康的影响。第五段:分论点 3 :追剧对学习生活的影响。第六段:反面论证,追剧也有益处。


And notice how the author links all the seven paragraphs together in a brilliant way.

Language study

引入主题: Why not … What’s the harm, right? Well, …



承上启下: In addition to physical health concerns, there could also be …

转折: Some people may …, but that is likely to …

引入新的分论点: Of course, … there is another obvious concern…反面论证: Don’t get me wrong. …

总结: The reality is, …

Language study



Choose one of the following topics, think about how you would like to develop it and write an outline:

2. What do you think about street food vendors? Do you think they should be driven away to keep our city clean and in order? Why?

1. Do you think e-readers will replace traditional printed books? Why or why not? 

Take a look at the following cartoons. Are you addicted to watching TV or video games? What are the impacts, and how do you usually deal with the addictions?


After readingQuestion for further discussion:


After reading

It’s not rare among teenagers to be addicted to something like binge-watching or video games. These interests, if done with moderation, could be recreational and entertaining, but if you tend to be addicted to them, they are sure to be harmful to your study and life!

Instead of always gluing yourself to screens, try to spend more time with your friends and family and exchange your stories or new discoveries in life with each other. On weekends, you can probably spend more time outdoors or on sports. You can also make more friends by involving yourself in some volunteer work.
